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Day 1

Department English Quarter 2 Week 5

Name of Student Lesson No. 9
Subject English 7
I. Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
Standard understanding of Philippine literature and other text types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine culture.
Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during
Standard the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various
purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between literal and
figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on
library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and
types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Performance The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary
Standard selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources;
extracting information and noting details from texts to write a précis,
summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and
figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases,
clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.
II. Competency Identify the figures of speech that show contrast (irony, oxymoron and
A. Objectives 1 Recognize the concept of contrast in irony, oxymoron and paradox;
2 Interpret oxymoronic, ironic and paradoxical statements;
3 Identify the figures of speech that show contrast.
III. Content Figures of speech: irony, oxymoron, paradox
• Learning K-12 Learning Material, “SIPacks” module, and other online resources
Resources (refer to links below the materials)

IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson
Hi, dear student! You have learned from our Lesson no.8 of this quarter 2 about the
difference between literal and figurative language. As a review, let us identify
between these two sentences which is literal, and which is figurative.

Sentence 1 Sentence 2
Eddie and Delia are like oil and water. Delia’s resentment towards Eddie could be traced
back from their mother’s death.

If your answer in no.1 is figurative, then you are correct. The sentence has a special attached
meaning, that is, the expression oil and water refers to two elements, factors, or people that do
not agree or blend together.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

If your answer in no. 2 is literal, you’re doing great! Literal because saying “Delia’s resentment
towards Eddie could be traced back from their mother’s death” only means Delia had been so
mad to Eddie.

 Look at the given example.

“The man was unafraid of his neighbor, so he built high walls around his house.”

 Think about the following questions.

What have you notice in the given statement? What conflicting ideas are presented in the
statement? What do you mean by the word ironic?

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson

 Read and understand the discussion about figures of speech.

1. First figure of speech that shows contrast: Irony
Irony is the disparity or inconsistency between what seems and what is, meaning words are
used in a way that the intended meaning is different from what is actually meant or a contrast
between what is expected and what really happens.
Examples (Underlined are the two contradictory ideas in the sentence):
a. The shoemaker wear shoes with holes in them. (The shoe maker can’t do his job?)
b. It rained during the picnic of the weather reporters. (They should know weather
c. The man in the desert keeps a boat in his yard (Why is there a boat in the desert?)
d. In the midst of a hurricane, he shouted, “Nice day!” (He was having a bad day, why
say nice!)

*Source: Hovland L.et al.(1997) Elements of Literature Introductory Course.Orlando, Florida:

Holt,Rinehart, & Winston, Inc.

2. Second figure of speech that shows contrast: Oxymoron

“O, miserable abundance. O, beggarly riches!”
*Source: John Donne, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions

Have you ever heard of those expressions?

Why would abundance be miserable?
Why would someone who has riches be beggarly?

These expressions are apparent contradictions. They are called OXYMORON.

Oxymoron is a figure of speech which employs contradictory words. Generally, the
oxymoron words appear together in one sentence. While irony may typically non-
contradicting (only when used), oxymoron has words when used or not used in the
sentence, that contradict.
Oxymoron is not meant to confuse readers but is used to add flavor and dramatic effect
to speech.
Examples of expressions with oxymoron:
• original copy [said to be original but just a copy]
• found missing [said to be found but missing]
• old news [said to be old but news (fresh report)]
• peace force [said to be idea of peace but done with force]
• deafening silence [said to be deafening but in the middle of silence]

3. Third figure of speech that shows contrast: Paradox

Paradox is a figure of speech which appears to contradict itself but can be true. It is a literary
device used by authors to show contradictory ideas in a thought-provoking style. A paradox
has a distinct appeal because it is usually perceived as illogical and untrue, but after a
second look, it contains a grain of truth.

1. • I must be cruel to be kind. (Shakespeare)
Meaning: If you are a concerned with a person, you need to be frank and tell them their
mistake even if it will hurt them.

2. • Child is father of the man. (Wordsworth)

Meaning: Man’s habits are the results of his childhood ways.

3. • The swiftest traveler is he that goes afoot. (Thoreau)

Meaning: If one travels on foot, he must walk fast.

A paradox is similar to oxymoron. But do not get confused. A paradox is generally

understood if you read a statement as a whole, while an oxymoron is a two-word
contradictory term found within a sentence. (as literal as that).

Example (difference between the two):
Oxymoron: What he said is a true lie. (The contradiction is plainly seen in the two words: true
and lie. We know that what was said is false.)

Paradox: Believe me, I always lie. (The contradiction is observed in the meaning of the
sentence: Is the speaker’s message true or not?)
*Source: K-12 LM Eng.7, pp. 230, 252, 277

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

•Instructions: Choose which sentence explains or gives description to the meaning of the irony.

But, how will you process what is being asked? Here’s your example.

Example You write your answer this way:

1. The shoemaker wear shoes with holes in them. 1. A
A. The shoemaker has surprisingly broken shoes.
B. The shoemaker is surprisingly wearing the shoes he

You have to choose the answer that explains the strangeness of the statement.
I think you can already start with your task. 

1. The neighbor built high walls that can be easily climbed by intruders.
A. High walls can still be easily climbed.
B. The neighbor built high walls so that intruders couldn’t climb.
2. My neighbors are too wealthy that they cannot afford to buy a piece of bread.
A. Wealthy people are supposed to afford bread because they have a lot money.
B. Many people won’t afford to buy a piece of bread because they don’t want to waste money.

3. Our neighbor loves us so much that he built high walls to block us from his view.
A. He can still show love with high built walls.
B. If he loves his neighbor, he will not build high walls to block.

•Instructions: Identify the contradictory words in the oxymoron.

4. Because of being embarrassed in front of his love, Nestor showed a sad smile.
A. sad and smile B. front and love C. being and embarrassed

5. Plastic glasses are so common in restaurants.

A. plastic and glasses B. common and restaurants C. glasses and restaurants
6. Older people are afraid of ill health so they are into Zumba.
A. ill and health B. old and people C. into and Zumba

•Instructions: Identify the contradictory words in the paradox.

The agent accomplished the impossible mission.
A. agent and mission B. agent and accomplished C. accomplished and

7. Kendra is the eldest and youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Castillo.
A. youngest and eldest B. daughter and eldest C. youngest and daughter

8. The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
A. make and dreams B. dreams and wake up C. best way and come true

9. I am a liar and I’m telling you the truth.

A. liar and truth B. telling and lie C. telling and truth

10. The life of a candle gets longer when you kill it.

A. life and kill B. life and a candle C. candle and longer
*Sources: K-12 LM Eng.7, pp. 230, 252,

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2

•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the irony in
each sentence.
1. The Titanic was promoted as unsinkable but sank in 1912.
A. A ship which was built to withstand the troubles of the sea suddenly sank.
B. The makers of the ship called titanic only lied to people to promote it so that people will ride
that ship.

2. She was busy doing nothing.

A. She has a lot of things to do.
B. She has no time to do other things but to rest.

3. “I am having a marvelous time, dear,” Mother said as she continued her fights with the
endless number of mosquitoes.
A. The mother doesn't want to let others know that she is being bitten by mosquitoes
B. The mother was showing the opposite of what she was feeling.

•Instructions: Choose the letter that corresponds to the oxymoron expression which will
fit each statement below.
A. act naturally D. even odds
B. awfully good E. alone together 4.
C. terribly pleased He
_____when he was invited to the party.
5. It was difficult for him to_____ before the girl he admires; he was not confident if he would
say the right things.
6. The character was at _____on how he would handle the secret that was shared to him so, he
cautioned himself when Aida talked with him.
7. The character-narrator cannot avoid thinking of a moment with Aida to be_____ would be a
dream come true.

•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the paradox.

8. It's better to give than to receive.

A. People love to give and wait for something in return.
B. It's better that you are helping instead of receiving help.

9. “I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only
more love.” –Mother Teresa
A. Once you have experienced pain, you can appreciate the things better.
B. If you love someone, you are giving the other person opportunity to hurt you.
10. In order for a seed to grow, it must die.
A. When a tree dies, we should plant another one.
B. To become good in something, you must experience failure.
*Sources: K-12 LM Eng. 7, pp. 252-253, 277-278

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative assessment)

•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the irony.

1. A fire station burned down.

A. It’s unexpected for one would assume the fire chief could keep his own building.
B. The firemen were not able to manipulate the fire, so the fire station got burned down.

2. A marriage counselor files for a divorce.
A. The professional who coaches couples through rough patches would herself have a strong
B. Even though, she is a marriage counselor she can’t stand living with her husband, she filed a

3. A cobbler’s (professional shoe maker) children have no shoes.

A. His children are expected to enjoy nice shoes.
B. The cobbler doesn’t mind having his children walked barefooted.

4. The teacher fails the test.

A. The teacher would be expected at passing the test.
B. The test was really difficult, many takers failed the test including teachers. The teachers
usually are the ones giving test rather than taking, so most people assume they will pass.

•Instructions: Identify the contradictory words in the oxymoron statement.

5. You were awfully lucky to escape the car crash unscathed.

A. car crash B. awfully lucky C. escape the car

6. I had no choice but to do what I was told but I don’t play safe of course.
A. was told B. no choice C. play safe

7. He was forced to stand down from his position as president late July.
A. late July B. stand down C. position as president

•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the paradox.
8. “If I know one thing, it’s that I know nothing.” –Plato
A. You will never learn anything if you know little.
B. If someone knows nothing he can’t learn anything.

9. I am living in the present for the future.

A. He is doing his best to survive the future.
B. He enjoys the present and at the same time the future.
10. Truth is honey which is bitter.
A. Telling the truth is like honey which is sweet.
B. It’s nice that truth is told even if it may disappoint you.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Language is important in every aspect of our lives because it allows people to communicate in
a manner that enables the sharing of common ideas. It is truly an art form. There are so many
variations and intricacies available that can convey several meanings, all of which come
together to serve one main purpose: to communicate.

Communication is crucial to the function of our society, and we use many different methods to
express meaning. One of the most common methods involves figures of speech. You most
likely use them on a daily basis and don’t even noticed. Using figurative language is an effective
way of communicating an idea that is not easily understood because of its abstract nature and

We use figurative language to help the reader better understand what we are trying to
describe. Irony, oxymoron and paradox are very important in communication because they
specify between different shades of meaning and give more accurate descriptions.

H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson.

Learning figures of speech like irony, oxymoron, and paradox in English helps the learner like
you to improve your understanding of the figurative aspect of the language. It is also believed
that figures of speech sow the seeds of imagination and stimulate the learner’s creativity in the

Figures of speech are widely used, across all forms of language expression. Be it in written or
spoken form in formal or informal structures or in standard speech or in slang, the use of the
various figures of speech is pervasive. Learning and using them is thus very obvious for an
individual to be able to fit in the world where English is the language of communication.

Day 2
I. Evaluating Learning
•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the irony.
1. A pilot has fear of heights.
A. Airplane pilots need to have good eyes to see through the clouds.
B. Airplane pilots should be brave because they spend most of their time at work high in the air.

2. The police station gets robbed.

A. More commonly, cops work a 4/10 or a 12-hour plan, working ten or twelve hours per day.
B. The police office gets robbed because there weren’t enough officers at the station after the
chief sent more officers out on patrol looking for crime.

3. For Christmas, Shan sold his gaming system to buy his girlfriend a special outfit for
her to wear in a concert with her friends. Lovely sold her concert ticket to buy Shan a
new game.
A. They sold things to make each other happy and show their love.
B. They sold things to buy the other a gift they now couldn’t even use.

4. Carlo’s mother watched him play video games and said “I’m glad you’re doing your
A. Her mother was very upset of him for doing nothing about his homework.
B. Her mother was very proud of him for being skilled in playing video games.

5. A man who need medical assistance is run over by the ambulance.

A. There are information which may help the victim access financial support.
B. The man got the exact opposite of what he needed from the medical help on the scene.

•Instructions: Choose the oxymoron expression which will fit each statement below.

A. loving hate D. real phony (phony meaning ‘unreal’)

B. old news E. miserable abundance
C. deafening silence

6. After the humiliating experience that the character-narrator experienced, it is most certain that
a/an _______ atmosphere with Aida would happen unless they will move on to maturity.
7. The character-narrator cannot decide what to pick from the buffet table—with all the _______
of all the dishes he never imagined before.
8. He thought himself as a/an _______ with all his show of skills and goodness, yet beneath it
were unimaginable ways of fulfilling his desire.
9. The beauty of the ladies in the house of Don Esteban was _______ which goes with their
display of charm and talent.
10. The walk home was a/an _______ with his thoughts just frozen, his lips closed, by the road-
no one moved, nothing unheard, all this stillness from the time Aida caught him in-the-act.

•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the paradox.
11. “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.”-
A. Everything you “know” is based on one assumption.
B. Everything that you “know” can be reduced down to a great many “don’t know” things.

12. You have to be cruel to be kind.
A. You must be honest with someone in order to help them realize something that may help
B. Sometimes we are nice but we’re also mean, but of course, there are thousands of
endearing words to address the person.

13. You need to lose yourself to find yourself.

A. Preoccupy yourself with something other than yourself.
B. It means accepting the things you can't change and doing something about the things you

14. “Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray.”

A. When trials occur many people give up and get discouraged.
B. When things get tough that is when you should be seeking God the most.

15. To bring peace, we must war.

A. If you want peace, you should be strong enough to stand up against and defeat your enemy.
B. You should be alert and prepared for war; and in war it is only just if it is fought for a reason
that is justified.
*Source: K-12 LM Eng.7, p. 252

Instructions: Compose your own 2 ironic, 2 oxymoronic and 1 paradoxical statements = 5

points. You may use the exact phrase found on references online or printed materials;
however, use them in your own sentence. Or, draft your own examples of contrasting

Using own creation: I know it sounds silly but I love to abhor my washing the dishes.
Adapting a familiar expression: The ending is bittersweet, with both sides suffering losses

Ironic Statements Oximoronic Statements Padoxical Statement

1 1 1
2 2

J. Additional Activities for Application and Remediation

•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the irony.
1. A traffic cop gets his license suspended because of unpaid parking tickets.
A. A traffic cop should be exempted from getting his license suspended
B. Most people would assume that the traffic cop always follows the rules.
2. A woman chips her nail and cries out in horror. Her boyfriend says, "Oh no! It's the
end of the world as we know it!"
A. The incident maybe not be serious for the boyfriend but for the girlfriend, it is.
B. Nail polish of girls can damage toenails and make the nails brittle when applied without coat.
•Instructions: Choose the oxymoron expression which will fit each statement below.
A. action plan C. The Waking Dead
B. The Scary Ghost D. virtual reality
3. My favorite show on TV is _________. It really scares me!
4. The teacher is giving a lecture on the school’s __________ for this time of new normal.

•Instructions: Choose which explains or gives description to the meaning of the paradox.
5. "Life is much too important to be taken seriously”.
A. Important things are meant to be taken seriously,
B. The more important something is, the more important it is not to take it seriously.
*Sources: LitCharts and Your Dictionary

Day 3
Department English Quarter 2 Week 5
Name of Student Lesson No. 10
Subject English 7
I. Grade Level The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
Standard understanding of Philippine literature and other text types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine culture.
Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during
Standard the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts;
various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between
literal and figurative language; ways to extract and condense
information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in
oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Performance The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in
Standard literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library
resources; extracting information and noting details from texts to write
a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using
literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use
phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.
II. Competency Note details, sequence, relationship of ideas and events.
A. Objectives 1 Identify the relationship of ideas in noting details;
2 Use sequence or signal words in arranging events;

3 Note details, sequence, relationship of ideas and events.

III. Content “Navigating website”

• Learning K-12 Learning Material , “SIPacks” module, and other online resources
Resources (refer to links below the materials)

IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Study the illustration below.

*Source: https://www.lessonplanet.com/teachers/story-sequence-wrapping-a-present
 Just think about the following questions.
What does the boy do?

What did you notice on the series of images?
Are they arranged in correct order?
What should be the correct order of the pictures?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
The question about the picture are pertaining to the reading skills noting details and
sequencing of events. Trying to answer the questions above is an attempt to apply the two
strategies in reading.

What is noting details as a reading strategy?

Noting details is a reading comprehension skill that involves picking out, from a piece of text,
the particular piece or pieces of information to achieve a given purpose.

What is sequencing of events as a reading strategy?

Sequencing is one of many skills that contribute to students' ability to comprehend what they
read. Sequencing refers to the identification of the components of a story — the beginning,
middle, and end — and also to the ability to retell the events within a given text in the order in
which they occurred. The ability to sequence events in a text is a key comprehension strategy,
especially for narrative texts. Sequencing is also an important component of problem-solving
across subjects.
*Sources: https://www.slideshare.net/jubiithegreat/developmental-reading-2-noting-details and

C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson

 ON NOTING DETAILS: To note the relationship of ideas, we need to identify the type of
relationship of ideas.

These are: ❶ cause and effect, ❷problem and solution, ❸contradiction/contrasting views,
and ❹supporting evidence/example.

1. Cause and Effect

In cause and effect relationships, the second sentence typically states an effect that is caused
by the first sentence. Add the words “As a result” or similar phrases between the sentences.
(effect) (effect)
Maria did not eat breakfast. As a result, There was a loud noise that is why the baby woke
she was dizzy at school. up.

2. Problem-Solution Relationship
In problem and solution relationships, the second sentence typically states a solution to the
problem stated in the first sentence.

Tessa has gain too much weight these past months. To solve this problem, she went to a gym
to work out.

3. Supporting Evidence or Example

Usually, the second sentence supports the idea presented in the first sentence by providing an
example or evidence.

(supporting evidence)
There are many ways to improve your vocabulary. One is using the dictionary.

4. Contradiction or Contrast
Sometimes two sentences will contradict one another, or they will present contrasting views.

Pepe is very behaved student. On the other hand , his brother Jose is naughty and

 ON SEQUENCING OF EVENTS: These are some of the most common ways to sequence in
writing or in speaking.

*Source: K-12 LM English 7

 Study the following text.

Janine helped her father roast hot dogs on the campfire. First, she put a hot dog on a
long stick. Next, she held the stick so the hot dog was just above the fire. After a few
minutes, she turned the hot dog over. Finally, she removed the hot dog from the fire
and placed it in a bun.

 'First' and 'today' are great examples of sequence words found at the beginning of a
story. These words are signals that tell you a story is starting. 'Then', 'later', 'after' and
'suddenly' are sequence words that might be found in the middle of a story. They signal
that a new event is being described.

 Sometimes the sequence words, such as first, next, last etc. can’t be found in the text. You
just need to find the sequence by reading between the lines or analyzing the details
*Source: https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-are-sequence-words.html

D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #1

•Instructions: Give what is asked whether on details of the text or the sequence of its

After her retirement from teaching. Ms. Cruz decided to write books.

1. Based on the details of the text, what proves that Ms. Cruz must be really good in
writing? (noting-supporting evidence)
A. She must have been teaching writing as a subject.
B. She just woke up one day she wanted to be a writer.
C. She joined the writer’s club when she was in college.
D. She just felt the burst of creativity so she tried writing.

2. What did Ms. Cruz do before she wrote mystery books? (sequencing)
A. She joined DepEd team. B. She teach students how to write books.
C. She enjoyed an early vacations D. She officially stopped working as a professional.

For numbers 3 -5, read the text below.

Sue and Mary wanted to go to the zoo, but they were afraid that their mother won’t allow
them. They talked to their mother and she told them they could go after finishing their chores.
They tried to do the instructions of their mother so they were given chance by their parent to
go to the zoo. First, they cleaned their rooms. Next, they mopped the kitchen floor. After that,
they washed the family's car. Finally, they got ready to go to the zoo.

3. How did they get the chance to go to the zoo? (noting-cause and effect)
A. They cleaned their rooms.
B. They finished the household chores.
C. They listened to all what their mother said.
D. Their mother was kind enough to grant their request immediately.

4. What must be the problem of the siblings? (noting-problem and solution)

A. They were going to the zoon to see the animals.
B. They left their mother without asking for her permission.
C. They wanted to see the animals but they need the mother’s consent.
D. They had to go immediately to the see and they have to leave right away.

5. Which line proves that they got what they wanted? (sequencing)
A. First line B. Last line C. Third line D. Second line

Day 4
E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Skills #2


•Instructions: Match the statements in column A with the details in column B to complete
the sentence.
_____ 6. Danny always stays late at night A. and one of them is reading pocket
_____ 7. Penny couldn’t afford to buy computer B. as a result, he would be sleep during
_____ 8. I have many hobbies C. so she saved money so she can buy

•Instructions: Sequence the following events based on the story of “The Stranger” by I.V.
Mallari below. Tag each number with the corresponding letter to show the story
sequence. Begin with A as the first event, and G as the last event.
Example You write your answers this way:
9. This boy used to fail his mother. 9. B.
10. Once upon a time, there was a boy named 10. A
Jose. 11. G
11. In the end, his mother passed and he 12. D
regretted not taking good care of her. 13. E
12. Since his mother was sick, she could not do 14. F

her role as the mother of his three children. 15. C
13. Jose, who was the eldest, was expected to
the role of his mother.
14. His mother’s condition got worse.
15. When he was 15, his mother got sick.

___ 9. He sits next to an acacia tree, watching his classmates play with each other
___10. There is a new boy named David in his school. People, including his classmates often
think harshly of him, saying he is a teacher’s pet or a bootlicker.
___11. One day, he brought a new package to his classmates in school. The package
a puto seko that was made by his grandma.
___12. At last, people regarded David a hero and accepted him positively.
___ 13. They went swimming in the river one day. One of his classmates named Pendong, who
is an excellent swimmer, swam too far and his life is nearly in danger.
___ 14. David saw Pendong struggling and never hesitated to save his life.
___ 15. Eventually, his classmates eventually accepted him.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative assessment)

•Instructions: The following are pointers about noting details. Read the given and give
what is asked.

1. Which of the following set of sentences shows “cause and effect relationship”?
A. Frank always bully his classmates. As a result, he is always reprimanded by his teachers.
B. Rowena can’t understand the lessons in Math. To solve her problem, she asked Tony to help
her with the lessons.
C. Allan is a very kind person. He helps his classmates when they don’t understand the lessons.
He is also respectful to all.

2. Which among the set of sentences shows “contradiction”?

A. Ten-ten likes playing sports. He is very good in playing basketball as well as soccer.
B. Ana was not feeling well. That is why she did not attend classes
C. My father is a silent person. He doesn’t talk too much. My mother, on the other hand, is very
talkative. She always scolds me every time I made a mistake.

3. Which of the following does NOT show idea of “example or supporting evidence
A. Donna wants to have an award in the class. That is why she reviews and studies hard very
B. Ramon has been helping in house like cleaning the restroom, washing the dishes and looking
after his younger siblings.
C. Shaina likes Korean Culture. She loves watching Korean Drama. She also eats Korean
foods like Bibimbap, Samgeupsal, etc.

4-5. Identify the TWO (2) set of sentences which obviously shows “problem solution
A. He was born poor. To overcome this, he worked hard to earn money.
B. There are many kind of figurative language. One example is hyperbole or exaggeration
C. His father is the housekeeper while his mother is the provider.
D. They have many expenses. To solve this, they made budget plan to save some money.

G. Finding Practical Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

Whenever you are reading a text, you should be constantly noting the important details. When
discussing reading comprehension, think of details as the individual features, facts or particulars
in the text. These details are essential to develop reading comprehension

On the other hand, the ability to sequence requires higher-order thinking skills, from recognizing
patterns to determining cause and effect and more. Sequencing helps students understand and
organize material they've learned as well as helps them solve problems.

and https://educators.brainpop.com/teaching-tip/sequence-learning-objectives/

H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lesson

Noting details is a reading comprehension skill that involves picking out, from a piece of text,
the particular piece or pieces of information to achieve a given purpose.

Sequencing Events refers to the identification of the components of a story — the beginning,
middle, and end — and also to the ability to retell the events within a given text in the order in
which they occurred. The ability to sequence events in a text is a key comprehension
strategy, especially for narrative texts.
*Sources:https://www.slideshare.net/jubiithegreat/developmental-reading-2-noting-details and

Day 5
I. Evaluating Learning
•Instructions: The following are pointers about noting details. Read the given and give
what is asked.
"I came home," he said. "Because I did not find you among the dancers. Of course, I am not
forcing you to come, if you don't want to join my wedding ceremony. I came to tell you that
Madulimay, although I am marrying her, can never become as good as you are. She is not as
strong in planting beans, not as fast in cleaning water jars, not as good keeping a house
clean. You are one of the best wives in the whole village."

*Source: Excerpt from the Wedding Dance by A. Daguio

1. The underlined set of sentences shows ______________ relationship
A. cause-effect B. example or supporting evidence C. problem-solution

Turning to Nana Emilia, Mr. Angeles joyfully cried: "These are the mats, Miling." Mr. Angeles
picked up the topmost mat in the bundle.
"This, I believe, is yours, Miling."

"It is beautiful, Jaime; it is beautiful!" Nana Emilia's voice broke, and she could not say any

"And this, I know, is my own," said Mr. Angeles of the next mat in the bundle.
"And this, for your, Marcelina."
"And this is for you, José."
José was the second child. He was a medical student already in the third year of medical
school. Over his name the symbol of Aesculapius was woven into the mat.
"You are not to use this mat until the year of your internship," Mr. Angeles was saying.
"This is yours, Antonia."
"And this is yours, Juan."
"And this is yours, Jesus."
Mat after mat was unfolded. On each of the children's mats there was somehow an
appropriate device.

Source: Excerpt from The Mats by F. Arcellana from:


2. Which is the correct sequence of the distribution of the mats to the members of
Angeles Family.
A. Jose, Nana Emilia, Juan, Antonia, Jaime and Marcelina
B. Jesus, Antonia, Jaime, Juan, Marcelina, Nana Emilia and Jose
C. Nana Emilia, Jaime, Marcelina, Jose, Antonia, Juan and Jesus

(1) Eddie is a little kid who often gets picked on by his sister. (2) He describes a time when he
went into the dollhouse and broke one of her dolls as a result, she got so angry that she fell
down foaming at the mouth and had to go to the hospital. (3) Ever since then the family has to
be calm around her and work at not angering her or inspiring any extreme emotion because
she has a weak heart.

*Source: Based on the story “The Centipede” by R. Diaz from: https://www.sushidog.com/bpss


3. Which sentence shows “cause-effect relationship”?

A. Sentence no. 1 B. Sentence no. 2 C. Sentence no. 3

4. Which among the events happened first?

A. The sister got angry. B. Eddie broke a doll. C. The sister got hospitalized.
At first David, was ignored by his classmates. They thought that he was strange and a
show off. Until one day he brought food (puto seko) and shared it to them. He started to bond
with his classmates. From then on his classmates have liked him.
*Source: Based on the story “ The Stranger” by IV Mallari from:

5. What “problem and solution” were presented in the passage?

A. He is thinking of food to bring - He thought of puto seko.
B. His classmates were snobbish - He bribed them by giving them puto seko.
C. His classmates do not want to be with him- He befriended them by being kind and thoughtful
to them.
“Why the Sky is High” by I.V. Mallari
In the early days, when the sky was still low, two brothers named Ingat and Daskol lived with
their parents on Earth.
As their names indicate, Ingat was careful in everything he did and was, therefore, his
father's right hand man. He was always helping with the work in the field, and his parents
were very pleased with him.
On the other hand, Daskol did his work sloppily. In the absence of a daughter in the family,
the house work came to be Daskol's responsibility. He fetched water, cleaned the house, and
did the cooking. He also pounded the palay that his father and Ingat harvested. Even in
pounding, Daskol lived up to his name. Half of the grain he pounded scattered and fell to the
ground. Being naturally lazy and impatient, he did not like the work of pounding rice.
One day, Daskol had to pound a greater quantity of palay than usual. He was irritated
because, every time he raised the pestle, it would hit the sky. His anger added to his
strength and desire to finish the work quickly. So he raised the pestle higher, and every time
it hit the sky, the sky would be raised. In his hurry, Daskol did not notice that the sky was
rising. When he finished pounding rice, he looked up and discovered that the sky had risen,
and that is why it is where it is today.
Source: http://www.seasite.niu.edu/tagalog/folktales/Tagalog/why_the_sky_is_high. htm? fbclid= IwAR3
6. Which paragraph shows “contrast or contradiction” based on the given selection.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3
•Instructions: Sequence the following events based on the story “Why the Sky is High”
by I.V. Mallari below. Tag each number with the corresponding letter to show the story
sequence. Begin with A as the first event, and C as the last event.
_____ 7. Because of the action of Daskol, the sky had risen.

_____ 8. The brothers Ingat and Daskol were introduced.
_____ 9. They were described as having opposite attitude or qualities.
_____10. One Day, Daskol impatiently and hurriedly pounded rice. As he raised the pestle
he would hit the sky. Thy sky would go higher
•Instructions: Discuss further the importance of noting details and sequencing of events
as reading strategies. Write in your own words. If you need the guide of a source, still,
put ideas in your own words or paragraph. The rubric below will discuss to you the
standards for this activity.
Copy this table and write inside it your answer.
Your own title here:

Rubric for Student Explanation

Explanation demonstrates strong understanding of

Student used an appropriate strategy and there were no
Student completely explained each step is using
appropriate vocabulary.

Explanation demonstrates good understanding of

Student used an appropriate strategy is utilized but there
were minor errors in notation or labels.
Explanation is nearly complete but some gaps exist;
vocabulary is appropriate.

Explanation demonstrates some understanding of

concept, but there are significant computational or
algebraic errors.
Student used an appropriate strategy but application is
inconsistent and there are significant errors in notation or
Explanation is vague or inconsistent with missing or
inappropriate vocabulary.

Explanation demonstrates limited understanding of

concept and included significant computational and
algebraic errors.
4-5 Student used an inappropriate strategy or used irrelevant
Minimal explanation is provided and explanation is
unclear with missing and inappropriate vocabulary.

Student attempted was able only to start his preliminary



J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation


•Instructions: Give what is asked whether on details of the text or the sequence of its
Everyone loves a snack once in a while. 2Here is a recipe for making your own healthful
snack. First, cut an apple in half and clean out the core. 4Next, place some raisins in each
half of the apple. 5Then, sprinkle some cinnamon over the raisins. 6Place the apple halves on a
cookie sheet and bake them in an oven for 20 minutes at 300 degrees. 7Finally, remove the
apple halves from the oven and let them cool a little. *Adapted

1. With all the details provided in the text, what must be the activity about?
A. baking B. cooking C. eating D. fruit peeling

2. Based on the text, what is the first thing you do to the apple?
A. Everyone loves a snack once in a while.
B. Cut an apple in half and clean out the core.
C. Peel the apple, don’t include the skin in the recipe.
D. Remove the apple halves from the oven and let them cool a little.

3. How many steps applied to creating the apple pie?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

4. Identify all the connectors used to finish the process in the text.
A. first next finally C. first second third last
B. first next then finally D. first then next also finally

5. Which sentence did not use a connector?

A. Sentence no. 3 B. Sentence no. 4 C. Sentence no. 5 D. Sentence no. 6

•Instructions: The following are pointers on noting details. Identify the “relationship” of
each given.

A. cause and effect C. problem-solution relationship

B. contradiction or contrast D. supporting evidence or example

_____ 6. Gina did not listen to the teacher‘s explanation. As a result she was not able to
answer the questions on the worksheets.

_____ 7. Gabrielle likes to eat vegetable, while Danielle likes to eat fried chicken and hotdogs
_____ 8. Helen did not participate in the group activity. As a result she did not have a grade in
the Performance Task.

_____ 9. Philippines has many tourist spots. Boracay and Underground River are just a few of

_____10. The students were very passive and less participative. The teacher motivates and
encourages them to be active in class.


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