Protocols Landscape
Protocols Landscape
Protocols Landscape
Internet of thIngs:
The Protocols Landscape
he next era of computing is the The other termInternet is defined as a
Internet of Things (IoT), also known global communication network connecting
as the Internet of Objects. IoT trillions of computers across the planet,
refers to the networked interconnection of enabling information sharing.
everyday objects, which are equipped with
ubiquitous intelligence. A recent report by IoT architecture
McKinsey Global Institute reported that As the IoT is capable of connecting billions
the number of connected machines has of heterogeneous objects via the Internet,
increased by 300 per cent over the last few there is an emerging requirement for a
Prof. Anand Nayyar is
an assistant professor years. By 2025, economic impact of the dynamic layered architecture. Fig. 1 repre-
in the department of IoT is estimated to range from $2.7 tril- sents a standard IoT layered architecture.
computer applications
and IT at KCL Institute lion to $6.2 trillion. Wikibon predicts that Objects layer. The first layer (perception
of Management the value created from the Internet will be layer) represents physical sensors of the IoT,
and Technology,
Jalandhar, Punjab. He about $1279 billion in 2020, growing annu- which sense, collect and process information.
loves to work on and ally at a rate of 14 per cent. Object abstraction layer. This layer
research open source
technologies, cloud The International Telecommunication transfers the data acquired by the object
computing, sensor Union (ITU) defines the IoT as, A global layer to the service management layer via
networks, hacking and
network security infrastructure for the information society, secure channels. Data can be transferred
enabling advanced services by interconnect- using different technologies like 3G, 4G,
ing (physical and virtual) things based on GSM, UMTS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and ZigBee.
existing and evolving interoperable informa- Service management layer. This layer
tion and communication technologies. enables IoT application programmers to
The scope of the IoT is increasing in work with heterogeneous objects, irrespec-
diverse ways, as IoT-based solutions are tive of the hardware platform.
extending to virtually all areas of everyday Application layer. This layer enables
life, from smart homes to smart industrial high-quality smart services to fetch what
production. And the evolution of Industry the customers need. It covers smart homes,
4.0 has begun. smart production units, transportation, smart
The term Internet of Thingsconsists of healthcare-based biosensor equipment, etc.
two words: Internet and things. The latter Business layer. This layer manages the
refers to various IoT devices with unique overall IoT systems activities and services.
identities, which are capable of remote It is responsible for building the business
sensing, actuating and live monitoring of model, graphs and flowcharts on the basis
certain kind of data. IoT devices are also of data acquired at the application layer.
Fig. 1: IoT enabled for live exchange of data with other
layered connected devices and applications, either IoT protocols
directly or Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
Application Layer Application Business Layer indirectly, neers (IEEE) and European Telecommuni-
or collect- cations Standards Institute (ETSI) have de-
Middleware Layer Service Application
Application Layer
Composition Layer ing data fined some of the most important protocols
Coordination Layer Service Service from other for the IoT. These are listed below.
Management Management
devices, Constrained Application Protocol
Network Layer Network Layer Objects processing it (CoAP). Created by the IETF Constrained
Object Abstraction
Existed alone
and sending RESTful Environments (CoRE) working
Perception Layer System Edge
Objects Objects it to vari- group, CoAP is an Internet application pro-
ous servers. tocol for constrained devices. It is designed
among IoT-enabled objects. able no matter where it is in-
Publisher Receiver
Simple Text Oriented Mes- stalled in the world. Besides,
saging Protocol (STOMP). data values data values
it includes a register model
This text-based protocol was DataWriter in order to provide a flexible
developed to work with mes- common interface for node