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Bulbo Phyl Lum

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Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2022, Article ID 6727609, 15 pages

Review Article
Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Biological Activities, and
Health-Promoting Effects of the Genus Bulbophyllum

Javad Sharifi-Rad ,1 Cristina Quispe,2 Abdelhakim Bouyahya ,3 Naoual El Menyiy ,4

Nasreddine El Omari ,5 Md Shahinozzaman,6 Mim Ara Haque Ovey,7 Niranjan Koirala,8,9
Mamata Panthi,8 Andrea Ertani ,10 Silvana Nicola ,10 Natallia Lapava ,11
Jesús Herrera-Bravo ,12,13 Luis A. Salazar ,13 Sushil Changan,14 Manoj Kumar,15
and Daniela Calina 16
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Arturo Prat, Avda. Arturo Prat 2120, Iquique 1110939, Chile
Laboratory of Human Pathologies Biology, Department of Biology,
Faculty of Sciences, and Genomic Center of Human Pathologies, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
Laboratory of Pharmacology, National Agency of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Taounate 34025, Morocco
Laboratory of Histology, Embryology, and Cytogenetic, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University in Rabat,
Rabat, Morocco
Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Department of Natural Products Research, Dr. Koirala Research Institute for Biotechnology and Biodiversity,
Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
Laboratory of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, Macau SAR 999078, China
Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Medicine Standardization Department of Vitebsk State Medical University, Vitebsk, Belarus
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Santo Tomas, Santiago, Chile
Center of Molecular Biology and Pharmacogenetics, Scientific and Technological Bioresource Nucleus,
Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco 4811230, Chile
Division of Crop Physiology, Biochemistry and Post-Harvest Technology, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla,
Himachal Pradesh, India
Chemical and Biochemical Processing Division, ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology,
Mumbai 400019, India
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, 200349 Craiova, Romania

Correspondence should be addressed to Javad Sharifi-Rad; javad.sharifirad@gmail.com, Jesús Herrera-Bravo; jesusherrerabr@

santotomas.cl, and Daniela Calina; calinadaniela@gmail.com

Received 12 October 2021; Accepted 7 February 2022; Published 7 March 2022

Academic Editor: Lu sa Mota da Silva

Copyright © 2022 Javad Sharifi-Rad et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
The genus Bulbophyllum is of scientific interest due to the phytochemical components and diverse biological activities found
across species of the genus. Most Bulbophyllum species are epiphytic and located in habitats that range from subtropical dry
forests to wet montane cloud forests. In many cultures, the genus Bulbophyllum has a religious, protective, ornamenting,
cosmetic, and medicinal role. Detailed investigations into the molecular pharmacological mechanisms and numerous bio-
logical effects of Bulbophyllum spp. remain ambiguous. The review focuses on an in-depth discussion of studies containing data
on phytochemistry and preclinical pharmacology. Thus, the purpose of this review was to summarize the therapeutic potential
of Bulbophyllum spp. biocompounds. Data were collected from several scientific databases such as PubMed and ScienceDirect,
2 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

other professional websites, and traditional medicine books to obtain the necessary information. Evidence from pharma-
cological studies has shown that various phytoconstituents in some Bulbophyllum species have different biological health-
promoting activities such as antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and neuroprotective. No
toxicological effects have been reported to date. Future clinical trials are needed for the clinical confirmation of biological
activities proven in preclinical studies. Although orchid species are cultivated for ornamental purposes and have a wide
traditional use, the novelty of this review is a summary of biological actions from preclinical studies, thus supporting
ethnopharmacological data.

1. Introduction study included documents written in English language that

discussed ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, and bio-
Orchids are the largest group of angiosperms consisting of logical activities of these species. The taxonomy of the
nearly 28,000 species with over 736 genera [1]. Although species has been validated according to the Plant List
orchids are found in natural habitats in several parts of the [15, 16].
world, their presence is decreasing due to great demand by
the population [2]. Due to habitat destruction and indis-
3. Botany, Species, and Distribution
criminate collection, Orchid species are at a steady loss [3].
One of the most represented genera is Bulbophyllum 3.1. Botanical Aspects. Plants of the genus Bulbophyllum are
Thouars (Orchidaceae: subfamily Epidendroideae, subtribe epilithic herbs, sympodial with roots creeping over the
Bulbophyllinae) with ca. 2,200 species distributed in Africa surface of the substrate or aerial, and filamentous to fibrous
and Asia (China, Nepal, India, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam) [17]. Orchid plants, such as Australian Bulbophyllum min-
[4]. The taxonomic history of Bulbophyllum has been utissimum, differ in size and weight from a gram to a few
complex since its establishment [5]. The great dimension millimetres (1–1.5 mm across) [18]. The stems differentiate
and indefinite infrageneric systematics of this genus bring into rhizome and pseudobulb, and the leaves may be ovate,
significant difficulties, reducing evolution, ecology, and lanceolate, or orbiculate and variable in size on an individual
morphology research [6]. Taxonomists have reported at least plant [19]. Leaves are terminal on the pseudobulb (one or
24 closely related genera, classified based on floral mor- several per shoots) and conduplicate to the substrate. Re-
phology [7]. Only recently, molecular biology techniques cently, Piazza et al. [20] studied the vegetative anatomy of 13
have allowed recognizing this genus as monophyletic, i.e., species of Bulbophyllum belonging to sections Didactyle and
belonging to a common ancestor [8]. Xiphizusa to elucidate the anatomical characters between
Most Bulbophyllum species are epiphytic and located in and among the sections. The results revealed the anatomical
habitats that range from subtropical dry forests to wet differences among the species of both lipophilic secretion
montane cloud forests [9, 10]. They exclusively obtain water sections in young leaf trichomes and the presence of
and nutrients from air, rain, and debris and thus must be xeromorphic characters. Adaptations of both species to
able to overcome difficult environmental conditions by different environmental conditions were among the main
storing water in the pseudobulbs [11]. In addition to the differences described by the authors [20].
economic importance attributable to ornamental uses, The inflorescence is racemose and presents many lateral
herbal medicinal properties of phytochemical substances of flowers emerging from the rhizome, often at the base of the
biological interest (such as flavonoids, sterols-terpenoids, pseudobulb [19]. Some orchid species in the genus Bulbo-
and phenolic acids) in Bulbophyllum species have also been phyllum show an elaborated floral architecture, in addition
reported [12, 13]. Several studies report both the phyto- to their characteristic floral odours that attract and bring
chemical compounds and the molecules’ biological effects specific pollinators [21]. The dorsal sepal is free, similar, or
extracted from Bulbophyllum leaf, pseudobulb, and root, for smaller than the lateral sepals. The latter are united basally to
traditional medicine treatments [14]. each other and a column foot forms a mentum, free or fused
In a continuous effort by researchers to discover the further [19]. The lateral petals are free and smaller than the
biological activities of Bulbophyllum species, we describe dorsal sepals, and the lip of the flowers is trilobed with a large
and summarize recent research in ethnobotanical knowl- callus. In some species, the lip flaps with the wind, to
edge, phytochemistry, and pharmacological properties, simulate a fly shaking its wings to attract insects [9]. The
along with the limitations of the research in our article. labellum is hinged to the tip of the column foot; the lamina is
either not lobed, obscurely 3-lobed, unornamented, or with
2. Methodology 2 longitudinal keels. The column lacks the free filament and
style; the column wings are fused to the column and reduced
To conduct this review, data were collected from research in to teeth that project beside the anther [9]. The ovary,
several scientific databases, such as PubMed and Science- composed of three fused carpels and the mature seed pod,
Direct, using the following MeSH terms: “Orchidaceae/ opens down the middle between the lines of juncture. The
chemistry∗,” “Plant Extracts/chemistry,” “Drugs, Herbal/ ovules are arranged along the ridges inside the ovary and do
chemistry,” “Molecular Structure,” “Anti-Inflammatory not develop until sometime after the flower [9]. Orchid
Agents/chemistry,” “Antineoplastic Agents/chemistry.” The flowers attract specific insect species by deceiving males with
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3

an imitation signal of female odour and mimetic appearance N. V. Duy, Bulbophyllum ustulata Aver., Bulbophyllum
[22]. For example, the ginger orchid (Bulbophyllum patens cariniflorum, Bulbophyllum flavescens Lindley, Bulbo-
King) flower releases a ginger essence called zingerone that phyllum ovatum Seidenfaden, Bulbophyllum physocoryphum
attracts fruit flies sensitive to methyl eugenol and raspberry Seidenfaden, and Bulbophyllum wendlandianum Dammer.
ketone [22, 23]. Also, the flowers of Bulbophyllum apertum Regarding the environmental conditions of cultivation,
Schltr. release the volatile compound raspberry ketone with the warm temperature is suitable for Bulbophyllum plants
the function of attracting raspberry ketone-sensitive Bac- that grow with a minimum of 22°C in winter, though species
trocera species [23]. from temperate regions are grown 5–10 degrees cooler [30].
The seeds of Bulbophyllum species consist of a dry, outer Light can be moderate to bright (2000 to 3500 candle feet): a
coat enclosing a small mass of undifferentiated cells that higher light, which does not damage the leaves, seems to
form a proembryo [17]. They are fusiform, spindle, and produce a better and more frequent flowering [30]. Bul-
narrowly ellipsoidal shaped and less than 1 mm in length bophyllum species tend to prefer a minimum of repotting
without endosperm [24]. This extremely small and light unit using fern or cork slabs, baskets, and well-draining pots and
can easily be carried in through air currents and may travel the recommended impregnation media are sphagnum moss,
long distances before coming to rest [17]. Seed volume is coconut (flakes or coconut fibres), and tree fern both hor-
related to seed size and Bulbophyllum species, and the higher izontally and vertically, whereas the relative humidity should
seed volume is a result of greater width rather than testa be around 90% inside a greenhouse [31]. High relative
length [24]. In natural conditions, the seeds have specific humidity with a high air movement rate and constant fresh
germination requirements provided by mycorrhizal fungi. air are decisive parameters for the health and successful
For instance, seeds infected by a specific fungus can either cultivation of the plants [31]. During the growth cycle, plants
germinate or be destroyed [25]. There are different seed need adequate nutrition using standard fertilizers at 1/4 of
morphologies among the plants of the genus Bulbophyllum. the concentration given for houseplants [30]. The plants are
For example, Bulbophyllum mysorense seeds are transparent, usually rapid growers, reporting no major problems with
short, and spindle to oblong with blunt ends, and the testa pests. Propagation is through the division of the bulbs or via
cells have marginal clavate ridges, smooth on the outer face seeds of excellent germination rates [31]. Manual pollination
with longitudinally oriented cells resembling a twisted rope of Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis, Bulbophyllum spies, and
[26]. Bulbophyllum strontium has so far not been successful [31].

3.2. Bulbophyllum Species and Cultivation. Every year, some 3.3. Geographical Distribution. The taxa of the genus Bul-
new Bulbophyllum species are described, making this genus bophyllum are pantropical, spreading across Africa, Aus-
grow steadily [27]. Due to the extraordinary diversity, a tralia, India, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, and tropical South
general description would be too extensive [1, 27]. Over 50 and Central America [32] (Figure 1).
generic names have been proposed, in addition to Bulbo- The orchids, as epiphytes, are believed to be less
phyllum [19]. adaptable to anthropogenic environmental variations than
In 2005, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, other plants [33]. The availability of the specificity host tree
Environment, and Water Management as the CITES plays a central role in influencing the distribution and
Management Authority of Austria elaborated three lists abundance of epiphytic orchids, often causing their unequal
(names, accepted names, and the checklist) for the Bulbo- geographical distribution, even within a single tree [11].
phyllum genus, produced by the Botanical Garden of Vienna Most of the Bulbophyllum species is epiphytes and is
[28]. The list is an approach to handle the vast number of present in the virgin pantropical forest in the lower Montane
species of this genus [28]. Recently, Bulbophyllum is into a forest at 1000 m above sea level [32]. However, a major
single genus [7, 19]. In 2019, the World Checklist of Selected number of species arise in the Indo-Malayan region [34]. Of
Plant Families [29] published an updated and exhaustive list 1000 species from India, 62 species are in the Northeastern
that comprises over 2000 epiphytic Bulbophyllum species. region, 14 species in South India, and the remaining from
There have been many efforts to split off segregate genera other parts of India [35]. Madagascar is the hub of Bulbo-
based on morphological characteristics. As reported by the phyllum diversity (over 210 spp.), found mainly as epiphytes
American Orchid Society [30], some of the common Bul- in a wide range of rainforest environments [36].
bophyllum species are as follows: Bulbophyllum dearei, Madagascan Bulbophyllum molecular studies evidenced
Bulbophyllum echinolabium, Bulbophyllum falcatum, Bul- the existence of a monophyletic group of Late Miocene age
bophyllum fascinator, Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris, Bul- with two major lineages: a species-rich core clade, mainly
bophyllum guttulatum, Bulbophyllum lasiochilum, distributed in eastern rainforest of mid-to-high elevation (c.
Bulbophyllum lobbii, Bulbophyllum longissimum, Bulbo- 800–1300 m), and a species-poor clade that is ecogeo-
phyllum makoyanum, Bulbophyllum medusae, and Bulbo- graphically wide-ranging [37].
phyllum putidum. Two hybrids, Bulbophyllum Daisy Chain According to research, about 105 species of Bulbo-
and Bulbophyllum Elizabeth discovered recently, are par- phyllum are present in China [38, 39]. Bulbophyllum
ticularly attractive [30]. Among this ecological group, new Thouars is one of the largest genera among the orchid family,
taxa were also discovered: Bulbophyllum cariniflorum with around 2000 species in the tropical and subtropical
Reichenbach var. orlovii Aver., Bulbophyllum sonii Aver. and zone of the world [40].
4 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

In Zimbabwe, bark from species of the Bulbophyllum

genus is tied around a fracture as a supporting pad [43].
Also, in different countries, many species of the Bulbo-
phyllum genus are used as traditional herbal medicines
(Table 1).

5. Phytochemistry
The spectroscopic analyses carried out by several investi-
Figure 1: Geographical distribution of Bulbophyllum species. gations highlighted the phytochemicals of plants belonging
to the genus Bulbophyllum. Although these studies are rare,
Up to date, Vietnam has documented 122 species of the their identification results have revealed a remarkable
genus Bulbophyllum [41]. Recent studies have allowed richness in the chemical composition of the genus Bulbo-
identifying four new species of Bulbophyllum in Vietnam, phyllum. The identified compounds are shown in Table 2,
namely Bulbophyllum flavescens (sect. Aphanobulbon), and the molecular chemical structures (majority com-
Bulbophyllum ovatum (sect. Desmosanthes), Bulbophyllum pounds) are schematized by ChemDraw and are shown in
physocoryphum (sect. Macrocaulia), and Bulbophyllum Figure 2. Note in Table 2, the 17 species belong to the genus
wendlandianum (sect. Cirrhopetalum) [40]. These species Bulbophyllum (B. odoratissimum, B. kaitense, B. weddellii,
are endemic of the Indochinese Peninsula, except for Bul- B. involutum, B. ipanemense, B. retusiusculum,
bophyllum flavescens, which is widely distributed in western B. neilgherrens, B. variegatum, B. vaginatum, B. protractum,
Malesia [40]. The “vinaceous orchid” (Bulbophyllum vina- B. reptans, B. cheiri, B. retusiusculum, B. kwangtungense,
ceum Ames and C. Schweinf ) is a rare epiphytic plant en- B. taeniophyllum, B. ambrosia, and B. echinolabium).
demic to the highlands of Borneo Island, such as the Crocker Numerous chemical compounds in B. odoratissimum
Range and Mt. Kinabalu of Sabah [21]. belong to different chemical families, in particular phen-
anthrene and phenanthraquinone. Chen et al. [56] identified
4. Ethnopharmacology 3,7-dihydroxy-2,4,6-trimethoxyphenanthrene, while the
same author identified, 7-hydroxy-2,3,4-trimethoxy-9,10-
The usage of orchids in Ayurvedic or folklore treatment is dihydrophenanthrene, coelonin, densiflorol B, gigantol,
common in many parts of the world, which raised immense batatasin III, tristin, vanillic acid, and syringaldehyde as
attention to explore their pharmacological properties and major compounds in 2008 Moscatin [56]. Additionally, Xu
bioactive constituents in-depth. The genus Bulbophyllum has et al. [59] identified bulbophythrin A and bulbophythrin
an important role in many cultures acting as a religious, B. B. odoratissimum was also reported to contain 5-(2-benzo
protective, ornamenting, cosmetic, and medicinal means. [1,3]dioxole-5-ylethyl)-6-methoxy benzo[1,3]dioxole-4-ol
Leaves, pseudobulbs, and flowers of Bulbophyllum sp. have (1) and 5-(2-benzo[1,3]dioxole-5-ylethyl)benzo[1,3]dioxole-
ethnobotanical importance and are used for various ail- 4,7-diol [60].
ments, for both external and internal applications and ad- The chemical compounds of Bulbophyllum weddellii,
ministrations by tribal peoples. B. neilgherrense is an Bulbophyllum involutum, and Bulbophyllum ipanemense
epiphytic plant used by the South Indian tribes to treat heart were characterized by Da Silva et al. [62]. In this study,
disease, leukoderma, skin allergy, and rheumatism; its several chemical compounds were identified including
pseudobulb is the most used part for traditional remedies. furfural, 2-furanomethanol, 5-methyl-2(3H)-furanone, 2,3-
The uses of B. scaberulum in South African traditional dihydro-4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3-furanone, 2-methoxy-
medicine were observed for pain-related ailments, recom- phenol, maltol, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-
mending further studies to explore the chemical profile and pyrene-4-one, 1,2-benzenediol, 2,3,5,6-tetramethylphenol,
interactions between different classes of compounds and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, 4-hydroxy methyl benzoate, 4-hy-
biological/pharmacological activities. droxy-3-methoxy methyl benzoate, 2,6-dimethyl-3-
In Cameroon, Bulbophyllum falcatum and Bulbophyllum methoxymethyl-p-benzoquinone, tetradecanoic acid, pen-
lupulinum are used against sorcery [2]. At the same time, tadecanoic acid, and hexadecanoic acid [62].
leaves of Bulbophyllum falcatum are used for predictions, The chemical compounds of the plant B. kaitense were
and the whole plant of Bulbophyllum simonii is used as a luck reported by Kalaiarasan et al. [61]. The authors observed that
potion [2]. Bulbophyllum shanicum is offered in many re- this plant contained numerous compounds belonging to dif-
ligious ceremonies and used by Kayaladies for ornamenting ferent classes such as ether compound (propane, 1,1-diethoxy),
their hair [42]. Bulbophyllum simonii and Bulbophyllum hydrocarbon (cyclopentane, 2-methylbutyl), plasticizer com-
lilacinum are mixed in body lotion to keep the body fresh pound (1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, butyl 2-methylpropyl
and cool [2, 12]. ester), ketone compound (2-nonanone, 9-hydroxy), aromatic
Fluids from cleaned pseudobulbs of Bulbophyllum lila- alcoholic compound (2,4-dimethylcyclopentanol), alcoholic
cinum are extracted by the press, kept in a sealed jar compound (3-buten-2-ol), iodo compound (nonane, 1-iodo),
overnight, and then mixed with water and taken as a cool plasticizer compound (didodecyl phthalate), alcoholic com-
drink [12]. Powder of Bulbophyllum melinostachyum is pound (3,4-hexanediol, 2,5-dimethyl), ketone compound
recommended as anti-poisons [2]. (fluorenone, 2,3,4,7-tetramethoxy), triterpene (squalene),
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5

Table 1: Traditional and folk medical usage of the Bulbophyllum species.

Bulbophyllum species Country Usage References
Bulbophyllum albidum India Strengthening of a weak uterus for conception [44]
Cameroon Side pain (whole plant), ear pain (leaves) [2]
Cameroon Skin diseases (measles, poxes abscesses, rashes) (leaves), wounds, burns (whole plant) [2]
Bulbophyllum Nepal Burns (pseudobulb), abortion, and recovery during childbirth (leaves) [3]
careyanum India Burns (pseudobulb), abortion, and recovery during childbirth (leaves) [45]
Bulbophyllum Not
Induce abortion (root) [10]
cariniflorum specified
Cameroon Side pain (whole plant) [2]
Bulbophyllum kaitesse India Cancer, inflammatory, bacterial infection (pseudobulb) [46]
Bulbophyllum China Pulmonary tuberculosis, bleeding, fever (tuber) [47]
kwangtungense Japan Pulmonary tuberculosis, bleeding, fever (tuber) [47]
Bulbophyllum Nepal Burns [48]
leopardinum India Burns [45]
Tiredness, anxiety, aphrodisiac, inflammation, rheumatism, hypertension, diabetes,
Bangladesh anemia, tuberculosis, cough, asthma, jaundice, heavy menstruation, leucorrhoea, eye [10, 49, 50]
disease, wound (pseudobulb, whole plant)
Thailand Ear infection (stem) [51]
Bulbophyllum mutabile Malaysia Fever (leaves) [52]
Heart diseases, rheumatism, leukoderma (pseudobulb), weakness (juice),
Bulbophyllum India [53–55]
tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fractures, scabies (whole plant)
Bangladesh Tonic [50]
Bhutan Tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [47]
Burma Tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [47]
China Cough, toothache, tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [47], 15]
Bulbophyllum India Tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [45, 47]
odoratissimum Laos Tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [47]
Nepal Tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [47, 48]
Thailand Tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [47]
Vietnam Tuberculosis, chronic inflammation, fracture (whole plant) [47]
Cameroon Epilepsy (whole plant) [2]
Bulbophyllum sterile India Rheumatism, swellings (pseudobulb) [45]

bromo compound (methyl 3-bromo-1-adamantaneacetate), bibenzyl), 3,3′,5-trimethoxybibenzyl, aloifol-I (3′,4-dihydroxy-

and aromatic compound (1,3-bis(trimethylsilyl)benzene) [77]. 3,5-dimethoxybibenzyl), 3,3′-dimethoxy-4,5-methylenediox-
The identification of chemical compounds of ybibenzyl, flavidin (2,7-dihydroxy-9,10-dihydro-5H-phenan-
B. vaginatum begun in 1997 by the study of Yuan-Wah thro[4,5-bcd]pyran), dihydroconiferyl alcohol, stigmasterol,
Leong et al. [68]. This work revealed the presence of dif- and sitosterol [69]. In addition, B. reptans was found to be rich
ferent chemical compounds belonging to several chemical in dimeric phenanthrenes (reptanthrin and isoreptanthrin) and
family such as phenanthrenes (4,9-dimethoxyphenan- stilbenoids (gymnopusin, confusarin, 2,7 dihydroxy-3,4,6-tri-
threne-2,5-diol and 4,6 dimethoxyphenanthrene-2,3,7- methoxyphenanthrene, flavanthrinin, cirrhopetalanthrin) [70].
triol,3,4,6-trimethenanthrene-2,7-diol, 3,4-dimethox- Furthermore, B. cheiri contains several phenylpropanoids
yphenanthrene-2,7-diol (nudol), 2,4 dimethoxyphenan- (eugenol, methyl eugenol, cis-methyl isoeugenol, trans-
threne-3,7-diol, 3,5-dimeth-oxyphenanthrene-2,7-diol, 4 methyl isoeugenol, 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol, 5-allyl-
methoxyphenanthrene-2,3,5-triol (fimbriol B),4-methox- 1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene (euasarone), and trans-3,4-dime-
yphenan-threne-2,7-diol (flavanthrinin)), less bibenzyls thoxycinnamyl acetate) [71], while only two phenylpropanoid
(3,4′-dihydroxy-5,5′-dimethoxybibenzyl and 3,3′-dihy- (bobulretulate A, bobulretulate B) esters were identified in
droxy-5-methoxybibenzyl) (batatasin III), and triterpenoid B. retusiusculum (extracts) [72]. In contrast, six dihy-
friedelin [68]. drodibenzoxepins (7,8-dihydro-5-hydroxy-12,13-methyl-
In the same year, B. protractum was found to contain enedioxy-11-methoxyldibenz[B,F]oxepin, 7,8-dihydro-4-
numerous bioactive compounds including bulbophyllin, bul- hydroxy-12,13-methylenedioxy-11-methoxyldibenz[B,F]oxe-
bophyllidin, batatasin III (3,3′-dihydroxy-5-methoxy pin, 7,8-dihydro-3-hydroxy-12,13-methylenedioxy-11-
6 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Table 2: Phytochemistry of Bulbophyllum species.

Chemical classes Compounds References
Phenanthrene 3,7-Dihydroxy-2,4,6-trimethoxyphenanthrene [56]
Moscatin, 7-hydroxy-2,3,4-trimethoxy-9,10-dihydrophenanthrene,
coelonin, densiflorol B, gigantol, batatasin III, tristin, vanillic acid, [57]
Bulbophyllum syringaldehyde
Odoratissimum Phenanthraquinone Bulbophyllanthrone [58]
Biphenanthrenes Bulbophythrin A and bulbophythrin B [59]
5-(2-Benzo[1,3]dioxole-5-ylethyl)-6-methoxy benzo[1,3]dioxole-4-ol (1)
Dihydrostilbenes [60]
and 5-(2-benzo[1,3]dioxole-5-ylethyl)benzo[1,3]dioxole-4,7-diol
Ether compound Propane, 1,1-diethoxy
Hydrocarbon Cyclopentane, (2-methylbutyl)
Plasticizer compound 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, butyl 2-methylpropyl ester
Ketone compound 2-Nonanone, 9-hydroxy
Aromatic alcoholic
Bulbophyllum Alcoholic compound 3-Buten-2-ol
kaitense Iodo compound Nonane, 1-iodo
Plasticizer compound Didodecyl phthalate
Alcoholic compound 3,4-Hexanediol, 2,5-dimethyl
Ketone compound Fluorenone, 2,3,4,7-tetramethoxy
Triterpene Squalene
Bromo compound Methyl 3-bromo-1-adamantaneacetate
Aromatic compound 1,3-bis(Trimethylsilyl)benzene
Furfural, 2-furanomethanol, 5-methyl-2(3H)-furanone, 2,3-dihydro-4-
hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3-furanone, 2-methoxy-phenol, maltol, 2,3-
dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyrene-4-one, 1,2-benzenediol,
2,3,5,6-tetramethylphenol, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, 4-hydroxy methyl [62]
benzoate, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy methyl benzoate, 2,6-dimethyl-3-
methoxymethyl-p-benzoquinone, tetradecanoic acid, pentadecanoic acid,
hexadecanoic acid
Furfural, 2-furanomethanol, 5-methyl-furfural, 2,3-dihydro-4-hydroxy-
2,5-dimethyl-3-furanone, 2-methoxy-phenol, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-
6-methyl-4H-pyrene-4-one, 1,2-benzenediol, 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furan- [62]
carboxyaldehyde, tetradecanoic acid, pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl
methyl pentadecanoate, 9-hexadecenoic acid, hexadecanoic acid
Hexanal, 2-furanomethanol, 2-pentyl-furan, 1,2-benzenediol, 2,4-
decadienal-(E,Z), 2,3,5,6-tetramethylphenol, 4-decadienal-(E,E), 2,6-
dimethoxyphenol, tridecanone, tridecanol, methyl tetradecanoate, [62]
tetradecanoic acid, pentadecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, ethyl
Retusiusine A, retusiusine B, (±)-retusiusine C, dihydroconiferyl dihydro-
p-coumarate, methyl 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionate, 3-(4-
Phenylpropanoids hydroxyphenyl)-propanoic acid, dihydroferulic acid, methyl 3-(4- [63]
methoxyphenyl) propionate, 3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-propenal, trans-
p-coumaric acid, dihydroconiferyl alcohol
Bibenzyl Bulbotetusine [64]
Flavone C-glycoside Apigenin 6-C-α-arabinofuranosyl 8-C-α-arabinopyranoside
Alkaloids +
Saponin glycosides +
Tannins +
Phenols + [65]
Flavonoids +
Steroids +
Reducing sugar +
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 7

Table 2: Continued.
Chemical classes Compounds References
Alcohols 2-Ethylhexanol, 2-nonanol
Aldehydes Nonanal, decanal
Ketones 2-Heptanone, 2-nonanone
Acids Acetic acid, propanoic acid
Sesquiterpene [66]
variegatum Beta-elemene, (E)-caryophyllene, alpha-humulene
Nitrogenous compounds Trimethylamine, methoxyphenyloxime, indole
Sulphur compounds Methyl thioacetate, benzothiazole
Aromatic compounds Toluene, p-cresol, p-cresyl acetate
Biphenanthrene, phenanthro[4,3-b]furan derivative [67]
4,9-Dimethoxyphenanthrene-2,5-diol and 4,6 dimethoxyphenanthrene-
2,3,7-triol, 3,4,6-trimethenanthrene-2,7-diol, 3,4-dimethoxyphenanthrene-
Phenanthrenes 2,7-diol (nudol), 2,4-dimethoxyphenanthrene-3,7-diol, 3,5-dimeth- [68]
oxyphenanthrene-2,7-diol, 4-methoxyphenanthrene-2,3,5-triol (fimbriol
B), 4-methoxyphenan-threne-2,7-diol (flavanthrinin)
4-Methoxy-9,10-dihydrophenanthrene-2,3,7-triol and 4,6-dimethoxy-
9,10-dihydrophenanthrene-2,3,7-trio, 9,10-dihydrophenanthrenes 3,4,6-
trimethoxy-9,10-dihydrophenanthrene-2,7-diol, 4-methoxy-9,10-
dihydrophenanthrene-2,7-diol (coelonin), 3,5-di-methoxy-9,10-
dihydrophenanthrene-2,7-diol (6-methoxycoelonin), 3,4-dimethoxy-9,10-
dihydrophenanthrene-2,7-diol (erianthridin)
Triterpenoid Friedelin
3,4′-Dihydroxy-5,5′-dimethoxybibenzyl and 3,3′-dihydroxy-5-
methoxybibenzyl (batatasin III)
Bulbophyllin, bulbophyllidin, batatasin III (3,3′-dihydroxy-5-methoxy
bibenzyl), 3,3′,5-trimethoxybibenzyl, aloifol-I (3′,4-dihydroxy-3,5-
dimethoxybibenzyl), 3,3′-dimethoxy-4,5-methylenedioxybibenzyl, flavidin [69]
dihydroconiferyl alcohol, stigmasterol, and sitosterol
Dimeric phenanthrenes Reptanthrin and isoreptanthrin
Gymnopusin, confusarin, 2,7 dihydroxy-3,4,6-trimethoxyphenanthrene, [70]
reptans Stilbenoids
flavanthrinin, cirrhopetalanthrin
Eugenol, methyl eugenol, cis-methyl isoeugenol, trans-methyl isoeugenol,
Bulbophyllum cheiri Phenylpropanoids 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol, 5-allyl-1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene (euasarone), [71]
trans-3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl acetate
Phenylpropanoid esters Bobulretulate A, bobulretulate B [72]
7,8-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-12,13-methylenedioxy-11-methoxyldibenz[ B,F]
Bulbophyllum oxepin, 7,8-dihydro-4-hydroxy-12,13-methylenedioxy-11-methoxyldibenz
Dihydrodibenzoxepins [73]
kwangtungense [ B,F]oxepin, 7,8-dihydro-3-hydroxy-12,13-methylenedioxy-11-
methoxyldibenz[ B,F]oxepin, cumulatin, densiflorol A, and plicatol B
Bibenzyls Batatasin III and cirrhopetalidin [74]
Moscatin,3,7-dihydroxy-2,4-dimethoxyphenanthrene, 2,7-dihydroxy-3,4-
dimethoxy-phenanthrene, 2,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxy-9,10-
Bulbophyllum dihydrophenanthrene,ephemeranthol-A, 3,7-dihydroxy-2,4-dimethoxy-
ambrosia 9,10-dihydrophenanthrene, 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-9,10-
dihydrophenanthrene, coelonin, rotundatin,4′,5-dihydroxyl-3,3′-
dimethoxybibenzyl, moscatilin, batatasin III, and tristin
Cholest-5-en-3-ol, glycerol 1-palmitate, hexadecane, tridecane, decanal,
Diptera attractants
nonanal, undecane, beta-linalool, limonene, 2-hexenal
Amino acids L-Phenylalanine, serine, norleucine, L-threonine
Alpha-D-glucopyranoside, D-turanose, sucrose, D-glucose, hydroquinone-
beta-d-glucopyranoside, D-galactose, glucopyranose, 2,3,4-
Saccharides trihydroxybutyric acid, glycoside, alpha-methyl, ribonic acid, D-
xylopyranose, D-(−)-tagatofuranose, inositol, D-ribofuranose, erythritol, [76]
D-(+)-xylose, myo-inositol, fructose
Lipids Stigmasterol, campesterol, cholesterol, 1-monopalmitin
Cyanuric acid, malic acid, 1-cyclohexene-1-carboxylic acid, 3,4,5-hydroxy,
citric acid, alpha-hydroxyglutaric acid, mannonic acid, 1,4-lactone, benzoic
acid, 3-methoxy, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaric acid, p-
hydroxybenzoic acid, pantothenic acid, alpha-aminoadipic acid
8 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine



alpha-Humulene Batatasin III beta-Elemene HO O


H Isoreptanthrin
Linalool Campesterol Caryophyllene OH
Cirrhopetalidin Confusarin Densiflorol B Tristin Gigantol



Densiflorol A Flavanthrinin Friedelin Stigmasterol


Plicatol B Serine L-phenylalanine Gymnopusin Muscatilin

Figure 2: Phytochemical compounds identified in different Bulbophyllum species schematized by ChemDraw.

methoxyldibenz[B,F]oxepin, cumulatin, densiflorol A, and Bulbophyllum. Only qualitative analysis of the chemical contents
plicatol B) were identified from B. kwangtungense [73]. of this species was carried out by Kumari et al. [65]. The results
The extracts of B. retusiusculum contain several phyto- showed the presence of different chemical classes in this plant
chemical compounds belonging to phenylpropanoids such such as alkaloids, saponin glycosides, tannins, phenols, flavo-
as retusiusine A, retusiusine B, (±)-retusiusine C, dihy- noids, and steroids [65].
droconiferyl dihydro-p-coumarate, methyl 3-(4-hydrox- Both the quantitative and qualitative differences in
yphenyl) propionate, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid, chemical composition across species of the genus Bulbo-
dihydroferulic acid, methyl 3-(4-methoxyphenyl) propio- phyllum are due to the physiology and genetics of the species.
nate, 3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-propenal, trans-p-cou- However, other factors such as climate, soil, parts used, and
maric acid, and dihydroconiferyl alcohol [63]. In addition, phenological stages of the plants can also affect the sec-
bibenzyl (bulbotetusine) and flavone C-glycoside (apigenin ondary metabolite synthesis in these species.
6-C-α-arabinofuranosyl 8-C-α-arabinopyranoside) have Recent studies show that chemical composition can vary
also been identified in this plant [64]. within the same species, in different environments, and in
The phytochemical compounds of Bulbophyllum varie- extraction systems.
gatum were also identified [66]. The finding revealed the
presence of several chemical families in this plant such as al- 6. Biological Activities
cohols (2-ethylhexanol, 2-nonanol), aldehydes (nonanal and
decanal), ketones (2-heptanone, 2-nonanone), acids (acetic acid, 6.1. Antimicrobial and Antifungal Activities.
propanoic acid), sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (beta-elemene, Phytochemical screening of different solvent extracts (pe-
(E)-caryophyllene, alpha-humulene), nitrogenous compounds troleum ether, chloroform, ethanol, and water) collected
(trimethylamine, methoxyphenyloxime, indole), sulphur com- from stems of terrestrial orchid B. kaitense in Kolli Hills,
pounds (methyl thioacetate, benzothiazole), and aromatic India, confirms the presence of terpenoids, flavonoids, re-
compounds (toluene, p-cresol, p-cresyl acetate) [66]. ducing sugars, phenols, catechins, saponins, tannins, an-
B. neilgherrens is another medicinal species of the genus thraquinone, quinine, coumarin, glycosides, and
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 9

carbohydrates. Ethanol and chloroform extracts show Chinsamy et al. [84] reported antioxidant activity of
greater antifungal activity than petroleum ether and aqueous Bulbophyllum scaberulum higher than other South African
extracts, whereas the antibacterial activity in petroleum ether orchid species. The overall average antioxidant activity (%
extract showed less effect than that reported in chloroform, ANT) of B. scaberulum pseudobulb and root extracts was
ethanol, and aqueous extracts [61]. higher than 90%, which might validate the use of species to
There are many orchids with different medicinal treat certain inflammatory disorders.
properties and antibacterial activity. B. neilgherrense was The antioxidant effects and inhibition of acetylcholin-
tested for antibacterial activity against five bacterial species esterase (AchE) enzyme from several indigenous orchid
(Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus pumilus, species (including B. Scaberulum) were evaluated. In their
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Pseudomonas putida). Etha- studies, the methanolic extracts of leaves, pseudobulbs, and
nolic, chloroform, and aqueous extracts (concentration of roots of B. Scaberulum (similar to other orchids the extracts)
5.50 w/v) from leaves and pseudobulbs were prepared for the showed high antioxidant potential with 100% average an-
disk diffusion method of antimicrobial sensitivity testing. tioxidant activity (ANT) as compared to the standard BHT
The ethanolic extract of both leaves and pseudobulbs was drug (95.88%), when tested with β-carotene bleaching assay.
more effective. The bacterial species P. aeruginosa and They also found that the ethanol root extract at 5 and
P. putida showed greater sensitivity to the pseudobulb 0.5 mg/m exhibited significant mutagenic effects comparable
ethanolic extract, while the ethanolic extract from leaves was to the 4NQO drug. Similarly, the dichloromethane extract of
effective against E. coli, S. aureus, and P. aeruginosa. roots significantly inhibit AchE with the lowest IC50 value of
However, all extracts were less effective than standard an- 0.02 mg/ml, while the ethanol extract showed less activity
tibiotic streptomycin, when tested with the disk diffusion against AchE.
method in vitro [78]. Recently, Sun et al. [85] purified several compounds
In another study, Fang et al. [63] identified new phe- from B. retusiusculum whole plants. New phenanthrene,
nylpropanoids in tubers of B. retusiusculum, which were bobulretin, and two bibenzyls were evaluated against
then tested for their antimicrobial activities. The antimi- α-glucosidase activity in vitro. All three compounds showed
crobial tests were performed against E. coli, B. subtilis, and less than 20% inhibition when tested at the final concen-
Candida albicans, where kanamycin (4 μg/mL) and nystatin tration of 4.37 × 10−4 mol/L.
(4 μg/mL) were positive controls for measuring antibacterial Similarly, Bulbophyllum sp. exhibited higher antioxidant
and antifungal activity potencies, respectively. Retusiusine B activity when compared to four other epiphytic orchids [86].
exhibited potent antifungal activity against C. albicans Plants of B. kaitense also presented good antioxidant activity
(16 μg/mL), and (±)-retusiusine C enantiomers showed and are considered a source of plant-derived antioxidants
moderate antibacterial activity against B. subtilis (64 μg/mL) [87].
[63]. Polyphenols such as chrysin and pinobanksin found in
B. affine has moderate bactericidal activity against orchid species of the genus Bulbophyllum have antioxidant
Staphylococcus aureus (a common cause of skin infections) effects [65, 88, 89], thus supporting their use in various heart
but none against Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, diseases by the folklore traditions.
Escherichia coli, or Vibrio cholera [79].
The orchid species B. careyanum and B. leopardinum are
commonly used in burn treatments [80] although antimi- 6.3. Anti-Inflammatory Activity. Nair et al. [54] used the
crobial testing has not been reported for these species. In a pseudobulb powder of B. neilgherrense to examine analgesic
similar study, B. neilgherrense exhibited moderate antibac- and anti-inflammatory activities using different rat models.
terial activity against five infectious bacterial species [78], The pseudobulb powder mixed with honey and water
while promising antifungal activity against ten pathogenic revealed central analgesic activity against radiant heat-in-
fungal strains was reported from the same orchid species duced pain, moderate anti-inflammatory activity against
[81]. carrageenan-induced acute inflammation, and mild or
Phenylpropanoids isolated from Bulbophyllum retu- negligible activity against formalin-induced subacute in-
siusculum exhibited moderate antibacterial activity against flammation and pain in rats. Pseudobulb contains flavonoids
Bacillus subtilis (64 μg/mL) and potent antifungal activity (chrysin and quercetin), glycosides, tannin, phenolic com-
against Candida albicans (16 μg/mL) [63]. Bulbophyllum pounds, and calcium and may play a fundamental role in
kaitense stem extract was also effective against 10 different observed analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities [54].
bacterial strains with greater sensitivity to fungal strains A study run by Kumari et al. [65] reported that the
[61]. pseudobulb of B. neilgherrense contains alkaloids, tannis,
In the light of these results, the antibacterial activity of phenols, flavonoids, steroids, saponin glycosides, and
orchids is a good alternative for preventing/treating infections reducing sugar (almost the same compounds as found
instead of using antibiotics, which have many side effects. earlier by Nair and his coworkers). The amounts of
tannins, sugars, and alkaloids were 0.828%, 8.96%, and
0.3%, respectively (w/w). Of these, chrysin (a flavonoid)
6.2. Antioxidant Activity. Natural plant products have been inhibited COX-2 expression and IL-6 signalling, indi-
used as poultices and/or anti-inflammatory drugs and an- cating that B. neilgherrense pseudobulbs have anti-in-
tioxidants for many years [82, 83]. flammatory potential [65].
10 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

B. kaitense was examined in vitro for its anti-inflam- significant cytotoxicity against various cancer lines such
matory activity using the human red blood cell (HRBC) as the human leukaemia cell lines K562, HL-60, and
method [77]. While petroleum ether, chloroform, and SMMC-7721 [59, 94]. Similarly, dihydrodibenzoxepins
aqueous extracts exhibited various anti-inflammatory ac- isolated from Bulbophyllum kwangtungense also exhibi-
tivities, the ethanolic extract of B. kaitense pseudobulbs ted antitumour activities against HeLa and K562 human
showed potent anti-inflammatory activity. As south Indian tumour cell lines [73]. Chen et al. [56] isolated and
orchids, some South African medicinal orchids also dem- studied various phenolic compounds from Bulbophyllum
onstrated notable anti-inflammatory effects, suggesting their odoratissimum as their inhibitory ability against the
potential in treating inflammation and related disorders. growth of human leukaemia cell lines K562 and HL-60,
A study conducted by Chinsamy et al. [84] reported that human lung adenocarcinoma A549, human hepatoma
the dichloromethane, ethanol, and aqueous root extract of BEL-7402, and human stomach cancer SGC-7901. The
B. scaberulum had selective and significant COX-2 inhibi- results indicated a high activity against selective cell lines,
tion effects. Inhibition was 100.00, 93.31, and 58.09%, re- i.e., in three compounds where densiflorol was the most
spectively, and dichloromethane and ethanol extract IC50 active compound, followed by syringaldehyde and tristin
values against COX-2 were 1.43 and 0.44 mg/ml, respec- [57]. The other compounds evaluated were weak or either
tively. Surprisingly, the dichloromethane root extracts inactive.
showed a greater inhibition performance than the com- Biswas et al. [95] reported that Bulbophyllum sterile
mercial drug galantamine for COX-2. In contrast, water petroleum ether fraction induces apoptosis in vitro and
extracts from leaves and pseudobulbs exhibited moderate ameliorates tumour progression in vivo, suggesting that the
effects on COX-2, but no effect on COX-1. The COX-2 active fractions of bulbs and roots have anticancer activity
inhibition effects of B. scaberulum suggested that it was due likely by inducing apoptosis through the phospho-p53-de-
to condensed tannins present in the stems and/or roots [84]. pendent pathway [95].
Gowlis of Karnataka use a paste of pseudobulbs of The extract of B. kwantungense also exhibited anti-
Bulbophyllum neilgherrense Wight. for arthritis [90]. A study tumour activity in vitro against cultivated human cervical
validated this trait and concluded that the pseudobulb carcinoma cells (HeLa) [96]. Chen et al. [56] isolated
powder had central analgesic activity against radiant heat- phenanthrene derivative 3,7-dihydroxy-2,4,6-trimethox-
induced pain and moderate anti-inflammatory activity yphenanthrene from B. odoratissimum, and its structure was
against carrageenan-induced acute inflammation [54]. The elucidated by extensive chemical transformations and nu-
authors suggest that the potential mode of action of clear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy spectrum
B. neilgherrense Wight. pseudobulb was due to the presence studies. The isolated compound showed significant cyto-
of flavonoids (chrysin and quercetin) in the plants [65] as toxicity against the growth of human leukaemia cell lines
several flavonoids such as hesperidin, luteolin, and quercetin HL-60 and K562, human stomach cancer cell line SGC-7901,
have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects [91]. Similarly, human hepatoma BEL-7402, and human lung adenocarci-
chrysin and quercetin have significant analgesic and anti- noma A549 with IC50 values of 10.02, 14.23, 1.13, 15.36, and
inflammatory activities [92]. However, a 50% ethanolic 3.42 mg/ml, respectively.
extract of B. gymnopus Hook f. failed to show antimicrobial In an investigation to evaluate the cytotoxicity of
or anti-inflammatory activity and did not affect either B. kwangtungense, Wu et al. [73] purified three new com-
respiration, cardiovascular system, or central nervous sys- pounds, dihydrodibenzoxepins 7,8-dihydro-5-hydroxy-12,13-
tem, in experimental animals [93]. methylenedioxy-11-methoxydibenz[bf]oxepin (D5MO), 7,8-
Aqueous pseudobulb extracts of B. scaberulum showed dihydro-4-hydroxy-12,13-methylenedioxy-11-methoxydibenz
poor or no COX-1 and COX-2 inhibition [84]. Interestingly, [bf]oxepin (D4MO), and 7,8-dihydro-3-hydroxy-12,13-meth-
the organic extracts (petroleum ether, dichloromethane, and ylenedioxy-11-methoxyldibenz[bf]oxepin (D3MO), along with
ethanol) of B. scaberulum showed higher activity in the same compounds cumulatin, densiflorol A, and plicatol B. Within
study. the compounds tested for antitumour properties, D4MO and
Bulbophyllum kaitense has been used in indigenous D3MO exhibited the highest activity against HeLa cells with
medicine by local healers of the Kolli hills. Its anti-in- the IC50 values of 78.3 and 61.2 μM, respectively, while ac-
flammatory validation has been reported using human red tivities against K562 tumour cells, D3MO, and densiflorol A
blood cell (HRBC) membrane stabilization method [46]. The showed the highest activity values with the IC50 of 64.7 and
HRBC membrane stabilization assay uses the HRBC method 67.6 μM, respectively. In another study, two dihydrostillbenes,
as analogous to lysosomal membrane components, and thus, 3-(2-(7-methoxybenzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-yl)ethyl)phenol
the inhibition of hypotonicity or heat-induced red blood cell (3MDP) and 6-(3-hydroxyphenethyl)benzo[d][1,3]dioxol-4-ol
membrane lysis may be taken as a measure of the anti-in- (6HBD), previously purified from B. odoratissimum, were
flammatory activity mechanism of extracts. synthesized via the Wittig–Horner reaction and used for de-
veloping nine synthetic analogues by Zhang et al. [97]. 3MDP
and 6HBD together with their two analogues bearing an amino
6.4. Anticancer Activity. Numerous studies report that acid moiety in place of the phenolic OH of 3MDP and 6HBD
Bulbophyllum species have in vitro cytotoxicity activity. were found to have significant anti-proliferative activity se-
The phenanthrenes isolated from Bulbophyllum odor- lective to two cancer cell lines, SGC-7901 and KB, with IC50
atissimum and Bulbophyllum inconspicuum showed value of <10.0 μM, while the other analogues showed a
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 11

markedly reduced cytotoxicity towards all tumour cell lines, mechanisms, such as AChE inhibition, modification of
SGC-7901, KB, and HT-1080. monoamine levels, anti-amyloid aggregation, and antioxi-
Chen et al. [57] purified nine phenolic compounds, dant activities, are the strategies that have been employed for
including moscatin, 7-hydroxy-2,3,4-trimethoxy-9,10- the amelioration of AD symptoms [99, 100]. Of these, one of
dihydrophenanthrene, coelonin, densiflorol B, gigantol, the major approaches has involved addressing the levels of
batatasin III, tristin, vanillic acid, and syringaldehyde, from acetylcholine in the AD-depressed brain using AChE in-
the ethyl acetate extract of B. odoratissimum whole plant and hibitors [101]. Most of the currently available drugs are
investigated the cell growth inhibition effects on different AchEi, and some are related to natural products with an
tumour cell lines such as human leukaemia cell lines K562 important therapeutic strategy for the treatment of AD.
and HL-60, human lung adenocarcinoma A549, human Many research groups have focused their studies on natu-
hepatoma BEL-7402, and human stomach cancer SGC-7901. rally occurring compounds from plants as potential sources
Except for three compounds such as densiflorol B, tristin, of either new or more effective AChEi. Due to the presence
and syringaldehyde, all other compounds showed weak or of flavonoids and tannins, orchid extracts that display sig-
no activity on tumour cells. Densiflorol B was the most active nificant effects in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and AChE
compound against all tumour cells showing the IC50 values inhibitory assays could be potential natural plant products in
ranging from 0.08 to 3.52 μg/ml. Tristin displayed selective the inflammatory treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.
cytotoxicity against SGC-7901, with an IC50 value of 2.08 μg/ Chinsamy et al. [84] reported anticholinesterase activity
ml, whereas syringaldehyde exerted a strong activity against (EC50) for different extraction solvents as 0.02 ± 0.00 and
BEL-7402 cells with an IC50 value of 1.54 μg/ml. 0.26 ± 0.007 mg/ml, respectively, in dichloromethane and
Two new dimeric phenanthrenes, bulbophythrins A and ethanol root extracts of B. scaberulum. The authors also
B, were then purified from B. odoratissimum, and their found that B. scaberulum root extract effectively inhibited
inhibitory ability against the growth of the same tumour cell AChE as compared to the commercial product galantamine.
lines was evaluated, as previously tested by Chen and his
coworkers [57], with both compounds exerting significant
6.6. Other Activities. Myanmar women prepare a hair tonic
cytotoxicity against all tumour cell lines [59]. However,
and shampoo by mixing ground pseudobulbs of various
bulbophythrin A exhibited some selective cytotoxicity
species of Bulbophyllum with pulverized bark, seeds, and
against HL-60 and BEL-7402 with IC50 values of 1.27 × 10−3
fruit (species not identified) when washing their hair. This
and 1.22 × 10−3 μM, respectively, whereas bulbophythrin A
mixture is claimed to cure dandruff, promote hair growth,
appeared to be most active against A549 with an IC50 value
and improve hair colour [102].
of 1.18 × 10−3 μM, suggesting their potential use as a novel
Imbricatin, a stilbenoid isolated previously from Bul-
class of antitumour candidate in tumour disease.
bophyllum and other orchid genera, was one of three isolated
Petroleum fraction, compared with the alcoholic extracts,
stilbenoids recommended for use as skin photoprotectants
from bulbs (PFB) and roots (PFR) of B. sterile, was found to be
based on their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immu-
the most active in three different cancer cell lines, HCT-116,
nomodulatory effects [103].
MDA-MB-231, and A549, by [95]. However, there was sig-
A summarized scheme of the most representative bio-
nificant cytotoxicity in HCT-116 cells with IC50 values of 94.2
logical activities is summarized in Figure 3.
and 75.7 μg/ml for PFB and PFR, respectively, likely attributed
to the effects on the cell cycle G2/M phase with 32.6% and
49.4% arrest. In addition, PFB and PFR treatments showed 48%
7. Safety Data
and 38% apoptosis, respectively, when tested with acridine No reports were found in the literature concerning health safety
orange/ethidium bromide (AO/EB) staining assay. Their ap- issues after the consumption of Bulbophyllum. This plant has
optosis induction was carried out through phospho-p53-de- been used in ethnomedicine and folk medicine by villagers in
pendent pathway. Both fractions lowered tumour volume and different conditions for ages; however, the toxicity profile of the
increased life span and hepatic antioxidant level in Ehrlich Bulbophyllum species is still undiscovered. With the increasing
ascites carcinoma (EAC) bearing mice, resulting in lower EAC- cases of poisoning associated with the use of herbal medicines
induced mortality. in many parts of the world in recent times [104], it is essential to
In a different report by Yang et al. [64], two compounds, a ensure safety through toxicity assessment alongside active
flavone C-glycoside and bibenzyl purified from pharmacovigilance to promote their safe use and protect public
B. retusiusculum tubers, did not show evident cytotoxicity on health. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the risks associated
six cancer cell lines, including HL-60, SMMC-7721, A549, with the use of such herbal plants, and in this regard, the safety
MCF-7, and SW-480. Their IC50 value was greater than 40 μM, of these products has become an issue of great public health
and their noncytotoxic effects were previously thought to be importance and thus a key moment for considering it in
attributed to their structural differences to other bibenzyl pharmacovigilance systems.
compounds previously reported to have cytotoxic effects.
8. Limitations and Future Perspective
6.5. Neuroprotective Effect. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a The data from this review validate the use of certain orchid
progressive neurodegenerative disorder associated with species in ethnopharmacology for various conditions. More
memory impairment and cognitive deficit [98]. Various comprehensive studies of the bioactive compounds of
12 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Bulbophyllum species bioactive compounds

Anticancer Antimicrobial
phenolics phenyl
phenanatrenes Biological activities propanoids
↑apoptosis tumor ↓bacterial growth
Neuroprotective Anti-inflammatory
flavonoids Alzheimer’s disease Fotoprotector flavonoids
tanins ↓COX-2 tanins
↓AchE antioxidant
antioxidant stilbenoids

Figure 3: Illustrative scheme with the most important biological activities of Bulbophyllum species and correlations with their bioactive
compounds. Abbreviations and symbols: ↑, increase, ↓, decrease, COX-2, cyclooxygenase 2, IL-6, interleukin-6, and AchE,

several Bulbophyllum species would open a new perspective to extract the various health-promoting phytochemicals and
on the relationships between chemical profiles, interactions to identify their bioactivities, which will help to boost the
between different classes of chemical compounds, biological utilization of Bulbophyllum species.
properties, and correlation with geographical location.
Therapeutic limitations of Bulbophyllum species are due to Data Availability
ignorance of long-term adverse effects, toxicity, and mu-
tagenic potential. Future experimental pharmacological The data supporting this review are from previously reported
research is needed to further investigate the molecular studies and datasets, which have been cited. The processed
mechanisms and action targets of the bioactive compounds data are available from the corresponding author upon
contained in Bulbophyllum species. Another limitation is the request.
lack of clinical trials.
Conflicts of Interest
9. Conclusion The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
In recent years, the genus Bulbophyllum is gaining the at-
tention of plant researchers because of its rich phyto- Authors’ Contributions
chemical profile and variety of biological activities reported
across species of the genus. Most Bulbophyllum species are All authors made a significant contribution to the work.
epiphytic and found in habitats that range from subtropical
dry forests to wet montane cloud forests. Plants belonging to References
the genus Bulbophyllum are mostly epilithic herbs and
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