S 20 ECE Syllabus
S 20 ECE Syllabus
S 20 ECE Syllabus
Scheme – 2020
Scheme and Syllabus for II, III & IV Year of
Four year B.Tech. Degree Program in
Introduction to Managerial Economics & Demand:
Managerial Economics- Definition, Nature and Scope; Demand -Meaning, Types of Demand, Demand
Determinants, Law of Demand and its exceptions, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Indifference
Elasticity of Demand and Demand Forecasting:
Elasticity of Demand-Types, Measurement and Significance;
Demand forecasting –Importance, Factors, Purposes, Methods of Demand Forecasting
Theory of production & cost analysis and Market Structures
Production Analysis: Meaning, Isoquants & Isocosts, The law of diminishing Marginal Returns,
Law of Returns to Scale, Internal and External Economies of scale, Optimum combination of inputs
and Producer’s equilibrium
Cost Analysis – Cost concepts, Cost output relationship for Short Run and Long Run, Break Even
Analysis – Its Importance, Limitations and Managerial uses
Market Structures: Types and Features of different market structures–Perfect Competition – Monopoly
– Monopolistic and Oligopolistic; Price output determination in case of perfect competition and
Capital and Capital Budgeting
Introduction; Definition; Significance of Capital Budgeting; Complications involved in capital
budgeting decisions; Need for capital budgeting decisions; steps in capital budgeting; Methods of
Capital Budgeting-Traditional Methods-Payback period and Accounting rate of return methods,
Discounted Cash flow methods- Net present value method, Internal Rate of return method and
Profitability index method.
Introduction to Financial Accountancy
Principles of Accountancy: Introduction, Double Entry System of Book Keeping, Journal, Ledger,
Preparation of Trial balance
Preparation of Final Accounts: Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account, and Balance Sheet with
adjustments, Final Accounts problems.
Text Books:
1. A.R. Aryasri, Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, Mc Graw Hill Education
2. Varshiney and Maheswari, Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Co, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1) Vanita Agarwal, Managerial Economics, Pearson Education
2) Domnick Salvatore: Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, 4th Edition, Thomson
3) S.P. Jain and K.L. Narang, Financial Accounting
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question
from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the concept of mesh & nodal analysis, network topology and Application of Network
Theorems for Circuit Analysis.
CO2: Understand the characteristics of two port networks Z, Y, g, h, and ABCD parameters and
resonance and the characteristics of symmetrical and asymmetrical networks
CO3: Understand the behavior of the transient states in RL, RC, RLC circuits.
CO4: Understand the signal behavior through a transmission line.
CO5: Analyses of reflection coefficient, standing wave ratio, input impedance, Smith Chart.
Network Analysis:
Mesh and Nodal methods of analysis of Networks with dependent and independent voltage and current
sources, star-to-delta, delta-to-star transformation.
Network Topology:
Definitions, Graphs, Tree, incident matrix, Basic Cutest and Tie set schedules, Matrices for Planar
Networks, Duality and Dual Networks.
Network Theorems:
Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Super Position theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem,
Reciprocity theorem.
Two Port Networks
Driving point and transfer functions, two port network parameters- Z, Y, ABCD, g & h, Relationship
between parameter sets, Interconnection of Two port networks.
Resonance in series and parallel circuits – bandwidth and Q factor, Half-Power Frequencies.
Characteristics of Networks
Standard T,π,L Sections and Lattice networks, Characteristic impedance and propagation constant.
Image and iterative impedances, Image transfer constant & iterative transfer constant.
Transient Analysis (First and Second Order Circuits):
Introduction to transient response and Initial Conditions, Transient response of series –RL, RC RLC
Circuits for sinusoidal, impulse, step, ramp, and exponential excitations, Solution using Differential
Equations approach and Laplace Transform method.
Transmission Line – I
Types of transmission lines, Primary constants, Skin effect, Transmission line equations from source and
load end, Infinite line, Secondary constants, Velocity of propagation, Group velocity. Terminations:
Open and short-circuited lines, Line distortion, Distortion less line, types of loading.
Transmission Line –II (RF Lines)
Input impedance relations, SC and OC lines, Reflection coefficient, VSWR. λ/2, λ/4, λ /8- Impedance
Smith Chart
Construction and applications of Smith chart, Transmission line matching. Single stub matching and
double stub matching.
Text Books:
1. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis. 3rd Edition, PHI 1974.
2. Choudhary D.Roy, “Networks & Systems”, New Age International Publishers, 2nd edition 2010.
3. Umesh Sinha, Networks and Transmission Lines, 8th Edition, Satya Prakashan
Reference Books:
1. John D Ryder, Networks Lines and Fields, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall 2003.
2. Johnson, Transmission Lines and Networks, TMH.
3. VKAA tree, Network Theory & Filter Design, New Age International.
4. A.Sudhakar and S.P.Shyam Mohan, Circuits and Networks, 3rdEdition,TMH2007
Web References:
1. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-002-circuits-and-
2. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/108102042/
3. https://lecturenotes.in/subject/553/electrical-circuit-ec
4. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-763-applied-
5. nptel.ac.in/courses/117101056/
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students are able to
CO1:Apply the basic knowledge of number systems, Boolean algebra to solve simple problems
CO2:Understand Boolean algebra, and apply it to minimize and realize Boolean functions
CO3:Design various common combinational logic circuits
CO4:Design simple sequential logic circuits
CO5:Distinguish types of FSMs and design them by following the standard procedure
Number System :
Binary numbers, Number-base Conversions, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers, complements of
numbers, Signed binary numbers, Binary codes, binary logic
Boolean Algebra: basic definitions, basic theorems and properties, Boolean functions, canonical and
standard forms, all logic functions of two variables, digital logic gates
Minimization & Realization Methods
2,3,4,5 -variable Karnaugh map (K-map) method, prime implicants, essential prime implicants, POS,
SOP simplifications, simplifications with don’t-cares conditions, NAND/NOR implementations of
digital gates, 2- level and multi-level NAND/NOR realizations, AND-OR-INVERT(AOI),OR-AND-
INVERT(OAI), Quine-McCluskey (QM) Technique or Tabulation Method, Programmable Logic
Devices: PROM, PLA & PAL
Combinational Logic Design
Combinational circuits: half-adder, full-adder, binary adder, carry look ahead adder, half-subtractor,
full-subtractor, binary adder with subtractor, BCD adder, binary multiplier, magnitude comparator,
decoder and its applications for combinational logic implementation, encoder, priority encoder,
multiplexer (MUX), combinational logic implementation using MUX, hazards in combinational logic.
Sequential Logic Design
Sequential circuit, types of sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, excitation tables, flip-flop conversions,
registers, shift registers and its types, counters: ripple counter, BCD ripple counter, synchronous
counter, Ring counter, Johnson counter
Finite State Machines
Mealy and Moore state machines, Algorithmic State Machines, ASM chart, Design examples (ASMD
chart), design of synchronous sequential circuits, state reduction, sequence detectors, design examples.
Text Books:
1. Mano, Morris. M and Ciletti, Michael D, Digital Design with an Introduction to Verilog HDL, 5th
edition, Pearson, New Delhi,2013
2. Jain, R. P., Modern Digital Electronics, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi, 2010
Reference Books:
1. Kumar, Anand. A., Fundamentals of Digital Circuit, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall India, New Delhi,
2. Fletcher, W.L., An Engineering Approach to Digital Design, Pearson India, 2015
3. Kohavi, Zvi, Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2009
4. Roth,Charles H., Fundamentals of Logic Design, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2004
5. Taub, H and D.Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill, New York, 1977
Web References:
2. http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/12/digital-systems-design.html
3. http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/12/digital-circuits-and-systems.html
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the analysis and classification of signals and systems, analyze frequency domain
Description of periodic signals.
CO2: Analyze frequency domain description of a periodic signals, understand the characteristics of
LTI system and discretization of analog signals
CO3: Apply the concepts of convolution to find the response of the system and find the degree of
similarity of two signals using correlation
CO4: Understand the s-domain representation of continuous time signals and systems using
Laplace Transforms
CO5: Analyze the discrete time signals in z-domain and perform transform analysis of LTI systems
using Z-Transform
Basic continuous and discrete time signals, Classification of Signals, Basic operations on signals,
Elementary signals, Singularity functions: Impulse, Step and Ramp functions, Classification of
continuous time systems and discrete time systems and their properties.
Fourier series
Dirichlet’s conditions, Trigonometric Fourier series and Exponential Fourier series, Spectrum and its
significance, Amplitude and Phase spectra.
Fourier Transforms and Linear time invariant (LTI) system
Fourier transform (FT), Fourier transform of standard signals, properties of Fourier transforms,
Fourier transforms involving impulse function, Fourier transform of periodic signals, Transmission of
signals through continuous and discrete time LTI systems, Transfer function of an LTI system,
Distortion less transmission through LTI system, Causality & stability
Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin,“Signals and Systems”,2nd Edition,Wiley-Eastern,2007
2. Oppenheim A.Vand Willsky,“Signals and Systems”,2nd Edition, Pearson Edition.2013
3. Hwei Piao Hsu, “Schaum’s, Outline of Theory Problems of Signals and Systems”, McGraw-Hill
4. P.Ramesh Babu,“Signals & Systems” 4thedition, Scitech Publications India, 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Eastern.2001
2. B.P.Lathi, “Communication Systems”,Wiley Eastern.
3. Anand Kumar,“Signals and systems”, 3rd edition, PHI,2013
4. A.Nagoor Kani,“Signals and Systems: Simplified”, Mc Graw-Hill
Web References:
1. https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-6-007-signals-and-systems-spring-2011/video-lectures/
2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc18_ee02/preview
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8rsR_TStaA
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Understand the concept of probability using an appropriate samples pace.
CO2. Understand the concept of a random variable and operations on single random variable.
CO3. Understand the concept of multiple random variables and operations on multiple random
CO4. Analyze the concept of random processes in time domain and frequency domain.
CO5. Apply the concepts of Probability to Information theory.
Probability introduced through Sets and Relative Frequency, Joint and Conditional
Probability Total probability, Bayes’ Theorem, Combined Experiments and Bernoulli Trials.
Random Variable
Introduction, The random variable concept, Classification of Random variables, Distribution Function,
Density Function, The Gaussian Random Variable, Other Distribution and Density Functions: Uniform,
Exponential, Binomial, Poisson’s, Rayleigh, Conditional Distribution and Density functions.
Operations on Single Random Variable
Introduction, Expectation, Moments: Moments about the Origin, Central Moments, Functions that give
Moments: Characteristic Function, Moment Generating Function, Chebyshev’s Inequality, Markov
Inequality, Transformations of a random variable.
Multiple Random Variables
Introduction, vector random variables, Joint Distribution and its Properties, Joint Density and its
Properties, Conditional Distribution and Density, Statistical Independence Distribution and Density of a
Sum of Two Random Variables, Sum of Several Random Variables, Central Limit Theorem.
Operations on Multiple Random variables
Introduction, Expected Value of a Function of Random Variables: Joint Moments about the Origin,
Joint Central Moments, Joint Characteristic Functions, Jointly Gaussian Random Variables&
properties, Transformations of Multiple Random Variables, Linear Transformations of Gaussian
Random Variables.
Random Processes-Temporal Characteristics
Introduction, Random Process Concept, Classification of Random Processes, Distribution and Density
Functions, Stationarity and Statistical Independence. Ensemble Averages, Time Averages, Mean-
Ergodic Processes, Correlation-Ergodic Processes, Autocorrelation Function and its Properties, Cross-
Correlation Function andits Properties, Covariance Functions.
Random Processes-Spectral Characteristics
Introduction, Power Density Spectrum and its Properties, Relationship between Power Spectrum and
Autocorrelation Function, Cross Power Density Spectrum and its Properties, Relationship between
Cross-Power Spectrum and Cross-Correlation Function.
Information Theory:
Introduction, Information and its properties, Entropy and its Properties, Information Rate, Discrete
Memory Less Channel, Types of Channels, Conditional & Joint Entropies, Mutual Information and
its properties, Channel Capacity, Shannon Hartley Law, Shannon Fano Coding, Huffman Coding
Text Books:
1. Peyton Z. Peebles, ―Probability Random variables and Random signal principles”,
4th Edition, TMH, 2017.
2. Athanasius Papoulis and Unni Krishna Pillai, ―Probability, Random variables and
Stochastic Processes ”4th Edition, PHI, 2009.
3. Simon Haykin, ―Communication Systems‖, 2nd Edition, John Wiley, 2009.
4. P Ramesh Babu, ―Probability Theory and Random Processes,McGraw-Hill,2015
Reference Books:
1. Henry Stark and John W.Woods, ―Probability and Random processes with applications to signal
Processing”, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. R.P.Singh and S.D.Sapre, Communication Systems Analog &,Digital”,2nd edition, TMH-2007.
3. Dr.Sanjay Sharma, ―Digital Communications, 5th Edition, KATARIA , 2013.
4. Murray R. Spiegel, John J. Schiller, R. Alu Srinivasan, “Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of
Probability and Statistics”, McGraw-Hill,2000
Web References:
1. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/117103067/
2. http://https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-445-introduction-to-stochastic-processes-
3. https://www.nptel.ac.in/courses/111/102/111102111/
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1. Interpret the fundamental Python syntax and semantics and be fluent in the use of Python
Data types and Operators
CO2. Express proficiency in the handling of Control Flow Statements
CO3. Determine the methods to create and manipulate Python programs by utilizing the data
structures and Functions
CO4. Articulate the Object-Oriented Programming concepts such as encapsulation and
inheritance, Error and Exception handling as used in Python
CO5. Develop general scientific programming through Matplotlib, NumPy and Pandas packages
Introduction - History of python, Features, Need and Applications of python programming, Basic
elements of python, Installing Python, Running Python program
Python Language Syntax - Keywords, Identifiers, Variables, Comments, Indentation
Data type - Numbers, Strings, Booleans, Implicit declaration of Data Types
Operators - Arithmetic Operators, Comparison (Relational) Operators, Assignment
Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Membership Operators, Identity Operators,
Expressions and order of evaluations
Control Flow Statements –
Decision making - The if Decision Control Flow Statement, The if…else Decision Control Flow
Statement, The if…elif…else Decision Control Statement, Nested if Statement
Looping - The while Loop, The for Loop, Nested Loop structures
Branching - The continue, pass and break Statements
Data Structures - Lists - Operations, Slicing, Methods; Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Sequences.
Functions - Defining Functions, Calling Functions, Passing Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Default
Arguments, Variable-length arguments, Anonymous Functions, Fruitful Functions (Function Returning
Values), Scope of the Variables in a Function - Global and Local Variables.
Object Oriented Programming OOP in Python - Classes, 'self-variable', Methods, Constructor
Method, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Data hiding.
Error and Exceptions - Difference between an error and Exception, Handling Exception, try except
block, Raising Exceptions, User Defined Exceptions
Python Packages -
Matplotlib - Matplotlib basics, Contour plots, heat maps and 3D plots.
NumPy - Basic array methods, Reading and writing an array to a file, Statistical methods, Polynomial,
Linear algebra, Matrices, Random sampling, Discrete Fourier transforms
Pandas – Creating Objects, viewing data, Selection and Manipulating Data, Working with CSV
Files, Visualization
Text Books:
1. Wesley J. Chun. “Core Python Programming - Second Edition”, Prentice Hall
2. E. Balagurusamy. “Introduction to Problem Solving with Python”, TMH 1st 2016
3. Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher, “Object-oriented Programming in Python”, Pearson
Prentice Hall 1st 2008
Reference Books:
1. Think Python, Allen Downey, Green Tea Press
2. Core Python Programming, W. Chun, Pearson.
3. Introduction to Python, Kenneth A. Lambert, Cengage
4. Kenneth A. Lambert, “Fundamentals of Python – First Programs”, CENGAGE Publication
5. R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”, dreamtech
Web References:
1. https://bscitpro.com/wp/syllabus/python-programming/
2. https://www.gowrishankarnath.com/syllabus-for-python-programming-course-as-prescribed-for-3rd-
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from
each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
List of Experiments
1. Write the program for the following:
a. Create a program that asks the user to enter their name and their age. Print out a
message addressed to them that tells them the year that they will turn 100 years old.
b. Enter the number from the user and depending on whether the number is even or odd,
print out an appropriate message to the user.
2. Write a Python program to get the Fibonacci series.
3. Write a Python program to remove the characters which have odd index values
of a given string.
8. Design a class that store the information of student and display the same.
9. Implement the concept of inheritance using python
10. Write a program to implement exception handling.
11. Write a program by using Pandas Library.
12. Write a program by using NumPy Library.
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the formation and principles of Indian Constitution.
CO2: Understand structure and functions of Union government and State executive. Duties of
President, Vice president, Prime Minister, Governor, Chief Minister cabinet and State Legislature.
CO3: Understand constitutional amendments of 42, 44,74,76,86 and 91. Central-State relations,
President rule.
CO4: Understand Indian social structure and languages in India. Rights of women, SC, ST and then
weaker section.
CO5: Understand the structure of Judiciary, Role and functions of Supreme Court, High court and
Subordinate courts, Judicial review.
Historical back ground, Significance of Constitution, Making of the constitution, Role of the
constituent Assembly, Salient features, the Preamble, Citizenship, procedure for amendment of
Constitution Fundamental rights-Derivative principles of state policy-Elections in India.
Union Executive: Structures of Union Government & Functions, President, Vice President, Prime
Minister, Cabinet, Parliament- State Executive: Structures and Functions, Governor, Chief Minister,
Cabinet, State Legislature
Central, State Relations, President’s Rule, Constitutional Amendments [42, 44, 74, 76, 86 & 91]-
Constitutional functionaries, Working of Parliamentarysystem in India
Indian Social Structure, Languages in India-Political Parties & Pressure groups, Rights of
Women- S.C’s, S.T’s & other weaker sections.
Judiciary: Structure, Organisation of Judiciary, independence of the Judiciary, role and functions of
Supreme Court, High Courts & Sub ordinate courts, Judicial Review.
Text Books :
1. Durga Das Basu, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Wedwe& Company
2. Macivel, Page, “An Introduction Analysis”, Society
3. M.V. Pylee, “Indian Constitution”, S. Chand Publications
4. Subhash C Kashyao :“Our Constitution”,NationalBank,Trust, India.
5. Constitutional Law of India by Dr.S.M.Rajan
Reference Books :
1. The Constitution of India. Bythe Ministryof Law and Justice, The Govt. of India.
2. Constitutional Law of India by kashyap subhasah
3. Indian constitution Law by M.P.Jain
4. Constitutional Law of India by H.M Seervai
Web References:
1. https://www.india.gov.in/my-government/constitution-india
List of Experiments
Note: At least 12 of the following experiments shall be conducted
Hardware Experiments
(Study and conduct any Eight Experiments in addition to experiment no.1 )
1. Study of Electronic equipments - CRO, CDS and FG.
2 V-I Characteristics of PN Junction Diode
3. V-I Characteristics of Zener Diode and its application as Voltage Regulator
4. Performance characteristics of half wave rectifier.
5. Performance characteristics of full wave rectifier.
6. Common emitter input-output characteristics.
7. JFET drain and transfer characteristics.
8. UJT characteristics.
9. UJT Relaxation Oscillator
10.Common Base Input and Output characteristics
Simulation Experiments ( Using Tinapro Software )
(Study and conduct any Four Experiments)
11. Clipping circuits using diodes.
12. Clamping circuits using diodes.
13. Design of Voltage Divider Biasing Using BJT
14. Transistor as an Amplifier
15. Design of Fixed Bias circuit using BJT
0 0 3 1.5 40 60 100
EndExamDuration:3 Hrs.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course students will be able to,
CO1: Generate basic signals and perform basic operation on signals.
CO2: Understand the difference between convolution and correlation of the signals.
CO3: Apply Fourier and Laplace transforms on the signals.
CO4: Compute the response of LTI system for unit impulse, step and sinusoidal signals.
CO5:Test the linearity and time variance properties of LTI systems and apply auto correlation to remove
Noise in the signals.
List Of Experiments
1. Operations on Matrices.
2. Generation of Basic Signals.
3. Operations on Signals.
4. Even and odd parts of a Signal.
5. Convolution of Signals.
6. Auto Correlation and Cross Correlation of Signals.
7. Verification of Sampling Theorem.
8. Fourier Transform of a Signal.
9. Laplace Transform of a Signal.
10.Computation of Unit Sample, Unit Step and Sinusoidal Response of the given LTI System and
Verifying Its Physical Reliability and Stability Properties.
11. Demonstration of Gibbs Phenomenon.
12. Verification of Linearity and Time Invariance Properties.
Note: All the above experiments can be executed using SCILAB Open-Source Simulation Software
(Common to ECE and EEE)
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand continuity and analyticity of various complex valued functions.
CO2: Evaluate Integration and Taylor’s and Laurent’s series expansion of the complex functions.
CO3: Understand the properties of the Bessel’s and Legendre functions.
CO4: Apply Numerical Methods and Principles of least Square Methods in engineering problems
and find interpolating polynomial for the given data.
CO5: Evaluate ordinary differential equations by using numerical techniques
Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations (Cartesian and Polar form),
Harmonic function, Method to find the Conjugate function, Milne – Thomson method, Conformal
Mapping (ez, z 2, sinz, cosz), Bilinear Transformation.
Complex Integration & Series: Simple and Multiple Connected regions, Cauchy’s Integral theorem
(without proof), Cauchy’s integral formula (without proof), Generalized Integral formula (without
proof). Taylor’s series, Maclaurin’s series and Laurent’s series, Residue theorem (without proof),
Method of finding residues, Evaluation of real integrals by contour integration, Integration round the
unit circle and in the interval (- ∞, ∞).
Bessel Functions: Solution of Bessel’s equation, Recurrence relations for Jn(x), Generating function,
Jacobi series, Orthogonality of Bessel’s function.
Legendre Functions: Solution of Legendre’s equation, Rodrigue’s formula, Legendre polynomials,
Generating function, Recurrence relations for Pn(x), Orthogonality of Legendre polynomials.
Numerical Methods: Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations – Method of False Position,
Newton – Raphson Method; Solution of Simultaneous Equations – Gauss Seidel iteration method;
Curve Fitting – Least Squares Method-Fitting a straight-line y = a + b x and parabola y = a + b x + cx2.
Interpolation: Operators, relation between the operators, Newton’s forward and backward interpolation
formulae. Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations of First Order: Taylor’s method, Picard’s
method, Euler’s method, Modified Euler’s method, Runge -Kutta methods of second and fourth order;
Milne’s Predictor - Corrector method.
Text Books
1. B.S. Grewal [2012], Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. K. V Iyengar and others [2013], Engineering Mathematics Vol-3, S. Chand & Co. New Delhi
Reference Books
1. S. S. Sastry, “Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis”, PHI, 2010
2. Erwin Kreyszig “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley and Sons 8th Edition,2008
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the concepts of Register transfer and Micro-operations.
CO2: Analyze the concepts of Computer organization and its design.
CO3: Apply the concept of Computer Arithmetic.
CO4: Understand the concepts of I/O and Memory organization.
CO5: Analyze the importance of Pipeline and Vector Processing.
Register Transfer and Micro-Operations:
Register transfer, Bus and Memory transfers, Arithmetic, Logic and Shift micro-operations, Arithmetic
logic shift unit.
Basic Computer Organization and Design:
Instruction codes, Computer registers, Computer instructions, timing and control, Instruction cycle,
Memory reference instructions, Input/output and Interrupt, Design of basic computer.
Central Processing Unit:
General register organization, Stack organization, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Data transfer
and manipulation, Program control.
Computer Arithmetic:
Algorithms for fixed point and signed 2‘scomplement binary arithmetic operations, Floating point
arithmetic operations.
Input/ Output Organization:
Peripheral devices, Input/ Output interface, Asynchronous data transfer, Modes of transfer, Priority
interrupt, DMA.
Memory Organization:
Memory hierarchy, Main memory, Auxiliary memory, Associative memory, Cache memory, Virtual
Pipeline and Vector Processing:
Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, RISC pipeline, Vector
processing, Array Processing.
Text Books:
1. M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, PHI,3/e,2007.
2. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture- designing for performance, 8th
edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersy,2010
Reference Books:
1. John P. Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, McGrawHill,3/e,1998
2. Hemachar, Computer Organization, Mc Graw Hill,5/e,2002.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
Small signal low frequency transistor model(h-parameters):
Transistor hybrid Model, small signal model of BJT, Analysis of transistor amplifier using h-parameters,
Approximate CE, CB, CC Models, Millers Theorem and its Dual.
Multistage Transistor Amplifiers:
Types of coupling- direct coupled RC coupled, Analysis of two stage RC coupled amplifier,
Darlington, Bootstrap and Cascode amplifiers.
FET and MOSFET Amplifiers:
Small signal model of JFET, Analysis of CS, CD JFET amplifiers.
Basic concepts of MOSFET amplifies, MOSFET small signal model. Common source amplifiers with
resistive, diode and current source loads.
Transistor At High Frequencies:
Hybrid-π model, Hybrid-π conductances and capacitances, CE short circuit current gain, Current gain with
resistive load, Relation between fT and fβ, Single stage CE transistor amplifier frequency response, Gain-
bandwidth product (GBW), Bandwidth of cascaded amplifier stages.
Analysis of CS and CD JFET amplifiers at high frequencies.
Feedback Amplifiers:
Concept of feedback, effects of negative feedback, Types of negative feedback connections, practical
feedback circuits and analysis.
Oscillator Circuits: Bark-Hausen criteria, Classification of Oscillators, RC Oscillators (BJT based),
General form of LC Oscillators-Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators, Crystal Oscillators
Power Amplifiers:
Classes of operation, Class A amplifiers (Series fed, Transformer coupled, Push pull), Second Harmonic
distortion, Class B amplifiers (Push pull, Complementary symmetry), Crossover distortion and Class AB
operation, Class C amplifiers, Transistor power dissipation, Heat sinks
Tuned Amplifiers Need of tuned amplifiers, Analysis of two stage capacitive coupled single tuned
amplifies, Effect of cascading on bandwidth of single tuned amplifies, Double Tuned amplifiers-Circuit
diagram and operation only.
Text Books:
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12marks.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the principles of vector algebra, vector calculus and their physical interpretations in
electromagnetic fields
CO2: Analyze Gauss’s law and its applications
CO3: Apply concepts and principles of electrostatic fields to solve complex problems
CO4: Analyze Biot-savart’s law and Ampere’s law to determine magnetic field intensity
CO5: Analyze Maxwell’s equations for time varying electromagnetic fields and understand the
formation and characteristics of electromagnetic wave
Co-ordinate Systems and Vector Calculus
Vector Algebra, Co-ordinate systems-Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical, Transformation of Vector
functions from one Co-ordinate system to another. Gradient, Divergence, Curl and their physical
interpretations, Stoke’s theorem, Divergence theorem.
Electro Static Fields-I
Coulomb’s law, Electric field intensity, Field due to different charge distributions-Line charge,
Sheet charge and Volume charge distributions. Electric flux and Flux density, Gauss's law and its
application. Maxwell's first equation in integral and point forms.
Electro static field-II
Energy expended in moving a point charge in an electric field, Line integral, Potential difference and
Potential, Potential field of a point charge and system of charges, Potential gradient, Dipole, Energy
density in the electrostatic field. Current and current density, Continuity equation and Relaxation time,
Metallic conductors, Nature of dielectric materials, Boundary Conditions for perfect dielectrics and
conductors, Capacitance, Poisson's and Laplace equations-examples.
Reference Books:
1. Jordan and Balmain, EM Waves and Radiating Systems, 2nd edition, Pearson Ed.
2. John.D. Kraus, Electromagnetics, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
3. Nanapeneni Narayana Rao, Elements of Engg. Electromagnetics, 6th Edition, Pearson Ed.
Web References:
1. https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-6-001-electromagnetic-fields-and-energy-spring-2008/
2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4BE7BAFFAB78FC44
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZWK0tCrX6k
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from
each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
Angle modulation and demodulation
Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation, FM narrow band and wide band techniques,
Generation of FM, Demodulation of FM - Frequency discrimination method, Frequency Division
Multiplexing, Introduction to PAM, PWM and PPM schemes, Time Division Multiplexing.
Noise in AM and FM
Noise definition, Types of noises, Noise in AM and FM, Figure of merit of AM, DSBSC and FM,
Threshold effect, Pre-emphasis and De- emphasis circuits.
Pulse Code Modulation
Elements of PCM, Quantization (Uniform and Non-uniform), Companding, Band width, Noise in
PCM systems, Transmitters and receivers of Differential Pulse code modulation (DPCM), Delta
Modulation (DM), Adaptive Delta modulation (ADM).
Digital modulation and demodulation techniques
Optimum receiver, Coherent reception of ASK, FSK and PSK schemes, Correlation Receiver, Matched
filter receiver, Determination of Probability of error for coherent ASK, FSK and PSK schemes,
Description of QPSK, QAM, Introduction to Non-coherent reception of ASK, FSK and PSK schemes,
Comparison of coherent and non-coherent ASK, FSK and PSK schemes.
Linear Block Codes
Introduction, Matrix description of Linear Block codes, Error detection and error correction capabilities
of Linear block codes, Hamming codes, Binary cyclic codes, Algebraic structure, Encoding, Syndrome
calculation, BCH Codes.
Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 2nd Edition, Wiley Eastern, 2008.
2. K. Sam Shanmugam, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 2nd Edition, Wiley-India, 2008.
Reference Books:
1.Taub, H and D. Schilling, Principles of communication systems, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013
2. R.P. Singh and S.D. Sapre, Communication systems- Analog & Digital, 2nd edition, TMH, 2008.
3. B.P. Lathi, Communication Systems, 3rd edition, BS publications, 2007.
Web References:
2. http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/12/digital-communication.html
3. http://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/117105143/L51.html
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
IV Semester: ECE Scheme:2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal
EC211 PCCL Assessment Exam L
0 0 3 1.5 40 60 100
List of Experiments
(Study and conduct Six Experiments from Hardware and Six Experiments using simulation Software)
1. Construct CS-FET Amplifier and calculate gain, bandwidth, input and output resistances.
6. Construct Current series feedback amplifier and calculate gain, bandwidth, input and output
Internal End
Assessment Exam
0 0 3 1.5 40 60 100
EndExamDuration:3 Hrs.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Analyze various analog modulation and demodulation schemes.
CO2: Understand the spectral characteristics of various analog modulation schemes using
spectrum analyzer.
Note: At least 12 of the following experiments shall be conducted
1. Conduct an experiment on Amplitude modulation and demodulation.
2. Conduct an experiment on Frequency modulation and demodulation.
3. Conduct an experiment on Frequency Division multiplexing and De-multiplexing.
4. Analysis of AM and FM signals using Spectrum Analyzer.
5. Conduct an experiment on Pulse amplitude modulation and demodulation.
6. Conduct an experiment on Pulse width and Pulse position modulation and demodulation
7. Conduct an experiment on ASK modulation and demodulation.
8. Conduct an experiment on FSK modulation and demodulation.
9. Simulation of Amplitude modulation and demodulation using MATLAB
10. Simulation of DSBSC modulation and demodulation using MATLAB
11. Simulation of Line coding techniques using MATLAB
12. Simulation of PSK modulation and demodulation using MATLAB
13. Conduct an experiment on SSB modulation and demodulation.
14. Conduct an experiment on Delta modulation and demodulation.
15. Simulation of ASK and FSK modulation and demodulation using MATLAB
List of Experiments
Internal End
Assessment Exam
0 0 4 2 40 60 100
List of Activities
1. Ice breaking Activities, Principles of Time and Stress Management
2. Art of speaking
3. Art of writing - Essay / Picture / Story
4. Business etiquette - Telephone and email
5. Presentation Skills - Power point making
6. Group Discussion – Objectives and Skills tested in a GD, types of GD, Dos and don'ts & practice
7. Team work - Drama / Skit / Role play
8. Paper / Poster Presentation
9. Problem Solving by lateral thinking puzzles
10. Know your General Awareness / Knowledge – Quiz
11. Principles of Personal excellence
12. Interview Skills
Reference Books :
1. Stephen R. Covey, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Pocket Books Publishers,
2. Priyadarshani Patnaik, “Group Discussion and Interview Skills with VCD”, Foundation Books.
3. Sangeeta Sharma & Binod Mishra, “Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists”, PHI
Learning Private Limited.
4. Shiv Khera, “You Can Win”, MacMillan India Publishers, New Delhi
5. Campus Connect Portals - TCS - https://campuscommune.tcs.com; Infosys -
Scheme of Instruction and Examination
V SEM ECE Scheme-2020
Scheme of
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks
Category Course periods/week
S. No Course Title Credits
Code End
CIA Total
L T P/D Exam
Marks Marks
I Theory
Microprocessors and
1. PCC EC301 3 2 1 60 40 100
Linear and Digital IC
2. PCC EC302 3 2 1 60 40 100
3. PCC EC303 Antennas and Wave Propagation 3 2 1 60 40 100
4. PCC EE317 Linear Control Systems 3 3 60 40 100
5. PEC PEC-I 3 3 60 40 100
6. OEC OEC-I 3 3 60 40 100
Essence of Indian Traditional
7. MC MC105 2 - 100 100
II Practical
Microprocessors and
8. PCL EC307 1.5 3 60 40 100
Microcontrollers Lab
Linear and Digital IC
9. PCL EC308 1.5 3 60 40 100
Applications Lab
10. SC SCEC03 PCB Design Lab 2 4 60 40 100
11. Summer Internship-I 1.5 - 100 100
Total 24.5 17 3 10 540 560 1100
Scheme of
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks
S. Course periods/week
Category Course Title Credits
No Code End
CIA Total
L T P/D Exam
Marks Marks
I Theory
1. PCC EC309 VLSI Design 3 2 1 60 40 100
2. PCC EC310 Digital Signal Processing 3 2 1 60 40 100
Microwave and Optical
3. PCC EC311 3 2 1 60 40 100
4. PEC PEC-II 3 3 60 40 100
5. OEC OEC-II 3 3 60 40 100
Professional Ethics
6. MC MC104 2 - 100 100
II Practical
6. PCL EC315 E-CAD Lab 1.5 3 60 40 100
7. PCL EC316 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1.5 3 60 40 100
Microwave and Optical
8. PCL EC317 Communications Lab 1.5 3 60 40 100
Mobile App Development and
9. SC SCEC04 Embedded systems Programming 2 4 60 40 100
Total 21.5 12 3 13 540 460 1000
Scheme of Instruction and Examination
VII SEM ECE Scheme-2020
Scheme of
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks
Course periods/week
S. No Category Course Title Credits
Code End
CIA Total
L T P/D Exam
Marks Marks
I Theory
1. PEC PEC-III 3 3 60 40 100
2. PEC PEC-IV 3 3 60 40 100
3. PEC PEC-V 3 3 60 40 100
4. OEC OEC-III 3 3 60 40 100
5. OEC OEC-IV 3 3 60 40 100
6. HSS HSSC701 Universal Human Values-2 3 3 60 40 100
II Practical
7. SC SCEC05 Data Science Lab 2 4 60 40 100
8. Summer Internship-II 3 -- 100 100
Total 23 18 4 420 380 800
Scheme of
Scheme of Examination
Maximum Marks
S. No Category Course Title Credits
CIA Total
L T P/D Exam
Marks Marks
1 PROJ Project work 6 12 60 40 100
2 Internship 6 12 - 100 100
Total 12 24 60 140 200
V Semester: ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
2 1 - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 11/2 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1:Understand the definition, architecture and special features of 8086 microprocessor
CO2: Apply the programming model of 8086 microprocessor to frame assembly language programs.
CO3: Analyze the interfacing concepts of 8086 microprocessor for various peripherals.
CO4: Understand the definition, architecture and working details of 8051 microcontroller.
CO 5:Utilize the Programming model and port interfacing concepts of 8051 to control various
Introduction of Microprocessors: Microprocessors evolution from 8-bit to 64-bit microprocessors,
Comparison of architectures used in different domains, 8086 architecture, segmented memory, Physical
Memory Organization.
8086 Programming model:,
Addressing modes, 8086 instruction set, Basic Assembler Directives, Simple programs on Arithmetic
operations Sorting, Searching, Code conversions, and String manipulations.
Peripheral Interfacing: 8255 (Programmable Peripheral Interface), 8255 applications – Basic Mode
Applications - Stepper Motor interfacing, DAC interfacing Waveform generation and ADC interfacing.
Introduction to 8251(USART), 8259 (Programmable Interrupt Controller).
Introduction to MCS51 family: 8051 Micro controller Architecture, Input / Output ports and circuits,
External memory, counters and Timers, Serial data input/output, interrupts.
Programming and Interfacing: Addressing Modes, Instruction set. Basic Programming with 8051
Micro controller. Interfacing LCD, LEDs, Stepper Motor.
Text Books:
1. A K Ray, K M Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill Education Private Ltd, 2010.
2. Mazidi Muhammad Ali, Mazidi Janice Gillespie & Mc Kinlay Rolin D, The 8051 Microcontroller
and Embedded Systems, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. John Uffenbeck, The 8086/8088 Family: Design, Programming, and Interfacing, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Ed, 2006.
2. Barry B. Brey, The Intel Microprocessors-Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, 8th Edition,
Princeton Hall India, 2009.
3. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Penram International Publication Ltd, 2006. 47
Web References:
1. www.nptel.onlinecourseac.in/.microprocessorsandmicrocontrollers
2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc18_ec03/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall
consist of three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall
answer one question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper
shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions
may contain sub questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
V Semester: ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Course Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
Code Category
Continuous End
L T P C Internal TOTAL
EC302 PCC Exam
2 1 - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand basic concepts and characteristics of differential amplifier and opamp.
CO2: Analyze basic linear and non-linear application circuits of opamp.
CO3: Design various opamp application circuits using special ICs namely 555 timer, IC565 PLL
CO4: Understand the principle of operation and applications of IC regulators and data converters.
CO5: Design various application based digital circuits using Digital ICs.
ICs and Op-Amp Fundamentals
Classification of ICs, Differential amplifier- Basic operation and Characteristics,
Operational Amplifier- Ideal Op-amp, internal circuit, Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, DC and
AC characteristics, op-amp parameters, Features of 741 op-amps.
Applications of Op-Amp
Linear applications of Op-Amp:
Summing amplifier, Difference amplifier, I to V and V to I converters, Instrumentation amplifier,
Precision AC to DC converters, Integrator, Differentiator,
Non-Linear applications of Op-Amp:
Log & antilog amplifiers, Sample and hold circuits, Comparators, Schmitt trigger, Pulse, Square and
triangle wave generators, Wien Bridge oscillator, Active filters (Butterworth filters up to second order
Timer and Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
555 Timer: Astable and Monostable modes, Applications.
Phase Locked Loops: Principle of operation, Lock and capture ranges, detailed study of different
blocks of PLL, IC 565 PLL, and Applications of PLL.
Voltage Regulators and Converters
Voltage Regulators: General form of series Regulators, Fixed voltage regulator (78XX, 79XX), IC
723 voltage regulator, switching regulators (SMPS).
D to A and A to D Converters :
DACs: Weighted resistor, R-2R ladder type and inverted R-2R ladder, ADCs: Parallel comparator
type, Successive approximation and dual slope types, Specifications of converters.
Digital ICs
Introduction to Logic Families- Specifications of logic gates, DTL &TTL NAND gates
Combinational Circuits Using TTL 74XX ICs: Study of logic gates using 74XX ICs, 4-bit parallel
adder (IC 7483), Comparator (IC 7485), Decoder (IC74138), BCD-to-7- segment decoder (IC 7447),
Encoder (IC 74147), Multiplexer (IC 74151), De multiplexer (IC74154).
Sequential Circuits Using TTL 74XX ICs: Flip Flops (IC 7474, IC 7473), Shift Registers, Universal
Shift Register (IC 74194), 4- bit asynchronous binary counter (IC 7493).
CMOS Logic: CMOS logic levels, CMOS Inverter, NAND and NOR gates, implementation of any
function using CMOS logic.
Text Books:
1. Roy Choudhury & Shail B.Jain, Linear Integrated Circuits, 4/e, New Age Int. Pub. 2010.
2. Ramakanth A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps & Linear ICs, 4/e, PHI, 2003.
3. Moris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson Ed., 2011.
4. Floyd, John, “Digital Fundamentals”, 8th edition (2009), Pearson Education, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. S. Salivahanan, V.S.K. Bhaaskaran, Linear Integrated Circuits, TMH, 2008.
2. Anand Kumar, Pulse and digital Circuits, PHI, 2/e, 2010.
3. R.P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, TMH, 3/e, 2003.
Web References:
1. TL082: Data sheet:http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tl082.pdf
2. Application note:http://www.ti.com/lit/an/sloa020a/sloa020a.pdf
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb11AipMJd4
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for Sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first Sessional and remaining half for second Sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
Micro-strip Antennas: Introduction, Features, Advantages and Limitations, Rectangular Patch Antennas.
VHF, UHF AND Microwave Antennas II
Lens Antennas, Geometry of Non-metallic Dielectric Lenses, Log periodic antenna,
Antenna Measurements:
Introduction, Coordinate System, Sources of Errors. Impedance to be Measured, Pattern Measurement
Arrangement, Directivity Measurement, Gain Measurements (by Comparison, Absolute and 3-Antenna
Wave Propagations-Ground wave, Sky wave and Space wave Propagations
Introduction- Friss free space equation, Different Modes of WavePropagation,
Plane Earth Reflections, Space and Surface Waves, Wave Tilt, Curved Earth Reflections.
Sky wave propagation (neglecting earth‘s magnetic field), Virtual Height, Critical Frequency,MUF, Skip distance.
Field Strength Variation with Distance and Height, Effect of Earth's Curvature, Absorption,Super
retraction, M-Curves and Duct Propagation, Tropospheric Propagation.
Text Books :
1. K.D.Prasad, Antennas and wave propagation, ST India Publications, New Delhi, 2001.
2. C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory - Analysis and Design, John Wiley, 2005
3 J.D. Kraus, Antennas and Wave Propagation (SIE) | 5th Edition Paperback – 1 November 2017
Reference Books :
6. E.V.D. Glazier and H.R.L, Lamont Transmission and Propagation, The services text book of Radio,
vol.5, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi
7. Jordan E.C. and Balmain Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems, PHI, Reprint 2003
8. R.E.Collins, Antennas and radio propagation, McGraw-Hill
Web References:
2. www.edutalks.org
Sessional Exam: The question paper for Sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second Sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall
contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain
sub questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
V Semester : ECE Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
EE317 PCC Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the behavior of open loop and closed control systems and mathematical model of
electrical and mechanical systems.
CO2: Apply block diagram reduction techniques and Mason’s gain formula for finding the transfer
function of a given control system.
CO3: Understand standard test inputs, controllers, transient and steady state response for a 2 nd order
control system for unit step input.
CO4: Apply analytical and graphical techniques to determine the stability of control system in both time
and frequency domains.
CO5: Understand concept of compensation, state model, controllability & observability of a systems.
Equations and Open-loop and closed-loop systems, control system components, servomotor,
Models of Linear Transfer functions, Determination of transfer function of electrical and
Systems mechanical systems.
Block Diagram & Block diagram representation and manipulation, signal flow graphs-Mason’s gain
Signal flow graph formula to determine overall system gain of control system.
Feedback Feedback and non-feedback systems, effects of feedback, regenerative feedback.
Time Response Types of input, transient response of second order control system for unit step
input, time-domain specifications, steady state error and error constants,
proportional, derivative and integral controls.
Concept of Stability of systems - Routh Hurwitz criterion to determine stability of control
Stability systems, Relative stability.
Root Locus Concept of root locus, Procedure to plot root locus, Stability analysis of control
system by root locus technique.
Frequency Frequency Response of second order control systems, Frequency domain
Response: specifications: resonant peak (Mp) and resonant frequency (Wp) for a second
order system, Co-relation between time and frequency response, Gain cross over
frequency, phase crossover frequency, gain margin (GM) and phase margin(PM).
Frequency Plots Bode plots, Polar plots, Nyquist stability criterion for control system.
Compensation The necessity of compensation, series and parallel compensation, Realization of
(Without Design) basic lead, Lag and lead-Lag compensators.
State Variable Introduction, concepts of state, state variables, state vector, state space, state
Analysis space representation, state model, state transition matrix, solution of state
equations. Concept of Controllability and Observability.
Text Books
1. Nagrath and Gopal, “Control systems Engineering”, New Age International Publications, 2003. 11
2. B.C.Kuo , “Automatic Control Systems”, Oxford, 2003.
3. K. Ogata, “Modern control Engineering”, Pearson, 2003.
4. Naresh - K.Sinha, “Control Systems”, New Age International Publishers, 1998.
5. B.S.Manke , “Linear Control Systems”, 1996.
Reference Books
1. Madan Gopal , “Control Systems”, TMH. 2003.
2. Dorf, Bishop, “Modern Control systems”, Addison Wesley,1998.
3. Shaum‟s out line series, “Feedback control systems”, TMH,1986.
4. R.C.Shukla, “Control Systems”, Dhanpat Rai, 2004.
5. Ashok Kumar, “Control Systems”, TMH, 2006.
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106098/
2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc18_ee41/preview
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall
consist of three sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall
answer one question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper
shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions
may contain sub questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
V Semester: ECE Scheme:2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
Continuous End
L T P C Internal Exam TOTAL
MC Assessment
2 0 0 0 100 0 100
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1: Understand the concept of Traditional knowledge and its importance.
CO2: Explain the need and importance of protecting traditional knowledge.
CO 3: Illustrate the various enactments related to the protection of traditional knowledge.
CO 4: Interpret the concepts of Intellectual property to protect the traditional knowledge.
CO 5: Understand the traditional knowledge in different sectors.
Define traditional knowledge, nature and characteristics, scope and importance, kinds of traditional
knowledge, the physical and social contexts in which traditional knowledge develop, the historical
impact of social change on traditional knowledge systems. Indigenous Knowledge (IK),
characteristics, traditional knowledge vis-à-vis indigenous knowledge, traditional knowledge Vs
western knowledge traditional knowledge vis-à-vis formal knowledge
Protection of traditional knowledge: The need for protecting traditional knowledge Significance of
TK Protection, value of TK in global economy, Role of Government to harness TK.
A. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act,
2006, The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001 (PPVFR Act).
B. The Biological Diversity Act 2002 and Rules 2004, the protection of traditional knowledge bill,
2016. Geographical indicators act 2003.
Systems of traditional knowledge protection, Legal concepts for the protection of traditional
knowledge, Certain non IPR mechanisms of traditional knowledge protection, Patents and traditional
knowledge, Strategies to increase protection of traditional knowledge, global legal FORA for
increasing protection of Indian Traditional Knowledge.
Traditional knowledge and engineering, Traditional medicine system, TK and biotechnology, TK in
agriculture, Traditional societies depend on it for their food and healthcare needs, Importance of
conservation and sustainable development of environment, Management of biodiversity, Food
security of the country and protection of TK. 139.
1. ‘Traditional Knowledge System in India’ by Amit Jha, 2009.
1. ‘Traditional Knowledge System and Technology in India’ by Basanta Kumar Mohanta and Vipin
Kumar Singh, Pratibha Prakashan 2012.
2. ‘Traditional Knowledge System in India’ by Amit Jha Atlantic publishers, 2002.
3. ‘Knowledge Traditions and Practices of India’ by Kapil Kapoor and Michel.
Web References:
1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZP1StpYEPM
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/121106003
V Semester : ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
- - 3 1.5 40 60 100
End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Execute 8086 programs using Addressing modes and instruction set on trainer kit
CO2:Utilize environments like Turbo Assembler and debug to execute programs
CO3: Compile programs of 8051 using Keil software and Interface 8086 with peripherals.
CO4: Implement 8051 Microcontroller-interfacing applications on embedded trainer board.
CYCLE – I: Introduction to Assembly Language Programs Using 8086 Kits (8086 RELATED
1. Execute the 8086 assembly language programs on arithmetic operations. [CO 1]
2. Execute the 8086 assembly language programs on series of data operations. [CO 1]
3. i) Execute the 8086 assembly language programs on factorial of a number [CO 1]
ii) Execute the 8086 assembly language programs on Fibonacci series generation
4. Execute the 8086 assembly language programs using Debug Environment [CO2]
5. Execute the 8086 TASM Programming Using Strings [CO 2]
6. Execute the 8086 TASM Programming Using Procedures [CO 2]
CYCLE – II: Introduction to Microcontroller Programming and Usage of Software and Boards
(Interfacing Programs)
7. Interface and execute LCD functioning using8086Microprocessor [CO3]
8. Interface and execute peripherals using Keil Compiler. [CO3]
9. Interface and execute Dancing LEDs pattern usingAT89S52Microcontroller [CO4]
10. Interface and execute LCD operation usingAT89S52Microcontroller [CO 4]
11. Interface and execute Sensor operations usingAT89S52Microcontroller [CO 4]
12. Interface and execute the 7 segment Display usingAT89S52Microcontroller [CO 4]
13. Using Debug Environment perform the addition, multiplication &division on no‘s. [CO2]
14. Using 8086 boards display the department and college name in two rows. [CO3]
15. Using AT89S52 board interface a temperature sensor and display the value on LCD. [CO4]
16. Using AT89S52 interface a switches & LEDs & display the count of LEDs ON. [CO4]
9. Voltage regulator 16
a. To study the regulation operation of IC 723 in low and high voltage modes.
10. R-2R ladder type Digital to Analog Converter
a. To study the performance of R-2R ladder type Digital to Analog Converter
Digital IC Experiments:
V Semester: ECE Scheme:2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits MaximumMarks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
SCEC03 SC Assessment
4 2 40 60 100
End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the concepts of PCB Design, Development and testing using Software and CNC Machine.
CO2: Design, develop and test the Rectifier circuits
CO3:Design, develop and test the applications of NE 555 and LM 741 op amp
CO4:Design, develop and test the Digital Circuits and its applications
CO5: Design the Foot Print Creation of the components to support Library functions.
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS (Perform any Five Experiments)
Software’s Required: EAGLE, Copper CAM , Auto Level ,Mac3 Mill
1. Introduction to PCB design, development.& Testing.
Installation of Eagle Software, Copper CAM, Auto Level,
Operation of CNC Machine using Mac3 Mill software.
2. Half Wave Rectifier (Single Side Board)
3. Bridge Rectifier (Single Side Board)
4. LED Blinking Circuit using NE555IC (Single Side Board)
5. Darkness Detector using LM741 Op-Amp IC
6. Multiplexer (Single Side Board)
7. Bridge Rectifier (Double Side Board)
8. Foot print Creation (NE555IC-THT Component)
9. Foot print Creation (NE555IC-SMD Component)
10. Half Adder Using Logic gates (Single Side Board)
Additional Experiments ( Perform any Two Experiments)
1. Foot Print Creation LM741-IC THT Component
2. Foot Print Creation LM741-IC SMD Component
3. LM741 Fire Alarm Circuit (Double Sided Board)
4. De-multiplexer (Double Sided Board)
5. Full Adder using Logic Gates (Single Side Board)
6. 4-bit Binary Counter using D-Flip Flops (Single Side Board)
VI -Semester: ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
EC 309 PCC Assessment
2 1 - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 11/2 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Absorb the ASIC classification and detailed steps followed in modern IC fabrication.
CO2: Derive the MOSFET I-V characteristics from basic understanding of n, p channel devices.
CO3: Analyze the CMOS circuits, their characteristics delays, power and transistor sizing.
CO4: Comprehend other logic variations viz. pass-transistor, dynamic, pseudo NMOS, logic.
CO5: Grasp the semiconductor memories namely RAMs, ROMs, for their feature set.
VLSI Fabrication Technology:
Introduction to ASICs, ASICs classification, Typical ASIC/VLSI Design Flow, IC Fabrication Steps, Art
of miniaturization, VLSI Processes: Twin-Well CMOS Process, MOSFET, Resistors, Capacitors, pn
junction Diodes, BiCMOS Process, Lateral pnp Transistor, p-Base and Pinched-Base Resistors, VLSI
Design Rules, VLSI Layout, Layouts for CMOS Inverter, CMOS NAND and NOR gates, Beyond 20nm
Technology- FinFET
Introduction to MOSFETs:
Introduction, Device Structure and Physical Operation, Current–Voltage Characteristics, MOSFET
Circuits at DC, The Body Effect and Other Topics, Comparison of MOSFET and BJT, Summary,
CMOS Digital Logic Circuits:
Introduction, CMOS Logic-Gate Circuits, Digital Logic Inverters, The CMOS Inverter, Dynamic
Operation of the CMOS Inverter, Transistor Sizing, Power Dissipation, Summary, Problems.
Advanced Topics in Digital IC Design:
Introduction, Implications of Technology Scaling in Deep Submicron Designs, Digital IC Technologies,
Logic-Circuit Families, Design Methodologies, Pseudo-NMOS Logic Circuits, Pass-Transistor Logic
Circuits, Dynamic MOS Logic Circuits, Bipolar and BiCMOS Logic Circuits, Summary, Problems.
Memory Circuits:
Introduction, Latches and Flip-Flops, Semiconductor Memories-Types and Architectures, Random-
Access Memory (RAM) Cells, Sense Amplifiers and Address Decoders, Read-Only Memory (ROM),
CMOS Image Sensors, Summary, Problems.
TextBooks :
1. Neil Weste and David Harris. 2010. CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective
(4thed.). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, USA.
2. Wayne Wolf. 2008. Modern VLSI Design: Ip-Based Design (4th ed.). Prentice Hall PTR, Upper 19
Saddle River, NJ, USA.
Reference Books:
1. Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Borivoje Nikolic. 2008. Digital IntegratedCircuits
(3rded.). Prentice Hall Press, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
2. Michael John Sebastian Smith. 2008. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (1st ed.). Addison-
Wesley Professional.
3. Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith. 2015. Microelectronic Circuits Revised Edition (7thed.).
Oxford University Press, Inc., New York, NY, USA.
Web References:
2. https://www.intel.in/content/www/in/en/company-overview/intel-museum.html
3. http://global.oup.com/us/companion.websites/9780199339136/
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam.The question paper shall consist
of three sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper
shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain subquestions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12 marks.
Course Outcomes: On completion of this subject, the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand Digital Signal processing and analyze the Signals and Systems using
Fourier analyzing Tools.
CO2:Understand the significance of FFT Algorithms and realization of filters.
CO3:Design IIR digital filters with the given specifications.
CO4:Design FIR digital filters with the given specifications.
CO5:Understand the need for Multi-rate Signal Processing and DSP Architecture.
Review of discrete time signals and systems, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, Representing
the Discrete Time System as Mathematical Model using Linear Constant Coefficient Difference
Equation, Frequency Domain analysis of Discrete Time Signals and Systems using DFS and DTFT.
Fast Fourier Transforms:
Computational complexity of direct computation of DFT, Introduction to Fast Fourier Transforms,
Radix-2 Decimation-in-Time and Decimation-in-Frequency FFT Algorithms, Radix-2 Inverse FFT
algorithms, Split Radix FFT algorithms,
Introduction to DSP Processors:
Introduction to programmable DSPs: Multiplier and Accumulator (MAC), Modified Bus Structures
and Memory Access schemes in DSPs, Multiple access memory, VLIW Architecture, Pipelining,
Special addressing modes, On-Chip Peripherals.
TMS320C67XX Processor and Architecture:
Features of TMS320C67XX processors, Internal architecture, Addressing modes, External memory
access, Peripherals.
Text Books:
1. Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and Applications: John G. Proakis, Dimitris G.
Manolakis, Pearson Education, PHI, 2007
2.Discrete Time Signal Processing–A.V.Oppenheim and R.W.Schaffer,PHI,2009
3. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing– Loney Ludeman, JohnWiley,2009
4.B.VenkataRamani and M. Bhaskar, Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming and
Reference Text Books:
1.Digital Signal Processing –Fundamentals and Applications –LiTan,Elsevier,2008
2. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB – Robert J. Schilling, Sandra
Harris, Thomson, 2007
3. Digital Signal Processing - A Computer based approach, Sanjit K Mitra, 3nd Edition,McGraw
Web References:
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either-or-Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VI - Semester :ECE Scheme : 2020
Course Code Course Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
2 1 - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 1/2 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Apply the properties of S parameters to study the characteristics of microwave components.
CO2: Understand the concepts of Various Microwave Solid state Components
CO3: Understand the concepts of Conventional Microwave Tubes and the procedure to measure various
Microwave Parameters
CO4: Learn basic optical laws that govern the Propagation of light in optical fibres and types of Fibers and
their configurations
CO5: The signal degradation mechanisms like Attenuation & dispersion in optical Fibers
Microwave Components and Two Port Networks:
Introduction to Microwaves: Microwave frequencies –Introduction to Waveguides and its modes-
advantages and applications, Scattering matrix formulation: Concept of N port scattering matrix
representation - S parameters properties, Passive microwave devices: attenuators - phase changers, S Matrix
Calculations for 2 port Junction: E plane and H plane Tees - Magic Tee - Directional Coupler - Circulator
and Isolator.
Microwave Tubes:
Microwave vacuum tube based devices(Qualitative study),Limitations of conventional tubes at UHF &
Microwave, Klystron: Two cavity Klystron - velocity modulation – Multi-cavity klystron -Reflex klystron,
Traveling wave tube, Magnetron
Microwave Solid State Devices & Measurements:
Transit time limitations in Microwave Bipolar Transistors, Power frequency limitations Microwave Field
Effect Transistors, Gunn effect: RWH theory - High-field domain and modes of operation - microwave
amplification, Avalanche transit time devices: IMPATT and TRAPATT diode.Measurement of Power –
Frequency-Wavelength –Impedance–SWR– Attenuation.
Introduction to Optical Fibers:
Introduction to Telecommunications and Fiber Optics: The Evolution of Fiber Optic Systems, Basic Optical
Laws and Definitions: Propagation of light inside fiber - Critical-Angle - Numerical Aperture - Acceptance-
Angle -Cut-off wavelength, Mode Field Diameter, Mode Theory: V-Number, Fiber Types, Splicing
Techniques and Connectors.
Losses and Dispersion in Optical Fibers:
Merits and Demerits of Fiber Optics over conventional copper wire systems, Losses: Attenuation Losses -
Absorption Losses - Scattering Losses - Bending Losses - Core and Cladding Losses - Total Combined
Losses, Dispersion: Group-Delay - Material Dispersion - Waveguide Dispersion - Intermodal Distortion.
Text Books :
1. Samuel Y.Liao, Microwave devices and circuits, 3rd Edition, PHI 2003.
2. M. Kulkarni, Microwave & Radar Engineering, 3rd Edition, Umesh Publications 2003.
3. John M.Senior, Optical Fiber Communication,2nd Edition, Pearson Education,2007
Reference Books :
1. O P Gandhi, Microwave Engineering and Applications, Pergamon Press 1989.
2. R.E. Collins, Foundation of Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, Wiley 2003.
3. E.C. Jordan and Balmain, EM Fields & Waves and Radiating System, 2nd Edition, PHI 2003.
4. Sushrut Das, Microwave Engineering, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press, 2014
5. J.Gower, Optical Communication System,Prentice Hall of India,2001
6. Gerd Keiser,Optical Fiber Communication, McGraw-Hill ,4th Edition,2010
Web References:
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_engineering
2. http://www.microwaveeng.com
3. http://www.meslmicrowave.com/microwave-integrated-circuits/overview/
4. www.nptelvideos.in/2012/12/advanced-optical-communication.html
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from each
End Exam:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain subquestions and
the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks
VI Semester: ECE Scheme: 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
MC104 MC Exam
2 - - - 100 - 100
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1: Understand the importance of Ethics & Human Values and become Humane.
CO2: Know the moral autonomy and uses of Ethical theories.
CO 3: Know the responsibilities of the Engineer towards the society.
CO 4: Assess environmental issues to take Protective measures to evade risks.
CO 5: Determine various roles of Engineer and help them make the world a better place.
Morals – Values - Ethics – Morals vs Laws - Integrity - Work Ethics - Respect for Others -
Peaceful Life - Honesty - Courage - Valuing Time- Empathy - Character - Spirituality
SAFETY, RESPONSIBILITIES & RIGHTS: Safety and Risk - Risk Benefit Analysis and
Reducing Risk - Collegiality and Loyalty - Respect for Authority - Confidentiality - Occupational
Crime - Professional Rights - Employee Rights - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Multinational Corporations - Environmental Ethics - Computer Ethics -Engineers as
Managers - Consulting Engineers - Moral Leadership - Sample Code of Ethics like ASME,
ASCE, IEEE, Institute of Engineers, Indian Institute of Materials Management, IETE etc.,
Text Books:
1. Jayashree Suresh, B.S.Raghavan, “Human Values and Professional Ethics”, S. Chand
Reference Books:
1. Mike Martin and Roland Schinzinger, "Ethics in Engineering", McGraw Hill, New York., 1996
2. Charles D.Fleddermann , "Engineering Ethics", prentice Hall, New Mexico., 1999.
3. S. Dinesh Babu, “Professional Ethics & Human Values”, Laxmi publications.
VI - Semester : ECE Scheme : 2020
Course Code Course Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
EC316 PCL Assessment
- - 3 1.5 40 60 100
End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Perform the convolution and correlation of given signals using SciLab.
CO2: Design IIR and FIR digital filters for the given specifications using SciLab .
CO3: Use DFT-IDFT to perform linear and circular convolution of given sequences using SciLab .
CO4: Compute impulse response and Frequency response of a system using SciLab .
CO5: Use DSK (TMS320C6713) to implement real time signal processing applications.
List of Experiments
Note : At least 12 of the following experiments shall be conducted
SciLab Experiments:
1. Linear Convolution of the given DT sequences.
2. Autocorrelation & Cross correlation and verification of Auto correlation Properties.
3. IIR Filter Design – Butterworth
4. IIR Filter Design – Chebyshev
5. FIR Filter Design – Windowing Method
6. Circular Convolution using DFT- IDFT method
7. Impulse response and Frequency response of a system
8. Computation of N-point DFT of given sequence and to compute IDFT
9. Response of given difference equation
Using DSP Starter Kit (TMS320C6713) :
10. Linear convolution & Circular Convolution.
11. N-Point DFTof a sequence
12. Design of FIR Filters.
Additional Experiments:
13. Linear Convolution using DFT-IDFT method (using SciLab)
14. Implementation of audio loopback. (TMS320C6713)
15. Z-transform of a sequence( using SciLab )
Text Books:
1. Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and Applications: John G. Proakis, Dimitris
G.Manolakis, Pearson Education / PHI, 2007
2. Discrete Time Signal Processing – A. V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schaffer, PHI, 2009
3. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing – Loney Ludeman, John Wiley, 2009
4.Digital Signal Processing - A Computer based approach , Sanjit K Mitra, 3nd Edition,
List of Experiments
1. Reflex klystron oscillator characteristics
2. Frequency, Wave length and VSWR measurement
3. Gunn diode characteristics
4. Impedance measurement of an unknown load
5. S – Matrix of E- Plane tee and H- Plane tee
6. S – Matrix of magic tee
7. S – Matrix of circulator
8. S – Matrix of directional coupler
9. Radiation pattern of Horn antenna
10. A) Analog and digital fiber optic communication link B)Measurement
of Propagation loss, Numerical aperture and study of bending loss
11. Radiation pattern of Helix antenna
12. Radiation pattern of Cut Paraboloid Reflector Antenna
List of Experiments
1. Installation of Android studio.
2. Development Of Hello World Application
3. Create an application that takes the name from a textbox and shows hello message along with the name entered
in text box, when the user clicks the OK button
4. Create a screen that has input boxes for User Name, Password, Address, Gender (radio buttons for male and
female), Age (numeric), Date of Birth (Date Picket), State (Spinner) and a Submit button. On clicking the submit
button, print all the data below the Submit Button (use any layout)
5. Design an android application to create page using Intent and one Button and pass the Values from oneActivity
to second Activity
6. Design an android application Send SMS using Intent
7. Create an android application using Fragments
8. Design an android application Using Radio buttons
9. Design an android application for menu.
10. Create a user registration application that stores theuser details in a database
11.Write a C program for configuration of GPIO ports for MSP430 to interface LEDs.
Performance Characteristics of Instruments: Static Characteristics: Accuracy, Precision, Resolution,
Sensitivity, Static & Dynamic calibration, Errors in Measurement and their Statistical Analysis, Dynamic
Characteristics-Speed of response, Fidelity, Lag & Dynamic Error. DC Ammeters, DC Voltmeters, AC
Voltmeters using Rectifiers, Multimeter for voltage, current and resistance measurements, illustrative
Oscilloscopes: Standard specifications of CRO, CRT features, Vertical and horizontal Amplifiers, horizontal
and vertical deflection systems, Time Base Generator, Delay line, probes for CRO-active, passive and
isolation type, Dual trace/beam CRO. Principles of sampling oscilloscope, Storage oscilloscope and Digital
Storage Oscilloscope.
Signal Generators and Analyzers: Fixed and Variable frequency AF oscillators, Function Generators,
pulse, random noise, sweep and arbitrary waveform generators, their standards, specifications and
principles of working (Block Diagram Approach). Wave Analyzers, Harmonic distortion analyzers,
Spectrum Analyzers and Logic Analyzers.
Bridges: Wheatstone bridge, Wein Bridge, errors and precautions in using bridges, AC bridges:
Measurement of inductance-Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson Bridge, Measurement of Capacitance-Schering
bridge, Kelvin bridge and Q- Meter.
Sensors and Transducers: Active and passive transducers: Measurement of displacement(Resistance,
Capacitance, inductance; LVDT) Force(Strain Guages) Pressure (Piezoelectric transducers)
Temperature (resistance thermometers, thermocouples and thermistors), velocity, Acceleration,
vibration, pH measurement.
Text Books :
1. William D. Cooper & Albert D. Helfrick, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement
Techniques, PHI, 2nd Edition, 1990.
2. H.S.Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation”, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
Reference Books :
1. K. Lal Kishore, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Pearson Education, 2012.
2. A.K. Sawhney, A course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai
& Co., (Pvt). Ltd., Nineteenth Edition, 2011.
Web References:
2. online courses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_ee44/preview
3. archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/108/105/108105153
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. and
the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12marks.
VI - Semester : ECE Scheme : 2020
Course Code Course Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
EC305 Assessment
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the concepts of operating systems and Memory Management.
CO2: Analyze the Virtual Memory and File Systems.
CO3: Analyze the concepts of Deadlocks.
CO4: Understand the concepts of Distributed Systems
CO5: Apply the concepts of Deadlock handling in distributed systems
Introduction: Concepts of operating systems – Process, Files, System calls, Shell, Operating system
structure – Monolithic layered systems, Virtual machines and client – Server model.
Memory Management: Preliminaries, Bare Machines, Resident Monitor, Swapping, Multiple partitions,
Paging and Segmentation, Combined systems.
Memory Hierarchy and Virtual Memory: Memory hierarchy in modern systems, Level-1 cache, Level-2
cache,and main memory, Overlays, demand paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement,
Virtual memory, concepts, Page replacement algorithms, Allocating algorithms, Thrashing.
File Systems: File concepts, File support, Access Methods, Allocation Methods, Directory Systems, File
protection and implementation issues.
Deadlocks: Deadlock problem, Deadlock characterization, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance,
Deadlock detection and Deadlock recovery.
Distributed systems: Motivation, Topology, Communication, system type, File systems, Mode of
computation, Event ordering, Synchronization.
Deadlock handling: Deadlock handling in distributed systems, Robustness, Reaching agreement,Election
Text Books :
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Operating System Concept, 6th Edition, John Wiley.
Reference Books :
1. James L.Peterson, Abraham Silberschatz, Operating System Concepts, Addison Wesley.
Web Reference
1. https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec20_cs06/preview
2. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=operating%20system
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions (EITHER/OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from each
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either-or-Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions
and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
V Semester: ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credit Maximum Marks
Code s
EC306 PEC-I L T P C Internal End TOTAL
Assessment Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration:1 ½ Hrs. End Exam Duration:3Hrs.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand basic concepts and frequency allocations for satellite communication, orbital
mechanics and launch vehicles
CO2: Envision the satellite sub systems and design satellite links for specified C/N.
CO3: Understand the various multiple access techniques for satellite communication systems and
earth station technologies.
CO4: Known the concepts of LEO, GEO Stationary Satellite Systems
CO5: Known the concepts of satellite navigation
Introduction: Origin of Satellite Communications, Historical Back-ground, Basic Concepts of Satellite
Communications, Frequency Allocations for Satellite Services, Applications, Future Trends of Satellite
Orbital Mechanics and Launchers: Orbital Mechanics, Look Angle determination, Orbital
Perturbations, Orbit determination, Launches and Launch vehicles, Orbital Effects in Communication
Systems Performance
Satellite Subsystems: Attitude and Orbit Control System, Telemetry, Tracking, Command And
Monitoring, Power Systems, Communication Subsystems, Satellite Antennas, Equipment Reliability
and Space Qualification.
Satellite Link Design: Basic Transmission Theory, System Noise Temperature and G/T Ratio,
Design of Down Links, Up Link Design, Design Of Satellite Links For Specified C/N, System Design
Multiple Access: Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Inter modulation, Calculation of C/N,
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Frame Structure, Examples, Satellite Switched TDMA
Onboard Processing, DAMA, Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Spread Spectrum Transmission
and Reception.
Earth Station Technology: Introduction, Transmitters, Receivers, Antennas, Tracking Systems,
Terrestrial Interface, Primary Power Test Methods.
Low Earth Orbit and Geo-Stationary Satellite Systems: Orbit Considerations, Coverage and Frequency
Consideration, Delay & Throughput Considerations, System Considerations, Operational NGSO
Constellation Designs.
Satellite Navigation & Global Positioning System: Radio and Satellite Navigation, GPS Position Location
Principles, GPS Receivers and Codes, Satellite Signal Acquisition, GPS Navigation Message, GPS Signal
Levels, GPS Receiver Operation, GPS C/A Code Accuracy, Differential GPS
Text Books:
1. Satellite Communications – Timothy Pratt, Charles Bostian and Jeremy Allnutt, WSE, Wiley
Publications, 2nd Edition, 2003
2. Satellite Communications Engineering – Wilbur L. Pritchard, Robert A Nelson and Henri G.
Suyderhoud, 2nd Edition, Pearson Publications, 2003
Reference Books:
1. Satellite Communications : Design Principles – M. Richharia, BS Publications, 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. Satellite Communication - D.C Agarwal, Khanna Publications, 5th Ed.
3. Fundamentals of Satellite Communications – K.N. Raja Rao, PHI, 2004.
4. Satellite Communications – Dennis Roddy, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2009.
Web References:
1. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_ce97/preview&sa=D&source=editors&ust=165571409648643
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S22u7_Eq26g
3. https://www.coursera.org/learn/satellite-communications
VI- Semester : ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 11/2 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO 1:Understand the characteristics, attributes and applications of Embedded Systems.
CO 2: Analyze the architecture & embedded C programming model of MSP430 in peripheral interface
CO 3: Illustrate the architecture and programming model of ARM processors
CO 4: Understand the basic and advanced levels in Internet of Things technology
CO 5: Create programs based on the programming model of Arduino.
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Definition of Embedded System, Embedded Systems Vs General
Computing Systems, History of Embedded Systems, Classification, Major Application Areas, Purpose of
Embedded Systems, Characteristics and Quality Attributes of Embedded Systems.
MSP430: Family, Architecture – MSP430, Address Space, On Chip Peripherals and Register sets, Addressing
Modes, Programming GPIO Interfaces in C language- LED, Switches, Motor.
ARM Processor: ARM Design Philosophy, RISC vs CISC, Evolution of ARM architecture till date 16-bit to 64-
bit,ARM 7 and 9 processor family, Block Diagram, Registers, Program Status Register, Five Stage Instruction
Pipeline, and Architecture Revision. Instruction Set
Introduction to Internet of Things- Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Sensors, Actuators, Physical Design of IoT –
IoT Protocols, IoT communication models, IoT Communication APIs, Domain Specific IoTs – Home, City, Environment,
Energy, Agriculture and Industry.
Controlling Hardware- Introduction to Arduino, Connecting LED, Buzzer, Speed control of DC Motor. Sensors- Light
sensor, temperature sensor with thermistor, voltage sensor, ADC and DAC, Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11,
Motion Detection Sensors, Bluetooth Sensors, Sensors, Distance Measurement with ultrasound sensor
Introduction to Raspberry Pi- Installation
Text Books:
1. Shibu K.V, Introduction to Embedded Systems ,Mc Graw Hill ,1st Edition,2009.
2. Frank Vahid, Embedded System Design, 2nd Edition Wiley Publications,2009
3. Internet of Things - A Hands-on Approach, Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Universities Press, 2015
4. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi, Matt Richardson & Shawn Wallace, O'Reilly (SPD), 2014
5. Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Software and Hardware Problems and solutions, Simon Monk, O'Reilly (SPD), 2016
Reference Books:
1. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and design, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2006.
2. Arnold S Burger,Embedded System Design An Introduction to Processes, Tools and Techniques, 1st
Edition, CMP Books, 2007.
3. Peter Waher, 'Learning Internet of Things', Packt Publishing, 2015 3. Editors Ovidiu Vermesan
Web References:
1. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs93/preview
2. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=embedded%20systems
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall
contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain
subquestions. and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students are able to
CO1:Understand mathematical concepts related to source-coding
CO2:Analyze encoding and decoding of the linear block codes
CO3:Analyze encoding and decoding of the cyclic codes.
CO4: Familiar with encoding and decoding of Convolutional Codes.
CO5: Explain the concepts involved in formulation and computation Codes Binary BCH Codes.
Source Coding:Review of Information Theory, Coding for discrete sources: Coding for discrete
memory less sources discrete stationary source, Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman code, Huffman code
applied for pair of symbols, efficiency calculations, Lempel-Ziv codes.
Linear Block Codes: Introduction to Linear Block Codes, Syndrome and Error Detection, Minimum
Distance of a Block code, Error-Detecting and Error-correcting Capabilities of a Block code, Standard
array and Syndrome Decoding, Nonbinary block codes and concatenated block codes, Interleaving of
coded data for channels with burst errors.
Cyclic Codes: Description, Generator and Parity-check Matrices, Encoding, Syndrome Computation
and Error Detection, Decoding, Cyclic Hamming Codes, Shortened cyclic codes, Error-trapping
decoding for cyclic codes, Majority logic decoding for cyclic codes.
Convolutional Codes: Convolutional encoder: code tree, state transition diagram, trellis diagram,
Decoding: Maximum likelihood decoding, Wozencrafts sequential decoding, Viterbi Decoding, fans
decoding. Application of Viterbi Decoding and Sequential Decoding, Applications of Convolutional
codes in ARQ system.
BCH Codes:Idempotent and Mattson – Solomon Polynomials, Reed-Solomon Codes, Justin Codes,
MDS Codes, Alternate, Goppa and Generalized BCH Codes, Spectral properties.
Text Books:
1.1.John G.Proakis, Digital Communications, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, 1995.
2. S. Haykin, Digital Communications, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
3. Error Control Coding- Fundamentals and Applications –Shu Lin, Daniel J.Costello,Jr, Prentice all.
Reference Books:
1. Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello, Jr., ―Error Control Coding, Pearson Publications, Second Edition, 2011.
1.Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation – by L.A. Geoddes and L.E. Baker, John
Wiley and Sons.
2. Biomedical Equipment Technology – Carr& Brown, Pearson.
Web References
1. https://www.biomedicalinstrumentationsystems.com/the-introduction-to-biomedical-instrumentation/
2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17299744/
3. https://www.sanfoundry.com/best-reference-books-therapeutic-equipments/
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question
paper shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these
questions may contain sub questions. And the student should answer any one question from each
unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
Cell Coverage for signal and traffic:
Radio wave propagation mechanisms, Signal Reflections in Flat and Hilly Terrain, Incident, Reflection,
Elevation angles, Phase Difference Between Direct and Reflected Paths, Mobile Propagation Over Water and
Flat Open Area, Path Loss From a Point to Point Prediction Model in Different Conditions.
Co-Channel & Non-Co channel Interference:
Measurement of Real Time Co-Channel Interference, Adjacent Channel Interference, Near End Far End
Interference, Cross Talk, Effects on Coverage and Interference .
Frequency Management & Channel Assignment:
Types of channels, Channel Assignments to Cell Sites and Mobile Units, Channel Sharing and Borrowing,
Sectorization , Non Fixed Channel Assignment.
Handoff Initiation, Types of Handoff, Advantages of Handoff, Delayed Handoffs, Power Difference Handoff,
Forced Handoff, Mobile Assisted and Soft Handoff, Intersystem Handoff, Introduction to Dropped Call Rates
and their Evaluation.
Digital Cellular System:
Global system for mobile communication (GSM), GSM architecture, layer modeling, Transmission, GSM
channels & channel modes, Radio resources management, Mobility management, Communication
management, Network management.
Multiple Access Techniques:
TDMA, FDMA, Spread Spectrum Modulation: Introduction, Pseudo-noise sequence, Direct Sequence spread
spectrum, Processing gain, Frequency Hopping spread spectrum, Spread Spectrum Multiple Access.
1.LeeWilliam.C.Y,MobileCellularTelecommunicationsAnalog and Digital System, McGraw
Hill,2nd Edition.
2.T.S.Rappaport, Wireless communications,PearsonEd,2ndEdition.
1.PandyaRaj, Mobile and Personal Communication Services and Systems, PHI,2ndEdition,
2.Jochen SchillerH,Mobile Communications,PearsonEd,2ndEdition,2008.
Web References:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections with
Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. and
the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12marks.
Introduction to Radar: Description of basic radar system and its elements, Radar equation, Radar block
diagram and operation, Radar frequencies, Application of radar
The Radar Equation: Predictions of range performance, Minimum detectable signal, Receiver-noise and
Signal to noise ratio. Probability of detection and false alarm, Radar cross-section of target. Transmitter
power, Pulse repetition frequency and range ambiguities.
CW and FMCW Radar: Doppler effect, CW radar, FM CW radar, Multiple frequency CW radar.
MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar: Description of operation, MTI radar with power amplifier transmitter, MTI
radar with power oscillator transmitter, Delay line cancellers, Blind speeds, multiple or staggered PRFs, Pulse
Doppler radar.
Tracking Radar: Tracking with radar, Sequential lobing, Conical scan, Monopulse amplitude Comparison
and phase comparison tracking radars, Comparison of tracking radars.
Radar Antennas: Antenna parameters, Parabolic reflector antennas, Cassigrain antennas. Radar receiver.
Radar Displays :A-Scope, B-Scope and PPI radar displays.
Text books :
1. M.I.Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems, 3rd Edition, TMH, 2008.
2. F.E. Terman, Radio Engineering, Fourth Edition Mc Graw Hill Book Co. 1955 .
Reference Books :
1. Kulkarni M, Microwave and Radar Engineering, 4th Edition, Umesh Pub, 2010.
2. Simon Kingsley & Shaun Quegan, Understanding RADAR Systems, McGraw Hill, 1993.
Web References :
1. https://www.ll.mit.edu/outreach/radar-introduction-radar-systems-online-course
2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_ee58/preview
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question
from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units with
Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. and the
student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12marks.
VII Semester: ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credit Maximum Marks
Code s
Continuous End
L T P C Internal Exam TOTAL
EC403 PEC-III Assessment
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration:1 ½ Hrs. End Exam Duration:3Hrs.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1:Understand the basic concepts of Global Positioning System
CO2: Understand the GPS signal characteristics
CO3:Analyse the GPS receivers and data errors.
CO4:Analyse the Differential Global Positioning System
CO5: Understand the various applications of Global Positioning System
Introduction: Basic concept, system architecture, GPS and GLONASS Overview, Satellite Navigation,
Time and GPS, User position and velocity calculations, GPS, Satellite Constellation, Operation Segment,
User receiving Equipment, Space Segment Phased development, GPS aided Geoaugmented navigation
(GAGAN) architecture.
Signal Characteristics: GPS signal components, purpose, properties and power level, signal acquisition
and tracking , Navigation information extraction, pseudorange estimation, frequency estimation, GPS
satellite position calculation, Signal structure, anti spoofing (AS), selective availability, Difference
between GPS and GALILEO satellite construction
GPS Receivers & Data Errors: Receiver Architecture, receiver design options, Antenna design, GPS error
sources, SA errors, propagation errors, ionospheric error, tropospheric error, multipath, ionospheric error,
estimation using dual frequency GPS receiver, Methods of multipath mitigation, Ephemeris data errors,
clock errors.
Differential GPS: Introduction, LADGPS, WADGPS, Wide Area Augmentation systems , GEO Uplink
subsystem , GEO downlink systems , Geo Orbit determination , Geometric analysis , covariance analysis,
GPS /INS Integration Architectures.
GPS Applications: GPS in surveying, Mapping and Geographical Information System, Precision
approach Aircraft landing system, Military and Space application, intelligent transportation system. GPS
orbital parameters, description of receiver independent exchange format (RINEX) , Observation data and
navigation message data parameters, GPS position determination, least squares method.
Text Books:
1. Mohinder S.Grewal, Lawrence R.Weill, Angus P.Andrews, “Global positioning systems, Inertial
Navigation and Integration”, Wiley 2007.
2. E.D.Kaplan, Christopher J. Hegarty, “Understanding GPS Principles and Applications”,
Artech House Boston 2005.
Reference Books:
1. B.Hofmann Wollenhof, H.Lichtenegger, and J.Collins, “GPS Theory and Practice”, Springer
Wien, newYork, 2000.
2. Pratap Misra and Per Enge, “Global Positioning System Signals, Measurements, and
Performance,” Ganga-Jamuna Press, Massachusetts, 2001.
3. Ahmed El-Rabbany, “Introduction to GPS,” Artech House, Boston, 2002. WITH EFFECT
4. Bradford W. Parkinson and James J. Spilker, “Global Positioning System: Theory and
Applications,” Volume II, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.,
Washington, 1996.
Web References:
1. https://www.coursera.org/courses?query=gps
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOP6VibhtgU
3. https://www.btechguru.com/courses--nptel --- global-positioning-system-(under-review)-video-
Introduction to Data Communication Networks: Network Services and Architecture. The Internet,
Protocols and Standards, Network Models: Layered Tasks, OSI Reference model, TCP/IP Protocol suite,
Data communication circuits, Serial and parallel data transmission, Data communication circuit
arrangements, Transmission media, Data modems, Switching and Multiplexing (FDM, TDM & WDM).
Data Link Layer: Introduction, Framing, Error Detection and Correction- Parity, LRC, CRC, Hamming
code, Flow and Error Control Protocols, HDLC, Multiple Access: Aloha, Controlled Access,
Introduction to IEEE standards: MAC sub layer (specifications and frame structure), & Physical layer
for IEEE 802.3 (CSMA/CD) standard, IEEE 802.4 (Token bus) standard, IEEE802.5 (Token ring) standard,
Introduction to Wireless LANs, Networking and internetworking devices.
Network Layer: Virtual circuit and datagram approach in subnets, Shortest path routing, Flooding,
Hierarchical routing, Broadcast routing, multicast routing and distant vector routing algorithms, Congestion
control algorithms. IP Addressing schemes, Subnetting, CIDR
Transport Layer: Transport services, addressing, upward and downward multiplexing, TCP and UDP.
Session Layer: Encryption-DES Algorithm, Public key cryptography-RSA Algorithm.
Application Layer: FTP, HTTP- Transaction, Request messages, Response message, Headers.
WWW: Introduction to Browser architecture, Types of documents.
DNS: Introduction to name spaces, DNS in the internet, Resolution, DNS messages.
Text Books :
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Third edition, PHI, 2001.
2. Behrouz.A. Forouzan, Data communications and Networking, Second edition, TMH, 2003.
Reference Books :
3. Wayne Tomasi (2005), Introduction to Data Communications and Networking, Pearson Education, India.
4. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, 3rd edition, Pearson, 2007.
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105081
2. https://nptel.ac.in/downloads/106105080/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106106091/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper
shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub questions. and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12marks.
Multicarrier Modulation :
Data transmission using multiple carriers, Multi carrier modulation with overlapping sub-channels, Discrete
implementation of multicarrier modulation, The cyclic prefix, Orthogonal Frequencydivision multiplexing
(OFDM), Matrix representation of OFDM, Challenges in Multicarrier systems- Peak- to-Average power
ratio, Frequency and timing offsets, Introduction to MIMO systems.
Text Books :
1.T.S.Rappaport, ―Wireless Communications – Principles & Practice”, 2ndEdit ion, PHI.
2. Andrea Go ldsmit h, ―Wireless Communications”, 2nd Edit ion, Cambridge Universit y Press, 2009.
3. Patrick Marsch- 5G Mobile and Wirless communication technology- Cambridge University Press,2020
Reference Books :
1.William Stallings, ―Wireless communications & Networks”,2 ndEdit ion, Pearson Education.
2.William C.Y. Lee, ―Mobile Cellular Telecommunications”, 2nd Edit ion, McGraw-Hill.
3. Simo n Haykin, ―Modern wireless communications‖, 1st edit ion, Pearson, 2004.
Web References :
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102062/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CKZ_icPea0
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUXmfrbNJns
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions (EITHER/OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from each
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either-or-Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions
and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
VII Semester: ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
Continuous End TOTA
L T P C Internal Exam L
Assessment Marks Marks Marks
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students are able to
CO1: Understand the similarity of Biological networks and Neural networks
CO2: Perform the training of neural networks using various learning rules.
CO3: Understanding and analyse the concepts of forward and backward propagations.
CO4: Understand and Construct the SOM models.
CO5: Analyze the steps needed to improve performance of the selected neural network.
Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks: A Neural Network, Human Brain, Models of a Neuron,
Neural Networks viewed as Directed Graphs, Network Architectures, Knowledge Representation,
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Learning Process: Error Correction Learning, Memory
Based Learning, Hebbian Learning, Competitive, Boltzmann Learning, Credit Assignment Problem,
Memory, Adaption, Statistical Nature of the Learning Process
Single Layer Perceptrons: Adaptive Filtering Problem, Unconstrained Organization Techniques, Linear
Least Square Filters, Least Mean Square Algorithm, Learning Curves, Learning Rate Annealing
Techniques, Environment, Multilayer Perceptron: Back Propagation Algorithm XOR Problem,
Heuristics, Output Representation and Decision Rule, Computer Experiment, Feature Detection
Back Propagation: Back Propagation and Differentiation, Hessian Matrix, Generalization, Cross Validation,
Network Pruning Techniques, Virtues and Limitations of Back Propagation Learning, Accelerated
Convergence, Supervised Learning .
Self-Organization Maps (SOM): Two Basic Feature Mapping Models, Self-Organization Map, SOM
Algorithm, Properties of Feature Map, Computer Simulations, Learning Vector Quantization, Adaptive Patter
Neuro Dynamics: Dynamical Systems, Stability of Equilibrium States, Attractors, Neuro Dynamical
Models, Manipulation of Attractors as a Recurrent Network Paradigm Hopfield Models – Hopfield
Models, restricted boltzmen machine.
Text Books:
1. Laurence Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks, Architectures, Algorithms and
Applications, Pearson Ed, 2004.
2. Neural Networks a Comprehensive Foundations, Simon S Haykin, PHI Ed.,
3 Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems Jacek M. Zurada, JAICO Publishing House Ed. 2006.
Reference Books:
1.Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence, Li Min Fu TMH 2003
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub questions. and
the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
EC 407 PEC-V L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Analyze the role of DSP algorithms in VLSI
CO2: Apply the principles of DFG,SFG for DSP architectures and Compute iteration ,loop bound
CO3: Apply pipelining and parallel processing for FIR and IIR systems to achieve high speed and
low power.
CO4: Solve Register minimization, retiming, folding techniques for the given digital filter.
CO5: Understand the overview of FIR filter Systolic architecture design
Introduction to Digital Processing System:
Introduction, Typical DSP Algorithms, DSP Application demands and scaled CMOS technologies,
Representation of DSP Algorithms.
Iteration Bound:
Introduction, Data Flow Graph Representations, Loop Bound and Iteration Bound, Algorithms for
computing iteration bound, Iteration bound of multirate data flow graphs.
Pipelining and Parallel Processing:
Introduction, Pipelining of FIR Digital Filters, Parallel Processing, Pipelining and Parallel Processing for
low power
Folding and Unfolding:
Introduction, Definitions and properties, Retiming Techniques, An algorithm for unfolding, Critical path,
Unfolding and retiming, Applications of unfolding, Folding techniques. Register minimization techniques,
Register minimization in folded architecture, Folding of multirate systems.
Systolic Architecture Design: Introduction, System array design methodology, FIR systolic arrays,
selection of scheduling vector, Matrix-matrix multiplication and 2-D systolic array design, Systolic
Design for space representations containing delays.
TextBooks :
1.Keshab K. Parthi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing- System Design and Implementation, WileyInter
Science. 1998.
2.Kung S.Y.H. J.White House,T.Kailath,VLSI and Modern Signal Processing,Prentice Hall,1985
Reference Books:
1. Jose E. France, Yannis Tsividis, Design of Analog, Digital VLSI Circuits for
Telecommunicationsand Signal Processing, Prentice Hall,1994.
2. Medisetti V. K , VLSI Digital Signal Processing , IEEE Press (NY), USA, 1995.
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106093/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117102060/
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall
contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain
sub questions. and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VII Semester :ECE Scheme: 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 1/2 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Implementation of ROMs, PALs, PLAs, CPLDs
CO2: Apply &Get exposure to industry standard FPGAs.
CO3: Analyze the concepts of FPGAs design Flow and its I/O Blocks
CO4: Understand the concepts of ASICs and its design Flow.
CO5: Analyze system partitioning, floor-planning Placement & Routing and associated algorithms
Programmable logic, Programmable read only memory (PROM), programmable logic array (PLA),
Programmable array logic (PAL). Sequential programmable logic devices (SPLDS), Programmable gate
arrays (PGAS), CPLD
Programmable logic FPGA general structure, Anti fuse - Static RAM: EPROM and EEPROM technology,
FPGA Logic block – ZYNQ 7000
FPGA Design flow , DC & AC inputs and outputs, Clock and Power inputs, Xilinx I/O blocks.
ASIC construction: Physical Design flow , Goals and objectives of all the ASIC physical design
steps, System partitioning, Partitioning method—Constructive partitioning, Iterative partitioning, K-L
Floor planning, its tools, Placement : Methods and types-- constructive: min-cut placement method,
Eigenvalue placement algorithm, Iterative Placement Improvement.
Text Books:
1. Michael John Sebastian Smith, Application specific Integrated Circuits, 3rdEdition, Pearson
Education, Asia, 2001.
2. Pak and Chan, Samiha Mourad, Digital Design using Field Programmable Gate Arrays, 1st
Edition Pearson Education, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. S. Trimberger, Edr, Field Programmable Gate Array Technology, 1st Edition Kluwer Academic
2. John V.Oldfield, Richard C Dore, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, 1stEdition,Wiley
3. S.Brown,R Francis, J Rose,Z Vransic, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, 1st edition, Kluwer Publications,
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117108040/
2. https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-fpga-design-embedded-systems/
3. http://www.cpld.com/
4. www.asic.co.in/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam.The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper
shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub questions. and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12 marks.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Illustrate the concepts and principles of computer network security.
CO2: Understand various classical encryption techniques and block cipher structure.
CO3: Analyze advanced encryption standard.
CO4: Understand block cipher operations and Various Asymmetric Ciphers.
CO5: Understand cryptographic hash functions and digital signatures.
Introduction to Security concepts
Computer security concepts, OSI Security, Architecture, and Security attacks, Security services, Security
mechanisms, Fundamental security design principles, A model for Network Security. Number Theory
Euclidean Algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem, Testing for primality.
Introduction to Security concepts
Computer security concepts, OSI Security Architecture, Security attacks, Security services, Security
mechanisms, Fundamental security design principles, A model for Network Security. Number Theory
Euclidean Algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorem, Testing for primality.
Advanced Encryption Standard
AES Structure, AES transformation functions, AES Key Expansion, AES Example, AES Implementation.
Block Cipher Operation Multiple Encryption and Triple DES, Electronic code book, Cipher Block
Chaining Mode, Cipher feedback mode, output feedback mode.
Asymmetric Cipher s and Public key crypto systems
Public-Key Cryptography and RSA: Principles of Public-key crypto systems, RSA Algorithm.
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Elgamal Cryptographic systems.
Introduction, Basics of Blockchain Architecture – Challenges – Applications – Block chain Design Principles -The
Blockchain Ecosystem - The consensus problem - Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement - AAP protocol and its
analysis - Nakamoto Consensus on permission-less, nameless, peer-to-peer network.
Text Books:
1. William Stallings, [7th Edition], Cryptography and Network Security, Pearson.
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, D Mukhopadhayay, [2nd Edition], Cryptography and Network Security,
MC Graw Hill
3. Melanie Swan, “Block Chain: Blueprint for a New Economy”, O‟Reilly, first edition – 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Eric Cole, Dr. Ronald Kurtz and James W. Conley, Network Security Bible, Wiley
2. Bruce C. Berndt, Number Theory in the Spirit of Ramanujan‖, University Press
3. V.K. Jain, Cryptography and Network Security, Khanna Publishing House.
4. Atul Kahate, Cryptography and Network Security, TMH.
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105031
2. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/managing-network-cybersecurity/cryptography-and-network-
3. https://www.vssut.ac.in/lecture_notes/lecture1428550736.pdf
VII Semester : Common to all branches Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Develop a holistic perspective based on self-exploration about themselves (human
being), family, society and nature/existence.
CO2: Understand the harmony in the human being, family, society and nature/existence
CO3: Strengthen of self-reflection.
CO4: Develop a commitment and courage towards implementing Human values
Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education
Purpose and motivation for the course, recapitulation from Universal Human Values. Self-
Exploration–what is it? - Its content and process; ‘Natural Acceptance’ and Experiential
Validation- as the process for self-exploration. Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- A look
at basic Human Aspirations. Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility- the
basic requirements for fulfilment of aspirations of every human being with their correct
priority. Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the current
scenario. Method to fulfil the above human aspirations: understanding and living in harmony
at various levels. Include practice sessions to discuss natural acceptance in human being as
the innate acceptance for living with responsibility (living in relationship, harmony and co-
existence) rather than as arbitrariness in choice based on liking-disliking
Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself
Understanding human being as a co-existence of the sentient ‘I’ and the material ‘Body’.
Understanding the needs of Self (‘I’) and ‘Body’ - happiness and physical facility.
Understanding the Body as an instrument of ‘I’ (I being the doer, seer and enjoyer).
Understanding the characteristics and activities of ‘I’ and harmony in ‘I’. Understanding the
harmony of I with the Body: Sanyam and Health; correct appraisal of Physical needs,
meaning of Prosperity in detail. Programs to ensure Sanyam and Health. Include practice
sessions to discuss the role others have played in making material goods available to me.
Identifying from one’s own life. Differentiate between prosperity and accumulation. Discuss
program for ensuring health vs dealing with disease
Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in Human- Human
Understanding values in human-human relationship; meaning of Justice (nine universal values
in relationships) and program for its fulfilment to ensure mutual happiness; Trust and Respect
as the foundational values of relationship. Understanding the meaning of Trust; Difference
between intention and competence. Understanding the meaning of Respect, Difference
between respect and differentiation; the other salient values in relationship. Understanding the
harmony in the society (society being an extension of family): Resolution, Prosperity,
fearlessness (trust) and co-existence as comprehensive Human Goals. Visualizing a universal
harmonious order in society- Undivided Society, Universal Order- from family to world
family. Include practice sessions to reflect on relationships in family, hostel and institute 60
extended family, real life examples, teacher-student relationship, goal of education etc.
Gratitude as a universal value in relationships. Discuss with scenarios. Elicit
examples from students’ lives
Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole existence as Coexistence
Understanding the harmony in the Nature. Interconnectedness and mutual fulfilment among the
four orders of nature- recyclability and self-regulation in nature. Understanding Existence as
Co-existence of mutually interacting units in all- pervasive space. Holistic perception of
harmony at all levels of existence.
Include practice sessions to discuss human being as cause of imbalance in nature (film
“Home” can be used), pollution, depletion of resources and role of technology etc.
Implications of the above Holistic Understanding of Harmony on Professional Ethics
Natural acceptance of human values. Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct. Basis for
Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order.
Competence in professional ethics. a. Ability to utilize the professional competence for
augmenting universal human order. b. Ability to identify the scope and characteristics of
people friendly and eco-friendly production systems. c. Ability to identify and develop
appropriate technologies and management patterns for above production systems. Case studies
of typical holistic technologies, management models and production systems. Strategy for
transition from the present state to Universal Human Order: a. At the level of individual: as
socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and managers b. At the level of
society: as mutually enriching institutions and organizations. Sum up. Include practice
Exercises and Case Studies will be taken up in Practice (tutorial) Sessions eg. To
discuss the conduct as an engineer or scientist etc.
Text Books
R R Gaur, R Asthana, G P Bagaria, “A Foundation Course in Human Values and
Professional Ethics”, 2nd Revised Edition, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2019. ISBN 978-93-
R R Gaur, R Asthana, G P Bagaria, “Teachers’ Manual for A Foundation Course in Human
Values and Professional Ethics”, 2nd Revised Edition, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2019. ISBN
Reference Books
1.Jeevan Vidya: Ek Parichaya, A Nagaraj, Jeevan Vidya Prakashan, Amar kantak, 1999.
2. A. N. Tripathi, “Human Values”, New Age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.
3. The Story of Stuff (Book).
4. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi “The Story of My Experiments with Truth”
5. E. FSchumacher. “Small is Beautiful”
6. Slow is Beautiful –Cecile Andrews
7. J C Kumarappa “Economy of Permanence”
8. Pandit Sunderlal “Bharat Mein Angreji Raj”
9. Dharampal, “Rediscovering India”
10. Mohandas K. Gandhi, “Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule”
11. India Wins Freedom - Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
12. Vivekananda - Romain Rolland(English)
13. Gandhi - Romain Rolland (English)
Web References:
Question Paper Pattern:
Internal Assessment: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks,
covering half of the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam.
The question paper shall consist of three sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in
each section. The student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question
paper shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of
these questions may contain sub questions and the student should answer any one question
from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
List of Experiments
1. Python Environment setup to work with Datascience
2.NumPy: Arithmetic Operations on Arrays
3.Generate Pseudo Random numbers using various methods in NumPy
4.Perform Linear search, binary search using NumPy arrays.
5. Loading and extracting data from different data frames
6. Pandas: Program to deal with missing data by reading data from a file.
7. Implement data wrangling functions on raw data
8. Matplotlib: Visualize data by plotting a scatter plot.
9. Program to visualize data using pie and bar graphs.
10. Implement programs on Date and Time Data Types
V Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE301 OEC - I Exam
2 1 - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration:1.5 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the concepts of Optimization and solve linear programming problems
CO2: Solve the engineering problems using Integer programming technique
CO3: Solve the engineering problems using Kuhn tucker conditions and Lagrangean multiplier method
CO4: Solve the engineering problems using dynamic programming technique
CO5: Apply non-traditional optimization techniques to solve engineering problems.
Optimization: Introduction, Historical Development, Engineering Applications of Optimization,
Classification of Optimization problems.
Integer Programming Technique:
Simple applications of integer programming, solution methods of integer programming-Branch and Bound
Algorithm, Cutting Plane Algorithm
Classical Optimization Techniques:
Single variable optimization with and without constraints, multi – variable optimization with and without
constraints, methods of Lagrange multipliers, Kuhn-Tucker conditions
Dynamic Programming Technique:
Elements of dynamic programming model, Back ward recursive equation, Applications of Dynamic
Programming to Linear programming and Capital budgeting.
Genetic Algorithm:
Introduction, Difference between Genetic Algorithm and Traditional Methods, Simple Genetic Algorithms,
Similarity Templates (Schemata), Genetic algorithm operators –selection, crossover and mutation. Simple
applications of GA.
Evolutionary Algorithms:
Evolutionary Algorithums: Ant colony algorithm, Tabu search algorithm and Particle swam optimization
1.Rao S.S, ―Optimization, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1995
2. S.D. Sarma, ―Operations Research, Kedarnath Ramnath & Co
3. David E.Goldberg,―Genetic Algorithms, Pearson Education
1. HamdyA.Taha, ―Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Kalyanmo y Deb,―Optimization for Engineering Design, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2000
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination is for 25 marks, covering half of the
syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist
of Three Sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for end examination is for 60 marks. It shall consist of Five Units, each
containing Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) from each unit of the syllabus, with a weightage of 12
marks. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. The student shall answer one question from
each unit.
V Semester: B.Tech. Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE302 OEC-I Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration:1.5 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the Photogrammetry, EDM and Total station surveying principles to solve
surveying problems using appropriate tools and techniques.
CO2: Understand the concepts of remote sensing and interpretation methods.
CO3: Understand the importance of maps, concept of map projections.
CO4: Understand the concept of GIS and its applications, different data models, spatial
CO5: Understand the principles used in GNSS and Drone surveying, data collection
methods, error in observations and corrections.
Aerial Photogrammetry:Stereoscopy– 3-D Model – Height determination using Parallax
Bar– Digital Elevation Model (DEM) – Slope.
Land Surveying: Various Levels – Levelling methods–Total Station– EDM– Working
principle – Parts of Total Station – Capabilities and applications of Total Station–
Traversing – Triangulation and Trilateration.
Remote Sensing: Basic concept– Electromagnetic spectrum– Spectral signature –
Resolutions –Spectral. Spatial, Temporal and Radiometric – Platforms and Sensors – Remote
Sensing Data Products – PAN – Multispectral, Microwave, Thermal, Hyper spectral– Visual
and digital interpretation methods.
Maps: Importance of maps to engineering projects – Types of maps– Scales and uses–
Plotting accuracy – Map sheet numbering – Coordinate systems – Cartesian and
geographical, map projections,mapdatum–MSL,Geoid, Spheroid,WGS-84.
GIS: Introduction– Data Sources – Data Models and Data Structures– Algorithms,
DBMS – Creation of Databases (spatial and non-spatial) – Spatial analysis –
Interpolation –Buffer, Overlay – Terrain Modelling and Network analysis.
Remote Sensing and GIS Applications: Land use / Land cover classification – Rainfall-
runoff studies – Flood and drought impact assessment and monitoring – Regional and
urban planning and management – GIS based highway alignment.
GNSS: Principle used – Components of GNSS– Data collection methods – DGPS –
Errors in observations and corrections.
Drone Surveying:Working principle – Benefits of drones in surveying – Applications –
Interior and exterior drone surveying – Calculation of length, area and stockpile volume.
Text Books:
1. M. Anji Reddy, Text Book of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System,
2. Lo C.P. &Yeung A.K.W., Concepts and Techniques of GIS, Prentice-Hall of India, New
3. Thomas Lillesand, Ralph W Kiefer and Jonathan Chipman, Remote Sensing and Image
Interpretation, John Wiley & Sons, India.
4. Hofmann-Wellenhof, Lichtennegger and Wasle, GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite
Systems, Springer -Verlag Wein, New York.
Reference Books:
1. B.Bhatta, Remote sensing and Geographic Information System, Oxford Publications.
2. Siddiqui M.A.,Introduction to Geographical Information System, ShardaPustakBhavan,
3. Curran, Paul J,Principles of Remote Sensing, Longman, London.
4. Floyd F Sabins Jr.,Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation, Freeman and Co., San
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105/101/105101206/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105107155
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105/107/105107194/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination is for 25 marks, covering half
of the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question
paper shall consist of Three Sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) in each
section. The student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for end examination is for 60 marks. It shall consist of Five
Units, each containing Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) from each unit of the syllabus,
with a weightage of 12 marks. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. The
student shall answer one question from each unit.
V Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
Internal End
OE303 OEC- I Assessment Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand fundamentals of oops concepts, input and output
CO2: Understand the classes and objects.
CO3: Understand the Inheritance and interfaces
CO4: Understand the string handling methods
CO5: Understand the exception handling
Object oriented concepts: Fundamentals, Overview of Java, Data types, variables, Operators,
controlstatements, Reading console input, writing console output, arrays.
Introducing Classes: Class fundamentals, declaring objects, introducing methods, Constructors,
thiskeyword, finalize
Inheritance: Inheritance basics, using super, method overriding, abstract class, using final with
inheritance,Interfaces: Defining interface, implementing interface
String Handling: String constructors, Special string operations, character extraction, string
comparison,searching strings, modifying strings. StringBuffer class and its methods.
Exception Handling: Fundamentals, exception types, try, catch, throw, throws, finally. Java built-in
exceptions, creating your own exception subclasses.
Text Books :
1. Herbert Schildt [2008], [9th Edition], The Complete Reference Java2, TATA McGraw-Hill.
2. E Balaguruswamy [2007], [3 rd Edition], Programming with Java, A Primer, TATA McGraw- Hil.
Reference Books :
1. Bruce Eckel [2008], [2nd Edition], Thinking in Java, Pearson Education.
2. H.M Dietel and P.J Dietel [2008], [6th Edition], Java How to Program, Pearson Ed.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
V - Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Course Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
Code Category
L T P C Internal End TOTAL
OE304 OEC-I Assessment Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the basic knowledge of Internet of things and its design
CO2: Understand the purpose of sensors and Actuators in IoT
CO3: Analyze Various IoT Protocols
CO4: Design IoT Projects Using Arduino
CO5: Understand Raspberry-Pi Processor and Raspbian Operating Systems
Introduction to IoT:
Definition and Characteristics of IoT, Physical Design and Logical Design, IoT Enabling Technologies,
IoTLevels and Deployment Templates, IoT Vs M2M
Sensing and Actuation:
Definition of Sensor, Sensor features, Resolution, Classes, Different types of sensors, Actuator,
Differenttypes of Actuators, purpose of Sensors and Actuators in IoT
Wireless Technologies and Data Transmission for IoT:
Wi-Max, Wi-Fi (802.11), Bluetooth/Bluetooth smart,Zigbee/Zigbee smart, Cellular, NFC,Serial
Transmission, RS-232, RS-485, I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit, Ethernet, CAN bus, USB, Firewall,
SerialATA, Parallel Transmission
Building IoT with Arduino: Arduino IDE, Programming of Arduino, Interfacing LED,
switch,potentiometer, Sensors, LCD, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, ,GPS, RFID with Arduino
Raspberry Pi :
Linux basics, Linux File system, Navigating the File system, Text Editors, Accessing Files, Permissions
, Processes, Linux Graphic user Interface , Raspberry Pi Processor, Raspberry Pi Vs Arduino, Operating
system benefits, Raspberry Pi Set up, Configuration,
Text Books :
1. ArsheepBahga , Vijay Madisetti ,Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach Paperback,2015
V Semester: B.Tech Scheme: 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
OE305 OEC - I L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration:3 Hrs
Getting Started with Python: The First Example: Hello, World!, Different Ways to Use
Computing with Formulas: Programming Simple Mathematics, Variables and Variable Types,
Formatting Text Output, Importing Modules, Pitfalls When Programming Mathematics.
Loops and Lists: Loops for Automating Repetitive Tasks, Boolean Expressions, Using Lists to
Store Sequences of Data, Iterating Over a List with a for Loop, Nested Lists and List Slicing,
Functions and Branching: Programming with Functions, Function Arguments and Local
Variables, Default Arguments and Doc Strings, If-Tests for Branching the Program Flow,
Functions as Arguments to Functions, Solving Equations with Python Functions, Writing Test
Functions to Verify our Programs.
User Input and Error Handling: Reading User Input Data, Flexible User Input with eval and
exec, Reading Data from Files, Writing Data to Files, Handling Errors in Programs, Making
Arrays and Plotting: NumPy and Array Computing, Plotting Curves with Matplotlib, Plotting
Discontinuous and Piecewise-Defined Functions, Making a Movie of a Plot, More Useful Array
Dictionaries and Strings: Dictionaries, Example: A Dictionary for Polynomials, Example:
Reading File Data to a Dictionary, String Manipulation.
Classes: Basics of Classes, Protected Class Attributes, Special Methods, Example: Automatic
Differentiation of Functions, Test Functions for Classes, Example: A Polynomial Class.
Object-Oriented Programming: Class Hierarchies and Inheritance, Example: Classes for
Numerical Differentiation, Example: Classes for Numerical Integration.
Text Books :
1. Joakim Sundnes, Introduction to Scientific Programming with Python, Springer Open, 2020.
Reference Books :
1. Christian Hill, Learning Scientific Programming with Python, Cambridge University Press,
2 edition, 2020.
Web References:
1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/scipy/index.htm
2. https://realpython.com/
3. https://www.w3schools.com/python/scipy/index.php
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus
for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist
of three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall
answer one question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
V Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE306 OEC - I Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the concepts of Database Management Systems and Entity Relationship Modelling.
CO2: Use SQL commands to create, retrieve, update, and delete data from the Data base.
CO3: Comprehend the concepts of Normalization techniques
CO4: Understand the properties of Transactions in a Database System.
CO5: Understand Concurrency Control techniques and Recovery System.
Introduction: Introduction to DBMS, Purpose of Database Systems, Database System Applications,
View of Data, Data Models, Database Users, Database Architecture.
Entity-Relationship Model: Basic Concepts, Cardinality of Relationship, ER Diagram Notations,
Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Modeling using ER Diagrams, Reduction of an E-R Schema to Tables
Relational Query Languages: SQL, Data Definition Language Commands, Data Manipulation
Language Commands and Data Control Language Commands, Candidate Key, Primary key, Foreign
key, Select Clause, Where Clause, Logical Connectivity’s – AND, OR, Range Search, Pattern
Matching, Order By, Group By, Set Operations – Union, Intersect and Minus, Aggregate Functions,
Join Operations.
Relational Database Design: Features of Good Relational Database Designs, Decomposition,
Normalization, Functional Dependency, Types of Normal Forms - First Normal Form, Second Normal
Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
Transactions: ACID properties, Transaction States, Implementation of Atomicity and Durability,
Concurrent Executions.
Serializability : Conflict Serializability, View Serializability
Concurrency Control: Lock-Based Protocols – Locks, Granting of Locks, The Two-Phase Locking
Recovery System: Failure Classification, Log-Based Recovery, Shadow Paging Technique
Text Books:
1. Database System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, McGraw
Hill, 7 th Edition, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Principles of Database and Knowledge – Base Systems, J. D. Ullman, Vol. 1, 2016.
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems. R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, 7th Edition, 2017.
3. Data Base Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishna and Johnannes Gehrke, McGraw Hill, 3rd
Edition, 2014.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
V Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
OEC - I L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE307 Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the basics of security and ethical hacking.
CO2: Understand about foot printing and types of attacks in social engineering.
CO3: Understand about sniffers, hijacking and DoS attacks.
CO4: Understand the importance of web server hacking, database hacking and SQL Injection.
CO5: Understand about Wireless technologies, intrusion detection and firewalls.
Introduction to Ethical Hacking: Introduction, Security fundamentals, Security testing, Hackers
and Crackers description, Ethical Hackers.
Technical Foundations of Hacking: The Hacking process, Information Security Systems and the
Foot printing: Information Gathering Methodology , OS Fingerprinting, Fingerprinting Services,
Enumeration, System Hacking.
Social Engineering: Social Engineering, Malware threats, Vulnerability analysis.
Sniffers: Passive sniffing, Active sniffing, ARP,ARP poisoning and MAC flooding, tools for
sniffing, wire shark, sniffing and spoofing countermeasures.
Session Hijacking: Transport layer Hijacking, Application layer Hijacking, Session Hijacking
Denial of Service: DoS attack techniques, Distributed DoS, DDoS tools.
Web Server Hacking: HTTP protocol, scanning web servers, Banner grabbing and Enumeration,
Web server, DoS/ DDoS and DNS attacks.
Database Hacking: Introduction to SQL and SQL injection and categories, Finger printing, UNION
Exploitation technique, Boolean in SQL injection attacks, Out-of band exploitation, exploring the
time-delay SQL injection technique, Stored procedure SQL injection and mitigations,SQL injection
hacking tools.
Wireless Technologies, Mobile Security: Mobile device operation and security, Wireless LAN’s-
Basics, Wireless LAN frequencies and signalling, Wireless LAN security.
IDS - Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems. Firewalls and Honey pots.
Text Books:
1. Micheal Gregg,“Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Cert Guide”,Pearson education, 2020.
Reference Books:
1. EC-Council,“Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures(CEH)”,CENGAGE Learning, 2020.
2. Sai Satish,“Hacking Secrets Part-1”,Indian Servers,2018.
3. David Litchfield,Chris Anley“The Database Hackers Handbook:Defending Database Servers”,
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer
one question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
V Semester: B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Hours /
Category Credits Maximum Marks
Code Week
Continuous Internal End
L T P C Total
OE308 OEC - I Assessment Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
V Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE309 OEC-I Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the concepts of Computer architecture and functionalities of System Software.
CO2: Understand the page replacement and CPU Scheduling Algorithms
CO3: Understand the phases of software development life cycle and process models.
CO4: Design ER model for real life scenarios
CO5: Apply SQL commands to create, update, modify and retrieve data from the data bases.
CO6: Apply normalization techniques to normalize the database
Fundamentals of Computers & Computer Architecture: Introduction, Organization of a small
computer, Central Processing Unit, Execution cycle, Instruction categories, measure of CPU performance,
Memory, Input/output devices, BUS, addressing modes
System Software: Assemblers, Loaders and linkers, Compilers and interpreters.
Operating System: Introduction, Memory management schemes, Page replacement algorithms, Process
management, CPU scheduling algorithms.
Software engineering: Software engineering: Introduction to Software engineering, Life cycle of a
software project, software Development models.
Relational Database Management System: Introduction to DBMS, the database technology, data
models, Database Users.
Entity Relationship (E-R) Modeling: Introduction, Notations, Modeling E-R Diagrams, Case Studies,
Merits and Demerits of E-R modeling.
Structured Query Language (SQL): Introduction to SQL, Data types, Data Definition language
commands, Data Manipulation Language Commands and Data control Language Commands, Candidate
Key, Primary key, Foreign key, Select Clause, Where Clause, Logical Connectives – AND, OR, Range
Search, Pattern Matching, Order By, Group By, Set Operations – Union, Intersect and Minus, Aggregate
Functions, Join Operations
Introduction, Need for Normalization, Process of Normalization, Types of Normal Forms (1NF, 2 NF,3
NF & BCNF), Merits and Demerits of Normalization.
Text Books:
2. Campus Connect Foundation Program – Computer Hardware and System Software Concepts,
Programming Fundamentals- Vol. – 1, INFOSYS
3. Campus Connect Foundation Program – Relational Database Management System, Client Server
Concepts, Introduction to Web Technologies - Vol. – 4, INFOSYS
4. Henry F. Korth& Abraham Silberschatz, - Data Base System Concepts, 5th Edition, 2005, Mc Graw
Reference Books:
1. M. Morris Mano [2011], [3 rd Edition], Computer system architecture, Pearson Education, 2011.
2. Sommerville [2008], [7th Edition], Software Engineering, Pearson education.
3. Raghu Ramakrishna and Johannes Gehrke [2003], [3rd Edition], Data Base Management Systems,
TATA McGraw Hill
4. Tanenbaum [2000], Modern Operating System, Pearson Education
Web References:
1. https://www.w3schools.com/sql/
2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dbms/
3. https://www.tutorialride.com/software-engineering/software-engineering-tutorial.htm
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from
each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
V Semester: B.Tech Scheme: 2020
Course Code Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
OE310 OEC- I
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: understand the basic concepts of Neural networks
CO2: analyze Supervised Learning feedback networks
CO3: analyze Unsupervised Learning feedback networks.
CO4: understand concepts of fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory
CO5: To apply the knowledge of Neural Networks & fuzzy logic to real time systems.
Introduction to Neural Networks and its Basic Concepts
Biological neurons and McCulloch and Pitts models of neuron, Types of activation functions,
Neural networks architectures, Linearly separable and linearly non-separable systems and their
examples, Features and advantages of neural networks over statistical techniques, Knowledge
representation, learning process, error-correction learning, concepts of supervised, learning, and
unsupervised learning..
Supervised Learning Neural Networks
Single layer perceptron and multilayer perceptron neural networks, their architecture, Back
propagation algorithm, generalized delta rule, learning factors, step learning, Momentum
learning, Concept of training, testing and cross-validation data sets for design and validation of
the Networks
Unsupervised Learning Neural Networks
Competitive Learning networks, kohenen self-organizing networks, K-means and LMS
algorithms, RBF neural network and its structure, Hybrid training algorithm for RBF neural
networks, Comparison of RBF and MLP networks Learning, Hebbian learning, Hopfield
Fuzzy logic
Basic Fuzzy logic theory, sets and their properties, Operations on fuzzy set, Fuzzy relation and
operations on fuzzy relations and extension principle, Fuzzy membership functions and linguistic
variables, Fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning, Fuzzification and defuzzification and their methods,
Fuzzy inference systems
Applications of Neural Networks & Fuzzy systems
Applications of Neural Networks: Pattern classification, Handwritten character recognition, Face
recognition, Image compression and decompression
Applications of Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy System: Fuzzy pattern recognition, Fuzzy image processing,
Simple applications of Fuzzy knowledge-based controllers like washing machines, traffic
regulations, and lift control
Text Books :
1. Timothy J. Ross, Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, John Wiley and sons, 3/e, 2010.
2. S. Haykin, Neural Networks, A Comprehensive Foundation, Pearson Education Inc.3/e, 2008.
3. Jacek. M. Zurada, -Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico Publishing House, 2006.
4. LaureneFausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks-Architectures, algorithms and
applications, Pearson Education Inc., 2004.
5. J.S.R. Jang, C.T. Sun, E. Mizutani„ -Neuro Fuzzy and Soft Computing - A computational
Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence, Pearson Education Inc., 2002.
6. Bart Kosko, Neural networks and Fuzzy Systems, Pearson Education
Reference Books :
1. T.Pradeep, Nano: The Essentials Understanding Nano Science and Nano Technology, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2013.
2. Richard Booker and earl Boyson, Nanotechnology: The Fun and Easy Way to Explore the
Science of Matters Smallest Particle, Wiley Publications, 2011.
Web References:
1. S. Rajsekaran and G. A. VijaylakshmiPai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic
Algorithms, PHI
2. N. Sivanandam, S. Sumathi, and S. N. Deepa, Introduction to Neural Network Using
MATLAB11, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications
3. S.N.Sivanandam. M.Pau1Raj, - Introduction to Artificail Neural Networks, Vikas Publication
House Pvt.Ltd, NewDelhi
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer
one question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub-questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
VI Semester B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Week Credits Maximum Marks
Text Books:
1. B.H. Khan, Non-conventional Energy Sources, 3rd edition TMH Publishers, New
2. G.D Rai, Non-conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Suhas P.Sukhatme., Solar energy: Principles of thermal collection and storage, Tata
McGraw Hill publishing Co. Ltd
2. S. Rao and Paulekar, Energy Technology, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
3. H. P. Garg, J. Prakash, Solar energy fundamentals and applications, Tata McGraw
Hill publishing Co. Ltd
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks,
covering half of the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional
exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections with Two Questions (Either or
Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The
Question paper shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each
unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. And the student should answer
any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
VI Semester B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours /Week Credits Maximum Marks
Continuous Internal End
L T P C Total
OE312 OEC - II Assessment Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
VI Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE313 OEC - II Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Design a Web Page using Text Formatting Tags, Hyperlinks
CO2: Develop a webpage with Images, Tables Hyperlinks, Lists, CSS.
CO3: Design dynamic web pages using JavaScript
CO4: Design a Form using HTML Forms & Controls
CO5: Understand the basic concepts of PHP and database connection using XAMPP Server.
HTML5: Overview of HTML5 and other web technologies, HTML5 and its essentials,
Fundamentals of HTML5,Working with Text and organizing Text in HTML, Working with Links
and URLs.
Images: Working with Images, Image Maps, Creating Tables, Frames
CSS: Overview of CSS, Backgrounds and Color Gradients in CSS, Fonts and Text Styles, List
Styles, Table Layouts,
JavaScript: Overview of java script, Functions, Events, Java script Objects, Working with
Browser Objects, Document Object, Document Object Model, Validation, Errors, Exception
Handling in JavaScript.
Forms: What’s a Form? What Controls are available? Creating a Form and adding HTML
Controls, Submitting Data from forms, Customizing Controls in CSS, Form validation using Java
Script, Interactive Elements.
Introduction to PHP: Installing and Configuring PHP: Building PHP with Apache on Windows,
The Basics of PHP scripts. The Building blocks of PHP: Variables, Data Types, Operators and
Expressions, Constants. Creating Forms, Accessing Form Input with User defined Arrays,
Combining HTML and PHP code on a single Page, XAMPP Server configuration.
Text Books:
1. HTML5 Black Book, 2nd Edition, Dreamtech Press, 2016.
2. Deitel and Deitel and Nieto, ―Internet and World Wide Web - How to Program‖, Prentice
Hall, 5th Edition, 2011.
3. Julie C. Meloni, PHP MySQL and Apache, SAMS Teach yourself, Pearson Education (2007).
Reference Books:
1. Web Technologies, Uttam K. Roy, Oxford Higher Education., 1st edition, 10th impression,
2. Robert Pattinson, Beginners Guide for HTML and CSS Web Design and Web
3. Jeffrey C and Jackson, ―Web Technologies A Computer Science
PerspectivePearsonEducation, 2011.
4. Gopalan N.P. and Akilandeswari J., ―Web Technology, Prentice Hall of India, 2011.
Web References:
1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/Html/index.htm
2. https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/
3. https://www.w3schools.com/php/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus
for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist
of three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall
answer one question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
VI Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE314 OEC- II Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Discriminate and analyze the problems in cybercrime.
CO2: Identifying different classes of attacks.
CO3: Synthesize cybercrime issues on wireless and mobile devices.
CO4: Use and apply modern cyber forensics tools.
CO5: Analyze the computer forensic problems for a feasible solutions.
Introduction to Cybercrime: Introduction, Cybercrime: Definition and Origins of the Word,
Cybercrime and Information Security, Who are Cybercriminals? Classifications of Cybercrimes,
Cybercrime: The Legal Perspectives, Cybercrimes: An Indian Perspective, Cybercrime and the
Indian ITA 2000, A Global Perspective on Cybercrimes, Cybercrime Era: Survival Mantra for the
Cyber offenses: How Criminals Plan Them– Introduction, How Criminals Plan the Attacks, Social
Engineering, Cyber stalking, Cyber café and Cybercrimes, Botnets: The Fuel for Cybercrime, Attack
Vector Cloud Computing.
Cyber crime Mobile and Wireless Devices: Introduction, Proliferation of Mobile and Wireless
Devices, Trends in Mobility, Credit Card Frauds in Mobile and Wireless Computing Era, Security
Challenges Posed by Mobile Devices, Registry Settings for Mobile Devices, Authentication Service
Security, Attacks on Mobile/Cell Phones. Mobile Devices: Security Implications for Organizations,
Organizational Measures for Handling Mobile, Organizational Security Policies and Measures in
Mobile Computing Era, Laptops.
Tools and Methods Used in Cybercrime: Introduction, Proxy Servers and Anonymizers, Phishing,
Password Cracking, Keyloggers and Spywares, Virus and Worms, Trojan Horses and Backdoors,
Steganography, DoS and DDoS Attacks, SQL Injection, Buffer Overflow, Attacks on Wireless
Networks, Phishing.
Cyber Security: Organizational Implications: Introduction, Cost of Cyber crimes and IPR issues,
Web threats for Organizations, Security and Privacy Implications. Social media marketing:
Security Risks and Perils for Organizations, Social Computing and the associated challenges for
Text Books:
1. Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and Legal Perspectives, Nina
Godbole, Sunit Belapure, Wiley.
2. Principles of Information Security, Micheal E.Whitman and HerbertJ. Mattord, Cengage
Reference Books:
1. Information Security,Mark Rhodes, Ousley, MGH.
2. CyberSecurityEssentials,JamesGraham,RichardHowardandRyanOtson,CRCPress.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer one question from
each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
VI - Semester: B.Tech Scheme: 2020
Course Course Hours/ Week Credits Maximum Marks
Code Category
L T P C Internal End TOTAL
Assessment Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the principles behind nanotechnology and nanomaterials
CO2: Analyze the fabrication, characterization, and manipulation of nanomaterials,
CO3: Understand about metal nano particle based sensors
CO4: Analyze about nano wire based sensors.
CO5: Understand Sensors Based on Nanostructures of Metal Oxides
Introduction to Nanotechnology:
Definition of nanotechnology; main features of nanomaterials; types of nanostructures (0D, 1D, and
2D structures); nanocomposites; and mainchemical/physical/electrical/optical properties of
nanomaterials. Methods for characterizing the nanomaterials: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM),
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and
Introduction to Sensors' Science and Technology:
Definition of sensors; main elements of sensors; the parameters used for characterizing the
performance of sensors: accuracy, precision, sensitivity, detection limit, dynamic range, selectivity,
linearity, resolution, response time, hysteresis, and life cycle.
Metal nano particle-based Sensors:
Definition of nano particle; features of nano particles; and production of nano particles by physical
approach (laser ablation) and chemical approaches (Brust method, seed-mediated growth, etc.).
Quantum Dot Sensors. Definition of quantum dot; fabrication techniques of quantum dots;
Nanowire-based Sensors:
Definition of nanowires; features of nanowires; fabrication of individual nanowire by top-down
approaches and bottom-up approaches; and fabrication of nanowire arrays (fluidic channel, blown
bubble film, contact printing, spray coating, etc.).Carbon Nanotubes-based Sensors: Definition of
carbon nanotube; features of carbon nanotubes; synthesis of carbon nanotubes.
Sensors Based on Nanostructures of Metal Oxide:
Synthesis of metal oxide structures by dry and wet methods; types of metal oxide gas sensors (0D,
1D, and 2D); defect chemistry of the metal oxide sensors; sensing mechanism of metal-oxide gas
sensors; and porous metal-oxide structures for improved sensing applications.
Text Books :
1. Varghese Thomas and Balakrishna K M , Nanotechnology: An Introduction to Synthesis,
Properties and Applications of Nanomaterials, Atlantic Publishers and Distributers(P) Ltd,
2. G.Mohan Kumar, Nanotechnology: Nanomaterials and Nano devices, Narosa Publications,2016.
Reference Books :
1. T.Pradeep, Nano: The Essentials Understanding Nano Science and Nano Technology, Tata
Hill, 2013.
. Richard Booker and earl Boyson, Nanotechnology: The Fun and Easy Way to Explore the Science of
Matters Smallest Particle, Wiley Publications, 2011.
Web References:
2. online courses.nptel.ac.in/noc19_mm21/preview
3. online courses nptel.ac.in/noc22_ch11/preview
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer
one question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub-questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
VI Semester :B.Tech. Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE316 OEC-II Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration:1.5Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the definitions and terminologies used in disaster management.
CO2: Understand the types and categories of disasters.
CO3: Understand the impact of disasters on socio-economic and environment.
CO4: Plan for disaster risk reduction, mitigation and management strategies.
CO5: Understand the relationship between development and disasters.
Introduction: Concepts and definitions: disaster, hazard, vulnerability, risks, severity, frequency
and details, capacity, impact, prevention, mitigation.
Disasters: Disasters classification
Natural Disasters: Floods, draught, cyclones, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami, landslides, coastal
erosion, soil erosion, forest fires etc.,
Manmade Disasters: Industrial pollution – Artificial flooding in urban areas –Nuclear radiation –
Chemical spills – Transportation accidents – Terrorist strikes, etc. – Mountain and coastal areas.
Disaster Impacts: Disaster impacts –Environmental, physical, social, ecological, economic,
political, etc., Health - psycho-social issues – Demographic aspects–Hazard locations – Global and
national disaster trends – Climate change and urban disasters.
Disaster Risk Reduction:
Disaster Management Cycle - its phases: Prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief and recovery
– Risk analysis, vulnerability and capacity assessment – Early warning systems.
Post-Disaster Environmental Response(i.e. water, sanitation, food safety, waste management,
disease control, security, and communications): Role and responsibilities of government,
community, local institutions, NGOs and other stakeholders – Policies and legislation for disaster
risk reduction – Activities of National Disaster Management Authority.
Disasters, Environment and Development:Factors affecting vulnerability such as impact of
developmental projects and environmental modifications – Sustainable and environmental friendly
recovery – Reconstruction and development methods.
Text Books:
1. PradeepSahni, Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Ghosh G.K., Disaster Management, APH Publishing Corporatio
3. Singh B.K., Handbook of Disaster Management Techniques &Guidelines, Rajat Publication.
4. V. K. Sharma, Disaster Management, National Centre for Disaster Management, IIPE, Delhi,
Reference Books:
1. A Status Report Publication of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, National Disaster
Management Division, Disaster Management in India.
2. A. S. Arya, AnupKaranth, and Ankush Agarwal, Hazards, Disasters and Your Community; A
Primer for Parliamentarians, GOI–UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme.
3. Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) (Feb. 2007). IASC Guidelines on Mental Health
and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. Geneva: IASC.
Web References:
http://ndma.gov.in/ (Home page of National Disaster Management Authority)
2. http://www.ndmindia.nic.in/ (National Disaster management in India, Ministry of Home
3. www.odihpn.org,Disaster Preparedness Programme in India. A Cost Benefit Analysis,
Commissioned and Published by the Humanitarian Practice Network 'at ODI HPN.
4. www.empowerpoor.org, Drought in India: Challenges and Initiatives; Poorest Areas in Civil
Society (PACS) Programme. [2001–2008]
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam :
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus
for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (Either or Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub-questions. And the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
VI Semester :B.Tech. Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE317 OEC - II Exam
2 1 - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration:1.5 Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the methods of planning, scheduling and principles of construction management.
CO2: Formulate, solve CPM and PERT networks.
CO3: Understand the structure of organization and resource allocation.
CO4: Understand the procedure for documentation of tenders, contracts & time-cost analysis.
CO5: Understand basics of engineering economics and solving of cash flow problems.
CO6: Understand the concepts of quality control and safety management.
Introduction to Construction Management: Significance – Objectives and functions of
construction management – Types – Resources – Stages – Team of construction unit.
Construction Planning and Scheduling: Objectives and importance of planning and Scheduling –
Methods of planning and scheduling – Advantages and classification of schedules – Bar charts –
Milestone charts.
Network Techniques in Construction management: Elements of network – Network techniques –
Breakdown structures – Representation and specifying of activities and events – Rules for
Critical Path Method (CPM): Introduction – Difference between CPM and PERT – Time
estimates – Float – Critical path – Network analysis and computation problems.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT): Introduction, time estimates, slack, critical
path – Network analysis and computation problems.
Cost–Time Analysis in Net Work Planning: Importance of time – Project cost analysis in network
planning – Updating – Resources allocation.
Tenders and Contracts: Type of tenders – Principles of tendering – Notice inviting tender –
Contracts definition – Essentials – Types – Documents – Conditions of contracts.
Arbitration: Definition – Arbitrator – Arbitration agreement – Qualification of arbitrator –
Advantages of arbitration.
Organisation: Principles of organization – Types of organization – Measurement book.
Engineering Economics: Basic Principles – Equivalence – Cash Flow diagram – Single Payment
present worth factor – Uniform series present worth factor.
Safety, Inspection and Quality Control: Importance of safety – Safety Measures – Personal
Protection Equipment – Need for inspection at work – Principles ofinspection – Importance of
quality – Elements of quality – Organisation for quality control.
Text Books:
1. B.C. Punmia& K.K. Kandelwal, Project Planning & Control with PERT & CPM, Laxmi
Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
2. J.L. Sharma, Construction Management and Accounts, SatyaPrakasan (P), NewDelhi.
Reference Books:
1. U.K. Shrivastava, Construction planning and Management, Galgotia (P), New Delhi.
2. S. Seetha Raman, Construction Engineering and Management, Umesh (P), New Delhi.
3. Chitkara, Construction project management – Planning, Scheduling and Control, Tata McGraw
4. Halpin, D.W, Financial and Cost Concepts for Construction Management, JohnWiley and
Sons, New York.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination is for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of Three Sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) in each section. The
student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for end examination is for 60 marks. It shall consist of Five Units,
each containing Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) from each unit of the syllabus, with a weight
age of 12 marks. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. The student shall answer one
question from each unit.
VI Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE318 OEC-II Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Demonstrate the Object oriented concepts.
CO2: Interpret different types of Inheritance and Polymorphism.
CO3: Classify layer functionalities of OSI reference model and TCP Protocol suite.
CO4: Summarize the concepts of internetworking, security and IP addressing.
CO5: Demonstrate different types of protocols and web contents used in web design
Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts: Introduction, Programming Techniques, Introduction to
Object Oriented Concepts, Concept of Structured Procedural Programming, Class, Object
Characteristics of Objects: Data Abstraction, Classification, Encapsulation and Message Passing.
Access Specifiers in Class, UML Class Diagrams.
Advanced Concepts in Object Oriented Technology: Relationships, Inheritance- Protected Access
Specifier, Multiple and Multilevel Inheritance, Generalization and Specialization, Abstract classes,
Polymorphism, Implementation of OOC through C++.
Introduction to computer Networks: Introduction, Network Topology, OSI Reference Model, TCP
Protocol Suite, Routing Devices, Types of Networks.
Internetworking: Protocols for Internetworking, Internet Address and Domains, Packets, Packet
Switched Networks, Virtual Private Networks, and Working of Internet.
Introduction to Web Technology: Introduction, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), Domain Name Server (DNS), Web Applications, Types of Web Content, Multi-Tier
Web Applications, Performance of Web Applications.
Text Books:
1. Campus Connect Foundation Programme – Object Oriented Concepts – System
2. Campus Connect Foundation Programme – Computer Hardware and System Software - Vol. – 3,
INFOSYS Concepts
3. Campus Connect Foundation Programme – Relational Database Management System, Client
4. E.Balaguruswamy, Object Oriented programming with C++, 2017
5. Data Communications & Networking, Forouzan, Tata McGrawHill, Fifth edition, 2017
Web References:
1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/
2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/computer-network-tutorials/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VI Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
OE319 OEC - II
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand Product life cycle management process.
CO2: Understand different steps in Product development process.
CO3: Get knowledge on Product data management
CO4: Understand the implementation of PLM and its impact on the organization
CO5: Understand core functions of PLM and supply chain and ERP systems
Organization Business Models (MTS, MTO, CTO, ETO Etc), Basics of Enterprise Systems
(PLM, ERP, MES), Background, Overview, Need, Benefits, and Concept of Product Life Cycle, Components /
Elements of PLM, Emergence of PLM, Significance of PLM, Differences between PLM and PDM
Integrated Product development process-Conceive-Specification, Concept design, Design-
Detailed design, Validation and analysis (Simulation), Tool design, Realize-Plan manufacturing, Manufacture,
Build/Assemble, Test(quality check).
Workflow Processes, Design Collaboration, Processes Management, Document Management, Visualization, Bill of
Materials (BOM) Management – Lab exercises.
Engineering Change Control, Configuration Management, Manufacturing Process Management, Variant Management,
Classification PLM Architecture, Various PLM tools, Data Modeling, Security management.
CAD Integrations, Information authoring tools (e.g., MCAD, ECAD, Technical publishing), Core functions (e.g., data
vaults), Data Flow to Other systems such as Supply chain and ERP systems. (4 hours for lab exercises)
Text Books
1. Grieves, Michael, Product Lifecycle Management, McGraw-Hill publishers.
2. Antti Saaksvuori, Anselmi Immonen, Product Life Cycle Management – Springer publications
Reference Books
1.Kari Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, Product Design & Development, McGraw Hill International
2.Burden, Rodger PDM: Product Data Management, Resource Publications.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (Either or Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question
from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
questions. And the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
INDUSTRY 4.0 (I40)
VI Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE320 OEC-II Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the Characteristics, Sensors, Actuators and Communication models for industry 4.0.
CO2: Understand Fourth revolution and Industry operations.
CO3: Understand the Cyber-Physical Systems, Sensors, platforms of Industrial IoT.
CO4: Understand the Cyber security, Industrial Internet Systems.
CO5: Understand Business Models and Architecture, Key enablers in Industrial IoT.
Introduction to IoT, Sensing and Actuators, Communication
Introduction, Transducer- Definition, Sensor – Static and Dynamic characteristics, Types, Actuator –
Features, Types, Communication protocol, Standards, Features, Variants, IoT Networking -
introduction, Proprietary non-IP based solution, IP based solutions.
Industry 4.0: The Fourth Revolution
Introduction, Sustainability Assessment of Manufacturing Industry, Lean Production System, Smart and
Connected Business Perspective, Smart Factories
Cyber-Physical Systems, Sensors, Platforms
Cyber-Physical Systems and Next-Generation Sensors, Collaboration Platform and Product Lifecycle
Management, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Advanced
Cyber security, Industrial Internet Systems:
Cyber security – Introduction, challenges, Industrial Internet Systems, Industrial Sensing & Actuation,
Industrial Processes and systems.
Business Models and Architecture, Key Enablers:
Industrial Business Models, Reference Architecture for Industrial Business Models of IIoT, Key
Enablers of Industrial IoT in Sensing, Key Enablers of Industrial IoT in Connectivity, Key Enablers of
Industrial IoT in Connectivity.
Text Books
1. Vijay Madisetti, Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach”, VPT; 1 edition.
2. Industrial IoT Challenges, Design Principles, Applications, and Security, Ismail Butun, Springer
Nature Switzerland AG, 2020.
3. Industrial Internet of Things Technologies and Research Directions, Anand Sharma, Sunil Kumar
Jangir, Manish Kumar, Dilip Kumar Choubey, Tarun Shrivastava,S. Balamurugan, CRC, Taylor &
Francis Group, LLC, 2020.
Reference Books
1. Industrial IoT Application Architectures and Use Cases, A. Suresh, Malarvizhi Nandagopal, Pethuru
Raj, E. A. Neeba, Jenn-Wei Lin, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020.
2. “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things”, Prof. Sudip Misra, IIT kharagpur
Web References:
3. https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2016/07/internet-of-things-iot-and-its-applications-in-
electrical- power-industry.html
4. http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/11/internet-technologies.html
Question Paper Pattern:
Internal Assessment: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering
half of the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student
shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall
contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12 marks.
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE401 OEC-III Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to understand
CO1: the components of urban and rural roads and estimates the capacity and level of service
CO2: the components and functions of railway track
CO3: the control factors, gradients and geometric design of railway track
CO4: the various aircraft characteristics and design of runways
CO5: the various features in Harbours and Ports, their construction and coastal protection
Highway Engineering: Critical cross section of urban and rural roads- Road ecology-
Classification of roads-Concept of Capacity and Level of Service-Factors affecting-
Computation of Capacity and Level of Service as per Indo-HCM2017- Measure of
effectiveness-Highway capacity and performance characteristics.
Railway Track: Requirements of an ideal permanent way – Gauges in India – Selection of
gauge- Functions and requirements of rails– Sleepers and Ballast- Functions and requirements,
types of sleepers - Sleeper density – Ballast – Functions and requirements, types – Sub grade –
Functions of sub grade or formation – Sub grade materials and its improvement.
Track Alignment: Basic requirements – Factors controlling alignment – Gradients – Types of
gradient – Grade compensation on curves.
Geometric Design of the Track: Speed of the train – Speed on curves – Radius or degree of
curvature – Super elevation or cant – Cant deficiency- negative super elevation - Types of
transition curve – Length of transition curve –Widening of gauge on curves – Shift of the curve.
Airport Engineering: Selection of site for Airport – Aircraft Characteristics- Geometric Design
of Runway- Computation of Runway length – Correction for runway length – Orientation of
Runway – Wind Rose Diagram – Runway Lighting system.
Harbour Engineering: Definition of Basic Terms: Harbour, Port, Satellite Port, Docks, Waves
and Tides – Planning and Design of Harbours: Harbour Layout and Terminal Facilities –
Coastal Structures: Piers, Break waters, Wharves, Jetties, Quays, Spring Fenders, Dolphins and
Floating Landing Stage – Inland Water Transport – Wave action on Coastal Structures and
Coastal Protection Works.
Text Books
1. Indian Highway Capacity Manual- December2017, CSIR Publications, New Delhi.
2. C. Saxena and S.P. Arora [2015], Railway Engineering, Dhanpat Raj Publications
3. Khanna, S. K., Arora, M. G., and Jain, S. S. Airport planning and Design, Sixth Edition, Nem
Chand and Bros, Roorkee, India, 2012.
4. C.Venkatramaiah., Transportation Engineering-Vol.2 Railways, Airports, Docks and
Harbours, Bridges and Tunnels.,Universities Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, 2015.
Reference Books
1. Satish Chandra and M. Agrawal, Railway Engineering, Second Edition, Oxford University
Press, 2013.
2. Rangwala, S.C. Railway Engineering, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, India, 2008.
3. Horonjeff, R., McKelvey, F. X., Sproule, W. J., and Young, S. B. Planning and Design of
Airports, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, 2010.
Web References:
1. https/www.coursera.org
2. www.nptel.ac.in/courses
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination is for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of Three Sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) in each section. The
student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for end examination is for 60 marks. It shall consist of Five
Units, each containing Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) from each unit of the syllabus, with
a weightage of 12 marks. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. The student shall
answer one question from each unit.
VII Semester :B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE402 OEC-III Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: To take up the basic concepts of air pollution.
CO2: To introduce students to basic concepts of pollution.
CO3: The contents involved the knowledge of causes of air pollution.
CO4: The contents involved the knowledge of health related to air pollution.
CO5: To develop skills relevant to control of air pollution.
Introduction: History of Air pollution and episodes –Sources of air pollution and types –
Introduction to meteorology and transport of air pollution: Global winds, Headley cells, wind
rose terrestrial wind profile –Effects of terrain and topography on winds, lapse rate, maximum
mixing depths, plume rise.
Transport of Pollution in Atmosphere: Plume behavior under different atmospheric conditions
– Mathematical models of dispersion of air pollutants –Plume behavior in valley and terrains –
Plume behavior under different meteorological conditions –Concept of isoplates.
Effects of Air Pollution: Effects of Air Pollution on human beings, plants and animals and
Properties –Global Effects –Greenhouse effect –Ozone depletion, heat island, dust storms –
Automobile pollution sources and control –Photochemical smog –Future engines and fuels.
Air Pollution control: Air Pollution control-at source – Equipment for control of air pollution –
For particulate matter –Settling chambers–Fabric filters –Scrubbers –Cyclones Electrostatic
precipitators, For Gaseous pollutants-control by absorption-adsorption scrubbers-secondary
combustion after burners –Working principles advantages and disadvantages – Design criteria
and examples.
Air Quality Sampling and Monitoring: Stack sampling – Instrumentation and methods of
analysis of SO2, CO etc, – Legislation for control of air pollution and automobile pollution.
Text Books:
1. C.S. Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International publishers.
2. H.S. Peavy, D.R. Row & G. Tchobanoglous, Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
International Edition.
3. Martin Crawford, Air Pollution Control Theory, TMH Publication.
Reference Books:
1. H.C Parkins, Air Pollution and Control, McGraw Hill Publication.
2. Wark, K., Warner, C.F., and Davis, W.T., Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control, Addison-
Wesley Longman. 1998.
3. Gurjar, B.R., Molina, L., Ojha, C.S.P. (Eds.), Air Pollution: Health and Environmental
Impacts, CRC Press.
4. Boubel, R.W., Fox, D.L., Turner, D.B., Stern, A.C., Fundamentals of Air Pollution,
Academic Press.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination is for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of Three Sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) in each section. The
student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for end examination is for 60 marks. It shall consist of Five
Units, each containing Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) from each unit of the syllabus, with
a weightage of 12 marks. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. The student shall
answer one question from each unit.
VII Semester: B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE403 OEC - III Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the basic components of industrial robots.
CO2: Understand the types of End Effectors and Sensors in robots.
CO3: Understand the Robot manipulator, forward and inverse kinematics.
CO4: Understand the programming methods for robots and design considerations of Robot
work cell
CO5: Understand the manufacturing and processing applications of robot.
Fundamentals of Robotics and Robot technology: Automation and robotics, robot definition,
robot anatomy, robot configurations, work volume, precession of movement, robot actuation and
feed-back component, actuators, hydraulic actuators, electrical actuators (variable reluctance type
and permanent magnet type stepper motor). Position sensors (potentiometer, resolvers, and
encoders), velocity sensors (tachometer), power transmission devices.
End Effectors and Sensors: Robot end effectors, types of end effectors, mechanical grippers,
other type of grippers- Vacuum cups, magnetic grippers, adhesive grippers, Hooks, Scoops and
other miscellaneous devices. Sensors in robotics- tactile sensors, proximity and range sensors,
Machine Vision, use of sensors in robotics.
Robot Motion Analysis and Control: Introduction to manipulator kinematics, position
representation, forward transformation and reverse transformation of two degree freedom robot arm
three degree of freedom arm in two dimensions, four degree freedom manipulators in thre
dimension, homogeneous transformation and homogeneous transformation matrix.
Robot Programming: Methods of robot programming- Lead through- WAIT, SIGNAL and delay
commands; The textual robot programming languages, robot language structures, constants,
variables and other data objects, motion commands, end effectors, sensors commands and monitor
mode commands.
Robot cell design and control: Robot cell layout, work cell control, interlocks, error detection and
recovery, graphical simulation of robot work cell.
Robot Applications in Manufacturing: Material transfer and machine loading and unloading
general considerations in material handling.
Processing Operations: Spot welding, continuous arc welding, spray coating, and other
processing operations.
Text Books
1. Mickel. P. Groover et. al, Industrial Robotics- Technology, Programming and Applications,
McGraw Hill Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Deb S.R., Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation, TMH Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Richard D. Klafter, Robotic Engineering: An Integrated Approach, Pearson Publications.
Reference Books
1. K. S. Fu, Ralph C. Gonzalez and C.S.G. Lee, Robotics, control, sensing, vision, Mc Graw Hill.
2. Rama chandran, Nagarajan, Introduction to Industrial Robotics, Pearson.
VII Semester: B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Hours /
Course Code Category Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
OE 404 OEC-III Assessment
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1.5 Hrs End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Benchmarking: Introduction, Benchmarking process
Quality Function Deployment: Benefits of QFD, House of Quality
Reliability Engineering: Introduction, Failures & failure modes, Causes of failures
Design for Reliability: Designing for higher Reliability, Reliability & Cost
Component Reliability: MTTF, Time dependent hazard models – Exponential Distribution
System Reliability: Systems with components- in Series, and in Parallel; Non-Series-
Parallel systems
Redundancy Techniques: Introduction, Component & Unit Redundancy, Weakest link
Text Books:
1. Dale H. Bester field, Total Quality Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi
2. E. Balagurusamy, Reliability Engineering, TMH Publishers, New Delhi
3. M. Mahajan, Statistical Quality Control, DhanapatRai and Sons Publishers, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Douglas C. Montgomery, Introduction to Quality Control, John Wiley and Sons
Publishers, New
2. N. Logothetis, Managing for Total Quality, From Deming to Taguchi, PHI Publishers,
New Delhi
3. L.S. Srinath, Reliability Engineering, East West Press, New Delhi
Sessional Exam :
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus
for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist
of three sections with Two Questions (Either or Type) in each section. The student shall answer
one question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub-questions. And the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
VII Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE405 OEC-III Exam
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the basic concepts, components and architecture of smart grid.
CO2: Understand the various measurement technologies in smart grid.
CO3: Understand about battery technology and energy storage in smart grid.
CO4: Understand the Interoperability and control of power grid.
CO5: Understand the cyber security issues in smart grid.
Today’s Gird versus Smart Grid, Rationale for smart Grid, Computational Intelligence, Power System
Enhancement, Communication and Standards, Environment and Economics, Shareholders Roles and
Function, Architecture, Functions of Components.
Sensors and Measurement:
Sensors for Smart Grid, Monitoring and Measurement Technologies, PMU, Smart meters, Smart Appliances,
Multi Agent Systems (MAS) Technology, Micro grid and Smart grid comparison, Wide Area Monitoring
Protection and Control and SCADA.
Energy Storage:
Batteries, Flow Batteries, Fuel Cell and hydrogen electrolytes, Flywheel, Super conduction magnetic energy
storage systems, super capacitors, Simulation and case studies
Introduction - State-of-the-Art-Interoperability - Benefits and Challenges of Interoperability- Model for
Interoperability in the Smart Grid Environment - Smart Grid Network Interoperability - Interoperability and
Control of the Power Grid, Standards - Approach to Smart Grid Interoperability Standards
Smart Grid Cyber Security:
Cyber Security State of the Art- Cyber Security Risks - Cyber Security Concerns Associated with AMI-
Mitigation Approach to Cyber Security Risks - Cyber Security and Possible Operation for Improving -
Methodology for Other Users
Text Books
1. James Momoh, “Smart Grid: Fundamentals of design and analysis”, John Wiley & sons Inc, IEEE press
2. Janaka Ekanayake, Nick Jenkins, Kithsiri Liyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, “Smart Grid:
Technology and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012.
3. Lars.T.Berger, K.Iniewski, “Smart Grid: Applications, Communications & Security” Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd, Reprint 2015.
Reference Books
1. Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, “Smart Grid: Integrating Renewable, Distributed & Efficient Energy”,
Academic Press, 2012.
2. Clark W.Gellings, “The smart grid: Enabling energy efficiency and demand response”, Fairmont Press
3. Qi Huang, Shi Jing “Innovative Testing and Measurement Solutions for Smart Grid”, John Wiley & Sons
Inc, 2015.
Web References:
1. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc18_ee42/preview
2. https://www.smartgrid.gov/the_smart_grid/smart_grid.html
3. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/electric-power-systems/smart-grid-the-environment-aH8g0
Question Paper Pattern:
Internal Assessment: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist
of three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
Uninformed Search Strategies: BFS, DFS, Depth –limited search, IDA, Bidirectional search
Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies- Greedy best-first search, A* search, Memory-bounded heuristic
search, Learning to search better. Heuristic Functions.
Machine Learning
Introduction, Types of Machine Learning Systems, Challenges, Testing and Validating.
Classification, Training a Binary Classifier, Performance measures, Multiclass classification, Error analysis,
Multi label classification, Multi output classification
End-to-End Machine Learning Project :
Working with Real data, Launch, Monitor and Maintain your system
Training Models Linear Regression, Gradient Descent, Polynomial Regression, Learning Curves,
Regularized Linear Models, Logistic Regression
1.Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence:A Modern Approach”,Third
Edition,2010.Pearson Education.
2. Aurelian Geron,“Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and Tensor
Flow:Concepts,Tools,and Techniques to build Intelligent Systems”,OReilly Publications,First Edition,
1.Elaine Richie Kevin Knight[2008],[3rdEdition],Artificial Intelligence,TMH
2. Oliver Theobald,“Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners”,Second Edition,2017
3. Miroslav Kubat, “An Introduction to Machine Learning” , Springer, 2017
3. https://www.coursera.org/learn/python-machine-learning offered by University of Michigan
4. https://github.com/ageron/handson-ml.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for
first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of
three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer
one question from each section.
End Exam
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions.
and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12 marks.
VII - Semester : B. Tech Scheme: 2020
Course Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the real time environment and applications.
CO2: Understand System architecture and design of Distributed Embedded Systems
CO3: Understand inter task management and scheduling.
CO4: Analyze the network connection of distributed systems
CO5: Analyze the working of multiple embedded devices in a distributed network
Real Time Environment: Real-time computer system requirements, classification of real time systems,
functional requirements, temporal requirements, global time, examples of real time systems.
Distributed System Design: Need of distributed systems, System Architecture, compatibility, scalability
and dependability.
System Scheduling: Inter component communication, task management, and dual role of time; inter
task interactions, Scheduling problem - static & dynamic scheduling – system design – validation –
time–triggered architecture.
Distributed Networks: Types of networks, comparisons, ISO-OSI model, TCP/IP connections. CAN
concepts, Ethernet
Case Studies: Bluetooth controlled embedded operations, GSM based embedded operations, and event
trigger based embedded applications.
Text Books:
1. Hermann Kopetz, Real–Time systems – Design Principles for distributed Embedded Applications,
2nd Edition, Springer 2011.
2. GlafP.Feiffer, Andrew Ayre and Christian Keyold, Embedded Networking with CAN and CAN
open, Copperhill Media Corporation, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Bernd Kleinjohann, Architecture and Design of Distributed Embedded Systems, Springer US,2013
2. Wayne Wolf, “Computers as Components”, Second edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.
Web References:
2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_ee98/preview
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall
consist of three sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall
answer one question from each section.
End Examination: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper
shall contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions
may contain sub questions. and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
VI Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 408 OEC-III Exam
1 - 2 2 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the importance of Text Wrangling, Cleansing and POS tagging.
CO2: Develop a NLP application using the NLTK library.
CO3: Implement Text classification algorithms using scikit-learn and NLTK.
CO4: Understand the basics of Tokenizing text using WordNet.
CO5: Understand the importance of Text feature extraction process.
Introduction to Natural Language Processing: Why learn NLP, Diving into NLTK, Text Wrangling
and Cleansing, Sentence splitter, Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, Stop word removal, Rare
word removal, Spell correction, POS tagging, Named Entity Recognition (NER).
NLP Applications: Building your first NLP application, Other NLP applications – Machine translation,
Information retrieval, Speech recognition, Text classification, Information extraction.
Text Classification: Machine Learning, Text classification, Sampling – Naïve Bayes, Decision trees,
Stochastic gradient descent, Logistic regression, Support Vector Machines, The Random forest
algorithm, Text clustering – K-Means.
Tokenizing Text and WordNet Basics: Introduction, Tokenizing text into sentences, Tokenizing
sentences into words, Tokenizing sentences using regular expressions, Training a sentence tokenizer,
Filtering stop words in a tokenized sentence, Looking up Synsets for a word in WordNet, Looking up
lemmas and synonyms in the WordNet, Calculating WordNet Synset similarity, Discovering word
Feature Extraction: Bag of words feature extraction, Training a Naïve Bayes classifier, Training a
Decision tree classifier, Training a maximum entropy classifier, Training scikit-learn classifiers,
Measuring precision and recall of a classifier, Training a classifier with NLTK-Trainer.
Text Books:
5. Natural Language Processing: Python and NLTK, Deepti Chopra, Jacob Perkins, and Nitin
Hardeniya by Packt 2016.
6. Practical Natural Language Processing: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Real-World NLP
Systems, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Anuj Gupta, Sowmya Vajjala, Harshit Surana published by
O’Reily Media, Inc, 2020.
Reference Books:
4. Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin, Speech and Language Processing, An Introduction to Natural
Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2009.
5. Tanvier Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary, Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, Oxford
Higher Education, 2008.
6. Daniel M. Bikel & Imed Zitouni, Multilingual Natural Language Processing Applications: From
Theory to Practice, Pearson Publication, 2012.
7. Christopher D. Manning, and Hinrich Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing, MIT Press, 1999.
Web References:
1. https://www.coursera.org/specializations/natural-language-processing
2. https://www.udemy.com/course/speech-recognition-a-z-with-hands-onlearnkarts/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105158
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 409 OEC-III Exam
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Recognize the importance of Design Thinking
CO2: Identify the steps in Design Thinking process
CO3: Identify the difference between creativity and innovation
CO4 : Evaluate the value of creativity
CO5: Formulate specific problem statements of real time issues
Introduction to Design Thinking: Introduction to elements and principles of Design, basics of design-
dot, line, shape, form as fundamental design components. Principles of design. Introduction to design
thinking, history of Design Thinking, New materials in Industry
Design Thinking Process: Design thinking process (empathize, analyze, idea & prototype),
implementing the process in driving inventions, design thinking in social innovations. Tools of design
thinking - person, costumer, journey map, brain storming, product development
Innovation: Art of innovation, Difference between innovation and creativity, role of creativity and
innovation in organizations. Creativity to Innovation. Teams for innovation, Measuring the impact and
value of creativity.
Product Design: Problem formation, introduction to product design, Product strategies, Product value,
Product planning, product specifications. Innovation towards product design Case studies.
Design Thinking in Business Processes: Design Thinking applied in Business & Strategic Innovation,
Design Thinking principles that redefine business – Business challenges: Growth, Predictability, Change,
Maintaining Relevance, Extreme competition, Standardization. Design thinking to meet corporate needs.
Design thinking for Startups. Defining and testing Business Models and Business Cases. Developing &
testing prototypes.
Text Books:
1.Change by design, Tim Brown, Harper Bollins (2009)
2.. Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation, Idris Mootee, 2013, John Wiley & Sons
Reference Books:
1. Design Thinking in the Classroom by David Lee, Ulysses press
2. Rod Judkins, The Art of Creative Thinking, Rod Judkins, Hodder & Stoughton
3. Universal principles of design- William lidwell, kritinaholden, Jill butter.
4. The era of open innovation – chesbrough. H
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question
from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VII Semester: B. Tech Scheme:2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal EndExam TOTAL
OE 410 OEC-III Assessment
3 0 - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs EndExamDuration:3 Hrs
Cloud Fundamentals-Cloud Service Components-Cloud Service, Deployment Models-Cloud
components-Guiding principle with respect to utilization, Security, Pricing- Application of Cloud
Computing. Case Study: Design and Implementation of Public and Private Cloud Environments – Open
Stack and AWS.
APIFundamental-Microserviceand API Management- Spring Boot Fundamental and Design of
Microservice - API Tools - Developer Portal-Applications of Micro service and API fication
Devops fundamentals - Devops Role and Responsibility-Tools and Applications- Containerization
Process and Application-Evolution of APP Deployment- Docker Fundamentals - Docker Architecture-
Docker Commands. Case study Orchestration, Kubernetes, Docker Container.
Cloud Security-Cloud Security Shared Responsibility Architecture-Security By Design Principles-
Identity And Access Management-Cloud Security Layers Illustration-Cloud Network, Host And Data
Security Concepts-Security Operations and Major Cloud Service Provider Tools-Security Compliance
and Regulations-Cloud Monitoring-Benefits of Cloud Monitoring-Overview of Cloud Monitoring Tools.
Developing and Deploying an Application in the Cloud- Building a python project based on Design-
Development- Testing-Deployment of an application in the cloud using a development framework and
deployment platform.
Case Study: Python Use case and Python Framework.
TextBooks :
1. Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood, and Ricardo Puttini, “Cloud ComputingConcepts, Technology
2. GuoNingLiu, Qiang GuoTong, Harm Sluiman,AlexAmies,"Developing and Hosting Applications
on the Cloud",IBMPress, 2012.
3. KaiHwang,GeofferyC.FoxandJackJ.Dongarra,“Distributed and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids,
Clouds and the Future of Internet”, First Edition, Morgan Kaufman
4. Rajkumar Buyya ,James Broberg Andrzej M.Goscinski , “Cloud Computing: Principles and
Reference Books
1. Michael J. Kavis “Architecting the Cloud: Design Decisions for Cloud Computing Service Models
(SaaS, PaaS,andIaaS)”,1stEdition, Wiley,2014.
2. AzureVirtual Machineshttps://docs.microsoft.com/enus/azure/virtualmachines/
3. GoogleApp Enginehttps://cloud.google.com/appengine#allfeatures
4. GoogleKubernetesEnginehttps://cloud.google.com/kubernetesengine#allfeatures
5. DockerTutorial:https://dockercurriculum.com
Question Paper Pattern
Sessional Exam
The question paper for sessional examination is for 30marks,covering half of the syllabus for first
Sessional and remaining half or second sessional exam. Question No 1which carries 6marks contains
three short answer questions of two marks each. The remaining three questions shall be EITHER/OR
type questions carrying8marks each
End Exam
Question Paper Contains Six Questions. Question 1 contains 5 short Answer questions each of 2marks.
(Total 10 marks) covering one question from each unit. The remaining five questions shall be
EITHER/OR type questions carrying 10 marks each. Each of these questions is from one uni and may
contain sub-questions. i.e there will be two questions from each unit and the student should answer any
one question.
VII Semester : B.Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE411 OEC-III Exam
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of Blockchain technology.
CO2: Interpret the security and risks involved in Blockchain applications.
CO3: Interpret the types of Blockchain applications and Blockchain solutions.
CO4: Understand the process of Ethereum Blockchain Implementation
CO5: Understand the process of Hyper ledger Blockchain Implementation
Introduction, Scenarios, Challenges Articulated, Blockchain, Blockchain Characteristics, Opportunities
Using Blockchain, History of Blockchain. Evolution of Blockchain : Evolution of Computer
Applications, Digital Signatures, Hashing, and public key cryptosystems, private vs. public Blockchain.
Centralized Applications, Decentralized Applications, Stages in Blockchain Evolution, Consortia, Forks,
Public Blockchain Environments, Type of Players in Blockchain Ecosystem, Players in Market.
Blockchain Concepts: Introduction, Changing of Blocks, Hashing, Merkle-Tree, Consensus, Mining and
Finalizing Blocks, Currency aka tokens, security on blockchain, data storage on blockchain, wallets,
coding on blockchain: smart contracts, peer-to-peer network, types of blockchain nodes, risk associated
with blockchain solutions, life cycle of blockchain transaction.
Architecting Blockchain solutions: Introduction, Obstacles for Use of Blockchain, Blockchain Relevance
Evaluation Framework, Blockchain Solutions Reference Architecture, Types of Blockchain
Applications. Cryptographic Tokens, Typical Solution Architecture for Enterprise Use Cases, Types of
Blockchain Solutions, Architecture Considerations, Architecture with Blockchain Platforms, Approach
for Designing Blockchain Applications
Ethereum Blockchain Implementation: Introduction, Tuna Fish Tracking Use Case, Ethereum
Ecosystem, Ethereum Development, Ethereum Tool Stack, Ethereum Virtual Machine, Smart Contract
Programming, Integrated Development Environment, Truffle Framework, Ganache, Unit Testing,
Ethereum Accounts, MyEtherWallet
Hyperledger Blockchain Implementation, Introduction, Use Case – Car Ownership Tracking,
Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Fabric Transaction Flow, FabCar Use Case Implementation, Invoking
Chaincode Functions Using Client Application.
Text Books:
7. Ambadas, Arshad Sarfarz Ariff, Sham “Blockchain for Enterprise Application Developers”, Wiley
2. Andreas M. Antonpoulos, “Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain” , O’Reilly
Reference Books:
4. Blockchain: A Practical Guide to Developing Business, Law, and Technology Solutions, Joseph
Bambara, Paul R. Allen, Mc Graw Hill
5. Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain, 2nd ed., Antonopoulos, O'Reilly, 2017.
ISBN: 978
6. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy, Melanie Swan, O’Reilly
Web Resources
1. NPTEL online course : https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/104/106104220/#
2.Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/build-your-blockchain-az/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 412 OEC-III Exam
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the importance of interacting with business stakeholders in determining the
requirements for a software system
CO2: Analyze iterative software development processes: how to plan them, how to execute them.
CO3: Identify the impact of social aspects on software development success.
CO4: Understand Software process improvement as an ongoing task for development teams.
CO5: Analyze the Agile Metrics and Quality Assurance Activities
AGILE METHODOLOGY: Theories for Agile Management – Agile Software Development –
Traditional Model vs. Agile Model - Classification of Agile Methods – Agile Manifesto and Principles –
Agile Project Management – Agile Team Interactions – Ethics in Agile Teams - Agility in Design,
Testing – Agile Documentations – Agile Drivers, Capabilities and Values
AGILE PROCESSES: Lean Production - SCRUM, Crystal, Feature Driven Development- Adaptive
Software Development - Extreme Programming: Method Overview – Lifecycle – Work Products, Roles
and Practices.
AGILITY AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: Agile Information Systems – Agile Decision
Making - Earl‗S Schools of KM – Institutional Knowledge Evolution Cycle – Development,
Acquisition, Refinement, Distribution, Deployment , Leveraging – KM in Software Engineering –
Managing Software Knowledge – Challenges of Migrating to Agile Methodologies – Agile Knowledge
Sharing – Role of Story-Cards – Story-Card Maturity Model (SMM).
Agile Practices – Variance – Overview of RE Using Agile – Managing Unstable Requirements –
Requirements Elicitation – Agile Requirements Abstraction Model – Requirements Management in
Agile Environment, Agile Requirements Prioritization – Agile Requirements Modeling and Generation –
Concurrency in Agile Requirements Generation.
AGILITY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE: Agile Product Development – Agile Metrics – Feature
Driven Development (FDD) – Financial and Production Metrics in FDD – Agile Approach to Quality
Assurance - Test Driven Development – Agile Approach in Global Software Development.
Text Books:
1. David J. Anderson and Eli Schragenheim, ―Agile Management for Software Engineering: Applying
the Theory of Constraints for Business Results‖, Prentice Hall, 2003.
2. Hazza and Dubinsky, ―Agile Software Engineering, Series: Undergraduate Topics in Computer
Science‖, Springer, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Craig Larman, ―Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager‗s Guide‖, Addison-Wesley, 2004.
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 413 OEC-III Exam
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Explore the history of spatial computing and design interactions
CO2: Understand the foundational principles describing how hardware, computer vision algorithms
function .
CO3: Learn Virtual reality animation and 3D Art optimization.
CO4: Demonstrate Virtual reality
CO5: Introduce to the design of visualization tools
Designing and Art Across Digital Realities: Introduction, Modalities, Types of common HCI modalities, New
Modalities, The current state of modalities for spatial computing Devices, current controllers for immersive
computing systems, Voice, Hands and Hardware inputs over the next generation.
Designing for our senses, not our devices: Envisioning a future, sensory technology, The Role of women in AI,
Sensory Design, Five sensory Principles, Adobes’ AR .
Virtual Reality of Art: A more natural way of making 3D art, VR for animation
3D Art Optimization: Introduction, Draw Calls, Using VR Tools for creating 3D Art, Acquiring 3D Models
Versus Making them from scratch.
Computer vision that makes augmented reality Possible works: History of AR, How and why to select an AR
Platform, Mapping, platforms, other Development considerations, The AR Cloud
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality – cross- platform theory: Why cross platform, The role of game
engines, understanding 3D Graphics, Portability lessons from video game design, simplifying the controller input.
Virtual Reality Toolkit: What is VRTK, History, Steam VR Unity Toolkit, VRTK v4, future of VRTK, success
Three Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development Best Practices: Handling Locomotion,
Locomotion in VR, Locomotion in AR, Effective use of Audio, Audio in VR, Audio in AR, Common interaction
paradigms, Inventory of VR, Augmented Reality Raycasts
Data and Machine learning visualization Design and Development in spatial computing: Introduction,
understanding data visualization, principles for data and machine learning visualization design and development in
spatial computing, why data and machine learning visualization works in spatial computing, 2D data visualization
vs 3D data visualization in spatial computing, interactivity in data visualizations and in spatial computing,
animation, failures in data visualization, good data visualization design optimize 3D spaces, data representations,
info graphics, and interactions, defining distinctions in data visualization and big data for machine, how to create
data visualization: data visualization creation pipeline, webXR, data visualization challenges in XR, data
visualization industry use case examples of data visualization, 3D reconstruction and direct manipulation of real
world data, data visualization is for everyone, hands on tutorials, how to create data visualization, resources.
Character AI and Behaviors: Introduction, behaviors, current practice: Reactive AI, more intelligence in the
system, Deliberative AI, machine learning.
Text Books:
1. Erin Pangilinan, Steve lukas, and Vasanth Mohan, “Creating Augmented & Virtual Realities”, 1st edition,
O’REILLY, 2019.
Reference Books:
1. Steve Aukstakalnis, “Practical Augmented Reality”, Pearson Education, 2017
VII Semester: B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 414 OEC – IV Exam
3 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Identify the properties of fiber and matrix materials used in commercial composites,
and its manufacturing techniques.
CO2: Understand manufacturing methods and their elastic properties of lamina.
CO3: Analyze the Hooke’s law for different type of materials.
CO4: Understand the elastic behavior of the unidirectional composite
CO5: Analyze a laminated plate in bending, including finding laminate properties from
Basic Concepts and Characteristics: Geometric and Physical definitions, natural and man-made
composites, Aerospace and structural applications, types and classification of composites.
Reinforcements: Fibers- Glass, Silica, Kevlar, carbon, boron, silicon carbide, and boron carbide
fibers. Particulate composites, Polymer composites, Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Metal matrix and
ceramic composites
Manufacturing methods: Autoclave, tape production, moulding methods, filament winding, hand
layup, pultrusion, RTM .
Micromechanics: Unidirectional composites, constituent materials and properties, elastic
properties of a lamina, properties of typical composite materials, laminate characteristics and
configurations. Characterization of composite properties
Coordinate transformations: Hooke’s law for different types of materials, Hooke’s law for two
dimensional unidirectional lamina, Transformation of stress and strain, Numerical examples of
stress strain transformation.
Elastic behaviour of Unidirectional Composites: Elastic constants of lamina, relationship
between engineering constants and reduced stiffness and compliances, analysis of laminated
composites, constitutive relations.
Analysis of laminated composite plates: Introduction, thin plate theory, specially orthotropic
plate, cross and angle ply laminated plates, problems using thin plate theory.
Text Books
1. R.M.Jones, Mechanics of Composite Materials Mc Graw Hill Company, New York.
2. Isaac and M.Daniel, Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, Oxford University Press.
3. Madhujit Mukhopadadhyay, Mechanics of composite materials and structures, Universities Press
Reference Books
1. L. R. Calcote, Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures ,Van Nostrand Rainfold
2. B. D. Agarwal and L. J. Broutman, Analysis and performance of fibre Composites, Wiley
Interscience, New York
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE 415 OEC-IV Exam
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1:Understand the concepts ofF system and various operations that can perform on
digital images.
CO2: Understand the image enhancement in spatial and frequency domain.
CO3: Understand various image restoration techniques.
CO4: Understand various image compression and segmentation techniques.
CO5: Understand the various mathematical transforms , color image concepts and processing.
Basic Concepts Definition, Applications of Digital Image Processing, Fundamental Steps, Components
of Image Processing System, Human Visual System, Simple Image Formation Model, Image Sampling
And Quantization, Spatial and Gray Level Resolution, Image Interpolation, Some Basic Relationships
Between Pixels, Linear And Non Linear Operations.
Image Enhancement
Spatial Domain: Basic Gray Level Transformations, Histogram Processing, Enhancement Using
Logical And Arithmetic Operations, Image Subtraction, Image Averaging, Basic of Spatial Filtering,
Smoothing And Sharpening Spatial Filters, Combining Spatial Enhancement Methods.
Frequency Domain: Introduction to Fourier Transforms, Basics of Filtering in Frequency Domain,
Fundamental Steps in Filtering in Frequency Domain, Smoothing Frequency Domain Filters,
Sharpening Frequency Domain Filters, Homomorphic Filtering.
Image Restoration Model of Image Degradation/Restoration Model, Noise Models, Restoration In
Presence of Noise Only-Spatial Filtering, Adaptive Filters, Periodic Noise Reduction by Frequency
Domain Filtering, Linear Position Invariant Derivations, Algebraic Approach to Restoration, Inverse
Filtering, Least Mean Square Filters, Constrained Least Squares Restoration.
Image Compression File format (bmp, tiff, pcx, gif, jpeg.), Compression fundamentals, Image
Compression Models, Error Free Compression: VLC, Arithmetic Coding, LZW coding, Bit plane
Coding, Lossless Predictive Coding, Lossy Compression: Lossy Predictive Coding, Block Transform
Image Segmentation Fundamentals, Detection of Discontinuities: Point, Line, Edge detection, Edge
Linking and Boundary Detection: Local Processing, Global Processing via Hough Transform.
Image Transforms Introduction One and Two Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),
Properties of DFT, Properties of Discrete cosine and sine transforms, Properties of Slant, KL
Color Image Processing Color fundamentals, Color models: RGB, CMY and CMYK, HSI, Converting
colors, RGB to HIS, HIS to RGB manipulating HIS component images, Pseudo color Image
Processing, Full Color Image Processing.
Text Books
1. Rafael Gonzalez & Richard Woods, ―Digital Image Processing‖, 3rd Edition. Pearson
publications, 2012
2. Anil K. Jain, ―Fundamental of Digital Image Processing‖, PHI publication, 2013.
3. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan & T. Veera Kumar, ―Digital Image Processing‖, Mc. Graw Hill,
Reference Books
1. Pratt, ―Digital Image Processing‖, 2nd Edition, Wiley Publication, 1991.
2. S. Sridhar, ―Digital Image Processing‖, Oxford University Press, 2011.
Web References:
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117105079/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117104069/
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105032/
Question Paper Pattern:
Internal Assessment: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering
half of the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student
shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall
contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12 marks.
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 416 OEC-IV Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: To learn about the mobile infrastructure, radio resource management, overview of generation
1G to 5G
CO2: To illustrate the location management involved in GSM, Mobile IP.
CO3: To illustrate the transmission, transaction technology involved in mobile.
CO4: To explore the wireless network in mobile.
CO5: To discover the cognitive radio networks in mobile
Introduction Overview of wireless and mobile infrastructure, Preliminary concepts on cellular
architecture, Design objectives and performance issues, Radio resource management and interface,
Propagation and path loss models, Channel interference and frequency reuse, Cell splitting, Channel
assignment strategies, Overview of generations:- 1G to 5G
Location And Handoff Management Introduction to location management (HLR and VLR),
Mobility models characterizing individual node movement (Random walk, Fluid flow, Markovian,
Activity based), Mobility models characterizing the movement of groups of nodes (Reference point
based group mobility model, Community based group mobility model), Static (Always vs. Never
update, Reporting Cells, Location Areas) and Dynamic location management schemes (Time,
Movement, Distance, Profile Based), Terminal Paging (Simultaneous paging, Sequential paging),
Location management and Mobile IP, Overview of handoff process, Factors affecting handoffs and
performance evaluation metrics, Handoff strategies, Different types of handoffs (soft, hard, horizontal,
Wireless Transmission Fundamentals Introduction to narrow and wideband systems, Spread
spectrum, Frequency hopping, Introduction to MIMO, MIMO Channel Capacity and diversity gain,
Introduction to OFDM, MIMO-OFDM system, Multiple access control (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA,
SDMA), Wireless local area network, Wireless personal area network (Bluetooth and zigbee).
Wireless Network Mobile Ad-hoc networks - Characteristics and applications; Coverage and
connectivity problems, Routing in MANETs, Wireless sensor networks - Concepts, basic architecture,
design objectives and applications; Sensing and communication range, Coverage and connectivity,
Sensor placement, Data relaying and aggregation, Energy consumption, Clustering of sensors, Energy
efficient Routing (LEACH).
Cognitive Radio Networks Fixed and dynamic spectrum access, Direct and indirect spectrum
sensing, Spectrum sharing, Interoperability and coexistence issues, Applications of cognitive radio
networks, Introduction to D2D communications-High level requirements for 5G architecture,
Introduction to the radio resource management, power control and mode selection problems,
Millimeter wave communication in 5G.
Text Books:
7. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Second Edition, Pearson, 2004.
8. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, 2005
Reference Books:
1. Theodore Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice”, Pearson Education, 2014.
2. Ezio Biglieri, MIMO, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
3. Ivan Stojmenovic, “Handbook of Wireless Networking and Mobile Computin”, Wiley, 2002.
4. James Cowling, “Dynamic Location Management in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks”, 2004.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question
from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 417 OEC-IV Exam
2 - 2 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1:Understand basic elements of Enterprise Systems
CO2:Develop skills in understanding architecture
CO3:Understand the application patterns
CO4:Understand the integration and patterns
CO5: Analyze the deployment
Introduction to Modern Enterprise Systems: Introduction to enterprise systems. Elements of
enterprise systems – Business Information system, Decision support systems, Knowledge management
systems, Financial and human resource systems. Kinds of Enterprise systems- B2C and B2B models.
Components of Enterprise systems: Channels (Mobile, web, desktop, partner integration), Data
management, workflow, Controlling and Auditing, Accounting etc.
Key characteristics Enterprise systems: Distributivity, Managed redundancy, Exception processing,
Collaboration, Data transformation.
Enterprise System architectures: Batch processing, Monolithic, client server, ecommerce, service
oriented, micro service, and cloud architectures.
Introduction to Enterprise Application architectures: Layer Architecture, Event driven Architecture,
Service oriented Architecture, Micro service architecture, Plug-in architecture.
Application architecture Patterns: Layering, Organizing domain logic, Mapping to database, Web
Presentation, Concurrency.
Enterprise Application Integration: Introduction to Enterprise Integration, different integration styles.
Elements of messaging-based Integration.
Enterprise Integration patterns: Modern service integration techniques. Introduction to WSDL,
SOAP. Introduction RESTFul webservices integration. Differences between SOAP and REST.
Text Books:
1. Ralph Stair, George Reynold, “Principle of Information Systems”, 10 ed.
2. Martin Fowler et al, “Pattern of Enterprise Application Architecture”, Addison-Wesley, 2012
3. Gregor Hohpe, Bobby Woolf, Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and
Deploying Messaging Solutions,
Reference Books:
1. Mark Richards, Software Architecture patterns, 2015, O’Reilly.
2. Sam Newman, “Building Microservices”, 2015,O’Reilly.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student shall answer one question
from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VI Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 418 OEC-IV Exam
2 - 2 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the various steps to design static websites.
CO2: Develop a Web Page using the HTML5.
CO3: Apply CSS effectively to create interactive websites.
CO4: Implement client-side scripting using JavaScript to design dynamic websites.
CO5: Develop end to end application - web frontend and backend development.
Introduction to Internet & World Wide Web: Concept of website, its need and purpose, Types of
websites: Static and dynamic website, Web Browsers, − Web Servers, Uniform Resource Locator, Tools
and Web Programming Languages. Web Standards, Tiered Architecture: Client Server Model, Three
Tier Model, Service Oriented Architectures, REST services, Introduction to HTML, XML, JSON
Hyper Text Mark Up Language: - Languages used for website development, HTML5: basic tags,
formatting tags, Adding images, Lists, Embedding multimedia in Web pages, Inserting tables, Internal
and External Linking, Frames, Forms
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3): Basics of Cascading Style sheets, Advantages of CSS, External Style
sheet, Internal style sheet, Inline style sheet, CSS Syntax, color, background, Font, images
Java Script: Features of JavaScript, extension of JavaScript, Syntax of JavaScript: data types, operators,
variables, tag, Document Object Model (DOM) with JavaScript, Selection Statement using if and Switch,
Iterative statement: for, for/in, while, do while, break and continue
Front End Framework: Introduction to jQuery - Syntax, Selectors, Events, Traversing, AJAX ;
Introduction to Bootstrap – Basics, Grids, Themes ; Angular JS – Expressions, Modules, Data Binding,
Scopes, Directives & Events, Controllers, Filters, Services, Validation
Back End Technologies: Introduction to RESTful services, Resources, Messages (Request, Response),
Addressing, Methods – (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
Text Books:
4. Deitel and Deitel and Nieto, ―Internet and World Wide Web - How to Program‖, Prentice Hall, 5th
Edition, 2011.
5. HTML5 Black Book,2nd Edition, Dreamtech Press,2016.
6. HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites, Jon Duckett, John Wiley & Sons
7. RESTful Web Services: Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby,May 2007
Reference Books:
2 Web Technologies, Uttam K. Roy, Oxford Higher Education., 1st edition, 10th impression, 2015.
3 Robert Pattinson, Beginners Guide for HTML and CSS Web Design and Web Development,2018
4 Jeffrey C and Jackson, ―Web Technologies A Computer Science PerspectivePearsonEducation,
4. Gopalan N.P. and Akilandeswari J., ―Web Technology, Prentice Hall of India, 2011.
Web References:
1. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/Html/index.htm
2. https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/
3.Bootstrap - CSS Framework: https://getbootstrap.com
4. https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.element
VII - Semester: B. Tech Scheme:2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
Internal TOT
OE 419 OEC-IV L T P C End Exam
Assessment AL
3 - - 3 40 60 100
SessionalExamDuration:1 ½ Hrs. End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs.
Course Out comes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the architecture of SDR and management of unlicensed spectrum.
C02: Analyze the Aware and Adaptive cognitive radios.
CO3: Analyze the spectrum awareness and interference avoidance
CO4: Understand technical challenges in CR and various spectrum sensing methods.
CO5: Analyze the OFDM based Cognitive radio and MIMO-OFDM channel estimation
Software defined Radio: Basic SDR – Software and Hardware Architecture of an SDR – Spectrum
Management – Managing unlicensed spectrum–Noise Aggregation-Component development–Wave form
development– Cognitive wave form development
Spectrum Awareness:
Creating Spectrum Awareness-Spectrum usage reporting, Spectrum sensing, Potential Interference
analysis, Distributed sensing and operation, Channel awareness and multiple signals in space
Cognitive Radio technical challenges and spectrum sensing:
Design Challenges associated with CR -Hardware requirements-Hidden primary user problem-
Detecting spread spectrum primary users-Sensing duration and frequency-Security.
Spectrum sensing
Spectrum sensing overview – Classification - Matched filter – waveform based sensing – cyclo-
stationary based sensing –Energy detector based sensing –Radio Identifier– Cooperative sensing-other
sensing methods.
Text Books:
1.BruceA.Fetti,―Cognitive Radiotechnology”, 1stEdition,Elsevier.
1.K.C.Chen, R.Prasad , ―Cognitive Radio Networks‖ , Wiley, 2009.
2. J. H. Reed, ―Software Radio‖, Pearson, 2004.
3. Paul Burns, ―Software defined radio for 3G‖, Artech House, 2003.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three sections
with Two Questions (EITHER/ORType)ineachsection.Thestudentshallansweronequestionfromeachsection.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five Units
with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub-
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal End Exam TOTAL
OE 420 OEC- IV
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the elements of automation principles
CO2: Understand the construction and working of pneumatic systems
CO3: Understand the working of hydraulic systems
CO4: Understand various control techniques in automation
CO5: Understand the automated testing and inspection methods in industry
Automation in Manufacturing Industries: Introduction- Automation in production system, Principles
and strategies of automation, Basic elements of an automated system, Advanced automation functions,
Levels of automations, Automated flow lines and transfer mechanisms, Analysis of transfer lines
without storage, Automated flow lines with storage buffers.
Pneumatic Systems: Introduction to pneumatic systems: advantages and limitations, applications,
structure and signal flow of pneumatic systems; pneumatic power pack: air generation and distribution,
air reservoir, constructional details and working of filter, lubricator, pressure regulator, actuators,
direction control valves, check valves, flow control valves, pneumatic counter.
Symbols of pneumatic valves, traverse time diagram, design of manually operated circuits: direct and
indirect control of actuators, control of single and multiple actuators.
Introduction to Hydraulic systems: Advantages and limitations, physical principles of oil hydraulics,
hydraulic power pack, hydraulic fluids, filters, types of hydraulic pumps, pump performance
calculations, hose size calculations, hydraulic actuators and accessories, accumulator, hydraulic valves,
pressure control valves, flow control valves, open-center and closed-center hydraulic systems.
Control Technologies in Automation: Industrial Control Systems, Process Industries Verses Discrete-
Manufacturing Industries, Continuous Verses Discrete Control, Computer Process Control and its
Forms. Computer Based Industrial Control: Introduction & Automatic Process Control, Building
Blocks of Automation System: LAN, Analog & Digital I/O Modules, SCADA System & RTU.
Automated Inspection and Testing: Inspection and testing, Statistical Quality Control, Automated
Inspection Principles and Methods, Sensor Technologies for Automated Inspection, Coordinate
Measuring machines, Other Contact Inspection Methods, Machine Vision, Other optical Inspection
Text Books :
1. Mikell-P.-Groover “Automation-Production-Systems-and-Computer-Integrated-
Manufacturing”-Ed-4-2015, Pearson publishers
2. Majumdar S.R., “Pneumatic Systems Principles and Maintenance”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
3. Peter Croser and Frank Ebel, "Pneumatics Basic Level TP 101" Festo Didactic GMBH & Co,
4. Hasebrink J.P. and Kobler R., “Fundamentals of Pneumatic Control Engineering”, Festo
Didactic GMBH & Co, Germany.
5. Krishna Kant “Computer Based Industrial Control” -PHI
6. Groover M. P., "Industrial Robotics, Technology, Programming and Application", McGraw Hill
Book and Co., 2012.
Reference Books :
1. Merkle D.,Schrader B. and Thomes M., "Hydraulics Basic Level TP 501" Festo Didactic
GMBH & Co, Germany.
2. Peter Rohner, “Industrial Hydraulic Control” John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane
3. Tiess Chiu Chang & Richard A. Wysk “An Introduction to Automated Process Planning
4. Amber G.H & P.S. Amber “Anatomy of Automation” PrenticeHall
5. Srinivas Medida, "Pocket Guide on Industrial Automation", First Edition, IDC Technologies,
Web References:
1. https://www.electrical4u.com/industrial-automation/
2. https://conceptsystemsinc.com/what-is-industrial-automation-types-of-industrial-automation
3. https://www.thomasnet.com/articles/automation-electronics/general-automation-systems
Question Paper Pattern:
Internal Assessment: The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering
half of the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of three sections with Two Questions (EITHER/ OR Type) in each section. The student
shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall
contain Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub questions and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question
carries 12 marks.
VII Semester : B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 421 OEC-IV Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand human resource management concept and challenges
CO2:Understand human resource system design
CO3: Understand Functional Areas of HRM
CO4: Understand human resource planning
CO5: Understand human resource management in Service Sector
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Concept And Challenges: Human Resources Management –
Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Objectives, Importance, Functions and Process, Challenges,
Recent Trends -Human Resources Manager – Duties and Responsibilities. The Components Of HR
Systems: HR Philosophy; HR policies, practices and processes
HUMAN RESOURCE SYSTEM DESIGN: HR Profession- Human Resource(HR) Professional
Qualities and Skills ;HR Department-Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Objectives, Importance,
Functions and Process of Human Resources Development-Differences between personnel Management
and Human Resources Development; Line Management Responsibility in HRM; Performance
Evaluation and Management: Selected Evaluation Techniques; Human Resource Accounting And Audit:
Definition Of Human Resource Accounting (HRA), Need, Significance, Objectives For Hr,
Measurements In HRA, Meaning of Human Resource Audit ,Need Of Human Resource Audit
Conducting Human Resource Audit, Human Resource Audit Process; Information Management In HRA.
Functional Areas of HRM: Recruitment and Staffing: Strategic recruitment decisions, Types of
recruitment-Internal recruitment , External recruitment, Selection process, Staffing global assignments;
Compensation and Reward System: Compensation - Meaning, Definitions, Objectives and Importance-
Wages and Salary Perquisites, Fringe Benefits, Bonus and Incentives – Meanings only, incentives in sun
rise sector and sun set sector.
Employee Relations - Define employee relations, four methods for managing employee relations;
HR compliance: Meaning and Importance;
Human Resource Information Systems: Importance of HR Information Systems Features of HR
Information Systems, Designing And Implementing an HRIS;
Payroll Management: What is Payroll Management , Importance of Payroll Management, Payroll
Management Process, Payroll Processing Stages, Methods of Payroll Management.
Human Resource Planning: Strategic and Human Resource Planning, The HR Planning Process;
Training And Development: Introduction: Training-Objectives, Training Process of training, Training
needs assessment, Training evaluation, Development-Development process, Development needs
analysis, Succession planning.
Strategic Management of Human Resources: SHRM, relationship between HR strategy and overall
corporate strategy, HR as a Factor of Competitive Advantage, Managing Diversity in the Workplace.
Human Resource Management in Service Sector: Managing Human Element in Service Sector:
Human Element in Service Sector – Introduction, Role and Significance; The Services Triangle ; Front
Line Employees /Boundary Spanners – Meaning, Issues Faced by Front Line Employees: Person/Role
Conflicts, Organization/Client Conflict, Inter client Conflict; Emotional Labour – Meaning, Strategies
for Managing Emotional Labor; Flexible Working Practices – Implications for HR.
Text Books:
1. Prof. Gary Dessler , Human Resources Management, Pearson, 16th Edition, 2020.
2. Prof.JohnM.Ivancevich, “Human Resource Management”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 12th
Edition, 2003.
3. Prof.Aswathappa, “Human Resource Management and Personnel Management”, 3 rd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2002.
Reference Books:
9. Dr.C.B.Gupta, “Human Resource Management “, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 1st Edition,
10. Prof.S.S.Khanka, “Human Resource Management”, Chand & Company, New Delhi, 2019
11. Dr.S.Seetharaman et al., “Human Resource Management”, SciTech Publications Pvt Ltd.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Examination:
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus for first
sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist of three
sections with Two Questions ( EITHER/ OR Type ) in each section. The student shall answer one
question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain Five
Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may contain sub
question and the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each Question carries 12
VII Semester: B. Tech Scheme: 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 422 OEC-IV Exam
3 0 0 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the usage of design patterns for solving object-oriented design problems
CO2: Describe the creational patterns abstract factory, factory method, builder, prototype, and singleton.
CO3: Understand structural patterns: adapter, bridge, composite, decorator, facade, fly weight, proxy.
CO4: Explain behavioral patterns chain of responsibility, command, interpreter, iterator, mediator,
memento, observer, state, strategy, template method, and visitor.
CO5: Explain the patterns used in solving design problems of Lexi Document Editor
Design Pattern Introduction: What Is a Design Pattern, Describing Design Patterns, the Catalog of
Design Patterns, Organizing the Catalog, How to Select a Design Pattern, How to Use a Design Pattern,
How Design Patterns Solve Design Problems?
Creational Patterns: Abstract Factory Pattern, Builder Pattern, Factory Method Pattern, Prototype
Pattern, Singleton Pattern.
Structural Patterns: Adapter Pattern, Bridge Pattern, Composite Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade
Pattern, Flyweight Pattern, Proxy Pattern.
Behavioral patterns: Chain of responsibility Pattern, Command Pattern, Interpreter Pattern, Iterator
Pattern, Mediator Pattern, Memento Pattern, Observer Pattern, State Pattern, Strategy Pattern, Template
method Pattern, Visitor Pattern.
A Case Study: Designing a Document Editor, Design Problems, and Document Structure, Formatting,
Embellishing the User Interface, Supporting Multiple Look-and-Feel Standards, Supporting Multiple
Window Systems, User Operations Spelling Checking and Hyphenation.
Text Books:
1. Erich Gamma [2008], Design Patterns elements of reusable object oriented software, Pearson
2. Frank Buschmann, RegineMeunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal, PatternOriented
Software Architecture: A System of Pattern, John Wiley & Sons; 1996.
Reference Books:
1. Mark Grand, Pattern’s in JAVA Vol-I, Wiley DreamTech
2. Mark Grand, Pattern’s in JAVA Vol-II, Wiley DreamTech
3. Mark Grand [2006], JAVA Enterprise Design Patterns Vol-III, Wiley DreamTech
4. Eric Freeman-Oreilly-spd, Head First Design Patterns.
5. Alan Shalloway,Design Patterns Explained, Pearson Education.
Web References:
1. https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns
2. https://www.oodesign.com/
VII Semester :B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE 423 OEC-IV Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the principles and systems of pre-stressing.
CO2: Understand the various methods of pretensioning
CO3: Understand the various methods of post tensioning
CO4: Determine the losses in pre-tensioned and post-tensioned members.
CO5: Analyse the prestressed members with straight, concentric and eccentric tendons.
Introduction: Historical development – General principles of prestressing – Pretensioning and
post tensioning – Advantages and limitations of prestressing – Need for high strength steel and
high grade concrete for prestressed elements – Prestressing types.
Methods and Systems of Pretensioning: Pre tensioning methods – Tensioning devices -Long
line system (Hoyer system) -Individual Mould System - Strut system (ShorerChalos System) –
Comparison of the various systems - Precast elements – Poles, Masts, Pylons and railway
sleepers their advantages and disadvantages, applications and manufacturing techniques
Methods and Systems of Posttensioning: Tensioning device for post tensioning –Methods of
post tensioning - MagnelBlatonsystem, Freyssinet system, Gifford Udall system, Lee McCall
System, Prescon System, Baur – Leonhardt System – Comparison of Pretensioning and
Posttensioning systems
Losses of Prestress: Losses of prestress in pre tensioned and post tensioned members due to
instantaneous losses – elastic deformation, friction and anchorage slip; time-dependent losses –
shrinkage, creep and relaxation of stress.
Analysis of Sections for Flexure: Elastic analysis of concrete beams prestressed with
straight,concentric, eccentric, bent and parabolic tendons – Kern lines – Cable profile.
Text Books:
1. N. Krishna Raju, Prestressed Concrete, Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw–Hill publishing
Company Limited.
2. Praveen Nagarajan, Prestressed Concrete, Pearson Education Inc., New Delhi.
3. G.S. Pandit, S.P. Gupta, Prestressed Concrete, CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.,
Reference Books:
1. E. G. Nawy, Prestressed Concrete: A fundamental approach, Prentice Hall.
Reference Codes:
1. IS 1343-2012, Code of Practice for Prestressed Concrete, BIS, New Delhi.
2. IS 456-2000, Code of Practice for plain and reinforced concrete, BIS, New Delhi.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination is for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of Three Sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) in each section. The
student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for end examination is for 60 marks. It shall consist of Five
Units, each containing Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) from each unit of the syllabus, with
a weightage of 12 marks. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. The student shall
answer one question from each unit.
VII Semester: B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal TOTAL
OE 424 OEC – IV Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration : 1 ½ Hrs End Exam Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes : At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand prototyping, and the phases of Rapid prototyping.
CO2: Understand the rapid prototyping process chain.
CO3: Understand the functioning of Liquid based rapid prototyping systems.
CO4: Understand the functioning of Powder based rapid prototyping systems.
CO5: Understand the Direct methods of Tooling and Indirect methods of Tooling.
Introduction: Historical Development, Definition of prototype, types of prototypes, Role of
prototypes, Three phases of development leading to Rapid prototyping, Fundamentals of rapid
prototyping, Applications and advantages of rapid prototyping.
Rapid prototyping process chain: 3D modelling, data conversion and transmission, checking and
preparing, Building and post processing. Liquid based rapid prototyping systems- Stereo
Lithography Apparatus (SLA), applications, advantages and disadvantages of Stereo lithography.
STL file format, Types of Errors.
Fusion Deposition Modelling: Principle, process, applications, advantages and disadvantages of
FDM, Multi Jet Modelling Systems.
Solid based rapid prototyping systems: Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM), three phases o
LOM, Applications of LOM, advantages and disadvantages of LOM.
Solid Ground Curing(SGC): Steps in solid ground curing, Applications of solid ground
curing, advantages and disadvantages of Solid ground curing, build time calculation.
Powder-based Rapid prototyping systems: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Materials for SLS,
Principle, Process, Applications, advantages and disadvantages of SLS.
Three Dimensional Printing (3DP): Principle, Process, Applications, advantages and
disadvantages of 3DP
Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) : Principle, Process steps, Applications, Advantages and
disadvantages of LENS
Direct methods of rapid tooling : AIM tooling, SLS rapid steel, Direct Laser Metal Sintering
(DMLS), Laminate tooling
Indirect methods of rapid Tooling: RTV silicon rubber moulds, Vacuum casting, Reaction
injection Moulding(RIM),Wax Injection moulding, Spray metal tooling, 3D kelt tool
Text Books
1. Chua C.K., Leong.K.F, and Lim C, C.S., Rapid Prototyping Principles and Applications, World
Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd
2. D.T.Pham and S.S.Dimov, Rapid manufacturing The technologies and applications of rapid
Prototyping and rapid tooling. Springer Publications
Reference Books
1. Terry Wholers, Wholers report, Wholers Associates
2. I. Gibson D. W. Rosen and B. Stucker., Additive manufacturing technologies, Springer
VII Semester: B. Tech Scheme: 2020
Course Code Category Hours / Week Credits Maximum Marks
Internal TOTAL
OE 425 OEC - IV L T P C Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration: 1½ Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1: Understand the historical development of unmanned aerial vehicles
CO2: Understand different drone parts and their contribution for successful flight operation
CO3: Identify the battery to be used for UAV application.
CO4: Understand working of motor that can be used in UAV.
CO5: Classify different microcontrollers and flight controllers
Introduction to drones and their applications: - Definition of drones, history of drones,
Structural classification of drones: - fixed wing structure, lighter than air systems, rotary wings
aircraft and applications of drones.
Components of drones:-classifications of drone structures and their suitability, applications and
uses of drone frame materials, classifications and applicability of propeller motors, drone
materials, design parameters for propellers, composition and structuring of Electronic speed
controller, flight control board, characteristics of FCB and their structure.
Battery and its management: Introduction of Battery, Description of Li-Po Battery, Charging /
Discharging of Battery. Back up, Ratings, Shelf Life, Maintenance and safety of Battery. Selection
criteria of Battery for Drone application.
Sensors : Wi fi devices, RADAR and range finder, GPS receiver, Gyro sensor, Speed and Distance
sensor, Image sensor, TOF sensor, Chemical sensor. Cameras in drones and selection criteria
of camera for different range. Barometers, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, remote control for
Motors : Difference between AC and DC motors and stepper motor, Brushed and Brushless
motors, brief idea of motor capabilities for a drone build. Selection criterion of motor for drone
application. Working and application of BLDC motor.
Connections and Interfaces of Devices in Drone:Brief introduction of RS232, RS422, RS485,
UART ports. Different types of connectors and their specifications. Microcontroller interfacing
Introduction to Drone Programming Introduction to programming language used in drone : C
and Python. Installation of cards.Auto Pilot software i.e. Ardupilot, Openpilot
Text Books:
1. Terry Kilby and Belinda Kilby, “Make:Getting Started with Drones “,Maker Media,
Inc, 2016
2. VasilisTzivaras, “Building a Quadcopter with Arduino”, Packt Publishing, 2016
3. Donald Norris, “Build Your Own Quadcopter -Power Up Your Designs with the
Parallax Elev-8” , McGraw-Hill Education, 2014
Reference Books:
1. Baichtal, “Building Your Own Drones: A Beginners' Guide to Drones, UAVs, and
ROVs”, Que Publishing,2016.
2. Austin, Unmanned Aircraft Systems: UAVS Design, Development and Deployment.
Wiley, 2010.
3. Sebbane, Smart Autonomous Aircraft: Flight Control and Planning for UAV. CRC
Press, 2015
4. Zavrsnik, Drones and Unmanned Aerial Systems: Legal and Social Implications for
Security and Surveillance. Springer, 2015.
Web References :
1. https://www.dronezon.com/learn-about-drones-quadcopters/
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam :
The question paper for sessional examination shall be for 25 marks, covering half of the syllabus
for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper shall consist
of three sections with Two Questions (Either or Type) in each section. The student shall answer
one question from each section.
End Examination:
The question paper for End examination shall be for 60 marks. The Question paper shall contain
Five Units with Two Questions (Either or Type) from each unit. Each of these questions may
contain sub-questions. And the student should answer any one question from each unit. Each
Question carries 12 marks.
VII Semester :B. Tech Scheme : 2020
Course Code Category Hours/Week Credits Maximum Marks
L T P C Internal Total
OE 426 OEC-IV Exam
3 - - 3 40 60 100
Sessional Exam Duration:1.5Hrs End Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes :At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the fundamental concepts of smart and sustainable cities.
CO2: Understand the GIS applications in Smart City Planning.
CO3: Understand the component of smart cities and dwell into their technological
CO4: Understand the involvement of stake holders in the design and implementation of
responsive smart cities.
CO5: Explain the importance of different linkages and their defined roles including
government, urban planners, universities, city developers and communities.
Smart City Planning – An Overview: Understanding – Dimensions – Global experience, Global
standards and performance bench marks, Practice codes. India 100 smart cities policy and
mission, Smart city planning and development, Financing smart cities development,
Governance of smart cities.
Green Building Concepts & Sustainable Development: Green projects in smart cities,
sustainability – Green building – Rating system – Energy efficient building – Energy saving
GIS Applications in Smart City Planning: Coordinate system and geo-coding, vector data
structure and algorithms, raster data structure and algorithms, data bases for GIS – Concepts,
error modeling and data uncertainty, decision making through GIS, constructing spatial data
infrastructure and spatial information system. National Urban Information system. Why remote
sensing, aerial & satellite remote sensing – Principles of aerial remote sensing – Aerial photo-
interpretation – Photogrammetry – Stereovision – Measurement of heights/depths by relief
displacement and parallax displacement. Principles of satellite remote sensing, spatial, spectral
and temporal resolutions.
Smart Urban Transportation Systems: Elements of Infrastructure (Physical, Social, Utilities
and services) - Basic definitions – Concepts - Significance and importance; Data required for
provision and planning of urban networks and services; Resource analysis, Provision of
infrastructure; Role of transport, types of transport systems, evolution of transport modes,
transport problems and mobility issues; Urban form and Transport patterns, land use –
Transport cycle, concept of accessibility. Hierarchy, capacity and geometric design elements of
roads and intersections. Basic principles of Transport infrastructure design. Urban transport
planning process –Transport, environment and safety issues. Principles and approaches of
Traffic Management, Transport System Management.
Water Supply and Drainage:Water – sources of water, treatment and storage, transportation
and distribution, quality, networks, distribution losses, water harvesting, recycling and reuse,
norms and standards of provision, institutional arrangements, planning provisions and
management issues. Sanitation – points of generation, collection, treatment, disposal, norms and
standards, grey water disposal, DEWATS, institutional arrangements, planning provisions and
management issues. Municipal and other wastes –generation, typology, quantity, collection,
storage, transportation, treatment, disposal, recycling and reuse, wealth from waste, norms and
standards, institutional arrangements, planning provisions and management issues. Power –
Sources of power procurement, distribution networks, demand assessment, norms and
standards, planning provisions and management issues.
Project Management for Smart Cities:Philosophy and concepts of Project management phases
– Stages of project & their approval status – Planning – Scheduling – PERT model - Project cost
analysis – Resource allocation & Levelling – Project monitoring and control – Risk
management – Case studies.
E–Governance and IOT: The concept of management – Concept of e-management &e-business
- e-Government Principles – Form e-Government to e-governance - e-governance and
developing countries – Designing and Implementing e-Government Strategy; E-governance:
Issues in implementation. IOT- fundamentals, protocols, design and development, data analytics
and supporting services, case studies.
Text Books:
1. Gupta Tripati, Smart cities transforming India, Pentagon Press.
2. Marta Peris-Ortize, Dag r Bennett, Diana Perez, Bustamante Yabav, Sustainable Smart
Cities, Springer
3. Mani. N, Smart Cities and Urban Development in India, New Century Publications.
Web References:
1. https://smartnet.niua.org
2. https://smartcitiescouncil.com
3. https:// mygov.in/group/smart- cities.
Question Paper Pattern:
Sessional Exam: The question paper for sessional examination is for 25 marks, covering half of
the syllabus for first sessional and remaining half for second sessional exam. The question paper
shall consist of Three Sections with Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) in each section. The
student shall answer one question from each section.
End Exam: The question paper for end examination is for 60 marks. It shall consist of Five
Units, each containing Two Questions (EITHER / OR type) from each unit of the syllabus, with
a weightage of 12 marks. Each of these questions may contain sub-questions. The student shall
answer one question from each unit.