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VW 50123 en

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Group standard VW 50123

Issue 2022-04
Class. No.: 55154

Descriptors: TPA, TPC, TPE, TPO, TPS, TPU, elastomer, thermoplastic, thermoplastic elastomer

Thermoplastic Elastomers
Quality Requirements

Previous issues
VW 50123: 2000-10, 2005-04, 2007-10, 2015-09, 2022-03

The following changes have been made to VW 50123: 2022-03:
a) Section 2.2 „Type groups“: Short designations of TPS adapted
b) Table 1, consec. no. 7 and Table 2, consec. no. 4: Test speed corrected (200 mm/min instead
of 50 mm/min)
The following changes have been made to VW 50123: 2015-09:
a) Standard completely reworked

1 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 2
2 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Thermoplastic elastomers .......................................................................................... 2
2.2 Type groups ............................................................................................................... 3
3 Designation ................................................................................................................ 4
4 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 4
4.1 General requirements ................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Properties ................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Manufacture ............................................................................................................... 5
5 Requirements for the properties ................................................................................. 6
6 Notes on testing ....................................................................................................... 11
6.1 DSC .......................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Heat aging ................................................................................................................ 11
6.3 Notched impact strength .......................................................................................... 11
6.4 Plastic deformation ................................................................................................... 12
6.5 Low-temperature resistance ..................................................................................... 12
6.6 Lightfastness ............................................................................................................ 12
6.7 Bond strength ........................................................................................................... 12

Always use the latest version of this standard.

This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. A comma is used as the decimal sign. Page 1 of 18
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version controls.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent
of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments. | internal
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2021-11
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6.8 Resistance to media ................................................................................................. 12

6.8.1 Aging in gasoline ...................................................................................................... 12
6.8.2 Aging in diesel fuel ................................................................................................... 13
6.8.3 Aging in engine oil .................................................................................................... 13
6.8.4 Aging in grease ........................................................................................................ 14
6.8.5 Aging in transmission fluid ....................................................................................... 14
6.8.6 Blow-by resistance ................................................................................................... 15
6.8.7 Aging in coolant ........................................................................................................ 15
6.8.8 Hydrolysis resistance ............................................................................................... 15
7 Applicable documents .............................................................................................. 16
Appendix A List of released materials ......................................................................................... 18

1 Scope
This standard contains quality requirements for materials that are based on thermoplastic elasto-
mers (TPE) and are intended for motor vehicle parts.
Technical Supply Specification TL 52697-C applies to the use of F-TPV (thermoplastic elastomer
made of ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer [ETFE] hard phase and fluorocarbon rubber [FKM]
soft phase) as the inner layer of elastomer hoses for diesel particulate filter (DPF) applications.
TL 52706-B, C, or D applies to the use of F-TPV as the inner layer of elastomer hoses designed for
conveying fuels.

2 Definitions

2.1 Thermoplastic elastomers

Thermoplastic elastomers are elastomers that have a flow transition at temperatures greater than
the application range.
These elastomers are multi-phase materials that contain hard and soft segments as blocks in the
main chain or hard segments grafted as side chains on flexible base chains. The soft segments
form the movable areas necessary for the rubber elasticity. The cross-linked areas of these materi-
als are relatively easy to split by means of heat and thus limit the characteristic rubber-elastic appli-
cation at higher temperatures. The thermoreversible cross-linking of TPEs allows for thermoplastic-
like processing.
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2.2 Type groups

Some selected common material designations as per DIN EN ISO 18064 are presented below.
These must be specified in the drawing note; see section 3.
Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) > TPU-ARES <
(aromatic hard segments/ester soft segments)
(aromatic hard segments/ether soft segments)
Thermoplastic ethylene propylene diene > TPO-(EPDM+PP) <
rubber (EPDM)/polypropylene (PP) elasto- Non-cross-linked elastomer phases
mer (olefinic thermoplastic elastomer
[TPO] or thermoplastic vulcanizate [TPV])
Cross-linked elastomer phases
Styrenic thermoplastic elastomer (TPS) > TPS-SBS <
Block copolymer consisting of styrene and butadiene
(unhydrated or partially hydrated segment)
or > TPS-SEBS <
Polystyrene-poly(ethylene-butylene)-polystyrene (fully
or > TPS-SEPS <
Polystyrene-poly(ethylene-propylene)-polystyrene (fully
or > TPS-SIS <
Block copolymer consisting of styrene and isoprene
(unhydrated or partially hydrated segment)
Copolyether-ester thermoplastic elasto- > TPC-EE <
mer (TPC)
Copolyester thermoplastic elastomer > TPC-ES <
Copolyether thermoplastic elastomer > TPC-ET <
Polyether block amide thermoplastic elas- > TPA-ES <
tomer (TPA)
Thermoplastic elastomer, compound con- > EVM + TPC-EE <
sisting of ethylene vinyl acetate rubber
(EVM) and TPC-EE
Thermoplastic elastomer, compound con- > ACM + PA6 <
sisting of polyacrylate elastomer (ACM)
and polyamide 6
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3 Designation
Refer to DIN EN ISO 18064 for the designations of thermoplastic elastomers. The designation is
composed of the following parts:
>TPE type class<, >color<, as per Volkswagen standard VW 50123 – >grade< – >resistance
to media<, >hardness range<, >additional properties<
The resistance to media must be taken from table 2. If none of the specified fields of application
apply, the necessary aging stability (if it deviates from the general specification in table 1) and all
relevant contact media along with the aging period and the permissible changes in material proper-
ties must be specified. The additional properties must be defined accordingly and taken from
table 1.
Example of the designation of a black TPC-ET with a preferred hardness of 55 Shore D, a density
of 1,19 g/cm3, a hot air resistance of up to 125 °C for 504 h, a plastic deformation of less than 80%
after 94 h at 125 °C, and a regrind share of 30%:
TPC-ET, black, as per VW 50123 – TPE4-G, 55 Shore D, hot air resistant at 125 °C, plastic
deformation after 94 h at 125 °C ≤ 80%, regrind share of max. 30% of ground material from
the same manufacturing process
Example of the designation of a black TPO used in the interior with a preferred hardness of
55 Shore A, a density of 1,10 g/cm3, and a hot air resistance of up to 100 °C for 504 h:
TPO-(EPDM+PP), black, as per VW 50123 – TPE2-G, 55 Shore A, lightfast

4 Requirements

4.1 General requirements

Approval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen standard VW 01155.
Material conformity as per VW 91101.
The tests must be carried out on specimens from finished parts. If, due to the geometry, the tests
cannot be performed on the part, reference may be made to data sheets or to measurements per-
formed on test panels.
Characteristics measured on finished parts can deviate from standard specifications. The devia-
tions must be agreed upon with the purchaser and, if necessary, noted in the drawing. This must
be taken into special consideration when taking comparative measurements between specimens of
finished parts and test panels for blow-molded parts.
All individual measured values of a measurement series must meet the minimum requirement.
When using an elastomer in connection with an electric/electronic part, VW 80808-1 must be ob-
served in addition, as must the influence, if any, of the elastomer on the current-carrying elements
of the part.

4.2 Properties
The surface of the finished parts must be free of imperfections caused by the manufacturing proc-
ess, such as voids, cracks, cold shuts, or similar. The parts must permit flawless assembly. There
must not be any functional risks or risks of injury for assembly workers due to flash, burrs, or parti-
cle residues coming loose.
The color must be defined in the drawing.
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4.3 Manufacture
The materials are intended for injection molding or blow molding processes. If switching to this
specialized method causes the properties to deviate from the specifications indicated below, this
must be taken into account accordingly and noted in the drawing.
It is permissible to use homogeneous regrind from the initial run of the same manufacturing proc-
ess. The added quantity of regrind must be agreed upon with the purchaser and noted in the draw-
ing. Parts must be validated with the maximum regrind percentage to be expected.
The use of recycled materials (i.e., raw materials from sources external to the process) is only al-
lowed following consultation with the purchaser and must be explicitly noted in the drawing.
VW 50026 applies to the classification of the granular material.
Parts subjected to dynamic loads must be free of recycled materials.
When manufacturing panel material, anisotropic effects (orientation of the macromolecules during
manufacturing) must be expected due to the molding-on process. This will lead to differences in
the mechanical characteristics of strength and elongation depending on the direction of the orienta-
tions. This must be taken into account during testing. For this purpose, specimens must be created
from finished parts or test panels both in longitudinal and transverse directions to the material flow,
and must be tested. Generally, the specimens taken transversely to the direction of orientation of
the macromolecules will have lower strength and elongation values.
Before testing begins, a comparative measurement must be performed both longitudinally and
transversely to the direction of material flow. The orientation direction that is found to have the low-
est mechanical properties must be used for laboratory testing.
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5 Requirements for the properties

The general material characteristics are defined in table 1. In justified cases, deviating limits may be specified in agreement with the purchaser.
The requirements for the resistance to media must be taken from table 2.
If materials from the list of released materials in appendix A are used, then only a reduced test scope is required. This is identified in the „No.“ column
of table 1 and table 2 with the footnote a).

Table 1 – General material requirements

No. Property Unit Requirement
1 Preferred aging temperature
°C 80 100 125 100 150 150 150
or as required in the drawing note
3 Material identification
3.1 Pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrosco- As per sample
py (pyrolysis GC-MS) (only to be performed if the material cannot be unambiguously classified as per DIN EN ISO 18064 on the basis
as per Test Standard PV 3935 of the material data sheet)
3.2 Thermogravimetry As per sample;
as per PV 3927 volatile, non-volatile, and polymer ratios must be specified
3.3 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC),
As per sample
see section 6.1
3.4 Vicat softening temperature As per sample
as per DIN EN ISO 306, method B (only if required in the drawing)
4 Density As per sample
as per DIN EN ISO 1183-1 (tolerance range ±0,02)

5a) Hardness as per DIN ISO 48-4, test period: 15 s

5.1a) As-received condition As per sample

Shore A/D
(tolerance range ±5)
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement

5.2a) After heat aging,

Shore A/D ±5 0 to +5 0 to +3 ±5 0 to +3 0 to +7 0 to +15
see section 6.2

6a) Tensile strength as per DIN 53504, test speed: 200 mm/min

6.1a) As-received condition

N/mm2 - ≥ 2,5 -
(with as-received harness ≤ 50 Shore A)

6.2a) As-received condition

N/mm2 ≥ 30 ≥3 - ≥3 ≥6
(with as-received harness > 50 ≤ 85 Shore A)

6.3a) As-received condition

(with as-received har- N/mm2 ≥ 35 ≥9 ≥ 25 - ≥ 15
ness > 85 Shore A/Shore D)

6.4a) After heat aging,

see section 6.2 N/mm2 - ≥ 2,5 -
(with as-received hardness ≤ 50 Shore A)

6.5a) After heat aging,

see section 6.2 N/mm2 ≥ 25 ≥3 - ≥ 2,5 ≥ 3,5
(with as-received hardness > 50 ≤ 85 Shore A)

6.6a) After heat aging,

see section 6.2
N/mm2 ≥ 30 ≥9 ≥ 15 - ≥ 15
(with as-received hard-
ness > 85 Shore A/Shore D)

7a) Elongation at tear as per DIN 53504, test speed 200 mm/min

7.1a) As-received condition

% - ≥ 300 -
(with as-received harness ≤ 50 Shore A)

7.2a) As-received condition

% ≥ 300 - ≥ 200 ≥ 150
(with as-received harness > 50 ≤ 85 Shore A)
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement

7.3a) As-received condition

(with as-received har- % ≥ 350 ≥ 150 ≥ 350 - ≥ 150
ness > 85 Shore A/Shore D)

7.4a) After heat aging,

see section 6.2 % - ≥ 300 -
(with as-received hardness ≤ 50 Shore A)

7.5a) After heat aging,

see section 6.2 % ≥ 250 ≥ 300 - ≥ 200 ≥ 80
(with as-received hardness > 50 ≤ 85 Shore A)

7.6a) After heat aging,

see section 6.2
% ≥ 300 ≥ 150 ≥ 100 - ≥ 80
(with as-received hard-
ness > 85 Shore A/Shore D)
8 Tear propagation resistance in as-received con-
Only if required in the drawing;
dition N/mm
limits must be defined
as per DIN ISO 34-1, method A
9 Notched impact strength
As per sample
as per DIN EN ISO 179-1/eA and kJ/m2
(only if required in the drawing)
section 6.3

10a) Plastic deformation Only if required in the drawing;

as per PV 3307 and section 6.4 limits must be defined
11 Rebound resilience Only if required in the drawing;
as per DIN 53512 limits must be defined
12 Low-temperature resistance
12.1 Low-temperature elasticity,
No cracks, no fractures
see section 6.5
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Table 1 (continued)
No. Property Unit Requirement
12.2 Freezing temperature
°C Only if required in the drawing „TF ≤ [XX]°C“
as per VDA 675-115:1992-12

13a) Ozone resistance

Except for grade G (see table 2), only if „ozone resistant“ is specified in the drawing;
as per VW 2.8.1, when mounted as for normal
no cracks or fractures

14a) Flammability
mm/min Only if required in the drawing
as per TL 1010
15 Lightfastness,
Except for grade G (see table 2) only if „lightfast“ is specified in the drawing
see section 6.6
15.1 Interior parts No changes compared to the as-received condition, e.g., color change, chalking, and/or crack formation
as per PV 1303 and section 6.6 Gray-scale grade ≥ 4
The light exposure periods must be specified in the drawing. If no definition is supplied, the following applies:
Parts in areas subject to indirect solar radiation: 3 light exposure periods
Parts in areas subject to direct solar radiation: 5 light exposure periods
15.2 Exterior parts No changes compared to the as-received condition, e.g., cracks, stains, coating, delamination, structural
as per PV 3930 and section 6.6 changes, color changes, metamerism, corrosion creepage, gloss changes, fiber showing through on the surface,
glitter effect, tackiness, inhomogeneity, deformation
After 1 year cycle: Gray-scale grade ≥ 4,0, no color changes, no inhomogeneity
After 2 year cycles: Gray-scale grade ≥ 3,5, no color changes, no inhomogeneity

16a) Emission behavior

Only if required in the drawing
as per VW 50180

17a) Bond strength, hard and soft components,

N Only for molded-on TPE seals on a hard component. Bonding strength > tear strength
see section 6.7
a) This is required in the reduced test scope for released materials.
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Table 2 – Requirements for resistance to media

Ambient conditions A T C K E B S H G
Gasoline Engine Grea Blow-by Hydroly- Light and
Diesel fuel mission Coolant
fuel oil se (2 cycles) sis weather
No. Property Unit Requirement
1 Hardness change as per DIN ISO 48-4, test period: 15 s
1.1 After aging in media,
Shore A/D 0 to -15 ±5 ±8 0 to -15 ±5 -
see section 6.8
2 Change in weight
2.1 After aging in media,
% 0 to 30 0 to 15 ±5 ±8 0 to 30 ±5 -
see section 6.8
3 Change in tensile strength as per DIN 53504, test speed: 200 mm/min
3.1 After aging in media,
% ≤ 30 ≤ 15 ≤ 20 ≤ 30 ≤ 15 -
see section 6.8
4 Change in elongation at tear as per DIN 53504, test speed: 200 mm/min
4.1 After aging in media,
% ≤ 25 ≤ 10 ≤ 30 ≤ 25 ≤ 10 ≤ 20 -
see section 6.8

Media and test conditions not specified in table 2 must be specified separately on the part drawing with the medium (the associated standard must be
specified if applicable; otherwise, the product name), aging period, and aging temperature, as well as the criteria that must be fulfilled.
Verifications of the resistance to media may be required, even for released materials, depending on the specific application and in agreement with the
appropriate Materials Engineering department.
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6 Notes on testing

6.1 DSC
The melting temperature must be determined by means of DSC as per DIN EN ISO 11357-1.
If the melting temperature of the material is stated on the technical material data sheet, the heating
temperature must be selected to be 50 K above this temperature, and the cooling temperature
must be 50 K below it.
The following must be specified:
– Ethalpy of fusion
– Melting range (Tm is at the beginning of melting, not the peak maximum.)
– 1 st heating, 1 st crystallization, 2nd heating, and 2nd crystallization curves

6.2 Heat aging

Aging period: 504 h
Aging temperature: As per table 1
The heat aging is performed on a finished part and on specimens. The specimens must be selec-
ted on the basis of the testing instructions for the individual mechanical tests.
The finished part and the specimens are aged for the specified preferred aging period at the prefer-
red temperature in a forced air oven without a fresh air supply as per DIN 53497. Deviations must
be defined in the drawing in consultation with the purchaser.
After aging, the specimens must be conditioned in the standard atmosphere VW 50554 – 23/50-2
for at least 1 h. The reference is a part that is stored in parallel in the standard atmosphere
VW 50554 – 23/50-2.
Deviating temperature requirements or aging periods must be agreed upon with the purchaser and
noted in the drawing.

6.3 Notched impact strength

The Charpy V-notch impact test (impact on narrow side) must be performed as per
DIN EN ISO 179-1/1eA.
If the standard specimen size cannot be prepared from the part, a specimen with a length of
(50 ±1) mm, a width of (10 ±0,2) mm, and a thickness equal to the finished-part thickness (up to
max. 4 mm) may be used; notch type: V-notch; support spacing (support width): 40 mm; test equip-
ment: pendulum impact tester 4 J.
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6.4 Plastic deformation

The plastic deformation must be determined as per PV 3307. However, the following deviating
steps must be observed.
Demolding: Warm (aging temperature), directly after removal from
the oven
Intermediate aging: 30 seconds in the cooling test fixture
Cool-down: Removal from the test fixture and allowing to cool for
2 minutes
Measurement: Measurement of plastic deformation 2,5 minutes after
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the purchaser.

6.5 Low-temperature resistance

The parts must still be elastic after 24 h of low-temperature aging. There must not be any visible
breaking or cracking during the bend test. The specimens' dimensions must be approx.
100 mm × 20 mm; deviating specimens must be agreed upon. The specimens' thickness must not
exceed 2 mm if possible. Gloves and/or vice-grip pliers must be used during the test.
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the purchaser.

6.6 Lightfastness

Interior parts must be tested as per PV 1303 (for light exposure times, see the drawing note).

Exterior parts must be tested as per PV 3930 (1 and 2 year cycles). The samples are cleaned un-
der flowing water with the addition of detergent if necessary.

6.7 Bond strength

For the bond strength test, specimens 2 cm in width must be taken from the respective finished
parts; these specimens must include both the hard component and the soft component (exception:
parts with a soft component encapsulating their entire surface).
The samples are clamped into the tensile testing machine in such a way that one holder is attach-
ed to the soft component and the other to the hard component (oriented parallel to the tensile axis).
Test speed: v = 50 mm/min
Bond strength > tear strength is satisfied if the soft component itself tears (the rest of the soft com-
ponent must still be attached to the hard component).

6.8 Resistance to media

6.8.1 Aging in gasoline

Aging period: 168 h
Aging temperature: 23 °C
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Surface residues (e.g., droplets) must be removed by dabbing with absorbent material before the
measurement. Evaluation must begin 1 minute after removal from the medium. In justified cases,
the evaluation can also be performed 15 min after dabbing. However, this must be agreed upon in
advance and specified in a drawing note.
The fuel aging is performed in a manner that depends on the fuel used in the engine; aging in E85
is on a project-specific basis and must be indicated where necessary and noted in the drawing.
The following test fluids must be used for aging:
– Test fluid as per DIN 51604-2 (FAM B)
– E85 fuel
– 84 volume percent highest-grade ethanol as per German Pharmacopoeia (DAB) 7
– 16 volume percent FAM test fluid as per DIN 51604-1 (FAM A)
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the purchaser.

6.8.2 Aging in diesel fuel

Aging period: 168 h
Aging temperature: 100 °C
The following test fluid must be used for aging:
– Diesel fuel B20
– 80 volume percent standard diesel fuel Liquid F as per DIN ISO 1817;
– 20 volume percent fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) as per DIN EN 14214.
Soy methyl ester must be used as the fatty acid methyl ester component.
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the purchaser.
Surface residues (e.g., droplets) must be removed by dabbing with absorbent material before the
measurement. Evaluation must begin 1 minute after removal from the medium. In justified cases,
the evaluation can also be performed 15 min after dabbing. However, this must be agreed upon in
advance and specified in a drawing note.

6.8.3 Aging in engine oil

Aging period: 96 h
Aging temperature: 150 °C
Medium: Reference engine oil SAE 5W-30 as per TL 52185
In justified cases, other aging periods and test temperatures can be agreed upon. The medium
must be defined accordingly in the drawing if it deviates from the specification. The product name
is permitted to be indicated for media not described in a TL.
After 1 h of acclimatization in the standard atmosphere VW 50554 – 23/50-2, the mechanical prop-
erties are tested on the specimens at room temperature as per VW 50554 – 2.
Surface residues (e.g., droplets) must be removed by dabbing with absorbent material before the
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the purchaser.
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6.8.4 Aging in grease

Aging period: 96 h
Aging temperature: 150 °C
Medium: Multi-purpose low-temperature grease as per TL 745
Multi-purpose grease as per TL 735 or as per drawing
The grease to be used is specified in the drawing by means of the TL or by its product name. The
specimens must be selected on the basis of the testing instructions for the individual mechanical
After 1 h of acclimatization in the standard atmosphere VW 50554 – 23/50-2, the mechanical prop-
erties are tested on the specimens at room temperature as per VW 50554 – 2.
Surface residues (e.g., droplets) must be removed by dabbing with absorbent material before the
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the purchaser.

6.8.5 Aging in transmission fluid

The aging in transmission fluid must be performed in two stages.
1 st aging:
– Aging period: 96 h
– Aging temperature: 150 °C
– Medium: See drawing specification
2nd aging:
– Aging period: 504 h
– Aging temperature: 130 °C
– Medium: See drawing specification
To determine the resistance to transmission fluid, the specimens are aged in the transmission fluid
specified in the drawing. If the development work involves a material without drawing specifica-
tions, the transmission fluids indicated below must be used for evaluating the compatibility. The
specimens must be selected on the basis of the testing instructions for the individual mechanical
Aging is performed in transmission fluid in natural convection ovens as per DIN 53508. Depending
on the type of transmission, the following fluids must be used:
Transverse and longitudinal manual trans- Shell MTF VW 75 W1) (N 052 527 A0)
mission (MQ/ML): Castrol BOT 233 LVXQ1) (N 052 549 B0)
Transverse and longitudinal dual clutch Fuchs FFL-21) (N 052 182 01)
transmissions (DQ/DL): Fuchs Titan EG 525291) (N 052 529 C0)

1) Shell MTF VW 75 W is the manufacturer's designation of the product produced by Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH.
Castrol BOT 233 LVXQ is the manufacturer's designation of the product produced by BP Europa SE.
Fuchs FFL-2 is the manufacturer's designation of the product produced by Fuchs Schmierstoffe GmbH.
Fuchs Titan EG 52529 is the manufacturer's designation of the product produced by Fuchs Schmierstoffe GmbH.
This information is only intended for informational purposes for the users of this in-house standard. This does not signify an en-
dorsement of the mentioned products by the Volkswagen Group. Equivalent products may be used if it can be verified that they lead
to the same results.
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After 1 h of acclimatization in the standard atmosphere VW 50554 – 23/50-2, the mechanical prop-
erties are tested on the specimens at room temperature as per VW 50554 – 2.
Surface liquid residues (e.g., droplets) must be removed by dabbing with absorbent material before
the measurement.
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the purchaser.

6.8.6 Blow-by resistance

The blow-by resistance is determined by aging as per PV 3936 – A (for gasoline fuel applications)
or PV 3936 – B (for diesel fuel applications). The requirements must be taken from table 1 and
table 2. The test cycle to be performed must be defined in advance and depends on the fuel type
corresponding to the specific application. The standard procedure is to perform the tests after 2 ag-
ing cycles as per PV 3936. Any deviations from this requirement must be defined in the drawing
note ([…], blow-by resistant ≥ XX cycles, […]).
Deviating aging conditions must be agreed upon with the Materials Engineering department of the
respective Group brand.

6.8.7 Aging in coolant

The aging in coolant must be performed in three stages with respect to the testing period and the
aging temperature must be selected on the basis of the drive layout of the vehicle. The aging tem-
perature must be agreed upon with the purchaser on a project-specific basis.
Aging period: 94/504/1 008 h
Aging temperature2): 135 +0
-2 °C

Aging temperature3): 110 +0

-2 °C

To determine the resistance to coolant, the specimens are aged in a coolant/water mixture consist-
ing of 50-volume percent deionized water and 50-volume percent coolant additive as per TL 774 in
a suitable autoclave. The specimens must be selected on the basis of the testing instructions for
the individual mechanical tests. After 1 h of acclimatization in the standard atmosphere
VW 50554 – 23/50-2, the mechanical properties are determined on the specimens at room temper-
ature as per VW 50554 – 2.
Surface liquid residues (e.g., droplets) must be removed by dabbing with absorbent material before
the measurement.
The coolant additive to be used as the standard medium is the factory-fill coolant additive and it
must be requested from the purchaser if necessary or taken from the Performance Specification.

6.8.8 Hydrolysis resistance

At least 5 finished parts must be aged for 504 h in (90 ±1)-°C hot deionized water. The specified
measurements must be taken after the specimens have been cooled in the test medium to
(23 ±2) °C and subsequently acclimatized for 1 hour in air at (23 ±2) °C.

2) For vehicles operated with an internal combustion engine, among other propulsion units.
3) For vehicles operated only with an electric motor.
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7 Applicable documents
The following documents cited in the standard are required for the application of this standard:
Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger-
man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi-
cal inconsistency.
Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other
languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.

PV 1303 Non-Metallic Materials; Xenon Arc Light Aging of Vehicle Interior Parts
PV 3307 Elastomer Components; Plastic and Elastic Deformability
PV 3927 Thermogravimetric Analysis for Plastics and Elastomers; Determination:
Plasticizers, Carbon Black
PV 3930 Non-Metallic Materials; Weathering in Humid, Hot Climate (Exterior)
PV 3935 Plastics and Elastomers; Py-GC/MS, TD/Py-GC/MS, Heart-Cut, EGA
PV 3936 Polymer Materials; Testing the Resistance to Constituents of Blowby
TL 1010 Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Burning Behavior; Material Requirements;
updated translation: 2018-06
TL 52185 Reference Engine Oil SAE 5W-30; Testing of Compatibility with Respect
to Elastomer Materials; Lubricant Requirements
TL 735 Multi-Purpose Grease; Lubricant Requirements
TL 745 Multi-Purpose Low-Temperature Grease; Lubricant Requirements
TL 774 Ethylene-Glycol-Based Coolant Additive; Materials Requirements
VW 01155 Vehicle Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes
VW 2.8.1 Elastomers; Materials Requirements and Testing
VW 50026 Granular Material for Components Made From Thermoplastics and Ther-
moplastic Elastomers; Classification and Basic Principles of Use
VW 50180 Components, Semi-Finished Products, and Materials in the Vehicle Inte-
rior; Emission Behavior
VW 50554 Standard Atmospheres and Room Temperatures; Requirements on
Standard Atmospheres
VW 80808-1 Electronic Components and PCBAs in Electric and Electronic Units in
Motor Vehicles up to 3,5 t; Requirements and Use – Part 1; Updated
translation: 2020-09
VW 91101 Environmental Standard for Articles; Material and Chemical Conformity
DIN 51604-1 FAM-testing fluid for polymer materials - Composition and requirements -
Part 1: Testing Fluid A
DIN 51604-2 FAM-testing fluid for polymer materials - Composition and requirements -
Part 2: Testing Fluid B, containing methanol
DIN 53497 Testing of plastics - Hot storage test on mouldings made of thermoplastic
moulding materials without external mechanical stressing
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VW 50123: 2022-04

DIN 53504 Testing of rubber - Determination of tensile strength at break, tensile

stress at yield, elongation at break and stress values in a tensile test
DIN 53508 Testing of rubber - Accelerated ageing
DIN 53512 Testing of rubber - Determination of rebound resilience (Schob pendu-
DIN EN 14214 Liquid petroleum products - Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for use in
diesel engines and heating applications - Requirements and test meth-
DIN EN ISO 11357-1 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 1: General prin-
DIN EN ISO 1183-1 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics -
Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pycnometer method and titration meth-
DIN EN ISO 179-1 Plastics - Determination of Charpy impact properties - Part 1: Non-instru-
mented impact test
DIN EN ISO 18064 Thermoplastic elastomers - Nomenclature and abbreviated terms
DIN EN ISO 306 Plastics - Thermoplastic materials - Determination of Vicat softening
temperature (VST)
DIN ISO 1817 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of the effect of liq-
DIN ISO 34-1 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tear strength -
Part 1: Trouser, angle and crescent test pieces
DIN ISO 48-4 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of hardness - Part
4: Indentation hardness by durometer method (Shore hardness)
VDA 675-115:1992-12 Elastomer Parts in Motor Vehicles; Test Methods for Identification, Low-
Temperature Specifications, Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
Page 18
VW 50123: 2022-04

Appendix A (informative) List of released materials

The list of released materials is stored on the ONE.Konzern Business Plattform (ONE.KBP) –
Volkswagen Group Supply (www.vwgroupsupply.com):
Start > Information > Divisions > Quality Assurance > Materials Engineering > Material Release

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