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Solar Gas Compressor Wet Seal

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NOTICE: Technical Letters are proprietary to Solar Turbines Incorporated, P.O. Box 85376, San Diego, CA 92186-5376.
The information in these Technical Letters shall not be used in any communication with a customer or third
parties. Only qualified Solar Personnel should attempt the described procedures. Personnel not trained to Solar
standards, or use of material not meeting Solar’s Engineering and Quality Control Standards may cause or result
in damage to the equipment or bodily injury.

NUMBER: 13.2/103
ISSUED: August 2000


Functional description of Wet Seal Systems and assistance in trouble shooting

Solar standard wet seal systems underwent several evolutionary changes since the introduction of
the first Solar compressors. This Technical Letter summarizes and explains the changes introduced
in the last 20 years in a general way.

The Technical Letter discusses basic principals rather than specific hardware and should be used
together with Service Bulletin 13.2/109, which is still reasonably current.

The following changes in the seal oil/ buffer gas system were introduced after the release of
S.B.13.2/109 and were not discussed in that bulletin:

• Introduction of dry seals

• Splitting the seal oil / buffer gas drain into a suction and discharge system (two each traps
per compressor).
• Relocation of the Seal Oil Regulator sensing point from trap input to trap output (para. 4.1)

None of these changes alters the basic principal of the seal oil/ buffer gas system as described in


NUMBER: 13.2/103
1.1) Conventional wet seals
1.2) Dry gas seals
3.1) General information
3.2) Basic system designs
3.2.1) "Throttling type" buffer gas system
3.2.2) "By-pass type" buffer gas system
3.3) Source of buffer gas
3.3.1) Compressor discharge used as buffer gas
3.3.2) True external buffer gas supply (sweet gas system)
3.3.3) Balance piston outboard cavity leak gas
3.4) Regulator reference point
3.4.1) Balance piston outboard cavity sensing
3.4.2) Buction pressure reference and "modes" of operation
3.4.3) Balance piston return line sensing
3.4.4) Old "by-passing" type buffer gas system without external gas supply
3.5) Buffer gas flow paths
3.5.1) Buffer gas supplied by an external source
3.5.2) Internal balance piston leak gas used as buffer gas
3.5.3) Gas absorbed in seal oil
3.6) Old by-passing type buffer gas system
3.6.1) Operation
3.6.2) Advantage
3.6.3) Disadvantage
3.6.4) Modern system


NUMBER: 13.2/103
4.1) Trap pressure sensing
4.2) Suction pressure sensing
5.1) General
5.2) Quality of oil/gas separation
5.3) Filter Coalescer
5.4) Trap float valve and oil drain orifice
5.5) Number of traps
5.6) Trap gas output orifice
5.7) Drain line between capsules and trap(s)
7.1) Current system
7.2) Older Solar compressor sets
8.1) Excessive trap gas flow
8.2) Missing buffer gas flow
8.3) Restricted buffer gas flow (elevated trap pressure or blocked buffer gas return line)
8.4) Flow reversal in "seal mix out" line
8.5) Eductor effect
9.1) Seal oil regulator reference
9.2) Balance piston outboard pressure
9.3) Nominal regulator settings
9.4) Buffer gas regulator
9.5) Balance piston gas return line
9.6) Old, tall seal oil trap
9.7) Orifice size in Trap gas "out" line
9.7.1) Buffer gas referenced to balance piston outboard cavity


NUMBER: 13.2/103
9.7.2) Buffer gas referenced to suction pressure
9.8) Re-referencing the buffer gas regulator sensing line
10.1) Existing packages
10.2) Additional wet seal improvements
10.3) Dry seals


Most Solar Compressors use bearing and seal assemblies (commonly called capsules or bearing
and seal capsules) on both sides of the rotor shaft. In order to prevent the escape of process gas
along the shaft ends, a sealing device is used.

Until the middle of the 1980’s, conventional wet seals were used exclusively. Since this time, an
increasing amount of new gas compressors are equipped with dry seals.

This Technical Letter is limited to wet seals and dry seals are not further discussed.

1.1) Conventional wet seals:

In wet seal systems, high-pressure oil (seal oil) is being injected into each bearing and seal assem-
bly at a pressure above the process gas pressure. This seal oil prevents the escape of gas into the
atmosphere or the lube system.

A gaseous medium ("buffer gas"; usually natural gas) is then used in a similar way to prevent the
migration of the seal oil into the compressor and to avoid any contact between seal oil and process
gas (process gas may be heavy or sour). Part of the seal oil and the buffer gas mix inside the capsule
and are then routed to an external device (trap) for separation and recycling.

Solar compressors use large seal oil and buffer gas flows when compared with products from other
manufacturers. Large seal oil flows increase the amount of oil exposed to buffer gas and more oil
must be cleaned in the degassing tank. However, large buffer gas and seal oil flows indicate large
seal clearances. Large clearances make a compressor less sensitive to contamination introduced
with the process gas. Solar compressors with wet seals are therefore often found in gas "gathering"
applications near a well head, where a marginal and changing process gas demands tolerance to
contamination of all kind.

For a full seal system write up and matching flow sketches see Service Bulletin 13.2/109; para.3.4.2.

1.2) Dry gas seals:

Dry gas seals depend on face contact of axial seal plates to avoid the escape of process gas. In a
stationary compressor, the face seals are physically contacting and seal near perfect. In a rotating


NUMBER: 13.2/103
compressor, the axial seal plates are forced slightly apart by their own pumping action. A small
percentage of seal gas continuously leaks past the seal plates and is vented to atmosphere or to a
flare system. Due to the very tight clearances between the seal plates, the seal gas must very clean.
An external gas supply (seal gas) is used to provide this clean dry gas. Additional fine filters must
be installed into this seal gas supply line even when "pipeline quality" gas is used.

See Technical Letter TL 10.0/103 and Product Information Letter (PIL) 140 for general information
regarding dry seals and information about cleaning of dry seals. Further information can also be
found in the "Failure Analysis" report STD129, "Gas Compressor Dry Gas Seal Contamination".
The report can be found on Solar’s Intranet Homepage under:

• Departments (top of page)

• Customer Services
• Technical Support
• Failure Analysis

See the Operation and Maintenance Manuals for further information and recommendations for trou-
ble shooting of dry seal systems.


2.1) Purpose
All radial compressor wheels produce axial thrust. This thrust can be taken up in a large thrust
bearing or can be compensated internally by stacking wheels back to back (often done in pumps).
Solar compressors utilize a balance piston for thrust compensation. A pressure differential across
a piston on the rotor counteracts the axial thrust produced by the compressor wheels. Discharge
pressure from the last compressor wheel acts on the inboard side of the balance piston. Some of this
gas leaks past the balance piston labyrinth seals into the balance piston outboard cavity. From this
cavity the leak-gas is routed back to the suction port via an external line (balance piston gas return
line). The balance piston gas return line must be large enough to accommodate the whole balance
piston leak gas flow with minimal losses. Due to the flow losses in the external balance piston gas
return line and the connectors, the pressure in the balance piston outboard cavity is slightly above
suction pressure (para. 2.3).

The lowered pressure in the balance piston outboard cavity not only produces axial thrust, but also
simplifies the seal system design. The high compressor discharge pressure is not seen by the seal
system. The process pressures acting upon the suction and the discharge capsules are nearly iden-
tical. A single seal oil regulator and a single buffer gas regulator can be used to supply the seals for
both capsules.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
2.2) Operation:
The pressure differential between balance piston inboard and outboard cavity multiplied by the
wetted area (annular balance piston cross-section) produces the axial thrust compensating force,
pushing the rotor towards the discharge capsule. By choosing a suitable balance piston diameter,
the designer can influence the residual axial forces on the compressor rotor. Solar normally "over-
compensates" its rotors, making the balance pistons larger than necessary to compensate the thrust
from the compressor wheels. The balance piston pushes the rotor towards the discharge capsule.

In most Solar compressors, the thrust bearing is installed in the suction capsule. Under normal
running condition and thrust direction, a Solar compressor therefore runs on its inboard thrust

2.3) Outboard cavity pressure

The pressure in the balance piston outboard cavity is floating and varies depending on suction pres-
sure, pressure ratio, balance piston labyrinth seal condition and size of the external balance piston
return line.

In Solar compressors with acceptable seal clearances (not necessarily new), the balance piston out-
board pressure is about 5 to 30 PSID above suction pressure. This pressure can be considerably
higher in compressors with high suction pressures and/or high-pressure ratios.

Small compressors in high ratio applications (e.g., the final C160 compressor in a tandem applica-
tion) are prone to high balance piston outboard cavity pressure. The large pressure drop across the
balance piston labyrinth seals produces high flow rates. This increased flow generates considerable
pressure losses in the return line due to the limited size of the capsule ports and the balance piston
gas return line.


3.1) General Information:

3.1.1) PURPOSE:
The buffer gas system prevents the contact of seal oil with process gas by injecting a gaseous buffer
medium (buffer gas) into the compressor capsules. The pressure of this buffer medium is regulated
to a level above the process gas suction pressure.

A small pressure drop from the injected buffer gas pressure to suction pressure enforces a flow of
buffer gas past labyrinth seals into the compressor interior and prevents the escape of process gas.
The amount of buffer gas flowing into the compressor interior is minimized by carefully regulating
the buffer gas supply pressure to a value just above the process gas pressure.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
In all newer Solar packages, an external supply of gas is fed to a throttling type buffer gas regu-
lator. This regulator senses the process gas reference pressure (suction pressure or balance piston
outboard pressure) and reduces (throttles) the external gas supply to a value of 15 to 20 PSID above
this reference pressure.


• Most of the buffer gas injected into a compressor capsule flows underneath the "Inboard
Labyrinth Seal" into the gas compressor interior and mixes with the process gas. The
direction of flow into the compressor is especially important, when the process gas is
heavy or toxic (sour gas) and the escape of process gas into the lube system or into the
atmosphere must to be prevented (see 3.4.1).
• A small part of the injected buffer gas flows in an outward direction across the "Outboard
Labyrinth Seals" and prevents the entry of seal oil into the compressor interior. This stream
of buffer gas comes into contact and mixes with some of the seal oil. The seal oil / buffer
gas mixture is removed from the capsules and is fed to external separators (traps) to be
split again and recycled. The buffer gas flow across the outboard labyrinth seals must be
controlled between tight limits:
• A minimum gas velocity of 10 feet/sec (3 m/s) must be maintained across the labyrinth
seals in order to sweep any residual oil on the shaft or seals back to the drain cavity. A
small pressure drop of 1 to 2 PSID only is sufficient to achieve this velocity.
• To ensure full separation of the seal oil / buffer gas mixture in the trap(s), the buffer gas
volume must be limited and the flow velocity cannot exceed a certain threshold value.


As stated above, a differential pressure of 1 or 2 PSID is enough to achieve the correct buffer gas
flow and velocity across the outboard labyrinth seals. Regulating a differential pressure to such a
small value is difficult and requires specialized equipment, especially since the reference pressure
itself varies greatly from compressor to compressor and during compressor pressurization.

To avoid potential control problems, Solar uses simple regulators set at a differential pressure of
15 to 20 PSID. The excess pressure is reduced in additional orifice(s) installed in series with the
labyrinth seals.

• In newer packages, the flow limiting orifice(s) are installed in the buffer gas return line
between the trap(s) and compressor suction. They elevate the trap and capsule drain
pressures to 6 to 12 PSID above suction pressure.
• Older Solar compressor packages use small hand valves (needle valves) or check valves as
flow limiting devices in the trap gas output line (check valves have a fixed pressure drop
regardless of flow).


NUMBER: 13.2/103
The buffer medium (buffer gas) can be bottled nitrogen, externally supplied sweet gas, specially
filtered process gas or, in the simplest case, raw process gas taken off the compressor discharge
line. Raw process gas may require filtration.

Solar compressors with wet seals are relatively insensitive to buffer gas quality. Large oil seal
clearances require increased seal oil flows, but make the seal system insensitive to unfiltered or
marginally filtered buffer gas.

3.2) Basic system designs:

"Throttling type" buffer gas system with "external" gas supply (Figure 1 and 2): All Solar compres-
sors built since about 1980 use a "throttling type" buffer gas system. The system consists of a throt-
tling type differential pressure regulator and a supplemental gas supply. The system is sometimes
called "external buffer gas system", since the source of the buffer gas is external to the compressor
capsules. If not specially mentioned, all descriptions in this Technical Letter refer to this system.
Variations of the "throttling type" buffer gas system exist in the field:

• The source of buffer gas may be external or internal (see 3.3)

• Different dP regulator reference points are being used (see 3.4)

Figure 1 Throttling Type Buffer Gas System With "External" Gas Supply


NUMBER: 13.2/103
Figure 2 Buffer-Gas System With Two Traps


"By-pass type" buffer gas system with internal buffer gas supply (Figure 3 and 4): Solar Turbines
Inc. used this arrangement successfully for many years on older packages with smaller compressors
and lower pressure ratios.

The process gas is contained without the use of an external buffer gas supply. Internal compressor
leak-gas taken from the balance piston outboard cavity is used as buffer gas. This arrangement cuts
down on parasitic losses by eliminating the need of an external buffer gas source. Since process gas
is used as buffer gas and comes into direct contact with seal oil, the system can be used only on
compressors handling sweet process gas. See para. 3.6 for a full description of this system.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
Figure 3 By-Pass Type Buffer Gas System

Figure 4 By-Pass Type Buffer Gas System


NUMBER: 13.2/103
3.3) Source of buffer gas
A "throttling type" buffer gas regulator may be fed directly from the compressor discharge header.
This source of buffer gas eliminates additional valves and no gas supply lines external to the pack-
age are required. The system can only be used if the process gas is clean and sweet, since some of
the gas comes into direct contact with seal oil (e.g., pipeline applications). Additional filtering of
the gas might be required in some instances.

When compressor discharge gas is used as buffer gas, the gas buffering
system does not work during turbine start up and during low speed op-
eration. The compressor by-pass valve is open during this time and the
compressor discharge pressure is low. Not enough discharge gas pressure
is available for complete buffering and some seal oil will find its way into the
interior of the compressor (oil consumption).


The use of a completely independent external buffer gas source requires a throttling type buffer
gas system. Additional on-skid equipment (shut-off valve and controls) and an external supply of
buffer gas (sweet gas) is required in this configuration.

Applications for "true" external buffer gas systems:

• The system is used if sour or untreated process gas mandates sweet gas buffering to avoid
the escape of any process gas and to avoid the contact between process gas and seal oil. For
full protection, the buffer gas regulator must be referenced to balance piston output pressure
(see 3.4.1).
• "Pressurized hold".
The auxiliary seal oil pump must operate if a customer wants to keep a compressor
pressurized after a package shut down. In most cases, the slow accumulation of seal oil
inside the compressor cannot be tolerated. The buffer gas system must remain operable
during this time. An external source of gas (e.g., from a common discharge header)
must be used as buffer gas to prevent the entry of seal oil into the compressor interior.
Unfortunately, most of the externally supplied buffer gas will enter the compressor interior,
slowly increasing the pressure in the isolated compressor and associated piping.
Equalize the pressure before a package re-start or keep the loading valve open during the
whole "pressurized hold" to "lock" the compressor pressure to suction pressure.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
• Balance piston leak gas is used as buffer gas when a package is equipped with the old style
by-pass-type buffer gas system (see 3.6). By using balance piston leak gas as buffer gas, the
parasitic losses are minimized and the compressor efficiency is increased (balance piston
leak gas is being re-circulated anyhow). The efficiency increase is especially important in
small, low flow compressors where the buffer gas flow may be a considerable part of the
whole throughput.
• Throttling type regulator with suction pressure sensing.
The buffer gas supply pressure is fixed in relationship to the suction pressure. In a new
compressor, externally supplied buffer gas is flowing underneath the inboard buffer gas seal
into the balance piston outboard cavity.
As the balance piston labyrinth seals wear, the balance piston outboard cavity pressure
raises. At some point, this raising balance piston pressure begins to exceed the buffer gas
supply pressure. The discharge capsule inboard buffer gas flow reverses and balance piston
outboard cavity leak gas starts to supply part or all of the buffer gas (see 3.4.2, Modes 3
and 4). Despite the external buffer gas supply line, the buffer gas used internally is actually
supplied by balance piston leak gas.
Basically, the system works now identical to the old style by-pass-type regulator described

Only a small part of the total balance piston leak flow passes under the
inboard buffer gas labyrinth seals from the balance piston outboard cavity
into the buffer gas cavity. Most of the balance piston leak gas still returns
from the balance piston outboard cavity directly to suction via the external
balance piston leak gas return line.

3.4) Regulator reference point:

Throttling type buffer gas regulators can be referenced to several different sensing points:


The outboard cavity of the balance piston is the most conservative pressure reference point for the
buffer gas regulator and is used on all newer Solar gas compressors.

The highest process gas pressure seen by either the suction or the discharge capsule seals is in the
balance piston outboard cavity (balance piston backpressure). To avoid the escape of process gas,
the buffer gas regulator is referenced to this balance piston outboard cavity. This guarantees that the


NUMBER: 13.2/103
buffer gas pressure is always above the pressure in the balance piston outboard cavity. The positive
pressure differential enforces a flow of buffer gas into the compressor at all times and prevents the
escape of process gas. See para. 3.5.1 for a description of the different buffer gas flow paths.

All Solar gas compressors built since about 1980 are equipped with a static balance piston out-
board cavity pressure sensing port to allow balance piston backpressure sensing (1/8" NPT tap on
discharge side of compressor).

Balance piston backpressure sensing is especially effective when combined with a true external
buffer gas system and an external sweet gas supply (see 3.3.2). The system guarantees, that sweet
gas is forced into the compressor at all times and the contact of wet, heavy or sour process gas with
seal oil (or the escape of this gas into the atmosphere) is prevented. As long as the required buffer
gas pressure does not exceed the limits of the sweet gas source, the arrangement reliably prevents
any contact between seal oil and process gas and the escape of process gas into the atmosphere.


High compressor ratios or worn balance piston seals increase the balance piston outboard cavity
pressure and raise the buffer gas regulator reference pressure. The regulated buffer gas pressure
raises to remain above reference pressure. This increases the differential pressure between buffer
gas and suction pressure and therefore increases the buffer gas flow. At a certain flow rate through
the outboard labyrinth seals, the "seal mix out" lines and the trap(s), the trap(s) cease to separate
the seal oil from the gas and the compressor starts using oil (see 8.1).


Earlier Solar compressor sets use suction pressure as reference for the throttling type buffer gas
regulator (Figure 2). Several high ratio compressors have also been converted to this system to
prevent oil consumption (see 9.8):

When the process gas is of pipeline quality, buffer gas is normally supplied directly from the com-
pressor discharge (para 3.3.1). Buffer gas and process gas are identical and it is not mandatory that
the buffer gas pressure remains above the process gas pressure under all circumstances. The buffer
gas regulator can safely be referenced to suction pressure.


The buffer gas regulator output pressure is controlled to 20 PSI above suction pressure regardless of
the pressure in the balance piston outboard cavity. When the pressure in the balance piston outboard
cavity increases (high pressure ratio, labyrinth seal wear), the buffer gas pressure regulator does not
sense the change and the buffer gas pressure supplied by the regulator does not increase. Buffer
gas flow does not increase and the gas / oil separation in the trap(s) is not affected.

Depending on balance piston outboard cavity pressure, the system may operate in any one of four
different modes:


NUMBER: 13.2/103
• Mode 1
Balance piston output cavity pressure below buffer gas pressure: In this mode of operation,
the system works identical to the one with balance piston sensing (3.4.1). All flows and flow
directions in the buffer gas seals are as described under 3.5.1.
• Mode 2
Balance piston output cavity pressure equal to buffer gas pressure: When the balance piston
backpressure increases to buffer gas pressure, the differential pressure across the inboard
buffer gas seal (labyrinth seal) in the discharge capsule disappears and all gas flow across
the labyrinth seal stops.
In theory, the labyrinth seal could overheat or could clog due to the missing self-cleaning
effect. No actual problem has ever been observed due to this theoretical shortcoming.
• Mode 3
Balance piston output cavity pressure slightly above buffer gas pressure: When the pressure
in the balance piston outboard cavity starts to exceed the buffer gas pressure, the direction
of flow in the inboard buffer gas labyrinth seal of the discharge capsule reverses (discharge
capsule only!). Part of the buffer gas is now supplied by process gas, leaking from the
balance piston outboard cavity backward through the inboard labyrinth seal. As long as
the process gas is clean and sweet, this flow reversal is harmless and may not be detected.
The correct direction of flow across the outboard buffer gas seal (to prevent the entry of
oil) is still maintained.
Buffer gas regulator instability might be observed when operating in this condition, since
the buffer gas regulator operates near its fully closed position.
• Mode 4
High balance piston output cavity pressure (considerably above buffer gas pressure): If the
balance piston labyrinth seals wear further and the balance piston outboard pressure rises
considerably above the desired buffer gas pressure, the throttling type buffer gas regulator
shuts off completely. All buffer gas is now supplied by balance piston leak gas. Even the
buffer gas used in the suction capsule is supplied by the balance piston outboard cavity
through reverse flow in the buffer gas supply line to the discharge capsule.
The buffer gas regulator is fully closed and the buffer gas pressure does not respond to
changes in the regulator setting.
The system works now identical identical to the "old", bypassing type buffer gas system
described in para. 3.4.4.
See para. 3.5.2 for a full description of the individual buffer gas flow paths.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
Old Solar gas compressors have no static balance piston outboard pressure-sensing tap. A true sweet
gas system with a throttling type buffer gas regulator and static balance piston outboard cavity
sensing is therefore not possible.

If compensation of the balance piston outboard cavity pressure is important (3.4.1), the external
balance piston gas return line can be used as reference for the buffer gas regulator. The sensing
tap should be as near as possible to the balance piston gas exit port (compressor discharge side)
to compensate for the pressure losses in the external gas return line. Obviously, the system cannot
compensate for port and line losses inside the discharge capsule.


This system has no external buffer gas supply line or throttling type regulator. All buffer gas used
is supplied internally as leak gas from the balance piston outboard cavity. A bypassing type dP
regulator (Rivett valve) artificially elevates the balance piston outboard cavity pressure by 20 PSI
to produce enough leak flow even at low compressor differential pressures.

The system can only be used with compressors handling pipeline quality gas due to the use of
balance piston leak gas as buffer gas. See para. 3.5.2 for a description of the different seal gas flow
paths inside the capsule.

3.5) Buffer gas flow paths:

Throttling type differential pressure (dP) regulators are plumbed to accept externally supplied buffer
gas. The gas may come from a true external source (sweet gas supply) or can be taken directly from
the compressor discharge. These external supplies are used exclusively in the following cases:

• Regulators with balance piston outboard cavity sensing (3.4.1).

• Regulators with suction pressure sensing, as long as the balance piston outboard cavity
pressure is below buffer gas pressure (3.4.2; mode 1).

Gas flow paths:

• Discharge capsule inboard seal:

Buffer gas dP regulator outlet - discharge capsule buffer gas cavity - inboard buffer gas
labyrinth seal - balance piston outboard cavity - balance piston gas return line - compressor
• Suction capsule inboard seal:


NUMBER: 13.2/103
Buffer gas dP regulator outlet - suction capsule buffer gas cavity - inboard buffer gas
labyrinth seal - compressor suction.
• Outboard labyrinth seals (identical for suction and discharge capsule):
Buffer gas dP regulator outlet - suction or discharge capsule buffer gas cavity - outboard
buffer gas labyrinth seal - seal mix out line (together with some seal oil) - seal oil trap(s)
for oil/gas separation - flow limiting orifice(s) - compressor suction.


Compressor discharge gas leaking underneath the balance piston seal is used as buffer gas in both
capsules. Due to line losses in the external lines from the discharge to the suction capsule, the buffer
gas pressure in the suction capsule may be considerably lower than in the discharge capsule.

Applications using internal buffer gas:

• Throttling type buffer gas dP regulator with suction pressure sensing and worn balance
piston labyrinth seals. The balance piston outboard pressure is above the setting of the
buffer gas pressure regulator (3.4.2; modes 3 and 4).
• Old buffer gas systems without external gas supply (3.6). The external buffer gas line is just
a simple connection between suction and discharge capsule buffer gas cavities.

Gas flow paths:

• Discharge capsule inboard seal:

The direction of flow in the inboard buffer gas labyrinth seal is reversed when compared
to para. 3.5.1. Due to the reversed pressure differential, the balance piston outboard cavity
supplies gas into the buffer gas cavity of the discharge capsule. This gas acts now as buffer
gas. If a throttling type buffer gas regulator is used, it may supplement the leak gas or the
regulator may be fully closed.
Flow path:
Compressor discharge - Balance piston labyrinth seals - Balance piston outboard cavity
(back cavity) - inboard buffer gas labyrinth seal - discharge capsule buffer gas cavity.
• Suction capsule inboard seal:
All or part of the buffer gas supplied to the suction capsule is balance piston leak gas flowing
externally from the discharge buffer gas cavity to the suction buffer gas cavity. The direction
of flow in the external buffer gas supply line to the discharge capsule reverses if a throttling
type buffer gas regulator is used.
Flow path:


NUMBER: 13.2/103
Compressor discharge - Balance piston labyrinth seals - Balance piston outboard cavity
(back cavity) - discharge capsule inboard buffer gas labyrinth seal - discharge capsule buffer
gas cavity - external buffer gas supply line (reversed flow in the discharge part of the lines
if throttling regulator is used) - suction capsule buffer gas cavity - suction capsule inboard
buffer gas labyrinth seal - compressor suction.
• Outboard labyrinths (identical for suction and discharge capsule):
From suction or discharge capsule buffer gas cavity (see above) to: - outboard buffer gas
labyrinth seal - seal mix out line (together with some seal oil) - seal oil trap(s) for oil/gas
separation - flow limiting orifice(s) - compressor suction.


A minute amount of buffer gas is being absorbed by the seal oil and is not being released until the
oil is de-pressurized and reaches the degassing tank. Due to the low pressure when released, this
gas cannot be returned to compressor suction and is vented from the degassing tank to atmosphere
or to a flare.

3.6) Old bypassing type buffer gas system: (Figure 3 and 4)

The buffer gas system works without an external gas supply and uses balance piston leak gas as
buffer gas (3.5.2). The "buffer gas regulator" has a different function and is installed in the balance
piston leak gas return line.

A bypassing type differential pressure regulator ("Rivett" valve) is installed in the external balance
piston gas return line. The regulator has no external sensing line. The "Rivett" valve increases the
pressure drop in the gas return line by an additional 15 - 20 PSID and elevates the pressure in the
balance piston outboard cavity by the same amount. The elevated balance piston outboard pressure
becomes the source of buffer gas and enforces a flow of balance piston leak gas through the buffer
gas system. The system works in exactly the same way as described under para 3.4.2; Mode 4.

The bypassing type buffer gas system with internal gas supply is well suited for smaller compressors
with relatively low flows and/or power. Parasitic losses are minimized since no external buffer gas
supply is required. The system is found mainly on older, smaller compressors driven by Saturn or
Centaur turbines.

The system is only suitable for smaller compressors handling clean process gas due to the following


NUMBER: 13.2/103
• Most of the balance piston leak gas flows through the bypassing-type buffer gas regulator
back to suction. This gas flow can exceed the regulator flow capacity on larger compressors
and can lead to high buffer gas differential pressures.
• The buffer gas regulator setpoint is not adjustable.
• Process gas is used as buffer gas.
• Insufficient buffer gas pressure is available in low ratio machines due to the low pressure of
the buffer gas source.
• The balance piston outboard cavity pressure is elevated and reduces the internal thrust
This pressure increases even further when the compressor ratio increases or when the
balance piston seal wears.
A high balance piston outboard cavity pressure can lead to the following problems:
• Reduced thrust load compensation and possibility of overloading the thrust bearing.
• Increased buffer gas flow and risk of oil consumption due to the increased trap gas flow.
• Risk of flow reversal in the seal mix out line from the suction capsule and possible oil
consumption (see 8.4).


In the early 1980’s, the bypassing type buffer gas system was replaced on all new packages with a
throttling type system. The wider operating range and the availability of sweet gas buffering favor
the throttling type system despite the slightly lower efficiency.

Service Bulletin 13.2/109 recommends a change to an external buffer gas system, if seal oil con-
sumption cannot be controlled in a package with the old type system. For best results, two seal oil
traps should be used.


The seal oil system prevents the escape of gas (process or buffer gas) into the lube oil system or
into the atmosphere. The principal of operation is similar to the buffer gas system:

Two carbon seal rings are installed into each capsule as oil seals. The rings are located on the com-
pressor rotor outboard of the buffer gas labyrinth seals. Seal oil at a pressure above the highest
gas pressure seen inside the capsules is supplied by external pump(s) and is injected into the space
between the carbon rings.

• Seal oil leaking underneath the outboard carbon seal ring towards the bearing and the
compressor exterior enters an atmospheric drain where it mixes with lube oil coming from


NUMBER: 13.2/103
the bearing. This mixture of used seal oil and lube oil drains directly back to the main
lube oil tank.
• Seal oil flowing past the inboard carbon seal ring (in direction of the compressor interior)
enters the capsule "seal mix drain cavity". This drain cavity remains at a pressure slightly
above suction pressure. In this cavity, the seal oil meets and mixes with buffer gas flowing
in the outboard direction. The seal oil / buffer gas mixture is collected and routed to the
external seal oil trap(s) for separation and recycling.

A differential pressure regulator with an external reference pressure sensing line maintains the seal
oil pressure at a level slightly above reference pressure. To prevent the collection of seal oil or other
liquids in the regulator or the sensing line, the regulator should be installed above the pressure sens-
ing port and the sensing line should have a continuous downwards slope away from the regulator.
Different seal oil regulator reference pressures can be found on Solar compressors.

4.1) Trap pressure sensing:

In order to contain process and buffer gas inside the compressor under all circumstances, the seal
oil pressure supplied to the capsules must be above the adjacent drain cavity pressures at all
times (seal mix drain cavity on the inboard side). The positive differential pressure enforces an oil
flow into the compressor and prevents the exit of gas.

The seal mix drain cavities are the ideal reference point for the seal oil pressure regulator, but are
not directly accessible. However, the trap(s) are directly connected to those cavities and the pressure
differential between the two is minimal. The trap(s) are therefore used as seal oil pressure regulator
reference point on all Solar compressor packages built in the last 15 years.

• Newer packages use the buffer gas return line after the seal oil trap (trap gas out line before
the throttling orifice) as reference point for the seal oil regulator. The oil / gas mixture has
been stripped (separated) at this point and the reference gas is free of oil, preventing sensing
line contamination.
If two traps are used, the trap serving the discharge capsule has normally a slightly
higher pressure and is the preferred reference point. All newer compressor packages use a
pneumatic "high pressure selector" (shuttle valve) in the seal oil regulator sensing line and
automatically select the higher of the two trap pressures as reference point.
• Service Bulletin 13.2/109 handles packages with one trap only. It recommends the use
of trap input pressure as seal oil regulator reference point. Though basically correct, this
recommendation must be used carefully.
Seal oil regulator instability may be experienced if the regulator sensing line fills with oil.
The sensing line should branch off from the trap input line in an upward direction and
should avoid low points. Figure 21 in Service Bulletin 13.2/109 is a bad example.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
If instability problems persist, the sensing line connection should be relocated to the gas
output side of the trap (before the orifice or hand valve).

4.2) Suction pressure sensing:

This reference pressure was used on early Solar packages in combination with bypassing type buffer
gas regulators (3.6). The system works reliably, as long as gas pressures and pressure ratios remain
modest (e.g., pipeline compressors). However, since the seal oil pressure is fixed in relation to suc-
tion pressure, there is no built in compensation for increasing buffer gas pressures (high compressor
ratio; balance piston wear).

Any increasing pressure in the balance piston outboard cavity will increase the buffer gas pressure.
The increasing buffer gas pressure in turn will elevate the trap and seal-mix-out-cavity pressures.
The elevated seal-mix-out-cavity pressure might eventually exceed the seal oil pressure (which re-
mains fixed to suction pressure in this system), blowing gas through the oil seals and into the lube
oil drain system.

Service Bulletin 13.2/109 from September 1982 urges all users with this type of equipment to
modify the system to trap pressure sensing. See Service Bulletin 13.2/109 for further descriptions,
modification procedures and pressure settings before and after the modification.


5.1) General
Seal oil and buffer gas leaving the capsules as a mixture is separated again in the external seal oil
trap(s). The velocity of the incoming oil/gas mixture (mostly gas when measured by volume) is
lowered inside the trap(s) to such an extent (large volume and cross section), that the tiny liquid oil
droplets cannot stay in suspension any longer and fall out.

Additionally, the seal oil/buffer gas mixture is separated inside the trap(s) by centrifugal action,
as the incoming oil/gas mix is deflected into a tangential flow path around the interior wall of the
trap. The heavier oil particles are thrown against the wall by centrifugal force and cannot reach the
buffer gas exit at the top center of the trap (small, new style trap).

• The stripped buffer gas returns to the compressor suction line via a gas flow limiting orifice
and joins the process gas stream.
• The separated seal oil collects at the bottom of the trap and is periodically drained to the
degassing flue / tank by a float mechanism.

5.2) Quality of oil/gas separation

Any increase in buffer gas flow increases the gas velocity inside the trap. The gas velocity will fi-
nally reach a threshold, above which the separation of oil and gas is no longer effective. Oil droplets


NUMBER: 13.2/103
in suspension are carried back to compressor suction together with the returning buffer gas and the
compressor starts "using oil".

Most of the oil droplets carried by the returning gas are so fine, that they cannot be seen in the sight
glass(es) installed in the trap gas return line(s).

5.3) Filter Coalescer

For many years, Solar used a tall seal oil trap with internal filters and coalescers to assist in the
formation of droplets and to increase the liquid fall out rate inside the trap.

Experience indicates, that the intended effect is minimal. The filter/coalescer assembly requires
frequent maintenance, increases the risk of filter blockage (dirty gas) and can be removed from
most traps without noticeable increase in oil consumption. A blocked filter element inside the trap
can actually increase oil consumption, as it increases the pressure drop across the trap and restricts
the outboard buffer gas flow.

Reduced buffer gas flow inside the capsules might allow seal oil to find its way across the buffer
gas labyrinth seals into the compressor interior.

5.4) Trap float valve and oil drain orifice

Inside the trap(s), a mechanically operated float valve controls the level of the separated oil. When
the oil level increases, the float valve opens and drains part of the accumulated seal oil into the
degassing tank. An orifice inside the float valve seat restricts the drain flow.

The float valve must be able to drain the seal oil trap under all existing pressure conditions. Different
drain orifice sizes are used to cover the whole suction pressure range of Solar compressors:

• Packages with high suction pressures produce large differential pressures across the trap
drain orifice. The drain orifice is kept relatively small (3/32" dia.) to ensure, that the limited
upward force of the float (buoyancy) can open the valve at all pressures.
Trap drainage (when the float valve opens) is no problem as long as the compressor is
pressurized. The high differential pressure forces the accumulated seal oil through the orifice
into the degassing tank. The trap might not drain properly if the auxiliary seal oil pump
operates whilst the compressor is de-pressurized. Even if the float valve opens, process gas
pressure is missing to drive the accumulated seal oil through the relatively small drain orifice
into the degassing tank. It is likely that the trap remains flooded, spilling seal oil into the
compressor interior.
• Lower suction pressures (900 PSI max.) mean lower differential pressures across the trap
drain orifice. The drain orifice is larger (3/16" diameter) to ensure, that all the accumulated
seal oil drains through the orifice. The buoyancy of the float is sufficient to open the drain
valve under all conditions, since differential pressures remain relatively low.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
The trap drain valve must seat tightly to maintain a minimum oil level inside the trap. The level
must remain between the two sight glasses on the trap.

The oil remaining inside the trap acts as a seal and prevents the escape of process gas into the de-
gassing tank. When removed from the trap, a correctly adjusted float valve pushes the drain valve
plug (small sphere) into its seat (drain orifice) whilst both lever arms rest horizontally without
touching each other or the base-plate.

5.5) Number of traps

Newer Solar compressor packages are equipped with individual traps for the suction and discharge
capsule of each compressor. Two traps give lower gas velocities inside the traps and make the sys-
tem more versatile. Each of the outboard buffer gas streams can find its individual pressure level
and its own steady state operation without influencing the other side.

Some Solar packages with two traps per compressor use the discharge trap pressure as reference
point for the seal oil regulator. In most applications, a shuttle valve automatically selects the trap
with the higher pressure as reference point (see also 4.1).

5.6) Trap gas output orifice

An orifice in the trap gas output line restricts the gas flow and elevates the trap pressure. This
lowers the available pressure drop across the capsule outboard buffer gas labyrinth seals and limits
the buffer gas flow. Older packages with seal oil consoles use a hand valve instead of a fixed orifice.

5.7) Drain line between capsules and trap(s)

The lines between the seal mix out cavities and the external trap(s) should be short (pressure loss)
and should have a continuous downward slope towards the trap(s). This ensures a smooth two-phase
flow of the gas/oil mixture into the trap(s) and prevents the collection of oil in low points (P-trap).

Some customers rely on an overhead tank to guarantee a seal oil flow to the compressor during
emergency shutdowns. Before a gas compressor can be pressurized, the overhead tank must be
filled with seal oil (identical to lube oil in most of Solar’s applications). The overhead tank must
contain enough seal oil to allow a safe compressor depressurization without the help of an auxiliary
seal oil pump.

During normal package operation, the overhead tank is nearly full with seal oil. Only a small volume
of gas remains inside the tank at the top. Since the seal oil pressure and therefore the overhead
tank pressure must track the gas compressor suction pressure; the small volume of gas inside the
overhead tank is connected to the compressor discharge trap (reference point). In this way, the
overhead tank follows all suction pressure changes.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
In order to guarantee a positive seal oil flow to the compressor capsules under all operating condi-
tions, the overhead tank pressure must be equal to (or may be higher than) the reference pressure
at all times. In case of loss of all seal oil pumps, the static head of the oil column from the com-
pressor center line to the overhead tank adds to the overhead tank pressure, guaranteeing a seal oil
pressure above the reference pressure (when measured at the compressor shaft elevation).

As explained in chapter 4.1) the seal oil trap(s) are the logical reference point for a seal oil system
in a wet seal system. Consequently, the discharge trap pressure is used as reference point for the
pressure in the overhead tank.

A float valve in the overhead tank keeps the oil level (and therefore also the volume of the residual
gas pocket) constant. A gas line from the reference point (discharge trap gas return line before
the orifice) to the top of the overhead tank ties the tank pressure to reference pressure and allows
process gas to enter and exit the overhead tank.

In the overhead tank, process gas comes into direct contact with seal oil. Overhead tanks are there-
fore only acceptable in compressor applications with clean and dry process gas (pipeline applica-

Gas is a compressible medium. Since the oil level and the volume of the gas pocket in the overhead
tank remain constant, gas must flow in and out of the overhead tank during suction pressure changes
to compensate for the changes in gas density. The residual gas volume in the overhead tank is kept
small and the interconnecting gas line is relatively large to increase the system response time.

• During all suction pressure increases (e.g., compressor pressurization), the volume of
the residual gas pocket in the overhead tank tends to decrease. The seal oil pump cannot
instantly replace this lost gas volume with oil from the lube oil tank. A large check valve
allows process gas (coming from the reference point) to enter the overhead tank and
rapidly replenish the shrinking gas volume. As a result, the overhead tank pressure follows
the compressor reference pressure and the oil level remains practically constant.
• During slowly decreasing suction pressures, the gas in the overhead tank expands slightly
and lowers the seal oil level. The float valve opens and let some gas escape through its
output orifice to the reference point and back to compressor suction.
• During rapid gas compressor depressurizations (e.g., a package trip), the gas in the overhead
tank cannot escape fast enough through the float valve orifice. The tank pressure temporarily
exceeds the reference pressure. The seal oil differential pressure and therefore the seal oil
flow increase during this critical period of rapid compressor decompression, preventing any
escape of gas. During this time, the buffer gas system is unstable and some seal oil might
enter the compressor interior. However, preventing oil consumption is clearly of secondary
importance during this critical time.
• When filling the overhead tank with oil during start up, gas will exit the overhead tank
and will flow back to the reference point through the float valve orifice. Once the tank is


NUMBER: 13.2/103
nearly full with oil, the float valve closes and prevents the further escape of gas. Compressor
pressurization may now be initiated and process gas will start to flow back into the overhead
tank (see suction pressure increase above).


7.1) Current system

All newer Solar wet seal systems are equipped with a degassing tank or flue. Seal oil returning from
the gas compressor is collected in this tank to rest and degas before returning to the lube oil tank.
Residual buffer gas absorbed in the seal oil separates out of the oil and is vented to atmosphere.

Seal oil and buffer gas meet under high pressure in the "seal-mix-drain" cavity of the capsule. At
high pressures, the seal oil absorbs some of the buffer gas. Lighter components of the absorbed gas
flash out of the oil during de-pressurization in the exit of the seal oil trap.

In the degassing flue, this "flash-gas" has time to separate from the oil, coalesce and rise to the sur-
face. To remove the gasses, the degassing flue requires an atmospheric vent piped to a safe location
or to a common flare. A "flame arrestor" must be installed into this vent line not more than 15 feet
from the end of the line.

Light, sweet "pipeline-quality" gas (mainly Methane) separates readily from the seal oil even in a
simple degassing flue. If heavier hydrocarbon components are present in the buffer gas (wet, heavy
wellhead gas), a simple degassing flue or tank is not sufficient to remove those components from
the oil. The heavy components must to be driven out of the seal oil in the degassing tank by heat,
vacuum, agitation or sparging:

• Heating the degassing tank is the easiest way to drive heavier gasses out of the seal oil.
Unfortunately, a considerable amount of additional hardware (heater, temperature and level
switches etc.) together with the necessary controls is required to heat the oil in a safe way
and to avoid the danger of exposing the heating elements to the air-gas mixture above the
oil level.
• Vacuum chambers are very effective in driving residual gases out of the seal oil. True
vacuum chambers are not used by Solar due to their complexity and due to the relatively
large amount of oil to be cleaned. However, simple extraction fans are often installed into
the degassing tank vent line to lower the tank pressure.
• Agitation is not normally used by Solar.
• If required, sparging is used in combination with a degassing tank heater and extraction fan
and is very effective. Finely dispersed air or light sweet gas "bubbles" are injected into the
oil at the bottom of the degassing tank. During their slow rise through the hot seal oil, the
air or sweet gas bubbles drive the heavier gases out of solution and coalesce with them into
larger "bubbles", which rise to the surface and burst.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
The sparging air or gas flow must be controlled tightly and kept below a certain level to
avoid foaming in the degassing tank.

7.2) Older Solar compressor sets

Older packages are not equipped with degassing tanks. Seal oil returning from the trap is routed
directly into the lube oil tank. During package operation, gas released from the returning seal oil
mixes with large amounts of air coming from the turbine (labyrinth seal leakage) and is harmlessly
carried to the atmosphere via the lube oil tank vent.

Gas released from the oil tank after the engine is shut down might accumulate in poorly vented
areas of the tank and might increase the gas concentration in the tank above a safe level. A maximum
concentration of 25 to 40% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) is normally considered safe. The gas
concentration in the tank will increase if the compressor is pressurized without turbine operation
(package start up or pressurized hold) or if a heavy gas is used as buffer gas.

Centaur compressor set packages built between 1974 and 1982 without a degassing tank or flue are
most prone to high gas levels in the lube oil tank. Lube oil tank purge kits and/or degassing tanks
and flues are available as retrofit kits if problems are encountered with this design.

High gas concentrations in the lube oil tank during package start up are not always coming from
the compressor. Pneumatic starters operating on gas may leak gas into the accessory drive box and
into the tank. Inspect / replace the starter output shaft seals.

For further information see Service Bulletin 6.0/120.


Increased seal oil consumption is always a result of either missing or of excessive buffer gas flow.
As mentioned in para. 5.2), the velocity of gas flowing through the trap(s) is critical in avoiding oil
carry over. The limiting orifice(s) in the gas return line(s) from the trap(s) to compressor suction
control this flow. Refer to the seal oil schematic supplied with each package to determine the opti-
mal orifice size for your style compressor and your operating conditions. The orifice(s) are sized for
compressors with "healthy" (not necessarily new) labyrinth seals. Correctly sized orifices maintain
the necessary buffer gas flow across the outboard labyrinth seals, but are not so big as to exceed
a maximum gas flow through the trap(s). The orifice size(s) might have to be changed, if the seal
clearances or the operating conditions of the compressor change drastically.

Older packages with seal oil consoles use a 1/4" needle valve in the trap gas out line to limit the
buffer gas flow instead of a fixed orifice.

Reasons for seal oil consumption:


NUMBER: 13.2/103
8.1) Excessive trap gas flow:
Newer packages with throttling type buffer gas differential pressure regulators and balance piston
outboard cavity pressure sensing (reference point) are sensitive to this condition:

• An elevated balance piston outboard pressure in a gas compressor (due to balance piston
labyrinth seal wear or a small, restricting balance piston gas return line) not only increases
the internal gas recirculation and decreases the compressor efficiency, but also elevates
the reference pressure used by the buffer dP regulator. As a result, the buffer gas regulator
increases its output pressure in order to maintain a fixed pressure above this reference
pressure (increased buffer gas supply pressure).
• The increased buffer gas supply pressure increases the dP and flow across the inboard
labyrinth seal in the suction capsule, wasting buffer gas. (The pressure drop and flow across
the inboard seal of the discharge capsule is kept constant by the buffer gas dP regulator.)
• The buffer gas flow across the outboard labyrinth seals increases, raising the gas velocity
in the labyrinth seals, the seal mix out lines and in the seal oil trap(s).
• The flow increase in the seal oil trap(s) prevents the complete separation of the seal oil/buffer
gas mixture. Oil is carried back to compressor suction with the returning buffer gas.
• To correct the root problem, the balance piston outboard cavity pressure (backpressure)
must be lowered by replacing the balance piston seal or by increasing the balance piston gas
return line. As a short-term fix, the increased oil consumption can probably be corrected by
decreasing the size of the orifice in the trap output.

8.2) Missing buffer gas flow:

This condition exists during start up on packages using discharge gas as supply to the throttling type
buffer gas regulator (and also in old units using a bypassing type buffer gas system). As long as
the compressor recirculation valve is open (by-pass valve), the compressor builds little discharge
pressure and there may be not enough pressure available to supply the buffer gas regulator. The
buffer gas differential pressure is low and insufficient gas flow exists across the buffer gas labyrinth
seals. Seal oil can migrate across the buffer gas seals (against the normal direction of gas flow) into
the inside of the compressor.

Normally, less than one Gallon of oil is lost during a package start up. The actual oil consumption
depends on the length of operation without the minimum discharge pressure necessary to generate
sufficient buffer gas flow.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
8.3) Restricted buffer gas flow due to elevated trap pressure or
blocked buffer gas return line
A compressor might consume oil, because the trap output orifice is too restrictive, preventing suf-
ficient buffer gas flow across the outboard labyrinth seals. (The needle valve in older tandem pack-
ages might be too far closed). A plugged coalescer or filter element in the tall, old style trap has
the same effect.

The trap input pressure and the pressure in the seal mix out cavities are elevated to such a point, that
the gas flow across the outboard buffer gas labyrinth seals drops below a minimum value or stops
completely. Seal oil can migrate against the normal gas flow path into the compressor interior.

Increase the trap output orifice size and/or completely remove the coalescer and filter element in
the tall, old style trap.

8.4) Flow reversal in suction capsule "seal mix out" line:

In gas compressors with older buffer gas systems and one trap only, buffer gas flow reversal may
happen in the suction capsule only:

At risk are compressors with by-passing type buffer gas systems or throttling type regulators with
suction reference, single traps and high balance piston outboard pressures. Process gas leaks from
the balance piston outboard cavity into the discharge capsule, increasing the buffer gas pressure in
this capsule. The throttling type buffer gas regulator (if existing) is fully closed and the buffer gas
flow to the suction capsule comes from the discharge capsule instead of the buffer gas regulator
(3.4.2, operating Mode 4).

Due to line losses in the connectors and the interconnecting buffer gas line, the buffer gas pressure
in the suction capsule can be considerably lower than the pressure in the discharge capsule.

The orifice in the "trap gas out" line may restrict the gas flow through the trap to such an extent,
that the trap pressure exceeds the buffer gas pressure in the suction capsule (the discharge capsule
is still fed from the balance piston outboard cavity). This prevents the drainage of the suction "seal
mix out" cavity and forces seal oil into the compressor interior.

The flow in the "seal mix out" line from the suction capsule to the "tee" upstream of the trap re-
verses. Part of the oil/gas mixture flowing from the discharge capsule to the trap bypasses the trap
and flows from the "tee" directly to the suction capsule and into the compressor interior.

8.5) Eductor effect:

In rare cases, excessive labyrinth seal clearance of the inboard buffer gas seal may cause oil carry-
over. The buffer gas flow into the compressor increases greatly when this seal wears. Depending on
the geometry of the seal exit inside the compressor, the increased gas flow can act like an eductor,


NUMBER: 13.2/103
decreasing the pressure in the buffer gas cavity and pulling oil from the seal oil system into the
buffer gas stream.

Increasing the buffer gas pressure to correct the oil consumption problem will only worsen the
situation in this case, since even more gas is flowing through the eductor, increasing its effect.


Though the recommendations listed below are arranged in the correct order of urgency, they are not
intended to be fixed, "cook-book" type troubleshooting steps. The list should assist with a logical
approach of an oil consumption problem and should help in understanding the complete wet seal

Before proceeding further, all equipment and instrumentation must be properly maintained and in
fully operational condition (compressor labyrinth and carbon seals, differential pressure regulators,
flow regulators, seal oil trap(s), gauges and transmitters etc.). See the Operation and Maintenance
Instructions for information regarding the service of individual components.

If a gas compressor with wet seals still uses oil after servicing the individual components, the basic
principals discussed in previous chapters must be applied. Eliminating compressor oil consumption
always means restoring the correct flows and directions of flow in the different buffer gas and seal
oil paths.

9.1) Seal oil regulator reference

Before any corrections/adjustments are attempted on the buffer gas system, the seal oil regulator
must be referenced to a pressure upstream of the orifice in the trap gas out line (see para. 4.1 and
Service Bulletin 13.2/109). The trap or the trap-input line are acceptable reference points, as long
as the sensing line to the seal oil regulator has the required upwards slope.

9.2) Balance piston outboard pressure

Measure the pressure drop in the balance piston leak gas return line: The condition of the balance
piston labyrinth seal is of major importance for proper operation of a gas compressor. Increased
balance piston leakage not only drastically increases the internal recirculation and decreases the
compressor efficiency, it also affects the thrust load and the performance of the buffer gas/seal

Monitoring the static pressure in the balance piston outboard cavity gives valuable information
about the health of the labyrinth seals. The pressure is typically about 5 to 30 PSID above suction
pressure, but can climb considerably higher on gas compressors with worn balance piston seals
and/or high suction pressures or pressure ratios. Service Bulletin 13.2/106B limits the balance pis-
ton outboard cavity pressure to 50 PSID (C28 = 30 PSID only) in order to protect the thrust bear-
ing. Certain high ratio/low flow machines (e.g., some C160 compressors) can run successfully with


NUMBER: 13.2/103
higher differential pressures, but the thrust load has to be checked individually in this case (depends
on compressor staging).

All newer Solar compressors are equipped with a static balance piston pressure sensing tap, even
when the connection is not used as buffer gas pressure reference point. Any seal oil system trouble
shooting should begin by measuring this pressure as a differential pressure to suction. The same
gauge can afterwards be used to measure the differential pressure between trap(s) and suction (nor-
mally around 6 to 12 PSID). Based on these measurements, the operation of the seal oil/buffer gas
system can be evaluated and, if required, correcting action initiated.

9.3) Nominal regulator settings

Check the settings of the seal oil and the buffer gas regulator. Consult your Seal Oil System
Schematic and Service Bulletin 1.3.2/109 for recommended settings.

• Please observe, that packages with the seal oil dP regulator referenced to trap pressure are
allowed to operate with lower seal oil regulator dP settings compared to packages with
suction pressure reference (e.g., 12 PSID instead of 20 PSID, if the alarm and shut down
switches permit).
• A throttling type buffer gas dP regulator should be set to about 20 PSID, if suction pressure
referencing is used. Is the regulator referenced to balance piston outboard pressure, a
differential pressure setting of 15 PSID is sufficient.

There is no mandatory relationship between buffer gas differential pressure and seal oil differential
pressure. It cannot be generally stated that the buffer gas dP must be higher than the seal oil dP (or
vice versa).

9.4) Buffer gas regulator

On systems with throttling type buffer gas regulators, vary the settings of the external buffer gas
regulator and observe the results. Does the differential pressure react? How is the oil consumption
being affected? If suction pressure sensing is used, in which mode is the unit operating? (see 3.4.2)
Use paragraph 8) as aid to find the next step in troubleshooting.

9.5) Balance piston gas return line

Increase the size of the external balance piston leak gas line if necessary. The standard 3/4" tube
used in may older packages is just not large enough!

9.6) Old, tall seal oil trap

Remove the filter and the filter/coalescer from the old, tall trap and observe the results. It is possible,
that these filters plug up, increase the dP and elevate the trap pressure.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
9.7) Orifice size in Trap gas "out" line
If a compressor is equipped with a throttling type buffer gas regulator and balance piston outboard
cavity pressure sensing, try first to decrease the size of the trap output orifice. A smaller orifice
elevates the trap pressure and reduces the available differential pressure between the buffer gas
regulator output and the seal oil trap(s). This limits the gas flow through the labyrinth seals and the
trap(s) and decreases the gas velocity. The new orifice size is not critical, but obviously the orifice
size reduction should be done in reasonable steps only (para. 8.1). Never fully close the buffer gas
return line from the trap(s) to suction.


If your system uses a throttling type buffer gas regulator referenced to suction pressure or if your
compressor uses a by-passing type buffer gas system, first increase the size of the trap output ori-
fice. The trap pressure might be elevated and might restrict the buffer gas flow in the capsules (para.
8.3). Alternatively, a flow reversal could exist in the suction capsule (para. 8.4). Since increasing
the size of the trap output orifice increases the gas flow (and velocity) through the trap (which in
itself can be a reason for increased oil consumption), the increase in orifice size should be done in
small increments only.

9.8) Re-referencing the buffer gas regulator sensing line:

This modification is a last chance modification and is acceptable only on compressors processing
sweet pipeline gas:

To solve a chronic seal oil consumption problem, the reference point for a throttling type buffer gas
regulator may be moved from balance piston outboard pressure (see 3.4.1) to suction pressure (see
3.4.2). The regulator setpoint has to be increased from 15 PSID to about 20 PSID if referenced to
suction pressure.

This modification lowers the buffer gas supply pressure by lowering the reference point. A lower
supply pressure lowers the gas flow (and velocity) across the buffer gas system labyrinth seals and
the trap(s), increasing the chances for proper separation of the gas/oil mixture in the trap.

After re-referencing, all or part of the buffer gas might be supplied by internal leak gas (process
gas) rather then by the external regulator. The modification can therefore only be considered on
compressors using discharge gas as buffer gas or when the process gas is sweet, light, clean and

The modification works best on high ratio machines or on compressors with an elevated pressure in
the balance piston outboard cavity. Due to the new reference point, the buffer gas supply pressure
is fixed to 20 PSID above suction pressure and is not affected, when the balance piston outboard
pressure increases.


NUMBER: 13.2/103
The balance piston outboard cavity pressure should be carefully monitored after this modification,
since the buffer gas pressure will not change any longer to compensate for increased balance piston
seal leakage.

Increased balance piston outboard cavity pressure always indicates re-
duced compressor efficiency. Increased balance piston back-pressure also
affects the thrust load. After first decreasing, the thrust load reverses and
starts to load the normally unloaded axial bearing.


Newer Solar packages include improvements which make the seal oil / buffer gas system less sen-
sitive to above problems.

The main goal is always to enforce the correct flow of seal oil and buffer gas under all circumstances
and to improve the seal oil/ buffer gas separation in the trap.

10.1) Existing packages:

Over the years, many seal system modifications have been incorporated into Solar compressors:

• Trap exit sensing for seal oil regulator (before orifice)

• Seal oil regulator sensing line branches off in an upward direction
• Throttling type buffer gas system
• Use balance piston back pressure as reference for the buffer gas regulator to increase safety
• Install two traps to allow each capsule / trap system to find its own optimum pressure
• Install larger traps to decrease gas velocity
• Shuttle valve to select the higher of the two trap pressures as seal oil reference pressure
• Increase the size of the balance piston gas return line and the internal ports to reduce the
line losses and lower the balance piston outboard cavity pressure

10.2) Additional wet seal improvements:

Ideally, the buffer gas and seal oil systems for suction and discharge capsules should be completely
separated (separate traps, buffer gas regulators, overhead tanks etc.). Obviously, economical rea-
sons limit these possibilities. The introduction of separate seal oil traps for both capsules was a big


NUMBER: 13.2/103
step in the right direction and improved the system to such a level that further modifications cannot
be justified.

10.3) Dry seals

The trend to use dry seals instead of the traditional wet seals goes on. Dry seals are now available
for most Solar compressors.


NUMBER: 13.2/103

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