Sikadur - 42 MP in
Sikadur - 42 MP in
Sikadur - 42 MP in
Sikadur®-42 MP IN
Chemical Base Epoxy resin
Packaging Pre-batched unit A+B+C 21.6 kg x 2 sets
Part A 3.00 kg plastic container
Part B 0.60 kg metal container
Part C 18.00 kg bag
Colour Part A hazy
Part B reddish yellow
Part C grey
Part A+B+C mixed grey
Compressive Strength 1 day ≥ 75 N/mm2 (ASTM C 579)
3 days ≥ 80 N/mm2
7 days ≥ 90 N/mm2
14 days ≥ 95 N/mm2
Curing Temperature +30°C
Effective Bearing Area > 85% (ASTM C 1339)
Tensile Adhesion Strength ≥ 10 N/mm2, concrete failure (after 7 days at +30°C) (ASTM C 882)
Mixing Ratio Part A : B : C = 5 : 1 : 30 (by weight)
Consumption ~ 2200 kg/m3
Layer Thickness Minimum grout depth 25 mm
Maximum grout depth 125 mm
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS or wax to all forms to prevent adhesion of the grout.
Prepare the formwork to maintain more than 100 mm
SUBSTRATE QUALITY liquid head to facilitate placement. A grout box
equipped with an inclined trough attached to the form
Mortar and concrete must be older than 28 days (de- will enhance the grout flow and minimize air encapsu-
pendent on minimum strength requirements).Verify lation.
the substrate strength (concrete, masonry, natural
stone). The substrate surface (all types) must be clean Application
and free from contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, Pour the mixed grout into the prepared forms from
existing surface treatments and coatings etc. Steel one or two sides only, to eliminate air entrapment.
substrates must be de-rusted and cleaned. The sub- Maintain the liquid head to ensure intimate contact to
strate must be sound and all loose particles must be the base plate. Place sufficient epoxy grout in the
removed. Substrate must be dry or mat damp and free forms to rise slightly above the underside (3 mm) of
from any standing water, ice etc. the base plate. The minimum void depth beneath the
baseplates shall be 25 mm. Where the void beneath
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION the base plate is greater than 100 mm, place the
epoxy grout in successive 100 mm lifts or less, once
Concrete / mortar / stone / bricks the preceding lift has cooled.
Substrates must be sound, clean and free from lait- Once hardened check the adhesion by tapping with a
ance, grease, oils, old surface treatments or coatings hammer.
and all loose or friable particles must be removed to
achieve a laitance and contaminant free, open tex- Working at high temperatures :
tured surface. It is recommended when working with Sikadur®-42
MP IN at temperatures above 30°C, that the following
Steel guidelines should be observed:
Must be cleaned and prepared thoroughly to an ac- ▪ Prior to use store the unmixed materials in a cool,
ceptable quality i.e. by blast cleaning and vacuum. preferably temperature controlled environment,
Avoid dew point conditions. avoiding exposure to direct sunlight or other heat
Surface and base plate contact area must be clean and ▪ Refer to the data sheet of the specific product and
sound. For best results, the substrate shall be dry. Re- closely follow the instructions in the section “storage
move dust, laitance, oils, grease, curing compounds, conditions”.
impregnations, waxes, foreign particles, coatings, and ▪ Keep all equipment cool, arranging shade and pro-
disintegrated materials by mechanical means, i.e. tection where necessary. It is especially important to
chipping with a chisel, blastcleaning etc. All anchor keep cool all surfaces that will come into direct con-
pockets or sleeves must be free of water. Apply grout tact with the material.
immediately to prevent re-oxidizing / rust ▪ Try to avoid application during the hottest times of
formation. the day.
▪ Provide sufficient material, plant and labour to en-
MIXING sure that the application is a continuous process and
that the grout does not stop moving during flow ap-
Pre-batched units
plication process.
Mix components A and B in the component A pail for
approx. 30-60 seconds with a paddle type mixer to a Important Note: When both the materials and/or the
low speed drill (300-450 rpm). Avoid aeration while substrates are too hot, the potlife will decrease
mixing until the material becomes uniformly blended drastically !
in colour and viscosity. Place the mixed epoxy into an Please also refer to Method statement - Sikadur®-42
appropriate mixing vessel. Slowly add the contents of MP IN for detailed information on application.
component C (to keep air entrapment at a minimum)
dependent on flow requirements (observe the correct CLEANING OF TOOLS
mixing ratio) and mix until uniform and homogeneous
(approx. 3 min). Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika®
Mix only that quantity which can be used within its Colma Cleaner immediately after use. Hardened /
potlife. cured material can only be mechanically removed.
When using multiple units, one after the other. Do not
mix the following unit until the previous one has been LIMITATIONS
used in order to avoid a reduction in handling time.
▪ Rate of strength generation may drop with drop of
APPLICATION METHOD / TOOLS curing temperature
▪ Minimum substrate temperature +5°C
Forming ▪ The material must be conditioned by being stored in
The consistency of the Sikadur®-42 MP IN epoxy grout an area with an ambient temperature between
system requires the use of permanent or temporary +20°C and +40°C for a minimum of 48 hours before
forms to contain the material around base plates, for using.
example. In order to prevent leakage or seepage, all of ▪ Do not thin with solvents. Solvents will prevent prop-
these formers must be sealed. Apply polyethylene film
er curing and change mechanical properties. ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY
▪ Sikadur®-42 MP IN is a vapour barrier when cured.
Minimum grout depth: 25 mm. Maximum grout For information and advice on the safe handling, stor-
depth: 125 mm per lift. The last lift must be kept at age and disposal of chemical products, users shall
25 mm. refer to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) con-
▪ Component C must be kept dry.
taining physical, ecological, toxicological and other
▪ For specific bolt grouting applications please refer to
safety-related data.
Sika® Technical Services.
▪ For proper seating, allow the grout to rise above the
bottom (3 mm) of the base plate. LEGAL NOTES
▪ Avoid splitting prebatched units to mix. Mix com-
plete units only. The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
▪ Cold ambient, substrate or material temperatures tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
will influence the curing and flow characteristics of products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
Sikadur®-42 MP IN. rent knowledge and experience of the products when
▪ Do not subject cured epoxy grout to sudden temper- properly stored, handled and applied under normal
ature changes especially during early curing stages. conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
▪ Contact Sika® Technical Services for control joint spa- tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
cing on large base plate grouting projects. strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
▪ Sikadur® resins are formulated to have low creep un- ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
der permanent loading. However due to the creep particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
behaviour of all polymer materials under load, the legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
long term structural design load must account for from this information, or from any written recom-
creep. Generally the long term structural design load mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
must be lower than 20 - 25% of the failure load. user of the product must test the product’s suitability
▪ Please consult a structural engineer for load calcula- for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
tions for the specific application. serves the right to change the properties of its
▪ Please refer also to the “Method Statement - products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
Sikadur®-42 MP IN”. be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are will be supplied on request.
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
Please note that as a result of specific local regulations
the declared data for this product may vary from
country to country. Please consult the local Product
Data Sheet for the exact product data.