Naval TV System
Naval TV System
Naval TV System
7028 West Waters AVE, Suite#393, Tampa, FL 33634‐2292. Ph: (813) 885‐6091 Fax: (813) 885‐3601
email: Website:
PR-11 DC Antenna Power Suppl y
The PR-11 power supply provides DC power to all of our 400 Series antennas and decouples the
signal from the antenna amplifier while splitting it to supply two Radios or TV sets, or the
combination. It incorporates a Voltage Regulator and will work from 12 VDC or 24VDC primary
power sources. The attractive cast metal case is plated and well shielded against electromagnetic
interference. It has been thoroughly laboratory tested and designed with special line filters to meet
CE compliance in Europe.
All "F" type connectors are cast into the metal case and allow the coax cable connectors to be
"wrench torqued" without damaging the internal circuitry. An optional "ground isolation" base is
available at low cost to eliminate interference caused by ground loops. The base also raises
the power supply off of the bulkhead for ease in connecting the coax cables.
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
P R - 4 1 4 M a r i n e A M - S W- F M - T V A n t e n n a
* Antenna : 17.5 inches diameter and 2.5 inches thick
* Flange : 6 inches high and it mounts on a 1.5 inch o.d. pipe
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-422 Marine AM/FM/TV Antenna for Ships
The PR-422CA is an Active Extra High Performance Omni-directional wide-band Terrestrial AM-FM-
TV Antenna ( 0.1-30 and 40-860 MHz) designed for Maritime purposes where second rate efficiency
is unacceptable. Constructed for High End Commercial and Military use, this compact and robust antenna
shell is made of thick UV protected ABS plastic filled with polyurethane foam which provides both structural
support and environmental protection. The mounting base is cast from Almag Marine Aluminum Alloy which is
powder coated and then oven baked. Mounting hardware is made of acid-proof stainless steel. The Shielded
Low Noise Amplifier is protected from static charges and is removable for field repair or replacement.
Specifications: PR-422CA antenna
Frequency range: 0.1-860 MHz
Average VHF gain: 25 dB (amp)
Average UHF gain: tilt 16-20 dB (amp)
VHF Noise figure: 3.0 dB (amp)
UHF Noise figure: 2.5 dB (amp)
Max output level: 111 dBuV min (2 signals-60 dBIM)
Third order intermod products: >20dB IP3
Antenna factor: Ka = 0.12 AM
Filters: Band pass 100 KHz- 30 MHz., 47-108 MHz.,
174-230 MHz.,470-860 MHz.
Broadband rejection filter: 140-165 MHz.
Polarization: horizontal
Antenna pattern: omni-directional
Supply voltage to antenna: 15VDC nominal
Current consumption: 130 mA Nominal
Operating temperature: -40 to +55 C.
Protection circuits: static discharge device fires at 65 volts
Impedance: 75 ohm nominal
Connector "F" type Gold electroplate or BNC-75
Return loss: >10dB with optional output connector.
Radome material: UV protected ABS
Flange material: Stainless, Almag or Powder Coated Almag
Internal stabilization material: Polyurethane foam injection
Element material: copper foil
Element type: three looped dipoles with Z match pcb
Shipping Weight: 12-13 lbs with 1 ft coax and aluminum flange
Shipping container dim : 19 x 19 x 16 inches
The PR-422CA is based on a construction of 3 circular dipoles coupled to a low noise amplifier via a
broadband filter network. Maximum performance is assured through the extensive use of a Network Analyzer
in the initial design and in the final construction and tuning of each unit. Microwave transistors provide needed
gain with a minimum of internally generated noise. Careful engineering and the use of very high quality
components yields excellent intermod performance and sharp hand tuned filters greatly reduce the chance of
interference from outside of the TV bands
The PR-422CA is at the head of a new 4000 Series Marine Cassette Amplifier System with distribution
passives introduced in 1998. The Series 4000 is the result of painstaking engineering and the use of state of
the art components such as high performance GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors.
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-430 series Active AM/FM Radio Vertical Antenna
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-440 series DAB(Digital Audio Broadcast) Radio Vertical Antenna
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PRA-420BE and PRA-422BE Power Supply-Amplifiers
The PRA-420BE is an antenna power supply, low noise MMIC amplifier and splitter combination to
supply up to 10 Shipboard Radios and/or TV Receivers. It covers all International TV and FM radio
frequencies. Amplification is adjustable from +10 dB to +30dB via an onboard attenuator. An internal
low loss passive 2-way ferrite splitter is provided. An input port is provided for an external signal
source such as a VCR, Modulator or Cable TV.
The hinged cast metal EMI shielded case is gasket sealed and highly water resistant. External CATV type "F"
connectors are provided for the external antenna input and 2 branch line outputs as well as for the external
signal source. An "O" ring cable gland is provided for the primary power cable.
PRA-422BE is identical to the PRA-420BE with the addition of an AM radio amplifier with a 20dB adjustable
attenuator. Both devices will power two active antennas such as a PR-420 and the PR-430.
PRA-420BE and PRA-422BE Power Supply-Amplifiers
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-12BE, PR-20BE Antenna Power Supplies
The PR12BE is an AC/DC full wave rectifier power supply, antenna power inserter and 2 way signal
splitter combination. It can be powered with 110/220 VAC or 12/24 VDC. It provides regulated 15 VDC
to the internal gold plated F connector antenna port to power the PR411, PR414 or PR30 active
antennas. It provides 90mA of continuous current. The low loss metal ferrite signal splitter feeds two
receivers (Radio or TV) via internal gold plated F connectors and covers the frequency range to of
100kHz to 900 MHz. The hinged cast metal EMI shielded case is highly water resistant and “O” ring
cable glands are provided for all connecting cables. The package is complete with spare fuses, 3 “F”
connectors and instructions for installation. The Older PR12 is not CE marked.
Both are marked "BE" designating a CE marked version for Europe. and are supplied with shrouded
transformers and other “shock free” components and feature fuses on both primary and secondary power supply
The PR20E is also CE marked and it’s 300mA output will supply our large PR420 and PR422 antennas. A 20dB
signal attenuator is included for use in high signal areas.
PR-12BE, PR-20BE Antenna Power Supplies Low Band VHF TV Amplifier
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PS-4000 24VDC Switch Mode Power Supply
The PS-4000 supplies 24VDC to the 4000 series cassette amplifier system. It will operate from 85-
240 VAC inputs. The hinged cast metal Emi shielded case is highly water resistant and "o" ring cable
glands are provided for all connecting cables.
PS-4000 24VDC Switch Mode Power Supply
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4010 Input Cassette and Power Conditioner
The PR-4010 provides a cut out feature with a 3 second time delay
to disable the active antennas when the ship's main transmitters are
in operation.
PR-4010 Input Cassette and Power Conditioner
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4100 AM-SW Band Amplifier
PR-4100 AM Amplifier
Frequency Range: 100kHz-30MHz
Gain: 40-25 dB
Noise Figure: <10 dB
Max Level out: 126 dBuV
Impedance in-out: 75 ohms
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: VO 60dB (DIN 45004B)
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 100 mA.
Connector: "F" type
Temperature Range: -40 +60C
Return Loss: 15 - 20dB
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4200 Low Band VHF TV-FM Amplifier
The PR-4200 is a low noise TV-FM Band Amplifier for use in the
4000 series Marine TV Head End System. The band 40-88MHz is
amplified through two stages of High Frequency Transistors and an
Automatic Level Control (ALC) protects from overload in high signal
areas. A series of front panel LED’s indicates signal conditions and
ALC action. A 20dB attenuator is provided on the front panel to
adjust the output signal level.
PR-4200 Low Band VHF TV-FM Amplifier
Frequency Range: 40-88MHz
Gain: 38dB
Noise Figure: <6dB
Max Output Level: 115dBuV
ALC Range: 30dB
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 180mA
Connector: "F" type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4300 FM Radio Amplifier
The PR-4300 is a low noise FM Band Amplifier for use in the 4000
series Marine AM-FM-TV Head End System. The FM band 88-
110MHz is amplified through three stages of High Frequency Bi-
Polar Transistors and a 20dB attenuator is provided on the front
panel to adjust the output signal level.
PR-4300 FM Radio Amplifier
Frequency Range: 88-110MHz
Gain: 45dB
Noise Figure: <6dB
Max Output Level: 115dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 160mA
Connector: "F" type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4400 High Band VHF TV Amplifier
The PR-4400 is a low noise TV Band Amplifier for use in the 4000
series Marine AM-FM-TV Head End System. The Cable TV band
170-470MHz is amplified through three stages of High Frequency Bi-
Polar Transistors and a 20dB attenuator is provided on the front
panel to adjust the output signal level.
PR-4400 High Band VHF TV Amplifier
Frequency Range: 170-470MHz
Gain: 45dB
Noise Figure: <6dB
Max Output Level: 115dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 160mA
Connector: "F" type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4410 High Band VHF TV Amplifier
The PR-4410 is a low noise TV Band Amplifier for use in the 4000
series Marine AM-FM-TV Head End System. The TV band 170-
230MHz is amplified through three stages of High Frequency Bi-
Polar Transistors and a 20dB attenuator is provided on the front
panel to adjust the output signal level.
PR-4410 High Band VHF TV Amplifier
Frequency Range: 170-230MHz
Gain: 38dB
Noise Figure: <6dB
Max Output Level: 115dBuV
ALC Range: 30dB
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 160mA
Connector: "F" type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4420 High Band VHF TV Amplifier
The PR-4420 is a low noise TV Band Amplifier for use in the 4000
series Marine AM-FM-TV Head End System. The TV band 170-
400MHz is amplified through three stages of High Frequency Bi-
Polar Transistors and a 20dB attenuator is provided on the front
panel to adjust the output signal level.
PR-4420 High Band VHF TV Amplifier
Frequency Range: 170-400MHz (EU Band II)
Gain: 45dB
Noise Figure: < 6dB
Max Output Level: 115dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
ALC Range: 30dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 160mA
Connector: "F" type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4430 VHF-UHF TV Amplifier
PR-4430 VHF-UHF TV Amplifier
Frequency Range: 40-88 MHz
170-230 MHz
470-860 MHz
Gain: VHF >38dB
UHF >45dB
Noise Figure: <6dB
Max Output Level: 116dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
ALC Range: 30dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15dB typical
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 280mA
Connector: "F" type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4500 UHF- TV Amplifier
The PR-4500 is a low noise UHF-TV Band Amplifier for use in the
4000 series Marine AM-FM-TV Head End System. The TV band
470-860MHz is amplified through a microwave integrated circuit and
three stages of High Frequency Bi-Polar Transistors. A 20dB
attenuator is provided on the front panel to adjust the output signal
PR-4500 UHF TV Amplifier
Frequency Range: 470-860MHz
Gain: 45dB
Noise Figure: <6dB
Max Output Level: 115dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
ALC Range: 30dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 260mA
Connector: “F” type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4600 AM-FM Radio Amplifier
The PR-4600 is a low noise AM-FM Radio Amplifier for use in the
4000 series Marine AMFM-TV Head End System. It covers the AM
(100kHz-30MHz) and the FM ( 88-110MHz) radio bands. A 20dB
attenuator is provided on the front panel for each band to adjust the
output signal level.
PR-4600 AM-FM Radio Amplifier
Frequency Range: 100kHz-30MHz and 88-110MHz
AM Gain: 40-25 dB
FM Gain: 38dB
Noise Figure: AM <10dB ; FM <7dB
Max Output Level: AM 125dBuV ; FM 116dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 190mA
Connector: “F” type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4700 FM-TV Amplifier
PR-4700 FM-TV Amplifier
Frequency Range: 40-230MHzand 470-860MHz
VHF Gain: 38dB
UHF Gain: 44dB
Noise Figure: <10dB
Max Output Level: 116dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
ALC Range: 30dB
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 300mA
Connector: “F” type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4750 CATV Amplifier
PR-4750 CATV Amplifier
Frequency Range: 70-170MHz and 230-470MHz "S" Band
VHF Gain: 38dB
UHF Gain: 44dB
Noise Figure: <10dB
Max Output Level: 116dBuV
Attenuator Range: 20dB
3rd Order IM: 060dB VO (DIN 45004B)
ALC Range: 30dB
Return Loss: 15-20dB
Supply Voltage: 24 VDC regulated
Current Consumed: 300mA
Connector: “F” type
Temp Range: -40+60 C
Dimensions: 210mm x 41mm x 96 mm
Ref: 3241
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
PR-4900 4-Way Output Filter
The PR-4900 is a low loss ferrite transformer coupled splitter for use
in the 4000 series Marine TV Head End System. Four -8 dB outputs
are provided for connection to the ship’s branch lines. A -20 dB test
point is provided for monitoring levels without disturbing system
PR-4900 4-Way Output Filter
Frequency Range: 100 kHz - 860 MHz
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
TO-4F and TO-2F Directional Couplers
TO-4F and TO-2F Directional Couplers
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website:
Passive Splitters SP-2F and SP-4F
The new series of Passive Splitters are designed for
Marine and MATV systems and especially to work with the
4000 series system as they pass both Radio and TV
frequencies from 100 kHz to 860 MHz.
Passive Splitters SP-2F and SP-4F
7028 West Waters Ave, suite#393,Tampa, FL 33634‐2292, Ph:(813)885‐6091, Fax:(813)885‐3601, email:, website: