B. migration of people to towns
C. increase of population in the rural areas
D. increase in communication costs.
19. Which one of the following communities
entered Eastern Africa from the South?
A. Samburu B. Galla
C. Chief Justice D. she \Nould live to an old age
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STD. 8 Sodci Studies & C.R.E .PG 5
71. Herod wanted to kill Jesus because 82. Which one of the following specialists
A. Jesus was becoming more famous is found in both traditional African and
B. people were putting their faith in Jesus Christian communities?
C. Jesus had condemned'the sin of Herod A. Herbalist
D. he wanted to continue ruling. B. Priest
72. The main value taught by John the baptist C. Medicine man
when he preached was D. Rainmaker
A. respect B. loyalty 83. Children are named after ancestor in
C. repentance D. humility traditional African communities in order to
73. When Jesus called Andrew and Peter he A. please their parents
told them that B. make their great leaders
A. they would preach with them in the villages C. keep the family lineage
B. they were true Israelites D. make them live to old age
C. they would suffer with him 84. Places of worship in traditional African
D. he would teach them how to catch fish societies are respected because
74. \'Yhich one of the following values is A. they have evil spirits
demonstrated in the parable of the good B. they are located in lonely places
Samaritan? C they are dark
A. Humility B. Kindness D. they are considered sacred
C. Patience D. Honesty 85. VVhen people offend God in Traditional
75. When Jesus changed water into wine he African societies they
had gone to Cana to A. offered sacrifices
A. raise Lazarus B. wear torn clothes
B. preach at the Synagogue C. shave their heads
C. attend a wedding D. skip meals
D. eat in the house of Zacchaeus 86. Christians meet together to pray in order to
76. Which one of the following was done by A. eat together
Jesus on the night he was arrested? B. strengthen their unity in Christ
A. He washed his disciples' feet. C. know one another
B. He changed water into wine. D. help the needy
C. He walked on water.
87. Which one of the following is the best leisure
D. He cursed a fig tree.
activity for standard eight pupil during school
77. Mary Magdalene recognized Jesus near the
tomb on the day he resurrected when
A. Reading magazines
A. Jesus called out her name
B. Playing games
B. Jesus showed her his scars
C. Attending birthday parties
C. Jesus preached to her "
D. Visiting the sick
D. Jesus performed a miracle
78. On the day of Pentecost the disciples were 88. The church promotes education in Kenya
able to through
A. perform many miracles. A. preaching in schools
B. defend themselves B. establishing schools
C. escape from prison C. baptizing children
D. speak in foreign languages D. teaching children moral values
79. The person who was chosen to take the 89. Husbands are advised to love their wives
place of Judas Iscariot was A. as they love themselves
A. Barnabbas B. Stephen B. because their wives love them too
C. Matthias D. Paul C. as Christ loved the church
80. Which one or the following people was D. should be loved
raised by Paul? 90. European Missionaries taughtAfricans how
A.Aeneas B. Eutychus to read in order to
C. Tabitha D. Cornelius A. enable them get jobs
81. Which one of the following is a fruit of the B. make them equal to the Europeans
Holy Spirit? C. help. them stop their customs
A. Faithfulness B. Faith D. enable them preach Christianity.
C. Wisdom D. Healing
STD. 8 Social Studies & C.R. E PG 6