Geography Gr. 12
Geography Gr. 12
Geography Gr. 12
16. The most important factor in modifying temperature from place to place in Ethiopia and the
Horn is
A. Latitude C. Altitude
B. Distance from the sea D. Cloud cover
17. Most of Ethiopia’s agricultural land is concentrated in
A. Kur (wurch) zone areas C. Woina – Dega zone areas
B. Dega- zone areas D. Kolla – Bereha zone areas
18. Which of the following is the most intensively cultivated soil in Ethiopia?
A. Acrisols B. Vertisols C. Cambisols D. Nitosols
19. Solis that are found in the lower rivers valleys and the Rift valley lakes are
A. Luvisols B. Yermosols C. Lithosols D. Fluviislos
20. Which of the following is the largest national park in Ethiopia?
A. Awash national park C. Omo – national park
B. Gambella national park D. Mago national park
21. One of the following regions the one that is characterized by long doubling time ?
A. Asia B. North America C. Africa D. South America
22. The extraction of mineral from the excavation of sand gravel is known as
A. Placer mining B. Quarring C. Stripmining D. Filtering
23. Which country relatively shows better life – expectancy
A. Morocco B. Cambia C. Gabon D. Guinea
24. The average amount of money that an individual is expected to have as a result of the state’s
GNP is
A. Per capital income C. standard of living
B. Gross domestic product D. gross national product
25. All of the following are causes of high death rate in Africa, except
A. Malnutrition C. low standard of living
B. Poor sanitary practices D. high per capital income
26. All are responsible that fertility rate to be the highest in Africa, except
A. Religion beliefs C. early age marriage
B. Low status of women D. occupation
27. All of the following are possible conservation measures of wild animals, except
A. Raising people’s awareness C. human encroachments
B. Conserving natural vegetation D. Controlling illegal hunting
28. Which of the following wild animals is not common in tropical forest of Africa?
A. Monkeys B. Buffalos C. Gorillas D. Hippopotamus
29. Planting trees in urban areas in association with human settlements is called
A. Social forestry C. Reforestation
B. Agro- forestry D. Afforestation
30. Which of the following types of natural vegetation growth in is areas with altitude about
3000 meter?
A. Bamboo forest C. Conifer trees
B. Asta and Gibera D. Afro – montane
31. Which river is navigable for a large part of its course throughout most of the year?
A. Zambezi B. Niger C. Gambia D. Congo
32. Africa has a potential of 40% of world’s hydro – electric power. This is due to all of the
following characteristics of the rivers, except
A. Steep profile of the rivers
B. Water fall and rapids
C. They arise from very high places
D. Show seasonal fluctuation in volume of water
33. Aswan dam is to Nile as _______ is to Zambezi
A. Koka B. Kaindji C. Akosombo D. Kariba
34. All of the following are Rift valley lakes of Africa, except
A. Tanganiyka B. Malawi C. Victoria D. Turkana
35. In Ethiopia a socio- economic condition affect all of the following except:
A. Urbanization C. migration
B. Age structure D. Population density
36. Which of the following is true about Africa’s natural resource?
A. The continent is rich in some natural resources except diverse climate
B. Hydro electric power and solar energy are fully exploited
C. Minerals are well extracted
D. The majority of Africa are engaged in substances agriculture activities
37. The total annual flow of goods and services in the economy of a nation is
A. GDP C. Per capital income
B. GNP D. GNP per capita income
38. All are the predominant trees that grow below 1500 meters altitude except
A. Janiperous procera C. Gallery forest
B. Sholla D. Warka
39. More than 12% of Ethiopia’s land is covered with one of the following soil type. Which one?
A. Regosols B. Xerosols C. Nitosols D. Acrisols
40. The practice of growing two or more crops on the same fields is termed as:
A. Over cultivation C. Over cropping
B. Over grazing D. Inter cropping
41. Dark colored decayed organic matter that supplies nutrients to soils and then to plants is
A. mulching B. Fallowing C. Decomposition D. Humus
42. The second largest and most populous continent is
A. Asia B. South America C. Europe D. Africa
43. The total population of Africa is estimated at 551 million in the mid 1995 it has an area of
30,400,000km2. this gives the continent’s crude density of about:
A. 50 persons/km2 C. 81 persons/km2
B. 18 persons/km2D. 50 persons/km2
44. One of the following is false about the population of Africa
A. It is the most urbanized of the world
B. It has the shortest life expectancy in the world
C. It has the highest birth rate and death rate in the world
D. Nearly half of its total population is under age 15
45. All are the most denselypopulation regions of Africa, exept
A. The vast sahara C. Nile valley of Egypt
B. Rwanda D. Cameroon
46. Recently the three most populus countries in Africa are
A. Nigeria, Egypt, Rwanda C. Egypt, Kenya , Ethiopia
B. Nigeria , Ethiopia , Egypt D. Nigeria, Ethiopia , Sudan
47. Which one of the following is considered to have the highest crude density in Africa
A. Western Africa C. Southern Africa
B. Eastern Africa D. Northern Africa
48. All are human factors responsible for spatial variation in the distribution of population in
Africa, except
A. Fertility of soil C. economic factors
B. Social factors D. political situations
49. The lowest dependency ratio is most likely observed in
A. Africa B. Latin America C. Oceania D. Asia
50. Which one of the following continents has the highest population growth?
A. South America B. Europe C. Africa D. North America
51. The difference between birth rate and death rate expressed in percent is
A. Population doubling time C. Infant mortality rate
B. Rate of natural increases D. Age dependency ratio
52. Who advocates that whether population growth leads to innovation?
A. Boserup B. Carl marx C. Malthus D. Darwin
53. All are pull factors of migration, except
A. Better job prospects C. better services and facilities
B. improved housing D. poor employment
54. which areas of Ethiopia have relatively large concentration of urban centers and urban
A. Shewan and Haranghe plateaus C. Arsi and Bale plateaus
B. Tigray and Amhara plateaus D. Wollo and Gojjam plateaus
55. All are better indicators of the socio – economic characteristics of population of a given
country, except
56. Which one is not physical factor that effects population distribution in Ethiopia?
A. Vegetation cover C. type of economy activity
B. Climate D. Soil fertility
57. The young and old population of country “x” is 12% and 8% respectively.What would be the
age dependency ratio of that country?
A. 110% B. 80% C. 100% D. 90%
58. The positive checks that control fast population growth were designed by:-
A. Malthus B. Carl marx C. Boserup D. Alfred wegner
59. The sex ratio of country “z” is 80% and the female population is 4 million. What would be
the total population of that country?
A. 7,200,000 B. 8,000,000 C. 7,000,000 D. 7,500,000
60. Which one of the following factors can greatly affects the migration of population from one
area to another?
A. Birth rate B. Culture C. Religion D. Drought
61. Currently there is no significant migration flows from region to region in Africa due to:
A. Most African countries are in higher stage of development
B. Most Africana countries are economically developed
C. They all are in their lower stage of development
D. The presence of political instability in the continent
62. Africa’s fertility rate is the highest in the world due to all of the following factors, except
A. High incidence of disease and infection
B. Low educational background of the people
C. Influences from many religions
D. Low status of women
63. The occurrence of birth in human population refers to
A. Mortality B. migration C. Fertility D. Morbidity
64. The movement of people in Africa is closely related with one of the following factors. Which
A. Natural catastrophes
B. High stage of economic development
C. Political stability
D. The decline of birth and death rate
65. Stagnant population means
A. Birth rate is greater than death rate
B. Zero population growth
C. The number of people exceeds the carrying capacity of the region
D. When the quantity of a population change from year to year
66. Which region of Africa has relatively low rate of natural increases?
A. Northern Africa C. Central Africa
B. Eastern Africa D. Western Africa
67. Since 1939-1945, Africa’s death rate has been declining because of:
A. The development of medical technology
B. Poor sanitary practice
C. The presence of tropical disease
D. Civil war and political instability
68. All are human made factors that accelerate soil erosion, except
A. Bad cultivation practice C. Over grazing
B. Topography D. Deforestation
69. A method of covering the surface with grass crope residue,evaporation and
transpiration rate is
A. Green manuring B. Terracing C. Crop rotation D. Mulching
70. In which of the following countries of the world life expectancy is the highest?
A. Japan B. Australia C. Nigeria D. France
71. The two urbanized regions of Africa are:
A. Western and southern Africa C. Eastern and Northern Africa
B. Northern and central Africa D. Southern and Northern Africa
72. The smallest proportion of internal migration in Ethiopia is
A. Urban – rural C. rural – rural
B. Rural – urban D. Urban – rural
73. Which economic sector in Ethiopia has the largest share of GDP?
A. Tourism B.Agricultural sector C. Industrial sector D. Service sector
74. All are challenges to Ethiopia’s socio – economic development, except
A. Rapid population growth C. Low levels of infrastructure
B. Unexpected weather change D. Diversified climatic zones
75. Which country has been the single most important destination for Ethiopia’s exports?
A. England B. Japan C. Germany D. USA
76. Which of the following is true about economic growth
A. Refers growth in structural and technological change
B. It is a measure of the welfare of human beings
C. It is quantitative
D. It is similar with the word economic development
77. The high rate of maternal mortality rate in Ethiopia is the result of
A. High educational status of women
B. High frequency of birth per women
C. Low access of women to reproductive health service
D. Early marriage
78. All of the following describe the demographic characteristics’ of Africa, except
A. Low median age C. broad base population pyramid
B. Short doubling time D. low fertility and mortality rates
79. All of the following countries follow anti- antalist population policy, except
A. Israel B. Ethiopia C. India D. China
80. The population pyramid of all countries is the same, except
A. Ethiopia B. Italy C. Tanzania D. Kenya.