A Series
A Series
A Series
Cylinder dia. – 3-1/2 in.
Always check equipment for proper operation before each
Piston rod dia. – 2-1/2 in.
use, making sure safety devices are in place and Oper-
Stroke length – 6 in.
ating properly. DO NOT alter or modify any part of the
Operating pressure range – 300 psi to 1500 psi*
equipment as this may cause a malfunction and result in
Operating temperature range – -30°F to 200°F
serious bodily Injury
Fluid consumption – 57.7 cu. in./cycle or 1 gal./4 cycles
ATTACHING HYDRAULIC MOTOR TO PUMP- Hydraulic fluid inlet – SAE 10 (female)
Hydraulic fluid outlet – SAE 12 (female)
TUBE Max. recommended speed (continuous) – 55 cycles/min.
1. Tightly attach Tie Rod (Item 31) to the Mounting Plate Wetted part materials – Steel, Bronze, Polyurethane, Nitrile
(Item 30) (Use short threaded end of tie rods).
2. Mount hydraulic motor on top of pumptube outlet body *Refer to Pump Chart for maximum operating pressure with
and tightly connect pumptube coupling nut to piston Rod specific pumptubes.
(Item 23).
3. Hand tighten tie rods to the pumptube with law Nuts (Item
32) supplied with hydraulic motor. © Indicates change
Page Number - 2 Form 423033
Models 86300 & 86400
Hydraulic Pump Type Pump Tube Ratio Maximum Maximum Hydraulic
Model 86300
Model 86400
Page Number - 4 Form 423033
Models 86300 & 86400
DISASSEMBLY 19. Remove Retaining Nut (Item 10) from Cylinder Cap (Item
7) with deep well socket to keep from bending valve
20. Pry the Pilot Valve Assembly (Item 9) from Cylinder Cap
(Item 7).
Always disconnect hydraulic supply and relieve pressure 21. Pry the Power Valve Assembly (Item 4) from Cylinder
before beginning disassembly. Cap (Item 7).
22. Remove Mounting Plate (Item 30) and Tie Rods (Item
Tools Required 24) from Cylinder Head (Item 25).
3/16” Hex Key
23. Pry Cylinder (Item 12) to separate from Cylinder Head
1/4” Hex Key
(Item 25).
5/32” Open End Wrench
24. Remove Piston Rod (Item 23) and Cylinder (Item 12)
5/16” Open End Wrench
from Cylinder Head (Item 25).
3/8” Open End Wrench
25. Remove Bushing (Item 28) from Cylinder Head (Item 25).
7/16” Open End Wrench [86400 only]
26. Remove O-ring (Item 26), U-cup (Item 27) and Rod
9/16” Open End Wrench [86300 only]
Scraper (Item 29) from Bushing (Item 28).
3/4" Open End Wrench
27. Remove Cylinder (Item 12) from Piston Rod Assembly.
1-1/4” Open End Wrench [86300 only]
28. Remove Piston Nut (Item 13) from Piston Rod (Item 23).
1-3/8” Open End Wrench [86400 only]
29. Remove Piston Assembly (Items 19, 20, 21 and 22) from
13/16” Hex Deep Socket Wrench
Piston Rod (Item 23).
1-1/4” Hex Socket Wrench
30. Remove Wear Ring (Item 19), U-cup (Item 21) and O-
1-3/8” Hex Socket Wrench
ring (Item 22) from Piston (Item 20).
31. Remove Trip Rod Assembly (Items 14, 15, 16, 17 and
18) from Piston Rod (Item 23).
Procedure 32. Remove Socket Head Cap Screw (Item 18), Guide
1. Remove four Tie Rods (Item 31). Sleeve (Item 17), Spring (Item 16) and Washer (Item 15)
2. Remove O-ring Plug (Item 6) from Cylinder Cap (Item 7). from Trip Rod (Item 14).
3. Place container under Cylinder Cap (Item 7) to collect 33. To re-assemble hydraulic motor reverse disassembly
hydraulic fluid. procedure. (Refer to exploded view for torque specifica-
4. Push Piston Rod (Item 23) into bottom of cylinder. Most tions.)
of the hydraulic fluid in the motor will be pushed out of
the open ports of the Cylinder Cap (Item 7) and into the
5. Remove Eyebolt (Item 1) from Eyebolt Adapter (Item 2)
6. Remove Eyebolt Adapter (Item 2) from Cylinder Cap
(Item 7).
7. Remove four Socket Head Cap Screws (Item 33) from
two Transfer Tube Adapters (Item 34).
8. Remove Transfer Tube Assembly (Items 34, 35, 36 and
37) as a complete assembly from the hydraulic motor.
9. Remove Transfer Tube Adapters (Item 34) from ends of
Transfer Tube (Item 37).
10. Remove O-rings (Item 35) from Transfer Tube Adapter
(Item 34).
11. Remove O-rings (Item 36) from Transfer Tube (Item 37).
12. Remove four Hex Nuts (Item 5) from Tie Rods (Item 23).
13. Place container under Cylinder Cap (Item 7) to collect
hydraulic fluid.
14. Tap on Cylinder Cap (Item 7) to separate it from Cylinder
(Item 12) but do not try to remove it completely from Tie
Rods (Item 23). Remainder of hydraulic fluid in cylinder
will drain into container.
15. With Cylinder Cap (Item 7) supported by Tie Rods (Item
23) slide it far enough away from the Cylinder (Item 12)
to be able to access the Pilot Valve (Item 9) stem and
Trip Rod (Item 14).
16. Loosen Hex Nut (Item 11) from Trip Rod (Item 14).
17. Unthread Trip Rod (Item 14) from stem of Pilot Valve
(Item 9).
18. Remove Cylinder Cap (Item 7) from Tie Rods (Item 24).
33 1 Torque to
Torque to 60 - 30 - 35 Ft. Lbs.
72 In. Lbs.
2 Torque to
34 30 - 35 Ft. Lbs.
35 3
36 4
Torque to 25-30 Ft. Lbs.
75-80 Ft. Lbs. (86400)
37 20
33 10 Torque to 25-30 Ft. Lbs.
Torque to 24 Use Loctite 242 Blue on
60 - 72 In. Lbs. threads.
34 8 11 Torque to 48 - 56 In. Lbs.
Use Loctite 242 Blue on
35 threads.
13 Torque to 50 - 60 Ft. Lbs.
29 Use Loctite 242 Blue on
30 14
Part Number
Description Qty. Model Model
86300 86400
1 Eyebolt 1 68531 68531
2 Eyebolt Adapter 1 276831 276831
3 O-ring (nitrile) * 1 270719 270719
4 Power Valve Assembly 1 277317 277317
5 Hex Nut 4 51005 51007
6 O-ring Plug 1 244752 244752
7 Cylinder Cap 1 276841 276842
8 O-ring (nitrile) * 2 244760 34351
9 Pilot Valve Assembly 1 277318 277318
10 Retaining Nut 1 276846 276846
11 Nut (10-32) 1 51043 51043
12 Cylinder 1 244817 277319
13 Piston Nut 1 276824 276824
14 Trip Rod 1 276829 276829
15 Washer 1 48436 48436
16 Spring * 1 276830 276830
17 Guide Sleeve 1 276843 276843
18 Socket Head Cap Screw (1/4-28 x 1/2) 1 276813 276813
19 Wear Ring (glass-filled nylon) * 1 276818 276819
20 Piston 1 276810 276811
21 U-cup (polyurethane) * 1 244762 276815
22 O-ring (nitrile) * 1 34431 34469
23 Piston Rod 1 277320 277321
24 Tie Rod 4 276832 276833
25 Cylinder Head 1 276804 276805
26 O-ring (nitrile) * 1 244761 34720
27 U-cup (polyurethane) * 1 237125 276814
28 Bushing 1 277322 277323
29 Rod Scraper (polyurethane) * 1 276816 276817
30 Mounting Plate 1 244767 276806
31 Tie Rod 4 241023 241023
32 Locknut 4 236203 236203
33 Socket Head Cap Screw (1/4-20 x 1-1/4) 4 50553 50553
34 Transfer Tube Adapter 2 276812 276812
35 O-ring (nitrile) * 2 34210 34210
36 O-ring (nitrile) * 2 34432 34432
37 Transfer Tube 1 276826 276826
Soft Parts Kit 1 277324 277325
* Indicates items included in Soft Parts Kits
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Hydraulic motor does not operate. Restricted or inadequate hydraulic supply. Check that hydraulic supply has sufficient
pressure and flow to operate motor.
Restricted hydraulic return to tank. Check return line for restrictions.
Piston moves to top of stroke and does Worn or damaged pilot valve assembly. Replace pilot valve assembly (Item 9).
not shift.
Worn or damaged power valve assembly. Replace power valve assembly (Item 4).
Piston moves to bottom of stroke and Worn or damaged pilot valve assembly. Replace pilot valve assembly (Item 9).
does not shift.
Worn or damaged power valve assembly. Replace power valve assembly (Item 4).
Broken trip rod or pilot valve stem. Check Trip Rod (Item 14) and Pilot Valve
(Item 9) and replace damaged items.
Piston short strokes or chatters at top of Hydraulic system is compensating for These hydraulic motors will not function
stroke. pressure spikes by reducing flow rate. properly in compensating type systems.
Worn or damaged pilot valve assembly. Replace pilot valve assembly (Item 9).
Piston short strokes or chatters at bottom Restricted hydraulic return to tank. Check return line for restrictions.
of stroke.
Worn or damaged pilot valve assembly. Replace pilot valve assembly (Item 9).
EN 292 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2: Technical principles and
EN 982 Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components - Hydraulics
SPECIAL LIMITED 2 YEAR WARRANTY- SL-V Series, Single Injectors-85772, 85782, and Replacement Injectors-85771, 85781 -Lincoln
warrants the SL-V Injector series to be free from defects in material and workmanship for two (2) years following the date of purchase. If an
injector model (single or replacement) is determined to be defective by Lincoln, in its sole discretion, during this warranty period, it will be repaired
or replaced, at Lincoln’s discretion, without charge.
SPECIAL LIMITED 5 YEAR WARRANTY- Series 20, 25, 40 Bare Pumps, PMV Bare Pumps, Heavy Duty and 94000 Series Bare Reels
-Lincoln warrants series 20, 25, 40 bare pumps, PMV bare pumps, Heavy Duty (82206), Mini Bench (81133, 81323), and all 94000 LFR series
(single arm and dual arm) bare reels to be free from defects in material and workmanship for five (5) years following the date of purchase. If
equipment is determined by Lincoln, in its sole discretion, to be defective during the first year of the warranty period, it will be repaired or replaced
at Lincoln’s discretion, without charge. In years two (2) and three (3), the warranty on this equipment is limited to repair with Lincoln paying parts
and labor only. In years four (4) and five (5), the warranty on this equipment is limited to repair with Lincoln paying for parts only.
SPECIAL LIMITED 5 YEAR WARRANTY- Limited Oil Meters, Limited Fluid Control Valves, AOD (Air-Operated Diaphragm Pumps)-Lin-
coln warrants the 712 series Control Valves, 912 series Lube Meters, Electronic Lube Meters (980. 981, 982 series), our Universal Inline Digital
Meters (812/813 series), and our AOD Pump offering to be free from defects in material and workmanship for five (5) years following the date of
purchase. If either is determined to be defective by Lincoln, in its sole discretion, during the warranty period, they will be repaired or replaced,
at Lincoln’s discretion, without charge.
Special DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) Limited Warranty- DEF products are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for
a period of one (1) year following the date of purchase. The following exceptions to the standard warranty period are in effect-
-85700-30/85700-50 DEF hose reels (bare reel only), 277251/277252 AC DEF pumps, and 277256 and 277257
DEF meters are warranted for two (2) years from date of purchase,
-85623 DEF AOD (air operated diaphragm) pumps are covered under the standard five (5) year AOD pump
If either is determined to be defective by Lincoln, in its sole discretion, during the warranty period, they will be repaired or replaced, at Lincoln’s
discretion, without charge.