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 Internet technology connecting devices, machines and tools

to the internet by means of wireless technologies.
Introduction to IoT – Part I  Over 9 billion ‘Things’ connected to the Internet, as of now.
 ‘Things’ connected to the Internet are projected to cross 20
billion in the near future.
Dr. Sudip Misra
Associate Professor  Unification of technologies such as low-power embedded
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
systems, cloud computing, big-data, machine learning, and
Email: smisra@sit.iitkgp.ernet.in
Website: http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/~smisra/

Introduction to Internet of Things 1 Introduction to Internet of Things 2

Origin of Terminology  The title of the report was “Internet of Things”

 Discussed the possibility of internet connected M2M connectivity
In the 2000s, we are heading into a new era of ubiquity, where networks, extending to common household devices.
the “users” of the Internet will be counted in billions and where  Some areas identified as IoT enablers:
humans may become the minority as generators and receivers  RFID,
 Nanotechnology,
of traffic. Instead, most of the traffic will flow between devices
 Sensors,
and all kinds of “things”, thereby creating a much wider and  Smart Networks.
more complex Internet of Things.

(“The Internet of Things”, ITU Internet Report 2005) Reference: International Telecommunications Union (ITU). (2005). The Internet of Things. Executive Summary [Online]

Introduction to Internet of Things 3 Introduction to Internet of Things 4

Alternate Definition Characteristics
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects
 Efficient, scalable and associated architecture
that contain embedded technology to communicate and sense
or interact with their internal states or the external  Unambiguous naming and addressing
environment.  Abundance of sleeping nodes, mobile and non-IP devices
 Intermittent connectivity

Gartner Research

Reference: Teemu Savolainen, Jonne Soininen, and Bilhanan Silverajan,”IPv6 Addressing Strategies for IoT”, IEEE SENSORS
JOURNAL, VOL. 13, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2013
Reference: http://www.gartner.com/it-glossary/internet-of-things/

Introduction to Internet of Things 5 Introduction to Internet of Things 6

 Business/Manufacturing
IoT Market Share
 Real-time analytics of supply chains and equipment, robotic
 Healthcare
 Portable health monitoring, electronic recordkeeping, pharmaceutical
 Retail
 Inventory tracking, smartphone purchasing, anonymous analytics of
consumer choices.
 Security
 Biometric and facial recognition locks, remote sensors.
Source: Intel

Introduction to Internet of Things 7 Introduction to Internet of Things 8

Evolution of Connected Devices  ATM
 These ubiquitous money dispensers went online for the first time way
back in 1974.
 World Wide Web made its debut in 1991 to revolutionize computing and
 The first power meters to communicate remotely with the grid were
installed in the early 2000s.
 Smartphones can be used to lock and unlock doors remotely, and business
owners can change key codes rapidly to grant or restrict access to
employees and guests.

Introduction to Internet of Things 9 Introduction to Internet of Things 10

 SMART HEALTHCARE Modern Day IoT Applications

 Devices connect to hospitals, doctors and relatives to alert them of
medical emergencies and take preventive measures.  Smart Parking  River Floods
 SMART VEHICLES  Structural health  Smart Grid
 Vehicles self-diagnose themselves and alert owners about system failures.
 Noise Urban Maps  Tank level
 City-wide infrastructure communicating amongst themselves for unified
 Smartphone Detection  Photovoltaic Installations
and synchronized operations and information dissemination.  Traffic Congestion  Water Flow
 SMART DUST  Smart Lighting  Silos Stock Calculation
 Computers smaller than a grain of sand can be sprayed or injected almost  Waste Management  Perimeter Access Control
anywhere to measure chemicals in the soil or to diagnose problems in the
human body.  Smart Roads  Liquid Presence

Introduction to Internet of Things 11 Introduction to Internet of Things 12

Modern Day IoT Applications Expected!!
 Forest Fire Detection  Radiation Levels
 Air Pollution  Explosive and Hazardous Gases

Snow Level Monitoring
Landslide and Avalanche Prevention
Earthquake Early Detection

Supply Chain Control
NFC Payment
Intelligent Shopping Applications
Trillions Smart Systems
Applications IoT
 Water Leakages  Smart Product Management Millions

Introduction to Internet of Things 13 Introduction to Internet of Things 14

IoT Enablers Connectivity Layers

Introduction to Internet of Things 15 Introduction to Internet of Things 16

Baseline Technologies IoT vs. M2M

 A number of technologies that are very closely related to IoT  M2M refers to communications and interactions between machines and
 Such interactions can occur via a cloud computing infrastructure
 Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications, (e.g., devices exchanging information through a cloud infrastructure).
 Cyber-Physical-Systems (CPS)  M2M offers the means for managing devices and devices interaction,
 Web-of-Things (WoT). while also collecting machine and/or sensor data.
 M2M is a term introduced by telecommunication services providers and,
pays emphasis on machines interactions via one or more
telcom/communication networks (e.g., 3G, 4G, 5G, satellite, public

Introduction to Internet of Things 17 Introduction to Internet of Things 18

IoT vs. M2M IoT vs. WoT

 M2M is part of the IoT, while M2M standards have a prominent place in  From a developer's perspective, the WoT enables access and
the IoT standards landscape. control over IoT resources and applications using mainstream
 However, IoT has a broader scope than M2M, since it comprises a broader web technologies (such as HTML 5.0, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP,
range of interactions, including interactions between devices/things,
things and people, things with applications and people with applications.
Ruby n' Rails etc.).
 It also enables the composition of workflows comprising all of the above  The approach to building WoT is therefore based on RESTful principles
interactions. and REST APIs, which enable both developers and deployers to benefit
from the popularity and maturity of web technologies.
 IoT includes the notion of internet connectivity (which is provided in most
of the networks outlined above), but is not necessarily focused on the use  Still, building the WoT has various scalability, security etc. challenges,
of telcom networks. especially as part of a roadmap towards a global WoT.

Introduction to Internet of Things 19 Introduction to Internet of Things 20

IoT vs. WoT Terminological Interdependence
 While IoT is about creating a network of objects, things, people,
systems and applications, WoT tries to integrate them to the Web.

 Technically speaking, WoT can be thought as a flavour/option of an

application layer added over the IoT's network layer. However, the
scope of IoT applications is broader and includes systems that are
not accessible through the web (e.g., conventional WSN and RFID

Introduction to Internet of Things 21 Introduction to Internet of Things 22

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