Secondary Research On True Crime
Secondary Research On True Crime
Secondary Research On True Crime
I have done some research to understand why some people love true
crime. From what I have found, a Lecturer in Psychology has said that
he believes it is all about the puzzle being presented. He begins to
explain that these stories are different as they are the sort of stories
that people need to put their phones down for because every piece of
information is important. If the listeners are not paying attention they
miss a massive chunk of the story.Throughout my research it has been
said that because humans are always looking for something new and
that creates an element of excitement, through listening to these
podcasts listeners get a short,sharp adrenaline. An author stated that
stories, especially true stories, help us as people understand and
teach us about others and how to keep ourselves safe in this world.
True crime stories help us to experience and learn from terrible things
without ever being in real danger. The reason I decided to research
this is because I wanted to find out the real reasons that some people
are so obbsessed with these cases. This also helps me when thinking
about what my listeners want to hear when creating my podcast and
the reasons they may be tuning in and why they like to listen to these
sorts of podcasts.
I feel that the genre of true crime in podcasts has risen in its
listeners and is one of the most popular genres out there. It is a very
interesting genre and I feel that listeners can gain understanding
and awareness from these podcasts as well as they are learning
what to look out for in people and to make sure they are being safe.
Overall I feel that true crime has a big impact as a whole on society
as it makes us realise that some people are different and have
strange ways of thinking. Some people say that true crime can have
bad effects on our mental health if we listen to them too often which
I do understand and agree with having if you watch them once in a
while and not everyday it won't have an effect.