A Study On Medicinal Plants Used in Karkidaka Kanj
A Study On Medicinal Plants Used in Karkidaka Kanj
A Study On Medicinal Plants Used in Karkidaka Kanj
Review Article
Parts used
Flower Fruit Inflorescenc
Whole plant 2% 6% e
22% 1%
Tuber 23%
Stem pith
Stem 1%
Kerala is recognized for its ethnic customs in different region according to the availability of
and unique traditions. It is one among the states that plants.
receives the largest monsoon during the year. The The rejuvenating effect of Karkidaka kanji is a
monsoon rains are heaviest during the month of well-established tradition of Kerala. Systematic
Karkidakam. As per the tradition of Kerala, people documentation and subsequent screening on
follow various therapies during Karkidakam to phytochemicals of these plants contribute for
strengthen the body that helps them to withstand the potential drug development in Ayurveda and other
monsoon related problems. disciplines of medicine. It can also shed light towards
Karkidaka kanji is a medicated porridge made understanding more about the prevailing
using easily digestible cereals, spices, herbs and fresh biodiversity of the area. Thus by following such
plant extracts. The admiration of Karkidaka kanji traditional system can contribute towards
provide promising results due to the phytochemical conservation of biodiversity and to lead a
properties and therapeutical values of cereals, spices harmonious life with nature.
and plants used for its preparation. In the present REFERENCE
study, 87 plants belonging to 42 families are 1. Customs and rituals related to Holy Month
documented as plants used in the preparation of Karkidakam. Boddunan: information creates
Karkidaka kanji. Oryza sativa, Trigonella foenum- wealth: customs and culture; 2013 [cited 2013
graecum, Tachyspermum ammi, Zingiber Officinale, July 17]. Available form: https://www.boddunan.
Cuminum cyminum, Coriandrum sativum, the juice of com/articles/people-places/59-customs-and-
medicinal herbs called “Dashapushpa”, Boerhavia culture/22791-customs-and-rituals-related-to-
diffusa, Sida cordifolia, Mimosa pudica etc are the holy.html
main ingredients used in the preparation. The
2. Gloria Maria Winnie. A Study on Medicinal Plants
ingredients and preparation of Karkidaka kanji varies
used in ‘Karkidaka Kanji’: The Ayurvedic
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Fig. 2: a.Oryza sativa, b.Trigonella foenum-graecum, c.Tachyspermum ammi, d.Cuminum cyminum, e.Coriandrum
sativum, f.Lepidium sativum, g.Zingiber Officinale, h.Piper longum, i.Piper nigrum, j.Elattaria cardamomum,
k.Vigna radiate, l.Myristica fragrans,m.Sida cordifolia, n.Boerhavia diffusa, o.Lucas aspera.