S Block Elements
S Block Elements
S Block Elements
S-Block Elements
Alkali Metals; Group -1 Element
Ø The group 1 elements have ns1 electronic configuration and are highly reactive
2.Oxidation State
The group 1 elements exhibit +1 oxidation state
3.Ionization Energy
⚫The value of first ionization energies for the atoms in this
group are lower than those for any other group in the whole
periodic table. (Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs)
⚫Second ionization energy of alkali metals is very high
because by loosing one electron they achieve inert gas
⚫Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs (Ionization energy)
4. Density
Alkali metals have large size which accounts for their low
5. Melting and Boiling point
M.P. and B.P. of alkali metals are low due to weak interatomic bonds
because of their large atomic radii and presence of only 1 valence
electron. (Li > Na > K > Rb > Cs)
6. Electropositive Character
7. Conductivity
Due to the presence of loosely held valence electrons which are free to move in a
metal structure, these elements are good conductor of heat and electricity.
8.Nature of Bonds
The electronegativity values being low, they combine with other elements
to form ionic bond.
9. Electronegativity
The tendency to attract elements is low as the alkali metals are electropositive. The
electronetativity, thus decreases from Li to Cs as the electropositive character increases.
14. Photoelectric Effect
K, Rb and Cs have quite large atomic size, so their ionization energy is very low.
Due to very low ionization energy their valence shell electrons gets excited even by absorbing
visible light.
That’s why Cs is used in photoelectric cells.
Elements Colour
15. Flame Test
Li Crimson red
F i r s t g r o u p e l e m e n t s a n d their s a l t s g i v e s Na Golden Yellow
characteristic color to Bunsen flame. By flame K Violet
energy electron of outer most shell get excited,
Rb Red Violet
which on returning back to its ground state
Cs Blue
releases absorbed flame energy as a visible
The energy released is min. in the case of Li +
and increases in order Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+.
Chemical Properties Reaction Comment
Hydroxides are strongest base
Reactivity 2M 2H2O 2MOH H2
Reactivity towards air (Oxides)
Alkali metals gets tarnish in air due to the formation of oxide at their
surface hence they are kept in kerosene or paraffin wax..
Reactivity towards Hydrogen (Hydrides)
v Thermal stability : LiH > NaH > KH > RbH > CsH
v Basic property : CsH > RbH > KH > NaH > LiH
Reaction with Water (Hydroxides)
v Alkali metals react vigorously with H 2O forming hydroxides with the
liberation of H2.
2M 2H2O 2MOH H2
v Reactivity with water increase form Li to Cs.
v Alkali Metal hydroxides are all crystalline solids.
(Slightly soluble ) LiOH < NaOH < KOH < RbOH < CsOH
(highly soluble)
Carbonates & Bicarbonates
v All the Alkali metal gives sulphates and they are all soluble in water.
Extraction of Sodium
Ø Na is obtained on large scale by 2 processes.
Castner’s process :
In this process, electrolysis of fused NaOH is carried out at 330°C
using iron as cathode and nickel as anode.
Down’s process :
It involves the electrolysis of fused NaCl containing CaCl2 and KF,
using iron as cathode and graphite as anode, at about 600°C.
In Down’s process Na is obtained by electrolysis of a mixture of NaCl (40%)
and CaCl2 (60%) in fused state.
Preparation of Sodium Hydroxide
Castner-Kellner cell :
An electrolytic cell used industrially for the production of sodium hydroxide. The usually
iron cell is filled with brine (sodium chloride solution) and employs liquid mercury as the
cathode. The sodium liberated there forms an amalgam with the mercury, which is run
off and reacted with water to give sodium hydroxide (and hydrogen); the mercury is
then re-used. Chlorine gas produced at the anode is another valuable by-product.
At Cathode:
2 Na + 2e 2Na
Na+ Hg Na-Hg (Amalgam)
At Anode:
2Cl- Cl2 +2e
Alkaline Earth Metals;
Group -2 Elements
Alkaline Earth Metals; Group -2 Element
Ø The group 1 elements have ns2 electronic configuration and are
highly reactive metals.
2.Oxidation State
The group 2 elements exhibit +2 oxidation state.
2.Ionization Energy
⚫First ionization energy is higher than IA group because of smaller
atomic size and completely filled s-orbital (stable electronic
⚫Second ionization energy is lesser than IA group.
The size of group 2 elements are smaller than those of group 1 thus these
elements have higher density than group 1 elements. Density increases
from Be to Ra.
(5) Melting and Boiling point :
Since the cohesive force decreases down the group the melting point of
elements of group 2 decreases down the group.
Exception :
Mg has the lowest melting point. Boiling
Boiling points do not show regular trends. They are harder than alkali
(6) Electropositive Character :
Their atomic size is smaller than IA group so these are lesser electro-
positive than IA group. Electropositivity increases from Be to Ba.
(7) Conductivity :
These are also good conductor of heat and electricity due to presence
of two free electrons.
(8) Nature of Bonds :
Be mainly forms covalent compound. The rest of the elements in group 2
forms ionic bond.
Mg Bright White
Ca Brick red
Sr Crimson red
Ba Apple green
Ra Crimson
(10) Electronegative Values :
The electronegativity values of group 2 are low but are higher than the
values of group 1. The value of decreases down the group.
(13) Photoelectric Effect:
These elements do not show this property as their atomic size is small hence
ionization energy is higher than IA group
Be Be Be 2+ + 2e – 1.85
Mg Mg Mg 2+ + 2e – 2.37
Ca Ca Ca 2+ + 2e – 2.87
Sr Sr Sr 2+ + 2e – 2.89
Ba Ba Ba 2+ + 2e – 2.90
Chemical Properties
Reactivity towards air (Oxides)
v Alkaline earth metals reacts with O2 to form ‘MO’ type oxides.
(M = Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba)
In II-A only Ca, Sr, Ba form peroxide.
Ex : CaO2, SrO2, BaO2
⚫Except Be all the alkaline metals forms MH 2 type hydrides (MgH 2 , CaH 2 ,
SrH2, BaH2) on heating directly with H2.
⚫BeH2 is prepared by action of BeCl2 with LiAlH4 2BeCl2 + LiAlH4 2BeH2 + LiCl
+ AlCl3
Reducing agent
Reactivity towards Water (Hydroxides)
v Solubility of Nitrates of both 1-A & II-A groups increase down
the group.