NASA 171791main FS-090-DFRC
NASA 171791main FS-090-DFRC
NASA 171791main FS-090-DFRC
Boeing Phantom Works has partnered percent better fuel economy than
with NASA and the Air Force Re- traditional aircraft due to its unique
search Laboratory to study the struc- shape, a combination flying wing
tural, aerodynamic and operational merged with a triangular body.
advantages of the Blended Wing
Body concept, a cross between a The Blended Wing Body research
conventional plane and a flying wing team successfully completed 250
design. The Air Force has designated hours of wind tunnel tests on X-48B
the prototype the X-48B based on its Ship No. 1 at the historic full-scale
interest in the design’s potential as a wind tunnel at NASA’s Langley
multi-role, long-range, high-capacity Research Center in Hampton, Va.,
military transport aircraft. In May 2006. NASA’s Dryden Flight
Research Center at Edwards Air
The program’s goal is to learn more Force Base, Calif., is hosting the X-
about the low-speed flight-control 48B flight test activities and provid-
characteristics of the concept when ing in-depth flight research expertise
applied to large transport or cargo air- garnered from years of operating a
craft. Engineers are also intrigued by variety of cutting-edge unmanned
the design’s potential to get up to 30 air vehicles.
NASA Facts