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A Study On Medicinal Plants Used in Karkidaka Kanj

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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Review Article


Mohan Deepa1*, Sajeevan Aiswaraya2
*1Guest lecturer, 2UG Student, Department of Botany, Bharata Mata College, Thrikkakara, Kerala, India.
Karkidakam (July- August) is the last month of Malayalam calendar and is one of the months that fall
under monsoon season. The month is regarded as the most suitable time for rejuvenation therapies.
Karkidaka chikitsa are well known tradition of Kerala, which focuses on detoxification of the body and
prevention of monsoon related diseases. Karkidaka kanji is a medicated porridge consumed by the people
as the part of Karkidaka chikitsa. The Kanji increases the digestive capacity and strengthens the body. It is
believed that the Kanji will be providing immunity for the upcoming year. The present work reveals the
importance of Karkidaka kanji and the plants used in the conventional method of its preparation. The
information regarding the plants used was obtained from the Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic practitioners
and local people of different regions of Kerala. The study enumerates the list of 87 plant species
belonging to 42 families to be used in the preparation of Karkidaka kanji. The Kanji is generally prepared
using Njavara rice, spices and various other herbs like Sida cordifolia, Boerhavia diffusa, Mimosa pudica,
the extract of ‘Dashapusham’ etc. The ingredients and preparation of Karkidaka kanji varied in different
region according to the availability of plants. These ingredients are therapeutically active source of drug
for various disease and ailments. Still there exist a lot of possibilities for investigating the potential
pharmacological activates of these plants. Thus systematic documentation of such traditional system
indicating the importance of plants opens up the opportunity for future research.
KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Karkidaka kanji, Karkidakam, Tridosha, Njavara rice.
“Sama dosha, sama agni, sama dhatu malakriyah observation and improvement of daily regimens
Prasanna atmaindriya manaha swastha iti (Dinacharya) and also seasonal regimens
abhidhidheyate” ~ Sushrutastru 24/41 (Rituacharya) with appropriate diet plans for
“Health is achieved when the Tridoshas (biological wellbeing of the individual.
forces- Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and Agni (metabolic In Kerala, Varsharitu (monsoon) comes under
activity) are stable and the excretion process is Visargakala. Karkidakam is the last month of
normal. Swastha (good health) is obtained when the Malayalam calendar and is one of the months that
Atmaa (soul), Indriyas (senses) and Manah (mind) falls under Varsharitu. The Karkidakam is also known
are in coordination with internal peace.” Ayurveda as Dhurghada massam which means risky month.
(Ayur means life and Veda means knowledge) is From the past the month is regarded as a challenging
known as the complete knowledge of life. This period with poverty and scarcity of food.[1] During
traditional system of healthcare focuses on the Karkidakam the monsoon rain will be at its peak. The
mutual relationship between the individual and the earth gets colder due to rain, cold wind, clouds and
nature. This is achieved through physical therapies, moist weather. The decrease in temperature causes
herbal remedies, moderate physical exercises and a unbalance in Tridoshas and results in weakened
proper balanced diet in accordance with the season, digestive process which in turn affect the immunity.[2]
geographical location, times of the day and even the Throughout this period the body is considered to be
heath and emotion of the individual. Ayurveda highly sensitive and food should be restricted to
prescribes regimens for all people in every seasons. maintain good health. Karkidaka chikitsa or
According to Ayurveda a year can be divided Karkidaka therapy is a traditional practice that is
into two phases, the Adanakala and Visargakala. involved in rejuvenating the body. Karkidaka kanji
During Adanakala the body acquires strength and (medicated porridge) is consumed as the part of
Visargakala is the period when the body loses its Karkidaka chikitsa during this month. The Kanji helps
strength. The system also emphasis on the regular to mitigate the imbalance of Tridoshas and also to
improve the digestive activity of the body.[3]
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Mohan Deepa, Sajeevan Aiswararya. A Study on Medicinal Plants Used in Karkidaka Kanji: A Health Tradition of Kerala
Karkidaka kanji also known as Marunnu kanji and also hunger. It is served hot and is advised to
or Oushadha kanji, is a special medicated porridge prepare freshly on all days during the month of
which is considered as one of the Rituacharya Karkidakam. The course of consumption can varies
regimens during Karkidakam. The Kanji is prepared from 7 days to the entire month.
with easily digestible cereals, spices, herbs and fresh The Kanji is a special combination of grains,
plant extracts.[4] It is considered ideal for people with spices and fresh plants (mostly herbs). A total of 87
disease like diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, arthritis, plants belonging to 42 families were identified to be
obesity, lumbar and cervical spondylosis etc. Hence it used in the preparation of Karkidaka Kanji (Table 1).
is consumed as Oushadha (medicine) as well as The plant families with most number of species used
Aahara (food). The major ingredients include Oryza included Fabaceae and Apiaceae. Most of the plants
sativa (Njavar rice), Cuminum cyminum, Triticum were used completely for the preparation. Other
aestivum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Tachyspermum commonly used parts included the leaves and the
ammi etc. A few varieties of spices like Zingiber seeds. The common plant parts used for the
Officinale, Piper nigrum, Elattaria cardamomum, preparation are represented in Figure 1. The main
Syzygium aromaticum etc and many varieties of herbs ingredients used are represented in the Figure 2 & 3.
like Biophytum candolleanum, Cardiospermum Preparation of Karkidaka kanji is one of the
halicacabum, Emilia sonchifolia, Boerhavia diffusa, conventional practices prevailing in Kerala. There
Sida cordifolia, Mimosa pudica etc are also used in the was no strict procedure regarding the ingredients
preparation. These ingredients aids easy digestion used for Karkidaka kanji, but there exists some
and strengthen the body. They serve as excellent regional differences in the preparation across Kerala.
source of carbohydrate, proteins, dietary fibers, A general method of preparation was structured
vitamins and minerals. It is believed that a complete based on the information collected.
course of Karkidaka kanji will provide immunity for
Method of Preparation: All the fresh ingredients are
the whole upcoming year.[5]
chopped and crushed for extracting the juice. The
The preparation of Karkidaka kanji varies extract with equal amount of water is brought to boil.
according to locality and availability of plants, which Njavara rice, green gram, fenugreek, spices and other
are endemic to the region. This knowledge is unique dry ingredients are added to the boiling extract and
and often remains within few communities. The cooked well. Once the rice is cooked coconut milk is
importance of documenting such ethnic practices for added to the mixture. Finally shallots fried in fresh
further reference is of prime importance. Thus the ghee is mixed with the Kanji and served hot. The
present study aimed at documenting the plants used kanji normally taste bitter, so salt or palm Jaggery can
in the preparation of Karkidaka kanji and also to be used to reduce bitterness.
understand the prevailing method of its preparation.
Oryza sativa (Njavara rice) is the prime
MATERIALS AND METHODS important ingredient of Karkidaka kanji irrespective
The investigation was conducted among the of the region. It is endemic to Kerala and is highly
Ayurvedic Doctors, Ayurvedic practitioners and local medicinal. It has both antidiabetic and antioxidant
peoples of different regions of Kerala to collect the properties. Trigonella foenum-graecum (Uluva),
information regarding the various methods, Tachyspermum ammi (Ayamodakam), Zingiber
ingredients and the plants used for the preparation of Officinale (Chukku), Cuminum cyminum (Jerrakam),
Karkidaka kanji. The study was carried out from July Myristica fragrans (Jathikka), Coriandrum sativum
2019 to March 2021. The prevalent method of (Malli), Lepidium sativum (Asali) etc are the main dry
preparation of Karkidaka kanji was recorded along ingredients used in the preparation. The common
with the ingredients used. Photographs of the plants fresh ingredients include Dashapushpam (Aerva
and plant parts were also taken. Vernacular names of lanata, Biophytum candolleanum, Cardiospermum
the medicinal plants mentioned by the local people halicacabum, Curculigo orchioides, Cynodon dactylon,
was clarified with the help of Ayurvedic Doctors. The Eclipta alba, Emilia sonchifolia, Evolvulus alsinoides,
plants used were further authenticated using flora of Ipomea serpiaria and Vernonia cinerea), Boerhavia
the region. diffusa, Sida cordifolia, Strobilanthes ciliatus, Ciccus
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION quadrangularis and Mimosa pudica. The
Karkidaka kanji is an important Aahara which phytochemical and medicinal value of all the
has become a habit of Keralites from centuries. It is a ingredients used in the preparation of Karkidaka
common Ritucharya practiced during the month of kanji are having wide range of health benefits and
Karkidakam. The Kanji is known for eliminating contribute directly for the improvement of general
thirst, tiredness, weakness, abdominal discomfort health of the individual.

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Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021;9(4):82-89
Table 1: The common plants used in Karkidaka Kanji with their vernacular name, family and used parts
S.No Botanical name Vernacular name Family Useful part
1 Achyranthes aspera Vankadaladi Amaranthaceae Whole plant
2 Aegle marmelos Koovalam Rutaceae Root
3 Aerva lanata Cheroola Amranthaceae Whole plant
4 Allium cepa Cheriyaulli Liliaceae Tuber
5 Amaranthus spinosus Mullan cheera Amranthaceae Whole plant
6 Anethum graveolens Chathakuppa Apiaceae Seeds
7 Artocarpus heterophyllus Plaavu Moraceae Leaves
8 Baccopa monnieri Brahmi Plantaginaceae Whole plant
9 Benincasa hispida Kumbalam Cucurbitaceae Tender leaves
10 Biophytum candolleanum Mukkutty Oxalidaceae Whole plant
11 Boerhavia diffusa Thazhuthama Nyctaginaceae Whole plant
12 Borassus flabellifer Karimpana Arecaceae Inflorescence
13 Brassica nigra Kadukku Brassicaceae Seeds
14 Capsicum frutescens Kantharikoddi Solanaceae Stem & leaves
15 Cardiospermum halicacabum Uzhinja Sapindaceae Stem & leaves
16 Cassia tora Thakara Fabaceae Leaves
17 Centella asiatica Kuddavan Apiaceae Whole plant
18 Ciccus quadrangularis Changalamparanda Vitaceae Stem
19 Clerodoendrum infortunatum Peringanam Verbenaceae Whole plant
20 Clerodoendrum phlomidis Munja Verbenaceae Root
21 Cocos nucifera Thenghu Aracaceae Fruit
22 Coriandrum sativum Malli Apiaceae Seed & leaves
23 Cucurbita moschata Mathan Cucurbitaceae Tender leaves
24 Cuminum cyminum Nallajeerakam Apiaceae Fruit
25 Curculigo orchioides Nilappana Hypoxidaceae Tuber
26 Curcuma longa Manjal Zingiberaceae Rhizome
27 Cyclea peltata Padathalli Menispermaceae Stem & leaves
28 Cynodon dactylon Karuka Poaceae Leaves
29 Desmodium gangeticum Orila Fabaceae Root
30 Eclipta alba Kayyunyam Asteraceae Stem & leaves
31 Elattaria cardamomum Elam Zingiberaceae Seeds
32 Elephantopus scaber Anachuvadi Asteraceae Whole plant
33 Embelia ribes Vizhalari Myrsinaceae Seeds
34 Emilia sonchifolia Muyalcheviyan Asteraceae Stem & leaves
35 Euphorbia thymifolia Nilappaala Euphorbiaceae Whole plant
36 Evolvulus alsinoides Vishnukranthi Convulvulaceae Whole plant
37 Glycosmis pentaphylla Kuttipannal Rutaceae Stem & leaves
38 Gmelina arborea Kumizhu Verbenaceae Root
39 Hemidesmus indicus Nannari Asclepiadaceae Leaves

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Mohan Deepa, Sajeevan Aiswararya. A Study on Medicinal Plants Used in Karkidaka Kanji: A Health Tradition of Kerala

40 Holarrhena pubescens Kudakapaalari Apocynaceae Seeds

41 Illicium verum Thakkolam Schisandraceae Fruit
42 Inula racemosa Pushkaramulam Asteraceae Root
43 Ipomea serpiaria Thiruthali Convolvulaceae Whole plant
44 Ixora coccinea Chethi Rubiaceae Stem & leaves
45 Justicia adhatoda Aadalodakam Acanthaceae Stem & leaves
46 Lepidium sativum Asali Brassicaceae Seeds
47 Lucas aspera Thumba Lamiaceae Whole plant
48 Messua ferrea Nagapoov Clusiaceae Flower
49 Metroxylon saghu Chowarri Arecaceae Stem pith
50 Microstachys chamaelea Kodiaavanaku Euphorbiaceae Whole plant
51 Mimosa pudica Thottavadi Mimosea Whole plant
52 Morinda umbellata Kudalchuruki Rubiaceae Whole plant
53 Moringa oleifera Murringa Moringaceae Bark
54 Mucrotyloma uniflorum Muthira Fabaceae Seeds
55 Murraya koenigii Veppu Rutaceae Leaves
56 Myristica fragrans Jathikka Myristicaceae Seeds
57 Myxopyrum serratulum Chathurramulla Oleaceae Leaves
58 Naravelia zeylanica Vathakoddi Ranunculaceae Stem & leaves
59 Naregamia alata Nilanarakam Rutaceae Whole plant
60 Nigella sativa Karimjeerakam Ranunculaceae Fruit
61 Ocimum sanctum Krishna thulasi Lamiaceae Whole plant
62 Oroxylum indicum Palaka payyani Bignoniaceae Root
63 Oryza sativa Njavara rice Poaceae Seeds
64 Oxalis corniculata Pulliarella Oxalidaceae Whole plat
65 Phyllanthus niruri Kizharnelli Euphorbiaceae Whole plant
66 Piper longum Thippili Piperaceae Fruit
67 Piper nigrum Kurumulaku Piperaceae Fruit
68 Plectranthus amboinicus Panikurka Lamiaceae Leaves
69 Pseudarthria viscida Moovila Fabaceae Root
70 Psidium guajava Perra Myrtaceae Leaves
71 Psoralia corylifolia Karkolarri Fabaceae Seeds
72 Sida cordifolia Kurunthotti Malvaceae Root
73 Solanum indicum Cheruvazhuthana Solanaceae Root
74 Solanum surattense Kantakari chunda Solanaceae Root
75 Stereospermum suaveolens Paathiri Bignoniaceae Root
76 Strobilanthes ciliatus Karimkurinji Acanthaceae Root
77 Syzygium aromaticum Karayampoovu Myrtaceae Flower bud
78 Tachyspermum ammi Ayamodakam Apiaceae Seeds
79 Tamarindus indica Pulli Fabaceae Leaves
80 Tribulus terrestris Njjerinjhil Zygophyllaceae Root

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81 Trigonella foenum-graecum Uluva Apiaceae Seeds
82 Triticum aestivum Nurku gothambu Poaceae Seeds
83 Vernonia cinerea Puvamkurunnel Asteraceae Whole plant
84 Vigna radiata Cherrupayar Fabaceae Seeds
85 Vitex altissima Mylellu Verbenaceae Seeds
86 Vitex negundo Karinechi Verbenaceae Stem & leaves
87 Zingiber Officinale Chukku Zingiberaceae Rhizome

Parts used
Flower Fruit Inflorescenc
Whole plant 2% 6% e
22% 1%

Tuber 23%

Stem pith
Stem 1%

Kerala is recognized for its ethnic customs in different region according to the availability of
and unique traditions. It is one among the states that plants.
receives the largest monsoon during the year. The The rejuvenating effect of Karkidaka kanji is a
monsoon rains are heaviest during the month of well-established tradition of Kerala. Systematic
Karkidakam. As per the tradition of Kerala, people documentation and subsequent screening on
follow various therapies during Karkidakam to phytochemicals of these plants contribute for
strengthen the body that helps them to withstand the potential drug development in Ayurveda and other
monsoon related problems. disciplines of medicine. It can also shed light towards
Karkidaka kanji is a medicated porridge made understanding more about the prevailing
using easily digestible cereals, spices, herbs and fresh biodiversity of the area. Thus by following such
plant extracts. The admiration of Karkidaka kanji traditional system can contribute towards
provide promising results due to the phytochemical conservation of biodiversity and to lead a
properties and therapeutical values of cereals, spices harmonious life with nature.
and plants used for its preparation. In the present REFERENCE
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main ingredients used in the preparation. The
2. Gloria Maria Winnie. A Study on Medicinal Plants
ingredients and preparation of Karkidaka kanji varies
used in ‘Karkidaka Kanji’: The Ayurvedic

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*Address for correspondence

Cite this article as:
Deepa Mohan
Mohan Deepa, Sajeevan Aiswaraya. A Study on Medicinal Plants Used in
Karkidaka Kanji: A Health Tradition of Kerala. International Journal of Ayurveda
Guest lecturer
and Pharma Research. 2021;9(4):82-89. Department of Botany,
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Bharata Mata College,
Seaport-Airport road,
Thrikkakara, Edapally, Kochi, Kerala.
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IJAPR | April 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 87

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021;9(4):82-89
Figure 1: The parts of plants used in the preparation of Karkidaka kanji

Fig. 2: a.Oryza sativa, b.Trigonella foenum-graecum, c.Tachyspermum ammi, d.Cuminum cyminum, e.Coriandrum
sativum, f.Lepidium sativum, g.Zingiber Officinale, h.Piper longum, i.Piper nigrum, j.Elattaria cardamomum,
k.Vigna radiate, l.Myristica fragrans,m.Sida cordifolia, n.Boerhavia diffusa, o.Lucas aspera.

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Mohan Deepa, Sajeevan Aiswararya. A Study on Medicinal Plants Used in Karkidaka Kanji: A Health Tradition of Kerala

Fig. 3: a.Aerva lanata, b.Biophytum candolleanum, c.Cardiospermum halicacabum, d.Curculigo orchioides,

e.Cynodon dactylon, f.Eclipta alba, g.Emilia sonchifolia, h.Evolvulus alsinoides, i.Ipomea serpiaria, j.Vernonia
cinerea, k.Centella asiatica, l.Ciccus quadrangularis, m.Mimosa pudica.

IJAPR | April 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 89

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