Booster Service Manual
Booster Service Manual
Booster Service Manual
01 Main Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 3
02 System Information.................................................................................................................................. 5
03 Operator Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 6
04 Pump Test Run ......................................................................................................................................... 7
05 Alarms ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
06 Alarm History ........................................................................................................................................... 9
07 Active Alarms Page................................................................................................................................. 10
08 Hand Control .......................................................................................................................................... 11
09 IP configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 12
10 Email Configuration................................................................................................................................ 13
11 Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 14
12 Advanced Settings .................................................................................................................................. 16
13 Alarm Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 17
14 Pump Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 19
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01 Main Screen
1 3
6 9
1) Battery indicator
a. Not visible until battery level is low. Battery is supposed to last for
around 7 years. If battery fails, PLC time/date information as well as
any saved data will be lost if power is lost. Battery can be replaced
while power is running to maintain data, although battery warning will
not clear until power is cycled.
3) Active Alarms
a. Will cycle through all currently active alarms every few seconds.
b. Only visible if at least one alarm is active.
c. Can be clicked to view active alarms.
4) Pump information
a. The pump icons display whether pumps are on, off, or faulted
i. Cyan indicates the pump is running
ii. Grey indicates that the pump is off
iii. Orange indicates the pump has faulted
b. The switch below the pump icons will take the pumps from auto to off.
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c. The bar below the auto/off switch show pump speed. A fully green bar
is full speed while an empty bar is off. Indication is based on full 0-
60Hz, so a pump running at a minimum speed of 30Hz will show the
bar half green. If max frequency is changed to 50Hz, bar will be
scaled from 0-50Hz.
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02 System Information
The System Information screen displays discharge pressure setpoint, pump run
time, pump frequency, pump cycles, and total energy usage of the system. Run
time and pump cycles cannot currently be reset. Energy usage can be reset in the
VFD through the use of a keypad.
Pressing the Power Usage Details button will jump to another screen with motor
voltage, current, and power.
Pressing the main screen button will return to the main screen.
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03 Operator Settings
The operator settings page links to multiple screens for controlling user level
1) Pump test run configures the pump test option. This allows users
to run a pump for a short period of time to test it if all pumps are
off. Additionally, it will allow the pumps to run periodically during a
long off period.
2) Hand control allows the user to manually run pumps
3) View Alarm History will display the last 256 Alarms. The alarm
history cannot be reset.
4) View Active Alarms will view all of the active alarms, including
alarms that have not been acknowledged. This is similar to the
active alarms button on the main screen, but additionally allows for
acknowledging of alarms that have cleared. The button on the
main screen will disappear if an alarm came in and cleared without
5) IP configuration sets up the PLC network settings
6) Email configuration sets up the PLC email settings
7) Discharge Pressure setpoint sets the desired output pressure of the
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04 Pump Test Run
The Pump Test Run page allows for pumps to be run for a short duration.
1) Enables and disables the pump test option. When enabled pumps will run
after a set period of inactivity.
3) Sets the time between pump test runs. Test run will occur when this time
has elapsed with no pumps running. 1 pump will be run per test run. The
pumps test cyclically so that all 4 pumps will be tested after 4 time intervals
have elapsed(in the case of a quad). Default value is 6 hours. Input range
of 1-99 hours.
4) Sets how long pumps will run during a test. Default value is 10 seconds.
Input range of 1-30 seconds.
5) Sets the speed of the pump during a test run. Default value is 45.0 Hz.
Input range of 25.0-60.0 Hz. Speed will clamp to the minimum or maximum
allowed frequency if entered value exceeds those limits.
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05 Alarms
1 4
1) Alarm description
a. A one line description of the cause of the alarm.
2) Time stamp
a. The date and time of the initiation of the alarm.
3) Corrective action
a. A short list of corrective actions and causes of the alarm.
4) Next icon
a. This takes you to a screen with expanded details and suggested
actions to correct the alarm.
Press the “ESC” button on the top right corner of the “Alarm Details” screen. This
will take you to the “alarm in groups” page. This page is not utilized. Press the
“ESC” button. The “Groups with Pending Alarm” screen will appear. This screen is
not utilized. Press the “ESC” button.
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06 Alarm History
2 4
1) Alarm description
a. A one line description of the cause of the alarm.
4) Duration of alarm.
a. Hours:Minutes:Seconds
5) Scroll
a. Press forward or back to scroll through the alarm history.
b. Note – the default system will store 256 alarm entries.
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07 Active Alarms Page
1 2
1) Alarm description
2) Alarm Details
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08 Hand Control
3 4
1) Hand Control toggle button. Switches between manual and automatic pump
control. Pumps will not operate on based on system pressure automatically
when in hand control.
2) Sets the hand control pump speed. All pumps will run at this speed when on
and in hand control.
3) Turns pumps on and off when in hand mode. Has no effect when in
automatic control mode.
4) Pressing the alarm override button will take the user to a confirmation page
to verify they wish to run the pumps with alarm conditions in. Activating this
mode will allow the user to run the pumps unless regardless of conditions,
unless the pump failure is due to a physical failure of the pump or drive. This
option is automatically turned off every time the system returns to automatic
control. Using this option will set a flag in the system indicating that it was
used at least once.
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09 IP configuration
This page configures the PLC to allow for remote access and use of the remote app,
as well as email.
1) Sets the PLC name. This is effectively the password for logging into the PLC
remotely. Default is V700-1
2) Displays the PLC MAC address. This can be used to identify which device is
the PLC on a network. Cannot be changed.
3) IP address. This is the desired IP address of the PLC. It must have a static
IP address, and does not support DHCP. Default is
4) Subnet Mask. Obtain these settings from a Network administrator to connect
PLC to a network. Default value
5) IP Gateway. Obtain these settings from a Network administrator to connect
PLC to a network. Default value
6) DNS Server. Obtain these settings from a Network administrator to connect
PLC to a network. Default value
7) Reboot PLC. Changing the settings on this page requires a reboot of the PLC
to take effect. Press the reboot button after updating any network settings.
8) Modbus ID. This is the Slave ID of the PLC for Modbus communication.
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10 Email Configuration
4 9
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11 Communication
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12 Advanced Settings
1 2 6
Used for advanced settings. This page is reached from the main page using
password 2222.
PID settings page is used to control how fast and accurately the system responds to
pressure changes. Default values P:1000 I:1 D:0
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13 Alarm Settings
1 7
1.) Maximum Discharge Pressure. If this pressure is reached for the time period
set in (3) all pumps will be shut off for 1 minute. Default value 200.0 psi.
Input range 0.0-232.0 psi
2.) Minimum discharge pressure. If pressure falls below this value with all
pumps running at full speed, all pumps will be shut off. This alarm is cleared
when all pumps are off and the alarm has been acknowledged. (this is the
alarm for pipe burst). Default value 20 psi. Input range 0.0-232.0 psi
3.) Max and min pressure alarm delay. This is the delay before the alarms in (1)
or (2) activate. Default value 2 seconds. Input range 0-10 seconds
4.) Minimum suction pressure. This is the minimum value for suction pressure.
Pumps will turn off if suction pressure is below the setpoint for the time
duration set in (5). Alarm will clear after 10 seconds with suction pressure
above the setpoint. Default value 1.0 psi. Input range -10.0-200.0 psi.
5.) Low suction pressure delay time. Time with suction pressure below setpoint
before alarm activates. Default value 3 seconds. Input range 0-180
6.) Suction pressure input toggle. Changes between using the analog suction
pressure transducer and a digital switch input for suction pressure. Default
value: analog input
7.) Pressure transducer fault options: Toggles between turning off all pumps in
the event of a pressure transducer fault, or running one pump at a specified
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frequency. Sensor faults activate immediately upon an invalid value. A
failed low sensor fault will show a negative value of pressure. A failed high
sensor fault will show the max value of pressure. A failed high sensor value
often indicates an issue with the PLC I/O card, while a failed low value could
be a problem with the sensor connection. Default value is turn off all pumps.
Alarm will clear when a valid sensor value is sent.
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14 Pump Settings
1 5
3 4
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5) Frequency settings. Sets the min and max frequencies
a. Min frequency. Default value 30 Hz. Input range 25-50Hz.
b. Max frequency. Default value 60 Hz. Input range 25-60 Hz.
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15 Remote Operation
1.)Smart Phone Configuration
a. Download and run the “Unitronics Remote Operator” by Unitronics
using the App/Play Store application.
b. Enter a password to use for the Remote Operator application. This is
used to prevent others with access to the device from using the
Remote Operator application. This password will only be created the
first time running the program.
c. Click the “+” symbol at the top of the screen. This will take you to the
“Add new PLC” screen.
i. Enter any
nickname for the
ii. Enter PLC Name
-V700-1 is the
default name.
See section 08
User Config to
change PLC
iii. Enter applicable
IP address (Note
iv. Enter 20256 as
the TCP port.
v. Click on “Check
PLC Connection”
to verify the
settings and then
click “OK”.
d. The nickname that was entered should appear on the screen. Click on
it to begin connection with the PLC panel.
e. After connection the phone screen will function the same way as the
screen of the PLC panel. To disconnect from the PLC, click on the red
arrow pointing left located in the bottom right of the screen.
i. Local operation of the touchscreen is still possible while a
remote connection is in progress. Only one remote
connection is allowed at a time.
Note 1.)
If connecting to the PLC from the same network, enter the internal IP
address which can be found on the PLC by clicking Menu Page->IP Configuration
from the main page.
If connecting to the PLC from outside the network, enter the WAN address of
your network as the IP address. This can be obtained from a network
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administrator. In addition, the network administrator will need to enable port
forwarding of port 20256 to the local IP address of the PLC panel. The local IP
address can be found on the PLC by clicking Menu Page->IP Configuration.
2.)PC Configuration
a. Download the Remote Operator application from the Unitronics
website and install the program.
b. Open Remote Operator.
c. Click on “Communication Settings”
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16 Pump Start/Stop Settings
1 3
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3.) Pump Information
a. Zero Flow Power: This value is obtained from the system
information screen. To get the correct value, run one pump
at the with the desired boost pressure of the system. Then,
slowly shut the output valve of that pump so that the pump is
maintaining pressure with zero flow. With a zero flow
condition, and stable output pressure at the desired level,
read the power value for that pump on the system
information screen. Enter the value in this box.
i. If pumps are short cycling, the power value is too low
and needs to be increased.
ii. If pumps are not turning off, the power value is too
high and needs to be lowered.
iii. Proper setting of this value will increase the efficiency of
the system.
b. Full Load Amps: Full load amps of the motors.
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17 Pipe Fill Settings
Pipe Fill Mode will only allow one pump to run until either the pressure or
time requirement is met.
1) Enables and disables pipe fill. Default Off
2) Only one pump will run when initially starting until this percentage of
the pressure setpoint is reached. Default value 50%. Input range 0-
3) Will only run one pump when starting until this much time has elapse,
or the pressure setting is reached, whichever comes first. Default
value: 10 seconds. Input range 0-60 seconds.
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18 Zero Flow Cut-off
1) Time with one pump running until system checks for no flow. If the system
detects no flow, the pump will shut off. Default value: 60 seconds. Input
range: 30-180 seconds
2) Amount that pressure will be raised when the zero flow check is performed.
Default value: 5.0 psi. Input range 1.5-15.0 psi
3) Duration that the zero flow check will be performed. Default value 10
seconds. Input range 1-180 seconds.
4) Check frequency is the pressure below which the zero flow checks will be
performed. Default value: 40 Hz. Input range 25.0-60 Hz
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19 PID Settings
1) Proportional Value: Default value 1250. Raising the value will slow the
controller but increase overshoot and increase stability. Lowering the value
will lower overshoot and speed up the system, but lower stability. If the
system is oscillating about the setpoint, the P value will need to be increased.
2) Integral Value: Default value 2. Raising the integral value will slow down the
system and lower overshoot. Lowering the integral value will speed up the
system and raise overshoot. Has a more dramatic effect on speed than the P
3) Derivative value: Default value 0. 0 value disables derivative control.
Currently not used.
4) Sample time: How often the controller checks system conditions. Default
value 1 msec.
5) Input/Output maximum values
a. Lowering the difference between the two values will increase the speed
of the system but lower stability. Testing on the 1HP unit showed a
difference of about 100psi between the two to work best. Changing
these values will typically also require a change in the proportional
b. If the pressure setpoint of the controller is not between these values
the controller will not respond. Default values are 40.0 to 140.0 psi.
i. If setpoint pressure is 40.0 psi or lower, or 140.0 psi or higher,
these values must be adjusted for the controller to function
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20 Admin Screen
1) View Inputs/Outputs: View the status of inputs and outputs to the PLC
2) Debug menu: Displays various timers, most of which are no longer used.
The lower left timer is the only active one, which is for zero flow. The only
useful button is the trend graph, which displays a graph of actual discharge
pressure vs. pressure setpoint.
3) Settings page: Used to access the operator and advanced settings pages.
These are the same as the pages reached from the main screen.
5) Restore Factory Defaults: Sets all parameters back to their factory values.
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6) Write alarm history to SD: If an SD card is inserted into the PLC(not
included), the alarm history will be downloaded. This can then be inserted
into a PC to read the history for troubleshooting purposes.
7) Clear Alarm Override: If a user sets alarm override for hand control, a
warning will appear here. To reset this warning, push the button.
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