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A Detailed Lesson Plan: 4.a Semicircle 8. 2 Inscribed Angles The Teacher Processes Students' Responses

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Teacher: RHEA M. DOÑA Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: SECOND


Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles and coordinate geometry.
Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to challenging situations involving circles and other related terms in different
disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
Learning The learner derives the laws of radicals. M9AL-IIf-2
References Grade 10 Learners’ Material in Mathematics
Teacher’s Guides
Learner’s Material pages
Textbook Pages
Additional Reference
from Learning Resource
Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, Video, Handouts, Drill boards
Good morning, class! : Good morning, Ma’am!
*Checking of Attendance
Secretary, who is absent today? : None, Ma’am.
The teacher will post the objectives through a
powerpoint presentation.
Drill Method: 1.AN, AJ , AE
(Present a figure of a circle) 2. EJ
Direction: Use the figure to identify and name the ff. 3. EL, EJ
terms related to circle. Then, answer the ff. questions. 4. ^ JNE , ^ JLE
1.a radius 5. a minor arc 5.^JL,^JN,^EN,^EL , ^ ln
2.a diameter 6. A major arc 6.^LEN,^LJE,^ENL,^ JLN , ^LNJ
3.a chord 7. 2 central angles 7.∠JAN,∠ NAE
4.a semicircle 8. 2 inscribed angles 8.∠LEJ,∠JEN,∠ LEN
Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the The teacher processes students’ responses.
new lesson
Good job, class! I think you are now ready for our next
Establishing a purpose for Motivation:
the lesson (Show them a picture of pizza)
Guide Questions:
1. How many
equal slices of pizza are there? 1. 6 slices
2. What do you think is the degree measure of each arc 2. 60
of the sliced pizza?
3. If you want to slice the pizza, how many equal slices 3. Students answer may vary
of pizza you want to divide? Why?

The teacher processes students’ responses.

Around of applause for yourselves!

Class, the activity that you have just undergone has
something to do with our topic for today, which is all
about Chords, Arcs and Central Angles.
Presenting Let’s dig deeper with our new topic today through Indicator # 8. Adapted
examples/instances of the doing another activity entitled “Fill me in.” and used culturally
new lesson However, before we will proceed to our activity. I want appropriate teaching
you first to identify your first language or what is your strategies to address the
culture? Are you a Muslim, Ilokano, Cebuano, or needs of learners from
Bikolano? indigenous groups.
Activity “Fill Me In” With the same group, discuss in The teacher promotes
two minutes what information can be contained in the collaborative learning in
following communication types? Fill in each box with which students will be
the information needed. able to present their
Communication Communication Communication culture or language they
with self between two in a small group have.

You only have 2 minutes to do your work and after that

the Group Representative or the group leader will
present your work. Is that clear?
Kurt please read the following criteria for your activity.

The teacher presents the rubric. Indicator # 9. Used

strategies for providing
: Yes, Ma’am. timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to
Content Points improve learner
Present correct ideas 15 performance.
with supporting The teacher will present
explanation rubrics to activities to
Present correct idea 10 promote accurate and
with supporting 2-3 constructive feedback to
explanation students’ performance.
And teacher will
Present loose idea 5
constantly give praises to
Grammar students.
Virtually no spelling, 15
punctuation, or
grammatical errors
Few spelling and 10
punctuation errors,
minor grammatical
So many spelling, 5
punctuation and
grammatical errors that
it interferes with
Are you ready class? meaning
Ok, begin your work. : Yes, Ma’am.
After 2 minutes preparation time, the group :(The students do their activity)
representative will present their output.

(The students present their work)

Class, please present your output.

The teacher processes students’ responses.

Base from the activity, Context is critical, because it

tells you, the receiver, what importance to place on
something, what assumptions to draw (or not) about
what is being communicated, and most importantly, it
puts meaning into the message. According to DeVito
(2005), “Context refers to the setting in which the
communication takes place. Our lesson today is the
types of speech context.
Discussing new concepts Let’s now discuss our lesson class. Indicator # 1. Applied
and practicing new skill The teacher will present a conversation between knowledge of content
#1 friends. And will call two students to act as friend 1 and within and across
friend 2. (Taken from Grade 7 English lesson) curriculum teaching
Friend 1: You haven't been looking so well recently. areas. The teacher will
Anything wrong? use intra disciplinary
Friend 2: Yes. Yesterday I had to take my mother to the since she will use English
hospital due to hypertension. (which is of the same
Friend 1: Oh God! How is she right now? Anything teaching area) the quarter
serious? 4 MELC of English 7,
Friend 2: Not really. All she has to do is to follow a Employ a variety of
strict diet. strategies for effective
Friend 1: Thank God! Let me know what I can help. interpersonal
Friend 2: Thank you, friend! communication
(interview, dialog,
The teacher will ask the following questions: conversation) N7OL-I-
1. Why do you think “Friend 2” is not looking so well? b1.14
2. Based on the conversation, describe “Friend 1” as a Unistructural
friend. Acceptable answer:
3. Who among you wants to have a conversation with Friend 2 is not looking
your friends and why? so well because he took
his mother to the hospital
(The teacher will call someone to answer each : Ma’am! due to hypertension.
question.) :Friend 2 is not looking well because of Multistructural
her mother. Acceptable Answer:
:Friend 1 is so concern with his friend Friend 1 is thoughtful
and caring. He
: I want to have a conversation with
Very nice answers. exemplifies a friend you
my friends because I just feel happy
(The teacher will process students’ responses) can turn to if you have a
Class, when you talk to your friend, do you know what talking to them. problem.
kind of speech is that? : No, Ma’am. Relational
: Interpersonal – This refers to Acceptable Answer:
Riz-dein, please read the scribbles on the slide. communication between and among I want to have a
people and establishes personal conversation with my
relationship between and among friend because I’m
them. curious of their thoughts
and asking them how are
: Ok that’s right. You know what class, your they means I care for
conversation with your friends is an example of that them, just like what
and this is what we call Dyad Communication. It is a “friend 1” did in the
communication that occurs between two people. :A conversation with your younger conversation. It's lonely.
Who can give me an example of this? brother. It's depressing. You have
Let’s hear from, Bryan.
no one to talk to, no one
Correct! Good job, Bryan! : You converse with your seatmate
How about another example Ruby? to trust. Empty is a good
regarding the assignment.
word for a life without
friends. We desire human
That’s nice example. Do you understand now class connection like we all do.
what is Interpersonal Communication?
Nice. Indicator # 4. Displayed
Interpersonal Communication has two types: proficient use of Mother
1. Dyad (The teacher will present a video.) Tongue, Filipino and
2. Small Group English to facilitate
teaching and learning.
I have another question class. Who among you wants to During the discussion,
be with himself or herself most of the time? : Ma’am! occasionally, the teacher
Yes, John? Why do you want to be with yourself most : I want to be with myself most of the will ask follow-up
of the time? time because I find it peaceful. questions purposely in
Very good. Sometimes it is good to be alone because students’ first language as
we will be able to meditate class. Am I right? the mother tongue of her
learners. Her intent was to
Do you know what types of speech context is that? :No, Ma’am shift from the medium of
: Intrapersonal – This refers to instruction to the mother
Please read the scribbles on the slide, Princess. tongue to facilitate
communication that centers on one
person where the speaker acts both as
the sender and the receiver of
message. “The message is made up of Indicator # 1. Applied
The teacher presents a reading activity from Personal your thoughts and feelings. knowledge of content
Development subject entitled “The Story of Two within and across
Wolves” and will give the students a minute to read the curriculum teaching
story. areas.
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. He The teacher will use inter
said, “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the disciplinary since she will
boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. integrate her discussion in
One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, Personal Development
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, subject, MELC Evaluate
false pride, superiority, and ego.” his/her own thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors
He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace,
love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,
empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The
same fight is going on inside you – and inside every
other person, too.”
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then
asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Ask the following questions: :The grandfather was teaching his son
1. What is the purpose of the old Cherokee in telling about life Unistructural
the story of two wolves to his grandson? :The one you feed always. Acceptable Answers:
2. Which wolf wins the fight? : Every human 1.The old Cherokee
3. Inside whom does the fight between the two wolves :Not to feed my ego wanted to teach his
goes on? :In order for us to not brag about what grandson about life.
4. Based on the story, what advice would you give to we have 2.The wolf wins the fight
yourself and why? which is fed the most.
5. Why must we have a feeling of humility no matter 3. The fight between the
what we have or what we do? two wolves goes on inside
every person.
(The teacher will call students to answer) Multistructural
Acceptable Answer:
Very good students! You have very insightful answers. 4. I will always remind
(The teacher will process students’ responses) myself that ego is the
most dangerous thing
Sometimes we talk to our self and reflect upon our that we have and
actions. Say for example if the teacher scolded you whichever feelings we let
because you didn’t submit your assignment. After you dominate us become part
have been scolded, you will reflect from your actions of our nature.
and you will tell yourself that you will not do it again. Relational
And that’s an example of Intrapersonal : Ma’am! Acceptable Answer:
Communication. 5. We must have a
: You felt happy while thinking about
Who can give me another example? feeling of humility no
how your teacher appreciated you for
Yes, Reynilyn? matter what we have or
submitting your project before the do, because it will keep
due date and you reflected on why us grounded and help us
this was so.
understand what others
are going through. It will
Very good that’s right. help us be empathetic
and compassionate
So, do you understand what is Intrapersonal towards others and not
Communication class? make us arrogant about
Very good. our privileges or position.

Indicator # 3. Applied
a range of teaching
strategies to develop
Do you have any clarification, class? critical and creative
thinking, as well as other
Alright! Since you do not have any question, let’s move higher-order
on to our next activity thinking skills.
The teacher applies
problem-based learning or
PBL. This method uses
complex real-world
problems to promote
student learning of
concepts and principles.
She believes that learners
are thinking and creative
individuals. The teachers’
role then is to unleash the
creativity in each of our
Indicator # 2. Used a
range of teaching
strategies that enhance
learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
The teacher will give
words to student/s and
will let students to use it
in a sentence, define or
explain these words.

Indicator # 6.
Maintained learning
environments that
promote fairness, respect
and care to encourage
From the beginning until
the end, the teacher
promotes maximum
participation. She does not
call only one student to
participate or answer. She
gives opportunity to all
learners to talk. And let
students to understand
that a wrong answer will
not define for who you
are. And it was included
in her house rules that
bullying has no room in
her class.
Developing mastery Activity: (“Identify Me Baby”) Indicator # 7.
(Leads to Formative This time, let’s have another activity. With your same Established a learner-
Assessment) group, identify under what type of communication are centered culture by using
the following pictures belong to. You will write your teaching strategies that
answers on your drill boards and submit it after 2 respond to their
minutes. The group who will get the perfect score will linguistic, cultural, socio-
be the winner and will receive a yellow star. economic and religious
Understood class? backgrounds.
The teacher will present the pictures. The teacher will prepare
pictures which highlighted
The activity begins now. localization and
contextualization. She
After 2 minutes, the groups will present their answers. emphasizes cultural,
socio-economic and
The teacher will process students’ responses. religious background of
the students to promote
Again class, Speech context refers to the situation or learner-centered culture.
environment and the circumstances in which
communication occurs.
Finding practical Activity “Evaluate Me then, Choose Me”
applications of concepts Okay class, I think everyone of you already understood
and skills in daily living the first 2 types of Speech Context. To enhance more
your knowledge and skills, I will be giving you another
activity and we will call it “Evaluate Me then, Choose The students will present their work. Extended Abstract
Me”. This time you are task to evaluate each picture
given, then identify interpersonal from intrapersonal.
Cut out the pictures and make a scrapbook. You have 5
minutes to do the task. Be ready to present your output
after the time given.
(The teacher will present the rubric.)
Making generalizations As a senior high school student, what do you think is
and abstractions about the the advantage of having good
lesson communication skills in a variety of contexts?
The teacher will process students’ responses.
The teacher will generalize the lesson.
Evaluating learning The teacher will give answer sheet to the students. (3
IDENTIFICATION. Directions: Read every speech
context below. Then, identify if it is Intrapersonal or
Interpersonal. Write INTRA for intrapersonal and
INTER for interpersonal.
__________1. You are telling yourself “I CAN DO
IT”, before you present your slides to your audience.
__________2. You and your friends are chatting about
the effects of pandemic to ordinary citizens.
__________3. You realized that you left your
assignment at home and you felt worried because your
teacher is now coming to your classroom.
__________4. You were so engrossed about the
projects and you felt like quitting.
__________ 5. Your classmates are busy discussing
about the increasing number of COVID victims.
__________ 6. You are excited to meet your friends
after the quarantine and you give a note to yourself to
wear your masks all the time.
__________ 7. You and your friends were
brainstorming about the title of the research pr of your
__________8. You forgot to bring your umbrella and
you silently scolded yourself about it.
__________9. You joined the zoom conference of
your groupmates who shared their “TIKTOK”
__________10. You silently wished that your name
would not be called during the oral recitation.
Additional activities for Direction: (The teacher will provide picture) In pairs,
application or remediation have students create short dialogues or speeches for
different speech contexts. They should consider the
language, tone, and setting that would be appropriate
for each context.

Are there any point of clarification class? :None, ma’am

If that’s so, let’s call it a day. Goodbye, class! :Goodbye, ma’am!
No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation

Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:
School Principal
1. A

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