Unit 5 - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering - WWW - Rgpvnotes.in
Unit 5 - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering - WWW - Rgpvnotes.in
Unit 5 - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering - WWW - Rgpvnotes.in
Subject Name: Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Subject Code: BT-104
Semester: 1st
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NUMBER SYSTEM :- A number system is a code having an assigned symbol for each distinct magnitude. The
symbols are called “digits”. The number of digits in a number system will determine the base of the system. In all
number systems, the weight of a number depends on its relative position.
BASE or RADIX : - The base or radix of a number system is the total number of different digits or basic symbols
used in a number system. In the binary system we have 0 & 1 as digits , so the base or radix is 2. In the decimal
system we have 10 digits ie. 0 through 9, so the base or radix is 10.
BINARY SYSTEM : - This number system has a base or radix of 2. The symbols or digits used in this system are
0 & 1.
OCTAL SYSTEM : - This number system has a base or radix of 8. The symbols or digits used in this system are
0 through7.( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 )
DECIMAL SYSTEM :- This number system has a base or radix of 10. The symbols or digits used in this system are
0 through 9. ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 )
HEXA DECIMAL SYSTEM :- This number system has a base or radix of 16. The symbols or digits used in this
system are 0 through F. ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F )
Fractional Part :
(0.3426 )8 = ( 3 1/8 ) + ( 4 1/64 ) + ( 2 1/512) + ( 6 1/4096 )
= 0.375 + 0.0625 + 0.00391 + 0.001465
= ( 0. 442875 )10
ie.(0.3426)8 = ( 0.442875)10
Fractional Part :
(0.5D8B )16= ( 5 1/16) + ( D 1/162 ) + ( 8 1/163 ) + ( B 1/164)
= 0.3125 + 0.051 + 0.00195 + 0.000168
= ( 0. 36562 )10
ie. (0.5D8B )16 = ( 0. 36562 )10
Fractional Part :
(0.2FA )16 = ( 2 1/16) + ( F 1/162 ) + ( A 1/163 )
= ( 2 1/16 ) + ( 15 1/256 ) + ( 10 1/4096)
= 0.125 + 0.0586 + 0.00244
= 0. 18604
ie. (0.2FA )16 = ( 0. 18604 )10
Integeral part :
2 47 1
2 23 1
2 11 1
2 5 1 ie. ( 47 )10 = ( 101111 )2
2 2 0
Fractional Part :
( 0.8125 2 ) = 1.625 1
( 0.625 2 ) = 1.25 1 ie. ( 0 . 8125 )10 = ( 0.1101 )2
( 0.25 2 ) = 0.5 0
( 0. 5 2 ) = 1.0 1
Integeral part :
2 58 0
2 29 1
2 14 0
2 7 1 ie. ( 58)10 = ( 111010 )2
2 3 1
Fractional Part :
( 0.703125 2 ) = 1.40625 1
( 0.40625 2 ) = 0.8125 0
( 0.8125 2 ) = 1.625 1
ie. ( 0 . 703125 )10 = ( 0 . 101101)2
( 0.625 2 ) = 1.25 1
( 0.25 2 ) = 0.5 0
( 0. 5 2 ) = 1.0 1
Integeral part :
8 303 7
8 37 5 ie. ( 303)10 = ( 457)8
Fractional Part :
( 0.3222656 8 ) = 2.5781248 2
( 0.5781248 8 ) = 4.6249984 4
( 0.6249984 8 ) = 4.9999872 4 ie. ( 0 . 3222656 )10 = ( 0 . 244777 )8
( 0.9999872 8 ) = 7.9998976 7
( 0.9998976 8 ) = 7.9991808 7
( 0. 9991808 8 ) = 7.9934464 7
Integeral part :
8 791 7
8 98 2 ie. ( 791)10 = ( 1427)8
8 12 4
Fractional Part :
( 0.442875 8 ) = 3.543 3 ie. ( 0 . 442875 )10 = ( 0 . 342601 )8
( 0.543 8 ) = 4.344 4
( 0.344 8 ) = 2.752 2
( 0.752 8 ) = 6.016 6
( 0.016 8 ) = 0.128 0
( 0.128 8 ) = 1.024 1
Integeral part :
16 63916 12 C
16 3994 10 A
16 249 9 ie. ( 63916)10 = ( F9AC )16
15 F
Fractional Part :
( 0.36562 16 ) = 5.84992 5 5 ie. ( 0 . 36562 )10 = ( 0.5D994 )16
( 0.84992 16 ) = 13.59872 13 D
( 0.59872 16) = 9.57952 9 9
( 0.57952 16 ) = 9.27232 9 9
( 0.27232 16 ) = 4.35712 4 4
Integeral part :
16 40614 6 6
16 2538 10 A
16 158 14 E ie. ( 40614)10 = ( 9EA6 )16
9 9
Fractional Part :
( 0.18604 16 ) = 2.97664 2 2
( 0.97664 16 ) = 15.62624 15 F
( 0.62624 16) = 10.01984 10 A ie. ( 0 . 18604 )10 = ( 0 . 2FA05 )16
( 0.01984 16) = 0.31744 0 0
( 0.31744 16) = 5.07904 5 5
( 457 )8 = 4 5 7
{ 100 101 111 }
= ( 100101111 )2
ie. ( 457 )8 = ( 100101111 )2
Fractional Part :
( 0.245 )8 = 2 4 5
{ 010 100 101 }
= ( 0. 010100101 )2
ie. ( 0.245 )8 = ( 0.010100101 )2
( 1427 )8 = 1 4 2 7
{ 001 100 010 111 }
= ( 1100010111 )2
Fractional Part :
( 0. 3426)8 = 3 4 2 6
{ 011 100 010 110 }
= ( 0. 01110001011)2
ie. ( 0.3426)8 = ( 0.01110001011 )2
Integeral part :
( F9AC )16 = F 9 A C
{ 1111 1001 1010 1100 } = ( 1111100110101100 )2
Fractional Part :
( 0 . 5D8B )16 = 5 D 8 B
{ 0101 1101 1000 1011 } = ( 0. 0101110110001011)2
( 9EA6 )16 = 9 E A 6
{ 1001 1110 1010 0110} = ( 1001111010100110 )2
( 0 . 2FA)16 = 2 F A
{ 0010 1111 1010 } = ( 0. 001011111010)2
Integeral part :
Fractional Part :-
Fractional Part :
(0. 011, 100, 010, 11)2 = { 011 100 010 110 } = ( 0. 3426)8
3 4 2 6
ie. ( 0.01110001011)2 = ( 0.3426 )8
Integeral part :
( 1001111010100110)2 = { 1001, 1110, 1010, 0110 }
= ( 1001, 1110, 1010, 0110 )2
9 E A 6
ie. ( 1001111010100110)2 = ( 9EA6 )16
Fractional Part :
( 0. 001011111010 )2 = { 0010, 1111, 1010, }
2 F A
ie. ( 0. 001011111010 )2 = ( 0.2FA )16
Integeral part :
( 1111100110101100 )2 = { 1111, 1001, 1010, 1100 }
= ( 1111, 1001, 1010, 1100 )2
F 9 A C
ie. ( 1111100110101100 )2 = ( F9AC )16
Fractional Part :
( 0. 010111011000101100 )2 = { 0101, 1101, 1000, 1011, 0000 }
5 D 8 B 0
ie. ( 0. 010111011000101100 )2 = ( 0. 5D8B )16
( F9AC )16 = F 9 A C
{ 1111 1001 1010 1100 } = ( 1111100110101100 )2
= (1001111010100110 )2
Integeral part :
( 174654 )8 = 1 7 4 6 5 4
{ 001 111 100 110 101 100 }
Fractional Part :
( 0.273054 )8 = 2 7 3 0 5 4
010 111 011 000 101 100
Fractional Part :
( 0.1372 )8 = 1 3 7 2
001 011 111 010
1 1 1 0 1 1 . 1 1 0 1 Augend
+ 0 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 1 1 0 Addend
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 . 0 0 1 1 Sum
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 . 1 1 1 1 Augend
+ 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 1 Addend
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 . 1 1 0 0 Sum
1 1 1 0 1 1 . 1 1 0 1 Minuend
0 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 1 1 0 Subtrahend
1 1 1 0 0 . 0 1 1 1 Difference
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 0 Minuend
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 . 1 1 1 1 Subtrahend
1 1 0 0 0 0 . 1 1 0 1 Difference
Multiplicand Multiplier
1 1 1 0 . 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Partial products
1 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 .0 0 1 1 0 0 Final Product
Multiplicand Multiplier
1 0 1 0 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 1 1 Partial products
1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 .1 1 1 1 Final Product
Divisor 111 110001 111 Quotient
000 000Remainder
NOTE : { 10100.110 11.101 } is the same as {10100110 11101 }, therefore we can divide the numbers
as shown below :
Divisor 11101 10100110 101.1011 Quotient
000000010001 Remainder
1’s COMPLEMENT : The 1’s complement of any binary number is obtained by subtracting every binary digit
from 1 , for example , the 1’s complement of the number 11011 is obtained as follows :
( 11111 11011 ) = 00100, therefore the 1’s complement of (11011)2 is (00100)2.
The 1’s complement is also obtained by complementing every digit of the given binary number, ie. The 1’s
complement of the number ( 11111 )2 is ( 00000 )2 & vice versa the 1’s complement of ( 00000 )2 is ( 11111 )2
Negative numbers can be represented by 1’s complement numbers, hence the process of subtraction in a processor
can be carried out using an adder unit instead of a subtractor unit, as a result it minimizes the hardware in a computer.
1 0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 = 20
1 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 end-around carry
0 1 0 1 0 0
(ii) Subtract 15 from 31
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 1
1 end-around carry
1 0 0 0 0 = 16
2’s COMPLEMENT : The 2’s complement of any binary number is obtained by adding 1 to the 1’s
complement , for example , the 2’s complement of the number 11011 is obtained as follows :
The 1’s complement of (11011)2 is (00100)2 , the 2’s complement is obtained by adding 1 to (00100)2 , ie.
(00100 1)2 = (00101)2
The 2’s complement is also obtained by writing the LSB of the given binary number as it is and complementing the
rest of the digits . For example the 2’s complement of ( 11011 ) 2 is ( 00101 )2 . If the LSB is not a 1 but a 0 then all
these initial 0’s are retained unchanged & then the first 1 that is encountered is kept unchanged & the rest of the bits
are complemented. For example the 2’s complement of ( 1101100 )2 is ( 0010100 )2
Subtraction can be carried out through addition by using 2’s complement numbers, hence subtraction in a processor
can be carried out using an adder unit instead of a subtractor unit, as a result it minimizes the hardware in a computer.
However the advantage of using 2’s complement is that during the process of subtraction whenever a carry is
generated , it need not be used as end-around carry but has to be just neglected. This means that the subtraction
process using complementary numbers becomes simple. When a carry is not generated the resultant umber will be a
negative number.
(1) OR-GATE :- Figure shows the logic circuit of a 2 input OR gate. The 2 inputs result in 4 input combinations of
0s & 1s. The operating conditions of the 4 combinations is summarized in the following truth table :-
A B Y = (AB) Logic symbol for OR Gate
0 0 0 Input A = Logic 0 or 1
Input B = Logic 0 or 1
0 1 1 Y = (A+B)
1 0 1 Logic – 0 = 0 Volt
1 1 1 The OR operation is represented by the operator “ + ” Logic – 1 = 5 Volts
(2) AND-GATE :- Figure shows the logic circuit of a 2 input AND gate. The 2 inputs result in 4 input
combinations of 0s & 1s. The operating conditions of the 4 combinations is summarized in the following truth table :-
A B Y = (A . B) Logic symbol for AND Gate :
Input A = Logic 0 or 1
0 0 0 Input B = Logic 0 or 1
0 1 0 Y = (A . B)
B Logic – 0 = 0 Volt
1 0 0
Logic – 1 = 5 Volts
1 1 1 The AND operation is represented by the operator “ . ”
(3) NOT-GATE :- Figure shows the logic circuit of a NOT gate (Inverter). It is single input circuit in which the
output is a complement of the input ie. if the input is logic-1 the output will be logic-0 & vice versa. As it has a single
input, there are only two possible inputs 0 & 1.The NOT gate operation is explained for these two input combinations.
A Y = (A)’ Logic symbol for NOT Gate : Input A = Logic 0 or 1
0 1 A Y = (A)’
Logic – 0 = 0 Volt
1 0
The NOT operation is represented by the operator “ ’ ” Logic – 1 = 5 Volts
(4) NAND-GATE :- Figure shows the logic circuit of a 2 input NAND gate. A 2-input NAND gate is realised using
an AND gate & a NOT gate. It is actually a combination of a two input AND Gate & a NOT Gate as shown in the
logic circuit. It is also called a Negated AND gate (AND gate followed by a NOT gate). The logic symbol for a 2-
input NAND gate is also shown along with the truth table .
A B Y=A.B Y = (A . B)’ A (A.B)
Y = (A . B)’
0 0 0 1 Input A = Logic 0 or 1
Input B = Logic 0 or 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 A Logic – 0 = 0 Volt
Y = (A . B)’ Logic – 1 = 5 Volts
1 1 1 0 B
(5) NOR-GATE :- Figure shows the logic circuit of a 2 input NOR gate. A 2-input NOR gate is realised using an
OR gate & a NOT gate. It is actually a combination of a two input OR Gate & a NOT Gate as shown in the logic
circuit. It is also called a Negated OR gate (OR gate followed by a NOT gate). The logic symbol for a 2-input NOR
gate is also shown along with the truth table .
A (A+B)
A B Y = A+B Y = (A+B)’ Y = (A+B)’
B Input A = Logic 0 or 1
0 0 0 1
Input B = Logic 0 or 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 Y = (A+B)’ Logic – 0 = 0 Volt
B Logic – 1 = 5 Volts
1 1 1 0
(6) EXCLUSIVE-OR GATE[ EX-OR GATE ] :- The Exclusive-OR gate can be derived using the basic gates
ie. AND, NOT & OR gates, or the universal gates ie. NAND or NOR gates. The basic gate realisation for a 2-
input EX-OR gate along with the logic symbol & truth table is as shown.
A B Y = (A B)
A (A’. B)
0 0 0 B
0 1 1 Y = (A B) Y = (A’. B +A. B’)
1 0 1 B
1 1 0 (A.B’)
The EX-OR operation is represented by the operator “ ” & output equation is given by : Y = A B = (A’.B+A.B’)
I theorem : The complement of the sum is equal to the product of the complements.
ie. ( A+B)’ = (A’ . B’ )
II theorem : The complement of the product is equal to the sum of the complements.
ie. ( A.B)’ = (A’ + B’ )
Note : Here the sum & product refer to the Boolean sum & product ie. OR & AND respectively
UNIVERSAL LOGIC GATES :- A universal logic gate can be used to realize all the basic & derived gates (ie.
OR, AND, NOT etc.) . Practically it is observed that NAND & NOR gates function as universal gates ie. it is possible
to realize all basic & derived gates using NAND & NOR gates.
A (A.B)’
Y = [(A . B)’]’ = (A . B)
Y = (A.B)
(iv) Realisation of Ex – OR gate :-
A (A.B’)’
B B’
Y = (A B) Y = (A. B’)+(A’.B)
A A’
B (A’.B)’
Y = (A B) Y = (A. B’)+(A’.B)
(iv) Realisation of Ex – OR gate :-
A (A+B)’
Y = (A B) Y = (A. B’)+(A’.B)
A A’
B (A’+B’)’
(1) HALF ADDER :- It is a logic circuit used to add 2 one bit binary numbers. A half adder circuit has
two inputs & two outputs ( sum & carry ) . The addition of 2 bits can be shown using the following
truth table:
A B SUM(S) CARRY(C) The logic circuit for a half adder is realized using the Boolean expression
0 0 0 0 obtained from the truth table :-
0 1 1 0 (i) Sum = S = (A’. B + A . B’) = ( A B )
1 0 1 0 (ii) Carry = C = ( A . B )
1 1 0 1 The Half Adder circuit is therefore realized as shown below :
CARRY =C = (A . B )
(2) FULL ADDER :- The Half adder circuit can be used to add 2 one bit binary numbers effectively, but when
multi bit numbers are to be added then the carry bit that is generated should also be taken care of. This carry bit has to
be added to the existing two input bits, which means this circuit would require 3 inputs, ie. two input terminals to add
the actual input bits & an additional input terminal to handle the carry bit generated from the previous addition. This
is done using a Full adder circuit which is realized using 2 Half adders & a single OR – Gate as shown . The logic
circuit for a Full adder is realized using the Boolean expression obtained from the truth table which is shown:-
B SUM = ( A B C)
A Full adder can also be realized using two half adders & a single 2 – input OR – gate as shown :
A Carry = (A.B)
HALF Carry = (A.B+B.C+C.A)
Sum =
(A B) =D HALF Carry = (D.C) = (A B). C
Sum = (A B C)
Sum = (D C)
Figure below shows a Full adder realized using two half adders consisting of 2 input Ex-OR gates, 2-input AND gates
& a 2-input OR – gate :
SUM = ( A B C)
R-S FLIP FLOP : A flip flop is a basic memory element ( data storage element ). A flip flop is realised using a
group of logic gates. A NAND gate or a NOR gate individually cannot act as a storage element but when two gates
are cross coupled with feed back then they can work as storage or memory elements. Such cross coupled NAND
gates or NOR gates with feedback are known as flip flops. A flip flop is a bistable electronic circuit that has two
stable states , which means the flip flop output will permanently remain either 0 (low) or 1(high) until it is forced to
change its state by an external trigger. A flip flop circuit will have two outputs, one is the Q output & the other is the
Q’ output which will always be the complement of the Q output , ie Q & Q’ are always complementary to each other.
Flip flops can be realised using two cross coupled inverters, hence we can use a NOR gate inverter or a NAND gate
inverter as shown.
R Q S R Q ( Output )
0 0 No Change # No Change or Last State or Memory State
0 1 0 ( Reset )
1 0 1 ( Set )
S Q’ 1 1 Race
# Race or Invalid or Not Allowed or ? State
The truth table shown for a NOR gate inverter flip flop is similar to that of a transistor flip flop .
Q S R Q ( Output )
0 0 Race # Race or Invalid or Not Allowed or ? State
0 1 1 ( Set )
1 0 0 ( Reset )
Q’ 1 1 No Change
R # No Change or Last State or Memory State
The truth table shown for a NAND gate inverter flip flop is the inverted form of that shown for a NOR gate flip flop,
hence inverters or steering gates are used to drive the inputs to the gates as shown :
S’ S R Q ( Output )
Q 0 0 No Change # No Change or Last State or Memory State
0 1 0 ( Reset )
Steering 1 0 1 ( Set )
1 1 Race # Race or Invalid or Not Allowed or ? State
The truth table shown for a NAND gate inverter flip flop with steering gates is similar to that shown for a transistor
flip flop, hence inverters or driving gates are used to realize the desired practical R-S flip flop.
In order to overcome the RACE problem in R-S flip flops the J-K flip flop is used.
S S’
Q Clock S R Q ( Output )
X (0 or 1) 0 0 No Change X – Don’t Care Condition,
1 0 1 0 ( Reset ) ie. Clock is either 0 or 1
Clock 1 1 0 1 ( Set )
Q’ 1 1 1 Race
R R’
The clock signal is also known as the enabling signal which makes the logic circuit perform the required operation.If
clock = 0 then the logic circuit will not respond to the input signals ie. the circuit output will remain unaltered. Only
when the clock = 1( rising or falling edge ) the logic circuit is enabled & will respond to the applied input signals.
J-K FLIP FLOP : A J-K flip flop is realized using a clocked S-R flip flop and two AND gates with appropriate feed
back as shown in figure. The problem with the R-S flip flop is that it exhibits the RACE condition when both S & R
are high ie when both are logic-1. This condition is a logically unpredictable state. The J-K flip flop eliminates the
unpredictable condition that occurs in the S-R flip flop and hence can be practically used in logic circuits. The J input
is analogous to the S input & the K input is analogous to the R input. This means that when J=1 & K=0 , the J-K flip
will Set , ie. Q=1, and when J=0 & K=1, the J-K flip flop will Reset, ie. Q=0. As usual there will be no change in the
output condition when J=K =0. However the most important change when compared to the S-R flip flop is that the J-
K flip flop will complement its output condition when J=K =1 with the clock high. The operation of a J-K flip can be
clearly understood from the truth table given below.
J Q Input S = J . Q’
Input R = K . Q
K Q’
Realisation using S-R flip flop & AND gates Logic Symbol of J-K flip flop
K Q’ Q’ K Q’
K Q’
S= R= Output
Clk J K Qn Qn ’ J.Qn’ K.Qn (Qn+1) Remarks
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = Qn ie. No Change or Last State or
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Memory
1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 =0, ie. Reset ( Make Q = 0 )
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 =1, ie. Set ( Make Q = 1 )
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 = Q n’ ie. Toggle or Complement or
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Switch to opposite state
Qn represents the Present State ; Qn+1 represents the Next State ie. the state of the output after the clock
pulse is applied.
Race Around Condition in J-K Flip Flop : By using two AND gates & appropriate feed back the RACE problem
that existed in the S-R flip flop could be eliminated in a J-K flip flop. However there is a problem of an unpredictable
state occurring in the J-K flip flop also . Due to this problem the Q output will start oscillating between the 0 ( low) &
1 (high) states .The output condition therefore could be either 0 or 1. This problem is known as the Race around
Condition. The race around condition in a J-K flip flop occurs when J=1, K=1 and the clock is also =1, with the clock
pulse width “tp” greater than the propagation delay “t” of the gates. We assume that the inputs of the J-K flip flop do
not change during a clock pulse , but due to the feed back they change when the clock remains high (1), hence the
output condition starts oscillating between the low & high states. This problem can be avoided by making the clock
pulse width less than the propagation delay of the gates, but practically this is difficult because the propagation delay
is very small, hence the problem of Race Around Condition is overcome using a Master-Slave J-K flip flop. In this
flip flop the input conditions do not change when the clock remains high, hence the output does not oscillate.
+ + + + + +
+ + + K A + + + K
+ + + + + +
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
Fig.2 shows a p-n junction diode under unbiased condition, ie. both the anode & cathode are at the same potential
or both are at zero potential. For simplicity only impurity atoms are shown (semiconductor atoms are not shown)
because for every impurity atom, there will be 108 semiconductor atoms (because doping density is 1:108).
The p-region has negative immobile ions and their corresponding holes as the majority carriers , while the n-region
has positive immobile ions and their corresponding free electrons as the majority carriers. Thermally generated
electron-hole pairs are also not shown for simplicity. At the instant of junction formation, the p-material has excess
holes and the n- material has excess electrons as shown in Fig.1. and the depletion region does not exist. As soon
as the p & n regions are formed, electrons on the n-side recombine with holes by crossing onto the p-side of the
junction due to diffusion. Soon after recombination both the electrons & the holes disappear and leave behind
immobile positive ions on the n-side and immobile negative ions on p-side of the junction as shown in Fig.2. This
electric field created by the immobile positive & negative ions on either side of the junction prevents further
diffusion of charges. Thus a depletion region (width 50 m) is formed at the junction even under unbiased
conditions as shown in Fig.2.
(2) Forward biased condition :-
Figure shows a p-n junction diode under forward biased condition
P width N (ie. anode is at a higher potential than the cathode). The battery
+ + +
polarity is such that majority carriers in both p & n regions are
K pushed towards the junction. Since electrons & holes enter the
A + + + depletion region, it causes a reduction in the depletion width &
+ + + hence height of the potential barrier. The reduced potential barrier
allows a few high- energy electrons on the n-side to cross the
IF junction on to the p-side and constitute a small forward current.
VF As the magnitude of forward bias voltage is increased the
depletion width further reduces & thereby further increases the
forward current. The depletion width & the potential barrier reduce to almost zero when the p-n junction is forward
biased by a voltage greater than the cut-in voltage V ( 0.7 V for Silicon diode & 0.3 V for Germanium diode ).
At voltages greater than V a p-n junction diode acts like a closed switch (offers zero resistance) and a
heavy current starts flowing. Practically a very small value resistance is offered due to the existence of the
resistance of the semiconductor crystal.
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The thermally generated electron-hole pairs present in both p and n regions & the minority carriers also move in
the same direction as majority carriers , ie. they also add to the forward current.
(3) Reverse biased condition :- When a p-n junction diode is reverse biased ( ie. anode is at a
Depletion lower potential than the cathode) a very small reverse current
P width N
flows through the junction due to a small number of
+ + + temperature
+ dependent minority charge carriers (electrons in p-region &
+ +
A K holes in n-region). This minority current or leakage current is
+ + + also known as the reverse saturation current & is temperature
dependent. The leakage current which has a very small value(1 or
2 µ A) doubles itself for every 10 C rise in temperature .
IR The diode therefore offers very high resistance (1 to 2 M). This
VR means that the diode acts as an open switch under reverse biased
conditions. The battery connection is such that majority carriers
in both p and n regions are pulled away from the junction. Thus
both the depletion width and the potential barrier increase under reverse bias conditions. This reverse current flows
until the reverse voltage is equal to the junction breakdown voltage. Beyond breakdown voltage, there is a drastic
increase in the reverse current which is explained using the avalanche breakdown phenomenon. At voltages beyond
VBD, minority carriers (electrons) on the p-side gain sufficiently high velocities to knock out valence electrons from
the semiconductor atoms. This is a cumulative effect and is known as ionisation due to collision. A large number of
charges are thus available to constitute a large reverse current. If left uncontrolled, this reverse current can cause
physical breakdown of the junction. A p-n junction diode under reverse biased condition is therefore operated well
within its breakdown voltage.
Figure shows the forward & reverse bias characteristics of a p-n
Forward junction diode.
bias Forward bias condition: When the forward bias voltage Vf = 0, the
ΔIF forward current If is also equal to 0. When the forward bias
voltage is increased, current through the diode gradually increases
ΔVF Rf = because some high-energy electrons start crossing the junction. Any
further increase in Vf causes an increase in forward current due to
VR V VF reduction in depletion width & potential barrier. When V f = V, the
ΔVR depletion width is zero & potential barrier is also zero. Now a large
current starts flowing through the diode. Thus beyond V the diode
Rr = ΔVR /Δ IR acts as a closed switch and offers very low resistance resulting in a
rapid rise in current. The characteristics will be non-linear from the
Reverse bias origin to V because the total diode resistance RT = (RJ+RB), where
RJ is the voltage dependent junction resistance and R B is the voltage
IR independent semiconductor crystal bulk resistance.
The non-linearity in the characteristics from origin to V is because of the junction resistance, which is
reducing with an increase in voltage. The characteristic is linear beyond V because the junction resistance
becomes zero after V & it is only the voltage independent bulk resistance RB that remains . Thus the diode
starts behaving as a closed switch only beyond V with a very low value of forward resistance Rf.
Reverse bias condition :- When a p-n junction is reverse biased, a very small leakage current flows due to a very
small number of temperature dependent minority carriers. The leakage current IR is also known as reverse saturation
current or minority current. This small current continues to flow until the applied reverse voltage is equal to the
breakdown voltage VBD . Beyond VBD there is rapid increase in the leakage current due to Avalanche breakdown
phenomenon. At voltages beyond VBD ,minority electrons on the p-side of the junction gain sufficiently high
velocities to knock out valence electrons from the semiconductor atoms within the crystal. This is a cumulative
process & a large number of charges are made available to cause a large value of leakage current as shown in the
characteristics. This phenomenon is also known as ionization due to collision. Hence a p-n junction diode under
reverse bias condition, is operated well within its breakdown voltage if it has to work as an open switch.
DEPLETION REGION :- When a p-n junction is formed there is movement of charges across the junction due to
diffusion even under unbiased conditions. This results in uncovering of the Donor ions (positive immobile ions) on
the n-side & the Acceptor ions (negative immobile ions) on the p-side (Refer to Fig.2 on page-2). This region on
either sides of the junction consisting of the uncovered immobile positive & negative ions is known as the
Depletion Region. Since this region is depleted of mobile charges ie. there are no mobile charges it is known as the
Depletion region or Transition Region. It is also known as the space charge region because it consists of immobile
positive & negative ions. Since this region does not contain mobile charges it behaves as an insulator. The region
across the junction which does not have mobile charge carriers is known as the depletion width.
When a p-n junction is forward biased, due to the applied voltage the Depletion Width gets reduced and the diode
starts conducting because of the lower value of junction resistance.
When the p-n junction is reverse biased, due to the applied reverse bias voltage the Depletion Width increases and
the diode offers a very high resistance to the flow of current due to the increased width of the insulator.
BARRIER POTENTIAL :- The electric field that exists across a p-n junction between the positive immobile ions
on the n-side & negative immobile ions on the p-side of the depletion region is known as the Barrier. Uncovered
donor & acceptor ions exist on either sides of a p-n junction. These are isolated positive & negative electrical
charges which can result in an electric field at the junction. This electric field prevents further diffusion of holes &
electrons across the junction under unbiased conditions, ie. it acts as an obstruction or barrier to the movement of
electric charges, hence it is known as the potential barrier. The physical distance from one side of the barrier to the
other side is known as the barrier width. The difference in potential between the two sides is known as the height of
potential barrier. The potential barrier is approximately 0.7V for a Silicon diode & 0.3V for a Germanium diode.
Vin & VO
R Output Waveform
Vin Vo +Vm
Input Waveform
Figure shows the circuit diagram of a negative wave clipper. The diode D is assumed to be an ideal clipping device
ie. its cut-in voltage V = 0 & the forward resistance Rf = 0.
During the positive half cycle diode D gets reverse biased and acts like an open switch (infinite resistance) . Hence
the output wave form follows the input waveform.
During the negative half cycle diode D gets forward biased and acts like a closed switch (zero resistance) . Hence
the output voltage across a zero resistance will be zero.
In this circuit only the negative half cycles are clipped while the positive half cycles appear at the output.
cycle). The reference voltage to which the waveform has to be fixed or clamped should always be less than the
maximum or peak voltage (Vm) of the input signal.
In all clamper circuits it is assumed that the diode used for clamping is an ideal diode ie. it’s cut-in voltage is zero
(ie. V = 0) & the forward resistance is also zero ( ie. Rf = 0) .
(2Vm VR)
During the negative half cycle, the input voltage will be in series with the capacitor voltage which is already
charged to (Vm VR) , the diode is kept reverse biased by the sum of the input & capacitor voltages. The diode
now behaves as an open switch and the output voltage will be equal to the sum of the input & capacitor voltages ie.
equal to [–(2.Vm – VR)]. Thus in the output voltage waveform the positive peaks appear to be clamped to a positive
reference voltage level VR during the entire negative half cycle. After clamping it is observed that the output peak
to peak voltage swing remains unchanged at a value equal to (2.Vm).
Rectifier efficiency :- It is defined as the ratio of DC output power to the AC input power. It is a measure of
the AC to DC conversion capacity of the rectifier circuit.
= PDC / PAC = [output DC power / input AC power] = [(VDC.IDC) / {(Vrms)2/(Rf + RL)}]
Ripple factor :- It is defined as the ratio of RMS value of AC component to the average value of the dc
component. It is the measure of the pulsating component in the output.
Ripple factor = ripple voltage / DC value of output
Ripple factor = [RMS value of AC component / DC value of output] = [(Irms / Idc)2 – 1]1/2
B n p n p n p B
J1 J2 J1 J2 E
npn transistor B pnp transistor
Construction B
symbol symbol
A transistor is fabricated using a single cryzstal of Germanium or Silicon. It is a 3 terminal device having alternate
p and n layers with two junctions J 1 & J2. This type of construction results in npn and pnp transistors. In a npn
transistor, the p-layer is sandwiched between two n-layers. The first n-layer is the emitter which emits electrons.
The n-type emitter layer is heavily doped to provide better injection efficiency. The other n-layer is the collector
which collects electrons. The collector region is moderately doped and has a large width to help better heat
dissipation. The p-type base layer forms one junction (J1) with the emitter and another junction (J2) with the
collector layer. The base region is lightly doped and has a narrow width , this helps in reducing recombination in
the base and in the process reduces the value of base current & increases the value of collector current.
In a pnp transistor the n-layer is sandwiched between two p-layers. The construction and symbol for npn and pnp
transistors is as shown in figure. The arrow mark on the emitter lead indicates the direction of flow of conventional
J1 J2 J1 J1 J2
J2 n p n
n p n n p n
Transistor biased as Amplifier Transistor biased as closed switch Transistor biased as open switch
If a transistor has to work as an amplifier, the base-emitter junction J 1 must be forward biased and the collector-base
junction J2 must be reverse biased. Transistor biasing is a process of creating an appropriate potential difference
across the base-emitter and the collector-base junctions. The base-emitter junction should always be forward biased
by a voltage greater than its cut-in voltage (V ), while the collector-base junction should be sufficiently reverse
biased for efficient collection of charges. If these two conditions are satisfied, the transistor provides faithful
amplification while operating in the active region (linear region).
A transistor can also operate as a switch (in the non-linear regions). If both the emitter-base & collector-base
junctions are forward biased then the transistor will behave as a closed switch offering almost zero
resistance(saturation region) . If both the emitter-base & collector-base junctions are reverse biased then the
transistor behaves as an open switch offering very high resistance(cut-off region)
n J1 p J2 n Figure shows the battery connections and directions of
current in a npn transistor. VEE is the emitter battery,
E C which forward biases the base-emitter junction while VCC
is the collector battery which reverse biases the collector-
base junction. IB is the base current, IC is the collector
current and IE is the emitter current. The forward biased
base-emitter junction makes the emitter inject a large
number of electrons into the base region. Electrons are
VEE VCC minority carriers in the p-type base region, hence they
easily diffuse into the collector region. Some electrons
are lost due to recombination in the p-type base region and constitute a small base current. The base current
magnitude is kept minimum by using a lightly doped narrow base region. The reverse biased collector-base
junction will assist the diffusion of minority carriers (electrons) from base to the collector region. These electrons
are then collected by the positive terminal of the battery VCC. Electrons flowing out of the collector constitute a large
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collector current. Using Kirchoff’s law, the fundamental transistor equation can be shown to be : IE = IB + IC
IB is very small when compared to IC ( 3 to 4 % of IC). Therefore IE IC, ie. input current = output current.
A small reverse current flows through the collector-base junction when the emitter lead is open (when the input
current is zero). This reverse current or leakage current is ICBO (collector to base current with emitter open), ie. the
output collector current IC = ICBO when the input current is zero. ICBO is temperature dependent and independent of
the applied reverse voltage. In a transistor, a large emitter current flowing through a low resistance input circuit is
transferred into a high resistance collector circuit (output circuit), hence it is called a transfer-resistor or a transistor.
A transistor has only 3 leads hence any one of the 3 leads has to be common to the input & output circuits if the
transistor is to be considered as a 2-port linear network . Depending on the lead that is common to both the input &
output circuits there are three transistor configurations :
(1) Common-base configuration or Grounded-base configuration.
(2) Common-emitter configuration or Grounded-emitter configuration.
(3) Common-collector configuration or Grounded-collector configuration.
The behaviour of a transistor varies greatly with each configuration & can be understood by studying the input &
output characteristics in all the 3 configurations.
IE IC Figure shows the circuit arrangement for
R obtaining the input and output
+ E E npn C mA + characteristics of a npn transistor in common-
base configuration. VEE is the emitter battery
B + on the input side and RE is the emitter
current limiting resistor. The milliammeter is
VE used to measure the emitter current(input
E +
current) while the voltmeter is used to
measure the input voltage VBE. VCC is the
collector battery on the output side and RC is
the collector resistance.
The milliammeter measures the collector current (output current) while the voltmeter measures the collector-base
voltage, VCB (output voltage). Here the base lead is common to both the input and output circuits, hence it is
as the common-base configuration.
Input Characteristic:-
(mA) VCB2
The input characteristics is a plot of Input voltage v/s Input current VCB1
keeping output voltage constant .
ie. VBE v/s IE keeping VCB constant.
COMMON COLLECTOR CONFIGURATION :- Figure shows the circuit diagram for a npn transistor
+ RE in common-collector configuration. Battery VBB is
used to reverse bias the collector-base junction. The
mA microammeter measures input current IB and the
E voltmeter measures input voltage VCB. Battery VEE
+ A RB B along with VBB is used to forward bias the base-
npn V V CE VE emitter junction (VEE is at lower potential than VBB).
I + E
C The milliammeter is used to measure output current
B VCB V IE , while the voltmeter measures the output voltage
VBB + VCE. (IE is the output current and VCE is the output
voltage).RB is the base resistor and RE is the emitter
resistor. Here the collector lead is common to both
Input Characteristic:- the input and output circuits, hence it is known as
common-collector configuration.
The input characteristics is a plot of Input voltage v/s Input current keeping
output voltage constant . IB VCE1 VCE2
ie.VCB v/s IB keeping VCE constant. A
(VCE2 > VCE1)
The input characteristics is obtained by varying V CB in steps and noting down
the corresponding values of IB keeping VCE constant. A family of curves can
be obtained for different values of VCE.
The dynamic input resistance ri is obtained using the relation:
ri = VCB/ IB | VCE = constant. 0
Output Characteristic:- (V)
The output characteristic is a plot of Output voltage v/s Output
current keeping Input current constant, IB5
i e . V CE v / s IE ke e pin g I B c on stant . IE mA
I t is ob t a in ed b yCE v ar y in g V i n steps and noting down the I
No. PARAMETER C-B Confgrn. C-E Confgrn. C-C Confgrn.
1 Current gain Very low (<1) Very high (200-400) Very high (1+β)
2 Voltage gain High (100-200) Very high (250-500) Very low (<1)
3 Input impedance Very low (10-15) Medium (~ 1 k ) Very high (~ 1M)
4 Output impedance Very high (1 M) Medium (20-50 k) Very low (< 1 k)
in terms of :- The basic transistor equation is given by: IE = IB + IC------------------------------------------------------- (A)
Considering the incremental values, we have IE = IB + IC------------------------------------------------------------------------ (B)
Divide equation (B) through out by IC, ie. (IE / IC) = (IB / IC) + (IC / IC)---------------(C)
But (IC / IE) = (IE / IC) = (1 / ) & (IC / IB) = (IB / IC) = (1 / )
ie. (1/) = (1 / ) + 1 (D).
ie. (1 / ) = (1+ ) / ; Taking the reciprocal we have :
= /( + 1)
in terms of :- From equation (D), we have 1 / = 1 + (1 / ) 1/ = (1 / ) –
1.ie. (1 / ) = (1 – ) / = / (1 –
FIXED BIAS CIRCUIT or BASE BIAS CIRCUIT : Figure shows a fixed bias +V
circuit . VCC is the battery used for biasing both the junctions. RC is the collector C
resistance & RB is the base resistance. The Q-point is located in the active region by C RC
properly selecting the values of VCC, RB & RC, so that a proper value of base current (IB) R
will fix up the quiescent ICQ & VCEQ & hence the operating point. I
The operating point position on the load line can be determined by calculating C Voltage
the values of IC & VCE in the circuit. Input
The output Current or Collector Current (IC):
The output current or the Collector current is given by the expression :
IC = β.IB + ICEO [ but ICEO is very small compared to β.IB]
Hence IC = β.IB------------------------(A)
But the base current or input current is given by : IB = [VCC/RB]
Therefore the collector current is given by : IC = β.[VCC/RB]--------------(B)
The output voltage or the Collector- Emitter Voltage (VCE):
The out put voltage or the Collector-Emitter voltage is given by:
ie. VCE = [VCC – IC.RC]-------------(C)
Use the value of IC from equation (B) in equation
(C) , ie. VCE = VCC[1 – β.(RC/RB) ]-------(D)
The values of IC and VCE obtained using equations (B) and (D) will help in locating the operating point of the
transistor on the DC load line .