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Subject: Airworthiness Certification of Civil Aircraft, Engines, Propellers, and Related Products Imported To The United States

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Subject: AIRWORTHINESS 11/17/2004 21-23B



1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular (AC) provides information on the Federal Aviation
Administration's (FAA) objectives, regulations, and general practices for United States of
America (U.S.) airworthiness certification or acceptance of civil aeronautical products imported
to the U.S. It has been updated to reflect the latest Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement
Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness.

2. CANCELLATION. Advisory Circular 21-23A, Airworthiness Certification of Civil Aircraft,

Engines, Propellers, and Related Products Imported to the United States, dated
October 20, 2000, is canceled.


a. Title 49, United States Code (Title 49, U.S.C.), Subtitle I, Department of Transportation,
and Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs.

b. Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), part 21, Certification Procedures for
Products and Parts.

c. FAA Advisory Circulars (AC) inform the aviation public of nonregulatory material of
interest. The latest revision of the following AC’s provide detailed guidance and information to
applicants for design approval of imported products:

(1) AC 00-2.15, Advisory Circular Checklist and Status of Other FAA Publications;

(2) AC 00-44, Status of Federal Aviation Regulations;

(3) AC 20-62, Eligibility, Quality, and Identification of Aeronautical Replacement Parts;

(4) AC 20-110, Index of Aviation Technical Standard Orders;

(5) AC 21-12, Application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate, FAA Form 8130-6;
AC 21-23B 11/17/04

(6) AC 21.17-1, Type Certification – Airships;

(7) AC 21.17-2, Type Certification – Fixed Wing Gliders (Sailplanes) Including Powered

(8) AC 21.17-3, Type Certification of Very Light Airplanes under FAR 21.17(b);

(9) AC 21-20, Supplier Surveillance Procedures;

(10) AC 21-24, Extending a Production Certificate to a Facility Located in a Bilateral

Airworthiness Agreement Country;

(11) AC 21-27, Production Certification Multinational/Multicorporate Consortia;

(12) AC 21-28, Airworthiness Certification of U.S. Produced Aircraft and Engine Kits
Assembled Outside the United States;

(13) AC 21-29, Detecting and Reporting Suspected Unapproved Parts;

(14) AC 21-37, Primary Category Aircraft; and

(15) AC 45-2, Identification and Registration Marks.

AC 00-2.15, Advisory Circular Checklist and Status of Other FAA Publications, provides
ordering information for all ACs. AC 00-2.15 and other free AC’s may be ordered from:

U.S. Department of Transportation

Subsequent Distribution Office
Ardmore East Business Center
3341 Q 75th Avenue
Landover, MD 20785

Requests for copies can be faxed to 301/386-5394. AC 00-2.15 is also available via the Internet
at: http://www.airweb.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library
d. FAA Orders prescribe the responsibilities and procedures for FAA personnel. The latest
revision of the following Orders provide detailed guidance and information to applicants for
design and production approval:

(1) Order WA 0000.5, Washington Headquarters Directives Checklist;

(2) Order 8110.4, Type Certification Process;

(3) Order 8100.5, Aircraft Certification Directorate Procedures;

(4) Order 8100.7, Aircraft Systems Evaluation Program;

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

(5) Order 8100.14, Interim Procedures for Working with the European Community on
Airworthiness Certification and Continued Airworthiness

(6) Order 8110.10, FAA Approvals of Major Modifications/Alterations;

(7) Order 8110.42, Parts Manufacturer Approval Procedures;

(8) Order 8120.2, Production Approval and Certificate Management Procedures;

(9) Order 8120.10, Suspected Unapproved Parts Program;

(10) Order 8130.2, Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft and Related Products;

(11) Order 8130.20, Registration Requirements for the Airworthiness Certification of U.S.
Civil Aircraft;

(12) Order 8130.21, Procedures for Completion and Use of FAA Form 8130-3,
Airworthiness Approval Tag;

(13) Order 8130.27, Certification and Operation of Aircraft under the Experimental
Purpose(s) of Research and Development;

(14) Order 8150.1, Technical Standard Order Procedures; and

(15) Order 8300.10, Airworthiness Inspectors Handbook.

Consult AC 00-2.15 to obtain ordering information for these publications.


a. Airworthiness Directives (AD) are substantive regulations issued by the FAA in

accordance with 14 CFR part 39. An AD is issued when (1) an unsafe condition has been found
to exist in a particular aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller, or appliance, and (2) that condition is
likely to exist or develop in other aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances of the same
type design. Once an AD is issued, no person may operate a product to which the AD applies
except in accordance with the requirement of that AD.

b. Appliance is any instrument, mechanism, equipment, part, apparatus, appurtenance, or

accessory, including communications equipment, that is used or intended to be used in
operating or controlling an aircraft in flight, is installed in or attached to the aircraft, and is not
part of an airframe, aircraft engine, or propeller.

c. Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement (BAA) means a government-to-government

executive agreement between the U.S. and the government of another country (contracting
State) to facilitate the airworthiness approval or acceptance of civil aeronautical products
exported from one contracting State to the other. BAA’s are not trade agreements; rather, they

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are technical cooperation agreements, intended to provide a framework for the airworthiness
authority of the importing State to give maximum practicable credit to airworthiness certification
functions performed by the airworthiness authority of the exporting State using its own domestic
certification system.

d. Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) means a government-to-government

agreement, consisting of one Executive Agreement and one or more Implementation
Procedures, to facilitate the recognition of procedures for the reciprocal acceptance of:

(1) Airworthiness approvals of civil aeronautical products;

(2) Environmental approval and environmental testing;

(3) Approval and monitoring of maintenance facilities and alteration or modification


(4) Approval and monitoring of maintenance personnel;

(5) Approval and monitoring of crews;

(6) Approval and monitoring of flight operations;

(7) Flight simulator qualification evaluations; and

(8) Approval and monitoring of aviation training establishments.

These agreements are replacing BAA’s.

e. Civil Aeronautical Product (herein also referred to as “product”) means any civil aircraft,
aircraft engine, or propeller or subassembly, appliance, material, part, or component to be
installed thereon.

f. Environmental Standards means the regulations governing the certification of designs

with regard to noise characteristics, fuel venting, and exhaust emissions of civil aeronautical

g. Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness (IPA) means the procedural document

authorized by the BASA Executive Agreement for design approval, production activities, export
airworthiness approvals, post-design approval activities and technical assistance between
authorities. This document defines the civil aeronautical products and parts eligible for import
into the U.S. and the counterpart BASA signatory country. It defines the interface requirements
and activities between the authorities for the import and continued support of those civil
aeronautical products.

h. Imported to the U.S., as used within the context of this AC, means, for aircraft, a foreign
manufactured aircraft intended to be placed on the U.S. registry. For all other foreign

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manufactured products, means intended for installation on a U.S.-registered aircraft even

though the aircraft in either case is not operated in the U.S. (Guidance on special airworthiness
certification is found in other FAA advisory materials.)

i. Maintenance Implementation Procedures means the procedural document authorized

by the BASA Executive Agreement related to the performance of maintenance, alterations and
modifications on civil aeronautical products. This document defines the process for reciprocal
acceptance of each authority's recommendations for the certification, renewal, and acceptance
of eligible repair stations and maintenance organizations.

j. New

(1) For an aircraft, means an aircraft that is still owned by the manufacturer, distributor,
or dealer, if there is no intervening private owner or lease or time-sharing arrangement, and the
aircraft has not been used in any pilot school and/or commercial operation.

(2) For an aircraft engine or propeller, means an aircraft engine or propeller that is still
owned by the manufacturer, distributor, or dealer; and has never been installed on an aircraft,
has no time in service other than testing by the manufacturer, and meets all technical
requirements for a new product.

k. Rebuilt Product means a product that uses new or used parts that conform to new part
tolerances and limits or to approved oversized or undersized dimensions that has undergone
the following by the original manufacturer:

( 1) Has been disassembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired as necessary, and

reassembled to the extent possible; and

( 2) Has been tested to the same tolerances and limits as a new product.

l. Schedule of Implementation Procedures (SIP) means the procedural document, similar

to an IPA that is associated with some BAA’s. It facilitates the approval process for aircraft and
other aeronautical products being imported or exported between the U.S. and a foreign country.

m. Used means an aircraft, engine, or propeller that is not new, as defined in paragraph (j)
a. ACO: FAA Aircraft Certification Office

b. AEG: Aircraft Evaluation Group

c. ATC: Additional Technical Condition

d. BAA: Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement

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e. BASA: Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement

f. CAA: Civil Aviation Authority

g. CFR: U.S. Code of Federal Regulations

h. FAA: Federal Aviation Administration, U.S.A.

i. ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization

h. ICAW: Instructions for Continued Airworthiness

i. IP: Implementation Procedures (BASA)

j. IPA: Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness

k. JAA: Joint Aviation Authorities

n. MIP: Maintenance Implementation Procedures

l. MMEL: Master Minimum Equipment List

p. PC: Production Certificate

q. SFAR: Special Federal Aviation Regulation

q. SIP: Schedule of Implementation Procedures

r. STC: Supplemental Type Certificate

t TC: Type Certificate
s. TSO: Technical Standard Order
v. TSOA: Technical Standard Order Authorization
w. USC: United States Code


a. The FAA does not issue standard airworthiness certificates, nor grant airworthiness
approvals, for aeronautical products manufactured in a country with which the U.S. does not
have a BAA or a BASA with IPA for the kinds of products concerned. The FAA must issue a
type certificate prior to the issuance of an FAA standard airworthiness certificate.

b. Information provided in this AC is intended to offer guidance for the most common
situations encountered in the design approval process leading to FAA type certification or

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issuance of letter of TSO design approval, and to FAA airworthiness certification or approval of
civil aeronautical products to be imported to the U.S. Procedures and practices dealing with
unique situations should be cleared in advance with the Aircraft Certification Service, FAA
Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

c. Suggestions or comments for future revision of this AC should be addressed to the

Director, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence
Avenue, SW., Washington, D.C. 20591.

John Hickey
Director, Aircraft Certification Service

vii (and viii)

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Paragraph Page


1-1. GENERAL 1


2-1. GENERAL 9






3-1. GENERAL 29
3-2. AIRCRAFT 31
3-6.-3-9. [RESERVED] 37

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Paragraph Page


4-1. GENERAL 39


5-1. GENERAL 41






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1-1. GENERAL. Aircraft airworthiness certification in the U.S. is a public safety

function performed by the FAA with the purpose of ensuring the safety and
environmental acceptability of U.S.-registered civil aircraft operating in air commerce. A
U.S. statute--49, U.S.C. 106(g)--sets forth the duties and powers of the FAA
Administrator in the safety regulation of civil aeronautics, including airworthiness
certification of civil aeronautical products.

a. Title 49 U.S.C. 44701(a) charges the FAA Administrator with prescribing and
revising minimum standards required in the interest of safety for appliances and for the
design, material, construction, quality of work, and performance of aircraft, aircraft
engines, and propellers. The U.S. airworthiness standards set forth by the FAA within
14 CFR, subchapter C are promulgated to implement this statute.

b. Title 49 U.S.C. 44711(a)(1) makes it unlawful for any person to operate in air
commerce any U.S. registered civil aircraft for which there is not an airworthiness
certificate currently in effect, or in violation of the terms of that airworthiness certificate.

c. Title 49 U.S.C. 44704 specifies and defines the FAA Administrator’s role in
establishing requirements and issuing Type Certificates, Supplemental Type
Certificates, Production Certificates, and Airworthiness Certificates. Additional
information about these certificates can be found in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this
Advisory Circular (AC).


MISSION The Aircraft Certification Service’s International Vision is that of a global
network of airworthiness authorities working cooperatively to promote the highest level
of public confidence in the safety of the international air transportation system with the
lowest practicable regulatory burden to that system. Its mission is working in
partnership with the global aviation community to continuously improve the safety of the
international air transportation system and achieve international harmonization of
aircraft certification standards, practices, and procedures. Bilateral agreements
facilitate cooperation between the FAA and its partner aviation authorities, and minimize
duplicative certification activities related to the import and export of aeronautical


a. The FAA Aircraft Certification Service organizational structure is shown in

appendix 1.

b. Four Aircraft Certification Directorates have been established to develop

and ensure standard application of technical policies in the type certification of particular

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kinds of products. These directorates and assigned product responsibilities are as


(1) Small Airplane Directorate (ACE-100) in Kansas City, Missouri,

responsible for regulations and policy pertaining to: a) normal, utility, and acrobatic
category airplanes weighing 12,500 lbs. or less and having seating configurations,
excluding pilot seats, of 9 seats or fewer, b) commuter category, (propeller driven, multi-
engine) airplanes weighing 19,000 lbs. or less, with seating configurations, excluding
pilot seats, of 19 seats or fewer; c) manned free balloons, and d) special classes of
small aircraft, including gliders, primary category airplanes, and airships (14 CFR
parts 23 and 31).

(2) Transport Airplane Directorate (ANM-100) in Renton, Washington,

responsible for regulations and policy pertaining to all transport category airplanes
(14 CFR part 25).

(3) Rotorcraft Directorate (ASW-100) in Fort Worth, Texas, responsible for

regulations and policy for normal and transport category rotorcraft (14 CFR parts 27 and

(4) Engine and Propeller Directorate (ANE-100) in Burlington,

Massachusetts, responsible for regulations and policy for all aircraft engines, propellers,
and auxiliary power units (14 CFR parts 33 and 35).

The addresses of these Directorates are provided in Appendix 2. Aircraft certification

tasks within a particular geographic area are normally handled by an Aircraft
Certification Office (ACO) that reports to one of the Aircraft Certification Directorates.

c. The Aircraft Engineering Division (AIR-100) and the Production and

Airworthiness Certification Division (AIR-200) in Washington, DC, develop and
oversee standard application of general type, production, airworthiness certification, and
continued airworthiness policies (e.g., 14 CFR parts 21, 39, and certain provisions of
183), including those related to implementation of Bilateral Airworthiness Agreements
and the airworthiness provisions of Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreements. The Aircraft
Engineering Division (AIR-100) also develops and oversees standard application of
technical policies concerning the approval of appliances covered by a Technical
Standard Order (TSO).

d. The International Policy Office (AIR-40) in Washington, DC, is responsible for

policy guidance on Bilateral Airworthiness Agreements (BAA), Bilateral Aviation Safety
Agreements (BASA), and other international airworthiness issues, programs, and
procedures. A single staff member, APC-100, is located in Singapore and performs
functions similar to those of the Brussels branch. The Brussels Aircraft Certification
International Policy Branch (AEU-100) located in Brussels, Belgium, provides support
in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, to the Directorates and Divisions, the Flight

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Standards Service, foreign civil airworthiness authorities, and U.S. and foreign

e. In addition to the organizations within the FAA’s Aircraft Certification

Service (AIR), four other FAA offices provide support for AIR’s certification

(1) The Office of Environment and Energy (AEE) develops, recommends,

and promulgates regulations establishing standards for aircraft noise, and regulations
for fuel venting and exhaust emissions for turbine engine powered airplanes.

(2) The Flight Standards Service (AFS) through its Aircraft Evaluation
Groups (AEG), evaluates operational and maintenance issues for new designs and in-
service products. These AEG, located at the Aircraft Certification Directorates, integrate
their activities with those of the Directorates during the type certification process.

(3) The Office of International Aviation (AIA), through its five International
Area Offices, provides liaison between the FAA and foreign governments.

(4) The Office of the Chief Counsel (AGC) reviews all agreements between
the FAA and other authorities and provides interpretations of all regulations and


a. Purpose. Bilateral agreements are cooperative agreements between the U.S.

and the government of a foreign country for their mutual benefit. The FAA’s Aircraft
Certification Service has responsibility under two kinds of bilateral agreements--
Bilateral Airworthiness Agreements and Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreements with
Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness. Both agreements are based on a high
degree of mutual confidence in the technical competence and regulatory capability of
the aviation authority of the exporting country for performing aircraft certification
functions within the scope of the agreement.

b. Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement

(1) A Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement (BAA) is an executive agreement

between the U.S. and a foreign country that has a competent civil airworthiness
authority and an aeronautical product manufacturing industry. A BAA is not a trade
agreement. Instead, it is a technical agreement concerning the performance of
airworthiness certification functions. BAA’s vary in scope, but all provide that "... the
importing State shall give the same validity to the certification made by (the competent
aeronautical authority of the exporting State) as if the certification had been made by its
(the importing country's) own competent aeronautical authority in accordance with its
own applicable laws, regulations, and requirements." One condition common to all of
these agreements permits the importing State to prescribe additional technical

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conditions ". . . which the importing State finds necessary to ensure that the product
meets a level of safety equivalent to that provided by its applicable laws, regulations,
and requirements which would be effective for a similar product produced in the
importing State." The U.S. concluded 27 BAA’s with foreign governments from 1938
through 1991. Twenty-two current BAA’s consist only of an Executive Agreement
negotiated and concluded by the U.S. Department of State. Three BAA’s (with
Argentina, China, and Indonesia) consist of an Executive Agreement and a Schedule of
Implementation Procedures (SIP). Because modifying a BAA can be cumbersome, the
U.S. has established a new, more flexible format, a Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement,
discussed below.
(2) Except for Canada, the BAA’s between the U.S. and other countries
do not address FAA acceptance of maintenance work performed outside the U.S.
This AC, therefore, does not address such maintenance on U.S.-registered aircraft or
on products to be installed on U.S.-registered aircraft. Separate maintenance
agreements (Maintenance Implementation Procedures) with Germany, France, and
Ireland have been concluded as of August 2000. Contact the Continuous Airworthiness
Maintenance Division, Flight Standards Service, for more information.)
c. Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement
(1) In order to facilitate the FAA’s need to include additional aviation safety
areas in a bilateral agreement, the U.S. has established a format that separates the
agreement to cooperate in the performance of civil aviation responsibilities from the
technical procedures which implement that agreement. This format, called a Bilateral
Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA), consists of an Executive Agreement, which is
similar for all countries, and one or more Implementation Procedures (e.g., for
airworthiness, maintenance, and flight simulators). Like a BAA, a BASA provides for
technical cooperation between the FAA and its counterpart aircraft certificating
authority, and, like a BAA, a BASA with airworthiness implementation procedures is
intended to facilitate reciprocal airworthiness certification of civil aeronautical products
imported or exported between the two signatory countries. A BASA, however, provides
more flexibility than does a BAA and may include other procedures besides

(2) Countries are candidates for a BASA with the United States only if a
determination has been made that its aviation regulatory system meets ICAO standards
(i.e., Category 1 of FAA’s International Aviation Safety Assessment Program).

(3) The signatories of the Executive Agreement are the Department of

State and its foreign ministry counterpart, while the signatories of the Implementation
Procedures (IP) are the FAA and its counterpart civil aviation authority. The FAA and its
counterpart can modify or add IP’s as needed without changing the Executive
Agreement. Appendix 3 lists the countries with which the U.S. has established bilateral
agreements, the type of the agreement (BAA or BASA), and the scope (i.e., products
eligible for U.S. acceptance) of the agreement. Because the products eligible for U.S.
import can vary from agreement to agreement, the provisions of a bilateral agreement

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with a particular country should be carefully reviewed. The texts of BAA’s and BASA’s
with IPAs are available on the Internet at: http://www.faa.gov/certification/aircraft
d. Technical Assessment Process. Before recommending a new agreement
related to airworthiness, the FAA conducts a technical assessment of the certification
system in the candidate BASA partner country. This assessment, which is very
comprehensive, typically lasts between two and seven years. The assessment is
conducted on a cost-reimbursable basis. The objective of the technical assessment is
to determine whether the certification system in the BASA partner country is sufficiently
comparable to the U.S. system to ensure similar results.

(1) Areas of assessment:

(a) National Legislation: The FAA reviews the scope and provisions of
the partner country’s aviation regulations vis a vis the country’s legislation.

(b) Mission/Mission Priorities: The FAA reviews the mission and scope
of the counterpart authority’s work program.

(c) Organization: The FAA examines the organizational structure of the

partner country’s aviation authority, its delegations of authority, the location of its offices
and its staffing, and its plans and mechanisms for ongoing improvement.

(d) Personnel: The FAA examines the roles, responsibility, and authority
of the CAA’s personnel and the delegation of these roles and responsibilities to others.
The FAA also examines the personnel’s experience and training (including technical
and on-the-job training).

(e) Approval Documents: The FAA examines the CAA’s approval

documents, including design approvals, production quality assurance system approvals,
airworthiness certifications, continued airworthiness documents, and delegation of
responsibility documents.

(f) Standards/Policies: The FAA reviews procedural and

regulation/rulemaking processes of the authority. It examines current policies, operating
orders, and guidance material and reviews certification procedures. The FAA also
reviews the authority's design standards and production and airworthiness regulations.

(g) Design, Production and Airworthiness Certification Processes:

The FAA reviews in detail the CAA’s design, production, and airworthiness certification

(h) Certificate Management Activities: The FAA examines the CAA’s

monitoring activities for certificate holders, its continued airworthiness programs, and
how the authority revises and amends approvals.

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(i) Enforcement: The FAA reviews the CAA’s enforcement activities,

including its ability to revoke or suspend certificates, its authority to assess monetary
damages, its system for determining administrative penalties, and its prohibitions on
falsification of data.

(j) Communications: As part of the assessment, the FAA reviews the

CAA’s internal coordination process, how the CAA coordinates with other organizations,
and the means by which it communicates with manufacturers, operators, and other
certificate holders.

(k) Environment: The FAA reviews the relationship between the CAA
and other organizations, including the partner country’s aviation industry.

(2) Phases of Assessment: The technical assessment process for a new

agreement normally consists of four phases:

(a) Familiarization. The purpose of the familiarization phase is to conduct

a preliminary technical evaluation and become familiar with the CAA’s aircraft
certification system. This enables the FAA to identify aircraft certification areas where
the FAA may need to provide technical assistance and training in the application of
airworthiness standards, practices, and procedures for the aeronautical products
designed and manufactured for export to the U.S. under a BASA.
(b) Review. During this phase, the FAA conducts a more detailed review
of the CAA’s aircraft certification system, especially those areas that differ from those of
the U.S. During this phase, the FAA may review engineering data for any proposed
shadow certification product.
(c) Shadow Certification. This is the most critical phase of the technical
assessment program. During this phase, the FAA’s assessment goes beyond a
document review. The FAA works side-by-side with the CAA on an actual certification
project to assess how well the CAA understands FAA requirements and could apply
them, on behalf of the FAA, under a BASA. The FAA monitors tests, reviews
certification data, and observes meetings with the certification applicant. The FAA also
determines how well the proposed design complies with U.S. requirements.
(d) Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness (IPA) Negotiation.
Following the successful completion of a technical assessment, and after a BASA
Executive Agreement has been proposed to the foreign government by the U.S.
Department of State, the FAA and the CAA co-develop the details of the Implementation
Procedures for Airworthiness (IPA). A BASA IPA may include procedures for the
reciprocal acceptance of design approvals, production and surveillance oversight,
continued airworthiness activities, design change approvals, and export airworthiness
approvals. The scope of the IPA can be modified over time (e.g., expanded to cover
additional activities) or changed and/or canceled without affecting the Executive
Agreement or other IP’s.

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a. General. Title 49 U.S.C. 44704 requires the FAA to make certain “findings” or
determinations of compliance to U.S. airworthiness standards before issuing a type
certificate, production certificate, or airworthiness certificate. In the case of a type
certificate, the FAA is required to find that the design of the product meets the U.S.
airworthiness standards applicable to the product. 49 U.S.C. 44704(d) requires the FAA
to determine that a product conforms to a design previously approved by the FAA, and
that it is in a condition for safe operation before issuing a U.S. airworthiness certificate
for that product. The FAA Administrator may exercise discretion in how these findings
will be made, the level of direct FAA involvement necessary, and what constitutes
competent evidence for making the required findings.
b. Findings Process under Bilateral Agreements. The FAA makes its findings
for the airworthiness certification, approval, or acceptance of civil aeronautical products
imported to the U.S. by working through, and in cooperation with, the CAA of the
exporting country. Generally, the FAA predicates its findings on statements from the
exporting authority which certifies to the FAA that the design and performance of the
product meet the U.S. or equivalent airworthiness standards; that the exported product
(including complete aircraft) conforms in construction and manufacturing processes to
the approved design; and, at the time of export certification by the exporting authority,
that the product is determined by the exporting authority to be in a condition for safe
c. Maintenance of the Bilateral Relationship. Once an agreement is
negotiated, sustaining the relationship is equally important to the FAA. FAA field offices
interact with other CAA’s on daily activities such as validation projects, export activities,
and harmonization work. BASA IPA’s commit the FAA to meet periodically with its
counterpart authority to review the IPA and any certification system changes. The FAA
wants to ensure that there is a common understanding of each other’s requirements. In
addition, the FAA and its partners conduct visits as needed to ensure both authorities
meet the commitments they have made in their bilateral agreements. Each bilateral
partner country has been assigned to an FAA Directorate for this enhanced formal
cooperation. These country assignments are listed in appendix 2.


a. The global manufacturing environment creates challenges for the FAA and
other civil aviation authorities in carrying out their regulatory duties around the world.
Upon request and after mutual agreement, the FAA and the CAA may provide technical
assistance to each other when significant activities are conducted in either country.
These technical assistance activities help avoid any undue burden imposed on either
authority. Types of assistance may include, but are not limited to, determination of
compliance (e.g., witnessing tests, performing inspections, reviewing reports, obtaining
data) and surveillance and oversight (e.g., conducting inspections on production parts,
conducting investigations of service difficulties).

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

b. Under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), information the FAA has
in its possession must be disclosed unless a FOIA exemption applies to that
information. Exemptions include proprietary data such as trade secrets and financial or
commercial information. As bilateral partners, the FAA and the CAA agree that they will
not release proprietary data obtained from either authority to anyone other than an FAA
or CAA employee without written consent of the design approval holder or other data

c. Upon request, the FAA and the CAA cooperate by providing information
of service incidents, accidents, and suspected unapproved parts involving civil
aeronautical products imported under their Implementation Procedures.


and practices applied by the FAA for the airworthiness certification of civil aeronautical
products to be imported to the U.S. are intended to achieve four fundamental objectives,
namely that:

a. The design and performance of the product meet the applicable U.S.
airworthiness and environmental standards or standards determined by the FAA to be

b. Each particular civil aeronautical product presented for U.S. airworthiness

certification, approval, or acceptance for installation on a U.S. type certificated and
U.S.-registered aircraft conforms to an FAA-approved design and is in a condition for
safe operation;

c. The companies responsible and the CAA having regulatory responsibility for
product design integrity and manufacturing quality control are clearly defined and have
adequate technical capability, so as to ensure that safety issues which may arise with
the product in service will be satisfactorily resolved in a timely manner; and

d. The FAA can meet its regulatory responsibilities under Title 49 U.S.C. in
administering applicable regulatory requirements of 14 CFR without undue burden.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B



a. Requirement for a Bilateral Agreement. Product design approvals will not be

granted to an applicant located in a country with which the U.S. has not concluded a
bilateral agreement for the export and import airworthiness certification of such products
(i.e., a BAA or a BASA).

b. Categories of Design Approvals. The FAA grants design approvals of civil

aeronautical products to be imported to the U.S. in the following forms.

(1) Type Certificates (TC), including type certificate amendments, are issued
for the design approval of aircraft, aircraft engines, and propellers.

(2) Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) are issued for approval of major
changes to a type certificated design (aircraft, aircraft engines, and propellers) that are
not great enough to require a new application for a type certificate. The holder of a type
certificate usually has the type certificate amended for these purposes.

(3) Letters of TSO design approval are issued to approve the design of
appliances to be manufactured outside the U.S., which meet the minimum performance
standards of an FAA Technical Standard Order.

(4) Letters of parts design approval [reserved].

c. Application Priority. The FAA does not normally issue a type design approval
for a product manufactured outside the U.S. (i.e., the state of design is other than the
U.S.), unless the product is intended for use under U.S. registry or for operation by a
U.S. operator under lease or charter. Approvals may be granted for engines, propellers,
or appliances to be incorporated into the design of a U.S.-registered aircraft or U.S.-
manufactured product. Foreign applicants for U.S. design approval should provide the
FAA with evidence that the product will be imported into the U.S., or will be installed on
a U.S.-registered or U.S.-manufactured product. This information, when provided at the
time of application, will help the FAA to establish project priorities.

d. References to FAA Airworthiness Regulations. The FAA's procedural

regulations for the design approval of products, including products imported to the U.S.,
are set forth in 14 CFR part 21 (part 21). Applicable airworthiness standards are set
forth in:

(1) 14 CFR parts 21 through 35, for various kinds of products.

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(2) A series of Technical Standard Orders (TSO) identified in the current

version of AC 20-110, Index of Technical Standard Orders, for articles (parts, materials,
processes, or appliances).

(3) 14 CFR parts 21 and 36 for standards concerning aircraft noise.

(4) 14 CFR part 34 for standards concerning fuel venting and exhaust
emissions for turbine engine powered airplanes.

e. Relationship to International Civil Aviation Organization Airworthiness

Standards. ICAO has airworthiness standards for engines, propellers, aeroplanes, and
helicopters, defined in Annex 8, Airworthiness of Aircraft. The references listed in
paragraph 2-1(d) above meet or exceed these ICAO requirements, except where
differences have been filed with ICAO. ICAO also has aircraft noise, fuel venting, and
exhaust emissions standards defined in Annex 16, Volumes I and II.

f. Applicability of U.S. Design Approvals. An FAA type design approval for a

product (e.g., aircraft) is required:

(1) As a prerequisite for the issuance of a U.S. standard or certain types (i.e.,
primary, limited, and restricted) of special airworthiness certificates;

(2) To permit a non-U.S.-registered aircraft to be operated under lease or

charter by a U.S.-certificated air carrier or commercial operator under parts 121 or 135;

(3) To permit certain equipment (e.g., engines, appliances) to be installed on

an aircraft having a U.S. standard airworthiness certificate.


a. General Airworthiness Requirements

(1) Under 49 U.S.C. 44711(a)(1), any civil aircraft registered in the U.S. must
have a valid airworthiness certificate before it can be operated in air commerce. Under
49 U.S.C. 44704(d), a civil aircraft (including its engines, propellers, and installed
appliances) must conform to an FAA-approved type design and be found in a condition
for safe operation to be eligible for a U.S. airworthiness certificate. Also under
49 U.S.C. 44704(d), a civil aircraft must be registered in the U.S. and appropriately
marked (i.e., with a registration number) before it can receive a U.S. airworthiness
certificate. These statutory requirements are reflected in 14 CFR parts 21 and 45.

(2) Under 14 CFR 21.181(a)(1), a standard U.S. airworthiness certificate on an

aircraft remains valid as long as maintenance/preventive maintenance and alterations
are performed in accordance with 14 CFR parts 43 and 91, and the aircraft continues to
be registered in the U.S. Section 43.13 requires, in effect, continuing conformity to the

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aircraft's FAA-approved type design or properly altered configuration. Therefore, all

replacement engines, propellers, materials, parts, and appliances installed on a
U.S.-registered civil aircraft must be acceptable to the FAA. These requirements apply
equally to U.S.-registered aircraft operated outside the U.S. and to aircraft operated
within the U.S.

(3) Many civil aeronautical aircraft registered outside the U.S. (including
foreign aircraft manufactured outside the U.S.) are subsequently returned to the U.S.
Design changes or repairs and modifications made on such an aircraft while that aircraft
was operated on a registry of another country either must be removed and the aircraft
returned to FAA-approved standards, or the changes must be approved by the FAA
before a U.S. standard airworthiness certificate can be issued. Complete maintenance
records, including those required by 14 CFR 91.417, must be provided and other
maintenance requirements of 14 CFR parts 121 and 135 may apply which are outside
the scope of this AC. Chapter 3 discusses airworthiness acceptance procedures for
such aircraft.

(4) An FAA design approval (e.g., a U.S. type certificate) must be issued as
a prerequisite for obtaining a production approval (e.g., production certificate).
However, an FAA production approval is not a prerequisite for issuing a U.S.
airworthiness certificate or approval. As explained in Chapter 4, the FAA does not
usually issue production approvals to companies located outside of the U.S., but may
extend production certificates to a facility located outside the U.S. under certain

b. U.S. Operations

(1) An export certificate of airworthiness, issued by the airworthiness

authority of an exporting country to facilitate U.S. airworthiness certification, does not
constitute an authorization to operate an aircraft and, therefore, does not satisfy the
requirement for a U.S. airworthiness certificate.

(2) A U.S. air carrier or commercial operator, certificated to operate under

14 CFR parts 121 or 135, may operate an aircraft under lease or charter that is not
registered in the U.S., provided certain requirements are met, including establishing that
the aircraft conforms to a type design approved by the FAA. The requirements that
must be met in order for such aircraft to be operated are contained in 14 CFR 121.153
and 135.25.


a. General

(1) U.S. airworthiness standards for normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter
category airplanes are codified in 14 CFR part 23; standards for transport category
airplanes are in 14 CFR part 25; standards for normal category rotorcraft are in 14 CFR

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

part 27; standards for transport category rotorcraft are in 14 CFR part 29; standards for
manned free balloons are in 14 CFR part 31; standards for aircraft engines are in
14 CFR part 33; and standards for propellers are in 14 CFR part 35.

(a) For certain special classes of aircraft for which standards have not
been issued by the FAA under 14 CFR Subchapter C, such as gliders, airships, and
nonconventional aircraft, the applicable requirements will be those portions of parts 23,
25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and 35 found by the Administrator to be appropriate for the aircraft
and applicable to a specific type design, or such airworthiness criteria as the
Administrator may find provides an equivalent level of safety to those parts. (See
14 CFR 21.17(b).)

(b) 14 CFR 21.24 provides for the issuance of type certificates for primary
category aircraft manufactured either in the U.S. or manufactured in a country with
which the U.S. has a bilateral agreement and imported to the U.S.

(2) 14 CFR part 21 provides for issuance of type certificates under either
the procedures of 14 CFR 21.21 for approval of U.S.-manufactured products, or 14 CFR
21.29 for approval of products to be imported to the U.S. The procedures for issuance
of these type certificates are different; once issued, however, both type certificates have
equal status and validity. The major difference in these procedures is how FAA’s
findings are made. Under 14 CFR 21.21, the FAA or its designees determine that the
design meets the necessary requirements. Under 14 CFR 21.29, the FAA's findings are
generally based on technical evaluations, inspections, and certifications made for the
FAA by the exporting CAA of the applicant’s country.

(3) Under 14 CFR 21.29, a type certificate may be issued for an aircraft,
engine, or propeller manufactured in a foreign country with which the U.S. has a
bilateral agreement for the acceptance of these products for import (and that is to be
imported into the U.S.) if:

(a) The original exporting CAA (where the product was

manufactured) certifies to the FAA that the product has been examined, tested, and
found to meet the applicable airworthiness, noise, fuel venting, and exhaust emissions
standards established by the FAA or by the exporting CAA (with any other noise, fuel
venting and exhaust emission requirements prescribed by the FAA Administrator) for
the product;

(b) The applicant has submitted the required technical data

concerning aircraft noise and airworthiness;

(c) The manuals, placards, listings, and instrument markings

required by applicable airworthiness requirements are presented in the English
language; and

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(d) The applicant has submitted the technical data required by the
FAA (reference figure 2-1).

(4) The applicant must show that the airworthiness and environmental
requirements applied by the exporting CAA for U.S. certification will provide compliance
with the U.S. type certification basis.

(5) Design approvals for major changes and alterations (including model
changes) to products will usually be issued in the form of an amendment to the existing
TC (or letters of TSO design approval) or as an STC (see Section 2-4).

(6) Minor changes, product design improvements, or service instructions

(e.g., service bulletins, structural repair manuals, supplemental structural inspection
documents) other than those described in paragraph 2-3(a)(4) will be considered FAA
approved, if approved by the exporting CAA under its normal procedures. However,
service bulletins or other similar instructions classified as "mandatory" by the exporting
CAA are not mandatory in the U.S. regulatory system unless required by an FAA AD.

(7) For products imported from a JAA member country, the FAA/JAA Type
Validation Principles should be followed for FAA type certification.

b. Primary Category Aircraft. Under 14 CFR 21.24, a type certificate may be

issued for a primary category aircraft manufactured in a foreign country with which the
U.S. has a bilateral agreement and from which the aircraft is to be imported into the
U.S. if the CAA of the exporting country certifies to the FAA that:

(1) The applicant has completed the engineering analysis necessary to

demonstrate compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirements;

(2) The applicant has conducted appropriate flight, structural,

propulsion, and systems tests necessary to show that the aircraft, its components,
and its equipment are reliable and function properly;

(3) The type design complies with the airworthiness standards and noise
requirements established for the aircraft under 14 CFR 21.17(f);

(4) No feature or characteristic makes the aircraft unsafe for its intended

(5) The required manuals, placards, listings, instrument markings, and

documents are submitted in English; and

(6) Other requirements as established by 14 CFR 21.24 (a) and (b) are

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

c. Application for FAA Type Certification

(1) An application for a U.S. TC, in accordance with 14 CFR 21.15, should be
sent to the exporting CAA. Applications may be submitted for products that already
were issued an exporting CAA TC, or for products where application for type
certification has been made to that exporting CAA. The exporting CAA should ensure
the application to the FAA has the following information:

(a) The exporting CAA’s Type Certificate and TC Data Sheet, if

available, a definition of the national airworthiness and environmental standards upon
which the authority’s design approval was (or is to be) based, and the U.S.
airworthiness and environmental standards the authority believes to be satisfied by its
own standards.

(b) A description of all novel or unusual design features known to the

applicant or the exporting CAA at the time of application which might necessitate
issuance of FAA special conditions under 14 CFR 21.16 or 21.101, or which might
require a special review of acceptable means of compliance;

(c) All known or expected exemptions or equivalent level of safety

findings relative to the exporting CAA’s national standards for design approval that
might affect compliance with the applicable U.S. airworthiness and environmental

(d) A planning date for FAA type certification; and

(e) Available information on U.S. market potential, including specific

customers and U.S. content of the product, if known.

(2) Except for Canadian products, the exporting CAA should forward
applications to the Aircraft Certification Service Directorates as follows:

(a) Small and commuter category airplanes, manned free balloons,

and special classes of small aircraft, including gliders, primary category
airplanes, and airships, to the Small Airplane Directorate in Kansas City, Missouri;

(b) Transport category airplanes to the Transport Airplane Directorate in

Renton, Washington;

(c) Normal and transport category rotorcraft to the Rotorcraft

Directorate in Fort Worth, Texas; and

(d) Engines and propellers to the Engine and Propeller Directorate in

Burlington, Massachusetts. Appendix 2 contains a list of addresses for the FAA Aircraft
Certification Service Directorates. NOTE: For Canadian products, see the Canadian

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

(3) If the application is for a product in a category not previously

certificated by the exporting CAA, or the product is of a level of complexity that has not
been previously certificated by the exporting CAA, the exporting CAA should notify the
FAA of that fact. This notification should be made as soon as the exporting CAA
becomes aware of this type of pending application, so that the FAA may plan the scope
of its validation program.

d. FAA Technical Involvement. In accordance with the bilateral agreement, the

FAA's technical involvement in the design approval (particularly, the issuance of type
certificate and type certificate amendments) is intended to accomplish the following

(1) To provide for FAA familiarity with the general design, performance, and
operational characteristics of the product for which U.S. type certification or design
approval is sought, for the purpose of establishing the U.S. certification basis to the
extent necessary, and for FAA to meet its post-certification responsibilities after the
product enters service on the U.S. registry;

(2) To establish the U.S. type certification basis and the means of
compliance for the product under application by determining the U.S. airworthiness and
environmental standards that would be applied to a similar product if it were to be
produced in the U.S.;

(3) To understand the airworthiness certification system (including the

airworthiness and environmental standards, policies, and certification practices) applied
by the exporting authority in their domestic certification of the product. This will include
an understanding of the level of exporting CAA involvement with prototype conformity
inspections, tests, and flight programs;

(4) To compare the airworthiness and environmental standards, policies,

and practices applied by the exporting authority in their domestic certification with the
U.S. type certification basis or design requirements and certification policies and

(5) To define and explain any additional technical conditions that should
be met for FAA certification to provide for equivalency with the applicable U.S.
airworthiness and environmental standards;

(6) To maintain sufficient liaison and technical dialogue with the exporting
authority to ensure that technical questions and issues which might affect U.S.
certification of the product are identified and resolved between the FAA and the
exporting authority as early as possible; and

(7) To provide for effective management of the certification project and

for the most cost-effective utilization of FAA's resources on the project.

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e. FAA Project Management. The FAA Directorate, upon receipt of an

application for a type certificate will establish where project management responsibility
will reside. The FAA will give high priority to the establishment of the project
management office and notification to the exporting authority. The FAA will notify the
exporting CAA of the Project Manager.

f. Communications. An applicant for an FAA type certificate may request

technical meetings or may correspond directly with the FAA to discuss and resolve
technical issues that may arise in the certification program. However, because the FAA
relies heavily on the exporting CAA's understanding of FAA's position on such issues, it
is imperative that the exporting CAA is included in any such meetings or
correspondence. The FAA will normally seek the exporting CAA's opinions before
significant issues are resolved and may decline to meet with the applicant to discuss
and resolve technical issues unless the exporting CAA is adequately represented at the
meeting. Similarly, correspondence will usually be answered through, coordinated with,
or copied to the exporting CAA.

g. Familiarization Briefing.

(1) The FAA will notify the exporting CAA prior to each familiarization
meeting. As part of this notification, the FAA will identify special requirements and
issues related to the specific aeronautical product that must be addressed by the
exporting CAA and the foreign applicant. The exporting CAA should acknowledge
FAA’s notification and advise FAA whether it is able to support an FAA validation team
during the requested period.

(2) The exporting CAA should arrange a familiarization meeting with the
FAA, the exporting CAA, and the applicant to discuss the product design, including all
novel or unusual features of the product, the validation process, and the approved or
proposed domestic exporting CAA certification basis. The meeting should also identify
any operational safety issues associated with the product. For products with a prior
service history, but not previously type certificated by the FAA, the applicant and the
exporting CAA should plan to brief the FAA on the product's service history, including
corrective measures taken to preclude reoccurrence of incidents or accidents.

(3) The meeting should be held at a location mutually agreeable to the

exporting CAA, the FAA, and the applicant.

(4) At this meeting the FAA will work to establish the U.S. type
certification basis and the means of compliance for the product under application by
determining the U.S. airworthiness and environmental standards that would be applied
to a similar product if it were to be produced in the U.S. The extent to which these
activities are accomplished at the meeting will depend on the FAA’s familiarity with the
product and applicant, the applicant’s familiarity with the FAA’s process and, in general,
the overall preparedness of all parties.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

(5) The composition of the Project Certification Team should be addressed

at the familiarization meeting. The composition of the team should include specialist
representation that reflects the technology level of the certification project. The FAA
and the exporting CAA will mutually agree on a plan to ensure adequate compliance
finding capability.

(6) For engines, propellers, and less complex aircraft projects, technical
familiarization may be streamlined if agreed by both authorities.

h. Additional Technical Meetings

(1) In addition to the initial familiarization meeting, other technical

meetings may be necessary to ensure that any additional technical conditions that have
been communicated to the exporting CAA are well understood, and that any
outstanding technical issues are resolved. These meetings should be held as early as
possible in the certification process in order to avoid last minute design changes. All
technical meetings will normally be arranged through the exporting CAA and will
normally have both authorities’ representatives in attendance.

(2) Early in the program, based on the known design and information
presented in the familiarization and technical meetings, the FAA will identify the areas in
which further activity will be required (e.g. required data, reports, tests and test
witnessing, areas of concern or special emphasis). The FAA’s anticipated level of
activity will be documented in writing. This agreement may be revised if the initial
design definition is incomplete or subsequent design changes are made.

(3) During the type certification program the FAA may request additional
technical design data, may review the product, and may fly the product for
familiarization purposes. In addition, the FAA may request data or briefings on the
design to advise the exporting CAA on acceptable means of compliance with the U.S.
type certification basis.
i. Establishment of the U.S. Type Certification Basis
(1) New type certificates. The FAA certification basis is established for the
product in accordance with 14 CFR part 21. The certification basis includes the
applicable airworthiness standards, found in 14 CFR parts 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, and
35, and environmental standards, found in 14 CFR parts 34 and 36. The date of
application to the FAA determines the U.S. type certification basis, unless otherwise
provided in the applicable bilateral agreement. The applicable bilateral agreement
should be consulted before establishing FAA’s certification basis.
(a) In certifying that an applicant’s design meets the requirements for a
U.S. TC, the exporting CAA may find compliance with the:

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

(i) Applicable U.S. airworthiness standards in effect on the date of

application for the U.S. TC and environmental standards in effect on the date of U.S.
type certification; or
(ii) The exporting CAA’s domestic airworthiness and
environmental standards and all other airworthiness requirements the FAA may
prescribe to provide a level of safety equivalent to the U.S. airworthiness standards in
effect on the date of application for U.S. type certification, and environmental
requirements the FAA may prescribe to provide noise, fuel venting, and exhaust
emission levels that are no greater than those provided by the U.S. environmental
standards in effect on the date of U.S. type certification.
(b) If the foreign type certification basis precedes the FAA certification
basis, the exporting CAA must consider the U.S. regulatory changes that have occurred
since the date of application for the exporting CAA’s TC. In general, the FAA may
require the applicant to comply with additional technical conditions in the interests of
safety. These additional technical conditions identify important applicable regulatory
differences between the requirements and regulations of the exporting CAA and those
of the FAA. Such differences include those that have significant impact on
airworthiness, design, operational limitations, and operating characteristics, and those
that have significant differences in means of compliance. Additional technical conditions
may include policies, special conditions, and mandatory airworthiness actions taken to
correct unsafe conditions.
(2) Additional requirements/special conditions. The FAA will also review all
novel and unusual design features for development of special conditions, if any. FAA
special conditions are an integral part of the U.S. type certification basis.
(a) The FAA issues special conditions under 14 CFR 21.16 and 21.101
if the FAA finds that the applicable U.S. airworthiness standards do not contain
adequate or appropriate safety standards for an aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller
because of a novel or unusual design feature of the product. FAA special conditions
are issued through the public rulemaking procedures of 14 CFR part 11 and contain
such safety standards for the particular product as the FAA finds necessary to establish
a level of safety equivalent to that established in the applicable FAA airworthiness
standards. FAA special conditions issued for products exported to the U.S. are the
same as would be issued for a similar product produced in the U.S.

(b) The FAA will work closely with the exporting CAA in the
development of special conditions and processing of exemptions in order to provide the
opportunity for the exporting CAA to coordinate, and the applicant to comment on the
proposed special conditions. Such coordination will allow the FAA to benefit from the
technical expertise of the exporting CAA and allow the exporting CAA to better
understand how to make a finding of compliance, if so requested by the FAA.

(3) Environmental (Type) Certification Basis. The regulatory basis for

compliance with 14 CFR parts 34 and 36 is the effective amendment on the date of FAA
certification. An applicant for a TC, amended TC, or STC should show that the product

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

meets applicable airworthiness standards, special conditions, fuel venting and exhaust
emission standards of 14 CFR part 34, and the noise standards of 14 CFR part 36.
(4) Development of Additional Technical Conditions (ATC). The FAA
finding that the product meets the U.S. type certification basis will rely, to a great extent,
on the exporting CAA’s certification of compliance to FAA requirements. If the exporting
CAA elects to certify compliance with its own national standards and additional FAA
technical conditions, this choice should be established by the exporting CAA early in the
project so that the necessary comparisons of national standards can be completed and
the additional FAA technical conditions can be established. The diagram below
illustrates how the U.S. type certification basis can be determined:

Applicant’s National Standards equals U.S. Type

Certification Basis
FAA Additional Technical Conditions


U.S. Type
U.S. Standards Certification Basis

(a) If the findings of compliance are to the applicable U.S. standards,

the FAA will not develop any ATC’s.

(b) If the findings of compliance are to the exporting CAA’s

standards, the FAA may specify ATC’s as a condition for FAA approval of the type
design. These ATC’s will account for:

(i) Differences in the basic airworthiness and environmental

standards of the U.S. and the exporting state;

(ii) Noncompliance with the exporting CAA’s airworthiness or

environmental standards because of exemptions or equivalent safety findings granted
by the exporting CAA for its own domestic certification (provided there is a similar U.S.

(iii) Special conditions issued by the FAA under 14 CFR 21.16 or

21.101 because of a novel or unusual design feature of the product that are not required
in an equivalent manner by the exporting CAA’s airworthiness standards;

(iv) Mandatory airworthiness actions (i.e., AD’s) directed by the

exporting CAA to correct unsafe conditions experienced during operation prior to
application for FAA approval; and

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(v) Optional conditions identified by the FAA to assist any eventual

U.S. operator to comply with current U.S. operational or maintenance requirements.

(5) Changes to type certificates. The FAA certification basis for a change to
a product is established in accordance with 14 CFR part 21.

(6) Application period. 14 CFR 21.17(c) specifies an application for type

certification of a transport category aircraft is effective for 5 years and an application for
any other type certificate is effective for 3 years. After that time period, compliance with
later requirements may be necessary. In the case of certification of an imported
product, these time periods may not be applicable if other provisions are included in a
specific bilateral agreement. For example, where the imported product was certificated
by the exporting CAA several years earlier, the certification basis may essentially be
frozen at the original date of application in the exporting State if a bilateral agreement
provides for this.

(7) Project Updating. Throughout the course of the project, the FAA will rely
on the exporting CAA to advise them of the following developments:

(a) Novel or unusual design features that become apparent during

design development that could necessitate: amendment of the U.S. type certification
basis, the issuance of special conditions, or special discussions with the FAA on
acceptable means of compliance;

(b) Previously specified changes to the exporting CAA’s certification

basis, to include exemptions, etc., that could alter the FAA’s additional requirements or
special conditions; and

(c) The need for FAA equivalent safety findings or exemptions from the
U.S. type certification basis that may become apparent and are considered justified by
the exporting CAA during design development.

j. Data Submittal & Design Review

(1) Technical data varies with the type and complexity of the product.
Consequently, the project management office may request additional data to establish
the U.S. type certification basis and to become familiar with unique design features or
manufacturing processes. The items listed in Figure 2-1 are examples of the technical
data normally requested.

(2) The applicant should submit data to the exporting CAA for verification
and transmittal to the FAA.

k. Issue Papers. An issue paper provides a means for the identification and
resolution of significant technical, regulatory, and administrative issues that occur during

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

the certification process. The FAA will coordinate all issue papers and changes to issue
papers with the exporting CAA. Such coordination will expedite the timely and mutually
acceptable resolution of certification issues.

l. Environmental Approval

(1) Environmental Testing and Approval Procedures. The FAA is

authorized to make findings of compliance to 14 CFR parts 34 and 36 based on FAA-
witnessed tests conducted in accordance with FAA-approved test plans, and on FAA
review and approval of all data and compliance demonstration reports submitted via the
exporting CAA.

(2) Environmental Testing and Approval Process. The typical process for
environmental testing and approvals should consist of the following actions:

(a) The applicant should submit environmental (noise, fuel venting,

and exhaust emissions) compliance demonstration plans to the FAA for review,
comment, and subsequent approval prior to undertaking U.S. environmental certification

(b) The FAA, before issuing an original type certificate for an aircraft
of any category, will assess the extent of noise abatement technology incorporated into
the type design and determine whether additional noise reduction is achievable. The
applicant should supply information and data as soon as possible after the application
for type certification in each original type certification project and reflect noise reduction
potentials that become evident during the design and certification process.
(c) The FAA conducts an evaluation of the measurement and analysis
methods and practices, and data correction procedures of the applicant for aircraft noise
certification under 14 CFR part 36, subparts B and H.
(d) Aircraft noise test plans and engine exhaust emissions test
plans to be used for demonstrating U.S. environmental certification compliance should
be submitted to the FAA for review and comment, and subsequent approval not less
than 90 days prior to commencing testing.

(e) Proposed equivalent procedures to be used by the applicant

during testing, data processing, data reduction, and data analysis should be specifically
identified to the FAA and approved in advance by the FAA as part of items l.(2)(a) and
l.(2)(d) above.

(f) FAA personnel or FAA designated engineering representatives

will witness compliance demonstration tests. Prior to the start of testing it is necessary
to ensure the conformity of the test article (i.e., aircraft or engine configuration) to that
identified in the FAA approved compliance demonstration test plans. Witnessing these
tests is not delegated to the exporting CAA, unless specific bilateral agreement
provisions have been implemented regarding environmental approvals.

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

(g) The FAA will review and comment on compliance demonstration

reports. Approval of these reports will precede type certification approval.
m. Final Certification Meeting/Issuance of the Type Certificate. Upon
issuance of its domestic TC and demonstrated compliance with the U.S. Type
Certification basis, the exporting CAA should forward a certifying statement to the FAA,
in accordance with 14 CFR 21.29(a)(1), as well as all additional requested materials.
The FAA, upon receipt and review of the documents, will prepare the TC and TC Data
Sheet and forward them to the exporting CAA for transmittal to the applicant. A final
meeting will be necessary only if there are areas of further discussion or if the sharing of
information would be beneficial.
n. Evaluation of U. S. Operational and Maintenance Aspects. The FAA has
established Aircraft Evaluation Groups (AEGs) located at the product-accountable
Directorates. The AEGs are responsible for the Operational and Maintenance aspects
of the Type Certification process.
(1) The AEG will conduct boards, as appropriate, on the foreign country’s
products prior to their entry into U. S. operations. These Boards will be used to review:
1) the Maintenance Review Board (MRB) Report and associated Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness (ICAW) documentation; 2) operational configuration, pilot
training and licensing requirements; product maintainability; and 3) the formulation and
approval of a Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL). The AEG will be invited to
participate in the familiarization meeting by the FAA Project Manager and will generate
issue papers as appropriate to the type design. Compliance with AEG requirements for
Instructions for Continued Airworthiness is required at the time of issuance of the
product’s first U.S. standard airworthiness certificate (see 14 CFR 21.50(b)).
(2) The AEG will also review and make recommendations concerning the
acceptability of the Aircraft Flight Manual and maintenance manuals against U.S.
operational requirements. These AEG activities are not part of the design approval
process; however, AEG staff will integrate their activities to the maximum extent
practicable with the design approval activities to ease the burden on all concerned. It is
in the applicant's best interest to cooperate and work with the AEG, because this will, in
turn, assist U.S. operators in meeting FAA operational requirements (under
14 CFR parts 91, 121, 135, etc.).


a. The type certificate procedures and interrelationships described above

also apply to TC Amendments and STC’s (if included in a bilateral agreement). The
basic design approval procedures for U.S. type certification should be used for STC’s,
but the certification procedure may be adjusted as appropriate for the magnitude and
complexity of the design change. Figure 2-2 lists examples of technical data normally
requested for supplemental type certifications.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

b. Unless specifically covered by the applicable bilateral agreement, the FAA

does not issue STC’s to non-U.S. applicants located outside the country where the
affected aircraft, engine, or propeller was manufactured, because of the undue burden
of administering the applicable requirements.

c. When included in a BASA IPA, applications for STC’s shall be forwarded to

the FAA office responsible for the original FAA type certificate/validation of the product.
Application packages should include a full description of the major change and the
proposed certification basis. If the application is for validation of an STC already issued
by the exporting authority, the application package should include a statement certifying
that the STC complies with FAA requirements for the product. If the application is for an
STC project that is concurrently being evaluated by both the FAA and the exporting
authority, the certifying statement by the exporting authority may be made at the end of
the project.



a. General. ICAO guidelines provide for the transfer of continued airworthiness

responsibilities to the new type design holder and its CAA when a TC moves between
countries. Transfer of ICAO state of design responsibilities for TC’s and STC’s to or
from the United States may only be accomplished for those products within the scope of
the bilateral Implementation Procedures established between the FAA and the CAA.
Further, transfer of state of design responsibilities for STC’s may only be accomplished:
1) when a bilateral agreement specifically provides for acceptance of state of design
responsibilities for STC’s; 2) for major changes to products within the scope of those
bilateral Implementation Procedures; and 3) when the CAA has issued a type certificate
or equivalent for the product being transferred. It is the option of the importing CAA
whether or not to accept ICAO state of design responsibilities. It is important for
industry to understand these conditions when contemplating the international sale or
purchase of a type certificate.

b. Transfer of a Foreign TC or STC to a Person in the U.S.

(1) The FAA will accept ICAO state of design responsibilities for TC and
STC transfers only from countries with which the U.S. has a bilateral agreement. Upon
notification of a transfer or transfer request from the CAA type certificate holder to a
U.S. applicant, the CAA should notify the product-accountable Directorate to establish
procedures for the efficient transfer of the ICAO state of design responsibilities for the
TC or STC to the U.S. Each transfer will be accomplished on a case-by-case basis
through a special arrangement which identifies each authority’s responsibilities in the
transfer process.

(2) The CAA should provide support to establish that the certificated
product complies with the applicable requirements of the U.S. airworthiness regulations.
The CAA should provide the FAA with a compliance statement for the TC or STC

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

certifying that the applicable requirements of the U.S. airworthiness regulations have
been met.

(3) Upon transfer of ICAO state of design responsibilities or at an agreed-

upon date, the FAA product-accountable Directorate will become responsible for
complying with the continued airworthiness requirements of ICAO, Annex 8 to the
Chicago Convention, Airworthiness of Aircraft, for the affected product, and will notify all
member countries of the change in state of design responsibility. Responsibilities
pursuant to the Chicago Convention will not extend to products that have not been
found to meet the U.S. type design.

c. Surrender, Revocation, or Suspension of TC or STC. BASA IPA’s also

provide procedures in cases where a TC or an STC is surrendered, revoked, or
suspended. These procedures provide for immediate written notification and assurance
of continued airworthiness responsibility to support the continued operational safety of
the fleet.



a. The FAA will issue a letter of TSO design approval only to manufacturers
located in a country with which the U.S. has concluded a bilateral agreement applicable
to the appliance in question. The exporting CAA is responsible for oversight of both the
design and production of such appliances.

b. An applicant for a FAA letter of TSO design approval should apply through
the exporting CAA with a request that the application and required data be forwarded to
the FAA. The exporting CAA should contact the FAA for information concerning the
latest FAA technical policy and procedures whenever the CAA receives an application
for an FAA letter of TSO design approval to a TSO performance standard for which the
CAA has not previously made compliance findings.

c. The FAA issues a letter of TSO design approval only for appliances of a kind
for which a minimum performance standard has been published in an FAA Technical
Standard Order (TSO) after:

(1) Receipt of all required data pertaining to the proper installation,

performance, operation, and maintenance of the appliance;

(2) Receipt of other specific technical data requested by the FAA

pertaining to the proposed installation, performance, operation, and maintenance of the

(3) Receipt and approval of any proposed deviation; and

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

(4) Receipt of a certifying statement from the exporting CAA that the
appliance has been examined, tested, and found to meet the applicable FAA TSO or
agreed upon standards that provide an equivalent level of safety.

d. The FAA design approval of appliances for which the U.S. airworthiness
standards (minimum performance standards) are established in an FAA TSO can
usually be accomplished by correspondence, as long as a complete data package has
been forwarded by the exporting CAA. The TSO language should be carefully reviewed
to ensure that all applicable data has been generated and submitted.

e. Installation Approval. An FAA Letter of TSO Design Approval does not

constitute an installation approval for the TSO appliance on an aircraft. The installer
must obtain installation approval from the applicable or cognizant authority for use on an
aircraft registered by that authority.


AC 21-23B 11/17/04




a.A statement of the applicable U.S. design certification standards.

b.General interior arrangement configuration drawings.
c. Three-view drawing (exterior configuration).
d.Master drawing list.
e.Master equipment list.
f. Aircraft Flight Manual (including the Configuration Deviation List, if applicable).
g.Instructions for Continued Airworthiness.
h.Certification compliance (checklist).
i.Data and descriptive information needed by the FAA to approve/publish the type
certificate data sheet.1/
j.Listing of service life for critical parts subject to fatigue, if this information is not
provided elsewhere in the above data.


a. Cross-section arrangement drawing.

b. Master drawing list.
c. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness.
d. Operating manual.
e. Installation manual.
f. Certification compliance (checklist).
g. Data and descriptive information needed by the FAA to prepare the type certificate
data sheet.1/
h. Listing of service life for critical parts subject to fatigue, if this information is not
provided elsewhere in the above data.


a. General arrangement drawings and model description.

b. Master drawing list.
c. Installation manual.
d. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness.
e. Operating manual.
f. Certification compliance (checklist).
g. Data and descriptive information needed by the FAA to prepare the type certificate
data sheet.1/
h. Listing of service life for critical parts subject to fatigue, if this information is not
provided elsewhere in the above data.
May be presented in the form of a draft type certificate data sheet prepared by the applicant.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B




a. Certification compliance checklist

b. Aircraft Flight Manual supplement
c. Master documentation list
d. Master drawing list.
e. Manufacturing and installation instruction drawings
f. Maintenance/repair manual supplements
g. Weight and balance data
h. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness.

27 (and 28)
11/17/04 AC 21-23B



a. Aircraft and related products manufactured outside of the U.S. being

imported to the U.S. may be eligible for FAA airworthiness acceptance, if they have
received some form of FAA design approval and are accompanied by an export
certificate of airworthiness or equivalent certifying statement issued by the CAA of the
country of manufacture, or by the exporting CAA of a "third country," in accordance with
the provisions of a bilateral agreement, as discussed in paragraph 3-2(e).

(1) Export certificates of airworthiness or other certifying statements,

issued by either the FAA or an exporting CAA, officially document the airworthiness
condition of the exported product. These certificates may facilitate airworthiness
certification by the authority of the new country of registry, but do not constitute
"airworthiness certificates" within the meaning of 49 U.S.C. 44704(d) or 14 CFR part 21,
Subpart H.

(2) Any deviations from the FAA-approved design must be noted on the
certifying statement. Any such deviation must be resolved by the installer before the
product is eligible for installation approval on U.S. type certificated and U.S.-registered
aircraft, or on an engine or propeller to be installed on a U.S. type certificated and U.S.-
registered aircraft. In no case may any aircraft be operated unless there is an
appropriate airworthiness certificate or special flight permit issued to and valid for that

b. FAA airworthiness approvals for civil aeronautical products to be imported

to the U.S. are generally handled in the following manner:

(1) U.S. Airworthiness Certificates are issued for the approval of complete
aircraft in accordance with the procedures outlined in paragraph 3-2 below.

(2) New aircraft engines, propellers, appliances and parts thereof are
considered to meet the regulatory requirements for approval when the product is
accompanied by a certification from the appropriate exporting authority, attesting that
the product conforms to the FAA-approved design and is in a condition for safe
operation as outlined in paragraph 3-3 below.

c. The FAA requirements for the airworthiness approval of civil aeronautical

products imported to the U.S. are set forth in the following regulations.

(1) Aircraft. 14 CFR part 21, subpart H, establishes the procedural

requirements for U.S. airworthiness certification of complete aircraft. These regulations
apply to both new and used aircraft that do not already have a U.S. airworthiness

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

(a) 14 CFR 21.183(c) pertains to the issuance of U.S. standard

airworthiness certificates for import aircraft type certificated by the FAA under 14 CFR
21.29 and may be applied to aircraft type certificated under the provisions of 14 CFR
21.21 but manufactured outside the U.S. (e.g., under a licensing agreement).

(b) 14 CFR 21.183(d) pertains to the issuance of U.S. standard

airworthiness certificates to other aircraft imported to the U.S. and type certificated by
the FAA, such as used aircraft.

(c) 14 CFR 21.184(b) pertains to the issuance of special

airworthiness certificates for primary category aircraft imported into the U.S. that
have been type certificated by the FAA under 14 CFR 21.29. Such an aircraft is eligible
for a Special Airworthiness Certificate if the exporting CAA of the country in which the
aircraft was manufactured issues a certifying statement that the aircraft conforms to an
approved type design that meets the criteria of 14 CFR 21.24 (a)(1) and is in a condition
for safe operation.

(d) 14 CFR 21.185(c) pertains specifically to the issuance of U.S.

restricted category airworthiness certificates to aircraft imported to the U.S. which
have been type certificated by the FAA in the restricted category under the provisions of
14 CFR 21.29.

(e) 14 CFR 21.190(d) pertains specifically to the issuance of special

airworthiness certificates for light-sport aircraft manufactured outside the United
States. Aircraft certificated under this section must be manufactured in a country with
which the U.S. has a BAA concerning airplanes, a BASA IPA concerning airplanes or an
equivalent airworthiness agreement. Additionally, the aircraft must be eligible for an
airworthiness certificate, flight authorization, or similar certification in its country of

(2) Other Aeronautical Products. 14 CFR part 21, subpart K, prescribes

procedural requirements for the approval of materials, parts, processes, and appliances.
14 CFR part 21, subpart N, establishes the procedural requirements for airworthiness
approval or acceptance of aircraft engines, propellers, materials, parts, and appliances
manufactured outside the U.S., including appliances for which a "letter of TSO design
approval" has been issued under 14 CFR part 21, subpart O (21.601(b)(3) and 21.617).

d. Alteration, modification or repairs made to an aircraft or related product that

are not in accordance with FAA accepted or approved data require coordination and
approval of the FAA.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B


a. Requirements for U.S. Airworthiness Certification

(1) FAA Regulations. FAA regulations concerning issuance of airworthiness

certificates for U.S.-registered aircraft (new or used) are contained in 14 CFR part 21,
Subpart H. Most of the requirements apply to aircraft manufactured either within or
outside the U.S. Additional requirements in 14 CFR parts 36, 39, 45, 47, 49, and 91
(described below) must also be met before the aircraft can be certificated or operated in
the U.S.
(2) U.S. Registration. A valid U.S. registration must be issued by the Civil
Aviation Registry in Oklahoma City, OK, and, except for those aircraft to which the
provisions of 14 CFR 45.22(a) or (b) apply, appropriate nationality and registration
marks ("N" numbers) must be displayed on the aircraft before a U.S. airworthiness
certificate in any category may be issued. Evidence of de-registration from the foreign
registry, if appropriate, and U.S. registration is required prior to the issuance of a U.S.
airworthiness certificate. FAA requirements for U.S. registration are established in
14 CFR part 47. The recording of aircraft titles and security documents is addressed by
14 CFR part 49. Aircraft nationality and registration marking requirements are
contained in 14 CFR part 45, Subpart C.

(3) Aircraft Identification. Prior to the issuance of a U.S. airworthiness

certificate, the aircraft must have an identification plate in accordance with
14 CFR 21.182, which meets the requirements of 14 CFR part 45, subpart B.
Subpart B also contains requirements for marking aircraft engines and propellers.

(4) Noise and Emissions Requirements. In addition to meeting the

airworthiness standards, an aircraft must meet the noise standards of 14 CFR 21.93(b),
21.183(e) or 21.185(d), Part 36, and operating requirements of part 91, subpart I, as
applicable. The emissions standards of 14 CFR part 34, if applicable, must also be met
to be eligible for a U.S. airworthiness certificate.

(5) Approved Flight Manuals, Markings, and Placards. The aircraft must be
accompanied by an approved flight manual in the English language if a manual is
identified on the FAA type certificate data sheet. Also, the aircraft must have the
appropriate English language markings and placards specified in the FAA type
certificate data sheet, flight manual, or other approved manual materials for operations
as required by 14 CFR 91.9 (a) and (b), a current weight and balance report, and a list
of installed equipment. Additional requirements are specified in 14 CFR 21.5 (a).

(6) Logbooks and Maintenance Records. Aircraft must be accompanied by

the necessary logbooks and maintenance and alteration records as specified in 14 CFR
part 91, subpart E, to determine the status of required inspections, life limits, etc.

(7) Airworthiness Directives. Maintenance records, as specified in

14 CFR 91.417, must show that the aircraft complies with all applicable FAA AD’s

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

issued under 14 CFR part 39. The records required by 14 CFR 91.417 would satisfy
that requirement.
(8) Aircraft Location. A U.S. airworthiness certificate is not issued to an
aircraft located outside the U.S., unless the FAA finds no undue burden in administering
the applicable regulations. Procedures have been established to use the services of the
exporting CAA of the country of manufacture, or FAA-appointed designees, to mitigate
the burden of completing U.S. airworthiness certification of aircraft located outside the
U.S. A potential applicant for U.S. airworthiness certification should consult with the
FAA to determine whether such services are possible in the applicant’s particular
situation before the applicant makes firm commitments for the issuance of a U.S.
airworthiness certificate on an aircraft located outside the U.S.

b. Application for a U.S. Airworthiness Certificate

(1) Application for a U.S. airworthiness certificate should be made by the

registered owner (or an agent of the owner) on an FAA Form 8130-6, "Application for
Airworthiness Certificate." AC 21-12, “Application for U.S. Airworthiness Certificate,
FAA Form 8130-6,” describes the details of the application.

(2) Approved flight manuals, logbooks, and maintenance records should

not be submitted to FAA, but should be made available for examination by the FAA
upon request.

c. FAA Airworthiness Determination

(1) Title 49 U.S.C. 44704 (d) requires the FAA to make a finding that the
aircraft under application conforms to an FAA type certificate (i.e., an FAA-approved
type design), and that it is in a condition for safe operation before the FAA issues a U.S.
airworthiness certificate for an aircraft. The FAA may base its findings, wholly or
partially, on a certification (e.g., an export certificate of airworthiness) issued by the
exporting CAA, provided a bilateral agreement which provides for such acceptance
exists between the U.S. and the other country.

(2) 14 CFR 21.183(c) and 21.185(c) provide that an "import aircraft," i.e., an
aircraft type certificated under the procedures of 14 CFR 21.29, may be eligible for a
U.S. airworthiness certificate in the appropriate category (e.g., standard or restricted) if
the exporting CAA of the country of manufacture certifies, and the FAA finds, that the
aircraft conforms to a design configuration approved under the applicable FAA type
certificate and is found to be in a condition for safe operation.

d. CAA Export Certifications

(1) CAA certifications should be made by issuance of an export certificate of

airworthiness which contains the certification statement noted on the corresponding
FAA type certificate data sheet or a certification that the aircraft meets its FAA-approved
type design and is in a condition for safe operation. The FAA expects that the aircraft

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

will have been fully assembled and flight-tested, and the engines and propellers will be
performance tested, before a CAA export certificate is issued.

(2) The FAA will not normally issue a U.S. airworthiness certificate for an
aircraft manufactured outside of the U.S. when no export certification is available. To
be acceptable, aircraft manufactured outside of the U.S. must be controlled under
bilateral procedures with assurance of conformity and condition provided by the
exporting CAA in the country of manufacture. Without assurance in the form of an
export certificate or a certifying statement from the exporting CAA of the country of
manufacture, there is no practical way for an applicant to show, or for the FAA to find,
conformance with the FAA-approved design and condition for safe operation.

(3) Various types of export certification documents are utilized by the

exporting CAA. In some cases, these certifications may be in the form of an official
exporting CAA certificate or may be made based on airworthiness forms signed by
private persons, when so authorized by the exporting CAA. The FAA will accept various
types of certifications, provided they represent a certification from the appropriate
exporting CAA attesting conformity to the U.S. type design and condition for safe
operation of the particular product being exported and are appropriately endorsed by
the exporting CAA or a duly authorized designee (the CAA of the exporting country
should confirm a designee's scope of authority when so requested by the FAA). These
certifications serve to comply with the requirements for an export certificate of
airworthiness for the purpose of 14 CFR 21.500 or 21.502 so long as the product is
within the scope of the applicable bilateral agreement. In those instances where the
certifying language differs from that stated in paragraph 3-2(d)(1), the FAA will request
an explanatory letter from the exporting authority.

e. Used Aircraft from Third Countries

(1) When a used aircraft is being exported to the U.S. from a country other
than the country of manufacture, the FAA will accept export certificates of airworthiness
issued by the exporting CAA:

(a) Provided that the bilateral agreements between the U.S. and the
exporting country and between the U.S. and the country of manufacture contain the
appropriate provisions for the acceptance of products produced in another country with
which both the U.S. and the exporting country have bilateral agreements (i.e., “third
country” provisions); and

(b) When the exporting CAA certifies that the aircraft conforms to its
FAA-approved type design and is found to be in a condition for safe operation. In such
cases, the FAA considers it incumbent upon the authority issuing the export certificate
to consult with both the CAA of the country of manufacture and the FAA to ensure that it
has adequate knowledge of the type design approved by the FAA. Configuration
variations, modifications, and major repairs that are not FAA-approved should be

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

identified, and FAA approval for these deviations should be obtained before the
exporting CAA issues its export certificate of airworthiness.

(2) The application for a U.S. airworthiness certification in these cases

should cite 14 CFR 21.183(d) or 21.185(b) as the basis for certification. Although these
regulations do not specifically require an exporting CAA’s certification, such
certifications may be the only practicable way for the applicant to show, and for the FAA
to find, conformity to the FAA-approved type design and that the aircraft is in a condition
for safe operation. These procedures also apply in those instances where the bilateral
agreement with the exporting country does not contain a "third country" provision when
the export certificate of airworthiness issued by the exporting CAA is endorsed by the
CAA of the country of manufacture.

(3) The procedures of paragraph 3-2 (d) may also be applied for U.S.-
manufactured aircraft being returned from a registry of another country for U.S.
registration and airworthiness certification, provided the bilateral agreement between
the U.S. and the last country of registry contain "third country" provisions.

(4) FAA inspections of a used aircraft may be conducted to determine that

changes or modifications have not been made, and that the condition of the aircraft has
not deteriorated subsequent to export certification by the exporting CAA. If the aircraft
has been disassembled and reassembled subsequent to export certification by the
exporting authority, flight testing may be required prior to issuance of a U.S.
airworthiness certificate.

(5) Cases may exist where it is impractical to obtain a U.S. airworthiness

certificate for an aircraft that has been operated on the registry of another country
subsequent to the issuance of an export certificate of airworthiness by the CAA of the
country of manufacture. This includes U.S.-manufactured aircraft being returned to the
U.S. registry. Before a U.S. airworthiness certificate can be issued:

(a) Applicants for the U.S. airworthiness certificate should assure

themselves that they will be able to identify repairs and modifications and document the
equipment installed and maintenance accomplished on the aircraft between the period
of time the export certificate was issued and the date of application for the U.S.
airworthiness certificate; and

(b) An applicant must show that the aircraft has remained in, or has
been returned to, its FAA-approved design configuration and is in a condition for safe
operation. This may involve extensive inspections by designees, certificated persons,
the exporting CAA of the country of manufacture, the aircraft manufacturer, or others, as
appropriate, before a U.S. airworthiness certificate can be issued.

f. Aircraft Manufactured Outside the U.S. to a Design Not Approved by the

FAA. Where an aircraft manufactured outside the U.S. was originally exported to a
country other than the U.S., and the CAA of the country of manufacture has issued an

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

export certificate attesting to conformance to a design other than that approved by the
FAA, such certificates may be useful to the applicant to establish a baseline for showing
conformity to the U.S.-approved design after modification. In these cases, or when the
export certificate of airworthiness may not be available, the applicant should obtain the

(1) A statement from the CAA of the country of manufacture which

certifies that, when originally exported from that country, the aircraft met an FAA-
approved design and/or identifies any differences between the configuration identified in
their original export certification and the FAA-approved design; and

(2) The technical data necessary to convert the aircraft to its FAA-approved
design configuration. This method may involve extensive inspections by designees,
certificated persons, the CAA of the country of manufacture, the aircraft manufacturer,
etc., as appropriate, before the applicant is in a position to show conformity to the FAA-
approved design and condition for safe operation. Attempts to obtain a U.S.
airworthiness certificate via this method may prove to be impracticable for the applicant.
In some instances, the applicant may ultimately be unable to obtain the desired U.S.
airworthiness certificate.



a. Airworthiness Acceptance – New Aircraft Engines and Propellers

(1) 14 CFR 21.500 provides for the airworthiness acceptance of aircraft

engines or propellers manufactured outside of the U.S. for which a U.S. type
certificate has been issued. Such products are considered approved for installation on
a U.S.-registered aircraft when a current export certificate of airworthiness has been
issued by the exporting CAA of the country of manufacture which certifies that the
engine or propeller:

(a) Conforms to its U.S. type certificate and is found to be in a

condition for safe operation; and

(b) Has been subjected to a final operational check by the

b. Airworthiness Acceptance – New Materials, Parts, and Appliances
(1) 14 CFR 21.502(a) provides for the airworthiness acceptance of
materials and parts (e.g., replacement/modification parts) manufactured in a foreign
country with which the U.S. has an agreement for the acceptance of these materials
and parts, when the country of manufacture issues a certificate of airworthiness for
export certifying that the individual material or part conforms to FAA-approved design
and is in a condition for safe operation. Parts imported into the U.S. are eligible for

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

installation on U.S.-registered aircraft in accordance with the applicable FAA-approved

(2) 14 CFR 21.502(a) also provides for the airworthiness acceptance of
appliances and their parts manufactured in a foreign country with which the U.S. has
an agreement for the acceptance of those appliances and their parts. Neither an FAA
letter of TSO design approval nor a Certificate of Airworthiness for Export issued by the
CAA of the country of manufacture conveys installation approval. Installation approval
for a TSO product or part should be obtained, in a manner acceptable to the FAA, at the
time of installation on a U.S. registered product.
(3) A key phrase in 14 CFR 21.502(a) is that the product must be
“manufactured in a foreign country with which the U.S. has an agreement for the
acceptance of those materials, parts, or appliances for export and import.” Generally,
the U.S. does not have bilateral agreements that address all parts. Excluding the
agreements between the U.S. and Canada and the U.S. and Germany, the present
bilateral agreements between the U.S. and other countries only permit the import of
materials, parts, components, subassemblies, etc., in support of the bilateral partner
country’s exported Class I products (e.g., aircraft, aircraft engine or propeller) or TSO
appliances. (See appendix 4). Imported materials, parts and appliances must be
directly traceable back to an FAA-approved design.
(4) The BASA IPA between the FAA and Transport Canada (TCCA)
recognizes the equivalence of U.S. Parts Manufacturer Approvals and Canadian
replacement parts approvals (via STC for replacement parts or repair design
certifications with a manufacturing approval). These parts, when accompanied by
TCCA Authorized Release Certificates in accordance with the BASA IPA, are eligible for
import and installation on a U.S. product.
c. Airworthiness Acceptance – Used Engines, Propellers, Materials, Parts,
and Appliances. Bilateral agreements do not include the reciprocal acceptance of
used engines, propellers, materials, parts, or appliances. Any U.S. acceptance of used
engines, propellers, materials, parts or appliances is dependent upon satisfying
applicable FAA airworthiness and maintenance requirements. In addition, for imported
items, acceptance of these imported items, when new, must have been within the scope
of a bilateral agreement.

d. Identification and Marking

(1) Aircraft, aircraft engines, and propellers must be identified in a

manner specified in 14 CFR 45.11.

(2) Critical components of a product must be identified with a part

number (or equivalent) and serial number (or equivalent), as required in 14 CFR 45.14.

(3) Appliances and articles of a design approved by an FAA letter of TSO

design approval must be marked in accordance with the requirements specified in
14 CFR part 21, subpart O, and any additional marking requirements specified in the

11/17/04 AC 21-23B

particular TSO. Approved deviations shall be marked by the holder of the TSO design
approval on the TSO appliance or noted in attached limitations.

(4) Parts to be used as replacement or modification parts should be

identified by a part number, serial number if applicable, and the manufacturer's name or
trademark. In addition, information concerning the model designation and the type
certificated product for which the part is eligible for installation should be furnished. If
the bilateral agreement permits production of parts to a U.S. STC design, those parts
should be marked with the U.S. STC number, as size permits. If size does not permit,
information should accompany each part that identifies the applicable STC. This
information can be included on the appropriate airworthiness release document. AC 20-
62 -- Eligibility, Quality, and Identification of Aeronautical Replacement Parts –
prescribes the eligibility, quality, and traceability of aeronautical replacement parts.

3-4. REBUILT PRODUCTS. Rebuilt products are not eligible for import to the U.S.
14 CFR 43.3(j) limits rebuilding to manufacturers that hold FAA production approvals to
manufacture aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, or appliances. As a matter of policy,
the FAA does not issue approvals to manufacture these products outside the U.S.


provided in paragraphs 3-1 through 3-3 above apply to aircraft or related products
intended for operation under the General Operating and Flight Rules of 14 CFR part 91.
U.S. operators, such as those certificated by the FAA for operation under 14 CFR
parts 121, 125, and 135, are required to acquire, retain, and record sufficient
maintenance information on aircraft and related products. This enables an operator to
integrate the aircraft or related product into its own FAA-approved maintenance
program. This can prove difficult for U.S. operators unless the records are complete
and are either written in English or can be translated into English. Operators and
potential U.S. operators of imported aircraft, including used U.S.-manufactured aircraft,
should realize that an FAA airworthiness certificate does not automatically render an
aircraft or product eligible for operation. FAA operating requirements may specify the
need for additional maintenance records, inspections and tests, and the installation of
instruments and equipment not specified in the basic airworthiness certification
3-6.-3-9. (RESERVED)

37 (and 38)
11/17/04 AC 21-23B


4-1. GENERAL. FAA approval of a U.S. manufacturer's production quality control

system facilitates FAA airworthiness certification, approval, or acceptance of products
manufactured at that facility. These production quality control system approvals support
the manufacturer's obligation to ensure that the products delivered from the facility
conform to the approved design and are in a condition for safe operation. For products
manufactured outside the U.S., the bilateral agreement is based on FAA confidence in
the production quality control system of a bilateral partner. The export certification of
airworthiness from the CAA of a country with which the U.S. has a bilateral agreement
serves the same purpose as the FAA’s certification. Therefore, the FAA does not
normally issue production approvals outside the U.S.


a. Any U.S. manufacturer may propose to use the services of a foreign

supplier or subcontractor to furnish components (materials, parts, or subassemblies)
for use on products, which are, or may be, certified or approved (i.e., production or
prototype). Such proposals will be reviewed by the FAA in accordance with
14 CFR 21.43, 21.137, 21.303(g), and 21.601(c).

b. A U.S. manufacturer may propose to use suppliers and subcontractors in

any country for the manufacture of components without benefit of bilateral agreements,
provided the U.S. manufacturer holds an FAA production approval including an FAA
approved quality control or fabrication inspection system to adequately verify that
components produced in those countries conform to the manufacturer’s approved
design data. The FAA will not, however, permit direct shipment from a supplier or
subcontractor located in a country that does not have a bilateral agreement with the
U.S., unless the Administrator finds no undue burden on the U.S. in administering the
applicable requirements of 14 CFR part 21. These procedures are explained more fully
in AC 21-20, Supplier Surveillance Procedures.

c. A U.S. manufacturer may use a supplier located in a country with which

the U.S. does not have a bilateral agreement only if the authorities of that country
would not inhibit, in any manner, an evaluation of the supplier by the FAA and that
evaluation does not create an undue burden for the FAA to administer. Assurance of
access should be provided to the U.S. manufacturer by both the supplier and the
government of the country in which the supplier is located. This assurance of access
should be made available to the FAA. If access is at any time obstructed or denied, the
U.S. manufacturer will be instructed by the FAA to cease using the supplier.
a. The FAA may extend a Production Certificate to include a facility located
outside the U.S. when: 1) production takes place in a country with which the U.S. has a
bilateral agreement; and 2) the CAA of that country is willing to conduct the necessary

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

surveillance at facilities located in their country on behalf of the FAA. Guidance related
to extensions is contained in AC 21-24, Extending a Production Certificate to a Facility,
Located in a Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement Country, and in the applicable country’s
b. When a production approval has been granted or extended by the FAA or
CAA of a country of manufacture, the approving authority will be fully responsible for the
surveillance and oversight of the manufacturing facilities, wherever located, including a
"third country."
a. The FAA or CAA of country of manufacture may grant a production
approval in their respective countries based on design data obtained through licensing
agreement with a TC holder in the other country. In this case the authority granting that
production approval would ensure that:
(1) Adequate manufacturing processes and established quality control
procedures exist to ensure that each product conforms to its approved licensed design
data; and
(2) A process exists that specifies who has design authority and ensures
that the design approval holder and its CAA approves all design changes made by the
b. Production approvals based on licensing agreements will be addressed on
a case by case basis in accordance with a BASA IPA.
a. If a U.S. manufacturer uses a supplier in a country with which the U.S.
has a bilateral agreement, the FAA may utilize the country’s CAA for surveillance
activities and/or inspection as a means of determining that the product or service
provided by the supplier meets the type design, and that the supplier is adhering to the
U.S. manufacturer’s quality requirements. When the CAA in a country with which the
U.S. has a bilateral agreement is requested by the FAA to conduct surveillance
activities or conformity inspection(s) at a supplier's facility, the U.S. manufacturer will
incur all charges that the CAA may impose to accomplish the request(s).
b. FAA production approval and supplier surveillance programs are
described in FAA Order 8120.2, Production Approval and Certificate Management
Procedures, AC 21-20, Supplier Surveillance Procedures, and FAA Order 8100.7,
Aircraft Certification Systems Evaluation Program.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B



a. Bilateral agreements provide for close cooperation between countries in

the resolution of safety issues that can arise from in-service operation of any product
exported/imported and approved or accepted under the terms of the agreement. When
a safety concern arises, the FAA cooperates with its partner to determine the
appropriate corrective action to be taken by operators or owners of affected
U.S.-registered aircraft. The FAA expects exporting CAA’s to keep it informed of
corrective actions that they believe are required for the safety of U.S.-registered aircraft.

b. The FAA also works closely with its counterpart authority to approve
changes to type designs. These changes may consist of design improvements,
changes necessary for continued airworthiness, repair information, or customer options.


a. Continued Airworthiness Service documents (e.g., service bulletins,

structural repair manuals, supplemental structural inspection documents), approved by
the airworthiness authority of the country where an affected product is manufactured,
are considered to be FAA-approved unless otherwise noted in a specific bilateral
agreement. However, service bulletins or other similar instructions classified as
"mandatory" by the exporting CAA are not mandatory under 14 CFR unless required by
an FAA AD.

b. Owners or operators of affected U.S.-registered aircraft or engines,

propellers, appliances and parts (i.e., products) are not required under U.S. law to
comply with service documents or directives issued by the airworthiness authorities of
other countries unless an FAA AD is issued under 14 CFR part 39. FAA AD’s are
published in the Federal Register. AD’s issued during the current calendar year are
available on the Internet at http://av-info.faa.gov. Information for ordering ADs can also
be obtained from the FAA’s Delegation & Airworthiness Programs Branch, AIR-140,
P.O. Box 26460, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73125.

c. The FAA is committed to sharing safety critical information as soon as

possible with its bilateral partners. FAA maintains an automated data-base of all
service difficulty reports received from the aviation community, including reports on
imported products. This data is available on the Internet at http://av-info.faa.gov.

d. The FAA has filed an official difference with ICAO over the ICAO
requirement for states to require that a system exists to transmit continuing
airworthiness information to type design organizations. (See ICAO Annex 8, Part II,
paragraph 4.2.5.) Instead, the FAA shares significant information with the certificating

AC 21-23B 11/17/04

authority. In addition the FAA makes its Service Difficulty Reporting (SDR) system
database available on the Internet at the address listed in c. above.



a. When an exporting CAA issues a mandatory continuing airworthiness

action for an unsafe condition that exists in a product, the FAA evaluates the
information provided by the exporting CAA about the unsafe condition to determine
whether the condition is likely to exist or develop on another product of the same type
design. The exporting CAA should provide the FAA the following information:

(1) Make, model, and serial numbers of the affected product;

(2) Description of the unsafe condition, reasons for the mandatory action,
and its impact on the affected aircraft and its continued operation;

(3) Description of the cause of the unsafe condition (e.g., stress,

corrosion, fatigue, design problem, quality control, suspected unapproved part);

(4) The means by which the unsafe condition was detected and, if
resulting from in-service experience, the number of occurrences;

(5) Corrective actions and corresponding compliance times, with a list of

the relevant manufacturer’s service information, including reference number, revision
number and date;

(6) The number of aircraft operating in the U.S. (important to the FAA) vs.
the number of aircraft worldwide needing corrective action;

(7) A statement on the availability of parts; and

(8) An estimate of the number of labor hours and the cost of parts required
for the corrective actions.

b. When an exporting CAA does not issue a mandatory continuing

airworthiness action, but the FAA determines that one may be necessary, the
exporting CAA should facilitate the manufacturer’s providing sufficient information,
including service bulletins, to the FAA in a timely manner for use in evaluating the need
for an AD.

c. Continued airworthiness information should be sent to the FAA’s

Delegation & Airworthiness Programs Branch, AIR-140, P.O. Box 26460, Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, 73125.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B


a. Following the type certification of an aircraft, it frequently becomes

necessary to revise data on the aircraft type design. Major changes to a type design
not great enough to require an application for a new TC, sought by the TC holder, may
be issued as amendments to the type certificate issued under 14 CFR 21.29, or
otherwise approved by the FAA. A certification procedure similar to that described in
Chapter 2 is conducted and adjusted for the magnitude and complexity of the design
change. The FAA retains the right to determine whether the proposed change is
substantial enough to require a new type certificate for the changed type design.

b. Major changes to a type certificated design (for aircraft, aircraft engines, and
propellers) which do not require an application for a new type certificate may also be
approved through the issuance of a U.S. STC. Minor changes made by the type
certificate holder are considered approved by the FAA upon approval by the exporting
CAA under its normal procedures.

c. Each voluntary change in the type design of an aircraft or engine that may
increase fuel venting or exhaust emissions is an “emissions change” as specified in
14 CFR 21.93, and requires further demonstration of compliance with 14 CFR part 34.
Similarly, each voluntary change in the type design of an aircraft that may increase the
noise levels of that aircraft is an “acoustical change,” requiring demonstration of
compliance with 14 CFR part 36.

d. Changes described in service bulletins, structural repair manuals,

supplemental inspection documents, etc., with a CAA approval statement are
accepted by the FAA and can be considered to be FAA-approved only under bilateral
agreements. Such approval pertains to the aircraft type design only, and further FAA
evaluation of installation or operational implications may be necessary.


used to support minor repairs must be acceptable to the Administrator. Repair data
used to support major repairs must be approved by the Administrator or conform to the
provisions of a bilateral agreement. The FAA may accept design data to support repairs
when approved by the CAA under the conditions included in a BASA IPA.

43 (and 44)
11/17/04 AC 21-23B
Appendix 1


Director, AIR-1
Deputy Director, AIR-2

International Policy Office, Special Assistants,

AIR-40 AIR-3 & AIR-4

Brussels Singapore

Engine & Rotorcraft Planning & Production Engineering

Propeller Directorate Program & Division
Directorate ASW-100 Management Airworthiness AIR-100
ANE-100 Division Division
AIR-500 AIR-200

Small Transport
Airplane Airplane
Directorate Directorate
ACE-100 ANM-100

= Located outside of Washington Headquarters

1 (and 2)
11/17/04 AC 21-23B
Appendix 2


Engine and Propeller Directorate

Regulatory and policy responsibility for all aircraft engines, propellers, and auxiliary
power units.
12 New England Executive Park
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803
Telephone: (781) 238-7100
Fax: (781) 238-7199

Bilateral Countries Assigned to ANE: Belgium, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and
United Kingdom

Rotorcraft Directorate
Regulatory and policy responsibility for normal and transport category rotorcraft.
2601 Meacham Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76137-4298
Telephone: (817) 222-5100
Fax: (817) 222-5959

Bilateral Countries Assigned to ASW: Indonesia, Italy, and South Africa

Small Airplane Directorate

Regulatory and policy responsibility for:
1. Normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes weighing less than
12,500 pounds and having passenger configurations of 9 seats or fewer;
2. Commuter category airplanes weighing 19,000 pounds or less, with
passenger configurations of 19 seats or fewer; and
3. Primary category aircraft, gliders, airships, and hot air balloons.

DOT Building
901 Locust, Room 301
Kansas City, MO 64106-2641
Telephone: (816) 329-4100
Fax: (816) 329-4106

Bilateral Countries Assigned to ACE: Austria, Argentina, Australia, Czech Republic,

Germany, Malaysia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Switzerland

AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 2


Transport Airplane Directorate

Regulatory and policy responsibility for all transport category airplanes.
1601 Lind Avenue, SW
Renton, WA 98055-4056
Telephone: (425) 227-2104
Fax: (425) 227-1100

Bilateral Countries Assigned to ANM: Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Israel,
Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden

NOTE: For countries not listed above, contact the International

Policy Office, AIR-40.

11/17/04 AC 21-23B
Appendix 3


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)


1 Argentina • BAA All aeronautical products,
• Schedule of Implementation including components
2 Australia • BAA All aeronautical products
and certain components
3 Austria • BAA All aeronautical products
4 Belgium • BAA All aeronautical products
and certain components
5 Brazil • BAA (replaced) All aeronautical products
• Brazil Bilateral Aviation and certain components.
Safety Agreement – Also recognizes
Executive Agreement Supplemental Type
• Implementation Procedures Certificate and
for Airworthiness maintenance.
6 Canada • BASA Executive Agreement All aeronautical products,
• Implementation Procedures including components
for Airworthiness
7 China • BAA Applies to fixed-wing
Schedule of Implementation aircraft not exceeding
Procedures 12,500 lbs., commuter
category airplanes up to
19 passengers with a
maximum certificated take-
off weight of 19,000 lbs. or
less, and TSO appliances
8 Czech Republic • BAA All aeronautical products
• Operating Procedures
9 Denmark • BAA All aeronautical products
and certain components
10 Finland • BAA Applies to gliders and
aircraft appliances
11 France • BAA (replaced) Applies to all aeronautical
• Bilateral Aviation Safety products and certain
Agreement Executive components. Also
Agreement recognizes STC’s on
• Implementation Procedures French products.
for Airworthiness

Page 1
AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 3


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)


12 Germany • BAA (replaced) Applies to all aeronautical
• BASA Executive Agreement products and certain
Implementation Procedures components. Also
for Airworthiness recognizes Supplemental
(Revision 1) Type Certificates on U.S.
and German products.
13 Indonesia • BAA Applies to production
• Schedule of Implementation oversight in Indonesia
Procedures under licensing
agreements with U.S.
14 Israel • BAA (replaced) All aeronautical products,
• Bilateral Aviation Safety appliances, and
Agreement—Executive components. Also
Agreement recognizes STC’s on U.S.
• Implementation Procedures and Israeli airplanes.
for Airworthiness
(Revision 1)
15 Italy • BAA (replaced) All aeronautical products
• Bilateral Aviation Safety and certain components.
Agreement-Executive Also recognizes STC’s on
Agreement Italian products.
• Implementation Procedures
for Airworthiness
16 Japan • BAA All aeronautical products
and certain components
17 Malaysia • Bilateral Aviation Safety Technical Standard Order
Agreement-Executive appliances and small
Agreement airplanes up to
• Implementation Procedures 9 passengers with a
for Airworthiness maximum certificated take-
(Revision 1) off weight of 12,500 lbs.
18 Netherlands • BAA (replaced) Aircraft products and
• Bilateral Aviation Safety certain components. Also
Agreement- Executive recognizes STC’s on Dutch
Agreement products.
• Implementation Procedures
for Airworthiness

11/17/04 AC 21-23B
Appendix 3


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)


19 New Zealand • BAA (replaced) Fixed-wing airplane not
• Bilateral Aviation Safety exceeding12,500 lbs.,
Agreement Executive certain components, and
Agreement Technical Standard Order
• Implementation Procedures appliances. Also
for Airworthiness recognizes STCs on New
Zealand products.
20 Norway • BAA (including Agreement) All categories of civil
aircraft and appliances
21 Poland • BAA (including Certain components;
Amendments) gliders; piston engines of
• Annex to the BAA 1500 horse power or less;
(Amendments incorporated) associated propellers;
helicopters; turbine
engines; fixed-wing aircraft
not exceeding 12,500 lbs.;
and commuter category
airplanes up to
19 passengers with a
maximum certified take-off
weight of 19,000 lbs. or
22 Romania • BAA (replaced) Gliders and very light
• Bilateral Aviation Safety airplanes. Recognizes
Agreement- Executive STCs on Romanian
Agreement products.
• Implementation Procedures
for Airworthiness
23 Russia • Bilateral Aviation Safety All metal airplanes up to
Agreement—Executive 9 passengers with a
Agreement maximum certified take off
• Implementation Procedures weight of 12,500 lbs with
for Airworthiness FAA-certified engines,
propellers, and avionics;
cargo transport category
airplanes with FAA certified
engines, propellers, and
avionics; and approved
metallic materials.

AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 3


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)


24 Singapore • BAA (replaced) Technical Standard Order
• Bilateral Aviation Safety appliances
• Implementation Procedure
for Airworthiness
25 South Africa • BAA (including Amendment) All categories of civil
26 Spain • BAA (including Amendment) All categories of civil
aircraft and appliances
27 Sweden • BAA (replaced) All aeronautical products
• Bilateral Aviation Safety and certain components.
Agreement—Executive Also recognizes STC’s on
Agreement Swedish products.
• Implementation Procedures
for Airworthiness
28 Switzerland • BAA (including Amendment) All aeronautical products
and certain components
29 United Kingdom • BAA (replaced) All aeronautical products
• Bilateral Aviation Safety and certain components.
Agreement—Executive Also recognizes STC’s on
Agreement U.K. products.
• Implementation Procedures
for Airworthiness

Other Agreements

American • Bilateral Aviation Safety Technical Standard Order

Institute of Agreement—Executive appliances
Taiwan & The Agreement
Taipei • Implementation Procedures
Economic and for Airworthiness

11/17/04 AC 21-23B
Appendix 4


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)

New Replacement/Modification Parts

New Replacement/Modification Parts

New Replacement/Modification Parts

See Reference
Notes Number
Third Country


New Replacement/Modification


Parts For Exported Aircraft

for Exported Appliances

for Exported Propellers
for Exported Engines

Aircraft Engines



(Revised 2004)


Argentina X X X X X X X X X X X 1991 2
Australia X X X X X X X X X X X X 1975 1, 2, 3
Austria X X X X X X 1959
Belgium X X X X X X X X X X X X 1973 1, 2
Brazil X X X X X X X X X X X X 2004 1, 2,4
Canada X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1984 1, 2, 5
China X X X X X X 1995 2, 6
Czech Republic X X X X X X X X 1970
Denmark X X X X X X X X X X X X 1982 2
Finland X X X X 1974 7
France X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2001 1, 2, 8
Germany X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2002 1, 2, 9

Indonesia 1992 10
Israel X X X X X X X X X X X 2003 11
Italy X X X X X X X X X X X X 2002 1, 2,12
Japan X X X X X X X X X X X X 1977 1, 2
Malaysia X X X X X X 2002 2,13
Netherlands X X X X X X X X X X X X 2002 1, 2,14
New Zealand X X X X X X X 2003 2, 15
Norway X X X X 1978
Poland X X X X X X X X X X X X 1976, 2, 9
Romania X X 2002 17
Russia X X X X X 1998 2, 18

Singapore X X X X X X 2004 1, 2, 19
South Africa X X X X X X X X X X X 1955, 2
Spain X X X X 1978
Sweden X X X X X X X X X X X X 2002 1, 2
Switzerland X X X X X X X X X X X 1977 2
United Kingdom X X X X X X X X X X X X 2002 1, 2, 20

Page 1
AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 4


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)

Other Agreements

Taiwan X X X X X 2003 2


1. These bilateral agreements contain a third-country provision that provides for

import/export certification of products by the CAA of a country other than the country of
manufacture. In these instances, the exporting country must certify that the products conform
to the design covered by the certificate or approval of the importing country (which would be
other than country of manufacture) and that the products are in proper state of airworthiness.
This provision only applies when all three countries (i.e., manufacturing, importing, and
exporting countries) have similar agreements for the reciprocal acceptance of such
certifications covering the same class of products. The specific text of the applicable bilateral
agreements should be consulted for any limitations.

2. The U.S. has bilateral agreements with these countries which provide for the reciprocal
acceptance of conformity inspections (certificates of conformity) for components (i.e.,
materials, parts, and subassemblies) produced within the limits of each particular bilateral,
provided that:

a. An agreement exists between the manufacturers in the importing and exporting


b. The component is of such complexity that a determination of conformity cannot

readily be made by the manufacturer in the importing country;

c. The airworthiness authorities of the importing country have notified the

airworthiness authorities of the exporting country of the applicable design, test, and quality
control requirements; and

d. The authority of the exporting country is willing to undertake the conformity

inspection task.

3. The U.S./Australian BAA contains a two-party country provision, which provides for:

a. Reciprocal certification whereby Australia can issue an export certificate for a

U.S.-manufactured product located in that country which is to be exported to the U.S.

b. Conversely, the U.S. can issue an export certificate for an Australian-manufactured

product which is located in the U.S. and which is to be exported to Australia.

AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 4


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)

c. Such certifications will state that the product conforms to the importing country's
type design and is in a proper state of airworthiness.

4. The U.S.- Brazil BASA IPA, signed on March 30, 2004, limits U.S. acceptance of
Brazilian products to airplanes and appliances, but also provides for U.S. acceptance of
STCs on Brazilian airplanes.

5. The U.S./Canada BASA IPA in October 2000, includes reciprocal acceptance of all
aeronautical products, including restricted category aircraft, replacement parts, and STC’s.
These Implementation Procedures replace the Schedule of Implementation Procedures of
1988, with the exception of chapter 4, Maintenance, Alteration or Modification of Aeronautical
Products, which remains in effect until Maintenance Implementation Procedures are

6. The Schedule of Implementation Procedures for the U.S./China BAA provides for
U.S. acceptance of certain Chinese TSO appliances, fixed-wing aircraft not exceeding 12,500
lbs., and commuter category airplanes up to 19 passengers with a maximum certificated
take-off weight of 19,000 lbs.

7. The U.S./Finland BAA is limited to acceptance of glider aircraft and appliances from
each country. Although this bilateral agreement contains a provision for including appliances
and replacement or modification parts therefore, by mutual consent of both countries’ aviation
authorities, no appliances nor replacement/modification parts have been included to date.

8. Maintenance Implementation Procedures were concluded with France in 1999 for

reciprocal acceptance of repair station certifications (contact AFS-300).

9. Maintenance Implementation Procedures were concluded with Germany in 1997 for

reciprocal acceptance of repair station certifications (contact AFS-300.) On June 2, 2002, the
FAA and LBA signed Revision 1 of the U.S.-Germany BASA IPA (the original IPA was
concluded in August 1999). This revision allows for U.S. acceptance of German STCs on
U.S. and German products, as well as some Airbus models.

10. The Schedule of Implementation Procedures for the U.S./Indonesia BAA is limited, when
exporting aeronautical products from Indonesia to the U.S., to the production approval and
airworthiness certification or approval of civil aeronautical products for which the Indonesian
manufacturer holds the manufacturing rights to a U.S. type certificate under a licensing
agreement with a U.S. manufacturer, or with a manufacturer in another state with which the
U.S. has an agreement for the reciprocal acceptance of type design certifications.

AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 4


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)

11. On December 19, 2002, the U.S. and Israel concluded Revision 1 to the U.S.-Israeli
BASA IPA. Revision 1 expands U.S. acceptance of Israeli STCs to include certain Israeli
STCs on U.S. state of design airplanes.

12. On June 4, 2002, the U.S. and Italy concluded a BASA IPA that includes provisions for
U.S. acceptance of STCs on Italian products.

13. The US/Malaysia BASA IPA provides for U.S. acceptance of Malaysian TSO appliances
and small metal composite airplanes of up to 9 passengers with a maximum certificated take-
off weight of 12,500 lbs.

14. The U.S.-Netherlands BASA IPA concluded on June 3, 2002, allows for U.S.
acceptance of STCs on Dutch airplanes.

15. The U.S./New Zealand BASA IPA, concluded on April 1, 2003, limits U.S. acceptance of
New Zealand products to fixed-wing aircraft constructed in New Zealand not exceeding a
maximum weight of 12,500 pounds; appliances, and their modifications and repair parts;

16. The U.S./Poland BAA is limited to:

a. Products, which may be exported from Poland to U.S. (or U.S. possession):

(1) Civil gliders and replacement/modification parts therefore designed and

produced in Poland;

(2) Piston engines of 1,000 h.p. or less with associated propellers and accessories
and replacement/modification parts therefore produced in Poland;

*(3) Small fixed-wing aircraft of 12,500 pounds of less and replacement/modification

parts therefore;

*(4) Helicopters with associated accessories and replacement/ modification parts


*(5) Turbine engines and replacement/modification parts therefore; and

(6) Components and appliances for U.S.-manufactured products of the types

specified in subparagraphs (1-5) above.

*NOTE: Refer to U.S./Poland BAA for applicable design constraints.

AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 4


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)

b. Products, which may be exported from the U.S. to Poland:

(1) U.S.-designed and produced aircraft, engines, propellers, components and

appliances; and replacement/modification parts therefore; and

(2) U.S.-produced components and appliances for Polish-manufactured products;

and replacement and spare parts therefore.

17. The U.S. and Romania concluded a BASA IPA on September 24, 2002. The BASA IPA
is limited to U.S. acceptance of gliders, very light airplanes, and STCs on Romanian

18. The U.S./Russia Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness limit U.S. acceptance to

a. New and used, metal aircraft having up to 9 passengers and a maximum certificated
take-off weight of 12,500 lbs. or less,

b. New and used transport category aircraft (cargo configuration only) with FAA-
certificated engines, propellers, and avionics, approved for Category I and Category II
instrument approach procedures; and

c. Metallic materials.

Aircraft eligible for import to the U.S. must have been designed to the applicable Russian
aviation regulations (AP’s). Aircraft built to earlier Soviet regulations are not covered under
this agreement.

19. The U.S./Singapore BASA IPA is limited to:

a. Export from Singapore to the U.S.:

(1) New TSO appliances that meet the performance standards of a U.S. Technical
Standard Order under an FAA letter of TSO Design Approval; and their replacement parts

b. Export from the U.S. to Singapore:

(1) All products listed in the summary chart (page 1 of this appendix); and

(2) Note 1 of this document (third country provision) applies to all products listed in
the summary chart, exported from the U.S. to Singapore.

AC 21-23B 11/17/04
Appendix 4


(AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2004)

20. The U.S. and United Kingdom concluded a BASA IPA on May 23, 2002. The BASA IPA
allows U.S. acceptance of U.K. STCs on British products.

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