Essential Nursing Procedures Assignment - 092039
Essential Nursing Procedures Assignment - 092039
Essential Nursing Procedures Assignment - 092039
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There are 4 basic lumens a PA CATH consist of.
PCWP Measurement is indicated in confirming the
1. White-Proximal Infusion port – is a vascular
diagnosis of pulmonary arterial hypertension,
lumen that is the most proximal port. Used to
assessing the severity of mitral stenosis, for measuring
infuse fluids or
the key hemodynamic parameters and to assess10. The empty syringe will be reconnected to the
client’s response to therapy. However, this syringe gate port. The, syringe gate port will be left
contraindicated to client’s with Right-sided
endocarditis and Tumors or masses on the right side 11. The nurse will select “Edit wedge” smart key. Then,
of the heart. edit wedge at end expiration of respiratory cycle.
PROCEDURE ON OBTAINING A PULMONARY 12. Then, the nurse will store the pressure by pressing
CAPILLARY WEDGE PRESSURE “store wedge” smart key when cursor is in correct
Equipment: position.
9. Document effectiveness of and tolerance to • Suctioning can stimulate the vagal nerve,
suctioning. Change closed suction system weekly predisposing the patient to bradycardia and
and place provided sticker determining next change hypoxia.
• Hypoxia can be profound from occlusion,
OPEN VS CLOSED SUCTION interruption of oxygen supply, and prolonged
There is some indication that using a closed suction • Mucosal trauma, physical injuries, and
technique can assist in shortening the de-recruitment bleeding can result from blunt or penetrating
period of mechanical breathing in newborns. trauma.
Centers for Disease Control. (2002). Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-
related infections. MMWR, 51(RR10), 1-26.
Matthew Ball Abhishek Singh.(2023). Care of A Central Line. National Library of Medicine.
RegisteredNurseRN. (2016, August 3). Chest tubes nursing care management assessment
NCLEX review drainage system
Wagner (2023). Chest Tube Insertion Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan.