PG Geography
PG Geography
PG Geography
1. Recent Developments in Geomorphology
2. Fundamental Concepts:
a) Uniformitarianism
b) Geological Structures
c) Order of Superposition
3. Multicyclic and Polygenic Evolution of Landscapes.
4. Wilson’s Cycle of Landform Evolution
1. Earth Movements: Epeirogenesis & Orogenesis
2. Concept of Gradation – Types and Classification of weathering
3. Mass Wasting
4. Types and Classification of Mass Movements
1. Slope Development Theories (Allen Wood and Dalrymple’s)
2. Theories of Landscape Development: Davis and Penck
3. Forces of Crustal Instability: Seismicity, Vulcanicity, Plate tectonics
4. Evolution and Structure of Himalayas: Geosynclinal and Plate tectonics
1. Geomorphology for Natural Hazards: Earthquake and Landslides
2. Geomorphology for Hydrology and Mineral Exploration
3. Geomorphology for Engineering studies
4. Geomorphology for Petroleum studies
Suggested Readings:
1. H. Strahler, & A. N. Strahler., Modern Physical Geography, John Willy & Sons, Inc. 2001.
2. D.S. Lal., Physical Geography, Sharda Pustak Bhawan. 2009.
3. Majid Hussain, Physical Geography, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2007.
4. S.A, Qazi., Principals of Physical Geography, AHP Publishing Co.2004.
5. Satopa Mukherjee.,Understanding Physical Geography, Oriental Longman. 2002.
6. Savindra Singh., Physical Geography, Prayag Pustak Bhawan, 2000.
7. Singh,S., Geomorphology, Prayag Pustakalaya, Allahabad, 1998.
Credit I
1. Changing Nature of Geography
2. Development of Geography: Greeks, Romans and Arabs
3. Chinese Contribution to Geography (Ancient Period)
4. Development of Geography in India – Ancient and Modern Period
Credit II
1. German School of Geography (Varienus, Kant, Humboldt, Ritter, Ratzel, Hettner and Albrecht Penk)
2. French School of Geography (Vidal-de-la Blache, Jean Brunches and De Morton)
3. American School of Geography (Davis, Semple, Huntington and Hartshorne)
4. British School of Geography (Mackinder, Geddes and Stamp)
Credit III
1. Soviet Union School of Geography (Dokuchaiev, Voeikov and Anuchin)
2. Paradigm shift in Geography: Ancient to Post-Modern Period)
3. Quantitative Revolution in Geography
4. Positivism in Geography
Credit IV
1. Philosophical Concepts: Pragmatism, Radicalism, Idealism, Realism
2. Humanistic and Behavioral Approach
3. Concept of Social Wellbeing
4. Darwin's Impact on Geography
Suggested Readings:
1. Dickenson, R.E., The Makers of Modern Geography, Routledge, London. 1969.
2. Dikshit, R.D., Geographical Thought, A Contextual History of Ideas, IPH, New Delhi. 1999.
3. Dikshit, R.D., Art and Science of Geography, 1994.
4. Freeman T.W., Hundred Years in Geography, 1961.
5. Hartshone, R., The Nature of Geography, Lancaster, 1935.
6. Hartshone, R., Perspectives on Nature of Geography. Rondo Macrolly, Chicago, 1959.
7. Husain, M., Evolution of Geographical Thought, Rawat Publications, Jaipur. 1984.
8. James, P.E., All Possible World - A history of Geographical Ideas, The Odyssy Press, New York 1972.
9. Jenson, H., Geography-Its History and Concepts, Harper Publishers, New York, 1981.
10. Lalita, R., Geographical Thought – A Systematic record of evolution, Concept Publishing, New Delhi, 2008.
11. Stodard, D.R. Darwin’s impact on Geography, A.A.A.G.Vol.58, 1966.
12. Tozer, H.F., History of Ancient Geography, Cambridge, 1951
Credit I
1. Data and its types
2. Measures of Central tendency
3. Measures of Dispersion (Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation , coefficient of variation and Variance)
4. Measures of Inequality (Lorenz Curve and Gini’s Coefficient)
Credit II
1. Measures of Skewness
2. Sampling: Laws and Types
3. Hypothesis: Types and Testing (t and z Test)
4. Trend analysis: Mann Kendall, ANOVA
Credit III
1. Multiple Correlation
2. Regression and line of Best fit
3. Time series: Moving Average, LSM
4. Spatial gradient analysis, Wentworth's method of slope analysis
Credit IV
1. Statistical software’s: Microsoft Excel, SPSS
2. Construction of Composite Index (Bhatia and Khusroos Method)
3. Crop combination analysis (Weaver's, Rafiullah's and Nelson’s method)
4. Statistical Analysis: Mean, Median, Mode, Correlation and Regression (Excel and SPSS)
Suggested Readings:
1. Archer, J.E and Dalton, T. H., Field Work in Geography, E. T. Bastsford Ltd., London, 1968.
2. Ishtiaq, M., A text Book of Practical Geography, Heritage Publishing House, New Delhi, 1989.
3. Johnston, R. J., Multivariate Statistics in Geography. Longman, London, 1978.
4. Jones, P. A,. Field work in Geography, Longman, London, 1968.
5. Keates, J. S., Cartographic Design and Production, Longman, London, 1973.
6. Mishra, R. P. & Ramesh, A., Fundamentals of Cartography, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1969.
7. Monkhouse, F. J., Maps and Diagrams, Methuen & Co., London, 1967.
8. Nayer, N. B., Encyclopedia of Surveying, Maps and Remote Sensing, Rawat Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
9. Sarkar, A., Practical Geography, Sangam Books, New Delhi, 1997.
10. Singh, L.R., Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.
11. Summer, G., Mathematics for Physical Geographers, 1978.
12. Yeats, M. H., An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Human Geography, 1974.
Credit I
1. Introduction to Economic Geography
2. Economic Development – Indicators; Human Happiness Index
3. Economic Infrastructure (Transport) and SEZ
4. Rostov’s Model of Growth
Credit II
1. Economic activities and their classification
2. Factors of location of economic activities
3. Economic location theories- Weber, Smith and Losch
4. Agricultural land use theories- Ricardo and Von Thunen
Suggested Readings:
1. A.M. Bagulia., Encyclopedia of Economic Geography; Wiley Blackwell Companion
2. B.W Hodder & Roger Lee. Economic Geography, Mutheun & Co Ltd. 1974
3. Chrales Redway Dryer., Elementary of Economic Geography, Wiley Blackwell Companion.
4. Cumbers Mackinnon., Introduction to Economic Geography: Globalization, Uneven Development &
5. J G Bartholomew., Atlas of Economic Geography, Wiley Blackwell Companion
6. James Franklin Chamber., Geography: Physical, Economic, Regional, Wiley Blackwell companion
7. K. Siddhartha., Economic Geography; Kitab Mahal, 2016.
8. Peter E. Llyod & Pter Dikcken, Location in Space: A Theoretical Approach to Economic Geography, Harper
and Row Publishers, 1972
9. Roy, P., Economic Geography-A Study of Resources, New Central Book Agency Ltd, Calcutta, 1997
10. T. C Sharma., Economic Geography of India, Rawat Publishers, 2013.
11. Trevor J. Barnes, Jamie Peck & Eric Sheppard., Economic Geography, Wiley Blackwell Companion.
12. Trevor J. Barnes., Reading Economic Geography, Wiley Blackwell Companion.
13. Truman A. Hartshorne and John. W. A., Economic Geoghraphy, Prentice Hall of India, 2000
14. Uma Kapila., Indian Economy Performance and Policies (16th edition), Academic Foundation, 2015.
Credit I
1. Concept and Classification of Resources
2. Water and Energy Resources in India
3. Resources – Conservation and Planning
4. Role of Technology in Resource development
Credit II
1. Resource Regions of India
2. Food security – Global and Regional
3. Sustainable Development
4. Impact of Resource Utilization on Environment
Suggested Readings:
1. James Franklin Chamber., Geography: Physical, Economic, Regional, Wiley Blackwell companion
2. Peter E. Llyod & Pter Dikcken, Location in Space: A Theoretical Approach to Economic Geography, Harper
and Row Publishers, 1972
3. Roy, P., Economic Geography-A Study of Resources, New Central Book Agency Ltd, Calcutta, 1997
4. T. C Sharma., Economic Geography of India, Rawat Publishers, 2013.
5. Trevor J. Barnes, Jamie Peck & Eric Sheppard., Economic Geography, Wiley Blackwell Companion.
6. Trevor J. Barnes., Reading Economic Geography, Wiley Blackwell Companion.
7. Truman A. Hartshorne and John. W. A., Economic Geoghraphy, Prentice Hall of India, 2000
8. Uma Kapila., Indian Economy Performance and Policies (16th edition), Academic Foundation, 2015.
Credit I
1. Urban environment – Concept and Components
2. Physical expansion of city: Urban Sprawl, RUF.
3. Ribbon Development and Conurbation
4. Urban Environment Problems: Health, Green Spaces, Heat Islands.
Credit II
1. Concept of Urban Sustainability
2. Urbanization policy and planning
3. RS & GIS application for urban studies
4. Himalayan urban centers: Srinagar and Leh
Suggested Readings:
1. David, Herbert., Urban Geography – A Social Perspective, David and Charles, Newton Abbot London –
Vancouver, 1972.
2. Gans J. Herbert., The Urban Villagers: Group and Class in the Life of Italian-Americans, Blackwell Publications,
New York, 1982.
3. Hall, Tim., Urban Geography, Routledge Contemporary Human Geography Series, 2011.
4. Kaplan, D.H, and Hollaway Steven., Urban Geography, Wiley Publishers, 2012.
5. Knox, Paul L., and McCarthy, Linda M., Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography, Pearson New
International Edition, 2011.
6. Laves, Lowenstein K., Urban Studies – An Introductory Reader (2nd Edition), the Free Press Collier Macmillan
Publisher, Third Avenue, New York, 10022, 1977.
7. Mandal, R.B., Urban Geography – A Text Book, Concept Publishers, New Delhi – 110054, 2001
8. Markanday, K and Reddy G., Urban Growth Theories and Settlement Systems of India, Concept Publishing
Company, 2011.
9. Ray, Northam. M., Urban Geography (2nd Edition), John Willey and Sons, 1979.
10. Siddhartha, K and Mukherje, S., Cities, Urbanization and Urban System, Kasalaya Publications, New Delhi,
11. Siddhartha, K., Models in Regional Planning, Kasalaya Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
12. Verma, L.N., Urban Geography, Black Swan Publications, New Delhi, 2001.
13. Weng, Qahio and Quattrochi, D.A., Urban Remote Sensing, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London,
14. Wilson, A.G., Urban and Regional Models in Geography and Planning, John Willey and Sons, London. 1975.
Credit I
1. Principles and meaning of Biogeography
2. Elements of Biogeography
3. Speciation, Diversification, Extinction
4. Dispersal – Concept and Processes
Credit II
1. Ecosystem – Introduction and Types.
2. Biome – Introduction and Types.
3. Concept of Biodiversity.
4. Global Environmental Change – Permafrost Region
Suggested Readings:
1. E.O. Wilson and R. H Macarther., The Theory of Island Biogeography, Princeton University Press, 1976.
2. James Brown., Biogeography – An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach, Sinauer Associates Inc; 3 rd edition,
3. M.V. Limolinov, & B. R. Riddle, Biogeography, Sinauer Associates Inc. Massachusetts USA, 2005.
Credit I
1. Concept and characteristics of Sustainable Development
2. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’s)
3. Principles of Ecological and Environmental Sustainability
4. Sustainable Development in India
Credit II
1. Carrying Capacity with respect to Himalayas
2. Carbon and Ecological Footprint analysis
3. Present Global Environmental Concerns.
4. Environmental Impact Assessment.
Suggested Readings:
1. Jaffrey D. Sachs., The Age of Sustainable Development, Columbia University Press, 2015.
2. Jennifer A. Elliot., An Introduction to Sustainable Development, Routledge Publishers, 2015
3. K.V. Sundaram., Sustainable Development and Sustainable Life Styles, Northern Book Centre, 2003.
4. M.C Dash., Concepts of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, I.K International Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd. 2013.
5. Peter Rogers., An Introduction to Sustainable Development, Routledge Publishers, 2007
6. R.B Singh., Environment and Sustainable Development: Emerging Challenges, World Focus. 2017
7. Teri., Global Sustainable Report 2015: Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Oxford University
Press, 2015.
1. Disaster Management- Concept
2. Disaster Management Cycle
3. National Policy on Disaster Management
4. Disaster Management Act, 2005
Credit -II
1. International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) (1990’s)
2. Yokohama Declaration (1994)
3. Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA, 2005-2015)
4. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030)
Suggested Readings:
1. Anil K. Gupta,2016, Resource Book on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management
2. Bryant Edwards, 2005, Natural Hazard, Cambridge University Press.
3. Donald Hyndman and David Hyndman, 2009, Natural Hazards and Disasters, Brooks/Cole.
4. Edward A. Keller and Robert .H. Blodgett, 2008, Natural Hazards, Pearson Prentice Hall.
5. G. K. Gosh, Disaster Management, A.P.H. Publishers.
6. Geological Hazards
7. Hydro-meteorological Hazards
8. K. K. Singh, Lotfi Aleya and Vinod Singh, Disaster Management, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private
9. Rajesh K. Yadav et. al.Encyclopedia of Disaster and Hazards Management, Oxford Book Company
10. Vogelbacher, 2013, Flood Disaster Risk Management - Hydrological Forecasts - Requirements and Best
1. Physiography of J&K
2. Drainage of J&K – Jhelum, Chenab and Indus
3. Climate of J&K
4. Flora and Fauna of J&K - A Brief Account
Credit -II
1. Population – Density and Growth
2. Agriculture of J&K with Special reference to Horticulture
3. Tourism in J&K with Special reference to Tourist Destination in J&K
4. Energy Resources of J&K (Hydel and Geothermal)
Suggested Readings:
1. Drew, F .K., The Territories of India, Kashrnir State. Standard Press London, 1979.
2. Gazetter of Kashmir and Ladakh, 1890.
3. Lawrence, S.W., The Valley of Kashrnir, Oxford University Press, 1895.
4. Raina, A.N., Geography of Jammu and Kashrnir, National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1971.
5. Qazi, S.A., Geography of India with Special Reference to J&K State, APH Publishing Co. 2000.
6. Majid Hussain., Systematic Geography of Jammu and Kashmir, Rawat Publications, 2000.
7. R. L. Singh., India- A Regional Geography, National Geographical Society of India, 2003.
1. Evolution of Earth’s Atmosphere
2. Paleoclimatology – Concept and Importance
3. Insolation and Temperature: Factors and Distribution
4. Atmospheric Moisture: Humidity and Precipitation
1. Polar vortex and ozone hole
2. Clouds – formation and types
3. Global Circulation Models
4. Climatic Classification: a) Koeppen b) Thornthwaite
1. Monsoon: Origin and Mechanism
2. Classical and modern theories of monsoon
3. Jet Streams
4. Western Disturbances-Origin and Significance
1. El- Nino, Southern Oscillation, La – Nina; NAO
2. Climatic Changes; Evidences & Indicators
3. Theories of Climatic Change:
a) Milutin Milankovitch Theory
b) Carbon Dioxide Hypothesis,
4. Impact of Climate Change on Environment.
Suggested Readings:
1. A.K. Barua., Climatology, Dominant Publishers and Distributors, 2005.
2. Anthony J. Vega & Robert V. Rohil., Climatology, 2008.
3. Critchfield, H., General Climatology, Prentice Hall, NewYork, 1975.
4. Edward Aguada: & J. E. Brat., Understanding Weather and Climate- Pearson International 2016.
5. Fedrick K. Lutgen., The Atmosphere: An introduction to Meteorology, Princeton Hall, 2006.
6. J.T. Houghton., Global warming a complete briefing (5Ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2015.
7. S.K. Paneersalvam., Global warming and Climate Change, AHP Publishing Co, 2012
8. Stringer, E.T., Foundation of Climatology, Surjeet Publication, Delhi,
Credit – I
1. Remote Sensing – Concept, Historical Developments, EMR and EMS
2. Remote Sensing Sensors and Satellite Systems – IRS, LANDSAT
3. Remote Sensing Satellites – Orbit and Scanning Mechanism
4. Resolution- Concept, types and Importance
Credit – II
1. Interaction of EMR with atmosphere and other Earth’s features
2. Aerial photography, types of aerial photographs, flight procedures, scale.
3. Image Interpretation – Elements and Importance, Use of Ancillary Information for image interpretation
4. Image Distortion and Correction – Geometric and Radiometric; Image Classification and Ground
Credit – III
1. GIS – Definition, Components and Recent trends
2. GIS Data – Structure, Format and Dimensions
3. Geographic and Projected Coordinate Systems (UTM Grid System)
4. Digital elevation model – Concept & Uses.
Credit - IV
1. Data models in geographical information system (GIS)
2. Toposheet – Reading and Nomenclature
3. Interpolation – Types, Advantages and disadvantages
4. Application of GIS and remote sensing in Resource Management, Forestry, Snow and Glacier, Wetland
Management and Disaster Management
Suggested Readings:
1. Campbell, J.B., Introduction to Remote Sensing, (2 nd ed.), Taylor and Francis, London, 1996.
2. Curran, P., Principles of Remote Sensing, Longman, London, 1985.
3. Fazal S. and Rahman A., GIS Terminology, New Age International Publishing, New Delhi, 2007.
4. Fazal S., GIS Basics, New Age International Publishing, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Fazal S., Remote Sensing Basics, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
6. Jenson, J.R., Remote Sensing and Environment. Pearson India, 2013.
7. Joseph George., Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, (2nd Ed.) University Press, Hyderabad, 2005.
8. Kumar, S., Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS, Laxmi Pub, 2005.
9. Lo, C.P. and Yeung AKW., Concepts and Techniques of GIS (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006
10. Leick. A., GPS Satellite Surveying (2 ed.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2003.
11. Lillesand T.M and Keifer R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (6th Ed.) John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 2008.
12. N. K. Agarwal., Essentials of GPS, Spatial Network Pvt. Ltd, 2004.
Credit – I
1. Familiarization with Image Processing software
2. Import and export of Toposheet, satellite and other data to various formats
3. Geo-referencing of data- image to image, image to maps
4. Layer Stacking of Multispectral Imagery, Image mosaic, Resolution merge and Subset of image
Credit – II
1. Displaying individual pixel value and image information
2. Band Rationing; Principal Component Analysis
3. Classification – supervised and unsupervised
4. Accuracy Assessment, Change detection
Credit – III
1. Overview of GIS software
2. Geo-referencing, Assigning suitable Projection and Rectification, Digitizing, Linking spatial & non-
spatial data entry
3. Polygon Analysis - Dissolve, Clip, Split, Erase, Merge, Spatial Adjustment
4. Point, Line and Area Surface analysis, Symbolization, Labeling, Map layout and Output
Credit – IV
1. Buffer Analysis, Overlay Analysis
2. Interpolation: IDW, Kriging, Spline
3. Data Conversion – Raster to Vector and vice versa, Vector to KML and vice versa, Table to excel
4. Digital Elevation Model – Slope, Aspect, Contour
Suggested Readings:
1. Campbell, J.B., Introduction to Remote Sensing, (2 nd ed.), Taylor and Francis, London, 1996.
2. Curran, P., Principles of Remote Sensing, Longman, London, 1985.
3. Fazal S. and Rahman A., GIS Terminology, New Age International Publishing, New Delhi, 2007.
4. Fazal S., GIS Basics, New Age International Publishing, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Fazal S., Remote Sensing Basics, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
6. Jenson, J.R., Remote Sensing and Environment. Pearson India, 2013.
7. Joseph George., Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, (2nd ed.) University Press, Hyderabad, 2005.
8. Kumar, S., Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS, Laxmi Pub, 2005.
9. Lo, C.P. and Yeung AKW., Concepts and Techniques of GIS (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006
10. Leick. A., GPS Satellite Surveying (2nd ed.), John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2003.
11. Lillesand T.M and Keifer R.W., Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (6th ed.) John Wiley and Sons, New
York, 2008.
12. N. K. Agarwal., Essentials of GPS, Spatial Network Pvt. Ltd, 2004.
13. Sabins, J.F.F., Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation, W.H. Freeman & Co., New York, 1997
14. Sabins, F.F., Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation. Freeman, New York, 1986.
15. Siegal, B.S. and A.R Gillespie., Remote Sensing in Geology, Wiley, New York, 1980
Credit I
1. Concept and Development of Social Geography
2. Processes and Patterns of Social significance
3. Approaches to social geography
4. Social groups-classification and characteristics
Credit II
1. Society-concept and Characteristics
2. Social Change: Nature and Factors
3. Social problems in India with special emphasis on gender discrimination
4. Concept of Social well-being and its measurement
Suggested Readings:
1. Jones Emrys, and Eyles John., An Introduction to Social Geography, Oxford University Press, 1977.
2. Aijazuddin Ahmed., Social Geography, Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 1999.
3. Smith David., Geography - A Welfare Approach, Edward Arnold, 1977.
4. Knox P. L., Social Well-being: A Spatial Perspective, Oxford University Press, London, 1975.
5. Jordan and Lester, G., The Human Mosaic Harper Row, New York, 1978.
6. Massey et a., Human Geography today, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1999
7. Mukerjee, A. B. & Aijazuddin Ahmed., India Culture Society's Economy, Inter India Publications, New Delhi,
Credit I
1. Introduction and Development of Cultural Geography
2. Evolution of culture
3. Major cultural realms of the world
4. Culture: Convergence, Divergence, Acculturation and Assimilation
Credit II
1. Tribes of India (Gujjars and Bakarwals, Nagas and Santhals) – Economy, Society and Culture
2. Problems of Indian tribal areas
3. Folk culture: Folklore Region
4. Cultural Hearth – Classification and Distribution
Suggested Readings:
1. Smith David., Geography - A Welfare Approach, Edward Arnold, 1977.
2. Knox P. L., Social Well-being: A Spatial Perspective, Oxford University Press, London, 1975.
3. Crong Mike., Cultural Geography, Routledge Publications, London, 1998.
4. Jordan and Lester, G., The Human Mosaic Harper Row, New York, 1978.
5. Massey et a., Human Geography today, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1999
6. Mukerjee, A. B. & Aijazuddin Ahmed., India Culture Society's Economy, Inter India Publications, New Delhi,
Credit I
1. Urban Ecological Models: C.B.D. & Burgess’s Model
2. Concept of Garden City and its Relevance in city planning
3. Concept of Global city & Liveable city
4. Eco-city approach and its environmental dimension
Credit II
1. Environmental concerns of Urban transportation
2. Indicators of Urban Environmental Quality: Air & Water (case study Delhi)
3. Urbanization and community health - Diseases and Epidemics
4. Natural disasters and their Impacts on Urban Environment
Suggested Readings:
1. David, Herbert., Urban Geography – A Social Perspective, David and Charles, Newton Abbot London –
Vancouver, 1972.
2. Gans J. Herbert., The Urban Villagers: Group and Class in the Life of Italian-Americans, Blackwell Publications,
New York, 1982.
3. Hall, Tim., Urban Geography, Routledge Contemporary Human Geography Series, 2011.
4. Kaplan, D.H, and Hollaway Steven., Urban Geography, Wiley Publishers, 2012.
5. Knox, Paul L., and McCarthy, Linda M., Urbanization: An Introduction to Urban Geography, Pearson New
International Edition, 2011.
6. Laves, Lowenstein K., Urban Studies – An Introductory Reader (2nd Edition), the Free Press Collier Macmillan
Publisher, Third Avenue, New York, 10022, 1977.
7. Mandal, R.B., Urban Geography – A Text Book, Concept Publishers, New Delhi – 110054, 2001
8. Markanday, K and Reddy G., Urban Growth Theories and Settlement Systems of India, Concept Publishing
Company, 2011.
9. Ray, Northam. M., Urban Geography (2nd Edition), John Willey and Sons, 1979.
10. Siddhartha, K and Mukherje, S., Cities, Urbanization and Urban System, Kasalaya Publications, New Delhi,
11. Siddhartha, K., Models in Regional Planning, Kasalaya Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
12. Verma, L.N., Urban Geography, Black Swan Publications, New Delhi, 2001.
13. Weng, Qahio and Quattrochi, D.A., Urban Remote Sensing, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London,
14. Wilson, A.G., Urban and Regional Models in Geography and Planning, John Willey and Sons, London. 1975.
Credit I
1. Rural Development: Concept, Approaches & Strategies
2. Rural Development: Influencing Factors.
3. Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs): Evolution, Structure & Functions
4. Rural Development under Five Year Plans
5. Rural Community Facilities & Services
Credit II
1. Rural Housing in India: Problems & Solutions.
2. Rural Empowerment Programmes: Bharat Nirman, Provisions of Urban Amenities in Rural Area
(PURA)- Features & Challenges.
3. Rural Social Infrastructure: Issues, Problems & Remedies.
4. Rural Poverty & Poverty Alleviation Programmes.
5. Rural Communication & Information Communication Technology: Issues & Problems.
Suggested Readings:
1. A.Vinayak Reddy and M. YadagiraCharyulu, Rural Development in India : Policies and Initiatives, New Century
Publications, New Delhi, 2009.
2. George H. Axinn and nancy W. Axinn., Collaboration in International Rural Development, Sage Publication, New
Delhi, 1997.
3. Katar Singh., Rural Development, principles, polices and Management, Sage Publication, New Delhi,1986.
4. Laxmi Devi., Encyclopedia of rural Development (set of 5 vol.) Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
5. N.Lalitha, Rural Development in India: Emerging Issues and Trends- Dominant Publishers, Delhi, 2004.
6. Ram K. Parma., Policy Approach to Rural Development, Print well, Jaipur., 1996.
7. Venkatta Reddy. K., Rural Development in India, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi. 200
Credit I
1. Introduction to Fluvial Geomorphology-Modern approaches
2. Drainage Basin- as a Geomorphic unit
3. Drainage Systems: Types of drainage patterns
4. Morphometry of Drainage Basin
Credit II
1. Stream Flow Sources: Surface, Subsurface and Groundwater Flow
2. Sediment Transport: Dissolved or Suspended and Bed load
3. Humans and fluvial system
4. Fluvial Landforms – Erosional and Depositional
Suggested Readings:
1. Bloom Arthur L., Geomorphology: A systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landscape. III Edition; Pearson
Education, 2001
2. Charleton R. O, Fundamentals of Fluvial Geomorphology, Special Indian Edition Routledge Publishers, 2008)
3. Edward Keller, Environmental Geology. Meril Publishers, 1978
4. Frank Process & Ramon & Seiver, Understanding Earth, Freeman Publishers, 1999.
5. Montgomery Carla W., Environmental Geology, McGraw-Hill 9 Edition 2008th
6. Newson MD and Hanwell JD., Systematic Physical Geography. MacMillan Publishers, 1981
7. Qazi S. A., Principles of Physical Geography, APH Publishers, 2004
8. Raghunath HM., Hydrology -Principles Analysis and Design, 3 Edition, New Age Publishers, 2014.
9. Richard Keith., Rivers: Form and Process in Alluvial Channels, Mechuen & Co. Publishers, 1982
10. Strahler A.N., The Earth Science. 3 Edition, Harper & Row Publishers, 1971.
11. Strahler Alan., Introducing Physical Geography., Wiley and Sons, 2011
Credit I
1. Concept of State, Nation and Nation state
2. Global strategic views of Heartland and Rimland
3. Concept of Boundaries, Frontier and Buffer zones
4. Geopolitical blocks and global trade blocks-concept and present scenario
Credit II
1. Geopolitical Significance of Indian ocean
2. International Boundary of India and its Problems
3. Geopolitics of SAARC Region
4. Water Resource Sharing: Disputes (Indus, Brahmaputra, Kaveri)
Suggested Readings:
1. Agnew J., Political Geography: A reader London: Arnold, 1997.
2. Cox KR, Low M. & Robinson J., Handbook of Political Geography, London, 2008.
3. Edward, F., Modern Political Geography, Brown Company Publishers, 1975.
4. Harvey, D., Justice, Nature and the Geography of difference, Oxford Blackwell, 1996.
5. Hussain, M., Political Geography, Anmol Publishers, New Delhi, 1994.
6. John Agnew, Political Geography Reader, Arnold Hodder, 1995.
7. Johnston, R.J., Political, Electoral and Spatial Systems Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979.
8. Painter, J., Politics, Geography and 'Political Geography': A Critical Perspective London, 1995.
9. Peter, J. Taylor., Political Geography, Long man Group, England, 1985.
10. Spykman, N. J., The Geography of the Peace, New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co.1944.
11. Sutton, I., 'The Political Geography of Indian Country' American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 1991
12. Taylor P.J & Flint C., Political Geography: World-Economy, Nation-state and Locality, Harlow: Pearson
Education Limited, 2007
1. Concept of Region
2. Types of Regions
3. Approaches to Delineation of Region
4. Relevance of Regional Planning in Regional Development
1. Planning Processes: Concept
2. Types of Planning a) Sectoral and Spatial
3. Short Term and Long Term planning
4. Concept of Multi-Level Planning -Approaches
Suggested Readings:
1. Agarwal, A.G., Urban and Regional Models in Geography and Planning, John Wiley and Sons, 1974.
2. Campbell, S. and Frankenstein, S., Planning Theory, Blackwell Publishers, 1997.
3. Campbell, S., and Feinstein, S. Readings in Planning Theory, Blackwell Publishers, 1997.
4. Carter, Harold., The Study of Urban Geography, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., 1982.
5. Chadwick, George., A Systems view of Planning, Pergamum Press Oxford, New York., 1978.
6. Clout, H.D., Rural Geography, Pergamum Press Oxford, New York. 1984.
7. Gary Hack, et al. Local Planning: Contemporary Principles and Practice, Oxford Press London, 2009.
8. Heredero, J.M., Rural Development and Social Change, Monahan Press Gujarat, 1979.
9. Hugget, Richard., System Analysis in Geography, Clarendon Press Oxford, 1980.
10. Issard, Walter., Methods of Regional Analysis, The M.I.T Press, 1976.
Credit I
1. Ecological adaptations
2. Ecological successions
3. Trophic Levels, Ecological Niche, Ecological Pyramid
4. Energy Flow Models (U & Y shaped)
Credit II
1. Biogeochemical Cycle (Nitrogen and Carbon Cycle)
2. Biogeographic patterns-Cosmopolitanism and Endemism
3. Ecological Footprint and Green Economy
4. International Legal Framework: Stockholm 1972, Kyoto protocol, Earth summit 1992, Paris Agreement
Suggested Readings:
1. Chapman and Reiss; Ecology Principles and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
2. E.P. Odum, Fundamentals of Ecology, Thomas Business Information India Pvt. Ltd. 2006
3. John L. Harper., Ecology-From Individuals to Ecosystems, Wiley Blackwell.
4. P.D. Sharma., Ecology and Environment (11th Edition), Rastogi Publications, 2005.
5. Paul Lauris and W.G. Mosely., An Introduction to Human - Environmental Geography, Whiley Blackwell, 2013.
Credit I
1. Vulnerability: Meaning and Concept
2. Perception of Vulnerability.
3. Physical, Social and Economic Vulnerability
4. Indicators of Vulnerability
Credit II
1. Hazard and Vulnerability Profile of India
2. Earthquake
3. Floods
4. Landslides
Suggested Readings:
1. Anil K. Gupta,2016, Resource Book on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management
2. Bryant Edwards, 2005, Natural Hazard, Cambridge University Press.
3. Donald Hyndman and David Hyndman, 2009, Natural Hazards and Disasters, Brooks/Cole.
4. Edward A. Keller and Robert .H. Blodgett, 2008, Natural Hazards, Pearson Prentice Hall.
5. G. K. Gosh, Disaster Management, A.P.H. Publishers.
6. Geological Hazards
7. Hydro-meteorological Hazards
8. K. K. Singh, Lotfi Aleya and Vinod Singh, Disaster Management, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private
9. Rajesh K. Yadav et. al.Encyclopedia of Disaster and Hazards Management, Oxford Book Company
10. Vogelbacher, 2013, Flood Disaster Risk Management - Hydrological Forecasts - Requirements and Best
1. India – its space relationships
2. Physical Divisions of India
3. Drainage (Peninsular & Himalayan)
4. Climate & natural Vegetation
Credit -II
1. Population – Density and Growth
2. Soil – Types & Distribution
3. Land resource & utilization
4. Indian Agriculture – Characteristics.
Suggested Readings:
1. Spate, O.H.K., India and Pakistan, Mac Million & Co. 1967.
2. Singh, R.L., India, Regional Geography, Banarus Hindu University, 1987
3. Qazi, S.A., Geography of India with special reference to J&K State, APH Publishing Co. 2000.
4. R. L. Singh, India- A Regional Geography, National Geographical Society of India 2003
5. Chandra Vijay Purty, Geography of India, ABD Publishers.
6. Hussain. M; Geography of India, 2nd Ed. Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2011
7. D.R Khullar, India- A Comprehensive Geography, Kalyani publishers, New Delhi, 2011.
8. Husain M., Geography of India, Mc Graw Hill Publications, U.P., 2017.
9. Kaul. A. K., Studies In Geography of Jammu & Kashmir, Rawat Publications, Jaipur 2014.
10. Husain M., Indian & World Geography, McGraw Hills, 2011.
1. Glaciers: Origin and Classification
2. Glacial Ice Movement
a) Basal flow
b) Internal deformation
3. Application of Remote Sensing in Glacial Studies
1. Glacial Erosion.
a. Ice and melt water.
b. Mechanical and Chemical processes of erosion.
2. Development of Erosional land forms.
3. Depositional processes
a. Stratified and non-stratified.
b. Drifts – Morphodynamics of moraines
4. Depositional Features
Credit III
1. Definition and system approach in hydrology
2. Groundwater: origin, occurrence, quality and movement
3. Aquifers and types
4. Rainwater Harvesting Models
Credit IV
1. Drainage basin as a hydrological unit (Indus System)
2. Runoff: controlling factors- infiltration, evaporation and transpiration
3. Hydrological analysis: unit hydrograph- derivation of unit hydrograph
4. Interlinking of Indian rivers- Problems and Prospects
Suggested Readings:
1. Kaushik Pradepika., Geomorphological Studies of the Himalayan Glaciers in Brief, Lambat Academic
Press, 2013.
2. Naseerudin ahmad and Sarwar, Rais., Himalyan Glaciers, APH Publishing House, 1998.
3. Micheal Hambrey and Jueg Alean., Glaciers (2nd edition), 2004.
4. Doug Benn and David J.A.Evans., Glaciers and Glaciation (2 nd ed.), Hodder Arnold Publication, 2010.
5. Ireneo Peter Martui., Geomorphological and Geology, 2001.
6. Andrew D. Ward and Stanley Trimble., Environmental Hydrology (2nd ed.), Lewis Publishers, 2004.
7. Chow V.T., Applied Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co, 1988.
8. Hendriks Martin., Introduction to Hydrology. Oxford University Press, London, 2010.
9. Patra K.C., Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Narosa Publishing House, 2010.
1. Significance of field tour in Geography
2. Geomorphic field study – concept and importance
3. Socio-economic field survey – concept and importance
4. Integration of Socio – economic Attributes
1. Collection of data – sources of data: Primary and Secondary
2. Entering the data in Excel or SPSS software
3. Processing – editing, classification and tabulation
4. Data analysis – (Appropriate techniques)
1. Creation of Study Area Map.
2. Interpretation of topographic maps of study area.
3. Formulation of a detailed questionnaire for the conduct of socio – economic field survey.
4. Collect demographic, social and economic data of the villages / towns from census reports to study
the temporal changes in the profile of such characteristics.
1. Conduct a Geomorphic Field survey of the area and identify and analyze dominant geomorphic
processes and features. (One Month Field Study outside UT of J&K)
2. Conduct a household socio – economic survey of the study area with a structured questionnaire.
3. Supplement the information by personal observations and perceptions of the study area.
4. Based on field study of the study area, prepare a detailed field survey report.
5. Supplement the report with photographs, sketches, maps and diagrams.
Every student needs to participate in fieldwork and prepare a field report according to the following guideline, failing
which he/she will not be evaluated.
1. Each student will prepare a report based on primary data collected from field survey and secondary data collected
from different sources.
2. Students will select either one rural area or an urban area for the study, with the primary objective of evaluating
the relation between physical and cultural landscape.
3. A specific problem or a special feature should be identified based on which, the study area will be selected.
4. The report should be typed in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and Spacing 1.5 in English on A4 size paper in
candidate’s own words within 5,000 words (Introductory Chapter: 1000 words; Physical Aspects: 1500 words;
5. Socio-economic Aspects: 1500 words; Concluding Chapter: 500 words, approximately) excluding tables,
photographs, maps, diagrams, references and appendices.
6. Photographs, maps and diagrams should not exceed 20 pages.
7. Three copies of the bound report, duly signed by the concerned teacher and HoD shall be submitted in the
Department one week prior to examination.
Suggested Readings:
1. Gopal Singh., Map World and Practical Geography, Vikas Publishing House, 2000.
2. Pal, S.K., Statistics for Geographers- Techniques and App1ications, Concept, New Delhi, 1998.
3. Robinson, et al., Elements of Cartography, John Wiley and Sons, U.S.A, 1995.
4. Sarkar, A.K., Practical Geography: A Systematic Approach, Oriental Longman, Calcutta, 1997.
5. Singh, R.L, and Dutt, P.K., Elements of Practical Geography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 1979.
1. Introduction to surveying
2. Surveying Instruments – Theodolite, Total Station
3. Total Station - Functions and Characteristics
4. Measuring angles, distances and heights
1. Preparation of Site Plan
2. Length determination
3. Creating contour maps
4. Data processing and analysis
1. Global Positioning System (GPS): Uses and Measurements
2. GPS Structure (Segments)
3. Fundamentals of GPS positioning
4. Types of GPS Survey and sources of Error
1. Introduction and overview of Google Earth
2. Preparation of Point, line and polygon features in Google Earth
3. Detailed study of contour maps ( identification of geomorphic features)
4. Interpretation of topographical maps (two different areas)
Suggested Readings:
1. Kali Charan Sahu., Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Atlantic Publishers
and Distributors, 2008.
2. B.C. Panda., Remote Sensing- Principles and Applications, Viva Books, 2008.
3. Jensen., R Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. Shree Maitree Printech Pvt Limited Noida, 2007.
4. Gopal Singh., Map World and Practical Geography, Vikas Publishing House, 2000.
1. Population Geography: Evolution & Subject Matter.
2. Population Theories: Malthus, Neo Malthusianism, Demographic Transition
3. Factors Influencing Growth, Distribution & Density of Population
4. Population Dynamics of India and J&K
5. Population Projection Techniques
1. Fertility: Determinants & World Patterns.
2. Mortality: Determinants & World Patterns.
3. Migration: Measures, Determinants & Consequence.
4. Human Development: Concept of Human Development Index & its Components.
5. Population Challenges in Developed & Developing Countries (Ageing & Declining Sex Ratio)
Suggested Readings
1. R. K. jain, A Textbook of Population Studies, Astha Publishers and Distributors, 2014.
2. Hans Raj, Fundamentals of Demography, Surjeet Publications.
3. Peters, Plarkin, Population Geography: Problems, Cooncepts, Prospects, Kendell Hut Publishing, 1979.
4. Hasan, I, Population Geography, Rawat Publications., 2006.
5. Chandna, R, Geography of Population, Concept, Determinants, Patterns, Kalyani Publications.
6. Kayasthi, SL., Geography of Population, Rawat Publications, 1998.
Credit III
1. Nature & Scope of Settlement Geography
2. Evolution, Size & Growth of Human Settlement; Diffusion of Settlements
3. Site & Situation Factors in the Development of Settlements
4. Rural Settlement, Patterns & Forms
5. Urban Settlements: Emerging Issues & Challenges
Credit IV
1. Classification of Settlements.
2. Theories of the Morphological Structure of Cities: Concentric Zone, Sector Theory, Multi- Nuclei
3. Social Area Analysis Model & Exploitative Model.
4. Origin of Towns & Cities.
5. Settlement & Environmental Interface
Suggested Readings:
1. Bhende, A.A. and Kanetkar, T., Principles of Population Studies, Himalayan, 1978.
2. Bose, A. (ed.)., Population in India’s Development, 1947-2000. Vikas Publications, New Delhi, 2001.
3. Carter, H., The Study of Urban Geography, Edward Arnold, London, 1975.
4. Daniel, P., Geography of Settlement. Rawat Publications., Jaipur and New Delhi, 2002.
5. Ehrlich, P.R. and Ehrlich, A.H. , Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment. 6th ed. W.H. Freeman
and Company, San Francisco, 1996.
6. Eidt, R. C., Singh, K. N. and Singh, Rana, P.B., (eds.), Man, Culture and Settlement. Kalyani Publishers., New
Delhi, 1977
7. Ghosh, S., A Geography of Settlements. Orient Longman, Kolkata, 1999.
8. Hudson, F. S., A Geography of Settlements. MacDonald and Evans, New York, 1976.
9. Mitra, A., Report on House Types and Village Settlement Patterns in India. Publication Division, Govt. of
India, New Delhi, 1960.
10. Mosley, M.J., Rural Development: Principles and Practice. Sage Publication, London, 2005.
11. Oliver, P., Dwellings. The House across the World. University of Texas, 1987.
12. Singh, K.N. and Singh, D.N., (eds.) Population Growth, Environment and Development. EDSC, Varanasi,
13. Singh, R.Y., Geography of settlements. Rawat Publications., Jaipur and New Delhi, 2003.
14. Srinivasan, K, and Vlassoff, M., Population Development Nexus in India: Challenges for the New Millennium.
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001.
15. Woods, R., Population Analysis in Geography, Longman, London, 1979.
1. Agricultural Geography: Development & Approaches
2. Factors Affecting Agriculture: Physical, Socio-economic, Environmental, Technological & Institutional
3. Cropping Pattern, Diversification, Specialization & Commercialization of Crops
4. Agricultural Productivity & Production: Measurement & Determinants
5. Regional Variation in Agricultural Productivity
1. Agricultural Systems of the World: Whittlesey’s Classification
2. Agricultural Land Use Model: Von Thuenen, Modification and Relevance
3. Agricultural Regions of India: Agro-climatic & Crop Combination Regions
4. Problems of Indian Agriculture: Management and Planning
5. Food Security & Food Aid Programmes in India, Food Deficit & Surplus Regions, Nutritional Index
Suggested Readings:
1. Hussain, M., Systematic Agricultural Geography, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 1996.
2. Ilbery. B. W., Agricultural Geography, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985.
3. Singh, J. and Dhillon, S.S., Agricultural Geography, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1984.
4. Singh, Jasbir., Agricultural Geography, 3rd edition, Oxford, New Delhi, 2003.
5. Symons, L., Agricultural Geography, G. Bells, London, 1967.
6. Grigg, D.B., The Agricultural Systems of the World: An Evolutionary Approach, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1978.
7. Morgan, B.W. and Munton, J.C., Agricultural Geography, Methuen, London, 1971.
8. Shafi, M., Agricultural Productivity and Regional Imbalances, Concept, New Delhi, 1984.
9. Singh, Jasbir., Dynamics of Agricultural Change, Oxford, New Delhi, 1990.
10. Tarrant, J.R., Agricultural Geography, Davis and Charles, Newton Abbot, 1974.
11. Whealler, K.E., Ladley, A.M. and Leong, F.C., Studies in Agricultural Geography, Bland Educational,
London, 1970.
1. Watershed: Meaning. Concept and Characteristics
2. Watershed: A Planning Unit
3. Watershed Delineation
4. Watershed Codifications
1. Watershed Management: Concept and Approaches, Integrative and Consortium Approach
2. Watershed Management Strategies. Preventive and Restorative
3. Watershed Modeling
4. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Watershed Studies
Suggested Readings:
1. Asish Ghosh., Natural Resource Conservation and Environmental Management, APH Publishing Corporation,
Ansari Road New Delhi, 2003.
2. M.K. Maitra., Watershed Management Project Planning, Development and Implementation, OMEGA Scientific
Publishers, 2001.
3. S. Chandra., Water Resources of Himalaya in Himalayan Ecosystem, Ed DN Tiwari IBD Dehradun,1995.
4. S.S. Negi., Natural Resource Management in the Himalayas-Land Water and Environmental Management, APH
Publishing Corporation, Ansari Road New Delhi, 2003
5. T.N. Khoshoo., Environmental Priorities in India and Sustainable Development, 1986.
1. Soil: An Introduction
2. Factors Influencing Soil Formation
3. Processes of Soil Formation – Soil Profile
4. Physical and Chemical properties of Soil
1. Soil Classification- Zonal Scheme
2. USDA System of soil Classification
3. Soil Loss Models-USLE, RUSLE
4. Soil Conservation and its Significance
Suggested Readings:
1. Daniel Hillel., Soil in the Environment; Crucible of Terrestrial Life, Academic Press, 2007.
2. Edward J. Plaster; Soil Science & Management, Delmar Cengage Learning; 6th edition, 2013.
3. Garrison Sposito., The Chemistry of Soils, Oxford University, 1989.
4. James B. Nardi., Life in the Soil: A Guide for Naturalists and Gardeners, University of Chicago Press, 2007.
5. Nyle Briday., The Nature and Properties of soil, Macmillon Publishing Company USA 1990.
1. Land Use Planning: Concept, Objectives & Principles
2. Land Use Planning: Methods & Techniques
3. Land Use Planning for Sustainable Land Management (SLM)
4. Hazard Sensitive Land Use Planning
5. Land Use Planning in India & Legal Provisions
1. Factors Governing Land Utilization
2. Drivers of Land Use Changes
3. Land Capability Classification
4. Land Suitability, Land Sensitivity & Land Reclamation
5. Rural & Urban Land Use Planning
Suggested Readings:
1. Edward S. Kaiser and F. Stuart Chapin, 1957, Urban Land Use Planning, 4th Edition.
2. Hok-Lin Leung, 2003, Land Use Planning Made Plain, University of Toronto Press.
3. Jane Silberstein, M.A., and Chris Maser, 2013, Land-Use Planning for Sustainable Development, Second Edition,
CRC Press.
4. John Randolph, 2004, Environmental Land Use Planning and Management.
5. Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer and Thomas E Roberts, 2003, Land Use Planning and Development Regulation
Law, Thomas West.
6. Philip R. Berke, David R Godschalk, 2006, Urban Land Use Planning, 5th Ed., University of Illinois Press.
7. T. William Patterson, 1979, Land Use Planning, Techniques of Implementation, Van Nostrand Reinhold
1. Development: Concept & Measurement
2. Rostow’s Stage Theory of Growth
3. Growth Pole Theory
4. Regional Income Inequality Model
5. Core Periphery Model
1. Measurement of Levels of Regional Development & Disparities
2. Construction of Composite Index
3. Levels of Regional Development & Disparities in India with special Reference to J&K
4. Planning Initiatives for Balanced Regional Development in India
5. Emerging Corridors of Development in India
Suggested Readings:
1. Mehta, A., Economic theory and Planning, University Oxford Press, 1974.
2. Mishra, R.P., Regional Planning and Development, Heritage Publishers, New Delhi, 1990.
3. Mishra, R.P., Regional planning Concepts, Techniques, Policies and Case Studies, Concept Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 1992.
4. Mumford, Lewis., The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects 1972.
5. Siddhartha, K., Models in Regional Planning, Kasalaya Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
6. Siddhartha, K., Regional Planning of India, Kasalaya Publications, New Delhi, 2007.
7. Singh, R.L., India- A Regional Geography, National Geographical Society of India, Varanasi, 2003.
8. Sundram, K.V., Geography and Planning, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1985.
9. Todara, Michel P., and Smith, Stephen, C. Economic Development (12th ed.), Pearson Publishers, 2014.
1. Introduction to Oceanography
2. Ocean Bottom Relief
3. Waves & Tides
4. Ocean Currents & Salinity
5. Sea Surface Temperature & Ocean Conveyer Belts
1. Oceans as Store-houses of Non-conventional Sources of Energy
2. Ocean Hazards: Tsunami & Cyclone
3. Law of the Sea & Exclusive Economic Zone
4. Climate Change & Oceans: Ocean Acidification & Coral Bleaching
5. Recent Technologies in Ocean Bathymetry
Suggested Readings:
1. Davis, R.J.A., Oceanography-An Introduction of the Marine Environment. Win C. Brown, Lowa, 1986.
2. Douglas A. Segar., Introduction to Ocean Science, Wadsworth Pub., London, 1998
3. Grald, S., General Oceanography-An Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980.
4. Hussain, T. and Tahir, M., Oceanography, Jawahar, New Delhi, 2012.
5. Hussain Majid, Physical Geography, Anmol Publications, 2007
6. King, C.A.M., Oceanography for Geographers, Earnold, London, 1975.
7. Kings, C.A.M., An Introduction to Oceanography, McGraw, New York, 1969.
8. Paul R. Pinet, Oceanography, Jones and Bartelett Publishers, 1998. .
9. Siddhartha, K., Oceanography-A Brief Introduction, Kisalya Pub., New Delhi, 2013.
10. Singh, S., Physical Geography, Prayag Pub., Allahabad, 2013.
11. Strahaler, A.H., Introducing Physical Geography, Wiley Pub, 2013.
12. Trujillo, A.P & Thurnman, H.V., Essentials of Oceanography, Prentice Hall, 2016.
13. Trujillo, A.P. & Thurnman, H.V., Introductory Oceanography, Prentice Hall, 2010.
Credit I
1. Definition and system approach in hydrology
2. Groundwater: origin, occurrence, quality and movement
3. Aquifers and types
4. Rainwater Harvesting Models
Credit II
1. Drainage basin as a hydrological unit (Indus System)
2. Runoff: controlling factors- infiltration, evaporation and transpiration
3. Hydrological analysis: unit hydrograph- derivation of unit hydrograph
4. Interlinking of Indian rivers- Problems and Prospects
Suggested Readings:
1. Andrew D. Ward and Stanley Trimble., Environmental Hydrology (2nd ed.), Lewis Publishers, 2004.
2. Chow V.T., Applied Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co, 1988.
3. Hendriks Martin., Introduction to Hydrology. Oxford University Press, London, 2010.
4. Patra K.C., Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Narosa Publishing House, 2010.
5. Jain S.K., Agarwal P.K. and Singh V.P., Hydrology and Water Resources of India, Springer, The
Netherlands, 2007.
6. Raghunath H.M., Hydrology, Newage International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
7. Shaw E.M., Hydrology in Practice, 3rd Ed, Routledge, 2004.
8. Singh V.P., Elementary Hydrology, Prentice Hall, Englewood, New Jersey, 1993.
9. Suresh R., Watershed Hydrology, Standard Publishers Distributors, New Delhi, 2005.
10. Ward A.D. and Elliot W.J. (eds.) Environmental Hydrology, Lewis Publishers, 1995.
11. Madan Mohan das and Mimi Das Saikia., Hydrology, Prentice Hall of India, 2013.
12. Timothy, Davie., Fundamentals of Hydrology, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, U.K. 2003.
13. Todd, D.K., Groundwater Hydrology. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2009.
Credit I: ASIA
1. Relief
2. Climate
3. Drainage
4. Population – Distribution, Density & Growth
Suggested Readings:
1. Clark, Earl & Danel Rockman Bergsmark., Modern World Geography, J.B. Lippincott Company, 2009.
2. Bradley, John Hudgon., World Geography; Gin & Co.
3. Gautam, Alka., Regional Geography of the World, 2018
4. Khullar, D. R., World Geography, Acess Publishing, 2016.
5. Kumar, Mahesh., World Geography, Cosmos Publications, 2020
6. Hussain, Majid: World Geography; Rawat Publication, 2012.
7. Hussein, Majid., Indian and World Geography, 5th Ed. TataMcGrah Hills, New Delhi, 2020
8. Sharma, Vivek and Singh, Deepika, Magbook India and World Geography, Arihant Pubilcations, 2020
9. Simon Adams: Geography of the world; Dorling Kindersly, 2006.
Credit I
1. Research, Scientific Research-Concept & Characteristics, Approach to research
2. Identification of the Problem, Assessing the status of the Problem.
3. Formulating the objectives, preparing the design, experimental or otherwise.
4. Literature Review
1. Concept of Hypothesis.
2. Hypothesis Formulation.
3. Types of Hypothesis.
4. Hypothesis Testing.
1. Types of sources material- Primary, secondary & experimental data.
2. Generation of primary data & its methods- Sampling
3. Designing of structured questionnaire, Validation of questionnaire, Processing & Analysis of Data.
5. Report writing – Format, Citations, Design of Chapters, Inferences, Findings and Conclusion,
Bibliography & Webliography.
1. Philosophy and Methodology in Geography
2. Recent research approaches in Geography
3. Scientific explanation in geographical research and types of explanations.
4. Concept, meaning & Framework of Models.