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NASA 171791main FS-090-DFRC

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X-48B Blended Wing-Body

Boeing Phantom Works has partnered percent better fuel economy than
with NASA and the Air Force Re- traditional aircraft due to its unique
search Laboratory to study the struc- shape, a combination flying wing
tural, aerodynamic and operational merged with a triangular body.
advantages of the Blended Wing
Body concept, a cross between a The Blended Wing Body research
conventional plane and a flying wing team successfully completed 250
design. The Air Force has designated hours of wind tunnel tests on X-48B
the prototype the X-48B based on its Ship No. 1 at the historic full-scale
interest in the design’s potential as a wind tunnel at NASA’s Langley
multi-role, long-range, high-capacity Research Center in Hampton, Va.,
military transport aircraft. In May 2006. NASA’s Dryden Flight
Research Center at Edwards Air
The program’s goal is to learn more Force Base, Calif., is hosting the X-
about the low-speed flight-control 48B flight test activities and provid-
characteristics of the concept when ing in-depth flight research expertise
applied to large transport or cargo air- garnered from years of operating a
craft. Engineers are also intrigued by variety of cutting-edge unmanned
the design’s potential to get up to 30 air vehicles.

X-48B at Dryden Flight Research Center on Rogers Dry Lake ED06-0201-1

Following completion of installation of test The two X-48B Blended Wing Body tech-
instrumentation, the second X-48B Blended nology demonstration aircraft were built by
Wing-Body technology demonstrator began Cranfield Aerospace in the United Kingdom to
ground checkout at NASA Dryden in late Boeing’s specifications. The subscale pro-
2006, with five test flights in early 2007. Flight totypes have a wingspan of 20.4 feet, with
testing at NASA Dryden was to focus on the prominent vertical fins and rudders at the
low-speed, low-altitude flight characteris- wingtips and elevons along the trailing edges
tics of the blended wing-body configuration, of the wings. Three small model aircraft turbo-
including engine-out control, stall character- jet engines, providing a maximum combined
istics and handling qualities. The short flight thrust of about 160 lbs, power the 523-lb.
test program was designed to demonstrate gross weight aircraft. The X-48B has an esti-
that the novel design can be flown as safely mated top airspeed of 118 knots (138 mph), a
as current transports having a traditional fu- maximum altitude of about 10,000 feet and a
selage, wings and tail configuration. The 8.5 flight duration of about 40 minutes.
percent scale, remotely piloted X-48B is dy-
namically scaled to fly much like the full-size Read more on the X-48B at: (http://www.boeing.
aircraft would fly. com/news/releases/2006/q4/061027b_nr.html)

X-48B in full-scale wind tunnel at NASA’s Langley Research Center ED06-0070-1

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Dryden Flight Research Center
P,O. Box 273
Edwards, CA 93523-0273
Voice 661-276-3449 FAX 661-276-3566

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