A Detailed Lesson Plan: 4.a Semicircle 8. 2 Inscribed Angles The Teacher Processes Students' Responses
A Detailed Lesson Plan: 4.a Semicircle 8. 2 Inscribed Angles The Teacher Processes Students' Responses
A Detailed Lesson Plan: 4.a Semicircle 8. 2 Inscribed Angles The Teacher Processes Students' Responses
Indicator # 3. Applied
a range of teaching
strategies to develop
Do you have any clarification, class? critical and creative
thinking, as well as other
Alright! Since you do not have any question, let’s move higher-order
on to our next activity thinking skills.
The teacher applies
problem-based learning or
PBL. This method uses
complex real-world
problems to promote
student learning of
concepts and principles.
She believes that learners
are thinking and creative
individuals. The teachers’
role then is to unleash the
creativity in each of our
Indicator # 2. Used a
range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
The teacher will give
words to student/s and
will let students to use it
in a sentence, define or
explain these words.
Indicator # 6.
Maintained learning
environments that
promote fairness, respect
and care to encourage
From the beginning until
the end, the teacher
promotes maximum
participation. She does not
call only one student to
participate or answer. She
gives opportunity to all
learners to talk. And let
students to understand
that a wrong answer will
not define for who you
are. And it was included
in her house rules that
bullying has no room in
her class.
Developing mastery Activity: (“Identify Me Baby”) Indicator # 7.
(Leads to Formative This time, let’s have another activity. With your same Established a learner-
Assessment) group, identify under what type of communication are centered culture by using
the following pictures belong to. You will write your teaching strategies that
answers on your drill boards and submit it after 2 respond to their
minutes. The group who will get the perfect score will linguistic, cultural, socio-
be the winner and will receive a yellow star. economic and religious
Understood class? backgrounds.
The teacher will present the pictures. The teacher will prepare
pictures which highlighted
The activity begins now. localization and
contextualization. She
After 2 minutes, the groups will present their answers. emphasizes cultural,
socio-economic and
The teacher will process students’ responses. religious background of
the students to promote
Again class, Speech context refers to the situation or learner-centered culture.
environment and the circumstances in which
communication occurs.
Finding practical Activity “Evaluate Me then, Choose Me”
applications of concepts Okay class, I think everyone of you already understood
and skills in daily living the first 2 types of Speech Context. To enhance more
your knowledge and skills, I will be giving you another
activity and we will call it “Evaluate Me then, Choose The students will present their work. Extended Abstract
Me”. This time you are task to evaluate each picture
given, then identify interpersonal from intrapersonal.
Cut out the pictures and make a scrapbook. You have 5
minutes to do the task. Be ready to present your output
after the time given.
(The teacher will present the rubric.)
Making generalizations As a senior high school student, what do you think is
and abstractions about the the advantage of having good
lesson communication skills in a variety of contexts?
The teacher will process students’ responses.
The teacher will generalize the lesson.
Evaluating learning The teacher will give answer sheet to the students. (3
IDENTIFICATION. Directions: Read every speech
context below. Then, identify if it is Intrapersonal or
Interpersonal. Write INTRA for intrapersonal and
INTER for interpersonal.
__________1. You are telling yourself “I CAN DO
IT”, before you present your slides to your audience.
__________2. You and your friends are chatting about
the effects of pandemic to ordinary citizens.
__________3. You realized that you left your
assignment at home and you felt worried because your
teacher is now coming to your classroom.
__________4. You were so engrossed about the
projects and you felt like quitting.
__________ 5. Your classmates are busy discussing
about the increasing number of COVID victims.
__________ 6. You are excited to meet your friends
after the quarantine and you give a note to yourself to
wear your masks all the time.
__________ 7. You and your friends were
brainstorming about the title of the research pr of your
__________8. You forgot to bring your umbrella and
you silently scolded yourself about it.
__________9. You joined the zoom conference of
your groupmates who shared their “TIKTOK”
__________10. You silently wished that your name
would not be called during the oral recitation.
Additional activities for Direction: (The teacher will provide picture) In pairs,
application or remediation have students create short dialogues or speeches for
different speech contexts. They should consider the
language, tone, and setting that would be appropriate
for each context.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
School Principal
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