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Movitrac Advanced

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Drive Technology \ Drive Automation \ System Integration \ Services *31544819_0823*

Operating Instructions

MOVITRAC® advanced

Edition 08/2023 31544819/EN

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 General information .................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Structure of the safety notes ........................................................................................... 5

2 Safety notes ............................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Target group ................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Designated use ............................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Functional safety technology .......................................................................................... 7
2.4 Transport......................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Creating a safe working environment ........................................................................... 10
2.6 Installation/assembly..................................................................................................... 12
2.7 Protective separation .................................................................................................... 12
2.8 Electrical installation ..................................................................................................... 13
2.9 Startup/operation .......................................................................................................... 14

3 Device structure ...................................................................................................................... 15

3.1 Nameplates................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Type designation........................................................................................................... 17
3.3 Markings ....................................................................................................................... 18

4 Mechanical installation ........................................................................................................... 20

4.1 Installation notes ........................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Installation requirements............................................................................................... 20
4.3 Preparing the control cabinet back panel...................................................................... 21
4.4 Installing inverter sizes 0S and 0L ................................................................................ 22
4.5 Installing inverter sizes 3 – 8......................................................................................... 23
4.6 Installing the shield plate............................................................................................... 23
4.7 Removing and attaching the safety cover..................................................................... 26
4.8 Removing and reinstalling the touch guards................................................................. 27
4.9 Installing braking resistors ............................................................................................ 31
4.10 Installing the line choke................................................................................................. 35

5 Electrical installation .............................................................................................................. 36

5.1 Installation planning considering EMC aspects ............................................................ 36
5.2 Installation instructions.................................................................................................. 40
5.3 UL-compliant installation............................................................................................... 48
5.4 Connection to power terminals ..................................................................................... 53
5.5 24 V supply voltage....................................................................................................... 55
5.6 Line fuses...................................................................................................................... 55
5.7 Brake chopper output.................................................................................................... 56
5.8 Temperature sensor...................................................................................................... 56
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5.9 Brake control output...................................................................................................... 57

5.10 Inputs/outputs ............................................................................................................... 57
5.11 Encoders....................................................................................................................... 57
5.12 MOVILINK® DDI ........................................................................................................... 60
5.13 Fieldbus cables and cable routing ................................................................................ 63
5.14 BW.. braking resistors................................................................................................... 65
5.15 ND.. line choke.............................................................................................................. 70

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 3

Table of Contents

5.16 Terminal assignment..................................................................................................... 71

5.17 Wiring diagrams ............................................................................................................ 77
5.18 PC connection............................................................................................................... 92

6 Startup...................................................................................................................................... 93
6.1 Startup information........................................................................................................ 93
6.2 Startup requirements .................................................................................................... 94
6.3 Operation without startup.............................................................................................. 95
6.4 Startup with "ex works parameters" .............................................................................. 95
6.5 Startup of third-party motors ......................................................................................... 96
6.6 Startup with MOVISUITE® engineering software ......................................................... 96
6.7 Setting the EtherCAT® ID ............................................................................................. 98
6.8 Startup with the CBG21A keypad ................................................................................. 98
6.9 Startup of motors with the MOVILINK® DDI interface .................................................. 99
6.10 Control options.............................................................................................................. 99
6.11 Application-related startup .......................................................................................... 100

7 Operation ............................................................................................................................... 101

7.1 CBG22A keypad ......................................................................................................... 101

8 Service ................................................................................................................................... 102

8.1 Resetting fault messages............................................................................................ 102
8.2 Description of the 7-segment display.......................................................................... 102
8.3 Description of the LED displays .................................................................................. 105
8.4 Device replacement .................................................................................................... 114
8.5 Shutdown .................................................................................................................... 115
8.6 Waste disposal............................................................................................................ 116

9 Inspection and maintenance ................................................................................................ 117

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4 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

General information
Structure of the safety notes 1
1 General information
1.1 Structure of the safety notes
1.1.1 Meaning of signal words
The following table shows the graduation and meaning of the signal words in the
safety notes:

Signal word Meaning Consequences if not observed

DANGER Imminent danger Death or severe injuries
WARNING Possibly dangerous situation Death or severe injuries
CAUTION Possibly dangerous situation Minor injuries
NOTICE Possible damage to property Damage to the product or its envi-
INFORMATION Useful information or tip: Simplifies
handling of the product.

1.1.2 Meaning of the hazard symbols

The hazard symbols in the safety notes have the following meaning:

Hazard symbol Meaning

General hazard

Warning of dangerous electrical voltage

Warning of hot surfaces

Warning of automatic restart

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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 5

Safety notes
2 Target group

2 Safety notes
2.1 Target group
Specialist for me- Any mechanical work may be performed only by adequately qualified specialists. Spe-
chanical work cialists in the context of this documentation are persons who are familiar with the
design, mechanical installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of the product, and
who possess the following qualifications:
• Qualifications in the field of mechanics in accordance with the national regulations
• Familiarity with this documentation
Specialist for elec- Any electrotechnical work may be performed only by electrically skilled persons with a
trotechnical work suitable education. Electrically skilled persons in the context of this documentation are
persons who are familiar with electrical installation, startup, troubleshooting, and main-
tenance of the product, and who possess the following qualifications:
• Qualifications in the field of electrical engineering in accordance with the national
• Familiarity with this documentation
Additional qualifi- In addition to that, these persons must be familiar with the valid safety regulations and
cations laws, as well as with the requirements of the standards, directives, and laws specified
in this documentation.
The persons must have the express authorization of the company to operate, pro-
gram, parameterize, label, and ground devices, systems, and circuits in accordance
with the standards of safety technology.
Instructed persons All work in the areas of transport, storage, installation, operation and waste disposal
may only be carried out by persons who are trained and instructed appropriately.
These instructions must enable the persons to carry out the required activities and
work steps safely and in accordance with regulations.

2.2 Designated use

The product is intended for control cabinet installation in electrical systems or ma-
In case of installation in electrical systems or machines, startup of the product is pro-
hibited until it is determined that the machine meets the requirements stipulated in the
local laws and directives. For Europe, Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC as well as the
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU apply. Observe EN 60204-1 (Safety of machinery - elec-
trical equipment of machines). The product meets the requirements stipulated in the
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
The standards given in the declaration of conformity apply to the product.
The systems can be mobile or stationary.
Only connect ohmic/inductive loads.
The product can be used to operate the following motors in industrial and commercial
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• AC asynchronous motors
• AC synchronous motors
Technical data and information on the connection conditions are provided on the
nameplate and in chapter "Technical data" in the documentation. Always comply with
the data and conditions.

6 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Safety notes
Functional safety technology 2
Unintended or improper use of the product may result in severe injury to persons and
damage to property.

2.2.1 Lifting applications

To avoid danger of fatal injury due to falling hoists, observe the following points when
using the product in lifting applications:
• Use mechanical protection devices.
• Perform a hoist startup.

Application in ELSM® control mode

When the inverter is operated in ELSM® control mode, using it in lifting applications
and inclining tracks is not permitted.

2.2.2 Restrictions of use

The following applications are prohibited unless the device is explicitly designed for
such use:
• Use in potentially explosive areas.
• Use in areas exposed to harmful oils, acids, gases, vapors, dust, and radiation.
• Operation in applications with impermissibly high mechanical vibration and shock
loads in excess of the regulations stipulated in EN 61800-5-1.
• Use at an elevation of more than 3800 m above sea level.
In addition, observe the restrictions of use in chapter "General technical data".

2.3 Functional safety technology

The product includes the STO safety subfunction. As an option, additional safety sub-
functions can be available for the product.
The safety subfunctions are deactivated in the delivery state. The product may
not perform any safety function without higher-level safety systems.
Observe the product manual of the device for use of the STO safety subfunction or
other safety subfunctions.

2.4 Transport
Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship-
ping company immediately about any damage. If the product or the packaging is dam-
aged, do not assemble, install, connect, or start up the product. If the packaging is
damaged, the product itself may also be damaged.
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Observe the following notes when transporting the device:

• Ensure that the product is not subject to mechanical impact.
• Only place the product lying on the heat sink during transport.
• Always use all attachment points if available. The attachment points are designed
to carry only the mass of the product. Do not apply any additional loads.
If necessary, use suitable, sufficiently dimensioned handling equipment.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 7

Safety notes
2 Transport

Observe the information on climatic conditions in chapter "Technical data" of the docu-

2.4.1 Transport information - size 5

Observe the following information:
• Hold inverters of size 5 by the handling points provided on the rear panel of the


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8 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Safety notes
Transport 2
2.4.2 Transport information - size 6
Observe the following information:
• Hook in the lifting eye at the top of the housing.
• Attach the lifting eye to lifting devices using suitable slings.


2.4.3 Transport information - size 7

Observe the following information:
• Transport the inverter using the carrying bar [1] included in the scope of delivery.
• Secure the carrying bar against axial displacement using both split pins [2].


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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 9

Safety notes
2 Creating a safe working environment

2.4.4 Transport information - size 8

Observe the following information:
• Transport the size 8 inverters at the recesses [1] provided for this purpose on the
housing, using a suitable lifting device.



2.5 Creating a safe working environment

Before you work on the product, ensure a safe working environment. Observe the fol-
lowing basic safety note:

2.5.1 Performing work on the product safely

Defective or damaged product

Never install defective or damaged products. Observe the following information to
avoid injuries or damage:
• Before installation, check the product for external damage and replace a damaged

Hot surfaces
The surfaces of the product can become very hot during operation. Observe the fol-
lowing information to avoid burns:
• Let the product and its accessories cool down before touching it.
• Do not touch any surfaces of the product during operation, except for the control
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• Please also observe the labels and hazard symbols on the product.

Falling load
Observe the following information to avoid death or severe injury due to falling loads:
• Do not stand under the load.
• Secure the area where loads can fall down.

10 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Safety notes
Creating a safe working environment 2
• Use personal protective equipment (such as helmet and safety shoes).
• Use a suitable lifting tool (chain hoist, forklift) and transport protection.

Rotating parts
When working on the product, there may be a risk of exposed rotating parts and un-
controlled movement of the components. Observe the following information to avoid
body parts getting crushed or pulled in:
• Switch off the product before you start working on it.
• Observe all technical data of the product.
• Do not reach into the hazard zone.
• Follow the 5 safety rules in chapter: "Performing electrical work safely" (→ 2 11).

Sharp edges
Observe the following information to avoid cuts and malfunctions caused by sharp or
non-deburred cutting edges:
• Wear safety gloves.

2.5.2 Performing electrical work safely

Observe the following information to perform electrical work safely:
Electrical work may only be performed by a qualified electrician or an electronically in-
structed person under the supervision of an electrician.
The fact that the operation LED and other display elements are no longer illuminated
does not indicate that the product has been disconnected from the supply system and
no longer carries any voltage.

Dangerous voltage
Observe the 5 safety rules in the specified sequence when working on electrical com-
ponents, unless there are important reasons to deviate from them (observe the specifi-
cations of DIN EN 50110-1 (VDE 0115-1)):
• Disconnect.
• Secure the device against a restart.
• Check that no voltage is applied.
• Ground and short-circuit.
• Cover or cordon off neighboring live parts.

Dangerous voltage
When the system is switched on, dangerous voltages are present at all power connec-
tions as well as any cables and terminals that are connected. This is also the case
even if the product is inhibited. Observe the following information to avoid the risk of
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electric shock:
• Do not touch any exposed live parts (e.g. male contacts, plug connectors, termi-
• Secure all open live components with a touch guard.
• Before applying the supply voltage, make sure that all required covers are mount-

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 11

Safety notes
2 Installation/assembly

Danger due to electric arc

An electric arc may occur when plug-in connections are disconnected or connected
while voltage is applied (e.g. connection between drive and inverter). In order to avoid
damaging electrical components, observe the following information:
• Do not disconnect power connections during operation.
• Do not connect power connections during operation.
• Ensure that the product is de-energized before disconnecting and connecting the
plug-in connections.

Damage to property due to damaged or loose cables

To avoid damaging electrical components (e.g. cables and plug-in connections), ob-
serve the following information:
• Do not insert plug-in connections if cables are subjected to tensile stress.
• Do not kink cables when connecting plug-in connections.
• Replace loose or defective plug-in connections.
• Make sure that cables are not pinched or crushed.
• Do not run cables near or along a sharp edge.

Dangerous voltage due to charged capacitors

Voltage from charged capacitors can still be present in live components or power con-
nections after disconnecting from the supply voltage. Observe the following informa-
• Observe the following waiting period after disconnecting the supply voltage and
before performing any electrical work: 10 minutes.
• Ensure that the unit is de-energized.
• Please also observe the labels and hazard symbols on the product.

2.6 Installation/assembly
Ensure that the product is installed and cooled in accordance with the regulations in
the documentation.
Protect the product from excessive mechanical strain. The product and its mounted
components must not protrude into the path of persons or vehicles. Ensure that no
components are deformed or no insulation spaces are modified, particularly during
transportation. Electrical components must not be mechanically damaged or de-

2.7 Protective separation

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The product meets all requirements for protective separation of power and electronics
connections in accordance with IEC 61800-5-1. The connected signal circuits must
meet requirements according to SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) or PELV (Protective
Extra Low Voltage) to ensure protective separation. The installation must meet the re-
quirements for protective separation.

12 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Safety notes
Electrical installation 2
In order to avoid exceeding the permitted contact voltages in SELV or PELV power cir-
cuits in the event of a fault, continuous equipotential bonding is required in the vicinity
of these power circuits. If this is not possible, other preventive measures must be
taken. These preventive measures are described in IEC 61800-5-1.

2.8 Electrical installation

Ensure that all of the required covers are correctly attached after the electrical installa-
Make sure that preventive measures and protection devices comply with the applica-
ble regulations (e.g. EN 60204-1 or EN 61800-5-1).

2.8.1 Stationary application

The necessary preventive measure for the product is:

Type of energy transfer Preventive measure

Direct power supply Ground connection

2.8.2 Regenerative operation

The drive is operated as a generator due to the kinetic energy of the system/machine.
Before opening the connection box, secure the output shaft against rotation.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 13

Safety notes
2 Startup/operation

2.9 Startup/operation
Observe the safety notes in chapters "Startup" and "Operation" in this documentation.
Make sure the connection boxes are closed and screwed before connecting the sup-
ply voltage.
Depending on the degree of protection, products may have live, uninsulated, and
sometimes moving or rotating parts as well as hot surfaces during operation.
Additional preventive measures may be required for applications with increased haz-
ard potential. Be sure to check the effectiveness of the protection devices after every
In the event of deviations from normal operation, switch the product off. Possible devi-
ations are increased temperatures, noise, or vibration, for example. Determine the
cause. Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE if necessary.
When the device is switched on, dangerous voltages are present at all power connec-
tions as well as at any connected cables and terminals. This also applies even when
the product is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.
Risk of burns due to arcing: Do not disconnect power connections during operation.
Do not connect power connections during operation.
If you disconnect the product from the voltage supply, do not touch any live compo-
nents or power connections because capacitors might still be charged. Observe the
following minimum switch-off time:
10 minutes.
Observe the corresponding information signs on the product.
The fact that the operation LED and other display elements are no longer illuminated
does not indicate that the product has been disconnected from the supply system and
no longer carries any voltage.
Mechanical blocking or internal protective functions of the product can cause a motor
standstill. Eliminating the cause of the problem or performing a reset may result in the
drive restarting automatically. If, for safety reasons, this is not permitted for the drive-
controlled machine, first disconnect the product from the supply system and then start
Risk of burns: The surface temperature of the product can exceed 60 °C during opera-
tion. Do not touch the product during operation. Let the product cool down before
touching it.
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14 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Device structure
Nameplates 3
3 Device structure
3.1 Nameplates

3.1.1 Example of a system nameplate

Sizes 0S and 0L


[3] [4] [5]


[1] Device status

[2] Master password MOVISAFE® CSB/CLS safety option
[3] Serial number
[4] Year of manufacture as part of the serial number. Example: 20 → year of manu-
facture 2020
[5] Free text line, see product manual > chapter "Product description" > "Technolo-
gies" > "Free text on nameplate"
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 15

Device structure
3 Nameplates

Sizes 3 – 8


[3] [1] [4] [5]


[1] Device status

[2] Master password MOVISAFE® CSB/CLS safety option
[3] Serial number
[4] Year of manufacture as part of the serial number. Example: 19 → year of manu-
facture 2019
[5] Free text line, see product manual > chapter "Product description" > "Technolo-
gies" > "Free text on nameplate"

3.1.2 Example of a performance data nameplate


[1] Device status

3.1.3 Product label

Product label with QR code in accordance with IEC 61406. The QR code
can be scanned. You will be redirected to the Digital Services of
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SEW‑EURODRIVE. There, you have access to product-specific data, docu-

ments, and further services.
In the "Documentation" > "Data and documents" area, the product
manual of the device with further information is available.

16 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Device structure
Type designation 3
3.2 Type designation

Example: MCX91A-0125-5E3-4-T00
MC Product family
X Device type
X = Single-axis inverter
91 Series
91 = With DC 24 V switched-mode power supply
A Version
A = Version status of the device series
0125 Performance class
0125 = Nominal output current, e.g. 0125 = 12.5 A
5 Connection voltage
2 = AC 200 – 230 V
5 = AC 380 – 500 V
E Power section variant EMC
0 = Interference suppression integrated
E = EMC filter limit value category C2 according to EN 61800‑3
3 Connection type
1 = 1-phase connection type
3 = 3-phase connection type
4 Operating mode
4 = 4-quadrant operation
T Device variant
0 = Standard (without process data interface)
S = EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
T = Control via fieldbus
E = EtherCAT®/CiA402 device profile
L = Ethernet POWERLINK/CiA402 device profile
0 Technology level
0 = Standard design
0 Application level
0 = standard/MOVIKIT® Velocity Drive
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1 = Activation of further MOVIKIT® software modules

2 = Customized solution
000 = Standard FCB control
001 = MOVIKIT® Velocity Drive (loaded at the factory)

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 17

Device structure
3 Markings

Example: MCX91A-0125-5E3-4-T00
Unit designs
/CSO = STO PL d, control via input
/CSB = STO PL d, control via safe communication
/CSL = SBC, SLS, control via safe communication
/CFN = PROFINET communication variant
/CFNB = PROFINET communication variant
/CFE = EtherNet/IPTM and Modbus TCP communication variant
/CFL = POWERLINK communication variant
/L = Design with coated printed circuit boards
/P = Parameters ex-works
/CMM = memory module
/CDM = diagnostic module

3.3 Markings
3.3.1 Basic device

Mark Definition
The CE marking indicates compliance with the following European direc-
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU1)
• EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
• Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of certain hazardous sub-
stances in electrical and electronic equipment
• Ecodesign Regulation 2019/1781
The waste disposal of this product is performed in compliance with the
WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU.

The EAC mark states compliance with the requirements of the technical
regulations of the Customs Union (Eurasian Economic Union), Armenia,
Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia.
The RCM mark declares compliance with the technical regulations of the
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Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

The China RoHS mark declares compliance with the directive SJ/
T 11364-2014 regarding the restriction of use of certain hazardous sub-
stances in electrical and electronic equipment and its packaging.

18 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Device structure
Markings 3
Mark Definition
The NM mark states compliance with the following Moroccan directives2):
• Low Voltage Directive no. 2573-14 (16 July, 2015)
• EMC Directive N° 2574-14 (16 July, 2015)
The UA.TR mark declares conformity with the technical regulations of

The KC mark declares compliance with §3 of Article 58-2 for the Korean
Radio Wave Act.

The UKCA mark states compliance with British guidelines.

The UL and cUL markings state UL approval.

cUL is equally eligible for approval by the CSA.

1) For products with functional safety, the requirements from the Low Voltage Directive are fulfilled by the Machinery Directive.
2) The selectable approvals UKCA (Great Britain) and NM (Morocco) are mutually exclusive.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 19

Mechanical installation
4 Installation notes

4 Mechanical installation
4.1 Installation notes
According to the degree of protection, the inverter is intended exclusively for installa-
tion in a control cabinet.
Note the following points during installation:
• Only install the device on a level, low-vibration, and torsionally rigid support struc-
• Observe the weight of the unit and the permissible tightening torques of the fasten-
• Check the validity of the degree of protection using the information in the operating
instructions and the data on the nameplate.
• Make sure that the cooling air supply is unobstructed; warm exhaust air from other
units must not influence the cooling.

4.2 Installation requirements

Check that the following conditions have been met:
• The device is undamaged (no damage caused by transport or storage).
• The ambient temperature corresponds to the operating instructions and name-
• Observe the ambient conditions stated in the product manual > chapter "Technical

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20 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Preparing the control cabinet back panel 4
4.3 Preparing the control cabinet back panel
Proceed as follows:
1. Drill the holes according to the following drilling diagram.
2. Cut the internal thread in the holes according to the screw size used.






Hole pattern 1 Hole pattern 2

Inverter Dimensions of the device base plate in mm Hole pattern

Size 0S 80 40 220 200 12 6 10
Size 0L 80 40 309 288 12 6 10
Size 3 105 80 350 325 12 6 18
Size 4 135 80 350 325 12 6 18
Size 5 196 160 471 440 13 7 18
Size 6 240 200 544 510 13 7 18
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Size 7 320 220 990 950 23 11 25

Size 8 518 450 990 950 23 11 25

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 21

Mechanical installation
4 Installing inverter sizes 0S and 0L

4.4 Installing inverter sizes 0S and 0L

Proceed as follows:




The retaining screw [1] is screwed into the prepared tapped hole in the mounting plate
in the control cabinet but is not tightened.
1. Place the inverter with the slotted hole in the device base plate onto the retaining
screw [1] from the top.
2. Push the inverter backwards to insert the retaining screw [2] into the upper hole in
the device base plate and the tapped hole in the mounting plate.
3. Tighten the retaining screws [1] and [2].

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22 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Installing inverter sizes 3 – 8 4
4.5 Installing inverter sizes 3 – 8
Proceed as follows:




The retaining screws [1] and [2] are screwed into the prepared tapped holes in the
mounting plate in the control cabinet but are not tightened.
1. Place the inverter with the slotted holes in the device base plate onto the retaining
screws [1] from the top.
2. Push the inverter backwards to insert the retaining screws [2] into the upper holes
in the device base plate.
3. Lower the inverter.
4. Tighten the retaining screws [1] and [2].

4.6 Installing the shield plate

The shield plate for motor, brake and braking resistor cables is included in the scope
of delivery for inverters of sizes 0S, 0L, 3 and 4.
For size 5 – 8 inverters, use commercially available shield plates to shield the motor,
brake and braking resistor cables. Apply the shielding as closely as possible to the in-
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 23

Mechanical installation
4 Installing the shield plate

4.6.1 Installing shield plate for sizes 0S and 0L

Proceed as follows:
The shield plate enables installation of the cables for motor, brakes and braking resis-
tors as well as the control and signal cables.


[2] [2]

[1] Retaining screws for shield plate

[2] Shield terminals for control and signal cables
[3] Additional fastening option for shield plate

1. Hold the shield plate at the lower edge of the base plate of the inverter.
2. Tighten the retaining screws [1].

4.6.2 Installing the CLH21A shield plate extension for sizes 0S and 0L
Proceed as follows:
The CLH21A shield plate extension (mounting rail on a standard shield plate) is used
to mount additional terminal blocks or modules onto the inverter shield plate. The
brake rectifier from SEW‑EURODRIVE or a multi-level terminal block, for example,
can be attached to the CLH21A shield plate extension.

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[1] Shield plate extension

1. Guide the shield plate extension [1] onto the shield plate from behind.
2. Tighten the retaining screw.

24 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Installing the shield plate 4
4.6.3 Installing shield plate for sizes 3 and 4
Proceed as follows:
The shield plate allows installation for motor, brake and braking resistor cables.
The retaining screws [1] and [2] are screwed into the prepared tapped holes in the
mounting plate in the control cabinet but are not tightened.
1. Place the inverter with the slotted holes in the device base plate onto the retaining
screws [1] from the top.


[1] [1]



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2. Push the inverter backwards to insert the retaining screws [2] into the upper holes
in the device base plate.
3. Lower the inverter.
4. Install the shield plate [3] as shown above.
5. Tighten the retaining screws [1] and [2].

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 25

Mechanical installation
4 Removing and attaching the safety cover

4.6.4 Installing the shield plate for MOVILINK® DDI

Proceed as follows:
A shield plate is supplied as standard for MOVILINK® DDI from size 5 and larger. The
shield plate is not yet installed on the unit.
1. Insert the shield plate [2] so that you can fasten it with the screw [1] in the position
[3] shown.



4.7 Removing and attaching the safety cover

Proceed as follows:
The inverter is equipped with a safety cover [1].
Removing the
safety cover 2.



1. The safety cover [1] has a latching mechanism at the bottom. Pull the lower part of
the safety cover away from the inverter to unlatch it.
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2. Pivot the safety cover forward and lift it up and out of the mounting.

26 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Removing and reinstalling the touch guards 4
Installing the
safety cover 1.


3. Insert the safety cover [1] into the upper recess and swing it towards the inverter
until it clicks into place.
4. Always install the safety cover [1] after having worked on the application inverter.

4.8 Removing and reinstalling the touch guards

For inverters of size 5 and higher, touch guards must be removed for the line and DC
link connection and the connection of the motor and braking resistor, and then rein-
stalled afterward.
When removing the touch guards, first remove the cover. When mounting the touch
guards, attach the cover afterwards. Otherwise, the touch guards can be disas-
sembled and assembled in any order.
Note the "permitted tightening torques" (→ 2 43).
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 27

Mechanical installation
4 Removing and reinstalling the touch guards

4.8.1 Size 5
The following figure shows an example of the touch guards of the inverter:




[1] Cover
[2] Touch guard for connection of supply system and DC link
[3] Touch guard for connection of motor and braking resistor

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28 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Removing and reinstalling the touch guards 4
4.8.2 Size 6
The following figure shows an example of the touch guards of the inverter:





[1] Cover
[2] Touch guard for connection of supply system and DC link
[3] Touch guard for connection of motor and braking resistor
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 29

Mechanical installation
4 Removing and reinstalling the touch guards

4.8.3 Size 7
The following figure shows an example of the touch guards of the inverter:






[1] Cover
[2] Touch guard for connection of motor and braking resistor
[3] Touch guard for connection of supply system and DC link
[4] Touch guard for connection of DC link before DC link choke

31544819/EN – 08/2023

30 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Installing braking resistors 4
4.8.4 Size 8
The following figure shows an example of the touch guards of the inverter:







[1] Cover
[2] Touch guard for connection of motor and braking resistor, part 1
[3] Touch guard for connection of motor and braking resistor, part 2
[4] Touch guard for connection of supply system and DC link
[5] Touch guard for connection of DC link before DC link choke

4.9 Installing braking resistors

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The surfaces of the braking resistors will reach temperatures of up to 250 °C when the
braking resistors are loaded with the nominal power. The installation location of the
braking resistor must be designed according to the high temperatures. For this reason,
the braking resistors are usually mounted outside the control cabinet. Non-permissible
installation might lead to heat build-up in the braking resistor due to reduced convec-
tion. A tripping temperature contact or an overheated braking resistor can lead to a
system standstill.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 31

Mechanical installation
4 Installing braking resistors

The following minimum clearances must be observed for convection cooling depend-
ing on the continuous braking power and the mounting position:

Continuous brak- Mounting Lateral distance or distance Downward Upward

ing power at 100% position between resistors in mm distance distance
cdf in mm in mm
horizontal1) 200 0 350
Up to 1 kW
vertical2) 150 250 300
horizontal3) 300 0 650
Up to 10 kW
vertical 250 350 600
horizontal3) 400 0 750
Up to 22 kW
vertical 350 400 700
horizontal3) 500 0 850
Up to 44 kW
vertical Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted

1) Corresponds to mounting position 1, 2, 5, 6.

2) Corresponds to mounting position 3, 4.
3) Corresponds to mounting position 1, 2, 5 and 6.

Permitted mounting positions

Grid resistor, Wire resistor Flat type resistor
frame resistor

1 1

3 4 4
3 3
2 2

5 5 5

Braking resistors BW003-420-T and BW1.0-170 may only be used in position 1.

31544819/EN – 08/2023

32 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Installing braking resistors 4
4.9.1 Installing BW120-001 and BW100-002/M braking resistors
The BW120-001 and BW100-002/M braking resistors can be used for the size 0S in-
verters in the system voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V. Mounting is only carried out in an
upright position next to an inverter.
The minimum lateral distance from adjacent components and walls can be reduced to
10 mm, contrary to the generally permissible mounting of braking resistors.
The minimum distance from components/ceilings above can be reduced to 100 mm,
contrary to the generally permissible mounting of braking resistors.

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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 33

Mechanical installation
4 Installing braking resistors

4.9.2 Installing braking resistors with CLH31A and CLH41A support plate
Observe the following information:
• During mounting, make sure no connection wires are pinched.
• Use the fastening bolts included in the scope of delivery to mount the inverter and
the support plate in the control cabinet.
• Refer to the dimension drawings for the drilling positions of the fastening bolts.

42323325579 31544819/EN – 08/2023

34 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Mechanical installation
Installing the line choke 4
4.9.3 Installing braking resistors with CLH51A and CLH61A support plate
Observe the following information:
• During mounting, make sure no connection wires are pinched.
• Use the fastening bolts included in the scope of delivery to mount the inverter and
the support plate in the control cabinet.
• Refer to the dimension drawings for the drilling positions of the fastening bolts.


4.10 Installing the line choke

Observe the following information:
• Install the line choke close to the inverter but outside the minimum clearance for
cooling. The line choke must not be heated by the exhaust air of the inverter.
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• Install the line choke before the line filter.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 35

Electrical installation
5 Installation planning considering EMC aspects

5 Electrical installation
5.1 Installation planning considering EMC aspects
The information in this chapter will help you to optimize the system with regard to elec-
tromagnetic compatibility, or to eliminate any existing EMC interference.
The notes in this chapter are not legal regulations, but rather recommendations for im-
proving the electromagnetic compatibility of your plant.
For further notes on EMC-compliant installation, refer to the publication Drive Engi-
neering – Practical Implementation edition "EMC in Drive Engineering – Basic Theor-
etical Principles – EMC-Compliant Installation in Practice".
Compliance with limit classes C1 and C2 has been tested in a CE-typical drive sys-
tem. SEW‑EURODRIVE can provide detailed information on request.

5.1.1 Arranging and routing installation components

You must always apply the relevant standards.

5.1.2 Control cabinet

Use control cabinets with electrically conductive (galvanized) mounting plates. If sev-
eral mounting plates are used, connect them in such a way that they are conductive
over a large area. EMC‑compliant installation of the inverter is only possible with a
mounting plate that is conductive over a large area.

5.1.3 Equipotential bonding

Regardless of the PE connection, it is essential that low-impedance, HF-compatible
equipotential bonding is provided (see also EN 60204‑1):
• Mount the line filter and inverter on a shared mounting plate. Make sure they are
connected over as large an area as possible and with good conductivity.
• Make sure that there is a suitable equipotential bonding between the system, the
control cabinet, the machine structure, the cable ducts, and the gearmotor:
– Use the mounting plate as the star point with regard to the HF equipotential
– Connect the PE busbar to the mounting plate in an HF-compatible manner.
– Connect the sheet metal cable ducts to the control cabinet in an HF-compatible
– Connect the cable ducts to the mounting plate in the control cabinet using a
high frequency litz wire.
– Connect the parts of the sheet metal cable ducts together in an HF-compatible
– Connect the sheet metal cable ducts to the gearmotor in an HF-compatible
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• Ensure that shielded cables are connected in an HF-compatible manner, e.g. by

using grounding clamps or EMC screw fittings, so that the braided shield has a
large connection surface.
• Do not use the cable shield of signal cables for the equipotential bonding.

36 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Installation planning considering EMC aspects 5
5.1.4 Cable installation
Observe the following information:
• Route the power cables, such as the motor cable and the brake cable, separately
from the supply system cable and the control cables.
• Route all cables as closely to the reference potential as possible, e.g. the mount-
ing plate.
• Keep all cables as short as possible. Avoid spare loops.

5.1.5 Cable connection

Supply system cable

Observe the following information:
• The supply system cable can be connected to the line choke and/or line filter using
single conductors or using unshielded cables. If necessary, shielded cables may
improve EMC.
• Limit the length of the connection lead between the line filter and the unit to the ab-
solute minimum needed.
• As a rule, do not lay filtered and unfiltered cables together.
• Route incoming and outgoing line filter cables separately.

Braking resistor
Observe the following information:
• To connect braking resistors, use two closely twisted conductors or a shielded
power cable.
• In the case of shielded cables, apply the braided shield over the entire circumfer-
ence over a large area.
• For the shield connection, use the designated shield plates on the axis module, if
provided. In all other cases, use commercially available shield terminals to install
the shielding of the motor, brake, and braking resistor cables. Apply the shielding
as closely as possible to the unit.

Power connection of motor and brake

Observe the following information:
• SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using pre-fabricated motor and brake cables.
When using unshielded motor cables, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using out-
put filters HF.. or output chokes HD...
• Apply the braided shield of all cables over the entire circumference over a large
area at both ends.
• For the shield connection, use the designated shield plates on the inverter side (if
provided). In all other cases, use commercially available shield terminals to install
the shielding of the motor and brake cables. Apply the shielding as closely as pos-
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sible to the inverter.

• If the motor cable and brake cable are combined in a shared cable, the cable must
have an inner shield separating the brake cables from the motor cores. The cables
also possess an overall shield. If the brake cable is routed separately,
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using a shielded brake cable.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 37

Electrical installation
5 Installation planning considering EMC aspects

• SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using prefabricated cables from

SEW‑EURODRIVE (self-assembled or also prefabricated).
• In the event of exceptionally high EMC requirements, an additional connection
point for the shield is recommended. To limit the emitted interference, the motor
shield can additionally be grounded to the control cabinet outlet using commercial
installation materials (grounding clamps or EMC screw fittings).

Control cable
You may connect the control cables (e.g. digital inputs and others) using unshielded
single conductors. Shielded cables increase the EMC. Use the designated shield
plates to connect the shield.
For routing outside of the control cabinet, you must use shielded cables.

SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using prefabricated encoder cables.
The shield of prefabricated cables from SEW‑EURODRIVE is connected via the con-
nector. SEW‑EURODRIVE offers the option of additionally mounting the shield using a
shield plate supplied.

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38 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Installation planning considering EMC aspects 5
5.1.6 Installation example




[6] [3]



[11] [9]

[5] [4]

[14] ]8[


[10] [12]
[14] [11]


[1] Galvanized mounting plate [8] Braking resistor

[2] Line filter [9] Braking resistor cable
[3] Inverter [10] Motor line
31544819/EN – 08/2023

[4] PE busbar [11] Brake cable

[5] HF connection of PE busbar/mounting plate [12] Grounding clamp
[6] Supply system cable [13] Electronics shield plate
[7] Power shield plate (depending on size) [14] HF connection

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 39

Electrical installation
5 Installation instructions

5.2 Installation instructions

5.2.1 General information

• Implement suitable measures to prevent the motor from starting up unintentionally.
Take additional safety measures depending on the application to prevent possible
injuries to people and damage to machinery.
• Only use closed cable lugs or conductor end sleeves to prevent individual litz wires
from emerging.
• To avoid mechanical vibrations, fasten connected cables by suitable means, e.g.
by fixing them on the shield plate or a clamp on the mounting plate of the control
• Disconnect the following electrical connections only in a de-energized state: Motor,
supply system, braking resistor, brake, encoder, energy storage unit, discharge

5.2.2 Permitted voltage systems

Information regarding voltage supply sys- Information regarding permissibil-

tems ity
TN and TT systems – voltage systems with di-
Use is possible without restrictions.
rectly grounded star point.
Use is only permitted adhering to
IT systems – voltage systems with non- specific measures. The measures
grounded star point. are described in chapter "Use in IT
Voltage systems with grounded outer con- Use only for nominal line voltages up
ductor. to max. 240 V.

Use in IT systems

EMC limit values
The EMC limit values for interference emission are not specified for voltage supply
systems without grounded star point (IT systems). The efficiency of line filters is
severely limited.

To ensure IT system capability, the terminal screw shown must be removed from the

Inverter Position of the terminal screw

Size 0S, 0L See chapter "Deactivating the EMC capaci-
tors" (→ 2 42).
31544819/EN – 08/2023

40 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Installation instructions 5
Inverter Position of the terminal screw
Sizes 3, 4, 6, 7 On the right side of the inverter:

Size 5 One screw on the top, another screw on the right

side of the inverter:
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 41

Electrical installation
5 Installation instructions

Inverter Position of the terminal screw

Size 8 On the right side of the inverter:


Deactivating the EMC capacitors

For the inverters of sizes 0S and 0L, the EMC capacitors are disabled as follows:
1. Disconnect the inverter from the power supply.
2. Check if the inverter is de-energized.
3. Remove all connectors.
4. If applicable: Remove the filler plug at terminal position X6.
5. Remove the CDM11A diagnostic module.
6. Remove the electronics shield terminal.
7. Remove the retaining screws at the front center of the housing.
8. Remove the housing.
Destruction of the device. Touch the printed circuit board only at the edge, never at
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electronic components.
Remove both retaining screws [1] from the printed circuit board.

42 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Installation instructions 5
10. Insert both retaining screws [1] into the supplied plastic insulation pieces [2].



11. Re-fasten the retaining screws [1] to the printed circuit board.
12. Close the unit.
13. Identify the device by marking the respective point on the nameplate.

5.2.3 Permitted terminal tightening torques

1. NOTICE! Failure to adhere to prescribed tightening torques. Damage to the
device. Connect the power cables with the specified tightening torques.

Tightening torques in Nm
Connection Sizes
0S 0L 3 4 5 6 7 8
Supply system X1 0.5 – 0.6 1.7 – 1.8 8.5 – 9.5 10 – 15 14 – 20 14 – 20
Motor and braking re-
X2 0.5 – 0.6 1.7 – 1.8 8.5 – 9.5 10 – 15 14 – 20 14 – 20
Terminal screw for TN/
EMC 1.2 – 1.7 1 – 1.2
IT systems
PE connection – 1.2 – 1.5 3–4 6 – 10 10 – 15 14 – 20 14 – 20
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Other screw connec-

tions at the shield plate M4 1.4 – 1.6
and front option

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 43

Electrical installation
5 Installation instructions

5.2.4 Permitted terminal cable cross sections

Single conductor, without conductor end sleeve, rigid and flexible

Inverter Terminal Terminal Stripping Cable cross section in mm2

type length in
Rigid Flexible
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Control unit
X20 9 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5
X22 Spring ter- 9 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5
All sizes
X6 minal 10 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5
X60 10 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5
Power section
All sizes X5 10 0.2 2.5 0.2 2.5
Spring ter-
Sizes 0S, 0L, 3, 4 X10 10 0.2 1.5 0.2 1.5
Sizes 5 – 8 X10 10 0.2 2.5 0.2 2.5
Size 0S X1 8 0.2 2.5 0.2 2.5
Size 0L X1 10 0.2 10 0.2 6
Size 3 X1 10 0.2 10 0.2 6
Size 4 X1 Screw ter- 12 0.75 16 0.75 16
Size 0S X2 minal1). 8 0.2 2.5 0.2 2.5
Size 0L X2 10 0.2 10 0.2 6
Size 3 X2 10 0.2 10 0.2 6
Size 4 X2 12 0.75 16 0.75 16
1) SEW-EURODRIVE recommends using conductor end sleeves for installation with screw terminals and a flexible cable

31544819/EN – 08/2023

44 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Installation instructions 5
Single conductor, without conductor end sleeve, with or without plastic collar

Inverter Terminal Terminal Stripping Cable cross section in mm2

type length in
Plastic collar
with without
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Control unit
X20 9 0.25 1.5 0.25 0.75
X22 Spring ter- 9 0.25 1.5 0.25 0.75
All sizes
X6 minal 10 0.14 0.75 0.25 1.5
X60 10 0.14 0.75 0.25 1.5
Power section
All sizes X5 10 0.25 2.5 0.25 2.5
Spring ter-
Sizes 0S, 0L, 3, 4 X10 10 0.14 0.75 0.25 1.5
Sizes 5 – 8 X10 10 0.25 2.5 0.25 2.5
Size 0S X1 8 0.25 2.5 0.25 2.5
Size 0L X1 10 0.25 4 0.25 6
Size 3 X1 10 0.25 4 0.25 6
Size 4 X1 Screw termi- 12 0.5 10 0.5 16
Size 0S X2 nal 8 0.25 2.5 0.25 2.5
Size 0L X2 10 0.25 4 0.25 6
Size 3 X2 10 0.25 4 0.25 6
Size 4 X2 12 0.5 10 0.5 16
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 45

Electrical installation
5 Installation instructions

Double conductor, without conductor end sleeve, with plastic collar

Inverter Terminal Terminal Stripping Double conductor, same cross section in

type length in mm2,
twin conductor end sleeve
Plastic collar
with without
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Control unit
X20 – – – – –
X22 Spring ter- – – – – –
All sizes
X6 minal – – – – –
X60 – – – – –
Power section
All sizes X5 10 0.5 1.5 – –
Spring ter-
Sizes 0S, 0L, 3, 4 X10 10 – – – –
Sizes 5 – 8 X10 10 0.5 1.5 – –
Size 0S X1 8 0.5 1 0.25 1
Size 0L X1 10 0.25 2.5 0.25 1.5
Size 3 X1 10 0.25 2.5 0.25 1.5
Size 4 X1 Screw termi- 12 0.5 6 0.5 4
Size 0S X2 nal 8 0.5 1 0.25 1
Size 0L X2 10 0.25 2.5 0.25 1.5
Size 3 X2 10 0.25 2.5 0.25 1.5
Size 4 X2 12 0.5 6 0.5 4
"–" Not permitted

5.2.5 Selecting the residual current device

The inverter can cause a direct current in the PE conductor.
Proceed as follows to select the residual current device:
1. If using a residual current device is not mandatory according to the standards,
SEWEURODRIVE recommends not using a residual current device.
2. WARNING! No protection against electric shock if an incorrect type of residual
current device is used. Severe or fatal injuries.
If a residual current device (residual current device RCD or residual current mon-
31544819/EN – 08/2023

itor RCM) is provided, use an all-current-sensitive RCD or RCM of type B.

3. If a residual current device is required, select the residual current device according
to the requirements for protecting persons, fire protection or system protection.
Observe the tripping characteristic, the deceleration and the rated tripping current
of the residual current device during selection.

46 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Installation instructions 5
4. During project planning, note that leakage currents which are as low as possible
occur in the system for operational reasons.
5. If the operational leakage currents are too high, you can distribute the current sup-
ply among several RCDs.

5.2.6 Using the line contactor

Proceed as follows:
1. Always place the line contactor before the line filter (if present).
2. Use at least one contactor of utilization category AC‑3 (EN 60947-4-1) as a line
3. NOTICE! Failing to observe the minimum switch-off time of the line contactor can
cause material damage. Irreparable damage to the inverter or unforeseen malfunc-
After switching off the voltage supply, keep it switched off for at least 10 s.
ð With 3-phase devices, do not switch on the voltage supply more frequently than
once every 60 seconds.
ð With 1-phase devices, do not switch on the voltage supply more frequently than
once every 120 seconds.
4. Do not use the line contactor for jog mode, but only for switching the inverter on
and off.
The following table provides an overview of when a line contactor is required. Observe
the notes on the required protective measures for the braking resistor used in the
product manual > chapter "Protection against thermal overload of the braking resis-
tor" (→ 2 65).

Inverter Braking resistor Protective element/preventive Line contactor re-

measure quired?
Size 0S, 0L, 3 No braking resistor - No
BW... flat design - No
BW... as PTC - No
BR… External bimetallic relay Yes
BW...-T External bimetallic relay Yes
From size 4 No braking resistor - No
BW... flat design - No
BW... as PTC - No
BR… External bimetallic relay No
BW...-T Temperature contact evaluation No
External bimetallic relay No
• With 3-phase devices, do not switch on the voltage supply more frequently than
31544819/EN – 08/2023

once every 60 seconds.

• With 1-phase devices, do not switch on the voltage supply more frequently than
once every 120 seconds.
• If a braking resistor is connected to inverters from size 4 without using a line con-
tactor, an external DC 24 V voltage supply must be provided on the inverter.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 47

Electrical installation
5 UL-compliant installation

5.2.7 Information regarding PE connection

A leakage current > 3.5 mA may be generated when operating the inverter. To avoid
shock currents according to EN 61800‑5-1, observe the following cable cross sections:
• Supply system cable < 10 mm2:
Route a second PE conductor with the cable cross section of the supply system
cable in parallel to the protective earth via separate terminals or use a copper pro-
tective earth conductor with a cable cross section of 10 mm2.
• Supply system cable 10 mm2 to 16 mm2:
Route a copper protective earth conductor with the cable cross section of the sup-
ply system cable.
• Supply system cable 16 mm2 to 35 mm2:
Route a copper PE conductor with a cable cross section of 16 mm2.
• Supply system cable > 35 mm2:
Route a copper protective earth conductor with half the cross section of the supply
system cable.
• If an earth leakage circuit breaker is used for protection against direct and indirect
contact, it must be universal current sensitive (RCD type B).

5.2.8 Installation with protective separation

The inverter meets all requirements for protective separation of power and electronics
connections according to EN 61800‑5-1. The connected signal circuits, including the
DC 24 V voltage supply, have to meet the requirements according to SELV (Safety
Extra Low Voltage) or PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage) to ensure protective sepa-
ration. The installation must meet the requirements for protective separation.

5.2.9 Protection devices

Observe the following information:
• The units come equipped with integrated protection devices against overload and
short circuit.
• The power contactor of the supply system cable must be realized through external
overload devices.
• The relevant standards must be observed concerning the cable cross section, the
voltage drop, and the type of routing that is used.

5.3 UL-compliant installation

Due to UL requirements, the following chapter is always printed in English and in
31544819/EN – 08/2023

some cases in French, regardless of the language of this documentation.

The UL label must be attached to the device or in close proximity to the device.

48 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
UL-compliant installation 5
- Use only tested units with a limited output voltage (Vmax = DC 30 V) and limited out-
put current (Imax = 8 A) as an external DC 24 V voltage source.
- UL certification does not apply to operation in voltage supply systems with a non-
grounded star point (IT systems).

5.3.1 Field wiring power terminals

• Use 75 °C copper wire only.
• Tightening torque and wire size for field wiring terminals:

Connection Tightening torque in-lbs (Nm)

Frame size
0S 0L 3 4 5 6 7 8
Line connection X1
Motor and brak- 4.4 – 5.3 15.0 – 15.9 75.2 – 84.1
ing resistor ter- X2 88.5 – 132.8 123.9 – 177.0
PE connection – 10.6 – 13.3 26.6 – 35.4 53.1 – 88.5
Terminal screw
for TN/IT sys- EMC 10.6 – 15 8.9 – 10.6
Other M4 screw
M4 12.4 – 14.2

5.3.2 Short circuit current rating

Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 65 000 rms symmet-
rical amperes when protected by fuses, inverse time circuit breakers or type E combi-
nation motor controllers as described in the tables below.
Max. voltage is limited to 240 V (230 V units only) or 500 V (400 V units only).

5.3.3 Branch circuit protection

Integral solid state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit protection.
Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance with the National Electrical
Code and any additional local codes (US) or Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1 (CA).
WARNING - The opening of the branch-circuit protective device may be an indication
that a fault current has been interrupted. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock,
current-carrying parts and other components of the controller should be examined and
replaced if damaged. If burnout of the current element of an overload relay occurs, the
complete overload relay must be replaced.
31544819/EN – 08/2023



Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 49

Electrical installation
5 UL-compliant installation


For maximum branch circuit protection see tables below.

Single-phase 200 – 240 V voltage range (SCCR: 65 kA)

Non-semiconductor Inverse-time circuit Type E combination mo-
fuses (currents are breaker (currents are tor controller, mfd by
Model (frame size)
maximum values) maximum, voltages Siemens, type Sirius
minimum values) (rated 480 V/277 V)
MCX91A-0017-2.3-4-.. (0S) 20 A/250 V 20 A/240 V 3RV2011-1GA10, 6.3 A
MCX91A-0025-2.3-4-.. (0S) 25 A/250 V 25 A/240 V 3RV2011-1HA10, 8 A
MCX91A-0034-2.3-4-.. (0S) 30 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-1JA10, 10 A
MCX91A-0042-2.3-4-.. (0S) 40 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-4AA10, 16 A
MCX91A-0055-2.3-4-.. (0S) 40 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-4AA10, 16 A
MCX91A-0070-2.3-4-.. (0L) 60 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-4BA10, 20 A
MCX91A-0093-2.3-4-.. (0L) 60 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-4DA10, 25 A
MCX91A-0110-2.3-4-.. (0L) 60 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-4EA10, 32 A

Three-phase 200 – 240 V voltage range (SCCR: 65 kA)

Non-semiconductor Inverse-time circuit Type E combination mo-
fuses (currents are breaker (currents are tor controller, mfd by
Model (frame size)
maximum values) maximum, voltages Siemens, type Sirius
minimum values) (rated 480 V/277 V)
MCX91A-0017-2.3-4-.. (0S) 6 A/250 V 15 A/240 V 3RV2011-1AA10, 1.6 A
MCX91A-0025-2.3-4-.. (0S) 6 A/250 V 15 A/240 V 3RV2011-1CA10, 2.5 A
MCX91A-0034-2.3-4-.. (0S) 10 A/250 V 15 A/240 V 3RV2011-1EA10, 4 A
MCX91A-0042-2.3-4-.. (0S) 15 A/250 V 15 A/240 V 3RV2011-1EA10, 4 A
MCX91A-0055-2.3-4-.. (0S) 20 A/250 V 20 A/240 V 3RV2011-1GA10, 6.3 A
MCX91A-0070-2.3-4-.. (0L) 25 A/250 V 25 A/240 V 3RV2011-1HA10, 8 A
MCX91A-0093-2.3-4-.. (0L) 30 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-1JA10, 10 A
MCX91A-0140-2.3-4-.. (0L) 30 A/250 V 30 A/240 V 3RV2011-4AA10, 16 A
MCX9.A-0213-2.3-4-.. (3) 60 A/600 V 60 A/500 V 3RV2021-4DA10, 25 A
Class: CA, CB, CD,
CF, G, J, K-1, K-5,
RK1, RK5, T
MCX91A-0290-2.3-4-.. (4) 60 A/600 V 60 A/500 V 3RV2031-4EA10, 32 A
Class: CA, CB, CD,
31544819/EN – 08/2023

CF, G, J, K-1, K-5,

RK1, RK5, T
MCX91A-0420-2.3-4-.. (4) 125 A/600 V 125 A/500 V 3RV2031-4VA10, 45 A
Class: J, K-1, RK1, T
MCX91A-0570-2.3-4-.. (5) 125 A/600 V 125 A/500 V 3RV2041-4JA10, 63 A
Class: J, K-1, RK1, T

50 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
UL-compliant installation 5
Three-phase 200 – 240 V voltage range (SCCR: 65 kA)
Non-semiconductor Inverse-time circuit Type E combination mo-
fuses (currents are breaker (currents are tor controller, mfd by
Model (frame size)
maximum values) maximum, voltages Siemens, type Sirius
minimum values) (rated 480 V/277 V)
MCX91A-0840-2.3-4-.. (5) 225 A/600 V 225 A/500 V 3RV2041-4YA10, 93 A
Class: J, T
MCX91A-1080-2.3-4-.. (6) 225 A/600 V 225 A/500 V 3RV2041-4YA10, 93 A
Class: J, T
Voltage rating of BCP is permitted to be higher.

Three-phase 380 – 500 V voltage range (SCCR: 65 kA )

Non-semiconductor Inverse-time circuit Type E combination mo-
fuses (currents are breaker (currents are tor controller, mfd by
Model (frame size)
maximum values) maximum, voltages Siemens, type Sirius
minimum values) (rated 480 V/277 V)
MCX91A-0010-5.3-4-.. (0S) 3 A/600 V 15 A/500 V 3RV2011-0JA10, 1 A
MCX91A-0016-5.3-4-.. (0S) 3 A/600 V 15 A/500 V 3RV2011-1AA10, 1.6 A
MCX91A-0020-5.3-4-.. (0S) 6 A/600 V 15 A/500 V 3RV2011-1CA10, 2.5 A
MCX91A-0025-5.3-4-.. (0S) 6 A/600 V 15 A/500 V 3RV2011-1CA10, 2.5 A
MCX91A-0032-5.3-4-.. (0S) 10 A/600 V 15 A/500 V 3RV2011-1EA10, 4 A
MCX91A-0040-5.3-4-.. (0S) 10 A/600 V 15 A/500 V 3RV2011-1EA10, 4 A
MCX91A-0055-5.3-4-.. (0S) 20 A/600 V 20 A/500 V 3RV2011-1GA10, 6.3 A
MCX91A-0070-5.3-4-.. (0L) 25 A/600 V 25 A/500 V 3RV2011-1HA10, 8 A
MCX91A-0095-5.3-4-.. (0L) 30 A/600 V 30 A/500 V 3RV2011-1JA10, 10 A
MCX91A-0125-5.3-4-.. (0L) 30 A/600 V 30 A/500 V 3RV2011-4AA10, 16 A
MCX91A-0160-5.3-4-.. (0L) 30 A/600 V 30 A/500 V 3RV2021-4BA10, 20 A
MCX91A-0240-5.3-4-.. (3) 60 A/600 V 60 A/500 V 3RV2021-4DA10, 25 A
Class: CA, CB, CD,
CF, G, J, K-1, K-5,
RK1, RK5, T
MCX91A-0320-5.3-4-.. (4) 60 A/600 V 60 A/500 V 3RV2031-4EA10, 32 A
Class: CA, CB, CD,
CF, G, J, K-1, K-5,
RK1, RK5, T
MCX91A-0460-5.3-4-.. (4) 125 A/600 V 125 A/500 V 3RV2031-4VA10, 45 A
Class: J, K-1, RK1, T
MCX91A-0620-5.3-4-.. (5) 125 A/600 V 125 A/500 V 3RV2041-4JA10, 63 A
Class: J, K-1, RK1, T
31544819/EN – 08/2023

MCX91A-0750-5.3-4-.. (5) 125 A/600 V 125 A/500 V 3RV2041-4KA10, 75 A

Class: J, K-1, RK1, T
MCX91A-0910-5.3-4-.. (5) 225 A/600 V 225 A/500 V 3RV2041-4YA10, 93 A
Class: J, T
MCX91A-1130-5.3-4-.. (6) 225 A/600 V 225 A/500 V –
Class: J, T

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 51

Electrical installation
5 UL-compliant installation

Three-phase 380 – 500 V voltage range (SCCR: 65 kA )

Non-semiconductor Inverse-time circuit Type E combination mo-
fuses (currents are breaker (currents are tor controller, mfd by
Model (frame size)
maximum values) maximum, voltages Siemens, type Sirius
minimum values) (rated 480 V/277 V)
MCX91A-1490-5.3-4-.. (6) 225 A/600 V 225 A/500 V –
Class: J, T
MCX91A-1770-5.3-4-.. (6) 225 A/600 V 225 A/500 V –
Class: J, T
MCX91A-2200-5.3-4-.. (7) 600 A/600 V 600 A/500 V –
Class: J, K-1, L, RK1,
MCX91A-2500-5.3-4-.. (7) 600 A/600 V 600 A/500 V –
Class: J, K-1, L, RK1,
MCX91A-3000-5.3-4-.. (7) 600 A/600 V 600 A/500 V –
Class: J, K-1, L, RK1,
MCX91A-3800-5.3-4-.. (8) 800 A / 600 V 800 A/500 V –
Class: T
MCX91A-4700-5.3-4-.. (8) 800 A/600 V 800 A/500 V –
Class: T
MCX91A-5880-5.3-4-.. (8) 800 A/600 V 800 A/500 V –
Class: T
Voltage rating of BCP is permitted to be higher.

5.3.4 Motor overload protection

MOVITRAC® advanced is provided with load and speed-sensitive overload protection
and thermal memory retention upon shutdown or power loss.
The trip current is adjusted to 150% of the rated motor current.

5.3.5 Surrounding air temperature rating

For surrounding air temperature rating, refer to chapter "General technical data".

5.3.6 Derating
For derating, refer to chapter "Selecting an inverter" of the product manual.

5.3.7 Other ratings

31544819/EN – 08/2023

Type rating Open type

Pollution degree 2
Max. altitude 2000 m

5.3.8 Wiring diagrams

For wiring diagrams, refer to chapter "Wiring diagrams".

52 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Connection to power terminals 5
5.4 Connection to power terminals
Note that for inverters from size 5 upwards, degree of protection IP20 is only achieved
if the terminal studs (for connecting the supply system, motor, braking resistor, and
DC link) are protected against contact with plastic covers. The plastic covers can be
ordered optionally, see chapter "Fitting plastic covers for degree of protection
IP20" (→ 2 54) and chapter "Installation accessories" in the product manual.

5.4.1 Designing the connection with 1 cable

Proceed as follows:
1. Attach the heat shrink tubing at the ring lug.
2. Connect the cables. If the device is connected using one cable, the plastic cover in
the connection block must not be removed.


5.4.2 Designing the connection with 2 cables

Proceed as follows:
1. Attach a heat shrink tubing at the ring lugs.
2. Remove the plastic covers in the connection block.
31544819/EN – 08/2023


Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 53

Electrical installation
5 Connection to power terminals

3. Connect the two cables.


5.4.3 Fitting plastic covers for degree of protection IP20

Proceed as follows:
ü The plastic covers can be ordered as options.
ü The ring lug is insulated with heat shrink tubing.
1. The plastic covers must be broken out in different ways depending on the cross
section used.

Size 5 Sizes 6 – 8

2. Fit the plastic covers at the individual connections.

Size 5 Sizes 6 – 8 31544819/EN – 08/2023

54 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
24 V supply voltage 5
5.5 24 V supply voltage
The MCX91A-.. inverters have an internal 24 V voltage supply that can also be sup-
ported externally.
For size 3 – 8 inverters, the 24 V switched-mode power supply has a power of 80 W.
For size 0S and 0L inverters, the internal 24 V switched-mode power supply has a
power of 7.3 W.
Observe the following information:
• Devices without a safety option do not require an external backup voltage. In this
case, a total of 300 mA is available at the outputs. The maximum load of the
MOVILINK® DDI connection is 150 mA. The actual current consumption of the
MOVILINK® DDI connection must be subtracted from the 300 mA.
• Devices with a safety option (CSB, CSL) always require an external backup
voltage. This backup voltage must not be interrupted; otherwise, the safety options
are not supplied.
• The following applies to both cases:
If the device is supported by an external supply, the entire supply is provided by
the external power supply unit. In this case, the MOVILINK® DDI connection can
be loaded with a maximum of 500 mA. For all other device outputs, the limitation of
the technical data applies.
If a 24 V backup voltage is necessary, it must be switched on before the line voltage
and switched off after the line voltage.

24 V



The maximum permitted length of the 24 V supply cable is 30 m.

5.6 Line fuses

31544819/EN – 08/2023

Fuses and miniature circuit breakers are used for protecting the supply system cables.
In case of a fault, these components additionally protect against short-circuits. For fus-
ing, use fuses or miniature circuit breakers with the following properties:

Input fuses Prerequisite

in utilization categories gL, Fusing voltage ≥ rated line voltage

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 55

Electrical installation
5 Brake chopper output

Input fuses Prerequisite

Nominal miniature circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal
Miniature circuit breaker with line voltage
characteristics B, C, D Nominal currents of the miniature circuit breaker must
be 10% higher than the nominal line current.

Install safety equipment F11/F12/F13 for line fuses at the beginning of the supply sys-
tem cable, see chapter "Wiring diagrams" (→ 2 77). Dimension the safety equipment
according to the cable cross section.
The PE impedance must comply with the normative specifications.
Adhere to country- and system-specific regulations regarding the fusing.

5.7 Brake chopper output

Observe the following information:
• Do not connect capacitive or inductive loads.
• Only connect ohmic loads (braking resistors).
• Connect the braking resistor to the connections +R and -R.
• Note that the maximum permissible cable length between the braking resistor and
inverter is 100 m.
• Use a shielded cable or twisted single conductors.

5.8 Temperature sensor

Dangerous voltages at the terminals of the inverter/power supply module when con-
necting an unsuitable temperature sensor.
Death or severe injuries due to electric shock.
• To avoid violating the requirements for protective separation, only connect tem-
perature sensors that have protective separation from the motor winding to the
temperature evaluation.

The temperature sensor can be connected as follows:

• via connections TF1 and GND at terminal X10
• via MOVILINK® DDI at X16
Observe the following additional notes for group and multi-motor drives:
• Preferably use bimetallic temperature switches TH.
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• The series connection of the TH contacts (normally closed) is not subject to any
restriction if joint monitoring is provided.
• If the TF temperature sensors are available in motors, the temperature sensors of
up to 3 motors can be connected in series.

56 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Brake control output 5
5.9 Brake control output
Observe the following information:
• If the brake connection and the motor connection are combined in one power
cable, the brake cable must be shielded separately. The shielding of the power
cable and the brake cable must be connected to the motor and inverter over a
large area.
• SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends also using a shielded brake cable for separate
brake cable routing.
• Note the different project planning criteria to determine the length of brake cable
and motor cable.
• Connect the brakes and/or brake control units to terminal strip X10 (DB0/DB00
and GND).

5.10 Inputs/outputs
Observe the following information:
• The digital inputs and digital outputs are not electrically isolated. Incorrectly ap-
plied voltages can damage the digital inputs and digital outputs. Do not apply ex-
ternal voltages to the digital outputs.
• Cables outside the control cabinet must be shielded.
• When connecting the shielding, ensure equipotential bonding.
• The cable length must not exceed 30 m.
• Connect the digital inputs and digital outputs to the terminal strip X20/21.

5.11 Encoders
5.11.1 Installation notes
Observe the following notes before installation:
• To ensure a flawless shield connection, you must use an EMC screw fitting for the
cable entry of the signal cable on the motor.
• For drives with a plug connector, connect the shield on the encoder plug.
• Use shielded cables with twisted pair cores. Connect the shield over a wide area
at both ends:
– on the encoder in the cable gland or in the encoder plug
– on the inverter onto the shield plate
• Route the encoder cable separately from the power cables.
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 57

Electrical installation
5 Encoders

• When using HTL encoders and an encoder cable with an open end, the conduct-
ors for motor protection, encoder tracks, and voltage supply must be twisted in
pairs up to the respective terminal point:

X20 X23


• The supply voltage of the encoder can be provided via a separate terminal point to
the 24 V supply or, if the inverter is supported with external 24 V via terminal X5, it
can be tapped there. The encoder supply via terminal X20 is not possible.

5.11.2 Connection

MOVILINK® DDI encoder and EI7C-FS

Encoder Inverter Conductor color1) Description

connection Meets IEC 60757
MOVILINK® DDI X16 – Coaxial cable
EI7C-FS X18 – Mini IO
1) When using encoder cables from SEW-EURODRIVE.

Encoder with M12 connector

Encoder Inverter Conductor color1) Description

connection Meets IEC 60757
EI7C, X20:4 BN A-track at DI04
X20:5 YE B-track at DI05
X20:63) GN C-track at DI06 (optional)4)
X10:TF1 RD TF+
External GY +Ub
External5) PK GND
31544819/EN – 08/2023

1) When using encoder cables from SEW-EURODRIVE.

2) The encoder EI8C on M12 is in preparation.
3) The C-track is only used with EI8C encoders. With the EI7C, this wire remains unused.
4) The C-track is only used as an option with EI8C encoders. With the EI7C, this wire remains unused.
5) Encoder supply via external 24 V voltage supply.

58 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Encoders 5
Encoder with M23 connector

Encoder Inverter Conductor color1) Description

connection Meets IEC 60757
EI8C X20:4 RD A-track at DI04
X20:5 YE B-track at DI05
EG7C X20:6 BN C-track at DI06 (optional)
External2) GY +Ub
External PK GND
1) When using encoder cables from SEW-EURODRIVE.
2) Encoder supply via external 24 V voltage supply.

Encoder with connection cover

Encoder1) Inverter Conductor color2) Description

connection Meets IEC 60757
EK8C X20:4 RD A-track at DI04
X20:5 YE B-track at DI05
EV7C X20:6 BN C-track at DI06 (optional)
External3) GY +Ub
External PK GND
1) The motor temperature evaluation must be routed separately at the encoder connection cover.
2) When using encoder cables from SEW-EURODRIVE.
3) Encoder supply via external 24 V voltage supply.

Encoder with direct connection (not from SEW‑EURODRIVE)

Encoder Inverter Conductor color1) Description

connection Meets IEC 60757
HTL encoder2) X20:4 – A-track at DI04
X20:5 – B-track at DI05
X20:6 – C-track at DI06 (optional)
X10:TF1 – TF+
X10:GND – TF-
External – +Ub
External – GND
1) When using encoder cables from SEW-EURODRIVE.
31544819/EN – 08/2023

2) Maximum 56 kHz.
3) Encoder supply via external 24 V voltage supply.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 59

Electrical installation



5.12.1 Disconnecting the MOVILINK® DDI connector
Proceed as follows:


2. [1]


1. Before disconnecting the MOVILINK® DDI connector, make sure that the 24 V
voltage supply is switched off or standby mode is activated.
2. Press the interlocking [1] on the connector and disconnect the MOVILINK® DDI
connector from the connection for digital motor integration X16 [2].

5.12.2 Connection when using a hybrid cable

Observe the following information:
• Use the shield plates provided for the shield support (if present).
• Apply the shielding of the hybrid cable over the entire circumference over a large
• Keep the distance or cable length between the shield connection and the connec-
tion for the cable conductors as short as possible.
• To avoid communication errors, the exposed length of the coaxial cable must not
exceed 50 cm. For more information, refer to the addendum to the "Digital Motor
Integration MOVILINK® DDI Toolset 1" operating instructions.

31544819/EN – 08/2023

60 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Connection example size 0S and 0L (using size 0S as an example)
The following figure shows an example of the connection when using a hybrid cable
for the inverters of sizes 0S and 0L:


5.12.3 Connection when power and coaxial cables are routed separately
Observe the following information:
• Connect the shield of the outer cable jacket of the coaxial cable to the terminal
provided for this purpose on the basic unit.
• To avoid communication errors, the exposed length of the coaxial cable must not
exceed 50 cm. For more information, refer to the addendum to the "Digital Motor
Integration MOVILINK® DDI Toolset 1" operating instructions.

Connection example size 5

The following figure shows an example of the connection with separate routing of
power and coaxial cables for the inverters of size 5:
31544819/EN – 08/2023


Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 61

Electrical installation

Connection example size 6

The following figure shows an example of the connection with separate routing of
power and coaxial cables for the inverters of size 6:


Connection example size 7 – 8 (using size 7 as an example)

The following figure shows an example of the connection with separate routing of
power and coaxial cables for the inverters of sizes 7 – 8:

31544819/EN – 08/2023


Route the coaxial cable in such a way that it passes through the two tabs. Connect the
shield of the coaxial cable to the terminal provided for this purpose.

62 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Fieldbus cables and cable routing 5
5.12.4 Permitted number of connection or cable disconnection points
When using a hybrid cable or a solo coaxial cable on the MOVILINK® DDI interface, a
maximum of 4 connection or cable disconnection points are permitted. The connection
points that are implemented directly on the inverter or in the drive by means of FAKRA
connectors are not included in the count. Communication errors can occur if there are
more than 4 connection or cable disconnection points.

• Cable from inverter to motor with M23 connector KD1: 1 plugging position
• Cable from inverter to motor with M23 connector KD1 and 1 extension cable M23
at both sides: 2 plugging positions
• Cable from inverter to motor with M23 connector KD (hybrid cable gland without
plug connector): 0 plugging positions

5.13 Fieldbus cables and cable routing

Proceed as follows when routing the fieldbus cables:
1. Remove the safety cover; see the chapter "Removing and attaching the safety
cover" (→ 2 26).
2. Connect both the cables to the connections X40 and X41 on the unit.


31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 63

Electrical installation
5 Fieldbus cables and cable routing

3. Route the cables and press both the cables into the clips.



4. Break the two plastic parts [3] out of the safety cover.


31544819/EN – 08/2023


5. Attach the safety cover again.

64 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
BW.. braking resistors 5
5.14 BW.. braking resistors

5.14.1 Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor

A PTC braking resistor becomes highly resistive in the event of an overload.

Flatpack resistors have internal thermal protection (fuse cannot be replaced) that in-
terrupts the current circuit in the event of overload. The configuration guidelines and
the documented assignments of the drive inverter and braking resistor must be ad-
hered to.

Parallel connection of braking resistors

It is permitted to connect several identical braking resistors in parallel. The following
• Connect the power connections of the resistors in parallel to +R and -R.
• Each braking resistor requires separate protection against thermal overload.
• Connect the signal contacts (NC contacts) of the protection devices in series.
• When connecting resistors in parallel, pay attention to RBRmin.

Internal temperature switch -T

Inverter sizes 0S, 0L and 3

If a BW...-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these invert-
ers, then 3 connections are possible:

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3

[1] [1]
[4] [4]



24 V OUT 24 V OUT

[3] [3] [3]



X20:x DI0x
X20:8 GND
X20:7 +24 V
X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R
31544819/EN – 08/2023

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor [2] Braking resistor [3] Inverter [4] PLC

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 65

Electrical installation
5 BW.. braking resistors

Note that the reference potential GND of the digital inputs on the controller must be
the same as the reference potential of the inverter when connection 1 is used.
• Connection 1
The digital input of the inverter connected to the signal contact of the internal tem-
perature switch must be parameterized to the function "External braking resistor
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the inverter and the
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the inverter switches to "Output stage inhibit".
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– A response by the PLC is not required.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.

Inverters of size 4 and larger

If a BW...-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these invert-
ers, then 3 connections are possible:

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3



24 V OUT

DC 24 V
+ [3] [3] [3]
X5:24 V

- X5:GND
X20:x DI0x
X20:8 GND
X20:7 24 VO
X2 -R

X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

31544819/EN – 08/2023

[2] [2] [2]

66 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
BW.. braking resistors 5
[1] Line contactor [2] Braking resistor [3] Inverter [4] PLC

When using connection variant 1 (connection of braking resistor without line con-
tactor), the inverter must be supplied with external DC 24 V.

• Connection 1
The digital input of the inverter connected to the signal contact of the internal tem-
perature switch must be parameterized to the function "External braking resistor
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the inverter.
– A response by the PLC is not required.
– It is not necessary to disconnect the line connection using an external switching
– If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by the inverter, the
inverter interrupts the energy supply by inhibiting the rectifier.
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– A response by the PLC is not required.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 67

Electrical installation
5 BW.. braking resistors

External bimetallic relay

Inverter sizes 0S, 0L and 3

If an external bimetallic relay is used with the inverter, there are 3 possible connec-

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3

[1] [1]
[4] [4]


24 V OUT
24 V OUT

[3] [3] [3]


X20:x DI0x
X20:8 GND
X20:7 +24 V X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor [2] Braking resistor [3] Inverter [4] PLC
Note that the reference potential GND of the digital inputs on the controller must be
the same as the reference potential of the inverter when connection 1 is used.
• Connection 1
The digital input of the inverter connected to the signal contact of the external bi-
metallic relay must be parameterized to the function "External braking resistor
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the inverter and the
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the inverter switches to "Output stage inhibit".
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.
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– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.

68 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
BW.. braking resistors 5
– A response by the PLC is not required.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.

Inverters of size 4 and larger

If an external bimetallic relay is used with the inverter, there are 3 possible connec-

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3



24 V OUT

DC 24 V [3] [3]
+ [3]

X5:24 V

- X5:GND
X20:x DI0x
X20:8 GND
X20:7 24 VO
X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor [2] Braking resistor [3] Inverter [4] PLC

When using connection variant 1 (connection of braking resistor without line con-
tactor), the inverter must be supplied with external DC 24 V.

• Connection 1
The digital input of the inverter connected to the signal contact of the external bi-
metallic relay must be parameterized to the function "External braking resistor
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the inverter.
– A response by the PLC is not required.
– It is not necessary to disconnect the line connection using an external switching
31544819/EN – 08/2023

– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the inverter switches to the operating state
"Output stage inhibit".
– If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by the inverter, the
inverter interrupts the energy supply by inhibiting the rectifier.
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 69

Electrical installation
5 ND.. line choke

– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– A response by the PLC is not required.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the inverter.

5.14.2 Connection of the braking resistor with center tap

The following figure shows a braking resistor with center tap:

X2 +R

X2 -R




5.15 ND.. line choke

Observe the following information:
31544819/EN – 08/2023

• The connection cable between line choke and line filter does not need to be shield-
• Limit the length of the cable between the line choke and the line filter to the length
that is absolutely necessary.

70 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Terminal assignment 5
5.16 Terminal assignment

Reference potentials inside the unit.
The device-internal reference potential is designated as GND in the following table.
All reference potentials GND are internally connected to PE.

The assignment "Reserved" means that no cable may be connected to this connec-

The technical data for the power and control electronics connections is provided in
the product manual > chapter "Technical data".

5.16.1 Basic device

Size 0S 3-phase

Terminal Contact Function

X1:L1 L1 Connection for supply system
X1:L2 L2
X1:L3 L3
PE Protective earth connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V
X2:W W
X2:-R -R Braking resistor connection
X2:+R +R
PE Protective earth connection

Size 0S 1-phase

Terminal Contact Function

X1:N N Connection for supply system
X1:L1 L1
PE Protective earth connection
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 71

Electrical installation
5 Terminal assignment

Terminal Contact Function

X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V
X2:W W
X2:-R -R Braking resistor connection
X2:+R +R
PE Protective earth connection

Size 0L 3-phase

Terminal Contact Function

X1:L1 L1 Connection for supply system
X1:L2 L2
X1:L3 L3
PE Protective earth connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V
X2:W W
X2:-R -R Braking resistor/DC link connection +UZ
X2:+R +R
X2:-UZ -UZ DC link connection -UZ (connection +UZ at +R)
PE Protective earth connection

Size 0L 1-phase

Terminal Contact Function

X1:N N Connection for supply system
X1:L1 L1
PE Protective earth connection

X2:U U Motor connection

X2:V V
X2:W W
X2:-R -R Braking resistor connection
X2:+R +R
PE Protective earth connection
31544819/EN – 08/2023

72 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Terminal assignment 5
Size 3

Terminal Contact Function

X1:L1 L1 Connection for supply system
X1:L2 L2
X1:L3 L3
X1:-UZ -UZ DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE Protective earth connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V
X2:W W
X2:+R +R Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE Protective earth connection

Size 4

Terminal Contact Function

X1:L1 L1 Connection for supply system
X1:L2 L2
X1:L3 L3
X1:-UZ -UZ DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE Protective earth connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V
X2:W W
X2:+R +R Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE Protective earth connection

Sizes 5 – 6

Terminal Contact Function

X1:L1 L1 Connection for supply system
31544819/EN – 08/2023

X1:L2 L2
X1:L3 L3
X1:-UZ -UZ DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE Protective earth connection

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 73

Electrical installation
5 Terminal assignment

Terminal Contact Function

X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V
X2:W W
X2:+R +R Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE Protective earth connection

Inverter in CSO design

Terminal Contact Function

X6:1 F_STO_P F_STO_P: DC +24 V input
X6:2 F_STO_M F_STO_M: DC 0 V input
X6:3 F_STO_P F_STO_P: DC +24 V input
X6:4 F_STO_M F_STO_M: DC 0 V input
X6:5 VO24_STO F_STO_P: DC 24 V supply
X6:6 GND Reference potential

All inverters

Terminal Contact Function

X5:24 V 24V_in DC 24 V supply voltage
X5:GND GND Reference potential
DB0/DB00 DB00 Brake control
X10:GND GND Reference potential
X10:TF1 TF1 Temperature sensor input
X10:GND GND Temperature sensor reference potential
X20:1 DI01 Digital input 1
X20:2 DI02 Digital input 2
X20:3 DI03 Digital input 3
X20:4 DI04 Digital input 4
X20:5 DI05 Digital input 5
X20:6 DI06 Digital input 6
X20:7 +24V DC 24 V voltage output
X20:8 GND Reference potential
31544819/EN – 08/2023

X20:9 DIO01 Digital input/output

X20:10 DIO02 Digital input/output
X22:1 DOR-C Shared relay contact
X22:2 DOR-NO NO contact
X22:3 DOR-NC NC contact

74 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Terminal assignment 5
Terminal Contact Function
X23:1 REF +10 V reference voltage output
X23:2 AI1 Analog input voltage or current (can be selected via S4)
X23:3 GND Reference potential
X23:4 AIO1 Analog input or analog output

Inverter with fieldbus

Terminal Contact Function

OUT X30/ X30 OUT - System bus OUT X30/IN X30 with MCX91A-..-S00
X41 X41 - EtherCAT® OUT X30/In X30 with MCX91A-..-E00
IN X30/ X30 IN - PROFINET X40/X41 with MCX91A-..-T00/CFN and
X40 -T0./../CFNB
- Ethernet X40/X41 with MCX91A-..-T00/CFE
- POWERLINK/CiA402 X40/X41 with MCX91A-..-L0../CFL

Inverter with CSB/CSL

Terminal Contact Function

X60:1 F-DI00 Safe digital input F-DI00
X60:2 F-DI01 Safe digital input F-DI01
X60:3 GND Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
X60:4 GND Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
X60:5 F-DI02 Safe digital input F-DI02
X60:6 F-DI03 Safe digital input F-DI03
X60:7 GND Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
X60:8 GND Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
X60:9 F-SS0 DC 24 V sensor voltage supply for safe digital inputs F-
DI00 and F-DI02
X60:10 F-SS1 DC 24 V sensor voltage supply for safe digital inputs F-
DI01 and F-DI03
X60:11 F-DO00_M Safe digital output F-DO00_M (not with CSB)
X60:12 F-DO00_P Safe digital output F-DO00_P (not with CSB)

Inverter with MOVILINK® DDI

Terminal Contact Function

31544819/EN – 08/2023

X16 Coaxial connection MOVILINK® DDI

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 75

Electrical installation
5 Terminal assignment

Inverter with CSL

Terminal Contact Function

X18 Mini IO Connection of encoder for EI7C-FS

31544819/EN – 08/2023

76 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
5.17 Wiring diagrams
5.17.1 Power connection

Power connection with line contactor size 0S 3-phase

The following figure shows an example of the wiring of the power connections with line
contactor, line choke, line filter and output choke and/or output filter:



L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3



U V W +R -R


U1 V1 W1 UDC*
U2 V2 W2



* Only for HF.. output filter

[1] Fuses
31544819/EN – 08/2023

[2] Line contactor

[3] Line choke (optional)
[4] Line filter (optional)
[5] Braking resistor (optional)
[6] Output choke and/or output filter (both optional)
[7] Motor

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 77

Electrical installation
5 Wiring diagrams

Power connection with line contactor size 0S 1-phase

The following figure shows an example of the wiring of the power connections with line
contactor, line choke, line filter and output choke and/or output filter:

The line choke must be used with the MCX91A-0110-2E1-.. inverter.




L1 N


U V W +R -R


U1 V1 W1 UDC*
U2 V2 W2



* Only for HF.. output filter

31544819/EN – 08/2023

[1] Fuses
[2] Line contactor
[3] Line choke (optional)
[4] Braking resistor (optional)
[5] Output choke and/or output filter (both optional)
[6] Motor

78 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
Power connection with line contactor size 0L 3-phase
The following figure shows an example of the wiring of the power connections with line
contactor, line choke, line filter and output choke and/or output filter:


L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3



U V W +R -R -Uz


U1 V1 W1 UDC*
U2 V2 W2




* Only for HF.. output filter

[1] Fuses
[2] Line contactor
[3] Line choke (optional)
[4] Line filter (optional)
[5] Braking resistor (optional)
31544819/EN – 08/2023

[6] Output choke and/or output filter (both optional)

[7] Motor

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 79

Electrical installation
5 Wiring diagrams

Power connection with line contactor size 0L 1-phase

The following figure shows an example of the wiring of the power connections with line
contactor, line choke, line filter and output choke and/or output filter:

The line choke must be used with the MCX91A-0110-2E1-.. inverter.




L1 N


U V W +R -R -UZ


U1 V1 W1 UDC*
U2 V2 W2



* Only for HF.. output filter

[1] Fuses
31544819/EN – 08/2023

[2] Line contactor

[3] Line choke (optional)
[4] Braking resistor (optional)
[5] Output choke and/or output filter (both optional)
[6] Motor

80 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
Power connection with line contactor from size 3 and up
The following figure shows an example of the wiring of the power connections with line
contactor, line choke, line filter and output choke and/or output filter:


L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3 -Uz +Uz



U V W +R -R


U1 V1 W1 UDC*
U2 V2 W2



* Only for HF.. output filter

[1] Fuses
[2] Line contactor
[3] Line choke (optional)
[4] Line filter (optional)
[5] Braking resistor (optional)
31544819/EN – 08/2023

[6] Output choke and/or output filter (both optional)

[7] Motor

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 81

Electrical installation
5 Wiring diagrams

Power connection without line contactor

Operation without line contactor
If the required measures are not taken, operation of an inverter with connected brak-
ing resistor without line contactor may result in severe damage to property.
• Required measures as well as the inverters that can be operated without a line
contactor can be found in the chapter "Using the line contactor" (→ 2 47).
• Refer to the figures in the previous chapters for the wiring, but without the line

Line connection without line contactor
In the event of a line connection without line contactor, the temperature evaluation of
the braking resistor must be ensured via a digital input on the inverter.
• Parameterize the connected digital input to monitor the braking resistor tempera-
ture evaluation.

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82 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
5.17.2 Electronics connection

Control electronics, front

For the assignment of the signal terminals and connections, refer to chapter "Terminal
assignment" > "Basic device" (→ 2 71).
The assignment of the digital inputs and outputs depends on the device variant.

F-DI00 1 Safe digital input F-DI00
F-DI01 2 Safe digital input F-DI01
GND 3 Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
GND 4 Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
DI02 5 Safe digital input F-DI02
DI03 6 Safe digital input F-DI03
GND 7 Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
GND 8 Reference potential for safe digital inputs/outputs
F-SS0 9 DC 24 V voltage supply of the sensor for F-DI00
F-SS1 10 DC 24 V voltage supply of the sensor for F-DI01
F-DO00_M 11 Reference potential for safe digital output F-DO00_M (not with CSB)
F-DO00_P 12 Safe digital output F-DO00_P (not with CSB)
DI01 1 FCB 05 – fixed setpoints positive direction of rotation
DI02 2 FCB 05 – fixed setpoints negative direction of rotation
DI03 3 Fixed speed setpoint bit 0
DI04 4 Fixed speed setpoint bit 1
DI05 5 Error reset
DI06 6 No function
VO24 7 DC 24 V voltage output
GND 8 Reference potential for digital inputs/outputs
DIO01 9 No function
DIO02 10 No function
DOR-C 1 Shared relay contact
DOR-NO 2 NO contact
DOR-NC 3 NC contact
mA V
REF1 1 +10 V reference voltage output
AI1 2 Analog input voltage or current
GND 3 Reference potential
AIO1 4 Analog input/output


X20 Digital inputs or digital outputs

X22 Isolated relay contact
X23 Analog inputs or analog outputs
X60 Safe inputs and safe output (only with variants ../CSB/.. and ../CSL/..)
S4 Changeover switch between voltage input and current input at X23:2 (AI)
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 83

Electrical installation
5 Wiring diagrams

Voltage input

mA V

X23 S4

0 – +10 V
REF1 1
AI1 2
AIO1 4


The connection to terminal AIO1 is carried out analogously to the connection to termi-
nal AI1 shown in the wiring diagrams.

mA V

X23 S4
R > 5 kΩ
REF1 1
AI1 2
AIO1 4


The connection to terminal AIO1 as an analog input is carried out analogously to the
connection to terminals REF1 and AI1 shown in the wiring diagrams.

Current input

mA V

X23 S4
0 (4) – 20 mA

REF1 1
AI1 2
AIO1 4


Observe the position of DIP switch S4 when activating the current input.

Voltage output

REF1 1
AI1 2
0 – +10 V

AIO1 4
31544819/EN – 08/2023


84 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
Control electronics, top and bottom
For the assignment of the signal terminals and connections, refer to chapter "Terminal
assignment" > "Basic device" (→ 2 71).

DC 24 V X5
+ 24 V

5 VO24_STO



DB0/DB00 Brake control

GND Reference potential
X10 Motor temperature evaluation
GND Reference potential


X5 24 V supply voltage
X6 Connection for Safe Torque Off (STO)
If safety option CSB and CSL are installed, X6 has no function.
X10 Connection of brake control and motor temperature monitoring
X16 Connection of digital motor integration (only with variant ../DI/..)
X18 Connection of encoder EI7C-FS (only with variant ../CSL/..)
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 85

Electrical installation
5 Wiring diagrams

5.17.3 Brake control connection


DC Cut-off in the DC and AC circuit

AC (rapid application of the brake)

Cut-off in the DC circuit

BS = Accelerator coil
TS TS = Coil section

DC brake with one brake coil

3a Auxiliary terminal strip in terminal box

Control cabinet limit

WH White
RD Red
BU Blue
M Motor

The selection of the brake control and the shown connection diagrams only represent
one of the many possibilities. Observe the catalogs and operating instructions of the
motors for more information and installation notes.
31544819/EN – 08/2023

86 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
BMK. brake control
The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).


- + AC

1 BMK 1.5
1a 2 BMK 3.0
BS 3 BMKB 1.5
3a 4
TS 4a
BU 13


BMV brake control – 2 coils

The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).


GND DB00 DC 24 V
- + - +

1a 2
BS 3
3a 4
TS 4a
BU 13
31544819/EN – 08/2023


Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 87

Electrical installation
5 Wiring diagrams

BMV brake control – 1 coil

The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).


GND DB00 DC 24 V
- + - +

1a 2
2a 3
3a 4
BU 13


BMS, BME brake control

The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).



RD 2
BS 3
M 4
TS 4a 13
5a 14
31544819/EN – 08/2023


88 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
BMP brake control
The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).



RD 2
BS 3
M 4
TS 4a 13
5a 14


BG, BGE brake control

The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).




BS 4


31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 89

Electrical installation
5 Wiring diagrams

BSG brake control

The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).

DC DC 24 V
+ -


BS 4


SBM brake control with 1 control cable

The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).

+ + - + -


5 DB00
8 N.C.
[1] -Uz
RD X14
BS 4a 13 RD
M 3a 14 WH
TS 5a 15 BU

M 3a
31544819/EN – 08/2023


[1] Connection of the brake with 3-wire technology (standard)

[2] Connection of the brake with 2-wire technology (optional). In this case, there
is no connection from terminal X14:14 of the brake module to terminal 3a of
the auxiliary terminal strip.

90 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Electrical installation
Wiring diagrams 5
SBM brake control with 2 control cables
The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).


+ + - + - + -


5 DB00
8 N.C.
[1] -Uz
RD X14
BS 4a 13 RD
M 3a 14 WH
TS 5a 15 BU

M 3a


[1] Connection of the brake with 3-wire technology (standard)

[2] Connection of the brake with 2-wire technology (optional). In this case, there
is no connection from terminal X14:14 of the brake module to terminal 3a of
the auxiliary terminal strip.
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 91

Electrical installation
5 PC connection

BG1Z brake control

The meaning of the symbols can be found in chapter "Key" (→ 2 86).
200...500V DDI

D 1b
B 2b
4a 3b Res.
3a 4b Res.



5.18 PC connection
Observe the information in the product manual > chapter "Electrical installation" > "PC
connection" including the sub-chapters.

31544819/EN – 08/2023

92 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Startup information 6
6 Startup

6.1 Startup information

Perform the following steps before startup:
1. WARNING! Electric shock caused by dangerous voltages. Severe or fatal injur-
De-energize the device. Observe the 5 safety rules in the chapter "Performing
electrical work safely". Then wait at least 10 minutes.
2. WARNING! Risk of burns due to hot surfaces. Severe injury.
Let the device and its accessories cool down before touching it.
3. NOTICE! Failing to observe the minimum switch-off time of the line contactor can
cause material damage. Irreparable damage to the inverter or unforeseen malfunc-
After switching off the voltage supply, keep it switched off for at least 10 s.
ð Do not switch the voltage supply on or off at the line contactor more than once
per minute.
4. Install the protective covers of the system according to the instructions. This will
avoid injuries.
ð Never start the device if the protective covers are not installed.
5. With 3-phase devices, do not switch on the voltage supply more frequently than
once every 60 seconds.
6. With 1-phase devices, do not switch on the voltage supply more frequently than
once every 120 seconds.
7. Product variants with a customer-specific parameter set ex works (.../P...) can start
up automatically.

6.1.1 Lifting applications

Perform the following additional steps before starting up the lifting applications:
1. WARNING! Danger from falling hoist. Severe or fatal injuries.
Observe the following information.
ð Do not use the device alone as a safety device for the lifting application.
ð Use additional monitoring systems or mechanical protection devices as a safety
2. WARNING! Danger due to falling vertical drive. Severe or fatal injuries.
Do not use the "Release brake/deactivateDynaStop® with FCB01" function in lifting
devices or applications with loads that may potentially fall down. Disable the func-
tion as follows.
ð Disable the function using the parameter Release brake/deactivate DynaStop®
with FCB01 – Enable = "0" (Path: Functions > Drive functions > FCB01 Output
stage inhibit).
31544819/EN – 08/2023

3. INFORMATION The use of a drive in a lifting application is not permitted in con-

junction with the ELSM® control mode.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 93

6 Startup requirements

4. In the MOVISUITE® engineering software, configure the parameters according to

the lifting application requirements and its safety assessment.
ð In the case of drives with a brake, set the parameter Apply brake in STO state
(8501.3) = "1" (Yes), path: Functions > Drive functions > FCB01 output stage
inhibit, see chapter "Mechanical brake in conjunction with STO".
5. Check the setting of the Hoist preload parameter in the MOVISUITE® engineering
software, path: Drive train > Controller > Motor behavior. Set the parameter in ac-
cordance with the lifting application requirements. More information about the pos-
sible settings "Off", "Save" and "Initialization value" can be found in the online help
of the parameter.

Lifting application without encoder
Design the control in such a way that a direction of rotation reversal is only possible
in an idle state (with the brake applied).
If the direction of rotation is to be changed without being in an idle state, use a drive
with an encoder.

• It is not advisable to use the U/f operating mode in a hoist.

6.2 Startup requirements

The following prerequisites are required for startup:
• You have installed the inverter correctly both mechanically and electrically.
• You have configured the inverter and connected drives correctly.
• You have taken suitable measures to ensure that the drives do not start up unin-
• Safety precautions rule out hazards to people and machinery.
If you are using a power-adjusted motor, you can, depending on requirements, dis-
pense with startup, see chapter "Operation without startup" (→ 2 95).
Otherwise you can perform startup in the following ways:
• using a keypad
• using the MOVISUITE® engineering software

6.2.1 Required hardware for startup with MOVISUITE®

• USM21A interface adapter, CDM11A diagnostic module and serial interface cable
RJ10 → D-sub-9
• CBG11A/CBG21A keypad, CDM11A diagnostic module and USB cable A → Mini
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Part number Scope of delivery

• USM21A interface adapter
28231449 • Serial interface cable with 2 RJ10 connectors
• USB cable (A-B)
18123864 • Serial interface cable RJ10 → D-sub -9

94 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Operation without startup 6
Part number Scope of delivery
25643517 • USB cable (A – mini B)
28265092 • CDM11A diagnostic module
28233646 • CBG11A keypad
28238133 • CBG21A keypad

6.3 Operation without startup

Motor In its delivery state, the inverter is set to operate a motor according to the specification
"Motor power ASM PMot" (corresponds to the specification P(ASM) on the nameplate of
the inverter).
Signal terminals If an inverter is delivered without a MOVIKIT® software module, the following pre-as-
signed terminal functions are available:

Digital inputs
DI01 FCB 05 – fixed setpoints, positive direction of rotation
DI02 FCB 05 – fixed setpoints, negative direction of rotation
DI03 Fixed speed setpoint bit 0
DI04 Fixed speed setpoint bit 1
DI05 Error reset
DI06 No function

Configurable digital inputs/digital outputs

DIO01 No function (set as input)
DIO02 No function (set as input)

Digital outputs
DB00 Brake output
DOR No function

Analog input and configurable analog input/analog output

AI1 Function: Input, 0 – 10 V
AIO2 No function

6.4 Startup with "ex works parameters"

SEW‑EURODRIVE offers the ordering of products with customer-specific parameter
31544819/EN – 08/2023

settings in the delivery state. This option is known as "ex works parameters". Startup
procedures and processes can be optimized in the best possible way using this op-
tion. Products with a customer-specific parameter set are marked with .../P... in the
type designation.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 95

6 Startup of third-party motors

6.5 Startup of third-party motors

Asynchronous mo- The nameplate data of the motor must be entered during startup:
tors • Nominal motor speed
• Rated motor frequency
• Nominal motor voltage
• Nominal motor current
• Power factor (cos φ)
• Nominal motor power
The parameters required for startup are calculated based on the nameplate data and
the motor is taken into operation. A prerequisite is that the inverter is connected with
the MOVISUITE® engineering software.
SEW‑EURODRIVE also recommends carrying out a parameter measurement with
FCB25 for better control characteristics. These determine the equivalent wiring dia-
gram of the motor. The duration of the measurement depends on the motor parame-
ters. In the case of asynchronous motors, the measurement is carried out in an idle
state. If a brake is present, it remains closed.
Synchronous mo- The nameplate data of the motor must be entered during the startup of synchronous
tors motors:
• Nominal motor speed
• Rated motor frequency or number of poles
• Nominal motor voltage
• Nominal motor torque
• Maximum torque at the motor shaft
• Maximum motor current
• Optional:
– Phase inductance
– Internal voltage
In the case of synchronous motors without an encoder, a parameter measurement
must then be carried out with FCB25. In the case of synchronous motors with an en-
coder, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends carrying out the parameter measurement.
The brake is released (if present) during the measurement to align the rotor electrical-
ly. Make sure that the rotor can turn freely. For this reason, the motor must be sepa-
rated from the gear unit or system. The duration of the measurement is limited to a
few seconds.
In the case of synchronous motors with an encoder, the encoder offset must also be
set after the above-mentioned startup procedure. This commutation takes place using
the "Rotor position identification" function (FCB18). The rotor turns during the rotor po-
sition identification. Make sure that the rotor can turn freely. For this reason, the motor
must be separated from the gear unit or system.
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6.6 Startup with MOVISUITE® engineering software

The inverters are started up using the MOVISUITE® engineering software from SEW-

96 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Startup with MOVISUITE® engineering software 6

The motor is started up in drive train 1 or drive train 2.

When using a motor from SEW‑EURODRIVE, select the motor type from the catalog.
When using a third-party motor, enter the corresponding nominal motor data.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends performing a motor parameter measurement using
the FCB 25 for third-party motors.
The engineering software can be operated intuitively and is not described further in
this document.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 97

6 Setting the EtherCAT® ID

Setting the

6.7 Setting the EtherCAT® ID

It is not strictly necessary to set one of the EtherCAT® IDs. The slaves are automatica-
lly addressed by the master by default. The EtherCAT® ID must only be set on the in-
verter if the use of EtherCAT® IDs has been preset in the hardware configuration of
the master.
An EtherCAT® ID can be permanently assigned to the inverter with the EtherCAT® in-
terface using hexadecimal switches S1 and S2. With these switches, you can set a
decimal EtherCAT® ID between 1 and 255 in hexadecimal notation.
This ID serves as a unique identification tag of the respective EtherCAT® slave for the
EtherCAT® master. The EtherCAT® ID is not an EtherCAT® address. The EtherCAT®
ID is always assigned by the EtherCAT® master.
In the delivery state of the inverter, the ID is set to 0 by default (S1 = 0 and S2 = 0).

Required ID, decimal ID, hexadecimal Setting S1 (× 10) Setting S2 (× 1)

3 03 0 3
18 12 1 2
25 19 1 9
100 64 6 4
110 6E 6 E
255 FF F F

F 0 1
E 2
D 3
® 4
S1 EtherCAT ID (× 10) C
A 6
9 8 7

F 0 1
E 2
D 3
® C 4
S2 EtherCAT ID (× 1) 5
A 6
9 8 7

The EtherCAT® ID "110" is set as an example in the illustration above.

6.8 Startup with the CBG21A keypad

You can start up the following motors with the CBG21A keypad:
• Asynchronous motors:
– with encoder/without encoder
– with or without brake
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– with or without motor sensor (TF, TH, KY and PK)

• Synchronous motors:
– with encoder/without encoder
– with or without brake
– with or without motor sensor (TF, TH, KY and PK)
• Direct selection of the SEW‑EURODRIVE motors

98 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Startup of motors with the MOVILINK® DDI interface 6
You can carry out the startup of other motors with the MOVISUITE® engineering soft-
Further information can be found in the product manual > chapter "Startup" > "Startup
with the CBG21A keypad", including the sub-chapters.

the of

6.9 Startup of motors with the MOVILINK® DDI interface

If an inverter has the MOVILINK® DDI interface and is connected to a motor that also
has this interface, the motor is started up automatically via its electronic nameplate.
The process is started by switching on the inverter. This function is only supported if
the inverter is in the delivery state.
The status of the inverter is "AC" (Auto Configuration) during the data transfer from the
electronic nameplate. You can obtain more information from the SEW‑EURODRIVE

6.10 Control options

The following description requires the use of the MOVISUITE® engineering software.
Depending on the version of the inverter, it is controlled via the digital inputs/analog in-
puts or via fieldbus.
In principle, the user is free to configure the respective interface individually or use the
standard interface of SEW‑EURODRIVE. Various MOVIKIT® software modules are
available for this purpose.
The MOVIKIT® software modules have the following advantages:
• Application-specific functionalities
• Standard interface of SEW‑EURODRIVE
• Automated parameterization of the interface
• MOVIKIT®-specific diagnostics and manual operation

6.10.1 Control via terminals

Analog setpoints and fixed setpoints can be used for control via terminals. If no
MOVIKIT® has been loaded ex-works, the source is set to "No source" under "Set-
points/basic setting" and the inverter can be controlled via terminals. The following de-
fault setting/factory setting applies here:
• Digital inputs
– DI00: Output stage enable (DI00 is not led out to terminal X20 and therefore
cannot be used)
– DI01: FCB05 – Fixed setpoint, positive direction of rotation
– DI02: FCB05 – Fixed setpoint, negative direction of rotation
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– DI03: Fixed speed setpoint bit 0

– DI04: Fixed speed setpoint bit 1
– DI05: Error reset
– DI06: no function
• Configurable digital inputs or digital outputs
– DIO01: No function

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 99

6 Application-related startup

– DIO02: No function
• Digital outputs
– DB00: Brake output (fixed function)
– DOR: No function
• Analog input AI1
If no "Fixed speed setpoint bit.." digital input is selected, analog input AI1 is taken
over as the speed setpoint source. The set numerator or denominator scaling in
user units applies.
Default: Speed setpoint (user units) = AI1 value × 15/100
• Configurable analog input or analog output AIO1
– AIO1: No function

6.10.2 Control via fieldbus

For control via fieldbus, the source must be set to "Standard fieldbus system" under
"Setpoints/basic setting".
• Process output data (controller → device)
Setpoint and profile value interconnections can be individually linked to the corre-
sponding process output data.
In addition, the control words used must be documented and the link to the pro-
cess output data must be established.
• Process input data (device → controller)
The data sources for the process input data can be linked under "Actual values/PI
In addition, the status words used must be documented and the link to the process
input data must be established.

6.10.3 Control via MOVIKIT® software module

The MOVIKIT® software modules have fixed defined interfaces.
When using the MOVISUITE® engineering software, the MOVIKIT® software modules
can be selected and added via the software catalog.
For further information on using and operating the MOVIKIT® software modules, refer
to the corresponding documentation.

6.11 Application-related startup

The applications are started up with specific settings using the MOVISUITE® engineer-
ing software.
Pay attention to the information in the product manual > chapter "Startup" > "Applica-
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tion-related startup", including the sub-chapters.

100 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

CBG22A keypad 7
7 Operation

7.1 CBG22A keypad

The following figure shows the CBG22A keypad (front and rear):
[1] [2] [3] [4]


Type: CBG22A
P#: 28277554 .0100.1000
S#: 0003461
03/20 443


[1] Color display

[2] Function keys (function according to bottom line on color display)
[3] USB 2.0 Mini B interface, female (PC connection)
[4] Locking element
[5] D-sub interface, 9-pin, female
[6] Nameplate
[7] Info key (for information about the selected menu)

Keys The following figure shows the required keys of the CBG22A keypad:

[1] Key 1 " "

[2] Key 2 " "
[3] Key 3 " "
[4] Key 4 " " [2]
[5] Key 5 "OK" [3]
[6] Key 6 "STOP"
[7] Key 7 "RESET"

[6] [7]
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 101

8 Resetting fault messages

8 Service

8.1 Resetting fault messages

Removing the source of the malfunction or performing a reset can result in an auto-
matic restart of the connected drives.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Prevent the system from performing an unintentional startup.

Acknowledge the fault message by:

• Switching the device off and on again.
• Via the controller/PLC: Send "Reset command".

8.2 Description of the 7-segment display

8.2.1 Description

The 7-segment display is only available when the CDM11A diagnostic module is

• The two 7‑segment displays indicate the operating state of the inverter.

8.2.2 Operating displays of the 7-segment display

Displays during the boot procedure

Display Description State Remark/action
b0 Device passes through • Status: Not ready • Wait until the boot procedure is
several states when load- • Output stage is inhibited. complete.
ing the firmware (boot) in • Device stays in this state: Device
b2 order to become ready for • Communication is not
possible. defective.

Displays of different device states

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Display Description State Remark/action

• Energy-saving mode Energy-saving mode active.
00 DC link voltage missing. • Status: Not ready Check the supply system.
• Output stage is inhibited.
• Communication is pos-

102 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Description of the 7-segment display 8
Displays of different device states
Display Description State Remark/action
C0 Module bus is not ready. Check the module bus connection.

C1 Startup state Startup state is active.

C2 STO active • Status: Not ready The Safe Torque Off function is ac-
flashing • Output stage is inhibited. tive.
C3 Synchronization with the • Communication is pos- • Check the bus connection.
flashing bus not OK. Process data sible. • Check the synchronization setting
processing is not ready. at the device and controller.
• Check the process data settings
at the device and controller.
C4 Encoder evaluation is not • Encoders are being initialized.
flashing ready. • Device stays in this state:
- no encoder selected.
- "Source actual speed" or "Actual
position" parameter shows an en-
coder that does not exist.
C5 Motor management not
– –
flashing ready.
C6 Internal device supply in-
– –
flashing complete.
C7 Power section not ready.
– –
C8 External device not ready.
– –
C9 Data flexibilization layer not
– –
flashing ready.
Cd Parameter download run-
– –
flashing ning.
CA MOVILINK® DDI not ready Determination of the cause via the
MOVISUITE® engineering software

under Status/Digital Motor Integra-

Displays during initialization processes (parameters will be reset to default values)

Display Description State Remark/action
d0 Basic initialization • Status: Not ready Waiting for initialization to finish.
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• Output stage is inhibited.

d1 Initialization at delivery • Communication is pos-
flashing state sible.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 103

8 Description of the 7-segment display

Displays in normal operation

Display Description State Remark/action
01 Output stage inhibit Output stage is inhibited. The drive is not controlled by the out-
put stage. The brake is applied;
without the brake, the motor coasts to
a halt. FCB 01 can be selected from
various sources.
AC Auto Configuration Data is transferred to the in- Motor is started up via the
verter via the MOVILINK® DDI interface.
MOVILINK DDI interface.
02 Default stop For further information, refer Drive function (FCB) "Default stop"
to the FCB description. active if no other FCB is selected and
the system is ready.
04 Manual operation Manual mode active
05 Speed control Speed control with internal ramp gen-
06 Interpolated speed control Speed control with setpoints cyclically
via bus. The ramp generator is loca-
ted externally; for example, in a
higher-level controller.
07 Torque control Torque control
08 Interpolated torque control Torque control with setpoints cycli-
cally via bus
09 Positioning control Positioning mode with internal ramp
10 Interpolated positioning Positioning mode with setpoints cycli-
control cally via bus. The ramp generator is
located externally; for example, in a
higher-level controller.
12 Reference travel The drive performs a reference travel.
13 Stop at application limita- Deceleration at the application limit.
tion FCB 13 is also active if no other FCB
is selected than the default FCB 02.
14 Emergency stop Deceleration at the emergency stop
18 Rotor position identification Encoder commutation with synchro-
nous motors.
19 Position hold control Position control on current position
20 Jog Jog mode active
21 Brake test Brake is tested by applying a torque
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when the brake is applied.

25 Motor parameter measure- Motor parameter measurement active
26 Stop at user limits For further information, refer Serves to stop at user limits.
to the FCB description.

104 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Description of the LED displays 8
8.2.3 Fault displays of the 7-segment display
The inverter detects any faults that occur and displays them as fault code. Each fault
is clearly defined by its fault code and the associated attributes:
• Fault response
• The final status after executing the fault response
• Type of reset response
The fault codes are displayed as flashing numerical values in the inverter display. The
fault code appears in the following display sequence:
500 ms 124 ms 1000 ms 124 ms 1000 ms 124 ms


In the example shown, a two-digit fault code with subfault is displayed (error 07.01).

8.3 Description of the LED displays

The positions of the LEDs can be found in the product manual > chapter "Device
structure" > "Inverter".

8.3.1 Status and operating displays

The device label depends on the device variant/function. Consequently, not all LEDs
are labeled for all device variants. The following labeling shows the maximum expan-
sion of the respective variant:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]



Modbus TCP control
31544819/EN – 08/2023

4 L/A X40 L/A IN L/A X40 -
5 L/A X41 L/A OUT L/A X41 -

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 105

8 Description of the LED displays

8.3.2 LEDs, general

The listed frequencies always refer to a period, i.e. an on and off phase of the LED
and not to the entire pattern.
For states in which the LED lights up in multiple colors, the following pattern is always
Color 1 → off → color 1 → off → color 2 → off → color 2 → off = 4 periods

LED Operating state Meaning Measure

Off Not ready for operation The supply and/or backup Enable voltage
voltage is not connected.
Yellow Not ready for operation Initialization phase/system Wait until the procedure is
Flashing, 4 Hz startup complete.

Yellow Not ready for operation The inverter is in standby Exit standby mode.
Pulse mode.

250 ms on, 5 s off

Red Not ready for operation A fault occurred, the cause For possible measures,
Flashing, 1 Hz can be eliminated by the refer to chapter "Fault de-
user. scription".
Red Not ready for operation A fault occurred, the cause For further information, refer
Steady light cannot be eliminated by the to chapter "Fault descrip-
user. tion".
Yellow/red Ready A warning is present. For possible measures,
Flashing with chang- The output stage is inhib- refer to chapter "Fault de-
ing colors, 0.5 Hz ited.
(2 × yellow, 2 × red)
Green/red Ready A warning is present. For possible measures,
Flashing with chang- The output stage is enabled. refer to chapter "Fault de-
ing colors, 0.5 Hz scription".

(2 × green, 2 × red)
Green/yellow Not ready for operation Automatic startup is per- Wait until startup has com-
Flashing with chang- formed via the pleted.
ing colors, 4 Hz MOVILINK®DDI interface.

(2 × green, 2 × yellow)
Green/yellow Ready STO is active. Deactivate STO.
Flashing with chang- Device inhibited
ing colors, 0.5 Hz
(2 × green, 2 × yellow)
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Yellow Not ready for operation The system is not ready for Check the cause why "not
Flashing, 0.5 Hz operation. ready" was issued using the
MOVISUITE® engineering
software, via the keypad or
the controller.

106 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Description of the LED displays 8
LED Operating state Meaning Measure
Yellow Ready The device is ready for –
Flashing, 1 Hz State of manual mode/ operation, waiting for en-
local mode/prioritized able.
terminal control
Green Device enabled The output stage is enabled. –
Flashing, 1 Hz State of manual mode/
local mode/prioritized
terminal control
Yellow Ready The brake is released –
Flashing, 2 Hz without drive enable.

Yellow Ready The device is ready for –

Steady light Device inhibited operation, the output stage
is inhibited.
Green Device enabled The drive is at the current Reduce the load.
Flashing, 4 Hz Current limit active limit.

Green Device enabled The output stage is enabled. –

Steady light


LED Meaning
Off "INIT" state
The interface is in the "INIT" state.
Flashing Mailbox communication is possible.
Process data communication is not possible.
Flashing once Mailbox and process data communication is possible.
Safety-related output signals are not output.
Green "OPERATIONAL Mode" state
Illuminated Mailbox and process data communication is possible.


LED Meaning
Off No error
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The interface is in operating state.

Red Boot error
Flickering A BOOT error has occurred.
"INIT" state has not been reached.
However the "Change" parameter is set to "0x01:change/error".

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 107

8 Description of the LED displays

LED Meaning
Red Invalid configuration
Flashing A general configuration error has occurred.
Red Unprompted state change
Flashing once The slave application has changed the state automatically.
The "Change" parameter is set to "0x01:change/error".
Red Application watchdog timeout
Flashing twice A watchdog timeout error has occurred in the application.
Red PDI1) Watchdog Timeout
Illuminated A PDI watchdog timeout error has occurred.

1) PDI = Process Data Interface


LED Meaning
Off No link available.
No physical connection to a neighboring device was detected.
Green Link available, no bus activity.
Illuminated A physical connection to a neighboring device was detected.
No data is being exchanged via the Ethernet port.
Green Link available, bus activity.
Flickering A physical connection to a neighboring device was detected.
Data is being exchanged via the Ethernet port.

8.3.3 PROFINET CFN fieldbus variant

This LED indicates the status of the PROFINET interface. The state includes commu-
nication link, bus error and process data configuration.

Status Possible cause Measure

Off Error-free operating state. –
The PROFINET device is exchanging
data with the PROFINET controller
(Data Exchange state).
Red Connection to the PROFINET controller Check the PROFINET connection of
Permanently lit has failed. the PROFINET device.
31544819/EN – 08/2023

Bus communication has been interrupt- Check all the cables in the
ed. PROFINET network.
The PROFINET controller is not in Check the PROFINET controller.
The PROFINET device does not detect Check the configuration of the
a PROFINET baud rate. PROFINET controller.

108 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Description of the LED displays 8
Status Possible cause Measure
Yellow There is a connection to the PROFINET Check the configuration of the
Permanently lit controller, but the configuration of the PROFINET controller.
PROFINET network is faulty.
The following errors may have occurred:
• A hardware module was selected
that does not support the
PROFINET interface.
• The standard process data and the
safe process data have been as-
signed mixed to the PROFINET

This LED indicates the status of the PROFINET interface. The state includes the start-
up, normal operation, error mode and energy-saving operation operating modes.

Status Possible cause Measure

Yellow, flashing The PROFINET interface is just starting –
Cyclic duration factor: up after a reset.
250 ms
Switch-off time: 250 ms
Green The PROFINET interface is operating –
Permanently lit without errors.

Green, flashing The PROFINET interface is in energy- –

Cyclic duration factor: saving mode (PROFIenergy mode).
500 ms
Switch-off time: 3000 ms
Red The PROFINET interface has detected Switch the device off and back on
Permanently lit a fault. again.
Information: A timeout of the If the fault occurs repeatedly, contact
PROFINET connection is not an internal SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.


Status Meaning
All LEDs A physical connection to another Ethernet node was detected. Cur-
Green rently, no data is being exchanged via the Ethernet port.

Permanently lit
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All LEDs The flashing test has been activated to localize the Ethernet nodes visu-
Flashing green ally.

Cyclic duration factor: 500 ms

Switch-off time: 500 ms

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 109

8 Description of the LED displays

Status Meaning
All LEDs No physical connection to further Ethernet nodes was detected.
LED at the respective Ethernet Data is being sent or received via the Ethernet port.
Green/yellow, flashing

8.3.4 EtherNet/IPTM and Modbus TCP CFE fieldbus variant


LED Meaning Measure

– Device is switched off. • Check the DC 24 V voltage supply.
Off No DC 24 V supply. • Switch on the device again.
The IP address is not set. • Set the IP address.
Green The connection to the Ethernet master has • Check the Ethernet connection of
failed. the device.
The device does not detect a connection to • Check all Ethernet connections.
the Ethernet master (bus error).
Green The IP address is set. The Ethernet con- –
Illuminated nection has been established.

Red Timeout delay of the controlling connection • Check the fieldbus connection.
Flashing has expired. • Check the master/scanner.
The state is reset by restarting communica- • Check all Ethernet connections.
Red Conflict detected in IP address assignment. • Check whether there is another
device with the same IP address in
the network.
• Change the IP address of the
• Check the DHCP settings for IP ad-
dress assignment of the DHCP
server (only when using a DHCP
Red/green The device performs an LED test. –
Flashing This state may only be active for a short
time during startup.
The device has received the designated
target unit network ID (TUNID).
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The LED will keep flashing until the device

has received the APPLY_TUNID service
and the validation is successfully com-

110 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Description of the LED displays 8

LED Meaning Measure

– No power supply or DC 24 V supply. • Check the voltage supply.
Green The device has not been configured yet. • Configure the device.
Flashing • Check the DHCP server connection
(only if DHCP is activated and in
persistent status).
Green Device OK. –
Red A correctable fault has occurred on the • Check whether there is another
device. device with the same IP address in
the network.
• Change the IP address of the
• Check the DHCP settings for IP ad-
dress assignment of the DHCP
server (only when using a DHCP
Red A fault that cannot be corrected has oc- • Switch on the device again.
Illuminated curred on the device. • Reset the device to the factory set-
• If this fault occurs repeatedly, re-
place the device or contact
Red/green The device performs a LED test. –
Flashing This state may only be active for a short
time during startup.
The device is waiting for a target unit net- Assign a target unit network ID (TUNID)
work ID (TUNID). to the device.
Device parameter setting is required. Check the parameterization of the
safety options.


Status Meaning
All LEDs A physical connection to another Ethernet node was detected. Cur-
Green rently, no data is being exchanged via the Ethernet port.

Permanently lit
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All LEDs The flashing test has been activated to localize the Ethernet nodes visu-
Flashing green ally.

Cyclic duration factor: 500 ms

Switch-off time: 500 ms
All LEDs No physical connection to further Ethernet nodes was detected.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 111

8 Description of the LED displays

Status Meaning
LED at the respective Ethernet Data is being sent or received via the Ethernet port.
Green/yellow, flashing

8.3.5 POWERLINK CFL fieldbus variant


LED Meaning
Off "INIT" state
The interface is in "INIT" state.
Green "BASIC ETHERNET Mode" state
Flickering None of the SoA, SoC, PReq, or PRes message types detected.
Green "PRE_OPERATIONAL_1Mode" state
Flashing once Only acyclic communication is possible.
Green "PRE_OPERATIONAL_2Mode" state
Flashing twice Acyclic and cyclic communication are possible.
Process data not valid.
Green "READY_TO_OPERATE_Mode" state
Flashing three
Green "STOPPED_Mode" state
Green "OPERATIONAL Mode" state


LED Meaning Measure

Off Transition to "OPERA- –
TIONAL_Mode" state
Software reset of the NMT state ma- –
chine (start basic node initialization)
Transition to "BASIC_ETHER- –
NET_Mode" state after a timeout of
the SoC, PReq, PRes, and SoA
message types.
31544819/EN – 08/2023

112 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Description of the LED displays 8
LED Meaning Measure
Red POWERLINK cycle time exceeded. Check/adjust the network.
Illuminated The number of managing nodes Check/adjust the network.
(MN) in the POWERLINK network Configure only 1 managing node.
is > 1.
Invalid Ethernet frame format, such Check/adjust the network.
as incorrect Ethernet CRC (redun-
dancy checksum)
Loss of frame Check/adjust the network.
Frame collision Check/adjust the network.
Invalid IP address Set a valid IP address.


Status Meaning
All LEDs A physical connection to another Ethernet node was detected. Cur-
Green rently, no data is being exchanged via the Ethernet port.

Permanently lit
All LEDs The flashing test has been activated to localize the Ethernet nodes visu-
Flashing green ally.

Cyclic duration factor: 500 ms

Switch-off time: 500 ms
All LEDs No physical connection to further Ethernet nodes was detected.
LED at the respective Ethernet Data is being sent or received via the Ethernet port.
Green/yellow, flashing
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 113

8 Device replacement

8.4 Device replacement

Device replacement is only possible when using an identical replacement device. De-
viating device configurations lead to error E25.06 and can be acknowledged with pa-
rameter acceptance. The device can then be used without further startup.
If a device needs to be replaced, the following procedures apply.

8.4.1 Exclusive use of the CMM.. memory module

If the inverter is equipped with a CMM.. memory module, the parameter and configura-
tion settings are stored on the memory module. By plugging the memory module into
another inverter, this data is available so that the inverter is immediately ready for
operation for the specific application.

Device replacement with an identical replacement device

If an identical inverter (voltage, current and variant) is used during a device replace-
ment, the inverter is started up immediately and is ready for operation. When using the
CSB or CSL variant, the memory module also serves as a safety key.

Device replacement with a different replacement device

If a different inverter (voltage, current and variant) is used when a device is replaced,
error message "25.70 NV memory initialization" is displayed. You can acknowledge
this fault by opening the "Fault reset with parameter acceptance" menu item, and you
must ensure that the information that was provided via the previous options (e.g. en-
coder signals via encoder option) reach the inverter through different means or are de-

Alternatives for device replacement

Alternatively, the device can be reset to the delivery state. A new startup is then re-

Removing the memory module during operation

If a memory module is removed during operation, the following error message is dis-
played: "33.13 System initialization: Memory module removed". This fault state can be
acknowledged by performing a fault reset if no CSB or CSL variant is being used.

8.4.2 Using a CBG.. keypad

When using a keypad, the parameter and configuration settings can be stored on the
keypad. By plugging the keypad into another inverter and activating data transmission,
data is transferred to the inverter. After the transmission is complete, the inverter is im-
mediately ready for operation for the specific application.

8.4.3 Using a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER

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The "Update configuration" function can be started using the MOVISUITE® engineer-
ing software at any time, but usually after completed startup of the devices and the
Using this function, all parameter and configuration settings of the devices and the
controller are saved on the memory card of the controller and are provided with a

114 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Shutdown 8
When the controller is switched on, the data on the memory card and the data on the
connected device are compared in a test to see if they match. In case a defective
device has been replaced previously, the controller recognizes that the data on the
memory card does not match the data of the new device. In this case, the controller
loads the data of the memory card to the device.
In addition, changes in the device that have not been saved using the "Update config-
uration" function are overwritten. The process is performed automatically.

MOVI-C® CONTROLLER with CMM.. memory module in the inverter

If the data management (axis data set recovery) of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER is
used, the parameter and configuration settings of the controller are always transferred
to the inverter.
The data is on the memory card of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER. If the data manage-
ment of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER is not active, the memory source can be set in
index 8431.20 (memory source) as follows:
• 0 - Any
The parameter and configuration settings are written both to the internal device
memory of the inverter and to the CMM.. memory module. Thus, the data is syn-
chronized on both storage media.
• 1 - Internal memory
The inverter reads or writes the parameter and configuration settings to the in-
ternal device memory of the inverter.
• 2 - Replaceable memory module
The inverter reads or writes the parameter and configuration settings to the CMM..
memory module.

MOVI-C® CONTROLLER without CMM.. memory module in the inverter

If the data management (axis data set recovery) of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER is
used, the parameter and configuration settings of the controller are always transferred
to the inverter.

8.5 Shutdown

Electric shock due to capacitors that have not been fully discharged.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 minutes after disconnecting the power

To shut down the device, de-energize the device using appropriate measures.
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Risk of burns due to hot surfaces.
Severe injuries.
• Let the devices cool down before touching them.

Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 115

8 Waste disposal

8.6 Waste disposal

Dispose of the product and all parts separately in accordance with their material struc-
ture and the national regulations. Put the product through a recycling process or con-
tact a specialist waste disposal company. If possible, divide the product into the follow-
ing categories:
• Iron, steel or cast iron
• Stainless steel
• Magnets
• Aluminum
• Copper
• Electronic parts
• Plastics
The following materials are hazardous to health and the environment. These materials
must be collected and disposed of separately:
• Oil and grease
Collect used oil and grease separately according to type. Ensure that the used oil
is not mixed with solvent. Dispose of used oil and grease correctly.
• Screens
• Capacitors

Waste disposal according to WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU

This product and its accessories may fall within the scope of the country-specific appli-
cation of the WEEE Directive. Dispose of the product and its accessories according to
the national regulations of your country.
For further information, contact the responsible SEW‑EURODRIVE branch or an au-
thorized partner of SEW‑EURODRIVE.

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116 Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced

Inspection and maintenance
9 Inspection and maintenance
The device is maintenance-free. SEW‑EURODRIVE does not stipulate any regular in-
spection work. However, it is recommended that you check the following components
• Connection cables:
If cables become damaged or fatigued, replace them immediately.
• Cooling fins:
Remove any deposits to ensure sufficient cooling.

Only SEW‑EURODRIVE may repair the inverters.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® advanced 117

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world


Ernst-Blickle-Str. 42
Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Fax +49 7251 75-1970

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