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Rdc232hub Um11

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Robust DataComm Inc.

Making Industrial Data Flow Like Water ... Safely, Silently, & Sanely
St. Paul, Minnesota USA & Singapore
tech9712@robustdc.com www.robustdc.com

‰ 600 watt transient suppresser diodes are installed

on all isolated port. (600w for 1ms with less than
ISOLATED RS-232 3-WAY HUB 1psec response to over-voltage)
1. INTRODUCTION 2.1. Making Direct Cables
1.1. Block Diagram The rdc-232hub has three 9-pin male ports configured
as in a standard "AT" style COM port. At least Txd,
Rxd, and SGnd (pins 2, 3, 5) must be connected
properly for normal 3-wire RS-232 communications.
DTR and DSR can be enabled by setting the jumper
as shown in the table in section 3.
Female-to-Female Cross Cable
Rxd 2 2 Rxd
Txd 3 3 Txd
Gnd 5 5 Gnd
rdc232hub Host
(DB9 Male) (DB9 Male)
1.2. Product Over-view
Wiring Diagram A : host with 9-pin DTE port
The rdc232hub is an incredibly handy device for use in
distributed industrial applications. It provides an Rxd 2 2 Txd
electrically safe, fool-proof, hands-off method to Txd 3 3 Rxd
“share” an RS-232 programming port with both a Gnd 5 7 Gnd
remote engineering work-station (EWS) and a local
work-station or note-book computer (LPC). Once you DTR 4 20 DTR
use one, you’ll never want to design a system without DSR 6 6 DSR
it again. rdc232hub Host
(DB9 Male) (DB25 Male)
‰ In 3-way hub mode (internal jumper J3 removed)
half-duplex data flows freely between all three Wiring Diagram B : host with 25-pin DTE port
ports A, B, & C. It allows the 232hub to act like a
3-node RS-485 network without the need for RS- 2.2. Compression screw terminals:
All three RS-232 ports also have Txd, Rxd, and Gnd
‰ In Master-Slave mode (internal jumper J3 signals available as screw terminals along the top.
installed) full-duplex data flows freely between They will hold wires with lugs or ferrules up to 2.5mm².
either ports A & C, or ports B & C. It allows one This may be more effective in some system designs.
master device to talk to 2 slaves, or two devices
(a primary & backup) to share one resource.  A DVM or voltmeter can be used to tap on the
screw terminals to instantly verify the cable wiring.
‰ Handshaking signals DTR/DSR is supported in When properly wired, both Txd and Rxd must be in the
Master-Slave mode. range of -3 to -15vdc. If you have your wires
swapped, then Txd will be correct and Rxd will be
‰ All ports are galvanically/optically isolated from around 0v, which is incorrect.
each other, up to 2.5 Kv.
2.3. Planning the panel wiring:
‰ With an isolated floating ground, cable lengths up
to 50m can be guaranteed with quality, low- Power Supply: A fuse should be installed in the V+
capacitance cable like Beldon 1422A at 42pF/m. supply wire. The rdc232hub is built with internal
(RS-232 requires less than 2500pF per signal) diodes for full protection against reverse wiring the
‰ For rapid troubleshooting, there are LED
indicators for the Txd, Rxd, input power and RS-232 Connection: The RS-232 connection is wired
isolated power. as described above. You may need to jumper the
RTS/CTS pins in the host end of the cable -- this
‰ Wide power supply range (9 to 36vdc) allows use depends on your application software (it never hurts to
with 9v, 12v, 15v, 24v power supplies or direct do it!). RDC suggests using a shield drain wire
from 12v or 24v battery systems. between 24 to 28 AWG. Ground the shield only at the
‰ All three ports have both a 9-pin d-sub shell remote end (not at the rdc232hub).
connector (AT style) and large capacity RS-232 Lightning Protection: If required, the RS-
compression screw terminals, giving maximum 232 field wires can be protected by standard lightning
flexibility in installation in panels and terminal protection devices. RDC suggests 15v or 16v surge
boxes. protection - but if you expect lightning problems then
RS-232 is a bad standard to use. It is limited in

rdc232hub User Manual (Version 1.1) RDC © Nov 1997 / Page 1 of 2

Robust DataComm Inc.
Making Industrial Data Flow Like Water ... Safely, Silently, & Sanely
St. Paul, Minnesota USA & Singapore
tech9712@robustdc.com www.robustdc.com

distance and sensitive to capacitance > 2500pF - and 4.3. Power Supply
all good lightning protection devices will add 10,000pF
or more. 4.3.1. Model rdc232hub-5v-4p;
5vdc ±5%; Max 260mA
3. FIRMWARE 4.3.2. Model rdc232hub-dv-4p; 9 to 36vdc; 1.5w
3.1. Model -F1
4.3.3. Model rdc232hub-av-4p; 9 to 36 vac; 1.5w
Models ending with -F1 (such as the rdc232hub-dv-4p-
4.4. Environmental
F1) are loaded with a standard firmware that will
respond to the jumper settings as shown in the table 4.4.1. Ambient Operating Temperature; -20C to
below. For example, when J3 is unshorted, the +65C
rdc232hub behaves like a hub with the DTR on all
ports set to low (active). 4.4.2. Ambient Storage Temperature; -40C to
J1 J2 J3 Function DTR/DSR
Don’t care OFF 3-way Hub All DTR Forced On 4.4.3. Relative Humidity; 10 to 90%, non condensing
ON ON ON All DTR Forced On
OFF ON ON Master (C) DTRC = DSRA and DSRB 4.4.4. Casing; fungus and termite resistant
4.4.5. Casing; flame characteristics: self-
extinguishing per UL 94 V2
See below for more details on the operation of the
93 (3.7)
DTR/DSR pins. 79 (3.1) 40 (1.6)

3.1.1. All DTR Forced On; All 3 DTR signals will

remain low (active) at all times.
3.1.2. DSRA and DSRB; the DTR of the Master
(device C) is low (active) only if the DSR signals 93.0 (3.7)
from BOTH slaves are low (active). This 90.5 (3.6)
85.5 (3.4)
supports hardware hand-shaking on 2 printers
with different print speeds. However, turning 1
printer off in effect disables printing.
3.1.3. DSRA or DSRB; the DTR of the Master (device
EN 50 022 - 7.5mm
C) is low (active) if the DSR signals from EN 50 035
EN 50 022 - 15mm
EITHER slave is low (active). This can be used
to ‘notify’ the Master that at least 1 slave is 4.5. Mechanical Dimensions
4.5.1. Height; Width; Depth (See drawing).
3.1.4. Each DTR = DSR; each DTR output “copies”
the DSR setting it sees. This, in effect, loops 4.5.2. Weight; 200g.
the DSR and DTR signals together. 4.5.3. Terminal Capacity; 2.5mm strand (12 AWG)

4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 4.5.4. Mounting Rail; DIN EN 50022 (35mm sym)

DIN EN 50025 (32mm asym) Note: removal
4.1. Port Description from a DIN EN 50025 rail is difficult.
4.1.1. RS-232; 5-wire RS-232; Signals: Txd, Rxd,
DTR, DSR, SGnd; Working voltage range
±9vdc; Max voltage range ±15vdc; Max surge
4.1.2. Duplex; Operation can be either half or full-
duplex; No configuration required
4.1.3. Speed; Tested to 115K baud; No configuration
4.1.4. Character Setting; Operates with any combi-
nation of parity, data, stop, and start bits; No
configuration required
4.2. Isolation (Per ISO/IEC 9549)
4.2.1. Between all RS-232 ports; 2.5Kv (optical, 5Kv
4.2.2. Between Power and RS-232 ports; 2.5Kv
(galvanic, 3Kv test)
4.2.3. Casing; dielectric strength per DIN VDE
0303/part 2 is 400kV/cm

rdc232hub User Manual (Version 1.1) RDC © Nov 1997 / Page 2 of 2

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