Chanasai 1
Chanasai 1
Chanasai 1
Submited to----------------
NAME: Chanasai Reang
Roll no 10239
Moreover i would like to special thank the house owner Mrs Bhudha
Mala Chakma and her Family member for assist,support,guiding me and
introducing to the villager being positive attitude and i would like to
thank also the SHG member for good corresponding.
Table of Content
6. Meeting with SHG for mobilization of DDUGKY Candidates with the help of
7. Strategies applied by me for the women and Physically Challange
candidates to mobilizing them.-----------------------------------------------------------
8. Survey Report of 50 nos rural youth fortheir skill training.-------------------------
Essay of the village where i stayed 7days for the perpose of RAT
The village is a Place that mostly resides far away from pollution
and hustle and bustle of noise. We can see the beauty of nature only in
the village.
There is minimal pollution in the village and one can feel the
freshness in the breeze of air. The melodious sound of birds adds to the
beauty of nature. All these give pleasure to the people of village. Thus
one can feel the connection with the soil in the village.
The village having one High school,one primary school and one Anganawari
iii)Santipur AWC
In the Village there is no health centre. There need to improve and increase
the health centre facility.
The villagers do not care about the cleanliness of houses, roads, and
themselves. They do not have pure drinking water facility and sanitary latrine.
These create disease. They should drink pure water to avoid diseases. They need
job to development of their lifestyle.
During my rural attachment test(RAT),I have been staying for one week
in the Housh of sri Krishna Debnath,who was a adorable person in
communication asa well as his behaviour, he has one son and one
daughter in their family,belongs to APL category,the occupation of the
owner of the house is Farmer.Totally 4 member is there in his
family,MRS Krishna deb nath is the head of the famaly
Patta jungle hilly land of 6 kani, he didn’t start any plantation and farm in
this land. Because it is a hilly land.
He has 300 numbers of Rubber plans. He expenditure Rs. 5,000 per month
and after at all he gets Rs. 9,000 per month from the rubber plantation.
He also doing Jhum cultivation about to 2 kani hilly land. Rice, Vegetables,
Cotton etc is there he farming in a year. And he needs to expend Rs. 4,000 -
5,000 in a year. After at all he got from these about Rs. 15,000 – 20,000 in a
He has Pig farming and Desi Fowl farming also. About Rs. 10,000 - 12,000/
year expend and about to Rs. 15,000 – 25,000 per year income.
Pic: Rubber
1. What is DDU-GKY?
DDU-GKY aims to skill rural youth who are 1 poor and provide
them with jobs having regular monthly wages at or above the
minimum wages. It is one of the cluster of initiatives of the
Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India that seeks
to promote rural livelihoods. It is a part of the National Rural
Livelihood Mission (NRLM) - the Mission for poverty reduction
called Aajeevika. MoRD pursues its goal of rural poverty
reduction by adopting a multi-pronged strategy. This includes
programs for rural infrastructure (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak
Yojana PMGSY), rural housing (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana -
PMAY), employment guarantee (Mahatma Gandhi National
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - MGNREGS), livelihood
promotion (National Rural Livelihood Mission - Aajeevika) and
social pensions (National Social Assistance Programme - NSAP).
DDU-GKY derives its importance from its potential to reduce
poverty by diversifying incomes and reducing their uncertainty.
There is a continuum of skills that are required in an economy
and there are various ways in which to acquire them. In India,
while higher-level skills have received some attention, the same
cannot be said for skills for which formal education is not a
prerequisite. This means that the poor are doubly hit first
because of poverty and second because of poor access to
formal education. DDU-GKY seeks to fill this gap by imparting
Vision of DDU-GKY
Pamphlets Distribution
Reaching the unreached by Mobilization vehicle
Conducting awareness camps among BPL communities
Meeting local government bodies like Sarpanch, Sachiv, and
SHGs etc.
Coordinating with the districts and block level administration
Organizing seminars and lectures.
Showing films and enrolling candidates
Project Objectives:
Savings cum
Cash Book
2. After two years of regular savings, the SHG can also take a loan from the
bank. The loan is given in the name of the group and creates tremendous
opportunities for the self-employment of the members.
3. Due to SHG, the poor members are able to avail of loans even in the
absence of collateral.
Lipika Biswas 32 Do
Sabita Sarker 30 do
SwastiNama 37 do
Sumitra debnath 33 do
1.i had conducted a valuable meeting with the women of SHG group
and to mobilizing them
3.last but nit the least, to make them understand in the area of women
peach andsecurity along with humanitarian action
concerned agencies viz. ATMA, KVKs, FTC, NYK and any other
training institutions in identified districts under intimation to
This scheme focuses on providing to the occupational
aspirations of youth and improving their skills for wage
employment. By imparting a particular set of skills needed
by the people to access better jobs