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Section 02750 Sewage Treatment Plant Performance Specification

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This Specification sets out the detailed scope of works and requirements for the design, construction,
installation, testing, commissioning, and bringing into operation the Sewage Treatment Plant for
Philippine Marines Corps (PMC) Facilities located in Bataan Technology Park (BTP) Morong, Bataan.

The intent of this Specification is to provide guidance to the Contractor to design, construct, install,
test, commission, and bring into operation the Sewage Treatment

Plant (STP) conceived for the project.


The design of the STP shall be based on the following assumptions;

2.1 Only domestic sewage and other organic wastes containing BOD equal or less than 400 mg/l will
discharge directly to the proposed STP.

2.2 Wastes including pollutants greater than what is specified herein shall be subjected to
Preliminary treatment.


The following are the conditions or design criteria under which the sewage treatment facilities shall
be designed:

3.1 Process: The Contractor’s Proposed Sewage Treatment process shall comply with all the
requirements of this specification and approval of the Owner. It consists of preliminary, secondary
and sludge treatment facilities using a Sequential Batch

Reactor (SBR) Technology.

3.2 Influent Characteristics

3.2.1 Flow Rates

3.2.2 Domestic Sewage Characteristics:

3.2.3 Effluent Characteristics

The effluent shall conform to Class C, Inland Water Effluent Standards as specified

in Table 9 – Effluent Standards, DENR Administrative Order No. 2016-08.

3.4 Sewage Treatment Plant Area

The total space allocation for the proposed STP is reflected on the Exterior Sewer System General

3.5 Contents of Proposals

All proposals shall include but not limited to the following items:

3.5.1 Catalogs/brochures showing the Technical data of equipment, such as weights, physical
dimensions and performance characteristics.

3.5.2 Plant layout showing the arrangement and dimensions of all concrete/steel tanks and
equipment’ mounting.

3.5.3 Process flow diagram of Sewage Treatment Plant interrelated with other trades within the
airport complex.

3.5.4 Control and instrumentation diagrams of proposed Sewage Treatment Plant.

3.5.5 Testing and commissioning procedures, as well as, operation and maintenance manuals for the
start-up, operation, and maintenance of STP.

3.5.6 Complete list of chemicals to be used in the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant. Chemicals
needed for the Sewage Treatment Plant must be available in the local market.

3.5.7 A full breakdown of plant operating and maintenance cost table on a monthly basis; assuming
that the plant is treating 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of the design flows, and also expressed as a cost
per cubic meter of effluent treated.

3.5.8 Equipment parts list indicating the source of supply and recommended spare parts.

3.5.9 Details of proposed construction installation and commissioning schedule within the
framework of the Owner’s schedule as in this document.
3.5.10 Company profile showing the Contractor’s background and experience including a list of past
and present Sewage Treatment Plant projects done in the last five years.

3.6 Compliance with DENR-EMB

The complete system shall meet the requirement of the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources – Environmental Management Bureau (DENR-EMB) on the quality of the effluent and all
other requirements. The contractor shall obtain permit to construct and the final permit to operate
the Sewage Treatment Plant.

3.7 Schedule of Operation

Contractors are advised to consider in their proposal the commissioning, operation and maintenance
(from start-up until the full capacity is utilized) starting from the acceptance of the works.


The proposed sewage treatment process shall consist of preliminary, secondary and sludge
treatment facilities using Dynamic SBR Technology. Preliminary treatment consists of bar screen and
equalization tank. The secondary treatment consists of sequencing batch reactors and disinfection.

Waste sludge from the secondary

treatment will be stabilized in the aerobic sludge digester prior to desludging and dewatering. Sludge
cakes produced will be hauled and disposed offsite.

4.1 Preliminary Treatment

4.1.1 Screening

Raw sewage will be collected through a sewer system that will converge at the sewage treatment
plant. Sewage is then pumped to a bar screen chamber where large objects such as rags, paper,
plastics, metals and the like will be removed. These objects, if not removed, may damage the pumps
and sludge removal equipment, hang over weirs and block valves, nozzles, channels, pipelines, and
appurtenances; thus, creating serious plant operation and maintenance problems.

Bar screen clear opening between bars should be no less than one inch (25.4mm) for manually clean
screens. It should be placed on a slope of 30 to 45 degrees from the horizontal. The bar screens shall
be provided with screenings dewatering mechanisms. Bar screen shall be protected by guard railing
and deck gratings, with adequate provisions for removal or opening to facilitate raking.

4.1.2 Equalization Tank

Sewage shall be stored temporarily in an Equalization Tank (ET), which acts to equalize the flow in
terms of both hydraulic and organic loading. Two submersible pumps, one as duty and the other as
standby, (with flow control valves to control transfer of sewage), shall be installed in the equalization
tank. The PLC shall control the transfer of influent wastewater from the Equalization Tank to the bio-
selection zone of each basin. The ET tank shall be sized for four (4) hours hydraulic retention at
average dry weather flow. This holding capacity shall accommodate peak flows without
compromising the performance of the treatment process.

The equalization tank shall be aerated with coarse bubble diffusers.

4.1.3 Alkalinity Dosing

NaOH shall be dosed in the wastewater stream automatically with the use of a pH controller to
neutralize the level of the pH to about 6.0 to 8.0. There should be enough alkalinity remaining to
protect the final pH value from falling if any additional acid were formed or added downstream.

4.2 Secondary Treatment

4.2.1 Basin

Single basin shall be constructed separated into two parts by a non-hydrostatic baffle as follows:

a) Pre-reaction chamber for Bio-selection zone and Influent Distribution System

b) Main Reaction Chamber

Influent first enters the bio-selection zone of the basin at a continuous flow. The Bio-selection
together with the influent distribution system shall serve as an organic selector for the process.

The SBR should be able to operate and handle normal cycle conditions and storm cycle conditions.

The main biological treatment process shall take place in the Main Reaction Chamber under cyclic
sequential operation of three phases;

i. Aeration/Nitrification Phase

ii. Anoxic/Denitrification Phase

iii. Settling Phase

iv. Decant Phase

(1) Aeration/Nitrification Phase

(a) For air requirements below five (< 5) Nm3/min, a positive displacement blower is allowed. Air
requirements above five (> 5) Nm3/min, a centrifugal air-bearing turbo blower is required. The
blowers shall provide adequate air supply for biological activity under required operating conditions.
The duty blowers should have sufficient capacity to provide enough aeration for the biological
treatment and for nutrient removal requirement. A standby unit should be installed to continuously
provide the required air supply in case of breakdown of the duty blower.

(b) Air blower control valves shall control the airflow so that it is directed to the basin.

(c) Air Diffusers should meet the following requirements:

- Fine bubble diffuser type;

- Consist of diffuser elements, distribution piping, valves, air manifolds, blower assembly,

- Include all associated equipment to provide aeration and mixing for the aeration tank(s);

- Provide the required actual oxygen transfer rates as well as provide complete mixing over the
entire tank.

- Diffusers membrane material shall be EPDM with PTFE coating

(2) Anoxic/Denitrification Phase

(a) An Anoxic phase is required as part of the biological nutrient removal to promote denitrification
process. Proper mixing of contents must be provided using a submersible denitrification mixer for
the Dynamic SBR process.

(3) Settlement Phase

(a) Immediately after the aeration sequence, settlement/clarification shall occur. Upon the cessation
of aeration, activated sludge shall settle quickly, within the first thirty minutes.

(b) The conditions in the basin shall become anoxic. DE nitrification and further carbonaceous
oxidation occur during this phase.

(4) Decant Phase

(a) Following the settlement phase, the decant sequence shall be initiated to remove the clear,
treated liquid from the Top Water Level to the Bottom Water Level, the minimum level of decant.

(b) The treated liquor shall be removed by decanter and will fall into the Effluent Tank by gravity. The
decanter shall be sized to ensure uniform draw-off rate, without disturbance of the settled sludge

(c) A floating decanter made of SS304 is required to discharge the biologically treated water from the
basin and to ensure that only the layer of clear water is decanted at all times. A scum/sludge
exclusion should be installed to eliminate any possibilities of solids/biomass carryover during these
periods, and to allow an easy access and service without the need to enter the basin.

(d) Denitrification and carbonaceous oxidation shall continue during this sequence.

Excessive sludge shall be wasted to the Sludge Holding Tank by one duty sludge wasting pump during
the decant phase. At the end of the decant phase, the cycle shall be repeated with the start of
aeration. The cycle/sequential operation shall be controlled automatically by a Programmable Logic
Controller inside the Control Panel. Variable duration for the aeration phase shall be chosen to
minimize energy consumption with respect to predictable low load conditions. Manual override for
control of the process shall also be provided in the control panel.

The biological design should be based on the biomass required for nitrification instead of the
biomass required for BOD removal.

4.2.2 Phosphate Removal

Aluminium Chlorohydrate (ACH) with 23% active content, is dosed in the process for the removal of
phosphates. ACH preparation and automatic dosing equipment must be provided.

4.3 Disinfection

4.3.1 Chlorine Contact Chamber

Decanted sewage from the SBR shall be disinfected in the chlorine contact chamber. The chlorine
contact chamber shall be provided with baffles to avoid short circuiting of flows and designed for at
least 30 minutes retention time. Enteric organisms associated with various waterborne diseases
contained in the sewage shall be removed.

The disinfection unit should be utilized and capable of eliminating pathogenic microorganisms in the
effluent prior to discharge. The Contractor shall provide a final effluent chlorination system that
incorporates use of sodium hypochlorite. The sodium hypochlorite shall be delivered to the site in
liquid form at minimum 7% concentration. The final effluent shall be required to achieve the
minimum disinfection standard as indicated by the Coliform levels in Effluent Limits.

The chlorine contact chamber should be properly sized based on the decanted water per cycle and
the treated sea water.

4.3.2 Flow Measurement

The influent and effluent lines shall be provided with measuring devices such as electronic
ransducers that can be read/accessed from the programmable logic.

4.4 Sludge Treatment

4.4.1 Aerobic Sludge Digesters

Excess sludge generated from the Dynamic SBR tank shall be stored and stabilized in the aerobic
digester. Aerobic digestion is a method of sludge stabilization in an open tank. Microbiological
activity beyond cell synthesis is stimulated by the aeration, oxidizing the biodegradable organic
matter and some cellular material CO2, H2O and NO3.

The aerobic digester shall be provided with aeration system. Aeration system shall consist of non-clog
diffusers type or approved equal, diffusers piping, and aeration blower equipment. The air diffusers
are connected to the air blower, separate from the air blowers used in the aeration tank.

4.5 Dewatering Facility (Optional)

Digested sludge will be dewatered using pressure filter press. The sludge passes through the cloth
while the solids are retained and form a cake on the surface of the cloth. Sludge cake produced shall
be hauled and disposed off-site to agricultural lands as soil conditioners. Polymer is added to
strengthen the sludge formed.

Other sludge dewatering equipment may be proposed but shall be submitted to the Owner for

4.6 Buildings

All buildings such as administration/laboratory, air blowers building, chemical building and
dewatering facility building shall follow the Philippine Building Code.

All buildings shall be provided with proper lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, noise barriers, etc.,
that may be required for the smooth operation of the building.

4.7 Piping and Valves

All piping and appurtenances and valves shall be in accordance with Sections 15060 and 15099.

4.8 Emergency Generator (Optional)

An emergency generator shall be provided to handle the given capacity during power outages. The
emergency generator shall be housed in secured building complete with lighting and ventilation
system. The emergency generator shall also provided pollution control device conforming to the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

4.9 Monitoring Devices (Optional) pH and DO probe with indicators shall be installed at the
equalization tank and aeration tanks for monitoring purposes.

5.1 General

5.1.1 Under this section, mechanical equipment will include the furnishing, installation, and testing
under operational conditions, of all items required by the STP. Insofar as possible and practicable,
equipment items will be standard units of reputable manufacturers regularly engaged in the design,
fabrication and testing of their product from the United States of America and/or Japan. These
specifications stipulate that the contractor shall engage the services of competent personnel to test
the installed equipment and to acquaint and train the treatment plant personnel on operation and
maintenance procedures.

5.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, contractors shall provide two sets of electro-mechanical equipment
with one set normally operating and the second set serving as stand-by.

5.2 Equipment

5.2.1 Lift Pumps: Furnish and install two (2) sets of Lift Pumps operating at a one-duty, one-standby
basis with adequate capacity to handle the daily sewage flow. Each lift pump shall have the capacity
equivalent to average flow.

Pump casing, shaft, impeller, bearing, housing, pump pedestal, and motor pedestal will be fabricated
of materials suitable to handle wastewater and resistant to corrosive environment. Lift pumps shall
originate from U.S. or Japan and should be factory assembled.

5.2.2 Bar Screen: The influent box shall be furnished with a removable stainless steel bar screen and
the necessary fasteners for connecting to the plant influent box.

5.2.3 Aeration System: Furnish and install a complete aeration system designed to provide adequate
aeration for the daily design sewage flow. The aeration equipment shall consist of removable
components or sub-assemblies made of corrosion resistant material for easy maintenance and shall
be equipped with a regulating valve for adjusting or shutting off air flow.

5.2.4 Air Supply System: For air requirements below five (< 5) Nm3/min, a positive displacement
blower is allowed. Air requirements above five (> 5) Nm3/min, a centrifugal air-bearing turbo blower
is required. The blowers shall provide adequate air supply for biological activity under required
operating conditions. The duty blowers should have sufficient capacity to provide enough aeration
for the biological treatment and for nutrient removal requirement. A standby unit should be installed
to continuously provide the required air supply in case of breakdown of the duty blower.

Centrifugal air-bearing turbo blowers must be provided with a VFD to interlock with the DO value
reading in the aeration tanks. A blow off valve (BOV) should be equipped in the blower for pressure
release and should meet the following requirements:

i. Reduce energy consumption by at least 20%

ii. Shall have a built in interface touch screen HMI for easier controls

iii. Low noise and no vibration

iv. Oil free cooling and lubrication system

v. Oil free maintenance

vi. Low maintenance cost

5.2.5 Chlorination: Furnish and install an automatic chlorinator capable of delivering the required
dosage of solution in a variable sewage flow condition. The equipment shall be equipped with
discharge tubing, motor, sensor/transmitters, chlorine solution tanks and chlorine solution tanks and
chlorine residual analyzers for chlorine residual monitoring.

5.3 Motors

5.3.1 General Requirements Motor types required for project: Refer to other parts of Specifications. Motors shall be furnished with driven equipment to assure proper coordination of motor and
control characteristics with requirements of driven equipment.

Contractor is responsible for proper correlation of horsepower, starting torque, other characteristics
of electrical equipment with requirement of driven equipment. All necessary accessories essential to the proper operation of the motor and the driven
equipment shall be provided. Conform to NEMA Standard No. MGI entitled “Motors and Generators, Induction Motors,
Induction Machines in General Motors. Conform to ANSI Standard No. C50.2 – 1955 Altering –current Induction Motors, Induction
Machines in General and Universal Motors. Torque and speed characteristics: suited to the requirements of driven equipment, including
gear reducers if specified. Maximum speed: 1750 rpm unless specified otherwise. Horsepower

• Motor hp rating specified shall be nameplate rating without consideration of motor service factor.

• Nameplate hp nit less than hp required by driven equipment operated at maximum conditions
specified. Duty : continuous Service Factor : 1.15 Accessories : Lifting tugs as required Motors: specified as 460V, 3-Phase or 230 V, single phase may be designed for single and
dual voltage in accordance with manufacturer’s standard for horsepower and speed required. Frequency : 60Hz

Enclosures: Totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) suitable for 40°C ambient duty All motor unit
shall originate from U.S. and or Japan


6.1 Specifications: Where American standards are specified, or other approved national or local
standards may be acceptable, provided copies of the applicable standards specifications are
forwarded to the Engineer for his written approval.

7.2.1 If pipe wall thickness specified herein is not available, use next heavier wall thickness.

7.2.2 General: Specific deviations from the requirement of this Specification may be requested by the
Contractor. Such requests may be accompanied by complete design analysis which demonstrates
equivalent performance characteristics and compliance with the requirements of the plumbing or
other applicable codes. All deviations shall be subject to review and approval by the Engineer.

7.2.3 Submit to the Engineer, for approval, design computations based upon design conditions for
piping as stated on the installation drawings.

7.3 Piping

7.3.1 Air Distribution Piping Pipes: Stainless Steel 316 Schedule 40 Joints: Welded

7.3.2 Sewage and Sludge Piping For sewage piping; Cast Iron (CI) pipes, extra heavy, conforming to ASTM A74-72. For sludge piping; Centrifugally cast-iron pressure pipes (CCI) seamless, conforming with ISO-
13-1978 Class LA.

7.4 Valves

7.4.1. Type: Gate, Check, globe, and angle valve shall be made by Crane Valve company or approved
equal. Valves shall be designed for a minimum hydraulic working pressure of 125 psi. Packed valves shall be back seating, with wing caps Type permitting repacking under pressure when wide open Non-directional

7.4.2. Body Material : Cast Iron

Pressure Class: 862 Kpa (125 psig) or higher

7.4.3. Bonnet type: 22 mm (7/8”OD and larger : Bolted

7.4.4. Ends: Flanged

7.4.5. Manufacturer: Crane Valve company or approved equal

7.4.6. Provide special tools required for repacking disassembling valves provided.

7.4.7. Valves shall bear manufacturer’s logo size and rating integrally cast on, indicating
manufacturer, pressure and temperature rating.

7.4.8. Stem Arrangements: Outside screw and yoke brass seat and steam, union bonnets.

Non-corrosive stem finish on all valve handling sewage.

7.4.9. Gate Valve Discs: solid or flexible single disc wedge type.
7.4.10. Flexible Couplings: Flexible Connectors shall be installed near equipment beside valves
installed inside valve boxes and where pipelines leave underground structures to facilitate
disassembly of equipment valves and sections of piping.



 American Waterworks Association AWWA D100

 National Structural Code of the Philippines
 Uniform Building Code
 ACI 318-08 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
 ACI 350-01 Manual of Concrete Practice Environmental Engineering Structures
 ACI 224-01 Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures
 Other ACI Codes, as applicable.

8.1. Basic Design Loads:

8.1.1. Dead Load:

a. Dead Load, DL

b. Live Load on Roof, LL

c. Hydrostatic Load, F

d. Lateral Soil Pressure, H

e. Seismic Load, E

f. Wind Load, W

g. Uplift (Bouyancy)

8.1.2. Basic Design Conditions (where applicable)

8.1.3. Empty tank subjected to lateral soil pressure including all surcharge loads during construction
and service.

8.1.4. Full tank without external passive soil pressure during hydro testing.

8.1.5. Equivalent hydrostatic pressure considering sloshing effect of fluid during earthquake as

8.2. Additional load combination specific to environmental structures in compliance with durability
requirements per ACI 350-01.

UI = 1.3(1.4DL + 1.7LL + 1.7H)

Special design requirements include but are not necessary limited to the following:

1. Crack control requirements per ACI 224-01

2. Minimum thickness of walls as per ACI 350-01

3. Maximum spacing of reinforcements as per ACI 350-01

8.3. Material Specifications:

Concrete : fc = 24.1 Mpa, minimum

Reinforcing Bars : fy = 275 Mpa, minimum

: conforming to PNS49

: deformed, weldable


9.1 Motor Controllers

9.1.1 Applications For motors above 40 hp: combination circuit breaker, reduced-voltage, close-circuit transition
magnetic starter, Y-delta, NEMA 1A enclosures. For 1/6 hp thru 30 hp motor: combinations circuit breaker and cross-the-line magnetic
starter, NEMA 1A enclosure. Motors below 1/6 hp, 230V, 10: manual type with protections, NEMA 1.

9.1.2 Starters Type

• Magnetic – 460V, 3Ø and 230V, 1Ø provide separate control wiring at


• Manual – 230V, 1Ø All starters shall be assembled in the Motor control Center specified in Item 5.0 B. Size and rating: UL approved or listed and NEMA standards. Overload relays: One (1) per phase with heaters. Auxiliary Contacts: Provide minimum of two (2) normally open contacts per starter.

Provide additional contacts as required by controls.

9.1.3 Circuit Breakers: Provide each starter with UL 489 molded case breaker complete with thermal
magnetic trip and external operating handle.

9.1.4 Pushbutton and Auxiliary Controls Type: Heavy duty control stations, star-stop pilot lights. Enclosure: NEMA type 1A for indoor use with dust protecting gaskets, Rust-proof metal with
baked enamel finish, NEMA type 3R for outdoor use.

9.2 Motor Control Center (MCC)

9.2.1 The Contractor shall supply and install the Motor Control Center to be used at the pump house.

9.2.2 Provide motor control center suitable for operation on 460-Volts, 3-phase, 3-wires, 60Hz
System and shall have a minimum short circuit withstand and interrupting rating of 42,000 amperes
rms symmetrical.
9.2.3 Enclosure bus shall be NEMA type 4x (IP65) and shall be provided with door interlocked
mechanism. Control units shall be mounted on front only.

9.2.4 Horizontal and main buses shall be copper, silver-plated and rated not less than 600 amperes
with vertical buses rate not less than 300 amperes.

9.2.5 Buses shall be braced to withstand fault current of 42,000 amperes rms symmetrical at 480 V.

9.2.6 Combination circuit breaker and starter shall be as specified under item 5.0 A. Motor
Controller, this Section.

9.2.7 Control transformer shall be connected to emergency supply (dual power supply source).

9.3 Control Wiring.

9.3.1. All wiring in connection with the control system shall be provided under this Section.

9.3.2. The term, “wiring” shall be construed to include furnishing of wires, conduits, miscellaneous
materials, and labor as required for mounting and connecting the electrical control devices.

9.3.3. Control wiring shall be installed in accordance with applicable requirements of Philippine
electrical Code.

9.3.4. All wires between equipment of devices shall be installed in conduit or other approved

9.3.5. Conduit: UL approved or approved equivalent, mild steel hot dipped galvanized with interior
coat of enamel. Conduits shall conform to the requirements of Section

2151 of the Philippines Electrical Code, such approved PNS 14 polyvinyl chloride.

9.3.6. Conductor Construction: Plain annealed copper strands # 18 AWG minimum complying with IPCEA
Standards. Shielded if required. Insulation: colored THWN or THW, 600 V complying with the NEC. Establish consistent color code throughout building insofar as practicable.

Identifying conductor by means of tape or printed tags or equals markers at equipment and junctions
boxes. Use no splices except as approved. Pull wires into conduit using powdered soapstone or commercial wire lubrications;

do not use soap solution.

9.3.7. Step-down transformers: Provide step-down transformers as required by control system.

Power supplies from distribution boards to transformers shall be provided

by the Electrical Contractors.


Miscellaneous metalwork including pipe handrails, grating supports, ladders, rung, seat angles,
guards, stop gates and guides, weir plates, launders and through, pipe hangers and supports, anchor
bolts, and all required anchors and appurtenances, shall be stainless steel 316.


11.1 General Conditions:

11.1.1 All sections under this Division shall be subject to the requirements of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources and Environmental Management Bureau.

11.1.2 The term Contractor in these Specifications shall mean the Contractor for the Sewage
Treatment Plant.

11.2 General Description

11.2.1 The work to be done shall consist of the design and construction, complete in all details, of
the Sewage Treatment Plant Works, at the subject premises, and all work and materials incidental to
the work that are expressly stated to be done by others.

11.2.2 All work shall be in accordance with the governing Codes and Regulations and with these
Specifications, except where same shall conflict with existing codes, etc., in which latter shall then

11.2.3 The requirements with regards to materials and workmanship specify the required standards
for the furnishing of all labor, materials and appliances necessary for the complete installation of the
work specified herein and indicated on the drawings.

These specifications are intended to provide a broad outline of the required installation, but are not
intended to include all details of design and construction.

11.2.4 The Contractor shall adopt his proprietary technique to guarantee the safety and performance
of the system in accordance with the concepts and criteria set by these Specifications. The contractor
must be experienced in Sewage Treatment Plant works.

11.2.5 No consideration will be granted for any alleged misunderstanding on the quality of materials
to be furnished or work to be done, it being understood that the submission of a proposal is an
Agreement to all items and conditions referred to immediately place an order as soon as the project
is awarded to him. Any exceptions, omission or substitutions shall be presented in writing with the
Contractor’s Bid.

11.2.6 The Contractor, before commencing work, shall examine the proposed location of the STP and
all adjoining areas on which this work is in any way dependent for perfect workmanship according to
the intent of these specifications and shall report to the Owner’s representative any condition which
will prevent the Contractor from performing first class work. No waiver of responsibility for defective
work will be considered unless notice has been filed at the time the Contractor submits his proposal.

11.3 Work Included Under this Division of the Specifications, provide all materials and equipment
and perform all the work necessary for the complete execution of all Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
works as herein specified, except as otherwise but not be limited to the following principal items of
11.3.1 Furnishing, delivery to the project site and installation of complete Sewage Treatment Plant
including all equipment, valves, and piping, motor and controls and all accessories necessary to
complete the system.

11.3.2 Preparation of installation drawings and design calculations of the above STP including
selection of mechanical equipment capacities, design of tank dimensions, piping and all accessories
to comply with the concepts and criteria set by these Specifications.

11.3.3 Electrical Controls of the above systems including motor control center, remote control
switches, motor controllers and starters, wires and cables, conduits and other required accessories.

11.3.4 Sanitary sewer connection of effluent pipe from STP to the site storm drainage system.

11.3.5 Corrosion protection and painting of all equipment and piping including all exposed and
embedded materials.

11.3.6 Complete testing and commissioning of the entire Sewage Treatment Plant, including supply
of all instruments for operating and testing the various systems and submission or reports.

11.3.7 Full instruction after completing the job to the maintenance personnel regarding operation
and maintenance of the entire installation. Provide complete printed/typewritten instruction
booklets (hardbound) covering maintenance, operation and adjustments of each piece of equipment
and list of spare parts for each piece of equipment.

11.3.8 If anything has been omitted in any item of work or materials usually furnished, which are
necessary for the completion of the STP Work as outlined herein before, then such items must be
and are hereby included in this Division of the Work.

11.3.9 Acquisition of Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate from DENR and Building Permit.

The Contractor shall prepare all plans, applications, permits, etc., and shall complete all tests, forms,
etc., required by all rules, regulations, etc. of all the Government

Authorities having jurisdiction and such shall be completed by personnel of proper caliber, in
particular engineers, where so required.

11.4 Codes, Inspections, Permits and Fees

11.4.1 The work under this Contract is to be installed according to the latest applicable codes,
ordinances and requirements of the following:

a. National Plumbing Code of the Philippines

b. Sanitation Code of the Philippines

c. Department of Health

d. Rules and Regulations of Morong, Bataan

e. Effluent Regulations compliant to Class C, Inland Water Effluent Standards as specified in Table 9 –
Effluent Standards, DENR Administrative Order No. 2016-08.

The Contractor’s bid shall be deemed to include all costs to comply with the various code,
inspections, permits and fees.
Nothing contained in this Specification shall be construed as to conflict with National and Local
Ordinances or Laws governing the installation of Sewage Treatment Plant Work and all such laws and
ordinances are hereby made part of this Specification. The Contractor is required to meet the
requirements hereof.

11.4.2. Codes and Standards of following organizations other than mentioned above are referenced
in this Specification. The Contractor’s price shall be deemed to include compliance with the

a. American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

b. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

c. American Water Works Association (AWWA)

d. International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

e. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

f. Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL)

g. Uniform Plumbing Code by IAPMO

h. U.S. Federal Specifications (FS)

11.4.3. All construction permits and fees required for this work shall be obtained by and at the
expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish the Architect, the Engineer and the Owner
final certificates of inspection and approval from the proper government authorities after the
completion of the work.

11.4.4. Approval from authorities of all plans for construction shall be secured by the Contractor.

11.5 Record Drawings

11.5.1 The Contractor shall, during the progress of work keep record of all deviations of the actual
installation from that shown in the approved Installation Drawings.

11.5.2 Upon completion of work, the Contractor shall submit two (2) copies of the as-built drawings,
signed and dry-sealed by the Contractor’s registered Sanitary Engineer, indicating the work as
actually and finally installed, including new information not originally shown in the approved
Installation Drawings, to the Engineer for approval as to conformance with these Specifications and
compliance with pertinent Code provisions. The Contractor shall also submit two (2) sets of
operating and maintenance instructions, equipment and parts lists for approval.

After such approvals, the Contractor shall submit the as-built originals (sepia) and two (2) sets of
prints to the Owner, as well as three (3) sets of operating and maintenance instructions, equipment
and part lists, including addresses of manufacturers or suppliers of major equipment and materials.

11.5.3 Approval of the as-built drawings by the Engineer shall be a requirement for final acceptance
of the completed works and for final payment.

11.6 Installation Drawings and other Submittals

11.6.1 The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval the following:
a. Dimensional layout drawings of the Sewage Treatment Plant and its auxiliary equipment, pumping
and piping systems, concrete tanks, control system and other systems which are complete in nature,
or which require close coordination with other work of this trade and/or the work of other trades.

b. Calculation of sewage treatment processes, equipment sizing and selections, and other processes
involved in the preparation of proposed construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant.

c. Dimensional drawings of all concrete tanks and other structures required in the review of
structural design.

d. Electrical control components to include MCC’s, starters, breakers, wires, etc.

e. Complete control schematic and wiring diagrams for all equipment.

f. Manufacturer’s catalog sheets, marked as necessary to indicate materials or equipment being

furnished for the following:

• Pumps, blowers and other STP equipment complete with ratings and dimensions.

• Controls, magnetic starters, pressure switches, valves, etc.

• Valves: Gate, check and pressure reducing valves

• Pipes and fittings

• Flexible couplings

• Riser supports, hangers and sleeves

g. Marked sets of piping drawings showing mark number and exact location of hangers, anchors,
guides and sway braces, and approximate location of random hangers.

h. Details of all anchors, guides and sway braces.

i. List of miscellaneous materials proposed, including pipe, fittings, valves,

etc., and manhole accessories, identifying manufacturer and type.

j. Field test reports

k. Such other drawings as the Engineer may require.

11.6.2 All drawings should be signed and dry sealed by the Contractor’s Registered Sanitary Engineer,
Structural Engineer and other Professional Engineers concerned.

11.6.3 All drawings, etc., shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of field requirements to allow
ample time for checking and no extension of the contract time will be granted this Contractor, by
reason of his failure in this respect.

All submittals shall be complete and shall contain all required information and details.

11.7 Coordination

11.7.1 Coordinate schedule of installation with works of other trades.

11.7.2 Systems provided shall be complete and operable, and shall include required accessories,
fastenings and supports.
11.7.3 All equipment shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation.

11.8 Guarantee

11.8.1 The Contractor shall guarantee the Sewage Treatment Plant’s complete and successful
operation against defects on the equipment and defects in workmanship for a period of two (2) years
from date of completion of the Contract certified by the Architect. Said warranty shall include repair
works and labor.

11.8.2 All equipment furnished and installed shall be new and free of defects in design materials and
workmanship. The Contractor shall replace, without additional cost to the Owner, any defective
material or equipment within two (2) years after final acceptance of the plant.

11.8.3 Replacement of defective components, labor to trouble-shoot or repair of the systems shall be
furnished by the Contractors at no charge to the Owner during the guarantee period.

11.8.4 The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner and the Engineer from and
against all liability for damages arising from injuries or disabilities to persons or damage to property
occasioned by any act or omissions of Contractor or any of his Sub-Contractors, including any and all
expenses, legal or otherwise which may be incurred by the Owner or the Engineer, in the defense of
any claim, action or suit.

11.9 Approval, Substitutions, etc.

Wherever hereinafter the words “For Approval”, or “Approved” (make, type, size, arrangement, etc.)
are used, especially in regard to manufactured specialties, etc. or whenever it is desired to substitute
a different make or type of apparatus for that specified, all information pertinent to the adequacy
and adaptability of the proposed apparatus, shall be submitted and their approval secured before
submitting the bid.

No approvals or substitutions on specified items will be entertained unless requested by the Owner
after the Contract Award or during construction.

11.10 Workmanship

The work throughout shall be executed in the best and most thorough manner to the satisfaction of
the Architect and the Engineer who will jointly interpret the meaning of the Drawings and
specifications and shall have power to reject any work and materials which in their judgment are not
in full accordance therewith.

The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the design, construction, installation, testing,
commissioning and hand-over of Sewage Treatment Plant and guarantee its satisfactory performance
as described in paragraph 10.8 of this Section.

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