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Week of January 28

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Week of 01/28/24

We had a lovely Catholic Schools week comprised of

Saturday February 3rd: Archdiocese of Hartford Vex
many activities that the kids truly enjoyed. Robotics Competition.
Thank you to James Yale and Devin Geoffery for serving Tuesday, February 6th: Spirit Wear Day;
at this week’s mass. Friday, February 9th: School Mass at 9am;
Monday, February 5th: HSA Meeting at 6pm (in-person
Students MUST have a silent reading book with them at and virtual);
Saturday, February 10th: Father-Daughter Dance at
ALL times. They should be bringing their IRP book and SBS;
folder to school EVERY DAY and to each class! Sunday, February 11th: Super Bowl Squares Raffle;
Wednesday, February 14th: Ash Wednesday; School
MAP Testing : Map testing is completed. We are so Mass at 9am;
proud of everyone for all of their hard work. Friday, February 16th: Early dismissal for staff. Paid
2023 Auction Dress-Down Day. Lenten Supper
Yearbooks: Time is running out to purchase yearbooks. Monday, February 19th & Tuesday, February 20th: No
Click Here: school (Winter break);
https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01022750 Friday, February 23rd: School Mass at 9am. Lenten
Supper (5pm-7pm);
We are keeping this here for another week because it continues to be a
problem. Saturday, February 24th: SBS Cheer Competition;
PLEASE READ: A friendly reminder that students are not allowed to Monday, February 26th: Charity Dress-Down Day ($1.00
have soda in school. Juice, Vitamin Water, iced tea, etc. are / $2.00 with hat);
permitted at lunch, but we ask that water be the only beverage Tuesday, February 27th: Family Eat-Out Night at Jersey
consumed in the classrooms, due to the potential for spills. Also, Mike’s (10am-9pm);
there is no gum chewing allowed in school at any time, with the Wednesday, February 28th: Third Grade First
exception of standardized testing weeks, and then only during the Reconciliation (St. Thomas Beckett).
test session itself. Also, students should not be consuming and
sharing candy in the classroom. Many students have been bringing
gum and/or soda and/or candy to school despite many reminders
and have been consuming them in the classrooms and sharing
these items with other students. Going forward, they will be taken
away and not returned. Students may also receive a conduct
referral or detention if they continue to bring these items to school.

Mrs. Kreager
In 6th Science we are creating a rock
Algebra students will begin instruction with collection and will finish learning about
Mr George this week! Please be patient as rocks with a quiz on Friday.
we transfer policies and gradebooks
In 7th Science we are finishing
learning about Asexual Reproduction
PreAlgebra and 7A will continue working
with rational numbers and fractions- and are starting to learn about heredity
wrapping up the chapter this week and a and traits.
test early next week In 8th Science we are learning to
balance chemical equations and will
6th Grade will start ratios and proportions! have our Unit Test on Thursday,
More fractions!!! February 15.
Religion: There is a rubric now posted on Google
- 6th Graders will be continuing their Classroom for completion of the Visions weekly
studies of Egypt and Nubia. magazine. Students need to take more careful care
in completing this assignment.
- 7th Graders will begin their study of the LA: All classes have a Vocabulary and Grammar test
first European settlements and colonies next Thursday. I am available to review the grammar
of the Americas. material before school if needed.

- 8th grade will continue with their Civil 8th Lit: We have finished reading Lord of the Flies
and Animal Farm. Next week we will start our
War Battle Project. compare/contrast response to literature essay.

7th Lit: Students read “The Tell Tale Heart” and

learned about mood, tone and unreliable narrators.
They also did an annotation activity.

Mrs. McKenzie
6th Grade has their Chapter 2A Test
on Tuesday. They should study the Congratulations to the following students
Quizlets and p. 114. in 6M who received the following awards
Grade 7 continues their study of the
culture of Spanish-speaking Helper- Blake Bennett
countries. A test will be announced Kindness - Kaylie Polurde
once we get closer to the end of the Leader- Lilah James Griswold
Grade 8 is studying the verbs poder
and dormitory and a quiz will be
announced soon.

6th grade had an amazing

Catholic Schools week.

If students need help with personal statements for

Please remind your students to check what is due applications, Ms. Seidl is available on Thursdays from
each week in all their classes. Late work seems to be 3:30-4:00 to help.
piling up for our 7th graders. Staying on top of what is Please see attached.
due eliminates stress for everyone! An email was sent last week about the AAA scholarship
essay contest. Please review and let us know if you
Please continue to send in items for the Souper Bowl. have any questions.
Items will go to the Cheshire Food Pantry. yearbook purchases!
Congratulations to our award winners this
Leadership awards: Lilah James Griswold, Mia Savignano, Hannah
Greasley,Eli Horning, Emily Simmons and Stella Parker

Kindness awards:Kaylie Plourde, Jade Champion, Michael Salgado,Camila

Illescas,Jason DeWitt and Yzabella Latorilla

Helper awards: Blake Bennett,Landon St.Onge,Margaret Quantick,

Savannah Longo,Daen Hanson and William Wable

Congratulations to all our robotics teams on a

great competition today!
A Special congrats goes out to Krinkle Fries
(Bella Chen and 5th graders Tessa and Gabby)
who received the Judge’s Award. We are looking
forward to the state championship!
It’s time to order your SBS 2023-2024 Yearbook.
The cut-off date for ordering is Friday, February
16th. Here is the Yearbook online ordering site:
Greetings from St. Paul Catholic High School in Bristol!

We would like to invite you and your child to visit us at some upcoming events!

-- SIGN UP TODAY for Our Open House on January 27th - see all St. Paul has to offer in providing a great
Catholic education. Tour the campus in-person, meet with current students, faculty, and administrators. Sign up
for your appointment today at spchs.com/openhouse

-- SIGN UP TODAY to take our Placement Exam Saturday - February 10th at 8:00am. Registration is now open -
visit spchs.com/placementexam
**there will be a parent information session at 8:00am in our auditorium while your child takes your test!

--Be a Falcon for a Day - spend the day shadowing a St. Paul student to experience what a day is like at St. Paul.
Meet our students, faculty and staff!
Sign up today at spchs.com/visitstpaul

Ms. Chelsea Mone '10

Director of Admissions
St. Paul Catholic High School
1001 Stafford Avenue
Bristol, CT 06010

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