PCV Vetlearn
PCV Vetlearn
PCV Vetlearn
CVP Monitoring
Supplies needed
• Extension set • Tape
• Three-way stopcock • CVP manometer
• 250-ml bag of isotonic fluids • Heparinized saline flush
• 20-ml/drop intravenous line • Level, with rolled gauze tied to each end
• Attach the intravenous line to the bag of fluids, and run the zero mark on the manometer and pull the other end
the fluids through the line, leaving no air bubbles. parallel to the thoracic inlet of the patient.
• Attach the stopcock to the end of the fluid line. • When the level is showing accuracy, tape the manome-
• Attach the extension line to the opposite end of the ter to the side of the cage.
stopcock. • Open up the extension line.
• Attach the manometer to the upright part of the stop- • The fluid level in the manometer will equilibrate with the
cock. pressure in the vena cava.
• Fill the manometer and the extension set with the intra- • The level will fluctuate during respirations or heartbeats;
venous fluids. if there is no fluctuation, the catheter may not be in far
• Turn off the intravenous fluids. enough.
• Use heparinized saline to flush the jugular catheter. • After the level has settled, record the measurement in
centimeters (cm).
• Make sure the extension set is clamped, and then attach
it to the jugular catheter. • A minimum of three readings should be recorded.
• Place the patient in lateral recumbency, and make sure • It is important to note the position of the patient in
the zero mark of the manometer is level with the right the cage when readings are made; a change in posi-
atrium. Using a level, pull one end of the gauze strip to tion could create inaccurate readings.