Department Mechanical Engineering Project Report of RACING CART (Buggy)
Department Mechanical Engineering Project Report of RACING CART (Buggy)
Department Mechanical Engineering Project Report of RACING CART (Buggy)
Session : 2016-2019
1. Certificate
2. Preface
3. Acknowledgment
4. Introduction
5. Village Survey
6. Project
7. Development schems
8. Conclusion
9. The end
This is to certify that Mr. Yogendra singh(team leader) and his team
members Ravi Shankar Sharma, Shivam yadav, Adesh kr. Srivastava,
Jogesh singh, Akul Yadav,Aman kumar,Mithilesh singh, Rohit singh,Adeeb
Khan, Himansu Upadhyay, Abhinov and Priyansu dubey are student of
mechanical engineering production of Ambition Institute of technology,
Varanasi. They visited to village and prepared a survey report for this
project .
In the name regard by contact the villagers and gave them valuable
technical suggestions for the improvement of their livelihood
NO. OF WELL : 25
VOTER : 2200
B-TECH. : 2-4
भारत गााँ व ों का दे श है । हमारे दे श की साठ-सत्तर प्रततशत जनसोंख्या अब भी गााँ व ों में
ही रहती है । गााँ व का जीवन शहरी जीवन से अलग ह ता है । यहााँ की आब हवा में जीना
सचमुच आनोंददायी ह ता है ।
गााँ व ों में भारतीय सों स्कृतत के दशशन ह ते हैं । यहााँ भारत की सतदय ों से चली आ रही
परों पराएाँ आज भी तवद् यमान हैं । यहााँ के ल ग ों में अपनापन और सामातजक घतनष्ठता
पाई जाती है । यहााँ खुली धूप और हवा का आनोंद उठाया जा सकता है । यहााँ हररयाली
और शाों तत ह ती है ।
हमारे गााँ व भारत की कृति व्यवस्था के आधार हैं । यहााँ कृिक ों का तनवास ह ता है । गााँ व
के चार ों ओर खेत फैले ह ते हैं । खेत ों में अनाज एवों सब्जिय ों उगाई जाती हैं । गााँ व ों में
तालाब और नहरें ह ती हैं । इनमें सोंग्रतहत जल से तकसान फसल ों की तसोंचाई करते है ।
गााँ व ों में खतलहान ह ते हैं । यहााँ पकी फसल ों क तैयार तकया जाता है ।
गााँ व ों में खेती क अलावा पशुपालन, मुगीपालन, मधुमक्खी पालन जैसे व्यवसाय तकए
जाते हैं । पशुपालन से तकसान ों क अततररक्त आमदनी ह ती है तथा कृति कायश में
सहायता तमलती है । पशुओों का ग बर खाद का काम करता है । पशु दू ध दे ते हैं तथा
बैल, भैंसा आतद पशु हल में जीते जाते हैं । कुछ पशु माल दु लाई में ग्रामवातसय ों की
मदद करते हैं ।
गााँ व ों में खान-पान की जतटलताएाँ नहीों हैं । ग्रामवासी सादा भ जन करते हैं । वे ताजा दू ध
पीते हैं तथा हरी-ताजी सब्जियााँ खाते हैं । पीने के तलए ल ग हैं डपोंप, कुएाँ या नलके के
जल का प्रय ग करते हैं । कुछ ग्रामीण नदी-जल से अपनी प्यास बुझाते हैं ।
हमारे गााँ व तेजी से उन्नतत कर रहे हैं । ग्रामवातसय ों क गााँ व ों में ही र जगार उपलब्ध
कराया जा रहा है । ग्रामवासी अपने बच् ों की तशक्षा के प्रतत अतधक जागरूक ह गए हैं
। ग्रामीण नवयुवक एवों नवयुवततयााँ शहर जाकर उच् तशक्षा एवों नौकरी प्राप्त करती हैं ।
गााँ व के ल ग कृति के अलावा छ टे -म टे उद् य ग चलाकर अपना-अपना तनवाश ह कर रहे
हैं । यातायात के आधुतनक साधन ों की मदद से उन्हें अपना माल दू र-दराज के स्थान ों
तक भेजने में आसानी ह रही है ।
शहरी प्रभाव के कारण गााँ व ों में कुछ बदलाव जरूर तदखाई दे रहे हैं परों तु
गााँ व ों की सोंस्कृतत में मूलभू त अोंतर नहीों आया है । गााँ व आज भी भारतीय
सभ्यता और सोंस्कृतत के आधार स्तोंभ हैं ।
For uplifting the rural sector of our country, the Ministry of Rural
Development and the Government of India in coordination with Department of
Rural Development and Department of Land Resources have been carrying
forward various schemes. These schemes are formulated to benefit the citizens
of rural India who will eventually become the pillars of Indian Economy in the
long run.
Schemes for Rural Development launched
by Government of India
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. ...
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana. ...
Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)/
National Rural Livelihood Mission. ...
Prime Minister Rural Development Fellows Scheme. ...
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) ...
Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) ...
Sarv Siksha Abhiyan.
Pradhan Mantri
Gram Sadak
Launched on 25 December
2000 by then Prime
Minister Atal Bihari
Vajpayee, the scheme aims
at enhancing rural road
connectivity. This scheme
provides connectivity to
the habitations with less or
no connectivity at all and helps in poverty reduction by promoting
access to economic and social services. This ensures sustainable
poverty reduction in the long run as people get an opportunity to get
connected with the rest of the world. The scheme has been benefiting
several villagers and is helping them lead better lives. Nearly 82% of
roads have been built till December 2017 which have successfully
connected several rural areas to cities. Remaining 47,000 habitations
will also get connected by all-weather roads by March 2019. Earlier,
the scheme was funded only by the central government but after the
recommendation of 14th Finance Commission report the expense is
shared by both state and central government.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
Grameen Kaushalya
Yojana, a part of
National Livelihood
Mission, has the
objectives of catering to
the career aspirations of
the rural youth and
adding diversity to the
income of rural families.
Launched on 25th
September 2014, the
scheme’s prime focus is
on the rural youth of poor families aged between 15 and 35. An
amount of Rs 1500 crores has been provided for the scheme which
will help in enhancing employability. The yojana is present in 21
States and Union Territories across 568 districts and 6215 blocks
changing the lives of youth. Around 690 projects are being
implemented by 300 partners. As per the government reports, over 2.7
lakh candidates have been trained till now and nearly 1.34 lakh
candidates have been placed in jobs.
Gram Swarozgar
Yojana (SGSY)/
National Rural
Livelihood Mission
Swarnjayanti Gram
Swarozgar Yojana which is
redesigned as National
Rural Livelihood Mission was launched in 2011. Also known as Ajeevika,
this scheme aims at empowering women self-help model across the
country. Under this scheme, the government provides a loan of 3 lakh
rupees at an interest rate of 7% which can be reduced to 4% at the time of
repayment. The scheme was aided by World Bank and aimed at creating
efficient and also effective institutional platforms for poor people. It also
helped in increasing the household income by improving access to
financial services. NRLM also helps in harnessing the capabilities of the
poor so that they can participate in the growth of the economy of the
Engineering students are given a challenge to design, simulate and
manufacture a “fun to drive”, versatile, safe, durable, and high
performance off road vehicle.
The goal of the 2019 car is to improve on some of the key areas that have
caused the team problems over the last few competition years. These
areas are: suspension ,steering, driveline, hub and fabrication tolerances.
It was decided that, while making components light weight is important,
strength and durability of key components would not be sacrificed for
weight reduction. All subassemblies and components were researched
and designed to meet pre-established team expectations.
The design targets of our vehicle for racing cart (buggy) are as follows:
1.Maximum speed –60 km/hr
2.Weightof vehicle –270 kg
3.Ground clearance –20 cm or 8inch
4.Track width –140cm or 56inch approx
5.Wheel base –130 cm or 52inch approx
6.Braking distance –1400 cm
7.Turning radius –240 cm or 96 inch
The kind of
body we
required to manufacture is a unitized body. The roll cage is of utmost
importance for us as it would be the one which would provide safety to
the driver, mounting points for various systems and even ergonomics and
looks to the vehicle
G=gear ratio
N=revolutions per minute
R=outer radius of the tire in meters.
Some of our calculationsfor normal orientation are as follows:
Hence for maximum speed of 60km/hr, we selected tires of 22inch outer
Further, for better economy,we assume engine rpm to be ranging from
2750 to 3250 as maximum torque produced by the engine is at 3000 rpm.
In between this range
the torque produced by the engine is almost constant.
Thus, for better economy, the range of speed in each gear,for the driving
tires of O.D. 22inches;operating in normal forwardorientationis
:First-10 to 12km/hr
Second-15 to 18km/hr
Third-25 to 33km/hr
Forth-40 to 51km/hr
Apart from this, for mounting the engine we are going to use neoprene
rubber mountings.
The criterion for designing the brakes stated as per the rule book is that
all the four wheels should lock simultaneously as the brake pedal is
pressed.For designing the braking system this year, we calculated the
weight of our vehicle in static condition as well as in dynamic conditionas
per the deceleration (0.6 g) and stopping distance.
In static condition it is around 60kg on each front tire and 110kg each on
the rear tire.
But in dynamic conditions, we consider weight to be85kg on each tire, the
front and the rear. We have
calculated the dynamic weight using the formulae as given below:
W1=Weight on the front axle in the static condition.
W2=Weight on the rear axle in the static condition
g = Acceleration due to gravity.
W= Total weight of the vehicle.
H=Height of center of the gravity.
L= Length of the wheel base.
Deceleration of the vehicle is α.We planned to use disc brake in rear fix
wheel. Initially
we thought of using bush in rear but problem with bush brake is of locking
.For achieving the condition for locking at once on the application of brake
1 – steering wheel
2 – steering rod
3 –rack
4 –tie rod
5 –wheel clamp
Steering comparision
Central roller
and rack.
Apart from deciding the steering ratio we have not been able to design the
linkages, tie rods etc as presently we do not have the gear box of steering.
The spring damper would be placed at the centre of the upper wishboneas
shown in the figure .
Taking ground clearance to be around 8 inches and load of 70 kg on each
tire. Thus static load on each spring would be 140kg as spring is mounted
at the centre of the wishbone.
This year we have decided to use aluminium alloy for the manufacture of
our hub .we are also using some standard part such as disc, spline cut alto
shaft etc to reduce the cost of our hub assembly. Wight of this year hub
assembly is about 3kgs and 400gms which is 4 times less than previous
As discussed earlier, our approach is to design for the worst and still
optimize so that we avoid over designing. This would help us to reduce the
cost. The approach that we followed is iterative in nature and processes
like reverse engineering are adopted in order to select various systems
from the ones, existing in the market. This step would ensure
standardization and reliability would follow as a by part. Our top priority
would always be the safety of the driver and working in this direction, we
will strive to add aesthetic value and a sense of ergonomics to the vehicle.