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Group Project Nguyen Duc Anh GCH17051 GCH0805

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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title WEBG301 - Project Web

Submission date 1/6/2022 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Duc Anh Student ID GCH17051

Class GCH0805 Assessor name Nguyen Dinh Tran Long

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature ducanh

❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
II. User Requirement .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
III. System Design .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Site map .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Entity Relationship Diagram ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
IV. Implementation ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
1. Sample Source Code ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
a. View ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
b. Controller ............................................................................................................................................................................................11
c. Model ...................................................................................................................................................................................................13
2. Web screenshots ......................................................................................................................................................................................15
V. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................................................................27
1. Evaluate ...................................................................................................................................................................................................27
2. Future Improvement...............................................................................................................................................................................27
VI. Appendix .................................................................................................................................................................................................27
Project Web
Student Management System

I. Introduction
The article is a group report on the student management system, consisting of three parts. Part one introduces user
requirements, ERD database design, and Site map. The second part shows the MVC pattern used in the project and screenshots
of the website. The final part evaluates the site's strengths and weaknesses, and future improvements. In this project, the author
only works with Student and Class function. Therefore, in this article, some part only introduces about things related to the above
two functions.
II. User Requirement

As a/an I want to…<perform some task> So that I can…<achieve some goal>

Admin Manage all account of all user Create account for all Student, Teacher
Manage all Course Create New, Update information, delete, search
Manage all Class Create New, Update information, delete, search
Manage all Student Assign and remove student to class
Update information, delete, search, create new
Manage all Teacher Create New, Update information, delete, search
Manage all Room Create New, Update information, delete, search
Manage all Category Create New, Update information, delete, search
Teacher Check Course, Class, Room, Course See list course, class, student, Category and see detail course, class,
Category, Student Course Category
Search Course, Class, Room, Course Category, Student, Teacher
Student Check Course, Class, Room, Course See list course, class, Category and see detail course, class, Course
Category, Category
Search Course, Class, Room, Course Category,
Figure 1: User requirement

III. System Design

1. Site map
Figure 2: Site map

2. Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 3: ERD diagram

IV. Implementation
1. Sample Source Code
The system uses the Symfony framework, so the image below shows the directory of the whole project that has been created
with the Symfony command. Obviously, Symfony has divided folders according to the MVC pattern: model and controller
in the src folder, and view in the templates folder.

Figure 4: Source code folder

a. View
In the MVC model, the View represents the user interface. In symphony, this view is located in the "templates" folder.
Figure 5: View folder

The following are some example of view

Figure 6: base.html.twig
Figure 7: Student index

b. Controller
Basically, in the MVC model, the controller acts as a middle layer between the view and the model. It receives commands
from the view and sends them to the model and vice versa.
Figure 8: Controller folder

An example in the student's controller, two functions studentIndex and studentDetail are responsible for getting data from
the Student table in the database and rendering it in the view.

Figure 9: Student controller

c. Model
In simple terms, in the MVC pattern, this model handles and accesses operations in the database. In Symfony, the Model
can be auto-generated with commands such as 'symfony make: entity'.

Figure 10.1: Entity folder

Figure 10.2: Repository folder

Figure 11: Student entity
Figure 12: Student orm

2. Web screenshots
Figure 13: Home and navigation bar interface
Figure 14: View Student
Figure 15: Add student
Figure 16: Update student
Figure 17: Student detail
Figure 18: View class
Figure 19: Add class
Figure 20: Update class
Figure 21: Class detail
Figure 22: Assign student to a class
Figure 23: Remove student from a class
V. Conclusion
1. Evaluate
Strength Weaknesses
 The website has met the minimum requirements of a  Low security.
student management system such as: adding, updating,  There are no special functions other than simple
editing, deleting searching. functions such as add, edit and delete.
 The system is built according to the MVC model  Simple and boring interface.
(Model, View, and Controller).  Users other than admin can only view.
 Website is easy to use, and all functions can be  Some tables in the database are not connected properly.
performed by no more than four operations.  Some features are not logical.
 In the process of running the website, there are no errors,
the functions work very efficiently.
 The website has authorization, access denial, and
password encryption.
 Easy to modify and improve in the code.
Figure 24: Pros and Cons

2. Future Improvement
In the future, the system will be added with more features such as grading function, student attendance, assignment
submission, etc. In addition, the team will improve the user interface of the web to make them look better and more
interactive. In the near future, the team will try to correct the shortcomings and irrationalities in the system to build a complete
VI. Appendix
Group member list Role
Nguyen Duc Anh (GCH17051) User Login, Student and Class function back-end and front-
Pham Khue Room and Teacher function back-end and front-end
Nghiem Cao Nhan Course Category and Course function back-end and front-end
Figure 25: Member list

Link GitHub: https://github.com/paulpham98/projectWeb

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