Compton Effect
Compton Effect
Compton Effect
Module 5: MODERN
Lecture 25: Compton Effect
In this course you will learn the following
Compton Effect
Photoelectric effect provides evidence that energy is
quantized. In order to establish the particle nature or
radiation, it is necessary that photons must carry momentum. In
1922, Arthur Compton studied the
Scattering of x-rays of known frequency from graphite and looked at the recoil electrons and the scattered
According to wave theory, when an electromagnetic wave of frequeney v is incident on an atom, it would
cause electrons to oscilate. The electrons would absorb energy from the wave and re-radiate
electromagnetic wave of a frequency v, < h. The frequency of scattered radiation would depend on the
amount of energy absorbed from the wave, i.e. on the intensity of incident radiation and the duration of
the exposure of electrons to the radiation and not on the frequency of the incident radiation.
Compton found that the wavelength of the scattered radiation does not depend on the intensity of incident
radiation but it depends on the angle of scattering and the wavelength of the incident beam. The
wavelength of the radiation scattered at an angle & is given by
AAa+ 1ngC cos)
.where mg is the rest mass of the electron. The constant h/mpe is known as the Compton
Encrgy = hv
Momentum p =
arriving at the last
relativity, according to which, we use the energy momentum relation of the special theory of
E =mc +p°e
Where m is the rest
mass of a
particle. Since photons are massless ( n = U),
Compton' s observation
electrons in an is consistent with what
we get b= pcC.
elastic collision. we
expect if photons, considered
Derivation of Compton's as
particles, collide wit
Consider a photon
of energy h and momentum pi=
rest. Let the
direction of
hvo/c colliding elastically with an electron at
direction making
incoming photon be along
the x-axis. After
angle & with the x-axis
while the scattered scattering, thephoton moves along a
electron moves
magnitude of the making an angle . Let
momentum of the scattered electron be
Pe while that of the
scattered photon
Pf be
scattered electron
incident photon
scattered photon
P= Pcos* p + sin* o) =
(pi -
= P+P-2p:P; cos6 3)
(relativistic effect)
anservation of Energy:
energy is mgC" and the final energy is
of the electron is taken to be ng, the initial
r e s t mass
+ P c . Thus
pe = (hvo - hv)*+2mge (hvo - hv)
A,-Ao (1-cos6)
1(A) 45
1 (A -135°
Show that the angle by which the electron is scattered is related to the
photon by scattering angle & of the
Exercise 2
(Ans. 60 MeV)
or the unshifted
peak in the spectrum
geas hatan strikes an atom (say carbon atom in a graphite crystal), it may scatter from a looselv
When cron, which is essentially free. In thiS case there is à measurable shift in the wavelength of the
is also likely that the photon scatters from an electron that is
electron, i.e. 4.8 X 10 nm. In case of scattering from the carbon atom, the maximum wavelength
shiíft is approximately 2 X 1U nm, which is very smal. Thus we find an intensity maximum at an
Consider a free electron at rest which absorbs a photon of energy hv (and momentum hv/c). The final
energy of the electron would be hv + mgC*. According to relativistic principle, if the momentum of the
electron is p, the total energy is given by p - c + 1 g c * . When the electron absorbs the incident
photon, the momentum of the photon would be transferred to the electron. Since
the electron was initially
at rest (i.e. with zero momentum), its final momentum is p= hv/c. Thus we have
Since the change in wavelength is one Compton wavelength, (1 - cos6) = 1, i.e. 0 = 90°. Thus
h6.63 x 10-34
1.105 1.105 x 107 kgm/s alongi
C 6x 10-12
h _ 6.63 x 10-34
O- 7.9 x 10 kgm/s alongj
8.4x 10-12
Thus the final momentum of the electron is 1.105 x 1 0 a 2 - 7.9 x 1040j. The angle that the
o = tan-(-7.9/11.05) = 35.6°.
final direction of electron makes with the x-axis is
The change in the energy of the electron is negative of the
change in the energy of the photon wnicn is
(he/Ap- hc/^) =
9.47x 10-15 J= 59.2
Exercise 4
Aphoton of
wavelength 6000 nm scatters
from an electron at rest. The electron recoils with
60 kev. Calculate the energy of the an of
scattered photon and the angle through it is scattered. energy
Ap 2.4 x
10"(1- cos 60°) =1.2 x 1012 m
Exercise 6
Find the smallest energy that a photon can have in order to be able to transfer half of its energy to an
electron at rest (rest mass of an electron is 0.5 Mev)
Exercise 7
A photon has the same wavelength as the Compton wavelength of an electron. What is the energy of the
photon in eV ?
Ans. 0.51 Mev) MeV)
the of the scattered radiation does not depend
the prediction of classical wave theory,
on the scattering angle and the wavelength of the incident beam.
he intensity of radiation but depends