Tbilisi State Medical University: Faculty of Medicine
Tbilisi State Medical University: Faculty of Medicine
Tbilisi State Medical University: Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine
In according to Georgian legislation for Medical Activity, medical practice is: “the
professional activity of a person with medical background, professional skills and practical
experience the aim of which is to protect, maintain and restore the health or ease suffering of
a human being in accordance with medical and ethical standards and medical traditions
recognized in Georgia”.
Quality of basic medical education appears as a predictor for successful medical practice. Its
matching to international standards is a crucial for providing of national health care system
optimal functioning. It is necessary to obtain not only theoretical knowledge in fundamental
humanitarian and clinical sciences but also to achieve high level of clinical skills in medical
practice. Ethic values and formation of specific relations are also the highly important factors.
All these are reflected in the competency standards for general and medical practice.
MD program aims
MD program aims to bring up competitive qualified physicians with proper competences, who
are ready for further postgraduate education and special training. The program also aims to
prepare medical staff in according to demands from national health care system.
ability and motivation for the future physicians during the whole life;
preparation of medical staff by utilization of modern informative and teaching
matching of medical education to the demands and abilities of National Health Care
Educational program for the Faculty of medicine at TSMU is one step, partially integrated and
confines 360 credits (1 credit equals to 30 academic hours). The program duration is 6
academic years (12 semesters) including internship (1 academic year). The program aims to
work out results for medical practice which corresponds to the second step of higher
education. Corresponding qualification of Educational program for medical practice is MD.
Social sciences and health management cycle: Medical Ethics, Evidence based Medicine &
Research, Epidemiology with Biostatistics, Health Care & Management.
Clinical skills: clinical communication and consulting, skills in clinical and emergency aid.
The program is based on learning of the following items: human body structure, physiological
and biochemical processes, pathogenesis of the diseases, path morphology, clinical course,
epidemiology, treatment prevention and rehabilitation.
Human body development, its macro and micro structures (biology, genetics,
embryology, anatomy, histology, cytology topographic anatomy);
The curriculum of the faculty of medicine is partially integrated. The partially integrated
curriculum consists of as solitary disciplines as integrated modules. In clinical disciplines
(internal medicine, surgery) teaching is integrated. Integrated module for “Internal medicine -
1” involves parts of: cardiology, pulmonology, and endocrinology.
Clinical case based teaching - which is essential for successful medical practice - takes
important part among the other teaching methods. Modern information technologies are
broadly used in teaching and learning processes. Clinical skills development is achieved in
clinical skills center, family medicine department and other clinical departments.
Integrated teaching also comprises new method of students’ evaluation so called OSCE –
Objective Structured Clinical Examinations which is already used in the department of
internal diseases’ propedeutics and clinical skills center (see the attached study plan).
Field knowledge
Knowledge of :
basic and humanitarian sciences
behavioral and social sciences
clinical sciences
Medication and drug prescription
Social health care system and understanding the role of physician in the system
Ethical and legal principles
Field abilities
1. MD graduate should
consult a patient
take history of illness
make physical examination
be able for clinical thinking and decision making
support and defense the patients’ rights
evaluate psychological status of patient
11. Scientific principles, methods and knowledge of Biomedicine in medical practice and
Knowledge of methodology of scientific research; Ability of making: design of
research, detailed planning, interpretation of the results and decision taking.
Ability to use achievements of biomedical sciences in practice
Writing a review on the basis of critical analysis of scientific literature
Knowledge of ethical principles for conduction of scientific research
An effective work and involvement in health care system
Conduction the type of treatment which makes risk down to minimum for patients
Conduction of measures against infection spreading
Understanding of personal health problems and evaluation of personal health
regarding to personal occupation/profession;
Taking part in health care supporting activities as on individual as population level
Thus MD graduate in his/her competences can utilize obtained knowledge and practical
skills for provision of ever-increasing quality in work planning and conducting on a
proper level. H/she is able to evaluate properly and precisely the needs of professional
help and provide patient’s safety.
a. knowledge and understanding – has deep and systemic knowledge of the field which
provides ground for new, original ideas and solving problems.
Can use full spectrum of learning-informative resources. Can manage personal
learning process. Understands importance of continuous renovation. has ability for
objective evaluation of personal knowledge and skills;
MD graduate can: identify specific problems, finding a reliable, operative and safe
ways for problem solving and after proper conclusion making acting properly;
Can: obtain information from different sources; deal with and critically evaluate a large
volume of information; has ability to utilize obtained information in practice.
Essential terms for teaching on the faculty of medicine are: integration of theoretical and
practical teaching; development of clinical skills in virtual simulation centers (for junior
students) and clinical environment (for senior students). New technologies must have an
advantage during the teaching. Verbal exams, tests, OSCE, presentations, thesis are forms of
evaluation for knowledge and skills. Teaching is a student orientated which means students’
active participation in the study process and involves case teaching, discussions, empiric
teaching, seminars and projects.
Teaching forms used in study process:
Interactive lectures, seminars, colloquiums
Studying in clinical environment
Simulators and moulages
Performing a roll of patient or physician
Laboratory teaching
Participation in scientific research
The teaching result evaluation for basic medical education involves evaluation as for
theoretical knowledge as practical skills. Development of clinical skills has a crucial
importance in basic medical education. In this sense, simulations or computerized study
programs with different complicity are broadly used. Those systems maximally reflect real
disease, diagnostic and treatment procedures.
Utilization of virtual teaching methods supports defense of patients’ safety. Also it decreases
a number of students in clinics, who as in great quantities can’t establish proper contact with
patient and develop clinical skills.
The structure of the study programs on the Faculty of Medicine consists of three barriers
(after 4th, 6th and 10th semesters). Overcoming of the barriers means a chance for students to
study the subject once again only until commencement of scheduled stage. European Credit
Transfer System (ECTS) is nowadays used in the university.
The head represents current accounts, evaluations, recommendations to the Academic Board.
The head also makes annual account at the end of each year.
There is a united conception for quality development in the University. That’s why head of
the faculty quality assurance is functionally subjected to the head of University quality
assurance department and acts correspondingly to the faculty program. The scheme excludes
different interpretations of information and approaches and supports for the same
understandings of the university mission.
The University quality assurance department fully adopts quality assurance paradigm which is
known as Shewhart cycle -PDCA.
This model greatly corresponds to the context of continuous development of quality in the
university. Ending one turn of the cycle means beginning for other.
Thus the quality assurance department offers to the university-academic board (the highest
regulation body) objective, evidence based, statistically confident, analyzed information and
recommendations, which are after used as a ground for decisions issued from regulations
TSMU quality assurance department regulatory mechanisms assumes two models of quality
assessment of existing situation (first of all on the faculty level);
proposing of recommendations based on assessment
The quality assurance department actively collaborates with all academic, administrative
structures and students of the university.
The criteria issued from the quality assurance department are public and available on the
university web page. Results of different trials conducted by the quality assurance department
are presented to the academic board and placed on the web. Assessment of study process
doesn’t mean control of the process itself. Registration of students’ presences and absences on
lectures and seminars is beyond the functions of the quality assurance department but anyway
in the aspects of academic environment assessment elements of study process monitoring
coincide with the assignments of the quality assurance department.
The periods of assessment and analysis of quality assurance department are as follows:
The forms of internal and external assessment are used by the quality assurance department.
In both cases interest conflict is excluded. The main criteria for evaluator is his/her filed
The quality assurance department prepares accounts about TSMU planned self evaluations,
authorizations and accreditations (in according to proper criteria and indicators); takes part in
students mobility process, collaborates with the Quality Development National Center.