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CHM 2311

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CHM 2311

Clinical Biochemistry Applied Activity 2: Medical Biochemistry

cholesterol-heart disease ↳

deposits warning segn

& Clinical Case #1. A 28-year-old male goes to see his healthcare provider because he noticed
yellow-orange bumps in his skin. His provider performed a serum lipid panel and the results are

-extremely high-normalrange 18 mmol/L

: <S

heart Total cholesterol: 12.2 mmol/L


discuss LDL: HIGH Triglycerides: 6.6 mmol/L normal

range 21 Immol/

: .



i n d i c a te s risk


1. Interpret these results: is the client at risk for cardiovascular disease? yes -

2. Explain why or why not.

Yes this client is at risk for cardiovascular disease. Their total cholesterol level is more than double what the normal
range should be. Also, LDL is responsible for transporting cholesterol throughout the body. Therefore, this patients
high LDL levels puts them at a high risk CVA due to LDL building up in the arteries. In addition, the HDL cholesterol
levels being low means that’s cholesterol isn’t being eliminated from the body as efficiently as it needs to be.
Finally, the triglyceride level being high means that more fat is circulating in the blood posing another high risk for
cardiovascular disease.

Clinical Case #2. A 63-year-old man presented to the clinician’s office with bone pain in his hips
and fatigue. The clinician ordered biochemical tests, with the following results:
Low Albumin slightlylow
Hemoglobin: 10.2 g/dL Normal range : 13 8-172g/dL 1
Hemoglobin is
. .

Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dL Normalrange : O 7-1 3 mng/dL Totalprotein is

. .

Albumin: 3.0 g/dL Nounal range : 3 4-s Ygld

Multiple myeloma protein

HIGH 2 .

Total protein: 9.5 g/dL 6 0-8 3 g/dL

3 Plasma cells

1. Which of these laboratory results are not considered normal?

2. What is the probable diagnosis?
3. What would be a predominant cell in the patient's bone marrow?

1. Hemoglobin levels are low, albumin levels are slightly low, and total protein count is high.
2. Multiple myeloma causes protein to accumulate which would explain the high total protein count
3. Plasma cells

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