Social Studies
Social Studies
Social Studies
A. Chad - deposition.
B. Rukwa - downwarping.
C. Kivu - volcanicity.
D. Gambi - faulting.
11. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction feature around Malindi town?
i. Abagusii
ii. Taita
iii. Chagga
Which one of the following statements about the communities listed above is
true?b They
A. faulting.
B. erosion.
C. folding.
D. volcanicity.
15. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the place where it is
mined in Kenya?
Mineral Place
A. Fluorspar Ngomeni
B. Limestone Athi river
C. Diatomite Kimwarer
D. Salt Kariandusi
17. Which one of the following was a recreational activity among communities in the pre-
colonial period?
A. Farming.
B. Herding.
C. Hunting
D. Wrestling.
19. Which one of the following combinations consists of trees that grow in the forests of
20. When the Ababukusu people fought the British in Kenya, they were led by
A. Waiyaki wa Hinga.
B. Mekatilili wa Menza.
C. Mukite wa Nameme.
D. Koitalel arap Samoei.
Which one of the following mountains was formed through the above process?
A. Danakil Alps.
B. Ruwenzori mountains.
C. Usambara moutains
D. Atlas mountains.
22. Which one of the following resulted due to the settlement of Arabs along the coast of
Eastern Africa?
A. Introduction of cloves.
B. Establishment of mission stations.
C. Building of railway lines.
D. Abolition of slave trade.
23. People who live near swamps are likely to suffer from
A. frequent droughts.
B. seasonal flooding.
C. water-borne diseases.
D. acute soil erosion.
24. Assimilated Africans in Senegal during the French colonial period were allowed to
A. tea.
B. coffee.
C. wheat.
D. cotton.
A. supporting intermarriage.
B. establishing national schools.
C. promoting the use of Kiswahili.
D. respecting the rights of other people.
29. Which one of the following groups is made up of rivers that have deltas?
52. Before the coming of Europeans to Eastern Africa, the Baganda people were ruled by
A. emperors.
B. kings.
C. chiefs.
D. council of elders.
A. education.
B. vote
C. own property.
D. work.
54. Standard eight learners of Malezi primary school visited a game park. They saw some
armed people in the park. What was mainly being done by the armed people?
A. chief Kivoi.
B. Nabongo Mumia.
C. Masaku.
D. Laibon Lenana.
56. Highways have been built in Kenya to bypass major towns mainly to
58. When Kenyans attend national day celebrations, it shows that they are
A. patriotic.
B. obedient.
C. hardworking.
D. humble.
A. speaker.
B. clerk.
C. governor.
D. county commissioner.
61. God showed that the seventh day was a special one during creation when He
A. finished all creation.
B. blessed it and rested.
C. created human beings in His image.
D. blessed all the creation.
62. Which one of the following commands did God give Noah after the flood?
A. Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth.
B. Leave your father's home and go to a country that I will show you.
C. Remove your shoes for you are standing on a holy ground.
D. offer your only so as a sacrifice.
63. "Iam who Iam, this is my name forever" (Exodus 3:14-15). God spoke these words to
A. Abraham.
B. Jacob.
C. Moses.
D. Isaac.
64. Which one of the following events took place during the Exodus?
A. The Israelites attacked Jericno.
B. The covenan' box was made.
C. Saul was appointed king.
D. Deborah served as a judge.
65. When Hannah prayed at Shiloh, she asked God to give her
A. long life.
B. wisdom.
C. wealth.
D. a son.
66. Which one of the following reasons explains why king Saul wanted to kill David?
A. David had been appointed king.
B. Saul had an evil spirit.
C. David had become famous.
D. David had refused to marry his daughter.
67. In which one of the following ways did king Solomon turn away from God? He
A. married many wives.
B. refused to build a temple.
C. allowed the worship of false gods.
D. acquired a lot of wealth.
68. Prophet Jeremiah was mistreated by being
A. thrown into a dry well.
B. put in a lions' den.
C. put in prison.
D. beaten by the king.
69. When there was famine in Israel, prophet Elijah went to live with a widow in
A. Shunem.
B. Zarephath.
C. Jericho.
D. Moab.
70. The son that Zechariah and Elizabeth was given a name by
A. Mary.
B. angel Gabriel.
C. Joseph.
D. Simeon.
71. Who among the following people ordered for a census to be done in Israel?
A. Augustus.
B. Herod.
C. Pilate.
D. Quirinius.
72. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus during the sermon on the mount?
A. 'Give to Ceasar what belongs to him.'
B. 'Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God'
C. 'He who is the least will be the greatest."
D. 'I am the way, the truth and life."
73. The woman whom Jesus asked for water at a well was a
A. Levite.
B. Syrian.
C. Samaritan.
D. Moabite.
74. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He came as a universal saviour?
A. Healing a paralysed man.
B. Healing the Roman officer's servant.
C. Raising Lazarus.
D. Calming a storm.
75. The parable of the sower teaches Christians
A. how the word of God grows in them.
B. to plant good seeds in their farms.
C. to take good care of their farms.
D. to help people in need.
76. Who among the following people said that Jesus was a good man after He died on the
A. The repentant thief.
B. An army officer.
C. Pontious Pilate.
D. Joseph of Arimathea
77. 'Unless I see the scars and put my fingers on those scars and my hand in His side, I
will not believe' (John 20:25). These words were said by
A. Peter.
B. Nathaniel.
C. Andrew.
D. Thomas.
78. The Jews were surprised on the day of Pentecost when the disciples
A. performed miracles.
B. sang and praised God.
C. preached to the crowd.
D. spoke in foreign languages.
79. The story of Ananias and Sapphira teaches Christians to be
A. humble
B. patient
C. honest
D. obedient
80. When Paul and Silas were in jail in Philippi, they were
A. mourning.
B. fasting.
C. sleeping.
D. singing.
81. When Peter went to the town of Joppa, he
A. baptized an Ethiopian Eunuch.
B. preached to Comelius.
C. raised Tabitha.
D. healed a lame beggar.
82. Which one of the following beliefs about God in traditional African communities is true?
A. provides for His creation.
B. is served by angels.
C. finished creation in six days...
D. lives in heaven.
83. In traditional African communities, shrines are places where
A. ancestors are buried.
B. initiation ceremonies are done.
C. the youth are taught.
D. sacrifices are offered.
84. When there is good harvest in traditional African communities, people thank God by
A. offering food sacrifices in shrines.
B. giving food to travellers.
C. selling surplus food.
D. using foodstuffs to pay dowry.
85. Christians show obedience to lawful authority by
A. praising their leaders.
B. paying taxes.
C. praying for their leaders.
D. going to church.
86. The church promotes good health among
A. offering free medical care. people in Kenya by
B. establishing hospitals.
C. visiting sick people.
D. preaching to the sick.
87. Meshack, a standard eight pupil, helped an old woman carry a heavy basket. This shows
that Meshack
A. knew the woman.
B. was a strong person.
C. was a kind person.
D. was related to the woman.
88. Maria, who is your deskmate, keeps on getting ill. The best action for you to take is to
A. pray and advise her to go to hospital.
B. change your sitting position.
C. tell her to transfer to another school.
D. tell her to stay at home.
89. The best way for parents to teach their children good behaviour is by
A. setting good examples.
B. preparing family laws.
C. punishing children who misbehave.
D. taking their children for counselling.
90. Christians can benefit the community during their free time by
A. singing in church.
B. reading the Bible.
C. watching Christian programs.
D. visiting the elderly.
61. A person who fasts has two pleasures. One during _________________________ food.
A. twaam.
B. iftaar.
C. walima.
D. suhur.
62. Which of the following vices is condemned in surah Al-Falaq?
A. Witchcraft.
B. Backbiting.
C. Stealing.
D. Adultery.
63. All the following are recomanended preparations for reading the holy Qur'an except
A. taking wudhu.
B. a siwak.
C. facing qibia.
D. not putting it on the bare ground.
64. Which form of knowledge sticks best in mind according to surah Alaq? Knowledge
A. of pictures.
B. of the pen.
C. from far away.
D. of cramuning.
65. Allah (SW) was not happy and even cursed Abu Lahab because he
A. joined Abraham to destroy the holy kaaba.
B. refused to join Islamic faith.
C. dispersed the prophet's congregation. D
D. killed baby girls and burried others alive.
66. What is the meaning of Taqwa in Islamic faith?
A. Reliance on Allah.
B. Obedience to Allah.
C. The fear of God.
D. Belief in Allah.
67. A Muslim who believes in Qadar should always say
____________________________ when making future plans.
A. fii amaanillah
B. mashallah
C. astaghfirullah
D. inshallah
68. After Takbiratul Ihraam, there follows
A. seven Takbiras.
B. surah Al-Fatiha
C. bending for Rukuu.
D. the first khutba.
69. In which of the following villages did the hypocrites of Uhud in the Muslim army turn
back and disappeared? A
A. Abwa.
B. Taif.C
C. Ashawt.
D. Khaibar.
70. Which of the following ibaadaats cleanses off sins as free as a new born beby?
A. Ablution.
B. Hajj
C. Jum'a to Jum'a
D. Fast of sittat shawwal.
71. "Al-Eal dil Ameen" is a description that was used to praise a city called
A. Makkat mukarrama.
B. Jerusalem.
C. Madinat munawwara.
D. Bethlehem.
72. Muslims who reach at miqat to start hajj activities respond to Allah's call by uttering
A. tahniq.
B. takbir.
C. taibia
D. tahtiil.
73. Which prophet of Allah was killed by being cut into pieces?
A. Zakariya.
B. Daud.
C. Yahya.
D. Yusuf.
74. In which festival should Muslims first attend prayers before eating anything?
A. Idd-ui-Fit
B. Milad-un-Nabii.
C. Idd-ul-hajj.
D. Isra-wai-miraj.
75. Prophet Musa (A.S) fled to Madyan after running away from
_______________________ home.
A. Firaun's
B. Shuaib's
C. Egypian's
D. an Israelite's
76. The present city of security where all Muslims today go for Hajj was the first settlement
A. Ibrahim's family.
B. Adam's family.
C. Muhammad's family
D. Nuh's family.
77. The names "Allah" and "Prophet" are introduced into the ear of a newbom baby for the
first time through
A. adhaan.
B. tashahhud.
C. tahniq.
D. iqama.
78. The angel of Allah (SW) charged with the responsibility to welcome those rewarded at
the gates of paradise is
A. Malik.
B. Jibril.
C. Israfil.
D. Ridhwaan.
79. Muslims may locate and face Qibla for prayers by the help of all the following ways
A. use of a compass direction tool.
B. use of the sunrise and sunset.
C. use of a physically available mosque.
D. automatic obvious imagination.
80. Which of the following things is the same in both Jum'a and Idd prayers?
A. The time of performing.
B. When to say khutba.
C. The number of rakaats prayed.
D. Classification as sunna or fardh.
81. Nadhir ibaadaats are
A. the self promise to Allah.
B. performed by few Muslims.
C. performed as punishment.
D. those performed at night.
82. Which one of the following was not an advice given to prophet Mohammad by Jibril
A. To stay knowing that one day He will die.
B. To love whom He loves but know that one day they'll separate.
C. He will be judged in all His deeds.
D. Not to walk on earth with pride.
83. The prophet assured Muslims that whoever shahada will be his or her last words before
death will
A. enter paradise.
B. be resurrected.
C. be heavier than the earth and all in it.
D. be rewarded beyond imagination.
84. The level of buried treasures and precious minerals the one should have in order to
qualify to give out zakat is called
A. tarka.
B. nisab.
C. quut.
D. qulatein.
85. The two swalats which have two adhasns in Islam are
A. Idd-ul-fitr and Idd-ul-hajj.
B. kusuf and khusuf.
C. taraweh and tahajjud.
D. fajr and Jum'a.
86. Who was the secretary at the Hudaibiyaa treaty agreements and writings?
A. Zaid bin Thaabit.
B. Abubakr swiddiiq.
C. Abu Sufian.
D. Ali bin Abi Talib.
87. Edat is observed
A. in the event of a husband's death and twalaq.
B. when a lady becomes seriously sick.
C. if the couple never had Nikah ceremony.
D. by all virgin ladies before marriage.
88. Which of the following attributes of Allah is wrongly matched with its meaning?,
A. Al-maswawwir - the dominant.
B. Al-Baar - the originator.
C. Al-Khaaliq - the creator.
D. A-Razzaaq - the provider.
89. What do Muslims celebrate on the first day on shawwaal?
A. Eid-ul-fitr.
B. Milad-un-nabii. C
C. Aqiqa.
D. Khitma.
90. Muslims are allowed to reduce the number of rakaats in salaat
A. dhuhr.
B. musaafir.
C. janaaza.
D. maktuba.
1. D
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. D
15. B
16. C
17. D
18. D
19. A
20. C
21. D
22. A
23. C
24. A
25. C
26. B
27. D
28. C
29. A
30. D
31. B
32. B
33. D
34. A
35. C
36. A
37. B
38. D
39. A
40. C
41. B
42. A
43. A
44. C
45. C
46. A
47. D
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. D
52. B
53. A
54. B
55. C
56. D
57. B
58. A
59. C
60. A
61. B
62. A
63. C
64. B
65. D
66. C
67. C
68. A
69. B
70. B
71. A
72. B
73. C
74. B
75. A
76. B
77. D
78. D
79. C
80. D
81. C
82. A
83. D
84. A
85. B
86. B
87. C
88. A
89. A
90. D
61. D
62. A
63. C
64. B
65. C
66. C
67. D
68. A
69. C
70. B
71. A
72. C
73. A
74. C
75. A
76. A
77. A
78. D
79. D
80. C
81. A
82. D
83. A
84. B
85. D
86. D
87. A
88. A
89. A
90. B