Inbound 1038255337324761777
Inbound 1038255337324761777
Inbound 1038255337324761777
1. What is your name? 5. What is (you/his/her) telephone number?
2. Is there anyone with you? 6. Who can we call to tell them that you are here?
3. What is the name of the person who can make important decisions 7. Do you have medical insurance?
with you? 8. Do you have your insurance card with you?
4. Is this person here with you?
1. Do you have an appointment?
2. Is it urgent? 12. How long ago?
3. What's the matter? 13. Do you take medication every day?
4. How can I help you? 14. Are you on any sort of medication?
5. How are you feeling? 15. Was/Is it prescribed by a doctor?
6. When was the last time you ate? 16. Do you have the container with you?
7. When was the last time you drank something? 17. What is the name of the medication?
8. What did you eat/drink? 18. Are you allergic to any medication?
9. Have you taken any medications within the last 6 hours? 19. Are you feeling alright?
10. Which medication? 20. Are you feeling any better?
11. How many pills did you take?
1. What's the problem? 10. Was there blood in it?
2. What are your symptoms? 11. Blood in your urine?
3. When did your problem start? 12. Blood in your excrement?
4. When did the pain start? 13. Vaginal bleeding?
5. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does it hurt? 14. Have you had a stroke?
6. Does the pain radiate (move)? 15. Do you have any allergies?
7. Do you have fever? 16. Is there any possibility you might be pregnant?
8. Do you feel like you want to throw up? 17. How long have you been feeling like this?
9. Have you thrown up?
1. Which drug did you take? 4. What animal bit/stung you? 7. How much alcohol do you drink a
2. Did you smoke something? 5. Did a person bite you? week?
3. Were you drinking? 6. How long ago?
1. When was your last period? 9. Have you ever had a caesarean/c-section?
2. Have you reached menopause? 10. How many times did you give birth?
3. Is your period regular? 11. Were you raped?
4. Have you had any bleeding other than your period? 12. Do you have vaginal discharge
5. Are you pregnant? 13. Are you using birth control?
6. Are you in labor? 14. Have you has your tubes tied?
7. How close together are the pains? 15. Do you have any sexually transmitted diseases (STD)?
8. Did your water brake?
1. Can I have a look? 4. Can you lift your right arm? 7. Can you open your mouth, please?
2. Where does it hurt? 5. Does it hurt when I press here? 8. Can you feel this?
3. Can you bend your neck? 6. Could you roll up your sleeve?
1. Have you had this problem before? Influenza shot
2. How often? (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) MMR Vaccine
3. Have you ever had a surgery? Pertussis
4. Are you allergic to shellfish? Chickenpox
5. Do you have a coronary heart disease/kidney disease? Pneumonia
6. Have you been vaccinated against Tetanus? Hepatitis A and B
7. Have you received 3 or more shots for Tetanus? Haemophilus influenza type B
8. Which vaccines or inoculations you have received? Diphtheria
9. Have you traveled out of the country recently? Polio
Intervention Expressions
1. I need to do rectal exam 6. I want you to see a specialist
2. I need to do a pelvic exam 7. The doctor needs to take an X-ray
3. I'm going to take your blood pressure/ temperature/ pulse 8. The doctors need an ultrasound
4. The doctor needs a blood sample/urine sample/ stool sample 9. Your blood pressure's quite low/normal/ rather high/ very high
5. I want to send you for an x-ray 10. Your temperature's quite low/normal/ rather high/ very high
1. I'd like to have an eye test, please
2. The frame on these glasses is broken. Can you repair it? 8. Could you read out the letters on the chart, starting at the top?
3. Do you sell sunglasses? 9. Could you close your left eye, and read this with your right?
4. How much are these designer frames? 10. Do you do hearing tests?
5. My eyesight's getting worse 11. I need a new pair of glasses/ pair of reading glasses/glasses case
6. Do you wear contact lenses? /contact lenses
7. Are you short-sighted or long-sighted?