IATF Manual
IATF Manual
IATF Manual
Document Issue Level: 00
Document Originator: Management Representative
Document Approval: Managing Director
IATF 16949:2016
Signature Signature
Name: Name:
No. 223, Highway Nagar, Industrial Park, Valarpuram, Sriperumbudhur Taluk,
Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu - 602105
01 00 Initial release 65
5.0 Leadership 09
5.1 Leadership and commitment
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS determine external and internal issues that are relevant
to its purpose and its strategic direction and that affect its ability to achieve the
intended result(s) of its quality management system through process Analysis turtle
diagram. The external and internal issues are identified.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS has determined the interested parties who are relevant to
the quality management system and the requirement of the interested parties in
order to prevent the potential effect on the organization's ability to consistently
provide products and services which meet the customer and applicable statutory
and regulatory requirements. Interested party needs & Expectations are identified
and monitored by relevant department HOD’s
Requirements Monitoring & Review mechanism
1) Quality of product
1) Defined in documented information
2) Delivery of product on time
of Marketing & Sales process
3) Response to complaint
2) Review in Management review
4) Proper Communication meetings
1) Defined in documented information
Statutory & Complying with the statutory of Leader ship
Regulatory and regulatory requirements as
Body defined from time to time. 2) Review in management review
Updating of changes in
Bankers / Review in management review
the organization
Financiers meetings
whenever it happened
The JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS had determined the scope of the quality management system
by considering
1. External and internal issues of organization
2. Requirement of relevant interested parties needs from all departments
3. Product of the JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS
4. Customer specific requirements
All the activity done by JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS plant (above mentioned factory
location) only, no other supporting involved externally.
Now we don’t have CSR, if future, customer specific requirement will define in CSR
4.4.1 JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS has determined the processes needed for the quality
management system and their application throughout the organization in process
map & interactions of processes.
Has determined the inputs required and the outputs expected from each process in
individual process map addressed in documented information of each process
Has determined the sequence and interaction of the processes in process map &
Interactions of processes
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS determined and applied the criteria and methods
(including monitoring, measurements and related performance indicators) needed
We determined the resources needed for these processes and ensure their
availability in documented information of support process. Assigned the
responsibilities and authorities for each process
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS has addressed the risks and opportunities for all process.
Internal and External
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS has been evaluating these processes and implementing
any changes needed to ensure that these processes achieve their intended results
and improve the processes and the quality management system
The JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS documented the processes for the management of
product-safety related products and manufacturing- processes which shall include,
but not be limited to, the following, where applicable. Refer list of special and
critical characteristics
5.1.1 General
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS review the product realization and support process for
evaluating and improving the effectiveness and efficiency. And the same is
reviewed in MRM
1. Adhere all applicable policies and regulations as per the Quality Management
System to fulfill the customer’s requirements.
2. Work towards enhancing the skills and capabilities of our workforce and expand
the capabilities of the factory infrastructure as required for our customer within
the quality standards.
A) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its
strategic direction
B) Provides a framework for setting quality objectives
C) Includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements
D) Includes a commitment to continual improvement of the quality management
5.3.1 & 5.3.2 JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS has ensured that the responsibilities and
authorities for relevant roles are assigned communicated and understood within the
organization. While assigning roles, responsibility and authority, top management
has considered and ensured that
until correction
Products non-
conforming at Suppliers Quality Inspector HOD-Quality
receiving inspection
Products suspected to
be non-conforming Non-
HOD – Inspector –
due to out of control conformance HOD-Quality
Production Quality
situation observed in report
control chart
Products suspect to
be non-conforming HOD – NPD Engineer/
change review Plant Head
due to engineering Engineering Inspector
Products returned by
customer due to no- Inspector –
HOD-Quality (Return to HOD-Quality
conformance or Quality
Head - Quality, who is responsible for quality function, is vested with authority to
stop production to correct quality problems.
The production operation across all shifts is staffed with personnel responsible for
or delegated responsibility for ensuring product quality. The Quality inspectors are
vested with authority to stop production to correct the quality problem in their
respective shifts. When the responsibility is delegated to personnel in the shift, the
person carrying out quality responsibility additionally is ensured to be competent
and impartial
6.1.1. JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is addressed the issues, requirements the risks and
A) Given assurance that the quality management system can achieve its intended
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS include its risk analysis, at a minimum, lessons learned
from product recalls, product audits, field returns and repairs, complaints, scrap,
and any rework and shall retain documented information as evidence of the results
of risk analysis.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS determine and implements the actions for the cause of
major potential nonconformities in order to prevent their occurrence
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS also establish the process to lessen the impact of negative
effects of risk including the following
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS identified all the function dept. contingency plan, and
effectively controlled.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS identify the internal & external risks to all manufacturing
process and infrastructure essential to maintain production output.
Contingency plan is defined based on the risk impact to the customer, contingency
plan includes the provisions to validate that the manufactured product continuous
to meet customer specifications.
6.2.1 And 6.2.2 JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS establish quality objectives at relevant
functions, levels and processes needed for the quality management system
The quality objectives are monitored timely once in 6 months and reviewed in MRM
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS determine the need for changes to the quality
management system, the changes are carried out in a planned manner
a) The purpose of the changes and their potential consequences
b) The integrity of the quality management system
c) The availability of resources
d) The allocation or reallocation of responsibilities and authorities
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS has determined the processes needed for the quality
management system and their application throughout the organization in process
map & Interactions of processes.
7.1. Resources
7.1.1. General
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS determine and provides the resources needed for the
establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the
quality management system also considers
Plant head determine and provide the resources needed to implement and maintain
the quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness and to
7.1.2. People
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS determine and provides the persons necessary for the
effective implementation of its quality management system and for the operation
and control of its processes
HR and plant manager along with respective process in charge ensures that
personnel performing work affecting product quality are competent and training to
given on the basis operation and control of its processes
7.1.3. Infrastructure
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is determining, provide and maintain the infrastructure
necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products
and services
Infrastructure includes
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensure that MSA studies focus on critical or special
product or process.
Equipment’s are maintained properly and are calibrated & adjusted as and when
needed. Necessary safeguards are in place to take care of adjustments that could
lead to invalid results.
Calibrations are carried out as per national standards (by NABL accredited
laboratories only). Where no such standard exists, the basis used for calibration or
verification are recorded. The calibration records include the last date of calibration,
calibrating agency (for external agency), calibration result, and frequency of
calibration as per the process and/or instrument requirement and the next
calibration date. The required accuracy is identified and compared to the
measurement that meets expectations.
Equipment’s are used, handled and stored under conditions that protect accuracy
and prevent unauthorized adjustment. Work environmental controls are all in place
for equipment.
Instrument history cards are maintained for all measuring & Test instruments.
h) Records of the calibration and maintenance activities for all gauging (including
employee-owned equipment, customer-owned equipment, or on-site supplier-
owned equipment)
i) production-related software verification used for product and process control
(including software installed on employee-owned equipment, customer-owned
equipment, or on-site supplier-owned equipment)
This knowledge shall be maintained and be made available to the extent necessary
When addressing changing needs and trends, the organization shall consider its
current knowledge and determine how to acquire or access any necessary additional
knowledge and required updates
7.2. Competence
7.2.1. Competence
Our organization established training need including of awareness to achieve our
goal as per training plan.
7.2.2. Competence
Our organization shall provide on job training for new operator’s and employees,
we are monitoring and controlling the effectiveness of the training.
The organization shall have a documented process to verify that internal auditors
are competent, considering any customer-specific requirements. For additional
guidance on auditor competencies, refer to ISO 19011. The organization shall
maintain a list of qualified internal auditors. Quality management system auditors,
manufacturing process auditors, and product auditors shall all be able to
demonstrate the following minimum competencies:
7.3. Awareness
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is ensuring that persons doing work under the
organization’s control are aware of
7.3.1. Awareness
Our organization shall maintain doc’s awareness of the product and process
7.4. Communication
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is determining the internal and external communications
relevant to the quality management system, including off on what it will
communicate, when to communicate, with whom to communicate, how to
communicate and who Communicates
As per Training
Importance of
plan / during All Employees Training / Display Management
effective QMS Orientation training
During recruitment
Responsibilities Procedure / Oral /
/ Promotion / Employee Management
and Authority Department change Training
Information to
As agreed with Delivery challan /
external Customer Logistics
customer Letter / Email
The organization’s QMS shall be documented and incl. a quality manual, which can
be a series of documents. The quality manual shall incl. as a min., the following
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS creating and updating documented information, the JOY
RUBBER PRODUCTS s ensure appropriate
a) Identification and description
b) Format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media
c) Review and approval for suitability and adequacy
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS quality management system is including
Level-2: Procedures
Defines what, where, when, who & why of an activity being done as stated in IATF
16949:2016 standard. The documented procedure activity process flow chart defines
the effective planning, operation and control of processes
Provides the evidence, which has to be established for all the activities, stated above
which in turn Documented Information. A master list of Quality Record is
maintained by respective Departments/ section heads as per the requirement of
IATF 16949:2016.
MASTER COPY will be stamped “MASTER COPY" on the back side of all pages in
“GREEN" color
Photo copy will be taken for all MASTER & will be "CONTROLLED COPY"
stamped in “BLUE” color in front side of the page.
Document changes
Obsolete version of revised pages at the time of each amendment for reference
purpose and having “OBSOLETE COPY” stamp in “RED” color in front side of the
System change and amendment to reference ISO, IATF standard or any change in
the organization affecting system described in this manual. Amendments to this
manual are recorded in the amendment list For the control of documented information, JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is addressing
the following activities, as applicable.
8.1. Operational planning and control
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS plan, implement and control the processes needed to meet the
requirements for the provision of products and services, and to implement the actions in &
maintained risks and opportunities related to planning maintained in operational planning
a) Determining the requirements for the products and services
b) Establishing criteria for
1. The processes
2. The acceptance of products and services
c) Determining the resources needed to achieve conformity to the product and service
d) Implementing control of the processes in accordance with the criteria
e) Determining, maintaining and retaining documented information to the extent necessary
1. To have confidence that the processes have been carried out as planned
When planning for product realization, the following topics are included
a) Customer product requirements and technical specifications
b) Logistics requirements
c) Manufacturing feasibility
d) Project planning
e) Acceptance criteria
The resources identified in ISO 9001, Section 8.1 c), refer to the required verification,
validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection, and test activities specific to the product
and the criteria for product acceptance.
8.1.2. Confidentiality
Customer related confidentiality are self-produced by organization one few
authored persons.
a) The requirements for the products and services are defined, including
1) Any applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
2) Those considered necessary by the organization
b) The organization can meet the claims for the products and services it offers
At present the marketing activities are looked after by Plant head and he actively
involved in the determination of customer requirements and for each enquiry he
determines the
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensure the compliance of all the government, safety and
environment regulation for product and services.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensuring that it has the ability to meet the requirements for
products and services to be offered to customers. JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is conducting
a review before committing to supply products and services to a customer, to include
a) Requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for delivery
and post-delivery activities
b) Requirements not stated by the customer, but necessary for the specified or
intended use, when known
c) Requirements specified by the organization
d) Statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the products and services
e) Contract or order requirements differing from those previously expressed
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensure that contract or order requirements differing from
those previously defined are resolved.
The customer’s requirements are confirmed by JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is before
acceptance, when the customer does not provide a documented statement of their
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensured that ability to meet the requirement for the
products and services. We reviewing before committing to supply products to the
customer to include
A) Requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for
delivery and post-delivery activity.
B) Requirements not stated by the customer, but necessary for the specified or
intended use, when know
C) Requirements specified by the organization
D) Statutory specified by the customer
E) Contract or order requirement differing from those previously expressed
requirements specified by the customer. JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS conduct this feasibility
analysis for any manufacturing or product technology new to the organization and for any
changed manufacturing process or product design. Additionally, the organization should
validate through production runs, benchmarking studies, or other appropriate methods,
their ability to make product to specifications at the required rate.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS shall identify, document, and review manufacturing process
design input requirements including but not limited to the following:
a) product design output data including special characteristics;
b) targets for productivity, process capability, timing, and cost;
a) documentation of all special characteristics in the drawings (as required), risk analysis
(such as FMEA), control plans, and standard work / operator instructions; special
characteristics are identified with specific markings and are cascaded through each of these
b) development of control and monitoring strategies for special characteristics of products
and production processes Monitoring
Measurements at specified stages during the design and development of products and
processes shall be defined, analyzed, and reported with summary results as an input to
management review (see Section When required by the customer, measurements
of the product and process development activity shall be reported to the customer at stages
specified, or agreed to, by the customer. Manufacturing process design output
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS documented the manufacturing process design output in a
manner that enables verification against the manufacturing process design inputs. The
organization shall verify the outputs against manufacturing process design input
requirements. The manufacturing process design output shall include but is not limited to
the following:
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is ensuring that externally provided processes, products and
services conform to requirements, JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is determining the controls to
be applied to externally provided processes, products and services when
a) Products and services from external providers are intended for incorporation into
the Organization’s own products and services.
b) Products and services are provided directly to the customer(s) by external
providers on behalf of the organization.
c) A process, or part of a process, is provided by an external provider as a result of a
decision by the organization.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS determine and applies criteria for the evaluation, selection,
monitoring of performance, and re-evaluation of external providers, based on their ability
to provide processes or products and services in accordance with requirements. The
organization shall retain documented information of these activities and any necessary
actions arising from the evaluations General-Supplemental
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS include all products and services that affect customer
requirements such as sub-assembly, sequencing, sorting, rework, and calibration services
in the scope of the definition of externally provided products, process.
Our organization shall have a documented supplier selection process. The selection
process shall include of
When specified by the customer, the JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS shall purchase Products,
materials, or services from customer-directed sources
All requirements of Section 8.4 (except the requirements in Section are applicable to
the organization’s control of customer- directed sources unless specific agreements are
otherwise defined by the contract between the organization and the customer.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensure that externally provided processes, products and
services do not adversely affect the organization’s ability to consistently deliver
conforming products and services to its customers
a) Ensure that externally provided processes remain within the control of its quality
management system
b) Define both the controls that it intends to apply to an external provider and those
it intends to apply to the resulting output
c) Take into consideration
1) The potential impact of the externally provided processes, products and
services on the organization’s ability to consistently meet customer and
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
2) The effectiveness of the controls applied by the external provider
d) Determine the verification, or other activities, necessary to ensure that the
externally provided processes, products and services meet requirements
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS have a documented procedure to select the types and extent of
controls used to ensure conformity of externally provided products, processes, and
services to internal and external customer requirements.
The process shall include the criteria and actions to escalate or reduce the types and extent
of controls and development activities based on supplier performance and assessment of
product, material, or service risks
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS define actions and methodologies to ensure that purchased
products, processes, and services conform to the current applicable statutory and
regulatory requirements in the country of receipt, the country of shipment, and of the
customer-identified country of destination, if provided.
If the customer defines special controls for certain products with statutory and regulatory
requirements, the organization shall ensure they are implemented and maintained as
defined, incl. at suppliers.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS shall ensure their suppliers of automotive products and services
to develop, implement, and improve a QMS certified to ISO 9001, unless otherwise
authorized by the customer, with the ultimate objective of becoming certified to this
Automotive QMS Standard. Unless otherwise specified by the customer, the following
sequence should be applied to this requirement
a) Compliance to ISO 9001 through second-party audits;
b) Certification to ISO 9001 through third party audits;
c) Certification to ISO 9001 with compliance to other customer defined QMS
requirements (e.g. Min. Automotive QMS Requirements for Sub-Tier Suppliers or
equivalent) thru second-party audits.
e) Certification to ISO9001 with compliance to IATF 16949 thru second party audits.
f) Certification to IATF 16949 thru third party audits by valid certification bodies
the customer, and also JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS insist the supplier to retain documented
information of a software development capability self-assessment.
audit is to assess the supplier's quality management system, then the approach shall be
consistent with the automotive process approach.
These development activities should consider both short term and long-term goals.
Short term efforts would generally focus on supplier products, and would require defining
suitable methods to assure the quality of purchased product from each supplier.
Long term efforts would generally focus on supplier QMS and manufacturing processes on
the whole, and consider audits, training, and enhancement efforts that implement and
enhance quality assurance agreements between suppliers and the organization, and further
reduce risk.
8.4.3. Information for external providers
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensure the adequacy of requirements prior to their
communication to the external provider
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is communicated to external providers its requirements for
a) The processes, products and services to be provided
b) The approval of
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS implement production and service provision under controlled
conditions. Controlled conditions are including, as applicable
a) The availability of documented information that defines
1) The characteristics of the products to be produced, the services to be
provided, or the activities to be performed
2) The results to be achieved
Control plans are developed for all the process involved in the manufacturing by the Cross
functional team. These are identified during the advanced product planning process.
The production plans are live documents and are reviewed and updated when change to
the original product or process occurs.
Respective in charge prepares Work Instructions for all operations / process activities and
for all employees having responsibilities under them. These instructions are made
accessible for use at the work station& are prepared based on trial run result and old
documents of similar product at the time of job induction into production and will be
reviewed for applicable changes in event of production Plan change(s).
Preventive Maintenance
In charge MNT maintains a list of all machines / equipment used in production and
designated key process equipment in the list. A plan for preventive maintenance for this
key equipment shall be developed & implemented to ensure continuing process capability.
This plan shall be based on the available data from manufacturer’s recommendations,
previous break down and preventive history, extent of usage, and rate of wear and tear
etc., based on these details appropriate predictive techniques are used.
In charge MNT ensures that required spare-parts for replacement along with other
resources for maintenance as per preventive maintenance schedule are available in time.
Appropriate records of maintenance shall be maintained by in charge MNT.
A system that describes planned & predictive maintenance method is detailed in
procedure respectively.
d) Ensure Handling, Storing and transporting within the production shop are
carried to protect all materials / products. The details of process controls are
described in respective department procedures.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS define and implements the necessary actions to ensure product
compliance with requirements after a planned or unplanned production shutdown period.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS provide resources for tool and gauge design, fabrication, and
verification activities for production and service materials, as applicable. We establish and
implement a system for production tooling management, whether owned by the
organization or the customer, including:
a) Maintenance and repair facilities and personnel
b) Storage and recovery
c) Set-up
d) tool-change program for perishable tools
e) Tool design modification documentation, including engineering change level of the
f) Tool modification and revision to documentation
g) Tool identification, such as serial or asset number; the status, such as production, repair
or disposal; ownership; and location.
It shall be the responsibility of QA personnel to verify the quality of such product even if it
has been supplied by the Customer. Preservation
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS preserve’s the outputs during production and service provision,
to the extent necessary to ensure conformity to requirements.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is meet requirements for post-delivery activities associated with
the products and services
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is considered in determining the extent of post-delivery
activities that are required,
a) statutory and regulatory requirements
b) the potential undesired consequences associated with its products and services
c) the nature, use and intended lifetime of its products and services
d) customer requirements
e) e) Customer feedback
The product quality is protected after final inspection & testing and wherever contractually
specified extended from delivery to destination. The deliveries of products are done as per
contract terms / delivery schedules for customer.
Our organization ensuring our feedback system respective function dept. like
manufacturing, material, logistics, etc.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is review and control changes for production or service
provision, to the extent necessary to ensure continuing conformity with requirements. JOY
RUBBER PRODUCTS is retaining documented information describing the results of the
review of changes, the person(s) authorizing the change, and any necessary actions arising
from the review.
Our organization shall identify, document, and maintain a list of process controls, incl.
inspection, measuring, test, and error-proofing devices, that includes the primary process
control and the approved back-up or alternate methods.
Our organization shall document the process that manages the use of the alternate
methods, based on risk analysis (such as FMEA), severity, and the internal approvals to be
obtained prior to production implementation of the alternate control method.
Before shipping product that was inspected or tested using the alternate method, if
required, the organization shall obtain approval from the customer(s)
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS ensure the control of externally provided products through
Incoming inspection sample based and through second party audit conducted once in a
Prior to release of externally provided products into its production flow, the organization
shall confirm and be able to provide evidence that externally provided processes, products,
and services conform to the latest applicable statutory, regulatory, and other requirements
in the countries where they are manufactured and, in the customer, identified countries of
destination, if provided.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS define acceptance criteria for all the equipment where
appropriate acceptance criteria based on customer approved
8.7.1 Procedures are established for identifying non-conforming product at stores and
stages of production / inspection as well as at the final inspection stage. The non-
conforming materials are identified by the production operator/ QA Personnel at these
stages and suitably identified. Responsibility and authority are assigned for segregation,
review and disposition of non-conforming product.
Documented information of segregation, review and suitable disposition of non-
conforming materials are maintained by QA Personnel. Who are authorized to review non-
conforming product? The decisions of review as per applicable for disposition may be
The organization shall comply with applicable customer specified controls for
nonconforming product
8.7.2 JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS have documented information that describes the
nonconformity, describes the actions taken, describes any concession obtained, identifies
the authority deciding the action in respect of the nonconformity
9.1.1. General
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is evaluating the performance and the effectiveness of the
quality management system. JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is retaining appropriate
documented information as evidence of the results.
Established quality management measurement process and monitor as per planned results
for achievement also establish processes to identify non- Conformity situation and
subsequently corrective & preventive actions to be taken. In charge QA in consultation
with all respective production process heads plan and implement the monitoring,
measurement, analysis and improvement processes needed.
a) What needs to be monitored and measured
b) The methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and
evaluation needed to ensure valid results
c) When the monitoring and measuring shall be performed
d) When the results from monitoring and measurement is analyzed and evaluated
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS also perform process studies on all new manufacturing
(including assembly or sequencing) processes to verify process capability and to provide
additional input for process control, including those for special characteristics.
Significant process events, such as tool change or machine repair, shall be recorded and
retained as documented information. The organization shall initiate a reaction plan
indicated on the control plan and evaluated for impact on compliance to specifications for
characteristics that are either not· statistically capable or are unstable.
These reaction plans shall include containment of product and 100 percent inspection, as
appropriate. A corrective action plan shall be developed and implemented by the
organization indicating specific actions, timing, and assigned responsibilities to ensure that
the process becomes stable and statistically capable. The plans shall be reviewed with and
approved by the customer, when required. The organization shall maintain records of
effective dates of process changes. JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is monitor customers’ perceptions of the degree to which
their needs and expectations have been fulfilled. JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is determining
the methods for obtaining, monitoring and reviewing this information.
Performances indicators shall be based on objective evidence and include but not be
limited to the following:
Planning and organizing audits at works depending on the importance and the extent of
the activity concerned and the results of the previous audits. The internal quality system
audits as per schedule are to be carried out at least once in 6 months
9.2.2 JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS shall maintain audit plan, schedule, check sheet to audit
and non-conformity. Auditor selected based on the criteria, action is closed within the time
The manufacturing process audit shall include an audit of the effective implementation of
the process risk analysis (such as PFMEA), control plan, and associated documents.
Management review will be conducted and chaired by top management once in 6 Months
to ensure continuing suitability & effectiveness in satisfying the requirements of IATF
16949:2016 and the stated quality policy and objectives. The Management Review will
include all elements of the entire quality system as detailed in procedure and schedule for
the Management Review
10.1. General
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is determining and select opportunities for improvement and
implements any necessary actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer
satisfaction these include
a) Improving products and services to meet requirements as well as to address
future needs and expectations
b) Correcting, preventing or reducing undesired effects;
c) Improving the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system.
When nonconformity occurs, including any arising from complaints, JOY RUBBER
PRODUCTS is all nonconformities relating to product, process and quality system are
investigated & the results are recorded. While investigating causes of non-conformances &
deciding corrective actions, the team identifies other products / situations where same or
similar nonconformance can occur.
Corrective actions for nonconforming products and processes, detected in the organization
are recorded; analyzed, reviewed and necessary actions are taken. This will be the
responsibility of in charge QA and production (respective production process In-charge)
the corrective action and preventive measures are implemented and their effectiveness is
Corrective actions are taken on customer complaints by analyzing the causes of the
complaints and taking suitable action to prevent their reoccurrence. The effectiveness of
the identified corrective action is monitored through customer feedback and also the
customers are kept aware of the corrective actions initiated, with each identified corrective
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS is considering the results of analysis and evaluation, and the
outputs from management review, to determine if there are needs or opportunities that
shall be addressed as part of continual improvement.
JOY RUBBER PRODUCTS had identifying continual improvement areas and including of
following process.
a) Identification of the methodology used, objectives, measurement, effectiveness
and documented information
b) A manufacturing process improvement action plan with emphasis on the
reduction of the process variation and waste.
c) Risk analysis such as FMEAs
MD - Managing Director
PM - Plant Manager
CFT - Cross Functional Team
PPC - Production Planning Control
APQP - Advanced Product Quality Planning
MSA - Measurement System Analysis
QAD - Quality Assurance Department
PFMEA - Process Failure Mode Effect analysis
FMEA - Failure Mode Effect analysis
QSP - Quality System Procedure
DOC - Document
NO - Number
REV - Revision
DEPT - Department
MR - Management Representative
PPM - Parts per Million
PPAP - Production Part Approval Process
SC - Significant Characteristics
SD - Supplier Development