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Journal of Social Studies Education Research

Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 2023:14 (1), 47-66


Financial Constraints and Their Impact on University Students of Different Nationalities in

the United Arab Emirates
Smitha Dev1, Jaya Abraham2, Sreethi Nair3, & Sania Ashraf4

Financial constraints caused by the economic slowdown in 2020 and COVID-19 that followed,
affecting the student motivation for academic achievements, are of strategic importance to the
global higher education (HE) sectors. This study aims to examine the effects of financial
constraints on the motivation and academic performance of students of different nationalities in the
United Arab Emirates (UAE) during the pandemic. This study will help us recognize the challenges
among students from different backgrounds and nationalities and develop remedial strategies with
a global perspective. We used a Likert scale-based questionnaire to collect data on motivation
level, and associated variables from a sample of 371 students enrolled in different colleges in the
UAE. Statistical techniques such as t-test, F-test, and chi-square test were used to explore the
relationship between the variables in the data. The findings of the study revealed that financial
constraints during the pandemic did not significantly affect academic motivation, regardless of
gender, nationality, and age. The participants expressed that they were prepared and aware of the
sunk costs involved in education. However, as the financial impact of the pandemic extended
beyond 2020, unemployment increased, and parents were less prepared to bear their children’s
education costs. This inevitably increased the responsibilities of the universities to provide financial
support to deserving students.

Keywords: financial constraints, motivation, academic achievement, higher education


Higher education (HE) benefits individuals and economies with better opportunities for growth
and development worldwide. However, various socioeconomic and psychological factors impede
the prospects of achieving better economic development through HE both at the economic level
and in personal life. Over the last several years, the world economy has been slowing down and
affecting the HE sectors. Moreover, COVID-19 pandemic has affected all spheres of life, and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated that the financial crisis would be worse than the
Great Depression, with no exemption in education. Globally, economic activities declined by about

Assist. Prof. of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, Abu Dhabi University, UAE. Smitha.dev@adu.ac.ae.
Assist. Prof. of Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences, Abu Dhabi University, UAE. jaya.abraham@adu.ac.ae.
Dean, College of Arts & Science, Abu Dhabi University, UAE. sreethi.nair@adu.ac.ae
Assist. Prof. of Finance, College of Business, Abu Dhabi University, UAE. sania.ashraf@adu.ac.ae
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

4.9% ((IMF, 2020). Measures taken to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 accentuate the
economic slowdown further.
As early as April 2020, almost all schools and colleges closed, affecting more than 85 percent of
the students who were forced to stay at home. During this period, parents endured job losses, pay
cuts, and a total slowdown in the business. Such persisting changes have forced students and
parents to feel the pressure of the cost of the HE.
Since 1990, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has witnessed large-scale HE growth, with
enrollment in nearly 400 academic programs concentrated mainly on business, management,
information technology, and engineering. The UAE economy barely emerged from an economic
slowdown in 2020, when COVID-19 struck all economic activities worldwide.
During the pre-pandemic period, an estimate of 4% growth at a compound annual growth rate
(CAGR) of private education in the UAE was expected to be nearly four times the pace of growth
in public education enrollment (The World Bank, 2020), but the unemployment rate in 2019
increased rapidly from 2.64% to 5%.

With over 200 nationalities represented among the students, the UAE can become a top global
education hub and affect the future of knowledge, skills, and employment by luring more top-
quality foreign teachers and students while fostering the UAE's research culture. Recent reports
have suggested that the UAE is vying for the top position as an international destination for
students alongside the US and Canada. A 62 percent increase in enrollment during 2012–2018
among international students in the tertiary education sector of the UAE cite major reasons as the
flexible changes in visa policies, standard of living, safety, and cost-benefit analysis (Economic
Times, Aug 17, 2021). Economic factors, including financial constraints, affect student’s
motivation and academic achievement, increasing the probability of college drop-out. To some
extent, financial aid plays a vital role in the student’s educational aspirations and leads to better
confidence and motivation, reflecting in the student’s academic performance. Various universities
restricted the support of scholarships during the economic slowdown, which forced various
students to move back to their home countries to seek more affordable education.
Many studies have highlighted that colleges and universities will face more challenges in
budgeting, enrollment, and recruiting, other than research, teaching, assessments, and
accountability (Masika & Jones, 2015). Thus, the financial constraints that have seriously affected
the retention levels are important to the strategic implications for universities worldwide. The
Dev, et al.

majority of students feel neglected when financial aid and scholarships are awarded to only a few
(or the top merit students) at the universities. Financial distress contributes to poor academic
performance and affects the students’ self-esteem, leading to absenteeism and unsatisfactory
performance in examinations.
Apart from the direct effect of financial stress on the student’s level, stress originating from the
family also predicts varying outcomes in the academic environment (Heckman et al., 2014).
Hence, examining students' financial stress and academic performance will help the majority solve
their problems and focus on their education without harming their self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Many authors have claimed that environmental factors affect students’ motivation and academic
progress. It has been shown that pupils from higher-income families were more likely to attend
schools with better facilities and resources. Such environments positively affect both high- and
low-income students positively (Wolniak & Engberg, 2010). Using the meta-analysis method,
Sirin ( 2005) suggested that socioeconomic status of parents impacts students’ academic
performance. Strenze ( 2007) also examined the relationship between the socioeconomic status of
parents with the students' grades and found that these two variables were positively correlated,
predicting success in a career.

From the evaluated relationship between financial aid and student success, Yutong (2013) found
that students who received the scholarship performed better, scoring a higher-grade point average
(GPA) compared to other students struggling throughout their student life. Another study
examined the relationship between family economic stress and the educational outcome of Chinese
American adolescents and found a significant relationship between family economic downturn and
academic performance (Mistry et al., 2009).Weaver (2013) examined previous studies, which
found no connection between students' financial duties and academic achievement, financial
responsibility, academic motivation, and success. Ngene et al. ( 2014) analyzed the financial
strength and academic performance of Nigerian polytechnic students. . Phi coefficient, chi-square,
and bi-serial correlation results showed that insufficient financial support impacts students'
performance to bridge the gap between academic motivation and financial limitation. Students'
academic goals reflect their motivation-driven aspirations Ryan et al. (2000). academic self-
efficacy, desire, and aptitude for self-directed learning all impact students' motivation (Patall et
al., 2008). There are no significant differences between male and female students. Furthermore,
students' activities were viewed as motivators (Saleh, 2014; Seifert, 2004). As seen in the past, the
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

need for achievement and affiliation is commonly associated with motives for better academic
performance. Financial constraints are common, especially for those from impoverished or low-
income homes. Previous studies have shown a connection between students' academic
achievement and financial situation. Olufemioladebinu et al. (2018)) claimed that their parents’
money or social status affects students' academic achievement in an examination. They found that
students with low socioeconomic family backgrounds have lower academic performance than
students with higher socioeconomic family backgrounds. Furthermore, Asri (2016) asserted that
students from higher-income families could benefit from a stimulating learning environment,
enabling them to excel and achieve superior academic outcomes.

Nnamani et al. (2014) asserted that students' financial anxiety considerably contributes to their
poor academic performance as they cause stress and have a negative impact on self-esteem, as
shown by previous studies. Asri (2016) found that various factors affect a student's academic
success. However, family socioeconomic difficulties are crucial as they deal with money
management that inspires and motivates people to be passionate about getting good grades.
Contrary to all the studies mentioned above, Asri (2016) claimed that when highly driven students
face a financial crisis, they may use the issue as motivation and not deter them from achieving
academic success. Weaver (2013) evaluated financial responsibility, academic motivation, and
success as contradictory to other previous studies that show no significant relationship with
academic performance. Ngene et al. (2014) analyzed the financial strength and academic
performance of Nigerian polytechnic students. Financial constraints faced by students also cause
drop-out rather than affecting their academic motivation and performance. Stinebrickner and
Stinebrickner (2008) showed that though financial and credit constraints can lead to dropout,
students from low-income families may drop out for other non-economic reasons. A study
conducted in Italy showed that the effect of financial constraints on academic dropout during the
Great Recession is mixed.
If the economic downturn increases adult unemployment, the student’s father’s income is likely
threatened, and they are forced to drop out for a job search. However, if youth unemployment rate
increases due to the economic downturn, students are likely to stay at university and complete their
education. Thus, the adverse employment shock to the family increases college dropout
(Adamopoulou & Tanzi, 2017).
Dev, et al.

Historically, many studies emphasized a lack of belongingness to the university, problems related
to future aspirations, relationships with peers, understanding the processes associated with
university life, etc., as additional reasons for dropping out (Delaney, 2008, Thomas, 2012). Many
studies conducted in the US and European countries showed that positive emotions help academic
achievement whereas negative emotions are associated with dropout (Duque, 2014).
Researchers have noted that gender differences affect whether a university education is
successfully completed, and previous studies have shown that women are more likely than men to
succeed in college. According to Buchmann and DiPrete ( 2006), academic preparation and
environmental support can place women in a better position to achieve college completion than
men. Some informal surveys revealed that more women dropouts were found in higher education
than men due to financial standings. Hence, the researchers observed a considerable gap in gender
differences and related variables. This study also explored whether factors such as countries of
origin/nationality play an important role in students’ motivation. Overall, it was found that the
attitude of students across the globe toward educational programs may be unique. Similarly, the
cultural environment substantially impacts students' motivation for their studies, even though this
topic has been the focus of numerous research from various perspectives. The researchers were
surprised to find significant differences in student motivation and nationality. In summary, several
factors affect academic achievement, and the material mentioned above shows how financial
limitations affect students' academic success. The majority of the studies support the positive
relationship between financial constraints and academic performance. However, few studies have
shown contradictory findings. Studies on financial behavior and problems among college students
in the Gulf region during the pandemic are very limited.
In addition, this study examined the role of gender and nationality differences in student motivation
and academic performance due to financial constraints. This study aims to examine this
relationship in the backdrop of the COVID-19 scenario to inspect the relationship between
financial issues on student motivation, academic achievement, and chances to drop out from a
multicultural perceptive. This study is therefore anchored on the following hypotheses:
Hypotheses -
• There is no significant relationship between students’ financial constraints and motivation.
• There is no significant relationship between students’ financial constraints and academic

Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

• There is no significant relationship between students’ financial constraints and student

• There is no significant difference in the financial constraints among students based on
demographic variables such as gender, education, and nationality.
• There is no significant difference in motivation among students based on demographic
variables such as gender, education, and nationality.

Research Methodology
A descriptive research design was adopted by the study based on the type of data to be used in the
investigation. Using a survey, relevant data were collected from the sample of university students,
and inferences were drawn about the population.

Study Participants
The population of the study consisted of 371 students from 15 colleges. The simple stratified
random sampling method was utilized to select the participants from highly diverse mid-sized
private universities in the UAE. Their demographic profiles differed by gender, age, monthly
income, major subject, and nationality, as shown in Table 1.

In the first stage, universities were selected using the stratified random sampling. In the second
stage, simple random sampling (lottery method) was used to select schools/faculty departments
(arts, science, and commerce). In the third stage, incidental sampling method was utilized to
select the students. Before data collection, ethical approval was obtained from the IRB of both
The primary sources of this study's data were surveys that assessed how students' GPA scores and
financial constraints affected their desire and ability to succeed academically. The first two
variables were explicitly created for measuring financial constraints (Financial constraints are
factors that restrict the students’ educational growth), which included questions about the financial
status of the respondents’ families and their understanding of it before and during the pandemic
since January 2020. Other items in the survey included questions about the participants’ academic
motivation records. The Academic Motivation Scale includes items that are divided into the
Dev, et al.

essential components of motivation activation, persistence, and intensity around which items about
(a) approach to their academic work, (b) self-perceptions, (c) perspectives on learning, success,
and college, (d) study techniques, and (e) motivations for learning. The scale consisted of 25 items
under three sections of the questionnaire modified to address the targeted participants using
previous studies.
Six experienced researchers cross-verified all these test items using a split-half reliability method,
one half of which was for odd items and the other half for even items. The Pearson product-moment
formula was used to find the correlation coefficient between two halves and showed a 0.7
coefficient for half-test reliability. A coefficient of 0.92 was found for whole test reliability using
the Spearman-Brown formula. Hence, the study findings revealed high reliability at a significance
level of 0.01.

1. Before asking them to sign the consent form, the participants were briefed about the purpose
of the study. The survey's questions about financial information and academic motivation had
clear instructions and explanations. Then participants were instructed to complete the academic
motivation scale. Surveys and consent forms were numerically coded for data analysis.

Method of Data Analysis

Quantitative variables were expressed as mean ± SD, and categorical variables were expressed
as frequency (%). Students' motivation was described using descriptive statistics, including
mean±, SD, median, minimum, and maximum. The independent t-test and one-way ANOVA test
with Scheffe’s multiple comparisons (post-hoc test) were used to evaluate quantitative
parameters between the categories. The chi-square test was employed to determine whether
category variables were associated. Analyses were conducted using the statistical package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS), and p<0.05 was considered the statistical significance level for all
statistical interpretation ns (version 20.0).

Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

Table 1
Demographic and Financial Details of the Sample.
Gender Count Percent
Male 89 24
Female 282 76
Private 44 11.9
Semi-Govt. 70 18.9
Govt. 257 69.3
Expatriate 240 64.7
UAE 42 11.3
Others 89 24
Program enrolled
UG 22 5.9
PG 349 94.1

Number of earning members in the family

1 190 51.2
2 114 30.7
Above 2 67 18.1
Number of earning members in a family
1 201 54.2
2 114 30.7
Above 2 56 15.1
Any financial challenges in the family
Don't know 18 4.9
No 138 37.1
Yes 215 58
Monthly income of my family
AED <1500 143 38.5
AED 2000 91 24.5
AED3000 - 5000 60 16.2
AED >5000 77 20.8
Scholarship availability
None 174 46.9
AED <2500 38 10.2
AED 2500 - 5000 72 19.4
AED 5000 - 7500 31 8.4
AED >7500 56 15.1
Dev, et al.

Quantitative data were collected from a random sample of universities in the UAE. From the
stratum, 69.3 percent of students participated from different government universities in the UAE,
whereas 64.7 percent of students’ participants are expatriates; this includes students from Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, Europe, and other Asian countries. Although 11.3 percent
of the students were UAE nationals, the rest were from the neighboring Arab region, Europe, and
Asian countries.

The researchers chose the UAE because of the existing data infrastructure that supports high-
quality data collection. The participants are geographically dispersed. Over the past 10 years, the
UAE's population has doubled, reaching over 9 million people, with a large expatriate component
of roughly 85 percent of the total population. The highest number of international branch campuses
is located in the UAE, which is also an effective global hub for higher education (The National,

Of the sample, 76 percent were female students, and the rest were male. Among them, 11.9 percent
belonged to private universities, and approximately 88 percent were reported to be enrolled in
government or semi-government universities. Most of the students were in graduate classes, with
only 5.9 percent from undergraduate programs, but approximately 85 percent of them had one or
two of the family members earning income during the pandemic, and 15.1 percent had more than
two earning members in the family. Approximately 37.1 percent reported that they did not face
financial challenges during the pandemic, and 4.9 percent were not aware of the financial situation
in their family. The rest, 58 percent, reported that their families faced financial challenges. Around
46.9 percent of the students reported that they had no scholarships, while 29.6 percent reported
having scholarships of less than 5000 AED However, 23.5 percent reported having more than 5000
AED scholarships.

Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

Comparison of motivation and academic performance based on financial constraints

Table 2
Distribution of the Sample According to Financial Constraints Due to the Pandemic

Any financial crisis due to the pandemic Count Percent

Don't know 15 4.0
No 179 48.2
Yes 177 47.7

The response in the sample to the question of whether they perceive any financial crisis due to the
pandemic is mixed, as 48.2 percent reported they did not encounter any financial constraints. A
nearly equal proportion of the sample confirmed that they faced financial constraints. However,
studies worldwide have shown that some students feel socially isolated, insecure, and worried
about family and finances, but some students are likely to replace these worries with more
rewarding personal experiences in order not to feel stressed (Aristovnik, Keržiˇc, Ravšelj,
Tomaževiˇc, & Umek, 2020).

Table 3
Comparison of Motivation Based on Financial Constraints

Financial constraints Mean SD N F P

Don't know 53.5 3.2 15
No 54.0 5.2 179 1.22 0.296
Yes 53.1 5.6 177
Dev, et al.

The relationship between financial constraints and academic motivation has not been widely
examined by the previous studies. Finances assume importance in academic motivation,
especially when the students are responsible for educational costs. (Hamilton, 2013) has
commented that parental support in the financial responsibility for education decreases
academic motivation and hence decreases scores. Weaver (2013) reported that there is no
significant relationship between financial responsibility in education and academic
motivation. This may have contributed to the finding that financial constraints do not
significantly affect it.

Table 4

Percentage Distribution of the Sample by Semester Scores

Semester scores Count Percent

90 – 100 39 10.5
80 – 89 171 46.1
70 – 79 144 38.8
60 – 69 17 4.6

According to Table 4, 46.1 percent of the student sample secured a semester score of 80–89.
Most of the respondents in the sample have moderate academic achievements. However, only
4.6 percent reported low scores of 60–69.

Table 5

Financial Constraints and Semester Scores

Any financial constraints

2 P
Semester Score
Don't know No Yes
Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
90–100 0 0.0 14 7.8 25 14.1
80–89 14 93.3 87 48.6 70 39.5
22.66 p<0.01
70–79 0 0.0 73 40.8 71 40.1
60–69 1 6.7 5 2.8 11 6.2

The chi-square test results showed no significant relationship between students’ financial
constraints and academic performance.
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

(Coleman, 2010) defined higher education fees as a ‘‘sunk cost,’’ meaning costs that cannot be
retrieved once paid. Therefore, after paying fees as a part of the enrollment process, students will
likely continue with the same educational activity regardless of external environmental changes.
The intrinsic motivational factors will sustain them in their academic activities, so financial
constraints may not affect their academic performance. This finding is in line with the results
reported by Weaver (2013), who suggested that financial constraints do not affect academic

Relationship between financial constraints and student dropouts in the Universities

Table 6

Percentage Distribution of the Sample According to Planning to Drop Out Due to Financial Issues

Planning to drop out due to financial issues Count Percent

Don't know 44 11.9

No 190 51.2

Yes 137 36.9

Table 7

Plans to Drop Out Due to Financial Crisis

Any financial crisis due to the pandemic

Don't know No Yes

Planning to drop out due to
2 P
financial issues

Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent

Don't know 0 0.0 13 7.3 31 17.5

No 13 86.7 107 59.8 70 39.5 25.44 p<0.01

Yes 2 13.3 59 33.0 76 42.9

The majority of students (51.2%) reported that they would not drop out of the school due to
financial issues in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (also supported by Coleman [2010]).
Through a simulation experiment, he proved that students who paid fees at or below their budget
are likely to continue with their educational decisions, even if they know that some of their peers
Dev, et al.

have enrolled in a free or a similar course with a higher probability of completion. This is because
the sunk cost increases their commitment to the investment they have already made, but 36.9%
expressed that they might drop out due to financial issues, while approximately 11.9% were unsure
of their opinion.

A global study by Aristnovik et al. (2020) showed that students who already have financial
challenges due to their lower living standards, lack of scholarship, or facing job loss could feel
threatened to drop out of their enrolled courses. The authors suggested that there could be
geographical differences in these results, particularly for Asia and Africa, as this has implications
for international and national educational decision-makers to respond to students due to the
pandemic. However, the study sample showed no significant relationship between financial
constraints due to the pandemic and student dropouts.

Though 44.9% of the male students and 48.6% of the female students reported that there was a
financial crisis. However, there is no statistically significant difference in perceptions of the
financial crisis by gender. Similarly, although 45.5% of the students studying at private
universities, 50.6% of the students studying at semi-government universities, and 38.6% of the
students studying at government universities reported that they experienced a financial crisis due
to the pandemic, the difference is not statistically significant.

Table 8

Chi-Square Test Results to Test the Relationship Between Variables

Any financial crisis due to the pandemic

2 P
Gender Don't know No Yes
Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Male 4 4.5 45 50.6 40 44.9
0.38 0.828
Female 11 3.9 134 47.5 137 48.6
Any financial crisis due to the pandemic
Institution Don't know No Yes 2 P
Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Private 2 4.5 22 50.0 20 45.5
Semi Govt. 4 5.7 39 55.7 27 38.6 3.54 0.472
Govt. 9 3.5 118 45.9 130 50.6
Nationality Any financial crisis due to the pandemic 2 P

Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

Don't know No Yes

Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent
Expatriate 6 2.5 103 42.9 131 54.6
UAE 4 9.5 29 69.1 9 21.4 19.8* p<0.01
Others (US, Europe) 5 5.6 47 52.8 37 41.6
Any financial crisis due to the pandemic

Program enrolled Don't know No Yes 2 P

Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent

UG 0 0.0 7 31.8 15 68.2
4.31 0.116
PG 15 4.3 172 49.3 162 46.4

*Significant at 0.05 level

Approximately 54.6% of the expatriate respondents enrolled in the UAE, 21.4% of UAE nationals,
and others (41.6%) from European countries reported financial problems due to COVID-19. The
chi-square test results showed that nationality had a significant impact on financial constraints due
to the pandemic.
Table 9
Comparison of Motivation of Students Based on Gender

Gender Mean SD N T P

Male 54.0 5.2 89

0.83 0.408
Female 53.4 5.4 282

Table 10

Comparison of motivation of students based on the institution

Scheffe’s multiple comparisons
Institution Mean SD N F Sig.
Pair F` p
Private (A) 50.5 5.9 44 A &B 7.4** 0.001
Govt. (B) 54.4 4.5 70 8.64 p<0.01 A&C 7.5** 0.001
Semi-Govt. (C) 53.8 5.3 257 B&C 0.3 0.718

**: - Significant at 0.01 level – the significant association is observed, and the null hypothesis is
Dev, et al.

Table 11

Comparison of Motivation of Students Based on Nationality

Nationality Mean SD N T p
Expatriate 53.9 5.0 240
UAE 53.5 6.6 42 2.21 0.111
Others 52.6 5.4 89
Program enrolled Mean SD N T p
UG 55.0 4.7 22
1.27 0.205
PG 53.5 5.4 349

The unknown relationship between a student's motivation and country is an issue this study aims
to address. This is considered as one of the novel issues that specialists should consider for further
insightful analysis. The present study failed to identify statistically significant relationships
between student motivation and nationality. According to Ryan and Deci’s self-determination
theory (2000), human behavior depends on satisfying innate needs for autonomy, competence, and
relationships because these requirements serve as the basis for all motivation (Deci et al., 1991).
Basic psychological needs are crucial to the motivation to continue education, which is mainly
applicable to students from developing and underdeveloped countries.

Discussion and conclusion

The impact of financial constraints on student motivation and academic achievement has been the
subject of extensive research and policy considerations in recent years. One of the main concerns
of finance, especially during a pandemic, is whether the limitation of money impacts the students’
academic performance and motivation. A compassionate atmosphere is required to address the
educational demands of students facing financial issues when the entire market scenario is going
through a crisis of parents’ joblessness, which again puts pressure on both parties. It remains an
open question whether any financing constraints experienced by students contributed to the lack
of interest in studies that affect their performance or other factors. Despite substantial research,
there is no conclusive evidence of the situation during a pandemic, especially in a market with
several residents from different parts of the world. This study further contributes to illuminating
this issue by assessing the impact of financial constraints on student motivation, academic
performance, and dropout among university students of different ages, gender, and nationality.

Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

The study was conducted with 371 students from different colleges during COVID-19 in the UAE.
An important strength of our data is that it focuses on several mid-sized universities from the UAE.
Moreover, comparative analysis was conducted to observe whether there is any relationship
between students’ motivation and academic achievement besides the chances of dropout during
the pandemic. This will be the first study to examine the relationship between financial constraints
with academic motivation and dropouts during a pandemic in the UAE’s diverse population. Our
baseline results document that students will not drop out due to the financial constraints they faced
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results aligned with Hamilton (2013), where financial
constraints had no relationship between student motivation and academic performance.
Concerning the financial issues across the demographic variables, it was reported that gender or
university type did not have a significant effect on academic performance and motivation.

However, nationality influences the perception of financial constraints. Our results provide new
evidence for the role of finance in students’ academic performance and motivation regardless of
scholarship. Factors such as financial constraints do not directly affect the students. After
accounting for all the factors, the results contradicted some of the previously conducted studies.
Studies such as Sirin (2005), Wolnaik and Engberg (2010), and Mistry et al. (2009) suggested that
even during a pandemic, students invest heavily in their academics. Moreover, they are determined
to maintain their CGPA for a better career break (Coleman, 2010). Our result was similar to that
of Weaver (2013) and Ngene et al. (2014), suggesting that students will persist in pursuing
academic success through intrinsic incentive factors. Hence, financial limitations will have little
impact on their motivation and academic achievement. Concerning the results of motivation and
academic performance, it was reported that 48.2% of those who did not face any financial
constraints due to the pandemic was not demotivated as the focus was to graduate faster, either to
find a job or for further studies. This clearly showed that half of the sample was not affected by
the pandemic, and the parents did not make the students feel discomfort of their financial

Therefore, when people plan ahead, they often prefer solutions with greater long-term advantages,
even if their immediate costs are higher. People are more prone to show a present bias and choose
a smaller immediate payment rather than expecting a greater long-term benefit. In the face of some
of these problems, people may make decisions based on "rules of thumb" or heuristics rather than
Dev, et al.

a full assessment of costs and benefits. Students may rely on the experiences of their peers, who
might not have received any additional scholarships in their sophomore year concerning important
concerns such as financial aid refiling after enrolling in college, rather than applying themselves
and seeing what happens.

Another common heuristic in decision-making is the use of anchors or reference points, which
frequently takes the form of comparing performance and effort to peer behavior or achievements.
A growing corpus of data, for instance, shows that a person's standing among peers significantly
affects their academic performance (Castleman & Meyer 2019).

However, the other half of the sample confirmed that they face financial constraints in this
situation, which gives a two-sided effect of a pandemic on motivation and academic performance
favoring studies conducted by Nnamani et al. (2014), Asri (2016), and Oyediran (2018). From our
study, it is evident that motivated and engaged students focus on achieving better results, and
parents focus on giving their children a better environment to study in so they can build a better
future despite their financial restrictions, regardless of any crisis.

When the effect of demographic differences, including age, gender and nationality on financial
constraints and academic motivation is analyzed, it can be reported that motivation levels of
students from different countries did not differ or change in any way. Although a few studies have
already established the relationship between cultural context and students ‘motivation toward
studies. This implies that regardless of gender, nationality, and age, parents were prepared and
were aware of the sunk cost of education, which is one of the many other reasons the study showed
the results in favor of the literature already reported by Coleman (2010) and Weaver (2013). From
the analysis of dropouts due to the pandemic, surprisingly, the results show that more than half of
the sample (51.2%) will continue their education and focus on the completing the course,
supporting the results reported by Coleman (2010) and Weaver (2013). Thus, regardless of external
environmental changes, students will likely continue the same educational activity after paying the
fees or completing the enrollment process. Any constraints are unlikely to have an impact on their
academic progress as the intrinsic incentive components will continue to engage them in academic

Thus, the findings clearly reveal that intrinsic motivation is associated with actual student
engagement, and that motivated students not only complete their learning activities but also invest

Journal of Social Studies Education Research 2023: 14 (1), 47-66

more time and effort in understanding the subject matter thoroughly (Newmann, 1992). It is
important not to extrapolate too far from the findings of this study.

More research is needed to help policymakers, and institutional leaders better understand students’
drop-out behaviors, how students value different aspects of financial assistance packages, and what
tradeoffs they would make if their aid packages were changed. In light of this context, the
researchers may speculate that financial constraint during a pandemic is not a major factor for
student motivation, academic performance, and dropout (rate). A dynamic SEM must
comprehensively grasp other elements that could affect students' future academic progress.


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