The document outlines the strategic plan and business proposals of the SBPWM Agriculture Cooperative. It aims to support its members through various livelihood programs to alleviate poverty in the community. Its business proposals include wholesale and retail of agricultural products at low costs, financing farming activities like poultry, piggery and fishpond, and opening Kadiwa stores. It also proposes procuring equipment like trucks and tractors to support operations. Feasibility studies are attached for various agriculture and aquaculture activities. Capital will come from member contributions, loans, subsidies and retained earnings. Sample calculations show projected monthly profits from wholesale and retail sales of rice.
The document outlines the strategic plan and business proposals of the SBPWM Agriculture Cooperative. It aims to support its members through various livelihood programs to alleviate poverty in the community. Its business proposals include wholesale and retail of agricultural products at low costs, financing farming activities like poultry, piggery and fishpond, and opening Kadiwa stores. It also proposes procuring equipment like trucks and tractors to support operations. Feasibility studies are attached for various agriculture and aquaculture activities. Capital will come from member contributions, loans, subsidies and retained earnings. Sample calculations show projected monthly profits from wholesale and retail sales of rice.
The document outlines the strategic plan and business proposals of the SBPWM Agriculture Cooperative. It aims to support its members through various livelihood programs to alleviate poverty in the community. Its business proposals include wholesale and retail of agricultural products at low costs, financing farming activities like poultry, piggery and fishpond, and opening Kadiwa stores. It also proposes procuring equipment like trucks and tractors to support operations. Feasibility studies are attached for various agriculture and aquaculture activities. Capital will come from member contributions, loans, subsidies and retained earnings. Sample calculations show projected monthly profits from wholesale and retail sales of rice.
The document outlines the strategic plan and business proposals of the SBPWM Agriculture Cooperative. It aims to support its members through various livelihood programs to alleviate poverty in the community. Its business proposals include wholesale and retail of agricultural products at low costs, financing farming activities like poultry, piggery and fishpond, and opening Kadiwa stores. It also proposes procuring equipment like trucks and tractors to support operations. Feasibility studies are attached for various agriculture and aquaculture activities. Capital will come from member contributions, loans, subsidies and retained earnings. Sample calculations show projected monthly profits from wholesale and retail sales of rice.
For the Cooperative Based on our CDA – R.A. 9520 Duly Registered Purposes of Articles II in order to achieve our mission and vision the purposes of our business plans to support especially to Our Members and the Kadiwa Program of our Administration Help the People Economic Stability our livelihood Programs, Agriculture Business, feasibility study increase production and Supply in order to Help the Poverty of our community, especially our Cooperative Members,
Business Project Proposal and Feasibility Study
A. Engage in Buy and Sale by means of wholesale and retail of Rice and other agriculture Products @ low Cost. B. Engage in Buy and Sale by means of Wholesale, and retail of Fishery Products @ low cost and gain high profit. C. to finance our Farmers Engaged, increase their livelihood, Products such as Poultry, Piggery, Fishpond, fish cage, and Vegetable farm in order to support increase Production, supply to our Cooperative agri- business. D. to open Outlet Kadiwa Store Throughout Starting Third district Leyte in each 5 municipalities. E. to supply and sale @ lowest Reasonable Price by using Benefits of tax Exemptions Extending our high agri-business Products to obtain high profits, gained high benefits fund in order to extend our responsibilities, payments of our payable obligations Especially our loan and borrowings. Procurement of Equipment’s Proposal using our Cooperative Agri- Business Operations 1. 1 unit 10 wheelers wing van 2. 2 units Big tractors 3. 1 unit six – wheeler Self-loading 4. 1 unit Truck Mini-Backhoe to support our fishpond Operators @ mun. of leyte-leyte and Tabango Leyte fishpond areas extend Exclusively to our Coop Members operators for the Repair and Rehabilitation of our Coop. Members fishpond areas Agri-business Operatorns: III all of these Procurement are most high needed priority in accordance to our CDA – R.A. 9520 of Article II purposes in order to obtained our Goals of Article III Mission and Vision of our SBPWM Agriculture Cooperative Agri-Business Article VII of our By-Laws Our Capital Structure 1. Source of Funds a. members Share capital Contribution b. loans and Borrowings including deposits c. Revolving capital build-up which consist of the deferred payment of patronage refuge or interest on share Capital. d. Subsidies, grants, legacies, aids, Donations awards and winnins and such other assistance from any local on foreign situation, Public or Private e. Retentions from the proceeds of Services acquired goods, procured by members and Other Sourced of Funds as may be Authorized by Law under CDA R.A. 9520 – 100800033747. ATTACHED FEASIBILITY STUDY OF OUR COOP. of AGRI- Business Operations Cost & Profit. 1. Wholesale & Retail or Buy and Sale of all Agriculture Products, supply using our Tax-Exemption on Certificate. 2. Feasibility Study of Poultry Farming 3. Feasibility Study of Piggery Farming 4. Feasibility Study of Fishpond Farming 5. Feasibility Study of Fishcage Farming 6. Feasibility Study of Poultry and piggery Organic Fertilizer Processing Plant. 7. Feasibility Study of Finished Product Poultry and Piggery process meat, egg, and manure Fertilization. 8. Feasibility Study of aqua agri-products (milkfish, kingcrab, prawn black tiger). 9. Feasibility study Providing Credit Facility for Productive and Providential purposes. 10.Feasibility study on Vegetable Production. Upland Development Program in the Philippines. 1. Purchase of Rice from Wholesaler supplier RBDI – Utap Brgy 110 Tac. City warehouse. 1 Sample Wholesale paid Cost 1000 bags @ ₱2000/bag ₱2,000,000 @ ₱40/kilo (₱2000÷5kls.) ₱40.00/kl. Wholesale Price ₱ 2,200/bag 2,200.00 less: Cost 2,000.00 Profit ₱ 200,000.00 less: Expenses Traveling Driver ₱1000 (2 trips) diesel 6,000 Trade Main – 1,000 -tenance 8,000 ₱192,000 / weekly x @ 4 weeks Net - ₱769,000/month Profited 2 Retail Price Sample 1000 bags @ 2000/bag - ₱2,000,000 Retail (Price, bag 50 kls. @ 45/kl. ₱2,250 Less: ₱2,000 Net Profit Before 250 Expenses @1,000 bags ₱250,000/week 1 month @ 4 weeks ₱1,000,000 per month less: Expenses Delivery 10,000 Net Profit ₱984,000.00 per month
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