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UGIGRIP® designates a range of products specially designed for reinforcing concrete or prefabricated components.

Product overview
Spalling is the principal problem encountered with reinforced concrete. A recent study showed that the main causes of
spalling are:
● Implementation error (37%)
● Design errors (21%)
● Poor maintenance, operating conditions, type of materials (6%)
● Other (20%)
In virtually all cases, spalling is the result of accidental corrosion of the metallic reinforcement.
UGITECH and FIMUREX (EXPERTON Group) have developed a wide range of products that can eliminate these problems
and all the maintenance and repair costs that they involve.

General properties of UGIGRIP®

Apart from its excellent ability to withstand corrosion, which ensures the long service life of structures over many
decades, the UGIGRIP® product range guarantees:
● Mechanical properties – yield strength and elongation – in compliance with the requirements of EUROCODE 8, class
M for seismic-resistant constructions;
● A selection of non-magnetic stainless steels for buildings where such properties are required: hospitals, banks,
airports, meteorological stations, etc.
● Better mechanical properties than ordinary steels in hot environments – traction and creep – leading to improved
fire resistance;
● Exceptional mechanical strength at low temperature - maximum -180°C - of industrial structures or civil works
required to withstand extreme cold.

Rev. 0
December 2003
Technical documentation UGIGRIP®

Recommended steels:

Numerical Numerical
Symbolic designation designation Commercial brand Product family
EN 10 088 US and other
X3CrNb17 1.4511 430 LNb UGIGRIP® 4511 Ferritic grade
X5CrNi18-10 1.4301 304 UGIGRIP 4301 Basic austenitic grade
X2CrNiN18-10 1.4311 304N UGIGRIP® 4311 Austenitic grade with extra nitrogen
X5CrNiMo17-12-2 1.4401 316 UGIGRIP 4401 Austenitic with molybdenum
X2CrNiMoN17-13-3 1.4429 316N UGIGRIP® 4429 As above with the addition of nitrogen
X3CrNiMo17-13-3 1.4436 316Mo UGIGRIP 4436 Austenitic with molybdenum
X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 1.4571 316 Ti UGIGRIP® 4571 Austenitic with addition of titanium
X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 1.4539 904L UGIGRIP 4539 Austenitic for very high corrosion resistance
X8CrMnCuNB17-8-3 1.4597 204 Cu UGIGRIP® 204 Cu New austenitic product
X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 1.4462 45N Duplex, high corrosion resistance +
excellent mechanical properties

Note: We wish to draw your attention to the addition of 1.4597 steel (UGIGRIP® 204 Cu) to our product range.
The corrosion resistance properties of this new stainless steel are similar to those of 1.4301, but it is far
less susceptible to fluctuations in the price of raw materials. It is therefore easier to stabilise the price of
this product over a long period.

British Standard BS 644
American Standard ASTM A 955 M
French Standard NF XP 35-014
Under the European calculation rules in the construction field, the UGIGRIP® product range conforms to EUROCODE 2
(see prEN 1992-1-1 subclause

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Technical documentation UGIGRIP®

Physical properties

Ferritic Austenitic Austenitic+ Mo duplex

Density 7700 kg/m3 7900 kg/m3 8000 kg/m3 7800 kg/m3

Elasticity module 220,000 MPa 200,000 MPa 200,000 MPa 200,000 MPa

Thermal conductivity 25 W/m°C at 20°C 15.3 W/m°C at 20°C 15 W/m°C at 20°C 15 W/m°C at 20°C
Expansion ratio
10.0 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C 16.5 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C 16.5 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C 13.5 x 10-6 cm/cm/°C
(between 20°C and 200°C)
(for information only)

Mechanical properties
Stainless steels compare very favourably with ordinary steels where mechanical properties are concerned:
Depending on the sizes and grades required, UGIGRIP® products can be supplied with 4 levels of mechanical properties.
Standard NF XP 35-014

Proof stress 0.2% Total elongation at maximum

Rp0.2 RatioRm/Rp0.2 force,
of steel
MPa A %
(NF X35014) Fractile value Lower limit Fractile value Lower limit Fractile value Lower limit
InE235 235 220 1.15 1.12 8 7
InE500 500 475 1.10 1.08 5 4
InE650 650 625 1.10 1.08 5 4
InE800 800 775 1.10 1.08 5 4

UGIGRIP® product delivery options:


S 235 500 650 800
Smooth coils 4.5 to 28 mm Yes Yes
Smooth bars 5 to 55 mm Yes Yes
Ribbed coils 3 to 20 mm No Yes Contact us
Ribbed bars 5 to 32 mm No Yes
Wire mesh, components 3 to 12 mm No Yes

And also:
● Triangulated girders
● Standardised reinforcing bars
● Frame forming
● And any customised product

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Technical documentation UGIGRIP®

The mechanical properties are not identical, since they depend upon the grade of stainless steel used as well as the
method of finishing (hot or cold).
In general, the yield strength of cold-finished products can be far greater than 500 Mpa.
In the case of hot finishing, 500 Mpa can only be obtained with grades such as 1.4311, 1.4429 or 1.4462.
Contact us for the best solutions.

Product marking:
Cold-worked products: 0-3-8-2
Products manufactured at Ugine: 0-3-7-3

All types of reinforcing bar welding processes are suitable for UGIGRIP® stainless steels (flash, friction or resistance
welding, MIG welding with flux-cored or solid wire, arc welding with coated electrode, and so on)

Corrosion resistance
As UGIGRIP® is "solid stainless steel", there are no problems with corrosion resistance over time, or at the places where
the metal is cut.
Numerous studies have been carried out on this subject. They can be summed up as follows:
● UGIGRIP® 4401 austenitic stainless steel has a resistance to corrosion in concrete which is 5 to 10 times better
than that of ordinary steel.
● The chloride content limit at which corrosion is initiated in concrete is 0.1 to 0.4% of the weight of the concrete for
mild steel; for an austenitic stainless steel such as UGIGRIP® 4301, this content can be 1 to 3%.
The following list will guide you in your choice of steel for specific ambient environments.

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Technical Documentation UGIGRIP®

Class Environment definition Examples 1 2 3 4 5

(1) Best value for money; (2) Higher then minimum Quality; (3) Possible options, according to the advice of a corrosion expert; (4) Increased safety requirements; (5) Not recommended: insufficient
corrosion resistance
1- No risk of corrosion or attack
Plain concrete with no embedded metal
components; all types of exposure except freeze-
thaw, abrasion and chemical attack Concrete inside buildings where the moisture content of the
X0 1.4511 other n.a. 1.4597 n.a.
ambient air is very low.
Reinforced concrete or concrete with embedded
metal components: very dry.
2- Corrosion induced by carbonation
Concrete inside buildings where the moisture content of the
XC1 Continuously dry or wet 1.4511 other n.a. 1.4597 n.a.
ambient air is average or high.

Concrete surfaces in contact with water on a long-term

XC2 Wet, rarely dry basis; 1.4597 other n.a. 1.4301 1.4511
A large number of foundations.
Concrete inside buildings where the moisture content of the
XC3 Moderate humidity ambient air is average or high; 1.4597 other n.a. 1.4301 1.4511
Eternal concrete sheltered from the rain.
Concrete surfaces in contact with water, but not in the XC2
XC4 Alternately wet and dry 1.4597 other n.a. 1.4301 1.4511
3- Corrosion induced by chlorides
XD1 Moderate humidity Concrete surfaces exposed to airborne chlorides. 1.4597 other n.a. 1.4301 1.4511
Swimming pools; 1.4401 1.4429
XD2 Wet, rarely dry Concrete elements exposed to industrial process water 1.4436 n.a. 1.4539 1.4511
containing chlorides. 1.4571 1.4462
Bridge components exposed to water spray containing
1.4401 1.4429
chlorides; 1.4301
XD3 Alternately wet and dry 1.4436 n.a. 1.4539 1.4511
Roadways; 1.4597
1.4571 1.4462
Car park flagstones.
4- Corrosion induced by chlorides in sea water
Exposure to air containing sea salt but not in direct 1.4571 1.4301 1.4539
XS1 Structures on or near a coast. n.a. other
contact with sea water. 1.4401 1.4597 1.4462

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Technical Documentation UGIGRIP®

Class Environment definition Examples 1 2 3 4 5

(1) Best value for money; (2) Higher then minimum Quality; (3) Possible options, according to the advice of a corrosion expert; (4) Increased safety requirements; (5) Not recommended: insufficient
corrosion resistance
XS2 Continuously immersed Marine structural components n.a. n.a. n.a. other
XS3 Tidal areas, areas exposed to sea spray or mist Marine structural components n.a. n.a. n.a. other
5- Freeze-thaw attack
XF1 Moderate water saturation, without de-icing agents. Vertical concrete surfaces exposed to rain and frost. 1.4597 other 1.4511 1.4301 n.a.
Vertical concrete surfaces of highway structures exposed to 1.4539 1.4301
XF2 Moderate water saturation, with de-icing agents. 1.4401 1.4429 1.4511
frost and air containing de-icing agents. 1.4462 1.4597
XF3 High water saturation, without de-icing agents. Horizontal concrete surfaces exposed to rain and frost. 1.4597 other 1.4511 1.4301 n.a.
Roads and bridge decks exposed to de-icing agents;
Vertical concrete surfaces directly exposed to de-icing agents 1.4539
High water saturation, with de-icing agents or sea
XF4 and frost; n.a. n.a. n.a. other
water. 1.4462
Areas where marine structures are subjected to spray and
exposed to frost.
6- Chemical attack
Low chemical aggressivity environment to EN 206-1,
XA1 Natural soils and soil moisture 1.4597 other 1.4511 1.4301 n.a.
table 2.
Moderate chemical aggressivity environment to EN 1.4539 1.4301
XA2 Natural soils and soil moisture 1.4401 1.4429 1.4511
206-1, table 2. 1.4462 1.4597
High chemical aggressivity environment to EN 206- 1.4539
XA3 Natural soils and soil moisture n.a. n.a. n.a. other
1, table 2. 1.4462

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Technical Documentation UGIGRIP®

These products can be machined where necessary (for example, in the case of anchor bars). However, certain
precautions are required and you are advised to contact us in advance.

Total cost of ownership

Stainless steel is often a more long-term economic solution than carbon steel:
1) When UGIGRIP® is used in the most exposed components, there is no further need for maintenance and the cost of
repeated inspections, traffic interruption for engineering work, etc. can be eliminated.
2) UGIGRIP® makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the concrete, which considerably lightens the weight of the
structure (prefabricated components significantly reduce transport costs and the amount of concrete used).
3) As the mechanical properties of UGIGRIP® are better than those of carbon steel, smaller metal sections can be
4) UGIGRIP® gives more leeway with respect to installation: the reinforcement can be flush with the surface without
any subsequent corrosion risk.
1) Finally, the scrap can be reworked better than carbon steel scrap. Part of the original investment can be recovered
through good site management.


Metric weight:

S Aust Aust + Mo Duplex+ Ferritic

Dia (mm)
(mm2) Kg Kg Kg

3 7.1 0.056 0.057 0.055

4 12.6 0.099 0.101 0.098
5 19.6 0.155 0.157 0.153
6 28.3 0.223 0.226 0.221
7 38.5 0.304 0.308 0.300
8 50.3 0.397 0.402 0.392
10 78.5 0.620 0.628 0.613
12 113.1 0.893 0.905 0.882
14 153.9 1.216 1.232 1.201
16 201.1 1.588 1.608 1.568
20 314.2 2.482 2.513 2.450
25 490.9 3.878 3.927 3.829
30 706.9 5.584 5.655 5.513
32 804.2 6.354 6.434 6.273
35 962.1 7.601 7.697 7.504
40 1256.6 9.927 10.053 9.802
50 1963.5 15.512 15.708 15.315

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