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Citizenship Test

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1 US CITIZENSHIP TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 Welcome to the U.S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Early America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 The Declaration of Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
1.4 The U.S. Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
1.5 Three Branches of Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
1.6 A Representative Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
1.7 Citizens’ Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
1.8 Amendments to the Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
1.10 American Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
1.11 Civil War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
1.12 World War II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
1.14 Bill of Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
1.15 Citizenship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
1.16 Geography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
1.17 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
1.18 traditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883
1.19 Miscellenous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886

1.1 Welcome to the U.S
1. Use the article “Challenges and Successes A. A colony on the moon would need a set
of Early American Settlements” and your of rules or laws.
knowledge of social studies: ? Title?
B. William Bradford did not agree with
Economics Gain | Religious Freedom
the Church of England.
Jamestown-1607 | Plymouth-1620What
would be the best title for the table shown C. The Mayflower landed near Cape Cod
above? instead of Virginia.
A. Who Established the U.S. Colonies. D. William Bradford’s ability to think
B. Why U.S. Colonies were successful. clearly helped him see the need for the
C. When, Where, and Why U.S. Colonies Mayflower Compact.
were Established.
4. Use the article “Challenges and Successes
D. The importance of the U.S. Colonies. of Early American Settlements” and your
2. What is the name of the celebration for knowledge of social studies:Jamestown
those people who have served in the US colony FailedWater was dirty and salty.
army? Land was not suitable for farming. Fights
broke out with the Powhatan’s tribe.?
A. Veterans Day
Which of the following should be in-
B. Remembrance Day cluded?
C. Memorial Day A. Pocahontas helped the colony survive.
D. Armistice Day
B. A House of Burgesses was estab-
3. Use the article “Clarity of Thought:William lished.
Bradford and the Mayflower Compact”
C. Tobacco became the “gold” of
and your knowledge of social studies to
answer the following question:Which of
these is the best summary of the informa- D. King James declared Virginia a royal
tion in the article? colony.

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D
1.1 Welcome to the U.S 3

5. Where can you see Niagara Falls? 10. How many stars were there on the first
A. USA US flag?


B. Canada A. 15

C. Alaska B. 50

D. both USA and Canada C. 13

D. 5
6. Which bird symbolizes freedom in the
USA? 11. Which is known as the The Golden State
A. falcon of the United State of America?

B. raven A. Indiana

C. bald eagle B. Florida

D. pigeon C. California
D. None of These
7. What city was the first capital of the
United States? 12. How many people are there in a baseball
A. Baltimore team?

B. Philadelphia A. 11

C. Boston B. 7

D. New York City C. 9

D. 10
8. What type of government does Canada
have? 13. Since when has the 4th of July been a fed-
A. parliamentary democracy eral holiday in the USA?

B. constitutional democracy A. 1865

C. absolute monarchy B. 1941

D. single party state C. 1776

D. 1989
9. Use the article:“Help Wanted:Historical In-
vestigator Needed to Solve Centuries Old 14. Use the article “Challenges and Successes
Mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. of Early American Settlements” and your
“The most likely reason an investigator knowledge of social studies:What was the
would have to make inferences about the most likely reason Separatists wanted to
success of Roanoke is leave England?
A. There were hardly any clues of the A. They were searching for economic re-
colony’s disappearance. wards.
B. No one recorded historical events in B. They wanted to establish a different
1584. church.
C. Captain White never returned to C. They wanted to join the colony of
Roanoke. Jamestown.
D. The word “CROATOAN” did not mean D. They were hoping to establish a posi-
anything to historians. tive relationship with American Indians.

5. D 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. A

1.1 Welcome to the U.S 4

15. Two men that were sent by Jefferson to 21. What is the New Year Eve ball drop made
explore the Louisiana Purchase? of?
A. Lewis and Clark A. paper
B. Clay and Calhoun B. crystal
C. Lincoln and Douglas C. electric lights
D. Trump and Obama D. plastic

16. What are two inventions by Canadians? 22. Use the article:“Help Wanted:Historical In-
A. button and penicillin vestigator Needed to Solve Centuries Old
Mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
B. zipper and insulin
“What was one result of Sir Walter
C. French and English numbers Raleigh’s desire to make England as
D. canoeing and computers wealthy and powerful as Spain?
A. He sailed the ocean looking to take
17. Which US President was born in Hawaii in
over Spanish ships of gold.
B. He sent ships to North America to es-
A. William Howard Taft
tablish colonies.
B. Chester A. Arthur
C. He developed a friendly relationship
C. Barack Obama with Native Roanoke.
D. Lyndon B. Johnson D. He started a war with Spain for control
18. How many stars are there on the Walk of of Roanoke.
Fame in Hollywood? 23. Who is on the Canadian $50 bill
A. about 1000
A. Lester B. Pearson
B. about 2000
B. Mackenzie King
C. about 3000
C. Arthur Meighen
D. none of above
D. Sir Robert Borden
19. Which province has the nickname Canada’s
breadbasket? 24. What type of government does the United
States have?
A. Manitoba
A. parliamentary democracy
B. Nova Scotia
B. constitutional democracy
C. Saskatchewan
C. absolute monarchy
D. Ontario
D. single party state
20. Who is NOT one of 10 top basketball play-
ers of all time? 25. How many provinces does Canada have?
A. Magic Johnson A. 7
B. LeBron James B. 9
C. Michael Jordan C. 12
D. Scottie Pippen D. 10

16. B 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. D 21. B 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. C
1.2 Early America 5

26. What is a kerfuffle? most likely reason the colony at Plymouth

A. French-Canadian swear word survived after the first winter?


B. Native Canadian person A. They established a positive relation-
ship with American Indians in the region.
C. Awkward or confusing situation
B. They learned to harvest maple from
D. none of above the trees in the region.
27. Use the article “Slavery Begins” and your C. They had all signed the Mayflower
knowledge of social studies to answer the Compact.
following question.How did an indentured D. William Bradford was an excellent gov-
servant differ from a slave? ernor.
A. Indentured slaves worked a set time
to gain freedom while slaves were consid- 31. Use the article:“Help Wanted:Historical In-
ered property. vestigator Needed to Solve Centuries Old
Mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke.
B. Indentured slaves worked their whole “Which statement about the Lost Colony
lives but slaves gained freedom after a set of Roanoke is best supported by informa-
period of time. tion from this week’s issue?
C. The first slaves arrived from Africa A. Historians will never be able to solve
while early indentured servants arrived the mystery of the colony’s disappear-
from Jamestown. ance.
D. Slaves worked on tobacco farm while B. No one has figured out why the colony
indentured servants worked on ships. disappeared.
28. Which state did the USA purchase from C. Historians are no longer interested
Russia? in determining the reason the colony of
Roanoke disappeared.
A. Hawaii
D. The Lost Colony of Roanoke is not im-
B. New Mexico
portant in the study of the history of the
C. Alaska United States.
D. Rhode Island
32. Use the article:“Help Wanted:Historical In-
29. Where is the Grand Canyon? vestigator Needed to Solve Centuries Old
Mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. “
A. Utah
A. The settlers had to rely completely on
B. California the American Indians for all their food.
C. Texas B. The settlers had to eat only fish and an-
D. Arizona imals they could hunt.

30. Use the article “Challenges and Successes C. The settlers moved to the island of
of Early American Settlements” and your Croatoan to find food.
knowledge of social studies:What was the D. The settlers returned home.

1.2 Early America

27. A 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. D

1.2 Early America 6

1. What did the European explorers first 6. -The issue or event that most directly led
write about? to the American Revolution was:
A. Their superior weapons used when A. A freedom of speech and press
facing the Native Americans B. Taxation by Britain without representa-
B. Their removal from the Native Ameri- tion
can lands C. African Slave Trade
C. Grim reports of the hardships they en- D. French and Indian War

countered in the wilderness on their way
over 7. What farming tool did the Mississippian
Culture introduce?
D. none of above
A. hoe
2. In which area of North America did Native B. rake
Americans hunt buffalo and live a nomadic C. spade
D. none of above
A. Northeast
8. Which factor played an important in the de-
B. Southeast
velopment of the plantation system in the
C. Great Plains south?
D. none of above A. a shorter growing season prevented
the planting of most crops
3. a brick made from a clay and straw mix-
B. a lack of fertile soil limited agriculture
ture; used by the Native tribes of the
Southwest to build multilevel homes C. colonial governments brought all the
crops that plantation would produce
A. adobe
D. a warm climate permitted the growth
B. dugout of labor-intensive cash crop
C. wigwam
9. -Which statement best expresses why
D. teepee many Americans were wary of a strong
central government?
4. The states retained the most of the power
of government under.. A. Colonial legislatures were weak and in-
A. The Federalist Papers
B. People remembered how the King of
B. The Constitution England ruled the colonies
C. The Articles of Confederation C. The colonies had never had a strong
D. none of above government
D. The colonies were eager to form a con-
5. What are homes built by the Hopi in the federation of states
southwest called?
10. Incan architects and engineers are famous
A. Igloos
for building what?
B. Teepees
A. thousands of miles of roads to connect
C. Pueblos distant parts of the empire
D. Houses B. deep mountain wells to irrigate crops

1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. A
1.2 Early America 7

C. aqueducts to carry water from distant C. Gold

lakes D. Furs


D. stone bridges crossing deep mountain
gorges 16. About how many slaves could the largest
slave ships hold
11. Government power is SHARED among the
states, but the power of the central A. 100
government outweighs the power of the B. 300
states’ government
C. 500
A. Mercantilism
D. 400
B. Federalism
C. Freedom of Speech 17. What region had forests, lakes, &
D. none of above
A. Eastern Woodlands
12. Who won the French and Indian War?
B. Southeast
A. France
C. Great Basin
B. Native Americans
D. none of above
C. England
D. Spain 18. In How the Leopard Got His Claws, who is
the common enemy of all the animals?
13. What major role did the Appalachian
A. The Dog
Mountains play in the lives of Colonists?
A. They were a natural barrier that pre- B. The Leopard
vented expansion. C. The Duck
B. Prevented attacks from Native Ameri- D. The Hunter
19. -Checks and Balances-Separation of
C. Stopped the French from spreading
Powers-Rights of the AccusedAll of these
are characteristics of which type of gov-
D. Prevented storms from the west. ernment?
14. What made it a crime to speak, write, or A. monarchy
publish “false, scandalous and malicious” B. unlimited government
criticisms of the government?
C. autocracy
A. Alien Act
D. limited government
B. Citizen Act
C. Sedition Act 20. Who was the main author of the Declara-
D. XYZ affair tion of Independence?
A. Thomas Jefferson
15. What resource did the French use to get
rich in the New World? B. Ben Franklin
A. Tobacco C. George Washington
B. Land D. John Adams

11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. B
1.2 Early America 8

21. Christopher Columbus was able to gain C. To cause arguements

the financial support of Queen Isabella of
D. To make sure the pilgrims stayed to-
Spain because
A. she desperately wanted trade goods
from India. 26. prohibited denying individuals their voting
rights on the basis of race
B. he promised to spread the Christian re-
ligion. A. 13th Amendment

C. she was his cousin. B. 14th Amendment
D. none of above C. 15th Amendment

22. In Big Idea #3:The Road to Independence, D. 16th Amendment

who believed that natural laws should ap-
ply to social, political, and economic rela- 27. Instead of claiming the land on which they
tionships? lived, Native Americans believed that the
land on Earth belonged to:
A. Native Americans
A. Only Native Americans
B. European Settlers
B. Europeans
C. Enlightenment Thinkers
C. All people and living creatures
D. none of above
D. All people
23. One of the major philosophical principles in
the Declaration of Independence was that 28. What led to the downfall of both the Inca
of Empire and the Aztec Empire?
A. separation of powers. A. the arrival of Spanish explorers
B. natural rights. B. a massive meteor that caused catas-
C. freedom of speech. trophic damage

D. abolition of slavery. C. climate change

D. internal warfare between city-states
24. What is a city-state?
A. an artificial field of mud and vegetation 29. French political thinker Baron de Mon-
used to produce crops tesquieu (1689-1755) was one of the
Enlightenment’s most important thinkers.
B. the building where a bureaucrat works
He is famous for saying that “when the
C. the great pyramid that stood at the [law making] and [law enforcement] pow-
center of the city ers are united in the same person there
D. a city with its surrounding territory can be no liberty. “To which principle of
that forms an independent state government is Montesquieu’s statement
MOST directly related?
25. Why was the Mayflower Compact
A. Separation of Powers
B. Popular Sovereignty
A. To make sure they stayed loyal to the
Queen C. Checks and Balances
B. To make everyone share the wealth D. Bill of Rights

22. C 23. B 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. D

1.2 Early America 9

30. -A justification for the American Revolu- 35. Which branch of government has ultimate
tion can be found in which of the following control over the other two? (Think about
historical documents? this )


A. Constitution A. legislative
B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut B. executive
C. Mayflower Compact C. judicial
D. Declaration of Independence D. none of the above

31. How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 36. Building chinampas allowed the Aztec to
affect the practice of slavery in the North- A. farm in swamp land
west Territory? B. defeat the other city-states
A. It banned the use of slaves in the C. carve skulls into stone wall
Northwest Territory.
D. create intricate green masks
B. It determined a fixed wage for slaves
37. How many Branches of Government do we
C. It regulated the slave trade
have in the US?
D. It granted slaves access to public edu-
A. 1
B. 2
32. The argument between those that favor a C. 3
strong central government as opposed to
a weaker one is an argument between D. 4
A. Populist Party and Republican Party 38. Europe has a set of primary inter-
B. Republicans and Democrats ests which to us haven one or a very re-
mote relation. Hence she must been gaged
C. Federalists and Anti-Federalists in frequent controversies, the causes of
D. Democrats and Populists which are essentially foreign to our con-
cerns. Hence, therefore, it must be un-
33. Which of the following statements best de- wise in us to implicate [connect]ourselves
scribes Mayan cities? by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissi-
A. They were built on islands and lakes tudes[changes] of her politics or the or-
dinary combinations and collisions of her
B. They grew up mainly in the highlands
friendships or enmities[antagonisms]
and mountains
President George Washington, Farewell
C. They had only a few buildings Address, 1796 According to the passage,
D. They had pyramids and palaces in their President Washington believed that the
centers. United States should
A. discontinue commercial relations with
34. People who live by hunting, fishing, and
gathering plants to eat.
B. seek financial aid from European na-
A. Explore
B. Hunter-Gatherer C. avoid involvement in the political dis-
C. Culture putes of Europe
D. Motivation D. end all existing European friendships

31. A 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. C 38. C

1.2 Early America 10

39. As a result of the presidential election in 43. Built the largest empire in the Americas,
1800 centered in the Andes Mountains of South
A. the United States went to war against
Britain. A. Aztec
B. the new administration issued the B. Maya
Monroe Doctrine. C. Inca
C. the Constitution was amended, chang- D. none of above

ing the way that the Vice President was
elected. 44. Under the federal system, the final author-
ity is the It is also called the “supreme
D. the Republican Party became a major law of the land.”
political party to protest the influence of
A. president.
the rich.
B. court system.
40. How did the War of 1812 most affect the C. Constitution.
U.S. economy?
D. states.
A. Disruption in trade contributed to do-
mestic industrial growth. 45. This is a term for “Middle America” refers
to what is now Mexico and parts of north-
B. mall farmers benefited from higher ex- ern countries of central America.
port prices for grain crops.
A. Sub Sahara
C. The sale of treasury bonds to interna-
B. Mesoamerica
tional companies was prohibited
C. Sahel
D. New trade alliances resulted in in-
creased foreign investment D. Peru

46. In How the World was Made, how is the

41. is a religious movement that called for Earth depicted?
simple and very strict rules of worship,
discipline, and morality. A. as a floating island
B. as a huge, solid rock
A. Great Awakening
C. as a cave made from solid rock
B. Revolutionary War
D. as an island supported by four stilts
C. Puritanism
47. According to the 3/5 Compromise of
D. Enlightenment
every slaves would count.
42. What natural resource most attracted A. 3; 5
French traders to the lands that later be- B. 2; 5
came Canada?
C. 4; 5
A. gold
D. 5; 5
B. animal furs
48. Which feature is typical to Pacific North-
C. water west Native Americans?
D. corn A. totem pole

39. C 40. A 41. C 42. B 43. C 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. A
1.2 Early America 11

B. teepee 53. The practice of meant families did not

have to search as much for food anymore.
C. adobe


A. Fire
D. longhouse
B. Irrigation
49. Which of these was NOT a component of C. Agriculture
the American System?
D. none of above
A. Protective tariff
54. Freedom of religion, press, speech, assem-
B. Internal improvements bly, and petition.
C. Universal Suffrage A. 1st Amendment
D. A National Bank B. 4th Amendment
C. 5th Amendment
50. Which European country had the best rela-
tionship with the Native Americans? D. 10th Amendment

A. Spain 55. In Mayan civilization, nobles often held

what positions of power?
B. England
A. city chief and tax collector
C. France
B. city chief and priest
D. Netherlands C. public works and tax collector
51. The Mayflower Compact sets up a: D. public works and priest

A. Civil Body Politic, or a way to create a 56. “Finally, in the summer of 1842, after
government among themselves. seven years of desperate warfare, an
agreement was reached with the few hun-
B. A series of laws that usually ended in
dred remaining Seminoles, allowing them
a hanging.
to live in southwest Florida.” What led to
C. How to report things back to England. the conflict referred to in this excerpt?
D. A way to banish people from the A. The Passage of the Dawes Act
colony. B. The Louisiana Purchase

52. How does Canada’s climate affect where C. The Adoption of Indian Removal Poli-
people choose to live? cies
D. The Battle of Tippecanoe
A. Most Canadians live in the southern
part of the country, where temperatures 57. The time that Speech to the Second Con-
are warmer than up north.. vention was written, Henry believed that
B. Most Canadians live near the U.S. bor- Britain was:
der where the rainfall allows for farming. A. preparing for war
C. Canadians prefer regions with colder B. secretly negotiating for peace
climates, where winter sports such as C. considering whether to prepare for
hockey can be played outdoors. war
D. Most Canadians live along the coasts, D. not paying any attention to its colonies
where abundant rainfall allows farming. at all

49. C 50. C 51. A 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. C 56. C 57. A 58. B
1.2 Early America 12

58. In the Aztec economy, two important ma- C. Civic Responsibilities

terials used as money to purchase goods D. Principles of government
64. The initial French exploration of North
A. clay objects and gold coins
America resulted in
B. cotton cloth and cacoa beans
A. economic colonies in Florida
C. farm animals and feathers
B. competition with Spanish settlers
D. turquois and jade C. plantations using slave labor

59. What was Abraham Lincoln’s initial stance D. cooperation with native groups
on slavery?
65. -Though the Colonists did not object to
A. abolish slavery everywhere paying the British taxes, they objected to
B. prohibit slavery in the new territories taxes based upon which of the following?
C. let slavery spread to the new territo- A. The Royal Colonial Governors required
ries their taxes be paid in gold
D. he didn’t take a stance on slavery B. The Colonists had very little gold
coinage with which to pay the taxes
60. For what purpose did the Inca use the de- C. The British government required all
vice known as the quipu? taxes to be paid in gold
A. farming D. The Colonies had no representation in
B. cooking the British Government
C. record keeping 66. How did the Hohokam and Anasazi people
D. poetry adapt to their physical environment?
A. They built networks of ditches to irri-
61. A farming technique in which trees are cut gate the desert.
down a burned is called?
B. They cleared the rainforests to make
A. Slash and burn agriculture room for farmland.
B. Crash and burn agriculture C. They build artificial islands in lakes.
C. Burn D. They created terraces to grow crops
D. Cut, burn, repeat on the mountainsides.

62. The Aztec Empire grew wealthy through 67. The decisions of the Supreme Court in Mc-
Culloch v. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons
A. rich farmland and control of excellent v. Ogden (1824) are important because
hunting ground. they
B. rich natural resources. A. clarified constitutional limits on the
C. tribute and trade. right to bear arms
D. the sale of slaves. B. denied slaves the right to sue in fed-
eral courts
63. Voting in elections, serving on a jury
C. upheld funding for the Erie Canal
A. Declaration of Independence D. increased the power of the federal gov-
B. 1st Amendment ernment over the states


1.2 Early America 13

68. The religious beliefs of the Native Ameri- all his laws. I want to form my own gov-
cans were shaped by: ernment! SPEAKER #3:I want to go look-
ing for gold in the new land. I’m going


A. Owning land
to be rich! SPEAKER #4:I heard that the
B. Their respect for the natural cycle of farms in America are the size of six farms
life in England. I’m going to be a famous cot-
C. The Bible ton grower! Which speaker came to Amer-
ica for political reasons?
D. God
A. Speaker #1
69. Use the list below to answer the ques-
B. Speaker #2
tion.1. Much of Central America was con-
trolled by the Aztec Empire.2.? 3. Popu- C. Speaker #3
lation declined in the Aztec Empire due to D. Speaker #4
disease.Which statement BEST completes
this list? 73. According to the land-bridge theory what
were the early humans following as the
A. Competing tribes invaded for natural crossed into the Americas?
A. Horses
B. European countries began to colonize
the Americas. B. Cattle
C. Mammoths
C. Cash crops were destroyed due to nat-
ural disasters. D. none of above
D. European countries imported African 74. What is it called when a country regu-
slaves to the Americas. lates the economy to increase trade and
70. The end of early Maya civilization was
caused by: A. Socialism

A. a lack of rainfall, leading to serious B. Captalism

drought C. Mercantalism
B. the spread of disease D. Laissez Faire
C. Spanish consquest 75. The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917
D. no one knows for sure but it was prob- A. Funded free textbooks for all students.
ably a combination of factors B. Established career-tech education.
71. Why were European knights travelling to C. made it unlawful for soldiers to enter
the Middle East? military service if they were illiterate.
A. adventure D. mandated schools in rural areas.
B. The Crusades 76. Native Americans who lived near deserts
C. to trade used or to build their homes.
D. none of above A. Wood/Trees
B. Clay/Stone
72. SPEAKER #1:I came to this new land be-
cause I want to choose my own religion. C. Buffalo/Hides
SPEAKER #2:I am so sick of the king and D. Steel/Iron


1.2 Early America 14

77. John Adams won the election of 1796 81. Things that are produced, living, or exist-
because he had the support of Amer- ing naturally in a particular area are to
ica’s wealthy businessmen and northern that place.
bankers. What political party did he rep-
A. indigenous
B. imported
A. the Whig Party
C. cultivated
B. the Federalist Party
D. habitable

C. the Know-Nothing Party
D. the Democratic-Republican Party 82. What was the name of the armed rebellion
of the Native Americans after the French
78. According to a myth passed down among and Indian War?
the Aztec, one of their gods told them that A. Seven Year’s War
they would know that they had found the
perfect place to settle when: B. Huron’s Rebellion

A. saw a large lake with several small is- C. American Revolution

lands D. Pontiac’s Rebellion
B. saw a hawk circling over a lake
83. This branch enforces or carries out the
C. saw aqueducts and caseways laws
D. saw an eagle on a cactus, holding a A. Executive
B. Judicial
79. Which of the following is NOT a reason C. Legislative
why European explorers came to Amer-
D. Supreme Court
A. to become enslaved 84. plants or animals that live and breed in a
human environment; tame
B. to find riches
A. Columbian Exchange
C. to claim new land
B. Domesticated
D. to spread religion Which of the follow-
ing is NOT a reason why European ex- C. Colony
plorers came to America? to become en- D. none of above
85. Which was a result of the War of 1812?
80. In order to work their new colonies, many
A. Great Britain gaining control of Canada
European settlers took Native Americans
as B. The United States gaining control of
A. trading partners
C. The United states maintaining its pre-
B. slaves
vious strength
C. wives
D. Great Britain agreed to end the prac-
D. none of above tice of impressment


1.2 Early America 15

86. Christopher Columbus was a sailor from 91. The Ice Age glacier path connecting Asia
to North America 10, 000 years ago is
A. Great Britain
known as


B. Spain
A. Europa
C. Italy
B. the Bering Strait
D. none of above C. Beringia
87. How did the Civil War increase the power D. none of above
of the Federal government?
92. The representation was based on the
A. Passage of the 13th and 14th amend- population of the state.
ments gave the national government
A. House of Representatives
power to enforce the freedom of slaves
B. Senate
B. the states were able to decide what
happened to the south after the war C. Articles
C. the Emancipation Proclamation freed D. Presidency
all slaves 93. Civilization that reached its height be-
D. The Confederacy won tween AD 250 and 900; developed a writ-
ing system and the concept of zero.
88. -What was the Boston Tea Party?
A. Aztec
A. A major battle of the American Revolu-
B. Maya
C. Inca
B. A protest against English trade regula-
tions D. none of above

C. A party given by the Governor of Mas- 94. The process of adapting wild plants and an-
sachusetts imals for human use is known as
D. A colonial social custom A. mutation
B. evolution
89. “He has refused He has endeavored
He has obstructed He has made C. domestication
“ D. none of above
A. Parallelism 95. Which of these BEST describes the concept
B. Antithesis of “strict construction”?
C. Anaphora A. Which of these BEST describes the con-
cept of “strict construction”?
D. none of above
B. the Judicial Branch should only hear
90. The Maya were from cases on a “strict” schedule.
A. North America C. the Constitution’s powers should be
carried out literally
B. Central America
D. adding amendments to the Constitu-
C. Mesoamerica
tion based on the desires of a majority of
D. South America Americans


1.2 Early America 16

96. What two clans were known as Mound C. encouraging American manufacturing
Builders? D. expanding global interdependence
A. Aztec and Maya
102. In the Presidential Election of 1824, An-
B. Adena and Mississippi drew Jackson won the most votes in the
C. Adena and Hopewell Electoral College, but he did not have
D. none of above a majority. Under the Twelfth Amend-
ment, the decision was turned over to the
97. This branch interprets the laws House of Representatives, which elected

A. Executive John Quincy Adams. Jackson’s supporters
called Adam’s election the result of a “cor-
B. Judicial rupt bargain.” What was one effect of
C. Legislative these events on the 1828 presidential elec-
D. Presidential tion?
A. Votes were cast by secret ballot.
98. Which of the following lead Colonists to
establish representative governments: B. Property qualifications for voting were
A. A distance from England
C. Poll taxes were reduced.
B. Traditional Rights of Englishmen
D. Voter participation increased.
C. A need to make laws
D. All of the answers are correct. 103. “No man thinks more highly than I do of
the patriotism as well as abilities, of the
99. What environmental change allowed peo- very worthy gentlemen who have just ad-
ple to travel by land between Asia and dressed the house. But. different men of-
North America? ten see the same subject in different lights
A. human adaptation to Arctic environ- and therefore, I hope it will not be thought
ment disrespectful to those gentlemen.”

B. ice sheets blocking sea routes A. Parallelism

C. the formation of ice sheets on land B. Antithesis

D. the melting of ice sheets on land C. Anaphora

D. none of above
100. Which important invention used dots and
dashes to communicate messages? 104. A group of Native Americans that share
A. telegraph the same culture live in the same

B. steam boat A. Region

C. steam locomotive B. State

D. none of above C. Country

D. Continent
101. A high protective tariff passed by
Congress is intended to affect the United 105. Who held the top position in the Inca
States economy by class?
A. promoting free trade A. Nobles
B. limiting industrial jobs B. The emperor, or Sapa Inca


1.2 Early America 17

C. The oldest person C. Most early textile mills were built in

D. Priest the South.


D. Federal government regulations fa-
106. -Which of the following was the first rep- vored Southern exports.
resentative government in colonial Amer-
ica? 110. Which action BEST prepares a responsible
A. Congress citizen to vote?

B. New England Town Meetings A. Staying informed about issues affect-

ing the country and communities
C. Virginia House of Burgesses
B. Defending the country through military
D. Parliament service if the need arises
107. Which early America domestic crisis rep- C. Getting a high-paying job with health
resented the first major test of the na- care and retirement benefits
tional government’s ability to enforce its D. Participating on a grand jury on a reg-
laws within the states? ular basis
A. XYZ Affair
111. What was the effect of the Townshend
B. Whiskey Rebellion Acts?
C. Alien and Sedition Acts A. a boycott
D. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions B. Tea Act
108. Choose ALL that are true about the steam C. Intolerable Acts
locomotive. D. Taxing colonist to pay for the war
A. It helped transport goods at a much
112. a violent action in opposition to a govern-
faster rate than by horse.
ment or law
B. The steam that powered the engines
A. Domesticated
paved the way for the development of
steam cars. B. Missionaries
C. The invention of the railroad made life C. Revolt
easier and more efficient in the United D. none of above
States and even impacted the rest of the
world! 113. A clan is made of?
D. It was the main way that people trav- A. Friends
eled the waters. B. People you don’t know
E. Robert Fulton was the first person to C. Family
get it to successfully work. D. none of above
109. What was a major reason that slavery 114. Having more representatives in Congress
expanded in the South in the first half of gives a state more
the 1800s?
A. power
A. New inventions led to an increase in
cotton production. B. food
B. The federal government encouraged C. tax money
the importation of enslaved persons. D. fun


1.2 Early America 18

115. According to many experts, how did the 120. Missionaries came to America to:
first wave of people arrive in the Ameri- A. conquer new land
B. make money for Spain
A. Taking a boat across the Pacific Ocean
from what is now Japan C. Become famous in Europe
D. Convert Native Americans
B. Walking over a land bridge in what is
now the Bering Strait 121. The Spanish defeat of the Aztec and In-

C. ait C. Swimming across a channel sep- cas was aided by which of the following
arating modern Russia and Alaska factors?

D. Canoeing across the Atlantic Ocean A. The natives were overpowered by the
from northern Africa Spanish muskets and cannons.
B. Division and fighting among the na-
116. The earliest Americans were nomads. A tives helped the Spanish.
nomad is a
C. The Spanish used metal helmets and
A. someone who does not work armor to protect themselves from the na-
tives’ arrows and spears.
B. woman who is in charge
D. All of the above
C. a king who is in charge
D. person who has no permanent home 122. What mathematical achievements is as-
sociated with the Maya?
117. What is the name of the lake where the A. geometry
Aztec settled?
B. fractions and decimals
A. Lake Texcoco
C. the concept of algebra
B. Lake Tahoe D. the concept of zero
C. Lake Templo
123. A group of related family is called a
D. Lake Cusco
A. Clan
118. Moving to a new place, only B. Tribe
A. Emigration C. Country
B. immigration D. none of above

C. Migration 124. The first humans were probably

D. none of above A. Hunters & Gatherers
B. Farmers
119. Domesticate
C. Epic
A. To tame
D. Swimmers
B. To bring plants and animals under hu-
man control 125. Conflicts between Jeffersonians and
Hamiltonians during President George
C. To release an animal
Washington’s first administration led di-
D. wild animals rectly to the


1.2 Early America 19

A. start of the first political parties 130. What was one of the main reasons that
the Pilgrims left Britain?
B. end of the Era of Good Feelings


A. Cleaner Environment
C. addition of the elastic clause to the
Constitution B. Over-Population
D. decision to replace the Articles of Con- C. Religious Freedom
federation D. Terrible Storms

126. How did President George Washington 131. The Inca adapted to their environment by
set a precedent for all future presidents?
A. building chinampas and step terraces
A. choosing a friend to be Chief Justice of
B. creating step terraces and building
the Supreme Court
B. campaigning actively for the office
C. using slash and burn techniques
C. creating a cabinet of advisors
D. none of above
D. appointing a career soldier to be Sec-
retary of War 132. Explorers brought news of the Americas
home to Europe. European nations quickly
127. Conquistadors is a Spanish word mean- sought to claim land with the hope of
ing: A. relocating criminals to this land.
A. to entrust B. discovering new peoples and cultures.
B. to connect C. boosting their economies with access
C. court to new resources and trade.

D. conquerors D. converting more Native Americans and

expanding their congregations.
128. In early America, schools run by women
133. The architectural stone monuments that
in their own homes. Parents paid a fee for
were carved into large heads were created
their children to attend.
by which ancient civilization?
A. private school
A. The Mayans
B. parochial school
B. The Incans
C. dame school C. The Aztecs
D. none of above D. The Olmecs
129. There was a colony that became a buffer 134. According to How the World was Made,
between the english and spanish colony, when will the world end?
what was the colony?
A. When the sun loses its heat
A. Georgia
B. When its people turn away from the
B. Maryland spirits
C. Texas C. When there are too many people
D. Florida D. When it’s old and worn out


1.2 Early America 20

135. The Native Americans of the Far North, 140. The Montessori method
such as the Aleuts and Inuit, lived mainly A. allows the child to choose their own in-
by terests
A. farming B. limits children’s sensory development
B. gathering C. allows teachers to direct children’s
learning completely
C. hunting
D. considers only the child’s intellectual
D. none of above

136. What did the Pilgrims do first when they 141. The Mayan civilization arose and devel-
reached Plymouth in November? oped in
A. They built towns surrounded by walls A. the Andes Mountains
B. They met the natives from a nearby B. South America
tribe C. the Yucatan Peninsula
C. They hunted for food and berries D. Central Mexico

D. They stayed on the boat all winter 142. to formally approve

A. ratify
137. What was the most important food
B. deny
source for the Plains people?
C. Articles of Confederation
A. Prairie Dog
D. Constitutional Convention
B. Deer
143. Which of the following American Indian
C. Corn culture groups was most likely to use ca-
D. Buffalo noes?
A. Northwestern peoples
138. What was one solution the Populist party
B. Southwestern peoples
offered to eliminate farmers’ problems?
C. Great Plains peoples
A. Give more power to the states
D. Puebloan Peoples
B. graduated income tax
144. Mesoamerica was home to
C. provide cheaper seed and machinery
A. the Inca and the Aztec
D. elect a Democratic nominee
B. the Inca and the Maya
139. Incans sometimes uprooted and moved C. The Maya and the Aztec
entire communities to D. none of above
A. Spread Incan ideals and promote unity 145. This is an area of the world where people
B. Evenly distribute goods among people developed similar cultures.

C. Protect them from invading conquista- A. Cultural Region

dors B. Family
D. Incorporate new ideas into Incan cul- C. Nomadic
ture D. North America


1.2 Early America 21

146. A step pyramid shaped structure used for C. an object that has been modified to
religious rituals help a person accomplish a task


A. ziggurat D. none of above
B. stele 152. The Inca Empire was centered in the
C. infrastructure present day country of
D. synagouge A. Peru
B. Mexico
147. Scientists named the Land-Bridge that
early Americans traveled over from Asia C. Guatemala
into North America D. Venezuela
A. Beringia
153. During the early 1800s the British Navy
B. Golden Gate Bridge began to take U.S. sailors and sea mer-
C. Iceland chants captive, forcing them to work on
British ships. What was this practice
D. Glacier Point
148. This group lived in the desert eating only A. Arrest
snakes and rabbit. They slept in peublos.
B. Impressment
A. Southwest Desert C. Imprisonment
B. Pacific Northwest D. Slavery
C. EASter Woodlands
154. To win support for ratification of the
D. Great Basin United States Constitution, Federalists
149. Native American tribes were usually led agreed to
by A. give up western land claims
A. a council of elders B. restrict the importation of slaves
B. a king C. add a bill of rights to the document
C. a warlord D. grant voting rights to all adult white
D. none of above
155. limits the power of the federal govern-
150. The Aztec capital city was built in the mid-
ment by separation of powers & checks
dle of Lake
and balances
A. Michigan
A. Declaration of Independence
B. Tenochtitlan
B. Civic Responsibilities
C. Texcoco
C. Principles of government
D. Mexico
D. E Pluribus Unum
151. Trade means? 156. The Native American region which had
A. to tame; to bring plants or animals un- most contact with French and Spanish
der human control colonists was
B. Exchange of goods and services A. Southwest


1.2 Early America 22

B. Southeast D. united colonial America’s various cul-

C. Far North tural groups

D. none of above 160. What is a pueblo?

A. A house made of adobe, mud bricks.
157. In English history, the Magna Carta
(1215) and the English Bill of Rights B. A village inhabited by Pueblo people
(1689) both reinforced the concept of C. A floating garden

A. a limited monarchy D. none of above
B. a laissez-faire economy
161. In the case of religion, a similarity be-
C. religious toleration. tween the Inca, Aztec, and Maya was:
D. universal suffrage. A. animism
158. The Inuit live in B. human sacrifice
A. igloos C. theocracy
B. chickees D. polytheism
C. teepees 162. What crop did the settlers of Jamestown
D. pink houses use as their main source of trade and
159. Many of the inhabitants of North Amer-
A. Tobacco
ica during the colonial period were strug-
gling to adapt to unfamiliar circumstances. B. Cotton
Native Americans saw the land they had C. Corn
inhabited for thousands of years overrun
by newcomers; they saw their populations D. Wheat
being decimated by European diseases and
163. What is one way in which the Olmec in-
colonization, which culminated in violent
fluenced the Maya and the Aztec?
battles over territory. Early European set-
tlers sought to establish themselves and A. The Olmec built the first Mesoameri-
tame what they viewed as a wild and can pyramids, a form used by both the
alien environment, documenting their ef- Maya and the Aztec.
forts in diaries, letters, and books. En- B. The Olmec passed their spoken lan-
slaved Africans passed on oral and writ- guage on to the Maya and Aztec.
ten accounts of their daily struggle to sur-
vive the violence and degradation imposed C. The Maya and Aztec both adopted the
on them by colonial masters.The above Olmec system of writing.
passage most closely suggests that early D. The Maya and Aztec both employed
American literature Olmec systems of engineering.
A. was informed by a sense of struggle 164. Which action of President Thomas Jeffer-
B. attempted to explore the injustices of son was in conflict with his belief in a strict
oppression interpretation of the Constitution?
C. was responsible for starting the Revo- A. pardoning violators of the Alien and
lutionary War Sedition Acts


1.2 Early America 23

B. protesting the impressment of United 169. French political thinker and historian that
States sailors observed how the American system sur-
vived in his book Democracy in America


C. purchasing the Louisiana Territory
from France A. Andrew Carnegie
D. using the United States Navy to subdue B. John D. Rockefeller
the Barbary pirates C. Marquis de Lafayette
165. is a device that writer’s use to make D. Alexis de Tocqueville
their arguments appeal to readers
170. Why did the American colonists favor a
A. rhetorical appeal representative government separate from
B. pathos England?
C. logos A. The colonists believed the King exer-
cised too much control over their colonial
D. ethos representatives.
166. (A)ll men are by nature equally free B. The colonists were upset that they
and independent, and have certain inher- were taxed without representation in Par-
ent rights namely, the enjoyment of liament.
life and liberty, with the means of ac- C. The colonists felt they were not getting
quiring (getting) and possessing property enough attention from the English king.
“-The Virginia Declaration of Rights,
1776This quote would later influence the D. The colonists were unhappy that Par-
creation of what document? liament put too many limits on colonial
government bodies.
A. Poor Richard’s Almanac
171. The state of Texas used to belong to what
B. The Declaration of Independence
C. The U.S. Constitution
A. Mexico
D. Common Sense
B. England
167. is a period of religious revival and re- C. Germany
newed commitment to religious belief D. France
A. Great Awakening
172. Named after a doctor whose first name
B. Puritanism was Maria.
C. Enlightenment A. Kindergarten
D. Revolutionary War B. Montessori method
168. Something that is holy or deserving re- C. Rinaldo method
spect is: D. Medical method
A. vast
173. Why is a republic preferred to a pure
B. primitive democracy?
C. orderly A. Republics are not affected by factions
D. sacred B. pure democracies are corrupt


1.2 Early America 24

C. pure democracies overcome factions 178. -Which amendment allows for the form-
ing of militias and the right to bear arms?
D. Republics are more likely to put the
public good first A. First Amendment
B. Second Amendment
174. Scientists theorize that the earliest Amer-
icans came over to North America by using C. Third Amendment
a D. Fourth Amendment
A. land bridge

179. The Mayflower Compact was an impor-
B. airplane tant step in the development of American
C. mammoth democracy because it
A. Established the principle of separation
D. spear
of churchand state.
175. What did the Kentucky and Virginia Res- B. Provided an example of colonial self-
olutions claim that states had the right to government
do? C. Defined relations with local Native-
A. be bound by federal laws American Indians
B. nullify federal laws D. Outlawed slavery in the Mas-
sachusetts Bay Colony
C. overturn neighboring states’ laws
D. write their own laws 180. An advanced culture with its own govern-
ment, religion and learning is called a
176. A longhouse is A. Civilization
A. a cone shaped tent made from animal B. Communal
C. Society
B. a dome shaped home that is made of
D. none of above
log frames or stick frames that are cov-
ered with mud or soil. 181. Over many years, hunters followed the
C. a home shared by several related Iro- of animals across Beringia.
quois families. A. nomad
D. none of above B. migration
C. footsteps
177. What is migration
D. longhouse
A. negative home conditions that moti-
vate the decision to migrate 182. Why were human sacrifices made?
B. Migration to a new location A. too many people loved in the city
C. movement of people from one place to B. a punishment for not following the
another rules
D. A factor that draws or attracts people C. to please the gods
to another location
D. animals were considered sacred so hu-
E. Migration from a location mans were used


1.2 Early America 25

183. -Which colonies would most likely have 188. What methods did the Incans use to con-
had cash crops and large plantations? nect and unify their empire? Check all that


A. Maryland and Georgia
A. They required all people to learn their
B. New Jersey and North Carolina
language, Quechuan.
C. Rhode Island and Massachusetts B. They provided food and clothing to vil-
D. New York and Virginia lages and cities in times of crisis.
C. They built thousands of miles of roads
184. Why was the mita system important to
to connect villages
the Inca Empire?
D. They prayed to the gods.
A. It helped Incan astronomers calculate
movement of planets & stars 189. Which colony was founded in 1607?
B. It allowed the government to collected A. Plymouth
taxes in the form of physical labor
B. Jamestown
C. It helped the emperor keep control C. Brownsville
over faraway lands in the empire.
D. Cambrige
D. It kept order by forming a strict (rigid)
social hierarchy. 190. Which region is Georgia a part of?
A. Plains
185. What type of housing did the people of
the Southwest live in? B. Arctic
A. teepees C. Southeast
B. adobe D. Native Americans

C. wikiups 191. During the struggle over ratification of

D. longhouse the Constitution, Federalists and Antifed-
eralists disagreed mainly over the
186. Jefferson argues that the source of a gov- A. wisdom of maintaining friendship with
ernment’s power is: England
A. its citizens B. need for the continuation of slavery
B. its officials C. election of George Washington as the
first president
C. natural law
D. division of power between the national
D. the Creator
government and the states
187. How did Tenochtitlan overcome its geo- 192. Which civilization used farming as a way
graphic challenges for agriculture? to get food?
A. It constructed chinampas. A. Inca
B. It utilized slash and burn techniques. B. Maya
C. It cut terraces into mountainsides. C. Aztec
D. it developed better horticulture. D. ALL did


1.2 Early America 26

193. Which document directly influenced the A. The Bill of Rights

first ten amendments to the Constitution B. Factions
of the United States?
C. The Constitution
A. Mayflower Compact
D. The seperation of church and state
B. Virginia Declaration of Rights
C. Articles of Confederation 197. What plan called for a two house legisla-
ture with representation based on popula-
D. Emancipation Proclamation tion?

194. What was one purpose of the Declaration A. New York Plan
of Independence? B. New Jersey Plan
A. to establish a framework for govern- C. Virginia Plan
D. Georgia Plan
B. to state the reasons for the colonies to
separate from England 198. What was the Federalist position?
C. to express reasons for limiting immi- A. Supporters of the new Constitution
gration B. Non-Supporters of the new Constitu-
D. to list arguments for women’s suffrage tion
C. They were assassins for the king
195. Fundamentally, the dispute between
Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton D. They were secret bandits for the pres-
came down to the fact that ident
A. Jefferson believed that political par- 199. Shays’s Rebellion led most Americans to
ties were necessary, while Hamilton be- call for a
lieved that political parties were an unnec-
A. national guard
essary burden on the legislative process.
B. ban on rebellious activity
B. Since Jefferson was a native of Vir-
ginia, he was a supporter of slavery and C. federal judiciary
southern interests while Hamilton, from D. stronger central government
New York, represented northern indus-
trial interests. 200. Which of the following is the theme of
C. Jefferson thought that the US should Speech to the Second Convention?
not be involved in foreign affairs, while A. Britain treats its colonies harshly
Hamilton recognized that, to be a great B. God is always on the side of those
power, the US had to involve itself in the whose cause is just
affairs of Europe.
C. The colonists must fight for their free-
D. Jefferson thought a strong central gov- dom from Britain
ernment would infringe on the rights of
the people, while Hamilton believed that D. The people of Virginia need leadership
the central government needed to be now more than ever
strong to protect the rights of all. 201. The dramatic change in the way people
196. What subject is Federalist #10 primarily lived, from nomadic life to a settled one.
about? A. Olmec


1.2 Early America 27

B. nomads 206. Which factors were MOST responsible for

C. agricultural revolution the decline in population of American Indi-
ans as a result of Spanish conquest? Check


D. none of above the TWO (2) best answers.
202. Once Latin American countries gained in- A. forced labor in silver mines and on
dependence from Spanish and Portuguese plantations.
colonization, they continued to face this B. warfare between the Spanish and the
problem of economic inequality: Indians
A. they extended voting rights to all men C. diseases introduced from the Spanish
like small pox and measles
B. they established communist (or com-
mand) economies D. famine (hunger) caused by disruption
of the Indians’ traditional agriculture
C. Creoles, the wealthy social class that
owned all of the land, had to maintain 207. Plains Native Americans were nomadic.
power over new governments in order to What does NOMADIC mean?
protect their great wealth. The poor re-
A. They could not live in one place
mained poor.
B. They lived in one place
D. they shifted from the Creole plantation
system of agriculture to small farms that C. They did not leave their region
the poor peasants could own D. They got a ticket and flew across the
203. Which colony was founded by Lord Balti-
more 208. In the mid-1800s in California, gold
A. south Carolina flakes were found near which small
B. Georgia
A. Sutter’s Mill
C. Maryland
B. Shepherd’s Creek
D. Pennsylavnia
C. Shelly’s Well
204. Glyphs and codices are proof that the D. Summer’s River
Maya had E. Simmer’s Creek
A. sacred temples
209. the treatment of people as property.
B. a number system People who are denied freedom in this
C. precious gemstones way are said to be enslaved.
D. a writing system A. Conquistador
B. Missionaries
205. This group ate mostly fish and used totem
poles and potlatches. C. Domisticated
D. Slavery
A. Plains
B. Pacific Northwest 210. During the 1830s, public servants and of-
ficials were widely perceived to be unqual-
C. Eastern Woodlands ified. This was known as the Spoil System.
D. Great Basin What practice reinforced that perception?


1.2 Early America 28

A. The public voting for candidates based A. emancipation

on religious affiliations B. belligerence
B. The president rewarding political sup- C. interposition
porters with appointments to desirable
D. neutrality
C. The federal government recruiting vol- 214. Which of the following did the Revolution
unteers to serve abroad as ambassadors NOT result in?
A. Full independence

D. Legislators awarding government con-
tracts to the lowest bidders B. A long war
C. A feud with Native Americans
211. -Which document introduced the idea of
limited government? D. A break with Britain

A. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 215. Our National Motto, referring to our need
for God to guide our country
B. Magna Carta
A. E Pluribus Unum
C. English Bill of Rights
B. In God We Trust
D. Mayflower Compact
C. Alexis de Tocqueville
212. Which tribe lived in the Southwest? D. Bill of Rights
A. Pueblo 216. The British colonies were divided into 3
B. Kwakiutl primary regions
C. Inuit A. New England, Mid Atlantic, and South-
D. none of above
B. Eastern Woodlands, South West
213. “The great rule of conduct for us in re- Desert, and Great Plains.
gard to foreign nations is in extending our C. New York, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
commercial relations, to have with them as
D. North America, South America, and Eu-
little political connection as possible Eu-
rope has a set of primary interests which
to us have none; or a very remote relation. 217. -Fill in the blank.Magna Carta:Limited
Hence she must be engaged in frequent GovernmentMayflower Compact:
controversies, the causes of which are es- A. Economic freedom
sentially foreign to our concerns. Hence,
therefore, it must be unwise in us to impli- B. Separation of powers
cate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordi- C. Individual rights
nary vicissitudes of her politics, or the or- D. Self-government
dinary combinations and collisions of her
friendships or enmities It is our true 218. Who served as a cheap work force before
policy to steer clear of permanent alliances Slavery?
with any portion of the foreign world A. Native Americans
“This quotation represents a major prin- B. Irish Immigrants
ciple of US foreign policy known as ,
adopted in the famous farewell address by C. French Prisoners
President George Washington. D. Indentured Servants


1.2 Early America 29

219. Forty-niners were a group of people that 225. articles written by Madison, Hamilton,
came to California in search of gold. What and Jay to encourage acceptance of the
year did they come? new Constitution


A. 1749 A. “The Federalist Papers”
B. 1849 B. Articles of Confederation
C. 1949 C. Northwest Ordinance
D. 1649 D. Three-Fifths Compromise
220. What is a Faction?
226. Civilization that believed in human sacri-
A. Not a whole number fice and called their capital Tenochtitlan.
B. A political party A. Aztec
C. A group of people B. Maya
D. When to or more people testify
C. Inca
221. What type of government did the new na- D. none of above
tion adopt after the Revolutionary War?
A. Monarchy 227. Both Aztec and Inca civilizations used
tribute systems in which their citizens
B. Democracy were forced to:
C. Anarchy
A. become warriors
D. Populism
B. pay a goods tax
222. Native Americans lived in culture groups. C. carve stelae
A culture group means to have
D. give gifts to the gods
A. The same way of life.
B. Different ways of life 228. -Which of the following was not a long
term cause of the American Revolutionary
C. A fiesta
D. Live in different areas.
A. Toleration Act
223. Who was the primary author of the Dec- B. Quartering Act
laration of Independence?
C. Stamp Act
A. George Washington
D. Navigation Act
B. Alexander Hamilton
C. John Jay 229. Which statement BEST describes the
D. Thomas Jefferson “Trail of Tears”?
A. It was the name given to the secret es-
224. Where does a government’s power come
cape route of slaves
B. Children were forced to work in the
A. states
factories in the Northeast
B. Supreme Court
C. Cherokee and Creek Indians were
C. president forced from their homes in the Southeast
D. people and forced to move to Oklahoma


1.2 Early America 30

D. It was the name given to the construc- B. Man made resources

tion of the first railroad that connected the
C. North American Fine Dining
east coast to the west coast
D. Wood, H2O, rocks, and bison
230. Tennessee is known as the “Volunteer
State”. After which 19th century war did 235. Though the Incas lacked wheeled tools
the state earn its nickname? and draft animals, their economy was pri-
A. The American Revolution marily based on

B. The War of 1812 A. engineering
C. The Spanish American War B. farming
D. The War for Texas Independence
C. mining
231. The land bridge, or Beringia, is just a THE- D. transportation
ORY made by scientists. A THEORY is
A. a fact 236. The First Great Awakening (1730s) was
B. an opinion significant because it led people in the
American colonies to-
C. something that is proved absolutely
true A. Increase tolerance for Roman
D. an explanation with some facts to back
it up B. . Examine the social distinctions be-
tween men and women
232. Use the information in the list to answer
the question. The Maya Number System* C. Reaffirm their belief that God gave
based on the number 20* used bars and kings the right to rule
dots to represent numbers* important for D. Question the authority of church and
astronomy and the calendar systemWhat government leaders
other information belongs in this list?
A. highest number was 1, 000 237. -Which of the following is the most impor-
B. included a symbol for zero tant reason why Pilgrims came to Amer-
C. used fractions and decimals
A. To find gold
D. understood only by religious leaders
B. To trade with the Indians
233. The basic unit of Inca society was a close-
knit community called an C. Freedom of the press
A. ayllu D. To secure religious liberties
B. city-state
238. Another word for farming is
C. suburbs
A. Foraging
D. provinces
B. Irrigation
234. Trees, water, stones, and buffalo are ex-
amples of C. Agriculture
A. Natural Resources D. Farming


1.2 Early America 31

239. What archaeological evidence taught A. State of Nature

scholars about the culture of the Mississip-
B. Power


A. housing complexes built into the sides C. Consent
of canyon cliffs D. People
B. kayaks designed to hunt animals over
long distances 243. What did some Pilgrims have to resort
C. large earthen mounds built for reli- to?
gious purposes A. Sailing back to England
D. totem poles decorated with animal B. Becoming Slaves to the Indians
C. Cannibalism
240. “The history of the present King of Great
Britain is a history of repeated injuries and D. Hunting Animals
usurpations, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute Tyranny over 244. How do scientist think the Native Amer-
these States. To prove this, let Facts be icans came to the continent of North and
submitted to a candid world. “-from The South America?
Declaration of Independence This phrase A. Native Americans rode dinosaurs
from The Declaration of Independence and across the land bridge.
its primary author Thomas Jefferson can
be used to justify which statement? B. They were nomads who followed the
mammoths and other animals for food.
A. Jefferson knew that the colonists’ ac-
tions would have an international impact. C. Native American created wooden rafts
and sailed across the Atlantic.
B. Jefferson thought this document could
be used in his defense were he put on trial D. Native Americans used ice skates to
for treason. cross the land bridge.
C. Jefferson believed that a Bill of Rights
was necessary in the new government. 245. What was one notable legacy of the Ken-
tucky and Virginia Resolutions?
D. Jefferson was trying to show the King
that the colonists were intellectuals. A. the Alien and Sedition Acts

241. Which of these empires ended after Span- B. the Doctrine of Nullification
ish conquistador Francisco Pizzaro kid- C. the Embargo Act
napped their leader, Atahualpa, and de-
stroyed their army? D. the Second Bank of the United States
A. The Aztecs
246. The first Native Americans traveled
B. The Incas across this to get to American.
C. The Mayans
A. Land Bridge
D. The Anasazi
B. Land Tide
242. According to John Locke and most Enlight-
C. big lake
enment thinkers, what does any govern-
ment need to RIGHTFULLY take power? D. Open Bridge


1.2 Early America 32

247. The Great Awakening is the idea of hav- 252. What were the taxes on all printed ma-
ing a(n) experience with God. terials in the colonies called?
A. biblical A. Intolerable Acts
B. honest B. Stamp Act
C. emotional C. Townshend Acts
D. none of above D. Tea Act
248. What country does Christopher Columbus

253. Manifest Destiny was used to justify an
believe he discovered a short cut to? American desire to
A. China
A. warn European countries against colo-
B. India nizing Latin America
C. America B. expand the United States to the Pacific
D. Russia Ocean

249. Which colonial region was settled by Pu- C. control the area located east of the Ap-
ritans and Pilgrims seeking religious and palachian Mountains
political freedom? D. limit the number of immigrants enter-
A. New England ing the country
B. Southern 254. The completion of the Erie Canal in the
C. Middle early 19th century aided the economic de-
velopment of the United States by
D. Backcountry
A. supplying water for the irrigation of
250. Alexander Hamilton’s proposal to create western farms
a national bank and Thomas Jefferson’s
proposal to purchase the Louisiana Terri- B. lowering the cost of shipping goods
tory were criticized because both actions from the Midwest to the Atlantic coast
would C. providing a shipping route for cotton
A. violate protections in the Bill of Rights from the South to Europe
B. place too much power in the hands of D. supplying water power for running fac-
Congress tories and mills
C. increase foreign influence in the 255. The created the most accurate calen-
United States dar known until modern times.
D. require a loose interpretation of the A. Mayas
B. Aztecs
251. “He has plundered our seas, ravaged our C. Incas
coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed
the lives of our people.” D. none of above
A. parallelism 256. What was the name of Britain’s law-
B. antithesis making assembly?
C. anaphora A. congress
D. none of above B. meeting house


1.2 Early America 33

C. Parliament 262. Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander

D. House of Burgesses Hamilton’s plan to create a national bank
primarily because the plan would


257. -A Democracy is a form of government in
A. promote the interests of farmers
which the supreme power is retained by:
A. The President B. depend on a loose interpretation of the
B. The Supreme Court
C. weaken the nation’s currency
C. The People
D. increase the national debt
D. The Military

258. What were the taxes placed on all im- 263. Which statement BEST describes the role
ported goods called? of John Marshall in the early U.S. govern-
A. Intolerable Acts
B. Stamp Act A. the earliest and most powerful leader
in the movement to end slavery
C. Townshend Acts
B. the first Vice President to become
D. Tea Act President after a presidential assassina-
259. What is considered the first battle of the tion
American Revolution? C. the official who convinced Thomas Jef-
A. Lexington and Concord ferson to purchase the Louisiana Territory
B. Bunker Hill D. the Supreme Court Chief justice who
C. Trenton helped expand the power of the national
D. Yorktown

260. The Whiskey Rebellion was significant in 264. What of value does Columbus believe will
U.S. history MAINLY because be found in this new land?

A. the states proved that they could nul- A. Silver

lify federal laws. B. Oil
B. the forces of prohibition achieved a C. Gold
ban on alcoholic beverages.
D. Silk
C. the states were able to pass legisla-
tion reversing a national tax.
265. The “Middle Passage” referred to
D. the federal government used force to
enforce the laws of the land. A. the creation of the Panama Canal in
Central America.
261. Who is known as the “Father of B. the transportation of slaves from
Medicine? Africa to the New World.
A. Hippocrates
C. Lewis and Clark’s expedition into the
B. G.V. Black Louisiana Territory.
C. Leonardo da Vinci D. the best route over the Rocky Moun-
D. Pierre Fauchard tains to get to California.


1.2 Early America 34

266. The Native American region which had 271. a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court de-
most contact with British colonists was cision that upheld the constitutionality of
A. Northeast, Eastern Woodlands racial segregation under the “separate but
equal” doctrine.
B. Great Plains
A. Plessy v Ferguson
C. California
B. Black Codes
D. none of above
C. 10th Amendment
267. A group is called nomadic if it

D. 5th Amendment
A. lives in an isolated area.
B. moves from place to place. 272. a democratic government of representa-
tives elected by the people
C. owns very few possessions.
A. federalism
D. makes war on its neighbors.
B. limited government
268. -Which group of colonies had the best soil
andbest climate for growing crops? C. republicanism

A. Northern D. populism
B. New England 273. Which of the following is one of the possi-
C. Southern ble theories about why people first settled
the Americas?
D. Middle
A. Humans did not migrate into the Amer-
269. The “Rule of Law” states that icas, and were already settled here.
A. all people, including those who govern, B. Humans crossed a land bridge that ex-
must obey the law isted in what is now the Bering Strait.
B. there should be no barriers to the right C. Humans first migrated to the Americas
to vote from Europe by boat.
C. a just government derives its power
D. Humans migrated to the Americas on
from the governed
large sailing vessels, as seen in archaeo-
D. a country’s citizens are the source of logical record.
the government’s power
274. As a result of England’s policy of salutary
270. How did the political systems of the neglect, the colonies developed
Natchez and the Iroquois differ?
A. A desire for fine British goods
A. The Iroquois system was more demo-
cratic, allowing more equal powers be- B. A self-sufficient economy
tween men and women. C. A desire for greater self-sufficiency
B. The Natchez system was more demo- D. A disloyal attitude toward Britain
cratic, allowing more equal powers be-
tween men and women. 275. According to How the World was Made,
why do women only have one child per
C. Women had more power among the
D. Men had more power among the Iro- A. to prevent disease
quois. B. to care for the elderly


1.2 Early America 35

C. to prevent overpopulation 279. How did the environment and geography

D. to maintain traditions of the land influence the American Indians
of the Northwest and Northeast of what


276. All of the following were excellent port is now the United States?
cities for trade and commerce in the Amer- A. They both build houses into the sides
icas during the 17th century except, of canyon cliffs
A. New York City B. They both built houses out of reeds and
B. Atlanta branches
C. Charleston C. They both built longhouses or wig-
wams out of young trees called saplings
D. Boston
and tree bark from birch trees.
277. England had a well-established literary D. They both built tepees to transport
tradition at the time-Shakespeare had died across the Great Plains as they hunted bi-
only four years before the Pilgrims landed son.
at Plymouth in 1620. By contrast, be-
cause North American settlers were oc- 280. Where in Ellicott City did Andrew Zim-
cupied with establishing the colonies and mern eat while filming Bizarre Foods?
had little time to devote to the creation A. Shin Chon
of original works of fiction, the majority
of early colonial literature was utilitarian- B. Leelynn’s
observations of North American geogra- C. Grill 620
phy, biographies, and treatises.What in- D. none of above
formation does the above passage mainly
convey? 281. refers to a society of equals
A. The passage explains that Shake- A. federalism
speare was an important influence on B. egalitarianism
early colonial literature.
C. republicanism
B. The passage explains the impact of
England’s taxation on early colonial liter- D. populism
ature. 282. A raised road built across water or low
C. The passage describes a notable dif- ground
ference between English and early colo- A. maize
nial literature.
B. conquistadors
D. The passage suggests that English lit-
erature was more interesting than early C. causeway
colonial literature. D. masonry

278. Which region was treeless and had grass- 283. The cause of most Native American
lands? deaths was
A. Great Plains A. European violence
B. Eastern Woodlands B. disease
C. Southeast C. natural disaster
D. none of above D. none of above


1.2 Early America 36

284. . Which Supreme Court case best com- 289. What geographic feature, found in the
pletes the partial outline below? I A. Appalachian Mountains of Tennessee, pro-
Heard under Chief Justice John Marshall vided a way through the mountains and
B. Established judicial review C. Strength- gave pioneers access to Western Ten-
ened the judiciary nessee and Kentucky?
A. Marbury v. Madison (1803) A. the Ohio River
B. McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) B. the Cumberland Gap

C. Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) C. the Tennessee River
D. Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) D. the Cumberland Plateau
285. The Aztec Empire lived in central
290. This plan called for equal representation
A. America in the legislature
B. Mexico A. New York Plan
C. Panama B. Virginia Plan
D. Cuba C. Georgia Plan
286. Which statement best describes the sta- D. New Jersey Plan
tus of African Americans immediately after
the end of Reconstruction in 1877? 291. -The French and Indian War created
which of the following problems for Great
A. most African Americans held factory
jobs in urban areas
A. A French Controlled North America
B. most African Americans were able to
go to college and get an education B. A large war debt
C. Despite the passage of the 13th and C. The loss of colonies in North America
14th amendments, African Americans
D. Loss of Indian allies
fond gaining equal rights was very difficult
D. Political rights for African Americans 292. powers of federal government restricted
were guaranteed in the south to those specifically provided in the Consti-
287. When did the Mayflower leave England?
A. federalism
A. November 1598
B. limited government
B. April 1492
C. republicanism
C. September 1620
D. egalitarianism
D. May 1687

288. The federal government’s powers are lim- 293. This group lived in longhomes and hunted
ited in what section of the Constitution? deer
A. The Preamble A. Easter Woodlands
B. The Bill of Rights B. Southwest Desert
C. the amendments C. Pacific Northwest
D. the principles D. Great Basin


1.2 Early America 37

294. Treaty 299. Why did early Americans gradually move

A. informal agreement between 2 or South?


more countries A. They were searching for more re-
B. formal agreement between only 2 sources.
countries B. They wanted to live in warmer cli-
C. formal agreement between 2 or more mates.
countries C. They were forced to move by invaders.
D. Informal agreement between only 2
countries D. none of above
295. is a coherent series of reasons, state- 300. What resource were the Spanish and
ments, or facts intended to support or es- looking for when they came to the New
tablish a point of view World?
A. argument A. Furs
B. claim B. Gold and Riches
C. conclusion C. Land
D. ethos D. Crops
296. What other name is there for the French 301. What was the effect of the French and
and Indian War? Indian War?
A. Seven Years War A. a boycott
B. Napoleonic Wars B. Tea Act
C. American Revolution C. Intolerable Acts
D. Civil War D. Taxing colonists to pay for the war
297. A sudden, widespread illness is called 302. In 1776, who wrote what document
a(n) that officially declared the US independent
A. isthmus from King George III and his kingdom?
B. epidemic A. George Washington/Declaration of In-
C. marsh
B. Alexander Hamilton/The Constitution
D. quinoa
C. Thomas Jefferson/The Constitution
298. What did the Dawes Act do? D. Thomas Jefferson/Declaration of In-
A. Forced Native Americans into assimila- dependence
tion programs
303. , the capital and center of the Aztec
B. gave Native Americans the same civilization, was located in present day
rights as all American citizens Mexico City.
C. Allowed the government to force Na- A. Moctezuma
tive Americans onto reservations and sell
their land away B. Pakal
D. allowed the government to protect Na- C. Tenochtitlan
tive American lands at all costs D. Cuzco


1.2 Early America 38

304. Europeans wanted to find which of the 309. Which of the following events took place
following to expand trade with the East during the American Early National Pe-
A. precious metals riod?

B. water A. The slaves were allowed an education.

C. fur B. The slaves were freed.

D. lumber C. Benjamin Franklin established the first
public library.

305. guaranteed all citizens “due process
D. Gold was discovered in California and
rights” and “equal protection” of the laws
helped fund education.
from state governments
A. 13th Amendment 310. Which state was founded on religious
B. 14th Amendment freedom?

C. 15th Amendment A. New York

D. 16th Amendment B. Massachusets
C. Maryland
306. Common Sense was written by
D. Pennsylvania
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. George Washington 311. Which constitutional principle was the
C. John Locke main focus of the North-South conflicts
that led to the Civil War?
D. Thomas Paine
A. states rights
307. Which of these BEST describes the pur-
B. due process of law
pose of the Alien and Sedition Acts?
C. separation of powers
A. They prevented people from becoming
citizens of the United States. D. presidential veto power
B. They provided a means to safely pro-
312. During this time period, there was an em-
tect the country from French invasion.
phasis on self-improvement through:
C. They were meant to punish the Feder-
alists who supported the National Bank. A. education

D. They were aimed at people who were B. politics

criticizing President Adams’ foreign pol- C. religion
D. none of above
308. Puritans had a strong influence on Ameri-
can Literature. They saw writing as a way 313. What did Queen Isabella do for Christo-
to: pher Columbus?

A. express religious beliefs A. sponsored his exploration

B. express emotions B. married him
C. write creatively C. made him royalty
D. tell stories D. none of above


1.2 Early America 39

314. What was Alexander Hamilton’s plan to D. To find the city of gold in southern
fix the national economy? Africa


A. give more power to the states
319. The Battle of Saratoga was significant in
B. establish a national bank the Revolutionary War because it
C. repeal the Constitution A. ended the British threat to the South
D. pass the 13th amendment B. guaranteed Canadian help for the
315. The explorer associated with the decline colonists
of the Inca civilization is: C. convinced the French to support the
A. Magellan Americans
B. Manco Capac D. forced the British to withdraw from
North America
C. Cortes
D. Pizarro 320. What was the name of the ships that
were supposed to go to America?
316. Which provided an opportunity for the
spread of permanent settlements in the A. The Mayflower
Americas? B. The Mayflower and The Speedwell
A. the melting of glaciers C. The Mayflower and the Maxwell
B. the development of farming D. The Mayflower and The Smallwell
C. the rise of civilization
321. New Amsterdam eventually became this
D. the spread of people across a land city.
A. New York
317. How did Europeans coming to America af-
B. Philadelphia
fect Europe? Chec all that are true.
C. Boston
A. Europeans found an easier route to
Asia for trade. D. Washington, DC
B. Europeans claimed new land in Amer- 322. What is another word for two-house?
A. quadcameral
C. Europeans learned about different
crops from American Indians. B. tricameral
D. Europe was not affected at all. C. bicameral

318. What was Christopher Columbus’ pur- D. unicameral

pose for exploration before discovering 323. Explorer that wanted to find a westward
the New World? route to India and discovered the Americas
A. To find a faster and safer trading route instead.
to Asia
A. Christopher Columbus
B. To circumnavigate the world in the
B. clan
name of Italy
C. To launch a surprise attack the ene- C. Leif Erikson
mies of Spain by sea D. none of above


1.2 Early America 40

324. Which region lived in teepees? C. give fair warning to the colonists’ ene-
A. Northwest Pacific mies
D. persuad the colonists to support inde-
B. Plains
C. Southeast
329. Schools that prepared men and women
D. Northeast with the necessary skills to become teach-
325. How did Europeans plan to overcome ers.

the Italian monopoly on the Mediterranean A. private school
Sea? B. parochial school
A. Go to war with Italy C. normal school
B. Set up a naval barricade D. dame school
C. Sail West in search of a direct route to 330. How did geography impact the early
East Asia economies of New York, Boston and
D. none of above Charleston?
A. Natural Harbors allowed ships to un-
326. The name of the region of Central and load at markets.
South America in which early civilizations
can be found. B. They were near flat areas that allowed
crops to grow.
A. The New World
C. They were important for fishing.
B. Mesoamerica
D. They allowed for trains and railroads
C. The Caribbean to grow near them.
D. none of above 331. The Inca were from
327. A flat wooden board with a handle. A A. Mesoamerica
sheet of paper-usually containing the al- B. South America
phabet, a prayer or two, and Roman C. North America
numerals-was pasted on the board. A
thin, flat piece of clear animal horn was D. Central America
attached to cover and protect the paper. 332. Viking that discovered Canada by acci-
Used during the Colonial Period. dent; son of Erik the Red in Greenland.
A. hornbook A. Christopher Columbus
B. slate B. clan
C. apprentice C. Leif Erikson
D. McGuffey Reader D. none of above

328. In the beginning of the Declaration of In- 333. A giant thick sheet of ice that slowly
dependence, its suggested that its purpose moves over an area is called a
is to: A. Glacier
A. win over the colonies’ enemies B. Cubit
B. explain the colonists’ actions to the C. Frozen Mass
world D. none of above


1.2 Early America 41

334. Bacon’s Rebellion was initiated by a 339. -Which is a characteristic of the American
group of farmers who felt most directly system of government?
threatened by


A. Direct Democracy
A. an increase in royal taxes B. Representative Democracy
B. the power of large planters C. Constitutional Monarchy
C. conflicts with American Indians D. Dictatorship
D. the growth of the slave trade 340. The Aztec created an empire in Mexico at
the same time that
335. Which of the following EVENTUALLY led A. The Maya built an empire in the Yu-
to Brazil’s independence from Portugal? catan
A. the liberation of enslaved Africans B. The British built an empire in England
B. Simon Bolivar’s uprising C. The Romans built an empire in Italy
C. Napoleon’s invasion of Portugal D. The Inca built an empire in South Amer-
D. Getuilo Vargas’s overthrow of the gov-
ernment 341. What amendments were passed in the
years following the Civil War?
336. In Plymouth Plantation, you can tell that
A. Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth
the Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving took place
after: B. Tenth and eleventh

A. their first harvest on the new land C. thirteenth

D. first, second, third
B. the “starving time”
C. their first winter in the new land 342. Fill in the Blank.The Native Americans
had to leave their homes according to the
D. the signing of the treaty of Massasoit Indian Act.
A. Removal
337. Which groups of Native Americans lived
in the desert? B. Renovation
A. Eastern Woodlands C. Relocation
D. Revelation
B. Pacific Northwest
E. Rescue
C. Great Basin
343. In his Farewell Address, President
D. Southwest
George Washington warned against estab-
338. is the persuasive technique that aims lishing alliances with European countries
to establish a writer’s or speaker’s credi- because he was concerned primarily about
bility and shared values with the audience A. restrictions on trade with Latin Amer-
A. rhetorical appeal
B. protection of the western frontier
B. pathos
C. United States involvement in foreign
C. ethos wars
D. logos D. French colonization of the Caribbean


1.2 Early America 42

344. Which of the following best describes the 349. Which of the following best describes the
typical form of Native American literary transportation of newly enslaved Africans
traditions? to the English colonies?
A. Native American literature is mostly A. Enslaved African families were al-
based on hieroglyphics. lowed to remain together
B. Native American literature is primarily B. Enslaved Africans were allowed to
an oral tradition. leave the hold and go up on deck freely.

C. Native American literature is primarily C. Enslaved Africans were forced aboard
a written tradition. ships and chained together to prevent mu-
D. Native American literature is mostly
harmonious in form. D. Enslaved Africans could choose to
make the journey or return to their native
345. Which factor contributed to colonial vic- homelands.
tory in the American Revolution?
350. People accused of crimes must be read
A. Shortages of British troops their rights ( Miranda v. Arizona ); Em-
B. Disloyalty of British generals inent Domain (the government can take
your property, but has to pay for it).
C. Lack of British popular support
A. 5th Amendment
D. Weakness of the British Navy
B. 4th Amendment
346. What did the Toleration Act of 1689 al- C. 10th Amendment
D. 1st Amendment
A. Indian independence in the middle
colonies 351. Why is “ No man is allowed to be a judge
in his own cause” according to Madison?
B. Freedom of worship for Protestants
A. Humanity won’t allow it
C. End of slavery in the colonies
B. We have judges for that
D. none of above
C. Because it is not legal
347. meeting at which a new plan of govern- D. because his interest would certainly
ment was written for the United States bias his judgment
A. Articles of Confederation 352. The Treaty of Alliance of 1778 was
B. Northwest Ordinance signed by the United States and-
C. Electoral College A. Spain
D. Constitutional Convention B. Portugal
C. Russia
348. What’s the name of the Aztec Capital?
D. France
A. Texcoco
353. How did Alexander Hamilton’s financial
B. Chinapa
plan affect the economy of the United
C. Templo Mayor States during the 1790s?
D. Tenochtitlan A. High tariffs increased foreign trade.


1.2 Early America 43

B. The newly created Bank of the United 358. The primary goal of manifest destiny was
States helped stabilize the economy. to


C. National tax revenues decreased. A. abolish slavery
D. Treasury policies contributed to B. remove European influence
widespread inflation. C. expand the United States westward

354. The Monroe Doctrine (1823) was issued D. force southern states to secede from
primarily because President James Mon- the Union
roe 359. Indians of the Northwest Coast did not
A. wanted to warn European powers have to move from place to place looking
against intervention in Latin America for food. Why?
B. opposed the revolutions taking place A. They were excellent farmers.
in South America B. They lived near volcanoes.
C. needed to establish a foothold in C. They were separated from tribes by
Panama for a future canal deserts.
D. believed the United States should pur- D. Food was plentiful from hunting and
sue overseas colonies fishing.

355. What was a result of the French and In- 360. a dwelling built of adobe or stone
dian War? A. pueblo
A. France controlled the US. B. a glass dome
B. Britain no longer owned land in Amer- C. tipi
ica. D. none of above
C. Britain controlled Canada. 361. The first widely used textbooks pub-
D. Spain gained control of the US lished during the American Common School
Period. They included moral lessons along
356. ‘’ the best poor mans country “ was used with science, grammar, and other subjects.
to describe what colony? A. hornbook
A. North Carolina B. slate
B. South Carolina C. apprentice
C. Georgia D. McGuffey Reader
D. Tennessee 362. Which document is a primary source con-
cerning the American Revolution?
357. The New Jersey Plan was supported by
states and the Virginia Plan was sup- A. a videotape showing a reenactment of
ported by states a battle

A. northern; southern B. a journal of the events written by a

Continental soldier
B. large; small
C. a social studies textbook
C. southern; northern D. a published article written by a history
D. small; large teacher


1.2 Early America 44

363. -What is known as the official beginning 368. Which statement accurately describes an
of the American Revolution? example of architecture used by the In-
A. The Stamp Act
B. Quartering Act A. The Incas created statues for build-
ings out of jade.
C. Boston Tea Party
B. The Incas developed a type of garden
D. Lexington and Concord that floated on water.

364. Who/What is the archetype in How the C. The Incas created a way to make build-
World was Made? ings by stacking large stones.
A. the Great Buzzard D. The Incas developed a system of roads
to connect their islands to the mainland.
B. Earth
C. the Women 369. What animal dramatically changed life
for American Indians?
D. the Mountains
A. pigs
365. All three early American civilizations
B. chickens
A. were frequently at war with one an-
other C. horses

B. spoke the same language D. cows

C. passed down creation myths about 370. The thirteen colonies were originally a
how Earth and people were created part of what nation?
D. created advanced road systems A. Spain
366. Colonies in Massachusetts, Maryland, B. America
and Pennsylvania were settled primarily C. Great Britain
for religious reasons.Colonies in Virginia,
North Carolina, and New York were pri- D. France
marily settled for
371. The Aztec expanded their empire by
A. American Indians
A. commerce and trade
B. Commercial reasons
B. offering sacrifices to the gods
C. Government reasons
C. constantly waging war against other
D. Slave-trading reasons city states
367. American Indians used the environment D. developing a writing system
around them to survive. Which factor did
NOT help them survive? 372. ancestor
A. people A. A relative who lived in the past
B. climate (weather) B. trading
C. geography (land) C. a group of poor people
D. animals D. none of above


1.2 Early America 45

373. Migration is 377. This treaty formally ended the American

A. Moving from one place to another


A. Treaty of Ghent
B. Leavening a country
B. Treaty of Paris of 1763
C. Entering a country
C. Treaty of Boston
D. one country taken over by another
D. Treaty of Paris of 1783
374. Use the list below to answer the ques-
tion. Pre-Columbian Inca Empire* Farm- 378. Native Americans valued which of the fol-
ers developed terraced agriculture to pro- lowing:
duce food surpluses.* Builders constructed A. Earth
roads to connect the territories of the em- B. All living things
pire.The activities on this list were a result
of which physical feature? C. Nature
A. deep harbors along the east coast of D. All of the above
South America
379. In How the Leopard Got His Claws, why
B. rain forest regions in the northern in- does the dog order he animals to bring him
terior of South America the leopard?
C. large areas of grasslands in the south- A. It is his duty to make sure the animals
ern regions of South America live together
D. major mountain ranges through the B. The leopard is a wicked animal
western areas of South America C. Nobody has a right to go away from the
375. Why did the Anti-Federalists demand
that a bill of rights be added to the U.S. D. He wants to humiliate or destroy the
Constitution? leopartd
A. To protect individual freedoms from 380. According to the essay, why can’t we
the federal government rely on quality people to overcome poten-
B. To strengthen the authority of the fed- tial risks of bias and injustice?
eral government A. We won’t always be governed by qual-
C. To improve the organization of the ju- ity people
diciary B. Quality politicians don’t exist
D. To give each state an equal amount of C. Human weakness will always abound
power D. Strong leaders don’t go into politics
376. What problems did farmers face in the 381. What did the Americans debate about the
late 1800s? constitution?
A. low crop prices A. To ratify it
B. overcharged by banks B. Whether to ratify or approve it
C. overcharged by railroads C. To approve it
D. exploited by the rich D. All of the a above


1.2 Early America 46

382. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? 387. Which region hunted whales and fish?
A. A Halloween treat for Spanish and Por- A. Pacific Northwest
tuguese settlers B. Atlantic Northeast
B. An agreement to divide the eastern C. Southwest
and western hemispheres of the world be-
tween Portugal and Spain. D. Plains

C. It stopped a war between Spain and 388. What did the Vikings call current-day
Portugal. Canada?

D. It stopped colonization South America, A. Iceland
thanks to the Pope. B. Vinland
383. abolished slavery C. Canada
A. 13th Amendment D. none of above
B. 14th Amendment 389. The explorer associated with the decline
C. 15th Amendment of the Aztec civilization is:
D. 16th Amendment A. Columbus
384. In their journey westward, Lewis and B. Cortes
Clark traveled the furthest distance on C. Pizarro
which river? D. Magellan
A. Columbia
390. What were the two MAIN reasons that
B. Mississippi led the Maya to develop their calendar sys-
C. Missouri tem?
D. Snake A. trade and travel
385. How did the first people come to Amer- B. warfare and diplomacy
ica? C. religion and agriculture
A. With the European explorers D. education and elections
B. Sailed from Spain 391. Why did many slaves choose to help the
C. Took the land bridge from Asia British?
D. Swam across the Atlantic Ocean A. they were offered freedom
386. Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality B. they were offered food
(1793), Jefferson’s Embargo Act (1807), C. Patriots would not pay them
and the Monroe Doctrine (1823) were all D. British were better trained
efforts to
A. avoid political conflicts with European 392. Native Americans used to meet their
nations needs.
B. directly support European revolutions A. Natural Resources
C. aid Great Britain in its war against B. Man Made Resources
France C. Disposable Resources
D. promote military alliances D. Technology


1.2 Early America 47

393. The idea that no branch of government 398. The Enlightenment was a movement pri-
has more power than another is marily committed to the use of


A. Checks and Balances A. philosophy
B. federalism B. religious faith

C. anti-federalism C. emotion
D. reason
D. Separation of Powers
399. A nomadic person does which of the fol-
394. The Magna Carta is MOST important for lowing?
which reason?
A. Settles and makes permanent homes
A. it was the “great charter”
B. Never settles
B. it created the first democracy in Eng-
C. waits for food to come to them
D. follows the food
C. it created Parliament
D. it put limits on a monarch’s powers 400. Democracy in America:Liberty, Egali-
tarianism, Individualism, Populism, and
395. Fill in the Blank.To make room for more Laissez-faire
white settlers, the Native Americans were A. Civic Responsibilities
marched to Oklahoma to special areas of B. Bill of Rights
land called
C. Alexis de Tocqueville
A. reservations
D. 10th Amendment
B. restaurants
401. The principles of judicial review were es-
C. the Oregon Trail tablished in which case?
D. the Louisiana Purchase A. McCulloch v Maryland
396. Two things that conquistadors had that B. Marbury v Madison
the Native Americans did not:horses and C. Gibbons v Ogden
D. Plessy v Ferguson
A. families
402. Which groups of Native Americans grew
B. gold corn, beans, and squash as their main food
C. guns source?

D. land A. Eastern Woodlands

B. Southeastern Pacific
397. Which state was home to settlers from
C. Northwest Arctic
Barbados, thus permitting slavery?
D. Great Basin
A. Georgia
403. Which of these was a precedent set by
B. South Carolina
the first President of the United States,
C. North Carolina George Washington?
D. Maryland A. the popular election of the President


1.2 Early America 48

B. the tradition of only serving two terms 408. the participation of the common people in
C. naming nine Justices to the Supreme political life
Court A. federalism
D. addressing the Chief Executive as as B. egalitarianism
“Your Highness” C. republicanism
404. All of these are describing which ac- D. populism
tion? * British “impressment” of Ameri-

can sailors* French restriction of American 409. The exchange of plants, animals, lan-
trade* restricted trade with any foreign guages, and technology between Euro-
power* signed into law by Thomas Jeffer- peans and Native Americans is called
son A. globalization
A. Embargo Act of 1807 B. the Epidemic Trade
B. the “Corrupt Bargain” C. the Columbian Exchange
C. the “American System” D. none of above
D. the XYZ Affair
410. What document is the supreme law of the
405. The region lived in igloos made from United States?
ice and snow. A. Constitution
A. Northeast B. Bill of Rights
B. Southwest C. Declaration of Independence
C. Plains D. Preamble
D. Arctic
411. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
406. The longest part of the Declaration of In- that all men are created equal, that
dependence is devoted to detailing: they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among
A. the colonists’ intentions regarding the these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
future Happiness.”-United States Declaration of
B. the structures a fair government IndependenceBased on this excerpt, which
should have of the following ideas most contributed to
C. the rights the colonists demanded inspiring the American Revolution?
from Britain A. ideas about equality and individual
D. the injuries the colonists suffered un- rights
der British rule B. a desire for greater happiness

407. We have this to make sure no branch has C. a desire to free people from slavery
power over the others D. ideas about property rights
A. Checks & Balances 412. The remedy of removing the cause is “
B. Weights & Measures “ according to the Madison.
C. President & Cabinet A. a cause to rejoice.
D. Military & Votes B. against the human spirit


1.2 Early America 49

C. worse than the disease 417. Which of the following were especially
D. a reason for life skilled builders of temples, forts, and


413. Glyph writing was invented in the early A. the Aztecs
Meso-American civilizations. Which of the
following groups was responsible for that B. the Inca
invention? C. the Maya
A. The Olmec D. the Olmec
B. The Maya
418. Which of the following was not included
C. The Zapotec in the dominion of New England?
D. The Aztec A. Connecticut
414. In Plymouth Plantation, who did Brad- B. Plymouth
ford describe as “a special instrument sent C. Pennsylvania
of God for their life’s good beyond their
expectation”? D. Rhode Island

A. Squanto 419. -Which statement best describes the prin-

B. Samoset ciple underlying the Declaration of Inde-
C. Massasoit
A. Government power comes from the
D. Myles Standish consent of the governed
415. What was the major reason that the orig- B. Government power should be exer-
inal settlers of Plymouth Colby, Maryland, cised by a monarch
and Pennsylvania came to America? C. Government power belongs to a select
A. To secure freedom from religious per- group of people
secution D. Government power should be con-
B. to search for gold and silver trolled by the Parliament
C. to convert native American Indians to
420. Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth
were some of the earliest settlements
D. To bring spices to the new world in the Americas.
416. Why were the Aztecs able to take con- A. Spanish
trol of the basin known as the Valley of B. Dutch
C. African
A. They were the first people to settle in
D. English
the area.
B. They built a strong defense that pro- 421. The first people to come to the Amer-
tected Lake Texcoco from invasion. icas after the last ice age were hunter-
C. They had a powerful army that allowed gatherers. Which items did they eat?
them to conquer their neighbors. Check all that are true.

D. They produced goods that made them A. Corn

wealthy. B. Bison


1.2 Early America 50

C. Nuts C. Hunting and Gathering

D. Cheese D. none of above

422. the Columbian Exchange was the ex- 427. What did the First Continental Congress
change of plants, animals and diseases be- want to avoid?
tween what two regions? A. Peace
A. the Americas and Europe B. Native American Attacks
B. Asia and Europe

C. War
C. France and Italy D. Taxes
D. Cashion and Compton
428. Which event was a direct result of the
423. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations Louisiana Purchase and helped to lay the
are called pre-Columbian civilizations be- foundations for western expansion?
cause: A. Defeat of Napoleon
A. They developed before Chris Colum- B. Lewis and Clark expedition
bus’s 1st voyage to America.
C. Election of Thomas Jefferson
B. They developed after Chris Columbus’s
D. Marbury v Madison
first voyage.
C. They developed before South Amer- 429. People that are originally from North
ica’s Republic of Columbia. America are called
D. They developed after South America’s A. Native Americans
Republic of Columbia. B. Indians

424. What crop did the pilgrims grow? C. Spaniards

A. Tobacco D. North Americans

B. Cherries 430. Hunter-Gatherers

C. Oranges A. Nomadic groups whose food supply de-
pended on hunting animals a collecting
D. Peaches
425. What is a tribe? B. The Europeans
A. farming C. Farmers
B. a social group made up of families or D. none of above
431. Which civilization had a writing system
C. a formal agreement between the gov-
in addition to a rich oral tradition that in-
ernments of two or more countries
cluded telling popular riddles and giving
D. none of above fine speeches in public?
426. The way of life or method of food produc- A. the Maya
tion that nomads follow is known as B. the Inca
A. Slash-and-burn farming C. the Olmec
B. Floating Gardens D. the Aztec


1.2 Early America 51

432. Puritans:Massachusetts:: :Pennsyl- B. a group of people Europeans had never

vania met before


A. Quakers C. a new land to explore and claim for
B. Catholics Spain
D. all of the above
C. Separatists
D. Pilgrims 437. To ratify something as in the Constitution
of the United States went through a ratifi-
433. What is a natural resource? cation process means
A. Materials in nature that people can A. To rid the country of rats
B. To write a declaration
B. Materials in the classroom that people
C. To reject a document
can use.
D. Approval of a document
C. Technology that people can use.
D. Anything found in my desk. 438. What present day Latin American country
was home to the Aztecs?
434. Archaeologists learn about early times by
A. Belize
studying artifacts. What are artifacts?
B. Honduras
A. animal bones found near an ancient
eating site C. Mexico
B. fossils uncovered by scientists D. Peru
C. meaningful handmade items from long 439. -According to John Locke, how do peo-
ago ple escape the dangers of the state of na-
D. something currently being made by hu- ture?
mans A. Avoid creating a government
435. Which political contrast of early civiliza- B. Give up their natural rights to a govern-
tions in the Americas is correct? ment
A. The Maya had an emperor, while the C. Make an agreement with a govern-
Aztec had city-states. ment

B. The Inca had city-states, while the D. Overthrow an oppressive government

Aztec had a theocracy.
440. During the first half of the 1800s, geo-
C. The Aztec had an empire, while the graphic factors influenced the economy of
Maya had city-states. New England by
D. The Inca had a theocracy, while the A. supporting rice and indigo farming
Maya had an emperor.
B. encouraging the establishment of
436. Which of the following was Christopher large plantations
Columbus searching for when he landed in C. increasing the regions reliance on
America in 1492? slave labor
A. a shorter route to India and Asia for D. promoting the growth of trade and
trade manufacturing


1.2 Early America 52

441. Which of the following was a rea- A. hornbook

son/reasons for establishing in america B. slate
A. gold
C. apprentice
B. copper
D. McGuffey Reader
C. silver
447. Which feature was common to both the
D. none of the above
Mayan and Aztec civilizations?

442. Wigwams in the Eastern Woodlands A. stratified social structure dominated
were made from by the priesthood
A. rock and clay bricks B. complex government composed of in-
B. animal skins and poles dependent city-states
C. small trees and bark or nuts C. religious practices based upon
D. underground holes and grass monotheistic beliefs
D. diversified economy centered around
443. The discovery of farming caused the pop- trade of manufactured goods
ulation to
A. Decrease 448. Which of the following is TRUE of slaves
in Aztec civilizations?
B. Increase
A. slaves could not own land
C. Stay the same
B. slaves could own land and have pos-
D. none of above
444. How was the culture of an American In- C. slaves could not buy their freedom
dian community affected by its location?
D. slaves had no rights
Check ALL that are true.
A. Animals in the location affect food 449. How did the development of agriculture
sources. change the lives of early South American
B. Climate of the location affects clothing peoples?
and houses. A. More groups moved near the coasts.
C. Landforms in the location affect travel B. Groups started to settle (to stay) in
methods. certain places
D. Resources in the location affect art. C. Civilizations developed really quickly.
445. What two groups lived in the forests? D. Many groups developed a social hier-
A. Eastern Woodlands/Southwest
B. Southwest/Plains 450. A form of art used by some tribes show-
ing family and clan stories is called
C. Great Basin/Plains
A. sculptures
D. Eastern Woodlands/Pacific Northwest
B. baskets
446. Someone who learns a skilled trade by
watching and helping someone in that C. totem poles
trade. D. painting


1.2 Early America 53

451. Which civilization is the oldest? B. conquistador

A. Inca C. colony


B. Olmec D. Columbian Exchange
C. Aztec
D. Mayans 457. The Aztec were from
A. South America
452. In the 1400s, the world’s largest empire
was that of the in South America. B. Central Amercia
A. Menominee C. North America
B. Aztecs
D. Mesoamerica
C. Incas
D. Cherokee 458. is control of the government of a
state or country by its citizens
453. The Louisiana Purchase initially pre-
sented a dilemma for President Thomas A. colonies
Jefferson because he believed it would B. Puritanism
A. bankrupt the new nation C. Revolutionary War
B. violate his strict constructionist view
D. self-government
of the Constitution
C. force Native American Indians off their 459. -The conversation below concerns law-
lands making.Doug:I believe in making laws only
D. lead to war with Great Britain when everyone can participate in public de-
cision making.Nicole:I disagree with you;
454. is a persuasive technique that at- it is best for laws to be made by the
tempts to stir up emotions people who have been chosen for thatpur-
A. rhetorical appeal pose.Which colonial principle is being dis-
B. pathos
C. logos A. natural rights
D. ethos B. limited monarchy

455. Why did people move from place to place C. social contract
after first coming to the Americas? D. self-government
A. to find and follow food
B. because they did not like the area 460. Which was the main way the Incas mod-
ified their environment to grow more
C. because European explorers forced food?
A. by building stone walls
D. all of the above
B. by building terraces
456. a new settlement or territory established
and governed by a country in another land C. by cutting down forests
A. slavery D. by irrigating fields


1.2 Early America 54

461. In Speech to the Second Virginia Conven- to abolish it, and to institute new gov-
tion, what attitude does Henry take at the ernment “The Declaration of Indepen-
beginning of the speech toward those in dence, 1776This passage BEST represents
the Convention who oppose his position? which of these theories in the Declaration
A. angry of Independence?

B. amused A. Machiavelli’s Theory

C. respectful B. Popular Sovereignty Theory

D. disappointed C. Social Contract Theory
D. Foucault’s theory
462. was the Inca capital.
A. Cuzco 466. What was one major problem with the
Articles of Confederation?
B. Pakal
A. National Government can’t collect
C. Amazon taxes
D. Tenochtitlan B. States have more power than National
463. Which early American dentist is credited Government
with beginning the science of forensic den- C. National government had to ask for $
tistry? and troops
A. Paul Revere D. All of the above
B. John Baker 467. Which words describe the Plains region?
C. Robert Woofendale A. Flat, grassy lands
D. G.V. Black B. Rainy w/ rocky beaches and moun-
464. An object that has been modified to help tains
a person accomplish a task? C. Thick forests, 4 seasons, many rivers
A. trade D. Hot, dry deserts w/ mesas
B. domesticate 468. The Preamble of the Constitution states
C. technology that:
D. tribe A. the states have all the authority
E. tool B. members of Congress should be ap-
465. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they C. Supreme Court justices shoud be
are endowed by their creator with certain elected
inalienable Rights, that among these are D. the people are sovereign
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments 469. How did Europeans in America affect
are instituted among men, deriving their American Indians? Check ALL that are
just powers from the consent of the gov- true.
erned. That whenever any form of govern- A. American Indians learned how to hunt
ment becomes destructive of these ends, with horses, which made bison hunting
it is the right of the people to alter or easier.


1.2 Early America 55

B. Many American Indians died from dis- 475. belief in consent of the governed, other
eases brought to America by the Euro- nations recognized U.S. as a country; in-
peans. spired others to question their govern-


C. American Indians were enslaved by ments.
European explorers. A. Civic Responsibilities
D. American Indians were introduced to B. Declaration of Independence
new crops that Europeans grew.
C. Principles of the Government
470. The Maya adapted to their environment
D. Plessy V. Ferguson
A. building chinampas and aqueducts 476. Which early settlement did the Pilgrims
B. creating step terraces and using slash found?
and burn techniques A. Quebec
C. offering sacrifices to the gods B. Roanoke
D. none of above C. Jamestown
471. Who said it? “If men were angels, no D. Plymouth
government would be necessary.”
A. Federalist 477. Which statement BEST summarizes the
U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in McCulloch
B. Anti-Federalist v. Maryland?
C. Loyalist A. Federal courts can declare presiden-
D. Patriot tial acts unconstitutional.
472. Groups of people related by blood. B. Establishing a national bank is an im-
plied power of the federal government.
A. Christopher Columbus
B. clan C. The federal government cannot abol-
ish slavery in new territories.
C. Leif Erikson
D. Establishing a national bank is a power
D. none of above of the federal government.
473. Which group of immigrants was attracted
478. The Supreme Court decision in Marbury v.
to Pennsylvania?
Madison (1803)strengthened the constitu-
A. Italian tional principle of separation of powers by
B. British A. defining the Court’s role in impeach-
C. German ment trials
D. Chinese B. denying states the right to sue the fed-
eral government
474. Who conquered the Aztecs?
C. establishing the Court’s right to review
A. incans
the constitutionalityof federal laws (aka
B. Spanish judicial review)
C. French D. clarifying the president’s authority to
D. Portuguese veto bills passed by Congress


1.2 Early America 56

479. any laws that enforced racial segregation C. Indentured Servants

in the U.S. South from the end of Recon-
D. Pilgrims
struction to the Mid-twentieth 20th cen-
tury. Limited African Americans right to 484. The capital city of the Incan Empire was
A. Plessy v Ferguson
A. Machu Picchu
B. Black Codes
B. Divining

C. 10th Amendment
C. Cuzco
D. 15th Amendment
D. Huacas
480. Why was The Embargo Act of 1807 de-
spised by business and industry? 485. All Native American region groups con-
A. It required the first minimum wage in tributed to American art by
the U.S. A. creating jewelry and pottery
B. It called for an increased tariff on all B. teaching us how to fish
exported goods
C. teaching us how to cook
C. It resulted in a near halt of all imports
and exports. D. creating jobs
D. It called for an increased tariff on all 486. which of the following was a reason why
imported goods. the Aztec population declined
481. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca had the fol- A. they died of old age
lowing in common:
B. they were shot to death
A. swamplands, and underwater wells
C. diseases spread and killed them
B. multiple gods and religious cere-
monies D. they commited suicide
C. llamas and toucans 487. The Declaration of Independence and the
D. metal tools and pulleys “Social Contract Theory” both arose from
which philosophical movement?
482. In Big Idea #2:Life in the New World,
when first arriving Europeans struggled: A. Enlightenment
A. to accept the help of the Native Ameri- B. Realism
cans C. Humanism
B. to endure the wilderness D. Existentialism
C. to subdue the wilderness
488. -American Colonists protested the taxes
D. All of these are correct
on colonial goods and British Imports by:
483. -Which group of people left England be- A. Calling for war with England
cause they wanted to purify the English
church? B. Invading French Canada
A. Puritans C. Organized boycotts of British goods
B. Quakers D. Passing the Coercive Acts


1.2 Early America 57

489. Horace Mann believed that everyone had 493. is the writer’s or speaker’s position
a right to an education, so he on a debatable issue or problem


A. determined that schools could not be A. argument
B. claim
B. d. established common schools which
trained teachers C. conclusion
C. advocated for the establishment of D. ethos
Christian schools
494. No unreasonable search and seizure
D. used state taxes to help fund educa-
tion A. 1st Amendment
490. In what ways were Spanish and Por- B. 4th Amendment
tuguese colonization of South American re- C. 5th Amendment
gions similar? Select the two (2) best an-
swers. D. 10th Amendment
A. They both exported large amounts of 495. -Which act said that all shipments had to
silver travel through British Ports?
B. They both conquered earlier empires
A. Navigation Act
C. The both brought Catholicism to the na-
tive peoples in an effort to convert their B. Tea Act
religions. C. Stamp Act
D. They both had a policy of mercantilism D. Intolerable Act
(each colony could only trade with its col-
onizing country). 496. A way of living for a group of people is
known as
491. How much were the Lenape native peo-
ple paid for the island of Manhattan? A. Life
A. $24 B. Culture
B. $240 C. Cultural Region
C. $2, 400 D. Nomadic
D. $24, 000
497. How did people get to the Americas?
492. -“To secure these rights, Governments Check all that are true.
are instituted among men, deriving their
just powers from the consent ofthe gov- A. They crossed the Bering Strait from
erned.” Asia using horses.
A. Montesquieu’s theory of Divine Right B. They crossed the Bering Strait from
B. Montesquieu’s theory of separation of Asia using boats during the last ice age.
power C. They crossed the Bering Strait from
C. John Locke’s idea of the social con- Asia using large ships from Spain.
tract D. They crossed the Bering Strait from
D. John Locke’s idea of government need- Asia using a land bridge that was uncov-
ing a strong leader ered during the last ice age.


1.2 Early America 58

498. The would have two representatives B. The government should give people a
from each state fair and speedy trial.
A. House of Representatives C. The government should have unlimited
power to tax.
B. Presidency
D. The people should support a strong
C. Articles
central government.
D. Senate
503. Which of these statements is TRUE about

499. Which colony was established as a busi- the Inca’s achievements in art?
ness venture? A. The Incas made carvings in limestone
A. Connecticut of their gods and kings.
B. Massachusetts B. The Incas made excellent textiles wo-
ven with rich colors.
C. Georgia
C. The Incas made sculptures of huge
D. Virginia
stone heads.
500. Which of the following options best char- D. The Incas decorated ceremonial
acterizes early American literature? masks and painted brightly colored cal-
A. Early American literature is best de- endars.
scribed as solely influenced by Native 504. During the Age of Exploration, which di-
American storytelling traditions. rection did the Spanish sail?
B. Early American literature is best de- A. East
scribed as a diverse mix of writing and sto-
B. North
rytelling techniques that were informed by
various cultural influences. C. West
C. Early American literature is best de- D. South
scribed as solely faith-based and originat-
505. Why didn’t the Vikings stay and settle
ing from the writing traditions found in the
Canada in North America?
Puritan movement.
A. They harvested all the timber and thus
D. Early American literature is focused on
had no reason to stay.
defying British conventions of spelling and
grammar. B. They experienced several years of war-
fare with the natives.
501. What did Native Americans use to pass C. The Vikings were unable to grow crops.
on their stories and histories?
A. totem poles D. none of above
B. peace pipes
506. What types of houses did the Eastern
C. oral traditions Woodland Tribes live in?
D. none of above A. Pueblos
502. -Which idea is from the Magna Carta? B. Wigwams, Longhouses

A. The people should be completely free C. Cedar Plank Houses

from the government. D. none of above


1.2 Early America 59

507. The farming method of cutting and burn- B. Olive Branch Petition
ing plants in order to create a fertile field
C. Federalist Papers
is called


D. Bill of Rights
A. floating gardens
B. domestication 512. What is the majority NATIVE language in
C. slash-and-burn farming Mexico, Central and South America?

D. none of above A. Portuguese

B. English
508. What are not examples of immigration
C. French
A. Migration to a new location
D. Spanish
B. Staying home
C. Going to the store and coming back 513. Which proves the Maya were successful
D. Leaving to a different country and mathematicians and astronomers?
never going back home A. They built a pyramid
509. The problems experienced by the British B. They played a complicated ball game
colonists were BEST expressed in which C. They created a 365 day calendar
D. all of the above
A. The Constitution
B. The Preamble 514. The exchange goods and services
C. The Declaration of Indpendence A. Trade
D. The Federalist Papers B. Barter

510. What was the historical significance of C. Choose

the Treaty of Holston? D. none of above
A. It led to the settlement of territory
515. What will cause people to migrate?
west of the Mississippi River.
B. It established a peaceful relationship A. lack of food
between the Cherokee and the TN govern- B. a pet
ment in 1792
C. lack of space
C. It settled the dispute between Ten-
D. government
nessee and North Carolina regarding the
border between the two states. E. religion
D. It secured the unconditional surrender 516. Which of these civilizations invented the
of Loyalist militia on the Tennessee fron- Long Count, which represented the number
tier in 1780. of days since the beginning of their time?
511. -Thomas Paine encouraged the Ameri- A. the Olmecs
can Colonies to declare their independence
B. the Aztecs
from Great Britain by writing which one of
the following? C. the Mayans
A. Common Sense D. the Incas


1.2 Early America 60

517. Which words describe the Southwest re- 522. How did the English Bill of Rights limit
gion? the power of the monarch?
A. Flat, grassy lands A. Parliament could not rule without the
B. Rainy w/ rocky beaches and moun- consent of the monarch
tains B. A cabinet was created to represent
C. Thick forests, 4 seasons, many rivers Parliament’s majority party
D. Hot, dry deserts w/ mesas C. Nobles were selected to be a part of

the monarch’s special advisory group
518. Periods of time that are grouped together
D. The monarch could not levy taxes with-
because of political, economic, or social
out without a specific grant from Parlia-
A. Eras
523. What was a major reason President
B. Principles of Government
Thomas Jefferson authorized the Lewis
C. Bill of Rights and Clark expedition?
D. Civic Responsibilities A. to claim California for the United
519. Some believe that the Native Americans States
came from B. to explore a route to the Pacific Ocean
A. Australia C. to remove British outposts from United
B. Antarctica States land
C. Asia D. to establish settlements in the South-
D. Africa
524. Trees were an abundant natural resource
520. Which of these options best summarizes
of which region?
the Monroe Doctrine?
A. Eastern Woodlands
A. The immigration of Europeans to the
United States must be discouraged B. South West Desert
B. International peace can be maintained C. Great Plains
without complicated alliances D. none of above
C. The power to nullify federal laws is
525. What century did slave ships begin arriv-
necessary to preserve sovereignty.
ing regularly?
D. Further colonization of the Americas
A. 1600s
by European countries is prohibited.
B. 1700s
521. The Mayan civilization painted and
C. 1800s
carved hieroglyphs to
A. scare away wild animals D. none of above

B. please the gods 526. is the war between the American

C. decorate their houses and temples colonies and Great Britain that resulted in
with fictional stories the colonies’ independence

D. tell stories about their rulers and great A. Great Awakening

events in their history B. Puritanism


1.2 Early America 61

C. Revolutionary War D. Jefferson need to be assured that

D. Enlightenment French culture would be limited and even-
tually eliminated here.


527. How did women play a vital role in the
movement for American Independence? 531. Push factors(reasons why people leave)
A. They ran their homesteads A. Political instability
B. They ran farms and businesses B. Poverty
C. They organized boycotts of British C. unemployment
D. Wealth
D. none of above
E. Opportunities
528. In Plymouth Plantation, which of the fol-
lowing does Bradford give the most credit 532. What happened that led to people stay-
for saving the Pilgrims during the “starv- ing in one place and forming communities?
ing” time?
A. the improvement in transportation
A. the treaty signed between the Pilgrims
B. the end of animal herds moving around
and Massasoit
B. the knowledge, hard work, and loyalty C. the arrival of European explorers in
of Squanto America

C. the Pilgrims’ loyalty to each other D. the development of farming

D. God’s mercy 533. “I consider, then, the power to annul
a law of the United States, assumed by
529. Native Americans told their stories
one state, incompatible, with the exis-
tence of the Union, contradicted expressly
A. Books including myths by the letter of the Constitution “-
B. Dialogue with Europeans Proclamation, President Andrew Jackson.
The proclamation excerpted above was
C. Written law
issued during which of these historical
D. Oral storytelling events
530. The city of New Orleans was an impor- A. Shay’s Rebellion
tant factor in Thomas Jefferson’s desire B. The War of 1812
to purchase the Louisiana Territory from
France. Which of these is a primary rea- C. The Nullification Crisis
son for Jefferson’s desire? D. The Civil War
A. New Orleans was key to accessing and
controlling trade on the Mississippi River. 534. Native Americans in the Northwest re-
gion wore clothes made of
B. Jefferson was concerned that New Or-
leans would fall into the hands of Great A. corn shucks
B. rattlesnake skins
C. New Orleans was important to keeping
C. buffalo hide
a balance of “free” and “slave” areas in
the country D. cedar bark


1.2 Early America 62

535. Why did most Americans consider Jay’s 540. Who originated the title of “surgeon den-
Treaty to be unsuccessful? tist” and dispelled the theory that tooth
decay was caused by tooth worms?
A. France failed to follow through on their
promises. A. Leonardo da Vinci
B. Spain failed to follow through on their B. Claudius Galen
promises. C. John Baker
C. Britain failed to follow through on their D. Pierre Fauchard

541. What is the city of Tenochtitlan called to-
D. None of the above day?
A. Cancun
536. The ancient Puebloan peoples adapted to
a climate in what is now the southwest B. Istapa
region of the United States. This climate C. Mexico City
D. none of above
A. cold and wet
542. What parts of the buffalo were used by
B. tropical the Plains people?
C. arctic A. Skin
D. hot and dry B. Meat
C. Bones
537. “hands off” approach to the economy
D. All of it
A. limited government
543. What are the different methods of acquir-
B. republicanism
ing territory?
C. Laissez-faire A. military victory
D. egalitarianism B. purchase

538. The Aztec adapted to their environment C. God-given

by: D. Wished for
A. building chinampas and aqueducts 544. Pull factors(pull people to a new location)
B. creating step terraces A. Better life quality
C. using slash and burn techniques B. Opportunities
D. none of above C. Lack of political freedom
D. Family tradition
539. This means the sharing of power be-
E. Religious freedom
tween the State and National Government
A. Federalism 545. The Bill of Rights is the document
A. added to the Constitution to protect cit-
B. Anti-Federalism
izens’ rights.
C. Anarchism
B. used to limit the powers of state gov-
D. Constitutionalism ernments.


1.2 Early America 63

C. outlining the rights of the federal gov- C. The Moon

ernment. D. The Stars


D. stating the ways in which citizens can
participate in government. 551. The first Americans, people who moved
from place to place.
546. The Mississippi River system was an im- A. Olmec
portant economic resource during the first
half of the 1800s because it was used to B. nomads
A. transport farm goods to market C. agricultural revolution
B. produce hydroelectric power D. none of above
C. move immigrants to the Northeast 552. -According to John Locke, why do people
D. irrigate desert lands choose to live under governmental rule?
A. The government will protect citizens
547. Froebel developed the idea for kinder-
from foreign enemies.
garten based on
B. The government will provide justice for
A. poor children needed to be given help
all citizens.
to be successful
C. The government will protect the life,
B. the belief that children learned best
liberty, and property of all citizens.
through play
D. The government will join all states to-
C. children need to be formally educated
gether into one unified union.
at an early age
D. children should choose their own activ- 553. As colonial society developed, Americans
ities came to believe growth in responsibility
should be matched with and rights.
548. Where did the most slaves end up?
A. economical, religious
B. political, economical
B. Brazil
C. political, religious
C. The Carribean
D. none of above
D. Canada
554. At the Constitutional Convention, the
549. This civilization developed in the rain- Great Compromise settled the dispute
forests of Mexico and the Yucatan Pen- over
A. representation in Congress
A. Inca
B. the issue of slavery
B. Aztec
C. the presidential veto power
C. Maya
D. judicial review
D. ALL did
555. Which of these was the FIRST example
550. What was the most important aspect of of a written agreement for colonial self-
Aztec religion? government in the British colonies in North
A. The Sea America?
B. The Sun A. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut


1.2 Early America 64

B. Albany Plan of Union 561. Before the Spanish conquistadors came to

C. The Iroquois Confederacy the Inca empire, Inca history and legends
D. Mayflower Compact
A. carved in walls through a process sim-
556. Rights not given to Federal government ilar to hieroglyphics
are given to the states
B. written in bark-paper books
A. 1st Amendment
C. passed down through oral tradition
B. 4th Amendment

D. recorded in books made of animal
C. 5th Amendment
D. 10th Amendment
562. meaning “out of many, one”, referring to
557. -Founded in 1732 as the last English
the unity of Americans despite our differ-
Colony-Founded by James Oglethorpe as a
ences (The Great Seal)
place for debtors-Had conflicts with Span-
ish A. E Pluribus Unum
A. Fact about the 13 colonies B. In God We Trust
B. Main idea about Georgia C. 4th Amendment
C. Challenges in the Carolinas D. Alexis de Tocqueville
D. Founding Maryland
563. The Preamble includes?
558. What type of housing did the people of
A. To have consent of a search
the Pacific Northwest live in?
A. teepees B. The have at least one full year of flight
school to fly a plane
B. long house
C. If you cut in line you go to the back of
C. plank house
the line
D. adobe
D. Domestic tranquility
559. This was the very cold period when the
earth was covered ice. 564. is a persuasive technique that ap-
peals to logic and reasoning
A. Frozen Times
A. rhetorical appeal
B. Marble Slab
C. Ice Age B. pathos
D. Guilded Age C. logos
D. ethos
560. What is technology?
A. SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE 565. The tropical climate of the Yucatan and
FEARED!!!!!! Central American region had what effect
B. Knowledge that people use to make a on the Mayan civilization?
way of life in their surroundings A. The climate caused frequent crop loss
C. computer resulting in famine due to heavy raining.
D. an object that has been modified to B. The climate caused creation of a calen-
help a person accomplish a task dar based on the rain schedule.


1.2 Early America 65

C. The climate caused a limited amount 570. Which BEST explains why Maya farm-
of rain, which meant that farmers planted ers harvested their crops and planted new
crops that needed less water. ones in the late fall of each year?


D. The climate caused daily rains that al- A. It was the only season cool enough to
lowed farmers to grow enough crops to do farm work in the region.
support large populations of citizens.
B. It was the only time of the year when
566. Conflicting beliefs between the and they were at peace with neighbors.
led to raging battles. C. They used knowledge that they
A. animals, Europeans learned from their astronomical obser-
B. Myth Writers, Bible Writers vations.

C. Native Americans, Animals D. They used the labor of migrating

groups who passed through the region at
D. Native Americans, Europeans
that time.
567. According to the 3/5 Compromise what
would the slaves count for? 571. What is the rule of law as it relates to
the federal government?
A. Representation & Taxation
A. It is the laws that are created for our
B. Representation ONLY President to follow.
C. Taxation ONLY
B. It is the theory that everyone should
D. Property ONLY obey the laws that the government
568. Under the leadership of Chief Justice
John Marshall (1801-1835), the Supreme C. It is the list of laws every American
Court expanded the influence of the na- must follow.
tional government by D. It is the principle of separation of pow-
A. forcing states to grant relief from per- ers.
sonal debt
572. All of the cultural groups have differ-
B. ending the importation of enslaved
ences, but one thing is similar to them all.
What is it?
C. strengthening federal powers over in-
terstate commerce and banking A. They looked the same.

D. authorizing the president to use troops B. They used environmental resources to

withoutcongressional approval survive.
C. They spoke the same language.
569. The Virginia House of Burgesses:
D. They all lived in longhouses.
A. Provided an example of representative
government. 573. The last MAJOR battle of the American
B. Established the first army in the New Revolution was the
A. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. Regulated what the people were al-
B. Battle of Yorktown
lowed to eat.
D. Determined who could leave the C. Battle of Trenton
colony. D. Battle of Lexington


1.2 Early America 66

574. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, 579. Trade brought the Native American
that all Men are created equal, that they groups together. They usually traded by
are endowed by their Creator with certain a system, an exchange of goods with-
unalienable Rights, that among these are out using money.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
A. currency
“This quote from the United States Decla-
ration of Independence is MOST associated B. honor
with which of these philosophers? C. barter

A. Baron de Montesquieu D. none of above
B. Plato
580. political system in which power is shared
C. John Locke between the national government and
D. Thomas Hobbes state governments

575. A person who has no permanent home A. federalism

and travels frequently is a B. limited government
A. carpetbagger C. republicanism
B. nomad D. egalitarianism
C. tour guide
581. In How the Leopard Got his Claws, what
D. homeless activity does the dog refuse to participate
576. What crop brought slaves to the
colonies? A. Cultivating the fields
A. tobacco B. Building a common shelter
B. cotton C. Meeting in the village square
C. corn D. Telling stories and drinking palm wine
D. wheat 582. This is a term for “Middle America”
577. First major Mesoamerican society, the refers to Mexico, Central America, and the
mother culture of Mesoamerica. Northern part of South America.

A. Olmec A. Sub Sahara

B. nomads B. Mesoamerica

C. agricultural revolution C. Sahel

D. none of above D. Caribbeano Centralio

578. What grew during the era of westward 583. What is the term that means refusal to
expansion? buy goods?
A. Technology A. militia
B. Industry B. intolerable
C. Transportation C. boycott
D. Territory D. repeal


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 67

584. -Thomas Paine mainly wrote Common B. Demand limited government

Sense to
C. Expand the rights of the people


A. Convince people to create self-
government D. Illustrate the king’s oppression

1.3 The Declaration of Independence

1. Why is July 4, 1776 an important date in 5. Natural rights mean:
U.S. history? A. rights common to everyone, as op-
A. Common Sense was published. posed to those given by law
B. The Olive Branch Petition sent to King B. to formally discuss an issue
George III.
C. freedom from control by another gov-
C. The American Revolution ends. ernment or country
D. The Declaration of Independence is
D. a course of action taken by a govern-
2. When Thomas Jefferson copied John
Locke’s ideas about the social contract, 6. Which colonial leader introduced the ideas
what did he say the people had the right of John Locke’s “social contract” theory
to do to a government who was not pro- into the Declaration of Independence?
tecting the people’s rights? A. John Hancock
A. Write a letter B. Thomas Paine
B. Suggest how it could be better C. James Madison
C. Wait until they started to respect the D. Thomas Jefferson
people’s rights
D. Abolish it 7. Which 17th century Enlightenment philoso-
phers inspired the ideas in the Declara-
3. There are five parts of the Declaration of tion?
Independence. Select each answer below
that applies. A. John Locke and Jean-Jacques
A. preamble
B. Thomas Jefferson and George Wash-
B. body
C. statement of redress
C. Thomas Jefferson and King George
D. conclusion
D. John Locke and Thomas Jefferson
E. statement of beliefs
8. What emotions do the words, “death”
4. The Declaration states that all men are cre-
and “desolation” create for the reader?
A. Just A. troubled, fanatical, confused
B. Equal B. hatred, depression, sadness
C. the same C. fearful, unsure, thoughtful
D. Free D. happy, hopeful, relieved


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 68

9. According to the Declaration, what causes B. Thomas Jefferson

a government to be just? C. 2nd Continental Congress
A. powerful institutions D. Olive Branch Petition
B. a Bill of Rights
15. What actions and consequences were in-
C. ease of altering cluded in the Declaration of Indepen-
D. Consent of the people being governed dence?
A. The colonies would not pay for the

10. Which man signed his name quite large to
make a statement? Boston Tea Party.

A. Thomas Jefferson B. The colonies would no longer trade

goods or services with Great Britain.
B. John Hancock
C. The document stated that Great
C. Sam Adams Britain would no longer be a country and
D. John Adams the king would no longer the leader of
Great Britain.
11. Where does government get their power?
D. It stated that many peaceful attempts
A. God were made to inform the king of their un-
B. Elected officials happiness but the king ignored their con-
cerns. It called the king a tyrant and
C. The people
stated the colonies would no longer follow
D. The President Great Britain or the king’s leadership. The
colonies would become an independent,
12. What are the three inalienable rights that
free nation called the U.S.A. with the right
all people have?
to enter battle, pledge their lives, money,
A. Food, Shelter, and Clothing and honor for their country and beliefs.
B. Life, Liberty and Death
16. Who was the principal author of the Dec-
C. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happi- laration of Independence?
A. Roger Sherman
D. none of above
B. John Adams
13. Why is July 4th a significant date to the C. Benjamin Franklin
Declaration of Independence? D. Thomas Jefferson
A. The Continental Congress approved
the document 17. The January 1776 publication of Thomas
Paine’s pamphlet, Common Sense,
B. It was when they started writing the
document A. caused Parliament to sympathize with
the American colonies
C. It was Jefferson’s birthday
B. had little effect on the attitudes of
D. It was the day they sent it to the King colonists
14. Approved the creation of a Continental C. moved the colonies closer to declaring
Army and the Declaration of Independence. independence
A. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happi- D. occurred just after the Declaration of
ness Independence


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 69

18. The Preamble is Which Enlightened idea do these words de-

A. in the beginning of the Declaration scribe?


A. need to ensure a representative gov-
B. the conclusion.
C. in the middle.
B. social contract between government
D. not in the Declaration. and the people.

19. The words self-evident means what? C. revolutionary intent to overthrow the
current government.
A. confusing
D. return to a society that has no central
B. obvious authority.
C. wrong
24. Why do people deserve independence?
D. self-aware
A. the British Government has sent too
20. Which of the following was a purpose of many soldiers
the Declaration of Independence? B. the British Government charges taxes
A. to unite the colonies against Britain C. the British Government, “misunder-
stands us”
B. to list the reasons that justified inde-
pendence and leaving Britain D. the British Government has become,
C. both of these
D. neither of these 25. What is the main subject of The Declara-
tion of Independence?
21. In 1774, delegates from the colonies met A. People need to go to war with France
to discuss the problems the colonies were
having with England. This meeting was B. People deserve independence
called C. The slaves should be made free
A. Secret Society D. The Revolutionary War will be long and
B. First Continental Congress
C. Council Meeting 26. Which of the following battles boosted the
morale of the Continental army, giving sol-
D. Second Continental Congress
diers a reason to re-enlist?
22. To Great Britain, the signing of the Decla- A. Battle of Valley Forge
ration of Independence was B. Battle of Bunker Hills
A. an act of loyalty. C. Battle of Trenton
B. an act of treason. D. Battle of Yorktown
C. an act of bravery.
27. Not only did we come together to protect
D. an act of insanity. the rights of the colonists and make known
the abuses of the British government but
23. The Declaration of Independence states, we organized the Boston Tea Party
“That whenever any form of government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the A. Sons of Liberty
Right of the People to alter or abolish it.” B. Minutemen


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 70

C. Liberty Boys A. They opposed the Land Ordinance of

D. none of above 1785.
B. They didn’t want the government to
28. What year was the Constitutional Conven- have only 1 branch.
tion held?
C. National government was weak, state
A. 1776 government had too much power, states
B. 1787 were not working together, and there was
no leader.

C. 1803
D. State government was weak and un-
D. 1845 successful.
29. Which of the following is a truth that the 33. From whom did the signers of the Declara-
Declaration holds to be self-evident? tion of Independence receive their author-
A. The only god is the Judeo-Christian ity to declare independence?
god. A. From the King of England
B. God and nature should be merged as B. From the European nations.
C. From the people of the American
C. The government grants unalienable colonies.
rights to the people.
D. They needed no authority.
D. All men are endowed by their creator
with certain unalienable rights. 34. PART B:Which of the following quotes
from paragraph 2 best supports the an-
30. How are natural rights different from swer to Part A?
other rights?
A. “that all men are created equal, that
A. People are born with natural rights. they are endowed by their Creator with
B. People can choose to vote for natural certain unalienable Rights, that among
rights. these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
C. Natural rights are given only to citi- Happiness”
zens. B. “to secure these rights, Governments
D. Natural rights come from the govern- are instituted among Men, deriving their
ment. just powers from the consent of the gov-
31. One weakness of the Articles Of Confeder- C. “whenever any Form of Government
ation was that it lacked which 2 branches becomes destructive of these ends, it is
of government? the Right of the People to alter or to abol-
A. Legislative & Executive ish it, and to institute new Government”
B. Executive & Judicial D. “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that
Governments long established should
C. Judicial & Legislative not be changed for light and transient
D. Executive & Congress causes”

32. What is one reason Americans wanted to 35. Which of these was an effect of the Amer-
change the Articles of Confederation? ican victory at Saratoga?


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 71

A. British troops gained confidence C. World War II

B. General Burgoyne resigned his post D. Declaration of Independence


C. Great Britain withdrew from Canada
40. How many parts does the Declaration of
D. France came to the aid of America Independence have?
36. The Preamble is the beginning of the Decla- A. 1
ration of Independence and is a statement B. 2
C. 3
A. The rights that every person should
have. D. 4
B. Complaints 41. The Declaration says that the US deserves
C. Appreciation a station that is and Britain’s.
D. None of these answers are correct. A. equal to, more powerful than

37. The colonists considered King George B. separate from, more powerful than

A. a great king. C. separate from, equal to

B. a unfair tyrant. D. separate from, unequal to
C. a fair king 42. means a natural right that everybody gets
D. a loyal king. from birth that cannot be taken away

38. According to this passage, what is the prin- A. Common Sense

cipal role of government? “We hold these B. pursuit
truths to be self-evident, that all men
C. independence
are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable D. unalienable rights
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty,
and the pursuit of Happiness. That to se- 43. According to the Declaration of Indepen-
cure these rights, Governments are insti- dence, where does government get its
tuted among Men, deriving their just pow- power?
ers from the consent of the governed.” A. From the King
A. To promote greater social equality B. From the Supreme Court
B. To protect the natural rights of citizens C. From God
C. To glorify the ruler in the eyes of the D. From the people
D. To help individuals cooperate against 44. When Jefferson repeats, “he has” who is
the forces of nature he talking about?
A. the King of America
39. The war the colonies fought against Eng-
land is called the Revolutionary War. This B. the King of Britain
war is also called C. the Governor of the colonies
A. The American Revolution D. the Government officials in each
B. The Iraq War colony


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 72

45. The Declaration of Independence states C. Its theory of government based on so-
the purpose of government is cial contract
A. to tax and control finances D. Its announcement of American Inde-
B. to provide rules for the people pendence from Britain

C. to regulate trade 50. According to the Declaration of Indepen-

D. to serve the people dence, what was an “unalienable right”
that all governments should protect?

46. The Declaration calls life, liberty and the
A. The right to social equality
pursuit of happiness rights.
B. The right to personal liberty
A. unforgettable
C. The right to religious equality
B. unequal
C. unalienable D. The right to elect government officials

D. undissolvable 51. Who signed the Declaration of Indepen-

dence that was a Georgian
47. What document did the colonists write to
share their concerns with England and to A. Lyman Hall
break away? B. Thomas Jefferson
A. Mayflower Compact C. Elijah Clarke
B. Bill of Rights D. George Washington
C. Magna Carta
52. The Declarations says that people have the
D. Declaration of Independence
right to life, , and the pursuit of happi-
48. “The power which first recognizes the in- ness.
dependence of the Americas will be the A. holiday
one to gather all the fruits of this war.”-
B. taxing
Benjamin Franklin Which nation followed
this advice and allied with the colonies? C. rights
A. Austria D. liberty
B. France
53. The Declaration of Independence is BEST
C. Russia described as
D. Spain A. description of a new institutional
framework for democratic government
49. The passage below comes from the Decla-
ration of Independence (1776). “He has B. a formal announcement of war be-
kept among us, in times of peace, Stand- tween the colonies and Great Britain
ing Armies without the Consent of our leg- C. an explanation of why the colonies
islatures “ Which section of the Decla- were dissolving political connections to
ration contained this passage? Britain
A. Its list of colonial grievances D. a statement that the United States
B. Its justification of the conduct of the would not become involved in foreign af-
colonists fairs


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 73

54. Which of the following statements most B. They chose a committee to write the
accurately describes the situation in Geor- Declaration of Independence explaining
gia at the start of the American Revolu- why the colonies should be free.


tion? C. They passed the Tea Act, allowing
A. Most Georgians strongly supported in- a British company to import tea to the
dependence from England. colonies without paying taxes.
B. The royal governor was very unpopu- D. They hired Thomas Paine to write Com-
lar. mon Sense.
C. Georgia relied heavily on trade with 59. The colonists decided to fight a war
England against England to become their own
D. A culture of self-government had de- A. country
veloped. B. person
55. What was one of the British Army’s weak- C. Constitution
nesses? D. state
A. Lack of soldiers 60. The Continental army was successful be-
B. Untrained for battle cause of which strategies?
C. Unmotivated soldiers A. Guerrilla warfare
D. Lack of supplies B. Naval Blockages
C. Calvary charges
56. What does abolish mean?
D. Unit formations
A. change
61. This is the official document that stated
B. get rid of reasons why the colonies should separate
C. revolt from England.
D. extricate A. government
B. Constitution
57. According to the Declaration, why did the
colonists list all their reasons for breaking C. Declaration of Independence
from Britain? D. Preamble to the Constitution
A. The Law of Nature said that they had 62. Why was signing the Declaration consid-
to. ered dangerous?
B. The Declaration does not say why they A. If they signed their name the French
did this. would come and get them
C. It was the right thing to do. B. If they signed their name the British
D. Britain asked for a list of reasons. could come and get them
C. If they signed their name, the Native
58. How did the Second Continental Congress Americans could come and get them
respond to British policies?
D. If they signed their name people would
A. They started the French and Indian see their messy handwriting was not as
War. nice as Jeffersons


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 74

63. Even though the Declaration says, “all 68. What is the purpose of the Declaration of
men are created equal, “ which of the fol- Independence?
lowing groups still fought for rights after
A. to have a day to celebrate in the USA
it was written?
B. to petition for freedom and cut ties
A. Women
with Britain
B. Native Americans
C. to demand they be treated the same as
C. Slaves Britain’s other citizens

D. All of the above D. to tell King George III that they had
formed the Council of Safety
64. Who wanted independence from Great
Britain? 69. Under the Articles of Confederation, which
government had the MOST power?
A. Loyalists
A. Legislative branch
B. Americans
B. the president
C. Patriots
C. the state governments
D. Colonists
D. national government
65. Which of the following was NOT a Geor-
gia signer of the Declaration of Indepen- 70. Which statement best describes the role of
dence? government according to the Declaration
of Independence?
A. Thomas Jefferson
A. “The main purpose of government is to
B. Lyman Hall expand the glorify the state.”
C. Button Gwinnett B. “The main purpose of government is to
D. George Walton protect the unalienable rights of individu-
66. Who wrote the first draft of the Declara-
C. “The main purpose of government is
tion of Independence?
to protect the rights and privileges of His
A. Thomas Jefferson Majesty, the King.”
B. Benjamin Franklin D. “The main purpose of government is
to promote the general welfare of the
C. John Adams
community by taking steps toward social
D. Sam Adams equality.”

67. Which of the following events lead to a de- 71. Thomas Jefferson was inspired by a fa-
cision by the colonies to meet and revise mous man of the Enlightenment. His name
the Articles of Confederation? was ?
A. The Boston Tea Party A. William Penn
B. Shay’s Rebellion B. Roger Sherman
C. The Revolutionary War C. John Locke
D. The Civil War D. Robert Livingston


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 75

72. Which of these words have the strongest 77. Who did NOT sign the declaration of inde-
connotation in this document? pendence


A. superficial, challenging, thoughtless A. slaves
B. unjust, unfair, wrong B. button gwinnet
C. Injuries, usurpation, tyranny C. austin dabney
D. overwhelming, incorrect, unintelligent D. john marshall
73. Which of these is NOT a branch of the U.S.
78. The Articles of Confederation created a
national government.
A. Loyalists
A. weak
B. Legislative
B. strong
C. Executive
C. both strong and weak
D. Judicial
D. neither strong nor weak
74. The U.S. Constitution organized our gov-
ernment fairly by creating: 79. How could the British have prevented the
American Revolution?
A. Fair laws
A. By forcing King George III to give up
B. 3 separate branches
the throne
C. Splitting Congress into 2 houses
B. By overruling the decisions of the colo-
D. Federal taxes nial legislatures
75. What does Jefferson mean when he says C. By increasing taxes on the colonists
they have a “common kindred”? D. By allowing colonists to elect represen-
A. they have the same goal tatives to Parliament
B. they have different goals
80. The won the Revolutionary War in
C. they have the same thoughts 1783.
D. they have different thoughts A. British
76. We hold these truths to be self-evident, B. Germans
that all men are created equal, that they C. Americans
are endowed by their Creator with cer-
tain? , that among these are Life, Liberty D. French
and the pursuit of Happiness.-The Declara-
tion of Independence, July 4, 1776Which 81. Which document included John Locke’s idea
of the following best completes this ex- that people have the right to overthrow an
cerpt? oppressive government?

A. unalienable rights A. Mayflower Compact

B. equalities of opportunity B. Northwest Ordinance
C. duties and responsibilities C. Declaration of Independence
D. repeated injuries and abuses D. Bill of Rights


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 76

82. What words does Jefferson use to create 86. What are the three rights that Thomas Jef-
a positive tone? ferson says all men are born with?
A. New and Clear A. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness
B. Joyful and Hopeful B. peace, love, harmony
C. Free and Independent C. life, love, freedom of religion

D. Beautiful and Bright D. voting, taxes, and having a job

87. Georgia’s loyalty was divided among its
83. The colonists had many taxes imposed on
colonists. Some were loyal to the king
them. Why were they so angry about
while others were outraged over the In-
tolerable Acts. These two different groups
A. They believed that King Georgia was were known as
being neglectful. A. British and Americans
B. They believe their money was being B. Effigies and Patriots
spent all on King George, III
C. Colonists and Tories
C. They felt that if having to pay taxes,
D. Loyalists and Patriots
they should be represented in the parlia-
ment. 88. The phrase in the Declaration of Indepen-
D. They king had not asked their permis- dence stating “that governments are insti-
sion to be taxed tuted among Men, deriving their just pow-
ers from the consent of the governed” il-
84. Which of the following best expresses the lustrates the principle of
author’s main purpose in the Declaration A. federalism.
of Independence?
B. judicial review.
A. to end the war between the colonies
C. equality before the law.
and Great Britain by declaring a revolution
D. the Social Contract theory.
B. to criticize the King of England’s reign
over the colonies and advocate for his re- 89. The second part of the Declaration of Inde-
moval from power pendence is a list of:
C. to declare the thirteen colonies free of A. people’s rights
Great Britain’s rule and illustrate why they B. grievances or complaints
are declaring independence
C. directions on writing a novel
D. to denounce the colonists’ treatment
D. delegates names
as second-class citizens and advocate for
better treatment from the king 90. Based on the Declaration of Independence,
which is a natural right?
85. Who is the main author of the DoI?
A. The right to vote
A. George Washington
B. The right to bear arms
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. The right to pursue happiness
C. John Adams
D. The right to equal protection of the
D. Obama laws


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 77

91. When Jefferson is listing the items Britain 96. To whom were the signers writing this
has done wrong, what is his tone? “break-up letter”?


A. positive and revolutionary A. The world
B. impolite and vindictive B. King George
C. strong and forceful C. George Washington
D. confused and unsure D. No one

97. Why were the Americans ultimately suc-

92. “That whenever any Form of Government
cessful in the American Revolution?
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
Right of the People to alter or to abolish A. Great Britain decided the war effort
it, and to institute new Government” wasn’t worthwhile anymore and gave
them their independence.
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. A massive slave uprising forced the
B. John Locke
British out of North America.
C. John Hancock C. The Patriots finally killed the king.
D. Baron de Montesque D. They were able to infiltrate the upper
ranks of the British navy and burn their
93. The Declaration of Independence says the
government of England
A. sent soldiers to make the colonists fol- 98. The main purpose for writing the Declara-
low unfair laws tion of Independence was to

B. made the colonists pay unfair taxes A. declare war on Great Britain.

C. would not let the colonists make deci- B. force France to support the Revolution-
sions about how to run the government ary War.
C. convince Great Britain to abolish slav-
D. all of the above
94. Which statement describes Washington’s D. state the colonists’ reasons for sepa-
military strategy? rating from Great Britain.
A. rely on foreign mercenaries 99. did NOT agree with the Declaration of
B. to defeat the British in one large battle Independence. He would not let the coun-
tries become a separate country.
C. to avoid large scale battles and fight a
defensive war A. King George III
D. to allow food and supplies to reach the B. Thomas Jefferson
British C. JoJo Gutierrez

95. Another word for grievance is D. Benjamin Franklin

A. compliment 100. The Second Continental Congress issued

the Declaration of Independence in order
B. complaint
C. confidence
A. A guarantee the individual rights of cit-
D. constraints izens against government abuse


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 78

B. A explain the reasons for the colonists’ 105. According to the Declaration, from where
separation from Great Britain does the government get its power?
C. A create a stronger central govern- A. The military
ment for the thirteen new states B. The will of the people
D. A provide a method for territories to C. Slaves
become new states
D. God
101. What did Shays’ Rebellion help Ameri-

106. We hold these truths to be self-evident,
cans realize they needed?
that all men are created equal, that they
A. A strong national government are endowed by their Creator with cer-
B. A stronger militia tain unalienable Rights That to secure
these rights, Governments are instituted
C. A common currency among Men, deriving their just powers
D. The ability to sign peace treaties from the consent of the governed. That
whenever any Form of Government be-
102. A specific grievance in the Declaration comes destructive of these ends, it is the
of Independence reads “He has ob- Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
structed the Administration of Justice and to institute new Government The
“Which natural rights are violated (choose excerpt above is taken from the-
all that apply)? A. Magna Carta
A. Liberty B. Bill of Rights
B. Life C. Declaration of Independence
C. Pursuit of Happiness D. U.S. Constution
D. Change 107. Which of the following was a complaint
against the King?
103. Which work publicized the concept of
“natural rights” later found in the Decla- A. Suspended trial by jury in many cases
ration of Independence? B. He forced colonists to move back to
A. Magna Carta England

B. The English Bill of Rights C. He let the rich people not pay taxes

C. The Mayflower Compact D. He had too much representation for

the colonists
D. John Locke’s Two Treaties of Govern-
ment 108. “We hold these truths to be self-
evident:that all men are created equal,
104. The complaints discussed in the DoI were that they are endowed by their cre-
called ator with certain unalienable rights; that
among these are life, liberty, and the pur-
A. Complaints
suit of happiness.” This passage is part of
B. Being annoying the
C. Grievances A. Gettysburg Address.
D. Resolutions B. Declaration of Independence.


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 79

C. Preamble to the Constitution. A. All men are created equal, all men
have the right to life, liberty and the pur-
D. Articles of the Confederation.
suit of happiness, government gets its


109. What is the significance of July 4, 1776? power from the people

A. It was the day the Declaration of Inde- B. The only rightful purpose of govern-
pendence was first drafted. ment is to protect our basic rights and hav-
ing a monarchy is an unnatural way to se-
B. It was the day the Continental lect a leader
Congress first met in Philadelphia.
C. It needed to be explained and justified
C. It was the day that Congress adopted to the world why we were declaring our
the Declaration of Independence. independence from Great Britain.
D. It was the date of the first battle of the D. King George III created an absolute
American Revolution. tyranny and the Declaration of Indepen-
dence proves that
110. The List of Grievances were the part of
the Declaration that 114. The Declaration of Independence was a
desperate cry for what?
A. detailed the colonists’ complaints with
King George. A. liberty
B. listed a man’s natural rights. B. freedom
C. introduced the Declaration. C. justice
D. concluded the Declaration, declaring D. pursuit of happiness
America a free country.
115. Under the Articles of Confederation, the
111. Who was the leader of the militia in the government consisted of branch of
Battle of Kettle Creek? government.

A. Austin Dabney A. 3
B. 2
B. Button Gwinnet
C. 1
C. Patriot
D. 4
D. Elijah Clarke
116. The French and Indian War impacted the
112. The reference to the natural rights of colony of Georgia in many ways. Select
“Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happi- the answer that explains this statement.
ness” in the Declaration of Independence
was clearly inspired by the ideas of A. Georgians moved west of the Missis-
sippi River
A. John Adams
B. one governor was forced to leave
B. John Hancock
C. the native american population rose
C. John Smith
D. the size of Georgia increased and
D. John Locke Britain added to its kingdom

113. What are the principles expressed in the 117. Who was the primary writer of the Dec-
Declaration of Independence? laration?


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 80

A. Benjamin Franklin 121. How does Chunk #6 contribute to the key

B. John Adams concept of the colonies’ independence from
Great Britain?
C. George Washington
A. This section lists the king’s numerous
D. Thomas Jefferson acts of injustices in order to set an exam-
118. Indirect (import) taxes on cloth, glass, ple for the newly established U.S. govern-
lead, tea. ment.
B. This section highlights how different

A. Quartering Act
the king’s behavior is from those of the
B. Stamp Act founding fathers, who value freedom over
C. Townshend Acts power.
D. Tea Tax C. This section is included to discourage
the king from continuing such offenses
119. Which of the following does the Pream- against the colonists, who have declared
ble explain? independence.
A. Some complaints stated were how the D. This section details the king’s nu-
king took away basic rights, how colonists merous acts of injustice, justifying the
were put in danger, had cost them money, colonies’ decision to declare indepen-
and had done an unforgivable thing. dence from Great Britain.
B. The people deserved a government
that protected their rights and why the 122. Which was not a strength of the Conti-
colonists were justified in going to war. nental army?
C. It described how the British govern- A. Patriotism of Soldiers
ment failed to do its job to protect the ba- B. Leadership in George Washington
sic rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of hap-
piness. C. Help from overseas
D. It stated that many peaceful attempts D. Well supplied with food and uniforms
were made to inform the king of their un-
happiness but the king ignored their con- 123. The paper that said the colonies would be-
cerns. It called the king a tyrant and come a separate country called the U.S.A.
stated the colonies would no longer follow A. Declaration of Independence
Great Britain or the king’s leadership. The
colonies would become an independent, B. Constitution
free nation called the U.S.A. with the right C. Representatives
to enter battle, pledge their lives, money,
D. American Revolution
and honor for their country and beliefs.

120. The Declaration of Independence said all 124. The main person who wrote the Declara-
people should be under the law. tion of Independence.

A. equal A. King George III

B. not equal B. Thomas Jefferson
C. fair C. a colonist
D. opposite D. King Henry IV


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 81

125. A is a person who speaks for a group 129. Which of the following does the introduc-
of people. tion explain?


A. colonist A. The people deserved a government
B. king that protected their rights and why the
colonists were justified in going to war.
C. representative
B. It stated that many peaceful attempts
D. soldier were made to inform the king of their un-
126. PART A:Which of the following state- happiness but the king ignored their con-
ments best describes how the author cerns. It called the king a tyrant and
views the relationship between the people stated the colonies would no longer follow
and their government? Great Britain or the king’s leadership. The
colonies would become an independent,
A. The government grants the people in-
free nation called the U.S.A. with the right
alienable rights, such as life, liberty, and
to enter battle, pledge their lives, money,
the pursuit of happiness.
and honor for their country and beliefs.
B. The people have the right to change
C. Some complaints stated were how the
or remove their government if it infringes
king took away basic rights, how colonists
upon their rights and no longer represents
were put in danger, had cost them money,
their interests.
and had done an unforgivable thing.
C. The people have the right to change
D. It described how the British govern-
their government whenever they wish,
ment failed to do its job to protect the ba-
even for small offenses, because they
sic rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of hap-
give it power.
D. The government is preserved because
the people are invested in making sure 130. Representatives of how many American
their rights are secure from change. colonies signed the Declaration of Indepen-
127. Who wrote the Declaration of Indepen-
A. 10
B. 11
A. Benjamin Franklin
C. 12
B. James Madison
D. 13
C. Thomas Edison
D. Thomas Jefferson 131. The representatives had a meeting to
(accept ) the Declaration of Independence.
128. What does the word tyranny empha-
A. ratify
B. get rid of
A. how badly the British government has
acted C. delete
B. how horrible the government officials D. keep
in American have acted 132. What two acts did the British Parliament
C. how unjust the Native Americans have make that put very high taxes on paper
been and sugar?
D. how uncomfortable it is to live in Amer- A. The Boston Port Act and The Quarter-
ica ing Act


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 82

B. The Quartering Act and The Stamp Act 137. Who gives government the ability to gov-
C. The Sugar Act and The Massachusetts ern?
Government Act A. The people
D. The Stamp Act and Sugar Act B. Parliament
133. Proclamation of 1763Stamp ActIntolera- C. The King
ble ActsWhat impact did the events in the
list above have on Colonial Georgia? D. The Sons of Liberty

A. They caused increased settlement on
138. The Declaration of Independence is highly
the Atlantic Coast
critical of what king?
B. They caused rebellion by the Native
Americans A. King George I

C. They started a move towards indepen- B. King George II

dence from Britain C. King George III
D. They encouraged Loyalists to move to
D. King George IV
the colony

134. The Declaration of Independence listed 139. If people want to change the government,
which ideal from the DOI does that repre-
A. The basic rights of people sent?

B. The things the British king had violated A. Self-evident

in the people’s rights B. alter or abolish government
C. The colonies stated that they were now
C. Consent of the governed
independent from Britain
D. All of the above D. Unalienable rights

135. Why was this document written? 140. What was the purpose of the Declara-
A. The Native Americans wanted their tion?
land back A. to declare independence from France.
B. The colonists didn’t want to pay taxes
B. to declare independence from Ger-
on tea
C. The colonists wanted to break free
from British control C. to declare independence from Cuba.

D. Both A and B D. to declare independence from England

136. Which of the definitions below describe a 141. What are unalienable rights?
A. Rights of this world
A. A British Soldier
B. A German Mercenary B. Rights granted by the King

C. A man who took part in guerrilla war- C. Rights you have just because you were
fare born
D. A minuteman D. Rights given in the Constitution


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 83

142. What is the name of the first written plan C. The Civil Rights Movement
of government for the newly independent D. The Constitutional Convention


A. Constitution 147. What are our natural rights according to
Jefferson? (He got the idea from John
B. Treaty of Paris Locke, but he changed the last right.)
C. Declaration of Independence A. Freedom of speech, religion, and press
D. Articles of Confederation B. Life, liberty, and property
143. When Jefferson writes that the new na- C. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi-
tion can, “levy war, conclude peace and ness
contract alliances” what device is he us-
D. Voting, rebelling, and health
A. repetition 148. According to the Declaration of Indepen-
dence who gives us our rights?
B. parallelism
A. given our creator at birth
C. alliteration
B. given by our government
D. assonance
C. given by our president
144. Which of the following weaknesses of
D. given by our parents
the Articles of Confederation led to the
government not having any money to pay 149. Some grievances with the king that were
their debts? included in the Declaration of Indepen-
A. There was no national court system. dence included which of the following?
B. Congress was not allowed to collect A. Colonists were happy with the king and
taxes felt supported by Great Britain.
C. There was no single leader or group B. The document did not state grievances
directed by government but stated the colonies were justified in
going to war.
D. Congress had no power to enforce its
laws C. Some complaints stated were how the
king took away basic rights, how colonists
145. We hold these truths to be self-evident were put in danger, had cost them money,
that all men are and had done an unforgivable thing.
A. created seperatly D. I don’t know what the word
B. created differently “grievances” means.
C. created equally 150. What was the significance of the Winter
D. created in halfs at Valley Forge?

146. The uprising of Massachusetts farmers A. Spain became an ally for the British.
who did not want to lose their farms to B. The Continental army trained and be-
pay for heavy state taxes after the Amer- came an organized fighting force.
ican Revolution was known as C. The Americans won the Battle of Tren-
A. Shays Rebellion ton
B. The Boston Tea Party D. none of above


1.3 The Declaration of Independence 84

151. Who were the loyalists? C. Breaking away from G. Britain and
A. British colonists loyal to the king of making the USA
England D. Writing a Pledge of Loyalty to the King
B. American colonists loyal to the king of 156. In 1776, the country now called the
England United States was made up of colonies
C. Americans colonists who wanted inde- that belonged to England.
pendence A. 5

D. British B. 13

152. Where were the first shots of the Revo- C. 15

lution fired? D. 50
A. Boston 157. Select the answer that is not an example
B. Lexington and Concord of parallelism in the passage?
C. New York A. We have been wanting
D. Sleepy Hollow B. We have warned
C. We have rejoiced
153. What prevented the British from being
rescued by the British navy at the battle D. We have appealed
of Yorktown? 158. When the colonists said they were go-
A. Bad weather in the Chesapeake Bay ing to dissolve their political bands with
Britain, they meant that they were going
B. The Patriots prevented the British
to these bands.
from communicating with their navy
A. end
C. The French fleet blocked the coast and
they were surrounded on land B. strengthen
D. Cornwallis didn’t believe he needed re- C. declare
inforcements D. make sacred

154. Why is it important to include the coun- 159. What was the date that the Declaration
terargument in your essay? of Independence was signed?
A. the reader will convince you A. July 4, 1776
B. it helps prove your claim by proving the B. July 2, 1776
opposite side of the argument is weak C. July 4, 1787
C. it helps your essay be longer D. July 2, 1775
D. You can show the reader that the other 160. Who was Thomas Jefferson referring to
side is also right when he stated, “All men are created
155. Part 3 of the declaration of Independence
is a statement that tells King George III A. All men
that the colonists are: B. Everyone
A. Mad C. White, male landowners
B. Moving back to Great Britain D. Any white man


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 85

161. Which of the following led to the writing 164. Who led the meeting that involved the
of the Declaration of Independence? idea of the U.S. Constitution?


A. Colonists started to trade more A. James Madison
B. Colonists became more religious B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Colonists wanted change in the gov- C. Ben Franklin
ernment D. George Washington
D. Colonists wanted more help from the
military 165. When was the Declaration of Indepen-
dence approved?
162. What country did The United States de- A. July 4, 1776
clare independence from?
B. July 4, 1676
A. Britain
C. July 4, 1786
B. France
D. July 4, 1766
C. Spain
D. Belgium 166. “We were a group of Georgians who
came together to protest the Stamp Act.”
163. In the years following the French and In- A. Liberty Boys
dian War, Britain taxed the colonists with
the Stamp Act, the Sugar Act and other B. Minutement
similar laws. What was the purpose of C. Sons of Liberty
these laws? D. none of above
A. limit the amount of goods and services
produced in the colonies. 167. Because of the Articles of Confeder-
arion the government could NOT regu-
B. punish the colonies for siding with late(control) among the states.
Britain in the French & Indian War
A. food quality
C. raise money in order to pay for debt
from the war. B. laws

D. insure that foods imported into the C. travel

colonies were the highest quality D. commerce (trade)

1.4 The U.S. Constitution

1. If elected to the Senate, how many years A. Right to bear arms and start your own
is a term? militia to prevent a tyrannical government
A. 2 B. Right of freedom of speech, freedom
of religion, freedom of the press
B. 4
C. Freedom from fear, want, speech, and
C. 6 freedom of worship
D. Government can’t search you, your
D. 8
home, or belongings without a warrant
2. What is your fourth amendment? 3. The Judicial Branch ?


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 86

A. makes laws 8. Which of the following would fall under

the category of “Full Faith and Credit”
B. carries out laws
among states?
C. interprets laws A. State hunting license
D. has nothing to do with laws B. Building of all roads and bridges in the
4. The branch is led by the President and
C. Marriage License
enforces the laws made

D. none of above
A. Judicial
9. Which of these political debates is MOST
B. Executive
closely related to the First Amendment to
C. Legislative the U.S. Constitution?
D. Bill of Rights A. gun control
B. death penalty cases
5. Why is a system of checks and balances
C. search and seizure warrants
necessary among the 3 branches of the
U.S. government? D. separation of church and state

A. to ensure that taxes get paid 10. The Constitution is a rulebook which tells
the government what it can and cannot do.
B. to ensure that no branch has too much For example, the government cannot limit
power freedom of speech or set up a dictator. The
C. to create amendments is an example of which concept?
D. none of above A. Republicanism
B. Federalism
6. Which headline provides the best exam- C. Limited Government
ple of a First Amendment guarantee in ac-
tion? D. Separation of Powers
E. Checks and Balances
A. “Religious University forced to close
by state 11. Which argument was used by Anti-
B. Mormons hold state convention down- Federalists in the debates over ratification
town of the U.S. Constitution?
A. “Individual rights will be threatened by
C. Congress declares a national day of re-
the creation of a stronger federal govern-
D. Protesters arrested at antiwar rally B. “Separating the powers of the federal
government into three branches would
7. What article of the Constitution created lead to confusion and chaos.”
the Executive Branch of government?
C. State governments will exercise too
A. ArcticleI much power over the national government
B. Article II under the new Constitution.”
D. “It will be unclear whether the
C. Article III
Supreme Court has the power to declare
D. Article IV federal laws unconstitutional.”


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 87

12. Fill in the blankestablish justice, insure do- 17. What does “provide for the common de-
mestic Tranquilty, , fense” mean?


A. form a more perfect union A. give protection to everyone with our
B. provide for the common defene first responders and military

C. we the people B. begin fairness for all

C. approve of and begin the Constitution
D. for the United States of America
of the U.S.
13. The Constitution creates a form of D. none of above
government where the power of the na-
tional/central government is shared with 18. What is the name of the group of exec-
the state governments. utive department heads who advise the
A. federal system
A. Cabinet
B. U.S. Constitution
B. Electoral College
C. legislative branch
C. Representatives
D. Articles of Confederation
D. Senators
E. unitary system
19. The US Constitution states the powers for
14. Why was not being able to collect tax dol- different branches.
lars from the citizens such a weakness in
A. 1
the Articles of Confederation?
B. 2
A. They would not be able to write the U.S.
Constitution C. 3
B. There would be more states added D. 4
C. There would not be any source of rev- 20. Under the Articles of Confederation, the
enue to pay off debts and stabilize the national government
economy A. was able to enforce tax laws
D. none of above B. Had a strong central government with
3 branches
15. How long is a Supreme Court Justice’s
term in office? C. Had no power to force the states to get
A. 8 Years
D. none of above
B. 6 Years
C. For Life 21. Article VI of the Constitution states “The
Congress shall have power to dispose of
D. none of above and make all needful rules and regulations
16. Which of the following is NOT a branch of respecting the territory or other property
the government? belonging to the United States.”This quote
describes which of the following qualities
A. Legislative of the Constitution? Select one:
B. Judicial A. It is the law of the land.
C. Executive B. It explains the two-chambered legisla-
D. Constitutional ture.


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 88

C. It is a living document. 26. What is the purpose of the United States

Bill of Rights?
D. It calls for a strong central govern-
ment. A. To provide more power to the national
22. What does Article I (1) establish? B. To protect individual rights of the peo-
A. Legislative Branch ple
B. Judicial Branch C. To grant powers to the states

C. Executive Branch D. To establish the rule of law

D. Supremacy of the Constitution 27. How many people make up the House of
Representatives in Congress?
23. General:Consensus building as a way of A. 100
solving conflict is an important tool for citi-
zens of a democratic society. Which state- B. 435
ment describes consensus building? C. 27
A. Both parties sacrifice something they D. 255
want in order to resolve a conflict.
28. The system in which the branches of gov-
B. Both parties agree to a series of meet- ernment balance one another is called
ings in order to discuss solutions to a con- A. Constitution
B. federal system
C. Both parties try to convince each other
C. checks and balances
that their idea is better in order to solve a
conflict. D. three branches
D. Both parties search for common 29. What is a principle of government that
ground or areas of mutual agreement in is stated in the Preamble to the United
order to solve a conflict. States Constitution?
A. Federal laws must be subject to state
24. All questions of Constitutional interpreta-
tion are decided by
B. The power of government comes from
A. Supreme Court the people.
B. President C. The right to bear arms shall not be in-
C. Congress fringed.
D. none of above D. All men and women are created equal.
30. What does “promote the general welfare”
25. What were the Bill of Rights?
A. The first sentence of the Constitution A. to make everything in our country as
B. The end of the Articles of Confedera- perfect as possible
tion B. care for those in need
C. The first 10 amendments to the Consti- C. give protection to everyone with our
tution first responders and military
D. none of above D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 89

31. General:Citizens must choose between a A. Articles of Confederation

plan to build a new city auditorium or a B. Northwest Ordinance
plan to restore the old one. Supporters of


the new auditorium claim that building a C. Bill of Rights
new auditorium would be more economical D. Unalienable Rights
than restoring the old one. In evaluating
35. Which of the following had to happen for
the credibility of this claim, citizens should
the Constitution to be official?
pay particular attention to:
A. It had to be approved by the President
A. the number of performances held in
the auditorium each year. B. It had to be approved by 3/5ths of
B. the amount of money the supporters
spend on promoting their position. C. It had to be ratified by at least 9 of the
13 states
C. the popularity of the supporters as
D. It had to be approved by the delegates
community leaders.
at the Constitutional Convention
D. the projected cost data provided by ar-
chitects and accountants. 36. Powers that both the states and the fed-
eral government share are called what?
32. Which plan at the Constitutional Conven- A. Federal Powers
tion wanted state representation to be
proportional to population? B. Reserved Powers
C. Concurrent Powers
A. Connecticut Plan
D. none of above
B. New Jersey Plan
C. Virginia Plan 37. An example of the unwritten constitution
in the U.S. is the
D. 3/5th’s Plan
A. right of citizens to vote if they are 18
33. Which of the following summarizes the years old or older
weaknesses of the Articles of Confedera- B. rise of the two-party political system
tion? Select one: C. right to freedom of speech
A. It gave large states too much power in D. use of the electoral college system
Congress, so that small states couldn’t be
heard. 38. How long is a senator’s term of office?
B. It gave the national government too A. 2 years
much power, making the United States B. 4 years
look like a monarchy.
C. 6 years
C. It forced Canada to become a member D. 8 years
of the Union.
39. After the Vice President, who is second in
D. It didn’t allow the government to col-
charge of the Legislative Branch?
lect taxes, enforce laws, or have a court
system. A. The President Pro Tempore
B. The President
34. Which document was included in the U.S.
Constitution to support the principle of In- C. The Speaker of the House
dividual rights? D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 90

40. U.S. Constitution:The Necessary and 44. Powers given to Congress through the
Proper Clause of the U.S. Constitution is Elastic Clause, thus “stretching” their
shown:The Congress shall have Power power.
to make all laws which shall be necessary A. Enumerated
and proper for carrying into Execution the
foregoing Powers, and all other Powers B. Implied
vested by this Constitution in the Gov- C. Concurrent
ernment of the United States, or in any
D. Reserved
Department or Officer thereof.Why did

Federalists want to include this clause in 45. Which Presidential action is an example of
the Constitution? the unwritten constitution?
A. To protect the individual liberties of all A. Appointing Justices to the Supreme
B. Granting pardons for federal crimes
B. To provide a guarantee of sovereignty
to individual states. C. Submitting a treaty to the Senate for
C. To allow the national government to ef-
ficiently run the country. D. Consulting with the Cabinet

D. To give citizens more opportunities to 46. This country’s refusal to leave forts in the
select government officials. Northwest Territory was a problem for the
United States?
41. Article 1 of the Constitution is concerned
with the duties of the law-making, or , A. France
branch of government. B. Spain
A. legislative C. Britain
B. executive D. Canada
C. judicial 47. The Bill of Rights includes the following ex-
D. federal cept:
A. The right to vote
42. Minimum age of one serving in the House
of Reps: B. The right to bear arms
A. 18 C. Freedom of speech, religion, press,
and assembly
B. 20
D. A speedy trial
C. 25
D. 30 48. Which BEST illustrates the principle of
checks and balances?
43. The official power to declare war belongs
A. The taxing power of states
B. The military powers of the president
A. the people
C. Senate confirmation of presidential ap-
B. the president pointments
C. the military D. Congressional hearings to consider a
D. Congress proposed law to favorites


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 91

49. How did the New Jersey Plan influence 53. Anti-Federalists favored the Bill of Rights
the current formation of American consti- because:
tutional government?


A. they did not want a federal govern-
A. it proposed that all slaves would be ment
counted in a state’s population
B. it was intended to protect the rights of
B. it proposed a bicameral (two house) citizens
C. they believed it was better than the
C. it proposed representation based on Declaration of Independence
state population
D. they did not trust the Jeffersonian Re-
D. it proposed an equal number of sena- publicans
tors per state
54. “The President shall have Power, by
50. What is the principle of republicanism? which the Advice and Consent of the Sen-
A. Government should be split into three ate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds
branches. of the Senators present concur.”
B. The people create the government. A. Separation of Powers
C. The power of government should be B. Checks and Balances
limited. C. Limited Government
D. The interest of Americans are repre- D. Individual Rights
sented by elected officials.
55. Which branch interprets the laws?
51. U.S. Constitution:The U.S. Constitution cre-
ated a system of dynamic interaction A. Executive
among the three branches of federal gov- B. Judicial
ernment. Choose the branch of govern-
C. Appellate
ment that has the ability to check the
each branch on the items listed: D. Legislative
branch checks the Legislative Branch with
veto legislation and convene houses of 56. To approve the U.S. Constitution means it
Congress. had to be
A. Executive A. Denied
B. Judicial B. Closed
C. Legislative C. Ratified
D. None of these can check it. D. none of above

52. The Federal government is also known 57. Congress is divided into two parts, the
as? Senate and the
A. Limited government A. Electoral College
B. Main Governemnt B. president’s Cabinet
C. National Government C. Supreme Court
D. Official government D. House of Representatives


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 92

58. How many main branches of government 63. How does a judge get the job of Supreme
are there? Court justice?
A. 2 A. First, they are selected and appointed
by the President, then interviewed and
B. 3
confirmed by the Senate.
C. 4
B. The president chooses them.
D. 5 C. The U.S. Congress chooses them.

59. All listed below are reasons why the D. They must first be a federal judge on
Framers created Federalism EXCEPT a lower level, then are placed on the
[which one is not]? Supreme Court by a vote of the people.
A. To avoid tyranny 64. Which branch of the Federal government
B. To allow for greater participation in makes laws?
government A. Executive
C. To promote competition between state B. Judicial
and federal government C. Legislative
D. To provide a mechanism for incorpo- D. Presidential
rating new policies and programs
65. Why were the Articles of Confederation in-
60. What is the length of the president’s term tentionally weak?
of office?
A. The states did not trust each other
A. 2 years enough to make stronger laws.
B. 4 years B. The states wanted to be able to leave
C. 6 years the confederation.
C. The states wanted to avoid a strong
D. 8 years
central government.
61. What is the name for the group of advisers D. The states did not know how to make
who help the president make decisions? a stronger government.
A. cabinet 66. America’s bicameral legislature consisted
B. friends of
C. jury A. House of Representatives
D. judges B. Senate
C. House of Representatives and Senate
62. Which statement of the Preamble states
that the new government will be a better D. none of above
one that existed under the Articles of Con- 67. The Bill of Rights is part of which docu-
federation? ment?
A. “form a more perfect union” A. Treaty of Paris
B. “provide for the common defense” B. US Constitution
C. “promote the general welfare” C. Declaration of Independence
D. “we the people” D. Articles of Confederation


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 93

68. Which article provides a process for 73. What is the meaning of the word “fair”?
amending the Constitution? A. unfair and ilegal


A. Article 1 B. equal and just
B. Article 7 C. discrimination
C. Article 5 D. unwanted
D. none of above 74. How many members are there in the
69. What is naturalization? House of Representatives?
A. 135
A. the process of becoming a citizen
B. 235
B. the process of choosing a leader
C. 335
C. the time it takes for a new President
to get settled in D. 435
D. the process of choosing the most or- 75. Which article describes the legislative
ganic foods branch. Establishes powers and limits
70. Why was the method used for determining
A. Article 1
states’ population an important debate at
the Constitutional Convention? B. Article 5
A. Population determined the number of C. Article 7
members a state could have in the Senate D. none of above
B. Population determined the number of 76. Which branch has the power to make ap-
houses the Congress would have pointments (to the US Supreme Court)?
C. Population determined the number of A. State government
members a state could have in the House
B. Legislative branch
of Representatives
C. Judicial branch
D. Population determined the number of
enslaved people a state could have D. Executive branch

71. Powers that are specifically listed in the 77. In the Constitution, what is the “separa-
Constitution. tion of powers”? Select one:
A. having three branches of government
A. Enumerated
B. having a Supreme Court to make sure
B. Implied
we have good laws
C. Concurrent
C. having a president and vice president
D. Reserved D. having a weak executive branch
72. What is the age requirement to be ap- 78. Which principle split the power of the gov-
pointed to the Supreme Court? ernment into three branches?
A. No age requirement A. Self-government
B. 45 years old B. Republicanism
C. 35 years old C. Separation of Powers
D. none of above D. Limited government


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 94

79. The Great Compromise reached at the Con- C. 2016

stitutional Convention resulted in the D. 1678
A. Formation of the Supreme Court
84. Who is the jury in cases of impeachment?
B. Creation of a bicameral legislature
A. the House
C. Development of a two-party system
(Democrats and Republicans) B. the Senate

D. Ban on the importation of enslaved C. the people

Africans D. the population

80. What does it mean if we have a “bicam- 85. What word means to approve or make a
eral legislature? ” document official by signing it?
A. the Legislative branch is split into two A. amend
parts B. ratify
B. There are both Democratic and Repub- C. due process
lican representatives in Congress
D. civil
C. The rights of small and large states
are balanced 86. Who makes up the Judicial Branch?
D. Each state gets two senators A. Congress

81. The Federalist Papers were written by: B. President

A. Thomas Jefferson, in support of the C. The Supreme Court-9 Judges chosen

Declaration of Independence by the President

B. George Washington, as part of the ad- D. Vice president

vice he left to his nation in his farewell 87. The branch writes or creates the laws.
speech This branch is called Congress.
C. Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee A. Judicial
as arguments against ratification of the
U.S. Constitution B. Executive

D. James Madison, John Jay, and Alexan- C. Legislative

der Hamilton in support of the ratification D. Supreme
of the U.S. Constitution
88. The legislative branch of our federal gov-
82. Who was chosen as leader of the Constitu- ernment is called the
tional Convention? A. president
A. George Washington B. congress
B. James Madison C. senate
C. John Jay D. none of above
D. Alexander Hamilton
89. Which of the following can a president
83. The Constitution was written in: veto?
A. 1776 A. Supreme Court decision
B. 1787 B. Constitutional amendment proposal


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 95

C. bill of attainder C. Two-thirds

D. bill from Congress D. Three-fourths.


90. The “Father of the Constitution” who 95. What does the Legislatiive branch do?
made a plan for government and arrived
A. outlines court system
early to the Constitutional Convention
B. Manages day to day operations
A. George Washington
C. Makes laws
B. James Madison
D. Defines the relations w/ states & feds
C. Benjamin Franklin
D. Roger Sherman 96. “The powers not delegated to the United
States are reserved to the States re-
91. The most number of years a person may spectively “
serve as President of the United States is
A. Republicanism

A. 10 B. Federalism

B. 9 C. Separation of Powers

C. 8 D. Checks and Balances

D. 7 97. Which of the following phrases from

E. 4 the Preamble is best described by say-
ing:“Everyone deserves to be treated
92. A President’s term is years long and fairly!”
they can serve a maximum of term(s). A. domestic tranquility
A. 2;2 B. justice
B. 6;1
C. common defense
C. 4;2
D. perfect union
D. 4;3
98. Jack and Jill attend a demonstration with
93. The Articles of Confederation had one other students protesting their town coun-
branch of government called Congress. cil’s decision to close the community’s
This is a nonexample of which concept? skateboard park. What right are they ex-
A. Checks and Balances ercising?
B. Popular Sovereignty A. Right to assemble
C. Limited Government B. freedom of religion
D. Republicanism C. freedom of the press
E. Separation of Powers D. none of above

94. The U.S. Constitution requires an affirma- 99. How many amendments for a Bill of Rights
tive vote by at least of the members were proposed by Congress and actually
of the Senate to approve a treaty. submitted to the states for ratification?
A. A majority A. 15
B. Three-fifths B. 14


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 96

C. 12 105. What does amend mean?

D. 11 A. change
E. 10 B. approve
100. This body has the power of Impeachment: C. not approve
A. House of Representatives D. carry out
B. Senate
106. The Congress may pass laws and they go

C. President
into effect if the President signs the law.
D. none of above However the Supreme Court can declare a
101. How many years does a state Represen- law unconstitutional. This is an example
tative serve? of
A. 2 years A. Supremacy
B. 4 years B. Veto power
C. 6 years C. Federalism
D. none of above
D. Checks and balances
102. How many justices (judges) are on the
Supreme Court? 107. What were the Articles of Confedera-
tion? Select one:
A. 7
B. 8 A. the first U.S. Constitution

C. 9 B. the name of the new American court

D. 11 C. a set of laws regarding taxation

103. Which concept means that the govern- D. a newspaper sent to the American
ment’s powers comes from the will of the colonists
108. What does the Executive Branch do?
A. Checks and Balances
A. Manages Day to day operations of Gov-
B. Republicanism
C. Popular Sovereignty
B. Future generations can amend the con-
D. Federalism
E. Limited Government
C. to make laws
104. Why is the Constitution considered a “liv-
D. manage day to day operatons
ing document”?
A. It changes with time through amend- 109. Which plan proposed representation
ments based on population of each state?
B. It is rewritten by each president A. The New York Plan
C. It has remained the same over the B. The New Jersey Plan
C. The Virginia Plan
D. It is signed each year by members of
Congress D. The Connecticut Plan


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 97

110. The purpose of the President’s cabinet is 115. How many senators does each state
to elect? Select one:


A. advise and help the President A. 2
B. advise Congress B. 5
C. Help make laws
C. 1
D. decide if laws make sense
D. number based on population
111. The Constitutional Convention was con-
vened to 116. How long must you be a citizen in order
A. write the Treaty of Paris. to be a Senator?
B. get all the signers of the Declaration A. 1
together to celebrate. B. 3
C. decide who would fight Daniel Shay.
C. 9
D. improve the Articles of Confederation.
D. none of above
112. Which branch executes the laws?
A. Executive 117. Why did Rhode Island refuse to send
a delegate to the Constitutional Conven-
B. Judicial
C. Appellate
A. lack of interest among the residents
D. Legislative because of the low population
113. “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the B. disinterest in the Constitutional Con-
most wholesome and necessary for the vention because the state planned to
public good.” Declaration of Inde- leave the union
pendence 1776Which provision of the U.S.
Constitution reflects this grievance? C. worry about losing its rights as a state
because of national rules
A. The president can appoint justices
with the advice and consent of the Senate D. too great a distance for the delegate
to travel
B. Congress has the power to establish
federal courts
118. Separation of powers means that
C. The commerce clause allows Congress
to regulate trade among the states. A. The House and Senate may never pass
joint resolutions on foreign policy issues.
D. Congress can override a presidential
veto with a two-thirds majority vote in B. The national government and state
both houses. governments have differing amounts and
types of power.
114. What are the first 10 amendments to the
Constitution called? Select one: C. Powers assigned to the national gov-
ernment are distinct from those assigned
A. The Preamble
to the states
B. The Magna Carta
D. The legislative, executive and judicial
C. The Declaration of Independence functions of government are held by sepa-
D. The Bill of Rights rate people and groups


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 98

119. What does “insure domestic tranquility” 124. What is the Constitution?
mean? A. a set of rules for our country
A. all citizens of the U.S. B. a list of people who run our country
B. care for those in need C. a meeting about forming our country
C. promise that everything in our country
D. a plan for new buildings in our country
will be calm and peacful
D. none of above 125. What is a change or addition to the Con-

stitution called?
120. Why did the delegates to the Constitu-
A. Bill of Rights
tional Convention create the Electoral Col-
lege? B. amendment
A. The delegates wanted to encourage C. Congress
higher education in the new republic D. Electoral College
B. The delegates feared the President
had too much power. 126. Which concept means that the state gov-
ernments and the national government
C. he delegates didn’t trust citizens to share power?
elect the President directly.
A. Popular Sovereignty
D. The delegates wanted to reserve the
power of selecting a chief executive to the B. Limited Government
states C. Federalism

121. How many articles does the U.S Constitu- D. Checks and Balances
tion has? E. Separation of Powers
A. 3
127. What is the passage mostly about?
B. 5
A. how the Constitution has changed over
C. 7 the years
D. 9 B. the place where the Constitution was
122. Which amendment ended officially ended
slavery in 1865? Select one: C. the people who wrote the Constitution
A. The Fifth Amendment D. the history of the Constitution
B. The Thirteenth Amendment 128. All Powers that the Constitution does not
C. The First Amendment give to the Federal government
D. The Eighth Amendment A. Remains with the State Governments
B. Are given to the President
123. A treaty must be officially approved by
the C. Are given to Congress
A. House of Representatives D. Are interpreted by the Supreme Court
B. Senate 129. The first U.S. plan for government was
C. Supreme Court the
D. President A. Declaration of Independence


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 99

B. Magna Carta 134. The proposed Constitution, far from abol-

C. Articles of Confederation ishing state governments, makes them an
essential part of the national government


D. Constitution by allowing them a direct representation
in the Senate, and leaves in their posses-
130. In the United States, we vote for people
sion certain important government pow-
to represent us in Congress. This is an ex-
ers. This fully corresponds, in every way,
ample of which form of government?
with the idea of a federal government.
A. Federalism Alexander, Hamilton, Federalist No.
B. Republicanism 9 (1781)Based on the passage, which of
the following statements would Alexan-
C. Popular Sovereignty der Hamilton agree with?
D. Limited Government A. State governments face the threat of
E. Separation of Powers being abolished by the federal govern-
ment under the new Constitution.
131. The significance of the Supreme Court
B. The states will lack representation in
case McCulloch v. Maryland is that the de-
the Senate.
A. advanced civil rights for minorities C. Federalism allows state governments
to exercise specific powers.
B. upheld the constitutionality of a na-
tional bank D. State governments should fear the
power of the new national government.
C. limited Presidential control of foreign
policy 135. The Great Compromise settled which ma-
D. established the supremacy of the fed- jor issue presented to the delegates at the
eral government Philadelphia Convention?
A. How to count slaves in representation
132. What is any power not given to the Fed-
in Congress
eral government that the states or people
keep for themselves? B. Should the government have an execu-
tive branch
A. Federalism
C. Who should preside over the Conven-
B. Reserved Powers
C. Concurrent Powers
D. How states should be represented in
D. Implied Powers Congress
133. How do you change the US Constitution? 136. Who was the President of the Constitu-
A. A law must be passed by Congress and tional Convention?
signed by the President A. Thomas Jefferson
B. The President and the Supreme Court
B. James Madison
must agree on changes
C. George Mason
C. An amendment must be added to the
US Constitution D. Alexander Hamilton
D. none of above E. George Washington


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 100

137. Which of these are powers of Congress C. to satisfy concerns of Anti-Federalists

A. Raise & spend revenue, borrow money, and allow ratification to move forward
print money, regulate trade, punish coun- D. to limit the powers of state gov-
terfeiting, decide rules for bankruptcy ernments and satisfy concerns of Anti-
B. Declare war, create armed forces, Federalists
rules for armed forces, protect from pi- 142. What are the first 10 amendments to the
rates U.S Constitution called?

C. Create post office, create Federal A. Declaration of Independence
courts, create National capital, create
copyrights/patents B. Bill of Rights
D. all of the above C. The First 10 Amendments
D. Preamble
138. The U.S. Constitution creates a balance
between the state and national govern- 143. Which of the following was a shortcom-
ments. This is an example of ing of the Articles of Confederation?
A. representative democracy A. It did not give the government power
B. federalism to enforce laws.
C. separation of powers B. It was supposed to expire in fifty
D. none of above
C. It did not include a schedule for the
139. What acted as the country’s first consti- Constitutional Congress.
D. It gave larger states too many repre-
A. Articles of Confederation sentatives in Congress.
B. Preamble
144. Which term means that each branch of
C. Bill of Rights government can limit the power of the
D. Constitutional Convention other branches?
A. Republicanism
140. Why is the Bill of Rights important?
B. Separation of Powers
A. It lists the freedoms of American citi-
zens. C. Checks and Balances
B. It makes sure people follow the laws. D. Federalism
C. It makes sure everyone has a job. E. Limited Government
D. It says what power the government 145. Which of the following would NOT be a
has. viewpoint that a Federalist shared?
141. Why was a Bill of Rights added to the A. The power of the executive branch
U.S. Constitution? should be held by the President
A. to satisfy concerns of Federalists and B. The Constitution forbids creating titles
allow ratification to move forward like Duke or King, so the government be-
B. to limit the powers of the national gov- longs to the people.
ernment and satisfy concerns of Federal- C. A strong national government is neces-
ists sary for the success of the nation.


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 101

D. The Constitution makes it possible for D. prevented the judicial branch from
the central government to overpower the overturning acts of the legislature
states, so it should not be ratified.


151. What branch of government:Makes laws
146. What feature of the Constitution allows for our country; Works in the US Capitol
it to be changed? Building in Washington, D.C.; and Is the
US Congress.
A. Amendments
A. Executive Branch
B. Articles
B. Legislative Branch
C. popular sovereignty
C. Judicial Branch
D. Legislative authority
D. none of above
147. Which branch of government interprets 152. Which of the following phrases from the
laws? Preamble is best described by saying:“Our
A. Judicial (courts) home and country should be a peaceful and
B. Executive (president) happy place to live.”
A. liberty
C. Legislative (Congress)
B. domestic tranquility
D. none of above
C. common defense
148. What are the first 10 amendments D. perfect union
153. Which article describes the executive
A. Bill of Rights
branch? Establishes powers and limits the
B. Articles of Confederation President.
C. Three branches of government A. Article 5
D. none of above B. Article 2
C. Article 3
149. What is the job of the Supreme Court
D. none of above
A. To decided if laws or court case deci-
sions are unconstitutional 154. “for us and our future generations”
B. To decide who should be president would describe which part of the Pream-
C. To decide who is elected in Congress
A. We the People
D. To make new laws
B. do ordain and establish
150. George Mason refused to sign the Consti- C. to ourselves and our posterity
tution and opposed its ratification because D. in order to form a more perfect union
he believed that it
155. The President gives a speech each year
A. did not adequately protect individuals
detailing his legislative agenda called
from potential government abuse
A. The State of the State Address
B. did not give the executive branch
enough power to oversee the military B. The Gettysburg Address
C. prevented the legislative branch from C. The State of the Union Address
effectively governing the states D. The Give Me your Address


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 102

156. If someone looks out for your , that 160. Which of the following describes the
person makes sure you are healthy and 3/5ths compromise?
happy. A. A compromise between the North and
A. welfare South over slavery and representation
B. prosperity B. A compromise between the small and
large states over state representation
C. delegate
C. A compromise between the President
D. convention

and Congress over whether or not to ratify
157. That if any person shall write any the Constitution
false, scandalous and malicious writings D. A compromise between the North and
against the government of t he United South over taxation
States, or stir up sedition within the
United States then such person 161. As delegate George Mason put it, se-
shall be punished by a fine not exceed- crecy was “a necessary precaution to
ing two thousand dollars, and by impris- prevent misrepresentations or mistakes;
onment not exceeding two years. there being a material difference between
An Act of the 5th Congress of the U.S., the appearance of a subject in its first
1789Which constitutional guarantee did crude and undigested shape, and after it
this act violate? shall have been properly matured and ar-
ranged.”Based on the quote, summarize
A. Freedom of the press
why George Mason believed secrecy was
B. The right to due process necessary at the Constitutional Conven-
C. Freedom of Assembly tion.

D. The right to a jury trial A. The delegates were worried that poor
farmers would rebel at the Convention.
158. Members of the House of Representa- B. The delegates didn’t want outsiders to
tives serve year terms. influence the Convention proceedings.
A. 4 C. The delegates feared that the states
B. 2 would send a militia to stop the Conven-
C. 8
D. The delegates didn’t want the Consti-
D. 6 tution to be misunderstood before it was
159. The national government has the power
to make treaties. The state governments 162. Why did the Founders choose to create
have the power to establish schools. This a whole new Constitution, rather than
is an example of which concept? amend the Articles of Confederation?
A. Republicanism A. They decided that too many amend-
B. Limited Government ments would be necessary, and these
changes were unlikely to happen under
C. Separation of Powers
the Articles.
D. Checks and Balances
B. A new document allowed them a blank
E. Federalism slate for debating new ideas.


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 103

C. George Washington demanded that C. The Supreme Court

they eliminate the Articles D. none of above


D. They were all strongly opposed to the
Articles of Confederation. 168. Where did the Constitutional Convention
take place?
163. Who wrote the first draft of the Articles
A. Washington, DC
of Confederation and was nicknamed the
“Penman of the Revolution”? B. Boston, MA
A. George Washington C. New York, NY
B. Ben Franklin D. Philadelphia, PA
C. Thomas Jefferson
169. The purpose of this branch of government
D. John Dickinson is to make and establish laws:
164. How old must a senator be? A. legislative
A. 21 B. executive
B. 25 C. judicial
C. 30 D. military
D. 35 170. What are the 2 requirements to get
165. The U.S. Constitution creates a govern- elected to the Senate?
ment with: A. 25 years old & citizen for 7 years
A. dozens of small branches that compete B. 25 years old & citizen for 9 years
for power.
C. 30 years old & citizen for 7 years
B. three branches that have roughly
D. 30 years old & citizen for 9 years
equal power.
C. a powerful president and a weak 171. What was the original purpose of the
Congress. Constitutional Convention?
D. a group of judges who make and en- A. to create a bill of rights
force all laws. B. to make changes to the Articles of Con-
166. Which Article of the Constitution creates federation
the executive branch? C. to declare independence from Great
A. Article I Britain
B. Article II D. to create an entirely new governing
document for the new nation
C. Article III
D. Article IV 172. Which branch makes the laws?
A. Executive
167. Where does the impeachment trial take
place? B. Judicial
A. The White House C. Appellate
B. The Senate D. Legislative


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 104

173. What does it mean to ratify something? rights for all Americans. The Bill of Rights,
A. To approve /make official which was added to the U.S. Constitu-
tion, addressed several of Patrick Henry’s
B. To change / add to something concerns. One concern is shown. Se-
C. To end something lect the amendment that addressed Patrick
Henry’s concern.“But when we come to
D. To start something
punishments, no latitude ought to be left,
174. How did the compromise of the bicameral nor dependence put on the virtue of repre-

legislature benefit the small states?
A. the small states would have equal A. 4th Amendment
power in the Judicial Branch
B. 6th Amendment
B. the small states would have equal
power in the House of Representatives C. 7th Amendment

C. the small states would have equal D. 10th Amendment

power in the Senate
179. A direct democracy is where people do
D. none of above
not elect representatives. Instead, they
175. The phrase “popular sovereignty” means vote on everything themselves. This is
a nonexample of which form of govern-
A. rule by the people
A. Republicanism
B. rule by Congress
C. rule by the Supreme Court B. Federalism
D. rule by a king C. Limited Government

176. The main branches of government are D. Checks and Balances

A. legislative, judicial, courts E. Popular Sovereignty

B. legislative, executive, judicial
180. Who is the head of the Legislature at the
C. supreme court, appeals courts, dis- National level?
trict courts
A. the President
D. congress, senate, house
B. the Supreme Court
177. Government officials can be , or
C. Congress
charged with a crime, by the House of Rep-
resentatives. D. Mrs Graber
A. impeached
181. How many representatives does IL
B. indicted have?
C. vetoed
A. 9
D. filibustered
B. 18
178. Bill of Rights:(2018) In 1788 Patrick
C. 27
Henry argued that the U.S. Constitution
should include laws guaranteeing certain D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 105

182. Why was it hard to get laws passed un- C. defense attorney of the United States
der the Articles of Confederation?
D. leader of the Department of Justice


A. To pass a law, all states needed to
agree. 187. What does the Preamble outline?
B. To pass a law, 9 of 13 states needed to A. how the branches of government work
B. how the voting process works
C. The President could veto a law before
it was passed. C. the basic principles of our democracy
D. The Supreme Court could rule any law D. none of above
188. Fill in the blanksecure the blessings of lib-
183. How many representatives does each erty to ourselves and our posterity,
state get in the House of Representa- Constituion for the United States of Amer-
tives? ica.
A. Every state gets 2 A. secure tranquility
B. Based on population
B. estabish justice
C. Every state gets 1
C. do ordain and establish
D. Only certain states get into the House
D. provide common defense
184. Which of the following was one event
that convinced early American leaders that 189. Define Anti-Federalist
the Articles of Confederation needed to be
A. people who opposed ratification of the
replaced by a document that would pro-
vide for a stronger central government?
A. the outbreak of the War of 1812 B. people who supported ratification of
the Constitution
B. the Boston Tea Party
C. proposal by the large states to have
C. Shay’s Rebellion representation in the legislative branch
D. the Nullification Crisis based on population
185. Popular sovereignty, a principle set forth D. official change, correction, or addition
in the Constitution, means that to a law or constitution
A. People can vote, we the people
190. Which Principle of government is most
B. people are the source of the govern- clearly reflected in this quote, “ We the
ment’s power. People of the United States do or-
C. power is divided between national and dain and establish this Constitution of the
state government. United States of America.” Preamble,
U.S. Constitution
D. none of above
A. Popular Sovereignty
186. What is the role of the Attorney Gen-
eral? B. Federalism
A. chief legal officer of the U.S. military C. Due Process
B. president’s personal attorney D. Separation of Powers


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 106

191. Why did Shays’ Rebellion make some 195. Where must you live in order to be a Rep-
believe that a stronger government was resentative?
needed? A. In the city where you’re elected.
A. They wanted to impose martial law to B. In the district where you’re elected.
prohibit rebellions.
C. In the state where you’re elected.
B. They wanted more power to harshly
D. none of above
punish Daniel Shays.
196. A change or addition to the Constitution

C. Some elites feared that the rebellion
exposed national instability. is called a/an
D. Some wanted to redistribute wealth to A. amendment
prevent rebellions. B. revision
192. Judicial review is most accurately de- C. ratification
scribed as the power of the D. approval
A. President to override a decision of the 197. Twelve of the thirteen original states
Supreme Court sent delegates to the Constitutional Con-
B. State courts to overturn decisions of vention. Which of the states did not send
the Supreme Court delegates?
C. Senate to approve all presidential ap- A. Georgia
pointments to federal courts B. Delaware
D. Supreme Court to determine the con- C. Maryland
stitutionality of laws
D. Rhode Island
193. How did Roger Sherman’s compromise 198. Which of the following statements/ be-
settled the differences between the large liefs would belong to an Anti-Federalists?
and small states?
A. Believed a federal government would
A. giving slaves the right to vote undermine the sovereignty of the states
B. dividing the Congress into two sepa- B. Supported the passage of the Alien
rate houses and Sedition Acts
C. charging larger states higher taxes C. Believed a national bank was essential
than smaller states to American economic success
D. allowing the small states to control the D. Claimed the country would not survive
courts without a new Constitution
194. What are the three parts of the Constitu- 199. U.S. Constitution:The U.S. Constitution
tion? created a system of dynamic interaction
A. list of grievances, articles, amend- among the three branches of federal gov-
ments ernment. Choose the branch of govern-
ment that has the ability to check the each
B. declaration of rights, articles, amend- branch on the items listed: branch
ments checks the Legislative Branch with inter-
C. the preamble, articles, amendments preting laws and applying laws.
D. none of above A. Executive


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 107

B. Judicial 205. What does “in order to form a more per-

C. Legislative fect union” mean?


D. None of these can check it. A. begin fairness for all
B. to make everything in our country as
200. What is an amendment?
perfect as possible
A. An amendment is a change in the Con-
C. care for those in need
stitution. It takes a lot for Congress to
make a change or add to the constitution. D. none of above
B. An amendment declares war.
206. Which article describes the judicial
C. It is a peace deal. branch? Establishes powers and limits
D. The Constitution can never be on the courts.
changed. A. Article 2
201. The Three-Fifths Compromise, which was B. Article 7
made at the Constitutional Convention, C. Article 3
represented differences of opinions over
which issues? D. none of above
A. elections and the military 207. A government’s power has no limits an
B. free trade and the economy does not have to protect individual rights.
This is a nonexample of which concept?
C. government branches and voting
A. Separation of Powers
D. taxation and representation
B. Republicanism
202. The branch is led by the President
who enforces the laws made by Congress. C. Checks and Balances
A. Judicial D. Federalism
B. Executive E. Limited Government
C. Legislative 208. What year was the Constitution written
D. Bill of Rights in?

203. How many terms can a president serve A. 1776

in a lifetime? B. 1787
A. 2 C. 1803
B. 4 D. 1861
C. 8
209. The did not support the Constitution
D. unlimited and believed the Constitution created a
204. Who is now the President of the U.S.? central government that was too strong.
A. Barrack Obama A. Federalists
B. George Bush B. Anti-Federalists
C. Joe Biden C. Constitutionalists
D. none of above D. Anti-Constitutionalists


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 108

210. The Senate and the House together are 215. What does “establish justice” mean?
known as: A. approve of and begin the Constitution
A. Government of the U.S.
B. Congress B. promise that everything in our country
will be calm and peaceful
C. Executive Branch
C. begin fairness for all
D. Judicial Branch
D. none of above

211. Because of the separation of powers in
216. Why were the Anti-Federalists against
the United States government, the Legisla-
the Constitution?
tive branch may enact laws, the Executive
branch may veto laws, and the Judicial A. Because it did not contain a Bill of
branch may: Rights
A. declare war by law B. Because they didn’t think it needed a
Bill of Rights
B. enact laws to appoint judges
C. Because it gave all power to a King
C. decide that a law in unconstitutional
D. Because it didn’t allow women to vote
D. begin impeachment proceedings
against the Executive Branch 217. This group opposed the ratification of the
Constitution because it gave more power
212. Who were the Founding Fathers? to the federal government and less to the
A. We the people states.

B. the delegates of the states A. Anti-Federalists

C. the settlers of the 13 colonies B. Senate

C. Federalists
D. the English people
D. Legislature
213. What is NOT true about the U.S. Consti-
tution 218. The U.S. Constitution establishes a fed-
eral system of government. Which state-
A. It says how much power the branches ment best describes a federal system of
of the government can have government?
B. It changes with every new president A. a Bill of Rights protects individual liber-
C. it tells the government how to make ties
sure all Americans follow the laws B. state laws are the highest authority in
D. It is the symbol of democracy the nation
C. the people elect the president and
214. Anti-Federalist opposed ratification of members of Congress
the U.S. Constitution because it
D. power is divided between national and
A. Encourage trade with foreigners state governments
B. Did not support freedom for slaves
219. Which is an example of a “reserver
C. Did not guarantee individual right power”?
D. Criticized the abuses of Britain A. Establishing a post office


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 109

B. Setting up schools 224. The Supreme Court can declare

Congress’s laws unconstitutional.
C. Raising an army
Congress can impeach Supreme Court jus-


D. Coining money tices. This is an example of which con-
220. George Washington’s birthday is a fed-
A. Separation of Powers
eral holiday celebrated on
B. Limited Government
A. The Second Monday in February.
C. Federalism
B. The Third Monday in February.
D. Checks and Balances
C. The First Monday in February. E. Popular Sovereignty
D. The Second Monday in October.
225. What is the highest law in the United
E. The Fourth Thursday in November. States government?
A. The President
221. What is the job of the Legislative
Branch? B. U.S. Constitution
A. To make laws C. The Supreme Court
D. State constitutions
B. To enforce laws
C. To interpret laws 226. Building support for the ratification of the
United States Constitution was the pur-
D. To be bossy pose of the
222. What was the result of the 3/5ths com- A. Farewell Address of George Washing-
promise? ton
B. Albany Plan of Union
A. 3/5ths of people in a large state count
towards the states representation C. Mayflower Compact
B. 3/5ths on enslaved people count to- D. Federalist Papers
wards population when determining state
227. Thomas Jefferson, an anti-Federalist,
wrote, “It will be said there is no money
C. Only 3/5ths of enslaved people are in the treasury. There never will be money
able to vote in the south in the treasury till the confederacy shows
its teeth. The states must see the rod-
D. none of above
perhaps it must be felt by some one of
them.”Which shortcoming of the Articles
223. Which phrase in the Preamble states that
of the Confederation is Jefferson referring
the new government will support the well
being of all the people?
A. that each state only had one vote in
A. “form a more perfect union” Congress
B. “promote the general welfare” B. the lack of a national court system
C. “provide for the common defense” C. the lack of power to raise money
D. “secure the blessings of liberty to our- through taxes
selves and our posterity” D. the inability to enforce federal laws


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 110

228. What document replaced the Articles of D. They wanted a list of the rights of the
Confederation and established a new na- people to be added
tional government?
233. The Constitution prohibited what for 20
A. The Declaration of Independence
years after its ratification?
B. The Constitution
A. slavery
C. The Magna Carta
B. the end of the slave trade
D. The English Bill of Rights

C. changing state boundaries
229. Guarantees the freedom of religion, D. any changes to the Constitution
speech, press, assembly and the right to
petition government. 234. U.S. Constitution:Which constitutional
A. 1st principle is identified with the concept of
“consent of the governed”?
B. 4th
A. Rule of law
C. 9th
B. Popular sovereignty
D. 10th
C. Checks and balances
230. Martin Luther King Day is celebrated on
D. Separation of powers
the 3rd Monday in
A. December 235. The conflict between the large states and
the small states in the crafting of the Con-
B. January
stitution centered on:
C. February
A. whether judges should be chosen by
D. March popular vote
231. This state’s plan for congressional rep- B. whether there should be a monarchy
resentation wanted equal votes for each or a presidency
state? C. deciding how to count the votes of
A. Pennsylvannia slaves in national elections
B. New Jersey D. how to best represent the interests of
C. Virginia the people and the states in the legisla-
D. Massachusetts
236. Where in the Constitution can you find
232. What was the main reason Anti- the purposes of government?
Federalists did not want to ratify the Con-
stitution? A. Bill of Rights

A. They feared the states gaining too B. Article 1

much power C. Preamble
B. They wanted the Constitution to be D. Article 2
amended to have 3 branches of govern-
ment 237. All of the following are non-legislative
C. They wanted the states to have the op- powers of Congress except:
portunity to review the Constitution first A. impeachment


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 111

B. confirmation of presidential ap- D. provide for elite control, endanger lib-

pointees erty, and weaken the states


C. Congressional oversight
243. “Governments are instituted among Men,
D. Power to tax deriving their just powers from the con-
sent of the governed”
238. The U.S. Constitution gives citizens the
right to vote for the president. This is an A. Popular Sovereignty
example of
B. Republicanism
A. federalism
C. Federalism
B. checks and balances
D. Separation of Powers
C. representative democracy
D. none of above 244. Of the proposed amendments submitted
for ratification to the states by Congress,
239. How many Representatives are there for how many eventually became law?
each state?
A. 17
A. It depends on the population.
B. 14
B. 2
C. 1 C. 12

D. none of above D. 11
E. 10
240. How many senators does every state
245. The first ten amendments to the Constitu-
A. 2 tion guaranteeing a person’s freedoms or
B. 4 rights are known as the
C. 6 A. Bill of Rights
D. none of above B. amendments
241. How old must the president be? C. Articles
A. 21 D. Preamble
B. 25
246. *Both the U.S. and Texas establish courts.
C. 30 *State governments and the U.S. govern-
D. 35 ment collect taxes. *Both the U.S. govern-
ment and the Texas government have the
242. Opposition to ratification of the Constitu- power to punish criminals.These character-
tion was based on the belief that it would: istics are an example of which principle of
A. promote pluralism, which would government?
threaten liberty A. federalism
B. produce too much democracy in a B. limited government
strong central government
C. individual rights
C. give too much legislative and judicial
power to the states D. republicanism


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 112

247. Federal law supersedes state law be- 252. Congress should make any law “neces-
cause of the sary and proper” in pursuance of its duties
is commonly referred to as
A. Establishment Clause.
A. popular Sovereignty
B. Emoluments Clause.
B. the Elastic Clause
C. Elastic Clause.
C. judicial review
D. Takings Clause.
D. executive privilege

E. Supremacy Clause.
253. Congress is composed of the and
248. How many amendments to the Constitu- A. president and vice president
tion are there?
B. people and population
A. 7
C. House and Senate
B. 10
D. senate and president
C. 27
254. The only 2 Presidents Impeached in US
D. none of above History:
249. Fill in the blank We the people of the A. Nixon and Clinton
United States, in order to form a more per- B. Kennedy and Johnson
fect Union,
C. Clinton and Johnson
A. secure blessings D. Nixon and Clinton
B. establish Justice
255. Which person must meet the follow-
C. ordain welfare ing qualification to hold their elected of-
D. secure defense fice:must be at least 35 years of agebe a
resident of the U.S. for at least 14 yearsbe
250. Congress has all powers which are neces- a native born citizen
sary and proper to enact regulations to en- A. Senator
force existing enumerated powers under
B. Representative
C. President
A. Commerce clause
D. none of above
B. Elastic clause
C. Full faith and credit clause 256. Who was Daniel Shays? Select one:
A. a freed slave and merchant
D. War powers clause
B. a navy officer and British supporter
251. Who is known for the father of the con- C. an author of the Articles of Confedera-
stitution tion
A. Alexander Hamilton D. an army captain and bankrupt farmer
B. Benjamin Franklin
257. When did the Constitutional Convention
C. James Madison happen?
D. George Washington A. 1783


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 113

B. 1787 262. Compare and contrast:What is the main

difference between the Articles of Confed-
C. 1776
eration and the Constitution? Select one:


D. 1789
A. The Constitution allowed the govern-
ment to raise money through taxes, while
258. Bill of Rights:(2015) The Sixth Amend-
the Articles did not.
ment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees
a jury trial to U.S. citizens. Identify the B. The Articles were written by wealthy
particular responsibility that citizens have men, while women were allowed to par-
to one another to ensure a right to a jury ticipate in the Constitutional Congress.
trial. C. The Articles were only approved by
A. Jury duty nine states, while all thirteen approved
the Constitution.
B. Voting
D. The Constitution was written by a com-
C. Community service mittee, while Ben Franklin wrote the Arti-
D. Freedom of speech cles by himself.

263. What is the system of government in

259. How many Justices are on the Supreme
which the power is divided between the
Court today?
national and state governments?
A. 6 Justices A. Federalism
B. 9 Justices B. Separation of Powers
C. 7 Justices C. Checks and Balances
D. none of above D. none of above

260. According to the Preamble to the United 264. U.S. Constitution:What kind of practice is
States Constitution, our nation needed to exemplified in the situation described be-
form a “more perfect union.” Which docu- low:”The Supreme Court takes on a case
ment had been the “law of the land” since about the constitutional merits of a law.
1781 and now needed to be replaced in After hearing arguments for and against
1787? the law, they issue a verdict that the law
goes against certain provisions of the U.S.
A. The Virginia Plan Constitution. Once determined unconstitu-
B. The Bill of Rights tional, the law is struck down, or voided.”
C. the New Jersey Plan A. Judicial review
D. the Articles of Confederation B. Federal appeal
C. Limited government
261. The group that wished to create the Bill
D. Popular sovereignty
of Rights
A. Whigs 265. Each branch of the U.S. federal govern-
ment has its own distinct responsibilities.
B. Anti-Federalists Which term best describes this concept?
C. Federalists A. federal system
D. none of above B. checks and balances


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 114

C. separation of powers 271. Which groups were most likely to sup-

D. democracy port a stronger central government after
Shays’ Rebellion?
266. The “separation of church and state”
means A. militiamen and indentured servants

A. There can be no churches in the state B. farmers and sailors

B. There can be no religion in the state C. merchants and creditors
C. State employees cannot have a reli-

D. church elders and Native Americans
D. The government cannot dictate reli- 272. Which side do you think has the better
gion argument?
267. How does the Supreme Court apply judi- A. Federalists
cial review?
B. Anti-Federalists
A. interprets the laws to determine
whether they are constitutional C. -
B. review laws in order to create new D. none of above
C. in order to send citizens to prison 273. Who has the authority to admit new
states into the Union?
D. none of above
A. US Congress
268. The U.S. Constitution has been amended
times. B. State Legislatures
A. 25 C. The US Supreme Court
B. 26 D. none of above
C. 27
D. 28 274. The Speaker of the House is also known
as ?
E. 29
A. leader of the Senate
269. Who is the “Father of the Constitu-
tion”? B. leader of the Supreme Court
A. Thomas Jefferson C. leader of the House of Representa-
B. George Washington tives
C. James Madison D. the assistant to the President
D. Benjamin Franklin
275. What is an Executive Branch check over
270. How long is a representative’s term of the Judicial Branch?
A. raise taxes
A. 2 years
B. Call Congress into session
B. 4 years
C. 6 years C. declare war
D. 8 years D. appoint federal judges


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 115

276. U.S. Constitution:The U.S. Constitution 279. Voters elect members of the every
created a system of dynamic interaction two years.
among the three branches of federal gov-


A. executive branch
ernment. Choose the branch of govern-
ment that has the ability to check the each B. House of Representatives
branch on the items listed: branch C. Senate
checks the Executive Branch with veto
overrides and impeachment of civil offi- D. Constitution
280. The system of checks and balances is best
A. Executive illustrated by the power of
B. Judicial A. the Senate confirming a Presidential
C. Legislative appointment
D. None of these can check it. B. Congress to censure one of its mem-
277. What document made the power equal
between the national government and the C. a governor to send the National Guard
states? to stop a riot
A. Articles of Confederation D. state and Federal governments to col-
lect taxes
B. U.S. Constitution
C. Declaration of Independence 281. The right to elect your own representa-
D. none of above tives is also called
A. liberalism
278. Bill of Rights:(2016) The 9th Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution is shown:“The B. socialism
enumeration [listing] in the Constitution, C. democratism
of certain rights, shall not be construed
[interpreted] to deny or disparage [take D. republicanism
away] others retained by the people.
“How did the 9th Amendment address the 282. Which concept describes dividing a gov-
Federalist concerns about including a bill of ernment into distinct branches?
rights in the Constitution? A. Separation of Powers
A. It ensured that only state govern- B. Popular Sovereignty
ments would be able to grant rights to cit-
C. Federalism
B. It ensured that guaranteeing some D. Checks and Balances
rights would not lead to other rights being E. Republicanism
C. It ensured that the federal govern- 283. Who makes up the Executive Branch?
ment would have more power than state A. The President
B. The Vice President
D. It ensured that a proper balance of
C. The Cabinet
power among the three branches of gov-
ernment would be established D. All of the above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 116

284. Who is the head of the executive 288. Shay’s Rebellion (1786) became a con-
branch? cern for many national leaders because it
A. The Supreme Court
A. indicated there would be future con-
B. The Senate
flicts over the spread of slavery
C. The President B. exposed fundamental weaknesses in
D. The Cabinet government under the Articles of Confed-

285. Which of these is the main function of the C. exposed the need for federal govern-
legislative branch? ment regulation of interstate commerce
A. Make laws D. showed the frontier settlements were
B. Enforce laws vulnerable to raids by Native American In-
C. Define laws
289. Which purpose listed in the Preamble
D. Interpret laws
states that the new government will treat
286. Why did politicians in early American all people fairly?
mostly ignore the opinions of white A. “insure domestic tranquility”
women and black men and women? Select B. “establish justice”
C. “form a more perfect union”
A. They were not allowed to express po-
D. “do ordain and establish this Constitu-
litical opinions.
B. They had their own councils where
they could express themselves. 290. In order to vote on a bill, a quorum, or
of its members, must be present.
C. They were not interested in participat-
ing in the political process. A. 1/4
B. 1/2
D. They could not vote, so politicians
didn’t feel the need to listen to them. C. 3/4
D. all
287. Which action is an example of the system
of checks and balances? 291. Why was the Bill of Rights included in the
A. A) An individual pays both a state and
a federal income tax. A. To protect the idea of federalism.
B. B) New York State requires at least B. To make sure that the three branches
180 school days per year. of government would work properly.

C. C) The House of Representatives votes C. To provide additional guarantees for

to expel one of its members. individual rights.
D. none of above
D. D) The Senate approves a president’s
nominee to the Supreme Court. 292. The stars on our flag represent the
E. no answer A. 50 states
F. no answer B. 13 colonies


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 117

C. 7 continents C. War for Independence

D. none of above D. Constitutional Convention


293. Which statement is an example of the
298. The branch writes the laws. This
Constitutional principle of Checks and Bal-
branch is called Congress.
A. Power is held by the people and exer- A. Judicial
cised by their elected representatives. B. Executive
B. Each branch of government has limited
C. Legislative
powers, duties, and responsibilities
C. The Supreme Court can review actions D. Supreme
of the executive and legislative branches
299. Which concept means that a govern-
D. Powers not delegated to the central ment’s power is limited by laws in order
government are reserved for the states to protect the rights of citizens?
294. Each branch of government can exercise A. Republicanism
some power over the other two branches.
This is called B. Separation of Powers
A. federalism C. Federalism
B. legislation D. Limited Government
C. checks and balances E. Popular Sovereignty
D. republicanism
300. This plan of government was created at
295. Which article describes the Legislative the Constitutional Convention in 1787 to
branch of our government? replace the Articles of Confederation.
A. Article VII
A. The Revolution
B. Article V
B. The Declaration of Independence
C. Article III
D. Article I C. The Constitution of the United States
D. The Bill of Rights
296. How old must you be to be a Represen-
tative in the House of Representatives?
301. What are the 3 requirements to get into
A. 35 the House of Representatives?
B. 18
A. 30 years old, citizen for 9 years, live in
C. 25 the state you represent
D. none of above B. 30 years old, citizen for 7 years, live in
297. The first plan of government which gave the state you represent
more power to the states and had a weak C. 25 years old, citizen for 9 years, live in
central government was called the the state you represent
A. Declaration of Independence D. 25 years old, citizen for 7 years, live in
B. Articles of Confederation the state you represent


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 118

302. The U.S Constitution provides and de- A. “establishment of religion”

scribes what the government is able to do, B. “freedom of the press”
do you think something is missing in this
document? C. “peaceably to assemble”

A. Nothing is missing at all D. “redress of grievances”

B. Maybe more laws for us to follow 307. Why did the U.S. Constitution include a
bicameral legislature?
C. Maybe more powers for our govern-
A. having 2 houses allowed the legislative

branch to check and balance the executive
D. Maybe a set of rights for the people
and judicial branches
303. Article I of the Constitution establishes B. having 2 houses allowed small and
what? large states to reach a compromise on
A. executive branch representation
B. legislative branch C. having 2 houses allowed the legisla-
tive branch to be similar to the one under
C. full faith and credit the Articles of Confederation
D. ratification of the Constitution D. having 2 houses allowed northern and
southern states to reach a compromise
304. If elected to the House of Representa-
on counting enslaved people toward rep-
tives, how many years is a term?
A. 2
308. Many changes in government are gradual
B. 4
and difficult. How does our government
C. 6 decide if changes that are brought about
D. 8 by Federal laws are constitutional?
A. Popular vote
305. Another name for the first 10 amend-
ments B. Judicial review

A. Articles of Confederation C. Presidential veto

B. Preamble D. Congressional hearings

C. Bill of Rights 309. In which house of Congress, does each

state have equal representation?
D. Constitutional Convention
A. Senate
306. Congress shall make no law respecting
B. House of Representatives
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the C. General Assembly
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the D. House of Commons
right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a re- 310. Who can START an impeachment?
dress of grievances.”-First Amendment to A. The Senate
the U.S. Constitution, 1791 Which phrase B. Congress
in the First Amendment specifically relates
to an individual’s right to ask the govern- C. The House of Representatives
ment to correct an injustice? D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 119

311. Who is the Vice President? 316. Which is a check the Executive Branch has
over the Legislative Branch
A. Joe Biden


A. declare war
B. Mike Pence
B. veto bills that Congress sends
C. Donald Trump
C. raise the interest rate
D. none of above
D. declare laws unconstitutional
312. Which of the following was a weakness 317. The Articles of Confederation were impor-
of the Articles of Confederation? tant MAINLY because they:
A. It gave state police too much power. A. named the country the “United States
B. It gave too much power to the presi- of America”
dent. B. protected the rights and liberties of
C. It did not create a national court sys- American citizens
tem. C. forbade states to enter into treaties
without approval from Congress
D. It did not allow open travel between
states. D. held the country together prior to the
implementation of the U.S. Constitution
313. How long must you be a citizen in order
to be a Representative? 318. Which document did the Constitution re-
A. 3
A. Proclamation of 1763
B. 7
B. Declaration of Independence
C. 9 C. Articles of Confederation
D. none of above D. none of above
314. The U.S. government can have no powers 319. A strong Federalist would have MOST
or responsibilities beyond those assigned LIKELY supported which of the following?
in the U.S. Constitution.This best describes
A. the Jeffersonian-Republicans
which of the following ideas?
B. the Articles of Confederation
A. Checks and Balances
C. the Bill of Rights
B. Separation of Powers
D. the Constitution prior to any amend-
C. Limited Government ments
D. Freedom of Religion 320. What is federalism?
315. Name the 2 parts of Congress. A. Sharing of power between the national
and state govt.
A. President & Supreme Court
B. Sharing of power between the
B. House of Representatives & Senate
C. Sharing of power between your par-
C. Supreme Court & Senate ents and the children
D. House of Representatives & Supreme D. Sharing of power between the Federal-
Court ists and Anti-Federalists


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 120

321. Which issue is exclusively the responsibil- C. that Americans elect their own repre-
ity of the federal government? sentatives
A. Driver’s licenses D. that the federal government holds the
B. Collecting taxes most power
C. Teaching certifications
327. The passage tells where parts of the gov-
D. Counterfeit money ernment are headquartered. What does
the word headquartered mean?
322. What is a bicameral legislature?

A. a legislature with two houses A. safe

B. a one-house legislature B. hidden

C. a two-house Supreme Court C. located
D. none of above D. announced
323. The Bill of Rights was adopted on 328. This branch of government is responsible
A. December 15, 1789 for carrying out the laws.
B. December 15, 1790 A. Executive
C. December 15, 1791 B. Judicial
D. December 15, 1792
C. Legislative
E. December 15, 1793
D. Police
324. The current Vice President of the U.S. is
329. Which of these received increased author-
A. Joe Biden
ity under the reserved powers clause of
B. Barrack Obama the Constitution?
C. Richard Cheney A. States
D. none of above
B. Congress
325. Congress passes a bill → The president C. businesses
vetoes the bill → Congress overrides the
presidential vetoWhich principle of the U.S. D. Supreme Court
Constitution is illustrated in the sequence
above? 330. The government structure and powers un-
der the Articles of Confederation differed
A. Republicanism from the government under the U.S. Con-
B. Checks and balances stitution. How did the role of the govern-
C. Popular sovereignty ment expand under the U.S. Constitution?
D. Federalism A. Congress could not collect taxes.

326. The word “federalism” means B. Federal courts had no jurisdiction.

A. that power is shared between national C. A unicameral legislature made the
and state governments laws.
B. that every state has its own Constitu- D. The executive branch could enforce
tion laws.


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 121

331. Read the excerpt below. “In [creating] a 336. The supported the Constitution and
government which is to be administered by wanted a stronger national government.
men over men, the great difficulty lies in


this:You must first enable the government A. Federalists
to control the governed; and in the next B. Anti-Federalists
place, [make it ] control itself.” Which of
these principles is best reflected in the ex- C. Constitutionalists
D. Anti-Constitutionalists
A. majority rule
B. popular sovereignty 337. A government in which powers are di-
C. limited government vided between a national government and
state governments with the national gov-
D. representative democracy
ernment being supreme is called
332. What does “impeach” mean?
A. A confederate government
A. To convict of serious crimes
B. A republican government.
B. To remove from office
C. To resign C. A unitary government.
D. none of above D. A federal government
333. The president of the Senate is the
338. What could be an example of domestic
A. Vice President
B. President
C. Congress A. people constantly arguing

D. none of above B. individuals maintaining peace and or-

334. What role gives the President the ability
to rule as head of all the branches of the C. people fighting for food
D. individuals discriminating each other
A. Chief of State
B. Chief Diplomat 339. U.S. Constitution:The U.S. Constitution
C. Chief Citizen created a system of dynamic interaction
D. Commander in Chief among the three branches of federal gov-
ernment. Choose the branch of govern-
335. The national government has the power ment that has the ability to check the each
to coin money. The states have the power branch on the items listed: branch
to conduct elections. This is an example of checks the Judicial Branch with appointing
which concept? judges and issuing pardons and reprieves.
A. Limited Government A. Executive
B. Separation of Powers
B. Judicial
C. Republicanism
D. Federalism C. Legislative
E. Checks and Balances D. None of these can check it.


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 122

340. Identify the significance of the Virginia C. Regulation of interstate commerce

Plan during debates over the formation of
D. Representation of states in Congress
an American constitutional government.
A. it proposed a one-house legislature 345. Which of the following would be the
B. t proposed that each state would cast BEST heading for the list above? Read
a single vote the list below, and answer the follow-
ing question:-The slave trade-States’ rep-
C. it proposed Congress members be ap- resentation in the national government-

pointed for life Whether or not slaves would be consid-
D. it proposed three branches of govern- ered as part of the population-Rights of
ment citizens

341. This movement was characterized by a A. areas of compromise at the Constitu-

belief that the U.S. national government tionalConvention
under the Articles of Confederation was B. important topics unaddressed by our
too weak, and that a stronger central gov- FoundingFathers
ernment was needed:
C. things opposed by Southerners in the
A. Federalism late 1700s
B. Nationalism D. areasaddressed by the Virginia Plan
C. Judicial Review
346. How many of the original 13 states had
D. Separation of Powers
to approve the US Constitution before it
342. Which compromise concerned the issue was ratified?
of how to count slaves for representation A. All 13 States
and taxation?
B. 7 States
A. The Great Compromise
C. 9 States
B. The Commerce Compromise
D. none of above
C. The 3/5 Compromise
D. The Connecticut Compromise 347. Why style of government was estab-
lished under the Articles?
343. If a president were to meet with a for-
eign leader he would be performing which A. democracy
role? B. republic
A. Chief of Party C. confederation
B. Commander in Chief
D. monarchy
C. Chief Legislator
D. Chief Diplomat 348. is the sharing of power between na-
tional and state governments.
344. At the Constitutional Convention (1787), A. amendment
which issue was resolved by the Great
Compromise? B. democracy
A. Method of electing the president C. federalism
B. Power of Congress to tax exports D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 123

349. How many articles are there in the Con- D. none of above
353. Which best describes the delegates to the


A. 3 Constitutional Convention?
B. 4 A. college graduates, male and female
C. 5 B. educated white men
D. 7 C. militiamen and army members
350. The system where power of all of the D. a diverse group of men and women
branches of government is balanced by the
other branches 354. Who is the presiding officer of the House
of Representatives?
A. Constitution
A. Congress
B. federal system
B. Speaker of the House
C. checks and balances
C. Cabinet
D. three branches
D. none of above
351. What is an ex post facto law?
355. Which EVENT shows the weaknesses of
A. a law punishing people for acts that
the articles of confederation
were not crimes at the time they were
committed A. Shay’s rebellion
B. the right of people detained by the B. Civil war
government to know the charges against C. Revolutionary war
D. French and Indian war
C. when the legislature declares some-
one guilty without trail 356. What does Article III (3) establish?
D. none of above A. Legislative Branch

352. Preamble of the U.S. Constitution“We B. Judicial Branch

the People of the United States, in Order C. Executive Branch
to form a more perfect Union, establish D. Supremacy of the Constitution
Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, pro-
vide for the common defence, promote the 357. Members of the Senate serve year
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings terms.
of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, A. 2
do ordain and establish this Constitution
for the United States of America”Based on B. 6
the preamble, what is the purpose of the C. 10
U.S. Constitution? D. 4
A. Create a government to protect the
rights of citizens 358. Julia is arrested for attending a demon-
stration in protest against her govern-
B. Create a government to prepare a mil- ment’s policies. A judge sentences her
itary to five years’ imprisonment without a
C. Create a government that ensures trial. Which of Julia’s rights have been vi-
there is a president. olated?


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 124

A. freedom of assembly; the right to a B. Government in the United States is

public trial by an impartial judge split between three branches:the Leg-
islative, the Judicial, and the Executive
B. the right to be indicted by a grand jury;
freedom of the press
C. Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution cre-
C. freedom of religion ates a framework for how power in the
D. none of above government is split between the federal
government and the states.

359. Fill in the blankinsure domestic tranquil- D. Federalism was done away with during
ity, provide for the common defense, the Progressive Era.
A. ordain the constitution
363. If the president vetoes a bill, it can still
B. promote the general welfare become law if of both houses vote to
C. form a union override the veto.
A. 1/2
D. establish posperity
B. 2/3
360. What is one feature of the political sys- C. 3/4
tem created by the original Constitution of
D. all members
the United States?
A. Guaranteeing equal legal rights to all 364. How did the 3/5 Compromise solve the
persons problem for representation in Congress?
A. 3 out of 5 slaves counted towards that
B. Requiring the federal government to
state’s population but property taxes had
maintain a balanced budget
to be paid on them
C. Dividing powers between the national B. 3/5 of the states had a legislature
and state governments
C. 3/5 of the states had slaves that
D. Granting more power to the executive counted towards population
branch than to the other branches of gov-
D. none of above
365. What are the three branches of govern-
361. Who serves as the jury during an im- ment? Select one:
A. executive, Republican, Democrat
A. The Senate B. legislative, judicial, executive
B. Congress C. states, federal, executive
C. The House of Representatives D. liberal, federal, republicanism
D. none of above 366. Bill of Rights:(2015) What are the first
ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution
362. U.S. Constitution:Federalism is one of the called?
basic principles established in the U.S. Con-
A. Article I
stitution. How does government in the
United States reflect a federal structure? B. The Preamble
A. Congress is split into two houses:the C. The Bill of Rights
House of Representatives and the Senate. D. The Federalist Papers


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 125

367. How old must a representative be? C. Nancy Pelosi

A. 21 D. none of above


B. 25 372. The Executive Branch ?
C. 30 A. makes laws
D. 35 B. enforces laws
368. The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution C. interprets laws
called for a new system of government D. has nothing to do with laws
that could “promote the general welfare.”
Which of these is the BEST example of that 373. Bill of Rights:(2018) In 1788 Patrick
role of our government? Henry argued that the U.S. Constitution
should include laws guaranteeing certain
A. providing government funding to build rights for all Americans. The Bill of Rights,
a community health care center which was added to the U.S. Constitu-
B. providing government funding to train tion, addressed several of Patrick Henry’s
postal and utility workers concerns. One concern is shown. Se-
C. proving government funding to sup- lect the amendment that addressed Patrick
port high school sports and athletic pro- Henry’s concern.“A bill of rights may be
grams summed up in a few words. What do they
tell us? -That our rights are reserved.”
D. providing government funding to allow
underprivileged students to participate in A. 4th Amendment
a tour of Washington D.C. B. 6th Amendment
C. 7th Amendment
369. If the President dies, resigns, or is unable
to work, who becomes the President? D. 10th Amendment
A. A member of the President’s family 374. How many members are there in the Sen-
B. The Vice President ate?
C. The Speaker of the House A. 100
D. Mrs. Gennaco B. 200
C. 300
370. All states must recognize and honor the
laws and decisions that other states cre- D. 400
ate. Which of the following terms matches 375. of this group would be taxed:
this definition?
A. Pilgrims
A. Habeas Corpus
B. Slaves
B. Full Faith and Credit
C. Land Owners
C. The Elastic Clause
D. Indians
D. none of above
376. Who comes after the vice president in the
371. Who is the Speaker of the House? succession order of the presidency?
A. Paul Ryan A. Secretary of State
B. Donald Trump B. Chief of Staff


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 126

C. Speaker of the House C. A group of people appointed by each

D. President of the Senate state who formally elect the president
D. none of above
377. What are the 2 houses of the Legislative
Branch 382. A Quorum in Congress is:
A. The Senate and House of Representa-
A. Simple majority (one more than half)
B. The Senate and Supreme Court B. 2/3 present

C. House of Representatives and Presi- C. 3/5 present
dent D. 3/4
D. Senate and President
383. Enumerated, Reserved, Concurrent? Coin
378. Which major compromise was a combina- money
tion of the Virginia Plan and the New Jer-
A. Enumerated
sey Plan?
A. Commerce Compromise B. Reserved

B. Slave Trade Compromise C. Concurrent

C. Great Compromise D. none of above
D. 3/5 Compromise
384. Why do states have the same number of
379. Which concept describes a form of gov- representatives in the Senate but differ-
ernment where the people elect represen- ent numbers in the House of Representa-
tatives? tives?
A. Federalism A. This was the result of a compromise
between large and small states at the Con-
B. Republicanism
stitutional Convention
C. Limited Government
B. This was the result of a decision issued
D. Popular Sovereignty by the Supreme Court.
E. Separation of Powers C. Because it just is
380. The term of Congress lasts for D. This was based on the system adopted
A. 2 years by most states in their constitutions after
the Declaration of Independence.
B. 4 years
C. 6 years 385. Article I sec.1 states:All Legislative pow-
ers shall consist of:
D. 8 years
A. A Senate
381. What is the electoral college?
B. A House of Representatives
A. A university that helps politicians with
their campaigns C. A Senate and a House of Representa-
B. A group of academics that report to the
government during election season D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 127

386. Which function listed in the Preamble B. Secretary

states that the new government will pro- C. President
tect the gifts of freedom now and for fu-


ture generations? D. Treasurer

A. “do ordain and establish this Constitu- 391. How many total members of Congress
tion” are there?
B. “promote the general welfare” A. 100
C. “secure the blessings of liberty for B. 435
ourselves and our posterity” C. 535
D. It is not stated D. 635
387. A certain small town has many choices 392. This is the idea that everyone, citizens
for people who want to attend religious and powerful leaders alike, must obey the
services, including two churches, a syna- law
gogue, a cathedral, a mosque, and a tem-
ple. These choices are protected by the A. Limited Government
B. Republicanism
A. First Amendment
C. Individual Rights
B. Third Amendment
D. none of above
C. Sixth Amendment
D. Eighth Amendment 393. Why did the Constitution place strict lim-
its on the power of the government?
388. Who became the main contributor of
A. to protect individual rights.
ideas that helped shape America?
B. to divide the power between the fed-
A. Alexander Hamilton
eral and state government.
B. James Madison
C. to create a monarchy.
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. none of above
D. George Washington
394. What are the names of the three
389. What was the purpose of the Articles of branches of government?
A. Senate, House of Representatives, del-
A. tohelp American colonists make Native egates
Americans their allies B. legislative, executive, and judicial
B. to form an official alliance between C. justice, prosperity, and tranquility
America and Canada
D. Congress, legislative, and executive
C. to show that Americans were ready for
independence 395. Legislative, Judicial, and Executive are
D. to provide the first set of written rules the
for the American states A. three stooges
390. George Washington was elected of B. laws
The Constitutional Convention. C. three branches of government
A. Vice President D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 128

396. What was the main argument between B. Articles of Confederation

the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists? C. Declaration and Resolves
A. The powers of the Judicial branch D. Constitution
B. the extent of the powers of the na-
tional government and the state govern- 401. Bill of Rights:(2018) In 1788 Patrick
ments Henry argued that the U.S. Constitution
should include laws guaranteeing certain
C. The Articles of Confederation vs. the rights for all Americans. The Bill of Rights,

U.S. Constitution which was added to the U.S. Constitu-
D. none of above tion, addressed several of Patrick Henry’s
concerns. One concern is shown. Se-
397. What term describes the idea that peo- lect the amendment that addressed Patrick
ple who are charged with a crime can be Henry’s concern.“They may, unless the
returned to the state in which the crime general government be restrained by a bill
was committed? of rights, or some similar restriction, go
A. Jurisdiction into your cellars and rooms, and search,
B. Extradition ransack, and measure everything you eat,
drink, and wear. They ought to be re-
C. Federal Compliance strained within proper bounds.”
D. none of above A. 4th Amendment
398. Benjamin Franklin said, “In free govern- B. 6th Amendment
ments, the rulers are the servants and the C. 7th Amendment
people their superiors and sovereigns.”
This expresses which concept? D. 10th Amendment

A. Popular Sovereignty 402. The federal system of government

B. Checks and Balances A. is led by a king
C. Separation of Powers B. gives all the power to the national gov-
D. Federalism ernment

E. Republicanism C. divides power between the national

and state governments
399. To expel a member, a vote is required D. gives all the power to the states
A. 1/2
403. How old must you be to be a Senator?
B. 3/5
A. 50
C. 2/3
B. 40
D. 3/4
C. 30
400. “My political curiosity leads me to D. none of above
ask, who authorized them to speak the
language of ‘We, the People, ‘ instead of 404. Which of there following statements
‘We, the States? ”’-Patrick Henry, June most clearly reflects the principle of fed-
4, 1788. What document is Patrick Henry eralism?
talking about? A. Power is held by the people and exer-
A. Declaration of Independence cised by their elected representatives


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 129

B. Each branch of government has limited A. So that one branch of government

powers, duties, and responsibilities would not have too much power.


C. The Supreme Court can review actions B. So that everyone could be equal.
of the executive and legislative branches C. So that people could vote.
D. Powers not delegated to the central D. So that the president could have all the
government are reserved for the states power
405. What was the purpose of the Preamble 410. How many states had to ratify the Con-
to the Constitution? stitution before it went into effect?
A. to explain the goals of the Constitution A. 9
B. to grab the interest of readers B. 13
C. to give a short story about the Consti- C. 27
tution’s importance
D. 245
D. to illustrate the Constitution’s superi-
ority 411. Article III of the Constitution establishes
406. A change or addition to the Constitution A. Full Faith and Credit
is an B. Executive Branch
A. Amendment C. Legislative Branch
B. Approval D. Judicial Branch
C. Ratification
412. What is the first paragraph of the Consti-
D. Sanctification tution called?
407. Which articles of the Constitution outline A. Bill of Rights
the 3 branches of government? B. Articles of Confederation
A. Articles 1-3 C. Declaration of Independence
B. Articles 4-6 D. Preamble
C. Articles 7-9
413. What problem did the Great Compromise
D. none of above solve?
408. How many members of Congress or A. representation in the Executive Branch
States must agree to propose an amend- B. representation in the Supreme court
C. representation in Congress
A. Simple majority (1 more than half)
D. none of above
B. 2/3
C. 3/5 414. There are U.S. senators.

D. none of above A. 50
B. 100
409. Why did the founders of the Constitution
create a separation of powers between C. 75
the three branches? D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 130

415. The Constitution is sometimes called a liv- B. New Jersey

ing document because it can be changed. C. Virginia
What are changes to the Constitution
called? Select one: D. Massachusetts

A. judicial reviews 421. The Great Compromise resulted in which

B. ratifications of the following?

C. amendments A. Created three branches

D. votes B. Postponed the conversation about
416. What does “we the people of the United C. Added the Bill of Rights
States” mean?
D. Created two houses of Congress:the
A. all citizens of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
B. all men of the U.S.
422. Who is known as the Father of our con-
C. all federalists of the U.S. stitution?
D. all women of the U.S. A. George Washington
417. The branch of government explains or B. Thomas Jefferson
interprets the laws and is made up of the C. Alexander Hamilton
Supreme Court.
D. James Madison
A. Legislative
B. Executive 423. When did the U.S approve its constitu-
C. Judicial
A. 1776
D. checks and balances
B. 1783
418. The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Con- C. 1787
stitution are called the
D. 1789
A. Preamble
B. Bill of Rights 424. “Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the con-
C. Articles of Confederation sent of the governed.” This quote from
D. Declaration of Independence the Declaration of Independence illustrates
the concept of
419. How many amendments were added to
the Constitution before it was signed? A. Popular sovereignty

A. 10 B. Judicial review

B. 27 C. Federalism

C. 15 D. Separation of powers

D. 7 425. What is the role of the judicial branch?

420. This state’s plan for representation in A. to maintain the balance of power
Congress was based on population? B. to pass and repeal laws
A. Pennsylvannia C. to execute the laws


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 131

D. to interpret the laws and settle dis- C. gives Congress the power to do what
putes is necessary to cary out its duties


426. “There is not a declaration of rights, and D. gives the Supreme Court all of the
the laws of the general government be- power
ing paramount to the laws and constitu- 430. Which branch of government decides if a
tions of the several States, the declara- law violates the US Constitution?
tions of rights in the separate States are
no security.” from “Objections to This A. Executive
Constitution of Government, “ September B. Legislative
1787With which of the following argu- C. Judicial
ments would the author of the excerpt
above most likely agreed? D. none of above
A. Having a stronger central government 431. U.S. Constitution:Which statement sum-
will make the country more stable and marizes the original Federalist position on
prosperous the Bill of Rights?
B. Worker’s rights are paramount to the A. Additional amendments were needed,
success of the nation. given the Constitution’s lack of individual
C. State governments should ban the protections.
practice of slavery. B. Adopting the Bill of Rights was too
D. A bill of rights should be added to the risky because it might threaten ratifica-
Constitution before it is ratified. tion of the Constitution.
C. The Bill of Rights should be adopted be-
427. Which article says the Constitution is the cause national sovereignty should always
“supreme law of the land”? No state law come before states’ rights.
may violate the Constitution.
D. No amendments were needed, as
A. Article 6 the Constitution already had protections
B. Article 7 against excessive government power.
C. Article 4 432. Which article of the Constitution states
D. none of above that the Constitution is the supreme law
and state laws may not interfere?
428. The six reasons for establishing the Con-
stitution A. Article 4

A. Articles of Confederation B. Article 5

B. Preamble C. Article 6

C. Bill of Rights D. none of above

D. Constitutional Convention 433. Congress is to the as the President is

to the
429. The necessary and proper clause
A. executive branch; legislative branch
A. gives Congress the power to do what-
ever it needs B. judicial branch; executive branch

B. gives Congress the power to do what- C. legislative branch; executive branch

ever it wants D. judicial branch; legislative branch


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 132

434. An official act by the President forgiv- 438. The highest court in the United States is
ing a person convicted of a crime and free- the
ing that person from serving his/her sen-
A. District Court
B. Supreme Court
A. Excuse
C. State Court
B. Commutation
D. Military Court
C. Pardon

D. Termination 439. Article VI of the Constitution states “This
Constitution, and the laws of the United
435. Which of the following phrases from the States shall be the supreme law of the
Preamble is best described by saying:“All land. The Senators and Representatives
citizens should have their basic needs of before mentioned and all executive
food, clothing, and shelter.” and judicial officers, both of the United
A. perfect union States and of the several states, shall
be bound by oath or affirmation, to sup-
B. common defense
port this Constitution.”Reading the quote,
C. liberty what is the meaning of “the supreme law
D. general welfare of the land? ”Select one:
A. Everyone has to follow the Constitu-
436. Which of the following is a power of tion.
B. Elected officials do not have to follow
A. Make and collect taxes the Constitution.
B. Create a national currency and print
C. The president does not have to follow
the Constitution.
C. Regulate trade
D. Supreme Court judges do not have to
D. All of the above follow the Constitution.

437. After Shays’ Rebellion, some Americans 440. The is the opening paragraph of the
feared that state governments would be- Constitution.
come more open and, as a result, more re-
sponsive to poor people. What do these A. Article 1
fears show us about these Americans? Se- B. Preamble
lect one:
C. Bill of Rights
A. They wanted to punish Shays by taking
D. Prelude
his money and property.
B. They were dedicated to creating a 441. What is the Great Compromise?
more open and diverse government.
A. When they combined the New Jersey
C. They wanted more wealth equality so plan and the Virginia Plan
that rebellions would stop.
B. the Electoral College
D. They were more concerned about their
C. The triangular trade
own property than about the needs of oth-
ers. D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 133

442. The 3/5th Compromise was the Consti- 447. The country’s first set of rules after the
tutional Convention’s solution to which of revolutionary war was the
the following issues?


A. Articles of Confederation
A. How to count population representa- B. Bill of Rights
tion per each state.
C. Declaration of Independence
B. How to count slaves towards state rep-
resentation D. Preamble to the Constitution

C. Whether slavery should continue to ex- 448. Each term in the House is years
ist as an institution A. 1
D. Whether the executive branch should B. 2
have one President or more
C. 4
443. What does the executive branch do? D. 6
A. elect the president
449. The Legislative Branch of our government
B. make the laws is made up of the
C. enforces the laws A. Constitution
D. count the votes B. President
444. There are Senators from each state, C. Supreme Court
each serving years. D. Congress
A. 3, 4
450. The executive branch is headed by the
B. 2, 6
A. Congress
C. 2, 4
B. The President
D. 4, 8
C. Supreme Court
445. Bicameral means there are branches D. House of Representatives
or houses
A. one 451. Which of the following helped the Consti-
tution to get ratified?
B. two
A. The promise of the addition of a Bill of
C. three Rights after ratification
D. five B. The creation of the Preamble
446. The Articles of Confederation allowed C. The promise of the creation of 3
Congress to establish official weights and branches
measures. What purpose did that serve? D. The end of the American Revolution
A. It created standards for trade and
building. 452. What kind of cases does the Supreme
Court decide?
B. It encouraged Americans to grow
more food. A. Cases involving the Constitution
C. It made America seem more impres- B. Cases involving only Federal Officials
sive. C. Cases involving Foreign Nations
D. It helped people feel more patriotic. D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 134

453. You have to live in the United States for C. the Olive Branch Petition
how many years continuously in order to
D. the Declaration of Independence
run for President?
A. 14 459. The US Constitution was written to ?
B. 7 A. Sign a treaty with Great Britain
C. 9 B. replace the Declaration of Indepen-
D. none dence

C. Replace the Articles of Confederation
454. In what year did the Constitution offi-
cially become U.S. law? D. none of the above
A. 1776
460. Which of the following phrases from the
B. 1799 Preamble is best described by saying:“Our
C. 1812 country should be united together, not di-
vided apart!”
D. 1789
A. domestic tranquility
455. What is the name of the first Constitu-
tion? B. justice
A. Articles of Confederation C. perfect union
B. Articles of Incorporation D. general walfare
C. The Federalist Papers 461. The Constitution describes two ways to
D. The Great Constitution propose an amendment. Which of the fol-
lowing gives an example of one way?
456. What does the part “Many Different
Ideas” tell about the Constitution? A. The president officially requests that
Congress propose the amendment.
A. how long it took to write
B. why it was difficult to write B. Three-fourths of state governors sign
a petition in favor or proposing the amend-
C. the number of people who wrote it ment.
D. the names of everyone who wrote it C. A majority of citizens vote in favor of
457. Which of the following phrases from the proposing the amendment
Preamble is best described by saying:“We D. Two-thirds of both congressional
should have a military to protect us!” houses vote in favor of proposing the
A. common defense amendment.
B. domestic tranquility 462. According to Article 1 sec.3; clause 3, a
C. perfect union person has to be years old to be a Sen-
D. liberty ator.
A. 25
458. Which document replaced the Articles of
Confederation in 1788? Select one: B. 18
A. the Second Articles of Confederation C. 30
B. the United States Constitution D. 35


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 135

463. Why are the amendments an important 467. Which phrase in the Preamble tells us
part of the Constitution? that the new constitution will set up a
democratic form of government?


A. because they were added later
A. “We the people”
B. because they give people many rights
B. “secure the blessings of liberty for our-
C. because there are more than 20 of
selves and our posterity”
C. “establish justice”
D. because there are new ones added
each year D. it is not state it
468. How were Senators originally chosen?
464. In order to be president you need to be a
what? A. Governor
A. natural born U.S. Citizen B. State legislators
B. be an immigrant C. Popular vote

C. speaker D. Appointed by the President

D. none of them 469. What does the Judicial Branch do?

A. outlines the federal court system
465. At the time of Shays’ Rebellion, wealthy
people with high social status saw and B. determines the US constitution
as signs of trouble for America. C. manages day to day operations of gov-
A. poor health; starvation
D. makes laws
B. a growing militia; poor farmers
C. trade; crumbling international rela- 470. Which of the following is NOT a
tions power/duty of Congress?

D. rising costs; unstable currency A. maintain the post office

B. to declare war
466. In the aftermath of Shays’ Rebellion, one
C. create naturalization laws
of George Washington’s aides, General
Henry Knox, concluded:“What is to af- D. granting pardons to people
ford our security against the violence of
471. The Constitutional Convention met in
lawless men? Our government must be
Philadelphia, where is this city?
braced, changed, or altered to secure our
lives and property.”What did Knox mean A. Massachusetts
by his conclusion? B. Virginia
A. that the national government had too C. Pennsylvania
much power and needed to be weakened D. New York
B. that the Articles of Confederation
472. What do the Bill of Rights guarantee?
were too weak to keep the country secure
A. there will be individual branches
C. that George Washington would be a
great leader B. individual governments
D. that there would be many more rebel- C. individual rights and freedoms
lions in the new nation D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 136

473. What are the three branches of govern- 478. The idea that the government was cre-
ment? ated by the people of America was
A. Legislative, Law Enforcement, Execu- A. Popular Sovereignty
tive B. Republicansim
B. Legislative, Judicial, Executive C. Federalism
C. Judicial, Exemplary, Legislative D. Self-government
D. Judges, lawyers, cops

479. The Political Party that advocated for the
474. What is a delegate? creation of the Constitution
A. the mayor of a town A. Federalists
B. a place where people go B. Antifederalists
C. the president C. Whigs

D. People who have been chosen to make D. Tories

decisions for a larger group.
480. What role do the federal courts play
475. Which group of people wanted the Con- in checking the power of the legislative
stitution to include a Bill of Rights? branch?

A. Federalists A. Congress creates courts and may im-

peach judges
B. Anti-federalists
B. federal judges and justices are ap-
C. Democrats pointed for life
D. Northerners C. they review laws of Congress for com-
pliance with the Constitution
476. In the United States, the govern-
ment is split into three independent D. the President may veto Congressional
branches:legislative, executive, and judi- legislation with judicial approval
cial. This is an example of which concept?
481. The significance of the Supreme Court
A. Limited Government case Marbury v. Madison is that the de-
B. Checks and Balances cision

C. Republicanism A. advanced civil rights for minorities

B. upheld the constitutionality of a na-
D. Separation of Powers
tional bank
E. Federalism
C. established the power of judicial re-
477. What is Appellate Jurisdiction? view
A. Cases that involve the military D. limited Presidential control of foreign
B. Cases that are referred to the
Supreme Court by the US Congress 482. The number of each state’s representa-
C. Cases that are appealed from lower tives is determined by
courts. A. voting records
D. none of above B. the Senate


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 137

C. the Supreme Court B. care for those in need

D. population C. begin fairness for all


483. What is the U.S Constitution? D. none of above
A. A declaration of war
488. Federalism is best defined as a principle
B. A document that says how the U.S gov- of government that
ernment runs. It is the highest law of the
land. A. Divides power between the central
government and state governments
C. A peace deal
B. Includes a system of checks and bal-
D. Is a document that says how mayors
and governors should act.
C. Allows the states to nullify national
484. What happens when a state law conflicts laws
with a federal law?
D. Places the most power in the hand of
A. The federal government can penalize
the legislative branch
the state.
B. The federal government must change 489. * Convened in 1787*Great Compromise
its law. Established*Three-fifths Compromise es-
C. The state government can enforce its tablishedThe characteristics listed above
own law. describe
D. The state must give way to the federal A. The Revolutionary War
government. B. The Constitutional Convention
485. How many states needed to ratify the C. The Era of Good Feelings
new Constitution?
D. The Colonial Era
A. 8
B. 12 490. Which of these serves as an introduc-
tion to the U.S. Constitution and outlines
C. 9
the “founding fathers” intentions regard-
D. 13 ing the Constitution’s meanings?
486. How long are justices on the Supreme A. Article 1
Court once they start?
B. The Preamble
A. 4 years
C. Bill of Rights
B. 2 years
D. The Articles of Confederation
C. 6 years
D. As long as they have “good behavior”- 491. What are ways to become a U.S. Citizen
could be for the rest of their life.
A. Have parents who are U.S. citizens
487. What does “secure the blessing of liberty B. Pay Taxes
to ourselves and our posterity” mean?
C. Serve in a Jury
A. make sure freedom and fairness con-
tinues for ourselves and all our children D. none of above


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 138

492. Which was an important weakness of the B. 14

Articles of Confederation? C. 12
A. Central government didn’t have power D. 11
to tax or have an army
E. 10
B. Central government had too much
power 498. Which of the following is Congress not
allowed to do?
C. Who knows
A. Declare War

D. none of above
B. Create lower courts
493. The vice-president of the United States
C. Bill of Attainder
also serves as
D. Create separate judicial system for the
A. Speaker of the House
B. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court E. Grant titles of nobility
C. president of the Senate
499. Which articles deal with the branches of
D. president pro tempore government?
494. How long does a Senator serve? A. Article I, Article II and Article III
A. 6 B. Article I and Article II
B. 12 C. Article III only
C. 18 D. Articles IV, I and VI
D. none of above 500. What is the name for a change or addition
to the Constitution?
495. What role gives the President the ability
to host the first pitch in a baseball game A. Federalism
in the World Seriess? B. Amendment
A. Commander in Chief C. Ratification
B. Chief of Foreign Policy D. Veto
C. Chief of State 501. Where must you live in order to be a sen-
D. Chief Executive ator?
A. In the city you’re elected in.
496. Slaves were determined to be counted as
a fraction based on this compromise B. In the district you’re elected in.
A. The three Fifths Compromise C. In the state you’re elected in.
B. The Seven-Eighths Compromise D. none of above
C. The Three-Fourths Compromise 502. Which group of people wanted the Con-
D. The One-Half Compromise stitution to be ratified?
A. Federalists
497. How many amendments for a Bill of
Rights were passed by Congress and sent B. Anti-Federalists
to the states for ratification? C. Democrats
A. 17 D. Republicans


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 139

503. To decide representation in Congress, B. Speaker of the House

Roger Sherman presented a plan that pro- C. Secretary of Education
posed two house of Congress, the Senate


and the House of Representatives. D. Ambassador to the United Nations
A. The Big Boom 508. What is “to enact”?
B. The federal system A. to do a list of rules
C. The Great Pumpkin B. to create courts
D. The Great Compromise C. to authorize the printing of money
504. In the United States, activities such as D. to make a law
Cabinet meetings and Committee hearings
509. What are expressed powers?
are described as
A. powers not granted specifically to the
A. examples of direct democracy
national government but considered nec-
B. responsibilities of the executive essary to carry out the enumerated pow-
branch ers.
C. features of the unwritten constitution B. it grants Congress the powers neces-
D. requirements of the system of checks sary to carry out its enumerated powers
and balances. C. authority specifically granted to a
branch of government in the Constitution
505. Which of the following is NOT a view-
point that Anti-Federalists shared? D. none of above
A. The Constitution needs a Bill of Rights 510. Another synonym for “preamble” is
B. The Constitution gives the federal gov- A. ending
ernment too much power over the states
B. conclusion
C. A strong President is necessary to pro-
tect the country against foreign attacks. C. beginning
D. The President created by the Constitu- D. title
tion too closely resembles a king.
511. Which house of Congress is based on
506. At the Constitutional Convention of equal representation and was supported
1787, the agreements known as the by the New Jersey Plan?
“Three-fifths Compromise” and the A. House of Representatives
“Great Compromise” dealt with the issue
B. Senate
C. Judicial Branch
A. amendments to the Constitution
D. Executive Branch
B. rights of the accused
C. powers of the President 512. The Legislative Branch ?
D. representation in Congress A. makes laws

507. Which person is a member of the legisla- B. carries out laws

tive branch? C. Interprets laws
A. President of the United States D. has nothing to do with laws


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 140

513. This uprising convinced some Americans 518. What rights does the fourth amendment
that a new constitution was needed? protect?
A. The Gunpowder Plot A. It protects citizens against unreason-
able search and seizure.
B. Shays’ Rebellion
B. It protects citizens rights of freedom
C. The Whiskey Rebellion
of speech.
D. The Civil War
C. It gives citizens the right to bear arms.

514. What is the introduction paragraph called D. It gives citizens the right to a lawyer.
in the Constitution?
519. General:What do compromise, persua-
A. The Bill of Rights sion, negotiation, and consensus building
B. The Articles all have in common?
C. The Preamble A. All of them are nonviolent methods of
conflict resolution.
D. The Framers
B. All of them involve getting each party
515. The “Father of the Constitution” who to make sacrifices.
made a plan for government and arrived
C. All of them typically produce unequal
early to the Constitutional Convention is
results for opposing parties.
D. All of them involve enabling opposing
A. George Washington parties to have their positions accepted.
B. James Madison
520. According to the U.S. Constitution, the
C. Benjamin Franklin government is made up of:
D. Roger Sherman A. Congress and the lower branches it
E. Thomas Jefferson creates.
B. several unequal branches competing
516. Who shares power according to the prin- for power.
ciple of federalism?
C. the president and the legislation that
A. Elected officials and appointed offi- he or she selects.
D. three equal branches with different
B. State government and federal govern- powers.
C. Executive and Legislative branches. 521. Anti-federalists wanted a Bill of Rights
added to the constitution to help protect
D. People and government.

517. The executive branch of government is A. Individual Rights

ran by? B. State Rights
A. Congress C. Slavery
B. The President D. The Articles of Confederation
C. Supreme Court 522. How many times per year is Congress re-
D. House of Representatives quired to meet?


1.4 The U.S. Constitution 141

A. 1 process for obtaining witnesses in his fa-

B. 3 vor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel
for his defense. “Which issue is addressed


C. 6 by the 6th Amendment?
D. 7 A. Powers of taxation
523. Which holiday is celebrated on the third B. Rights of the accused
Monday of February of each year? C. Protection of property
A. Martin Luther King Jr. D. Protection from torture
B. Valentine’s Day
527. What is your first amendment?
C. Lupercalia
A. Freedom of speech, freedom of reli-
D. Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday
gion, freedom to petition the government
E. George Washington Birthday for change, and freedom of the press (cre-
ate a newspaper or any news reporting on
524. Article I of the Constitution establishes the government)
which branch of government?
B. Right to bear arms, right to live how-
A. Judicial ever you want, right to live wherever you
B. Legislative want, right to watch whatever kind of t.v
channel, right to eat anything
C. National
C. government needs a warrant to
D. Executive
search you, your house, or belongings
525. Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and D. No cruel or unusual punishment
James Madison published several essays
arguing for the Constitution known as the 528. The PREAMBLE is the
A. introduction to the constitution
A. Publius Papers
B. ending of the declaration of indepen-
B. Federation Articles dence
C. A Discussion on Constitutional Ratifica- C. introduction to articles of confedera-
tion tion
D. Federalist Papers D. summary of of the declaration of inde-
526. Bill of Rights:(2016) The 6th Amendment
from the Bill of RIghts is shown:”In all 529. Which article explains relations between
criminal prosecutions, [citizens] shall en- states? Requires states to honor one an-
joy the right to a speedy and public trial, other’s laws. Sets out a system for admit-
by an impartial jury of the State and dis- ting new states.
trict wherein the crime shall have been
committed, which district shall have been A. Article 3
previously ascertained by law, and to be B. Article 6
informed of the nature and cause of the
C. Article 4
accusation; to be confronted with the wit-
nesses against him; to have compulsory D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 142

530. How many representatives do states get C. 27 amendments

in the Senate? D. 21 amendments
A. Based on population
535. The Great Compromise accomplished
B. Every state gets 1 which of the following?
C. Every state gets 2 A. Got rid of the Articles of Confederation
D. Only some states get into the Senate B. Created the Bill of Rights

531. Which of the following best describes C. Resolved conflicts between the North
how a bill becomes a law? and South over slavery
A. Senate and House agree and bill be- D. Resolved the conflicts between the
comes a law small and large states about representa-
B. President signs bill and it becomes a
law 536. Why did the Framers of the Constitution
C. Both houses of Congress pass the bill want the separation of powers?
and the president signs it A. to make sure that no single branch of
D. The Judicial Branch passes the bill government had too much power
B. to make sure that citizens could be
532. What does the word convention mean? heard
A. a town C. to elect a lot of people into power
B. a rule D. to model the U.S. government after
C. a meeting of people who share the England’s government
same purpose or ideas
537. By setting up an armed force, the new
D. one branch of government U.S government was able to:
533. What items do Americans call “the A. provide for the common defense
supreme law of the land? ” B. establish justice
A. The Constitution C. form a more perfect union
B. Laws passed by congress D. insure domestic tranquility
C. Treaties
538. Congress is made up of two houses:the
D. All of the above and the House of Representatives.
534. How many changes have there been to A. White House
the U.S Constitution? B. House of Lords
A. 10 amendments C. Senate
B. 5 amendments D. Supreme Court

1.5 Three Branches of Government


1.5 Three Branches of Government 143

1. who is incarge of the executive brance C. Participant

A. supreme court D. President


B. president 7. A bill can be introduced into Congress by
C. congess (read the choices carefully)
D. Grayson A. a member of the House of Representa-
2. From our simulation, the Lead Chefs could
B. a member of the Senate
be compared to the Branch because
they have the power to veto laws. C. either a member of the Senate or
House of Representatives
A. Judicial
D. the President
B. Legislative
C. Executive 8. The powers that are listed in the Constitu-
tion that belong to Congress are called
D. none of above
A. implied powers.
3. A system in which no one government B. enumerated powers.
branch has too much power
C. congressional powers.
A. Executive System
D. powerful powers.
B. Judicial System
C. Checks and Balances 9. How many Representatives does each
state have?
D. none of above
A. Based on the states size
4. Which branch can appoint (choose) jus- B. Based on the states populations
C. Based on how long the state has been
A. Legislative a state
B. Executive D. Based on the states governor
C. Judicial
10. Which branches take part in appointing
D. none of above and confirming a Cabinet member?
5. Which branch of the government makes, A. House of Representatives and Senate
debates, and passes the laws? B. Supreme Court and President
A. Legislative C. Senate and President
B. Executive D. Supreme Court and the House of Rep-
C. Judicial resentatives
D. none of above 11. There are people from each state in the
6. The is elected by eligible United States
citizens who vote and by the Electoral Col- A. 1
lege system B. 2
A. Pope C. 5
B. Principal D. 10


1.5 Three Branches of Government 144

12. Each branch has specific duties of jobs in 18. How many Supreme Court justices do we
government currently have?
A. separation of powers A. 6
B. checks and balances B. 13
C. limited government C. 9
D. judicial review D. none of above
19. What branch is having its power checked

13. What is the primary job of the Judicial
Branch? when Congress impeaches a presi-
A. Make Laws
A. Legislative Branch
B. Carry out the laws
B. Executive Branch
C. Interpret Laws
C. Judicial Branch
D. Taxes
D. none
14. The governor is the head of this branch of
our state’s government. 20. Where do the major branches of our fed-
eral government meet and work?
A. legislative
A. Waffle House
B. judicial
B. Washington DC
C. executive
C. Canada
D. none of above
D. Atlanta GA
15. A bill must pass through a before it can
21. Which group has the power to advise and
be voted on by the entire House or Senate.
consent on some executive decisions?
A. panel of judges
A. Senate
B. committee B. Congress
C. President C. Supreme Court
D. Supreme Court D. House of Representative
16. Which of the following is a responsibility 22. What of these is not one of the Three
of the U.S. president? Branches of Government?
A. Campaign for reelection A. Judicial
B. Declare war when needed B. Empire
C. Receive foreign ambassadors C. Legislative
D. Interpret laws passed by Congress D. Executive
17. Federal judges get their jobs through: 23. Who is in charged of the armed forces?
A. regularly held elections by the citizens A. the governor
B. Presidential appointment B. the president
C. Congressional elections C. the mayor
D. none of above D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 145

24. What is the main job of the Judicial 29. Our Congress is BICAMERAL, meaning it
Branch? has two-parts, what are the two groups
that make up the US Congress?


A. Declare if laws are constitutional
B. Enforce laws A. executive and judicial

C. Make laws B. legislative and executive

D. Calling Batman C. House of Representatives and the Sen-
25. Which branch can declare the acts of the
D. none of above
other branches unconstitutional?
A. Legislative 30. The study laws to see if they are cor-
rect according to the Constitution. They de-
B. Executive
termine if laws are constitutional.
C. Judicial
A. 9 Justices (special judges)
D. none of above
B. 20 Lawmakers
26. After being introduced, what is the next C. 15 Citizens
step in the lawmaking process?
D. 100 Coaches
A. The bill is voted on
B. The bill is debated 31. Powers that are shared between Congress
and the states are called
C. The bill is worked on in committees
A. Delegated Powers
D. The bill is reviewed by the President
(national laws) or Governor (state laws) B. Reserved Powers
C. Concurrent Powers
27. Because our communities can be different,
we need laws for just our community. This D. Special Powers
is why we need government.
32. Which branch makes sure the laws are fol-
A. community lowed fairly?
B. local A. Legislative Branch
C. state B. Executive Branch
D. national C. Judicial Branch
28. What are the jobs of the executive and D. none of above
legislative branches when it comes to
treaties? 33. Congress decides fast food restaurants,
such as Whataburger, are unhealthy and
A. US Senate proposes treaties and pres-
decides to make operating a fast food
ident carries out foreign treaties
restaurant illegal. Which branch of govern-
B. US Senate negotiates foreign treaties ment is responsible for vetoing this bill?
and the president approves the treaties
A. Superman will save everyone!
C. US Senate ratifies (approves) treaties
B. Executive Branch
and the President negotiates treaties
D. US Senate carries out foreign treaties C. Judicial Branch
and the president proposes treaties D. Legislative


1.5 Three Branches of Government 146

34. Term of office for a Supreme Court justice 40. Appointed for life with good behavior.
A. elected for a period of 5 years A. Judicial Branch
B. nominated for a period of 10 years B. Executive Branch
C. elected for a period of 8 years C. Legislative Branch
D. nominated for life (until retirement or D. All 3 branches
41. A couple of powers of the Branch is

35. This branch of government is responsible that they can sign and veto laws.
for writing new laws.
A. Executive
A. Legislative
B. Legislative
B. Executive
C. Judicial
C. Judicial
D. none of above
D. none of above
42. Power is divided up between the national
36. main parts of the Constitution; body
and state governments.
A. preamble
A. federalism
B. amendments
B. checks and balances
C. articles
C. separation of powers
D. none of above
D. popular sovereignty
37. Enumerated powers of Congress? (select
all that apply) 43. Which is an example of how one branch of
government can be affected by the other
A. Override vetoes branches?
B. Declare war A. The executive branch includes the
C. Propose Constitutional Amendments president, the vice president, and the Cab-
D. Reject Presidential Treaties inet
B. Justices on the Supreme Court are ap-
38. How many members are in the Supreme pointed by the president and approved by
Court? the Senate.
A. 4
C. Voters in each state elect their repre-
B. 6 sentation in the House and their senators
C. 9 to go to Congress.
D. none of above D. none of above

39. Which statement is NOT true about the 44. The House of Representatives is one part
branches of government? of Congress with members.
A. Legislative branch makes the laws. A. 100
B. Executive enforces the laws. B. 435
C. Judicial makes sure the laws are legal. C. 535
D. Supreme Court is above the president. D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 147

45. What is one of the two ways an amend- C. 35

ment can be proposed? D. 40


A. People sign a petition
51. Commands the armed forces.
B. Bill signed into law
A. Judicial Branch
C. 2/3 of Congress propose it
B. Executive Branch
D. The President asks C. Legislative Branch
46. During the presidential inauguration, the D. All 3 branches
newly elected president takes an Oath of
Office. What does he/she swear on? 52. How many Senators are elected from each
A. the Bible
A. 1
B. Webster’s Dictionary
B. 2
C. Declaration of Independence
C. 3
D. a photograph of George Washington
D. 4
47. When someone is elected President, how 53. What is the duty of the executive branch?
long are they President for?
A. Carry out laws of the country
A. 1 year
B. Carry out laws of the state
B. 2 years
C. Carry out laws of the city
C. 3 years
D. Carry out laws of the parish
D. 4 years
54. The judicial branch evaluates the laws and
48. Some duties of the Executive Branch is make sure they follow the
A. public events A. menu at McDonalds
B. bills B. Bible
C. pardons C. Constitution
D. commander in chief D. Leader

49. To keep one branch from overpowering an- 55. What branch is having its power checked
other branch and not following the consti- when Congress impeaches a judge?
tution, the original delegates chose a sys- A. Legislative Branch
tem of what? B. Executive Branch
A. articles C. Judicial Branch
B. laws D. none
C. checks and balances
56. what two branches do we have in the Leg-
D. treaties islative
50. To be President you must be at least A. President & Vice President
years old B. House of representatives & Senate
A. 25 C. Supreme Court
B. 30 D. Judge Judy


1.5 Three Branches of Government 148

57. Who is the leader of the Executive C. 5

Branch? D. 6
A. Supreme Court Justices
63. Why is the constitution important?
B. The President
A. It tells how the government should be
C. The Speaker of the House run. It is the highest law in the US.
D. none of above B. It was a list of all of the important wars
that America has won.
58. In the House of Representatives, each

state has a different number of members C. It gives the executive branch power
based on the state’s: over the other branches.

A. physical size D. It is a list of every law that has ever

been made.
B. each state has the same number of
members 64. What branch of government interprets the
laws and makes sure they follow the con-
C. population
D. geography
A. The Legislative Branch
59. The Judicial branch is made up of the: B. The Judicial Branch
A. President, Vice President, and the Cab- C. The Executive Branch
inet D. none of above
B. House of Representatives and the Sen-
65. The President calls for a meeting with the
leaders of different European countries to
C. Supreme Court and the Lower Courts discuss ways to deal with terrorism. He is
D. none of above playing the role of
A. Chief Diplomat
60. Who can veto a law?
B. Legislative Leader
A. Vice President
C. Economic Leader
B. The Senate
D. Chief Executive
C. Supreme Court
66. Which branch carries out the laws for the
D. President
61. How many terms can a president serve to- A. Legislative
tal? (one term = 4 years)
B. Executive
A. 1 C. Judicial
B. 3 D. none of above
C. 2
67. The Legislative Branch is made up of how
D. none of above many houses?
62. A presidential election happens every A. 1
years. B. 2
A. 3 C. 9
B. 4 D. 50


1.5 Three Branches of Government 149

68. The Senate is part of this branch of gov- 73. Which of these principles of all American
ernment. citizens means that a person has the right
to go after his or her dreams?


A. Legislative
A. Life
B. Executive
B. Liberty
C. Judicial
C. Pursuit of Happiness
D. none of above
D. Equality
69. Congress proposes an amendment legaliz- 74. When a bill is rejected by the President, it
ing an income tax. The Supreme Court is called?
rules that the income tax is unconstitu-
tional. These events illustrate the use of A. Veto
which of the following? B. Amendment
A. delegated powers C. Impeach
B. checks and balances D. Preamble
C. unwritten constitution 75. A U.S. Senator serves a year term.
D. . judicial legislation A. 2
B. 4
70. U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators
get their jobs through: C. 6

A. government mandated processes D. none of above

B. regularly held elections by the citizens 76. This house of Congress has 435 members
with the number of members based on
C. Presidential appointment each state’s population
D. none of above A. House of Representatives
71. Which branch has the Supreme Court? B. Senate

A. Legislative C. President
D. Supreme Court
B. Executive
C. Judicial 77. Leader of the Senate and Leader of the
D. none of above
A. President and Vice President
72. When a judge or a jury listens to the evi- B. Chief Justice and Associate Justice
dence and reaches a verdict, or decision, in
C. Vice President and Speaker of the
favor of one party or another in the case,
it is a
D. Vice President and President Pro Tem-
A. trial court pore
B. civil court
78. What Article of the Constitution explains
C. appellate court the Legislative Branch?
D. supreme court A. Article 1


1.5 Three Branches of Government 150

B. Article 2 84. Which branch can impeach a Supreme Court

C. Article 3
A. Legislative Branch
D. Article 4
B. Executive Branch
79. The head of this branch is Congress C. Judicial Branch
A. Executive D. none of above
B. Legislative

85. The main building of the Judicial Branch is
C. Judicial the
D. none of above A. White House
B. Capitol Building
80. what is the main job for the judicial
C. Supreme Court Building
A. write the laws
D. none of above
B. interpret the laws
86. Choose the answer that best completes
C. enforce the laws this sentence. The legislative branch of
D. none of the above government has the power to make laws,
the executive branch carries those
81. What branch is responsible for making laws out.
laws, writing bills, and voting on whether A. so
bills should become laws?
B. because
A. Legislative Branch
C. but
B. The Judicial Branch
D. none of above
C. The executive Branch
87. In real life, the Judicial Branch determines
D. none of above whether laws follow the
82. What is another name for the legislative A. application of power
branch? B. constitution
A. executive C. declaration of independence
B. judicial D. none of above
C. Congress 88. This headline appeared in a newspaper
D. none of above “ US Supreme Court Justice impeached “
Which statement most likely follow this
83. Which of the three branches of govern- headline?
ment is led by the Supreme Court? A. “Justice discovered to be ruling on
A. Legislative Branch cases solely to win votes”
B. “Justice found to be opposing the pres-
B. Executive Branch
ident’s view on the case”
C. Judicial Branch
C. “Justice accused of accepting secret
D. none of above payments from a party in the case.”


1.5 Three Branches of Government 151

D. “Justice committed treason by ruling 93. Name the three branches of government
in favor of foreign consul against the A. legislative branch
United States.”


B. judicial branch
89. William lives in a neighborhood where it C. executive branch
is difficult to recycle. William knows that
D. all of these
it is important to recycle, but there is
nowhere nearby to take recycled mate- 94. The Supreme Court is part of which branch
rials. He believes that all communities of government?
should have access to a recycling service.
A. Executive
He thinks that it should be the law. Which
branch can help William? B. Judicial

A. Legislative C. Legislative
D. none of above
B. Executive
C. Judicial 95. Why does the U.S. federal government
have checks and balances?
D. none of above
A. to help the government enforce the
90. What is another duty of the President? law

A. makes the laws B. to help the government pass laws

B. decides if laws follow the Constitution
C. to give states a voice in the federal
C. decides on the punishment of those government
convicted of crimes
D. to make sure no one branch has too
D. meets with heads of other countries much power

91. Responsibilities of a good citizen include 96. Which branch commands the military?
(check ALL correct answers) A. Legislative
A. paying taxes B. Executive
B. serving on a jury C. Judicial
C. voting in elections D. none of above

D. volunteering in the community 97. How many terms (times) can someone be
elected as President of the United States?
92. After the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor,
A. 1
war was declared and troops sent over-
seas to fight during World War 2. Which B. 2
branches of government were at work in C. 3
this example?
D. 4
A. Legislative and Judicial
98. What are the first ten amendments to the
B. Judicial and Executive constitution called?
C. Legislative and Executive A. Bill of Rights
D. All of them B. Checks and Balances


1.5 Three Branches of Government 152

C. Cabinet 104. Which Branch contains the Supreme

D. Constitution
A. Executive
99. How many years must you be a US citizen B. Legislative
to be elected for President?
C. Judicial
A. 7 years
D. Cabinet
B. 9 years

105. are expressed powers of the U.S.
C. must be a natural born citizen
Congress which are clearly listed in the U.S.
D. none of above Constitution.
A. Reserved Powers
100. The introduction of the Constitution that
states the purpose of government. B. Concurrent Powers
A. preamble C. Enumerated Powers

B. articles D. none of above

C. amendments 106. In which instance would the Supreme

Court have original jurisdiction?
D. none of above
A. The state of Mississippi disputes a
101. Which of the following is a power that land claim with the state of Louisiana.
the Legislative branch does NOT have? B. A U.S. citizen in Michigan is accused of
A. Declare laws unconstitutional committing acts of terrorism in Virginia.

B. Collect taxes C. A large computer firm is alleged to

hold a market monopoly on widely used
C. Establish post offices software.
D. none of above D. The captain of an oil tanker causing a
spill along protected U.S. waters is sus-
102. If Bryant owes Tuck-tuck 500 dollars and pected of negligence.
Tuck sues what kind of case is he looking
at? 107. In what month do we vote for presi-
A. criminal case
A. November
B. civil case
B. October
C. he has no case
C. January
D. manslaughter
D. May
103. Which branch of government contains the 108. The legislative branch of the U.S. govern-
Senate? ment is also called
A. Executive A. cabinet
B. Legislative B. representatives
C. Judicial C. Parliament
D. none of above D. Congress


1.5 Three Branches of Government 153

109. Together, the Senate and the House of 115. These are the two parts of the Legislative
Representatives is called: branch:


A. Congress A. Governor and Senate
B. The Judicial Branch B. Senate and House of Representatives
C. The Supreme Court C. House of Representatives and Gover-
D. none of above nor
D. Mayor and Governor
110. Which branch can impeach a President?
A. Legislative Branch 116. Which Branch of government includes
the supreme court as well as other fed-
B. Executive Branch eral courts and whose powers include
C. Judicial Branch interpreting the constitution, reviewing
D. none of above laws, and deciding case involving states’
111. Which branch can veto laws? A. Congress
A. Judicial BRANCH B. Judicial Branch
B. Executive BRANCH C. Legislative Branch
C. Legislative BRANCH D. Executive Branch
117. The first 10 amendments to the Constitu-
112. The Legislative Branch is made up of tion
what two houses? A. Constitution
A. Senate and Supreme Court B. Bill of Rights
B. House of Representatives and Senate C. Preamble
C. President and Supreme Court D. Declaration of Independence
D. House of Representatives and Presi-
dent 118. How many Senators does each state
113. Which branch makes the laws for the na- A. 2
B. 4
A. Legislative
C. 6
B. Executive
D. none of above
C. Judicial
D. none of above 119. As the President, you decide banning fa-
cial hair will create a more peaceful society.
114. What are the first 10 amendments in the Which branch of government is responsible
constitution called? for deeming this unconstitutional?
A. Executive A. Judicial Branch
B. Supreme Court B. Executive Branch
C. Law of the Land C. You’re on your own
D. Bill of Rights D. Legislative Branch


1.5 Three Branches of Government 154

120. Which of the following describes a diffi- D. None of the above

culty the judicial branch faces in the policy
implementation process? 124. Judges at the federal level serve a
A. The legislative and executive branches
frequently ignore the rulings of the A. life
Supreme Court B. 2 year
B. Supreme Court justices rarely have the C. 4 year
opportunity to rule on cases of national im-

D. none of above
C. The ideological composition of the 125. What branch contains Congress?
Supreme Court frequently shifts when A. Legislative Branch
presidents nominate new justices
B. The Judicial Branch
D. The Supreme Court must rely on the
C. The executive Branch
other branches of government to enforce
its rulings D. none of above

121. Xiomara struggles in school. Also, she 126. What branch is having its power checked
recently broke her right arm and can only when the President vetoes a bill?
write with her left hand (even though she A. Legislative Branch
is right-handed). She wishes that she
could do her schoolwork on a computer, B. Executive Branch
but her school can’t afford to buy enough C. Judicial Branch
computers. Xiomara believes that there D. none
should be a law that says that all schools
should have a computer for every stu- 127. The constitution was written by a group
dent. Which branch can accomplish this for of men in 1787 in what city?
Xiomara? A. New York
A. Legislative B. Arlington
B. Executive C. Philadelphia
C. Judicial D. Roanoke
D. none of above
128. The person in a civil case who is said to
122. The main job of the judicial branch is to? have caused the harm is referred to as the
A. interpret the law A. victim
B. make pop corn B. defendant
C. enforce the law C. plaintiff
D. provide a jury D. justice
123. *Print money 129. This address is given before Congress an-
A. federal government (Washington, DC) nually to establish the president’s legisla-
B. state government (Georgia) tive agenda.

C. BOTH the federal and the state govern- A. State of the Nation
ment B. State of the Union


1.5 Three Branches of Government 155

C. Presidential Address 135. This SC landmark case showed that the

president is accountable for obeying the
D. Innaugural Address


130. What branch decides whether or not a A. United States v. Nixon
law agrees with Virginia’s Constitution? B. Plessy v. Ferguson
A. Legislative C. Miranda v. Arizona
B. Judicial D. none of above
C. Executive 136. When the Constitution does NOT allow a
D. none of above law or action, it is said to be
A. veto
131. As , the president serves as the leader B. congress
of their political party. They do things like
help raise money for campaigns, and pro- C. bill
vide support for other members. D. unconstitutional
A. Democratic Leader 137. Which branch meets with leaders of other
countries to make agreements?
B. Party Leader
A. executive (president)
C. Chief Legislator
B. legislative (Congress)
D. Chief Executive
C. judicial (Supreme Court)
132. The legislative branch is made up of peo- D. none of above
ple from every
138. The vice-president is part of this branch
A. region of government.
B. state A. Legislative
C. county B. Executive

D. party C. Judicial
D. none of above
133. What does ‘Veto’ mean?
139. The maximum amount of years a presi-
A. Permission dent can serve is
B. Danny DeVito A. 2 years
C. I Forbid B. 4 years
D. Ratification C. 8 years
D. none of above
134. Which house has representation based on
population? 140. These are the 9 judges of the Supreme
A. House of Representatives
A. Cabinet
B. Senate B. Legislative Branch
C. Both C. Justices
D. none of above D. Congress


1.5 Three Branches of Government 156

141. Which branch has the most power? 147. Which power did the U. S. Supreme Court
A. Executive branch establish in Marbury v. Madison?
A. Judicial review
B. Legislative branch
B. Hearing appeals from lower federal
C. None of the above courts
D. Judicial branch C. Deciding cases involving two or more
142. Congress can a Presidential veto with

a 2/3 vote. D. Judicial independence through life-
time tenure
A. nullify
148. Which house has the sole power to im-
B. veto
C. override A. House of Representatives
D. none of above B. Senate
143. Which of the following IS NOT part of the C. Both
Executive Branch’s responsibilities D. none of above
A. Directing National Defense 149. Can declare a law unconstitutional.
B. Vetoing Laws A. Judicial Branch
C. Making Laws B. Executive Branch
D. Directing the Government C. Legislative Branch
D. All 3 branches
144. Another word for freedom
150. Decide if something the President does is
A. Veto
against the constitution
B. Democracy A. Executive Branch
C. Reserved powers B. Legislative Branch
D. Liberty C. Judicial Branch

145. What is the job of the Executive Branch? D. none of above

A. To carry out the laws 151. What is the meaning of Rule of Law?
B. To make laws A. Everyone is above the law.
B. Everyone is below the law.
C. To decide if laws have been broken
C. No one is above the law.
D. none of above
D. The president is above the law.
146. *set up courts
152. How many members are in the House of
A. federal government (Washington, DC) Representatives?
B. state government (Georgia) A. 100
C. shared by BOTH state and federal gov- B. 400
ernments C. 435
D. None of the above D. 235


1.5 Three Branches of Government 157

153. Gretchen Whitmer is the name of Michi- voting on whether or not to send the bill
gan’s back to the House floor.


A. representative A. Send to the President
B. judge B. Refer to the Senate for voting
C. governor C. Bill is introduced
D. senator D. Committee action
154. Formally declares war.
158. The US Constitution called for 3 separate
A. Judicial Branch branches of government known as the leg-
B. Executive Branch islative, executive, and judicial branches.
C. Legislative Branch This division of each branch of government
is known as
D. All 3 branches
A. Supreme Court
155. What is it called when the three branches
B. checks and balances
of government can keep each other from
having too much power? C. separation of powers
A. Checks and taxes D. veto
B. Balances
159. Changes to the Constitution are done
C. Checks and balances through
D. none of above A. Amendments
156. who is considered the leader of the house B. Popular vote
of representatives?
C. Executive order
A. the speaker of the house
D. Judicial review
B. president pro temper
C. vice president 160. When the President rejects a bill, refuses
to sign it, and sends it back to Congress it
D. no one
is called a/an
157. These are the steps for a bill becoming A. veto
a law:A Bill is INTRODUCED in one of the
housesCommittee action in that houseDe- B. congress
bate and Vote on the FLOORRefer to the C. bill
next house of CongressConference Com-
D. unconstitutional
mitteeSent to the President for approval
or vetoPossibly override veto with 2/3 of 161. From our simulation, the Menu Writers
both housesWhat step is being described did something that the Legislative Branch
below? When a bill is introduced, it is does. What was it?
referred to a standing committee. When
the bill reaches committee, the commit- A. declared the menu to be unhealthy
tee members-groups of Representatives B. vetoed the menu
who are experts on topics such as agricul-
C. wrote and revised the menu
ture, education, or international relations-
review, research, and revise the bill before D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 158

162. Which branch nominates judges to the C. BOTH federal and state governments
Supreme Court
D. None of the above
A. Legislative Branch
B. Executive Branch 168. Controls the budget ($)
C. Judicial Branch A. Legislative
D. none of above B. Executive
163. The three branches of government are C. Judicial

named.. D. none of above
A. Supreme Court, White House, Execu-
tive 169. Who is the head of the Executive
B. Legislative, Executive, Judicial Branch?

C. Executive, Senate, Vice President A. Senate

D. Wendys, Taco Bell, Burger King B. Congress

164. What branches take part in entering the C. President

war process? D. House of Representatives
A. Executive and Judicial
170. Appoints judges
B. Legislative and Executive
A. Legislative
C. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
D. Legislative and Judicial B. Executive
C. Judicial
165. How does Congress stretch its powers to
do “all means which are proper that are D. none of above
not prohibited”? ”
A. foreign policy 171. Complexity:MSS.7.C.3.8Which action
formally accuses a government official of
B. veto or sign laws “wrongdoing”?
C. the elastic clause A. filibuster
D. executive orders
B. impeach
166. It reviews laws to decide if they are con- C. overide
D. pardon
A. Legislative
C. Judicial DUCED
D. none of above A. WHITE HOUSE

167. *Issue licenses (marriage, hunting, B. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

driver’s, etc) C. THE SENATE
A. federal government (Washington, DC) D. BOTH THE HOUSE OF REPS. OR THE
B. state government (Georgia) SENATE


1.5 Three Branches of Government 159

173. The is a part of the Judicial branch of C. Judicial Branch

the government. D. none of above


A. Congress
179. The president can make treaties with na-
B. Senate
tions pending whose approval?
C. Cabinet
A. Joint Chiefs of Staff
D. Supreme Court
B. House of Representatives
174. The Supreme Court is part of the C. Supreme Court
branch of government.
D. Senate
A. supreme
B. legislative 180. What are the TWO sections of the Leg-
islative Branch?
C. executive
A. The Supreme Court
D. judicial
B. The Senate
175. The constitution divides our government
C. The Cabinet
into branches.
D. The House of Representatives
A. 6
B. 5 181. Which branch of government do the
C. 4 supreme court justices work under?

D. 3 A. Executive
B. Legislative
176. The Branch of our government makes
sure our laws are fair. C. Judicial
A. Legislative D. All branches
B. Judicial 182. Critics of the electoral college argue that
C. Executive the system can result in the selection of-
D. none of above A. a third-party candidate as President

177. Which of the following is a power of the B. only wealthy individuals as President
executive branch? D. I C. a President who did not win the popu-
A. Impeaches and removes judges lar vote

B. Appoints federal judges D. Presidential candidates from populous

C. Declares acts of Congress unconstitu-
tional 183. How many justices serve on the Supreme
D. Ratifies treaties Court?
A. 5
178. What branch can declare a law unconsti-
tutional? B. 7
A. Legislative Branch C. 9
B. Executive Branch D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 160

184. Which is the correct order in which a bill C. the Cabinet

becomes a law? D. federal judges
A. A pretend bill sings a catchy tune on
the steps of The Capitol until someone ei- 189. Each branch of government is a part of
ther gets annoyed, feels sorry for him or so that no branch has too much power.
thinks he’s cute enough and makes him a A. Supreme Court
law. Oh Yeah! B. Senate
B. An idea for a law is introduced, mem- C. Congress

bers of Congress write a bill, the bill goes
D. Checks and Balances
to the President who can veto it or make
it a law. 190. Conducting foreign policy is the job of
C. The President comes up with the idea which government?
for a law, Congress writes it and then peo- A. State
ple vote whether it should be a law or not.
B. National
C. Both
D. none of above
D. none of above
185. Who leads the Executive Branch?
191. Civil cases usually focus on
A. President
A. human rights
B. Vice President
B. racial discrimination
C. Speaker of the House
C. property or money
D. Justices
D. criminal prosecution
186. Virginia’s state court system is found in
what branch? 192. Which level of government has more
A. Executive
A. Federal
B. Legislative
B. State
C. Judicial
C. Local
D. none of above
D. They all have three
187. The Senate and House of Representa-
193. What is included in the Executive Branch
tives are part of which branch of govern-
ment? A. Vice Presidents
A. Executive Branch B. The Senate
B. Judicial Branch C. I and IIII
C. Legislative Branch D. President
D. none of above 194. The legislative branch can
188. Which office is determined by popula- A. direct the military
tion? B. start a war
A. the Senate C. check to see that laws are fair
B. the House of Representatives D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 161

195. How does the judicial branch of govern- 200. What is September 17, 1787 known as?
ment differ from the legislative branch? A. Labor Day


A. The judicial branch suggests laws, and B. Founders Day
the legislative branch decides if they are
necessary. C. Constitution Day
B. The judicial branch can impeach the D. Congress Day
president, and the legislative branch con-
201. Who was the first president of the United
ducts the trial.
C. The legislative branch makes laws,
A. Ben Franklin
and the judicial branch can declare them
unconstitutional. B. James Madison
D. The legislative branch can declare war, C. Thomas Jefferson
but the judicial branch must confirm it. D. George Washington
196. Which branch of government declares 202. The Branch of our government makes
war? the laws.
A. Executive A. Senate
B. Legislative B. Executive
C. Judicial C. Legislative
D. none of above D. Judicial
197. In the United States, who is responsible
203. The role of the executive branch is to
for leading the military?
A. interpret laws
A. the House of Representatives
B. create laws
B. The President
C. make sure laws are enforced (fol-
C. The Supreme Court
D. The Senate
D. eliminate laws
198. The number of representatives a state
204. The part of the Constitution that de-
has is based on the state’s
scribes the legislative branch is
A. location
A. Preamble
B. name
B. Article I
C. population
C. Article II
D. altitude
D. Amendments
199. Which branch is divided into the House
and the Senate? 205. Why is it important to have a system of
checks and balances in a government?
A. Legislative
A. So the government has enough money
B. Executive to spend.
C. Judicial B. So that one branch of government
D. none of above doesn’t become too powerful.


1.5 Three Branches of Government 162

C. So the government doesn’t become 211. People in this part of government must
top heavy and tip over. be reelected once every two years.
D. none of above A. Senate
206. What is the Bill of Rights? B. House of Representatives
A. list of the goals of the Constitution C. Supreme Court
B. first paragraph in the Declaration of In-
D. White House

C. articles written by the Federalists to 212. Which Branch can impeach judges?
convince people to support the Constitu-
tion A. Executive
D. list of the rights that are guaranteed to B. Legislative
all U.S. citizens
C. Judicial
207. Who decides whether the law is unconsti-
D. none of above
A. Congress 213. Which issue would most likely be reg-
B. President ulated by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA)?
C. Supreme Court
D. none of above A. Chemical use in the workplace

208. Which of the following can the Congress B. Loud noise at construction sites
NOT do? C. Use of pesticides to control insects
A. make laws
D. Recall of a defective consumer product
B. pass taxes
C. create treaties 214. Which branch of government makes laws
and raises and collects taxes to fund the
D. approve appointments
209. Which branch of government can appoint A. Judiciary Branch
judges to the courts?
A. Judicial Branch B. Executive Branch

B. The House of Representatives C. Legislative Branch

C. Executive Branch D. none of above
D. The Supreme Court
215. What is the highest court in the country
210. What is the first step in the process of called that has 9 justices?
making a law?
A. Judicial Branch
A. The Proposal
B. Justices
B. The Introduction
C. The Report C. Cabinet
D. The Floor Debate D. Supreme Court


1.5 Three Branches of Government 163

216. The definition of federalism is: 221. The law that prevails over all other laws
A. Division of power between National, in the United States is


State, and Local Governments. A. Civil Law
B. Government’s Power comes from the B. Constitutional Law
people. C. Criminal Law
C. Separation of government powers into D. Administrative Law
D. Each branch “checks” the power of the 222. How many judges sit on the Supreme
other to prevent one branch from becom- Court?
ing too powerful. A. 7

217. The structure and powers of each branch B. 9

of government are outlined in the C. 12
A. Preamble D. none of above
B. Amendments 223. In most states, traffic violations and fam-
C. Articles of the Constitution ily disputes are heard in
D. none of above A. general trial courts

218. What branch is having its power checked B. lower courts

when the President nominates judges C. circuit courts
to federal courts? D. appeals court
A. Legislative Branch
224. The president’s role as leader of the na-
B. Executive Branch tion’s armed forces
C. Judicial Branch A. Chief of the Armed Forces
D. none B. Supreme Leader of the Armed Forces
219. Document that describes the judicial C. Chief Commander
branch D. Commander in Chief
A. Article I
225. Who may veto a bill or sign it into law?
B. Article II
A. Congress
C. Article III
B. President
D. Articles of Confederation
C. Supreme Court
220. is formed to reconcile the differences D. none of above
between the House and Senate versions.
If the conferees are unable to reach agree- 226. Which branch declares laws unconstitu-
ment, the legislation dies. tional?
A. Standing Committee A. Legislative
B. Select Committee B. Executive
C. Conference Committee C. Judicial
D. Veto D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 164

227. Which are the only Federal Courts to have C. the president, the House of Represen-
trials? tatives, and the Senate
A. US District Courts D. none of above
B. US Supreme court
233. Powers that are only for the states are
C. US Court of appeals called
D. District Court of Appeals A. Delegated Powers

228. how many branches of our government B. Reserved Powers
do we have?
C. Concurrent Powers
A. 5
D. Special Powers
B. 10
C. 3 234. The president can appoint ambassadors,
judges, and high officials pending whose
D. 10000090000030405060070 approval?
229. The White House is a symbol of this A. Joint Chiefs of Staff
branch of government.
B. House of Representatives
A. Legislative
C. Supreme Court
B. Executive
D. Senate
C. Judicial
D. none of above 235. Which branch has the power to tax?
A. Legislative
230. Which branch has the power to declare
war? B. Executive
A. Legislative C. Judicial
B. Executive D. none of above
C. Judicial
236. The Senate has the power to ratify
D. none of above treaties with a 2/3 majority vote and:
231. A U.S. Representative serves a year A. confirm Presidential appointments
term. B. impeach federal officials
A. 2
C. collect income taxes
B. 4
D. none of above
C. 6
D. none of above 237. What is the introduction to the Constitu-
tion is called?
232. What are the three branches of the U.S. A. the Preamble
B. the Union
A. legislative, executive, and judical
C. the Articles
B. congress, the Supreme Court, and the
Senate D. the Amendments


1.5 Three Branches of Government 165

238. Which branch of the federal government 244. Which branch of the federal and state
is headed by the Supreme Court, district government can say that a law is uncon-
courts, and appeals courts? stitutional(unfair)?


A. Executive Branch A. Judicial Branch
B. Judicial Branch B. Executive Branch
C. Tree Branch C. Legislative Branch
D. Legislative Branch D. All 3 branches
239. Which branch is responsible for interpret-
245. Which of the following is a function of
ing and applying laws?
the National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
A. Bureaucracy istration (NASA)?
B. Legislative A. Administer the executive budget for re-
C. Executive search
D. Judicial B. Regulate interstate commerce and
240. How many branches make up the United
States government? C. Oversee exploration and research into
space travel
A. 4
D. Manage information traffic of commu-
B. 2 nication satellites
C. 1
246. A written set of laws that the govern-
D. 3
ment must follow is called the
241. State senators serve a term for A. Boy Scout Law
A. 3 years B. E.R Dickson’s School Rules
B. 4 years C. Pledge of Allegiance
C. 2 years
D. Constitution
D. 5 years
247. The head of this branch is the President
242. Congress is a part of the branch of
the government. A. Executive

A. Legislative B. Legislative
B. Executive C. Judicial
C. Judicial D. none of above
D. none of above 248. What are the two houses of Congress?
243. The branch evaluates our laws A. House of Representatives and Senate
A. executive B. House of Representatives and the
B. legislative President
C. judicial C. Senate and the President
D. government D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 166

249. Which branch creates laws? 255. To make sure that no one branch of the
A. Legislative government would become too strong, the
writers of the Constitution built in a series
B. Executive of
C. Judicial A. Checks and Blanaces
D. none of above B. Scales and Weight
250. The Presidential Cabinet consists of 15 C. Rights and Wrongs

departments, the heads of which serve as D. True and Flase
to the President.
A. law makers 256. What kind of court is most likely to hear
a civil suit between neighbors?
B. judges
A. Appellate court
C. advisers
B. State supreme court
D. none of above
C. Trial court
251. Remove the President from office D. U.S. Supreme Court
A. Executive Branch
257. Chris’ dad is an officer who works at
B. Legislative Branch the Okefenokee Swamp National Refuge.
C. Judicial Branch His dad makes sure everyone follows the
D. none of above rules while visiting the swamp. Which
branch do you think Chris’ father works
252. There are senators. for?
A. 100 A. Legislative
B. 0 B. Executive
C. 20 C. Judicial
D. 10, 000 D. none of above

253. Which Article of the Constitution explains 258. Who has the power to grant a pardon?
the Executive Branch? A. Judicial Branch
A. Article 1 B. Executive Branch
B. Article 2 C. Legislative Branch
C. Article 3 D. Professor Dumbledore
D. Article 4
259. Which of these American principles gives
254. Who is head of state, head of the U.S. citizens the freedom speak and go where
Government, and commander-in-chief? they want?
A. President A. Life
B. Vice-President B. Liberty
C. Congress C. Pursuit of Happiness
D. Justices D. Equality


1.5 Three Branches of Government 167

260. Who is in charge of the Legislative 266. What is the document that establishes
Branch? the basic principals of the American Gov-


A. President
A. Bill of Rights
B. Senate and House of Rep.
B. Checks-and-Balances
C. Vice President
C. Cabinet
D. Supreme Court
D. Constitution
261. . Who has the expressed power to de-
clare war? 267. Supreme Court justices are nominated by
A. President
A. President
B. Congress
B. Speaker of the House
C. House
C. House of Representatives
D. Senate
D. Senate
262. The judicial branch is the 268. Who can override the President if he ve-
A. Supreme Court toes the bill?
B. Senate A. The entire consent of the Senate
C. Vice President B. 2/3rd majority in both the House and
D. none of above
C. The Vice President
263. What branch is the strongest D. 2/3rds of the entire population of
A. Executive Branch Washington, D.C
B. Judicial Branch 269. Who write bills that may become laws?
C. Legislative Branch A. Congress
D. People of the U.S B. President
C. Supreme Court
264. Which of the following can the president
NOT DO? D. none of above
A. nominate supreme court justices 270. Which plan called for equal representa-
B. send the Navy to the south Pacific tion of the states regardless of popula-
C. declare war
A. Treaty of Ghent
D. none of the given
B. Fugitive Slave Act
265. Changes to the Constitution C. Great Compromise
A. preamble D. Virginia Plan
B. articles
271. Which branch makes sure our laws are
C. amendments fair?
D. none of above A. Judicial


1.5 Three Branches of Government 168

B. Executive 277. Stop the appointment of a Supreme Court

C. Legislative Justice
A. Executive Branch
D. none of above
B. Legislative Branch
272. Representation in the House of Represen-
C. Judicial Branch
tatives is based on ?
D. none of above
A. state population

B. equal representation 278. When a state legislature or the U.S.
congress passes an act into law, it gener-
C. popular vote ally becomes known as which of the selec-
D. none of above tions below?
A. statute
273. Which person is the leader of our coun-
try and the commander in chief of our mil- B. executive order
itary? C. appointment
A. President D. ordinance
B. Vice President 279. Which branch of government includes the
C. Senator House of Representatives and the Sen-
D. Representative ate?
A. Legislative Branch
274. Which branch of government interprets
B. Judicial Branch
what the laws mean?
C. Executive Branch
A. Legislative
D. Supreme Court
B. Executive
C. Judicial 280. what are the duties for executive

D. none of above A. comander in cheif

B. sing bill or veto appoint government of-
275. This government position can only serve ficials
2 terms total.
C. all of the above
A. President
D. none of above
B. Supreme Court Justice
281. How long is the president’s term?
C. Senator
A. 2 years
D. Representative
B. 4 years
276. Which of the following is true of an exec- C. 6 years
utive order?
D. 8 years
A. must go through Congress
282. What branch is the part US Government
B. must go through the Supreme Court
that enforces the laws (makes sure laws
C. has the force of law are obeyed)?
D. all of the given A. The Legislative Branch


1.5 Three Branches of Government 169

B. The Executive Branch 288. how are the seats determined in the
house of representatives
C. The Judicial Branch


A. based on state size
D. none of above
B. based on number of senators
283. To maintain law and order is which gov- C. based on state population
ernment’s responsibility?
D. based on state districts.
A. State
289. The Vice President’s role is to replace the
B. National
President in case of an emergency. An-
C. Both other one of his roles is serving as the
D. none of above chairman, or head of the:
A. U.S. House of Representatives
284. Which role does the President perform
B. U.S. Senate
when speaking at a political rally in sup-
port of a candidate running for Congress? C. Supreme Court
A. Party Leader D. none of above

B. Head of State 290. Which of the following may the judicial

C. Chief Diplomat branch do to limit the power of the presi-
D. Chief Executive
A. Overturn a presidential veto
285. Which branch can declare war? B. Begin impeachment proceedings
against the president
A. Legislative
C. Declare an executive order unconstitu-
B. Executive
C. Judicial D. Refuse to ratify a treaty the president
D. none of above negotiated

286. The main job of the legislative branch 291. How are implied powers most often used
by the United States Congress?
A. determine if laws are unconstitutional
A. to help carry out expressed powers
B. veto laws
B. to force the president to sign new leg-
C. make laws islation
D. approve laws made by the President C. to encourage citizens to vote

287. Which branch of the federal and state D. to give the government veto powers
government carries out and enforces the 292. How many representatives are elected
laws made by Congress? for each state?
A. Legislative A. 1
B. Executive B. 2
C. Judicial C. Depends on population of state
D. none of above D. 4


1.5 Three Branches of Government 170

293. The Senate and House of Representa- 298. This power means that a president can
tives belong to the Branch. “forgive” a crime.
A. Executive A. Pardon
B. Legislative B. Impune
C. Judicial
C. Dismisse
D. none of above
D. Absolve

294. What needs to happen before a law is
presented to the president for approval? 299. How many terms does a President can
stay in office?
A. The President clears his schedule to
review the law. A. 3
B. The Senate and the House of Repre- B. 2
sentatives agree on the law.
C. 1
C. The Supreme Court judges deem the
law constitutional. D. 4
D. none of above 300. Thomas Jefferson wrote that all people
295. How old must a person be to qualified for are born with “certain unalienable rights”
President of the U.S.? or rights that can’t be take away in the
A. 25 A. Preamble
B. 30 B. Declaration of Independence
C. 35 C. Constitution
D. 40 D. Articles of Confederation
296. The Executive Branch:
301. In times of national security, the presi-
A. Reviews laws and decides cases that dent can release a command that acts as a
involve state’s rights law
B. Makes laws and sends them to the A. a pardon
president for approval
B. a reprieve
C. Carries out laws, vetoes laws, direct-
ing national defense, and directing the C. an executive order
D. amnesty
D. Orders Jimmy John’s for lunch every
Friday 302. The specific powers given to the na-
tional government by the Constitution are
297. In which branch of government are ALL
known as
members appointed rather than elected?
A. Implied powers
A. Legislative
B. Executive B. Enumerated / expressed powers
C. Judicial C. Reserved powers
D. none of above D. Shared powers


1.5 Three Branches of Government 171

303. Which branches of government does the 309. Which branch of Government contains the
president work under? President and Vice-President?


A. Legislative A. Legislative Branch
B. Judicial B. Executive Branch
C. All branches C. Judicial Branch
D. Executive D. Congress

304. If the president rejects a bill, he is the 310. To reject is to

bill. A. veto
A. vetoing B. value
B. valuing C. accept
C. accepting D. none of above
D. none of above
311. Which branch of government does the
305. Which branch enforces the laws? President belong to?

A. Legislative A. Executive

B. Executive B. Legislative
C. Judicial
C. Judicial
D. none of above
D. none of above
312. Which branch can raise revenue through
306. Which branch has the President?
taxes and tariffs, borrowing money, or
A. Legislative printing money?
B. Executive A. Judicial
C. Judicial B. Legislative
D. none of above C. Executive
D. none of above
307. Members of the Supreme Court belong to
the Branch. 313. Which Branch is the President?
A. Executive A. Executive Branch
B. Legislative B. Judicial branch
C. Judicial C. Legislative Branch
D. none of above D. None of the above
308. Name for a Supreme Court judge 314. The president serves a term of years.
A. bench A. 2
B. jury B. 7
C. judicial review C. 5
D. justice D. 4


1.5 Three Branches of Government 172

315. A responsibility of this branch is to make 320. Congress is the branch.

sure laws are carried out. A. legislative
A. Legislative B. executive
B. Executive C. judicial
C. Judicial D. none of above
D. none of above 321. The main building of the Executive Branch
is the

316. What are three ways the founding fa-
thers ensured that the Constitution could A. Capitol Building
adapt with the changing times and needs B. White House
of the country? C. Supreme Court Building
A. Bill of Rights, Preamble, and 1st D. none of above
322. How many justices/judges serve on the
B. Checks and balances, Separation of
Supreme Court?
powers, and Expressed powers
A. 5
C. Implied powers, Judicial review,
Amendments B. 7
C. 9
D. Three branches of government, con-
current powers, enumerated powers D. none of above

317. Power of VETO 323. Can veto legislation.

A. Judicial Branch
A. Executive
B. Executive Branch
B. Legislative
C. Legislative Branch
C. Judicial
D. All 3 branches
D. none of above
324. If the President vetos a bill, what portion
318. In the Legislative Branch, their job is to of Congress must vote to pass the bill in
laws. order for it to become law without a Pres-
A. clarify idential signature?
A. 3/4’s
B. make/pass
B. 2/3’s
C. carry out
C. 1/2
D. none of above
D. none of above
319. The President has the power to appoint 325. What is the primary job of the Executive
federal judges and: Branch?
A. veto a Congressional bill A. Interpret Laws
B. declare war B. Execute/carry out Laws
C. make laws for the nation C. Impeachment
D. none of above D. Checks and Balances


1.5 Three Branches of Government 173

326. Elected directly by the people. C. Judicial

A. Supreme Court Justices D. none of above


B. Cabinet 331. Acase involving a noncriminal matter
C. Congress such as a contract dispute or a claim of
patent infringement
D. Armed forces
A. criminal case
327. Read these sentences from the text.
B. certificate
“The people who wrote the Constitution
didn’t want one person or group to have C. civilian tribunal
too much power. That was why they D. civil case
divided the government into three parts,
known as branches.” What can you con- 332. Each branch of the federal and state gov-
cluded based on this evidence. ernment can check the power of the other
two branches, and make sure one branch
A. The three branches of the government
does not become too powerful. This is
do not have the same amount of power.
B. The people who wrote the Constitu-
A. separation of powers
tion wanted every American to help make
laws. B. checks and balances
C. The people who who wrote the consti- C. Legislative Branch
tution wanted a balance of powers. D. Veto
D. none of above
333. Which branch can veto or approve laws?
328. Which branch has the president and vice A. Legislative
president? B. Executive
A. Legislative C. Judicial
B. Executive D. none of above
C. Judicial
334. The heads of federal departments that
D. none of above the president appoints are referred to as
the president’s
329. Which of these American principles
means that all American citizens should be A. pentagon
treated fairly? B. squad
A. Life C. cabinet
B. Liberty D. party
C. Pursuit of Happiness
335. How long do Supreme Court Justices
D. Equality serve?
330. The senate is a part of the branch of A. 4 years
the government. B. 6 years
A. Legislative C. for life
B. Executive D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 174

336. what is not a requirement to become B. impeach federal officials for the im-
president proper use of power
A. being 35 years old C. declare a Legislative or Executive act
B. having a college degree in violation of the Constitution
C. being born in the united states D. none of above
D. being a resident for 14 years. 342. and are elected by voters in their
337. Which branch has 9 justices?

A. Legislative A. Speakers and Station Managers

B. Executive B. Judges and Lawyers

C. Judicial C. Senators and Representatives

D. none of above D. Principals and Teachers

338. A government by the people for the peo- 343. Who has the power to veto bills?
ple A. The President
A. Monarchy B. Congress
B. Democracy C. The Supreme Court
C. Republic
D. The House of Representatives
D. Government
344. The study laws to see if they are cor-
339. What are the three branches of the gov- rect according to the Constitution.
A. judges in the Judicial Branch
A. Legislative
B. 20 Lawmakers
B. judicial
C. 15 Citizens
C. Executive
D. 100 Coaches
D. President
E. Governor 345. What is the legislative body of Virginia
340. There are senators in our entire coun-
try. A. General Assembly

A. 100 B. Congress

B. 0 C. House of Delegates
C. 20 D. none of above
D. 10, 000 346. What are the qualifications that a person
must have in order to run for the presi-
341. The most important power the Supreme
Court has is judicial review, which is the
ability to: A. 20 years or older, resident of U.S. and
A. determine if mistakes have been made American citizen
or if clarification is needed in the Lower B. 35 years or older, resident of U.S. and
Courts American citizen


1.5 Three Branches of Government 175

C. 35 years or older, resident of U.S. and 352. In what way does the power of judicial
natural born citizen review act as a check?


D. none of above A. Courts can check on other courts to
make sure they are acting constitutionally
347. Which government document created the
Legislative Branch? B. Courts can declare congressional acts
A. The Declaration of Independence
C. Courts can impeach the president
B. The Supreme Court
D. Courts can review acts of other courts.
C. The Constitution
D. The Magna Carta 353. A proposed law is called a
A. Amendment
348. Checks on Congressional power include
(Check all that apply). B. Executive Order
A. the power of the Supreme Court to C. Bill
have original jurisdiction D. Coin
B. The president vetoes a bill 354. who is incharge of the legislative
C. the Supreme Court uses judicial re- A. congress
view and strikes down a law
B. surpreme court
D. the power of the states to collect taxes
C. president
349. Chief executive of the Armed Forces, but D. Moss
cannot formally declare war.
A. Judicial Branch 355. Membership in the House of Representa-
tives is based on state:
B. Executive Branch
A. size
C. Legislative Branch
B. demographics
D. All 3 branches
C. population
350. After both houses of Congress pass a bill, D. none of above
A. is a law 356. Which branch interprets the laws to in-
sure they are not unconstitutional.
B. is sent to the President for his/her ap-
proval and signature A. Executive
C. is sent to the Supreme Court to deter- B. Legislative
mine if it is unconstituttional C. Judicial
D. is approved by the American people D. none of above
351. What is the function of the Executive 357. What does the state executive branch
Branch? do?
A. Enforce Laws A. resolve conflicts
B. Create Laws B. interpret laws
C. Interpret Laws C. make laws
D. Change Laws D. enforce the laws


1.5 Three Branches of Government 176

358. Who supports the President of the U.S. B. to make laws that are supported by the
and acts as the presiding officer of the Sen- Constitution
ate? C. to approve the budget for the United
A. President States
B. Congress D. to determine if laws and actions by the
C. Vice-President government are constitutiona
D. Justices 364. An appeal, or a request for a case to be

reviewed and the official decision to be for-
359. What amount of Congress is required to
mally changed, typically happens in the:
propose an Amendment?
A. 2/3 A. Lower Courts

B. 2/4 B. Supreme Court

C. 3/4 C. Congressional Court
D. 100 D. none of above

360. The leader of this branch serves as the 365. Which statement correctly describes the
commander of the armed forces. legislative branch?
A. Legislative A. It is split into two parts, the Senate and
B. Executive the House of Representatives.
C. Judicial B. It is led by the president of the United
D. none of above
C. It is made up of courts.
361. What specific power of Congress allows
D. It includes a group of advisors known
them to make any law that is “necessary
as “the Cabinet.”
and proper”?
A. Rubber Clause 366. are put in place so that one branch
B. Elastic Clause cannot have too much power.

C. Santa Clause A. Checks and Balances

D. Separation Clause B. Impeachments
C. House of Representatives
362. The Senate and the House of Representa-
tives is also called D. Amendments
A. Party
367. The Supreme Court’s reviewing and rul-
B. Congress ing on acts of other branches of the gov-
C. Term ernment and determining if a law is uncon-
stitutional is called
D. Committee
A. Supremacy
363. What is the main duty of the Supreme
B. law review
A. to decide punishments for people who C. Judicial Review
have broken the law D. Supreme ruling


1.5 Three Branches of Government 177

368. What of these is NOT one of the Three 374. Which power is exercised exclusively by
Branches of Government? the House of Representatives?


A. Judicial A. Approve treaties
B. Empire B. Initiate revenue bills
C. Legislative C. Veto executive orders
D. Executive D. Confirm appointments

369. This branch of our state government 375. The presiding officer of the House of Rep-
makes the laws. resentatives
A. Legislative A. Speaker of the House
B. Judicial B. Majority Leader
C. Executive C. Minority Leader
D. none of above D. Senator

370. Which of the three branches of govern- 376. . Representation in the House is based
ment decides if laws have been broken? on

A. Executive Branch A. financial resources.

B. Legislative Branch B. geographical area.

C. the will of the people.
C. Judicial Branch
D. population.
D. none of above
377. Who created the Bill of Rights?
371. The first constitution of the United States
was called A. George Washington
A. Articles of Confederation B. James Madison
B. Preamble C. Thomas Jefferson
C. Constitution D. none of above
D. Declaration of Independence 378. A court’s authority to hear and decide
372. What is highest court in the land? ?
A. judicial review
A. U.S. Court of Appeals
B. writ of certiorari
B. U.S. Supreme Court
C. jurisdiction
C. U.S. District Court
D. stare decisis
D. U.S. High Court
379. What branch is having its power checked
373. What is the highest court in the Judicial when Congress refuses to approve ju-
Branch called? dicial appointments.
A. Congress Court A. Legislative Branch
B. District Court B. Executive Branch
C. County Court C. Judicial Branch
D. Supreme Court D. Executive & Judicial Branch


1.5 Three Branches of Government 178

380. Which branch of government do the 386. Another name for the Necessary and
Supreme Court judges represent? Proper Clause is the Elastic Clause which
A. Judicial Branch are describing what kind of powers?
B. Tree Branch A. Enumerated Powers
C. Legislative Branch B. Implied Powers
D. Executive Branch C. Reserved Powers
381. If Congress overrides a President’s veto

D. Delegated Powers
it must be with a majority
A. 1/2 387. Which list includes roles of the presi-
B. 3/4
C. 2/5 A. Chief Justice, Commander-in-Chief
D. 2/3 B. Commander-in-Chief, Chief Executive

382. Checks and Balances are: C. Speaker of the House, Chief Executive
A. When a branch can check the power of D. Speaker of the House, Chief Justice
another branch to maintain balance.
B. Another way to pay your bills 388. Which Branch can declare presidential or-
ders/actions unconstitutional?
C. A way to create more power for one
branch. A. Executive
D. none of above B. Legislative
383. What is included in the Judicial Branch C. Judicial
A. Supreme Courts D. none of above
B. The Senate
389. TEI CHOOSE 3 ANSWERS:Which of the
C. President
following are expressed powers?
D. House of Representatives
A. Coining money
384. The only way to override a presidential
B. Collecting taxes
veto is to get a vote in both houses of
Congress in favor of the bill. C. Creating an army
A. majority D. Establishing the EPA
B. 2/3
E. Changing the $20 bill
C. 3/4
D. unanimous 390. The President can only serve terms
that are years each.
385. Which branch is Congress?
A. 2 and 4
A. Legislative
B. Executive B. 4 and 2

C. Judicial C. 2 and 8
D. none of above D. 10 and 2


1.5 Three Branches of Government 179

391. What are three ways the government 397. McCulloch v. Maryland 1819 “If such
earns money to help pay for services? be the mandate of the Constitution, we
have only to obey; but that instrument


A. charging fees
does not profess to enumerate the means
B. buying up land for state parks by which the powers it confers may be ex-
C. fines ecuted “Which constitutional provision
D. putting people in jail is evident here?
E. taxes A. Commerce Clause
392. who is incharge of the judicial B. Judicial Review
A. congress C. Habeas Corpus
B. supreme court D. Elastic Clause
C. president
398. This branch can declare laws unconstitu-
D. Zac
393. Regulating commerce is which govern-
A. Legislative
ment’s responsibility?
A. State B. Executive

B. National C. Judicial
C. Both D. none of above
D. none of above
399. Which branch writes new laws?
394. Choose people for important jobs
A. Legislative
A. Executive Branch
B. Executive
B. Legislative Branch
C. Judicial Branch C. Judicial

D. none of above D. none of above

395. What does Balance of Power means? 400. Which branch of government is the presi-
A. The president has the biggest power dent the leader of?
B. The Legislative branch is more impor- A. judicial
B. legislative
C. The three branches have the same
power C. executive
D. none of above D. none of above

396. Which branch has the power to impeach 401. What is ten plus nine
a member of government?
A. 11
A. Legislative
B. Executive B. 19

C. Judicial C. 21
D. none of above D. Article 4


1.5 Three Branches of Government 180

402. Geraldine is really interested in learning 407. The Executive branch:

about the United States government. She
A. directs the military.
does a lot of research about the leaders in
the government and their elections. She B. prints money.
wants to be able to vote in the next elec-
tion so she can vote for her favorite candi- C. makes laws.
date. Unfortunately, Geraldine is only ten D. none of above
years old and you have to be 18 to be able
to vote. Which branch can change the rules

408. What are the two parts of Congress
so Geraldine can vote? called?
A. Legislative
A. Senate and the Mouse
B. Executive
B. The Senate and the House of Represe-
C. Judicial natives
D. none of above
C. Judicial and Senate
403. The U.S. Senate is one part of Congress D. none of above
with members.
A. 100 409. Which of these principles are the rights
B. 435 of American citizen? (You will have more
than one answer.)
C. 535
A. Life
D. none of above
B. Liberty
404. The US Constitution our rights.
A. takes away C. Voting

B. eats D. Pursuit of Happiness

C. protects E. Equality
D. none of above
410. What does the word veto mean?
405. When the President rejects a law that
Congress has created, this is called a A. to approve a law

A. veto B. to say no to a law

B. unconstitutional C. to sign a law
C. Bill of Rights D. to jump
D. none of above
411. What is the main responsibility of the
406. Which branch do members serve life Legislative Branch?
A. Carry out laws
A. Executive
B. Legislative B. Make laws

C. Judicial C. Interpret and evaluate laws

D. none of above D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 181

412. What are reasons why we need a gov- 417. The Legislative Branch’s members include


A. to keep people safe A. President
B. to give money to B. Congress
C. to provide public services and help C. Supreme Court
solve problems D. none of above
D. to protect rights and make / enforce
laws 418. Using our letter code, what is the proper
order of the lawmaking process?
E. to tell us what to do
413. The main responsibility of the Judicial B. IDVCS
Branch is to
A. Carry out laws
D. none of above
B. Make laws
C. Interpret and evaluate laws 419. Jeylin believes that a local restaurant
broke the law when they refused to serve
D. none of above her food because of the color of her skin.
The owners of the restaurant say that be-
414. Resolved the dispute surrounding the cause it is their restaurant, they get to
2000 presidential election. choose who they serve. Which branch
A. District of Columbia v. Heller would decide who is right?
B. Bush v. Gore A. Executive

C. Brown v. Board of Education B. Legislative

D. none of above C. Judicial

D. none of above
415. Which article in the Constitution deals
with the Executive Branch? 420. What Branch of Government writes
A. l laws?

B. ll A. Judicial Branch

C. lll B. Executive Branch

D. llll C. Legislative Branch

D. Tree Branch
416. What is the term of a Supreme Court
judge? 421. Is made of 9 judges.
A. 4years A. Judicial Branch
B. A life term B. Executive Branch
C. 2 years C. Legislative Branch
D. 8 years D. All 3 branches


1.5 Three Branches of Government 182

422. Which house of Congress must a bill pass 428. Who appoints the Cabinet?
through in order to become a law? A. Construction workers
A. Senate B. Chief Justice
B. House of Representatives C. The President
C. Both D. Current Cabinet members
D. Neither 429. What is the minimum age a person has to
be in order to be president of the United

423. The president is the head of this branch
of government. States?

A. legislative A. 18
B. 27
B. judicial
C. 35
C. executive
D. 50
D. none of above
430. What branch decides cases about people
424. All 3 branches work in accused of breaking the law?
A. Washington State A. Judicial
B. Washington D.C. B. Executive
C. New York C. Legislative
D. none of above D. none of above

425. Which branch of Government has the 431. Which branch of the government makes
power to interpret laws? the laws?
A. Legislative A. Legislative
B. Executive B. Executive
C. Judicial C. Judicial
D. Federal D. none of above

426. Which is NOT a branch of US govern- 432. When a bill passes the House, where
ment? does it go next?
A. Senate
A. Executive
B. Supreme Court
B. Judicial
C. President
C. Legislative
D. Library of Congress
D. Constitution
433. The branch of government that makes the
427. Congress laws laws.
A. enforces A. Executive
B. enacts B. Legislative
C. makes C. Judicial
D. none of the above D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 183

434. The Senate has how many senators for 439. The three branches of our government
each state? are:


A. 1 A. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
B. 2 B. Executor, Law, and Jury
C. 4 C. Congress, President and Judges
D. It is based on the population in each D. none of above
440. Read these sentences from the text.
435. Which statement is an example of a check “The people who wrote the Constitution
and balance placed on the government? did not want one person or group to have
A. State governments have the power to too much power. That was why they
set up public schools. divided the government into three parts,
known as branches.” What can you con-
B. Congress has the power to levy taxes
clude based on this evidence?
on citizens.
A. The three branches of the government
C. The president can veto laws passed by
do not have the same amount of power.
B. The people who wrote the Constitu-
D. The president is the commander-in-
tion wanted every American to help make
chief of the military.
436. The President represents all Americans C. The people who wrote the Constitution
and is elected by the citizens into office did not want to have just one branch of
every years. government.
A. 2 D. none of above
B. 3
441. Which Branch has the primary job of mak-
C. 4 ing laws?
D. none of above A. all three branches
437. The process by which a person is recom- B. Executive
mended to be removed from a position of C. Judicial
D. Legislative
A. Veto
B. More like, “I’ll separate you from your 442. What building does congress gather in to
powers!” If you know what I mean. make laws?
C. Impeachment A. The Capitol Building
D. Confirmation B. the White House
C. the Senate
438. what is the main job of the executive
D. the House of Representatives
A. write the laws
B. interpret the laws 443. The governor serves a term of years
C. enforce the laws A. 2
D. none of the above B. 7


1.5 Three Branches of Government 184

C. 5 449. How many terms may the president

D. 4
A. 1
444. What fraction of the vote is needed to B. 2
override a veto?
C. 4
A. 1/3
D. unlimited
B. 2/3
450. which department of government deals

C. 1/2 with the military
D. 3/4 A. DoD
B. DoT
445. Power of the president to refuse (forbid)
a bill C. DoE

A. veto D. DoA

B. executive order 451. Which of the following CAN the president

C. table
A. nominate judges to federal courts
D. pigeonhole
B. offer pardons
446. Which branch is responsible for enforcing C. choose members of the cabinet
laws? D. ALL of the given
A. Bureaucracy
452. The 3 Branches of Government are:
B. Legislative A. Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
C. Executive B. Presidential, Judicial, and Legislative
D. Judicial C. Supreme Court, White House, and
447. Which Branch of Government coins D. Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, and Hilary
money (makes the money)? Clinton
A. Judicial Branch
453. Who is a part of the executive branch?
B. The Bank CHECK ALL that are correct.
C. Executive Branch A. President
D. Legislative Branch B. Congress
C. the Cabinet
448. Who makes the “ Rooty Tooty Fresh and
D. Vice President
E. Judges
A. Publex
B. IHOP 454. Which of these groups of people belong
to the legislative branch. (You will have
C. Burger King more than one answer.)
D. El Jasico A. President


1.5 Three Branches of Government 185

B. House of Representatives C. 3/4

C. The Supreme Court D. 100


D. Senate 461. Choose the correct definition:COMMANDER
455. In the Judicial Branch, their job is to IN CHIEF
laws. A. Made up of 100 members, two elected
A. clarify from each state

B. make/pass B. In charge of reviewing laws and inter-

preting the Constitution
C. carry out
C. Name given to the president for being
D. none of above in control of the Armed Forces
456. Congress falls under which branch of gov- D. Makes new laws
462. What branch is Congress?
A. Judicial
A. Legislative Branch
B. Executive
B. Executive Branch
C. Legislative
C. Judicial Branch
D. Democratic
D. Democratic Party
457. This is the job of the Executive branch:
463. Which part of the U.S. Constitution out-
A. To carry out the laws of the state lines Executive power?
B. To make the laws A. Article I
C. To interpret or explain state laws B. Article II
D. none of above C. Article III
458. what are the duties for judicial D. Article IV
A. settle conflicts 464. If the president holds a bill for 10 days
B. rule in court without signing it and Congress is still in
session, the bill
C. declar that laws as constitutional
A. dies
D. all of the above
B. goes back to Congress
459. How long is one president’s term? C. becomes a law
A. 2 years D. goes back to a committee to be re-
B. 4 years viewed
C. 8 years 465. Who is known as the Father of the Con-
D. none of above stitution?

460. What amount of States is required to rat- A. George Washington

ify an Amendment? B. Thomas Jefferson
A. 2/3 C. James Madison
B. 2/4 D. John Hancock


1.5 Three Branches of Government 186

466. After the bill has been debated in its orig- to school together. Which branch can give
inating chamber of Congress and changes Drake the correct information?
have been made, what is next? A. Legislative
A. The Report B. Executive
B. The Floor Debate C. Judicial
C. The Vote D. none of above
D. The Delivery
471. How long is the term of office for a

467. Which Branch can approve treaties with Supreme Court justice?
other nations? A. Life
A. Executive B. 2 years
B. Legislative C. 6 years
C. Judicial D. 10 years
D. none of above 472. What is the position that represents the
468. The major benefit of having the elastic Judicial Branch?
clause in the United States Constitution is A. President
that it B. Senate
A. allows the government to respond to C. Supreme Court
changing conditions
D. Cabinet
B. protects the rights of racial minorities
473. Division of Power between the 3
C. prevents one branch of government
branches of government.
from becoming too powerful
A. Checks & Balances
D. establishes a postal service
B. Separation of Powers
469. The founding fathers could not have
C. Federalism
known what the future held for us. To ac-
commodate future needs of the people, the D. Bicameral Legislature
Constitution grants our government to
474. What branch is having its power checked
help them do what is necessary and proper
when Congress overrides a President’s
to run a great country.
A. Specialized powers
A. Legislative Branch
B. Expressive powers
B. Executive Branch
C. Concurrent powers
C. Judicial Branch
D. Implied powers D. none
470. Drake needs more information about an 475. The President, Vice President, and the
important case called “Brown versus the Cabinet fall under which branch of govern-
Board of Education” from 1954. After this ment?
case, the government could no longer al-
low segregated schools. It meant that stu- A. Judicial
dents with different skin colors could go B. Executive


1.5 Three Branches of Government 187

C. Legislative B. legislative, executive, legislative, judi-

D. Republic cial


C. executive, legislative, executive, judi-
476. Who has the power to veto (say no to) cial
any bill?
D. Judicial, legislative, executive,
A. mayor
481. The fifteen secretaries including the At-
B. governor
torney General, Secretary of State, Sec-
C. anyone retary of Veteran’s Affairs, Secretary of
D. the senate Agriculture are all part of
A. the Cabinet
477. Who makes up the legislative branch of
government? B. Legislative Agencies

A. The Supreme Court C. The Supreme Court

B. The Vice President D. Congress

C. Congress 482. Which branch can override the veto?

D. The President A. Legislative
B. Executive
478. The branch of government that enforces,
carries out, the law. C. Judicial
A. Executive D. none of above
B. Legislative 483. If we have local government, why do we
C. Judicial need state government, too?
D. none of above A. Some laws need to be everywhere in
the state.
479. The Branch of our government en- B. We don’t need state government, just
forces our laws. local government.
A. Legislative C. Local government doesn’t earn
B. Democratic enough money, so we need state, too.
C. Executive D. none of above
D. House of Representatives 484. Discusses and creates Laws
480. The scenario below describes a govern- A. Executive Branch
ment process Congress passed a Bill to B. Legislative Branch
increase military spending, the President
vetoed it, Congress overrides the veto, C. Judicial Branch
and the Supreme Court reviews the Bill D. none of above
According to the scenario, in what order
did the branches of government exercise 485. What is the main job of the Executive
their power? Branch?

A. legislative, executive, judicial, legisla- A. To make laws.

tive B. To interpret laws.


1.5 Three Branches of Government 188

C. To enforce laws. 491. what is the branch that the Judicial

D. The president is above the law. branch have?

486. Which branch of the government enforces A. President & Vice President
out the laws? B. House of representatives & Senate
A. Legislative
C. Supreme Court
B. Executive
C. Judicial D. Judge Judy

D. none of above
492. Why did the writers of the Constitution
487. What are the Three Branches of Govern- form the legislative, executive, and judi-
ment cial branches?
A. Legislative
A. to decrease power
B. Executive
C. Judicial B. to increase power

D. All of the above C. to balance power

488. Which of these principles of all American D. to separate power

citizens means that you have the right to
exist without being hurt by others? 493. These are the steps for a bill becoming
A. Life a law:A Bill is INTRODUCED in one of the
B. Liberty housesCommittee action in that house De-
bate and Vote on the FLOOR Refer to the
C. Pursuit of Happiness next house of Congress Conference Com-
D. Equality mittee Sent to the President for approval
or veto Possibly override veto with 2/3 of
489. One way that the legislative branch can
both houses What step is being described
check the power of the President is
below? Representatives discuss the bill
A. to override a President’s veto with 2/3 and explain why they agree or disagree
vote with it. Then, a reading clerk reads the bill
B. refuse to pay the President section by section and the Representatives
recommend changes. When all changes
C. fine the President for disagreeing with
have been made, the bill is ready to be
voted on. If a majority of the Represen-
D. impeach the President for disagreeing tatives say or select yes, the bill passes in
with Congress the U.S. House of Representatives. The
bill is then certified by the Clerk of the
490. After the bill has been introduced in its
House and delivered to the U.S. Senate.
originating chamber of Congress, what is
next? A. Refer to the next house
A. Committee for research
B. Debate and Vote in the House
B. The Floor Debate
C. The Vote C. Conference Committee

D. The Delivery D. Bill is introduced


1.5 Three Branches of Government 189

494. How did ratification of the Seventeenth 499. Whose main task is it to make the laws
Amendment impact elections? and whose powers include passing laws,
originating spending bills, impeaching offi-


A. All candidates for public office must
disclose campaign donations. cials, and approving treaties?
A. Legislative Branch
B. Senators must receive popular votes
in their state to attain office. B. Supreme Court
C. Members of the Senate and House C. Congress
must respect federal term limits. D. Cabinet
D. District borders for representation
500. Which of these is the Branch of Govern-
must reflect the decennial census.
ment that enforces the laws?
495. The system in place that is designed to A. Judicial
prevent one branch from becoming all pow- B. Legislative
C. Executive
A. Democracy
D. none of above
B. Republic
501. To provide for health and well-being is
C. The New Jersey Plan
the responsibility of which government?
D. Checks and Balances
A. State
496. When talking about the constitution, who B. National
said, “It’s not perfect, but it’s as perfect
C. Both
as it can be”.
D. none of above
A. Ben Franklin
B. James Madison 502. The House of Representatives has how
many representatives for each state?
C. Thomas Jefferson
A. 1
D. George Washington
B. 2
497. Who makes up the Legislative Branch as C. 4
a whole?
D. It is based on the state’s population.
A. The House of Representatives
503. This branch is divided into two house-the
B. Nine Judges Senate and House of Delegates.
C. Congress A. Legislative
D. The President B. Executive
498. Which branch of Government has the C. Judicial
power to enforce laws? D. none of above
A. Legislative
504. Remove a Supreme Court justice from of-
B. Executive fice
C. Judicial A. Executive Branch
D. Federal B. Legislative Branch


1.5 Three Branches of Government 190

C. Judicial Branch 510. Power to declare war

D. none of above A. Legislative
505. The founding fathers combined the ideas B. Executive
of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey C. Judicial
Plan to come up with-
D. none of above
A. Compromise of 1820
B. Three-fifths compromise 511. All judges are part of this branch of gov-

C. Great Compromise
D. Constitutional Convention A. Legislative
B. Executive
506. Who is the leader of the Senate?
C. Judicial
A. The Vice President
D. none of above
B. The Speaker of the House
C. President Pro Tempore 512. As Chief Executive, it is the president’s
D. The President job to
A. MAKE laws
507. Check all that apply. Enumer-
ated/Delegated/Expressed powers of the B. CARRY OUT laws
executive branch include C. INTERPRET laws
A. appoints federal judges D. none of the given
B. negotiates treaties
513. Camille notices that her neighbor, Kylie,
C. commands the armed forces
is constantly littering. She always throws
D. appoints the secretary of state her trash in the woods where a lot of
E. appoints Supreme Court Justices plants and animals live. Camille knows
when there is a vacancy that littering is against the law, but Kylie
isn’t following the law. Which branch of
508. Who is the only person that can veto a the government makes sure that people
bill? follow the laws?
A. President A. Executive
B. vice president B. Legislative
C. speaker of the House C. Judicial
D. Supreme Court
D. none of above
509. Judges are the leaders of which branch of
government? 514. The beginning part of the Constitution

A. Legislative Branch A. Article I

B. Executive Branch B. Amendments
C. Judicial Branch C. Bill of Rights
D. none of above D. Preamble


1.5 Three Branches of Government 191

515. Which branch can impeach the Presi- 521. When was the Bill of Rights created?
dent? A. 1790


A. Judicial B. 1785
B. Legislative C. 1776
C. Executive D. 1791
D. none of above 522. who is the president?
516. Decide on a disagreement between two A. Donald Rump
states B. Ronald McDonald
A. Executive Branch C. Donald Trumpet
B. Legislative Branch D. Donald trump
C. Judicial Branch 523. A written statement to the world telling
D. none of above why the US wanted to break free from
Great Britain.
517. Which branch can override a President’s
A. Constitution
B. Declaration of Independence
A. Legislative Branch
C. Bill of Rights
B. Executive Branch
D. Preamble
C. Judicial Branch
D. none 524. Each state has members of the US
518. how many senators are there in total? A. 2
A. 2 B. 1
B. 100 C. 5
C. 101 D. based on population
D. 435 525. Prevents any one branch of government
519. The President is the head of which branch from becoming too powerful. Allows each
of government? branch of government to limit powers of
the other two branches.
A. Legislative
A. Separation of Powers
B. Executive
B. Federalism
C. Judicial C. Checks & Balances
D. Supreme Court D. Natural Rights
520. How long is a Presidential term in of- 526. Which is NOT one of the roles of the pres-
fice? ident?
A. 4 years A. Head of State
B. 2 years B. Chief Executive
C. 6 years C. Legislative Leader
D. none of above D. Lawmaker


1.5 Three Branches of Government 192

527. Decide that Congress has made a law 532. What can the president do once he re-
that is against the constitution. ceives the bill?
A. Executive Branch A. all of these
B. Legislative Branch B. sign the bill into law
C. Judicial Branch C. veto the bill
D. none of above D. “pocket veto” the bill

533. How can the Supreme Court provide a

528. The Nutrition Inspectors were similar to
our Judicial Branch because they: “check” to balance the power of the leg-
islative branch?
A. determined what it meant to be
healthy and whether the menu was A. by impeaching members of Congress
healthy B. by limiting Senators’ length of office
B. asked the Lead Chef whether they C. by declairing a law unconstitutional
should say the menu is healthy D. by setting the number of House mem-
C. asked their friends if they liked the bers
534. Which branch has the House of Represen-
D. none of above tatives?
529. The legislative branch, also known as A. Legislative
Congress, is made up of two houses. What B. Executive
are they?
C. Judicial
A. The Senate & House of Representative D. none of above
B. Congress & The Senate
535. Which branch of the government directs
C. President & House of Representative de country and the armed forces?
D. President & Vice-President A. Legislative
530. After debating the bill, what is the next B. Executive
step in the lawmaking process? C. Judicial
A. The bill is voted on D. none of above
B. The bill turns into a law 536. The executive branch is comprised of the
C. The bill is re-introduced , , and the
D. The bill is signed by the President (na- A. President, Congress, Cabinet
tional laws) or Governor (state laws) B. President, Senate, Congress
531. The first step in the lawmaking process. C. President, Vice-President, Cabinet
A. The bill is introduced D. Congress, Vice-President, Senate
B. The bill is debated 537. Which branch can approve presidential
C. The bill is worked on in committees appointments?

D. The bill is reviewed by the President A. Legislative

(national laws) or Governor (state laws) B. Executive


1.5 Three Branches of Government 193

C. Judicial 543. After a bill has passed the two houses of

Congress, it is sent to the
D. none of above


A. Supreme Court
538. what are the two branches for the exec- B. Speaker of the House
utive branch?
C. President
A. President & vice President
D. states
B. House of representatives & Senate
544. The Legislative branch is most commonly
C. Supreme Court referred to as:
D. Judge Judy A. Congress
B. the Cabinet
539. The House of Representatives has the
power to initiate revenue bills and: C. the Senate

A. appoint federal judges D. none of above

B. impeach federal officials 545. A dog owner is being sued by a home-

owner, who claims that the dog caused $1,
C. ratify treaties 200 worth of damage to his garden. The
D. none of above homeowner would probably take the dis-
pute to
540. What is a political Cabinet? A. general trial court
A. A group of trusted advisors B. appeals court
B. A place where items can go C. small claims court
C. Congress D. family relations court

D. the Press 546. What is the main jobs of the legislative

A. write or inforce the laws
541. The House of Representatives is part of
this branch of government. B. interpret the law

A. Legislative C. enforce the laws

D. none of the above
B. Executive
C. Judicial 547. One of the powers of this branch of gov-
ernment is to increase or decrease taxes.
D. none of above
A. Legislative
542. Which branch of governme nt votes on B. Executive
bills before they go to the President C. Judicial
D. none of above
A. Executive Branch
548. Which branch of government enforces or
B. Judicial Branch carries out the laws?
C. Legislative Branch A. Judicial Branch
D. none of above B. Executive Branch


1.5 Three Branches of Government 194

C. Legislative Branch 554. Which is an example of a check on Con-

D. none of above gressional power?
A. The power to declare war
549. What are the two parts of our
B. the power of the president to veto e bill
C. the power of the states to collect their
A. The Station and the House own taxes
B. The Supreme Court and the White D. the power of the Supreme Court to try

House cases between states.
C. The President and the Vice President
555. This article describes the three branches
D. The Senate and the House of Repre- of government and their responsibilities.
sentatives Which branch does it describe first?
550. Members of the jury are part of this A. the executive branch
branch of government. B. the judicial branch
A. Legislative C. the legislative branch
B. Executive D. none of above
C. Judicial 556. Who signs bills into law?
D. none of above A. Congress

551. the dudies to the legislative B. Executive Branch

A. declar war C. Legislative Branch

D. none of above
B. print money
C. collect taxes 557. Which branch of government enforces the
D. all of the above
A. legislative
552. Which is the branch of government that B. executive
carries out the laws?
C. judicial
A. executive
D. none of above
B. legislative
558. When does the US Supreme Court have
C. judicial
original jurisdiction?
D. a tree branch A. disputes between two citizens of the
same state
553. If the Supreme Court declares a law writ-
ten by Congress unconstitutional, what is B. disputes between two states
this an example of? C. violations of lower courts
A. Executive Checks D. during civil suits between citizens
B. Judicial Privilege
559. The President of the United States is
C. Checks and Balances leader of which branch of government?
D. Government Balance A. Legislative Branch


1.5 Three Branches of Government 195

B. Executive Branch 565. separation of powers

C. Judicial Branch A. were not needed in the United States


D. none of above B. is the separation of the 3 branches of
government outlined in the US Constitu-
560. How many branches are there? tion
A. 33
C. happened when the colonies won inde-
B. 30 pendence from Britain.
C. 3 D. none of above
D. 32
566. The Legislative Branch has the power of
561. Why does the Executive Branch employ which allows it to bring charges of mis-
far more people than any other branch? conduct against an elected official.
A. It receives the largest portion of the A. Impeachment
federal budget. B. Judicial Review
B. It acts to implement most legislative C. Veto
D. Statute
C. It manages all civil service staff for the
three branches. 567. The President plays the role of Legisla-
tive Leader when he
D. It maintains a large personal security
force for protection. A. sends troops into battle
B. makes the budget
562. The U.S. Supreme Court must make all de-
cisions based on C. makes the State of the Union speech
and suggests ideas for laws
A. the Constitution
D. Issues an executive order
B. what the President says
C. who won the Super Bowl 568. Which one is NOT a responsibility of the
legislative branch?
D. the weather
A. declaring war
563. About how many bills actually become
B. making laws
laws each year?
C. selecting Supreme Court judges
A. 50
D. none of above
B. 100
C. 150 569. Separation of Powers means?
D. 200 A. The division of the country’s powers
into 3 branches so no one branch has
564. If the bill passes the vote, what is the more than the other.
next step in the lawmaking process?
B. The sharing of powers between the na-
A. The bill is debated one more time tional and state governments.
B. The bill turns into a law immediately C. The sharing of powers betwen the
C. The bill turns into a law after 100 days state and local governemnt
D. The bill is sent to the President (na- D. 2 of the 3 branches have less power
tional laws) or Governor (state laws) than the 3rd.


1.5 Three Branches of Government 196

570. The main building of the Legislative 576. The document that created the basic prin-
Branch is the ciples of the US government is
A. White House A. Congress
B. Capitol Building B. Constitution
C. Supreme Court Building C. Star-Spangled Banner
D. none of above D. The Preamble

571. What are the two parts of Congress? 577. How long is a presidential term?

A. Senate and the House A. 2 years
B. The Senate and the House of Represe- B. 6 years
natives C. 4 years
C. Judicial and Senate D. 8 years
D. none of above 578. Who is a part of the Legislative Branch.
CHECK ALL that are correct.
572. Which branch of the government creates
bills? A. President
A. Executive Branch B. Congress
B. Judicial Branch C. Judges
C. Tree Branch D. Senate
D. Legislative Branch E. House of Representatives

573. What branch is having its power checked 579. Showed that the president is accountable
when Congress creates lower federal for obeying the law.
courts? A. United States v. Nixon
A. Legislative Branch B. Plessy v. Ferguson
B. Executive Branch C. Miranda v. Arizona
C. Judicial Branch D. none of above
D. none 580. How many branches of government are
574. This branch has the Senators and House
of Representatives A. Five

A. legislative B. Two
C. Three
B. judicial
D. Four
C. executive
D. house of congress 581. The Legislative branch is made up of the:
A. House of Representatives and the Sen-
575. Role of the judicial branch
A. make laws B. Supreme Court and the Lower Courts
B. interpret laws C. President, Vice President, and the Cab-
C. enforce laws inet
D. impeach a president D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 197

582. Who has the power to declare war? 587. The President, Vice President and cabinet
A. Legislative Branch make which branch?


B. The Courts A. legislative
C. Executive Branch B. executive
D. The Military C. judicial
D. congress
583. Which one of these can the president NOT
do? 588. Complexity:HSS.7.C.3.3The statement
A. Declare war below is from a congressional document,
July 27, 1974.
B. appoint Judges to the Supreme Court
A. presidential impeachment
C. Meet with leaders of other countries
B. presidential nomination
D. veto laws contains the Supreme Court
which is the highest court in the land. No C. presidential election
other court can over rule the Supreme D. presidential veto
Court** contains 9 justices (judges) who
are appointed by the president and can 589. It can declare laws unconstitutional.
serve for life if they wish** They decide A. Legislative
is laws are made agree with the constitu- B. Executive
tion** sets punishments for people who
break laws** They can declare laws un- C. Judicial
constitutional D. none of above

584. Each branch of government exercises 590. A responsibility of this branch is to deter-
some control over the other two. mine if laws are fair.
A. federalism A. Legislative
B. judicial review B. Executive
C. separation of powers C. Judicial
D. checks and balances D. none of above

585. To reject a bill and send it back to change 591. Congress is part of the branch of gov-
is ernment.
A. veto A. judicial
B. value B. executive
C. accept C. legislative
D. none of above D. none of above
586. In the Executive Branch, their job is to 592. What check does the U.S. Senate have on
laws. the president?
A. clarify A. overriding vetoes
B. make/pass B. appointing judges
C. carry out C. declaring laws unconstitutional
D. none of above D. refusing to confirm appointments


1.5 Three Branches of Government 198

593. Congress is part of this branch of govern- B. 8 years

ment. C. 4 years
A. Legislative D. none of above
B. Executive
599. Which branch of government makes sure
C. Judicial
the laws passed by Congress follow the
D. none of above U.S. Constitution?
A. Executive Branch

594. What is the main job of the legislative
branch of government? B. Judicial Branch
A. to carry out laws C. Legislative Branch
B. to make laws D. none of above
C. to appoint judges
600. What check does the Supreme Court have
D. to sign treaties on Congress?
595. The Judicial Branch: A. may veto a law
A. Reviews laws and decides cases that B. may disapprove treaties or appoint-
involve state’s rights ments
B. Makes laws and sends them to the C. may appoint judges
president for approval D. may declare legislative action uncon-
C. Carries out laws, vetoes laws, direct- stitutional
ing national defense, and directing the
government 601. Which branch of government do judges
D. Orders Jimmy John’s for lunch every
Friday A. Judicial Branch
B. Tree Branch
596. To be president you must be
C. Legislative Branch
A. a citizen for 7 years
D. Executive Branch
B. a citizen for 9 years
C. a natural born citizen 602. This branch of government makes sure
the laws are enforced or carried out.
D. a citizen for 14 years
A. Legislative
597. A responsibility of this branch is to en-
B. Executive
force the laws.
C. Judicial
A. Legislative
D. none of above
B. Executive
C. Judicial 603. The President is a part of the
D. none of above A. Legislative branch.

598. How long can a Supreme Court Justice B. Executive branch.

serve? C. Judicial branch.
A. A lifetime D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 199

604. What are the 2 parts of our Congress? 608. When the court hears the case first, gives
A. The President and the Vice President a verdict
A. original jurisdiciton


B. House of Representatives and the Sen-
ate B. appellate jurisdiction
C. Pinky and the Brain C. real jurisdiciton
D. fake jurisdiction
D. Judicial Branch and Executive Branch
609. Who is the leader of a state’s govern-
605. Who has the power to impeach the Pres- ment?
ident and Supreme Court Justices?
A. king
A. Head Justice
B. president
B. Executive Branch C. governor
C. Judicial Branch D. none of above
D. Legislative Branch
610. These people are nominated by the Pres-
606. A responsibility of this branch is to inter- ident and have to be approved by the Sen-
pret the laws. ate. They serve as advisors and heads of
various departments and agencies.
A. Legislative
A. Supreme Court
B. Executive
B. Congress
C. Judicial C. Judicial Branch
D. none of above D. Cabinet
607. Read these sentences from the text. 611. How old do you have to be to vote?
“The United States Constitution was writ- A. 21 Years old
ten over two hundred years ago. It ex-
plains how the United States government B. 32 Years old
should work. The people who wrote the C. 15 Years old
Constitution did not want one person or D. None of the Above
group to have too much power. That
was why they divided the government into 612. Which branch of government evaluates
three parts, known as branches.” Why laws?
does the author begin this article by talk- A. Legislative
ing about the U.S. Constitution? B. Executive
A. to give the reader background informa- C. Judicial
tion about why there are three branches
D. none of above
of government
B. to explain to the reader why the U.S. 613. The is the leader of the Executive
Constitution is the most important piece Branch of our government.
of writing in history A. Jedi Knight
C. to help the reader learn more about B. Batman
the history of the United States C. President
D. none of above D. Super Hero


1.5 Three Branches of Government 200

614. Which Branch was the Supreme Court? 620. Controls the military and can formally de-
A. Judicial Branch clare war .

B. Legislative Branch A. Judicial Branch

B. Executive Branch
C. Executive Branch
C. Legislative Branch
D. None of the Above
D. All 3 branches
615. Which branch of the government carries
621. Which part of the U.S. Constitution out-

out the laws?
lines Judicial power?
A. Legislative
A. Article I
B. Executive
B. Article II
C. Judicial
C. Article III
D. none of above D. Article IV
616. Which of the three branches of govern- 622. Which branch of government is in charge
ment makes the laws? of writing and passing laws?
A. Executive Branch A. Excecutive
B. Legislative Branch B. Legislative
C. Judicial Branch C. Judicial
D. none of above D. none of above
617. Which branch makes treaties with other 623. How many justices are on the U.S.
countries? Supreme Court?
A. Legislative A. 3
B. Executive B. 6
C. Judicial C. 9
D. none of above D. 12

618. What is included in the Legislative Branch 624. This government position serves 6 year
terms and can be elected an unlimited
A. The Senate amount of times.
B. I and III A. President
C. The House of Representatives B. Supreme Court Justice
D. Courts C. Senator
619. What are the three branches of the fed- D. Representative
eral government? (Check all answers that 625. Which branch of the federal and state
apply) government makes and passes the laws?
A. Legislative A. Legislative
B. Senate B. Executive
C. Executive C. Judicial
D. Judicial D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 201

626. This house of Congress has 100 members C. 4000

and includes only 2 from each state D. 5000


A. House of Representatives
632. A case in which a defendant is tried for
B. Senate committing a crime as defined by the law
C. President A. civil case
D. Supreme Court B. certificate
C. criminal case
627. Who names new Supreme Court Jus-
tices? D. original jurisdiction
A. The President 633. How many Amendments are there to the
B. The Electoral College Constitution?

C. Congress A. 12
B. 16
D. none of above
C. 22
628. the president has all of these powers ex- D. 27
A. hirer new city council
B. appoint supreme court justices with
senate approval
C. veto
D. pardon
629. Which branch can nominate (choose) jus-
635. How many members does the Senate
A. Legislative
A. 9
B. Executive B. 50
C. Judicial C. 100
D. none of above D. 435
630. Senators and representatives work to- 636. Number of justices on the Supreme Court
gether to write and vote on A. 5
A. the constitution B. 9
B. bills C. 100
C. court cases D. 435
D. scheduling professional sports games 637. Highest court in the land
631. About how many bill are introduced into A. Appellate courts
the Congress each year? B. Trial courts
A. 1000 C. District courts
B. 2000 D. Supreme Courts


1.5 Three Branches of Government 202

638. Unconstitutional means 644. Who is allowed to make suggestions for

A. to charge a public official with wrong laws?
doing A. only those over the age of 18
B. the Constitution does NOT allow it B. Congress
C. rejecting a law and refusing to sign it C. any citizen of the United States
D. to determine the meaning of the Con- D. none of above
645. The power to establish local governments

639. An addition or change to the Constitution is which government’s responsibility?
is called A. State
A. a bill of rights B. National
B. a law C. Both
C. an amendment D. none of above
D. a written plan 646. This branch decides if laws are fair
640. This Branch controls the military A. Executive
A. Judicial Branch B. Legislative
B. Executive Branch C. Judicial
C. Legislative Branch D. none of above
D. All 3 branches 647. The Executive branch is made up of the:
641. What branch can reject treaties? A. House of Representatives and the Sen-
A. Legislative Branch
B. President, Vice President, and the Cab-
B. Executive Branch inet
C. Judicial Branch C. Supreme Court and the Lower Courts
D. none D. none of above
642. How long is a presidential term in the 648. As a result of the passage of the Sev-
U.S? enteenth Amendment to the Constitution,
A. 1 year U.S. senators are now selected by-
B. 2 years A. indirect political party votes
C. 3 years B. direct popular vote
D. 4 years C. the electoral college process
D. appointment of the governor
643. With two Senators for each state, each
state has two in Congress. 649. What is the highest court in the land?
A. representatives A. Supreme Court
B. votes B. Judicial Branch
C. seats C. House of Representatives
D. none of above D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 203

650. Pau’s mom was given a speeding ticket 655. Dividing up the functions or role of gov-
for driving too fast past the school. His ernment is known as what?
mom does not believe she was speeding


A. Judicial Review
and wants to explain her side. Which
branch will allow her mom a chance to be B. Separation of Powers
heard? C. Amendment Process
A. Legislative D. none of above
B. Executive
656. Which branch has the Senate?
C. Judicial
A. Legislative
D. none of above
B. Executive
651. What is an example of checks and bal- C. Judicial
D. none of above
A. Congress enforces a bill
B. President vetoes a bill 657. After committee work, what is the next
step in the lawmaking process?
C. President interprets a law
A. The bill is voted on
D. Congress presents a bill
B. The bill is debated
652. Which branch decides if laws are uncon- C. The bill is re-introduced
D. The bill is signed by the President (na-
A. Legislative tional laws) or Governor (state laws)
B. Executive
658. What is the main idea of this article?
C. Judicial
A. The U.S. Constitution is the law of the
D. none of above land, and it lays out rules for the govern-
ment and rights for the American people.
653. Which Article of the Constitution explains
the Judicial Branch? B. The judicial branch decides on the
meanings of the laws and whether laws
A. Article 1
break the rules of the U.S. Constitution.
B. Article 2
C. The U.S. Constitution says that the
C. Article 3 country must have a Congress, a Supreme
Court, and a president.
D. Article 4
D. none of above
654. What do appellate courts do?
659. Which branch has the power to impeach
A. They hold trials
judges, Presidents or Vice Presidents?
B. They retry cases with a new jury
A. Legislative
C. Appellate courts review trial cases for
B. Executive
legal errors
C. Judicial
D. Appellate courts wait for the Supreme
Courts to tell them what to do. D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 204

660. The Legislative Branch: B. 25 years, citizen for 7 years, and re-
A. Reviews laws and decides cases that side in state
involve state’s rights C. 20 years, citizen for 7 years, and re-
B. Makes laws and sends them to the side in the US
president for approval D. 25 years, citizen for 14 years, and re-
side in US
C. Carries out laws, vetoes laws, direct-
ing national defense, and directing the 666. How many terms can a U.S. President

government serve?
D. Orders Jimmy John’s for lunch every A. 1
B. 2
661. When considering military action, the C. 3
president is acting as D. none of above
A. Commander in chief
667. What is it called when a President does
B. Negotiator in chief not sign a bill?
C. Chief Legislator A. Filibuster
D. Judicial Leader B. Cloture
662. The highest court in U.S. government is C. Death by vote
the: D. Veto
A. Supreme Court 668. Who is the head of the Executive Branch
B. Judicial Court of the federal government?
C. Congressional Court A. Supreme Court Justices
D. none of above B. The President and Vice President
C. The Speaker of the House
663. Necessary and proper clause gives ability
to create these from expressed powers D. none of above
A. presidential power 669. The branch of government that reviews
B. veto power laws to determine whether they are fair
or unfair.
C. expressed power
A. Executive
D. implied powers
B. Legislative
664. How long can a president stay in office? C. Judicial
A. 4 years D. none of above
B. 8 years
670. What role allows the President to be the
C. 12 days leader of the military?
D. 16 minutes A. Chief of State
665. What are 3 qualifications in House? B. Chief of Party
A. 30 years, citizen for 9 years, and re- C. Commander-in-Chief
side in state D. Chief Executive


1.5 Three Branches of Government 205

671. This branch of government meets at the 677. This case decided the 2000 Presidential
Capitol. election


A. Legislative A. Morse v. Frederick
B. Executive B. U.S. v. Nixon
C. Judicial C. Trump v. Clinton

D. none of above D. Bush v. Gore

678. Which of the following is a military of-
672. Which branch presides over the cabinet?
A. Legislative A. Disrespect of a senior commissioned
B. Executive officer
C. Judicial B. Larceny
D. none of above C. Burglary
D. Murder
673. Prevents misuse of power
679. Which branch has the Cabinet?
A. Federalisms
A. Legislative
B. Separation of powers
B. Executive
C. popular sovereignty
C. Judicial
D. Limited Government
D. none of above
674. A challenge to a previous legal decision 680. Which section of the Constitution gives
A. jurisdiction the legislative branch its powers?
B. felony A. The Bill of Rights
C. precedent B. Article I
D. appeal C. Article II
D. Article III
675. How old do you have to be to vote in our
country? 681. The head of this branch is the Supreme
A. 16
A. Executive
B. 18
B. Legislative
C. 21
C. Judicial
D. 15
D. none of above
676. This branch of government makes the 682. Which branch of government is the court
laws. system a part of?
A. Legislative A. Judicial
B. Judicial B. Executive
C. Executive C. Legislative
D. none of above D. none of above


1.5 Three Branches of Government 206

683. Which branch has Congress, with the sen- B. They want to make sure that one per-
ate and house of representatives? son or groups does not have to much
A. Legislative power.
C. They want to make sure that the pres-
B. Executive
ident has all the power, like the King of
C. Judicial England.
D. none of above D. none of above

684. limits that are imposed on all branches of 689. An idea for a law that is written down
government in order to maintain a balance for the government to decide on.
of power among the three branches A. representative
A. Bill of Rights B. cabinet
B. Constitution C. bill
C. Checks and balances D. none of above
D. Justices
690. Which Branch approves judges?
685. Powers that only Congress has are called A. Executive
A. Delegated Powers B. Legislative
B. Reserved Powers C. Judicial
C. Concurrent Powers D. none of above
D. Special Powers 691. How long is the term of a Supreme Court
686. Which branch of the government creates
bills (A bill is an idea for a law)? A. 4 years
A. Executive Branch B. 6 years
B. Judicial Branch C. 9 years
C. Tree Branch D. lifetime appointment
D. Legislative Branch 692. The branch of the federal government
is headed by the President and Vice Presi-
687. If a Virginia law conflicts with a federal dent .
law, then the law will be supreme.
A. Legislative
A. Federal
B. Executive
B. Virginia
C. Judicial
C. It depends on the situation and which
D. All 3 branches of government
one is constitutionally accurate.
D. none of above 693. Controls the impeachment process.
A. Judicial Branch
688. Why do the branches of government
check and balance each other? B. Executive Branch

A. They want to make sure that one per- C. Legislative Branch

son or groups does have all much power. D. All 3 branches


1.5 Three Branches of Government 207

694. The branch executes laws. C. Judicial

A. executive D. none of above


B. judicial 700. Which branch of government makes sure
C. legislative that laws are fair?
D. police A. Judicial Branch
B. Executive Branch
695. There are Supreme Court justices.
C. Legislative Branch
A. 2
D. none of above
B. 9
C. 8 701. Most bills don’t ever become laws. Why
is that?
D. 4
A. They are vetoed by the President
696. Why do most bills introduced to Congress
B. The House and Senate never agree
never become law?
C. Bills almost never get out of the com-
B. THEY ARE DEFEATED DURING FLOOR D. Laws are constantly being made be-
DEBATES cause the process is very simple.
702. What is one way that the legislative
D. OVERRULED BY THE US SUPREME branch is able to ‘check’ the power of the
COURT executive branch?
697. To establish and maintain public schools A. The House and Senate can veto laws
is which government’s responsibility? created by the judicial branch.
A. State B. Congress can grant pardons to individ-
uals convicted of federal crimes.
B. National
C. The House of Representatives can
C. Both
bring charges of impeachment against the
D. none of above President.
698. If the president were to welcome a for- D. The Senate can issue Executive Orders
eign leader/official to the White House, that provide instructions to federal agen-
this would be an example of what role? cies.
A. Commander in Chief 703. Which Branch are the Senators?
B. Chief Executive A. Legislative Branch
C. Head of State B. Executive Branch
D. none of the given C. Judicial Branch
699. The main responsibility of the Branch D. None of the above
is to carry out laws. 704. There are branches in the federal gov-
A. Executive ernment.
B. Legislative A. 1


1.5 Three Branches of Government 208

B. 2 A. President
C. 3 B. Supreme Court Justice
D. 4 C. Senator
705. The power of the Supreme Court to de- D. Representative
cide what the Constitution means is 711. Which of the three branches of govern-
A. writ of certiorari ment carries out America’s laws?
B. writ of habeas corpus A. Executive Branch

C. judicial review B. Legislative Branch
D. summarizing C. Judicial Branch
706. Which branch has the Vice President? D. none of above
A. Legislative 712. Why were some states not wanting to
B. Executive agree to the constitution at first?
C. Judicial A. They wanted a King
D. none of above B. They couldn’t decide what the leader
should be called
707. The power of Congress to draft people
C. Some states wanted to include a Bill of
into the armed forces is a(n)
A. enumerated power.
D. Some states felt like government
B. expressed power. wasn’t needed which is divided into 2
C. implied power. groups called the House of Representa-
D. money power. tives and the Senate .Executive Branch-
the part of the US government that car-
708. Which duty of the vice president is de- ries out the laws. The President and his
scribed in the U.S. Constitution? cabinet are in the branchJudicial Branch-
A. Liaison to the Supreme Court the part of the US government that inter-
prets the laws. The Supreme Court is in
B. President of the Senate
this branch and is made up of 9 justices
C. Domestic policy adviser to the Presi- (judges) that serve for life or until they no
dent longer want to serve. The most important
D. U.S. special ambassador to the United duties of this branch are to make laws,
Nations write bills, vote on whether bills should
become laws.** The legislative Branch is
709. One of the powers of this branch of gov-
the only branch that can declare war.**
ernment is to veto new bills.
Coin money and regulate the value** pro-
A. Legislative vide for the common Defense and general
B. Executive Welfare of the United States
C. Judicial 713. What branch makes state laws?
D. none of above A. Legislative
710. This government position must be ap- B. Executive
pointed by the President and approved by C. Judicial
the Congress, but once they are in they
D. none of above
serve for life.
1.6 A Representative Government 209

1.6 A Representative Government


1. protected the rights of English citizens 5. “British policies were rarely enforced in
and became the basis for the American Bill the colonies, due to the belief that the
of Rights. colonies might flourish without strict su-
pervision. “Which of the following rea-
A. English Bill of Rights
sons matches the description?
B. Magna Carta
A. Distance
C. Mayflower Compact B. Rights and Traditions of Englishmen
D. Constitution C. Salutary Neglect

2. a form of government in which all eligible D. Self-Governing Colonies

citizens vote for other people to pass laws 6. Many small island nations or African tribes
for them. are set up where the citizens directly make
A. representative democracy all their decisions.
B. monarchy A. democracy

C. direct democracy B. dictatorship

C. oligarchy
D. oligarchy
D. monarchy
3. Which of the following is in correct chrono-
logical order? 7. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
and the House of Burgesses are closely as-
A. Mayflower Compact, Magna Carta, En- sociated with-
glish Bill of Rights, House of Burgesses,
A. abuses by the French King
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
B. religious toleration
B. Magna Carta, House of Burgesses,
Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders C. voting rights for women
of Connecticut, English Bill of Rights D. colonial self-government
C. House of Burgesses, Magna Carta,
8. “With England 3, 000 miles away, polit-
Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders
ical and legal matters couldn’t wait for
of Connecticut, English Bill of Rights
word from England. “Which of the follow-
D. Mayflower Comapct, Magna Carta, ing reasons matches the description?
House of Burgesses, Fundamental Orders A. Distance
of Connecticut, English Bill of Rights
B. Rights and Traditions of Englishmen
4. This colony was founded as a refuge for C. Salutary Neglect
debtors from England seeking a better life.
D. Self-Governing Colonies
A. Virginia
9. The first written constitution in the
B. Pennsylvania colonies was?
C. New York A. Mayflower Compact
D. Georgia B. House of Burgesses


1.6 A Representative Government 210

C. Magna Carta 14. Name the law making body in England.

D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut A. Congress
B. town meetings
10. This region’s economic activities centered
around the cultivation of cash crops such C. Great Council
as tobacco, rice, and indigo. D. Parliament
A. The Great Plains 15. Colonial assemblies were established

B. South A. in all thirteen colonies.
C. Mid-Atlantic B. only in royal colonies.
D. New England C. in colonies with 10, 000 people
D. only in the New England colonies.
11. -Colonists in Virginia created a legisla-
tive body called the House of Burgesses.- 16. Since the colonist were British subjects
Colonists in New England held town meet- they believed this document protected
ings to make local decisions. The list above their rights
represents attempts to A. English Bill of Rights
A. preserve religious freedom B. Mayflower Compact
B. express hatred of British laws and tar- C. The Constitution
iffs D. none of above
C. develop a stronger relationship with
17. Power of the government is limited by
laws and regulations
D. establish representative government
A. constitution
in the colonies
B. limited government
12. What was the reason for the English C. individual rights
wanting a permanent settlement at
D. none of above
A. They were looking to escape religious 18. means to elect people who make deci-
persecution. sions for the rest of the population.

B. They wanted a permanent vacation A. Indentured servitude

spot. B. Diversity
C. It was for commercial profit C. Representative Government
D. It was an exploration venture. D. Colonial charter
19. This document created the idea of limited
13. Which colonial region had a moderate cli-
government by limiting the power of the
A. South A. Declaration of Independence
B. Jamestown B. Bill of Rights
C. Mid-Atlantic C. Magna Carta
D. New England D. Mayflower Compact


1.6 A Representative Government 211

20. How is a Oligarchy/Monarchy similar? 25. The Mayflower Compact was important in
the development of representative govern-
A. citizens have little to no power.
ment because the document


B. citizens have much power
A. increased the freedoms of the first
C. both are forms of democracy colonists
D. both have many rulers B. extended freedom to members of all
21. Which expanded democracy by allowing
men who were non church members the C. granted voting rights to women
right to vote? D. established self-government in the
British colonies
A. Magna Carta
B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 26. How did the 1st Great Awakening influ-
ence representative government in the 13
C. Virginia House of Burgesses
D. Town Meetings
A. religious leaders gained all political
22. According to John Locke, which agreement power in the colonies
did individuals enter into to form their own B. religious denominations experienced a
society? growth in numbers
A. constitution C. allowed men and women to participate
in politics
B. social contract
D. allowed the economy to experience an
C. Mayflower Compact
increase in exports
D. English Bill of Rights
27. People of which religion were on
23. What is an absolute monarchy? Mayflower?
A. The power is in the hands of all. A. Pastafarians
B. All of the power is given to the people B. Muslims
and no power is given to the monarch. C. Puritans
C. The king (monarch) has all of the D. Catholic
28. government in which one person pos-
D. none of above
sesses unlimited power.
24. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut in- A. hierarchy
fluenced the U.S. Constitution because
B. oligarchy
A. it was the first written constitution in C. autocracy
the American colonies
D. democracy
B. it was the colonies’ first attempt to
seek independence 29. Which region of the colonies relied on the
C. only document that granted voting transatlantic slave trade?
rights to men and women A. New England
D. first document to try and end slavery B. Mid-Atlantic


1.6 A Representative Government 212

C. Southern B. Colonists established self-government

D. none of above and set up local assemblies.
C. Great Britain created stricter laws in
30. What is one of the differences between the colonies
a monarchy and a representative democ-
D. Great Britain encouraged colonists to
seek religious freedom.
A. In a monarchy, power is held by sev-
eral branches of government. 34. What is the House of Burgesses?

B. In a monarchy, the leader is voted into A. The first legislative assembly of
the position by the people. elected representatives in the American
C. In a representative democracy, the
leader is born into the position. B. The first group of elected representa-
tives to leave the colonies.
D. In a representative democracy, the
people chose the leaders. C. The first house that was built in
Jamestown, Virginia.
31. The House of Burgesses was the 1st form D. none of above
of government
35. Raul Castro is a dictator in Cuba who rules
A. Representative
with complete authority.
B. Limted A. democracy
C. Monarchy B. dictatorship
D. none of above C. oligarchy
32. Why is the Magna Carta an important doc- D. monarchy
ument in British history?
36. In 1689, the King and Queen of England
A. It was the first document to place lim- granted some basic rights to English citi-
its on the king’s power zens, such as a trial by jury and no cruel
B. It outlawed feudalism and gave voting and unusual punishments.
rights to all citizens A. Virginia House of Burgesses
C. It established Parliament as the na- B. Articles of Confederation
tion’s legislative body. C. Magna Carta
D. It determined England’s physical D. English Bill of Rights
37. “No freeman shall be seized or imprisoned,
33. Great Britain followed an unofficial policy or stripped of his rights or possessions
of “salutary neglect” when dealing with except by the lawful judgement of his
American colonies, because the distance peers “-Magna Carta, 1215Which po-
from Great Britain to the colonies was ex- litical idea was influenced by this provision
treme. This meant Parliament didn’t get of the Magna Carta?
involved with colonial problems. How did
A. federalism
“salutary neglect” affect the growth of
representative government? B. due process
A. Colonists asked for representation in C. a bicameral legislature
Parliament D. the social contract


1.6 A Representative Government 213

38. The Pilgrims and Puritans settled in this 43. What year was the Magna Carta signed
colony. and put in affect?


A. Virginia A. 1492
B. Maryland B. 1215
C. Massachusetts C. 1776
D. Pennsylvania D. 1620
39. idea that citizens have certain basic rights 44. What form of government does the U.S.
that should be protected by the law run
A. self-government A. Representative Democracy
B. constitution B. Absolute Monarchy
C. individual rights C. Constitutional Monarchy
D. none of above D. Direct Democracy
40. people chosen to represent others in the 45. The factors listed above contributed most
government to the
A. elected representatives A. creation of alliances between British
B. protection of rights settlers and American Indians
C. self-government B. election of British colonists to Parlia-
D. none of above
C. growth of representative government
41. Which excerpt from the Declaration of In- in the British colonies
dependence best explains why colonists D. expansion of British trade in the Amer-
were unhappy about their lack of represen- icas
tation in British Parliament?
A. He has refused to pass other Laws for 46. What is the significance of the Fundamen-
the accommodation of large districts of tal Orders of Connecticut
people. A. it was a set of principles making Con-
B. For imposing taxes on us without our necticut more democratic
consent. B. served as a legislative model for the
C. He has refused his assent to laws, the US Congress
most wholesome and necessary for the C. banned protest demonstrations
public good. against the English King
D. For transporting us beyond seas to be D. Established the largest colonial mili-
tried for pretended offences. tary unit in the Revolutionary War
42. In what year was the first social contract 47. Who were the British fighting from 1754-
established in the 13 colonies? 1763
A. 1607 A. The Germans
B. 1620 B. The French and Indians
C. 1776 C. The Americans
D. 1787 D. The Russians


1.6 A Representative Government 214

48. Colonists in Virginia for a legislative body B. 49%

called the House of Burgesses. Colonists in C. 50%
New England held town meetings to make
local decisions. The list above represents D. 51%
attempts to
53. This region’s diverse economic activities in-
A. preserve religious freedom cluded livestock, grain, and craftsmen.
B. express hatred of British laws and tar- A. New England

B. Mid-Atlantic
C. develop a stronger relationship with
Britain C. Canada
D. establish representative government D. South
in the colonies
54. Which of the following rights did the
49. Which of these settlements was located in Magna Carta give English citizens?
the colony of Massachusetts? A. trial by jury
A. Plymouth B. property rights
B. Georgia C. no taxation without representation
C. Roanoke
D. all of the above
D. Jamestown
55. Where did democracy begin?
50. British colonists objected to the Proclama-
A. Africa
tion of 1763 because they
A. Feared it would provoke attacks from B. Greece
American Indians. C. Georgia
B. Did not want to share control of the fur D. Italy
trade with France.
56. In 1619, only were considered citizens
C. Resented the limits it imposed on
and could elect burgesses.
Westward Expansion.
A. men and women
D. Wanted to be able to trade freely with
foreign nations. B. adult white men with property

51. What is the Magna Carta? C. male slaves

A. limited the power of the monarchy and D. men

allowed a trial by jury
57. In a representative democracy..
B. strengthened the power of the monar-
A. leaders are elected/voted in to make
decisions on the laws.
C. form of self-government
B. citizens vote directly on the laws.
D. 1st representative assembly in the
colonies C. a small group of chosen men make de-
cisions they think are best.
52. the majority vote equals what percentage D. one man has full control of the govern-
A. 20% ment.


1.6 A Representative Government 215

58. “In the name of God, amen mutually C. House of Representatives

combine ourselves into a civil body poli- D. Supreme Court
tik..and shall meet and covene for the gen-


eral good of the colonyThe above excerpt 63. First representative assembly (legislature)
is from the- in the 13 colonies
A. Declaration of Independence A. Magna Carta
B. Mayflower Compact B. English Bill of Rights
C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut C. Mayflower Compact
D. US Constitution D. Virginia House of Burgesses
59. Which philosopher believed in Separation 64. The Mayflower Compact and the Funda-
of Powers? mental Orders of Connecticut are most
A. Penn closely associated with
B. Locke A. abuses by absolute monarchs
C. Blackstone B. establishment of religious toleration
D. Montesquieu C. steps toward colonial self-government
D. adoption of slavery for all colonies
60. “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned
except by the lawful judgement of his 65. The Mayflower Compact
equals or by the law of the land “In
which document does the above clause ap- A. was a plan for self-government.
pear and directly influenced the US Bill of B. included a bill of rights.
C. included a plan for a two-part legisla-
A. Magna Carta ture.
B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut D. was a contract between the colonists
C. Mayflower Compact and Britain.
D. Declaration of Independence 66. From 1690 to 1760 Parliament and the
king of England allowed colonists in Amer-
61. The first written Constitution in the United
ica to exercise a great deal of control
States was
over local and regional matters. Histori-
A. Magna Carta ans have described this practice as “salu-
B. Declaration of Independence tary neglect. “Which of the following hap-
pened as a direct result of this policy?
C. Mayflower Compact
A. The colonies developed a strong tradi-
D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut tion of self-government
62. In England, which branch of government B. Many proprietary colonies were con-
would the Great Council eventually be- verted to royal colonies
come after the signing of the Magna C. The colonies refused to participate in
Carta? a system of common defense.
A. Senate D. Many colonies sought economic aid
B. Parliament from other countries.


1.6 A Representative Government 216

67. What type of democracy does the united 72. What factors encouraged the growth of
states have? self government in the colonies?
A. Direct A. Far distance from England3, 270
B. Unfair miles!!!

C. Judicial B. Salutary Neglect-Left alone to make

own rules
D. Representative
C. Tradition of rights and representation

68. John Locke supported natural rights and in England
these were
D. All of these!!!
A. Eat, Drink and Be Merry
B. Life, Liberty, Property 73. Why was the Fundamental Orders of Con-
necticut important to the development of
C. God, Glory, Gold
democracy in the English colonies?
D. Food, Education and Healthcare
A. It set the precedent for the idea of ju-
69. William Blackstone dicial review for laws from Congress.
A. Explorer-Discovered the Americas B. It established the first legislature in
the colonies, the House of Burgesses.
B. English Philosopher Government is a
social ContractPurpose is to protect life, C. It was a social contract requiring set-
liberty, and property tlers to sign a loyalty oath to Britain.
C. Believed in self-defense and common D. It was a written constitution con-
law sidered the first in the colonies.
D. Wrote the Declaration of Indepen-
dence Governor of the Spanish Colony of 74. How is a Direct Democracy/Representative
Louisiana Democracy similar?
A. citizens have little to no power.
70. Great Britain imposed the Navigation Acts
in order to maintain strict control over B. citizens have all the power
C. both are forms of democracy
A. Farming
D. both have many rulers
B. Hunting
C. Sailing 75. Which statement best explains the signifi-
cance of the Mayflower Compact?
D. Trade
A. It limited the power of future colonial
71. a government having a hereditary chief of governments.
state with life tenure and powers varying
B. It weakened the influence of religion in
from few to all powers.
A. democracy
C. It established a form of self-
B. oligarchy government based on a social contract.
C. monarchy D. It guaranteed liberties for colonists
D. direct democracy through local government.


1.6 A Representative Government 217

76. “America may boast that she has accom- B. checks and balances
plished what no power before her ever C. individual rights
did, contending with Britain-Captured two


of their celebrated Generals and each an D. popular sovereignty
Army of thousands of veteran troops to 81. what do you look for in a representative
support them. “-Abigail Adams, letter to
John Adams, Dec. 19, 1781To which of A. will vote like you
the following is Abigail Adams referring in B. doesn’t vote like you
this excerpt? C. random
A. The American Victory at the Battle of D. none of these
B. The negotiation of the Treaty of Paris 82. These people agreed to work without pay
by American diplomats for the person who paid their passage to
the colonies.
C. The bravery of American soldiers at
Valley Forge A. Enslaved African Americans

D. The arrival of French aid after the Bat- B. Women

tle of Saratoga C. Farmers

77. What was the representative government D. Indentured Servants

in Plymouth? 83. Which statement explains the significance
A. The Virginia House of Burgers of the House of Burgesses?
B. The Mayflower Compact A. the assembly served as a model for
other colonial legislatures
C. The Fundamental Orders of Plymouth
B. colonists used the assembly to over-
D. The Magna Carta
rule decisions of the royal governor
78. A written plan of government C. the assembly sent delegates to Parlia-
A. self-government ment to represent Virginia
B. elected representatives D. the king revoked Virginia’s charter be-
cause the assembly became too powerful
C. constitution
D. none of above 84. What individual arrived from France and
aided George Washington and the Conti-
79. The House of was the first representa- nental Army?
tive government in the New World.
A. Bernardo de Galvez
A. Representatives
B. Marquis de Lafayette
B. Confederation C. De la Salle
C. Burgesses D. James Armistead
D. none
80. The Preamble of the Constitution begins, RATIONTo find new sea routes to India
“We the People.” Which Constitutional and ChinaTo fin gold, silver, and other
principle is represented in the phrase? treasure ?
A. federalism A. to spread democratic ideas


1.6 A Representative Government 218

B. to improve efficiency in manufacturing B. Parliament

C. to locate potential military allies C. The House of the Lords
D. to claim new territory D. Common People
86. This was the first written constitution 91. Which of the following documents limited
A. The Mayflower Compact the power of the King of England?
B. English Bill of Rights A. English Bill of Rights

C. Magna Carta B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut C. Magna Carta

87. “Colonies needed to set up their own gov- D. Mayflower Compact

ernment. “Which of the following reasons
92. How was the agreement which bonded Pil-
matches the description?
grims called?
A. Distance
A. Mayflower Compact
B. Rights and Traditions of Englishmen
B. Declaration of Independence
C. Salutary Neglect
C. Napoleonic Code
D. Need for a law-making structure
D. Geneva Conventions
88. How did William Penn influence represen-
tative government in the 13 colonies? 93. Who did Thomas Jefferson get his ideas
from on rights of the people?
A. gave all people voting rights
A. William Blackstone
B. created the 1st written constitution in
the colonies B. John Locke
C. created a colonial legislature for Penn- C. Charles de Montesquieu
D. William Penn
D. banned other religious groups from
voting 94. This region’s economic activities included
fishing, shipbuilding, whaling, and lumber-
89. What is the significance of the Mayflower ing.
A. South
A. it provided the basis for a self-
governing colony B. Mexico

B. it established the first representative C. New England

assembly in America D. Mid-Atlantic
C. it extended voting rights to non-church
members 95. How is the House of Burgesses similar to
the Mayflower Compact
D. It established the idea of due process
A. the signers of both documents had just
90. In a representative government, whom do arrived to the new World
the lawmakers represent? B. in both documents, colonists agreed to
A. The King establish a community and obey its laws


1.6 A Representative Government 219

C. both documents established a govern- 100. Direct democracy in the 13 colonies was
ment in which members elected represen- evident in the development of


A. New England Town Meetings
D. in both documents the colonists
agreed to obey the laws of the king B. Virginia House of Burgesses
C. Massachusetts Assembly
96. The protection of people’s rights and rep-
resentative legislatures are two concepts D. Parliament
in U.S. government that were borrowed
from 101. Which of the following reasons con-
tributed to representative government in
A. the Articles of Confederation and the
the 13 Colonies?
Emancipation Proclamation.
B. the First and Fifth Amendments. A. Native Americans sharing agrarian
C. the Magna Carta and the English Bill of
Rights. B. British colonists were used to parlia-
mentary systems
D. the French Constitution and the
Mayflower Compact. C. French were successful with the fur
97. “Land-owning males were used to politi-
cal freedoms provided by the Magna Carta D. colonial charters were written by revo-
and the English Bill of Rights. “Which of lutionary leaders
the following reasons matches the descrip-
tion? 102. The House of Burgesses is important in
history because it was the
A. Distance
A. the first time a council advised the Vir-
B. Rights and Traditions of Englishmen
ginia Company
C. Salutary Neglect
B. only legislative body in England
D. Self-Governing Colonies
C. first election of women as leaders
98. When did Mayflower come to America?
D. first elective legislative body in Amer-
A. 1500 ica
B. 1620
103. Which of the following is a reason for the
C. 1492
growth of representative government and
D. 1410 institutions in colonial America?
99. Charles de Montesquieu believed that the A. Protestant churches elected leaders
government should be divided into parts to and were self governing.
prevent corruption.What principle of gov-
B. Catholic churches elected leaders and
ernment did this inspire?
were self governing.
A. Popular Sovereignty
C. The colonies had a single and strong
B. Separation of Powers centralized government.
C. Republicansim D. England set up a Parliament for all the
D. Individual Rights colonies.


1.6 A Representative Government 220

104. Unalienable Rights*Life*Liberty*Pursuit 109. Which conditions influenced the develop-

of HappinessThe rights listed above were- ment of representative government in the
A. established by a series of Supreme colonies?
Court decisions. A. American indian tribes shared agricul-
B. defined by Thomas Jefferson in the tural products with the colonists
Declaration of Independence. B. French merchants desired to control
C. established by the ratification of the the fur trade

U.S. Constitution. C. Englush subjects were accustomed to
D. defined by President George Washing- parliamentary systems
ton in his Farewell Address. D. Many of the colonial charters were
written by early explorers
105. Which American colony was the first to
have a government with elected represen- 110. Permission to create a legislative body in
tatives? the colony of Virginia was granted in the
A. Georgia A. United States Constitution
B. Virginia B. Charters from the King of England
C. New Jersey C. Declaration of Independence
D. Pennsylvania D. Ship’s log of the Susan Constant

106. The male members of the Pilgrims signed 111. was the agreement signed in 1620 by
this agreement for self-government.. the Pilgrims in Plymouth, to consult each
A. House of Burgesses other about laws for; the colony and a
promise to work together to make it suc-
B. Declaration of Independence ceed.
C. Mayflower Compact A. The Magna Carta
D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut B. The English Bill of Rights
107. “Common Sense” was written so that C. The Mayflower Compact
the common man, or the American D. The Fundamental Orders of Connecti-
Colonists, would support the Declaration cut
of Independence. Who was the author?
A. Thomas Jefferson 112. Which religious group wanted to “purify
the church of England”?
B. Thomas Paine
A. Pilgrims
C. Patrick Henry
B. Puritans
D. George Washington
C. Separatists
108. Check all that apply to the Catholics: D. Quakers
A. they were for slavery
113. Religious leaders contributed to the
B. they came to Maryland growth of representative governments in
C. they were for religious freedom the colonies by?
D. they believed that the Catholic religion A. requiring religious training before al-
should be followed by all lowing citizens to vote


1.6 A Representative Government 221

B. establishing self-governing bodies in 118. The distance from Great Britain led to
the colonies
A. the development of self-government


C. advocating for political rights for both
B. establishing a king for each colony
men and women
C. increased shipbuilding for travel
D. writing the constitutions in the
colonies D. Parliament establishing new religious
traditions in Great Britain
114. All of the following ideas are associated
with the Fundamental Orders of Connecti- 119. This colony was founded by William Penn
cut except and settled by the Quakers.
A. written constitution A. Pennsylvania
B. extended voting rights to non-church B. Georgia
members C. Massachusetts
C. limited the power of the king D. North Carolina
D. example of self-government
120. Protestants that lived in England, left Eu-
115. The Mayflower Compact and the Funda- rope and came to start a new colony in
mental Orders of Connecticut are most North America.
closely associated with A. Pilgrims
A. abuses by absolute monarchs B. Puritans
B. establishment of religious toleration C. Separatists
C. steps toward colonial self-government D. Quakers
D. adoption of universal suffrage
121. What did the Mayflower Compact in-
116. a system or condition of society in which clude?
the means of production are owned and
A. It was the first constitution in the
controlled by the state.
A. socialism
B. it had a form of self-government
B. communism
C. in was the first elected legislative as-
C. democracy sembly in the colonies
D. oligarchy D. none of these

117. Which leader was banished from their 122. The Battle of renewed patriots’
church because they believed God was hopes for independence and secured for-
more important than rules? eign recognition and support.
A. John Smith A. Saratoga
B. Abigail Adams B. Concord
C. Dolly Madison C. Trenton
D. Anne Hutchinson D. Yorktown


1.6 A Representative Government 222

123. What is significant about the Mayflower C. many colonies made alliances with
Compact? other countries
A. It was the first constitution in the D. wealthy colonies would declare inde-
colonies pendence
B. it had a form of self-government 128. a system in which goods are owned in
C. in was the first elected legislative as- common and are available to all as needed.
sembly in the colonies A. socialism

D. none of these B. communism
124. How was the House of Burgesses impor- C. democracy
tant to the development of democracy in D. oligarchy
the 13 colonies?
129. *Distance from Great Britain*Mayflower
A. it was the first representative assem- Compact*Town hall meetingsThe factors
bly in the colonies listed above contributed most to the
B. it created the first written constitution A. creation of alliances between British
C. it included a bill of rights settlers and American Indians
D. it provided people with religious free- B. election of British colonists to Parlia-
dom ment
C. growth of representative government
125. New Englanders’ grew only enough crops
in the British colonies
to sustain their family, this type of farm-
ing is called D. expansion of British trade in the Amer-
A. plantations
B. cash crops 130. First written constitution (plan for gov-
ernment) in the 13 colonies
C. subsistence farming
A. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
D. specialization
B. English Bill of Rights
126. Which thinker introduced the idea of sep- C. Mayflower Compact
aration of powers for effective govern-
ment? D. Virginia House of Burgesses

A. John Locke 131. The first long lasting English Colony in the
Americas was
B. Baron de Montesquieu
A. Roanoke
C. Thomas Paine
B. Puerto Rico
D. Thomas Jefferson
C. Cuba
127. What happened as a result of Salutary D. Jamestown
A. the colonies developed a tradition of 132. Which of the following was the first ex-
self-government ample of an assembly of legislators?

B. many religious groups would leave the A. Fundamental Order of Connecticut

13 colonies B. Mayflower Compact


1.6 A Representative Government 223

C. Magna Carta 137. Which colonial region had a hot-humid cli-

D. Virginia House of Burgesses mate?
A. The Coastal Range


133. Before the American Revolution, the B. New England
colonists were under the control of Great
Britain. Which form of government was C. South
used in Great Britain? D. Mid-Atlantic
A. oligarchy 138. Which of the following rights that Amer-
B. dictatorship icans enjoy today was established in the
Magna Carta?
C. theocracy
A. freedom of speech
D. monarchy
B. trial by jury
134. William Penn founded C. freedom of religion
A. Virginia D. freedom of the press
B. Massachusetts 139. How many Houses does the Parliament
C. New York consist of?
D. Pennsylvania A. 2
B. 3
135. The two Houses of Parliament
C. 4
A. House of Representatives and the Sen- D. none of above
140. Who was the Quaker who founded the
B. House of Burgess and Convention
colony of Pennsylvania?
C. House of Lords and House of Com-
A. John Smith
B. William Bradford
D. House of Lords and House of Repre-
sentatives C. James Oglethorpe
D. William Penn
136. “Here in the autumn of 1777, Ameri-
can forces met, defeated and forced a ma- 141. Which was the first permanent settle-
jor British army to surrender. This cru- ment in the new world?
cial American victory in the Battle of A. Roanoke
renewed patriots hopes for independence, B. Plymouth
secured essential foreign recognition and
C. Jamestown
support, and forever changed the face of
the world. “”A Crucial American Victory, D. St. Augustine
“ U.S. National Park Service, Which of the 142. Why did the Virginia Company create a
following best competes this excerpt? general assembly in Virginia?
A. Trenton A. to express their hatred towards Britain
B. Yorktown B. vote in British Parliament
C. Saratoga C. self-govern at a local level
D. Concord D. to form alliances with the French


1.6 A Representative Government 224

143. The founder of Pennsylvania is named D. firing guns at British soldiers at Lexing-
ton and Concord, Mass.
A. William York 148. The Continental Congress ap-
B. William Penn pointed/commissioned as General and
Commander in chief of the Continental
C. William William
Army in 1775.
D. William Jersey
A. Benedict Arnold

144. Which key figure founded the Colony of B. Alexander Hamilton
Providence and welcomed all beliefs.
C. Thomas Paine
A. Roger Williams
D. George Washington
B. John Winthrop
149. a government in which a small group ex-
C. Anne Hutchinson ercises control especially for corrupt and
D. John Smith selfish purposes.

145. What is the significance of the House of A. democracy

Burgesses? B. oligarchy
A. the assembly served as a model for C. monarchy
other colonial legislatures D. direct democracy
B. colonists used the assembly to over-
150. What was the significance of the English
rule decisions made by the governor
Bill of Rights?
C. The assembly gave colonial represen-
A. It was the first form of self-
tation in Parliament
government in the Americas
D. The king revoked Virginia’s charter be-
B. It was the first form representative
cause the assembly became too powerful
government in America
146. Limited the king’s power and gave more C. It limited the power of the king
power to Parliament. Guaranteed addi- D. It gave the English men rights
tional rights of English citizens.
A. The Mayflower Compact 151. Thomas Jefferson believed that people
have the right to life, liberty, &
B. English Bill of Rights
A. money
C. Magna Carta
B. the pursuit of happiness
D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
C. penalties
147. Which action by the colonists could be cat- D. the pursuit of land
egorized as an act of Civil Disobedience?
152. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson
A. Colonists throwing British Tea into
and Patrick Henry were all members of
Boston Harbor
A. New England Town Meetings
B. Placing restrictions on trade with
Spain and France B. Virginia House of Burgesses
C. Paying the stamp tax to British tax col- C. Massachusetts Assembly
lectors D. Parilament


1.6 A Representative Government 225

153. Limited the power of the king of England C. direct democracy

in 1215 D. oligarchy


A. Magna Carta
158. Which of these statements describes a
B. English Bill of Rights major reason for the conflict between
C. Mayflower Compact Britain and France in the Ohio Valley?
D. Virginia House of Burgesses A. The English wanted the land and re-
sources of the Ohio River Valley
154. How did religious groups influence repre- B. The English wanted the land and Fur
sentative government in the 13 colonies? Trade of the Ohio River Valley
A. allowing everyone to vote in their com- C. the Spanish-French alliance against
munity the English
B. writing constitutions for the 13 D. the series of forts the English built
colonies along the Ohio River
C. established self-governing bodies in
159. Which of the following statements is a
the colonies
correct description of the Mayflower Com-
D. required religious training before you pact?
could vote
A. The men on board the Mayflower
155. A word used to best describe a Quaker is bound themselves into a “civic body
A. angry B. The Pilgrims practiced an early and
pure form of democracy
B. peaceful
C. The Mayflower Compact applied just to
C. hostile the non-Pilgrims on board the Mayflower
D. energetic D. None of the above.
156. The House of Burgesses was- 160. The Great Awakening was a move-
A. the first elected legislative assembly in ment.
the North American colonies. A. political
B. the name of the earliest known B. scientific
Freemason’s lodge in the United States. C. religious
C. a third chamber of Parliament whose D. artistic
members were appointed by the monarch.
161. British neglect of the political affairs of
D. a tavern frequented by the Founding
North American colonies during the 17th
Fathers where they planned the American
and 18th centuries resulted in
A. a reduction in the colonial defense by
157. a form of government in which all laws the British military
are created by a general vote of all mem-
B. the abolishment of slavery by many
bers in society.
colonial governments
A. representative democracy C. an expansion of representative gov-
B. monarchy ernment in the colonies


1.6 A Representative Government 226

D. the introduction of new taxes by Parlia- A. representative democracy

ment for improving colonial defenses B. dictatorship
162. This company asked investors to buy C. oligarchy
shares or part ownership of their company D. monarchy
to fund an English colony
A. The English Company 168. Which document is known as the first con-
B. The Virginia Company

A. Mayflower Compact
C. Morgan Stanley
B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
D. London Tea Company
C. Magna Carta
163. How does a representative win D. English Bill of Rights
A. majority
169. Why did groups like the Pilgrims and the
B. minority Puritans come to America?
C. vote them self A. To make more money
D. none of these B. To claim the land for the King of Eng-
164. This was a big cash crop that made money
for settlers in Virginia C. To build a new government
A. Tobacco D. To practice their religion freely
B. Eggs 170. What is the name of the Representative
C. Vegetables Government in Virginia?
D. Bananas A. Fundamental Orders of Virginia
B. Virginia House of Burgesses
165. What was the first government to limit
the king? C. Virginia House of Burgers
A. The English Bill of Rights D. Magna Carta
B. The Fundamental Orders of England 171. citizens rule themselves, rather than a
C. The England House of Burgers king or queen
D. The Magna Carta A. constitution
B. individual rights
166. Gave power to Parliament and listed
more rights of English citizens C. self-government
A. Magna Carta D. none of above

B. English Bill of Rights 172. This region had diverse cultural back-
C. Mayflower Compact grounds and diverse religions.

D. Virginia House of Burgesses A. New England

B. Japan
167. A form of government by the whole popu-
lation or all the eligible members of a state, C. Mid-Atlantic
typically through elected representatives. D. South


1.6 A Representative Government 227

173. What was the significance of the Virginia 178. Representative government and institu-
House of Burgesses? tions grew during the colonial period


A. It limited the power of the king
A. rulers in England tended to leave the
B. It was the first form of self-
colonists to themselves
government in America
B. most colonists did not feel a loyalty to
C. It was the first Representative Govern-
the English king
ment in America
C. the colonies relied on England for eco-
D. It gave the English men rights
nomic goods
174. According to John Locke, which rights D. none of above
were guaranteed by natural law?
179. Why do you think it encourages participa-
A. trial by jury and no cruel punishments
B. freedom of speech and the press
A. There is voting
C. life, liberty, and property
B. You could run for President
D. freedom of worship and the right to pe-
C. You could mess up
D. You could win awards
175. In a direct democracy..
180. In a representative government, who cre-
A. citizens vote for leaders who make the
ates the laws?
A. elected leaders
B. a small group of men make all the de-
cisions. B. judges
C. a dictator is in power. C. the monarch
D. citizens vote on all issues/laws. D. the president

176. This was the first “American” national 181. Who established the colony of Rhode Is-
event in the Colonies. It brought the land?
colonies closer together
A. Roger Williams
A. The Enlightenment
B. John Wise
B. The Great Awakening
C. Anne Hutchinson
C. Exploration
D. William Penn
D. Colonization
182. Which of the following documents ex-
177. t representative governing body in the tended voting rights to non-church mem-
American colonies. bers?
A. English Bill of Rights A. Mayflower Compact
B. Articles of Confederation B. Magna Carta
C. Virginia House of Burgesses C. Virginia House of Burgesses
D. Congress D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut


1.6 A Representative Government 228

183. Who stated that we should have a sepa- A. gave all colonists the right to vote.
ration of power so one man or government B. ensured religious freedom
is not more powerful than another?
C. overrode the power of the English king
A. William Penn
D. focused on the importance of self-
B. Charles Montesquieu government.
C. Thomas Hooker 188. Which of the following was the
D. John Locke first democratic-style parliament in the

184. What is a representative government?
A. The Virginia House of Burgesses
A. People elect their leaders to make
B. The Virginia bi-cameral house
laws and vote on decisions
C. the Maryland town hall
B. A king inherits his title and rules over
the country themselves D. the New York Legislature
C. A council of few elite individuals made 189. Quakers left England because they were
decisions for their people without asking for their beliefs.
them A. persecuted
D. Religious leaders would make deci- B. applauded
sions for their community based on what
C. rewarded
the Bible told them to do
D. none of above
185. Which of the following is a characteris-
tic of the Virginia House of Burgesses that 190. The idea that the mother country (Eng-
contributed to the growth of representa- land) gains wealth and power by control-
tive government? ling the trade of its colonies is known as
A. Free Enterprise
A. Representatives were elected by the
people. B. Mercantilism
B. Members were chosen by the gover- C. Free Trade
nor. D. Government Regulation
C. The governor had no power in its deci- 191. Influenced Separation of Power and
sions. Checks and Balances
D. It had 435 members. A. John Locke
186. What are the two types of democracy? B. Thomas Jefferson
A. Representative C. Charles Montesquieu
B. Direct D. George Washington

C. Constitutional Monarchy 192. what is one of the oldest examples of

representative democracy
D. Oligarchy
A. U.S.A
187. (B) The Mayflower Compact, House B. Germany
of Burgesses, and FundamentalOrders of
Connecticut were important in the devel- C. Georgia
opment of democracy because they D. ireland


1.6 A Representative Government 229

193. A) The development of representative 198. The rights of settlers were extended
government was fostered by the colonists’ with the Virginia House of Burgesses by
belief in


A. granting them freedom of religion
A. Self-government
B. electing representatives to an assem-
B. Religious freedom bly
C. Mercantilism C. allowing indentured servants to live in
D. Patriotism the colony
194. First example of self-government in the D. encourage them to create more prod-
Colonies ucts fro trade
A. House of Burgesses 199. what do the people vote for
B. Mayflower Compact
A. representative
C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
B. laws
D. New England Town Meetings
C. everything
195. In 1764 Parliament passes the Sugar Act,
D. nothing
why did Britain seek to tax the colonists?
A. The British wanted to punish the 200. What was the main purpose of the docu-
colonists for rebelling against the Procla- ment quoted above?
mation. A. To weaken the influence of religion.
B. Britain needed money to protect the
B. To establish a government.
colonists from the French.
C. The colonists were wealthier than C. To make peace with the American Indi-
most British citizens. ans.

D. Britain needed money to pay for the D. To guarantee freedom of speech.

French and Indian War Debt.
201. When was Mayflower Compact writ-
196. This region had hilly land and harsh win- ten?
ters, making farming more difficult. A. 1410
A. New England
B. 1492
B. Mid-Atlantic
C. 1655
C. South
D. 1620
D. North
202. Place the following in the correct or-
197. Written in 1620 to establish a govern-
der:I. Magna CartaII. English Bill of Right-
ment for the Pilgrims that landed at Ply-
sIII. Mayflower CompactIV. House of
mouth and established the idea of majority
A. Magna Carta A. I, II, III, IV
B. English Bill of Rights B. IV, III, I, II
C. Mayflower Compact C. I, IV, III, II
D. Virginia House of Burgesses D. II, IV, I, III


1.6 A Representative Government 230

203. An example of early American democracy C. Magna Carta

A. House of Burgesses D. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
B. Mayflower Compact
208. First elected representative legislature in
C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
the Colonies
D. New England Town Meetings
A. House of Burgesses
204. *Sugar Act*Quartering Act*Stamp Act- B. Mayflower Compact
These acts contributed to the start of the

Revolutionary War by C. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
A. Restricting colonial trade with Ameri- D. New England Town Meetings
can Indians
B. Imposing regulations on colonial agri- 209. The type of Government where elected
culture. delegates represent the people.

C. Angering colonists who believed that A. Democracy

their civil liberties had been violated. B. Representative
D. Punishing colonists for resisting the C. Theocracy
authority of Parliament.
D. Monarchy
205. What is the significance of the Magna
Carta? 210. What document was inspired by Thomas
A. It limited the power of the king Hooker’s ideas on government?
B. It limited the power of the land lords A. Mayflower Compact
C. It gave rights to the English men B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
D. It was the first written constitution in C. Virginia House of Burgesses
D. Magna Carta
206. Which of the following would be the best
title for the graphic above? 211. In Saudi Arabia there is a King who in-
A. Development of the British mercantil- herited his position by birth and rules with
ism system complete control.

B. English Roots of American Representa- A. direct democracy

tive Government B. dictatorship
C. Rise of Absolute Monarchy in Great C. oligarchy
D. monarchy
D. Differences between British and
French Forms of Democracy
212. The Magna Carta Limted the King’s ?
207. Made the king subject to the law and A. Wealth
guaranteed due process and fair trial for
nobles. B. Power
A. The Mayflower Compact C. Religion
B. English Bill of Rights D. none of above


1.6 A Representative Government 231

213. He believed in Freedom of Religion and 218. First written constitution in the American
living by the democratic process. colonies that influenced many ideas that
are found in the U.S. Constitution.


A. William Penn
B. William Blackstone A. Mayflower Compact
C. John Locke B. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
D. Thomas Jackson C. Declaration of Independence
D. Magna Carta
214. What was the Representative Govern-
ment in Connecticut? 219. This form of government involves having
A. The Connecticut Compact the citizens as individuals vote on issues
instead of elected representatives.
B. The Magna Carta
A. direct democracy
C. The Fundamental Orders of Connecti-
cut B. dictatorship
D. The Connecticut house of Burgesses C. oligarchy
D. monarchy
215. In 1215, the King was forced to give
some basic rights to English citizens, such 220. This man introduced tobacco, a new type
as a trial by jury. of plant in Virginia that became a huge
A. Virginia House of Burgesses cash crop
B. Articles of Confederation A. John Smith
C. Magna Carta B. John Rolfe
D. English Bill of Rights C. John Adams
D. Johnny Appleseed
216. The Catholics settled this colony to es-
cape religious persecution. 221. Which of the following is a characteristic
A. Connecticut of the Virginia House of Burgesses?
B. Virginia A. It had 435 members
C. Rhode Island B. Members were chosen by the gover-
D. Maryland nor
C. The governor had no power to make its
217. Which quote best expresses one of the decision
main principles of representative govern-
ment in the colonies? D. Representatives were elected by the
A. “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to
God” 222. What was one result of the Treaty of
B. “We have it in our power to begin the Paris of 1783?
world over again” A. Great Britain recognized the United
C. “Religion and morals are essential to States as an independent country.
our civil society” B. Competing Seminole and Spanish
D. “We base all our experiences of claims in West Florida were resolved.
organization in the colonies on self- C. The British navy agreed to stop press-
government” ing American sailors into service.


1.6 A Representative Government 232

D. British territory in eastern Canada was D. Economic policies imposed by Great

ceded to France. Britain following the French and Indian
223. a state in which supreme power is held
by the people and their elected represen- 227. who do representatives vote for
tatives. A. citizens
A. monarchy B. president
B. republic C. pope

C. direct democracy D. all the above
D. oligarchy
228. In colonial elections, colonists were able
224. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut set up to vote for people in which position?
a LIMITED GOVERNMENT, where every- A. the colonial legislature
one must follow the laws. B. members of the English Parliament
A. True C. president of the colonies
B. False D. the king of England
C. Maybe
229. How did the Magna Carta contribute
D. none of above to the growth of representative govern-
225. This was a time period during which Euro-
pean philosophers questioned government A. limited the power of the monarchy and
and religion. allowed for protection of people’s rights.

A. The Enlightenment B. strengthened the power of the monar-

B. The Great Awakening
C. form of self-government
C. Exploration
D. 1st representative assembly in the
D. Colonization colonies

226. “It is essential to the freedom & se- 230. Which statement best explains the im-
curity of a free people, that no taxes pact of the Mayflower Compact?
be imposed upon them but by their own A. It limited the power of future colonial
consent, or their representatives. “-The governments.
Sons of Liberty, address to the public,
New York, December 15, 1773The ex- B. It established a form of self-
cerpt above reflects the dissatisfaction of government based on a social contract.
American colonists with the C. It guaranteed liberties for colonists
A. Political debates that took place at the through local government.
Albany Convention. D. It weakened the influence of religion in
B. Interference of Great Britain in the government.
slave trade.
231. Under , Great Britain did not strictly
C. Economic consequences of the Great enforce the laws/rules passed by Parlia-
Awakening. ment that were meant to keep the colonies


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 233

obedient to Great Britain (the mother coun- 234. What type of democracy did Greece
try). have?


A. salutary neglect A. Direct
B. Navigation Acts B. Representative

C. Mercantilism C. Unfair
D. Judicial
D. none of above
235. “Colonies set up their own government.
232. English philosopher that believed in peo- “Which of the following reasons matches
ple having “natural rights” the description?
A. William Blackstone A. Distance
B. John Locke B. Rights and Traditions of Englishmen
C. Montesquieu C. Salutary Neglect
D. Ben Franklin D. Need for a law-making structure

236. According to the information in the table,

233. This was the first document in history to
a common characteristic among colonial re-
ever limit the power of a ruler.
ligious groups was that they
A. Mayflower Compact A. promoted self government
B. Magna Carta B. granted voting rights to women
C. Constitution C. persecuted non-church members
D. Articles of Confederation D. rejected the idea of majority rule

1.7 Citizens’ Rights

1. What Landmark Supreme Court case lim- 3. Mark all of the answers that apply to elec-
ited freedom of press in school publica- tions and elected officials.
A. Voters should be well-informed.
A. Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier
B. Elected officials do everything voters
B. Tinker v Des Moines tell them to do.
C. New Jersey v T.L.O. C. Elected officials should listen to vot-
D. in re Gault ers.

2. Which of the following is NOT sourced D. Citizens of all ages can communicate
from the British (Unwritten) Constitution with elected officials.
A. Rule of Law 4. Because they marched, America became
B. Single Citizenship more free and more fair-not just for
C. Impeachment of the President African Americans; for Americans with
a disability. America changed for you
D. Cabinet System and for me. And the entire world drew
E. Bicameral Legislature (two chambers) strength from that example President


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 234

Barack Obama, Speech at the “Let Free- B. 18th Amendment

dom Ring” ceremony commemorating the C. 19th Amendment
50th anniversary of the March on Wash-
ington, August 28, 2013-Which of the fol- D. 15th Amendment
lowing provides evidence to support Presi- 8. How many fundamental rights are given in
dent Obama’s assertion that “America be- Indian Constitution
came more free and more fair”?
A. 5
A. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of
B. 6

C. 7
B. The ratification of the Eighteenth
Amendment D. None of these
C. The passage of the USA PATRIOT Act 9. What are obligations, or duties, of U.S. cit-
D. The establishment of the Socialist izens?
Party A. Obey Laws
5. Which rights does the Constitution and the B. Pay Taxes
Bill of Rights protect? C. Jury Duty
A. Expressing own opinion and ideas; D. Serve in the Military
travel freely; having a lawyer in court.
10. What is the right of a person to refuse to
B. Expressing own opinion and ideas; testify under oath in a court of law be-
building a house on the top of a volcano; cause the answers could be used as evi-
having a lawyer in court; having a fair trial dence against him to convict him of a crim-
by a jury. inal offense?
C. Expressing own opinion and ideas; A. pleading the Fifth/protection from self
having their own religion; travel freely; incrimination
having a lawyer in court; having a fair trial
by a jury. B. suffrage

D. Expressing own opinion and ideas; C. right to legal counsel

having their own religion; travel freely; D. due process
having a lawyer in court; having a fair trial
11. Which Amendment guaranteed the right of
by a jury; eating candies in school.
“suffrage” regardless of “previous condi-
6. What steps have NOT been established by tion of servitude”?
the law to ensure “due process of law”? A. 19
A. investigation B. 26
B. evidence C. 15
C. fair trial D. 14
D. human rights 12. Fundamental rights refers to
7. Which amendment gave women the right A. The list of subjects of the state govern-
to vote? It’s also called women’s suf- ment
frage. B. The basic rights which are granted to
A. 24th Amendment citizens


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 235

C. The list of subjects of the central gov- D. Right to move the courts if you feel
ernment your Fundamental Rights are being vio-


D. The list of subjects of both the state
and Central Government 18. which of the following term signifies equal
13. What Landmark Supreme Court case re- respect to all religion.
sulted in the principle of Judicial Review? A. secular
A. US vs. Nixon B. Socialist
B. Marbury v Madison C. none of the above
C. Bush v Gore D. none of above
D. Plessy v Ferguson
19. India gained Independence on
14. Select all answers that apply to our Con- A. August 15 1947
B. January 15 1947
A. Government officials may not do more
than the Constitution allows. C. April 14 1749

B. The power of any one branch is limited. D. September 15 1967

C. The executive branch has more power 20. Serve in the military if called.
than any other.
A. Right
D. Our Constitution provides for the free-
B. Duty
dom of law-abiding citizens.
C. Responsibility
15. The Supreme Court ruled in that “ex-
D. none of above
ecutive privilege” is only extended when
connected to national security. 21. U.S. citizens have the right to keep and
A. United States v Nixon bear arms, or own guns.
B. Bush v Gore A. 3rd Amendment
C. Miranda v Arizona B. 9th Amendment
D. United States v Clinton C. 4th Amendment
16. Which amendment guarantees Americans D. 2nd Amendment
right to bear arms (own weapons)
22. I have a right of free speech. But I must
A. Second Amendment
B. First Amendment A. Not harm others with my words.
C. 27 Amendments B. Be mean to others.
D. Third Amendment C. Be nice to friends only.
17. Right to Constitutional Remedies is: D. none of above
A. Right to complain to the government 23. Who defined democracy as ‘’the govern-
B. Right to speak one’s mind ment of the people, for the people and by
C. Right to criticise the government and the people? ”
the courts A. Abraham Lincoln


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 236

B. George Washington 29. Which Amendment guaranteed due pro-

C. Mahatma Gandhi cess, equal protection under the law and
granted rights of citizenship to African
D. Donald Trump Americans?
24. Who is known as the father of Indian Con- A. 26
B. 14
A. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
C. 15

B. Dr BR Ambedkar
D. 13
C. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
D. Sarojini Naidu 30. Which amendment gave all men the right
to vote regardless of race or color or
25. Which of the following is a citizens’ re- whether they had been slaves?
sponsibility? A. 13th Amendment
A. Going to School B. 14th Amendment
B. Freedom of speech
C. 19th Amendment
C. Own a gun
D. 15th Amendment
D. Respect other’s property
31. The fundamental duties are included in
26. U.S. citizens are protected from cruel and the constitution by which of the following
unusual punishment. act?
A. 4th Amendment A. 40th Amendment Act
B. 6th Amendment B. 44th Amendment Act
C. 8th Amendment C. 43rd Amendment Act
D. 9th Amendment
D. 42nd Amendment Act
27. This is prohibited by the Eighth Amend-
32. Which of the following was a direct result
ment to the U.S.Constitution; includes tor-
of the civil rights movement?
ture or other forms of punishment too se-
vere for the crime committed. A. An increase in respect for suburban
A. cruel and unusual punishment
B. double jeopardy B. Increased political participation by mi-
nority groups
C. eminent domain
C. The revitalization of inner cities
D. suffrage
D. Increased migration to rural areas
28. In the wake of the Vietnam War, which
Amendment was added to lower the vot- 33. Protection of wild life comes under which
ing age of U.S. citizens to 18? of the following in Constitution of India?
A. 24 A. Fundamental Rights
B. 26 B. Fundamental Duties
C. 19 C. Both a) and b)
D. 15 D. None of the above


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 237

34. Untouchability is prohibited by law accord- C. The right to enter and leave Canada
ing to Article and the USA freely, the right to apply for
a Canadian passport, the right to be edu-


A. 14
cated, the right to vote
B. 22
D. the right to live and work anywhere in
C. 17 Canada, the right to vote, the right to be
D. 18 educated in either official language, the
right to drive.
35. Federalism is best represented by which
amendment of the Constitution (Bill of 39. What are the number of Fundamental
Rights)? Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitu-
A. 10th Amendment
A. 5
B. 1st Amendment
B. 6
C. 7th Amendment
C. 7
D. 11th Amendment
D. 8
36. Which of the features in the Indian Consti-
tution are borrowed from other constitu- 40. A person compells to work more hours
tions? without extra payment is comes under

A. Parliamentary government A. Right against equality

B. Cabinet system B. Right against exploitation

C. Directive Principles C. Right against Religion

D. Fundamental Rights D. none of above

E. Fundamental Duties 41. Which is an example of how you can show

responsibility by participating in your com-
37. A legal member of a country is a munity?
A. Citizen A. Mind your own business
B. Resident B. Keep your property tidy
C. President C. Have a neighbourhood party
D. Alien D. Join a community group
38. List four additional rights Canadian citi- 42. Is this task a right, duty, or responsibility?
zens have under the Canadian Charter of OBEY LAWS
Rights and Freedoms A. Right
A. The right to be educated in either offi- B. Duty
cial language, the right to apply for a Cana-
dian passport, the right to vote, the right C. Responsibility
to enter and leave Canada freely. D. none of above
B. The right to be educated in either offi- 43. One kind of federal tax is
cial language, the right to apply for a Cana-
dian passport, the right to drive, the right A. the candy tax
to enter and leave Canada freely. B. the tea tax


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 238

C. the sales tax C. Men and women are similar

D. the income tax. D. Men and women need to obey the law

44. Right to Freedom of Religion is: 49. The overall purpose of the Bill of Rights is
A. Freedom to practise any religion to

B. Freedom to convert others to one’s A. allow people to defend themselves

faith B. protect the rights of the people from
the government

C. Freedom to criticise other faiths
D. Freedom to pray anywhere we like. C. prevent one branch of the government
from becoming stronger than the others
E. Government will help people practise
their faith. D. secure voting rights for all citizens, re-
gardless of race, age, or gender
45. Fundamental duties are those duties that
50. The constitution defines the goals, rights
A. Parents wants us to do and duties of the Indian citizen
B. School wants us to do A. True
C. the constitution expects us to do B. False
D. All of the above C. Maybe
46. What is the process by which police who D. none of above
suspect that a crime has been committed
do a search of a person’s property and col- 51. Speaker 1:People accused of a crime have
lect evidence? the right to a quick and public trial.Speaker
2:People do not have to house soldiers in
A. search and seizure their homes.Speaker 3:People can peace-
B. double jeopardy fully protests actions of the govern-
C. cruel and unusual punishment ment.Speaker 4:People cannot have their
property taken away without fair pay-
D. none of above ment.Which speaker is voicing a right guar-
47. Why should citizens vote? anteed by the First Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution (Bill of Rights)?
A. So everyone knows what your opinion
is A. Speaker 1

B. It is the way citizens have a voice in B. Speaker 2

the government C. Speaker 3
C. To make sure that they become more D. Speaker 4
52. Which of the following is a description of
D. Because the government said so the 19th Amendment?
48. What is meant by the “equality of women A. Women gained the right to vote
and men”? B. Native Americans gained the right to
A. Men and women are treated equally vote
under the law C. African Americans gained the right to
B. Men and women are the same vote


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 239

D. Residents of Washington D.C. gained D. Tinker v Des Moines

the right to vote
57. Which statement best describes one


53. “I plead the fifth, “ Jim said. This means of Shirley Chisholm’s most celebrated
A. Jim needs the fifth lawyer in line
A. Chisholm overcame gender and racial
B. Jim doesn’t have to testify against him- barriers to be elected to Congress.
B. Chisholm overcame physical disabili-
C. Jim is calling the fifth juror’s spot ties to compete in professional sports
D. Jim misspoke
C. Chisholm helped shape policies that
54. In the late 1800s, the Supreme Court’s de- provided famine relief in Latin America.
cision in Plessy v. Ferguson- D. Chisholm successfully advocated the
A. established a legal remedy for victims expansion of the military draft.
of discrimination
58. Name three responsibilities of Canadian
B. created a legal justification for segre-
gation laws
C. affirmed the legality of federal regula- A. Serving on a jury, keeping your yard
tion of state elections tidy and helping others in the community
D. recognized public protests as a legal B. Obeying the law, voting in elections
form of civil disobedience and working for the government

55. What role did Arkansas governor Orval C. Obeying the law, voting in elections
Faubus play in the Little Rock Crisis? and taking responsibility for oneself and
A. He vetoed legislation to establish a
separate school system for whites and D. Voting in elections, taking responsibil-
blacks. ity for others and protecting the environ-
B. He challenged the authority of the fed-
eral government to desegregate schools.
59. Name the three ways a person can become
C. He helped minimize race-related vio- a U.S. citizen.
lence by establishing integrated advisory
groups. A. Law of Blood (Parents are citizens)

D. He refused assistance from the fed- B. Born Here (Law of Soil)

eral government to improve minority grad- C. Live here for 14 years
uation rates.
D. Naturalization Process
56. What Landmark Supreme Court case ruled
that an individual’s rights begin at the time 60. Who is honoured as the father of nation
of their arrest and required that individu-
A. Dr BR Ambedkar
als be notified of these rights?
A. Gideon v Wainwright B. Jawahar Lal Nehru
B. Miranda v Arizona C. Mahatma Gandhu
C. in re Gault D. None


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 240

61. The first 10 amendments to the Constitu- B. B

tion are called C. C
A. The Bill of Rights D. D
B. The Declaration of Rights
67. The members of the Constituent Assembly
C. The Declaration of Independence were elected by
D. Articles of Confederation A. British Government

62. U.S. citizens have the right to a trial by B. People of USA
jury. C. People of India
A. 6th Amendment D. Landlords
B. 3rd Amendment
68. Rights guaranteed by Amendment I
C. 8th Amendment
A. Freedom of Religion
D. 7th Amendment
B. Freedom of the Press
63. What did the Anti-Federalists want? C. Freedom of Petition
A. No government. D. Freedom of Search and Seizure
B. A monarchy
69. Why did the Chicano migrant workers es-
C. A government that did not have too tablish the United Farm Workers?
much power, and protection of individual
A. To exert influence on foreign policy
B. To obtain fair wages and improve labor
D. none of above
64. All citizens must help to keep the country C. To attain the right to vote in federal
united elections
A. True D. To change citizenship requitements
B. False
70. Supreme Court has made Right to Free Ed-
C. Maybe ucation as the part of which among the fol-
D. none of above lowing rights?
A. Right to life
65. Mariam is a new immigrant in Canada.
What law allows her to take up any job B. Right against Exploitation
at par with a man? C. Right to freedom of speech and expres-
A. Equal Rights for Men and Women sion
B. New Immigrant Rights D. Cultural and Educational Rights
C. Woman’s Rights and Freedoms 71. Which of he following is one of the MAIN
D. Woman’s Liberation Rights responsibilities of a citizen?
A. picking up litter
66. How many freedoms are guaranteed by
Article 19 (Right to Freedom)? [A] 3[B] B. obeying the law
4[C] 5[D] 6 C. washing the dishes
A. A D. running for public office


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 241

72. What Landmark Supreme Court case ruled 77. Any adult who helps you in Scouts.
that juveniles accused of crimes receive the A. Akela
same due process as adults?


B. Parent
A. Gideon v Wainwright
C. Teacher
B. Miranda v Arizona
D. none of above
C. in re Gault
78. Our procedure to amend the Constitution
D. Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier
is sourced from the Constitution of
73. A boy of 12 years is employed in a fac- A. South Africa
tory with a hazardous job. Which among
B. Japan
the following is violated in this case?
C. Nicaragua
A. Right to Equality
D. Nigeria
B. Right to freedom
C. Abolition of Untouchability 79. Serving as a member of a jury is a
D. Right Against Exploitation A. right
B. responsibility
74. Which of the following is correct with re-
spect to “Right against exploitation”? C. both of the above
A. Prohibition of traffic in human beings D. neither of the above
and forced labour 80. Voting is a
B. Freedom as to payment of taxes for A. right
the promotion of any particular religion
B. responsibilities
C. Protection of interests of minorities
C. both of the above
D. Equality before law
D. neither of the above
75. Which of the following represents protect-
81. Explain the IX (9th) Amendment
ing and enjoying heritage and environment
in Canada? A. right of “suffrage” regardless of “pre-
vious condition of servitude”
A. Laws of Canada
B. abolished slavery in the U.S
B. Government responsibilities
C. “unlisted” individual rights are re-
C. Equality rights
tained by the people
D. Citizenship responsibilities
D. lower the voting age of U.S. citizens to
76. I have the right to be treated with respect. 18
But I must 82. Powers not given to the federal govern-
A. Treat only people I know with respect. ment by the U.S. Constitution belong to
B. Treat everyone with respect. the state or to the people.
C. Treat people without respect. A. 7th Amendment
D. Treat people you care about with re- B. 9th Amendment
spect. C. 10th Amendment
E. Treat only elders with respect. D. 6th Amendment


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 242

83. What does the Sixth Amendment say? C. 5th Amendment

A. It prevents the government from forc- D. 2nd Amendment
ing citizens to shelter soldiers in their
homes 87. U.S. citizens have the right to a fair and
speedy trial.
B. It discusses the need for search war-
rants A. 6th Amendment
C. It describes freedom to protest B. 7th Amendment

D. It outlines a right to a speedy public C. 1stAmendment
trial D. 5th Amendment
84. Which amendment protects the rights of
88. Statements from the Declaration of Inde-
every American, such as Freedoms of
pendenceThe history of the present king
Speech, Religion and Press?
of Great Britain is a history of repeated
A. Second Amendment injuries quartering the large bodies of
B. First Amendment armed troops among us depriving us
in many cases of the benefits of trial by
C. 27 Amendments jury transporting us beyond home to
D. Third Amendment be tried for pretended offenses Which
of the following documents addressed the
85. My name is Marshall. I am an African grievances listed above?
American male and I live in the deep south.
My parents and grandparents were all pre- A. Articles I, II, and III of the U.S. Consti-
viously slaves and never had the right to tution
vote. The year is 1900 and I am 22 years B. The Articles of Confederation
old. Will I be able to vote?
C. The Mayflower Compact
A. Yes, since the 15th amendment passed
D. The Bill of Rights
in 1870 he can’t be stopped from voting.
B. Yes, because the Voting Rights Act 89. Why should you serve on a jury when
passed and stopped all the limitations and called to do so?
barriers that are put in the way of African A. You would want a jury if you were ever
Americans. accused of a crime
C. No, because the grandfather clause is B. You don’t want to break the law of jury
in effect in the southern states and says duty
you can old vote if your grandfather could
vote. C. You get paid
D. No, because he is an African American D. You get to miss work
man and they don’t get the right to vote
until much later. 90. Name two documents that contain our
rights and freedoms
86. U.S. citizens may have rights that are not A. The Canadian Constitution and English
listed in the Constitution. Common Law
A. 9th Amendment B. Civil Code of France and the Canadian
B. 10th Amendment Constitution


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 243

C. Canadian Charter of Rights and Free- 95. What Landmark Supreme Court case re-
doms and the Magna Carta (the Great quired states to provide free legal help to
Charter of Freedoms) those who could not afford representation


D. Laws passed by Parliament and En- in court?
glish Common Law A. Miranda v Arizona
91. When was Our constitution enforced? B. Gideon v Wainwright
A. 26th January 1950 C. in re Gault
B. 15th August 1947
D. Tinker v Des Moines
C. 9th August 1947
D. 26th November 1949 96. Is this task a right, duty, or responsibility?
92. The federal government responded to
which issue by passing the Civil Rights Act A. Right
of 1964?
B. Duty
A. Unfair lending practices by banks
C. Responsibility
B. Unequal representation in local legis-
latures D. none of above
C. Inadequate medical services in urban
areas 97. What are Canada’s two official lan-
D. Discrimination by employers
A. French and English
93. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Free-
doms begins with which words? B. English and Chinese
A. O Canada! Our home and native land! C. English and Spanish
B. Canadians can live and work anywhere D. French and Canadian
they choose in Canada.
C. Wheras Canada is founded upon princi- 98. Freedom of speech falls under which of the
ples that recognize the supremacy of God rights listed below?
and the rule of the law
A. Right to Equality
D. The rights guaranteed in the Charter
will not adversely affect any treaty or B. Cultural and educational rights
other rights or freedom of Aboriginal peo- C. Right to freedom
D. Right to constitutional remedies
94. Which of the following are Fundamental
Duties? 99. The 5th Amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
A. Safeguarding public property tion has a nickname. What is it?
B. Protecting the sovereignty, integrity A. Right to bear arms
and unity of India
B. Due Process
C. Developing scientific temper and hu-
manism C. Housing of Soldiers
D. All the above D. Five Freedoms


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 244

100. What amendment set the national voting A. USA

age at 18? B. USSR
A. 26th Amendment C. France
B. 25th Amendment D. Ireland
C. 23rd Amendment
104. Is this task a right, duty, or responsibil-
D. 19th Amendment ity? FREEDOM OF RELIGION
101. Whenever normal agencies prove inade- A. Right

quate to the task and it becomes neces-
B. Duty
sary for the Executive Branch of the Fed-
eral Government to use its powers and C. Responsibility
authority the President’s responsibil- D. none of above
ity is inescapable. In accordance with that
responsibility, I have today issued an Ex- 105. During the Civil Rights movement, the
ecutive Order directing the use of troops Black Panther Party’s tactics differed from
under Federal authority to aid at those of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., be-
Little Rock, Arkansas.-President Dwight cause the Black Panther called for-
D. Eisenhower, address from the White A. the use of the court system to gain
House, September 24, 1957-President equality
Eisenhower exercised his federal authority B. respecting government authority
in an effort to-
C. the use of armed resistance if neces-
A. ensure the safety of protesters at sary
lunch counter sit-ins
D. enduring injustice through religious
B. end the violence directed against the
Freedom Riders
C. enforce a ruling to desegregate public 106. Which right, established in the Sixth
schools Amendment, guarantees the right of a de-
fendant to be assisted by an attorney, and
D. protect citizens from rioting spurred by
if he cannot afford his own lawyer, the
Ku Klux Klan rallies
government must appoint one for him?
102. Put numbers 1 though 5 to show the time A. right bear arms
order in which these rights were granted
B. right legal counsel
by amendments.
C. suffrage
A. All citizens have equal protection un-
der the law. D. trial by jury
B. African American men can vote. 107. The voting Rights Act of 1965 elimi-
C. Women can vote. nated?
D. No American citizen can be enslaved. A. barriers to voting for women
E. Any American citizen aged 18 and B. literacy tests as prerequisites for vot-
above can vote. ing
103. The Ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fra- C. proof of residency as a condition for
ternity (mentioned in the Preamble) are in- voting
spired by the Constitution of D. age discrimination in state voting laws


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 245

108. Rules of law means that laws apply to D. A number of people who know the law


A. Everyone
114. What does the term “mobility rights”
B. Our State mean?
C. Our Community A. The right to freedom of speech
D. none of above B. The right to be given a job in any
109. What is the fundamental characteristic of province
Canadian heritage and identity? C. The right to work at home
A. Multiculturalism D. The right to live and work anywhere in
B. English Culture Canada
C. French Culture 115. Since when has the protocol for the
D. Canadian Festivals amendment of the Canadian Constitution
110. Right to Life and Personal Liberty is
A. 1885
A. Article 14
B. 1962
B. Article 16
C. 1972
C. Article 21
D. Article 21 A D. 1982

111. What is the right of the government to 116. Which amendment protects people from
take private property for public use? The having to pay unreasonably high bail in or-
Fifth Amendment requires that people be der to be released from jail while awaiting
paid fairly (compensated) for their prop- trial?
erty if it is taken by the government. A. Eighth
A. cruel and unusual punishment B. Second
B. double jeopardy
C. Fifth
C. eminent domain
D. Fourth
D. search and seizure
117. Why does the government provide public
112. Being educated until high school is a goods such as roads?
A. right
A. Citizens can all benefit from public
B. responsibility goods so all contribute through taxes.
C. both the above B. Public goods are too expensive for cor-
D. neither of the above porations to build on their own.

113. What forms a jury? C. People disagree about the need to

build and maintain some public goods.
A. It contains at least a lawyer
D. Government competes with private
B. A jury is made up of Canadian citizens companies to keep prices low for public
C. A group of judges goods.


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 246

118. The 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments B. Taxes make our lives better
prohibit the government from taking away C. Taxes cause us to not worry
a person’s life, liberty or property without
following fair and reasonable procedures. D. Taxes are pointless and shouldn’t be
These procedures are often referred to as paid
the “due process of law. “The “due pro-
123. Article of the Constitution states the
cess” clause in the 5th Amendment and the
Fundamental Duties of an Indian citizen
right to an attorney in the 6th Amendment
were both designed to- A. 51-A

A. protect freedom of expression B. 53-A
(speech) C. 52-A
B. assure the laws are properly carried D. 50-A
124. When did the Canadian Charter of Rights
C. ensure fair treatment for those ac-
and Freedoms become part of the Consti-
cused of crimes
D. provide for judicial review of laws
A. 1867
119. Give an example of how you can help in B. 1919
the community
C. 1980
A. Wear red on Canada Day
D. 1982
B. Volunteer at a food bank
125. This means the right of people accused of
C. Drive to work
crimes to have laws that treat them fairly,
D. Keep your property clean so that they cannot lose their life or free-
dom without having their legal rights pro-
120. The First Amendment lists five important
rights and freedoms. Which right is NOT
included? A. cruel and unusual punishment
A. due process B. due process
B. freedom of religion C. pleading the Fifth
C. freedom of press D. suffrage
D. freedom of speech 126. Rights guaranteed by the IV (4th)
121. In a democracy such as the United States
all citizens have A. Due Process
A. rights B. Right to an Attorney
B. responsibilities C. No Search and Seizure
C. both of the above D. No Double Jeopardy
D. none of the above. 127. Which of the following are the fundamen-
122. Why should citizens pay taxes? tal rights?

A. Taxes build roads, schools, and other A. Right to equality

public buildings B. Right to Religion


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 247

C. Right to justice B. The executive order to desegregate

D. Right to freedom the US Army


C. The passage of the Voting Rights Act of
E. Right to Property
128. Obeying laws is a D. The Supreme Court decision in Plessy
A. right v. Ferguson

B. responsibility 132. According to the Fourth Amendment,

what does a police officer have to present
C. both of the above
to enter a home to search it?
D. neither of the above
A. a badge
129. American Indian leaders and activists B. other police officers with him
organize a nonviolent protest to bring C. a search warrant
attention to issues affecting Ameri-
can Indians. More than 600 people D. a witness
travel in the “Trail of Broken Treaties” 133. which fundamental right safeguards In-
in a caravan of buses, cars, trucks, dian citizens from any kind of discrimina-
and campers to Saint Paul, Minnesota.- tion
“1972:Trail of Broken Treaties, “ U.S.
A. Right to freedom
National Library of Medicine, Native
Voices, www.nlm.nih.gov (accessed April B. Right to equality
7, 2014)-Which earlier protest was most C. E right to get redressal
similar to the one described above?
D. Right to education
A. The gathering of disillusioned youth at
Woodstock 134. All U.S. citizens have the right to

B. The burning of draft cards by oppo- A. free food

nents of the Vietnam War B. trial by jury
C. The March on Washington for Jobs C. big house
and Freedom D. fast car
D. The labor demonstrations during the 135. Which of the following is NOT a citizens’
Pullman strike right?
130. Due process gives you the right to A. Own property
A. a farmer B. freedom of press
B. a doctor C. Pay taxes
C. a lawyer D. Vote

D. a judge 136. Which Amendment outlawed the use of

poll taxes as a requirement for voting?
131. Which government action was intended
A. 13
to ensure that Africans could exercise their
15th Amendment rights? B. 19
A. The Supreme Court decision in Sweatt C. 26
v. Painter D. 24


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 248

137. In these days, it is doubtful that any child C. Our World

may reasonably be expected to succeed in D. none of above
life if he is denied the opportunity of an ed-
ucation. Such an opportunity, where the 141. I have a right to worship how and where
state has undertaken to provide it, is a I want. But I have a duty to
right which must be made available to all A. Practice my religion and avoid people
on equal terms.-Chief Justice Earl Warren, in other religions.
1954-Which action occurred as a result
of the Supreme Court decision excerpted B. Allow people with other religions to

above? practice theirs.

A. The requirement of equal access to C. Talk to people only in my religion.

school facilities for disabled students D. none of above
B. The expansion of science in school cur- 142. Which of the following is not a Fundamen-
ricula tal Right in the Constitution of India?
C. The implementation of requirements A. Right to work
for federal certification of private-school
B. Right to Equality
C. Right to Freedom of Religion
D. The desegregation of public schools
D. None of the above
138. Which of the following services are paid
for by taxes collected from residents? 143. Which amendment did people not have to
pay a tax, called a poll tax, in order to
A. banks and private businesses
B. roads, schools, hospitals, and parks
A. 21st Amendment
C. delivery services, taxis, and the postal
B. 24th Amendment
C. 20th Amendment
D. the growing and shipping of food from
farms D. 22nd Amendment

139. I have a right to protest to help change 144. What right is being applied when police
things that are not good. But I have a re- inform their suspects of their rights?
sponsibility to A. due process
A. Rebelling against the government vio- B. eminent domain
lently. C. right to bear arms
B. Protest by pushing others for what you D. right to legal counsel
C. Protest peacefully without hurting oth- 145. What part of the Constitution legally pro-
ers or their property. tects the basic rights and freedoms of all
D. none of above
A. The British Charter of Rights and Free-
140. When I show respect to our flag, I am doms
being loyal to B. The Canadian Charter of Rights
A. Our Flag C. The Canadian Charter of Freedom and
B. Our Country Right


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 249

D. The Canadian Charter of Rights and 150. Following the law is important because


A. It makes it super quiet
146. What is Federalism?
B. Law? We have laws?
A. The idea that powers of government
are separated among 3 branches of gov- C. It makes the police happy
ernment. D. It keeps the country peaceful
B. The idea that the government’s power 151. which of the following terms signi-
comes from the people. fies’equal respect to all’?
C. The idea in which powers of govern- A. sovereign
ment are divided between the (Federal),
B. secular
State and Local level government.
C. socialist
D. The idea that people have a say in the
government through elected representa- D. Democratic Republic
tives. 152. Right to Education has been inserted as
147. Name two fundamental freedoms under A. Article 21
Canadian law B. Article 31
A. Equality rights and care for the envi- C. Article 31 A
ronment D. Article 21 A
B. Aboriginal rights and conserving water
153. The Directive Principles of State Policy is
C. Freedom of speech and freedom of re- borrowed from the Constitution of
A. Israel
D. The Magna Carta and English common
B. Britain
148. What are some examples of taking re- D. Ireland
sponsibility for yourself and your family?
154. Directive Principles give the guidelines
A. Buying a house and vehicle
which the should follow.
B. Getting a job, taking care of your fam- A. Public
ily and working to pay your bills.
B. Government
C. Keeping your house presentable and
properly maintained C. Citizens
D. none of above
D. Study hard to get a good education
155. Fundamental Duties were added in
149. How could a person BEST show good cit- of the Indian Constitution by the 42nd
izenship? Amendment Act, 1976
A. by reading history books A. Part III
B. by visiting national parks B. Part IV
C. by voting in elections C. Part VI
D. by listening to speeches D. Part V


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 250

156. Why is the Constitution Act of 1982 im- 160. In India 26 January is celebrated as the
portant in Canadian history?
A. Independence Day
A. It allows Canada to change the Con-
stitution without asking approval of the B. Gandhi Jayanthi
British Government C. Republic day
B. It allows Canadians more freedons D. Children’s’ day
C. It changed the immigration laws
161. The idea that anyone accused of a crime

D. The Queen became more involved in
is innocent until proven guilty is in which
Canadian Government.
157. Which is NOT a right under Right to Free- A. First
B. Second
A. Freedom to form a trade union
C. Fifth
B. Freedom to gather for a violent protest
D. Third
C. Freedom to assemble peacefully
D. Freedom to live and work in any part of 162. Because of due process, an accused per-
India? son has the right to
E. Freedom to practise any profession A. know what crime they are being ac-
cused of
158. Michael is a 55 year old white male. He
lives in the state of New York in the year B. explain why they are innocent
1810. He lives in a rented home because
C. not testify against themself
he is too poor to buy his own. Can Michael
vote? D. all of the above
A. No, because he doesn’t own land and
163. The right that allows citizens to travel
this is a requirement in New York until
wherever they want is
B. No, because he doesn’t own land and A. Right to freedom
this is a requirement in New York until B. Right against exploitation
C. Right to Constitutional remedies
C. No, because he cannot afford to pay a
poll tax D. None of the above

D. No, because he is not old enough to 164. This is a protection found in the 5th
vote. amendment. It means that a defendant
can’t be prosecuted for a criminal offense
159. In what year was the 15th Amendment
for which he has already been tried.
A. 1880 A. double jeopardy

B. 1890 B. cruel and unusual punishment

C. 1900 C. right to bear arms
D. 1870 D. unenumerated rights


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 251

165. Who is a citizen of the USA? Check all 170. U.S. citizens have freedom of religion,
that applies. speech, press, assembly, and petition.


A. A person born in Canada. A. 4th Amendment
B. A person born in the United States. B. 1st Amendment
C. 10th Amendment
C. Someone born somewhere else, who
followed a process and took a test. D. 5thAmendment
D. Someone born outside of the United 171. A small firm invites applications for the
States. job of office staff, stating “ Only men
of higher castes need apply.” Which fun-
166. Up to which age education is free and damental right is involved here.
A. Right to freedom
A. 15 B. Cultural and Educational Rights
B. 14 C. Right against Exploitation
C. 13 D. Right to equality
D. none of above 172. The government may not force U.S. cit-
izens to testify against themselves in
167. Citizens have a responsibility to court.
A. Follow the laws A. 5th Amendment
B. Plant a garden B. 1st Amendment
C. Go to work C. 4th Amendment
D. Wear cute clothes D. 8th Amendment
173. “The powers not delegated to the United
168. U.S. citizens are protected from unrea-
States by the Constitution are reserved to
sonable searches of a person’s property.
the states “ (10th Amendment)This
A. 7th Amendment amendment in the Bill of Rights was in-
tended to-
B. 1st Amendment
A. give the people the right to vote on im-
C. 4th Amendment portant issues
D. 3rd Amendment B. reduce the rights of citizens

169. What is an amendment to the U.S. Con- C. limit the powers of the federal govern-
stitution prohibiting Congress from estab- ment
lishing a religion, and from interfering D. assure federal control over the states
with freedom of religious exercise, press,
174. Fundamental Rights have no value with-
speech, assembly, or petition?
A. 1st amendment
A. Right to Freedom
B. 3rd amendment B. Right to Freedom of Religion
C. 7th amendment C. Right to Constitutional Remedies
D. 10th amendment D. All of the above


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 252

175. Rights and responsibilities work to 180. What Landmark Supreme Court case
help the community’s common good. overturned the Plessy v. Ferguson de-
cision by ruling that separate facilities
A. separately
were not equal and ended segregation in
B. together schools?
C. one at a time A. Miranda v Arizona
D. never B. Brown v Board of Education

C. Marbury v Madison
176. What is NOT part of Right to Equality?
D. Gideon v Wainwright
A. No one will be discriminated based on
caste, religion or gender. 181. Having a fair trial by a jury is a
B. Equality of opportunity in public em- A. right
B. responsibility
C. Right to food C. both of the above
D. All are equal before the law D. neither of the above
177. U. S. citizens are innocent until proven 182. Which fundamental right has been added
A. late A. Right to Equality
B. blameless B. Right to education
C. hungry C. Right to religion
D. guilty D. Not sure

178. Why did the Founding Fathers, or 183. What does the third amendment say?
Framers, included the II Amendment with A. Protects the rights of every American,
respect to militias? defines the Freedoms of Religion, Speech
A. Militias are made up of citizen soldiers and Press
to protect the country or their state B. Prevents the government from forcing
B. To form the Army to protect the coun- citizens to shelter soldiers in their homes
try C. Guarantees Americans right to bear
C. So people can Hunt arms (own weapons)
D. none of above
D. none of above
184. o African American organize black
179. The government may not force U.S. citi-
churches in the South during the post-
zens to shelter soldiers in their homes.
Reconstruction era.o Northern black
A. 1st Amendment churches are influenced by southerners
during the Great Migrationo? ? ? ? ?
B. 3rd Amendment
Which sentence best completes this se-
C. 10th Amendment quence of events?
D. 4th Amendment A. The temperance movement begins.


1.7 Citizens’ Rights 253

B. Religious schools are granted federal 188. According to the Ninth Amendment, any
aid. right that is notspecifically addressed in
the Constitution still may be protected.


C. Protest music becomes a popular
genre. These are called

D. Gospel music gains national attention. A. unenumerated rights

B. enumerated rights
185. Due Process AmendmentsAmendment
4:Protects against unreasonable searches C. delegated rights
and seizuresAmendment 5:Protects the
D. reserved rights
rights of the accused in trialAmendment
6:Requires a lawyer for a person accused 189. Why did the Framers include the III
of a crimeAmendment 8:Prohibits cruel Amendment in the Bill of Rights?
and unusual punishment and excessive
bail.Which of the following best sum- A. Because during the time of British colo-
marizes the purpose of the due process nial rule colonists were required to shel-
amendments? ter British soldiers
A. Due process amendments protect B. Any “unlisted” individual rights are re-
those people chosen to serve on a jury tained by the people
during trial. C. Guaranteed the right of “suffrage” re-
B. The due process amendments protect gardless of “previous condition of servi-
defendants and lawyers in civil and crimi- tude”
nal court cases. D. Outlawed the use of poll taxes as a re-
C. The purpose of these amendments is quirement for voting
to protect people found guilty of a crime
and sentenced to jail. 190. Which are two fundamental freedoms
D. The purpose of these amendments is protected by the Canadian Charter of
to protect the rights of people accused of Rights and Freedoms?
breaking the law. A. Freedom of Conscience and Religion,
and Freedom of Association
186. How can you help to protect the environ-
ment B. Quality rights, and to care for
Canada’s heritage
A. Walking, cycling, taking transit or car-
pooling whenever possible C. Basic freedoms, and obeying the laws
B. Do not buy gas when the price is high D. Aboriginal people’s rights, and to vol-
C. Use electricity instead of gas unteer
D. Travel back and forth to work by your- 191. Which amendment recognizes the Ameri-
self cans have rights that are not listed in the
187. Paying taxes is a
A. right A. Seventh
B. responsibility B. Eighth
C. both of the above C. Ninth
D. neither of the above D. None of them


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 254

192. What Landmark Supreme Court case jus- 195. Which are four rights Canadian Citizens
tified segregation and established the prin- have?
ciple of “separate but equal”? A. Right to have a job, vote, drive and go
A. Plessy v Ferguson to school
B. Marbury v Madison B. RIght to go to school, work, have a
bank account, travel
C. Brown v Board of Education
C. Right to travel, live anywhere, work
D. Gideon v Wainwright

anywhere and get married
D. Right to challenge unlawful detention,
193. Which war led to the addition of the 26th
vote, apply for Canadian passport, enter
and leave Canada freely.
A. Korean War
196. o Food Stamp Act of 1964o Housing and
B. French and Indian War Urban Development Act of 1965o Child
C. Vietnam War Nutrition Act of 1966The passage of the
pieces of legislation in this list resulted in-
D. World War II
A. the regulation of cabinet-level agen-
194. Secular state means cies
A. Official religion is there B. federal guarantees of income
C. limitations on government expendi-
B. No official religion
C. Only one religion
D. the creation of programs to alleviate
D. none of above poverty

1.8 Amendments to the Constitution

1. To gather as a group D. The decreased minority participation
A. Assembly in the political process.

B. Petition 3. Was a United States Supreme Court deci-

C. Libel sion that determined that the question of
whether the Senate had properly tried an
D. Slander impeachment was a political question and
could not be resolved in the courts.
2. What was the impact of the 13th, 14th,
15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments A. U.S. v. Nixon
to the U.S. Constitution? B. Bush v. Gore
A. They increased minority participation
C. U.S. v. Clinton
in the military.
D. Obama v. Trump
B. The decreased minority participation
in social movements. 4. Which Supreme Court decision established
C. The increased minority participation in the power of judicial review and why is
the political process. this power important?


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 255

A. Brown v. Board of Education, ended objection to discuss the question of equal-

segregation in public schools ity, for we feel that the weight of argu-
ment lies wholly with us, but we wish the


B. Miranda v. Arizona, state that police
question of equality kept distinct from the
must inform suspects of their rights
question of rights, for the proof of the one
C. Marbury v. Madison, gave the court does not determine the truth of the other.
the power to declare a law unconstitu-
A. amending the U.S. Constitution to ex-
tend suffrage
D. Plessy v. Ferguson, established that
B. amending the U.S. Constitution to guar-
slaves could not sue in federal court
antee due process
5. A change to the constitution is called a/an C. Congress enacting a law limiting free-
dom of speech rights
A. article
D. Congress enacting a law limiting free-
B. amendment
dom of association rights
C. boycott
9. What amendment gives people the right to
D. elector NOT quarter soldiers in their homes?
6. In the amendment process, what happens A. 4th Amendment
BEFORE the states ratify an amendment? B. 3rd Amendment
A. Two-Thirds of each house of Congress C. 6th Amendment
voted to propose the amendment
D. 8th Amendment
B. The president rejected the amendment
after Congress voted to support it. 10. During the 1920s and 1930s, the contro-
versy over Prohibition and its repeal was
C. Three-Fourths of each house of
a sign of disagreement over
Congress voted to support the amend-
ment. A. the causes of the Great Depression
D. The president forwarded the amend- B. high unemployment and lower taxes
ment to the states after Congress voted C. traditional values and changing
to support it. lifestyles

7. No quartering of soldiers. Which amend- D. the use of the system of checks and
ment is this? balances

A. 8th 11. Illegal search and seizure is prevented.

B. 3rd A. 3rd
C. 12th B. 4th
D. 2nd C. 6th
D. 7th
8. The passage below is from an 1848 speech
by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. In the United 12. **The United States government is based
States of America women [are] unrepre- on several key principles. The U.S. Con-
sented in this government-our rights and stitution has been amended to incorpo-
interests wholly overlooked. We have no rate these principles to protect the rights


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 256

of the people. Identify the principles of A. 11th

government that relate to the following B. 21st
constitutional amendment.Congress shall
make no law respecting an establishment C. 27th
of religion, or prohibiting the free exer- D. none of above
cise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press 17. The Fifth Amendment to the Consti-
tution provides protection from self-
A. Popular Sovereignty
incrimination.What does self-incrimination

B. Separation of Powers mean?
C. Limited Government A. cruel and unusual punishment
D. none of above B. acting as a witness against yourself

13. This amendment outlawed slavery. C. the right to confront your accusers in
A. 11th Amendment
D. having the right to an attorney if ac-
B. 12th Amendment cused of a crime
C. 13th Amendment
18. The amendment that lowered the voting
D. 14th Amendment age to 18 was the
14. What is usually the first step in amending A. Eighteenth.
the U.S. Constitution? B. Fourteenth.
A. Three-fourths of the state legislatures C. Twenty-seventh.
propose the amendment.
D. Twenty-sixth.
B. Two-thirds of each house of Congress
propose the amendment. 19. Which need brought about the adoption of
C. Conventions in three-fourths of the the 14th Amendment?
states propose the amendment. A. to provide legal and political rights for
D. The President, after consulting the African Americans
U.S. Supreme Court, proposes the amend- B. to end poverty and income qualifica-
ment. tions for voting

15. Which amendment says that police must C. to correct problems with women being
have a warrant in order to search and denied their civil rights
seize? D. to prohibit the practice of slavery in the
A. 7th United States

B. 3rd 20. Which amendment gives criminal defen-

C. 4th dants the right to a public trial & an at-
D. 2nd
A. 5th
16. **Several amendments to the U.S. Consti- B. 6th
tution have addressed unique historical cir-
cumstances. Which amendment repealed C. 7th
prohibition? D. 8th


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 257

21. Which of the following BEST describes the 26. Amendment means
constitutional amendment process? A. a change or addition to something


A. a quick process at the national level of B. to formally approve a document, usu-
government ally by signing it
B. a long process that occurs at the state C. the first 10 amendments in the Consti-
level of government tution
C. a difficult process that includes state D. a “living document” that defines the
and national government way our government is run.
D. a simple process that occurs at the na-
tional level of government 27. This amendment places limits on Congres-
sional pay raises until the beginning of the
22. If you were 21 years old in 1960, you next term
would have had the legal right to vote in A. 15
national elections unless you were
B. 27
A. African American
C. 21
B. A member of Congress
D. 1
C. a resident of Washington, D.C.
D. female 28. What amendment gives the people the
right to a jury trial in all cases where the
23. Which amendment represents federalism; amount is more than $20?
powers not given to the federal gov’t are A. 7th Amendment
given to the states or the people?
B. 8th Amendment
A. 10th
C. 6th Amendment
B. 11th
D. 5th Amendment
C. 12th
D. 23rd 29. All male citizens have the right to vote
regardless of race. Which amendment is
24. Who can propose an amendment for the this?
Virginia Constitution? A. 15th
A. General Assembly and Convention B. 3rd
B. Governor and Supreme Court C. 26th
C. General Assembly and Governor D. 14th
D. Attorney General and Governor
30. One of the limitations placed on the Free-
25. What is the highest law of the United dom of Religion is you
States? A. Can’t practice your faith at night
A. Bill of Rights B. Can’t pray by yourself in school
B. U.S. Constitution C. Can’t break the law when practicing
C. Declaration of Independence your religion
D. Articles of Confederation D. Cannot practice witchcraft or brujeria


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 258

31. This amendment places limits on suits 36. What is the 2nd Amendment?
against states A. The right to shoot bears
A. 28 B. The right to arm bears
B. 22 C. The right to bear arms
C. 17 D. The right to have two arms that belong
to bears
D. 11

37. What was the outcome of United States v.
32. Whose perspective is this? Feared a Nixon?
strong central government?
A. Government surveillance of antiwar
A. Federalists demonstrators during the Vietnam War
B. Anti-Federalist was halted.
B. President Nixon was unable to block
C. Democrats
the publication of the Pentagon Papers in
D. Republicans The New York Times.
C. A manual recount of votes in Florida
33. gives citizens the right to gather in groups
was halted because of insufficient guide-
A. Freedom of Assembly lines and inconsistent practices.
B. Freedom of Press D. Executive privilege did not excuse
President Nixon from handing over tapes
C. Freedom of Religion of his conversations to investigators.
D. Freedom of Speech
38. To make a formal request asking the gov-
E. Right to Petition ernment to do something
A. Assembly
34. Why did the America’s Founding Fathers
create an amendment process to be in- B. Petition
cluded in the Constitution? C. Libel
A. to allow for the creation of new laws D. Slander
B. to allow for the election of a new pres- 39. What is one of the five freedoms protected
ident by the First Amendment?
C. to allow changes to be made in the Con- A. Freedom of speech
B. Freedom from self-incrimination
D. to allow the government to tax citizens
C. Freedom from unreasonable search
and seizures
35. How many Amendments are in the Bill of
Rights? D. Freedom from cruel and unnatural pun-
A. 27
B. 33 40. How did ratification of the 14th Amend-
ment change the United States?
C. 10
A. It established citizenship laws and
D. 27 quotas for new immigrants


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 259

B. It allowed only skilled workers to be- B. By state legislatures

come U.S. Citizens C. By state ratifying conventions


C. It granted U.S. citizenship to African
D. By signature of President Franklin Roo-
D. It increased the residency require-
ments needed for U.S. citizenship 45. Due process, no double jeopardy, govern-
ment must provide compensation for pri-
41. Which part of the Federal government is vate property. Which amendment is this?
MOST involved in the amendment pro-
cess? A. 3rd
A. Congress B. 4th
B. The Cabinet C. 5th
C. The President D. 6th
D. The Supreme Court
46. **The 9th Amendment of the U.S. Consti-
42. What is a “petition for writ of certiorari? tution is shown.The enumeration [listing]
” in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall
not be construed [interpreted] to deny or
A. a written order (a writ) issued by a
disparage [take away] others retained by
court instructing a law enforcement offi-
the people.How did the 9th Amendment
cial, such as a sheriff or a tax collector, to
address the Federalist concerns about in-
perform a certain task.
cluding a bill of rights in the Constitution?
B. An order from the Supreme Court to a
A. It ensured that only state govern-
lower court to transfer its record in a case
ments would be able to grant rights to cit-
so that the Supreme Court may review it.
C. reversing the district court order [ex-
cluding the victim from attendance at a B. It ensured that guaranteeing some
public court proceeding, rights would not lead to other rights being
D. a general search warrant issued by
superior provincial courts to assist the C. It ensured that the federal govern-
British ment would have more power than state
43. According to Abraham Lincoln, which of the
D. It ensured that a proper balance of
following statements are TRUE?
power among the three branches of gov-
A. Amending the constitution is not an op- ernment would be established.
B. people who amend the constitution are 47. What are the two amendments that pro-
revolting vide it’s citizens due process of the law?

C. by amending the constitution, we are A. 5th Amendment

exercising our constitutional right B. 8th Amendment
D. people don’t have that option C. 14th Amendment
44. How was the 21st Amendment ratified? D. 19th Amendment
A. By popular vote E. 24th Amendment


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 260

48. After ratification of the Fifteenth Amend- B. The amendment process makes sure
ment, literacy tests and grandfather that the U.S. Constitution is formally ap-
clauses were used in the South primarily proved.
to C. The ratification process allows the U.S.
A. increase the number of women voters Constitution to reflect presidents’ views
B. limit the number of African-American over time.
voters D. The ratification process makes sure
that the U.S. Constitution is formally ap-

C. help formerly enslaved persons to
meet property requirements proved

D. encourage African-American voters to 52. How many amendments are there to the
attend college. US Constitution?

49. What effect did the Fifteenth Amendment A. 10

have on the U.S. Constitution? B. 17
A. Discrimination against African Ameri- C. 27
cans’ voting rights ended.
D. 30
B. The enslavement of African Americans
in the United States was no long legal. 53. Ratification of proposed amendments hap-
C. The federal and state governments
could not bar citizens from voting because A. by popular vote.
of their race. B. at the state level.
D. The enslavement of African Americans C. with a 3/4 approval of both houses of
in the United States was no longer permit- Congress.
ted in most states.
D. at the national level with a major-
50. What are the two ways an amendment can ity vote in Congress and presidential ap-
be ratified? proval.
A. by Congress and a Convention 54. How many amendments have there been
B. by the States and a Convention to the Constitution?
C. by the President and a Convention A. 0
D. by the Supreme Court and Congress B. 10
C. 21
51. The statement below was written by
Thomas Jefferson. No society can make D. 27
a perpetual (everlasting) constitution, or
even a perpetual law. Source:Letter to 55. Who ratifies amendments to the Virginia
James Madison from Paris, September 6, Constitution?
1789. Which statement does this state- A. The VA voters
ment support?
B. The General Assembly
A. The amendment process allows the
U.S. Constitution to reflect citizens’ views C. Congress
over time. D. The Supreme Court


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 261

56. Which right allows American citizens to D. State governments, because even
join political groups that promote new so- though states cannot propose amend-
cial policies? If freedom of assembly were ments, three-fourths of the states must


not a protected right, American citizens ratify amendments.
would not be able to
59. Gave African Americans the right to vote
A. Freedom of assembly
A. 13th Amendment
B. Freedom of speech B. 14th Amendment
C. Freedom of the press C. 15th Amendment
D. Freedom of religion D. 24th Amendment

57. **The 24th Amendment to the U.S. Consti- 60. How has the amendment process been
tution outlawed the use of poll taxes to made difficult?
prevent citizens from voting for federal of- A. It requires an approval from seventy-
fice holders. This 1964 change continued five percent of the voters.
what evolutionary development of the U.S. B. It requires both political parties to
Constitution? agree to pass the new law.
A. permitting women to run for public of- C. It requires two, long steps before an
fice amendment can be made.
B. extending basic rights to more Ameri- D. It requires all three branches of gov-
cans ernment to write the new amendment.
C. increasing the number of elected pub- 61. What happened as a result of the 13th
lic officials amendment?
D. strengthening the role of political par- A. African Americans got the right to vote
ties in choosing candidates B. All citizens were guaranteed equal pro-
tection under the law
58. Does the amendment process in the United
C. The right to own slaves was extended
States better protect the power of the
for 20 years
federal government or the state govern-
ments? D. Slavery was outlawed in all states and
U.S. territories.
A. The federal government, because
Congress must propose all amendments, 62. Gave citizens who live in Washington, DC
even through three-fourths of the states the right to vote in presidential elections.
must ratify amendments. A. 15th Amendment
B. State governments, because state gov- B. 16th Amendment
ernments can propose an amendment
C. 24th Amendment
through a convention and three-fourths of
the states must ratify amendments. D. 23rd Amendment

C. The federal government, because 63. **Select ALL of the Anti-Federalists quotes
Congress must propose all amendments that would apply to the adoption of the
and both houses of Congress must ratify 6th Amendment and the rights of the ac-
amendments. cused.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 262

A. “In the bills of rights of the States it 67. There is a terrorist attack in New York City.
is declared, that a well regulated militia is The National Guard and Army are called
the proper and natural defense of a free out.
A. Common Defense
B. “There is the same reason, therefore,
that the exercise of power should be B. General Welfare
restrained within proper limits, as in that C. Perfect Union
of the State governments.”
D. Posterity

C. “What security is there, that a man
shall be furnished with a full and plain de- 68. Another term for the right to vote is
scription of the charges against him? That
A. suffrage
he shall be allowed to produce all proof he
can in his favor? B. judicial review
D. “No man is secure of a trial in the C. amendment
county where he is charge to have com-
D. segregation
mitted a crime; he may be brought from
Niagara to New York, or carried from Ken-
69. Ratify means to
tucky to Richmond for trial for an offense
supposed to be committed.” A. deny

64. Which amendment gives you due process B. officially veto

of law? You cannot be tried for the same C. officially confirm
crime twice. You do not need to tell on
yourself. D. disapprove

A. 5th 70. Who ratifies an amendment for the Vir-

B. 6th ginia Constitution?
C. 7th A. the General Assembly
D. 8th B. Congress
65. A proposed amendment must be to be- C. the Governor
come a part of the Constitution.
D. Voters
A. separate but equal
B. ratified 71. Which feature of the presidency went from
being a part of the unwritten constitu-
C. reviewed by Supreme Court
tion to an amendment to the U.S. Consti-
D. approved by the President tution?
66. Due process and the right to an attorney A. Presidential veto power
are rights usually found in which Amend- B. declaring acts of the President uncon-
ment? stitutional
A. Fourth Amendment
C. the President serving only two terms
B. Fifth Amendment in office
C. Sixth Amendment D. Presidential appointment of foreign
D. Seventh Amendment ambassadors


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 263

72. Which amendment gave voting rights to all 76. The outcome of the Tinker v Des Moines
U.S. citizens regardless of their race, color, case was based on interpretations of
or previous servitude. which 1st amendment protection?


A. 19th Amendment A. freedom of speech
B. 17th Amendment B. free exercise of religion
C. 14th Amendment C. freedom of assembly
D. 15th Amendment D. freedom of the press

73. What freedom gives you the right to write 77. was a landmark decision by the Supreme
or publish anything just as long as it is non- Court of the United States that held that
threatening or not an outright lie? public school curricular student newspa-
pers that have not been established as fo-
A. petition rums for student expression are subject
B. religion to a lower level of First Amendment pro-
tection than independent student expres-
C. speech sion or newspapers established (by policy
D. press or practice) as forums for student expres-
74. Freedom of speech, press, religion, assem-
A. Brown v. Board of Education
bly, and petition. Which amendment is
this? B. Tinker v. Des Moines
A. 1st C. Hazelwood School District v.
B. 2nd
D. D.C. v. Heller
C. 3rd
D. 4th 78. No unreasonable searches or seizures
A. 2nd
75. Between 1870 and 1913, one amendment
was added to the U.S. Constitution. Based B. 5th
on this information, what can be inferred C. 4th
about the constitutional amendment pro- D. none of above
A. Amending the U.S. Constitution is a rel- 79. **The 25th Amendment was ratified af-
atively quick and simple process that al- ter the assassination of President John F.
lows change to happen easily. Kennedy.Which issue, among others, did
the 25th Amendment clarify?
B. Amending the U.S. Constitution is a rel-
atively time consuming and difficult pro- A. how a new president is elected.
cess that does not allow changes to hap- B. how to fill the office of vice president
pen easily. when it is vacant.
C. Ratification of an amendment requires C. the role of the Secret Service in pro-
50 percent of Congress’s approval. tecting the president.
D. Ratification of an amendment requires D. the role of the Speaker of the House in
50 percent of state governors’ approval. presidential succession.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 264

80. Central and national are two words that 85. How did the Framers of the Constitution
mean the same thing as- provide for changes to the document?
A. state A. They described the process of amend-
ing the Constitution.
B. federal
B. They explained how the Constitution
C. local
could be ratified.
D. regional C. They allowed for the appointment of
two overseers that could make changes to

81. One way in which the Fifteenth and Nine-
teenth Amendments are similar is that the Constitution.
they both D. They included a clause that allowed a
popular vote to be held to change the Con-
A. extended free speech protections to
B. increased the number of eligible vot- 86. Who asks for amendments?
ers in elections A. States
C. helped overcome discrimination B. Congress
against African Americans C. President
D. reduced citizen participation in govern- D. Propose
87. How affect did the 26th amendment have
82. Which amendment or law made ALL voter on voting?
discrimination illegal such as outlawing lit-
A. It changed voting laws, which meant
eracy test?
the non U.S. citizens were able to vote
A. 13th amendment B. It outlawed poll taxes which many
B. 15th amendment states used to prevent poor Americans
from voting
C. The Voting Rights Act of 1965
C. It allowed women to vote
D. 24th amendment
D. None of the above
83. Which Amendment deals with un-
enumerated rights? 88. What percent of states must approve of
a proposed amendment before it becomes
A. 10th part of the Constitution?
B. 9th A. 2/3s
C. 8th B. 34
D. 7th C. 3/4

84. A change made to the Constitution is called D. 40

a/an: 89. Which statement best explains the impor-
A. article tance of the right of assembly guaranteed
under the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Con-
B. amendment
C. boycott A. It allows legislative bodies to meet
D. elector regularly.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 265

B. It allows citizens to meet and discuss 94. Read this quote:”Excessive bail shall not
how to influence their government. be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel and unusual punishments in-


C. It provides beneficial social contacts
for citizens. flicted.” The Eight AmendmentWhat is
the best definition of “bail” in this amend-
D. It provides the news media with infor- ment?
mation on political candidates.
A. money paid as punishment for a crime
90. Which document allows amendments to
B. money paid to obtain special privileges
the U.S. Constitution?
for a prisoninmate
A. Bill of Rights
C. money that someone convicted for a
B. Articles of Confederation crime pays to reduce jail time
C. Preamble D. money a defendant pays as security to
D. U.S. Constitution stay out of jail while waiting for trial.

91. Which statement about the constitutional 95. What amendment gives people rights be-
amendment process is correct? yond the Constitution?
A. The president has the ability to veto A. 8th Amendment
proposed amendments to the Constitu-
B. 9th Amendment
C. 10th Amendment
B. There are two ways to amend the Con-
stitution, but only one has ever been used. D. 11th Amendment
C. Citizens vote directly on proposed 96. The constitutional guarantee of a free
amendments to the Constitution in special press has resulted in:
A. the establishment of government-run
D. To allow for changes in society, the
Constitution was designed to be easily
amended. B. the establishment of English as the of-
ficial language
92. Who approves amendments to the US Con-
C. a government more responsive to the
needs to the people
A. Congress
D. a government more likely to hide its ac-
B. President tions from the people
C. States
97. Liam owns a hunting rifle he uses to go
D. Propose
hunting. He has all of the correct licenses
93. Which aspect of the US Constitution ap- and papers, yet he is still arrested for
plies when a federal court overrides a owning a gun. What amendment protects
state law? Liam?
A. necessary and proper clause A. 2nd Amedment
B. supremacy clause B. 1st Amendment
C. First Amendment C. 5th Amendment
D. Preamble D. 8th Amendment


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 266

98. What do you call a change to the Constitu- 103. Which amendment granted women’s suf-
tion? frage?
A. amendment A. 13th
B. introduction B. 14th
C. preamble C. 19th
D. articles D. 24th

99. Voting age changed from 21 years old to 104. Cruel and Unusual punishment is prohib-
18 years old. Which amendment is this? ited.
A. 25th A. 5th
B. 14th B. 6th
C. 26th C. 7th
D. 12th D. 8th
100. Guarantees the rights of people accused
105. The amendment process is very
of a crime to due process of law including
the right not to incriminate oneself or to A. easy
be tried for the same crime twice (double B. simple
C. strange
A. Amendment 5
D. complex
B. Amendment 6
C. Amendment 4 106. What impact did the 11th Amendment
have on the power of state governments?
D. Amendment 8
A. It allowed the national government to
101. The 14th Amendment was added to the place more restrictions on the actions of
U.S. Constitution primarily because its sup- the state governments.
porters believed it was essential to
B. It increased the power of state govern-
A. discourage criticism of government ments over its citizens
C. It blocked Congressional interference
B. ensure the functioning of democracy with the reserved powers of the states.
C. provide citizenship of the freedmen D. It limited the intervention of the fed-
D. encourage more candidates to run for eral courts over the states.
107. Freedom of Assembly allows for people
102. This amendment limits the President to to gather
two terms. A. inside private businesses
A. 22nd Amendment B. even if they block traffic or entrances
B. 23rd Amendment C. in public locations such as parks and
C. 24th Amendment public sidewalks
D. 25th Amendment D. All of the above


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 267

108. How many amendments have been made B. Citizens from 18 to 20 years of age
to the Constitution? were allowed to vote in elections.


A. 27 C. Those who could not afford to pay poll
B. 21 taxes could still vote in federal elections.

C. 10 D. Restaurants and hotels could not prac-

tice discrimination against Vietnam veter-
D. 26 ans.
109. A change to the Constitution is known as 113. Who has the duty to interpret and clar-
a(n) ify the meaning of the Amendments to the
A. Amendment Constitution?
B. Ratify A. ThePresident
C. Propose B. The Supreme Court
D. Congress C. Congress

110. What prevented the Fifteenth Amend- D. The Citizens

ment from achieving its purpose?
114. **Several amendments to the U.S. Consti-
A. Many African Americans did not want tution have addressed unique historical cir-
to vote. cumstances.Which amendment overturned
B. Many people voted against African the Supreme Court’s ruling in Chisholm v.
American candidates. Georgia?
C. Many African Americans were still en- A. 11th
slaved and could not vote. B. 21st
D. Many states created ways to keep C. 27th
African Americans from voting.
D. none of above
111. Right to own and use weapons
115. Amendments 16 through 19 responded
A. 1st to calls for reform during the Progres-
B. 2nd sive Era.Use the passage below to answer
the question. “MISS ANTHONY:When I
C. 4th
was brought before your honor for trial,
D. 7th I hoped for a broad and liberal inter-
pretation of the Constitution and its re-
112. The following is a newspaper head- cent amendments, that should declare all
line:”26th Amendment ratified by North United States citizens under its protect-
Carolina, the 38th state. Those fighting ing aegis (shield) that should declare
for their country now have a voice in gov- equality of rights the national guarantee
ernment.” What was the impact of the to all persons born or naturalized in the
passage of this amendment to the U.S. United States. But failing to get this jus-
Constitution on the American political pro- tice failing, even, to get a trial by a
cess? jury not of my peers I ask not leniency
A. Women were allowed to vote in elec- at your hands but rather the full rigors
tions in all states. of the law.” United States v. Susan B.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 268

Anthony, 1873The constitutional amend- 120. Freedom of Speech includes

ments referred to in this statement were A. What you say out loud
ratified to
B. What you write about
A. end the importation of slaves.
C. What you wear
B. increase federal revenue.
D. All of the Above
C. institute national Prohibition.
D. provide legal rights to African Ameri- 121. What is the only way that amendments

cans. have been added to the Constitution (after
the Bill of Rights)?
116. Which Amendment states that any power
A. 2/3 of both houses of Congress ap-
not granted to the federal government by
prove and then President signs
the Constitution shall be reserved to the
states or people? B. 2/3 of both houses call a Constitu-
tional Convention and create amendments
A. 7th
C. 2/3 of both houses of Congress ap-
B. 8th
prove, 3/4 states approve, and President
C. 9th signs
D. 10th D. 2/3 of both houses of Congress ap-
prove, 3/5 states approve, and President
117. To propose an amendment of
CONGRESS must approve.
A. 3/4 122. Which amendment addresses the rights
B. 3/5 of the people that are not specifically men-
tioned in the constitution?
C. 1/4
A. 5th
D. 2/3
B. 4th
118. This amendment requires that police offi- C. 9th
cers obtain a search warrant before they
search a home for evidence when investi- D. 7th
gating a crime.
123. This amendment provides for freedom
A. 6th from self-incrimination, right to remain
B. 5th silent and freedom from being tried for the
same crime twice.
C. 4th
A. 3rd
D. 15th
B. 6th
119. Ratify means
C. 10th
A. a change in or addition to something
D. 5th
B. to formally approve a document, usu-
ally by signing it 124. To ask for an amendment means to
C. to make sure that the amendment is an amendment.
truly favored by the American people A. States
D. 1/2 of all of Congress B. Amendment


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 269

C. Propose 130. What right are these students exercis-

ing:students created a document asking
D. Ratify
the county to put a traffic light in front of


125. The first 10 Amendments are called their school.

A. Constitution A. The right of assembly

B. Bill of Rights B. The right of petition

C. Rules C. The right of free speech

D. none of above D. The right of freedom of expression

126. Which amendment protects religious free- 131. Segregation in public schools was banned
dom? as a result of this case.

A. 1st A. Hazelwood school vs kuhlmeier

B. 3rd B. brown vs board

C. 6th C. Gideon vs wainwright

D. 2nd D. plessy vs furuson

127. If a citizen if forced to confess, this is a 132. A more informed society has resulted
violation of the 5th Amendment which pro- from which constitutional protection?
tects one from? A. Due process
A. self-incrimination B. Right to bear arms
B. double jeopardy C. Free speech
C. Due process D. Trial by jury
D. none of above
133. When writing the constitution, why did
128. What freedom gives you the right to say the Founding Fathers most likely allow for
anything you want just long as you are not an amendment process?
threatening safety of anyone? A. They feared future leaders would void
A. Press the entire document, so they allowed
parts to be changed.
B. Petition
B. They believed if they did not allow
C. Assembly amendments to be made, other countries
D. Speech would become more powerful.
C. They understood that as society
129. The first ten amendments that went into changed and time passed, the basic laws
effect in 1791. of the country might need to adapt to pre-
A. Incriminate serve the nation.
B. Civil D. They knew future lawmakers may not
agree with the words of the Constitution,
C. Bill of Rights
so this allows it to be changed after every
D. Civil War Amendments presidential election.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 270

134. Which of these shows the perspective of A. Protection from “unreasonable search
the Federalists? and seizure”
A. They believed the Constitution needed B. Protection from Double Jeopardy
a Bill of Rights. C. Protection from Self-Incrimination
B. They believed the Constitution created D. All of the Above
a presidency so powerful that it would be-
come a monarchy. 138. What branch of government is involved
in the amendment process?

C. They believedvthe Bill of rights are
not only unnecessary in the proposed Con- A. Executive
stitution, but would even be dangerous B. Legislative
D. They believed that the national govern- C. Judicial
ment would be too far away from the peo-
D. Supreme Court
ple and thus unresponsive to the needs of
localities. 139. Which BEST describes the purpose of the
Amendment process?
135. Article 5 (V) of the Constitution creates
the process for amending the Constitution. A. The purpose of the amendment pro-
Why was this process created? cess is to make sure that most Ameri-
can citizens agree enough that a change
A. to nae sure that the Constitution needs to be included in the U.S. Constitu-
changes as the world changes tion.
B. to make sure that people learn to write B. The purpose of the amendment pro-
their own Constitution cess is to change the Constitution 27
C. to teach people how hard it is to write times throughout history.
the Constitution C. The purpose of the amendment pro-
D. to make writing laws more difficult cess is the consider the opinions of
Congress, vote senators into office, and
136. **The United States Supreme Court has ignore the majority vote.
used the doctrine of incorporation to ex- D. The purpose of the amendment pro-
tend most of the rights included in the cess is the protect citizen’s rights in the
Bill of Rights to state and local govern- Bill of Rights.
ments.In their court case, Cantwell v. Con-
necticut (1940), they struck down a state 140. The confinement of a group of people, es-
law that required state licenses in order to pecially during a war
solicit on behalf of a faith-based organiza- A. Forced internment
tion. Which of extension of freedom took
B. Forced labor
place with this decision?
C. Civil discourse
A. Freedom of Assembly
D. Civil disobedience
B. Freedom of the Press
141. which amendment gave women the right
C. Freedom of Religion
to vote?
D. none of above
A. 22nd
137. What are the rights of the accused? B. 18th


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 271

C. 19th 147. What freedom gives us the right to

D. 20th gather in groups to protest peacefully?


A. assembly
142. The only organ or office of the federal
government that has the power to propose B. press
an amendment to the US Constitution is C. petition
D. speech
A. cabinet.
148. If you were an attorney working on the
B. president.
Brown v. Board of Education case, you
C. Congress. would need to refer to the previous U.S.
D. Supreme Court. Supreme Court ruling on school segrega-
tion held at that time, which was
143. Whose perspective is this? Making the
federal government superior to state gov- A. Miranda v. Arizona
ernments would ensure greater stability? B. Marbury v. Madison
A. Federalists C. Johnson v. Texas
B. Anti-Federalist D. Plessy v. Ferguson
C. Democrats
149. According to the Preamble, where does
D. Republicans the authority of the federal government
come from?
144. Rights not listed in the Constitution be-
long to the people. A. Electoral College
A. Amendment 1 B. the states
B. Amendment 3 C. the people
C. Amendment 7 D. the President
D. Amendment 9 150. Michelle robs a bank of $4, 000, 000,
145. gives citizens the right to access different 000 and is tried by a jury. They announce
sources of information or broadcasts her as not guilty but evidence later comes
to light that she is guilty. Prosecutors can-
A. Freedom of Assembly not try her again because of what amend-
B. Freedom of Press ment?
C. Freedom of Religion A. Amendment 1
D. Freedom of Speech B. Amendment 5
E. Right to Petition C. Amendment 8
146. of state legislatures must ratify a D. Amendment 10
proposed amendment?
151. Which group of people demanded that a
A. 1/2 Bill of Rights be added to the US Constitu-
B. 2/3 tion?
C. 3/4 A. Republicans
D. 4/5 B. Democrats


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 272

C. Federalists B. eminent domain

D. Anti-Federalists C. due process
152. Powers directly stated in the US Consti- D. double jeopardy
tution are called powers.
157. While over 10, 000 attempts have been
A. Denied made to change the constitution, it has
B. Enumerated/Expressed/Delegated only been done times.
A. 10

C. Implied
D. Reserved B. 100

153. The Supreme Court stated in this case C. 51

that flag-burning is a form of expression D. 27
that is protected by the First Amendment
provisions for free speech. 158. an amendment is best defined as:
A. Hazelwood v. DesMoines A. to confirm by expressing consent of ap-
B. Miranda v. Arizona
B. to officially cancel or overturn
C. Texas v. Johnson
C. a change to a constitution
D. Gideon v. Wainright
D. none of above
154. Which Amendment granted suffrage to
all male citizens regardless of race or color 159. Mayra and a few of her female friends go
A. 19th to the polls to vote for president. Which
Amendment allows the women to vote?
B. 24th
A. Amendment 19
C. 26th
B. Amendment 15
D. 15th
C. Amendment 23
155. This case was a landmark United States
D. Amendment 24
Supreme Court case in which the Court
formed the basis for the exercise of judicial 160. This Supreme Court case ruled that de-
review in the United States under Article tained criminal suspects, prior to police
III of the Constitution questioning, must be informed of their con-
A. Marbury v. Madison stitutional right to an attorney and against
B. Texas v. Johnson self-incrimination.

C. Tinker v. Des Moines A. Miranda v. Arizona

D. Gideon v. Wainright B. Tinker v. Des Moines

C. Gideon v. Wainright
156. What is the term that describes the rights
you have if you are accused of a crime ex- D. Texas v. Johnson
amples of this would be a trial by jury,
161. Congress is made up of
right to call witnesses, and fair punish-
ments? A. The state legislatures and senators
A. suffrage B. Democrats and Presidents


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 273

C. House of Representatives and the Sen- B. The assassination of President Abra-

ate ham Lincoln


D. Republicans and Supreme Court C. The end of the Civil War and passage
Judges of the Emancipation Proclamation

162. Which concern prompted the addition of D. The need to promote equal educational
the first ten amendments to the Constitu- prospects for minority groups
tion of the United States?
167. Which amendment states there are other
A. the lack of protection of individual rights that citizens have beyond the Con-
rights stitution?
B. the risk of increased amounts of mili-
A. 9th
tary spending by the government
C. the inability of states to regulate trade B. 10th

D. the risk of more populous states domi- C. 7th

nating the government D. none of above
163. For a place to be considered , the fa- 168. This amendment guarantees the freedom
cility would have the same “things.” of religion, speech, press, assembly and
A. separate but equal the right to petition government.
B. segregation A. 1st
C. ratified B. 4th
D. suffrage C. 9th
164. How many votes does it take to Ratify D. 10th
an Amendment?
A. 1/3 169. The passage below is from an 1848
speech by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. “In
B. 2/3 the United States of America women
C. 2/4 [are] unrepresented in this government-
our rights and interests wholly overlooked.
D. 3/4
“Source:Public DomainBased on the pas-
165. How many times has the Constitution sage, which action in the modern political
been changed? system would Elizabeth Cady Stanton sup-
A. 12, 000.
A. amending the U.S. Constitution to ex-
B. 33 times
tend suffrage
C. 27 times.
B. amending the U.S. Constitution to guar-
D. 26 times. antee due process
166. What event brought about the adoption C. Congress enacting a law limiting free-
of the 13th Amendment? dom of speech rights
A. The removal of federal soldiers in the D. Congress enacting a law limiting free-
South during Reconstruction dom of association rights


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 274

170. Which of the following is necessary to 174. Which right is NOT mentioned in the U.S.
propose a new amendment to the Consti- Constitution?
tution? A. petition the government
A. approval by a popular vote held in ev- B. due process of the law
ery state
C. trial by jury
B. approval by two thirds of the House
and Senate D. privacy

C. approval by three quarters of the 175. Property rights (the right to own prop-
House and Senate erty) are protected by the Amend-
D. approval by the legislatures in at least ment.
three fourths of the states A. 1st

171. Which amendment was created with the B. 3rd

primary purpose of limiting the power of C. 5th
Congress to pass laws that would raise D. 7th
their salaries?
A. 11th Amendment 176. One way in which the Women’s Suffrage
Movement and the Civil Rights Movement
B. 18th Amendment are similar is that both
C. 21st Amendment A. relied mostly on violence to draw at-
D. 27th Amendment tention to their goals

172. Which of the following is a way the ju- B. opposed Supreme Court decisions ex-
dicial branch of the United States govern- panding the rights of the accused
ment protects individual rights? C. refused to support church and reli-
A. by enacting constitutional laws gious leaders

B. by writing constitutional laws D. focused on securing the right to vote

for disenfranchised
C. by overturning unconstitutional laws
D. by vetoing unconstitutional laws 177. Which Amendment outlawed slavery in
the US?
173. Why did the framers feel it was neces- A. 14th
sary to amend the Constitution?
B. 15th
A. Amending the Constitution would allow
for tyranny C. 16th

B. Amending the Constitution can reflect D. 13th

changing times, beliefs, and social condid- 178. Protecting the rights and freedoms of
tions American citizens is
C. Amending the Constitution shows A. the purpose of the 1st amendment
other governments how strong the U.S.
government is B. the purpose of the 13th, 14th, and 15th
D. Amending the Constitution allows for
a smooth transition between political par- C. the purpose of the 10th amendment
ties D. the purpose of the Bill of Rights


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 275

179. The first ten amendments, or changes, to C. Freedom of the Press

the U.S. Constitution are called the
D. Freedom of Speech


A. Preamble
184. Which amendment states that Powers
B. Magna Carta
not spelled out in the Constitution are re-
C. The Articles of Confederation served to the states, or people?
D. The Bill of Rights A. 4th
180. How did the passage of the Voting Rights B. 10th
Act of 1965 impact political participation? C. 9th
A. All person who passed a literacy test
D. none of above
could now vote.
B. All children of foreign citizens could 185. **A list of events in the early 1900s is
now vote. shown. Identify which events led to the
adoption of the 21st Amendment of the
C. All African-Americans could now vote.
U.S. Constitution. Select ALL that apply
D. All women could now vote.
A. Crimes rates increased under Prohibi-
181. To amend the Constitution, what has to tion
happen FIRST? B. The 18th Amendment failed to pass
A. The president must sign the amend- C. Difficulties enforcing the 18th Amend-
ment into law. ment arose
B. A majority of voters have to approve D. The Democratic Party successfully
the amendment. campaigned against Prohibition in 1932
C. Three-quarters of the states have to
E. Federal income taxes were needed to
vote to ratify the amendment.
fund military efforts
D. Two-thirds of the House and two-thirds
of the Senate have to vote to approve the 186. Which of the following identifies the first
Amendment. ten amendments included in the U.S. Con-
182. How many states represented in
Congress have to ratify an Amendment? A. Federalists Papers

A. 3/4 B. Magna Carta

B. 2/3 C. Articles of Confederation

C. 4/5 D. Bill of Rights
D. All 187. Allows citizens to worship freely
183. This freedom allows people to punish A. Freedom of Assembly
ideas and thoughts in newspaper, maga-
B. Freedom of Press
zines, and other print materials without
being punished by the government. C. Freedom of Religion
A. Freedom of Religion D. Freedom of Speech
B. Freedom of Petition E. Right to Petition


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 276

188. Why did the Framers of the US Constitu- cases to represent defendants who are un-
tion include an amendment process in the able to afford to pay their own attorneys.
document? A. Miranda v. Arizona
A. The document was originally written B. Marbury v. Madison
while the country was still controlled by
Great Britain. C. U.S. v. Nixon

B. The document permitted a number of D. Gideon v. Wainright

practices, such as slavery, that they felt

193. The newspaper below details an impor-
were morally unjust. tant step in amending the U.S. Constitu-
C. They knew that, over time, changes tion.June 4, 1919WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE
would need to be made to account for WINS IN SENATEConstitutional Amend-
changes in society. ment Passes56 to 25; Now Goes to States
How did the passage of this amendment
D. They feared that the document gave
to the U.S. Constitution impact the politi-
too much power to the people at the ex-
cal process in the United States?
pense of the government.
A. Women were allowed to contribute to
189. Changes to wording of the Constitution political campaigns.
come as a result of
B. Women were allowed to hold citizen-
A. the formal amendment process. ship rights.
B. executives actions. C. Women were allowed to hold public of-
C. judicial review. fices.
D. Women were allowed to vote in na-
D. senatorial courtesy.
tional elections.
190. What does amendment mean?
194. At which level of government can
A. a change to the Constitution changes to the Constitution be proposed?
B. a new version of the Constitution A. local
C. a deletion of a part of the Constitution B. state
D. the adoption of the Constitution C. national
D. executive
191. Thousands of amendments have been in-
troduced but how many have been rati- 195. This amendment gives rights not enumer-
fied? ated in the Constitution to the people; has
A. Ten amendments been used to give right to privacy
B. Twenty-three amendments A. 9th
C. Twenty-seven amendments B. 13th
D. No amendments have been changed C. 14th
D. 11th
192. In this the Supreme Court case, the court
unanimously ruled that states are required 196. **The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitu-
under the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. tion was drafted in response to the debate
Constitution to provide counsel in criminal between Federalists and Anti-Federalists


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 277

over the powers of national government. A. a formal amendment.

The 6th Amendment is shown. In all crimi- B. an act of Congress.
nal prosecutions, [citizens] shall enjoy the


right to a speedy and public trial, by an C. an illegal seizure of power.
impartial jury of the State and district D. an informal amendment.
wherein the crime shall have been commit-
ted, which district shall have been previ- 200. A proposed amendment to the Constitu-
ously ascertained by law, and to be in- tion becomes law when it is ratified by
formed of the nature and cause of the ac- A. a national election.
cusation; to be confronted with the wit- B. the Supreme Court.
nesses against him; to have compulsory
C. three-fourths of the states.
process for obtaining witnesses in his fa-
vor, and to have the Assistance of Council D. the U.S. House and Senate.
for his defense.Which issue is addressed
201. Who confirms the Supreme Court jus-
by the 6th Amendment?
A. powers of taxation
A. Popular choice of the people
B. rights of the accused
B. Speaker of the House
C. protection of property C. President
D. protection from torture D. Senate
197. How are the states involved in the 202. Which of the following statements are
amendment process? TRUE?
A. propose amendments A. Amendments are added to the Consti-
B. change amendments tution each year
C. ratify amendments B. The founding fathers made it very
EASY to amend the US constitution
D. declare amendments unconstitutional
C. An amendment must be replaced ev-
198. What was the outcome of the Gideon v. ery 25 years
Wainwright case? D. amendments cannot be removed from
A. The Court denied writ of certiorari to the Constitution, instead a new amend-
Gideon. ment is needed to repeal/reverse it
B. The Court granted Gideon’s request 203. The main difference between the Vot-
for a writ of Bill of Attainder. ing Rights Amendments 15th and 26th in-
C. The Court ruled that minors have the volved which of the following concepts?
same due process rights as adults. A. Age appropriateness to vote in both
D. The Court ruled that states must pro- amendments
vide an attorney to those accused of a se- B. Any color of skin can vote (15th) and
rious crime if they cannot afford one. 18 years of age or older (26th)
199. When President William Henry Harrison C. Only United States citizens can vote in
died, Vice President John Tyler took the both amendments
oath of office to become president. This D. Women can vote (15th) and 18 years of
is an example of age or older (26th)


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 278

204. What amendment provides people with 208. Why was the 14th Amendment needed?
the right to No excessive bail and No cruel A. It allowed more people to vote.
or Unusual Punishment?
B. It was used to increases the voting el-
A. 7th Amendment igibility to women.
B. 8th Amendment C. It was needed because freed slaves
C. 9th Amendment were still being deprived of their rights by
state laws called black codes.
D. 10th Amendment

D. It changed the way senators were
205. The principle expressed in this statement elected.
from the 5th Amendments was also re-
flected in the 209. Why was the 26th amendment enacted?
A. To give women the right to vote.
A. Articles of Confederation
B. To allow soldiers drafted in the Viet-
B. Black Codes
nam war to vote.
C. 13th Amendment C. To allow residents of Washington D.C.
D. 14th Amendment to vote.
D. To allow African-American men to
206. What is the outcome of Brown v. Board
of Education?
A. Students had the right to protest gov- 210. What term refers to the idea that the
ernment policies by wearing armbands in national government shares power with
school. state governments?

B. Amish parents could not be forced to A. Articles of Confederation

send their children to public high schools. B. Ratification
C. Mexican-American children were enti- C. Federalism
tled to protection from discrimination. D. Checks and Balances
D. States could not maintain segregated
schools since racial segregation in public 211. Changed the voting age from 21 to 18
education is “inherently unequal”. years of age.
A. 15th Amendment
207. In the Preamble, what does it mean when
B. 26th Amendment
it says, “We the people “?
C. 23rd Amendment
A. The constitution was written for all the
people of the United States. D. 24th Amendment
B. The constitution was only written for 212. What was the outcome of the Tinker v.
the delegates at the Constitutional Con- Des Moines case?
A. Students were afforded the same “due
C. The constitution was written for all process” rights as adults.
people in North America
B. Students had the right to wear arm-
D. The constitution was written for every- bands in school as an exercise of free
one in the world speech.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 279

C. School authorities could censor school- 217. How many ways are there to amend the
sponsored student publications for legiti- Constitution?
mate educational purposes.


A. 1
D. State could not maintain racially segre-
gated schools because segregation in pub- B. 2
lic education was “inherently unequal” C. 3
213. Gave citizens the right to vote regard- D. 4
less of race, color, or previous conditions
of servitude . 218. Which freedom is NOT protected under
A. 23rd Amendment the First Amendment?
B. 24th Amendment A. Freedom of Speech
C. 15th Amendment B. Freedom of Religion
D. 19th Amendment
C. Freedom of Assembly
214. This amendment approved the voting
D. Freedom of Education
rights of women.
A. 16th Amendment 219. Whose perspective is this? Against rati-
B. 17th Amendment fying the Constitution?
C. 18th Amendment A. Federalists
D. 19th Amendment B. Anti-Federalist
215. Which amendment establishes direct elec- C. Democrats
tion of US senators?
D. Republicans
A. 10th
B. 15th 220. h Amendment
C. 17th
A. Prohibition
D. 12th
B. Grants Citizenship
216. “It is emphatically [definitely] the
C. Raises Voting Age to 21
province [role] and duty of the Judicial
Department to say what the law is D. Women’s Suffrage
If two laws conflict with each other, the
Courts must decide on the operation of 221. Which of the following statements is
each.”-Chief Justice John Marshall, Mar- true?
bury v. Madison, 1803 According to the
Supreme Court, which branch of govern- A. The U.S. Constitution is easy to amend.
ment has the power and responsibility to B. The U.S. Constitution is difficult to
interpret the law? amend.
A. executive C. The proposal process allows gover-
B. judicial nors to amend the constitution.
C. legislative D. The ratification process allows the
D. state legislature president to amend the constitution


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 280

222. Which amendment prohibits the federal 227. What is the best interpretation of the fol-
government from imposing excessive bail, lowing statement? “The amendment pro-
excessive fines, or cruel & unusual punish- cess is long and difficult.”
ment? A. Many amendments have been filed but
A. 8th only a few have been ratified.
B. 9th B. It is difficult to write a Constitution.
C. 11th C. People don’t know how to amend the

D. 12th Constitution.
223. Which Amendment granted citizenship to D. Many amendments have been filed and
African Americans, gave everyone equal none have passed.
protection under the law, and stated any-
228. Which of the following are NOT included
one who was born or naturalized in the US
under the First Amendment.
was a citizen?
A. Freedom of Speech
A. 13th
B. 14th B. Freedom of Petition
C. 15th C. Freedom of Property
D. 16th D. Freedom of Assembly

224. Allows citizens to have the right to 229. Which amendment abolished (ended) poll
A. Freedom of Assembly taxes?
B. Freedom of Press A. 15th
C. Freedom of Religion B. 19th
D. Freedom of Speech C. 24th
E. Right to Petition D. 26th
225. Why was the 26th Amendment (lower 230. Women have the right to vote. Which
voting age to 18) passed? amendment is this?
A. Vietnam and Korea:old enough to fight, A. 18th
old enough to vote.
B. 19th
B. Adults under 21 can’t drink, so let’s
give them the right to vote. C. 10th
C. Because 18 year olds protested out- D. 12th
side the US Capital to get the right to vote.
231. In this case, the United States Supreme
D. none of above Court gave a decision that resolved the
226. Which amendment officially ended the dispute surrounding the 2000 presidential
use of poll taxes? election.
A. 14th Amendment A. U.S. v. Nixon
B. 18th Amendment B. Bush v. Gore
C. 24th Amendment C. Marbury v. Madison
D. 27th Amendment D. Gideon v. Wainright


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 281

232. Which amendment bans the sale, manu- 2000 How did the Supreme Court expect
facture, & distribution of alcohol? Bush v. Gore to affect voting practices in
the United States?


A. 18th
B. 21st A. Fewer people would turn out to vote.
B. More people would sign up for absen-
C. 20th
tee ballots.
D. 22nd
C. More states would use punch card bal-
233. **The United States Supreme Court has lots
used the doctrine of incorporation to ex- D. State would improve voting methods.
tend most of the rights included in the
Bill of Rights to state and local govern- 236. To make a suggestion
ments.In their court case, Near v. Min- A. amendment
nesota (1931), they struck down a state
B. ratify
law that permitted censorship of “mali-
cious, scandalous, and defamatory” news- C. propose
papers and magazines.Which of extension D. none of the above
of freedom took place with this decision?
237. The Constitution can only be amended in
A. Freedom of Assembly one of two ways outlined in Article V. One
B. Freedom of the Press method, that has not been used to date, re-
C. Freedom of Religion quires the holding of a Constitutional Con-
vention. What is required by the other
D. none of above method in order for an amendment to oc-
234. Why is freedom of the press important
for a healthy democracy? A. The President must make the revi-
sion(s) and add his signature to the new
A. It allows people to send letters to the
B. Three-fourths of Congress must vote
B. It allows TV, radio, websites, and
to ratify and it and the President must ap-
newspapers to freely share information
with the American people and monitor the
government C. Two-thirds of Congress as well as
three-fourths of state legislatures must
C. It allows people to meet in groups and
vote to ratify.
discuss important matters
D. The Supreme Court judges decide if
D. It allows people to say anything they amendments need to be made and must
want agree unanimously (100%) on changes.
235. “This case has shown that punch card 238. The 18th amendment to the U.S. Consti-
balloting machines can produce an unfor- tution outlawed the manufacture, sale, or
tunate number of ballots which are not transportation of alcohol. Which of the fol-
punched in a clean, complete way by the lowing governmental actions was required
voters. After the current counting, it is to overturn this amendment?
likely legislative bodies nationwide will
examine ways to improve the mechanisms A. U.S. Supreme Court decision
and machinery for voting.”-Bush v. Gore, B. Executive order


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 282

C. passage of a new amendment to the 244. L owered the voting age to 18 years old
U.S. Constitution
A. 19th Amendment
D. new Congressional legislation
B. 20th Amendment
239. Who ratifies an amendment to the U.S.
C. 24th Amendment
A. the President D. 26th Amendment
B. the states 245. On the request of two-thirds of the state

C. Congress legislatures. Congress can call for a na-
D. the Supreme Court tional convention to amend the Constitu-
tion. Amendments introduced by a major-
240. Which of the following phrases from the ity vote at the national convention are con-
Preamble is best described by saying:“We sidered ready for the next step. What is
have FREEDOM, and it can’t be taken this called?
A. Proposing the Amendment
A. liberty
B. Ratifying the Amendment
B. common defense
C. domestic tranquility C. Voting for the Amendment

D. general welfare D. Canceling the Amendment

241. The constitutional amendment process in- 246. What is one of the steps required by
cludes which of the following two compo- the Constitution for ratifying a proposed
nents? amendment?
A. passage and adoption A. The Senate alone approves a proposed
B. proposal and ratification amendment with a majority vote.
C. registration and approval B. A majority of the states’ legislatures
D. nomination and acceptance are required to approve a propose amend-
242. Which proposal method has never been
successfully used for proposing an amend- C. Three fourths of the states’ legisla-
ment? tures are required to ratify a proposed
A. 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress
D. The House of Representatives alone
B. Constitutional Convention
approves a proposed amendment with a
C. 3/4 vote by states threefourths vote.
D. 3/4 of states ratify
247. A change to a constitution (e.g., U.S. Con-
243. Which amendment officially abolished stitution, Florida Constitution)
slavery across the entire United States?
A. ratify
A. 13th Amendment
B. 15th Amendment B. amendment

C. 19th Amendment C. propose

D. 23rd Amendment D. none of the above


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 283

248. What term refers to the process of ap- C. Americans were protected against
proving the Constitution? abuses by governments.


A. Articles of Confederation D. Opponents of the government no
B. Ratification longer feared forced internment.

C. Federalism 253. Though thousands of amendments to the

D. Checks and Balances US Constitution have been proposed, how
many have actually been ratified?
249. Where in the Preamble of the United A. 10
States Constitution does it mention the
idea of, “peace in our country? ” (p. 14) B. 27

A. Justice C. 64

B. Common Defense D. 105

C. General Welfare 254. Where in the Constitution can you find

D. Domestic Tranquility the amendment process outlined?
A. Article I
250. What is the 15th Amendment to the Con-
stitution primary concern? B. Article IV

A. property rights C. Article V

B. voting rights D. Article II

C. rights of self-expression 255. **The 17th Amendment addressed Pro-

D. rights of the accused gressive Era calls for reform.Identify
which headline could have been written to
251. How do the Ninth and Tenth amendments support the ratification of the 17th Amend-
limit the power of the federal govern- ment.Click on TWO headlines you want to
ment? select.
A. by reserving rights not granted to the A. The current method of election Sena-
federal government for the states and tors is undemocratic.
people B. The Temperance movement demands
B. by preventing the federal government prohibition.
from changing the Constitution C. Women demand the vote!
C. by listing specific rights that belong to D. No party boss rule!
the people
E. Ban alcohol now!
D. by listing specific rights that belong to
the states 256. Amendment that changes procedures for
electing the President and Vice President
252. Which statement describes an impact of by putting the candidates on the same
the “due process” and “equal protection” ticket
clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment?
A. 10
A. Women were guaranteed the right to
vote in all states. B. 16

B. African-American freedmen were C. 14

guaranteed the right to vote. D. 12


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 284

257. The first ten amendments of the U.S. Con- D. Two-thirds of the House and two-thirds
stitution of the Senate have to vote to approve the
A. Declaration of Rights Amendment.

B. Preamble 262. This amendment grants protection

C. Proposition against unreasonable searches and
D. Bill of Rights
A. 1st Amendment

258. Which is the last step in amending the B. 4th Amendment
U.S. Constitution?
C. 7th Amendment
A. The voters approve the amendment in
a national election. D. 12th Amendment
B. The president signs the amendment in 263. What is a Constitution?
a public ceremony.
A. The book of fun
C. Three-fourths of the state legislatures
ratify the amendment. B. The supreme law of the land

D. Two-thirds of both houses of Congress C. A superhero

ratify the amendment. D. an amendment

259. This amendment returned the control of 264. Any rights not given in the Constitution
liquor to the states. are reserved for the people. Which amend-
A. 18th Amendment ment is this?
B. 19th Amendment A. 9th
C. 21st Amendment B. 14th
D. 22nd Amendment C. 15th
D. 16th
260. This amendment protects against cruel or
unusual punishment and excessive bail 265. Which proposal method has never been
A. 13th Amendment successfully used?
B. 8th Amendment A. voting in Congress
C. 6th Amendment B. voting by state legislatures
D. 5th Amendment C. Constitutional Convention

261. What is the SECOND step to Amend the D. voting at the polls
266. What amendment gives people the right
A. The president must sign the amend- to a speedy trial and to a lawyer?
ment into law.
A. 4th Amendment
B. A majority of voters have to approve
B. 5th Amendment
the amendment.
C. 6th Amendment
C. Three-quarters of the states have to
vote to ratify the amendment. D. 7th Amendment


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 285

267. What are the Civil War Amendments? C. 40

A. Amendments that gave or protected D. 50


the rights of African southern Americans
271. The Nineteenth Amendment extended the
B. Amendments that gave or protected right to vote to which group?
the rights of northern Americans
A. 18-year-olds
C. Amendments that gave or protected
the rights of Native Americans B. African Americans
D. Amendments that gave or protected C. Native Americans
the rights of African Americans D. women
268. The passage below was written by U.S. 272. The Framers of the U.S. Constitution
Senator Barack Obama in his 2006 book, wrote the amendment process to make cer-
The Audacity of Hope. I see democracy as tain changing the constitution would not
a conversation to be had It provides us be an easy thing to do. The purpose of the
with a framework and rules, but all its ma- amendment process is to
chinery are designed to force us into a con-
A. make sure the President wouldn’t be-
versation. Based on the passage, which
come a dictator.
statement about the amendment process
would Senator Obama support? B. make sure the constitution wouldn’t be
changed often and would be favored by
A. The ratification process allows the
the American people.
president to reflect public views.
C. make sure Congress would have
B. The ratification process allows gover-
harder jobs.
nors to reflect public views.
D. make sure the people could overthrow
C. The U.S. Constitution is difficult to
the government one day.
D. The U.S. Constitution is easy to amend. 273. A specific process is required to amend
the U.S. Constitution. What is the purpose
269. What was the main purpose for the Bill of this process?
of Rights?
A. to ensure that the president has the
A. to establish a republican government right to veto an amendment
in America
B. to ensure that the Senate will be the
B. to guarantee individual freedoms part of government in charge of amend-
against abuse of power ments
C. to announce the reasons for separat- C. to ensure that states that do not agree
ing from Great Britain with the amendment do not have to follow
D. to establish a stronger central govern- it
ment in the United States. D. to ensure that the Constitution is
270. How many state legislatures are required amended only after serious thought and
to ratify an amendment before it becomes agreement
a part of the Constitution? 274. A proposed amendment must be passed
A. 26 by houses of Congress.
B. 38 A. 1/2


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 286

B. 2/3 Article V Which of the following BEST sum-

C. 3/4 marizes this excerpt?

D. 4/5 A. Alterations to the Constitution must be

deemed necessary and proposed by the H
275. Which branches of government are in- of R.
volved in approving an amendment be-
fore it can be added to the Constitution? B. Each state legislature may choose be-
Choose TWO of the following. tween either mode of ratification to ratify

a proposed Amendment.
A. U.S. Congress
B. U.S. Supreme Court C. New additions to the Constitution can
be proposed with backing from a congres-
C. state supreme courts sional majority.
D. state legislatures
D. The intent of Article V is to provide the
E. state governors legislative branch with the power of ratifi-
276. Which amendment granted women the
right to vote?
279. What are the two steps of the amend-
A. First Amendment ment process?
B. Fifteenth Amendment A. Proposal and Committee
C. Nineteenth Amendment
B. Ratification and Approval
D. Twenty-First Amendment
C. Delegation and Ratification
277. What amendment give the people free-
dom from unwarranted searches and D. Proposal and Ratificaiton
280. Which three amendments are referred
A. 8th Amendment to as the Civil War amendments because
B. 10th Amendment they happened after the war and freed the
C. 3rd Amendment slaves and helped with African american
D. 4th Amendment
A. 13, 14, 15
278. The Congress, whenever two thirds of
both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall B. 13, 14, 19
propose Amendments to this Constitution, C. 14, 15, 16
or, on the Application of the Legislatures
of two thirds of the several States, shall D. 14, 15, 19
call a Convention for proposing Amend-
ments, which, in either Case, shall be valid 281. Allows changes to be made to the Consti-
to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of tution.
this Constitution, when ratified by the Leg- A. Amendment process
islatures of three fourths of the several
States, or by Conventions in three fourths B. Due process
thereof, as the one or the other Mode
C. Voting rights
of Ratification may be proposed by the
Congress “-United States Constitution, D. Checks and balances


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 287

282. **What was the immediate impact of the 285. Guarantees a jury trial in civil cases
14th Amendment? A. 7th


A. It granted citizenship to African Amer-
B. 10th
C. 9th
B. It guaranteed suffrage rights to
African Americans D. 2nd
C. It prohibited the use of poll taxes in the 286. Which constitutional amendment was
United States. most in keeping with the principle of lim-
D. It outlawed the segregation of public ited government?
facilities in the United States.
A. 13th Amendment
283. Why did the framers feel it was neces- B. 15th Amendment
sary at times to amend the Constitution?
C. 21st Amendment
A. amending the Constitution would allow
for tyranny. D. 27th Amendment
B. amending the Constitution can reflect 287. Which group of people demanded a Bill of
changing times, beliefs, and social condi- Rights be added to the Constitution?
A. Republicans
C. amending the Constitution shows
other countries how strong the U.S. gov- B. Democrats
ernment is. C. Federalists
D. amending the Constitution allows for a D. Anti-Federalists
smooth transition of power between polit-
ical parties. 288. After the Civil War, the purpose of adding
the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to
284. Juanita was accused of shoplifting in in a the Constitution was to
neighborhood department store. She went
to trial and the jury found her to be “not A. expand educational opportunities for
guilty.” However, the store owner found Native Amrican Indians
video footage after the trial, proving that B. allow women to become full citizens
Juanita did shoplift. The owner takes this
C. guarantee African Americans equal
evidence to the district attorney. How will
treatment under the law
the district attorney response?
A. With this evidence, Juanita will proba- D. extend constitutional rights to new ter-
bly be convicted on her second trial. ritories

B. Juanita cannot be convicted because 289. These were written to persuade states to
she was not advised of her right to legal ratify the U.S. Constitution?
A. Declaration of Independence, Articles
C. Juanita cannot be tried again because of Confederation, The Constitution
this would violate the ban on “double jeop-
B. Magna Charta, English Bill or Rights,
Declaration of Independence
D. After seeing this evidence, Juanita
may admit her wrong doing and plead C. Anti-Federalist Papers
guilty to a lesser charge. D. Federalist Papers


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 288

290. What was the purpose of the 14th C. 3/4

Amendment? D. 37.5
A. It granted Americans the right to vote,
regardless of gender, creed, or color. 295. What does “separate but equal” mean”
B. It decided the issue of citizenship for A. No person shall be compelled in any
people formerly enslaved. criminal case to be a witness against him-
self, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or
C. It made it illegal for a resident of one
property, without due process of law.

state to sue another state.
D. It lowered the voting age to 18. B. racial segregation did not violate the
Fourteenth Amendment to the United
291. To approve an amendment means to States Constitution,
an amendment. C. prevents the government from using
A. President most evidence gathered in violation of the
B. Congress United States Constitution.

C. Ratify D. The right of citizens of the United

States to vote shall not be denied or
D. Propose abridged by the United States or by any
292. Our founding fathers wrote the U.S. Con- state on account of race, color, or previ-
stitution and included a process to amend ous condition of servitude.
it. The purpose of this process is to
296. What are the two steps to amending the
A. make sure the President wouldn’t be- U.S. Constitution?
come a dictator
A. Proposal and Voting
B. make sure Congress would have
B. Introduction and Voting
harder jobs
C. made sure the constitution wouldn’t C. Proposal and Ratification
be changed often and would be favored by D. Introduction and Voting
the American people.
297. If the Supreme Court decides that a law
D. make sure the people could overthrow
is constitutional, this power is referred to
the government one day
293. What are the two steps of the process to A. segregation
amend the U.S. Constitution?
B. suffrage
A. the approval and veto steps
C. judicial review
B. to proposal and ratification steps
D. Writ of certiorari
C. the concept and judicial review steps
D. the checks and balances steps 298. Who proposes amendments to the VA
294. How many states must approve of a pro-
A. General Assembly
posed amendment before it becomes part
of the Constitution? B. Voters
A. 2/3s C. Congress
B. 34 D. The President


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 289

299. The original purpose of this amendment A. 18th Amendment

was to force states to end unfair laws that B. 19th Amendment
hurt African Americans.


C. 20th Amendment
A. 13th Amendment Right to Equal Protec-
tion Under the Law D. 21st Amendment
B. 14th Amendment Right to Equal Protec- 304. What two groups make up Congress?
tion Under the Law
A. Executive Branch
C. 15th Amendment Right to Equal Pro-
B. House of Respresentatives
tection Under the Law
C. Cabinet
D. 24th Amendment Right to Equal Protec-
tion Under the Law D. Senate

300. Guarantees freedom to assemble peace- 305. How many total amendments to the Con-
fully stitution are there?
A. 1st Amendment A. 27
B. 9th Amendment B. 26
C. 5th Amendment C. 28
D. 7th Amendment D. 10

301. was a landmark decision issued by the 306. What is a bill?

United States Supreme Court that ulti- A. The expenses of running the Legisla-
mately established that under the Four- tive Branch.
teenth Amendment to the United States
B. A proposed Law
Constitution, a juvenile involved in a delin-
quency hearing must be afforded similar C. A law
due process rights as is afforded to an D. None of the above
307. The newspaper headline below an-
A. Re Gault
nounces an amendment to the U.S. Con-
B. Plessy v. Ferguson stitution. 26th Amendment Ratified by
C. Brown v. Board of Education North Carolina, the 38th State What was
the impact of the passage of this amend-
D. Tinker v. Des Monies
ment to the U.S. Constitution on the Amer-
302. Which constitutional principle is applied ican political process?
when police inform suspects of their A. Women were allowed to vote in elec-
rights? tions in all states.
A. trial by jury B. Citizens from 18 to 20 years of age
B. double jeopardy were allowed to vote in elections.
C. eminent domain C. Those who could not afford to pay poll
taxes could still vote in federal elections.
D. due process
D. Restaurants and hotels could not prac-
303. What is the only amendment to have tice discrimination against Vietnam veter-
been repealed? ans.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 290

308. The phrase below is one of the grievances D. defined by President George Washing-
found in the Declaration of Independence. ton in his Farewell Address
“For depriving us in many cases, of the ben-
efits of trial by jury “ Which constitu- 312. It is Brandon’s 1st year in college. He
tional principles reflect this complaint? is exercising his right to vote this year.
Which amendment allows this to happen?
A. due process of law, right to confront
witnesses, right to counsel A. Amendment 15
B. due process of law, protection from B. Amendment 19

self-incrimination, right to eminent do- C. Amendment 24
D. Amendment 26
C. equal protection, protection from
double jeopardy, protection from self- 313. **The United States Supreme Court has
incrimination used the doctrine of incorporation to ex-
D. equal protection, protection from cruel tend most of the rights included in the
and unusual punishment, right to confront Bill of Rights to state and local govern-
witnesses ments.In their court case, De Jonge v. Ore-
gon (1937) they overturned a conviction
309. Gave women the right to vote for organizing a meeting of the Commu-
A. 19th Amendment nist Party. Which of extension of freedom
took place with this decision?
B. 20th Amendment
A. Freedom of Assembly
C. 24th Amendment
B. Freedom of the Press
D. 26th Amendment
C. Freedom of Religion
310. How did passage of the 17th Amendment
D. none of above
change the political process in America?
A. The Electoral College was established 314. The right to a fair trial is found in which
for choosing Presidents Amendment?
B. Popular elections were adopted for A. Fourth Amendment
choosing Senators B. Fifth Amendment
C. The appointment process was created C. Sixth Amendment
for the Supreme Court justices.
D. Seventh Amendment
D. Term limits were established for mem-
bers of Congress 315. Which of the following statements is true
about amending the Constitution?
311. Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness
were- A. It has never been amended
A. established by a series of Supreme B. There are two ways to amend the Con-
Court decisions stitution
B. defined by Thomas Jefferson in the C. Members of Congress don’t like
Declaration of Independence amending the Constitution
C. established by the ratification of the D. Members of Congress always support
U.S. Constitution the ratification of the Constitution


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 291

316. The Preamble lists the of the United D. an amendent petition is submitted to
States Constitution. (p. 14) both Congress and all state legislatures


A. Grievances
321. **The United States government is based
B. Unalienable Rights on several key principles. The U.S. Con-
C. Purposes stitution has been amended to incorporate
these principles to protect the rights of
D. Weaknesses the people.Identify the principles of gov-
317. This amendment abolishes slavery. ernment that relate to the following con-
stitutional amendment.Congress may by
A. 13th law provide for the case wherein neither a
B. 14th President elect nor a Vice President elect
shall have qualified, declaring who shall
C. 15th
then act as President
D. 16th
A. Popular Sovereignty
318. What was the impact of the 13th amend- B. Separation of Powers
ment to the Constitution?
C. Limited Government
A. The 13th amendment abolished poll
taxes D. none of above
B. The 13th amendment gave 18 year olds 322. The Twenty-Third Amendment to the U.S.
the right to vote Constitution affected which voters?
C. The 13th amendment abolished forced A. voters in California
servitude (slavery)
B. voters in New York
D. The 13th amendment gave the
Supreme Court the power of judicial re- C. voters in North Carolina
view D. voters in Washington, D.C.
319. Who are the two groups that can propose 323. Which government institution may vote
an amendment to the U.S. Constitution? on constitutional amendments?
A. by the President and Congress A. bureaucracy
B. the Supreme Court and Congress B. executive
C. President and Governor C. judicial
D. Congress and a Convention D. legislative
320. Which of the following is the method
324. The establishment of the date when the
most often used to start the process of
President and Vice President are to be
amending the U.S. Constitution?
sworn in came about as a result of
A. an amendment is ratified by the legis-
A. a law enacted by Congress
latures of three fourths of the states
B. precedent begun by George Washing-
B. an amendment initiative is presented
by its sponsors to their state legislature
C. an amendment is proposed by two C. a constitutional amendment
thirds of both the House and the Senate D. rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 292

325. After an amendment to the United States 330. What fraction of BOTH the Senate and
Constitution is proposed by Congress, it the House of Representatives have to sup-
must be ratifies before it can be added port a proposed amendment before it can
to the Constitution. What does ratified begin the ratification process?
mean? A. one-fourth
A. to be avoided B. one-half
B. to be removed C. two-thirds

C. to be voted on D. three-fifths
D. to be approved 331. **Several amendments to the U.S. Con-
stitution have addressed unique histori-
326. Which of these is a synonym of the word
cal circumstances.Which amendment pre-
vented members of Congress from giving
A. confirm themselves pay raises during their current
B. deny term?
A. 11th
C. destroy
B. 21st
D. disagree
C. 27th
327. Amendments 16 through 19 responded D. none of above
to calls for reform during the Progressive
Era. Congress has attempted to deal with 332. The legal concept established in the case
the issue of lowering the tax burden on of Marbury v. Madison was
low income citizens by encacting a A. federal supremacy
A. high tariff. B. executive privilege
B. property tax. C. judicial review
C. sales tax. D. separation of powers
D. graduated income tax. 333. Powers that are NOT in the Constitution,
but are used to carry out expressed pow-
328. There are only 27 to the U.S. Consti-
ers are called powers.
A. Denied
A. writ of certiorari
B. Expressed
B. amendments
C. Implied
C. judicial review
D. Reserved
D. segregation
334. After the passage of the Fifteenth
329. Made charging a poll tax to vote illegal. Amendment in 1870,
A. 23rd Amendment A. African Americans finally achieved full
suffrage and the support of all state gov-
B. 24th Amendment
C. 18th Amendment
B. women landowners were allowed to
D. 15th Amendment vote.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 293

C. many Southern states passed laws to 340. How are legal precedents used in the ju-
keep African Americans from voting. dicial system?


D. all women were allowed to vote. A. State judges must follow previous rul-
ings of courts in that state
335. The power of judicial review came as a
result of B. Courts rely on the way past judgments
were made to influence new deicisions
A. Gideon v. Wainwright.
B. ratification of the Constitution in 1789. C. Congress reviews previous court deci-
sions to determine judicial appointments
C. ratification of the Bill of Rights
D. Juries consider previous criminal con-
D. Marbury v. Madison.
victions when determining the guilt of a
336. To amend the Constitution is to the defendant
341. Which amendment repealed Prohibition?
A. Amendment
A. 18th
B. Ratify
C. Change B. 21st

D. Congress C. 22nd

337. Which amendment all citizens due pro- D. 20th

cess and equal protection of the laws?
342. Which amendment abolished slavery?
A. 14th
A. 6th
B. 12th
B. 13th
C. 10th
D. 9th C. 7th
D. 14th
338. Which amendment was added because of
the British forcing the colonists to quarter
343. Every person born or naturalized in the
US is a citizen. Which amendment is this?
A. 4th amendment
A. 12th
B. 3rd amendment
B. 22nd
C. 1st amendment
D. 8th amendment C. 15th
D. 14th
339. Where in the Preamble of the United
States Constitution does it mention the 344. Jury Trial is guaranteed in criminal cases
idea of, “fairness? ” (p. 14)
A. 2nd
A. General Welfare
B. Domestic Tranquility B. 5th

C. Justice C. 6th
D. Common Defense D. 10th


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 294

345. Read the Fifteenth Amendment:“The B. President signs the amendment in a

right of citizens of the United States to public ceremony.
vote shall not be denied or abridged by the C. 3/4ths of the state legislatures ratify
United States or by any state on account of the amendment
race, color, or previous condition of servi-
tude.” This amendment was meant to D. 2/3rds of both houses of Congress rat-
grant voting rights to which group of peo- ify the amendment
ple? 350. In the Election of 1796, Federalist John

A. formerly enslaved African Americans Adams was elected President, while Demo-
B. tax-paying plantation owners cratic Republican Thomas Jefferson, with
the second most electoral votes, became
C. newly arrived immigrants Vice President.This situation was pre-
D. white women vented from occurring again with the adop-
tion of which amendment to the U.S. Con-
346. Guarantees the right to a speedy and pub- stitution?
lic trial
A. 12th Amendment
A. 2nd Amendment
B. 20th Amendment
B. 4th Amendment
C. 22nd Amendment
C. 6th Amendment
D. 25th Amendment
D. 8th Amendment
351. Free Speech is found in which Amend-
347. People can state opinions without punish- ment?
ment *Society is better informed * Internet
A. First Amendment
messages, art, music and even clothing are
protectedThese are all freedom of what? B. Second Amendment
A. Freedom of voice C. Third Amendment
B. Freedom of expression D. Fourth Amendment
C. Both 352. Which is NOT a way to propose an
D. None amendment?
A. 3/4 state conventions
348. When soldiers come to Aubrey’s door,
she refuses to house and feed them be- B. 2/3 votes in both houses of Congress
cause it is not allowed in time of peace. C. National convention
Why can she say no to them?
D. Vote of the House of Representatives
A. Amendment 1 and Senate
B. Amendment 3 353. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
C. Amendment 5 tion made slaveryunconstitutional in the
D. Amendment 8 United States?
A. 10th
349. 1. Which is the last step in amending
the U.S. Constitution? B. 13th

A. The voters approve the amendment in C. 15th

a national election. D. 19th


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 295

354. Which of these rights from the Bill of 358. Why did the Framers of the US Constitu-
Rights helps people accused of crime? tion make it difficult to amend the docu-


A. the right to bear arms for self-defense
B. the right to have the assistance of A. to prevent citizens from having power
counsel over the government

C. the right not to have troops quartered B. to keep important compromises writ-
in one’s home ten into the document intact

D. the right to petition government for a C. to prevent certain groups from obtain-
redress of grievances ing rights and freedoms
D. to limit the influence of foreign nations
355. Defines the succession of the office of on domestic policy
A. 20th 359. Brown v. Board of Education involved the
issue of ?
B. 12th
A. gender-based discrimination
C. 25th
B. age discrimination
D. 27th
C. raced-based discrimination
356. Which of the following is true of the con- D. civil protection
stitutional amendment process?
A. 3/4 of the states must ratify proposed 360. If a higher court receives a case from a
amendments lower court and petitions the lower court
for their records, they issue a
B. The easy process allows hundreds of
amendments to get approved A. writ of certiorari

C. Over half of the original amendments B. amendment

have been repealed C. segregation
D. State conventions must vote to ratify D. suffrage
361. What is a proposal?
357. The following Amendments expanded the
A. a change to the constitution
vote nationally:1870-15th Amendment
(African American)1920-19th Amendment B. a suggestion to change the constitu-
(women)1961-23rd Amendment (Wash- tion
ington, D.C. residents)1970-26th Amend- C. to make something official
ment (Citizens 18 and older)If you were
21 years old in 1960, you would have had D. a time where one gathers with one’s
the legal right to vote in national elections family and drinks hot cocoa
unless you were
362. Ben was prosecuted and convicted in
A. African American state court for speaking out publicly
B. A member of Congress against the governor. During his trial, he
was denied the counsel of a lawyer. Two
C. a resident of Washington, D.C. years later, the U.S. Supreme court over-
D. female turned his conviction, explaining that the


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 296

state had not guaranteed Ben’s constitu- fundamentally the Forms of our Govern-
tional rights. What amendments are in- ments
volved in this? D. For suspending our own Legislatures,
A. 2nd and 6th amendments and declaring themselves invested the
B. 1st and 5th amendments Power to legislate for us in all cases what-
C. 9th and 10th amendments
D. 1st and 6th amendments 367. Brendan is accused of armed robbery and

given a trial. The jury finds Brendan not
363. Guarantees the freedom of religion, guilty. The next day the prosecutor de-
speech, press, peaceful assembly, and to cides that the verdict was not correct, and
petition the government for a redress of he orders Brendan arrested and tried for
grievances the crime again. What amendment pro-
tects Brendan from being tried again?
A. Amendment 3
A. 7th Amendment
B. Amendment 1
B. 5th Amendment
C. Amendment 7
C. 8th Amendment
D. Amendment 5
D. 6th Amendment
364. You don’t have to testify against your-
self in a trial. 368. Birthright Citizenship. Right to Due Pro-
cess. Right to “Equal Treatment”
A. 2nd
A. 13th Amendment
B. 4th
B. 14th Amendment
C. 5th
C. 15th Amendment
D. 7th
D. 24th Amendment
365. Which amendment defines US citizen-
ship & guarantees equal protection of the 369. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
laws? tion is often considered the most impor-
tant amendment?
A. 11th
A. 1st Amendment
B. 14th
B. 2nd Amendment
C. 15th
C. 4th Amendment
D. 13th
D. 8th Amendment
366. Which of the following grievances in-
cluded in the Declaration of Independence 370. Which is the LAST step in amending the
was addressed in the Bill of Rights? US Constitution?

A. For imposing Taxes on us without our A. The voters approve the amendment
Consent B. The president signs the amendment
B. For depriving us in many cases, of the C. 3/4ths of the state legislatures ratify
benefits of Trial by Jury the amendment
C. For taking away our Charters, abolish- D. 2/3rds of both houses of Congress rat-
ing our most valuable Laws, and altering ify the amendment


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 297

371. How does the Fourteenth Amendment 375. Constitutional amendments are intended
protect individual rights? to , correct, or otherwise revise the
original document.


A. By defining citizenship, it declares that
all citizens have the same rights. A. destroy
B. By granting women the right to vote, it B. delete
ensures that women have a say in govern-
C. amend
D. declare
C. By imposing presidential term limits, it
prevents one president from gaining too 376. Guarantees the right to petition the gov-
much power. ernment
D. By requiring the direct election of sena- A. 1st Amendment
tors, it protects the principle of direct rep-
resentation. B. 9th Amendment
C. 5th Amendment
372. Reserves certain powers for the State
governments. D. 7th Amendment
A. 10th Amendment 377. Gives residents of Washington D.C. the
B. 5th Amendment right to vote in national elections by allow-
ing them to have 3 Electoral College votes
C. 7th Amendment
A. 17
D. 8th Amendment
B. 23
373. Which of the following identifies the first
C. 18
10 amendments of the US Constitution?
D. 27
A. Federalist Papers
B. Magna Carta 378. What was the direct effect of the 13th
Amendment? **
C. Articles of Confederation
A. the abolition of slavery
D. Bill of Rights
B. the desegregation of public schools
374. What is the difference between the 6th
and 7th amendment? C. the enforcement of poll taxes by state
A. The 7th is trial by jury for criminal
cases and the 6th is the same for civil D. the establishment of African-American
cases. National Guard units

B. The 6th is about suffrage and the 7th 379. Which amendment changed the voting
is about eminent domain. age from 21 to 18?
C. The 7th is about suffrage and the 6th A. 15th
is about eminent domain.
B. 19th
D. The 6th is trial by jury for criminal
C. 24th
cases and the 7th is the same for civil
cases. D. 26th


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 298

380. What limits are placed on the Freedom of 385. Which of the following is NOT a part of
Speech/Press? the Constitution?
A. can’t slander (lie) about a person A. Preamble
B. Can’t encourage riots or criminal acts B. The legislative branch
C. Can’t threaten anyone with violence C. Articles

D. All of the above D. Amendment

386. It is difficult to amend the constitution be-

381. gives citizens the right to formally ask
cause the framers wanted to make sure
for government changes
A. Freedom of Assembly A. changes were only made when abso-
B. Freedom of Press lutely necessary
C. Freedom of Religion B. no one ever changed the Constitution
D. Freedom of Speech C. hardly anyone got a say
E. Right to Petition D. the President got all the say A na-
tional convention, called by Congress at
382. Which two amendments declare that no the request of at least two-thirds of the
person can be deprived “of life, liberty, or state legislatures, may also introduce
property without due process of law”? an amendment proposal. Thus, either
Congress or the states can start the pro-
A. 5th Amendment
cess of amending the Constitution.
B. 14th Amendment
387. According to the 15th amendment, on
C. 15th Amendment what basis could citizens no longer be de-
D. 19th Amendment nied the to vote?
E. 23rd Amendment A. On the basis of employment
B. On the basis of gender
383. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
C. On the basis of race or color
were all created as a result of:
D. On the basis of religion
A. the American Revolution
B. the Civil War 388. Which right is guaranteed in the Bill of
C. World War I
A. women’s right to vote
D. Vietnam
B. the right to bear arms
384. AKA The Lame Duck Amendment. C. the right to own property
Changes the beginning of congressional D. the right to a public education
and presidential terms.
A. 25 389. As of 2019, how many constitutional
amendments have been added to the U.S.
B. 27 Constitution?
C. 23 A. 10
D. 20 B. 20


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 299

C. 27 B. Power to change the Constitution re-

quires both the national and state govern-
D. 23


390. What amendment gives people the right C. The system for changing the Constitu-
to speech, press, petition, assembly, and tion recognizes popular sovereignty.
D. Federal authority is supreme and, as
A. 1st Amendment such, has sole power to change the Con-
B. 2nd Amendment
C. 3nd Amendment 395. Since the ratification of the Constitution
in 1789, how many proposed constitu-
D. 4th Amendment
tional amendments have been added to
391. Why is freedom of the press so important
to democratic government? A. 27
A. it keeps talented and creative writers B. 50
employed C. 17
B. it helps government officials keep D. 10
track of public opinion
396. The Second, Third, and Fourth Amend-
C. it keeps citizens informed about the ments specifically represent protections
acts of their government leaders drawn from
D. it provides a place where candidates A. colonists’ experiences under British
can advertise in election campaigns rule.
392. How many ways are there to ratify a con- B. speeches by Patrick Henry.
stitutional amendment? C. the ideals of “life, liberty, and the pur-
A. 1 suit of happiness.”
D. colonists’ expectations of the most
B. 2
likely problems.
C. 3
397. This allowed women the right to vote in
D. 4
393. The right to own property; mentioned in A. Amendment 1
the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments B. Amendment 2
A. Montesquieu C. Amendment 19
B. John Locke D. Amendment 26
C. property rights 398. Which amendment says that you must be
D. property liberty 18 in order to vote?
A. 20th
394. How does the formal amendment process
reflect the concept of federalism? B. 16th

A. It grants the greatest amount of power C. 26th

to the national government. D. 18th


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 300

399. How have constitutional rights shaped 403. This amendment asserts that powers not
individuals’ involvement in social move- delegated to the national government or
ments in the United States? denied to the states are reserved to the
A. They have required individuals to re- states.
ceive government approval to support so- A. 2nd
cial movements.
B. 8th
B. They have allowed people to choose
the social movements they want to sup- C. 9th

D. 10th
C. They have barred involvement in so-
cial movements that speak out against the
404. The “equal protection” clause of the Four-
teenth Amendment has been used to chal-
D. They have discouraged people from lenge the death penalty on the grounds
supporting unpopular social movements. that
400. What is the 5th Amendment of the Bill of A. trials are often delayed for trivial and
Rights? insignificant reasons
A. Rights of the abused, with overdue li-
B. differences exist from state to state in
brary books
how capital punishment is applied
B. Rights of the cursed
C. judges lack the necessary experience
C. Right to a speedy trial
in capital punishment cases
D. Rights of the accused, Due process
D. media coverage greatly limits a defen-
401. Which individual protection is found in dant’s ability to receive a fair trial
the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
tion? 405. Presidents have expanded the power of
A. privacy rights the Executive branch through
B. property rights A. Congress’s legislation.
C. forced internment
B. judicial review.
D. civil disobedience
C. use of executive action unchallenged
402. How does the 14th amendment protect by other branches of government.
individual rights?
D. their support of amendments increas-
A. By defining citizenship, it declares that
ing presidential power.
all citizens have the same rights
B. By granting women the right to vote, it 406. Abolished poll taxes as a requirement to
ensures that women have a say in govern- vote
A. 19th Amendment
C. By outlawing slavery, it gave African
American me the right to vote B. 20th Amendment
D. By requiring the direct election of sena-
C. 24th Amendment
tors, it protects the principle of direct rep-
resentation. D. 26th Amendment


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 301

407. While Alex was at school, police officers A. Civil rights movement
broke into his home and took his computer. B. Vietnam War
They did not have a warrant and there was


no reason to believe that Alex had broken C. Civil War
any laws. Alex was not avoiding the po- D. desegregation of the military
lice or planning to move away from his
home. Which right did the police officers 412. What is a synonym of the word “re-
violate? peal”?
A. the right to due process of law in the A. allow
14th Amendment B. cancel
B. the right to assistance of legal counsel C. build
in the 6th Amendment
D. enforce
C. the right to the equal protection of the
laws in the 14th Amendment 413. confirm by expressing consent
D. the right against unreasonable A. formally approve
searches and seizures in the 14th Amend- B. ratify
C. accept
408. What was the last amendment added to D. All of the above
the US Constitution?
A. 23rd 414. Which right are parents exercising when
they sign a statement requesting that a
B. 24th new school be builtin their community?
C. 26th A. protest
D. 27th B. assembly
409. How many justices must vote to hear a C. petition
case? D. reform
A. 4 out of 10
415. What are TWO ways that an amendment
B. 6 out of 9 is proposed?
C. 4 out of 9 A. 2/3rds of both Houses of Congress ap-
D. 5 out of 10 prove of it

410. Where is the amendment process out- B. The President and both Houses of
lined for Virginia and the United States? Congress approve of it

A. In the Constitution(s) C. Approved by a majority after 2/3rds of

the states call for a National Convention
B. in the Bill of Rights
D. The Supreme Courts confirms it to be
C. In the Virginia Declaration of Rights Constitutional
D. In the Magna Carta
416. This amendment grants protection
411. Which of the following events helped pro- against double jeopardy and self-
mote interest in an amendment that would incrimination. Ensures due process and
lower the voting age to 18? establishes eminent domain.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 302

A. 1st Amendment D. to give African Americans the right to

B. 5th Amendment vote

C. 6th Amendment 421. Having separate different schools for dif-

D. 8th Amendment ferent races is considered
A. suffrage
417. In September of 2005, at least 200,
000 people demonstrated near the White B. segregation
House to promotepeace and an end to the C. desegregation

war in Iraq. Which constitutional right
D. judicial review
were these people exercising?
A. freedom of assembly 422. Which of these statements is true about
the first 10 amendments to the Constitu-
B. right to privacy
tion? (2 answers)
C. freedom of the press
A. They were only approved after the Civil
D. right to due process War
418. The Bill of Rights was drafted in re- B. They were the only amendments to not
sponse to the national debate over the rat- go through the official approval proces
ification of the Constitution of the United C. The were approved almost immedi-
States.The major reason the Bill of Rights ately after the approval of the Constitution
was added to the United States Constitu-
tion was to D. They are called the Bill of Rights

A. limit the power of state governments. 423. Amendments 15, 19, 26 deal particularly
B. protect individual liberties against with which of the following?
abuse by the Federal Government. A. Civil rights
C. provide for equal treatment of all per- B. State’s rights
C. Voting rights
D. separate power between the three
D. Women’s rights
branches of government.
424. What is the idea that the government has
419. This amendment grants the right to a
to provide a cause or reason for holding a
speedy trial by jury
person in jail?
A. 1st Amendment
A. ex post facto
B. 5th Amendment
B. habeas corpus
C. 6th Amendment
C. right to legal counsel
D. 7th Amendment
D. summary judgement
420. What was the purpose of the Nineteenth
to the U.S. Constitution? 425. The change to the direct election of sen-
ators, the lowering of the voting age to
A. to give women the right to vote eighteen, and the establishment of a two-
B. to give immigrants the rights to vote term limit for presidents are all examples
C. to give enslaved people the right to of the use of
vote A. judicial review


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 303

B. checks and balances B. 2nd

C. executive priviliege C. 3rd


D. the amendment process D. 4th

426. After a change to the constitution has 431. Guarantees the right to a fair trial
been proposed by 2/3 of both Houses of A. 1st Amendment
Congress, what fraction of the state legis-
latures must ratify (approve) the amend- B. 9th Amendment
ment before it is added to the U.S. Consti- C. 5th Amendment
D. 7th Amendment
A. 2/3
432. What is the best interpretation of the
B. 1/2
statement below? “The right of citizens
C. 3/4 of the United States to vote shall not be
D. 1/3 denied or abridged by the United States
or by any state on account of race, color,
427. Which amendment guarantees the right or previous condition of servitude.”
to a jury trial in civil cases? A. Only certain race and color citizens are
A. 5th allowed to vote.
B. 7th B. Former slaves cannot be denied to
C. 9th vote.

D. 10th C. Any race, color and previous status of

slavery are allowed to vote.
428. Which amendment provides the accused a D. The right of citizens is to vote
right to a public and speedy trial in criminal
prosecutions? 433. Abolished slavery
A. 6th A. 13th Amendment
B. 5th B. 14th Amendment
C. 2nd C. 15th Amendment
D. 4th D. 24th Amendment

429. How long do justices serve on the U.S. 434. Which topic below is related to the 8th
Supreme Court? amendment’s protection against cruel and
A. 4 years unusual amendment?

B. 6 years A. Gun rights

C. 2 years B. Illegal immigration

D. Life time C. Death penalty

D. Privacy rights
430. No search and seizure without a warrant
and probable cause. Which amendment is 435. ? = ratified by the states . Which com-
this? pletes the diagram
A. 1st A. proposed by congress


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 304

B. proposed by the general assembly C. People vote to decide on the new

C. recommended by committee amendment.
D. The Supreme Court determines if the
D. recommend by president
amendment will benefit the country.
436. **Several amendments to the U.S. Consti-
440. Which amendment granted Congress the
tution have addressed unique historical cir-
power to tax income?
cumstances.Which amendment limited the
jurisdiction of the federal courts? A. 16th

A. 11th B. 17th
B. 21st C. 18th
C. 27th D. 19th
D. none of above 441. The “broad language” of the
Constitution-like “We, the People “-
437. Which action was necessary to change has resulted in changes to our governance
from the indirect to the direct election of based on
United States Senators?
A. executive action.
A. ratification of a constitutional amend-
ment B. differing interpretations over time.

B. passage of a Federal law C. legislation by Congress.

C. a Supreme Court decision D. custom.

D. a national referendum 442. An amendment can be proposed

A. by state legislatures.
438. After the Civil War, Southern state leg-
islatures attempted to restrict the rights B. by any legal member of the electorate.
of formerly enslave persons by enacting C. by a joint resolution of Congress.
Black Codes. How did the Radical Republi-
cans in Congress respond? D. at a national hotel convention.

A. They created the Freedman’s Bureau. 443. The Bill of Rights was drafted in re-
B. They enacted new laws to punish the sponse to the national debate over the rat-
South. ification of the Constitution of the United
States.Use the Passage below to answer
C. They proposed the 13, 14 and 15th the question. “The school officials banned
Amendments. and sought to punish petitioners for a
D. They supported settlements of former silent, passive expression of opinion
plantation lands. In the circumstances of the present case,
the prohibition of the silent, passive “wit-
439. What is the first step of amending the ness of the armbands, “ is no less of-
Constitution? fensive to the Constitution’s guarantees.”
A. 2/3’s of Congress must approve the Supreme Court decision, Tinker v. Des
proposed amendment. Moines (1969)

B. The president must sign the amend- A. the right to vote

ment. B. the right to free speech


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 305

C. the right to bear arms D. If the government did not offer him fair
D. the right to due process market price for his home


444. The “noble experiment” of Prohibition, 448. An explanation and/or opinion of an ac-
which outlawed the production, sale, and tion or law.
distribution of alcohol in the United States A. Interpretation
was repealed by the
B. Precedent
A. 19th Amendment
B. 21st Amendment C. Predetermination
C. 25th Amendment D. Jurisdiction
D. 28t Amendment 449. Powers left for the states are called
445. This amendment guarantees the right to powers. (10th amendment)
jury trial in civil suits. A. Denied
A. 5th B. Expressed
B. 7th
C. Reserved
C. 8th
D. Implied
D. 9th
450. Which principle of American governance
446. Shaun is trying to run an election and hold
is illustrated by the role of states in con-
a public meeting. People are protesting
stitutional amendment process?
outside the meeting and Shaun wants to
stop it. Why are the people’s actions ac- A. due process
B. equal protection
A. Right to due process
C. federalism
B. Right to public education
D. rule of law
C. Right to peacefully assemble
D. Right to equal protection under the law 451. A right is
447. A government official comes to visit John A. Something you are supposed to do
and offers to buy the house from him to B. Something you can do
build a park. John says no and refuses.
According to the U.S. Constitution, under C. Something you must do
what circumstances would John win his D. Something you want to do
fight to keep his home?
A. If John could prove that he had paid 452. The addition of the Bill of Rights to the
the full price of the house already. US Constitution was the result of which
process outlined in the document?
B. If John was born as a citizen of the
United States, not a naturalized citizen or A. the legislative process
resident. B. the veto process
C. If John can prove he has sentimental
C. the amendment process
or important memories that he made in
the house. D. the judicial process


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 306

453. Why are constitutional amendments an A. Supreme Court

important part of the U.S. Constitution? B. 3/4ths of the State Legislatures
A. They improve the rules of the U.S Gov- C. 3/4ths of the states in State Conven-
ernment tions
B. It created checks and balances D. The President
C. It created federalism E. 3/4ths of Both Houses of Congress
D. It created the three branches of gov-

ernment 458. How many ways are there to propose a
constitutional amendment?
454. What was the primary reason for the A. 1
Twenty-fifth Amendment?
B. 2
A. to prevent a President and Vice Presi-
C. 3
dent from opposing political parties from
serving together in the same administra- D. 4
459. An unofficial army is often referred to as
B. to spell out what happens upon the a what?
death, removal, or resignation of the Pres-
A. Jury
B. Militia
C. to allow residents of the District of
Columbia to have a voice in Presidential C. Attorney
elections D. Corp
D. to limit a President from serving no
460. What’s the FIRST step of amending the
more than two terms of office
455. The Fifteenth Amendment states that no A. 2/3rds of Congress must approve the
person can be denied the right to vote proposed amendment
based on:
B. The president signs the amendment
A. his or her gender.
C. people vote to decide on the new
B. his or her national origin. amendment
C. state laws. D. the supreme court determines if the
D. skin color. amendment will benefit the country

456. The idea that soldiers kick you out and 461. Which action represents an individual ex-
live in your house is called: ercising a constitutional right?
A. Militia A. summary judgment
B. Assembly B. quartering soldiers
C. Quartering C. civil disobedience
D. Due Process D. double jeopardy

457. What TWO groups can approve of an 462. Which article of the Constitution de-
Amendment that has been officially been scribes the amendment process?
proposed? A. I (1)


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 307

B. III (3) 467. Which amendment guaranteed the right

to vote for black men?
C. V (5)


A. 13th
D. VII (7)
B. 14th
463. Guarantees the right to compensation if
C. 15th
property is taken from you (eminent do-
main) D. 16th
A. 1st Amendment
468. The timeline below provides details
B. 9th Amendment about a constitutional amendment.1917-
C. 5th Amendment Amendment prohibiting alcohol manufac-
ture, sale or transportation voted on by
D. 7th Amendment Congress.1919-18th Amendment prohibit-
ing alcohol manufacture, sale or trans-
464. Which group of people won the right to portation is ratified by the states.1933-
vote first? 21st Amendment reversing the 18th
A. eighteen-year-old white men Amendment is added to the U.S. Constitu-
tion.According to the timeline, what hap-
B. white women pened between 1919 and 1933?
C. African American Women A. The 21st Amendment was approved by
D. African American men state ratifying conventions.
B. The 21st Amendment was overturned
465. Based on Article 5 (V) of the U.S. Consti- by the U.S. Supreme Court.
tution, which of the following are ways of
proposing amendments to the Constitution. C. The 21st Amendment was vetoed by
Select TWO. the president.
A. vote by half of state legislator D. The 21st Amendment was vetoed by
B. two-thirds vote of state governors
C. vote by three-fourths of citizens of 469. How many times has the constitution
Washington, D.C. been amened?
D. constitutional convention called by A. 26 times
three-fourths of state legislators B. 15 times
E. two-thirds majority vote of the House
C. 27 times
of Representatives and two Senate
D. 28 times
466. This amendment prohibits the quartering
of soldiers in homes in peacetime. 470. To give evidence against
A. 1st A. incriminate
B. 3rd B. bill of rights
C. 5th C. civil
D. 6th D. preamble


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 308

471. Was a decision by the United States 475. **From time to time, the Supreme Court
Supreme Court that defined the constitu- has extended civil rights protections to
tional rights of students in U.S. public groups that historically have been de-
schools. nied rights guaranteed to other Ameri-
A. Gideon v Wainright cans. Sometimes the Supreme Court has
done this by interpreting and applying
B. Plessy v. Ferguson principles found in existing Constitutional
C. Brown v. Board of Education amendments.Which legal principle did the
Supreme Court use to extend the Bill of

D. Tinker v. Des Monies
Rights guarantees to state laws and to
472. **The United States government is based broaden civil rights protections for minori-
on several key principles. The U.S. Con- ties?
stitution has been amended to incorporate A. the “two-thirds clause” of the 12th
these principles to protect the rights of Amendment
the people.Identify the principles of gov- B. the “punishment clause” of the 13th
ernment that relate to the following consti- Amendment
tutional amendment.Representatives shall
C. the “due process clause” of the 14th
be apportioned among the several States
according to their respective numbers,
counting the whole number of persons in D. the “apportionment clause” of the
each State 16th Amendment
A. Popular Sovereignty 476. The Constitution made federal laws
B. Separation of Powers to state laws.
A. Interior
C. Limited Government
B. Inferior
D. none of above
C. Supplementary
473. Who chooses Supreme Court justices? D. Superior
A. Popular choice of the people
477. Which of these statements is true about
B. Speaker of the House making changes to the Constitution?
C. President A. It is fast and easy
D. Senate B. It a slow process but changes are
rarely rejected
474. The Fourteenth Amendment was adopted
C. It is possible, but difficult
in 1868 primarily to
D. Changes were never meant to happen
A. protect the rights of formerly enslaved
persons 478. How many states represented in
Congress have to ratify an Amendment
B. make it easier for immigrants to be-
to the U.S. Constitution?
come citizens
A. 3/4
C. extend suffrage to settlers on the
Great Plains B. 2/3
D. require the federal government to pay C. 4/5
the costs of Reconstruction D. All


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 309

479. Guarantees the right of the people 484. A primary reason for the passage of the
to bear arms and to maintain a well- Fourteenth Amendment (1868) was to
regulated militia


A. punish the South for their secession
A. Amendment 1 from the Union
B. Amendment 6 B. uphold the legality of the Black Codes

C. Amendment 2 C. continue the Presidential plan for Re-

D. Amendment 3
D. guarantee citizenship rights to the
480. Which statement best defines “due pro- newly freed slaves
cess” of law? 485. What part do state governments play in
A. Decisions affecting individuals are amending the US Constitution?
made by a jury of peers. A. Two-thirds of the state governors must
B. Procedures used to enforce the law approve of an amendment for it to be rat-
are fair, reasonable and just. ified.

C. People have guaranteed rights that B. Three-fourths of state legislatures

can only be taken away in emergencies. must approve of an amendment for it to
be ratified.
D. Government decisions affecting indi-
C. An amendment must be proposed by a
viduals are made in secret to avoid pub-
state governor in order for it to be consid-
481. In order to ratify an amendment of D. An amendment must be proposed by a
all STATES must approve. state legislature in order for it to be con-
A. 3/4
B. 3/5 486. Timmy does not like a law that the state
legislature has passed. He decides that he
C. 1/4 will petition the state because of this. A
D. 2/3 few days after he sends his petition, his ar-
rested for his petition. What amendment
482. The first 10 amendments make up the protects Timmy?
A. Bill of Rights A. 2nd Amendment

B. Declaration of Independence B. 1st Amendment

C. 5th Amendment
C. U.S. Constitution
D. 3rd Amendment
D. Articles of Confederation
487. What was the purpose of the Twenty-
483. The amendment process is Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
A. Complex tion?
A. It gave the citizens of Washington,
B. Easy
D.C., the right to vote
C. Careless
B. It allowed women to vote for the first
D. Annoying time.


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 310

C. It lowered the voting-age restriction. A. Amendment IX(unenumerated rights)

D. It made poll taxes illegal. and Amendment IV (search and seizure)
B. Amendment IX (unenumerated rights)
488. Who has the final authority to ratify any and Amendment VI (due process)
amendments Congress proposes?
C. Amendment I (free press) and Amend-
A. Governmen t ment IV (search and seizure)
B. President D. Amendment I (free speech) and

C. Voters Amendment VI (due process)

D. States 492. What fraction of the House of Represen-

tatives and Senate must pass a proposed
489. What has been one long-term result amendment before it goes to the state leg-
of the constitutional protection of free islatures for ratification?
A. 2/3
A. fewer court cases involving minors
B. 3/4
B. fewer laws limiting minority rights C. 1/2
C. a more accurate election D. 1/4
D. a more informed society
493. Which part of the Constitution describes
490. Which statement accurately reflects the the process for amending the Constitu-
Amendment process to the U.S. Constitu- tion?
tion so far? A. the Preamble
A. All 50 states must approve the Amend- B. the Bill of Rights
ment in their legislatures.
C. Article I
B. The majority of the U.S. Congress must
D. Article V
approve the amendment; state involve-
ment isn’t necessary. 494. Read the following excerpt:“This coun-
C. The process starts in the U.S. try, with its institutions, belongs to the
Congress and final approval rests with people who inhabit it. Whenever they
the states. shall grow weary of the existing gov-
ernment, they can exercise their consti-
D. The process starts in the State Legisla- tutional right of amending it, or exercise
ture and final approval is given by the U.S. their revolutionary right to overthrow it.”
Congress. Abraham Lincoln In the statement above
what is President Lincoln implying?
491. Ben was prosecuted and convicted in
state court for speaking out publically A. Amending the Constitution is not an op-
against the governor. During his trial, he tion
was denied the counsel of a lawyer. Two B. People who amend the Constitution
years later, the U.S. Supreme Court over- are revolting
turned his conviction, explaining that the
state had not guaranteed Ben’s constitu- C. By amending the Constitution, we are
tional rights. Which amendments apply to exercising our constitutional right
this case? D. People don’t have that option


1.8 Amendments to the Constitution 311

495. During the Reconstruction Era (1865- 499. Who does the 23rd Amendment allow to
1877), the 15th Amendment was adopted vote?
to grant African Americans


A. African-Americans
A. educational opportunities
B. Washington, DC residents
B. economic equality
C. women
C. freedom of speech
D. Citizens that are 18 years old and older
D. voting rights
500. Who can propose an amendment to the
496. Four amendments have provided for ex- U.S. Constitution?
tensions of suffrage to disenfranchised
groups.Which statement best explains A. the President
why the United States has become more B. the states
democratic than it was at the founding of
the republic? C. Congress

A. The power of the federal government D. the Supreme Court

has decreased
501. The 14th Amendment states:”All persons
B. Constitutional amendments have ex- born or naturalized in the United States
tended suffrage to more people and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are
C. The people are more proportionally citizens of the United States and of the
represented in Congress State wherein they reside. “Today, this
amendment gives natural born citizenship
D. Congress has become the strongest
meaning babies born in the US are auto-
branch of the federal government
matically citizens. The amendment was
497. This amendment lowered the voting age originally designed to grant citizenship to
from 21 to 18. A. the children of Irish-Americans
A. Amendment 26 B. children born in US territories that had
B. Amendment 2 not yet become states
C. Amendment 1 C. women who did not yet have the right
to vote but needed some legal protection
D. Amendment
D. recently freed slaves
498. **The 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amend-
ments to the U.S. Constitution extended 502. How can an amendment to the US Consti-
voting rights to previously disenfranchised tution be proposed? (choose 2)
groups.Identify the groups that gained the
A. by two-thirds vote in each house of
right to vote as a result of these amend-
ments.Click on groups you want to select.
A. 18 year olds B. by a two-thirds vote in the US Supreme
B. the poor
C. by two-thirds of US citizens in a na-
C. the elderly tional vote
D. African Americans D. by a national convention requested by
E. Women two-thirds of the states


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 312

503. What is the power of veto? A. religious rights

A. The power of veto does not exist. B. voting rights
B. The ability of the Supreme Court to im- C. African American rights
peach the President
D. women’s rights
C. The President’s ability to have a say in
what Congressmen are allowed to vote. 507. Which level of government controls elec-
D. The President’s ability to “check” the tion procedures?

legislative branch and not allow a law to A. Federal
B. State
504. All male citizens (including black men) C. Local
have the right to vote. Which amendment
is this? D. none of above
A. 15th 508. How many ways can the constitution be
B. 3rd amended?
C. 26th A. one
D. 14th B. two
505. Which amendment was passed as a re- C. three
sult of this protest “We’re being drafted D. four
to fight in Vietnam. Shouldn’t we be able
to vote? ” 509. The institution of slavery was formally
A. 15th abolished in the United States by the
B. 19th A. creation of the Bill of Rights in 1791
C. 24th B. Black Codes of 1865
D. 26th C. creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau in
506. What do the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and 1865
Twenty-sixth Amendments have in com- D. ratification of the 13th Amendment in
mon? 1865

1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s

1. Which of the following factors contributed political and social equality are all exam-
to the end of the open-range system? ples of
A. An increase in the price of beef A. Push Factors
B. The invention of barbed wire B. Pull Factors
C. The development of railroads C. Falling Factors
D. The disappearance of big mining com- D. Jump Factors
3. Why were people fearful of immigrants?
2. Economic opportunities, religious freedom, A. they were afraid they would bring dis-


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 313

ease into the United States delegates who met to discuss the plight of
B. they were afraid they would steal jobs which group of people?


C. the feared they would destroy Amer- A. Irish immigrants facing nativist poli-
ica’s culture cies

D. they were fearful that they would claim B. African Americans Exodusters fleeing
land that Americans desired discrimination
C. Chinese workers attracted by the Gold
4. What problems that led to the Civil War? Rush
A. slavery D. Native Americans forced off their an-
B. politics cestral lands
C. economic reasons 8. What type of people was Andrew Jackson
D. states’ rights popular with because he was a self-made
man who came from a poor background in
5. Who won the election of 1860? Tennessee?
A. Abraham Lincoln A. the common man
B. John Bell B. the wealthy elite
C. John C. Breckinridge C. slaves in the South
D. Stephen Douglas D. Native Americans

6. Nativism is: 9. Which of the following is least like the

A. Embracing diversity North’s economy in early-late 1800s?

B. Disliking immigration A. Shipping

C. Moving out of the U.S. B. Growth of cotton

D. Liking Native Americans C. Expansion of railroads

D. Manufacturing
7. WHEREAS, We see that we cannot get
our rights here in the midst of this class 10. Which of the following was a major prob-
of uncompromising oppressors of our race, lem immigrants experienced once arriving
and since the State can oppress and to the United States?
abridge our privileges as citizens of the A. Discrimination based on nationality
State, and that there is no law of the
United States to protect us from said B. Unsanitary and unsafe living condi-
abridgement and oppression; therefore Re- tions
solved, That we recommend to our race C. Political corruption from certain politi-
throughout the State to organize them- cians
selves into emigration societies for the
D. All of the above
purpose of leaving the State, provided our
condition is not bettered by the authori- 11. Which of the following was one of the
ties of the State.-“Meeting of People “Five Civilized Tribes? ”
in Convention at Richmond, Virginia, “ re-
ported in the Topeka Daily Capital, May A. Creek
23, 1879 This resolution was passed by B. Seminole


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 314

C. Choctaw 16. The purpose of the Underground Railroad

D. Cherokee was to assist slaves by

E. Chickasaw A. teaching them to read.

B. helping them escape to the North.
12. Which of these reasons would PULL an im-
migrant to the United States? C. encouraging them to govern them-
A. Desire for a better life
D. offering them jobs in the West.

B. Desire for job opportunities
C. Desire for religious freedom 17. Which best describes a result of the United
States Supreme Court decision in Marbury
D. All of these answers v. Madison?
13. What political party was formed by sup- A. The Supreme Court found segregation
porters of Andrew Jackson after the elec- legal.
tion of 1824? B. The Supreme Court found it ilegal to
A. Democratic-Republicans transport goods across state lines with-
B. Democrats out a permit.

C. Republicans C. The Supreme Court was able to find

laws unconstitutional through judicial re-
D. Federalists view.
14. Besides white, what other ethnicities D. The Supreme Court allowed African
were cowboys in the late 1800s? Americans to vote.
A. Mexican American and African Ameri- 18. “Up to our own day American history
can is the history of the colonization of the
B. Asian and African American Great West. The existence of an area of
C. Mexican American and Asian free land, and the advance of Amer-
ican settlement westward explain Ameri-
D. Mostly were white can development.”-Prof. Jackson Turner
15. How did the Abolitionist movement affect The above excerpt from Professor Turner’s
the Women’s Suffrage Movement in the Thesis during the 1890’s suggests that the
19th century? American frontier:

A. The Women’s Suffrage Movement lost A. was instrumental in the formation of

support when reformerstransferred ef- an American character
forts to abolition. B. has mirrored colonial values and social
B. The Women’s Suffrage Movement re- patterns
formers succeeded in passing national C. should be preserved for the free use
legislation to end slavery. of all people
C. The Women’s Suffrage Movement was D. has had no effect on the growth of the
abandoned when reformers disagreed United States
over the issue of slavery.
19. Europeans primarily came through:
D. The Women’s Suffrage Movement
benefited from the experiencereformers A. Ellis Island
gained working as abolitionists. B. Angel Island


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 315

C. Staten Island 24. What do we call the first settlement house

D. Sanibel Island that was created by Jane Addams?


A. Hull House
20. How did the population of European immi-
B. Hall House
grants in America change in the late 1800s
and early 1900s. C. Safe House
A. Most immigrants came from northern D. Sull House
and western Europe.
25. Which of the following was an agree-
B. Most immigrants came from eastern ment of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
and southern Europe. (choose 3)
C. The number of European immigrants A. Mexico gave up all claims to Texas
B. fixed the Texas border at the Rio
D. The number of Protestant immigrants Grande
C. Mexico gave California and New Mex-
21. What was one positive impact of the de- ico to the United States in return for $15
velopment of ethnic communities in the million
United States during the early 1900s? D. Mexico had to pay the United State $30
A. The brought new traditions and foods million for their war losses
to American culture.
26. The primary objective of the Dawes Act
B. They stayed separate from American was to
A. promote cultural assimilation of Amer-
C. They were unable to assimilate to ican Indians.
American culture.
B. turn American Indian reservations into
D. They were unable to spread negative corporate farmlands.
ideas into the American culture. C. end warfare between American Indi-
22. What was the name of the group of cor- ans and the U.S. military.
rupt politicians that took advantage of im- D. promote American Indian investment
migrants in New York City? in private industry.
A. Tammany Hall 27. Name the U.S. War between the North and
B. Timothy Hall the South.
C. Timmony Hall A. The Mexican War
D. Tommy Hilfiger B. The Civil War or the War between the
23. What did Mexico require people who re-
C. The Spanish-American War
ceived cheap land in Texas to do?
D. none of above
A. learn Spanish
B. convert to Catholicism 28. Which factor most contributed to the
United States becoming a more multicul-
C. obey Mexican law tural society during the late 1700s and
D. all of these early 1800s?


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 316

A. Asian countries encouraged their citi- 33. The presidential election of 1896 had
zens to immigrate to the United States. three candidates. One Republican, one
B. The U.S. government protected free- Democrat, and one from the
dom of religion for all faiths. A. Populist Party
C. Parts of African slave culture became B. Whig Party
popular with white Americans. C. Bull-Moose Party
D. American Indians living in U.S. states D. Mario Party

gained all the rights of citizenship.
34. Which of the following is NOT a reason
29. The Dawes General Allotment Act of 1887 why President Jackson attacked the Bank
(Dawes Act) of the United States?
A. recognized Native American tribes as A. he thought it was too powerful
Independent nations
B. it was run by private bankers instead
B. presented land to individual tribes of elected officials
C. granted each Indian family a 160-acre C. it controlled the nation’s money supply
D. he believed it was an organization of
D. improved the reservation system wealthy easterners
30. How did population change in the late E. because it gave out favorable loans to
1800s? poor southern farmers
A. People moved to farms 35. What was the belief that the United States
B. Many people moved south was blessed by God and destined to over-
C. Immigrants went west for farms spread the North American continent and
expand its boundaries to the Pacific?
D. Immigrants settled in cities
A. Manifest Destiny
31. The goals of which organization included B. Gold Fever
providing education on new farming tech-
niques and calling for the regulation of rail- C. Westward Expansion
road and grain elevator rates? D. God’s Will
A. The Chautauqua Circuit 36. The Nullification Crisis was directly related
B. The Interstate Commerce Commission to which issue?
C. Las Gorras Blancas A. Slavery
D. The Grange B. Income taxes

32. Which one of these did George Washing- C. Nationalism

ton NOT warn against in his Farewell Ad- D. Protective Tariffs
37. Which of these people gained political
A. Political Parties power by taking advantage of immi-
B. Debt grants?
C. Alliances A. William “Boss” Tweed
D. Getting rid of the Supreme Court B. Booker T. Washington


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 317

C. Henry “James” Miller 41. What future U.S. president defeated

D. George Washington Carver British forces at New Orleans?


A. Andrew Jackson
38. What were reasons the new immigrants
left home and came to America. B. James Madison

A. Because they were underpaid at home. C. William Henry Harrison

B. Because their religion was unpopular D. Winfield Scott

in their country of origin. 42. What was the famous speech by William
C. Because they did not like the leader of Jennings Bryan called?
their homeland. A. The Cross Speech
D. Because they did not want to be B. The Cross of Gold Speech
drafted into the military.
C. Gold Standard
39. “The history of the Government connec- D. none of above
tions with the Indians is a shameful record
of broken treaties and unfulfilled promises. 43. Which of these was a result of the cotton
The history of the border, white man’s gin?
connection with the Indians is a sicken- A. It decreased the need for slaves.
ing record of murder, outrage, and wrongs
committed by the former, as the rule, and B. It increased the profitability of cotton.
occasional savage outbreaks and unspeak- C. It discouraged people from buying
ably barbarous deeds of retaliation by the American cotton.
latter, as the exception.” The above quote D. It expanded growing cotton into the
was most likely stated by which person be- North.
A. General Custer 44. The transcontinental railroad joined to-
gether where?
B. Helen Hunt Jackson
A. Denver, Colorado
C. Harriet Beecher Stowe
B. Salt Lake City, Utah
D. President Ulysses Grant
C. Promontory, Utah
40. Which statement describes the experience D. Carson City, Nevada
of most new immigrants to the United
States during the late 19th and early 20th 45. In which of these cities would you find the
centuries? first ever settlement house?
A. They were highly respected and A. Chicago
treated as equals of other American cit- B. New York City
C. Boston
B. They were looked upon as inferior and
discriminated against. D. Washington, DC

C. They learned English and assimilated 46. Who led an exploration of the Louisiana
quickly into American culture. purchase lands west of the Mississippi
D. They found quick success in farming River? (choose 2)
their own lands in the south. A. Meriwether Lewis


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 318

B. William Clark B. Reform School

C. Robert Livingston C. Progressives
D. James Monroe D. The United Way

47. Who came up with the Compromise of 52. Immigration into the United States was
1850 and the Missouri Compromise? limited by law from which country?
A. Henry Clay A. italy

B. David Wilmot B. china
C. John C. Calhoun C. ireland
D. Abraham Lincoln D. germany

48. What important things did Abraham Lin- 53. From which group did Andrew Jackson re-
coln do? ceive the most support in the election of
A. Emancipation Proclamation
A. “common people”
B. saved the Northern states
B. American Indians
C. led the United States during the Civil
C. Women
D. Wealthy business owners
D. saved the Union
54. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, women
49. Despite both England and France seizing
in the United States:
American ships after they went to war
again, this American president tried to fol- A. won the right to vote in most state elec-
low a policy of neutrality. tions.
A. George Washington B. were encouraged to find work outside
the home.
B. John Adams
C. were given greater educational oppor-
C. Thomas Jefferson tunities.
D. James Madison D. gained the legal right to control their
own property.
50. As a part of this president’s foreign pol-
icy plan, they pursued peace with France 55. What religious movement led to people
despite attacks of American ships and Fed- wanting to reform their lives during the
eralists calls for war. mid-1800s?
A. Alexander Hamilton A. Second Great Awakening
B. John Adams B. Nullification Crisis
C. Thomas Jefferson C. Manifest Destiny
D. George Washington D. Crusades
51. A religious movement offering materials 56. What act gave 160 acres to any family
and spiritual services to the poor in urban who would linve on the land and farm it
areas. for 5 years?
A. Social Gospel A. The Homestead Promise


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 319

B. The Homestead Neighborhood C. Slave Rebellion

C. The Homestead Act of 1862 D. Railroad


D. The Homestead farmland 62. One limitation on the amount of money in
57. What was the impact of the Compromise circulation in the late 19th century was
of 1877? (choose 3) which of the following?

A. Reconstruction could not be enforced A. Mc Kinley Act

without federal troops B. Granger Laws
B. Reconstruction ended in the South C. free coinage of silver
C. With the South “redeemed, “ whites D. gold standard
began eliminating black rights
63. What is one important thing that Abraham
D. the railroad was built to connect the Lincoln did?
North and South
A. Signed the Declaration of Indepen-
58. A policy of not choosing sides in a dispute dence
or war between other countries B. Freed the slaves
A. isolationism C. Moved the location of the White House
B. foreign policy
C. neutrality D. none of above
D. dilemma 64. How does the expansion of the railroad
and the cattle industry relate to each
59. What territory did the U.S. buy from
France in 1803?
A. The railroad benefited the cattle indus-
A. The Louisiana Territory
try by expanding their business through-
B. The Northwest Territory out the country
C. The Alaska Territory B. The railroad business diminished the
D. none of above supply of cattle in Texas
C. The increase of supply for cattle
60. Which of the following was a lasting effect caused a fight between railroad compa-
of the gold rush on California? (choose 2) nies
A. expanded trade, shipping, and agricul- D. none of above
ture to meet the miners’ needs
B. the population soared when many peo- 65. The growth of cities is:
ple stayed in California A. Immigration
C. many of the miners brought slaves into B. Urbanization
California and it became a slave state C. Depersonalization
D. Mexico attempted to retake California D. Materialization
61. What did Nat Turner lead? 66. Which of the following is not a result of
A. House of Representatives the War of 1812?
B. Plantation A. Increased nationalism


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 320

B. Confirmed independence 71. What is the term for the mixture of peo-
ple of different cultures and races together
C. Andrew Jackson became famous
into Americans?
D. Gained lands from Mexico
A. Mixing Bowl
67. The attack of Colorado militia on an un- B. Angel Food Cake
armed camp of Cheyenne and Arapahoe C. Fish Tank
was known as the
D. Melting Pot

A. Red River War
72. Why did Congress and President Jackson
B. Wounded Knee
seek to remove American Indians from
C. Battle of Little Bighorn their homelands?
D. Sand Creek Massacre A. to provide a better life for American In-
68. What were the very top leaders of politi-
B. to allow U.S. citizens to gain more land
cal machines called?
as agriculture expanded westward
A. precinct captains C. to encourage tribes to adopt “white
B. party bosses ways”
C. ward bosses D. to allow Indians to setup farms on bet-
ter land
D. lieutenants
73. The belief that the US had a right and duty
69. How did women’s roles in U.S. society to expand across the North American con-
change during the late 1700s and early titent was known as
A. The Great Expansion
A. Women won the right to control their
B. Manifest Destiny
own property.
C. Oregon Fever
B. Women gained equal access to
schools and universities. D. The Monroe Doctrine
C. Women became more active in reform 74. What was Kansas called after opposing
movements. forced, both armed, clashed and many peo-
D. Women successfully ran for political ple were killed?
offices. A. “Bleeding Kansas”
B. “Killing Kansas”
70. What was the network of free African
Americans and white abolitionists who C. “Deadly Kansas”
helped escaped enslaved African Ameri- D. “Krazy Kansas”
cans make their way to freedom called?
A. Underground Railroad 75. Which group led to a rise in anti-immigrant
groups and a demand for immigration re-
B. Slave Subway strictions?
C. Fugitive Slave Network A. political machines
D. Escaped Slave Tunnel B. William “Boss” Tweed


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 321

C. Nativists 80. Which immigration station is in San Fran?

D. Social Gospel A. Ellis Island


B. Angel Island
76. What impact did the railroads have on Na-
tive Americans? C. Revis Island
A. the railroads helped the Native Ameri- D. Mullins Island
cans move east
81. most immigrants settled in cities-and lived
B. Native Americans got jobs on the rail- in neighborhoods that were separated into
roads ethnic groups-these were called:
C. the railroads limited their land and de- A. political machines
creased their food supply and resources
B. ethnic enclaves
D. the railroads increased the amount of
C. social gospels
land the Native Americans had
D. settlement houses
77. In 1828 and 1832, Congress passed a law
creating a tax on 82. The leader of the Sioux during the Ghost
Dance War at Wounded Knee was
A. goods produced in New England.
A. Sitting Bull
B. the purchase of land.
B. Chief Joseph
C. the income of laborers.
C. Red Cloud
D. goods imported from outside the
United States. D. Chief Piapot

83. War, poverty, and discrimination are all

78. Which of these would be a PULL factor for
examples of
A. Pull Factors
A. Civil unrest and war
B. Push Factors
B. Poverty and poor education
C. Jump Factors
C. Oppressive government
D. Falling Factors
D. Hope for a better future
84. How did President Jackson react to the
79. What did Andrew Jackson think about the Supreme Court decision about the Indian
Federal Bank? Removal Act?
A. He believed that it only benefited A. He ignored it and had American Indi-
southern planters. ans removed by military force.
B. He felt it only benefited the wealthy B. He accepted it but banned farming in
northern bankers. areas where Indians lived.
C. He did not like the architectural design C. He ignored it and ordered settlers to
of the bank building. take Indian land by force.
D. He felt like it didn’t have enough D. He accepted it but made life difficult
power. for tribes in the East.


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 322

85. Which of the following was part of the 90. Which group was most negatively im-
Compromise of 1850? (choose 3) pacted by the administration of President
A. California would be admitted as a Jackson?
slave state A. African Americans
B. the New Mexico territory would have
no slavery restrictions B. American Indians
C. the slave trade would be abolished in C. Farmers and laborers
Washington D.C.

D. Wealthy businessmen
D. there would be a stronger fugitive
slave law
91. What was the long-term impact of Amer-
86. Which of the following was a challenge to ican expansion on Native American tribes
Reconstruction? (choose 4) in the American west after the Civil War?
A. Republican corruption in the South
A. Most Native Americans were forced to
B. Southern Resistance flee to California, Canada and Mexico
C. Corruption in President Grant’s admin-
istration B. Most Native Americans were eventu-
ally assimilated into U.S. urban society.
D. The Panic of 1873?
E. The 14th Amendment did not apply to C. Most American Indians were forced
former slaves onto reservations west of the Mississippi
87. The government’s suppression of the
Whiskey Rebellion established D. Most Native Americans were able to
keep their ancestral land through the
A. The government’s right to tax
reservation system
B. States’ rights of secession
C. The citizens’ right to protest 92. What territory did the United States buy
D. The weaknesses of the Articles of Con- from France in 1803?
A. California
88. Which demand was included in the Seneca
Falls Declaration? B. Louisiana
A. The abolition of slavery C. Texas
B. Suffrage for women D. Florida
C. Restoration of lands to Native Ameri-
93. Where were the first shots of the Civil War
D. The return of Texas to Mexico fired?
89. The Emancipation Proclamation freed A. Fort Sumter
A. slaves from border states only
B. Fort Bragg
B. slaves from Northern states only
C. slaves from rebelling states only C. Fort Robinson

D. all of these D. Fort Leonardwood


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 323

94. How did the Monroe Doctrine try to pre- 98. Which of the following was a social ef-
vent European control of Latin America? fect of westward expansion on the Native


A. It tried to prevent travel outside of
Latin America A. NA could not get enough supplies and
B. By declaring United States opposition this led to poverty
to future colonization of the area by any B. NA were forced to live on reserva-
European power tions, which separated them from white
C. It tried to prevent travel outside of Eu- pioneers
rope C. NA could no longer access the rich min-
D. By declaring the United States opposi- eral deposits found in the Black Hills
tion to future colonization of the area by D. NA culture became widely accepted by
any Latin American power white settlers
95. What was one factor that led to the 99. What did Susan B. Anthony do?
creation of large ethnic neighborhoods in
A. wrote the Pledge of Allegiance
most American cities in the early 1900s?
B. designed the dollar coin
A. Immigrants were assigned housing by
the federal government that worked to C. fought for women’s rights
create ethnic neighborhoods. D. fought for civil rights
B. Immigrants could not afford to live in
100. How long did it take to cross the at-
the cities so they were forced to live in the
C. Immigrants felt more comfortable liv- A. 3 to 4 weeks
ing with or around people of the same eth- B. Seven to fifteen days
nicity. C. 1 month
D. Immigrants were not able to live any- D. none of above
where except neighborhoods that were
assigned by ethnicity. 101. William “Boss” Tweed was able to gain
political power by
96. During the medical inspections for what
were the doctors looking for? A. Taking advantage of immigrants’
A. Trouble walking or breathing or signs
of other health problems. B. Tricking people into voting for him
B. Knees and legs problems C. Stealing money and corrupting others
C. If someone had the flu D. All of these answers
D. none of above 102. Which of the following was the main rea-
son for the rapid settlement of the Great
97. Name one war fought by the U.S. in the
Plains during the late 1800s?
A. Congress passed a law requiring all
A. World War I
public lands to be sold at auction.
B. The Civil War
B. Congress passed a law allowing peo-
C. The Korean War ple to claim public land and convert it to
D. The Revolutionary War public property through homesteading.


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 324

C. Speculators bought large parcels of B. Horace Mann

land and built factory towns to attract new C. Elizabeth Cady Staton
D. W.E.B. Du Bois
D. Native Americans sold most of their
tribal land directly to railroad companies. 108. Many immigrants were forced to live
in , or run-down, dirty, and cramped
103. About how many immigrants passed
apartment-like buildings.
through Ellis Island?
A. Tenements

A. 30 million
B. Ghettos
B. 12 million
C. Townhouses
C. 8 million
D. Plantations
D. 16 million
109. The period between the 1870s and
104. Most immigrants traveled in
1890s was known as
A. first class
A. The Civil Service Age
B. second class
B. The Roaring Twenties
C. steerage
C. The Age of Reason
D. fourth class
D. The Gilded Age
105. What did the Missouri Compromise say?
(choose 3) 110. What was the Cherokee’s march to West
when thousands of Cherokee died during
A. Maine would join the Union as a free the long journey called? ’
A. the Trail of Sadness
B. Missouri would join the Union as a
slave state B. the Trail of Depression
C. no more slave states would be allowed C. the Trail of Tears
in the Louisiana Territory D. the Trail of Fears
D. no more free states would be allowed
111. In its decision on the Indian Removal Act,
in the Louisiana Territory
the Supreme Court said that tribes
106. Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, massa- A. had the right to remain on their lands.
cred the U.S. 7th Cavalry led by General
B. had the right to refuse any land in the
George Custer
new territories.
A. Sand Creek Massacre
C. must abide by the decisions of the U.S.
B. Wounded Knee government.
C. Little Big Horn D. must receive payments from farmers
D. Big Little Horn occupying their land.

107. Who was instrumental in the reform 112. What was the time period in which the
movement of the treatment of the in- federal government readmitted and rebuilt
sane? the South called?
A. Dorothea Dix A. Rebuilding


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 325

B. Renewing C. They helped navigate cattle in the cat-

C. Reconstruction tle trails


D. Reuniting D. They ended the range wars

113. Cities grew because of all these except: 118. Which of the following were reasons peo-
ple might have been encouraged to come to
A. Immgration
B. Jobs
A. to be a cowboy
C. Railroads
B. work in a trade
D. Farming
C. pursue an education
114. William M. “Boss” Tweed was a power- D. to live in a tenement
ful New York City politician who was at
the center of 119. A policy of avoiding political or military
agreements with other nations is called
A. the populist movement
B. corrupt political dealings
A. isolationism
C. the Republican party
B. foreign policy
D. the Grant administration
C. neutrality
115. What were the three causes of the War D. dilemma
of 1812?
A. British attempts to restrict U.S. trade 120. The practice of rewarding supporters
with government jobs.
B. British impressment of American
sailors A. Muckraking
C. America’s desire to expand its terri- B. The Spoils System
tory C. The Civil Service
D. France’s refusal to trade with the D. Idealism
United States
121. Which group formed to resist Reconstruc-
116. The nullification crisis tested the right of tion and restore the “old South? ”
A. Ku Klux Klan
A. to tax citizens.
B. Freedmen’s Bureau
B. to override federal laws.
C. Scalawag League
C. to secede from the United States.
D. Union Leagues
D. to establish public schools.
122. What three things did Henry Clay’s Amer-
117. Why were windmills necessary for the ican System include? (choose 3)
cattle industry in the late 1800s?
A. a tariff
A. They helped with the drought and eas-
ily gave water to farmers without a water B. a national bank
source C. internal improvements such as roads
B. They helped transfer cattle in the rail- and canals
roads D. more funding for the U.S. military


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 326

123. Which of these is referred to as the Trail 128. Who was an education reformer?
of Tears?
A. Dorothea Dix
A. the final battle of the War of 1812
B. Horace Mann
B. the forced removal of Cherokees from
Georgia C. Elizabeth Cady Staton
C. the 1828 presidential campaign D. W.E.B. Du Bois
D. Adams’ defeat of Jackson in the presi-

dential election of 1824 129. What did the Emancipation Proclamation
124. Who immigrated to Angel Island?
A. Gave the South its own slaves
A. southern european immigrants
B. asian immigrants B. Freed the slaves
C. northern european immigrants C. Divided the North and South land
D. eastern european immigrants boundaries
D. none of above
125. Why did many white people call the
Creek, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw,
130. Who was known as the “people’s presi-
and Seminole groups the “Five Civilized
A. They had never gone to war against A. Andrew Jackson
the U.S. government. B. Abraham Lincoln
B. They had adopted many “white ways”
C. George Washington
like farming and developing a written lan-
guage. D. Thomas Jefferson
C. They had settled in cities and worked
in manufacturing. 131. Which river did the United States believe
was the border between Texas and Mex-
D. They had integrated into U.S. society
and gained citizenship.
A. Rio Grande
126. List an obstacle that settlers faced trav-
eling west. B. Nueces River
A. mountains C. American River
B. crossing rivers D. Brazos River
C. the great plains
D. all of the above 132. The kidnapping of American sailors and
being forced to serve in the British navy
127. To combat high prices and decrease debt, was called
the Populist Party believed in
A. isolationism
A. silver coins along with gold
B. impressment
B. women’s suffrage
C. burning crops C. neutrality
D. segregation D. dilemma


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 327

133. Which president was responsible for the C. The Europeans taking over China
Louisiana Purchase?
D. Italians Immigrating to China


A. Thomas Jefferson
B. George Washington 138. What were Jefferson’s three goals for
C. John Adams Lewis and Clark’s trip?
D. Abraham Lincoln A. find a water route from the Mississippi
River to the Pacific Ocean
134. Nativist ideas toward new immigrants
led to which action by the federal govern- B. claim the “northwestern portion of the
ment? continent’s midsection” before another
A. inspecting factories to make sure country did
working conditions were safe C. acquire knowledge of the geography of
B. requiring meat and other products to the western United States.
be inspected
D. discover and document veins of gold
C. setting limits on the number of immi- and silver in the Rocky Mountains
grants that could come to America
D. outlawing the business practice of cre- 139. “Slavery is a blight upon this nation.
ating a monopoly Only with its downfall shall we be truly
freed.” Who most likely said this quote?
135. What wars were fought by the United
States in the 1800s? A. William Lloyd Garrison
A. the Civil War B. Andrew Jackson
B. the Pizza War
C. George Washington
C. the Mexican-American War
D. Thomas Jefferson
D. the Spanish-American War
E. the War of 1812 140. Which of the following was a presidential
136. What was the job duty of a Buffalo sol- candidate for the Populist Party?
dier? A. Theodore Roosevelt
A. To protect western settlers from In-
B. Ulysses S. Grant
dian attacks
B. To be the first responders in the Civil C. Chester Arthur
War D. William Jennings Bryan
C. Help transfer cattle in the transconti-
nental railroad 141. Which of the following is not a pull fac-
D. none of above tor?

137. What was the Chinese Exclusion Act? A. Freedoms

A. Letting Chinese in America with open B. Job opportunities
C. New inventions
B. Banning Chinese people from immi-
grating to the United States for 10 years D. War in home country


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 328

142. Invention of the steel plow, the passage C. northern trade policies
of the Homestead Act, and the comple- D. southern opposition to tariffs
tion of the transcontinental railroad all con-
tributed to the 147. Name one war fought by the United
A. development of the Great Plains States in the 1800s.

B. growth of the plantation system of A. Vietnam War

agriculture B. Civil War

C. extension of slavery into the western C. Revolutionary War
territories D. none of above
D. gold rushes in California and Nevada
148. Peace with Napoleon and France ulti-
143. Southern advantages during the Civil mately cost John Adams the presidency in
War included all these EXCEPT the Election of 1800, but it also led to the
A. a strong economy
A. decline of the Federalist Party
B. a defensive fight
B. of Alexander Hamilton’s power in
C. stronger morale American politics
D. strong military leadership C. XYZ Affair
144. What group of immigrants were arriving D. Jay Treaty of 1794
in large numbers on the West Coast in the
149. What were two effects of the war’s out-
middle to late 1800’s?
come on Americans?
A. Greek
A. boosted national self-confidence
B. Chinese
B. encouraged the growing spirit of Amer-
C. British ican expansionism
D. French C. made Americans feel defeated and in-
ferior to European powers
145. In George Washington’s Farewell Ad-
dress he said, “It is our true policy to steer D. made the Americans stop trying to
clear of permanent alliances with any por- push Native Americans off their land in the
tion of the foreign world.” This statement, west
ultimately, created a policy of , which 150. What group of people wanted to limit im-
the United States would follow for foreign migration in the US in the 1900s?
A. Labor Unions
A. policy of inclusion
B. Nativists
B. foreign policy
C. Business Owners
C. policy of neutrality
D. none of above
D. policy of isolationism
151. Name one problem that led to the Civil
146. What caused the nullification crisis? War.
A. removal policies A. Land acquisitions
B. the election of 1824 B. Territories


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 329

C. Slavery 156. What was the most famous political ma-

D. none of above chine of New York City?


A. Johnson Hall
152. How did issues such as poverty and
B. Tammany Hall
war impact immigration into the United
States? C. Carnegie Hall
A. These factors limited the number of im- D. none of above
migrants to the United States.
157. In the President Monroe declared
B. These factors prevented immigrants that the U.S. would oppose any new Eu-
from leaving their country. ropean colonies in the Americas.
C. These factors pushed immigrants out A. Monroe Doctrine
of their countries.
B. Monroe Declaration
D. These factors pulled immigrants into C. Declaration of Independence
D. Adams Doctrine
153. Which term describes the mixture of cul-
tures we have here in the United States? 158. What group of people was taken to Amer-
ica and sold as slaves?
A. Nativism
A. Native Americans
B. Melting Pot
B. Asians
C. Steerage
C. Africans
D. Open Border
D. rich people
154. What motivated many immigrants to 159. Who were corrupt northerners who
come to the United States in the late 19th moved south to gain economic and politi-
and early 20th centuries? cal influence?
A. the lack of discrimination and preju- A. carpetbaggers
dice in the United States
B. copperheads
B. the fair treatment and short work
hours in the American factories C. scalawags

C. the desire for better social and eco- D. redeemers

nomic opportunities 160. What name was given to President Jack-
D. the hope of becoming sharecroppers son’s practice of rewarding political sup-
in the South porters with government jobs?
A. the nullification system
155. Which country owned the Louisiana Ter-
ritory at the time the United States pur- B. the reservation system
chased it? C. the spoils system
A. France D. corrupt bargaining
B. Spain
161. What processing station did Immigrants
C. Great Britain go through on the WEST coast?
D. Canada A. Ellis Island


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 330

B. Angel Island B. make land available for white settle-

C. Devil Island ment.

D. Alcatraz C. stop the sale of farms.

D. protect Native American culture.
162. Why did President Jackson want to de-
stroy the Bank of the United States? 167. The US encouraged people to move to the
A. He thought it benefited the rich over Great Plains in 1862 through the
the farmers and workers. A. Dawes General Allotment Act

B. He didn’t like the Bank building. B. Las Gorras Blancas
C. He thought that it wasn’t doing enough C. Homestead Act
to support business owners. D. Farmers’ Alliance
D. He thought that it provided too many
loans to farmers. 168. Who was the enslaved African American
who sued for his freedom, claiming that he
163. The turning point of the Civil War for the had for a time lived on free soil?
Union was the Battle of A. Dred Scott
A. Gettysburg B. Morgan Freeman
B. Antietam C. Uncle Tom
C. Pea Ridge D. Frederick Douglass
D. Bull Run
169. Which Supreme Court decision did Presi-
164. Who led a small group of whites and free dent Jackson ignore?
African Americans in a raid on an arsenal A. States don’t have to follow federal
at Harper’s Ferry on October 16, 1859? laws that they don’t like.
A. John Brown B. Only Congress can regulate trade.
B. Abraham Lincoln C. American Indians have no rights to
C. Stephen Douglas land in Georgia.
D. Dred Scott D. The Bank of the United States is consti-
165. Most immigrants in the late 19th and
early 20th century came from where? 170. This person was responsible for creating
A. Western and Northern Europe the first settlement house that assisted im-
migrants in Chicago.
B. Asia
A. Ida B. Wells
C. Eastern and Southern Europe
B. Susan B. Anthony
D. Eastern and Northern Europe
C. Jane Addams
166. President Andrew Jackson supported the D. Martha Washington
Indian Removal Act of 1830 because it
would 171. An immigrant new to America would
A. encourage Native American land own- most likely where?
ership. A. a penthouse


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 331

B. a tenement apartment B. Expanded Mexico’s territory in the

C. in the suburbs Southwest


C. Native American tribes displaced
D. on a ranch
D. Expansion of slavery led to sectional
172. Northern advantages during the Civil tension
War included
177. Which U.S. President made the Louisiana
A. Military Purchase?
B. Government A. Thomas Jefferson
C. Economy B. George Washington
D. All of the Above C. Alexander Hamilton
173. Who were the four candidates who com- D. James Madison
peted for the presidency in the election of
178. Which amendment to the United States
Constitution defines citizenship?
A. William H. Crawford A. 16th
B. Andrew Jackson B. 14th
C. Henry Clay C. 13th
D. John Quincy Adams D. None of the above
E. Martin Van Buren
179. Which amendment gave men of all races
174. In the War of 1812, the United States the right to vote?
took on the greatest naval power in the A. 12th Amendment
world, who was this? B. 13th Amendment
A. France C. 14th Amendment
B. Russia D. 15th Amendment
C. Great Britain
180. What were three things that were
D. Spain agreed upon at the Treaty of Ghent?
175. In 1883, Congress passed the Act. It A. United States gave up its demands to
created a Civil Service Commission to con- end impressment
duct exams for federal jobs. B. Britain promised to leave Canada’s
A. Sherman borders unchanged

B. Jackson C. Britain promised to abandon efforts to

create an Indian state in the Northwest
C. Horatio
D. the United States gained the territo-
D. Pendleton ries of Florida and Texas
176. Which of the following was not a way 181. Who was the Native American woman
Manifest Destiny affected the West? who assisted Lewis and Clark on their jour-
A. Mass migration to Oregon and Califor- ney?
nia A. Sacagawea


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 332

B. Toussaint 187. Between 1803 and 1807, the British

C. Squanto seized and took at least American
ships, with France capturing about half as
D. Geronimo much.
182. As a part of this president’s foreign pol- A. 250 American ships
icy plan, they ignored the 1778 Alliance
B. 500 American ships
with France and declared neutrality.
C. 750 American ships
A. Alexander Hamilton

B. John Adams D. 1000 American ships

C. Thomas Jefferson 188. What is one major idea that appears in

D. George Washington U.S. literature from the late 1700s and
early 1800s?
183. A government’s strategy of dealing with
A. The effects of living in a multicultural
other nations is called
A. isolationism
B. The need for equal rights for women
B. foreign policy
C. The problems with democratic govern-
C. neutrality ments
D. dilemma D. The ineffectiveness of public schools
184. Chinese Exclusion Act: 189. How were the “new” immigrants who
A. Allowed more immigrants came to the U.S. in the late 1800s and
B. Banned freedom of speech early 1900s different from the “old” im-
migrants who came previously?
C. Restricted working conditions
A. The new immigrants were more widely
D. Prevented people from immigrating to
accepted into American culture.
the U.S.
B. The new immigrants mainly settled in
185. What negative effect did use of barb wire the southern states and became farmers.
on farms have?
C. Most of the new immigrants came
A. Led to the outbreak of range wars be- from eastern and southern Europe.
tween farmers
D. Most of the new immigrants came for
B. Many animals began to injure them- a short time to earn money.
C. Ranchers felt betrayed by their fellow 190. “This strange admixture of doctrines,
neighbors culled from the tenets of almost every re-
ligious, as well as pagan sect, is modified
D. The state rights were violated
from time to time to better suit their mate-
186. How did the development of the railroad rialistic views, increase their despotism of
impact the bison population? the church, and sanction their lustful plea-
sures “-Life Among the Mormons, and
A. the amount of bison did not change
a march to their Zion, William Waters Why
B. the amount of bison decreased did many Mormons migrate to the western
C. the amount of bison increased United States?
D. bison migrated east A. to pursue gold mining


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 333

B. to increase their material wealth 195. How were cities built to conserve
C. to learn more about the Native Ameri- space?


cans pagan beliefs A. Skyscrapers were built
D. to escape religious persecution B. Tenements apartments were built
C. Public services began
191. What dilemma did Thomas Jefferson face
in dealing with Barbary States? D. All of these happened
A. Go to war with Morocco or pay tribute 196. The Populist Party had its roots in
B. Go to war with Tripoli or pay tribute A. the open-range system
C. Go to war with Algiers or pay tribute B. the Farmers’ Alliance
D. Go to war with Tunis or pay tribute C. mining camps

192. In the Treaty of 1800 with France, the D. land grants

United States agreed to NOT ask for pay- 197. Asian immigrants primarily came
ment for ships captured by the French and through:
repay American sailors. What did the
French give the Americans? [Choose 2] A. Ellis Island
B. Angel Island
A. End of 1778 Alliance
C. Staten Island
B. XYZ Affair
D. Middle Bass Island
C. Peace
D. Jay Treaty of 1794 198. Which continent did the U.S. government
first close off immigration from?
193. Which law required all citizens to help A. Europe
capture and return slaves who had run
away? B. Asia
A. Fugitive Slave Act C. Antarctica

B. Run Away Slave Law D. Africa

C. Escaped Slave Law 199. These aided in the process called “Amer-
icanization” where immigrants were
D. Returned to the South Act
taught to speak English and about Ameri-
194. What was the biggest impact of the can culture.
Alamo? A. American Schools
A. Sam Houston used as a rallying cry B. Churches
during his victory over Santa Anna
C. Neighborhood Parks
B. It propelled Santa Anna and Mexico to D. Local Government
have victory over the Texans
C. It cut off supplies to the Mexican Army 200. What was the idea of letting setters in
and allowed Davey Crockett to win the bat- each territory decide whether to allow
tle slavery called?

D. Closed Texas to future American settle- A. Popular Sovereignty

ment B. Democratic Slavery


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 334

C. Popular Vote D. none of above

D. Electoral College
206. Which amendment defined black citizen-
201. The stuffy, crowded lowest deck of a ship ship and “equal protection under the law?
with the cheapest tickets that most immi- ”
grants traveled in. A. 12th Amendment
A. Last Class B. 13th Amendment
B. Storage C. 14th Amendment

C. Steerage D. 15th Amendment
D. Manifest
207. Nickname for African-American soldiers
202. Upon arriving in New York, immigrants who fought wars against Indians on Great
were to go to Plains
A. Central Park A. Buffalo Soldiers
B. Elis Island B. Buffalo Wings
C. Manhattan C. Buffalo Navy
D. the Empire state building
D. Buffalo Riders
203. What was the goal of the Interstate Com-
merce Act (1887)? 208. Which Barbary State did the Americans
fight from 1801 to 1804 and eventually
A. To regulate the most controversial get to agree to stop demanding tribute
business practices payments?
B. To expand the positive impacts of the A. Tunis
B. Algiers
C. To improve efficiency by favoring large
businesses over smaller companies C. Morocco
D. To increase government ownership of D. Tripoli
key industries
209. Which immigration station is in NYC?
204. Fiat money A. Ellis Island
A. has value
B. Angel Island
B. is legal tender
C. Trump Island
C. is not cash
D. Clinton Island
D. is counterfeit
210. What was the separate government
205. What major effect did railroads have on formed by the seceded southern states
Texas cities in the late 1800s? called?
A. The increased economic activity and
A. the Confederate States of America
B. the Southern States of America
B. Brought slaves to western settlements
C. Increased state legislation of major C. the Slave States of America
cities D. the Union of Southern States


1.9 One Nation or Two? The U.S. in the 1800s 335

211. Which of these was a result of the Mis- C. 14th Amendment

souri Compromise? D. 15th Amendment


A. The Missouri Compromise maintained
the balance of representatives between 216. Most immigrants on the East Coast were
slave states and free states in Congress. processed where?
B. The Missouri Compromise prevented A. Washington, D.C.
the spread of slavery west of the Missis- B. Ellis Island
sippi River.
C. Angel Island
C. The Missouri Compromise prohibited
Congress from making laws about slav- D. Baltimore
217. This group of immigrants was especially
D. The Missouri Compromise started the discriminated against with an Exclusion
debate of the constitutionality of slavery. Act made in 1882.
212. Which of the following inventions A. Chinese
brought an end to the open range on the
B. Irish
Great Plains?
C. Italian
A. steel plow
B. reaper D. German

C. windmill 218. What is a tenement?

D. barbed wire A. A new form of transportation
213. Who was the French emperor who sold B. Poorly built, overcrowded apartment
the Louisiana Territory to the United buildings
States? C. The end of immigration
A. Napoleon Dynamite
D. A revolutionary war in Africa
B. Napoleon Bonaparte
219. What was the federal agency set up to
C. King Louis XIV
help freedmen adjust to freedom in the
D. King George III South?
214. What was the period after the War of A. Carpetbaggers
1812 known as because there were few B. Freedmen’s Bureau
political differences?
C. Scalawags
A. “Era of Good Times”
B. “Era of Good Feelings”
C. “Era of Happy Memories” 220. Forms of mass transit during the late
D. “Era of Nice Thoughts” 1800s included all EXCEPT:
A. Trolleys
215. Which amendment said slavery was abol-
ished in the entire United States? B. Subways
A. 12th Amendment C. Cars
B. 13th Amendment D. Trains


1.10 American Revolution 336

221. What was the agreement between the 222. h century Chinese immigrants are known
United States and Britain about Oregon in for what?
A. Work in building the Transcontinental
A. to split Oregon at 49N parallel Railroad
B. to split Oregon at the 54 40 N parallel
B. Work in New York factories
C. to have joint occupation of the territory
C. Contributions to the steel industry
D. to give all of the territory to the United

States D. Contributions to John D. Rockefeller

1.10 American Revolution

1. Spanish military General who supplied 5. During the American Revolution, for what
the Continental Army during the Ameri- was General Charles Cornwallis BEST
can Revolution.His naval fleet kept the known?
British from gaining control of the Missis- A. the brutal tactics he used to decrease
sippi River. morale among the colonial subjects
A. Bernardo de Galvez B. gaining more territory for Great
B. Marquis de Lafayette Britain than any contemporary military
C. Haym Salomon leader
D. Mercy Otis Warren C. employing a scorched earth tactic as
he led his army through the Georgia
2. Which of these was the first government Colony
of the United States?
D. pushing for and leading British expe-
A. Constitution ditions to take control of the Southern
B. Mayflower Compact Colonies
C. Articles of Confederation 6. Which of these events played an important
D. Declaration of Independence role in causing the American Revolution?
(hint:think about the event that led to the
3. Colonists who chose to side with the King George charging the colonists taxes)
British were known as
A. the French and Indian War
A. Redcoats
B. the War of 1812
B. Loyalists
C. Indian rebellions in the Ohio Territory
C. Neutrals
D. slavery
D. Patriots
7. . “Volumes have been written on the
4. During the American Revolution, most Na- subject of the struggle between England
tive American groups: and America and the period of debate
A. remained neutral is closed Ichallenge the warmest ad-
B. sided with the British vocate for the reconciliation to show a
single advantage that this continent can
C. switched loyalties reap by being connectedwith Great Britain
D. sided with the Americans But the injuries and disadvantages


1.10 American Revolution 337

are without number; and our duty to C. the lack of a Congress to set economic
mankind at large, as well as toourselves, policy
instruct us to renounce the alliance Ev-


D. the lack of authority to collect taxes
erything that is right or reasonable pleads
for separation. The blood of the slain, the 11. The American Revolutionary war was
weeping voice of nature cries, ‘TIS TIME the American colonists and England(Great
TO PART.”-Thomas Paine, Common Sense, Britain).
1776 What is Paine’s argument in favor
of independence? A. between

A. The British were being fair and reason- B. soldiers

able in their taxes, but it was time for C. government
America to declare independence.
D. rights
B. There were no good reasons for re-
maining connected to Britain and the 12. William Few’s MAIN contribution to the
colonies should be independent. Constitutional Convention was
C. The distance between Britain and the A. helping negotiate the Great Compro-
American colonies was too great, thus mise.
America should declare its independence.
B. making a crucial speech at the conven-
D. The colonies should reconcile with tion.
Britain before declaring their indepen-
dence. C. delivering nationalist votes at crucial
8. According to the Declaration of Indepen- D. supporting Georgia and the other
dence, the government gets its power larger states.
A. Parliament 13. was a lawyer in Massachusetts who
served on the Declaration of Independence
B. the King Committee. He later became the second
C. the President president of the United States.
D. the people A. George Washington

9. Which battle occurred on Christmas 1776 B. Benjamin Franklin

and was a surprise? C. Thomas Jefferson
A. Battle of King’s Mountain D. John Adams
B. Battle of Trenton
14. Who was a delegate at the Continen-
C. Battle of Princeton tal Congress who promoted independence?
D. Battle of Saratoga He would later become 2nd president of
the United States.
10. Which of the following contributed to the
A. Thomas Jefferson
United States’ economic weakness at the
beginning of the Revolutionary War? B. George Washington
A. the inability to print paper money C. John Adams
B. the abundance of natural resources D. Benjamin Franklin


1.10 American Revolution 338

15. The American colonists were upset with B. Let us be heard!

new taxes levied on them by the British C. We don’t like King George III!
for several reasons. One was the fact
D. No taxation without representation!
that they considered these to be “taxa-
tion without representation.” What else 20. Who would NOT have taken part in the
did they resent about these taxes? Sons of Liberty?
A. Paying taxes was against the religion A. King George
of many colonists B. journalists

B. The tax money went to support a king C. blacksmiths
they couldn’t stand
D. merchants
C. The taxes were on everyday items
which would make these ordinary items 21. Which country helped the Americans win
more expensive the Battle of Yorktown?
D. The taxes were on large landowners A. Spain
only which made the average colonist feel B. Gremany
neglected C. France
16. Which leader was considered the “George D. New Netherlands
Washington of South America”? 22. In the Declaration of Independence, whom
A. Toussaint Louverture did Americans indict for “repeated injuries
B. Miguel Hidalgo and usurpations”?
C. Simon Bolivar A. King George III
B. Parliament
D. Jose de San Martin
C. British merchants
17. Who were the Hessians?
D. The King’s ministers
A. Patriots Soldiers
23. The placed a tax on lead, glass, tea,
B. British Soldiers and paper.
C. German Mercenaries A. Sugar Act
D. Loyalists B. Townshend Acts
LEMS ARE D. Stamp Act
A. low on ammunition and gunpowder 24. Which fundamental political idea is ex-
B. needs gun makers to make more arms pressed in the Declaration of Indepen-
for the military dence?
C. 1 year enlistments are ending A. The government should guarantee ev-
ery citizen land security.
B. The central government and state gov-
19. What slogan did the colonists use to ernments should have equal power.
protest having no choice and no voice in C. If the government denies its people
parliament? certain basic rights, that government can
A. No taxes for us! be overthrown.


1.10 American Revolution 339

D. Rulers derive their right to govern B. taxed

from God and are therefore bound to gov- C. Samuel Adams
ern in the nation’s best interest.


D. Crispus Attucks
25. In which state did the Battle of Saratoga
take place 30. We hold these truths to be self-evident
that all men are created equal, that they
A. New York
are endowed by their Creator with certain
B. Georgia inalienable Rights, that among these are
C. Virginia Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-
That to secure these rights, Governments
D. Pennsylvania are instituted among Men, deriving their
26. During the American Revolution, the offi- just powers from the consent of the
cial policy of the South Carolina govern- governed, -The underlined portion most
ment toward allowing African American closely understood to mean what?
troops in the military was A. People are guided by reason
A. that they would not be allowed to serve B. Each Person posses an inherent dig-
B. that they would serve for only one year nity or worth
C. that they would form their own African- C. the source of authority is populace
American units D. people should participate in their gov-
D. that they would only be allowed to fight ernance
when sent to other states
31. This was a pamphlet written by Thomas
27. Place these events in the correct order:A. Paine that claimed the American colonists
Battle of Yorktown B. Battle of Lexington had the right to be an independent na-
and Concord C. Battle of Saratoga tion. This pamphlet became very popular
and was said to be inspirational to the
A. C, B, A
colonists goal of freedom
B. B, C, A
A. Common Sense
C. B, A, C
B. The Plain Truth
D. A, B, C
C. The Declaration of Independence
28. Which date below best describes the be- D. The Proclamation of 1763
ginning of America becoming free from the
rule of monarchy? 32. What was the major cause of the French
A. 1607 and Indian War?

B. 1776 A. France and Britain both claimed the

same lands in North America.
C. 1803
B. American colonists wanted indepen-
D. 1861 dence from Britain.
29. The Boston Sons of Liberty was a political C. Native Americans did not like French
group that protested the acts of the British people settling on western lands.
Parliament. This group was started by D. The British government passed new
A. Boston Massacre tax laws in the colonies.


1.10 American Revolution 340

33. He was a French military officer who was A. They believed that the new govern-
a key general during both the French and ment intended to outlaw slavery in all of
American Revolutionary wars. He volun- the new states.
teered his services. B. They believed that the new govern-
A. Marquis de La Fayette ment would extend the rights they fought
for to African Americans.
B. Coco Chanel
C. They believed that the new govern-
C. Louis Vatton ment would allow African Americans to

D. Napolean form an independent country.
D. They believed that the new govern-
34. How did the former German General Baron
ment intended to give African American
von Steuban help the Americans?
soldiers land taken from Loyalists.
A. Shared British secrets
38. According to the Declaration of Indepen-
B. Made a huge donation to the American dence, what can the people do if the gov-
Revolution cause ernment is not protecting their rights?
C. Helped to form alliance with France A. Find a new king
D. Trained the soldiers to march and fire B. Move to another country
guns quickly C. Not have a government
35. “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as D. Overthrow/abolish and start a new
to be purchased at the price of chains government
or slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I 39. Thomas Paine contributed to the revolu-
know not what course others may take tionary cause by-
but as for me; give me liberty or give me
A. founding a navy to fight in the Revolu-
death!”Which famous American made this
tionary War
B. writing Common Sense to persuade
A. George Washington others to join the Patriots
B. Thomas Jefferson C. speaking against the Stamp Act in his
C. Patrick Henry Give me Liberty speech
D. John Adams D. recruiting Patriot fighters in New Eng-
land aka Green Mt.
36. Which battles were won by the
40. Which group prevented a British victory in
the South?
A. Saratoga, Lexington and Concord, and A. Loyalists
B. mercenaries
B. Charleston, Cowpens, and Yorktown
C. French soldiers
C. Yorktown, Bunker Hill, and Charleston D. guerrilla troops
D. none of above
41. When did Britain finally recognized United
37. Why did some African Americans side States independence?
with the colonists during the Revolution- A. When the Declaration of Indepen-
ary War? dence was signed


1.10 American Revolution 341

B. When France showed up to help the A. George Washington led the Continen-
U.S. tal Army to a key victory against the
British at this site


C. When the Treaty of Paris was signed
D. Olive Branch petition B. Many of George Washington’s soldiers
were forced to eat fire cake and died of
42. Benedict Arnold small poxat this site.
A. wrote the Declaration of Indepen- C. George Washington kept the Continen-
dence tal Army together through a harsh winter
at this site.
B. became commander-in-chief of the
Continental Army D. George Washington officially took com-
mand of the Continental Army at this site.
C. switched sides and joined the British
Army after being a Continental Army offi- 47. What strategy did George Washington use
cer to defeat Hessian mercenaries in the Bat-
D. none of above tle of Trenton, New Jersey, on Christmas
43. Why was the war named the “French and
Indian War”? A. He sent wave after wave of troops
against the Hessians until their leaders
A. England fought against France and its surrendered.
Indian allies.
B. He had his entire army sneak away
B. France fought against the Indians. from its camp before the Hessians could
C. England and France fought against the attack at dawn.
Indians. C. He crossed the Delaware River in the
D. France fought against England and its middle of the night to surprise the Hes-
Indian allies. sians.
D. none of above
44. What were unalienable rights listed in the
Declaration of Independence? 48. What was one of the Patriots’ greatest
A. Land, Guns and Laws strengths?
B. Takis, Soda and Skittles A. reliance on local militia
C. Love, Hope and Money B. well-trained soldiers
D. Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness C. superior troop numbers

45. to get rid of or take back D. persistence in fighting

A. disown 49. What 2 countries were fought in the

B. repeal French and Indian War?
C. quarter A. America and France
D. none of above B. France and Britain
C. Britain and Germany
46. What is the significance of Valley Forge for
the Continental Army? D. France and Spain


1.10 American Revolution 342

50. In 1777 the Americans defeated the B. Only the colonists’ elected representa-
British and proved to the French that tives should have the power to levy taxes.
the United States deserved their support. C. The English King should have the right
What battle was this turning point? ? to tax the colonies.
A. Trenton D. The colonists should oppose all taxa-
B. Lexington tion.
C. Saratoga 55. The French officially joined in helping the

D. Yorktown Americans by sending them soldiers and
supplies. They became an ally of the Amer-
51. Fight for the Ohio River Valley between icans after the Battle of
Britain and France. A. Valley Forge
A. French and Indian War B. de Galvez
B. Revolutionary War C. Saratoga
C. War of 1812 D. Lafayette
D. Civil War
56. Declaration of Independence
52. Which of the following people was a hero A. Kept the British from splitting New Eng-
and a traitor to the Continental Army land from the other colonies
A. Benedict Arnold B. Thomas Paine said kings were non-
B. Ethan Allen sense
C. George Washington C. Stated that the American colonies
were no longer part of Britain
D. King George III
D. The agreement ending the Revolution
53. How many colonists died in the Boston
57. The Quartering Act required colonists to
provide and for soldiers stationed
A. 1 in their town.
B. 5 A. food & shelter
C. 50 B. food & clothing
D. 500 C. Clothing & shelter

54. “The only representatives of the people of D. Money & food

these colonies are persons chosen therein 58. What was Jack Jouett going to warn
by themselves; and that no taxes ever Thomas Jefferson about?
have been, or can be constitutionally im-
posed on them but by their respective A. The Continental Army was about to sur-
legislatures.”-Statement by the Stamp Act render to the British
Congress, 1765 Identify the main idea of B. American Indians were coming to cap-
the quotation above: ture him and members of the General As-
A. The colonial legislatures should be ap- sembly
pointed by the English King with the con- C. The French were coming to arrest him
sent of Parliament. and members of the General Assembly


1.10 American Revolution 343

D. The British were coming to arrest him A. Yorktown

and members of the General Assembly B. Lexington & Concord


59. After the Boston Tea Party, the British Par- C. Bunker Hill
liament passed these laws to punish Mas-
D. Saratoga
A. Proclamation of 1863 64. Analyze the following statements to deter-
mine which was made by a Loyalist during
B. Sugar and Stamp Acts
the American Revolution.
C. Writs of Assistance
A. “ give me liberty or give me death!”
D. Intolerable/Coercive Acts
B. “We must indeed all hang together or,
60. What was the Continental Congress’s most assuredly, we shall all hang sepa-
main purpose for writing the Declaration? rately!”
A. end the war C. “Americans, as British citizens, must
pay their taxes!”
B. request aid from France
D. “A government of our own is our natu-
C. separate from England ral right “
D. set trade laws for the new country
65. During the Jonathan Edwards was a
61. What was the last major battle of the preacher who traveled around teaching the
war? equality of people and the forgiveness of
A. Battle of Saratoga sins.

B. Battle of Trenton A. First Great Awakening

C. Battle of Yorktown B. English Bill of Rights

D. Battle of Long Island C. Magna Carta

D. Proclamation of 1763
62. “Give me Liberty, or give me death!”
Since nothing but blows will do, let us 66. established the colony of Rhode Island
come to a final separation! These state- based on the principle of religious toler-
ments are the words of a ation, which allowed settlers to practice
A. Loyalist whatever religion they wanted.
B. Red Coat A. Thomas Hooker
C. Patriot B. New York
D. King C. Roger Williams
D. Virginia House of Burgesses
63. To which battle does this refer? :“The first
British attack failed. So did the second. 67. The colonists didn’t have any representa-
The third attack succeeded, only because tion in Parliament. What does this mean?
the Americans ran out of ammunition and
had to retreat. The British won the battle A. The British had to follow all the rules
but at a terrible cost but the Americans had that the colonists made for them.
proved they could fight against the profes- B. The colonists could tell the British to
sional British soldiers.” do whatever they wanted them to do.


1.10 American Revolution 344

C. The colonists didn’t get to help decide C. fighting for the United States in the
how their tax money would be spent. They American Revolution.
didn’t get to have a voice in the British gov- D. leading the French Resistance to aid
ernment. American pilots in World War II.
D. none of above
73. His engraving of the Boston Massacre is a
68. Which of the following describes the Mar- great example of propaganda.
quis de Lafayette? A. Samuel Adams

A. He took part in the British force that B. Paul Revere
captured the French city of Quebec.
C. Benjamin Franklin
B. He led a boycott against the purchase
of British goods. D. George Washington
C. He trained and commanded American 74. European + Native American =?
soldiers of the Continental Army.
A. Peninsulares
D. He became the first double spy in the
B. Creole
American Revolution.
C. Mestizo
69. What did the Sons of Liberty want?
D. Mulatto
A. religious freedom
B. Native American land 75. Who was the King of Britain at the time of
the Revolutionary War?
C. freedom from British rule
A. King George III
D. to trade with France and Spain
B. King George I
70. OFFICIALLY gives colonists independence C. King Henry IV
A. Declaration of Independence D. King Henry VIII
B. Treaty of Paris
76. This person was a delegate from Virginia
C. Yorktown at the Second Continental Congress, who
D. 2nd Continental Congress is credited with writing the Declaration
of Independence, who later served as the
71. I was the leader of the Sons of Liberty. third president of the United States
A. John Adams A. George Washington
B. Paul Revere B. Thomas Paine
C. KG3 C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Samuel Adams D. Benjamin Franklin
72. In the United States, the Marquis de 77. What ideals were Americans fighting for?
Lafayette is best known for
A. British Control
A. giving away secrets to the Germans in
World War II B. Independence

B. his role in the XYZ Affair with the C. Women’s rights

French Government D. Abolishment of slavery


1.10 American Revolution 345

78. Some fought for the British, who D. The southern Continental Army fought
promised them freedom. with more muskets than long rifles.


A. Enslaved African Americans
83. Which statement describes Washington’s
B. Free African Americans military strategy after 1776?
C. American Indians
A. to avoid battles with the British
D. Women
B. to defeat the British in one large battle
79. Which of the following groups led violent
protests against British taxation in the C. to fight a defensive war and tire the
colonies? British out
A. Virginia House of Burgesses D. to prevent food and supplies from
B. Parliament reaching the British

C. Daughters of Liberty 84. Who were the Sons of Liberty?

D. Sons of Liberty
A. A group of British spies
80. Why did Salutary Neglect exist?
B. A group of colonists who wanted to re-
A. Colonists wanted it that way main British
B. Distance for the mother country C. A group of French agitators
C. Indians surrounded the Atlantic Ocean
D. A group of colonists who wanted inde-
to isolate the colonies
pendence from Britain
D. France and Spain wanted to control the
colonies 85. What caused the American defeat in New
81. What was a result of the Treaty of Paris York in August 1776?
1783? A. weak leadership
A. France officially left North America. B. unmotivated troops
B. Britain recognized the Independence
C. undisciplined enemy
of the United States.
C. The 13 colonies returned to Britain. D. inexperienced soldiers
D. Spain and France officially teamed up
86. Which of the following was one British
against the British crown.
principle of government valued by the
82. What was a difference between fighting in American colonists?
the Middle and New England colonies ver- A. the custom of having a ruling king or
sus the Southern colonies? queen
A. The fighting was more ferocious in the
New England colonies. B. the freedom to wage violent protest if
they thought it was necessary
B. The Continental Army had more sol-
diers in the New England and Middle C. the potential to have an aristocratic
colonies. house in the legislature
C. The battles in the Southern Colonies D. the right to pay no tax unless it was
were more brutal. levied by their own representatives


1.10 American Revolution 346

87. During the Winter of Valley Forge, hunger, A. always support their country, no mat-
disease, and cold took the lives of 2500 ter what
of Washington’s men that winter. A vol- B. only serve their country when things
unteer from Prussia named drilled sol- are going well
diers, taught them how to use firearms,
and created a more disciplined army. C. will always cheerfully serve their coun-
A. Marquis de Lafayette
D. none of above
B. Baron von Steuben

C. Nathanael Greene 92. British American colonists were asked to
help pay the cost of the French and Indian
D. Samuel Adams
War by paying
88. What did the Stamp Act do that England A. Patriots
did not expect?
B. snowballs
A. It increased the colonist’s support of
C. taxes
King George III.
B. It united the colonies against England. D. boycott

C. It caused them to buy more paper 93. Which group of people did not take sides
goods. in the Revolutionary War?
D. None of the above A. Loyalists

89. Why did the British give up after years of B. Patriots

fighting in the Revolutionary War? C. Neutral
A. The Native Americans convinced them D. Enslaved African Americans
to stop fighting
94. What happened on July 4, 1776, that
B. King George III decided he didn’t care
makes it such an important date in Ameri-
and went on vacation
can history?
C. They decided the war was too expen-
A. The colonists won the American Revo-
sive to continue
D. They got bored and wanted to go play
B. The 13 colonies formed their first
Fortnite instead
united government.
90. The colony of Maryland was established C. Congress voted to accept the Declara-
for reasons as a safe haven for tion of Independence.
Catholics, since they were persecuted in
other colonies and parts of the world. D. The colonists formed the first Commit-
tee of Correspondence.
A. Oglethorpe
B. economic 95. Which goods did Great Britain pass a tax
on that led to boycotts and protests?
C. Mayflower Compact (hint:think about items were taxed be-
D. religious cause of the Stamp Act)

91. “Sunshine patriots, “ according to Thomas A. syrup

Paine will B. weapons and bullets


1.10 American Revolution 347

C. newspapers, wills, birth certificates, B. because they doubted that the

and licenses colonists could defeat the British


D. sugar and molasses C. because they wanted to remain neu-
96. inexperienced soldiers
D. because they wanted the British to
A. British strength
help keep out settlers
B. British weakness
C. American strength 101. How were American Indians treated dur-
ing the negotiations that formally ended
D. American weakness
the American Revolution?
97. The assistance of the French was given A. Both allies of the British and allies of
to the American Continental Army after the United States were allowed to keep
which battle in the Revolutionary War? their territory.
A. Cowpens
B. Both allies of the British and allies of
B. New York the United States were forced to give up
C. Saratoga their territory.
D. Lexington C. Allies of the British were allowed to
keep their land, while allies of the United
98. How did the cost of the American Revolu- States lost their land.
tion affect the stability of the U.S. econ-
omy? D. Allies of the United States were al-
lowed to keep their land, while allies of the
A. It increased the U.S. dependency on British lost their land.
foreign imports.
B. It decreased international trade and 102. After the war was over, King George III
America became self-sufficient. issued the which forbid colonists from
C. It promoted development of the agri- settling west of the Appalachian Moun-
cultural capabilities of the states. tains

D. it created large state debts that were A. Proclamation of 1763

assumed by the national gov’t. B. French and Indian War
99. The first to die for the American Revolu- C. Salutary Neglect
tion cause was , who was part African
D. none of above
American and part Native American.
A. Boston Massacre 103. After the war was over King George
B. taxed III passed the to try and keep the
colonists from settling on Native American
C. Samuel Adams
lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.
D. Crispus Attucks
A. Proclamation of 1763
100. Why did Loyalism appeal to Native Amer- B. Civil War
C. French and Indian War
A. because they had sworn to uphold the
king’s authority D. Ohio Valley War


1.10 American Revolution 348

104. Fort Ticonderoga B. Virginia Women Raise Money to Sup-

A. George Washington led his troops port American Troops
across the Delaware river to attack. C. General Washington Forbids Presence
B. Kept the British from splitting New of Women in Military Camps
England from the other colonies D. none of above
C. Was the final major battle of the Revo-
109. Who spent months trying to convince
France to enter the war against Great

D. The Green Mountain boys attacked and Britain?
got cannons needed by the Continental
A. Samual Adams
B. John Hancock
105. Which figure of the American Revolu-
C. Ben Franklin
tion singled local minutemen of the British
were coming by sea? D. George Washington
A. John Paul Jones 110. Which of these was a common slogan
B. Paul Revere that the colonists used to express (show)
C. Thomas Paine their feelings about the taxes they were
being charged?
D. John Smith
A. “Remember the Alamo!”
106. After the victory at Saratoga, which B. “No taxation without representation!”
country was convinced that the Americans
could win the war with Britain? C. “Fifty-four forty or fight!”

A. Poland D. “Remember the Maine!”

B. France 111. Who said, “Give me liberty, or give me

C. Germany death.”?
D. Japan A. Thomas Jefferson
B. Patrick Henry
107. The colony of , was established as a
place for Quakers to live in peace. They C. King George III
were the first anti-slavery group in the D. Samuel Adams
A. Lexington and Concord 112. Which of these was not a worry to Sybil
on the night of her ride?
B. Maryland
A. She could run into armed British sup-
C. Pennsylvania porters.
D. Rhode Island B. The woods could be dangerous at
108. Which of these headlines would most
likely have appeared in an American news- C. British soldiers could be on their way
paper during the Revolutionary War? to burn her village.
A. Women’s Militia Fights Off British At- D. British troops could be marching to-
tack ward Concord to destroy military supplies.


1.10 American Revolution 349

113. In which battle did Washington’s army C. 2 Generals combined forces to push
and the French fleet surrounded the main out the Spanish
British army in the South Cornwallis to sur-


D. Leader declared independence with-
render? It was the last major battle of the
out a fight
A. Lexington and Concord 118. A Patriot in North America in the 1770s
B. Bunker Hill would have MOST LIKELY supported which
of these?
C. Saratoga
A. boycotting British-made goods
D. Yorktown
B. supporting the “Coercive Acts”
114. Which document officially ended the
American Revolutionary War? C. remaining a part of Great Britain
A. Treaty of Great Britain D. becoming a member of the “red coats”
B. Treaty of the Patriots
119. As King George and Parliament continued
C. Treaty of America taxing the colonies unfairly, the colonists
D. Treaty of Paris broke in to three different groups. What
was the name of the colonists that sup-
115. What was the main contribution of Mar- ported the colonies breaking away from
quis de Lafayette during the American Rev- Britain and becoming an independent coun-
olution? try?
A. He supplied money to the Continental A. Loyalists
B. Patriots
B. He introduced new weapons to the
American colonists C. Neutrals
C. He convinced France to join the fight D. Colonists
against the British
120. “We may destroy all the men in Amer-
D. He helped George Washington decide
ica, and we shall still have all we can
military strategies
do to defeat the women.”-British General
116. Spanish governor of Louisiana; kept the Lord Cornwallis, during the Revolutionary
British from using the ports of New Or- WarThe quotation above best applies to
leans. which statement about the Revolutionary
A. Bernardo de Galvez
B. Marques de Lafayette A. During the war, the colonists con-
ducted numerous successful surprise at-
C. Mercy Otis Warren tacks against the British.
D. John Paul Jones
B. During the war, British communica-
117. Which best summarizes the how Brazil re- tions were repeatedly interrupted and in-
ceived their independence? tercepted.
A. Slave revolt against the French C. During the war, colonial family farms
and businesses remained in operation.
B. 2 Catholic Priest led the mestizos in an
uprisinig D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 350

121. A colonial leader who was also an inven- 126. called for a resolution in the Sec-
tor and scientist. He also helped create the ond Continental Congress for indepen-
Declaration of Independence and traveled dence from Britain.
to France. A. George Washington
A. Benedict Arnold B. John Dickinson
B. George Washington C. Richard Henry Lee
C. Thomas Jefferson D. George Washington

D. Benjamin Franklin
127. Why did some Native Americans fight on
122. Which of the following men helped to the side of the French during the French
found the Sons of Liberty? and Indian War?

A. John Locke A. Because they thought the French

would win
B. Samuel Adams
B. For gold
C. George Washington
C. Because they knew if the British won
D. Thomas Jefferson they would lose their land.

123. Which country was the first to form an D. none of above

alliance with the colonists?
128. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
A. France that all men are created equal, that they
B. Spain are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are
C. Poland Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
D. the Netherlands “Which is the Best meaning of the under-
lined section in this passage?
124. Colonists were not allowed to settle A. Certain rights come from God
west of the Appalachian Mountains be-
cause King George III did not want the B. Some things should be banned
colonists to get into any more wars. This C. Only citizens can determine what
law was called the rights are allowed
A. First Great Awakening D. Only the government can determine
B. English Bill of Rights what rights are allowed

C. Magna Carta 129. The merchants of Boston having taken

into consideration the deplorable situation
D. Proclamation of 1763
of the trade and the many difficulties it
125. The Declaration of Independence was of- at present labours under on account of the
ficially accepted on what date? scarcity of money. and the large sums col-
lected. for duties on goods imported, the
A. June 2, 1770 heavy taxes levied to discharge the debts
B. January 24, 1775 contracted by the gov’t in the late war, the
embarrassments and restrictions laid on
C. December 25th 1976
the trade by the several late Acts of Parlia-
D. July 4th 1776 ment. Boston Non-Important Agreement,


1.10 American Revolution 351

August 1, 1768 Courtesy of The Avalon A. When people are taxed, but they have
Project at Yale Law School In the above no say in the government
text, what motivated Boston merchants to


B. When people are taxed twice on the
announce a boycott of British goods? same item
A. They wanted to force the colonial leg- C. When some people get taxed and oth-
islature to print more paper money. ers don’t
B. They wanted to raise additional rev- D. When people in the Colonies are taxed,
enue for the Massachusetts General As- but no one in England is
C. They wanted to encourage fellow 134. What was the rallying cry of the
colonist to adopt the factory system of pro- Colonists who were upset with the
duction. British?

D. They wanted to protest the effect of im- A. “USA!, USA!, USA!”

perial policies on the Massachusetts econ- B. “More money, more problems!”
omy. C. “God save the King!”
130. This well respected patriot convinced D. “No Taxation Without Representation!
France to become America’s ally during the
Revolutionary War 135. Which of these was the GREATEST contri-
bution of Prussian military expert Baron
A. Paul Revere von Steuben to the American war effort?
B. Benjamin Franklin A. He secured much-needed supplies
C. Thomas Jefferson from Prussia.
D. Thomas Paine B. He trained the Continental Army at Val-
ley Forge.
131. When Thomas Jefferson wrote, “All men
C. He donated large sums of money to the
should be created equal” he meant that all
men should
D. He led a group of soldiers at the Battle
A. be entitled to the same rights
of Saratoga
B. have the same abilities
136. Was the Quebec Act really about Quebec
C. make the same income (Canada)?
D. have the same education A. Yes, it made Quebec a province but
also made the Ohio Valley part of Canada.
132. Women colonists did which of the follow-
ing during the war B. Yes, this is where all of the Redcoats
were sent
A. nursed the wounded
C. No, it all about the Ohio Valley
B. fought in battles
D. No, the act did not even mention Que-
C. collected money
D. all of the above
137. After the Stamp Act, what did those who
133. What is the meaning of taxation without opposed the British taxes begin to call
representation? themselves?


1.10 American Revolution 352

A. the Sons of Liberty 143. Who was the commander in chief of all
B. the Empire continental forces during the Revolution-
ary War?
C. the Crown
A. George Washington
D. the Patriots
B. Ethan Allen
138. The colonists believed they could not be
C. John Hancock
by the British government unless they
were given representation in Parliament. D. Sam Adams

A. Boston Massacre 144. What did James Lafayette successfully
B. taxed request after the war, with the support
C. Samuel Adams of Marquis de Lafayette?
D. Crispus Attucks A. A Plantation
B. Land
139. People not in the military:
A. civilian C. Money

B. Patriot D. His Freedom

C. Loyalist 145. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning
D. mercenary point in the war because it
A. brought France into the war as an
140. At the beginning of the Revolutionary
American ally
War, the Americans had the advantage of
having B. liberated Georgia from Britain
A. Strong navy C. ended General Burgoyne’s career
B. Experienced troops D. forced the British to leave
C. motivation for independence 146. How did colonists react to the Proclama-
D. highly paid soldiers tion of 1763?
141. Which act forbid colonists from settling in A. They resisted the British regulation of
the Ohio Valley? colonial agriculture.
A. Stamp Act B. They supported the right to manufac-
ture goods within the colonies.
B. Proclamation of 1763
C. Quartering Act C. They opposed the ban on colonial ex-
pansion into western lands.
D. none of above
D. They accepted the presence of more
142. A meeting of delegates from each of the British troops to protect the colonies.
thirteen American colonies. These dele-
gates served as the government during the 147. Americans who remained loyal to Great
Revolutionary War. Britain were called
A. petition A. Separatists
B. patriots B. Patriots
C. Continental Congress C. Loyalists
D. loyalists D. Sons of Liberty


1.10 American Revolution 353

148. How did John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, C. Loyalist

and John Jay impact the END of the Amer- D. mercenary
ican Revolution?


153. Early revolutionary battle where 1, 000
A. They formed an alliance with France
British troops died and realized the Amer-
that helped win the war.
ican Colonists were tougher than they
B. they wrote in the newspapers to urge thought.
colonists to fight in the war.
A. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. They negotiated the Treaty of Paris B. Lexington and Concord
that ended the war.
C. Battle of Saratoga
D. They captured several British generals
D. Battle of Yorktown
which swiftly ended the war.
154. The main goal of most of the British colo-
149. The assistance of the French was given to nial policies was to what?
the American Continental Army after the
battle of Saratoga A. Allow American colonists greater self-
A. Cowpens
B. Encourage immigration to the
B. New York colonies.
C. Saratoga C. Encourage Americans to trade with
D. Lexington other European colonies throughout the
United States.
150. Why did George Washington make the D. Enable Great Britain to raise revenues
risky move of crossing the Delaware River and control trade.
on Christmas night 1776?
155. Given that only 5 people died in the
A. to release Patriots taken prisoner
Boston Massacre, why was it labeled a
B. to smuggle ammunition to Patriot sol- massacre?
A. British commanders ordered troops to
C. to secretly establish a Patriot settle- shoot into a rioting crowd in effort to re-
ment store order
D. to make a surprise attack on German B. the victims were innocent bystanders
mercenaries who were caught in the barrage of gunfire
C. the victims had done little to provoke
151. Their meeting was called the
the confrontational and hostile British
A. First Continental Congress troops
B. Colonial Meeting D. Boston radicals used it as propaganda
C. First colonial meeting to take advantage of the heightened ten-
D. none of above
156. What is Salutary Neglect
152. Soldiers who serve another country for
A. When a parent drops a child off and
never go back to get him/her
A. minutemen B. When a marine salutes an officer in the
B. Patriot army


1.10 American Revolution 354

C. Britain left the colonies alone to fend 161. British imposed taxes on the colonists to
for themselves help pay the expenses of fighting the
D. Not allowing the colonies to interact A. spanish armade
with Native Americans
B. American Indian tribes
157. During the Revolutionary War, what
C. American Revolution
were the duties of “camp followers, “
women who lived in military encamp- D. French and Indian War

162. How did Committees of Correspondence
A. They acted as nurses, tending to the
help the colonists fight British rule?
sick and wounded.
B. They acted as soldiers, fighting in A. They spread information quickly.
women’s brigades on the front lines. B. They housed British soldiers.
C. They acted as gunsmiths, cleaning and C. They voted to declare independence.
repairing firearms
D. They stole British goods.
D. They acted as scouts, monitoring and
reporting on enemy movements
163. Spanish attacks on British forts in the
158. What did the Marquis de Lafayette con- South
vince King Louis XVI to do to help Ameri- A. caused widespread anger among the
can Patriots during the war? Patriots
A. Create a cavalry B. allowed many slaves to escape
B. Create a training program
C. did not affect the war at all
C. Send thousands more troops
D. drew British troops away from battles
D. Winterize homes for the troops with the Patriots
159. Valley Forge
164. What was the last name of the British
A. Was the final major battle of the Revo- General who surrendered at Yorktown in
lution 1781, ending the fighting of the American
B. Kept the British from splitting New Revolution?
England from the other colonies A. Gage
C. Winter encampment where soldiers
B. Arnold
suffered from cold, hunger, and disease
D. Patriots held off the British until they C. George III
ran out of ammunition D. Cornwallis
160. This man helped Washington drill the Pa-
165. General of the British Army
triot army at Valley Forge.
A. George Washington
A. Friedrich von Steuben
B. Marquis de Lafayette B. Benedict Arnold
C. Lemuel Hayes C. Charles Cornwallis
D. Daniel Dawes D. Paul Revere


1.10 American Revolution 355

166. What was the common slogan used in the E. Colonists who remained loyal to the
Colonies? king would be punished and sent to Great
Britain instead of being allowed to live in


A. “Give me liberty or Give me death”
the United States.
B. “No Taxation without Representation”
C. “No Stamp Act, No Sugar Act” 170. Why did General Thomas Gage send
troops to Lexington and Concord?
D. “Never eat spinach with a stranger”
A. to seize weapons and arrest leaders
167. What did the British government do to B. to meet with the local governors
the colonists?
C. to buy weapons and pay Paul Revere
A. Encouraged America to trade with
other European countries throughout the D. to arrest George Washington
United States.
171. Who was famous for his hit-and-run at-
B. Restricted the colonists by passing tacks in fighting the British?
many laws on them about taxes and trade
A. Ethan Allen
C. The King of England wanted the
B. Daniel Morgan
colonists to have a greater voice in gov-
ernment. C. Francis Marion
D. King George III put many American D. Benedict Arnold
colonists in stocks.
172. How did the British army meet its man-
168. In response to the Tea Act, the colonists power needs during the American Revolu-
threw tea from the British ships into the tion?
Boston Harbor. This event is known as: A. Great Britain hired German Hessian
A. Boston Tea Party mercenaries.
B. Boston Riots B. Great Britain built a larger naval fleet
to defend the Great Lakes.
C. Boston Massacre
C. Great Britain built stronger forts along
D. Boston Market
the Appalachian Mountains.
169. Which of the following were included in D. Great Britain hired Native Americans
the Treaty of Paris? to fight against the colonists.
A. Florida would be given to Spain, and
173. Explain how France’s naval power con-
Britain ceded (gave up) its territory east
tributed to Washington’s victory at York-
of the Mississippi River.
B. Britain would recognize the United
A. Navy blockade kept British troops from
States of America as an independent na-
fleeing and receiving supplies.
C. Colonists who had remained loyal to B. The Navy would have no effect
the king would still have to be treated C. The Navy helped bring fresh troops to
fairly in the new United States. the battle
D. King George III would have full control D. The Navy was there for moral support
over Paris. only


1.10 American Revolution 356

174. Which statement best explains why sup- 178. Who appointed colonial governors?
porters of Great Britain left the United A. King
States after the Revolutionary War?
B. Parliament
A. Although the Treaty of Paris urged
states to give back land that had been C. Colonists
taken from them during the war, support- D. Governors appointed themselves.
ers of Great Britain no longer wanted their
property. 179. Why might the editors have chosen hu-
morous (funny) images to accompany the

B. In the Treaty of Paris, Great Britain article?
and the United States both offered assis-
A. to prove that the Revolutionary War
tance to people who chose to move to Eng-
was funny
land or to other British colonies.
B. to show images readers would recog-
C. Although the Treaty of Paris recom-
nize from history books
mended fair treatment for supporters of
Great Britain, many faced discrimination C. to grab readers’ attention and engage
from their states and neighbors. them in the story
D. none of above D. none of above

175. The following were battles during the 180. Which of these was a major philosophy
American Revolution expressed in the Declaration of Indepen-
A. The battle of Yorktown
A. support for states’ rights and slavery
B. The battle of Saratoga
B. a belief in the natural rights of citizens
C. The battle of Tikicohondera
C. the need for a federal system of gov-
D. The battle of Sunrise, Florida ernment
E. The battle of Lexington & Concord D. a belief in the benefits of a laissez-
faire economy
176. Which form of political participation by
colonists led to the development of the 181. The colony of was created as a haven
Committees of Correspondence? for Catholics.
A. Petitions A. Lexington and Concord
B. Protests B. Maryland
C. Town hall meetings C. Pennsylvania
D. Writing letters to officials D. Rhode Island

177. What did the colonists call the acts Britain 182. Based on the excerpt from the Declara-
used to punish Boston after the Boston Tea tion of Independence, why did the Amer-
Party? ican colonies choose to form an indepen-
dent nation?
A. The Tea Act
A. The colonies were located too far away
B. The Intolerable Acts
from Great Britain.
C. The Stamp Act B. The colonists were not allowed to prac-
D. The Punishing Acts tice their religion freely.


1.10 American Revolution 357

C. The king sought to enslave the D. failure to allow the United States to
colonists and limit social mobility. conduct foreign relations.


D. The governing body did not fulfill its re-
sponsibilities to the colonists. 187. The Americans officially cut political ties
with Britain in 1776 with the signing of
183. The Battle of was significant for the the It was written by Thomas Jef-
Americans because it led directly to the ferson.
countries of France and Spain helping us
fight against the British. This is called the A. Declaration of Independence
turning point battle. B. Washington
A. Saratoga C. House of Burgesses
B. Lafayette
D. English Bill of Rights
C. de Galvez
D. Valley Forge 188. Who was the first choice to command the
Continental Army?
184. He was the British general that was de-
feated at Yorktown to signify the end (and A. Thomas Jefferson
loss) of the Revolutionary War. B. Benjamin Franklin
A. Lord Nelson
C. Thomas Paine
B. Lord Cornwallis
D. George Washington
C. Lord Kitchener
D. George III 189. The Spanish military leader at New Or-
185. The main purpose of the section “The Peo- leans was He refused to allow the
ple’s Fight” is to ? British to pass into the Mississippi River,
which helped the Patriot cause.
A. Show how colonists had different opin-
ions about whether to fight the British. A. Saratoga
B. Point out how the Revolution affected B. Lafayette
the lives of everyone who lived through it.
C. de Galvez
C. Highlight the cruelty of British soldiers
to American families. D. Valley Forge
D. Show how kids served as spies in
190. The role of Thomas Paine during the
British camps during the war.
American Revolution was to
186. A major failing of the United States Gov- A. serve as military commander under
ernment under the Articles of Confedera- Washington in the Continental Army.
tion was its
B. write persuasive pamphlets to support
A. inability to allow the United States to
American independence and troops.
B. inability to regulate commerce among C. stop England from attacking and gain-
the states. ing control of Spanish Florida.
C. failure to defend Texas from being an- D. spy on British military camps to gather
nexed by Mexico. strategic information for Patriots.


1.10 American Revolution 358

191. On December 16, 1773 the Sons of Lib- 194. All of the following were purposes of the
erty disguised themselves as a local Na- Sons of Liberty EXCEPT
tive American tribe, boarded three British A. to organize colonial resistance
ships in Boston Harbor and dumped the
chests of tea overboard. One of the main B. to show growing dislike of British rule
reasons for this action was that- C. to protest the Stamp Act
A. the British East India Tea company D. to support the efforts of Loyalists to
was allowed to sell tea to the colonies maintain British control over the colonies

at a price lower than the colonial tea im-
porters. 195. A Frenchman who assisted the Americans
during the Revolutionary War.
B. Lord North had allowed the Townshend
A. George Cornwallis
duty tax on tea to expire and it would be
cheaper to buy smuggled tea. B. Marquis de Lafayette
C. the King had negotiated a deal with the C. John Lincoln
French to allow them to have a monopoly D. none of above
on selling tea to the colonies.
196. All of the following actions are most
D. it was now illegal for the colonial tea closely associated with the Daughters of
merchants to sell any tea excerpt for the Liberty EXCEPT
British East India tea.
A. dressing as males and serving as sol-
192. Citizen soldiers who are ready to fight at diers
a moment’s notice: B. sewing clothes so colonists wouldn’t
A. minutemen buy British-made clothes
C. spying on the British military and loyal-
B. Patriot
C. Loyalist
D. the organization of loyalist meetings
D. mercenary
197. The Townshend Acts placed a tax on
193. Why was the Battle of King’s Mountain A. glass, paper, lead, paint, and tea.
a turning point in the history of the Amer- B. newspapers and legal documents
ican Revolution?
C. sugar and molasses
A. The win was a great boost to Patriot
morale and the Loyalists of the Carolina D. all of the above
Backcountry were broken as a military 198. The Declaration of Independence is signif-
force icant because-
B. The win helped to secure French and A. It severed the political ties between
Spanish support for the Patriots in helping the 13 colonies and Britain
to break the spirit of the British
B. It declared the colonists would no
C. The win was the official surrender of longer take part in the slave trade
the British troops
C. It was the first document stating the
D. The win led to the defeat of the British colonial grievances against King George
at Cowpens III


1.10 American Revolution 359

D. It abolished slavery in the New Eng- 203. Groups of colonists who remained faith-
land colonies ful to the British during the war:


A. Patriot
199. When did the British realize that fighting
the colonists would not be easy? B. minutemen
A. after the battles at Lexington and Con- C. mercenary
D. Loyalist
B. after the Battle at Bunker Hill
204. -tobacco plantation owner-commander of
C. after the Boston Tea Party
the Continental Army-member of the Con-
D. after Congress approved the Declara- tinental CongressAll of these statements
tion of Independence are descriptions of what colonial leader?

200. Before the American Revolution, the A. Robert E. Lee

British had all of the following advantages B. James Madison
C. Thomas Jefferson
A. They had a better navy
D. George Washington
B. They had better trained soldiers
205. Who served as a Lieutenant Colonel of
C. They had experience of guerrilla war-
the Georgia militia and played a key role
in the Battle of Kettle Creek?
D. They had a higher population
A. Elijah Clarke
201. Which of these is an economic factor that B. Austin Dabney
helped bring an end to the American Revo-
C. George Walton
D. Button Gwinnett
A. Leadership under George Washington
B. Loans from France, Spain, and The 206. “The Association” was also known as:
A. The Sons of Anarchy
C. Use of Egyptian cotton for uniforms
B. The Sons of Liberty
D. Smart planning by General Cornwallis
C. The Sons of America
202. Which of these statements is a fact D. The Sons of Boston
207. What did the Daughters of Liberty do?
A. Washington should have been re-
placed as commander of the Continental A. They raised money for the Sons of Lib-
Army. erty.
B. The colonists lost more battles than B. They wove cloth and turned it into
they won during the Revolutionary War clothing.
C. The colonists would not have won the C. They led protests and threatened
war without Lafayette’s help. British tax collectors.
D. none of above D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 360

208. One advantage the American Army had 213. This group of people were loyal to the
over the British was King of Britain. They did not want to be
A. the vast amount of supplies to fight the free from the King’s rule or to have inde-
war. pendence.
B. a superior navy lead by John Paul A. Patriots
Jones B. Loyalists
C. a familiarity with the land C. Women

D. the recruitment of hired soldiers D. African Americans
209. Benjamin Franklin
214. How did the Stamp Act affect prices in
A. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen- the American colonies?
dence; oldest signer of the Declaration
A. It raised the price of many items.
B. wrote Common Sense to convince
B. It lowered the price of most items.
colonists to support independence
C. gave passionate speeches and said, C. It made the price of some items less
“Give me liberty, or give me death!” and some items more.

D. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen- D. Prices were not affected because the
dence; later became a U.S. president Stamp Act was a penalty fee.

210. Mulatto = European +? 215. A direct cause of the American Revolution

A. African Ancestry
B. Native American A. losing the French and Indian War

C. Indian B. the repeal of the Stamp Act by England

D. French C. the need for more farmland to the
211. The Second Continental Congress ap-
D. being taxed by England without repre-
proved the , which was a document
stating America was now a separate coun-
try from Britain. 216. was the commander in chief of the
A. Thomas Paine Continental Army.
B. Declaration of Independence A. Samuel Adams
C. Thomas Jefferson B. Thomas Jefferson
D. unalienable C. George Washington
212. More battles of the American Revolu- D. John Dickinson
tion were fought in South Carolina than
anywhere else because of the strength of 217. Rights had been violated was the pur-
what colonial political group? pose of this document-
A. women A. Intolerable Acts
B. Patriots B. Townshend Act
C. Loyalists C. Declaration of Independence
D. immigrants D. U.S. Constitution


1.10 American Revolution 361

218. Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” influ- For imposing Taxes on us without our Con-
enced many Americans to call for the sent “-from The Declaration of Inde-
pendence In The Declaration of Indepen-


A. formation of Tory groups
dence, many of the phrases begin with the
B. creation of capitalism word “He.” To whom is this referring?
C. independence from the British A. Thomas Jefferson
D. attach French held territory B. George Washington
219. Washington’s trusted aide from France C. the British Parliament
was D. King George III
A. Lemuel Hayes 223. “No taxation without representation”
B. Marquis de Lafayette was a statement made by the colonists to
protest that
C. Friedrich von Steuben
A. taxes should be paid by both the British
D. Charles Cornwallis
and American colonists.
220. What is the group called who makes the B. the Parliament should tax only the
English laws? wealthy American colonists.
A. President C. the colonists did not have a colonial
B. Parliment representative in Parliament.

C. People’s Republic D. taxes should be passed in the colonies

before levied by Parliament.
D. Congress
224. Patrick Henry
221. Why did the British army set up camp at
A. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen-
Yorktown, Virginia?
dence; oldest signer of the Declaration
A. They planned to surrender there. B. wrote Common Sense to convince
B. They thought it would be hard for the colonists to support independence
American army to attack. C. gave passionate speeches and said,
C. They thought it would be a good place “Give me liberty, or give me death!”
for British supply ships to land. D. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen-
D. They thought it would stop French sup- dence; later became a U.S. president
ply ships from helping Americans.
225. How did the Marquis de Lafayette and
222. “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the Baron von Steuben play similar roles in the
most wholesome and necessary for the American Revolution?
public good He has dissolved Repre- A. Both raised a great deal of money for
sentative Houses repeatedly, for oppos- the Continental army.
ing with manly firmness his invasions on B. Both joined the Continental army on
the rights of the people He has kept the orders of George III.
among us, in times of peace, Standing
Armies without the Consent of our legis- C. Both helped Washington strengthen
latures For Quartering large bodies of the Continental army.
armed troops among us For cutting off D. Both helped the Continental army win
our Trade with all parts of the world at Trenton.


1.10 American Revolution 362

226. The British government put a tax on 231. FIll in the Blank:The colonists believed
something the colonists drank. What was that, “No Taxation Without Representa-
it? tion is “
A. coffee A. Tyranny
B. milk B. Socialism
C. tea C. Justice
D. water D. Democracy

227. Which group of people served in the 232. Which city would have been the MOST
Continental Army and fought for indepen- likely primary target of the British at the
dence? start of the American Revolution?
A. Loyalists A. Camden
B. Patriots B. Charleston

C. Neutral C. Columbia

D. Women D. Cowpens

228. In 1753-1764, the was fought be- 233. At the First Continental Congress, what
tween England and the French and it cost significant action did delegates take
England a lot of money. against the British?
A. They drafted the Declaration of Inde-
A. American Revolution
B. Battle of Trenton
B. They introduced the Coercive Acts.
C. French & Indian War
C. They formed the Sons of Liberty to
D. Boston Tea Party protest the Stamp Act.

229. Which statement below is NOT a condi- D. They called for a boycott of all British
tion of the Intolerable Acts imports.

A. Closed the Boston Ports 234. The MOST important result of the Battle
B. All of the participants of the Boston Tea of Camden (1780) in the American Revolu-
Party were jailed tion was that

C. Quartering of soldiers increased A. it was the last battle of the American

D. Towns meetings limited to once a year
B. the British and Americans fought to a
230. Who were the Daughters of Liberty? bloody draw
A. the daughters of men in the Sons of Lib- C. the British won and gained control of
erty the Carolinas
B. girls and women who supported D. George Washington’s troops handily
British rule defeated the British

C. women who worked to boycott British 235. was an officer who turned against
goods Americans and joined the British Army.
D. none of above A. Thomas Jefferson


1.10 American Revolution 363

B. Benedict Arnold 241. lacked motivation to fight

C. John Adams A. British weakness


D. Benjamin Franklin B. British strength
236. Which of these is a right found in the Dec- C. American weakness
laration of Independence? D. American strength
A. “pursuit of happiness”
242. Where were the first battles of the Amer-
B. “right to free speech”
ican Revolution?
C. “right to health care”
A. Danbury, Connecticut
D. “live long and prosper”
B. Fredericksburg, New York
237. It means to avoid something or disregard
C. Lexington and Concord, Mas-
it for a certain reason. It is what the
colonists were doing to British goods.
D. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
A. Avenge
B. Boycott 243. What were women discussing more
C. Partake openly after the American Revolution?

D. Endorse A. Different uses for cotton cloth

B. Importance of clean water
238. How did King George III view the Battles
of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill? C. Places to find healthcare
A. Felt they were a good challenge for D. Women’s rights and their role in soci-
British troops ety
B. Saw them as traitorous acts
244. Disobeying in a peaceful way to make a
C. Saw them as a sign of colonial strength point is called Examples of this are the
D. Viewed them as loyal acts Boston Tea Party, Gandhi, Martin Luther
King Jr., and Henry David Thoreau
239. Which war was a result of the Intolerable
A. Lexington and Concord
A. Korean War B. Intolerable Acts

B. Civil War C. Abigail Adams

C. American Revolution D. civil disobedience
D. World War II 245. Where did the British General Cornwal-
240. Which act made writing letters to Great lis surrender to Colonial troops ending the
Britain more expensive? war?

A. Townshend Acts A. Battle of Yorktown

B. Sugar act B. Battle of Saratoga
C. Stamp Act C. Battles of Lexington and Concord
D. none of above D. Battle of Ticonderoga


1.10 American Revolution 364

246. The Patriots knew that if they could gain B. Samuel Adams
control of Breed’s Hill, they could use can- C. religious
nons to fire down on the British in Boston.
The Patriots lost the battle but success- D. economic
fully killed many British soldiers. 251. The was a meeting of leaders from
A. Battle of Lexington the colonies to discuss problems with Eng-
B. Battle of Concord land in 1774.
A. The First Continental Congress

C. Battle of Trenton
D. Battle of Bunker’s Hill B. The Boston Tea Party
C. The Second Continental Congress
247. How did colonists react to British laws
leading up to the American Revolution? D. Town Hall Meeting

A. Moved to New France 252. First Battle of the American Revolution

B. Moved to the Spanish colonies A. Saratoga
C. Organized protests and boycotts B. Valley Forge
D. Sold goods to British troops C. Lexington and Concord

248. Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill consid- D. Yorktown

ered a Patriot victory? 253. What statement is a detail that supports
A. Patriots captured hundreds of British the main idea?
soldiers. A. “More than 5, 000 African-Americans
B. Patriots destroyed British ships. served in the Continental Army. “
C. The British retreated soon after the B. “Some congressmen questioned
battle began whether [George] Washington was the
D. The British lost twice as many troops right leader.”
as did the Patriots. C. “The story of our nation’s founding
isn’t as straightforward as it’s sometimes
249. Which event might a military historian portrayed.”
use as evidence that the Americans were
better fighters than the British during the D. none of above
American Revolution? 254. Where was the first battle of the Ameri-
A. Battle of White Plains can Revolution fought?
B. Crossing of the Delaware A. Valley Forge
C. c. Battle of Gettysburg B. Lexington and Concord
D. Battle of Yorktown C. Saratoga

250. The first permanent English settlement in D. Yorktown

the “New World” was Jamestown, Vir- 255. The French-Indian/Seven Years War is of-
ginia. This settlement was began by the ten viewed by historians as being a factor
Virginia Company of London for rea- in causing the American Revolution. Which
sons. of these BEST explains why this might be
A. grievance the case?


1.10 American Revolution 365

A. The Indians believed the colonists B. The Colonial Army was bigger and bet-
would return seized lands to them. ter trained.


B. The British were able to defeat the C. The British Army had fewer weapons
French in North America, Asia, and at sea. and less money.
C. The high cost of the war meant Parlia- D. The Colonial militia was the most pow-
ment had to create new taxes in the Amer- erful army in the world.
ican colonies.
260. Which group of people still sided with
D. The French were never truly expelled Great Britain?
and played a large role in stirring-up colo-
nial discontent. A. All Enslaved African Americans
B. Neutral
256. was the Commander in Chief of the
Continental army; he led 2400 men across C. Patriots
the Delaware River on Christmas Day, D. Loyalists
261. The lowered tax on sugar, but an-
A. George Washington gered colonists because it allowed British
B. Patrick Henry officers to seize, or take, good from
colonists without having to go to court.
C. Benedict Arnold
A. Sugar Act
D. Thomas Jefferson
B. Townshend Acts
257. One of the first acts that Parliament is- C. duties
sues was in 1765 and placed a tax on pa-
per products. What act was it? D. Stamp Act
A. Sugar Act 262. The were colonists that did not want
B. Stamp Act to separate from Britain.

C. Quartering Act A. militia

D. Paper Act B. Loyalists

C. Patriots
258. What 2 countries were fighting in the
French and Indian War? D. minutemen

A. America and France 263. How did French aristocrat, Marquis de

Lafayette, contribute to the American Rev-
B. France and Britain
olutionary War
C. Britain and Germany
A. he spied on British troops for the
D. France and Spain colonists

259. One reason that the Colonial Army de- B. he commanded troops for the
feated the British at the Battle of Saratoga colonists against British forces
was C. he negotiated the Treaty of Paris on be-
A. British General Burgoyne was not as half of the colonists
familiar with the geography of the area as D. provided funding from the French gov-
the colonists. ernment for the colonist


1.10 American Revolution 366

264. After winning the French & Indian War, C. Magna Carta
Great Britain passed the Proclamation of D. Mayflower Compact
1763 which made the colonists angry be-
cause 269. The Olive Branch Petition, by John Dick-
A. it did not allow them to settle on land inson, was written to
west of the Appalachian mountains. A. start a war with England
B. it passed a tax on items such as news- B. ask for more time to pay debt to Eng-
papers, wills and contracts. land

C. it forced colonists to house and feed C. attempt peace with England
British soldiers. D. attempt peace with Native Americans
D. it took away their representation in and the French
270. The first armed conflict of the Revolu-
265. What are your 3 Unalienable Rights, as tionary War took place at It became
expressed by Thomas Jefferson? known as The Shot Heard Around the
A. Peace, Love and Joy World.

B. Life, Liberty, and Property A. Philadelphia

C. Life, Leadership and Pursuit of Happi- B. Lexington

ness C. Washington D.C.
D. Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness D. None of the Above

266. A key factor in the American victory 271. Which person is commonly referred to as
in the American Revolution was the mil- the “Fathers of our Country”?
itary assistance provided to the Patriots A. John Adams
by which country?
B. George Washington
A. Mexico
C. Benjamin Franklin
B. Canada
D. Thomas Jefferson
C. Portugal
D. France 272. One major element of George Washing-
ton’s military strategy during the Ameri-
267. Where were the first shots of the Revo- can Revolution was avoiding-
lutionary War fired? A. direct confrontations
A. Lexington B. night attacks
B. Plymouth C. important cities
C. Saratoga D. naval battles
D. Boston
273. The main purpose of the map on page 21
268. The created a settlement based on is to show ?
self-government. The Pilgrims signed this A. Major battles of the American Revolu-
document in 1620. tion.
A. Boston Massacre B. The colonies that became the first 13
B. representation U.S. states.


1.10 American Revolution 367

C. The route of Sybil’s ride. 279. Thomas Paine

D. The important role of Massachusetts A. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen-


during the Revolution. dence; oldest signer of the Declaration
274. In what way did the American Revolution B. wrote Common Sense to convince
affect Native Americans? colonists to support independence
A. The British guaranteed protection of
C. gave passionate speeches and said,
their lands.
“Give me liberty, or give me death!”
B. Native Americans were given land in
the Treaty of Paris D. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen-
dence; later became a U.S. president
C. Native Americans still could not own
property or make contracts.
280. First person killed in the Boston Mas-
D. They lost large amounts of land. sacre.
275. The immediate cause and the beginning A. Samuel Adams
of the American Revolution were the shots
fired at B. Crispus Attucks
A. Lexington and Concord C. Benjamin Franklin
B. Saratoga
D. General Wolfe
C. Valley Forge
D. Bunker Hill 281. Which of these events happened first?

276. Which of these played an important role A. Sybil volunteered to round up the mem-
in causing the American Revolution? bers of her father’s militia.
A. slavery B. The British tried to end protests in
B. the War of 1812 Boston by sending soldiers to occupy the
C. the French and Indian War
D. Indian rebellions in the Ohio Territory C. The Continental Congress first met in
277. Commander of the Continental Army
D. Congress signed the Declaration of In-
A. George Washington dependence.
B. Thomas Jeffesron
C. Paul Revere 282. Which famous American is being de-
scribed here? -Massachusetts delegate
D. Wentworth Cheswell
to First and Second Continental Congress-
278. Who composed (author) the Declaration First Vice President-Second President
of Independence?
A. James Madison
A. John Adams
B. George Washington
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Thomas Paine D. John Adams


1.10 American Revolution 368

283. In New Jersey, General Washington 287. Which of the following individuals was
crossed the Delaware River on Christmas appointed commander of the Continental
Eve to surprise the Hessian soldiers and army by the Second Continental Congress
win a victory that raised the morale of the in 1775?
American troops. A. Thomas Jefferson
A. Battle of Yorktown B. John Adams
B. Battle of Saratoga C. George Washington

C. Battle of Trenton D. Nathan Hale
D. Battle of Lexington 288. The Continental Army was made up of
284. These were colonists who could prepare A. Loyalists
to fight in a very short period of time. B. Patriots
A. Redcoats C. Redcoats
B. Lobster backs D. Hessians
C. Minutemen 289. What transpired at Valley Forge?
D. Loyalists A. John Adams convinced delegates to
the Continental Congress to declare inde-
285. This was a disadvantage for the British pendence from Britain
B. Washington held his men together de-
A. Strong Navy spite harsh weather conditions and a lack
B. War fought in America of supplies
C. Thomas Jefferson penned the Declara-
C. Large Population
tion of Indpendace
D. Experienced Army
D. Abigail Adams wrote letters to her hus-
286. What is one reason, expressed in the Dec- band urging him to “remember the ladies”
laration of Independence, that the colonies 290. The first major battle of the Revolution-
declared their independence from Great ary War was
A. Bunker Hill
A. The British failed to protect loyal
B. Trenton
colonists from revolutionaries during
Shays’ Rebellion. C. Yorktown
B. The British caused the colonial econ- D. Ballston Spa
omy to suffer by refusing to trade with the
291. Who rode 40 miles on horseback through
the backwoods of Charlottesville to warn
C. The British taxed the colonists even Thomas Jefferson?
though colonists were not represented in A. James Lafayette
B. George Washington
D. The British did not send troops to sup-
port colonial militias during the French C. Jack Jouett
and Indian War. D. Patrick Henry


1.10 American Revolution 369

292. Much of the patriot army was made up 296. All of these terms are associated with
of citizen soldiers called which person? -Pennsylvanian-did experi-
ments with electricity-was part of the Con-


A. lobster backs
stitutional Convention
B. militias A. Thomas Jefferson
C. red coats B. Benjamin Franklin
D. mariens C. George Washington
D. Benedict Arnold
293. Use the passage to answer the ques-
tion.Today I wrote a letter to my husband 297. The Sons of Liberty dumped tea into the
Steven, who is wintering at Valley Forge. Boston Harbor. This act of protest is
Meanwhile, I have butchered our last pig known as
and spent the rainy afternoon going over
A. the Boston Tea Party
our account books. The picture is quite
bleak, our money is almost gone. While I B. the Stamp Act
believe in the reasons for the war, I wish it C. Committees of Correspondence
would end soon.-Diary entry of Margaret
D. Boston Massacre
Reade, 17 May, 1779Margaret would
MOST likely belong to which group? 298. Shays’ Rebellion highlighted the weak-
A. Federalists nesses inherent to the Articles of Confed-
eration, primarily the issue of
B. Loyalists
A. expansion.
C. Patriots
B. industrialization.
D. Moderates C. slavery.
294. Who provided political leadership by ex- D. taxation.
pressing reasons for colonial independence 299. Who was the famous traitor who
from Great Britain in the Declaration of In- switched from the Continental Army’s side
dependence? to the British side?
A. George Washington A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Patrick Henry B. Paul Revere
C. James Lafayette C. Benedict Arnold
D. Thomas Jefferson D. Patrick Henry

300. After the Battle of Lexington and Concord

295. What does routinely mean in the sen-
the Second Continental Congress voted to
tence “British soldiers routinely raided
approve the , which stated that Amer-
ica was a new country separate of Britain.
A. Never
A. Saratoga
B. Once in a while B. Lexington and Concord
C. Rarely C. Declaration of Independence
D. Regularly D. Proclamation of 1763


1.10 American Revolution 370

301. The recoats marching to acquire colonists’ B. Their army was stuck in a valley be-
arms in Massachusetts resulted in the first tween American troops on one hill and
battle of the American Revolution, the bat- French troops on another
tle of C. c. Their forces were trapped on a
A. Lexington and Concord peninsula between American troops on
land and French ships at sea
B. Intolerable Acts
D. none of above
C. Abigail Adams

306. The tax on all items in the colonies made
D. civil disobedience
of paper was called the
302. What did the British government do to A. Stamp Act
help pay the costs of the French and Indian B. Sugar Act
C. Townshend Act
A. It printed colonial currency. D. Boston tea Party
B. It forced the colonists to trade only
307. Where was the Declaration of Indepen-
with Britain.
dence written and signed?
C. It passed new tax laws for the A. Atlanta, Georgia
B. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
D. It sold western lands to settlers.
C. Saratoga, New York
303. This Act was in response to the Boston D. Lexington, Massachusetts
Tea Party, and closed Boston Harbor.
308. The Battle of New York demonstrated
A. Stamp Act what about the war?
B. Townshend Acts A. The British was more experienced and
C. Sugar Act had better equipment than the Continental
D. Intolerable Acts
B. The British had a better war plan.
304. This city hosted the peace negotiations C. The Continental Army could fight and
between the United States and Great win against the British.
Britain which led to terms signed between D. The Continental Army could not fight
the two combatants. against the British.
A. Brussels 309. Which of the following was an important
B. Rome outcome of the Battle of Bunker Hill?
C. London A. The Americans and the French forced
the British to surrender
D. Paris
B. The Americans proved they could fight
305. Why were the British forced to surrender trained British soldiers
at Yorktown? C. The French openly declared support
A. Their forces were trapped at sea, with for the American colonies
French and American troops on land cut- D. The British passed the Intolerable Acts
ting off their supplies to punish Massachusetts


1.10 American Revolution 371

310. What is the correct order? 1-Battle of C. The Right to Democracy

Yorktown2-First Continental Congress3- D. he Right to Public Assembly.
Treaty of Alliance4-Battle of Saratoga


A. 4, 2, 3, 1 316. What was the main purpose of the Decla-
ration of Independence?
B. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. 2, 4, 3, 1 A. to set forth the structure of the United
States government
D. 3, 4, 1, 2
B. to declare separation from Britain
311. Some fought for independence from
C. to declare rights of the individual
Great Britain.
D. to list complaints of the King
A. Enslaved African American
B. Free African Americans 317. The colonists, mostly located in the south,
C. Women that supported British during the Revolu-
tion, were called
D. American Indians
A. Commander-in-Chief
312. Which Act allowed only one company to
B. Patriots
see tea to the colonies?
C. Loyalists
A. Stamp Act
B. Townshend Acts D. none of above

C. Tea Act 318. plenty of supplies, guns, and clothing

D. Intolerable Acts A. British strength
313. What group was created as a response B. British weakness
to the Stamp Act? C. American strength
A. Son of liberty
D. American weakness
B. The patriots
319. What were American’s called who sup-
C. The red coats
ported independence?
D. The loyalists
A. Tories
314. Who took on more responsibility to sup- B. Separatists
port the war effort?
C. Patriots
A. Enslaved African Americans
D. Loyalists
B. American Indians
C. Free African Americans 320. When was the Declaration of Indepen-
D. Women dence adopted and officially signed by all
315. According to the Declaration, everyone
A. July 2, 1776
has the right to these things.
B. July 4, 1776
A. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happi-
ness C. July 2, 1778
B. Freedom of Thought. D. July 4, 1778


1.10 American Revolution 372

321. Select the THREE correct options that B. He became a general despite lacking
were included in the Declaration of Inde- combat experience.
pendence. C. He volunteered to join the Continental
A. That King George III would rule the Army at his own expense.
colonies forever. D. none of above
B. All people are created equal.
326. The Battles of and sparked the
C. People are born with unalienable Revolutionary War.

rights which include life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. A. Lexington; Concord
D. The authority to govern belongs to the B. Concord; Bunker’s Hill
people, rather than to kings. C. Lexington; Saratoga
E. That all people who were enslaved D. Concord; Camden
would be freed immediately.
327. Which words from George Washington
322. Who were the two sides in the French and to his troops best summarize why the
Indian War? colonists were fighting the Revolutionary
A. France and Native Americans War?
B. France and England A. “[T]hat every person may here wor-
ship according to the dictates of his
C. England and the American Colonies own heart.”
D. France (with Native Americans sup- B. “Parade with me my brave fellows, we
port) and England will have them soon!”
323. During the American Revolution, most C. “[Y]our country is at stake, your
African Americans in the southern colonies wives, your houses and all that you hold
A. were freed dear.”

B. remained slaves D. none of above

C. served as soldiers in the British Army 328. Which officer in the Continental Army be-
D. served as soldiers in the Continental came infamous as a traitor?
Army A. Nathaniel Green

324. The King of England’s power was limited B. Daniel Morgan

in the which was signed in 1215. C. Benedict Arnold
A. Boston Massacre D. Ethan Allen
B. representation 329. Who rode to warn colonists that the
C. Magna Carta British were coming to Lexington and Con-
D. Mayflower Compact cord?
A. Paul Revere
325. Which best explains why the author
refers to the Marquis de Lafayette as B. John Adams
“America’s biggest fan”? C. Benjamin Franklin
A. He named his son after Washington. D. Thomas Jefferson


1.10 American Revolution 373

330. Which of the following used American A. the Bill of Rights

Colonists deaths to make people angry at
B. the Mayflower compact
British Soldiers?


C. the Preamble to the Constitution
A. Boston Tea Party
B. Boston Massacre D. the Declaration of Independence

C. Boston Harbor 335. How did the French and Indian War play a
D. Boston, Massachussetts role in causing the American Revolution?

331. This was the ruler of Great Britain dur- A. The French and Indian War had no ef-
ing the American Revolution. Colonists fect on the American Revolution.
blamed him for causing the conflict be- B. It led to disputes and conflict between
tween the colonies and England. the American colonists and the British
A. George III crown over the war’s expense and British
B. Henry VIII
C. The British government adopted a va-
C. Victoria
riety of policies to punish the American
D. Elizabeth II colonies for siding with the French and the
Indians during the conflict.
332. Which of the following was a result of
the battle of Trenton? D. The fighting between the French set-
tlers and the Indians created an oppor-
A. The British Army surrendered to Bene-
tunity for the American colonists to seize
dict Arnold
French settlements on the frontier.
B. George Washington surprised and de-
feated a group of Hessian soldiers 336. The British had many advantages in the
C. The war ended war, including

D. The French decided to send aid to the A. home field advantage

Americans B. support of the French
333. Why did British economic policy change C. men anxious to be in the army
towards the colonies? D. a strong navy and well-trained army
A. Britain was in debt due to its war with
Spain 337. The Daughters of Liberty helped make
B. Britain needed extra money to pay off fabric for clothing. How did making fab-
mercenaries ric promote liberty?

C. Cash crops were needed in the A. Women who made fabric had their own
colonies income to spend as they pleased.

D. War debt due to the French and Indian B. Making their own fabric enabled peo-
War ple to avoid buying British goods.
C. Because women contributed to the
334. Both John Locke and Thomas Jefferson
family income, men appreciated them
wrote about the natural rights of man.
In what document are these “unalienable
rights” specifically mentioned? D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 374

338. A nickname for the British soldiers during 343. This was the site of the headquarters of
the revolution was: the Continental Army under George Wash-
A. Redcoats ington during American Revolution.

B. Bluecoats A. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

C. Lobster Tails B. Nassau, Bahamas

D. Yellow Jackets C. Norfolk, Virginia
D. Boston, Massachusetts

339. Following the French and Indian War,
Britain had a large war debt, as well as ex- 344. The was a legal document in Britain
periencing increasing expenses managing that protected certain rights of citizens.
their large empire.What did Great Britain
do to recover some of the costs of defend- A. First Great Awakening
ing the colonies? B. English Bill of Rights
A. Charge a fee C. Magna Carta
B. Impose Taxes D. Proclamation of 1763
C. Ask for Donations
345. What was the importance of the Battle
D. Steal it from France of Ticonderoga?
340. General Cornwallis surrenders to General A. The Patriots received a much needed
Washington during this battle boost to their moral.
A. Yorktown B. The Patriots gained canons, ammuni-
tion, and gunpowder.
B. Lexington and Concord
C. The Patriots were able to capture 1,
C. Saratoga
200 British soldiers.
D. Bunker Hill
D. The Patriots received help from the
341. The Boston Massacre proved to be French.
A. An Important propaganda event for 346. After what battles did France decide to
the Americans in support of revolution offer help to the Continental Army?
B. A turning point in the American Revo- A. Lexington and Concord
B. Valley Forge
C. An important event suggesting how
serious the British were in keeping the C. Saratoga
colonies D. Bunker Hill
D. A conspiracy event
347. At the First Continental Congress,
342. How did the colonist protest against the used the key phrase, “Give me liberty or
tea tax? give me death”.
A. Dressed up like Native Americans A. Patrick Henry
B. Boston Massacre B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Didn’t pay the tax on the East India Tea C. Benedict Arnold
D. Dumped tea into Boston harbor D. John Adams


1.10 American Revolution 375

348. How did the American Revolution affect A. They were able to have more people
thousands of Loyalists? manufacture war supplies


A. They built smaller homes. B. More money was raised in taxes
B. They had larger families. C. More people could be recruited to
serve as redcoats
C. They moved to Canada or Britain to
start over. D. They could donate more clothing and
supplies to the war effort
D. They went into business with their en-
emies. 354. What was the name for the colonial mili-
tary force created to fight the British?
349. George Washington surrounded the
A. Mercenaries
British army at Yorktown with the help
of what navy? B. Redcoats
A. Spain C. Hessian Army
B. Canada D. Continental Army
C. France 355. Francis Marion was important figure for
D. Germany the colonists in the American Revolution.
In November 1780, he and his soldiers
350. He was the King of England during the avoided capture by British troops by es-
Revolution. caping into South Carolina swamps. This
earned him the nickname “Swamp Fox.
A. George Washington
“This passage shows the American forces
B. King George III usually had what advantage during the
C. John Adams Revolutionary War?

D. Patrick Henry A. they had already won the war by 1780

B. they used geography to their advan-
351. The group that supported the colonists tage
were called
C. they had better nickname than the
A. Loyalists British
B. Patriots D. they were willing to run away in order
C. Fighters to fight later

D. Minute Men 356. “The shot heard round the world” was
fired at the Battle of
352. Some Patriot disadvantages during the
A. Lexington and Concord
B. Valley Forge
A. Lots of People to fight
C. Saratoga
B. Lots of weapons & ammo
D. Yorktown
C. Weak Navy & not enough money
357. According to the Olive Branch Petition,
D. Strong Navy & Leaders
the colonies
353. Why was Britain’s large population an A. remained loyal to King George III to
advantage? avoid going to war with England


1.10 American Revolution 376

B. were ready to declare their indepen- C. The colonists felt the taxes were too
dence from England high and could not pay them
C. demanded that British troops immedi- D. The colonists felt taxes were only for
ately leave the colonies people in Great Britain
D. agreed to raise a common army to de-
362. American victory over British troops in
fend themselves
1777 that was a turning point in the
358. In the fourth paragraph, what does American Revolution. Due to this vic-

lugged mean? tory, France agreed to help the Americans
with ships, soldiers, supplies and money
A. Accidentally placed against their long-time enemy, Britain.
B. Carried quickly A. Battle of Trenton
C. Moved with great effort B. Battle of Saratoga
D. Rolled on a cart
C. Battle of Bunker’s Hill
359. Which statement best explains why the D. Battle of Yorktown
Battle of Saratoga was important?
363. What term is used to describe having
A. The American victory persuaded the
to house British Solders right after the
French to offer assistance
Boston Tea Party?
B. It was the first time the American Navy
A. Quartering
was called into action.
B. Shacking
C. The American victory led to the British
leaving New England. C. Providing
D. It gave American troops time to es- D. Supporting
cape from Valley Forge
364. *John Adams*Benjamin Franklin*Thomas
360. What was the secret group of men called Jefferson*Robert Livingston*Roger Sher-
who protested the taxes? manIn June 1776, these men were chosen
A. Sons of Thunder to write a document that would become
the Declaration of Independence. What
B. Sons of Liberty was the name of this group?
C. Sons of Freedom A. Sons of Liberty
D. Sons of Republic B. Committee of Five
361. The colonists were upset with the new C. First Continental Congress
taxes that Great Britain passed before the D. Committee of Correspondence
American Revolution (Hint:Think about the
colonists slogan “no taxation without rep- 365. One of the men who led the fight against
resentation”) these taxes was
A. The colonists felt that the British were A. Samuel Adams
trying to take over businesses.
B. Samuel Johnson
B. The colonists felt they should have
representation in Britain’s government so C. Samuel Dean
they could give their opinion about taxes D. Samuel Prescott


1.10 American Revolution 377

366. He was a printer, scientist, and inventor C. They felt the taxes were so high that
who helped write the Declaration of Inde- many could not afford to pay them
pendence. He also invented the lightning D. They felt that they should not have to


rod and bifocal glasses. pay any taxes since they did not live in
A. Benjamin Franklin Great Britain
B. John Adams 371. What group emerged to protest the eco-
C. Thomas Jefferson nomic policies of Britain?
D. Douglas Smith A. Boston Elite
B. Sons of Liberty
367. Why did Cornwallis take his troops to
C. Colonial Army
D. Gorilla Warfare
A. It was a strategic location for the war
plan. 372. What was Molly Pitcher’s job during the
Battle of Monmouth?
B. He wanted to let his troops rest.
A. To make lunches for the soldiers
C. His troops would board ships to go to
Canada. B. To bandage wounds
D. He was looking for a place to hide. C. To carry pitchers of water for the
thirsty soldiers or for their smoldering
368. Which term might a Loyalist have used cannons.
to describe a Patriot gathering or commit- D. To cook supper for the soldiers and
tee? wash their clothes
A. inspiring 373. What slogan did the colonists use to sum-
B. honorable marize their views?
C. unbiased A. “54’40’ or fight!”
D. unlawful B. “No taxation without representation”
C. “Just say no”
369. Which natural feature was the western
boundary of the United States after the D. “Make America great again”
signing of the 1783 Treaty of Paris? 374. The social classes of Latin America were
A. Pacific Ocean based on the of the person.
B. Mississippi River A. Wealth

C. Rocky Mountains B. Race

C. Heritage
D. Appalachian Mountains
D. Ability
370. Why were the colonists upset with the
new taxes that Great Britain passed prior 375. Tax enforced following the French and In-
to the American Revolution? dian War. Tax on paper products.
A. Townshend Act
A. They felt that the British were trying to
take over their businesses B. Sugar Act
B. They felt that they were entitled to rep- C. Stamp Act
resentation to vote on taxes D. Boston Tea Party


1.10 American Revolution 378

376. Which of the following would have been 380. Which Jewish financier lent money to
taxed under the Stamp Act? the Continental Congress to pay the army
A. Tea without collecting interest?

B. Cloth A. Haym Solomon

C. Playing cards B. Wentworth Cheswell

C. James Armistead
D. Hats
D. John Hancock

377. The overall progress of the war could be
described as 381. tyrant
A. The Patriots outnumbered the British A. a formal written request
Army in every battle B. a cruel and oppressive ruler
B. The British won every battle until the C. freedoms that are protected by a gov-
last one ernment’s laws
C. In the beginning the Patriots were out- D. a group of ordinary people who train
matched but, with French aid, there able for battle
to win
382. The Pilgrims established the settlement
D. none of above of Plymouth in 1620. Their settlement
378. After the Declaration of Independence, was founded for purposes. They
the turning point Battle of occurred, re- wanted to escape persecution.
sulting in the French becoming an ally of A. grievance
the Americans. B. Samuel Adams
A. Saratoga C. religious
B. Lexington and Concord D. economic
C. Declaration of Independence
383. The main American strength when the
D. Proclamation of 1763 war began was
379. How did the Revolutionary War affect A. well-trained army
the relationship between settlers and In- B. Patriotism, the willingness to give
dians? their life for their country
A. It decreased the fighting between set- C. a large and powerful navy
tlers and Indians, because the settlers
D. a large supply
were fighting the British.
B. Most Indians sided with the settlers, 384. Why were Colonists angered by the new
who had promised to keep the colonists taxes placed on the colonies following the
in the East. French and Indian War?
C. Most settlers sided with the British A. They believed their taxes were being
who had promised to help fight the Native wasted by King George III.
Americans. B. They felt that they should have repre-
D. It increased the fighting between set- sentation in Parliament.
tlers and Indians, leading the settlers to C. The issue of taxing colonists had never
claim more Native American lands. before been raised.


1.10 American Revolution 379

D. The British policy of Salutary Neglect C. Crispus Attucks

was being enforced. D. John Paul Jones


385. An American victory at which site led 390. WHO WINS THE BATTLE OF BUNKER’S
directly to the end of the Revolutionary HILL?
A. Saratoga
B. Bunker Hill
C. Yorktown
D. Trenton
391. In what way did geography play a major
386. Why did British General Cornwallis sur- role in the outcome of the American Revo-
render at the Battle of Yorktown? lution?
A. His troops ran out of ammunition. A. Most battles were fought in the moun-
B. His army was trapped and had no way tains to give the British soldiers an advan-
to escape by land or sea. tage.
C. His troops ran out of food and other B. American commanders had an advan-
supplies. tage because they were more familiar
D. His army decided they were ready to with the land.
quit and go home to Britain. C. Most major battles were fought at
seas, which gave the British an advan-
387. What caused Britain to tax the tage.
D. British commanders had an advantage
A. Debt from the French & Indian War because the land was flat.
B. They were poor
392. Which of the following is a weakness of
C. The Boston Tea Party the Continental army?
D. Proclamation of 1763 A. Fighting on home ground
388. Which of the following names for soldiers B. Soldiers were drafted and could be
DID NOT apply to trips that help fight for counted on for a lengthy term of duty
the King of England during the Revolution- C. Red uniforms were worn by all;
ary War awards and decorations given to out-
A. Lobsterbacks standing soldiers
B. Redcoats D. No regular navy
C. Hessians 393. What was the main reason the Patriots
D. Minutemen wanted independence from Great Britain?

389. American naval commander and war hero A. They wanted to abolish slavery.
who is famously quoted saying “I have not B. They wanted to conquer Great Britain.
yet begun to fight!” . Who am I? C. They wanted to join the French empire.
A. Thomas Paine D. They wanted to promote economic
B. James Armistead growth.


1.10 American Revolution 380

394. Which of the following was a grievance 398. was the primary author the Declara-
in the Declaration of Independence? tion of Independence, which was written
in 1776.
A. We do not want to be forced to serve
in the army. A. Thomas Paine
B. We would like to be paid as much as B. Declaration of Independence
British citizens C. Thomas Jefferson
C. We do not want the kings soldiers to D. unalienable

be quartered in our houses.
399. Why would the states want to avoid a
D. We would like to be allowed to expand
strong national government? Which en-
into Canada.
lightenment thinkers does this recall?
395. Which of the following is the correct se- A. to avoid problems of monarchies
quence of events leading to the American B. Rosseau
C. to promote trade
A. stamp act, boston tea party, townsend
acts, intolerable acts D. Montesquieu

B. boston tea party, townsend acts, intol- 400. Which country became an American ally
erable acts, stamp act after the Battle of Saratoga?
C. stamp act, townsend acts, boston tea A. Spain
party, intolerable acts B. France
D. townsend acts, intolerable acts, stamp C. Prussia
act, boston tea party
D. Canada
396. Who is often considered the founder of
401. What was the main reason that the Sons
the U.S. Navy?
of Liberty protested King George and Eng-
A. John Paul Jones land?
B. George Washington A. For the high taxes imposed after the
C. Benjamin Franklin French and Indian War.

D. Nathaniel Bacon B. They did not like the taste of his tea.
C. Not granting colonials British citizen-
397. What is the significance of the year ship.
D. For remapping the 13 colonies.
A. Shots were fired at Lexington and Con-
cord. 402. Which of these was a clear disadvan-
tage for General Burgoyne in Albany, New
B. The First Continental Congress con- York?
A. unfamiliar territory
C. The Declaration of Independence was
adopted. B. not enough soldiers

D. The Treaty of Paris ended the Ameri- C. insufficient supplies

can Revolution. D. poor communication


1.10 American Revolution 381

403. What does Quartering mean? A. “to secure these rights, Governments
A. To allow troops to stay in your home are instituted among Men, deriving their
just powers from the consent of the gov-


B. Hitting someone with a quarter erned “
C. To give someone a quarter B. “Governments long established
D. Giving a quarter of your earnings to should not be changed for light and tran-
Britain sient causes “
C. “these United Colonies are, and of
404. Foreign Allies During the American Right ought to be Free and Independent
Revolution*France, Spain, Dutch Repub- States “
lic*Eventually declared war on Great
D. none of above
Britain* What BEST completes the out-
line? 408. Which Founding Father of the United
A. aided the Loyalists in fighting the Patri- States had the most significant role in writ-
ots ing the Declaration of Independence?
B. armed the Native Americans to fight A. Thomas Jefferson
the rebels B. George Washington
C. supplied the British with ammunition C. John Adams
and weapons D. Benjamin Franklin
D. contributed materials and supplies to
aid the Patriots 409. “The American Crisis” a series of articles
written to convince the soldiers to hang on
405. What would be the BEST title for this and fight, was written by
list of people? -George Washington- A. Thomas Jefferson
John Adams-Thomas Jefferson-Benjamin
B. William Franklin
C. Thomas Paine
A. “American Military Heroes”
D. Benjamin Franklin
B. “Presidents of the United States”
C. “Founding Fathers of the United 410. “He has refused his Assent to Laws
States” He has forbidden his Governors to pass
Laws He has dissolved Representa-
D. “Governors of the American Colonies” tive Houses repeatedly “-from The
Declaration of Independence In these pas-
406. This person was a colonist who sup-
sages from The Declaration of Indepen-
ported the King.
dence, who is the H�e’�?
A. Patriot A. Prime Minister Lord North
B. Khan B. George Washington
C. Loyalist C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Minuteman D. King George III

407. Which quote from the Declaration of Inde- 411. What was the name of the meeting of
pendence shows that the signers believed colonial leaders where all the colonies
government is based on a social contract? agreed to boycott British goods and wrote


1.10 American Revolution 382

a letter to the King voicing their com- B. Americans decided to keep King
plaints? George III as their leader
A. Committees of Correspondence C. Americans decided to say that Great
B. The Declaration of Independence Britain won the war

C. The Revolutionary War D. Nothing was gained from the signed

D. First Continental Congress
416. The British launched their southern cam-

412. When did the American Revolution end in
paign after they captured what two south-
the colonies?
ern cities?
A. August 1, 1781
A. Richmond and Savannah
B. September 28, 1781
B. Charles Town (Charleston) and Atlanta
C. October 3, 1781
C. Atlanta and Richmond
D. February 28, 1782
D. Charles Town (Charleston) and Savan-
413. To which battle does this refer? :“The nah
Americans and French lined up in two fac-
ing columns. The British marched glumly 417. allied with France
between the two columns and tossed their A. British strength
weapons into a large pile on the ground.
The victory was the last major battle of B. American strength
the war.” C. American weakness
A. Trenton D. British weakness
B. Yorktown
418. Where was where was the first battle of
C. Bunker Hill the American Revolution fought?
D. Saratoga
A. Lexington
414. The colony of Georgia was founded by B. Valley Forge
as place for debtors and convicts to
C. Saratoga
start a new life.
A. Oglethorpe D. Yorktown

B. economic 419. What did the Patriots want?

C. Mayflower Compact A. They didn’t care either way if they be-
D. religious came independent or not.
B. They were loyal to Great Britain and
415. At the end of the American Revolution
King George III, so they did NOT want to
war, the Treaty of Paris was signed in
become independent.
1783. What was the most important thing
that the American colonists gained from C. They wanted to become independent
this agreement? from Great Britain and King George III.
A. Americans gained their indepen- D. They wanted to fight to own Paris,
dence(freedom) from Great Britain France.


1.10 American Revolution 383

420. In addition to independence, what did the 425. Why could the colonists not move West
Treaty of Paris give to the Americans? of the Appalachian mountains after the
French and Indian war?


A. British land in Canada
B. the right to punish Loyalists A. To avoid conflicts with the French

C. land east of the Mississippi River B. To avoid conflicts with the British
D. the return of taxes paid to Great C. To avoid conflicts with the Natives
Britsin D. To avoid conflicts with the British
421. Americans gained their freedom from
426. The legislative body that met in Philadel-
King George III after their victory at
phia and authorized the Declaration of In-
A. Battle of Saratoga dependence
B. Battle of Yorktown A. Committees of Correspondence
C. Battle of Vincennes B. Parliament
D. Battle of New York C. Continental Congress
422. Colonists opposed taxes from Great D. Sons of Liberty
Britain because the
427. He wrote “Common Sense”
A. colonies had no representation in Par-
liament. A. Samuel Adams
B. taxes were too high. B. Patrick Henry
C. British people had no representation C. Thomas Paine
in Parliament.
D. Paul Revere
D. colonists wanted American Indians
and French to pay all the taxes. 428. Who was the famous American that en-
couraged many colonists to become Patri-
423. Which city fell to the British in 1780, re- ots and warned everyone the British were
sulting in the loss of a major port and many on the move
colonial leaders?
A. George Washington
A. Camden
B. Paul Revere
B. Charleston
C. John Adams
C. Georgetown
D. John Hancock
D. Greenville

424. Who was the Commander of the British 429. Following the battles at Lexington and
at Yorktown that surrendered and marked Concord, where did the Americans sur-
the end of the Revolutionary War? round the British?

A. General George Washington A. New York City

B. Lord Charles Cornwallis B. Boston
C. General Burgoyne C. Philadelphia
D. Captain Daniel Morgan D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 384

430. What sparked (started) the beginning of 435. Which of the following was the main rea-
the American Revolution? son that American colonists opposed the
A. British efforts to capture Patriots Stamp Act of 1765?
stockpiles of weapons A. The act was taxation without represen-
B. Patriots reactions to Boston Massacre tation.
C. British reaction to the Boston Tea B. The act was passed by the king, not
Party Parliament.

D. Colonists trying to capture British C. The tax was a large amount of money.
D. The tax was not imposed on the
431. The first person thought to have been wealthy.
killed in the Boston Massacre was thought
to have been an African or African and Na- 436. This was an order in which Britain pro-
tive American mixed descent. What was hibited its American colonists fro settling
his name? West of the Appalachian mountains
A. Crispus Attucks A. French and Indian War
B. Sam Adams
B. Proclamation of 1763
C. Roger Williams
C. The Declaration of Independence
D. Benjamin Franklin
D. The United States Constitution
432. Some advantages of the British during
the war? 437. What was the first plan of government
A. Strong Navy & well trained Army for the United States called?
B. Strong wagons & horse A. the Albany Plan
C. Strong Leaders & more money B. the Articles of Confederation
D. More submarines
C. the Declaration of Independence
433. Which of the following men was a Vir- D. the Olive Branch Petition
ginia representative who argued for more
radical opposition to Parliament? 438. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
A. Samuel Adams that all men are created equal, that they
B. John Hancock are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are
C. Charles Townshend Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
D. Patrick Henry “ A Fundamental truth found in the ex-
cerpt above is that all people
434. The Battle of Saratoga was fought near
which major river? A. have the right to free speech.
A. Ohio River B. have the right to petition the govern-
B. Hudson River ment.

C. Mississippi River C. have equal rights at birth.

D. St. Lawrence River D. have the right to assemble.


1.10 American Revolution 385

439. Why is the French and Indian War consid- 444. was a colonial leader who was also
ered a turning point in Colonial history? an inventor and scientist. He also helped
create the Declaration of Independence.


A. Britain begins enforcing mercantilism,
costing the colonies self-government A. Thomas Jefferson
B. The colonies could now practice self B. Benjamin Franklin
government C. John Adams
C. The French joined the American side. D. King George III
D. Led to the writing of the Albany Plan of 445. What was the first tax imposed on the
Union colonies by King George III?
440. How did the First Continental Congress A. Quartering Act
influence colonial resistance to British poli- B. Stamp Act
cies in 1774?
C. Tea Tax
A. It planned the Boston Tea Party.
D. Farming tax
B. It published the Declaration of Inde-
pendence. 446. This was a document which formally
ended the American Revolutionary War.
C. It called for a boycott of British goods.
A. Treaty of Paris, 1783
D. It armed militiamen in Lexington and
Concord B. Treaty of Tordesillas
C. Law of the Sea Treaty
441. At what gathering was George Washing-
D. none of above
ton chosen as commander of the Continen-
tal Army? 447. Why did the Second Continental Congress
A. The Stamp Act Congress establish a weak central government un-
der the Articles of Confederation?
B. The Continental Congress
A. to model the government after that of
C. The Boston Tea Party Great Britain
D. A town meeting B. to provide the independent states with
unlimited power
442. The Battle of Saratoga
C. to increase the taxation powers of the
A. Last battle central government
B. Turning point D. to prevent abuse of power and tyranny
C. Shot heard round the world by the central government
D. Very Cold winter 448. Which founding father held the role of
lead military general during the American
443. Who led the Continental Army? Revolutionary War?
A. Abraham LIncoln A. Paul Revire
B. Patrick Henry B. George Washington
C. Benjamin Franklin C. Thomas Jefferson
D. George Washington D. Benjamin Franklin


1.10 American Revolution 386

449. What German general helped train our 454. Which of the following could be a
soldiers at Valley Forge? grievance the 1st Continental Congress
had against King George III-
A. Lafayette
A. “We are tired of being defenseless
B. Knox
against Native American attacks”
C. Grant
B. “We believe in consent of the gov-
D. Von Steuben erned, but you have not given us that”

450. Of the concepts listed, which was the C. “We pay too much money to Britain in
MOST significant cause of American discon- exchange for enslaved persons”
tent with British control? D. “We con not inter-trade with other
A. religious freedom colonies-only with Britain”

B. taxation without representation 455. Why did African Americans join the Con-
C. too many new immigrants tinental army?

D. availability of labor A. They had excellent military skills

B. They were generously paid to join the
451. What did the Loyalists and Patriots have army
in common?
C. They blamed Great Britain for their en-
A. They both disliked King George III slavement
B. They both fought for the British Army D. They hoped independence would lead
C. They both fought for the American to an end of slavery
456. Battle of Bunker Hill
D. They both were groups of Colonists
A. Patriots held off the British until they
452. John Adams ran out of ammunition

A. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen- B. George Washington led his troops
dence; oldest signer of the Declaration across the Delaware river to attack
C. Was the final major battle of the Revo-
B. wrote Common Sense to convince
colonists to support independence
D. Winter encampment where soldiers
C. gave passionate speeches and said,
suffered from cold, hunger, and disease
“Give me liberty, or give me death!”
D. helped edit the Declaration of Indepen- 457. The battle which was the ‘turning point’
dence; later became a U.S. president of the Revolutionary War because after
the colonists won this major victory, the
453. How did the British convince slaves to French decided to support the colonists
fight against the Patriots? with money, troops, ships, etc
A. by promising them British citizenship A. Battle of Saratoga
B. by promising them freedom B. Lexington and Concord
C. by promising them special privileges C. Battle of Yorktown
D. by promising them money D. French and Indian War


1.10 American Revolution 387

458. Bernardo de Galvez contributed to the 463. Why did fighting continue after British
American Revolution by General Charles Cornwallis surrendered?


A. Sending large sums of money to the A. It took nearly two years for all the
Continental Army countries involved to sign peace treaties.
B. Assassinating three British Generals B. Lafayette wanted to keep fighting.
C. Preventing the British from sailing up C. Some of Washington’s officers wanted
the Mississippi River to quit.
D. none of above
D. Training colonists to make them better
soldiers 464. After the Treaty of Paris was signed,
about 90, 000 Loyalists became refugees.
459. Which event cost England a lot of money Where did about half of them resettle?
and caused the King to impose new taxes
on the colonies to help pay for its cost? A. France
B. Great Britain
A. The French and Indian War
C. the area that later became Australia
B. The American Revolution
D. the area that later became Canada
C. Westward Expansion
465. On Christmas Day 1775, Washington
D. The Civil War
crossed the Delaware River to surprise
460. On October 19, 1781, British troops sur- Hessian soldiers. The Continental Army de-
rendered to American and French forces in feated the British at the
Virginia. This battle marked the end of the A. Battle of Trenton
Revolutionary War. This battle took place B. Battle of Saratoga
C. Battle of Bunker’s Hill
A. Savannah.
D. Battle of Yorktown
B. Guilford Courthouse.
466. “Common Sense” Pamphlet
C. Yorktown.
A. Thomas Paine said kings were non-
D. Charles Town. sense
461. Who said “ The redcoats are coming!” B. Stated that the American colonies
were no longer part of Britain
A. Patrick Henry
C. The agreement ending the Revolution
B. Paul Revere
D. Kept the British from splitting New
C. John Parker England from the other colonies
D. none of above 467. The law saying that only the British com-
pany could supply the colonists with tea
462. patriotism
led to the
A. British weakness A. Declaration of independence
B. British strength B. Second Continental Congress
C. American strength C. Boston Tea Party
D. American weakness D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 388

468. Which term best describes the idea 473. What did the French settlers want in
that certain rights cannot be surrendered, North America?
transferred, or taken away? A. Gold
A. constitutional B. Fur
B. contractual C. Land
C. inseperate D. none of above
D. unalienable

474. Which of the following marked the offi-
469. How many of the American Colonies cial end of the American Revolution?
were a part of the revolution? A. Approval of the Treaty of Paris
A. 7 B. Peace talks in Paris
B. 13 C. Battle of Yorktown
C. 21 D. Battle of Cowpens
D. 32
475. Why did the British think they would eas-
470. Why were the colonists angry about ily win the war against America?
“taxation without representation? ” A. they cheated
A. The colonists wanted to pay taxes on B. they were a bigger country
stamps and tea
C. they had the most powerful army in the
B. The colonists had no representation in world
D. they owned America
C. The colonists fought to write the Dec-
laration of Independence 476. Which group formed in Philadelphia in
D. The colonists were loyal to the British 1774 with representatives from twelve of
and wanted to keep them happy the thirteen colonies?
A. Continental Army
471. During the Revolutionary era, civilian/
militia who were sworn to be ready to B. Continental Congress
fight with only one minute notice. C. Northern Assembly
A. Sixty Second Soldier D. Regimental Army
B. Redcoat 477. In which ways did women support the
C. Minuteman Revolutionary War?
D. Minute Militia A. Women became carpenters, black-
smiths, and shipbuilders, took over family
472. Patriot statesmen who was responsible businesses, and helped on battlefields
for writing not only “Common Sense” but
“American Crisis”. B. Most of the women fought as soldiers
and were fierce warriors in the war
A. George Washington
C. Women during this time did not ever
B. Benjamin Franklin help in the war because they were not al-
C. Thomas Paine lowed to help
D. Sam Adams D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 389

478. Who was the first African American 482. The American victory at the Battle of
woman to ever have published a collection Great Bridge forced the British colonial
of their work? governor to flee the city of


A. Rosa Parks A. Jamestown
B. Harriett Tubman B. Richmond
C. Sojourner Truth C. Yorktown
D. Phillis Wheatley D. Norfolk

479. The main reason many Native American 483. Which of these was one of the few suc-
groups decided to support the British in cesses of the United States government
the Revolutionary War was because the under the Articles of Confederation?
British A. A well trained military force was cre-
A. would be easier for Native Americans
to defeat after the war with the colonists B. Great Britain became a strong military
was over ally.
B. paid the Native Americans well to C. There was a great increase in factory
guide and teach British soldiers output.
C. had tried to keep Americans from tak- D. Agreements were made to help settle
ing over Native American lands western lands.

D. none of above 484. Which important fort protected the Hud-

son River from the British?
480. What did the members of the Second Con-
A. Fort Knox
tinental Congress decide to do?
B. Fort West Point
A. They decided to give up and allow
British Parliament and King George III to C. Fort William Henry
rule over them. D. Fort Ticonderoga
B. They created a Continental Army and
485. The Declaration of Independence was
decided to declare independence from
crafted to
Great Britain.
A. Explain the political theories of inde-
C. They decided to have another Boston
pendence, express grievances to Britain,
Tea Party to make King George III mad.
and Declare Independence
D. none of above B. Only Declare Independence
481. Many contributed to the revolutionary C. Suggest how the colonies can have
cause. The first to give his life to the cause peace with Britain
was D. Fix grievances of the Colonies
A. James Armistead
486. This was a tax on all printed materials in
B. Bernardo de Galvez the 13 Colonies.
C. Crispus Attucks A. Stamp Act
D. Haym Salomon B. Sugar Act


1.10 American Revolution 390

C. Tea Act A. In an effort to make this statement

D. Townshend Act more accurate, the Founders ended slav-
ery and gave women the right to vote.
487. The Battles of Cowpens and Charleston B. Inspired partially by this statement,
were fought women, African Americans, and other
A. when the war first began groups have fought for equal rights.
B. in the final years C. This statement only mentions men, so
although women had voting rights before,

C. before the war they lost them following independence.
D. none of above D. none of above
488. The Declaration of Independence has 27 492. .... How does the map (at the bottom of
grievances against King George III. What the article) contribute to the article?
is a grievance?
A. It reinforces the importance of African
A. reasons for the “break-up” (a com- Americans’ contributions during the war.
B. It highlights some key British and
B. a last ditch effort to get back together American victories during the war.
(last chance)
C. It illustrates Washington’s strategy.
C. reasons why the colonies like King
D. none of above
George (a positive review)
D. peace treaty between US and England 493. What was one thing that inspired African
Americans to fight against Great Britain in
489. The fought hard to gain America’s the Revolutionary War?
freedom from the king of England.
A. African Americans were loyal to Great
A. Patriots Britain and King George III, so they did
B. Loyalists NOT want to become independent.

C. freedom B. The words “all men are created equal”

from the Declaration of Independence
D. treaty gave them hope that the new country
would treat all people equally.
490. What is one effect that the Articles of
Confederation had on the new nation? C. African Americans did not fight in the
Revolutionary War.
A. Congress was given the power to con-
trol trade. D. none of above
B. Congress was able to collect taxes. 494. The French and Indian War cost King
C. The power of the states was limited. George III and Great Britain a lot of money.
To help pay for the war, the American
D. The states were held together as a na- colonists were ordered to
tion during the Revolutionary War.
A. give up their food
491. The Declaration of Independence states B. work for free
that “all men are created equal.” How
did this sentiment ultimately affect United C. become a part of the Army
States history? D. pay taxes without representation


1.10 American Revolution 391

495. Which group of people were allowed to C. John Paul Jones

fight for the British during the American D. George Washington
Revolution in exchange for their freedom


when the war ended? 500. Who was the second president of the U.S.
A. immigrants and an editor of the Declaration of Inde-
B. indians
A. Patrick Henry
C. slaves
B. Benjamin Franklin
D. women
C. John Adams
496. One effect of the Battle of Saratoga was D. George Washington
A. Britain took control of the waterways 501. Which list identifies the three main ideas
off the coast of the colonies in the Declaration of Independence?
B. More colonists enlisted to join the Con- A. Natural Rights, Limits on Trade, Unjust
tinental Army Taxes
C. King George III sent more soldiers B. List of Grievances, the Need for Sepa-
and supplies to help defeat the Patriots ration, Independence
D. France linked up with the Americans to C. Natural Rights, List of Grievances, In-
Fight against the British dependence
497. Why does the article mention Deborah D. List of Grievances, Limits on Trade, Un-
Sampson? just Taxes

A. to show how women worked as nurses 502. Another name for British soldiers.
B. to give an example of a militia leader A. Blueboys
C. to tell how one woman joined the fight- B. Minutemen
ing C. Redcoats
D. to give a historian’s perspective D. Loyalists
498. What advantages did the colonial militia 503. Why was the winter at Valley Forge such
have over the British? (Choose all correct a difficult time for the Continental Army?
answers.) A. The army lacked protection and sup-
A. They knew the geography better. plies.
B. They had strong leaders. B. The army refused to drill and train.
C. They had more money and weapons. C. The army lost several important bat-
D. They were determined to win their
freedom. D. The army began to turn against the rev-
499. Who was the Virginian Commander of
the United States Army during the Amer- 504. The Virginia was the first elected leg-
ican Revolution? islature in the colonies, which means it
was the first group of people that were se-
A. Thomas Paine lected by their communities to make laws
B. Thomas Jefferson for their colony.


1.10 American Revolution 392

A. Declaration of Independence 508. Where did the British choose to focus

B. Washington their fighting in the late 1770s?

C. House of Burgesses A. The North

D. English Bill of Rights B. The West

C. The East
505. Why was the Declaration of Indepen-
dence written? D. The South

A. to assert the colonies’ desire to follow 509. The tax laws imposed on the colonists by
Parliament the British government were viewed as un-
B. to establish a colonial government that fair and created support for declaring inde-
supported the British king pendence because-

C. to support the British king but not Par- A. British merchants were taxed at a
liament higher rate than colonial merchants
D. to declare independence from the B. Parliament passed the laws to deregu-
British king late the trade of imports
C. the laws only applied to those foreign
506. A is when the government of a nation subjects of the British crown
is taken over by force and is replaced with
a new one. D. colonists were taxed without direct
representation in Parliament
A. tax
B. fight 510. Ground breaking events like the issuing
of the Magna Carta, Parliament gaining
C. war
power, and the passing of the English Bill
D. revolution of Rights led to

507. The Founding Fathers believed that all A. The British government abandoning
people are born with “natural rights.” mercantilism.
Which line from the Declaration of Indepen- B. Democratic traditions developing in
dence BEST represents the idea of “natural the colonies.
C. Royal governors are replaced by colo-
A. “ we mutually pledge to each other nial assemblies.
our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred
Honor.” D. none of above

B. “ that these United Colonies are, 511. Check off the answers that are consid-
and of right ought to be, free and indepen- ered to be a cause of the American Rev-
dent States “ olution
C. “ it is their duty, to throw off such A. The Seven Years War
Government, and to provide new Guards
B. Taxation on Goods
for their for their future security.”
C. A good relationship between Britain
D. “ all men are created equal, that
and America
they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights “ D. The Bill of Rights and Freedoms


1.10 American Revolution 393

512. A group of armed civilians trained to pro- D. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a famous
tect each colony poem about it.


A. Militia E. All of the above
B. Navy 517. George Washington was selected to be
C. Congress the of the Continental Army by the Sec-
ond Continental Congress.
D. Brigade
A. Commander-in-Chief
513. An organized campaign to refuse to buy B. Patriots
certain products:
C. Loyalists
A. boycott
D. none of above
B. petition
518. Which Act led to colonists boycotting
C. minutemen
British goods?
D. mercenary A. Tea Act
514. In 1781, the Continental Army defeated B. Townshend Act
the British troops for the final time at York- C. Intolerable Acts
town, Virginia. What British leader sur-
rendered to General George Washington? D. Boston Tea Party

A. Lord Cornwallis 519. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness

B. King George III
A. Bill of Rights
C. Benedict Arnold
B. Freedom to Live
D. None of the above
C. Will Smiths movie
515. Patriots accused Britain of , or unjust D. Unalienable Rights
use of government power.
520. To which battle does this refer? :“The
A. Feudalism
11, 000 Continental soldiers were not suf-
B. Communism ficiently fed, clothed, or housed. Many
C. Totalitarianism lacked socks, shoes, and even trousers.
Throughout the winter, they shivered in
D. Tyranny drafty huts. At any one time, about one
soldier in four was sick.”
516. What was significant about the date
April 18th, 1775? A. Yorktown
A. The night before what is now known as B. Valley Forge
the battle where the first shot or “the shot C. Fort Ticonderoga
heard round the world” was fired?
D. Saratoga
B. The night Paul Revere warned the
colonists that the “British (or Regulars) 521. Which of these was a common slogan as-
were coming.” sociated with the American Revolution?

C. The night before the battle at Lexing- A. “Remember the Maine!”

ton and Concord. B. “Remember the Alamo!”


1.10 American Revolution 394

C. “Fifty-four forty or fight!” A. the use of British soldiers to guard cus-

D. “No taxation without representation!” toms houses
B. the failure to collect taxes on stamps
522. At the beginning of the war, Benedict
C. the passage of the Townshend Acts
Arnold fought on the colonists side. Then
he switched sides to fight for the British. D. the seizure of the merchant ship
Why did he become a traitor and switch
sides? 526. miles away from home

A. He married a British woman. A. British strength

B. He felt that he wasn’t getting enough B. British weakness

recognition in the Continental Army. C. American weakness
C. He liked the British side better. D. American strength
D. He got shot by an American in battle. 527. A Loyalist in North America in the 1770s
would have MOST LIKELY supported which
523. Which quote below best explains the rea-
of these?
soning of the King for passing the Stamp
Act? A. revolution against the King
A. “I will make them pay off their debt B. boycotting British-made goods
from the French and Indian War.” C. remaining a part of Great Britain
B. “Those colonists are not going to be al- D. declaring independence from Great
lowed to move past the mountains I Britain
will not pay to protect them from the Na-
tive Americans.” 528. Which statement describes the accom-
C. “They will pay for dumping my tea plishments of the Marquis de Lafayette?
overboard make them submit to my au- A. He was a French noble who com-
thority.” manded a division of American troops in
D. “They are committing treason by sign- the Revolutionary War.
ing that document.” B. He was a French diplomat who ar-
ranged for France to give money to the
524. Why is the Battle of Saratoga considered Americans during the Revolutionary War.
the “turning point” of the American Revo-
C. He was a French architect who de-
signed parks and monuments after the
A. It was a great British victory. Revolutionary War.
B. The Americans began to win the war. D. none of above
C. The British turned around and sailed
529. Which of the following made up an impor-
tant portion of the Declaration of Indepen-
D. The Americans changed their minds dence?
about independence.
A. colonial demands on the royal gover-
525. What act by customs officers began a se- nors
ries of events that led to the Boston Mas- B. a list of grievances against the British
sacre? Crown


1.10 American Revolution 395

C. an outline of a structure of federal gov- B. Lexington & Concord

ernment C. Bunker Hill


D. an explanation of a variety of unalien- D. Saratoga
able rights
535. Under this law colonists were required to
530. These patriots will only fight when they provided British soldiers housing and sup-
know they are going to win. plies
A. Summer Loyalists A. The Quartering Act
B. Sunshine Neutrals B. The Stamp Act
C. Summer Tories
C. The Tea Act
D. Sunshine Patriots
D. The Townshend Act
531. Which phrase best describes the Sons of
536. Great Britain recognized the United
States as an independent country through
A. a business the:
B. a political party A. Treaty of Paris 1763
C. a secret organization B. Declaration of Independence 1776
D. a government committee C. Treaty of Paris 1783
532. Signed in 1776 by US revolutionaries; it D. Articles of Confederation
declared the United States as a free state.
537. The occurred prior to the Boston Tea
A. Common Sense Party, but after the Sugar Act.
B. U.S. Constitution A. Boston Massacre
C. Articles of Confederation B. representation
D. Declaration of Independence C. Magna Carta
533. Another way to describe the Intolerable D. Mayflower Compact
Acts was-
538. Who was the first to sign the Declaration
A. Declaration Acts of Independence
B. Coercive Acts A. Thomas Jefferson
C. Proclamation Acts B. Benjamin Franklin
D. Forced Acts C. John Hancock
534. To which battle does this refer? :“The D. George Washington
attack brought a ringing American victory.
The soldiers were Hessians, men from a 539. Which of the following was an important
small German state. They were among effect of the Treaty of Paris 1783?
thousands of German mercenaries who A. Canada and the Ohio River Valley were
were fighting for the British. Washing- returned to France.
ton’s army captured almost a thousand B. Britain recognized American owner-
Hessian mercenaries.” ship of all territory from the Atlantic coast
A. Trenton to Mississippi River.


1.10 American Revolution 396

C. The British recognized American self- 544. Fill in the Blank:All of the anger and
government and the Americans acknowl- conflict between Great Britain and the
edged the King’s authority over them. colonists eventually led to
D. The Americans agreed to grant citizen- A. an increase in tea
ship rights to Native Americans. B. enslavement of all colonists

540. What contribution did Mercy Otis Warren C. peace

make to the American Revolution? D. The Revolutionary War

A. She was not a factor because women 545. The First battles of the American Revolu-
were not important during this Era tion was
B. She dressed as a Son of Liberty and A. Lexington and Concord
participated in the Boston Tea Party B. Bunker Hill
C. Told her husband John Adams to “Re- C. Saratoga
member the Ladies”
D. Yorktown
D. Used propaganda in her essays, plays
and poems to encourage patriotism 546. How did American colonists resist the
Sugar Act?
541. Roger Williams founded the colony of A. The Sons of Liberty dumped the sugar.
as a place where you would practice your
B. Housewives led a boycott of sugar.
religion freely without fear of persecution.
This practice is called religious toleration. C. Merchants ignored the law.

A. Lexington and Concord D. all of the above

B. Maryland 547. What country joined the colonists to help

them win the war?
C. Pennsylvania
A. Germany
D. Rhode Island
B. France
542. How long did the Revolutionary War C. Netherlands
last? D. Africa
A. Between 5-7 years
548. This group of people wanted freedom
B. About 20 years from the King’s rule. They wanted inde-
C. About 7 months pendence and were willing to fight for it.
A. Loyalists
D. About 1 year
B. Patriots
543. Which important American is best known C. Women
for his “Midnight Ride”?
D. Children
A. Paul Revere
549. In what city did the Battle of Bunker Hill
B. George III take place?
C. Patrick Henry A. New York
D. Benjamin Franklin B. Philadelphia


1.10 American Revolution 397

C. Boston 554. Who wrote a pamphlet called Common

D. Saratoga Sense, arguing that the time had come for
American independence?


550. The British and French rivalry in South A. Thomas Jefferson
Carolina became even more intense in the
B. Benjamin Franklin
mid-1700s when the Frencg
C. Thomas Paine
A. refused to leave North America
D. John Locke
B. invaded North and South Carolina
C. became close allies with the Cherokee 555. The American Revolution was an intense
struggle between Patriots, Loyalists and
D. began importing goods into Charleston the British Empire. One of the main causes
551. Which country supported the Americans of this revolution was-
in the fight for Independence A. French encroachment onto territorial
lands in the Ohio River Valley
A. Portugal
B. the burning of the White House and the
B. France
Capitol building in Washington
C. Germany
C. Native American attacks on settle-
D. Holland ments east of the Appalachian Mountains

552. The Battle of Trenton was a turning point D. the passing of acts without colonial
because: representation in Parliament

A. Proved the colonists were willing to 556. King George III needed money to pay for
fight on Christmas the war so he decided to the colonies.
B. It proved Washington was a terrible A. yell
person to plan a battle on Christmas B. tax
C. Forced the British to abandon New C. go to war
York and New Jersey
D. sell
D. Showed that the Americans could beat
the British, which cause many soldiers to 557. What happened after the Boston Tea
reenlist Party?
A. the Boston massacre
553. In 1765, the Parliament of Great Britain
passed the Stamp Act. The purpose of this B. Parliament enacted the Intolerable
act was to Acts.
A. get rid of colonists who were willing to C. the Sons of Liberty was formed
support the king D. Parliament began to rethink its policy
B. raise money by putting a tax on tea, of salutary neglect
sugar, and molasses
558. Who brought food and supplies for the
C. get rid of French colonists in the North- troops at Valley Forge and organized the
ern colonies women in camp to take care of the sol-
D. raising money by passing a tax on diers?
newspapers and other paper products A. Ann Bates


1.10 American Revolution 398

B. Deborah Champion He said, “Give me liberty or give me

C. Martha Washington death!”

D. Molly Pitcher A. Thomas Paine

B. George Washington
559. Mercy Otis Warren wrote pamphlets to
C. Patrick Henry
encourage colonists to support the Amer-
ican cause for independence. also D. John Adams
worked for this cause along with working

to further women’s rights. 564. This term is used to describe a person
who rules as a harsh dictator; it is what
A. Lexington and Concord the colonists accused King George of be-
B. Intolerable Acts ing.
C. Abigail Adams A. Tyrant
D. civil disobedience B. Feisty
C. Artistic
560. What country’s aid was crucial in the win-
ning of the American Revolution? D. humorous
A. Spain 565. How did many women support the Conti-
B. Portugal nental Army during the American Revolu-
C. France
A. They served as reserve combat troops
D. Germany and were trained to defend the colonies
561. First Battle of the American Revolution from invasion.
was also know as B. They took over manufacturing jobs that
were previously filled by men now serving
A. French and Indian War
in the army.
B. 7 Years War
C. They worked undercover as servants
C. Dead Man’s Day to British officers so that they could gather
D. Shot Heard Around the World useful information
D. They produced uniforms, blankets, and
562. minutemen other goods that could no longer be ac-
A. A person who is chosen or elected to quired from Britain.
represent a person or group
566. Which group of colonists opposed inde-
B. militia men trained to act quickly in pendence from England?
case of war
A. Patriots
C. American colonists who remained
loyal to Britain and opposed the war for B. Neutralists
independence C. Sons of Liberty
D. A person who is chosen or elected to D. Loyalists
represent a person or group
567. British general who was in charge of
563. became known for his famous speech fighting the Americans in the southern
just before the Revolutionary War began. colonies.


1.10 American Revolution 399

A. Marquis de Lafayette 573. The “Shot heard round the world” refers
B. George Cornwallis to the battle of , which is the first bat-
tle of the American Revolution.


C. George Washington
A. Lexington and Concord
D. none of above
B. Maryland
568. Who helped the French in the French and
C. Pennsylvania
Indian War?
A. No one D. Rhode Island

B. English 574. Violent protest involving name callingand

C. Spanish snowballs and the death of five colonists.
D. Native Americans A. Proclamation of 1763
B. Boston Tea Party
569. Where did the Patriot forces endure a
hard winter of terrible suffering? C. Boston Massacre
A. Mt. Vernon D. Intolerable Acts
B. Valley Forge 575. On what day was the Declaration of In-
C. South Carolina dependence adopted?
D. France A. January 1, 1776
570. Which matches to this statement, “The B. July 4, 1776
French recognized the US and sent troops C. June 4, 1776
to help.”
D. None of the answers
A. Battle of Saratoga
B. Signing of the Treaty of Paris 576. Why did many of the British people not
support the war?
C. Battle of Trenton
A. The king was unpopular
D. none of above
B. They planned to move to America
571. The required colonists to pay extra
C. The cost to taxpayers was too high
taxes on paper goods such as newspapers,
legal documents, and even playing cards. D. They wanted the Americans to have
their independence
A. Intolerable Acts
B. Sugar Act 577. What mattered MOST to African Amer-
C. Stamp Act icans when they were deciding whether
to take the side of the American colonists
D. Quartering Act or the British during the American Revolu-
572. The American victory at resulted in tion?
the surrender of the British Army and the A. the promise of the land in the North
end of the Revolutionary War.
B. the promise of freedom from slavery
A. Great Bridge
C. the size of the army they planned to
B. Norfolk join
C. Yorktown D. the type of weapons they were allowed
D. Richmond to use


1.10 American Revolution 400

578. Edward Rutledge, Arthur Middleton, 582. Why was the Battle of Saratoga signifi-
Thomas Lynch, Jr., and Thomas Heyward, cant in the Revolutionary War?
Jr. were all signers of the Declaration of A. Ended the British threat to the South
Independence. Which term best describes
these famous South Carolinians? B. Guaranteed Canadian help for the
A. Loyalists
C. Forced the British to withdraw from
B. Partisans North America.

C. Patriots D. Convinced the French to support the
D. Tories
583. Which of these describes the progress of
579. Which statement expresses an opinion the war?
about the causes of the Revolutionary
War? A. The British won every battle until the
final one
A. Colonists participated in triangular
trade. B. The British soldiers lost most of the
battles against the disciplined Americans
B. The Boston Massacre took place on soldiers
March 5, 1770.
C. At the beginning, the Americans were
C. Samuel Adams founded the Sons of Lib- outmatched, but their skills and tactics im-
erty. proved
D. The Quartering Act was a serious vio- D. The Americans outnumbered the
lation of the colonists’ liberties. British, finally defeating them at the Bat-
tle of Yorktown
580. What was the main idea of the Quarter-
ing Act? 584. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness
A. Every colonist had to feed, cloth, and
house British soldiers A. Unalienable rights
B. Bill of Rights
B. Every colonist had to cut his quarters
in half by order of the king C. Freedom to live
C. Taxes on the colonists were one quar- D. Will Smith movie
ter of their earnings 585. Who rode to Lexington from Boston to
D. Every colonist had to pay a quarter a warn the militia to prepare to fight?
month in taxes A. George Washington
581. This is a term used to define the action B. Paul Revere
of a country or group that agrees to help C. Benedict Arnold
another country of group
D. Thomas Jefferson
586. In the late 1800s, the United States be-
B. Allies came an imperialist nation when it
C. Neutrals A. Declared its neutrality
D. Loyalists B. Formed military alliances


1.10 American Revolution 401

C. Acquired overseas territories. C. Loyalists were discouraged by reports

D. Reduced trade with other nations. from Valley Forge.
D. The battle at Valley Forge was the turn-


587. In what chronological order did the bat- ing point of the Revolutionary War.
tles occur?
591. A significant accomplishment of the Sec-
A. Valley Forge, French & Indian War,
ond Continental Congress
Battle of Saratoga, Battle of York Town
A. signing the Treaty of Paris
B. Lexington & Concord, Battle of
Saratoga, Valley Forge, Battle of Yorktown B. approving the Bill of Rights
C. Battle of Saratoga, Valley Forge, C. creating the US constitution
French & Indian War, Lexington & Con- D. writing the declaration of indepen-
cord dence
D. Yorktown, French & Indian War, 592. Who said, “ You can tell where the Amer-
Saratoga, Valley Forge ican army has been by the footprints of
blood in the snow.?
588. Congress added these words to the
end of the Declaration:“That these United A. George Washington
Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free B. John Parker
and Independent “ C. Paul Revere
A. cities D. none of above
B. countries
593. This person played a key role in the de-
C. schools fense of colonial rights. He was a leader of
D. states the Sons of Liberty and crucial in spreading
the principles of colonial rights. He was
589. “We had nothing to eat for two or three also credited with provoking the Boston
days previous the greatest part were Tea Party
not only shirtless and barefoot, but des-
A. Benjamin Franklin
titute of (without) all other clothing, es-
pecially blankets. “The above quote de- B. George Washington
scribes the conditions at C. Thomas Jefferson
A. Yorktown D. Samuel Adams
B. Saratoga 594. What was the Treaty of Paris?
C. Valley Forge A. A set of agreements between the
D. Lexington United States and Great Britain that ended
the war and said that the United States
590. Which statement about Valley Forge in was now a free country
the winter of 1777-1778 is most accu- B. A document written by Thomas Jef-
rate? ferson that declared independence from
A. Conditions at Valley Forge ended Great Britain and said all people are cre-
hopes for American independence. ated equal.
B. Valley Forge was the scene of much C. A written statement that said King
hardship for General Washington’s George III would now have control over
troops. Paris, France.


1.10 American Revolution 402

D. A document that said that the colonies B. the Loyalists

could control King George III and tell him C. the Know-Nothings
what to do
D. the Sons of Liberty
595. Whose ideas did Jefferson draw upon
while drafting the Declaration of Indepen- 600. To punish the colonists for the Boston
dence? Tea Party, King George III and Parliament
levied the Part of this law required
A. George Washington colonists to house redcoats.

B. John Adams A. Lexington and Concord
C. Thomas Gage
B. Intolerable Acts
D. Thomas Paine
C. Abigail Adams
596. Last major battle in the American Revo- D. civil disobedience
lution. Nathaneal Greene army came up
from the south, while George Washing- 601. Who was not a famous rider alerting
ton’s army came down from the north, and colonists
the French navy blocked the harbor by sea. A. Paul Revere
In 1781, this American victory in Virginia
B. Sybil Ludington
that forced the British to surrender
C. Benedict Arnold
A. Battle of Yorktown
D. none of above
B. Battle of Charleston
C. Battle of Saratoga 602. How were the Americans able to defeat
D. Battle of Trenton the British?
A. Better trained soldiers
597. The main problem the colonists had with
the taxes was B. Assistance of the French

A. They didn’t have a say in making the C. A superior navy

tax laws D. Assistance of the Hessians
B. they just didn’t want to pay taxes 603. What did Americans require of the British
C. they didn’t have any money before they would sign the Treaty of Paris
D. they didn’t mind paying taxes 1783?
A. Repayments to England
598. Most Loyalists were located in the
B. Land in England
A. West
C. Recognition of American Indepen-
B. North dence
C. South D. Named George Washington as Presi-
D. East dent.

599. This group was organized by Samuel 604. One of the main purposes of the Declara-
Adams to fight back against King George tion of Independence was to-
III and the British government A. detail the many grievances the
A. the Tories colonists had against the king


1.10 American Revolution 403

B. create a new colonial government 610. Which of these accurately reflects a

C. explain why the colonists ignored the WEAKNESS in the Articles of Confedera-


Proclamation of 1763
D. outline the future of the country A. Congress taxed citizens too much.
B. There was no separation of powers.
605. Where did the first Sons of Liberty group
form? C. The document was too easily amended
by the states.
A. Washington, D.C.
D. The central government held too much
B. Boston, Massachusetts power over the states.
C. New York
611. A written request to a government:
D. Philadelphia
A. boycott
606. What war happened shortly after the In- B. petition
tolerable Acts?
C. minutemen
A. World War II
D. mercenary
B. Vietiam
612. Soldiers froze here because of the harsh
C. The Boston vs U.S War
D. American Revolutionary War
A. Paris
607. One connection that the French and Indian B. Valley Forge
War had with South Carolina was that it
C. Rio Grande Valley
caused the due to the British failure to
protect the Cherokee D. Yorktown
A. Catawba War 613. What does self-government mean?
B. Cherokee War A. People depend on the laws of another
C. Revolutionary War country to govern themselves.
D. Regulator Movement B. Instead of an outside government,
people determine laws and government
608. Yorktown for themselves.
A. turning point C. People follow the rules of a govern-
B. last battle ment that is far away from them.
C. first battle D. People rely on a smaller government
to rule the country and make laws.
D. shot heard round the world
614. What was the major effect of the Stamp
609. What lesson did we gain from the Battle Act (1765) on colonial trade?
of Bunker Hill
A. The British refused to sell certain prod-
A. Sound British victory ucts to the colonists.
B. Technically a British victory but a huge B. The law led to a decline in the value of
moral victory for colonies colonial currency.
C. A tie C. Many colonists boycotted British
D. The war would end quick goods.


1.10 American Revolution 404

D. The colonists no longer needed British 619. What was the main reason that the Amer-
goods. ican Colonies rebelled and fought for their
own independence?
615. Which measure did the Olive Branch Peti-
tion of 1775 involve? A. They wanted their own king.
A. a proposal by the colonial government B. They didn’t like the people of Britain
for a compromise with Britain and wanted nothing to do with them.
B. a proposal by the British government C. They felt they had outgrown the British

for a return to pre-revolutionary condi- Empire and would do better without them.
D. They didn’t want to pay taxes without
C. a proposal by the British government having representation in the government.
for a compromise with the colonists
D. a proposal by the colonial government 620. Why did the American colonies seek an
for a peaceful transition to independence alliance with France during the Revolution-
ary War?
616. Why did the colonists believe they should
not be taxed? A. France could provide supplies and
naval support
A. They had no representation in Parlia-
ment B. France could get additional aid from
B. They didn’t have any banks Spain and Russia
C. They didn’t have much money C. France promised to give up any land
conquered in the war.
D. Great Britain was already taking what
they wanted from the colony D. France has a system of government
that was admired by the Americans
617. In April 1775, British General Thomas
Gage sent troops out from Boston to cap- 621. What are the natural rights of the peo-
ture arms and ammunition being stored by ple, according to the Declaration of Inde-
the colonists. When the British met the pendence?
colonists, there was fighting. This was
the first battle of the American Revolution. A. Life
Where did the battle take place? B. Liberty
A. Lexington
C. Pursuit of Happiness
B. Bunker Hill
D. Property
C. Saratoga
D. Yorktown 622. Why did the British troops choose that
location to set up camp?
618. Member of the Sons of Liberty & is fa-
mous for his speech “ Give me liberty A. It was a safe, unknown location.
or give me death!” B. British ships could easily bring sup-
A. Benjamin Franklin plies.
B. John Paul Jones C. There were many Loyalists in York-
C. John Adams town.
D. Patrick Henry D. They needed to catch fish to eat.


1.10 American Revolution 405

623. Which conclusion can you draw from the C. It declares that the thirteen colonies
article’s first section, “The beef wasn’t are free from England
just about taxes”?


D. It ends slavery in America
A. The colonists believed their local gov-
ernments, not Great Britain, should tax 627. Which act on the American colonies forced
them. individuals to buy stamps for all their pa-
per goods, including legal documents?
B. The colonists did not want their local
governments to have to pay taxes at all. A. Sugar Act
C. The colonists wanted to hold a local B. Navigation Acts
election to replace King George III. C. Intolerable Acts
D. none of above D. Stamp Act
624. Where were the first shots fired of the 628. According to Betsy Ross’ testimony, she
Revolutionary War? received a visit from , a family friend,
A. Lexington requesting that she make a flag for the
new nation.
B. Plymouth
A. Thomas Jefferson
C. Saratoga
B. John Adams
D. Boston
C. George Washington
625. What is the difference between the 13
D. John Hancock
Colonies and the United States of Amer-
ica? 629. What important document was a result
A. They are the same place, but the 13 of the Second Continental Congress?
Colonies were controlled by Great Britain, A. The Declaration of Independence
and after they became a free country they
B. Bill of Rights
became the United States of America and
were not controlled by Britain anymore. C. The Constitution
B. The 13 Colonies were located in Great D. The ten commandents
Britain in Europe, and the United States of
630. The French began to support the Ameri-
America was located in North America.
cans after this battle
C. There is no difference between the 13
A. Lexington and Concord
Colonies and the United States of Amer-
ica. B. Yorktown
D. The difference is that the 13 Colonies C. Saratoga
were located in the continent of South D. Treaty of French
America and the United States of America
was located in North America and not con- 631. The colonists called these acts the Intoler-
trolled by Great Britain. able Acts. What does Intolerable mean?

626. Which of the following statements about A. great

the Declaration of Independence is true? B. wonderful
A. It set up a government for our country C. unbearable
B. It asked King George III to end taxes D. fantastic


1.10 American Revolution 406

632. Which of the following was a strength of 636. Who stated, “I have not yet begun to
the British going into the American Revo- fight”?
lution? A. Marquis de Lafayette
A. Red uniforms were worn by all; B. Thomas Paine
awards and decorations given to out-
standing soldiers C. Paul Revere

B. Fighting to protect homes, families, D. John Paul Jones

and for freedom from the colonists

637. How did the British respond to the
C. Best navy in the world Boston Tea Party?
D. Fighting on home ground A. Stamp Act
B. Proclamation of 1763
633. Which of the following was NOT an im-
portant factor that helped the Americans C. Coercive/ Intolerable Acts
win the war? D. Executions
A. geography 638. He was the third president of the United
B. George Washington States, a founding father, and the main au-
thor of the Declaration of Independence.
C. well-trained army
A. Benjamin Franklin
D. allies
B. John Adams
634. Before which winter battle did George
C. Thomas Jefferson
Washington and his troops cross the
Delaware River in order to attack Hessian D. Douglas Smith
639. was the head of the committee for
A. the Battle of Cowpens the Articles of Confederation.
B. the Battle of Saratoga A. Richard Henry Lee
C. the Battle of Trenton B. George Washington
D. the Battle of Yorktown C. John Dickinson
D. Samuel Adams
635. He has refused to pass Laws for the ac-
commodation of large districts of people, 640. What was the biggest Patriot advantage
unless those people would relinquish the in the war?
right of Representation in the Legislature,
A. The Patriot soldiers had better training
a right inestimable to them and formidable
than the British soldiers
to tyrants onlyThe underlined portion most
closely understood to mean what? B. They were fighting on their own land
A. People are guided by reason C. The Americans had the support of the
B. Each Person posses an inherent dig-
nity or worth D. They were equipped with better guns
C. the source of authority is populace 641. The first government of the United States
D. people should participate in their gov- was the
ernance A. Constitution.


1.10 American Revolution 407

B. Mayflower Compact. B. Samuel Adams

C. Articles of Confederation. C. George Washington


D. Declaration of Independence. D. Abigail Adams

642. Trenton 647. One of the central reasons for the mili-
tary success of the United States in the
A. Kept the British from splitting New Eng-
American Revolution
land from the other colonies
A. a well armed and well trained military
B. Winter encampment where soldiers
suffered from cold, hunger, and disease
B. financial and military assistance from
C. George Washington led his troops
across the Delaware river to attack
C. its navy was vastly superior than that
D. A. Was the final major battle of the Rev- of Britain.
D. substantial industrial production of ar-
643. Nathanael GreeneBenedict ArnoldJohn maments.
Paul JonesHoratio Gates With regards to
the American Revolution, what do these 648. Sons of Liberty were a group of American
people have in common? colonists who worked to repeal the Stamp
Act by doing what?
A. They were British Politicians
A. Taking military action against the
B. They were American Politicians British
C. They were British Military Leaders B. Forming alliances with the enemies of
D. They were American Military Leaders Britain
C. Meeting with Parliament in England
644. This document ends the American Revo-
lution, and recognizes the former British D. Publicly protesting and organizing boy-
colonies as an independent nation. cotts
A. Treaty of Paris (1783) 649. Who wrote Common Sense and The Crisis
B. Treaty of Paris (1763) during the American Revolution?
C. Declaration of Independence A. John Paul Jones

D. Common Sense B. Abigail Adams

C. Thomas Paine
645. Who rode on the Midnight Ride to warn
D. Benjamin Franklin
that the Patriots were coming?
A. Benjamin Franklin 650. Deborah Sampson was a remarkable
woman who used a man’s name to en-
B. Paul Revere
list in the American army during the Rev-
C. King George III olutionary War. Sampson impersonated
D. John Adams a man for 17 months, fighting many bat-
tles alongside the men.As a woman, what
646. This person was the founder of the Sons could Sampson have expected after the
of Liberty war ended?
A. Paul Revere A. a major expansion of political rights


1.10 American Revolution 408

B. a discharge with a pension 655. The 13 colonies were fighting for free-
dom from England. What is another word
C. a slight improvement in social status
for freedom?
D. none of above
A. taxes
651. In which year did the Boston Tea Party B. tariff
take place?
C. liberty
A. 1773
D. patriot

B. 1805
656. In what state did the Battle of Yorktown
C. 1781
D. none of above
A. Connecticut
652. The colony of New Netherlands later be- B. Virginia
came when the Dutch turned over the
C. Pennsylvania
landinstead of fighting a war.
A. Thomas Hooker D. Massachusetts

B. New York 657. Colonist spoke out against the British

C. Roger Williams laws by forming groups such as the

D. Virginia House of Burgesses A. Sons of Liberty

B. Redcoat army
653. What was the primary purpose of the
Declaration of Independence? C. Boston Tea Party

A. to persuade England to end slavery in D. none of above

658. Punishment for the Boston Tea Party, in-
B. to list reasons the colonies should be cluding the closing of Boston Harbor and
free from England the removal of the legislature.
C. to provide a plan for financing the A. Proclamation of 1763
American Revolution
B. Intolerable Acts
D. to convince the king to grant colonists
C. Sugar Act
more land
D. Townshend Act
654. Which best summarizes the Haitian Rev-
olution? 659. This convened in May of 1775, drafted
the “Olive Branch Petition” two months
A. Creole flip sides and declare indepen-
later, and eventually drafted the Declara-
tion of Independence over a year later.
B. Leader declares independence with-
A. Second Continental Congress
out a fight
B. the 104th Congress
C. Slave Revolt
C. The League of Nations
D. Two leaders join forces to drive out the
colonial power D. Sons of Liberty


1.10 American Revolution 409

660. What role did Black Regiments play 664. The American Revolution is also known
within the Revolutionary War? as:


A. African Americans fought along side A. The war for freedom
the British? B. The war of Independence
B. Only free African Americans fought in C. The War of America
the Revolutionary War.
D. The War of 1812
C. African Americans fought for the land
that they loved. 665. Who were the two Nations that fought
in the French and Indian War?
D. African Americans fought alongside
the colonists because they hoped for their A. Indians and French
freedom from slavery at the end of the B. Colonists and Britain
C. Britain and Spain
661. “The Boston Massacre in 1770 resulted D. Britain and France
in the deaths of five Americans.” Which
conclusion can most likely be drawn from 666. The following were disadvantages of the
this statement? British Army except which one?
A. The incident was started by the A. poor communication with leaders and
colonists. supply line
B. The label “Boston Massacre” is inac- B. bright uniforms that stood out in had
curate. bright uniforms that stood out in the
C. The colonists acted in self-defense.
C. were unfamiliar with the land
D. none of above
D. wealth
662. This man from Boston was one of the
667. After the American Revolution
writers and signers of the Declaration of
Independence. He later served as George A. Other countries gave up their free-
Washington’s Vice President and as the doms
second U.S. President. B. Other countries became monarchies
A. Benjamin Franklin C. Other countries celebrated July 4th
B. John Adams D. Other countries fought for the same
C. Thomas Jefferson freedoms
D. Douglas Smith 668. The colonists who support King George
the III and were loyal to Britain during the
663. Who or what did Common Sense name as American Revolutionary war were called
the greatest enemy to American liberty?
A. Parliament A. Patriot
B. France B. Loyalist
C. Continental Congress C. Washington
D. King George III D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 410

669. The war between the British and French 674. Why were the colonists OUTRAGED
over the Ohio River Valley is called the about the Proclamation of 1763?
A. Proclamation of 1763 A. It made them move west
B. French and Indian War B. It created a religious divide in the
C. Salutary Neglect
C. It stopped them from moving west of
D. none of above the Appalachian Mountains

670. The founder of the Boston Sons of Lib- D. It did not allow them to move east of
erty who believed in “No taxation, with- the Atlantic Ocean
out representation” was
675. The Marquis de Lafayette is best known
A. grievance for his involvement in which event
B. Samuel Adams A. giving away secrets to the Germans in
World War II.
C. religious
B. his role in the XYZ Affair with the
D. economic French government.
671. This type of American Colonist was in C. fighting for the United States in the
support of the British parliament. American Revolution.
A. A patriot D. leading the French Resistance to aid
American pilots in World War II.
B. A loyalist
676. How did Britain try to persuade enslaved
C. A Yes man
African Americans to join their army?
D. Neutral
A. offered them their freedom
672. To protest the increased price on tea, re- B. promised they could return to Africa
bellious colonists held a “party”, dumping C. offered them large sums of money
tea into the harbor.
D. offered to give them Patriot planta-
A. Boston Massacre tions
B. Townshend Act
677. What is a treaty?
C. Boston Tea Party A. A formal agreement between coun-
D. Intolerable Act tries
B. A document stating that you are free
673. In the Revolutionary War, the Continen- to do whatever you want
tal Army had the advantage of
C. An agreement that states that King
A. well-disciplined, experienced troops George III wanted to conquer new lands
B. a powerful navy to own more territory
C. the ability to wage guerrilla warfare D. A formal agreement that says you
with home field advantage should treat people right

D. the help of most tribes of the league of 678. Which provision of the Treaty of Paris
Iroquois was most important to the colonists?


1.10 American Revolution 411

A. Americans won the right to fisheries in unalienable rights, that among these are
Newfoundland. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
“This passage is part of the


B. Americans could collect on their debts
from other countries. A. Gettysburg Address
C. The United States was recognized as B. Declaration of Independence
an independent and sovereign nation.
C. Preamble to the Constitution
D. none of above
D. Articles of the Constitution
679. Peninsulares and Creoles were the top 2
social classes in Latin America. Why? 683. Who was the monarch of Britain in the
time leading up to and during the Ameri-
A. Both classes were elected by the peo- can Revolution?
A. King James III
B. Both had some European ancestry
B. King George III
C. Both classes were specifically chosen
by the monarch to rule C. Queen Elizabeth II
D. Both were full blooded European D. King Louis IV

680. What was the significance of the Battle 684. What was the major role that George
of Saratoga? Washington served for the United States
during the American Revolution?
A. It encouraged France to enter the war
on the British side. A. Leading a naval attack against the
B. It forced the British to sign the Treaty British in the harbors of England’s main-
of Paris. land.

C. It demonstrated the strength of B. Being the main writer of the Declara-

Britain’s Native American allies. tion of Independence.

D. It suggested that the United States C. Commander in Chief of the military.

might just win the war. D. By convincing the French to help Amer-
ica’s cause.
681. The Patriots fighting on their home land
was an advantage because 685. The general of the U.S. Army.
A. They were able to sleep in their beds A. Charles Cornwallis
unlike the Redcoats
B. Lemuel Hayes
B. They knew their terrain better than
their opponents allowing them to travel C. Thomas Jefferson
faster as well as hide D. George Washington
C. They were able to use the riffles they
686. The Stamp Act was repealed. What does
were comfortable with
the word repealed mean?
D. Britain caught diseases in the “New
A. to play over and over
World” they were not accustomed to
B. to take away or undo
682. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they C. to peel something twice
are endowed by their Creator with certain D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 412

687. Washington’s army was called: C. Washington

A. Revolutionary army D. none of above
B. British army
693. How did Benjamin Franklin help turn the
C. Continental army war in favor of the American colonies?
D. none of above
A. He led troops at the Battle of Saratoga.
688. The treaty of Paris in 1783 recognized B. He traveled through the colonies to
that the newly formed US would be

raise money.
A. a constitutional monarchy
C. He persuaded King George III to for-
B. independent from British rule give the colonies.
C. an ally of the French government D. He convinced the French to help Amer-
D. granted British holdings in Canada ica in the war against Great Britain.

689. What did Parliament believe it had the 694. Battles where first shots of American
right to do to the colonists? Revolution were fired.
A. Enslave them, including the white A. Lexington and Concord
B. Lexington and Broadway
B. Take all of their food and supplies
C. Tax them C. Saratoga

D. Take away their lands D. Yorktown

690. Which of the following states was NOT 695. Treaty of Paris
part of the original 13 colonies?
A. said kings were nonsense
A. Virginia
B. Was the final major battle of the Revo-
B. Georgia lution
C. New York C. Decided the outcome of the fight be-
D. Colorado tween Khan and Pippin
691. What caused the Patriot soldiers to D. The agreement ending the Revolution
want to re-enlist after Christmas night in
1776? 696. *Believed Parliament had no power in the
American Colonies*Virginia Representa-
A. Victory in the Caribbean Sea
tive at 2nd Continental Congress*Chosen
B. The victory at Trenton and Princeton to write the Declaration of Indepen-
C. Victory at Bunker Hill dence*Served in Virginia House of Dele-
gatesAll of these describe the American
D. The three pronged attack at Albany
Revolutionary era actions of
692. The colonists who supported American in- A. James Madison
dependence and fought against the British
were called B. Thomas Jefferson
A. Patriot C. Benjamin Franklin
B. Loyalist D. George Washington


1.10 American Revolution 413

697. What was a chief advantage of the Con- B. They forced Parliament to repeal all
tinental Army? new tax laws.


A. A strong government with good fund- C. They marked the beginning of the
ing American Revolution.
B. A larger navy than the British D. They were the first battles led by
C. A larger army than the British George Washington.

D. Knowledge of the terrain 702. In which battle did Washington cross the
Delaware River and ambush the British?
698. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal with A. Battle of Princeton
unalienable rights life, liberty and the B. Battle of Trenton
pursuit of happiness.” Which document in- C. Battle of Saratoga
cludes this quote? ”
D. Battle of Bunker Hill
A. Articles of Confederation
B. Constitution of the United States of 703. The document that limited the king’s
America power in 1215 was called the
C. Olive Branch Petition A. First Great Awakening
D. Declaration of Independence B. English Bill of Rights
C. Magna Carta
699. What was a merchant war ship called?
D. Proclamation of 1763
A. boat
B. barge 704. The aristocratic Frenchman who rushed
to America to fight alongside the Patriots
C. privateer
was He was inspired by the ideals of
D. submarine the Declaration of Independence.
700. What was one of the MOST important A. Saratoga
factors when American Indians decided B. Lafayette
which side to support during the American
C. de Galvez
D. Valley Forge
A. which side was more likely to give
them citizenship 705. The was fought between the French
B. which side was more likely to trade and British over the Ohio River Valley.
fairly with them A. Proclamation of 1763
C. which side was less likely to attack B. Civil War
their French allies
C. French and Indian War
D. which side was less likely to expand
colonial territories D. Ohio Valley War

701. Why were the battles as Lexington and 706. The Hessians would perform a hit and run
Concord important? war technique called

A. They marked the end of the French and A. Guerilla warfare

Indian War. B. Monkey warfare


1.10 American Revolution 414

C. sneak attack B. minutemen

D. hijacking C. delegates
D. patriots
707. Which physical geography feature(s) did
the Patriots use to benefit themselves 712. The main writer of the Declaration of In-
against the British troops in the Battle of dependence and became the 3rd president
Lexington and Concord? of the United States.
A. Swamps A. Benedict Arnold

B. Trees B. George Washington
C. Cotton Fields C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Woods D. Benjamin Franklin
E. All of the Above 713. Who was an editor of the Declaration of
Independence as well as a scientist and in-
708. One listed in the Declaration of Inde- ventor?
pendence was the fact that the British re-
quired colonists to quarter, or house, red- A. Benjamin Franklin
coat soldiers in their homes for the night. B. Thomas Jefferson
A. grievance C. Benedict Arnold
B. Samuel Adams D. Paul Revere
C. religious 714. She dressed up as a man and fought in
D. economic several battles.
A. Abigail Adams
709. The Proclamation in 1763 made colonists
B. Molly Pitcher
angry because
C. Deborah Sampson
A. It blocked them from moving east
D. none of above
B. It blocked them from moving west
C. It blocked them from free trade 715. Which document did the Second Continen-
tal Congress send to King George III to
D. It blocked them from setting their own reaffirm colonists’ allegiance to him, but
taxes not to Parliament?
710. Commander of the Continental Army dur- A. Declaration of Independence
ing the Revolutionary War. B. Common Sense
A. George Washington C. Coercive Acts
B. Nathanael Greene D. Olive Branch Petition
C. Marquis de Lafayette 716. “ “ started producing its own money
D. Baron von Steuben to pay soldiers for their service.
A. American militia
711. American colonists who remained loyal to
Britain and opposed the war for indepen- B. Continental Congress
dence C. Sons of Liberty
A. loyalists D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 415

717. Wife of John Adams who urged him to A. Common Sense

“remember the ladies”during the creation B. Declaration of Independence
of the new colonial government during the


American Revolution C. Olive Branch Petition
A. Abigail Adams D. Treaty of Paris (1783)
B. Samuel Adams 721. delegates
C. John Adams A. militia men trained to act quickly in
D. Thomas Paine case of war
B. American colonists who were deter-
718. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
mined to fight the British until American
that all men are created equal with un-
independence was won
alienable rights life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness.” “That to secure C. A person who is chosen or elected to
these rights, governments are instituted represent a person or group
among men, deriving their just powers D. American colonists who remained
from the consent of the governed loyal to Britain and opposed the war for
“”That whenever any form of government independence American colonists who re-
becomes destructive it is the right of mained loyal to Britain and opposed the
the people to alter or abolish it, and insti- war for independence
tute a new government. “Which document
includes these quotes? ” 722. Who was the main author of the Decla-
ration of Independence and the third pres-
A. Articles of Confederation
ident of the US?
B. Constitution of the United States of
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Olive Branch Petition
C. Benedict Arnold
D. Declaration of Independence
D. Patrick Henry
719. Which of the following best describes
why some European nations chose to aid 723. After the French and Indian War, the Par-
the Americans? liament of Great Britain passed new laws
A. Many nations hoped that the Patriots for the colonies. Some of the laws were
would win and control all of the Americas. passed because Great Britain

B. Many nations believed in fighting for A. needed the colonists to help pay for
democracy and thus helped the Patriots. the war.

C. Some of the nations were enemies of B. was afraid the French would back the
the British and wanted them defeated. colonies.

D. Some nations feared that the conflict C. was afraid many of the colonists would
would spread to other European coun- return to Britain.
tries. D. wanted the Native Americans to return
to their lands.
720. Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine,
spoke about the colonies becoming inde- 724. In writing the Declaration of Indepen-
pendent from Great Britain. dence, the Continental Congress hoped


1.10 American Revolution 416

that would become its ally in a war B. Liberty

against England. C. Property
A. Spain D. Pursuit of Happiness
B. Netherlands
730. Which of the following documents lists
C. Great Britain the reasons for the Revolutionary War?
D. France A. Bill of Rights
B. Articles of Confederation

725. What was the Hessians main goal for
fighting? C. Declaration of Independence
A. Money D. U.S. Constitution
B. Fame 731. Why did the Continental Congress have
C. to Win difficulty financing the war?
D. to Travel A. British taxes were too high, and
colonists couldn’t afford them
726. Who was known for being a traitor dur- B. the congress did not have the power to
ing the American Revolution? tax
A. Benjamin Franklin C. the British were charging more money
B. George Washington for manufactured goods
C. John Adams D. the congress spent all of their money
D. Benedict Arnold on a giant, inflatable water slide
732. Who sang the best version of “Yankee
727. The Acts were a tax on glass, lead,
Doodle? ”
tea, and paper.
A. Samuel Adams
A. Duties
B. Thomas Jefferson
B. Sugar
C. George Washington
C. Townshend
D. Mr. Coccia
D. Stamp
733. Thomas Paine is significant to American
728. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Independence because he-
were written by which is significant
A. Ended slavery in the colony of Pennsyl-
because it was the first written constitu-
vania which inspired colonists to declare
tion in the colonies.
A. Thomas Hooker
B. Encouraged militia men to train when
B. New York able to better prepared to fight the Red-
C. Roger Williams coats
D. Virginia House of Burgesses C. Spoke with King George III and per-
suaded him to allow the colonies to form
729. Which of the following is not an unalien- their own country
able right mentioned in Part 2 of the Dec- D. Wrote persuasive pamphlets that
laration of Independence? made the colonists think it was common
A. Life sense to declare independence


1.10 American Revolution 417

734. This person was an American patriot, 739. What was the importance of the Ameri-
writer, printer, and inventor during the can victory at Saratoga?
Revolutionary War who also helped per-


A. They won support of the French and
suade the French to help the colonists prevented the British from dividing the
A. King George III colonies in two.
B. Thomas Paine B. They were able to retake New York City
C. Marquis deLafayette and capture a large British army.

D. Benjamin Franklin C. The British were so weakened by the

loss that they began withdrawing from the
735. In addition to Button Gwinnett and Ly- war.
man Hall, which other Georgian signed the D. John Paul Jones was able to escape
Declaration of Independence? the British royal navy.
A. George Walton
740. Where did the First and Second Continen-
B. Daniel Stewart tal Congresses meet?
C. William Pierce A. Philadelphia
D. Abraham Baldwin B. New York City
736. What did the Sons of Liberty do to C. Washington DC
protest the Stamp Act? D. Boston
A. They gave sermons against it during
church services. 741. Who was the Commander in Chief of
the Continental Army? He led 2400 men
B. They wrote pamphlets and drafted res- across the Delaware River.
olutions against it.
A. George Washington
C. They used nonviolent protests to gain
support from colonists. B. Patrick Henry

D. They tore down the office of the tax col- C. Lord Cornwallis
lector and destroyed his house. D. George Jones

737. How many people were killed during the 742. Which battle caused France to join the
Boston Massacre? colonists in their fight against Britain?
A. 25 A. Battle of Bunker Hill
B. 35 B. Battle of Saratoga
C. 5 C. Battle of Trenton
D. 105 D. Battle of Ticonderoga
738. What does the word grievance mean? 743. How was the Stamp Act different from
A. thankful earlier taxes imposed on the British
B. to ask permission
A. The Stamp Act was only enforced in
C. to withdraw the southern colonies; northern colonies
D. a problem or concern were not affected by the taxes


1.10 American Revolution 418

B. Revenue collected under the Stamp D. lobsterbacks

Act was given to the colonial governments
747. These men were members of the militia
instead of the British government
during the Revolutionary War that were
C. The Stamp Act directly affected the praised for their ability to be ready for
colonists ; taxes prior to the Stamp Act fighting in a very short amount of time
were indirect taxes, paid only by mer-
A. Sons of Liberty
B. Minutemen
D. Representatives from the colonies

were elected to Parliament so that colo- C. Loyalists
nial interests could be addressed in the D. Redcoats
debate over passage of the Stamp Act
748. When Patrick Henry gave his fa-
744. In which order did the causes and mous”Give me Liberty or Give me Death”
events of the American Revolution oc- speech, he was showing which character
cur(happen)? (check the order of dates on trait?
your timeline) A. patriotism
A. Stamp Act created, French & Indian B. intellgence
War, Sons of Liberty formed, Boston Tea C. love
Party happened
D. honesty
B. Boston Tea Party happened, Stamp Act
created, French & Indian War, Sons of Lib- 749. If your teacher assigned you a research
erty formed project on the causes of the American Rev-
olution, which vocabulary terms would
C. Sons of Liberty formed, Boston Tea
you need to look up?
Party happened, Stamp Act created,
French & Indian War, A. The Alamo, Davey Crockett, and James
D. French & Indian War, Stamp Act cre-
ated, Sons of Liberty formed, Boston Tea B. The Indian Removal Act, the Trail of
Party happened Tears, and the Dawes Plan
C. The Missouri Compromise, Slavery
745. What was the result of the American vic- and Abolition, and the Election of 1861
tories at Trenton and Princeton?
D. The Stamp Act, the Intolerable Acts,
A. The Hessians joined the American side the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea
B. Washington altered his war strategy, Party
C. It proved that General Washington 750. Which of these played a role in the deci-
was wrong about his soldiers sion of the Second Continental Congress to
D. The British were forced to abandon declare independence from Great Britain?
New York and New Jersey A. the end of the Intolerable Acts
B. colonial victories at Saratoga and New
746. Colonists who sided with the British
were known as
C. George III’s rejection of the Olive
A. patriots
Branch Petition
B. militias D. George Washington’s acceptance as
C. loyalists or torries head of the Army


1.10 American Revolution 419

751. Why the Americans won 756. Who could be describe as a “Patriot of
A. Better Leadership African descent who gave his life at the
Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770.


B. Help from foreign countries
A. Crispus Attucks
C. motivation to fight
B. Samuel Adams
D. a large and powerful navy
C. Haym Salomon
E. Home field advantage
D. Mercy Otis Warren
752. Which Revolutionary War battle caused
the French to openly join the United States 757. *written by Thomas Paine*published
in the war against Great Britain? from 1776 to 1783*boosted the morale
of troops during the RevolutionWhat is the
A. Battle of Saratoga
name of this series of pamphlets?
B. Battle of Monmouth
A. The Crisis
C. Battle of Bunker Hill
B. Common Sense
D. Battle of Kings Mountain
C. Albany Plan of Union
753. What was considered a turning point in D. The Wealth of Nations
the war for the Americans?
A. Articles of Confederation 758. The 1st battle of the American Revolu-
B. Battle of Princeton
A. Boston
C. Battle of Saratoga
B. Lexington and Concord
D. Midnight Ride
C. Cowpens
754. Why did fighting break out at Lexington
and Concord in April 1775? D. Yorktown

A. Minutemen attacked a British fort. 759. A secret organization formed to protest

B. Colonists refused to let British troops the Stamp Act was called
stay in their homes. A. Congress
C. British troops tried to seize colonists’ B. Sons of Liberty
arms and ammunition.
C. Parliament
D. Patriot militia tried to seize British
arms and ammunition. D. Loyalists

755. Parliament’s , which taxed printed 760. As a result of the Boston Tea Party,
materials in the colonies, outraged the the British Parliament passed a series of
colonists who believed that only their own laws designed to punish Boston and Mas-
representatives should levy taxes. sachusetts known as
A. Sugar Act A. the Navigation Acts
B. Quartering Act B. the Quartering Act
C. Townshend Acts C. the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)
D. Stamp Act D. the Stamp Act


1.10 American Revolution 420

761. Who inspired patriots when he spoke out 766. The Declaration of Independence said,
against taxation without representation “All men are created equal.” What did this
by saying “give me liberty or give me mean to the colonists?
death”? A. Only certain people should have free-
A. Thomas Jefferson dom.
B. Patrick Henry B. The people were as important as the
C. George Washington king.

D. James Lafayette C. The 13 colonists wanted to remain de-
pendent (controlled by the King).
762. British General Charles Cornwallis sur- D. George Washington was a great
rendered to Continental forces following leader during the Revolution
which battle?
767. In Common Sense, writes that
A. Battle of Saratoga
based on the way Britain has treated
B. Siege of Yorktown the colonies, they should declare indepen-
C. Landing at Kip’s Bay dence.
D. Battle of Kings Mountain A. Thomas Paine
B. Declaration of Independence
763. On Christmas night 1776, the Patriots
scored a victory at after General C. Thomas Jefferson
Washington and his troops crossed the D. unalienable
Delaware River to surprise the British.
768. Why would the states want to avoid a
A. Saratoga
strong national government?
B. Germantown
A. to avoid problems of monarchies
C. Philadelphia
B. Americans hated the government
D. Trenton
C. to promote trade
764. powerful Navy D. to end British rule
A. British weakness
769. The Boston Tea Party caused the passage
B. British strength of which acts, that included the closing of
C. American weakness Boston Harbor?
D. American strength A. Navigation Acts
B. Sugar Act
765. The Americans got help from , when
he used his Spanish soldiers to fight to C. Intolerable Acts
keep the British from entering the Mis- D. Townshend Acts
sissippi River during the American Revo-
lution. 770. Arguably the first “battle” of the Rev-
olutionary War occurred when the Mas-
A. Valley Forge sachusetts Minutemen fired on British
B. de Galvez troops at-
C. Saratoga A. Boston
D. Lafayette B. Philidelphia


1.10 American Revolution 421

C. Saratoga C. Despite the Revolution being an impor-

D. Lexington and Concord tant historical event, there are still little-
known details about it


771. Where were the first shots of the Ameri- D. none of above
can Revolution fired?
776. Which Founding Father was credited for
A. Battle of Saratoga insisting that the United States employ
B. Battle of Yorktown a regular national army rather than only
state militias?
C. Battles of Lexington and Concord
A. John Adams
D. Battle of Bunker Hill
B. Benjamin Franklin
772. The low point of the war for the Ameri- C. Thomas Jefferson
cans but despite this they emerge stronger
and better trained. D. George Washington

A. Valley Forge 777. Many of the protests and demonstrations

that followed the Stamp Act and Intolera-
B. Trenton
ble Acts were examples of which of the
C. Yorktown following?
D. Saratoga A. Boycott

773. The major author of the Declaration of In- B. Natural rights

dependence was Thomas Jefferson. Which C. Civil Disobedience
members of the Continental Congress D. Unalienable rights
helped him frame it?
778. George Washington returned home here
A. John Hancock & Samuel Adams
after the war.
B. John Adams & Benjamin Franklin
A. The White House
C. Benjamin Harrison & Richard Henry
B. Mt. Vernon
C. Jefferson’s Mansion
D. Thomas Stone & Philip Livingston
D. Philadelphia
774. The ruler of England during the Revolu-
779. Identify one of the British advantages
tionary Era who lost all 13 colonies
during the American Revolution.
A. Benedict Arnold
A. More accurate riffles
B. Patrick Henry B. Better uniforms
C. KIng George III C. More money
D. John Adams D. Fighting on their home soil
775. What is the central idea (main idea) of 780. Written by Thomas Paine, this pamphlet
the article? sold 500, 000 copies and helped sway
A. Historians are still uncovering new de- colonists towards independence
tails about the war. A. Declaration of Independence
B. The Revolutionary War began in 1775. B. Constitution


1.10 American Revolution 422

C. 2 Treatise of Government 786. What did the quote “Don’t fire ‘til you
D. Common Sense see the whites of their eyes” mean?
A. “Don’t use any of your gunpowder un-
781. Near which city did most of the early “ac-
til they’re really, really close, so you won’t
tion” in the Revolution take place?
A. Philadelphia
B. Don’t shoot if their eyes are yellow and
B. Boston jaundiced
C. Washington DC

C. Don’t shoot unless you know for sure
D. New York City they aren’t the French.
782. Patriots crushed a Loyalist militia and ex- D. Don’t fire unless you know they are
ecuted many of the prisoners in the 1780 awake, alert, and ready to fight.
Battle at
787. Parliament passed the Tea Act in 1773.
A. Yorktown This led to some colonists taking action,
B. Cowpens such as the Boston tea Party. What was
C. Guilford Courthouse the Boston Tea Party?

D. Kings Mountain A. Colonists gave dinners to support the

sale of tea
783. *General for the Continental Army
B. Colonists dressed as Indians and de-
(1775-1780)*General for the British
stroyed the tea
Army (1780-1781)*name associated with
being a traitorWho is being described by C. Colonists bought tea from other coun-
these statements? tries
A. John Adams D. Colonists started growing their own
B. Patrick Henry tea

C. Benedict Arnold 788. risked his life full of fame and riches
D. Horatio Gates back in France to join the Americans in
fighting against the British.
784. Who was responsible for creating the Ar-
A. Valley Forge
ticles of Confederation?
A. The Albany Plan of Union B. de Galvez

B. The Constitutional Convention C. Saratoga

C. The First Continental Congress D. Lafayette
D. The Second Continental Congress 789. All of the following were tactics im-
785. Which country provided the support the plemented by the Continental Army dur-
United States needed to overcome its dis- ing the American Revolution except which
advantages in the American Revolution? one?
A. Canada A. eliminate (kill) leaders/generals
B. France B. guerrilla warfare (surprise attacks)
C. Mexico C. trench warfare
D. Prussia D. spy techniques


1.10 American Revolution 423

790. militia 794. This person was the Commander of the

A. freedoms that are protected by a gov- Continental army who later became our
first President of the United States


ernment’s laws
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. a group of ordinary people who train
for battle B. Samuel Adams
C. a cruel and oppressive ruler C. George Washington
D. a formal written request D. Paul Revere

791. In the 1770s, England made the American 795. “I will do everything in my power to take
colonies pay many taxes. Some of these care of the men under my command and
taxes were the sugar act, stamp act, and lead this new nation to victory.”
the tea act. What did the colonists do be- A. King George III
cause of these taxes? B. John Adams
A. The colonists started taxing British C. George Washington
D. Thomas Jefferson
B. The colonists decided to trade only
with France. 796. What was the punishment for commit-
ting treason (a crime such as firing a shot
C. The colonists voted for a new king.
against British soldiers or signing a docu-
D. The colonists boycotted the taxes and ment such as “The Declaration of Indepen-
held many protests. dence”) in 1775 England?

792. Which of these BEST describes Thomas A. A slap on the wrist

Jefferson’s role in the American Revolu- B. Hanged
tion? C. Quartered
A. He defeated Cornwallis to end the war. D. Disemboweled
B. He was the main author of the Decla- E. Most of the above
ration of Independence.
797. What was the nickname given to the mili-
C. He was Washington’s best general.
tia due to their speed in assembling
D. He wrote the U.S. Constitution A. Hourmen
793. What was the purpose of General George B. Secondmen
Washington’s famous crossing of the C. Minutemen
Delaware River?
D. Daymen
A. to retreat from a British advance force
and regroup with the main army 798. This secret society formed by Boston pa-
triots stirred a protest movement to upset
B. to meet up with recently arrived
British policies.
French forces and plan the next battle
A. Sons of Anarchy
C. to surprise the Hessian Forces and
gain momentum for the Continental Army B. The Secret Loyalists

D. to test a new type of ship that had been C. Sons of Liberty

commissioned by the Continental Navy D. The Continentals


1.10 American Revolution 424

799. It took 17 days to write the Declaration 803. What was the significance of the pam-
of Independence. Who wrote it? phlet Common Sense?
A. Benjamin Franklin A. It presented a convincing case for in-
B. George Washington dependence, using plain language.
C. Thomas Jefferson B. It counteracted the Great Awakening
D. Thomas Paine by arguing against religion.

800. “ I challenge the warmest advocate C. It clearly described how increased

for reconciliation, to show, a single advan- trade could benefit the colonies.
tage that this continent can reap, by be- D. It considered early arguments against
ing connected with Great Britain. I repeat using slave labor in America.
the challenge, not a single advantage is
derived. Our corn will fetch its price in 804. Who did the colonists believe should have
any market in Europe, and our imported legal authority in the colonies?
goods must be paid for, buy them where
we will “-Thomas Paine, 1776 In this A. American Indians
statement, Thomas Paine suggested that
B. Parliament
the American colonies should
A. negotiate an end to the conflict with C. The King
England D. Local Assemblies
B. form an alliance with England
C. declare independence from England 805. An angry crowd of workers surrounded
a small group of British soldiers and were
D. boycott goods from England fired upon
801. The was an event in which 5 colonists A. Boston Massacre
were killed by redcoats.
B. Boston Rebellion
A. Boston Massacre
B. taxed C. Boston Treaty
C. Samuel Adams D. Boston Tea Party
D. Crispus Attucks
806. How did African Americans support the
802. Even though few Georgians participated Revolutionary War?
in the French and Indian War, how did
Georgia benefit from the British victory A. African Americans did not support the
over the French and Indians? Revolutionary War because they weren’t
allowed to fight
A. Georgia’s second oldest city, Augusta,
became the capital of Georgia. B. African Americans were freed from
slavery and sent to Great Britain to talk
B. Georgia’s boundaries were extended,
with the King
almost doubling Georgia’s size.
C. Georgia stopped being a proprietary C. Many African Americans joined the
colony and became a royal colony. army to support the fight for indepen-
D. Sunbury became the official port of en-
try for ships from other countries. D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 425

807. Which one of the following sound most colonists to consider revolution against
like the Massachusetts Government Act British rule?


A. This act said that the King was coming A. by representing an effort in Britain to
to live in the colonies and would rule from end the slave trade in the colonies
B. by increasing conflict between the
B. The act said that the Government in colonists and neighboring Indian tribes.
Massachusetts would be run by other
colonies C. by revealing the British plan to expand
the American colonies farther west on the
C. The act said the Massachusetts was continent
not allowed to have a government
D. by raising taxes in the American
D. This act gave more power to the Gover- colonies without granting the colonies any
nor of Massachusetts (who was appointed representation in Parliament
by the King) and took it away from the
Colonists 812. What battle in Oct of 1777 was known
as the turning point of the American Revo-
808. Which goods did Great Britain pass a di-
rect tax on that led to boycotts and a
group of delegates to meet to determine A. Bunker Hill
how to protest it?
B. Yorktown
A. tea and syrup
C. Valley Forge
B. weapons and bullets
D. Saratoga
C. sugar, rum, and molasses
D. newspapers, wills, and licenses 813. Which of the following statements best
summarizes the grievances against Eng-
809. Which of the following battles is consid- land in the Declaration of Independence?
ered a turning point for the Americans in
A. taxing the colonies without their con-
the Rev War?
A. Battle of Saratoga
B. having a strong military presence in
B. Battle of Lexington the colonies
C. Battle of Yorktown C. ruling the colonies without allowing
D. Battle of Trenton colonial representation
D. treating the American colonies differ-
810. Professional German soldiers used by the
ent than other English colonies
A. sell swords 814. Which Act placed taxes on goods im-
B. hessians ported from Britain?

C. militia A. Stamp Act

D. lobsterbacks B. Townshend Acts
C. Tea Act
811. How did the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and
the Intolerable Acts encourage American D. Intolerable Acts


1.10 American Revolution 426

815. Who was the “He” responsible for violat- 820. In what way did the American Revolution
ing the rights of the colonists in the Decla- affect other countries?
ration of Independence? A. The practice of slavery spread through-
A. colonial assemblies out Europe.
B. parliament B. Foreign governments attempted to
C. royal governors punish Patriot leaders.
D. King George III C. Countries tried to avoid the devasta-

tion of war.
816. The King had established an to pro-
D. Other republican groups fought to
tect the empire he had built.
overthrow aristocratic governments.
A. No Tax Policy
821. are colonists who supported Amer-
B. Imperial Policy
ica winning her independence from Great
C. revolution Britain.
D. ABC Policy A. Commander-in-Chief
817. Why did the British think they would B. Patriots
have more support in the southern C. Loyalists
D. none of above
A. More Patriots lived in the south
B. More Loyalists lived in the south 822. Who Organized the Boston tea Party?

C. The French wouldn’t fight in the south. A. All the colonists

D. The Continental Army had fewer sup- B. Sons of liberty

plies in the south. C. The British
818. What three “unalienable rights” were D. Mr. Macias class
given to us by the Declaration of Indepen-
823. Why were the Battles of Lexington and
Concord so significant?
A. Life, Liberty, and Religion
A. These battles signaled the beginning
B. Guns, Religion, and Property of the American Revolution.
C. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happi- B. These battles were the last fought dur-
ness ing the American Revolution.
D. Liberty, Life, and Fraternity C. The Continental Army took control of
ports from the British during the battles.
819. In Common Sense, the author wanted
D. The British took control of ports used
A. colonial leaders to be represented in
by the Continental Army during the bat-
B. the new United States to become a
monarchy. 824. What did the British Parliament make the
C. a compromise between the British and colonists pay?
Americans. A. Taxes
D. independence from Great Britain. B. Fees


1.10 American Revolution 427

C. Gold and Spices C. negotiate the Treaty of Paris 1763

D. Cupcakes and Twinkies D. to oppose the activities of the Sons and


Daughters of Liberty
825. Victory in this battle led to the surren-
der of General Cornwallis, and ended the 830. In what way was George Washington im-
American Revolution creating American in- portant to the American Revolution?
dependence. A. He was commander in chief of the Con-
A. Battle of the Bulge tinental Army.
B. Battle of Saratoga B. He helped write the Declaration of In-
C. Battle of Lexington
C. He was instrumental in planning the
D. Battle of Yorktown
Boston Tea Party.
826. In 1764, the Act required colonies to D. He wrote letters to the King of England
house and feed British troops in barracks demanding colonial independence.
or homes.
831. ‘’ We hold these truths to be self-evident,
A. Stamp
that all men are created equal, that they
B. Townshend are endowed, by their Creator, with cer-
C. Quartering tain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happi-
D. Intolerable ness. “-What document is this from?
827. Many colonists especially disliked the A. Proclamation of 1763
Stamp Act. They thought it was B. Charter of 1732
A. fair C. Declaration of Independence
B. unjust D. none of above
C. confusing
832. John Adams (Massachusetts) Benjamin
D. reasonable Franklin (Pennsylvania) Thomas Jefferson
(Virginia) Robert Livingston (New York)
828. The Act lowered tax on sugar, yet
Roger Sherman (Connecticut)On June 11,
allowed British officers to seize, or take,
1776, these men were chosen to write a
smuggles goods without a trail.
document that would create a document
A. Duties that eventually became known as the Dec-
B. Sugar laration of Independence. What was the
name of this group?
C. Townshend
A. Sons of Liberty
D. Stamp
B. Committee of Five
829. The purpose of the Committees of Corre- C. First Continental Congress
spondence was to
D. Committee of Correspondence
A. keep the different colonies in commu-
nication with each other prior to the Rev- 833. Colonists protested the Stamp Act be-
olution cause they believed in what phrase?
B. organize the Boston Tea Party A. Live free or die


1.10 American Revolution 428

B. All men are created equal C. Battle of Trenton

C. Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness D. Battle of Saratoga
D. No taxation with representation 838. Marquise de Lafayette was significant to
the American Revolution because he
834. The Battle of Yorktown, VA effectively
ended the war because: A. Stole money and supplies from British
A. The British were able to drive the
Americans out of the area but suffered B. Came to America himself to lead pa-

heavy causalties triot soldiers fight the British
C. Advised George Washington on his mil-
B. The French and American militaries
itary strategy
joined forces to surround and achieve vic-
tory over Lord Cornwallis D. Sent money to help the Continental
C. The American troops were able to
force the surrender of Major General 839. The author of “Common Sense” was
John Burgoyne A. Patrick Henry
D. The American troops achieved victo- B. Benjamin Franklin
ries in the first battle of the Revolution.
C. John Adams
835. Without enough gold and silver, D. Thomas Paine
Congress couldn’t back up its currency.
840. In what state was the Battle of Saratoga
Every time they printed more money, the
value of each note decreased, causing ..
A. New York
A. Conflation
B. Connecticut
B. Deflation
C. Rhode Island
C. Inflation
D. Massachusetts
D. none of above
841. Who helped Washington with training
836. These American women were famous for the Continental Army?
boycotting British goods by making home- A. Lafayette
spun cloth and for finding substitutes for
tea and sugar (all heavily taxed by the B. von Stuebon
British.) Who were these women? C. Hamilton
A. Daughters of Liberty D. Rochambeau
B. Women of the Revolution 842. In 1776, the Continental Congress ap-
C. Molly Pitchers proved a statement that said governments
do not have the right to take away a citi-
D. National Organization of Women zen’s “Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happi-
837. The French officially joined forces with ness.” What was this called?
the American colonists after which bat- A. Constitution
tle? B. Common Sense
A. Battle of Camden C. Articles of Confederation
B. Battle of Cowpens D. Declaration of Independence


1.10 American Revolution 429

843. Which tax was the beginning of the C. encouraging soldiers to re-enlist after
slogan “No taxation without representa- Valley Forge


D. donating amounts of money to help
A. Sugar Act fund the Patriots
B. Intolerable Acts
848. What was one result of King George III’s
C. Tea Act rejection of the Olive Branch Petition?
D. Boston Tea Party A. The colonies couldn’t trade with for-
844. Major American Victory, Turning point of eign nations.
the War, gains support from France and B. Patriot groups attacked and looted
Spain King George III’s palace.
A. Battle of Saratoga C. Many colonists who were initially Loy-
B. Battle of Bunker Hill alists became Patriots.
C. Battle of Trenton D. Rebelling colonists were imprisoned
D. Battle of Yorktown and executed.

845. In which battle did George Washington’s 849. Who was the opponent at Valley Forge?
troops inflict heavy casualties on General A. Winter, starvation, disease
Cornwallis’s troops?
B. British
A. Battle of Trenton
C. French
B. Battle of Saratoga
D. Indians
C. Battle of Bunker Hill
D. Battle of Princeton 850. The Second Continental Congress was
a convention of colonial representatives
846. How did Benedict Arnold betray our coun- who formed for what purpose?
A. to serve as the first Congress under
A. He wrote a letter to President Lincoln
the Constitution
about the war.
B. to serve as a temporary wartime gov-
B. He fought on the side of the French
during the War of 1812.
C. He used a spy to attack George Wash- C. to serve as the official mediation court
ington on Christmas Eve. for Britain and the colonies
D. He aided the British during the Revo- D. to serve as a shelter for revolutionar-
lutionary War by planning to surrender to ies
851. Colonists who supported the British king
847. James Armistead helped to contribute to were called
the American victory at Yorktown- A. Patriots
A. leading an elite regiment of French sol-
B. Republicans
C. Democrats
B. passing along information he had dis-
covered while spying D. Loyalists


1.10 American Revolution 430

852. This is the last major battle of the Rev- 857. Tax collectors represented which coun-
olutionary War where Cornwallis and his try?
troops were trapped in the Chesapeake A. France
Bay by the French fleet/navy and the
American Army. Cornwallis surrendered B. America
October 19, 1781 C. England
A. Lexington and Concord D. Spain
B. French and Indian War 858. Which is the BEST explanation for why

C. Battle of Yorktown men like George Washington, Thomas Jef-
D. Battle of Gettysburg ferson, and Benjamin Franklin are known
as the “Founding Fathers”?
853. Which of these battles is considered to be A. They played a major role in uniting
the turning point of the American Revolu- the southern slave-holding states and the
tion in the South? northern free states into one nation.
A. Battle of Camden B. They were political leaders sent to the
B. Battle of Cowpens colonies by the King of England with the
goal of founding a new, independent na-
C. Battle of Charles Town
D. Battle of King’s Mountain
C. They were the three military leaders
854. What was the city causing the most trou- most responsible for surrounding and cap-
ble for King George III? turing British troops during the Battle of
Yorktown in 1781.
A. Atlanta
D. They served as leaders in the Ameri-
B. Boston
can Revolutionary War and helped create
C. New York City the Declaration of Independence and the
D. Savannah United States Constitution.

855. The Act was a tax on most paper 859. What did the Quartering Act expect
goods including newspapers, pamphlets, colonists to do?
and legal documents. A. Colonist must give quarters (a place to
A. Duties stay), or food and shelter, to British sol-
B. Sugar
B. Colonists are taxed on sugar and mo-
C. Townshend
D. Stamp C. Colonists are taxed on paint, glass, pa-
856. In 1773, the King imposed a new tax on per, and tea
the colonists favorite drink. This was the D. none of above

860. Which group is in the correct order?

A. Tea Tax
A. Yorktown, Valley Forge, Saratoga, Lex-
B. Stamp Act ington and Concord
C. Quartering Act B. Lexington/Concord, Saratoga, Valley
D. Boston Tea Party Forge, and Yorktown


1.10 American Revolution 431

C. Lexington/Concord, Valley Forge, C. be based upon the consent (permis-

Saratoga, and Yorktown sion) of the governed


D. Valley Forge, Yorktown, Lexing- D. be led by educated citizens
ton/Concord, and Saratoga
865. Use the image to answer the following
861. Which statement represents one of the question. This political cartoon by Ben-
main ideas in the Declaration of Indepen- jamin Franklin suggests that he felt the
dence? colonies were
A. The United States needs a strong cen- A. Strongly united
tral government. B. Not united as colonies
B. The power of the president must be C. Like a snake and slithery
limited by the legislative and judicial
branches. D. Strongly united

C. People have a right to rebel against an 866. During the years before the American
unjust government. Revolution, some colonists formed a group
D. Americans cannot afford to pay high that wanted independence. This group
British taxes. was called the
A. Grange.
862. The Colonists were unhappy with Great
Britain. Which resulted from this unhappi- B. Sons of Liberty.
ness? C. Green Mountain Boys.
A. They fought for freedom during the D. Regulators.
American Revolution
867. Prohibited colonists from settling on land
B. They fought the government for west of the Appalachian Mountains.
women’s rights to vote in elections
A. Proclamation of 1763
C. They fought for the control of land
owned by the American Indians B. Townshend Acts

D. They fought to gain civil rights for all C. French and Indian War
minorities in the United States D. Intolerable Acts

863. Which of the following words shares the 868. The was the first representative
closest meaning with the word liberty? colonial legislature, which meant colonists
A. Loyalty voted for people to make the laws for their
colony on their behalf.
B. fighting
A. Thomas Hooker
C. freedom
B. New York
D. equality
C. Roger Williams
864. One of the main principles stated in the D. Virginia House of Burgesses
Declaration of Independence is that gov-
ernment should 869. What was the name of the first person
A. equality among citizens killed at the Boston Massacre?

B. have unlimited power to rule the peo- A. Paul Revere

ple B. John Paul Jones


1.10 American Revolution 432

C. Crispus Attucks 875. Who was the Commander of the Conti-

D. John Adams nental Army during the American Revolu-
870. The Sons of Liberty dressed up as Native
A. George Washington
Americans and threw boxes of tea from a
ship into the harbor during the B. Lord Charles Cornwallis
A. Congressional Meeting C. Patrick Henry
B. Boston Massacre

D. Samuel Adams
C. Boston Tea Party
D. The Second Continental Congress 876. Why did slavery continue after the Rev-
871. On March 5, 1770, British soldiers fired
upon a crowd in Boston, killing five A. Slave labor was important to the New
colonists and wounding a dozen others. England economy.
This event is known as the:
B. The colonial government encouraged
A. Battle of Bunker Hill manumission.
B. Boston Tea Party C. Loyalists, Patriots, and the British all
C. Boston Massacre agreed that liberty did not extend to
D. Battle of Lexington and Concord. slaves.

872. was the main author of the Declara- D. The southern plantation economy de-
tion of Independence. pended on slavery.

A. George Washington 877. The Treaty of Paris of 1783

B. Thomas Jefferson
A. ended French colonial holdings in
C. George Washington North America.
D. Richard Henry Lee
B. eventually became a major cause of
873. The defeat of General Burgoyne at this the Mexican War
battle would be a major turning point in C. granted the United States indepen-
the war dence from England.
A. Philadelphia
D. ensured Loyalists would not be com-
B. Harrisburg pensated for their lands.
C. Saratoga
D. New york 878. After the Battle of Saratoga, which for-
eign country became and ally to the Conti-
874. The only state African Americans were nental Army
not enlisted in was
A. French
A. South Carolina
B. England
B. North Carolina
C. Virginia C. Africa
D. Rhode Island D. Canada


1.10 American Revolution 433

879. “ give me liberty or give me A. Patriots

death!””A government of our own is our
B. Loyalists
natural right “ “We must indeed all


hang together or, most assuredly, we shall C. Minutemen
all hang separately. “During the period D. Sons of Liberty
of the American Revolution, these state-
ments were made by members of which 883. This was the site of Cornwallis’s surren-
group? der in the American Revolution.
A. Redcoats
A. Yorktown
B. Patriots
B. Valley Forge
C. Tories
C. Lexington and Concord
D. Native American Indians.
D. Saratoga
880. Which of the following best explains the
reasoning of the King for passing the Intol- 884. What group would have said, Give me lib-
erable Acts? erty or give me death”?
A. “Those colonists want war Then A. Tories
they will have it.”
B. Loyalists
B. “Those colonists are not going to be al-
lowed to move past the mountains I C. Patriots
will not pay to protect them from the Na- D. Tax Collectors
tive Americans.”
C. “They will pay for dumping my tea 885. Who famously said, “Give me Liberty or
overboard make them submit to my au- Give me Death”?
thority.” A. Patrick Henry
D. “They are committing treason by sign- B. George Washington
ing that document.”
C. Paul Revere
881. Which of these BEST describes the signif- D. Thomas Jefferson
icance of the Battle of Kettle Creek (Febru-
ary 1779)? 886. What was the purpose of the book-
A. The Patriot victory convinced France to let “Common Sense” written by Thomas
support the Patriots. Paine?
B. The British victory there solidified their A. To convince colonists that the colonies
control of the state. should declare independence from Great
C. The Patriot victory there raised the Britain.
morale of all Georgia Patriots. B. To convince Great Britain that they
D. The British victory there prevents the should continue to rule over the colonies.
Patriots from retaking Savannah. C. The only point of the booklet was to
make the colonists mad.
882. A secret organization made up of mer-
chants and journalists formed to protest D. To show colonists how they could be
unfair taxes was called the Common Sensing


1.10 American Revolution 434

887. Which of the following groups opposed C. Patriots had to return all rights and
the Declaration of Independence? property or possessions taken from Loy-
A. Patriots alists during the war.

B. Loyalists D. They are all conditions of the Treat of

C. Sons of Liberty
D. Continental Congress 892. Colonists protested against the Stamp
Act because
888. At the beginning of the American Rev-

A. they believed in virtual representation.
olution Benedict Arnold was a general
in the American Army. But during the B. they opposed the policy of salutary ne-
war he switched sides, joining the British glect
army. Which group of people would C. all English subjects are represented in
have thought Benedict Arnold was right to Parliament
switch sides? D. they felt Parliament had no right to tax
A. Patriots them.
B. Quakers 893. The Declaration of Independence was
C. Loyalists approved by the Second Continental
D. Mercenaries Congress on
A. July 4, 1776
889. What famous line did the colonists say
when they thought they were being mis- B. December 25, 1776
treated by the acts and taxes? C. September 17, 1787
A. No Taxation without Representation D. September 25, 1791
B. Magna Carta 894. There were many reasons for the Revolu-
C. Remember the Alamo tionary War. Some of the colonists were
D. Yankee Doodle unhappy with “no taxation without repre-
sentation.” What did they mean by this?
890. The man who turned the ragged Conti- A. The colonists should not be taxed un-
nental Army into a more efficient fighting less they were represented in Parliament.
force was
B. The colonists should not be taxed be-
A. Casimir Pulaski cause they could not vote for the King.
B. Thaddeus Kosciuszko C. The colonists should not be taxed un-
C. Juan de Miralles less the taxes were used in the colonies.
D. Friedrich von Steuben D. The colonists should not be taxed be-
cause no one should be taxed.
891. What was a condition of the Treaty of
Paris? 895. Why wasn’t George Washington able to
A. Britain recognized the colonies as an sign the Declaration of Independence in
independent country. 1776?

B. Britain gave up all their land from the A. He didn’t agree with the Declaration
Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi River, B. He had been elected governor of Vir-
from the border of Canada to Florida. ginia


1.10 American Revolution 435

C. He had an ongoing feud with Thomas 899. Treaty of Paris ended the American
Jefferson Revolutionary War


D. He was leading the Continental Army A. 1776
against the British B. 1607
896. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, C. 1783
that all men are created equal”Which D. 1763
statement BEST explains the underlined
portion of the quote from the Declaration 900. How did the colonists respond to the
of Independence? Stamp Act?

A. Thomas Jefferson believed all people A. Threw tea in the Boston Harbor
should be in government. B. Did not buy any British goods
B. Citizens have the same rights aspoliti- C. Wrote a strong letter to King George
cal leaders. III
C. George Washington did not believe in D. Nothing
slavery. 901. The most brutal and destructive fighting
D. People are free to have any job they of the American Revolution occurs in which
want. region of the United States?

897. Why is the Battle of King’s Mountain con- A. Southern Colonies

sidered the most significant battle of the B. The West
Southern campaign of the American Revo- C. New England Colonies
D. Middle Colonies
A. The battle ended the alliance between
the Creek Indians and the Loyalist militia 902. What is the significance of the Battle of
B. It gave the Patriot militia a stronghold
from which they could lay siege to Loyalist- A. The Americans defeated the British,
occupied Savannah ending the American Revolution and
verifying America’s independence from
C. The Patriot victory over the Loyalist Britain.
militia forced General Cornwallis to aban-
don his plan to invade North Carolina B. The British defeated the Americans,
but suffered heavy losses. They realized
D. General Cornwallis forced the surren- that defeating the colonists would not be
der of Patriot forces in the South, which quick or easy.
allowed the British to focus on the offen-
C. George Washington led his army
sive in the North
across the Delaware River on Christmas
898. What was the turning point in the Revo- night, surprising the Hessians and defeat-
lutionary War, afterwards the French pro- ing them, thus boosting American morale.
vided support to the Americans? D. It was the turning point of the Amer-
A. Battle of Yorktown ican Revolution as the American victory
convinced France to join the war to assist
B. Battle of Saratoga the Americans.
C. Battle Gettysburg E. “The shot heard ‘round the world”
D. Battle of Trenton started the American Revolution.


1.10 American Revolution 436

903. The Act placed taxes on all factory C. writing a document that declared the
made goods. colonies independent
A. Tea D. All of the above
B. Tobacco
908. A former French and Indian War com-
C. Townshend mander, this Virginia planter and politician
D. Triangle was appointed commander in chief of the
Continental Army during the Revolution-

904. The “Liberty Boys” were established as ary War. George Washington
a protest against which of these?
A. George Washington
A. the Stamp Act
B. Steven Segal
B. the Sons of Liberty
C. Horatio Gates
C. the Siege of Savannah
D. Thomas Jefferson
D. Lexington and Concord

905. Why was the Battle of Eutaw Springs im- 909. Valley forge
portant in the American Revolution? A. Very cold winter-Soldiers camped in PA
A. It was the last time the Americans lost and suffered from lack of food and sup-
in the war plies
B. It was the first time the Americans lost B. Ended the American Revolutionary
in the war War
C. It was the last major battle in South C. Turning point-French came to aid Patri-
Carolina during the war ots
D. It was the first time a major leader had D. Last battle-The British surrendered
been killed fighting the to Continental Army
906. Why did the British create the Intolerable 910. What was the name given to Americans
Acts? who supported independence?
A. To punish the Bostonians for the A. Tories
Boston Tea Party
B. Patriots
B. To force loyalists to tolerate the patri-
ots C. Separatists
C. To reward the people of Boston for D. Loyalists
throwing such an awesome party
D. To for the patriots to tolerate the loyal- 911. When deciding whether or not to break
ists away from the British, the colonists split
into what 2 groups?
907. A year later (1775) the representatives A. Kings & Queens
met in Philadelphia again. What did they
discuss? B. Patriots & Loyalists
A. becoming an independent nation C. Redcoats & Patriots
B. breaking away from England D. British & Americans


1.10 American Revolution 437

912. After the Battle of Saratoga, which coun- C. encouraged other nations to fight for
try joined the American colonies in the war their independence
against Britain?


D. it made other nations fearful of Patriot
A. France strength
B. Germany 917. When did Congress approve the Declara-
C. Netherlands tion of Independence?
D. Portugal A. April 19, 1775
B. January 10, 1776
913. The first battle of the American Revolu-
C. July 2, 1776
tion was It’s also referred to as the
“Shot Heard Round the World”. D. July 4, 1776
A. Saratoga 918. What was the Declaration of Indepen-
B. Lexington and Concord dence?
A. A document that declared indepen-
C. Declaration of Independence
dence from Great Britain and explained
D. Proclamation of 1763 why the colonists were willing to fight for
their freedom.
914. Which statement is most consistent with
the views of Loyalists in the 1770s? B. A document that explained why King
George III should rule over the colonies
A. The colonists should be grateful to be forever.
under British rule and protection.
C. A document that said that colonists
B. Taxation without representation is would not have any rights and would be
tyranny. heavily taxed.
C. Citizens, under British rule, have the D. A document that declared that Great
right to declare independence. Britain would be independent and free
D. The king is violating the rights of from being controlled by the United States
British citizens. of America.

915. What river did Washington cross on 919. What did the British parliament do in
Christmas to surprise the British and Hes- response to colonial protests against the
sians Stamp Act?
A. They doubled the tax
A. Mississippi
B. They did nothing
B. Delaware
C. They repealed the tax but then im-
C. James posed the declaratory act.
D. Amazon D. They declared war on France
916. The revolution’s early battles had a 920. What made the Battles of Lexington and
global impact. Why? Concord significant?
A. other nations refused to fight for their A. They were the most deadly battles in
independence history
B. led to Great Britain giving up its other B. They lasted weeks and were some of
colonies the longest battles in history


1.10 American Revolution 438

C. They were the first battles of the Amer- 925. Jefferson also wrote that the colonies
ican Revolution were no longer bound to what country?
D. They were the final battles of the Amer- A. Canada
ican Revolution B. Brazil

921. Which of these was a weakness of the C. Great Britain

Continental army at the start of the war? D. Australia
A. supply shortages

926. Which person is described by this
B. weak commander statement, “Commanded the Continental
C. unfamiliar territory
A. Haym Salomon
D. long travel distances
B. Baron von Steuben
922. What role did Paul Revere play in the bat- C. George Washington
tles of Lexington and Concord? D. none of above
A. He was one of the men who fought the
British at Lexington. 927. The Sons of Liberty dressed up as Na-
tive Americans. They boarded a ship and
B. He rode at night to warn the militias dumped chests of tea into the Boston Har-
the British were coming. bor. This event was known as the
C. He told General Gage the whereabouts A. Boston Massacre
of the militias’ weapons. B. Battle of Lexington and Concord
D. none of above C. Boston Tea Party
923. The leader of the Continental Army dur- D. Stamp Act
ing the American Revolution was He
928. Who is Lemuel Hayes?
later became America’s first president.
A. A Patriot Soldier
A. Declaration of Independence
B. An African American Patriot
B. Washington
C. A Redcoat
C. House of Burgesses
D. A Hessian
D. English Bill of Rights
929. Which statement best describes MER-
924. When did the battles of Lexington and CANTILIMS
Concord occur? A. Great Britain receives raw materials
A. after the colonies elected a president from the Colonies in exchange for charg-
ing high prices to the colonies for manu-
B. before the colonies declared indepen- factured goods.
B. Colonies received raw material from
C. before the colonies elected a presi- Britain in exchange for their loyalty to the
dent Crown
D. after the colonies declared indepen- C. Britain received manufactured good
dence from the colonies in exchange for guns


1.10 American Revolution 439

D. Native Americans exchanged fur with D. the Cherokee Indians in the South Car-
the French olina backcountry


930. Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, 935. The colonists were greatly angered by
was written to: the because it limited their freedom to
settle land west of the Appalachian Moun-
A. encourage colonists to declare their in-
A. Saratoga
B. help fund the Lewis and Clark expedi-
tion B. Lexington and Concord

C. tell the colonists they had no sense in C. Declaration of Independence

America D. Proclamation of 1763
D. help the French win the French and In- 936. From which American Revolution battle
dian War did the quote “Don’t fire ‘til you see the
whites of their eyes” originate?
931. used hit and run tactics
A. Lexington and Concord
A. British strength
B. Bunker Hill
B. American strength
C. Boston Massacre
C. British weakness
D. Siege of Boston
D. American weakness
937. Jefferson was inspired by Enlightenment
932. The British surrendered to the Continen- thinker , who believed that people
tal Army in 1781 following have natural rights-rights that belong to
them simply because they are human.
A. the Boston Massacre
A. John Locke
B. the Battle of Yorktown.
B. Thomas Paine
C. the Battle of Saratoga
C. Benjamin Franklin
D. the Battle of Lexington.
D. John Adams
933. This man was associated with “The sons
938. Which of the following convinced the
of Liberty”
colonists that independence was the cor-
A. Samuel Revere rect thing to seek?
B. Paul Adams A. Declaration of Independece
C. John McCrae B. Olive Branch petition
D. Paul Revere C. The Constitution
D. Common Sense
934. The French and Indian War contributed to
fighting between the British colonists in 939. The Battle of Yorktown was fought near
South Carolina and which body of water?
A. the Spanish in Florida A. Lake Erie
B. the Seminole Indians in Florida B. Mississippi River
C. Scots-Irish settlers along the Georgia C. Chesapeake Bay
border D. Hudson River


1.10 American Revolution 440

940. Georgia ratified the new United States 944. This person was a leader of the patriot
Constitution in 1787 MAINLY because group called the Sons of Liberty
Georgians A. Samuel Adams
A. were pleased that large states won ne- B. Thomas Paine
gotiations at the convention.
C. George Washington
B. believed that by ratifying the constitu-
D. Ben Franklin
tion, they would strengthen the country.

C. wanted to show other states in the 945. Fighting began in Lexington and Concord
union that they strongly supported the when British troops
new country. A. thought colonial soldiers had fired on
D. were pleased that slavery would be them
protected and there would be a bicameral B. captured Paul Revere
C. arrived, looking for the Second Conti-
nental Congress
941. *Commander of Continental Army*Encamped
troops at Valley Forge in 1777*Lost D. came to arrest colonial leaders and
Philadelphia to British in 1777*Accepted take colonial weapons
British surrender at YorktownAll of these
are describing the actions of what person- 946. Who provided military leadership by
ality of the American Revolution? serving as Commander-In-Chief of the Con-
tinental Army?
A. John Adams
A. Patrick Henry
B. Thomas Jefferson
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Benjamin Franklin C. George Washington
D. George Washington D. James Lafayette
942. Which group wanted to be independent 947. What year does the American Revolution
from Britain? end?
A. Allies A. 1776
B. Loyalists B. 1783
C. Patriots C. 1607
D. Undecideds D. 1738

943. Which famous quote is from Revolution- 948. little money for the war
ary War hero Nathan Hale? A. American strength
A. “The British is coming!” B. American weakness
B. “I have not yet begun to fight.” C. British strength
C. “I only regret that I have but one life D. British weakness
to give for my country.”
949. How did the 1763 Treaty of Paris-which
D. “Don’t fire until you see the whites of ended the French and Indian (Seven Year’s)
their eyes! Then fire low!” War-help start the American Revolution?


1.10 American Revolution 441

A. Since the treaty reduced the French C. Boston

threat, the British wanted to reduce their D. Richmond
military presence, but still get the colonies


to pay for the war. 954. Why is the Battle of Saratoga called the
B. The treaty led to an increase in British turning point of the Revolutionary War?
military presence in the colonies, includ- A. The Spanish decide to become Ameri-
ing having colonists quarter soldiers in can allies
peace time. B. British General Cornwallis surrender
C. Once the treaty was signed, the at this battle
colonies had more in common with France C. the French decide to become American
than with Great Britain. allies
D. The treaty gave Great Britain access to D. none of above
more land and they began to completely
ignore the original colonies. 955. Who drafted the Declaration of Indepen-
950. This man led the American Army and kept A. Thomas Paine
them unified, utilized guerrilla tactics, and
avoided direct conflicts that may have de- B. George Washington
stroyed the army. C. John Adams
A. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson
B. Benjamin Franklin 956. Which was the punishment for the Boston
C. Alexander Hamilton Tea Party?
D. Lord Cornwallis A. Intolerable Acts
B. Sugar Acts
951. Who was named Commander in Chief of
the Continental Army? C. Quartering Acts
A. George Washington D. Stamp Acts
B. John Hancock 957. The American started producing its own
C. Samuel Adams money to pay soldiers for their service.
This money was in the form of
D. Thomas Paine
A. Paper Notes
952. Who was the King during the American B. Gold Coins
C. Precious Stones
A. King Arthur
D. none of above
B. Martin Luther King Jr.
958. Which matches to this statement, “Wash-
C. King George III
ington captured the Hessian forces of the
D. King Charles II British Army”
953. What city was home to the Continental A. Battle of Saratoga
Congress? B. Signing of the Treaty of Paris
A. New York C. Battle of Trenton
B. Philadelphia D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 442

959. Who did the American Indians fight along- A. Saratoga

B. Lafayette
A. Both the British and the Virginia Patri-
C. de Galvez
B. Only the British D. Valley Forge

C. Only the Virginia Patriots 965. These major city were all captured by the
D. No one, they were neutral British during the Revolution.

960. Which matches to this statement, “The A. Philadelphia, Charles Town, New York
British recognized the US as an indepen- B. New York, Boston, Detroit
dent nation.”
C. Pittsburgh, New York, Charles Town
A. Battle of Saratoga
D. Philadelphia, New Orleans, Savanah
B. Signing of the Treaty of Paris
C. Battle of Trenton 966. Where did General Washington camp the
D. none of above Continental Army for training over the
winter of 1777-8?
961. Political authority that directed the strug- A. Delaware
gle for independence beginning in 1775.
B. Gettysburg
A. First Continental Congress
B. Second Continental Congress C. New York City

C. Articles of Confederation D. Valley Forge

D. Committees of Correspondence 967. The war ended because
962. a formal written request A. there was a massive slave rebellion
A. petition B. Patriots were able to attack and burn
B. militia all the British ships
C. tyrant C. The British decided the war wasn’t
worth their time anymore
D. rights
D. Patriots killed the king
963. Which of the following is NOT one of the
rights included in the Declaration of Inde- 968. The Battle of Saratoga was important to
pendence? the American Revolution because
A. Life A. the British soldiers suffered more ca-
B. Land sualties than the Americans.
C. Pursuit of Happiness B. the French sided with the British after
D. Liberty the battle.
C. the British were driven from New York
964. George Washington miraculously led his
and Boston
troops through a harsh winter at
where supplies were low and the tempta- D. the French signed an alliance with the
tion to run away from the army was high. Patriots to fight the British.


1.10 American Revolution 443

969. “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the 973. What style of fighting did the French use
most wholesome and necessary for the during the French and Indian war?
public good He has dissolved Repre-


A. surprise attacks, hiding in bushes, in-
sentative Houses repeatedly, for oppos-
dian style of fighting
ing with manly firmness his invasions on
the rights of the people He has kept B. bombs and granades
among us, in times of peace, Standing C. line formations
Armies without the Consent of our legis-
latures For Quartering large bodies of D. none of above
armed troops among us For cutting off
974. What was the event called that killed 5
our Trade with all parts of the world
colonials in Boston after a protest of a
For imposing Taxes on us without our Con-
sent “-from The Declaration of Inde-
pendence The phrase “For cutting off our A. Boston Tea Party
Trade with all parts of the world” would B. The Boston Massacre
MOST likely reference a law passed as a
result of which event? C. The Great Riot of 1775
A. the Boston Tea Party D. The Whiskey Rebellion
B. the Boston Massacre 975. The colonial men and women who met
C. the Battles of Lexington and Concord to plan the boycotts and other ways to
D. the forming of the Second Continental protest the British policies were called the
Congress A. Hessians
970. Which woman wrote poetry supporting B. Loyalists
independence from Great Britain?
C. Minutemen
A. Phyllis Wheatley
D. Sons and Daughters of Liberty
B. Betsy Ross
C. Abigail Adams 976. The colonists believed in “no taxation,
without “, which means they cannot
D. Benjamin Franklin
be taxed unless they are given a right to
971. What event happened in Boston Harbor vote for representatives in Parliament.
to protest a tax? A. Boston Massacre
A. Battle with Spain B. representation
B. Boston Tea Party
C. Magna Carta
C. Edenton Tea Party
D. Mayflower Compact
D. Proclamation from the King
977. Who did Parliament believe should have
972. George III was the leader of which coun-
legal authority in the colonies?
try during the American Revolution?
A. Britain A. The King
B. the US colonies B. Parliament
C. Spain C. General Assembly
D. Canada D. House of Burgesses


1.10 American Revolution 444

978. Author of the Declaration Of Indepen- 982. As a result of the Revolutionary War, the
dence British agreed to
A. Thomas Jefferson A. Recognize the US as a British colony
B. Samuel Adams B. Recognize the US as a free and inde-
pendent nation
C. Geroge Washington
C. Allow Americans to have representa-
D. Wentworth Cheswell
tives in Parliament

979. After the French and Indian War, Parlia- D. Seek new allies against the US
ment passed new laws for the colonies.
These laws were passed because Britain 983. Which of these nations became an Amer-
ican ally after the victory at Saratoga?
A. was afraid the French would support
the colonies. A. France
B. was afraid many of the colonists would B. Canada
return to Britain. C. Mexico
C. needed the colonists to help pay for D. Germany
the war.
984. The colonists had no voice in parliament
D. wanted the Native Americans to return where new laws and taxes were devel-
to their lands. oped and imposed on the colonies. As a
980. In which battle did Washington cross the result, the colonists began to use the slo-
Delaware River on Christmas night and gan, “ !”
ambush the British? A. It is so unfair it’s not our fair share
A. Battle of Princeton B. No taxation without representation
B. Battle of Trenton C. No more king
C. Battle of Saratoga D. The shot heard ‘round the world
D. Battle of Bunker Hill 985. “We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all Men are created equal, that they
981. In April, 1775, the Revolutionary War are endowed by their Creator with certain
began when British soldiers and American unalienable Rights, that among these are
minutemen met in battle. The first shot Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
that was fired is referred to as “the shot “This quote from the United States Decla-
heard ‘round the world.” What does this ration of Independence is MOST associated
statement mean? with which of these philosophers?
A. The fighting that took place was very A. Plato
B. Socrates
B. The fight made news in the colonies,
Europe, and other parts of the world. C. John Locke

C. The fighting at Lexington lasted for D. Thomas Hobbes

months. 986. Which statement best describes how Na-
D. The fight spread to English colonies tive Americans in Ohio responded to the
that were all over the world. outbreak of the Revolutionary War?


1.10 American Revolution 445

A. They formed a confederacy. 991. Which document confirmed the idea of

B. They supported the Patriots. self-government for Patriot leaders?


C. They supported the British. A. English Bill of Rights

D. none of above B. Magna Carta

C. Mayflower Compact
987. Button Gwinnett will MOST LIKELY be re-
membered for D. Proclamation of 1763
A. challenging Lachlan McIntosh to a 992. What happened at Valley Forge? Why
duel. are there monuments located there to-
B. opposing a military foray into British day?
East Florida. A. It was the location of the biggest bat-
C. being one of three Georgia signers of tle of the Revolutionary War; It turned the
the Declaration of Independence. tide of war toAmericas favor despite being
D. the controversy surrounding his elec-
tion to Georgia’s Continental battalion. B. Washington crossed the nearby river
for a sneak attack on the British; it was
988. The Battle of Saratoga was a turning the first greatAmerican victory
point in the American Revolution because-
C. It was a camp that Washington estab-
A. the colonists were defeated and lost lished in the winter months, conditions
possession of New York were bad andmany were sick and some
B. Native Americans joined the war died
against the colonies during the battle D. It was the location of Final Battle of the
C. Great Britain was forced to form an al- Revolution and where the British signed
liance with France against the colonies the peacetreaty
D. the colonial victory convinced France 993. To which battle does this refer? :“The
to support American Independence American victory ended the British threat
to New England and destroyed Patriot
989. The Battle of Lexington and Concord was
spirits at a time when Washington’s army
important because
was suffering defeats. Perhaps most im-
A. it was the last battle portant, it helped convince Europeans that
B. it was the first battle the Americans had a sound chance of win-
C. it was the longest battle
A. Yorktown
D. none of above
B. Valley Forge
990. After British forces started losing battles
C. Fort Ticonderoga
in the South, how did neutral colonists re-
act? D. Saratoga
A. They formed their own militia. 994. This was a colonist who resisted British
B. They started to help the British. rule.
C. They fled to the West. A. redcoat
D. They began supporting the Patriots. B. loyalist


1.10 American Revolution 446

C. Pippin 1000. Who is MOST responsible for writing

D. patriot the Declaration of Independence?
A. George Washington
995. On Christmas Night 1776, the Patriots
scored a victory at B. Thomas Jefferson
A. Battle of Saratoga C. Benjamin Franklin
B. Battle of Trenton D. Richard Lee

C. Germantown
1001. familiar with the land
D. Philadelphia
A. British strength
996. The continental Congress unanimously se-
lected to be the commander-in-chief of B. British weakness
the Continental Army. C. American weakness
A. Patriot
D. American strength
B. Loyalist
C. Washington 1002. What was the name of the group that
declared the independence of the United
D. none of above States?
997. Which person was killed in the Boston A. The Washingtonians
Massacre and later became a symbol of
the Abolitionist movement? B. The Whigs

A. Peter Salam C. The Continental Congress

B. Patrick Henry D. The Republicans
C. Martha Washington
1003. At the start of the war, what was a
D. Crispus Attucks weakness of the British troops?
998. Where did Washington and his troops A. poor leadership
winter and train during the 1777-78 win-
B. understaffed army
ter camp months?
A. Ft. Stanwix C. insufficient supplies

B. Brandywine D. poorly trained soldiers

C. Valley Forge
1004. The French nobleman who accompanied
D. Ft. Ticonderoga Washington for most of the war and lob-
bied for the French King to help the Amer-
999. This patriot was the author of both Com- icans
mon Sense and American Crisis was
A. Montcalm
A. Thomas Paine
B. Thomas Jefferson B. Lafayette

C. Samuel Adams C. Cornwallis

D. Benjamin Franklin D. Howe


1.10 American Revolution 447

1005. The Declaration of Independence held 1010. In 1775, colonists met to discuss break-
that people were born with rights, ing free from England. This meeting was
rights that we are born with and cannot be called


taken away from us unless we go through A. The Second Continental Congress
due process.
B. Boston Tea Party
A. Thomas Paine
C. First Continental Congress
B. Declaration of Independence
D. Boston Massacre
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. unalienable 1011. Who Founded the sons of Liberty?
A. Benedict Arnold
1006. Colonists were forced to house British
B. Christopher Gadson
soldiers through this act.
C. Samuel Adams
A. Quartering Act
D. Hercules Mulligan
B. Stamp Act
C. Tea Act 1012. How did George Washington help end
the Revolutionary War?
D. Intolerable Acts
A. Recognized the strategic importance
1007. This country came to the aide of the of battle landscapes and planned carefully
United States and helped them defeat B. Supplied the British Army with fresh
Britain at Yorktown. food
A. Spain C. Taught his troops how to make
B. Germany weapons and showed them how to use
C. Canada
D. Trained the British troops in North
D. France
American warfare
1008. Indians helped the This is how the 1013. Which country started supporting
French and Indian war got its name. the United States after the Battle of
A. English Saratoga?
B. French A. Great Britain
C. German B. Germany
D. Americans C. France
D. Russia
1009. Why was Great Britain taxing the
colonies? 1014. These are strengths of Great Britain ex-
A. To help open jobs cept:

B. To punish the colonists A. well-trained soldiers

C. To help pay debt from the Seven Years’ B. money to hire Hessians
war C. good knowledge of the land
D. To help with trading D. best Navy in the world


1.10 American Revolution 448

1015. Which best explains the significance of 1019. During the American Revolution, the
the Battle of Yorktown? encampment of General George Washing-
A. A large British force was cut off by ton’s troops at ValleyForge benefited the
American and French troops by land and colonial war effort in which way?
by a French fleet by sea A. It secured a new base to support per-
B. The British were able to divide the manent supply lines.
colonies into two halves, nearly smother- B. It provided an opportunity for massive
ing the rebellion. recruitment efforts.

C. The French were persuaded by the C. It involved extensive retraining led by
victory to lend support to the American professional soldiers.
D. It enabled forces to stage a surprise
D. The Continental Army was able to attack on a nearby fort.
capture the stolen treasure used to pay
British and Hessian troops. 1020. In what year did the battles of Saratoga
take place
1016. Why would the writings of Mercy Otis
A. 1775
Warren be informative to a historian?
B. 1776
A. she recorded the proceedings at the
boston massacre trial C. 1777
B. she wrote one of the earliest histories D. 1778
about the Rev. war
1021. Colonial protests and boycotts against
C. she contributed to the writing of the the Stamp Act eventually led to
declaration of indep.
A. the Boston Massacre
D. she was the 1st american woman to
publish a novel B. the Boston Tea Party
C. Parliament’s decision to repeal the Act
1017. What were the American Colonists
called who fought for independence, D. the first shots of the war in Mas-
protested taxation without representa- sachusetts
tion, tarred customs officials, and violently 1022. Why did the Captain at Lexington
rebelled against British control? and Concord yell “Don’t fire unless fired
A. Puritans upon”?
B. Loyalists A. he was afraid
C. Federalists B. so the British would start it
D. Patriots C. to save ammo
1018. After Lexington and Concord D. they were not ready yet
A. The British thought they could win eas- 1023. What was Paul Revere hoping to do on
ily. his famous midnight ride in 1775?
B. The Americans apologized to England. A. get new customers for his silversmith
C. The Americans thought Britain would business
give in. B. help British troops take control of the
D. There was no effect on either side. US capital


1.10 American Revolution 449

C. warn colonists that the British were 1028. The Declaration of Independence was
coming to Lexington to attack written by
A. Sam Adams.


D. capture revolutionary leaders for the
British government B. George Washington.
C. Thomas Paine.
1024. Many American colonists believed that
British tax laws were unfair because D. Thomas Jefferson.
A. Colonists lacked representation in Par- 1029. lacked discipline and training
liament. A. British weakness
B. The British treasury had a surplus of B. American weakness
C. British strength
C. Native American Indians were exempt D. American strength
from British tax laws.
1030. Another word for taxes is
D. Taxes were higher in the colonies than
in Britain. A. Duties
B. Sugar
1025. Who should make the laws according to
C. Townshend
Thomas Paine?
D. Stamp
A. Kings and Queens
1031. organized the first Committee
B. Church Leaders
of Correspondence in Boston and was
C. Male Landowners thought by many people to have planned
the Boston Tea Party.
D. Citizens
A. Samuel Adams
1026. How did the American Revolution im- B. Richard Henry Lee
pact other parts of the world?
C. Thomas Jefferson
A. It led to Great Britain giving up its
D. George Washington
other colonies
1032. “Don’t shoot until you see the whites of
B. It made other nations fearful of Amer-
their eyes.” Which battle was this quote
ican strength
C. It encouraged other nations to fight
A. Battle of Trenton
for their independence
B. Battle of Saratoga
D. It made citizens of other nations fear-
C. Battle of Bunker Hill
ful of a fight for independence
D. none of above
1027. What is true about the battle of Long
1033. Group of colonists who were in favor of
independence during the war:
A. Sound British victory
A. Patriot
B. Sound colonial victory B. mercenary
C. a tie C. civilian
D. none of above D. Loyalist


1.10 American Revolution 450

1034. Where did the the Patriots suffer 1039. What area were the British and French
through a terrible winter; lacking ade- Empires fighting over in North America?
quate food, clothing and shelter, but were A. The Appalachian Mountains
able to survive due to the leadership of
George Washington? B. Boston Harbor
C. The Ohio River Valley
A. Boston
D. Florida
B. Philadelphia
1040. Finish this American Colonist Motto,

C. Valley Forge
“No Taxation without “
D. Albany
A. Transportation
1035. Why were the American Colonist taxed B. Relaxation
after the French and Indian War?
C. Representation
A. Britain was in debt and needed money
D. Sensation
B. That was the agreement with the Na-
tive Americans 1041. At the beginning of the Revolutionary
War, the Americans had the advantage of
C. They made too much money having
D. Townshend Acts A. a strong navy

1036. Who was the patriot famous for his mid- B. experienced troops
night ride to warn the colonial militia of C. motivation for independence
the approach of British troops? D. highly paid soldiers
A. Paul Revere
1042. During the winter at , George Wash-
B. Benedict Arnold ington faced a harsh winter.
C. George Washington A. Valley Forge
D. Benjamin Franklin B. Saratoga
C. Lexington and Concord
1037. What does “boycott” mean?
D. Bunker Hill
A. to refuse to buy goods or services from
someone 1043. What year did the British surrender at
B. to pay taxes Yorktown to end the Revolutionary War
A. 1681
C. to sell things to other coutries
B. 1777
D. to feel everything is good
C. 1781
1038. Who is known as the Father of the U.S. D. 1977
1044. The levied a tax on most paper
A. John Paul Jones
goods, including playing cards, newspa-
B. James Armistead pers, and legal documents.
C. Benjamin Franklin A. Sugar Act
D. Thomas Jefferson B. Townshend Acts


1.10 American Revolution 451

C. duties 1049. professional soldiers

D. Stamp Act A. British strength


B. American strength
1045. The “shot heard ‘round the world” was
which battle? C. British weakness
A. Battle of Bunker Hill D. American weakness

B. Battle of Saratoga 1050. Colonists protested taxes by doing all

C. Battle of Trenton of the following EXCEPT

D. Battle of Lexington & Concord A. Boycotting British goods

B. Throwing tea into the Boston harbor
1046. During the Revolutionary War, there
C. Petitioning King George
were things that helped the Americans and
things that helped the British. Which of D. Holding protest rallies in London
the following helped the Americans?
1051. What happened at Lexington and Con-
A. They knew the land where they were cord?
A. The British fired the first shots of the
B. They had a large army and navy. Revolutionary War.
C. They were loyalists. B. The first shots of the Revolutionary
D. They had better weapons and supplies. War were fired, but no one knows who
fired them.
1047. Why did the British feel it necessary C. The colonists fired the first shots of the
to impose new taxes on the American Revolutionary War.
D. The first shots of the Revolutionary
A. to aid in the cost of building new facto- War occurred before Paul Revere’s “mid-
ries in New England night ride.”
B. to cover the expense of maintaining
1052. Lexington and Concord
missions in North America
A. Last Battle
C. to support the creation of a new parlia-
ment in Canada B. First Battle
D. to help pay war debts from fighting the C. Turning point
French and Indian War D. ended the American Revolution
1048. How did the Revolutionary War affect 1053. One reason the Proclamation of 173
slaves? was passed was to keep the colonist from
A. Slavery was restricted in the North and moving too far
the South. A. north
B. Slavery was encouraged in the North. B. west
C. Slavery was abolished in the South. C. south
D. Slavery was eliminated in the North. D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 452

1054. After the British defeat at Saratoga, NY D. Loyalists switching sides to become
the French king: patriots
A. cried
1059. Charleston’s Christopher Gadsden
B. signed a treaty with the Americans helped to organize the in the 1770s
C. signed a treaty with the Native Ameri- A. Loyalists
B. Red Shirts
D. none of above
C. Tillmanites

1055. Known for his “give me liberty, or give D. Sons of Liberty
me death” speech, this founding father did
not participate in any of the great meet- 1060. The Patriot forces endured a winter of
ings or documents of the Revolutionary or terrible suffering at
Founding period. A. Valley Forge
A. Isaac Newton B. Saratoga
B. Patrick Henry
C. Philadelphia
C. John Hancock
D. Yorktown
D. Al Capone
1061. The winter at was one of Wash-
1056. * Boston Tea Party* Continental ington’s defining moments, as he held to-
Congress* Declaration of Independence* gether the Continental Army despite de-
Boycott of British goodsThe activities plorable conditions.
above were supported by most of the
A. Valley Forge
A. Colonists
B. de Galvez
B. Loyalists
C. Saratoga
C. British
D. Lafayette
D. Patriots
1062. Military Leader of the continental
1057. They fought to defend their homes, land, army?
and principles
A. George Washington
A. American Strength
B. Paul Revere
B. British Strength
C. John Hancock
C. American Weakness
D. John Paul Jones
D. British Weakness
1063. Which pamphlet did Thomas Paine write
1058. Which is not a factor that led to the
to encourage the colonist to fight for inde-
American Victory in the Revolutionary
pendence from Britain?
A. The Crisis
A. Aid from France
B. Common Sense
B. America’s ability to drag out the War
C. Britain is slow to get supplies to Amer- C. Declaration of Independence
ican from across the sea D. Unalienable Rights


1.10 American Revolution 453

1064. Which of these conflicts gave the British 1069. A weakness of the Continental Army
Empire effective control over North Amer- was
ica in the 18th century?


A. it was always short of men
A. The War of 1812
B. many soldiers were untrained for bat-
B. The Napoleonic Wars
C. The War of Spanish Succession
C. it suffered many shortages
D. The Seven Years/French and Indian
War D. all of the above

1065. Who was the first and obvious choice to 1070. As a result of the Treaty of Paris of
command the Continental Army? 1783, control of the Florida Territory was
A. Thomas Jefferson given to what country?
B. Benjamin Franklin A. Spain
C. Thomas Paine
B. France
D. George Washington
C. Great Britain
1066. This group of people were promised
freedom if they worked in the army dur- D. the United States
ing the American Revolution.
1071. Why was the American victory at
A. Women
Saratoga a turning point of the war?
B. Men
A. King George III agreed to give the
C. African Americans Americans their independence after the
D. British Soldiers battle atSaratoga.

1067. Citizens of Britain were guaranteed to B. General Howe met with General Wash-
have basic freedoms that were protected ington after the battle at Saratoga.
by the legal document called the
C. The French announced their support
A. Declaration of Independence for the Americans after the battle at
B. Washington Saratoga.
C. House of Burgesses D. The Americans convinced the British
D. English Bill of Rights forces to give up after the battle at
1068. Thomas Jefferson
A. wrote the Declaration of Indepen- 1072. Button Gwinnett, George Walton, and
dence were the three signers of the Declara-
tion of Independence from Georgia.
B. became commander-in-chief of the
Continental Army A. Lyman Hall
C. switched sides and joined the British B. James Wright
Army after being a Continental Army offi-
cer C. Thomas Jefferson
D. none of above D. James Oglethorpe


1.10 American Revolution 454

1073. Why did Cornwallis surrender at York- D. They diminished the influence of royal
town? governors over colonial legislatures in col-
A. He was surrounded without a way to lecting customs duties.
escape. 1077. Which issue played the GREATEST role
B. He ran out of ammunition in increasing tensions between South Car-
olina and Great Britain in the years leading
C. .His men were unprepared and there
up to the American Revolution?
was mass chaos.

A. The colonists were upset because
D. He fell ill and there was no one else to
Great Britain imposed taxes on the
command the British military.
colonists to pay for the French and Indian
1074. What is the definition of alliance? War
A. A battle against an enemy B. The colonists were upset because Par-
liament passed legislation to end the im-
B. An agreement to work together portation of slaves into the American
C. A document asking for something colonies
D. A massive, sudden change C. The colonists were upset because of
King George’s decision to keep the Back-
1075. What was Washington’s trap in York- country region closed to new settlement
town? to prevent conflicts with the Native Amer-
A. To cross the Delaware River and take icans
the Hessian troops by suprise D. The colonists were upset because
B. To bombard the British with artillery Great Britain had supported an armed up-
and have the French Navy create a block- rising of the Cherokee and Catawba Indi-
ade ans against colonial settlements along the
C. To dress up like British Troops and
sneak into their camp and then attack 1078. During the American Revolution, some
them Catawba Indians in South Carolina
D. To sneak to the British camp at night A. supported the colonists’ fight for inde-
and leave fires burning to trick the British pendence from Great Britain
into thinking they were still at the Ameri-
B. supported the British in their fight
can camp
against the colonists
1076. Based on the text, how did the British C. moved across the Appalachian Moun-
gov’ts actions affect the balance of power tains to escape the war
between the colonies and Britain?
D. voluntarily relocated to a reservation
A. They removed the authority of the in Oklahoma
king in setting economic policy in colonial
America. 1079. What is the correct chronological order
for the following events? 1. The American
B. They shifted control of economic policy Revolution begins. 2. The British passed
from colonial legislatures to Parliament. the Stamp Act in 1765 3. The colonies
C. They weakened the ability of Parlia- signed the Declaration of Independence 4.
ment to determine import and export du- The colonies protested against British laws
ties for the colonies. by throwing tea into Boston Harbor


1.10 American Revolution 455

A. 2, 3, 1, 4 1084. The “Liberty Boys” are MOST associ-

ated with which of these?
B. 2, 4, 1, 3


A. Sons of Liberty
C. 2, 1, 4, 3
B. Battle of Kettle Creek
D. 2, 1, 3, 4
C. Committees of Correspondence
1080. How does the Declaration of Indepen- D. Declaration of Independence
dence state all people are created?
1085. Which person is described by this state-
A. Differently
ment, “Worked with Robert Morris to fi-
B. Free nance the American Revolution”
C. As American citizens A. Haym Salomon
D. Equal B. Baron von Steuben
C. George Washington
1081. Which political change was a result of
the Revolutionary War? D. none of above
A. American women gained new political 1086. Which statement BEST describes one of
rights. the roles of William Few at the Constitu-
B. The United States became an indepen- tional Convention of 1787?
dent country. A. He helped steer the Constitution past
C. Enslaved persons gained their free- its first barrier, approval by Congress.
dom. B. He helped to resolve the issue of rep-
resentation by creating the Great Compro-
D. none of above
1082. Loyalists were C. He presided over the convention and
A. loyal to the patriot cause facilitated the debates on the various is-
B. loyal only to themselves and would
D. He cast an early deciding vote, allow-
support the winning side
ing for the temporary adjournment of the
C. loyal to their own colony/state only convention.
D. loyal to the King and Britain
1087. What important responsibility did the
Second Continental Congress take on in
1083. What were the main points of the Treaty
May 1775?
of Paris, which ended the American Revo-
lutionary War? A. drafting a national constitution
A. Britain gave up control of lands in the B. the colonial economy
United States C. international trade
B. Britain recognized the independent na- D. the war against Great Britain
tion of the United States of America
1088. The colony of Virginia was established
C. Britain promised to remove troops
for reasons as result of the Virginia
from the United States and its territories
Company of London trying to attain more
D. All of the above wealth.


1.10 American Revolution 456

A. Oglethorpe B. Patriot
B. economic C. Neutral
C. Mayflower Compact D. British
D. religious
1094. The British began imposing taxes on the
1089. His beliefs about natural rights helped colonists in 1765 to help pay the expenses
influence the Declaration of Indepen- of fighting the-

A. Spanish Armada
A. John Locke
B. King John B. American Revolution

C. Jawill Paige C. Battle of Tippecanoe

D. Abe Lincoln D. French and Indian War

1090. How did many colonists protest the 1095. The American Troops defeated the
taxes placed on British goods? British in New York during the in the
A. They left the colonies. fall of 1777.
B. They fought with British soldiers. A. Boston Massacre
C. They refused to buy British goods. B. Battle at Lexington
D. They refused to make British goods.
C. Battle of Saratoga
1091. As a reaction to the British taxes on tea, D. None of the above
prior to the American Revolution, people in
Charleston 1096. Jefferson’s political ideas were influ-
A. dumped tea into the Cooper RIver enced by the , a movement that empha-
B. imported tea from North Carolina sized science and reason as guides to help
see the world more clearly.
C. convinced Parliament to lower the tax
A. Enlightenment
D. agreed to pay the tax without com-
plaint B. Scientific Revolution

1092. How did American revolutionaries make C. Great Awakening

up for having a small army? D. French Revolution
A. They made each colony sponsor a local
militia. 1097. What were the American Colonists
B. they relied mainly on foreign ground called who supported Britain, sided with
troops. the king, and associated with British cul-
C. They fought only in wilderness areas.
A. Redcoats
D. They fought a successful naval war.
B. Loyalists
1093. This type of colonist was ready for re-
bellion and the fight for independence. C. Patriots
A. Loyalist D. Puritans


1.10 American Revolution 457

1098. Why did the British want to control D. Representation based on population
Boston? would not benefit Georgia.


A. They wanted to control the harbor, to
1102. What 2 major battles did the Americans
receive supplies from ships.
B. They were Red Sox fans.
A. Trenton and Saratoga
C. They found the colonies’ supply of
B. Philadelphia and New York
weapons there.
C. New York and Saratoga
D. none of above
D. Trenton and New York
1099. How did the Americans win the Revolu-
tionary War? 1103. What caused the first battle of the
A. The British decided to retreat back to American Revolution?
England once they ralized they were sur- A. British were looking to seize a store-
rounded in New York. house of weapons that belonged to the
B. The British King decided he no longer colonists, but met the Minutemen instead.
wanted the colonies so he told his troops B. The British fired on the Sons of Liberty
to come home to England. as they dumped tea into the harbor.
C. The French and Americans surrounded C. The colonist shot British soldiers bring-
the British general Cornwallis at York- ing tea into the Boston Harbor.
town, causing him to surrender.
D. None of the Above
D. The French and Spain surrounded the
British forces, causing them to surrender. 1104. What was one of the MAIN reasons
why Georgia hesitated to join in the Revo-
1100. In 1774 delegates from all the colonies lutionary cause?
except Georgia met in Philadelphia to dis-
cuss the problems the colonies were hav- A. The economy of Georgia was very
ing with England. This was called the good.

A. Boston Tea Party B. They were not invited to the First Con-
tinental Congress.
B. First Continental Congress
C. Many Georgians thought they needed
C. Parliament the protection of British troops.
D. None of the above D. Georgia disagreed with some of its
1101. Originally, Abraham Baldwin favored fellow colonies over British trade regula-
representation in the Senate based on pop- tions.
ulation. What led Baldwin to change his
1105. Why did King George III tax the
mind to favoring equal representation?
colonists so heavily?
A. He feared small states would leave the
A. He hated the colonist
B. He wanted more money for himself
B. The issue of representation was not a
serious matter. C. The national debt increase from the
C. He sought to guarantee a seat for him- French and Indian War
self in the Senate. D. To make money for the colonies


1.10 American Revolution 458

1106. He has kept among us, in times of peace, C. Loyalists

Standing Armies He has made judges D. Tories
dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure
of their offices, and the amount and pay- 1111. Who commanded the Continental
ment of their salaries.To whom does “He” Army?
refer to in this passage? A. Henry Knox
A. George Washington B. John Hancock
B. Thomas Jefferson C. Benedict Arnold

C. King George III D. George Washington
D. William Pitt
1112. According to the Declaration of Indepen-
1107. The “Declaration of Independence” dence, where does a government’s power
come from?
A. Kept the British from splitting New Eng-
land from the other colonies A. the Creator
B. Thomas Paine said kings were non- B. the self-evident rights of life, liberty,
sense and the pursuit of happiness
C. Stated that the American colonies C. the right of the people to institute a
were no longer part of Britain new government
D. The agreement ending the Revolution D. the consent of the governed

1108. What phrase was popular after the 1113. What was meant by the Enlightenment
Stamp Act was imposed? idea of natural rights?

A. “The rights of Englishmen” A. rights given by the government

B. “Give me liberty or give me death” B. rights given to the wealthy

C. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi- C. rights given to minority groups
ness” D. rights that all are born with
D. “No taxation without representation” 1114. Many colonists did not want to remain
loyal to Great Britain and King George.
1109. American colonists who were deter-
They wanted to be free from British rule.
mined to fight the British until American
These colonists were called
independence was won
A. Patriots
A. loyalists
B. Republicans
B. delegates
C. Democrats
C. patriots
D. Loyalists
D. minutemen
1115. A Prussian military officer who helped
1110. his group of colonists sided with the
train the American troops at Valley forge.
views of Franklin, Patrick Henry, Thomas
Paine and Thomas Jefferson during the A. Baron Von Steuben
war. B. Marquis de Lafayette
A. Patriots C. George Cornwallis
B. Separatists D. none of above


1.10 American Revolution 459

1116. Who does the Declaration of Indepen- 1121. Who was the British king during the
dence state the authority to govern be- American Revolution?
longs to?


A. George Washington
A. The King B. King George III
B. The People C. King Henry VII
C. Parliament D. King Edward
D. Local Assemblies
1122. In 1765, the meeting of nine colonies in
1117. Merchants and other colonists agreed New York City was called the
not to buy British goods. This is an ex- A. Colonial Legislature
ample of a B. Stamp Act Congress
A. boycott C. Sugar Act Parliament
B. congress D. Townshend Act Protest
C. petition
1123. Which of the following was not an ad-
D. repeal vantage for the Americans at the start of
the AmericanRevolution?
1118. Why did the Sons of Liberty dress up
as Native Americans and dump tea in the A. They had a larger population than the
Boston Harbor? British.
A. To protest and fight back against taxes B. They were fighting on their land and
on tea, paper goods, and other items they knew the land well.

B. To celebrate 4th of July C. They had a great general in George

C. To celebrate their American Revolu-
tion victory over the British D. They were fighting for their homes and
for freedom.
D. To protest against the Declaration of
Independence 1124. What did the Loyalists want?
A. They didn’t care either way if they be-
1119. What other groups were considered the
came independent or not.
in the lowest rungs of society with Mulat-
tos? B. They were loyal to Great Britain and
King George III, so they did NOT want to
A. Slaves & Native Americans
become independent.
B. Peninsulares & Creoles C. They wanted to become independent
C. Mestizos & Native Americans from Great Britain and King George III.
D. 2nd & 3rd Estates D. They wanted to fight for their rights to
be French citizens.
1120. This person led the Continental Army
1125. Who were the men that signed the Dec-
A. Alexander Hamilton
B. Marquis de Lafayette
A. The members of the Second Continen-
C. George Washington tal Congress
D. Thomas Jefferson B. The Sons of Liberty


1.10 American Revolution 460

C. The men who wanted to be president 1131. What did the Stamp Act do?
D. Important men from Boston A. Put a tax on many paper products
B. Raise the price of postage stamps
1126. Who fought in the Revolutionary War?
C. Require all colonists leaving by ship to
A. the British against the colonists get a stamp on the hand
B. the French against the British D. Banned the sending of letters from one
C. the French against the colonists colony to another

D. the colonists against the Native Amer- 1132. Why did British General Cornwallis sur-
icans render his troops at Yorktown?
A. He could not escape by land or sea.
1127. What year was the Declaration of Inde-
pendence written? B. He was a traitor to the British crown.

A. 1776 C. He had lost too many men in battle.

B. 1787 D. none of above

C. 1789 1133. When did the Battle of Saratoga occur?

D. 1791 A. 1776
B. 1777
1128. The were colonists that supported
C. 1778
independence from Britain.
D. 1779
A. militia
B. Loyalists 1134. Bunker Hill

C. Patriots A. Patriots held off the British until they

ran out of ammunition
D. minutemen
B. George Washington led his troops
1129. Who was the enslaved African American across the Delaware river to attack
that served as a spy for the Continental C. Was the final major battle of the Revo-
Army during the Revolutionary War? lution
A. Marquis de Lafayette D. Winter encampment where soldiers
suffered from cold, hunger, and disease
B. Patrick Henry
C. James Lafayette 1135. The group of people that were loyal to
the king were called
D. George Washington
A. Patriots
1130. Which of the following was the author B. Loyalists
of the Declaration of Independence C. Fighters
A. Thomas Jefferson D. Minute Men
B. Paul Revere
1136. Who was the author of Common
C. Ben Franklin Sense?
D. John Adams A. Thomas Paine


1.10 American Revolution 461

B. John Locke 1141. Who said “ give me liberty or give

me death!”?
C. Benjamin Franklin


A. Patrick Henry
D. Thomas Jefferson
B. Thomas Paine
1137. more soldiers C. George Washington
A. British weakness D. Benjamin Franklin
B. American weakness
1142. Who led the Continental Army against
C. British strength the British at Yorktown?
D. American strength A. Horatio Gates
B. Benedict Arnold
1138. During the Siege of Savannah,
C. Benjamin Franklin
A. the capital of the state was moved to
Atlanta. D. George Washington
B. French and American troops failed to 1143. This founding father signed the Decla-
retake the city. ration of Independence and the Constitu-
C. the American patriots prevented the tion, formed the first volunteer firefight-
British from victory. ing company, was a noted newspaper-
man and publisher, and invented bifocal
D. Count Casimir Pulaski led American glasses, stoves and musical instruments.
troops to retake the city.
A. Samuel L. Jackson
1139. This was a Battle which marked the B. Thomas Paine
turning point in the American Revolution.
C. Bernard Fife
A. Lexington and Concord
D. Benjamin Franklin
B. Lexington and Broadway
1144. The social contract amongst the pilgrims
C. Saratoga that established self-government in their
D. Yorktown settlement in 1620 was called the
A. Oglethorpe
1140. Why was Massachusetts so important
during the first battle of the American Rev- B. economic
olutionary War? C. Mayflower Compact
A. It was the where King George III was D. religious
1145. The was a group dedicated to
B. It was where the Boston Massacre informing the other colonies about the
and Boston Tea Party occurred Boston Massacre and other events.
C. It was where the first shot was fired A. Sons of Liberty
when the Battles of Lexington and Con-
cord started B. The Continental Congress

D. It was where the American Revolution- C. Committee of Correspondence

ary war ended D. The Loyalists


1.10 American Revolution 462

1146. “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” B. Colonists should be grateful to be part

meant of the British Empire.
A. I live to die C. Citizens, under British rule, should sup-
B. I want freedom from slavery port King George III.

C. I will die for my freedom D. The English King deserves respect and
loyalty from his subjects.
D. death is the only freedom
1151. A snowball fight between the colonists

1147. In the Declaration of Independence, the
and soldiers in Boston that ended in 5
term “unalienable right” refers to-
colonists being killed was called
A. the rights citizens of other countries
A. Boston Tea Party
B. rights people are born with that cannot B. Boston Massacre
be taken away with out due process C. Boston Party
C. the right to freedom of religion D. Boston Parliament
D. rights only people in Britain have if
they maintain good standing with the king 1152. Thousands of African Americans fought
in the American Revolution, some side-by-
1148. During the Revolutionary War, the most side with white soldiers and some in
common way American women helped the A. Slave Groups
Patriot cause was by
B. Black Regiments
A. acting as spies
C. British Militia
B. serving in the military
D. French Navy
C. managing farms
D. taking their children to Canada 1153. Who are the Loyalists?

1149. Shays’ Rebellion was significant be- A. They are Americans who are loyal to
cause it America.

A. shifted the balance of power from free B. They are British who are loyal to Amer-
states to the slave states. ica.

B. demonstrated the opposition of the C. They are Americans who are loyal to
Anti-Federalists to the Constitution. Britain
C. provided the background to the out- D. They are British who are loyal to
break of the Revolutionary War in 1775. Britain.
D. demonstrated the weaknesses of the 1154. Which country’s government did the
government under the Articles of Confed- colonists model their government after?
A. France
1150. Which statement is most consistent
B. Spain
with the views of Samuel Adams?
C. Mexico
A. Taxation without representation is
tyranny. D. Great Britain


1.10 American Revolution 463

1155. Why is the Battle of Saratoga consid- A. he successfully defeated Washington

ered the ‘turning point’ in the Revolution- outside of New York City.
ary War?


B. he led the British invasion of the
A. The Native Americans were forced to colonies by way of the Canada territory.
stop fighting against the Continental Army C. he abandoned the British Army and de-
B. The French became allies with Amer- clared his allegiance to the Colonial Army
ica and began training and fighting with D. his invasion of Virginia eventually led
us to his being trapped in 1781 at the battle
C. It marked the end of the war with the of Yorktown.
surrender of Cornwallis
1160. What do the following men have in
D. It was Washington’s Winter Training commonBenardo de GalvezHaym Salomon-
Camp Wentworth ChesswellMarquis de LaFayet-
1156. was the main writer of the Declara- teJames Armistead
tion of Independence and became the third A. All were captured and killed at
president of the United States. Saratoga
A. Thomas Jefferson B. All were spies for the Redcoats
B. Benjamin Franklin C. All were Ethnic heroes of the American
C. John Adams Revolution

D. Patrick Henry D. All were spies for the Continental Army

1157. Which of the following was NOT one of 1161. The Stamp Act (1765) angered colonists
the terms of the Treaty of Paris? because it was a-

A. Florida was returned to Spain. A. income tax

B. Canada was returned to France. B. customs duty

C. The Atlantic Ocean formed the eastern C. indirect tax

border of the United States. D. direct tax
D. Britain recognized the United States as 1162. As a result of the Revolutionary War,
an independent nation. the British agreed to
1158. Why did the Patriots feel Britain had no A. recognize the United States as a
right to impose taxes on them? British colony.
A. The colonists had no money. B. Recognize the United States as a free
B. The colonists had not elected repre- and independent nation
sentatives in the British government. C. allow Americans to have representa-
C. The colonists wanted to organize the tives in Parliament
budget. D. seek new allies against the United
D. The colonists were not British subjects States
but citizens of Spain. 1163. Which concern of the colonists led to the
1159. Lord Charles Cornwallis role in the American Revolution?
American Revolution is significant because A. opposition to British tax policies


1.10 American Revolution 464

B. Desire for greater religious freedom 1167. Why were the Colonist forbidden to go
west of the Appalachian mountains
C. Fear of attacks by American Indians
A. Border Lands
D. Increasing immigration from countries
other than Britain B. Manifest Destiny
C. Proclamation line of 1763
1164. Why did the Proclamation of 1763 con-
D. none of above
tribute to tensions between colonists and
Great Britain? 1168. All of the following are TRUE about

A. imposed taxes without colonial repre- Samuel Adams EXCEPT
sentation in parliament A. He championed for independence
B. limited colonial expansion beyond Ap- B. he is considered a Founding Father of
palachian Mountains our country
C. required all colonial goods to be sold C. he wrote the Declaration of Indepen-
to great britain dence

D. replaced colonial legislatures with D. he signed the Declaration of Indepen-

royal governors dence
1169. Why were the French willing to help the
1165. Why did many slaves and freedmen ally colonists in their fight against Britain?
themselves with the British cause during
the American Revolution? A. The French wanted to gain control of
the thirteen colonies themselves.
A. They believed the colonists were dis-
B. The colonists were willing to pay the
loyal to the Crown and chose to fight for
French for all of their services.
continued British control.
C. There were strong hostilities between
B. They hoped Great Britain would make the French and the British.
them British citizens if they agreed to fight
against colonial independence. D. The colonists had a lot to teach the
French soldiers and generals.
C. They believed their own freedom from
slavery was of higher priority than the 1170. The Boston Tea Party was held to
colonies’ independence from Britain. protest the
D. They immigrated from Great Britain A. Quartering Act.
and felt they would be betraying their B. Intolerable Acts.
homeland if they fought against Great C. Boston Massacre.
D. British tax on tea
1166. -fought on their own territory-strong
1171. Which is the BEST explanation of how
belief in their cause-got support and help
American and French forces used the phys-
from France and Spain
ical geography of the area to their advan-
A. advantages of the colonists tage in the Siege of Yorktown?
B. advantages of the British A. The American and French troops made
a successful charge on the British, who en-
C. disadvantages of the French
trenched on the high ground of the battle-
D. none of above field.


1.10 American Revolution 465

B. They pinned the British against the C. Fort Ticonderoga

York River and waited for it to ice over in D. Saratoga
the winter, preventing the British from be-


ing resupplied. 1175. Whose writings inspired Thomas Jef-
C. The Americans hired Indian scouts for ferson with the Declaration of Indepen-
their knowledge of the terrain and the fact dence?
that they knew shortcuts for attacking the A. Thomas Paine
British positions.
B. Benjamin Franklin
D. The American troops surrounded the
C. John Locke
British lines and began to attack them,
while the French Navy blocked any chance D. George Washington
for their escape by blockading the York
River. 1176. What reason did Parliament give for
raising taxes in the colonies after 1763?
1172. Which of these BEST describes the atti- A. The colonists were ignoring the Procla-
tudes of the citizens of Georgia on the eve mation Line
of the Revolutionary War?
B. Colonists did not live in England but en-
A. Georgians unanimously rejected the in- joyed English rights
dependence movement.
C. Colonists should help pay for the costs
B. Georgians unanimously supported the of the French and Indian War
independence movement.
D. Colonists should be punished for
C. Many Georgians were unsure because protesting against taxes.
the colony was the newest of all the
British colonies. 1177. The Sons of Liberty, a group that vo-
D. Most Georgians rejected indepen- cally rebelled against the British prior to
dence because they feared the French the American Revolution, would be most
and Spanish in the region. supported by what group?
A. Loyalists
1173. This was the only tax not repealed from
the Townshend Acts. B. Patriots
A. Tea C. Royalists
B. Glass D. Tories
C. Paper 1178. A list including:life, liberty, and pursuit
D. Lead of happiness would be best titled as:
A. ‘The Constitution’
1174. To which battle does this refer? :“It
controlled the main route between Canada B. ‘Inalienable Rights’
and the Hudson River valley. It also C. ‘The Bill of Rights’
had valuable weapons, especially cannons.
The Americans needed the cannons to D. ‘The First Amendment’
match the powerful British weapons.” 1179. Identify one patriot advantage during
A. Yorktown the American Revolution
B. Lexington & Concord A. George Washington was their leader


1.10 American Revolution 466

B. They used weapons they were familiar B. it won the Americans a foreign ally
with during the French and Indian War
C. it was the first major victory for the
C. More money colonists
D. They had a formidable fleet of ships D. it marked the end of British presence
1180. During the American Revolution, Ben- in the north
jamin Franklin was MOST instrumental in
which of these? 1185. The Treaty of Paris gave the Americans

all of the land between the Atlantic Ocean
A. preventing the destruction of Philadel- and what river?
A. Hudson River
B. serving as the head of the Second Con-
tinental Congress B. Mississippi
C. convincing France to assist the United C. Missouri
States in the war
D. Genesee
D. serving as the primary author of the
Declaration of Independence 1186. I made a midnight ride into Concord
1181. Who do the colonists view as a tyrant, warning the colonists “The British are com-
a cruel ruler? ing!” and helped to save the lives of John
Adams and John Hancock.
A. Benedict Arnold
A. General Prescott
B. King George III
C. British soldiers B. Haym Solomom
D. Patrick Henry C. Samuel Adams

1182. Tax placed on glass, lead, tea, and paint. D. Paul Revere
“No taxation without representation” be-
came the theme of colonial protests. 1187. Why do Americans have a holiday called
Independence Day on the fourth of July?
A. Sugar Act
B. Intolerable Acts A. to honor past presidents

C. Townshend Acts B. to honor the birth of the country

D. Stamp Act C. to honor the new year

1183. The man responsible for writing most of D. to honor American soldiers
the Declaration of Independence was,
1188. The man who wrote “Common Sense”
A. John Adams
B. Thomas Jefferson
A. George Washington
C. Benjamin Franklin
B. Thomas Franklin
D. George Washington
C. Benjamin Franklin
1184. Why was the outcome of the battle at
Saratoga so important? D. Thomas Paine
A. it led to victory in the South E. James Woodsworth


1.10 American Revolution 467

1189. Which is a central idea of the article? 1193. This petition, written by moderates, ex-
A. Sybil Ludington symbolizes the impor- pressed the colonists’ loyalty to the king
and requested a halt in fighting until a so-


tance of everyday people in the American
Revolution. lution could be found. King George III re-
fused the petition.
B. Danbury, Connecticut, is 12 miles from
A. Declaration of Independece
Fredericksburg, New York.
B. Olive Branch Petition
C. Many colonists objected to being
forced to house British troops. C. Common Sense
D. Sybil didn’t write her story down. D. Treaty of Paris (1783)

1190. General George Washington decided to 1194. In the early 1770s, England made the
fall back and make camp at Valley Forge American colonies pay many taxes. Some
rather than give in to the demands of of these taxes were the sugar tax, the
stamp tax, and the tea tax. What did the
A. the Continental Congress and attempt colonists do because of these taxes?
to liberate Philadelphia from the British.
A. The colonists started taxing British
B. Governor George Clinton and attempt goods.
to liberate New York City from the British.
B. The colonists decided to trade only
C. Baron Von Steuben and join the Hes- with France.
sian soldiers outnumbered at Yorktown.
C. The colonists voted for a new king.
D. the committees of correspondence
D. The colonists declared independence.
and join the French forces outnumbered
at Yorktown. 1195. Distance between American and Britain
made communication and moving supplies
1191. What event has been called “the shot
heard round the world”?
A. American Strength
A. the British shooting Paul Revere while
he was on his midnight ride B. British Strength

B. the fighting that took place at the C. American Weakness

Boston Massacre D. British Weakness
C. the shooting of General Cornwallis by 1196. Which person is described by this state-
George Washington at Yorktown ment, “taught the continental troops the
D. the fighting that took place at Lexing- importance of battle tactics”
ton and Concord A. Haym Salomon
1192. The French openly announced support B. Baron von Steuben
for the United States after the American C. George Washington
victory at
D. none of above
A. Boston
1197. What does persisted mean in this sen-
B. Battle of Saratoga
tence? “Even though the Americans were
C. Philadelphia outmatched repeatedly, they persisted.”
D. Valley Forge A. surrendered


1.10 American Revolution 468

B. conquered A. To divide the government into three

C. kept going separate parts

D. none of above B. To elect new government leaders to

rule the country
1198. This organization of women protested C. To overthrow the government and es-
against taxes by making their own cloth tablish a new one
instead of buying it from the British
D. To create a direct democracy and allow
A. British soldiers

individuals to govern
B. Indian tribe
1203. What was the historical importance of
C. Daughters of Liberty
the Battles of Lexington and Concord?
D. Sons of Liberty
A. Minutemen attacked a British fort.
1199. George Washington B. The outcome proved that militias were
A. wrote the Declaration of Indepen- no match for British troops.
dence C. The fighting ended colonists’ resis-
B. became commander-in-chief of the tance to British authority.
Continental Army D. The fighting signaled the start of the
C. switched sides and joined the British American Revolution.
Army after being a Continental Army offi-
cer 1204. George Washington’s successes after
the battles of Trenton and Princeton were
D. none of above
viewed by the citizens as
1200. American intellectual, inventor, and A. minor victories against the British mili-
politician was sent to France to ask for mil- tia
itary aid and a loan during the American
B. discouraging blows to the Continental
A. Thomas Jefferson
C. strategic triumphs in the Revolution-
B. Benjamin Franklin ary War
C. George Washington D. none of above
D. John Adams
1205. Which detail best supports the answer
1201. Which battle was known as the “turn- to question 1 above?
ing point”?
A. “ Danbury was a key supply base
A. Bunker Hill for the American colonists who formed
B. Saratoga the Continental Army.”

C. Yorktown B. “By the mid-1700’s, many colonists

had grown angry at how tightly Britain’s
D. Lexinton and Concord King George and the British Parliament
controlled their lives “
1202. According to John Locke, if the govern-
ment failed to protect natural rights, what C. “Sybil’s story had been kept alive pri-
did the citizens have a right to do? vately by her family, it turned out.”


1.10 American Revolution 469

D. “ it reflects how people like Sybil D. King George III

played an important role in the founding
of our nation “ 1211. Which British actions led the colonists


to claim that taxes were imposed without
1206. Which battle is considered the Turning their consent?
Point of the American Revolution?
A. Creation of the Intolerable Acts
A. Battle of Trenton
B. Administration of the Quebec Act
B. Battle of Saratoga
C. Enforcement of the Quartering Act
C. Lexington & Concord
D. Passage of the Stamp Act
D. Battle of Bunker Hill
1212. Parliament passed the Tea Act in 1773.
1207. A series of 5 laws that the British
This caused colonists to protest in the form
passed to punish the Bostonians for the
of the Boston Tea Party. What was the
Boston Tea Party were called the
Boston Tea Party?
A. Intolerable Acts
A. Colonists gave dinners to support the
B. The Tea Act sale of the tea.
C. The Stamp Act B. Colonists dressed as Indians de-
D. The Proclamtion of 1763 stroyed the tea.
1208. Austin Dabney was the only African C. Colonists bought tea from other coun-
American granted land by the state of tries.
Georgia in the 18th century because he D. Colonists started growing their own
A. had worked with General Elijah Clarke. tea.
B. had inherited it from his former mas- 1213. Battle of Trenton
A. Kept the British from splitting New Eng-
C. served bravely during the Revolution- land from the other colonies
ary War.
B. Winter encampment where soldiers
D. sued the state in federal court to get
suffered from cold, hunger, and disease
the land.
C. George Washington led his troops
1209. What country entered the Revolution- across the Delaware river to attack
ary War as a French ally in 1779?
D. A. Was the final major battle of the Rev-
A. Germany olution
B. Italy
1214. What was the Quartering Act?
C. Mexico
A. All colonials had to give 4 quarters to
D. Spain
King George every week.
1210. was the ruler of England during the B. A quarter of all colonials food was
Revolutionary Era who lost all 13 colonies. given to England.
A. George Washington C. Colonials had to house British soldiers
B. Thomas Paine D. Half of all men in the 13 Colonies had
C. Patrick Henry to serve in the military.


1.10 American Revolution 470

1215. Why did the king begin to tax the 1220. Independence was declared
colonists? A. 1775
A. He wanted more money to make Eng- B. 1783
land look better
C. 1776
B. He needed money to pay off war debts
from the French and Indian War D. 1794
C. He needed money to pay for Boston 1221. Which timeline shows English policies

soldiers towards the American colonists in correct
D. He hated the colonists’ guts chronological order?
A. Stamp Act, Townshend Act, Tea ACt,
1216. After the Treaty of Paris 1783, what Quartering of troops
was the new natural boundary of the
United States? B. Stamp Act, Quartering of troops, Tea
Act, Intolerable Act
A. Appalachian Moutains
C. Quartering of Troops, Townshend Acts,
B. Ohio River Valley Intolerable Acts, Tea Act
C. Mississippi River D. Townshend Act, Quartering of troops,
D. Great Lakes Stamp Act, Tea Act

1217. Why did England impose taxes on the 1222. This man fought the British at sea and is
colonies? quoted at saying, “ I have not yet begun
A. Pay for the cost of their navy ships to fight!”

B. Build roads in England A. George Washington

C. Show colonists who had the power B. John Adams

D. Pay off debts from the French and In- C. Nathaniel Greene
dian War D. John Paul Jones

1218. wrote “Common Sense” that chal- 1223. During the American Revolution thou-
lenged the colonists to fight for indepen- sands of took an active role in both the
dence. American and British armies. Most main-
A. Thomas Jefferson tained an almost constant presence in mili-
tary camps, and were known as “camp fol-
B. Patrick Henry lowers.” Because frequently did not
C. Thomas Paine serve any military function during the war,
their individual names were never listed in
D. John Adams
the records of the day an are therefore un-
1219. Which of these battles marked the be- known to us. It is also difficult to state ac-
ginning of the American Revolution? curately what their duties were, but it may
be surmised that their duties consisted pri-
A. Battle of Bunker Hill marily of cooking, mending laundry, child-
B. Battles of Lexington and Concord care, and nursing the sick.
C. Battle of Quebec A. African slaves
D. Siege of Boston B. Women


1.10 American Revolution 471

C. Religous Leaders 1229. What was another name for a loyalist?

D. colonial minutemen A. Patriot


1224. “One of many” meaning? B. Hessian

A. out of many, one C. Redcoat

D. Tories
B. life and liberty
C. justice for all 1230. What did the Townshend Acts bring
D. united as one
A. direct taxes on legal documents
1225. John Locke supported the right of the
B. indirect taxes on imported goods such
people to do this if government failed to
as lead, paint, and glass, etc.
protect natural rights .
C. relief from taxes on tea
A. revolution
D. the closing of Boston Harbor
B. continue to obey
C. petition 1231. Which of the following were the pri-
mary reasons for the American Revolu-
D. none of above tion?
1226. Which Prussian officer helped train the A. quartering of soldiers and British re-
soldiers of the Continental Army at Valley strictions on travel
Forge so thatthey would be a more profes- B. British taxes and constant military con-
sional and effective fighting force? flict with the French
A. Casimir Pulaski C. aggressive British soldiers and no rep-
B. Marquis de Lafayette resentation in Parliament
C. Friedrich von Steuben D. oppressive British policies and the
D. Juan de Miralles American desire for self-rule
1232. Which geographic feature served as the
1227. After the French and Indian War, the
western boundary for British colonial set-
British declared the colonists could not set-
tlements prior to the American Revolution-
tle west of the Appalachian Mountains
ary War?
with the law called
A. Rocky Mountains
A. The Quartering Act
B. Appalachian Mountains
B. The Intolerable Acts
C. Mississippi River
C. The Proclamation of 1763
D. Great Plains
D. The Sugar Act
1233. The Battle of Great Bridge was the
1228. Basic rights of the people that may not
be taken away. A. last battle of the Revolutionary War,
where the British surrendered
A. Unalienable Rights
B. first colonial victory of the Revolution-
B. Human Rights ary War
C. Natural Rights C. first land battle of the Revolutionary
D. Bill of Rights War fought in Virginia


1.11 Civil War 472

D. first British victory of the Revolution- C. Fort Ticonderoga

ary War D. Saratoga
1234. Lexington and Concord were the first
1236. During the American Revolution, John
battles in what war?
Paul Jones was considered to be the
A. Mexican War
A. “Original Son of Liberty.”
B. Seven Years’ War
B. “Father of the Revolution.”
C. American Revolution

C. “Father of the American Navy.”
D. Spanish-American War
D. “Grandfather of the Cavalry Charge.”
1235. To which battle does this refer? :“77
minutemen were waiting when the British 1237. “The shot heard ‘round the world” was
arrived. The British commander ordered
the minutemen to go home. They refused.
A. the Battle of Trenton
Suddenly, a shot rang out. Nobody knew
who fired it, but it turned out to be “the B. the dropping of the atomic bomb
shot heard round the world.” The British C. the first battle of the American Revolu-
then opened fire, killing eight Americans.” tion at Lexington & Concord
A. Yorktown D. a shot from a new, large cannon in-
B. Lexington & Concord vented by Ben Franklin

1.11 Civil War

1. What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act? 3. Which of these describes General Sher-
man’s march through Georgia?
A. A law that new U.S. states had to be
free states. A. an example of total war
B. A law that said Kansas and Nebraska B. a defeat for both armies
territories could vote to decide if they C. a peaceful end to the conflict
would be free or slaveholding states.
D. the bloodiest battle of the war
C. A law that all states in the South would
be slaveholding states. 4. Which side benefited from immigration?
(new immigrants from Ireland, Germany,
D. A law that outlawed slavery in the Poland and more arrived and fought in
north. large numbers for this side)
A. Union
2. One major difference between the North
and the South that helped lead to the Civil B. Confederacy
War was- C. European Allies
A. disagreements about resources D. Barbary Pirates
B. disagreements over tariffs 5. In what year did the Civil War begin?
C. conflict over treaties A. 1761
D. competition for factories B. 1861


1.11 Civil War 473

C. 1961 11. Led a slave uprising in 1831, killing over

D. 1860 50 people, causing stricter rules/codes
against slaves.


6. What was President Abraham Lincoln’s
A. John Brown
maingoal in the Civil War?
A. abolishing slavery B. Nat Turner

B. restoring the Union C. Dred Scott

C. punishing Southern states D. Frederick Douglass
D. protecting the rights of states
12. One advantage the Confederacy had over
7. This was where the first shots of the Civil the Union during the Civil War was that
War were fired. Confederate forces had-
A. Bull Run A. numerous factories for producing
B. Gettysburg weapons and ammunition
C. Fort Sumter B. a larger number of military troops in
D. Chickamauga reserve

8. Harriet Tubman helped slaves escape by C. an extensive railroad system for mov-
using the ing troops and supplies

A. Underground Railroad D. knowledge of the terrain where most

battles were fought
B. Gettysburg Address
C. Emancipation Proclamation 13. Which of the following were the causes of
D. none of above the Civil War?

9. What year did the American Civil War be- A. States’ Rights and Prohibition
gin? B. Sectionalism and the Missouri Compro-
A. 1860 mise
B. 1861 C. Tariffs and Prohibition
C. 1863 D. Sectionalism, Slavery, States’ Rights,
D. 1865 Tariffs, and the Election of 1860

10. Who started the battle of Fort Sumter and 14. The Confederate army
A. represented the northern army and
A. Confederacy; stopping Union troops
wore grey
from being re-supplied
B. Confederacy; counter attack after the B. represented the southern army and
Battle of Gettysburg wore grey

C. Union; first strike against the Confed- C. represented the northern army and
eracy’s growing military wore blue
D. Union; to free a group of slaves from D. represented the southern army and
harsh slave owners wore blue


1.11 Civil War 474

15. As continued, the federal govern- C. Nat Turner

ment attempted to keep the number of D. Abraham Lincoln
free states and slave states balanced.
A. federal government 20. Which waterway was important to both
the North and the South?
B. westward expansion
A. Ohio River
C. popular sovereignty
B. Tennessee River
D. none of above

C. Missouri River
16. Many historians argue that the assassina- D. Mississippi River
tion of President Abraham Lincoln changed
the course of Reconstruction. Which of the 21. Which descriptions are true about Rich-
following is usually cited as an aspect of mond during the Civil War?
that change? A. Capital of the Confederacy
A. Radical Republicans took control of B. Capital of the Union
C. Fell to General S. Grant
B. Congress imposed taxes on cotton im-
ports to pay war debts. D. Fell to General Robert E. Lee

C. The Thirteenth Amendment was ap- E. Burned near the end of the war.
proved by Congress 22. Who am I? I was born in Kentucky. My
D. Congress repealed legislation regulat- life ended ‘dramatically.’ I spent a lot of
ing railroad construction. my adult life in the state of Illinois. I am
a lawyer before I became a politician. I
17. People who campaigned to end slavery was the 16th president. My debate with
were called Stephen Douglas made me famous.
A. conformists A. Abraham Lincoln
B. rebels B. Jefferson Davis
C. abolitionists C. William T. Sherman
D. yankees D. Robert E. Lee
18. What is the name of the compromise that 23. A person who works to end slavery is
created a stronger Fugitive Slave Act? called-
A. 3/5ths Compromise A. abolitionist
B. Missouri Compromise B. racist
C. The Compromise of 1850 C. confederate
D. The Kansas Nebraska Act D. loyalist

19. Who was responsible for leading a raid on 24. Which of the following reversed the
the United States Armory at Harpers Ferry Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. San-
in hopes of starting a slave rebellion? ford?
A. John Brown A. The Dawes Act
B. Harret Tubman B. The 14th Amendment


1.11 Civil War 475

C. The Compromise of 1877 29. An abolitionist is

D. The Kansas-Nebraska Act A. a person who fights for slavery


B. a soldier that fights for the Confeder-
25. What was NOT an issue during the Civil ate
C. A person who fights against slavery
A. Taxation
D. a soldier that fights for the Union
B. Slavery
30. The Underground Railroad was developed
C. States’ rights
in the 1840s in order to
D. none of above
A. smuggle goods into the country
26. How did technology make the Civil War B. help runaway slaves escape to free-
more deadly than ever before? dom
A. Calvary charges were more effective C. stop illegal aliens from entering the
than ever before country
B. The use of the telegram killed many D. provide a form of inexpensive trans-
men portation

C. Flanking and Charges were new and 31. Where did the Merrimack have its guns?
deadly tactics
A. On each side of the ship
D. The use of rifles and the minnie ball B. One gun in the middle
27. Which of the following would be consid- C. They used underwater torpedos
ered a Confederate advantage over the D. none of above
Union Army?
32. Reconstruction helped African Americans
A. More soldiers
because (3-4.6)
B. More territory
A. their rights were protected
C. Better leadership B. they were able to vote
D. Stronger manufacturing base C. they were able to be elected in the gov-
28. The Confederate army were seriously
short of supplies during the Civil War be- D. All of the above
33. This battle was the South’s first attempt
A. European countries would not send to invade the North.
A. Antietam
B. the Confederate army could not pay B. Bull Run
for the supplies
C. Sherman’s March to the Sea
C. they were unable to get supplies from
West Virginia factories D. Gettysburg

D. the Union navy placed a blockade 34. Which of the following had the greatest
around southern ports impact on the outcome of the Civil War?


1.11 Civil War 476

A. Economic differences between the D. General Pickett charged the Union line.
Union and the Confederacy
39. What statement best describes the “bor-
B. The amount of military training given
der states”?
to Union forces and Confederacy forces
A. Border states are the states that
C. Religious differences between the
stayed loyal to the Union even though they
Union and the Confederacy
allowed slavery to exist.
D. The alignment of foreign allies with the
B. Border states are the states that

Union or with the Confederacy
stayed loyal to the Confederacy even
35. Northerners who moved to the South as though they did not allow slavery to exist.
missionaries or for economic opportunities C. Border states are the states that con-
were called (3-4.6) nect with Mexico.
A. scalawags
D. Border states are the states that con-
B. slaves nect with Canada.
C. sharecroppers
40. .... itwas at this battle that both sides re-
D. carpetbaggers alized how unprepared for war they real-
36. Escaped slave who wrote about slavery
earning money to buy his own freedom. A. Fort Sumter
A. Eli Whitney B. Bull Run
B. Abe Lincoln C. Shiloh
C. Dred Scott D. Antietam
D. Frederick Douglass
41. How did African Americans support the
37. Of the following, which one was an ad- war effort?
vantage held by the South during the war? A. Slaves and free blacks fought for the
The South Confederacy.
A. had greater industrial resources than
B. Enslaved African Americans spied on
the North.
Union troops for the Confederacy.
B. had more transportation resources
C. By law, African Americans were forbid-
than the North.
den from supporting the war effort on ei-
C. was defending their own territory. ther side
D. could count on the support of Native D. After the Militia Act, African Americans
Americans. fought for the Union.
38. Why was the attack on Fort Sumter signif- 42. This law said Americans could vote if their
icant? state should be free or have slaves.
A. It was the bloodiest day of the Civil
A. Missouri Compromise
B. Fugitive Slave Act
B. The Confederacy surrendered.
C. The first shots of the Civil War were C. Kansas Nebraska Act
fired. D. Dred Scott Case


1.11 Civil War 477

43. Robert E. Lee opposed secession before A. Confederate

theCivil War. Why did he fight for the Con- B. Union
federacyinstead of the Union?


C. Legal
A. He was loyal to the state of Virginia,
and Virginiaseceded. D. Border
B. He was bitter about his loss in the 48. Which statement best describes Phillip
1860presidential election. Bazaar’s role during the Civil War?
C. He was offered the Confederate pres- A. Born Massachusetts, Bazaar served in
idency inreturn for leading their army. the U.S. Navylonger than any other Civil
D. He was loyal to Jefferson Davis, under War seaman.
whom heonce served in the military. B. Originally from the South, Bazaar es-
caped to theNorth, joined the U.S. Navy,
44. states wanted the new states created and fought in Civil War.
out of the western territory to be “free
states” C. An immigrant from Chile, Bazaar won
the Medal of Honorfor bravery during the
A. Western attack on Ft Fisher
B. Southern D. A member of the Confederate Navy,
C. Northern Bazaar traveledNorth on a spy mission but
D. none of above was captioned by the Union forces

45. What would the BEST reason be for African 49. Which of the following actions was NOT
Americans enlist in the Union army? considered part of the Compromise of
A. After Antietam and the Emancipation
Proclamation, ending slavery is now a A. Citizens of the territories of New
goal for the Union Mexico and Utah were granted popular
B. Men signed up for service in order
prove their loyalty B. Slave trade was abolished in Washing-
ton D.C.
C. They were fighting for individual rights
C. The Fugitive Slave Law was created
D. They signed up to fight in order to pre-
serve the Union D. California was admitted into the Union
as a free state
46. African American soldier that fought with
the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the 50. Under the rules of the Missouri Compro-
Civil War, first black soldier to win the mise, what had to happen every time a
Medal of Honor. slave state joined the Union?
A. Philip Bazaar A. A free state had to join
B. William Carney B. The voters decided if it was a slave
C. Hiram Rhoades Revel
C. The Supreme Court decided if slavery
D. none of above was legal
47. Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and Mis- D. The President opened up new territo-
souri were known as states. ries to slavery


1.11 Civil War 478

51. Who was the president of the Union during 56. Which situation was the most immediate
the Civil War? result of Abraham Lincoln’s election to the
A. Ulysses S. Grant presidency in 1860?

B. George McClellan A. Kansas and Nebraska joined the Union

as free states
C. Abraham Lincoln
B. a constitutional amendment was
D. Arnold Palmer adopted to end slavery

52. Women supported the Civil War cause in C. Missouri entered the Union as a slave
all of the following ways except state
A. spying on the enemy D. several southern states seceded from
B. working in factories the Union

C. fighting on the battlefield 57. The South’s system of forced labor force in
D. treating wounded soldiers which people were treated as property
A. slavery
53. Lincoln made a famous speech after this
battle. B. states’ rights
A. Battle of Gettysburg C. tariffs
B. Battle of Antietam D. factories
C. Battle of Vicksburg
58. Which battle gave Lincoln the victory he
D. Sherman’s March to the Sea needed to free the slaves in the South?
54. Why did Lincoln not free slaves in the bor- A. Antietam
der states? B. Gettysburg
A. He did not want them to secede C. Bull Run
B. He knew that slavery was profitable in D. Yorktown
those states
C. The representatives of those states 59. In the seven states that had seceded, the
paid him off people responded positively to the Con-
federate action and the leadership of Con-
D. He did free slaves in the border states
federate President Jefferson Davis. Both
55. Some southern states seceded from the sides now tensely awaited the action of
Union after the slave states that thus far had re-
mained loyal. Virginia seceded on April
A. Jefferson Davis became President of 17; Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Car-
the United States. olina followed quickly.5. Who served as
B. Robert E. Lee became President of the president of the Confederacy?
United States.
A. Jefferson Douglas
C. Abraham Lincoln became President of
B. Ulysses S. Grant
the United States.
C. Jefferson Davis
D. Ulysses S. Grant became President of
the United States. D. Abraham Lincoln


1.11 Civil War 479

60. What title was shared by both George 64. What effect did the Atlanta Campaign
Washington and Jefferson Davis? have on the Civil War?


A. President A. Atlanta now had a large enough pop-
ulation due to the extra troops from the
B. Chief General
North that it became the capital of Geor-
C. Chief Justice gia.
D. U.S. Senator B. The Confederacy was now able to send
more supplies to troops fighting in the
61. In 1863, President Lincoln issued the North.
Emancipation Proclamation, abolishign C. The Union Army was able to cut the
slavery in the Confederate states. Lin- supply routes to confederate troops be-
coln’s proclamation was important during cause Atlanta was the industrial and rail-
the Civil War because it way center of the South.
A. settled the issue of states’ rights D. People from the North became aware
B. shifted the war to a war for freedom of the beauty of Atlanta and began to
move to the city.
C. ended slavery throughout the United
States 65. Sherman’s tore up major rail lines,
D. encouraged former slaves to leave the burned cities, broke the will of the South
country to fight
A. Vicksburg
62. What did General Lee hope would be the
B. March to the Sea
result of sending his troops to fight on
Union soil? C. Antietam
A. A show of strength at Antietam might D. Gettysburg
convince other nations to help the Confed-
66. How did Sherman’s March to the Sea
B. Union troops would be defeated and A. with the capture of Atlanta, Georgia
the war would end
B. with Robert E. Lee’s surrender to
C. Confederate troops would cut off William T.Sherman
Union access to the Potomac
C. with the capture of Savannah, Georgia
D. Seeing their land being destroyed
D. with William T. Sherman’s surrender
would discourage the Union
to RobertE. Lee
63. President Abraham Lincoln issued the 67. Lincoln states that “we here highly re-
Emancipation Proclamation which all solve that these dead shall not have died
slaves living in those parts of the South in vain”, what does he mean?
that were fighting against the Union.
A. They deserved to die
A. welcomed
B. It was God’s will that they died
B. freed
C. We should fight for freedom in their
C. identified honor
D. none of above D. All Confederate soldiers should die


1.11 Civil War 480

68. The economy in the southern part if the 73. Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Mis-
United States was agricultural and relied souri were known as border states dur-
on ing the American Civil War. What was the
A. slave labor main characteristic of a border state.

B. water power A. Border states were slave states that

chose to remain in the Union.
C. factories
B. Border states were states that de-
D. none of above clared themselves as noncombatants dur-

69. The action which destroyed land, property, ing the Civil War.
and morale in order to convince the south- C. Borders states were just the states
ern people to endthe warwas (3-4.4) that bordered other slave states.
A. General Sherman’s “March to the D. Border states had no specific alle-
Sea” giance to the Union or the Confederacy.
B. the blockade of the Charleston port
74. What crop was grown in the South that
C. the attack on Fort Sumter increased the need for slave labor?
D. the Secession Convention A. Corn
70. The Republic of Mexico began to strength B. Rice
the territories in C. Soybeans
A. 1821 D. Cotton
B. 1824
75. Which of these sounds like Abraham Lin-
C. 1867
coln’s opinion of the South’s decision to se-
D. 1861 cede from the Union in 1861?
71. Who was Ulysses S. Grant? A. The right way to settle the question of
slavery in the territories is to let the peo-
A. Abolitionist, former slave
plewho live there determine if their state
B. President of the Confederate States is to be slave or free.
C. Commander of the Confederate Army B. The Supreme Court’s decision in Dred
D. Commander of the Union Army Scott v. Sanford is exactly what this coun-
tryneeds. Perhaps now the abolitionists
72. Before the Civil War, southern states ob- will stop their meddling.
jected to high tariffs because the tariffs led
C. Secession is unlawful and treasonous.
Everything possible must be done topre-
A. an increase in the price of manufac- serve the Union.
tured goods
D. The rights of the states must be pro-
B. limitations on the availability of west- tected. The federal government is exceed-
ern lands ing itsauthority.
C. limitations on the profitability of min-
76. The bloodiest single day battle was at
ing operations
D. an increase in the production of to- A. Gettysburg
bacco B. Shiloh


1.11 Civil War 481

C. Antietam D. It brought an end to the northward ad-

D. Bull Run vancementof the Confederate Army.


77. Laws that restricted African American 82. Which statement best explains President
rights were called Abraham Lincoln’s justification for the Civil
A. Jim Crowe Laws
A. as an abolitionist, President Lincoln
B. draft wanted to end slavery in the United States
C. Total War B. President Lincoln wanted to keep the
D. Debate South economically dependent on the in-
dustrial North
78. Why did Abraham Lincoln suspend Habeas
Corpus during the Civil War? C. President Lincoln’s oath of office re-
quired him to defend and preserve the
A. to conscript citizens into the Union
D. to keep the support of Great Britain
B. to free slaves throughout the Confed-
and France, President Lincoln had to try
to end slavery immediately.
C. to prevent British interference in the
conflict 83. campaigned or worked to get the
United States government to end slavery.
D. to keep Confederate sympathizers im-
prisoned A. Politicians
B. Abolitionists
79. What caused sickness in camps
C. Crusaders
D. none of above
C. LACK OF HYGIENE 84. A biography on the military career of Gen-
eral Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson would
include his involvement in which Civil War
80. This caused widespread fear in the South events?
about the future of slavery A. The First Battle of Bull Run and the Con-
A. the election of Jefferson Davis federate victory at Fredericksburg
B. High tariffs B. The Union capture of Atlanta and the
C. the election of Abraham Lincoln March to the Sea through Georgia

D. the death of Stonewall Jackson C. The Virginia Peninsula campaign and

the Union victory at Gettysburg
81. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a turn- D. The campaigns in northern Virginia
ing pointin the Civil War? and the Confederate surrender at Appo-
A. Union General William T. Sherman cap- mattox Court House
tured thecity of Atlanta.
85. What is a free state?
B. Confederate General Robert E. Lee
surrenderedto Union forces. A. A state where slavery is allowed.

C. The capital of the Union was burned B. A state where slaves are treated fairly.
and theUnion Army had to retreat. C. A state where slavery is not allowed.


1.11 Civil War 482

D. A state where owning slaves did not 90. Which of the following describes the daily
require money. life of soldiers?
A. They carried supplies in packs, ate
86. During the Civil War, many women had
hardtack, and marched from place to
A. lawyers B. The owned 20 slaves.
B. doctors C. The wore fancy clothes.

C. nurses D. The set up hospitals and took care of
D. merchants children.

87. The economy in the southern part of the 91. The Union enforced an embargo on Confed-
United States was dependent on erate goods and a naval blockade on Con-
federate ports. WHY were these tactics
A. agriculture effective?
B. donations A. Confederate states were unable to use
C. commercials agricultural exports as a source of rev-
D. industries
B. Confederate states were unable to col-
88. Which of the following most closely re- lect tariffs on their manufactured goods
flects the meaning Lincoln hoped listen- C. Union forces were able to use the
ers would derive from his Gettysburg Ad- blockade to gain international support
dress? D. Union forces were able to earn money
A. Now that the war had been won, it was for supplies by selling confiscated bales of
up to the North to rebuild the South and cotton
make it prosperous again.
92. To withdraw from something, such as a na-
B. The survival of the American experi- tion
ment in self-government and equality is at
A. states’ rights
stake in the war.
B. secede
C. It was now time to grant full citizen-
ship to former slaves who had been freed C. abolitionist
by the Emancipation Proclamation. D. amendment
D. The Union deaths at Gettysburg must
93. What did the Supreme Court rule in the
be justified by an all-out effort to defeat
case Dred Scott v Sanford?
the West.
A. Congress had no right to ban slavery in
89. During what period did the Civil War oc- any territory
cur? B. slaves were free everywhere
A. 1492 C. Dred Scott was a free man
B. 1776-1780 D. slaves were American citizens
C. 1812-1814
94. In what year did the Battle of Gettysburg
D. 1861-1865 take place?


1.11 Civil War 483

A. 1861 99. Abolitionist who raided the Harper’s Ferry

B. 1863 arsenal in 1859 to arm slaves to revolt.


C. 1865 A. Harriet Tubman
D. 1781 B. Harriet Beecher Stowe
C. John Brown
95. Sectional differences (North vs South) de-
veloped in the US largely because D. William Lloyd Garrison
A. the federal government adopted a pol- 100. Which best describes the reasons for Gen-
icy of neutrality eral Sherman’s March to the Sea?
B. early Presidents favored urban areas A. A desire to prevent a Confederate at-
over rural areas tack on Washington D.C.
C. only Northerners were represented at B. A desire to split General Lee’s army in
the Constitutional Convention half.
D. economic conditions and interests in C. A desire to capture Atlanta, the
each region varied South’s center of transportation
96. What name was given to a terrorist D. A desire to destroy land, animals, food
group that used violence to keep African- to break the will of the Southern people
Americans from having equal rights in the
101. Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
A. Robert E. Lee
A. Freedman’s Bureau
B. Stonewall Jackson
B. Black Codes
C. John Wilkes Booth
C. Jim Crow Laws
D. Lee Harvey Oswald
D. Ku Klux Klan
102. What event led Southern states to secede
97. This was one of the main causes that led to
from the United States?
the Civil War. The North did not want this
and the South did . The South depended A. the adoption of a new Fugitive Slave
on this for their economy and to make a Law
profit. B. Nat Turner’s raid on Harper’s Ferry
A. State’s Rights C. the Election of Abraham Lincoln in
B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1860
C. Slavery D. the decision of the Supreme Court in
D. John Brown’s Raid the Dred Scott case

98. What law allowed special government of- 103. “The privilege of the writ of habeas cor-
ficials to arrest any person accused of be- pus shall not be suspended, unless when
ing a runaway slave? in cases of rebellion or invasion the This
provision of the Constitution allowed Pres-
A. Fugitive Slave Act 1850 ident Lincoln to do what during wartime.:
B. Emancipation Proclomation A. Have unlimited power during wartime
C. Underground Railroad B. Using emergency powers to meet the
D. Kansas Nebraska Act needs of the nation


1.11 Civil War 484

C. Add additional justices to the Supreme C. Eli Whitney

Court D. Jefferson Davis
D. Outlaw slavery in the border states.
109. Which new state’s entry into the Union,
104. Which military leader defeated Robert E. acquired after the Mexican American war,
Lee and was the last general to head the created the crisis leading to the Compro-
Union Army? mise of 1850? MEANING, they were not
sure if it should be a slave state or free
A. William Henry Penrose

B. Robert E. Smalls
A. Montana
C. Stonewall Jackson
B. California
D. Ulysses S. Grant
C. Arkansas
105. Black Codes are D. Canada
A. a coded language African Americans 110. accepted command of the Confeder-
used ate Army.
B. laws that told people what they could A. Jefferson Davis
B. Robert E. Lee
C. Laws that restricted African American
rights C. Ulysses S. Grant

D. Curfew laws for African Americans D. none of above

111. The Compromise of 1850 allowed cer-
106. Why did people gather in Gettysburg on
tain territories to use to determine
Nov. 19, 1863?
whether the territory would be free or
A. To abolish slavery slave. This decision applied to much of
B. To dedicate a national cemetery the land gained from the the U.S. Mexican
C. To encourage the Confederacy to re-
join the Union A. Three Fifths Compromise
D. To hear campaign speeches for the up- B. Raiding
coming Presidential election C. Popular sovereignty
107. Which Union “victory” in Maryland had D. Secession
23, 000 casulties, otherwise known as the 112. “ that from these honored dead we
“bloodiest day” of the war? take increased devotion to that cause for
A. Second Bull Run which they gave the last full measure of
B. Gettysburg devotion-that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain-that
C. Antietam this nation, under God, shall have a new
D. Vicksburg birth of freedom-and that government of
the people, by the people, for the peo-
108. Who was elected as the President in ple, shall not perish from the earth” This
1861 (in USA) excerpt from Lincoln’s Gettysburg address
A. Frederick Douglass expresses Lincoln’s hope for
B. Abraham Lincoln A. Freeing the slaves


1.11 Civil War 485

B. Acquiring more western territory sorts of tactics, from elections to rebel-

C. Preserving the nation lion White abolitionists did courageous
and pioneering work, on the lecture plat-


D. Religions freedom form, in newspapers, in the Underground
113. Founder of the American Red Cross; ad- Railroad. Black abolitionists, less publi-
ministered care to Union soldiers cized, were the backbone of the antislav-
ery movement. Before Garrison published
A. Dorothea Dix his famous Liberator in Boston in 1831,
B. Mary Todd Lincoln the first national convention of Negroes
had been held, David Walker had already
C. Catharine Beecher
written his “Appeal, “ and a black abo-
D. Clara Barton litionist magazine named Freedom’s Jour-
nal had appeared. Of The Liberator’s first
114. Lee’s surrender to Grant at this location
twenty-five subscribers, most were black
in 1865 ended the Civil War.
Source:Howard Zinn, A People’s His-
A. Appomattox Court House tory of the United States, 1492-Present,
B. Vicksburg Harper Perennial, 2003Both the black and
white abolitionists mentioned in this docu-
C. Fort Sumter
ment were fighting against which policy
D. Sherman’s March to the Sea
A. Enslavement of African Americans in
115. What Increased tensions between the the United States prior to the Civil War
North and the South?
B. Desegregating the United States mili-
A. Over the Election of Trump vs. Clinton tary during World War I and World War II
B. The rise of sectionalism, the growing
C. The practice of indentured servitude
disagreement over states’ rights, and the
used to settle American colonies in the
issue of slavery.
early 1600’s
C. The Climate and geography of the
North and South. D. Jim Crow laws implemented after the
Civil War that were meant to segregate
D. The Arguments over the growth of the America

116. There were tactical differences be- 117. Why was slavery an important part of
tween [Frederick] Douglass and William the Southern economy?
Lloyd Garrison, white abolitionist and edi- A. Plantation owners needed slaves to
tor of The Liberator-differences between cook their meals.
black [African American] and white abo-
litionists in general. Blacks were more B. The land in the South provided farmers
willing to engage in armed insurrection with good soil to grow cash crops but the
[rebellion], but also more ready to use land was so large that plantation owners
existing political devices-the ballot box, needed more hands to work the land.
the Constitution-anything to further their
C. Factories began to spread and there
cause. They were not as morally ab-
was a greater need for free labor.
solute in their tactics as the Garrisoni-
ans. Moral pressure would not do it D. White indentured servants wanted
alone, the blacks knew; it would take all more money.


1.11 Civil War 486

118. What was Abraham Lincoln’s main goal? C. The Missouri Compromise
A. to free the slaves D. The Dred Scott Decision
B. to preserve the Union 123. *Encouraged African Americans to fight
C. to write Emancipation Proclamation for the Union*Strengthened the Union mil-
itarily and politically*Shifted the focus of
D. to preserve the states’ rights of the
the war to freedom for allWhich of the fol-
lowing is being described?

119. A “total war” involves both soldiers and A. President Lincoln’s First Inaugural Ad-
civilians. During the Civil War South Car- dress
olinians “total war” had a direct impact B. the Gettysburg Address
when which of the following occurred?
C. the Emancipation Proclamation
A. The first shots were fired at Fort
D. the Thirteenth Amendment
B. The C.S.S. Hunley was sunk in 124. Which statement best explains why the
Charleston Harbor southern states in the U.S. generally op-
posed tariffs placed on finished goods im-
C. A POW camp was built in Florence to
ported from other countries?
house prisoners
A. the tariffs were only paid bythose liv-
D. Destruction of personal and public ing in the southern states
property during the March to the Sea
B. the tariffs made it difficult for southern
120. Who was the leading general of the Con- farmers to sell their goods
federate army? C. the tariffs increased the prices of
A. Grant items for those who bought them
B. Lee D. the tariffs forced the southern states
to become manufacturing centers
C. Jackson
D. McClellan 125. Robert E. Lee
A. Was a Confederate general.
121. The Union wanted to control the Missis-
B. Was Abraham Lincoln’s assisted.
sippi River so that
C. Was the general for the Union.
A. it could control the movement of trade
and goods D. none of above
B. it was a natural division to “split the 126. After the Battle of Vicksburg, the Union
South” controlled the Mississippi River and was
C. it was an easier invasion route to the able to
South than by land A. successfully attack Confederate
camps and forts
D. all of the above
B. move captured soldiers to prisons
122. What event made southern states finally more easily
decide to secede from the Union?
C. cut off Confederate supplies from the
A. The Kansas-Nebraska Act West
B. Election of Lincoln D. safely bring freed slaves to the North


1.11 Civil War 487

127. Based off of data given in class which 132. How did General Thomas Jackson earn
side could better replace losses in battle? thenickname “Stonewall” during the Civil
(such as wounds, deaths, and troops going War?


missing) A. During the Battle of Chancellorsville,
A. The Confederacy Jacksonwas wounded and the Confeder-
ate forcescrumbled “like a stone wall
B. The Republicans
without afoundation.”
C. The Union B. During the Siege of Charleston,
D. The western territories Jackson foughtback Union forces that
“crashed againstJackson’s brigade like
128. The two ironclads fought for hours. Who waves against a stonewall.”
won the battle? C. During the March to the Sea, Jackson
A. The Merrimack positionedhis forces outside of Savannah
to act as a”stone wall of defense” sur-
B. The Monitor rounding the port city.
C. Neither side could hurt each other-it D. During the First Battle of Bull Run,
was a draw Jackson andhis men showed their disci-
D. none of above pline by “standing likea stone wall” in the
face of a Union attack.
129. The two ironclads battled for more than
133. What is the Underground Railroad?
three hours, the battle was fought to a
A. A railroad that travels around the
A. sinking
B. draw B. A railroad that travels west to Califor-
C. victory nia
D. none of above C. A group of abolitionists that help
slaves escape to the north to freedom
130. The capital of the United States of Amer- D. A railroad that travels east to New
ica during the Civil War was: York
A. Washington D.C. 134. Conflicts grew between the counties
B. Richmond of Virginia that relied on slavery and
counties that favored the abolition of slav-
C. Philadelphia
D. Charleston A. northern, western
131. What did the Southern States call them- B. eastern, western
selves that broke away from the United C. northern, southern
D. none of above
A. The Southern United States
135. Abraham Lincoln was the first presi-
B. The Confederate States of America dent
C. The Southern United Nation A. Whig
D. The Southern Nation of Freedom B. Republican


1.11 Civil War 488

C. Democrat 141. Which of the following would NOT be

D. Barnburner considered an event illustrating the ten-
sions that would eventually lead to the
136. Most of the nations railroads in 1860 Civil War?
were located in the ? A. Bleeding Kansas
A. Southeast B. Bleeding Sumter
B. South C. Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

C. Territories D. John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry
D. North 142. Which situation was an immediate result
of the United States Civil War?
137. In the 1850s and 1860s, which political
party tended to oppose slavery A. women gained the right to vote as an
acknowledgement of their role in the con-
A. Republican Party flict
B. Democratic Party B. secession was no longer seen as an
C. Constitutional Union Party option to be exercised by the states
D. None of the political parties opposed C. sectionalism disappeared as a force in
slavery American economic and political life
D. the South retained its pre-Civil War
138. Whose true life story was based on 12
economic and social structure
Years a Slave?
A. Harriet Tubman 143. Secede means to

B. Solomon Northup A. join

B. get rid of
C. Solomon Jones
C. come together
D. Sojourner Truth
D. seperate
139. debates are considered the most fa-
mous political debates in American history. 144. The Civil War changed many people’s
lives. The war made men (3-4.5)
A. Lincoln-Adams
A. plant more crop
B. Adams-Jefferson
B. save their money
C. Darby-Douglas
C. buy more slaves
D. Lincoln-Douglas D. leave to go fight
140. .... termgiven to an important South- 145. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) height-
ern Cash Crop that the Confederacy be- ened the sectional crisis because it
lieved would beable to convince Britain
A. broke the Missouri Compromise
and France to ally with them.
B. repealed the Fugitive Slave Act
A. King Cotton
C. made Kansas and Nebraska free
B. Dixie Stampede
C. Tobacco Road D. signaled acceptance of the principle of
D. Queen Indigo the Wilmot Proviso


1.11 Civil War 489

146. Use the quotation and your knowledge D. It reversed the Missouri Compromise
of social studies to answer the following and stated that the federal government
questions. “[T]he maintenance of the could NOT limit or extend slavery-it was


rights of the States, and especially the a state’s right to decide
right of each State to order and control
its own domestic institutions according to 149. Which of the following is correct?
its own judgment [alone], is essential to A. Jefferson Davis-USA Abraham Lincoln-
that balance of power on which the per- CSA
fection and endurance of our political fab- B. Stephen Douglas-CSA Abraham
ric depend “-Abraham Lincoln, 1st in- Lincoln-USA
augural address, March 4, 1861What is
the “domestic institution” that Lincoln is C. John Bell-CSA Stephen Douglas-USA
referring to in his inaugural address? D. Jefferson Davis-CSA Abraham Lincoln-
A. slavery USA

B. seccession 150. Following Lee’s surrender at Appomat-

tox, the North shifted it’s focus to:
C. the Civil War
A. Making a plan to bring the Southern
D. the attack on Fort Sumter states back into the Union.
147. What 2 things did the Missouri Compro- B. Defeating the Confederate army in
mise do? Texas.

A. Drew an imaginary line across the C. Preventing Native Americans from at-
country to designate where slavery would tacking Missouri Colonies.
be legal. D. Stopping an Invasion from Canada.
B. Divided Missouri into 2 states, which 151. Which of the following people was the
became North Missouri and South Mis- President of the Confederate States of
souri. America?
C. Added Maine as a free state since Mis- A. Abraham Lincoln
souri was added as a slaveholding state,
B. Robert E. Lee
so the number of free and slave states
would be equal. C. Robert Anderson
D. Let states decide for themselves D. Jefferson Davis
whether they would have slaves or not.
152. In which state did the Battle of Gettys-
burg take place?
148. How did the ruling on the Dred Scott case
affect the slavery debate? (SSUSH9a) A. Maryland
A. It protected the right of a freed slave B. Pennsylvania
to file a lawsuit C. New York
B. It determined the authority of D. Virginia
Congress to outlaw slavery in the terri-
tories 153. What is an ironclad?

C. It temporarily united antislavery and A. a submarine

proslavery forces B. a treaty or agreement


1.11 Civil War 490

C. a cannon C. Finances and Economy were in order

D. a ship covered by metal plates to support a wartime production
D. Technology:Railroad, Transportation,
154. What state was first state to secede
and Telegraph
from the union?
A. Georgia 159. This is the location Lee officially surren-
B. Alabama ders to Grant.
A. Antietam

C. South Carolina
D. North Carolina B. Gettsburg

155. At the attack at Fort Sumter C. Appomattox Courthouse

A. President Lincoln resupplied the fed- D. Vicksburg
eral troops n time to avoid an armed con-
flict. 160. Lincoln ends his speech by stating “that
government of the people, by the people,
B. Major Anderson (the commanding offi-
for the people shall not perish from earth.”
cer) managed to withstand the bombard-
What idea is he describing?
ment of the Confederates and keep the
fort in Union hands. A. democracy
C. the Confederates allowed the Union to B. justice
keep this one fort as a gesture of peace.
C. liberty
D. the Union had to decide whether or not
to try to maintain a federal fort in Confed- D. equality
erate territory.
161. As new states were forming in the west-
156. Why was winning the battle of Vicksburg ern territory, on what issue did the North-
so important? ern and Southern states disagree?
A. last strong hold on the Mississippi A. agricultural versus industry
B. it is located near DC B. representation in government
C. it is located near Richmond C. slave states versus free states
D. last strong hold in the port of Boston
D. how each territory became a state
157. The Civil War began in and ended in
162. Which of the following is true in the first
part of the Civil War?
A. 1861, 1865
B. 1890, 1900 A. The North was fighting to protect its
way of life
C. 1961, 1965
B. The North was invaded but won a vic-
D. 1700, 1704 tory at the Battle of Boston
158. Which is NOT an advantage of the Union C. The Confederate army had superior
A. More Industry and Population training and discipline
B. The men and soldiers knew the terrain D. The Union troops needed to bring their
and were used to outdoor life own uniforms to battle


1.11 Civil War 491

163. .... isthe bloodiest one day battle in C. A workplace made up slave labor
American History and being a Union vic- would work harder
tory, setthe stage for the Emancipation


D. none of above
Proclamation and cost the Confederacy its
muchneeded allies of France and England. 168. Where was the Union’s capital?
A. Gettysburg A. Baltimore MD
B. Appomattox B. Richmond VA
C. Vicksburg C. Washington DC
D. Antietam D. none of above
164. The capital of the Confederacy was 169. Which of the following cut off access to
A. Washington supplies and the South’s ability to trade
with Great Britain?
B. Williamsburg
A. The Union blockade of Southern ports
C. Richmond
(ex. Savannah, Charleston, New Orleans)
D. none of above
B. Losing control of the Mississippi River
165. After Abraham Lincoln signed the Emanci- C. The South struggled to capture the
pation Proclamation, citizens living in the Union’s capital (Washington D.C.)
North began to view the Civil War as a:
D. none of the above
A. Moral crusade to end secession
170. Read the definition, and identify the term
B. Moral crusade against slavery
that is being defined:n. The act of formally
C. Moral crusade to end Southern liberty withdrawing from a political body
D. Moral crusade against violence A. expansion
166. After General Robert E. Lee’s surrender B. segregation
at Appomattox Court House, the main pri- C. secession
ority of the United States was to-
D. abolition
A. A elect a new president and vice pres-
ident 171. Which two important Virginia Civil War
battles were considered victories to the
B. complete construction of the Capitol
Confederate Army?
C. establish Union forts in the former
A. Fredricksburg
Confederate states
B. Richmond
D. implement a plan to bring Confederate
states back into the Union C. Manassas

167. What was the South’s MAIN argument in D. Appomattox

support of slavery? 172. What was the Confederacy?
A. They were an agricultural (farming) A. The union of the southern states.
based economy that relied on free work-
ers B. The union of the northern states.

B. They had the right to limit the power of C. The union of the new states.
the federal government (states’ rights) D. none of above


1.11 Civil War 492

173. Which Union advantage was the MOST 178. The term means that people in the state
significant contributing factor to the win- would VOTE to make decisions about being
ning if the war according to US Grant? a free state or a slave state.
A. Food A. independent choice
B. Population B. popular sovereignty

C. Morale C. popular election

D. none of above
D. Technolodgy

179. What law allowed California to join as a
174. This was a book that was written by Har- free state?
riet Beecher Stowe that showed the evils
A. Missouri Compromise
of slavery.
B. Compromise of 1850
A. Harriet’s Cabin
C. California Compromise
B. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
D. Kansas/Nebraska Act
C. Slavery
180. Why were the southern states concern
D. State’s Rights about their rights?
175. What battle was the bloodiest SINGLE A. Because the country was growing and
DAY battle of the Civil War? every new state was being part of the
A. Antietam
B. Because the northern states were con-
B. Shiloh vincing people that slavery was evil.
C. Gettysburg C. Because they didn’t have enough
slaves to work in the fields.
D. Vicksburg
D. none of above
176. Which of these events happened last?
181. The Civil War was mainly fought over
A. The Confederate States of America this devisive issue
were formed.
A. Cotton profits
B. Nat Turner led a revolt against slavery B. tariffs
in Virginia.
C. slavery
C. Abraham Lincoln was elected presi-
D. Lincoln’s hipster beard
dent of the United States.
D. Virginia seceded from the Union. 182. Why did Southern Whites complain that
the war was “a rich man’s war, but a poor
177. Which section of the US felt more man’s fight? ”
strongly in favor of states’ rights? A. Men who owned 20 or more slaves
A. North were exempted from the Draft
B. Men who fought in 10 or more battles
B. South
were released from service
C. Border states
C. The Conf. Gov’t couldn’t afford to pay
D. none of above its soldiers each month


1.11 Civil War 493

D. Men could pay $300 in order to buy D. decreased tensions with Native Amer-
their way out and avoid military service ican Indians


183. What was the name of the Ironclad ship 187. Racial tensions continued in Georgia,
used by the Confederate Navy? even after African Americans were
granted citizenship by the Fourteenth
A. The CSS Lee
Amendment. This was evidenced by their
B. The Merrimack removal from the Georgia General Assem-
C. The Ship Buster bly in 1868. What did it take for this
removal to finally be reversed, allowing
D. none of above black citizens to serve in the Georgia As-
184. How did Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle sembly again?
Tom’sCabin help cause the Civil War? A. The U.S. Congress penalized white
Georgia Assembly members through
A. by increasing discrimination against
heavy taxation
AfricanAmericans in the North
B. White Assembly members had to be
B. by increasing demands for the govern-
physically removed and placed in jail for
ment toend slavery in all states
a year.
C. by causing the federal government to C. Black leaders led protests near the
increasetaxes in Southern states U.S. Congress meetings, demanding fed-
D. by convincing Southerners they should eral help.
not buygoods made in the North D. The U.S. Congress had to pass an act,
and sent in military support to help main-
185. Choose the best definition of the term
tain order
“border state”. A border state is a state
188. After Grant’s capture of this city on the
A. that had slaves but officially remained Mississippi the Union gained complete con-
loyal to the United States. trol of the river.
B. that was on the border between A. Vicksburg
Canada and the United States. B. Shiloh
C. that was on the border between Mex- C. Antietam
ico and the United States. D. Petersburg
D. that bordered one of the western terri-
189. What years did the Civil War last?
A. 1860-1869
186. The Louisiana Purchase had great geo- B. 1776-1783
graphic significance for the United States
because it C. 1861-1865
D. 1848-1860
A. reduced British control of North Amer-
ica 190. What did Congress think about President
B. focused the United States on west- Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan?
ward expansion A. They agreed with his plan.
C. extended United States control over B. They helped President Johnson form
Mexico his plan.


1.11 Civil War 494

C. They thought his plan was too easy on B. allowed abolitionists to help slaves es-
the South. cape the South
D. They thought his plan was too hard on C. outlawed the trading of slaves in
the South. Washington, D.C.
D. decreased the number of runaway
191. Which is NOT an advantage for the
slaves from going to Canada
A. Fighting a Defensive War 196. Determine if the statement describes the

Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment, the 13th
B. Better Military Leadership
U.S. Colored Troops, or both:led by Colonel
C. Technology:Railroad, Steamboat, and Robert Gould Shaw
A. Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment
D. Fighting for Independence
B. 13th U.S. Colored Troops
192. About how many people were living in C. Both
the North in 1860?
D. none of above
A. 9 million
197. What was the bloodiest battle?
B. 5 million
A. Shiloh
C. 22 million
B. Vicksburg
D. 190 million
C. Antietam
193. Which explanation BEST explains why vi- D. Gettysburg
olence erupted in Kansas in 1854?
A. Slave rebellions broke out throughout 198. This battle was enough of a victory for
the state. Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclama-
B. Pro-and anti-slavery forces fought for
A. Gettysburg
control of the state.
B. Antietam
C. The government moved to free all the
slaves in the state. C. Fort Sumter
D. Southerners began attacking Ameri- D. Vicksburg
can soldiers.
199. Which one of the following was NOT a
194. Which of the following states was part cause to the Civil War?
of the Union? A. Farming
A. Arkansas B. Slavery
B. Georgia C. State’s Rights
C. Pennsylvania D. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
D. Texas
200. The Southern economy was based
195. The Fugitive Slave Act MOSTLY on:

A. forced people to enforce (support) A. Paid workers

slavery B. Industry


1.11 Civil War 495

C. Agriculture B. Uncle Toms Cabin angered Northern-

ers and caused many to join abolitionist
D. Goods & Services


201. This battle changed the way navy war- C. The compromise of 1850 included a
ships were made. strict Fugitive Slave Act that Northerners
A. Battle of Bull Run despised.
D. The southern States were mainly agri-
B. Battle of the Iron Clads
cultural, while the northern states were
C. Battle of For Sumter mainly industrial.
D. Battle of Richmond
206. What can you conclude about West Vir-
ginia from its actions at the time of the
202. How did the expansion of the USA con-
Civil War?
tributed to the war?
A. Its citizens did not support slavery
A. Because USA was growing and they
were receiving more slaves. B. Its citizens did not support secession
B. Because USA was growing and North C. Its citizens did not support the Union
and South did not care about new states. D. Its citizens did not support Lincoln
C. Because North and South will fight to 207. Why was Andrew Johnson impeached?
get any new state.
A. Republicans accused him of having Lin-
D. none of above coln killed to further his own career.
203. What Union strategy caused the people B. They thought he was too lenient on
in the South to suffer from a lack of sup- the South and not doing enough to protect
plies? Freedmen.

A. The Emancipation Proclamation C. Republicans thought he was treating

the South too harshly
B. The Underground Railroad
D. He tried to obstruct justice by protect-
C. The Blockade ing his friends who were guilty of crimes.
D. none of above
208. Why was the draft unpopular in the
204. Which army did General Robert E. Lee
lead? A. Men who had 20 or more slaves were
exempted from the draft
A. Confederate
B. Men who fought in 10 battles were re-
B. Union
leased from service
C. Neutrals C. Soldiers were not getting paid each
D. He was not a general. month from the Union
D. Men could pay $300 to the U.S. Gov’t in
205. Which of the following best reflects an
order to avoid service
economic influence on the causes of the
Civil War? 209. What was the secession effect?
A. President Lincoln enacted the Emanci- A. When a state joins another state and
pation Proclamation on Jan 1 1863 make war.


1.11 Civil War 496

B. When a state gives its power to the 214. President Lincoln used the Union navy to
country. blockade southern ports. An important sea
C. When a state leaves the current coun- battle between two iron-clad ships, the
try and forms another one. (Union) and the (Confederate) took
place in waters near Hampton and Nor-
D. none of above folk.
210. Which were the border states? A. Monitor, Manassas
B. Monitor, Merrimack

A. West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland,
Kentucky, and Oklahoma C. Saratoga, Merrimack
B. Delaware, New York, Missouri, West D. none of above
Virginia, Kentucky
C. Missouri, West Virginia, Kentucky, 215. This battle led to the Union controlling the
Delaware, Maryland Mississippi River and helped to split the
Confederacy into two parts.
D. none of above
A. Antietam
211. The capital of the Confederate States of B. Bull Run
America was
C. Sherman’s March to the Sea
A. Richmond, Virginia
D. Vicksburg
B. Washington, D.C.
C. Charleston, South Carolina 216. Most of the deaths of the Civil War came
about as a result of
D. Atlanta, Georgia
A. The use of poison gas
212. Why did the South secede from the B. Starvation
C. Infection and disease
A. They feared that the North would ban
the sale of cotton. D. Deaths on the battlefield

B. They feared the North would end slav- 217. Which of these was the greatest cause of
ery. death in the Civil War?
C. They feared the North would form a A. wounds
new political party.
B. disease
D. They feared the North would lower
C. frostbite
trade taxes.
D. starvation
213. Which state did General Lee hope to con-
vince to join the Confederacy after a vic- 218. Known as a conductor of the underground
tory in Antietam? railroad.
A. Florida A. Harriet Tubman
B. Maryland B. Harriet Beecher Stowe
C. New York C. John Brown
D. Pennsylvania D. Jefferson Davis


1.11 Civil War 497

219. During the war, racial tensions increased 224. He was the leader of the Confederate
as whites feared that slaves would rise up (South) army throughout the entire war
in rebellion. This led to (3-4.5)


A. Jefferson Davis
A. General Sherman’s “March to the B. General Ulysses S. Grant
C. General Robert E. Lee
B. the Ordinances of Secession
D. John Wilkes Booth
C. the Port Royal Experiment
D. the “20 slave rule” 225. Which best describes the type of warfare
that took place in Missouri during the Civil
220. Which African-American regiment fought War.
hard and earned the respect of many dur-
A. Jayhawking and vigilante
ing the Battle of Fort Wagner and James
Island? B. Total War and crippling resources
A. The Army of Virginia C. Guerrilla or unconventional tactics
B. The Army of the Potomac D. Large Formal and Honorable Battles
C. The Massachusetts 54th 226. The firing on in South Carolina began
D. The Corp of Army Unity the Civil War.
221. Who believed that President Johnson A. Vicksburg
wasn’t doing enough through reconstruc- B. Gettysburg
C. Appomattox Court House
A. Southern Democrats
D. Fort Sumter
B. Independents
227. This law allowed slavery to expand in
C. Slaves
the West through popular sovereignty.
D. Radical Republicans
A. Missouri Compromise
222. A group of ships that block other ships B. Fugitive Slave Act
from sailing in and out of a harbor is called
a C. Kansas Nebraska Act
A. import D. Dred Scott Case
B. export 228. As the Civil War continued, women and
C. blockade children felt the effects of the war in many
ways. One way that these groups con-
D. battle
tributed to the war effort was by:
223. Fighting broke out between pro-slavery A. Joining the Army in large numbers to
and anti-slavery groups in Kansas. This fight.
was known as what cause of the Civil
B. Voting for politicians who would bring
the war to an end.
A. The Compromise of 1850
C. Running farms and businesses to pro-
B. The Dred Scott decision vide for the needs of their families.
C. Bleeding Kansas D. Writing letters to other countries to
D. The Fighting of Nebraska ask for their help.


1.11 Civil War 498

229. What year did the Civil War end? 234. General Lee surrendered to General
A. 1861 Grant at a village in Virginia called

B. 1977 A. Appomattox

C. 1865 B. Confederacy
D. 1812 C. Georgia
D. Atlanta
230. In fighting the Civil War, the North’s orig-

inal reason was to 235. Who surrendered at Appomattox Court-
A. preserve the Union / keep the country house?
united A. Jefferson Davis
B. end slavery
B. Robert E. Lee
C. protest taxes imposed by England
C. Ulysses S. Grant
D. gain independence
D. William T. Sherman
231. Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation
Proclamation after which crucial Union vic- 236. Both armies destroyed railroads and
tory? bridges in order to (3-4.5)

A. First Battle of Bull Run A. prevent Sherman’s March and the

burning of Columbia
B. Battle of Gettysburg
B. prevent the enemy from transporting
C. Appomattox Court House
soldiers and supplies
D. Battle of Antietam
C. prevent the Hunley from moving to an-
232. was the first state to secede when an other port
anti-slavery man named Abraham Lincoln D. prevent cotton fields from being set on
was elected president. fire
A. North Carolina
237. Which of these was NOT a cause of the
B. South Carolina Civil War?
C. South Dakota A. The execution of John Brown led north-
D. North Dakota erners to view him as a martyr while
southerners began to militarize for future
233. Early in his presidency, Abraham Lincoln raids.
declared that his primary goal as President
was to B. Popular sovereignty resulted in violent
fighting over the status of new states be-
A. enforce the Emancipation Proclama- ing free or not.
C. President Lincoln ordered the attack
B. preserve the Union on Fort Sumter off the coast of Charleston,
C. allow the South to become an indepen- South Carolina.
dent country D. The North wanted to abolish slavery,
D. end slavery throughout the entire while the South depended on it for its
country economy.


1.11 Civil War 499

238. The Fourteenth Amendment to the Consti- A. The first hot air balloon to drop bombs
tution was ratified following which war? on an enemy target


A. The Civil War B. The first motorized blockade runner
B. The Vietnam War C. The first “missile” launched at a dis-
C. The American Revolution tance greater than one mile
D. The Spanish American War D. The first submarine to sink an enemy
239. Why was the battle of Vicksburg impor-
tant? 244. What is the name of the compromise that
A. The North burnt Florida to the ground. stopped the buying and selling of slaves in
Washington D.C.?
B. The North captured the Mississippi
River and cut the South in half A. 3/5ths Compromise
C. The South captured Washington D.C. B. Missouri Compromise
D. The South marched to Canada C. The Compromise of 1850
240. Who was the president of the Confeder- D. The Kansas Nebraska Act
ate states of America?
245. National (not state) government
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. William Sherman A. state’s rights

C. Morgan Freeman B. federal

D. Jefferson Davis C. abolitionist

241. The following issues divided the nation D. hostility

246. This was the main economy of the Con-
A. environmental federacy
B. constitutional A. Agriculture
C. cultural
B. Industy
D. economic
C. Shipping
242. Which battle was considered a “turning D. Trade
point” of the Civil War?
A. Shiloh 247. Strengths of the North during the Civil
War were all EXCEPT:
B. Ft. Sumter
C. Gettysburg A. 85% of the factories in the country
were located in the north
D. Bull Run
B. The north had the most experienced
243. One of the ways that the Confederate military generals
Army tried to break up the Union blockade
C. The north had more soldiers
on the city of Charleston was by employ-
ing a new weapon known as the Hunley. D. There was double the length railroad
The Hunley was which of the following? in the north


1.11 Civil War 500

248. The third story [of Dred Scott] is A. Confederates

about the politics of slavery and the com-
B. Union
ing of the Civil War. The Supreme Court de-
cision sparked enormous political reaction, C. British
particularly in the North. It destroyed any D. Northerners
chance of agreement between the North
and the South over slavery in the terri- 251. A civil war is a war between
tories. It would be an exaggeration to
say that the Dred Scott decision caused A. people of the same race

the Civil War. But it certainly pushed the B. people of the same country
nation far closer to that war. The deci-
C. two different countries
sion played a decisive role in the emer-
gence of Abraham Lincoln as the Republi- D. none of above
can Party’s presidential candidate in 1860
and his election later that year. That in 252. After General Lee surrendered at Appo-
turn set the stage for secession and civil mattox Courthouse, the main priority of
war Source:Paul Finkelman, Dred Scott the United States was to
v. Sandford [Sanford]:A Brief History A. elect a new president and vice presi-
with Documents, Bedford Books, 1997Ac- dent
cording to the author, the Dred Scott deci-
sion was a turning point in American poli- B. complete construction of the Capitol
tics because C. establish Union forts in the former
A. The decision further divided the North Confederate states
and the South in the debate over slavery D. implement a plan to bring Confederate
B. The decision forced the North and the states back into the Union
South to compromise on slavery
253. The purpose of the Union’s blockade of
C. The decision changed the Republican South Carolina’s coastline during the Civil
party’s stance on slavery War was (3-4.5)
D. The decision encouraged Americans to A. to steal shipments of cotton
vote against Lincoln in the election of 1860
B. to stop supplies from entering the
249. What did some southern states do after state
the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860? C. to be in position to attack southern
A. They had rallies showing their support states
for his presidency. D. to make it easier to transport soldiers
B. They seceded from the Union because from place to place
they believed Lincoln would end slavery.
254. “To set free” is the definition of which
C. They allowed each country in the state
to stay or leave the Union.
A. Enumerate
D. They held a strike against the govern-
ment because they felt the election was B. Emancipate
unfair. C. Enunciate
250. Who won the Battle of Bull Run? D. Encriminate


1.11 Civil War 501

255. Who was William Carney (Union)? A. unified popular support for the war ef-
A. Chilean immigrant who fought in the fort


Union Navy and was awarded the Medal B. superior military leadership
of Honor C. economic aid from Great Britain and
B. Founded the American Red Cross France
C. Served as a Union spy and nurse D. more human resources and war mate-
D. First African American to be awarded
the Congressional Medal of Honor; 260. A major result of the Civil War was that
Sergeant with the 54th Massachusetts
A. slavery spread west
Volunteer Infantry; saved flag at Fort
Wagner despite being wounded 4 times. B. The power of the federal government
was strengthened
256. The most immediate and important out-
C. states were given more power
come of the Civil War was that
D. Jefferson Davis was assassinated
A. The South was able to become an in-
dustrial center for the entire nation 261. Which of the following was a Union
B. The South gained its independence nurse, collected supplies and founded the
American Red Cross?
C. Tensions between different areas of
the nation finally ended A. Clara Barton

D. Slavery was ended in the United States B. Harriet Tubman

C. Julia Ward Howe
257. Which Union fort was bombarded for 34
D. Philip Bazaar
hours before surrendering to the Confeder-
ates? 262. Which popular slogan from the 1800s
A. Fort Pickens could be used to explain the spread of slav-
ery in the Us
B. Fort Sumter
A. Cotton is King
C. Fort Moultrie
B. Vote Yourself a Farm
D. Fort Wagner
C. Go West, Young Man
258. The Emancipation Proclamation D. Fifty-Four Forty of Fight
A. changed the purpose of the war
263. Which one of the following were advan-
B. was designed to free slaves in the bor- tages for the Confederacy?
der states
A. Larger population
C. showed the Confederates they had no
B. Border states on their side
choice but to surrender
C. Better trained military leaders
D. was held until a Confederate victory so
that it did not seem lik a move of despera- D. More money
264. A strategy to conquer the South by keep-
259. What was the most important advantage ing soldiers from getting supplies
the North had during the Civil War A. ratify


1.11 Civil War 502

B. Anaconda Plan 269. Vicksburg

C. scalawag A. North
D. pardon B. South
265. Why is the Gettysburg Address notable? C. Tie
What did it mean for the nation?
D. none of above
A. It renewed the focus of the war and re-
stated the ideas of freedom and equality 270. Lincoln’s main goal at the start of the war

for all.
A. preserve the Union
B. It was the official negotiated peace be-
tween the Union of the Confederacy B. free the slaves
C. The speech was over two hours long C. capture Jefferson Davis
and restated the ideas of sectionalism and
D. punish slave owners
states rights
D. It was about the negative aspects of 271. The Emancipation Proclamation was spe-
democracy and the need for an all power- cific about which slave were free, who
ful central government was considered free?
266. In April 1865 the Civil War ended when A. All slaves in the USA
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. B. Only slaves in the Confederacy
Grant at-
C. Only slaves in the Border States
A. the White House
B. the Confederate capital D. Only slaves in any new territory that
would become a state
C. Harpers Ferry
D. Appomattox Court House 272. What was John Brown’s goal for his re-
267. Prior to meeting the Monitor, what did
the Merrimack do? A. to convince the southern states to give
up slavery
A. Nothing-waited in the water for the
Monitor B. to create a refuge in the mountains for
B. Sank two wooden Union ships and escaped slaves
wanted to sink the Minnesota but it be- C. to start an uprising that would free all
came too dark slaves
C. Hid behind a rock island D. to destroy large numbers of southern
D. none of above plantations
268. After became President of the United 273. General Thomas Jackson received which
States in 1860, seven southern states se- nickname after the Battle of Bull Run?
ceded from the Union.
A. Stonehenge
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. James Monroe B. Rockwall
C. John Adams C. Stonewall
D. none of above D. Rockhenge


1.11 Civil War 503

274. What year did the Civil War begin? C. Abraham Lincoln
A. 1861 D. Victoria Alexander


B. 1977
279. .... By1864, this Union general com-
C. 1619 manded all soldiers in the US Army, noted
D. 1865 for hisdetermination; realized the advan-
tages in manpower, industry and trans-
275. The growth of the plantation system in portationheld by Union army.
the South was influenced by several fac-
tors, including the A. William T. Sherman
A. strong demand for certain crops in Eu- B. Robert E. Lee
C. George McClellan
B. willingness of slaves to work all year
D. U.S. Grant
C. high tariffs placed on crops imported
from other countries 280. Which of the following Civil War causes
D. exchange of southern crops for north- brought about the idea of “popular
ern manufactured goods sovereignty? ”

276. Which document did Lincoln reference in A. Kansas-Nebraska Act

his Gettysburg Address? “Four score and B. Missouri Compromise
seven years ago our fathers brought forth
on this continent a new nation, conceived C. Dred Scott Case
in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition D. Firing on Ft. Sumter
that all men are created equal. “
A. U.S. Constitution 281. “In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow
countrymen, and not in mine, is the mo-
B. Emancipation Proclamation
mentous issue of civil war. The govern-
C. Preamble to the Constitution ment will not assail you. You can have no
D. Declaration of Independence conflict, without being yourselves the ag-
gressors. You have no oath registered in
277. Strict punishment of Confederate veter- Heaven to destroy the government, while
ans and financial assistance to African I shall have the most solemn one to “pre-
Americans were policies pushed by which serve, protect and defend” it. “WHO are
of the following group during the Recon- the ‘dissatisfied fellow countrymen’ Lin-
struction Era? coln addresses above?
A. Radical Democrats A. the audience listening to his inaugural
B. Moderate Republicans address

C. Radical Republicans B. members of Congress who represent

Northern states
D. Moderate Democrats
C. citizens of states threatening to se-
278. Who gave the Gettysburg Address? cede
A. Katelyn BOSS D. men who enlisted and served in the
B. Ulysess S. Grant Confederate army


1.11 Civil War 504

282. Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” 286. Which of the following places these
Jackson played a major role in which bat- events in the correct chronological order
tle? from left to right?
A. Fredericksburg A. Election of 1860; Secession of Confed-
erate States; Battle of Fort Sumter
B. first Bull Run (Manassas)
B. Secession of Confederate States; Elec-
C. Richmond tion of 1860; Battle of Fort Sumter
D. Yorktown

C. Battle of Fort Sumter; Election of 1860;
Secession of Confederate States
283. Former slave, Robert Smalls, impacted
D. Battle of Fort Sumter; Secession of
the Civil War by (3-4.4)
Confederate States; Election of 1860
A. helping General Sherman invade the
city of Atlanta 287. This was the bloodiest single day of the
Civil War
B. writing the peace terms at the end of
A. Battle of Bull Run
the Civil War
B. Battle of Antietam
C. giving Confederate military informa-
tion to the Union C. Battle of Gettysburg

D. inventing the first submarine, the Hun- D. Battle of Appomattox

ley 288. This person was the president of the
United States during the Civil War?
284. Issues that divided the United States in
the 1850’s were A. Jefferson Davis
B. Ulysses S. Grant
A. War with Mexico
C. Abraham Lincoln
B. Industrial Revolution
D. Robert E. Lee
C. Slavery and States’ Rights
289. Conflict in Virginia between the Eastern
D. Railroads and Ships
and western counties over slavery even-
tually led to-
285. What direct effect did Sherman’s “March
to the Sea” have on the Southern civilian A. moving the capital from Richmond to
population? Charleston.
A. Thousands of civilians lost their lives B. the construction of a wall separating
as a result of Sherman’s campaign. the state.
C. an emergency meeting of the General
B. Many Southerners were forced to join
the Union army as a result of Sherman’s
campaign. D. the formation of Western Virginia.
C. Large numbers of civilians lost prop- 290. What war strategy did Sherman choose
erty as a result of Sherman’s campaign. when he marched from Atlanta to Savan-
D. Southerners’ resolve was strength- nah?
ened against the Union as a result of Sher- A. Sherman wanted to see the women
man’scampaign. and children of the south suffer, which


1.11 Civil War 505

would force confederate solders to return 294. The Commander of the Army of Northern
home. Virginia who defeated Union troops in a
battle at Fredericksburg, Virginia in 1862


B. Sherman knew if he destroyed the am-
munition factories and railroads, then the was General
confederate army could no longer make or A. Ulysses S. Grant
transport weapons. B. Stonewall Jackson
C. Sherman used the land as physical bar- C. Robert E. Lee
riers, allowing him to ambush the Confed-
eracy in the Georiga Mountains. D. none of above
D. Sherman would use his food supplies 295. Why was the movement of the South Car-
to persuade young southern boys to join olina Secession Convention from Columbia
the Union army. to Charleston important?
291. When farmers rented land in exchange A. There was more support for secession
for crops, this was known as in Charleston
A. carpetbagging B. There were more abolitionists in
B. segregation
C. More people in Charleston wanted to
C. sharecropping
emancipate slaves
D. crop sharing
D. The people in Columbia were not inter-
292. An example of Popular Sovereignty was ested in secession
the idea that
296. Which group wanted to punish the South
A. slavery would be banned in all future for starting the Civil War?
A. Radical Republicans
B. the government would decide if slav-
B. The President
ery would be legal or illegal.
C. Newspaper Journalists
C. the people would vote to decide if their
state would have slavery. D. Southerners opposed to secession
D. slavery would be allowed in every fu- 297. When a navy tries to prevent its enemy
ture state. from trading overseas they create
293. Which of the following statements best A. an embargo
describes the impact of the Emancipation B. a cut-off attack
C. a flank attack
A. All slaves were freed in both the North
and the South. D. a blockade

B. The practice of slavery was ended in 298. What was one of the many themes in the
the border states only. Gettysburg Address?
C. Slaves were free in the North, but not A. Democracy will overcome all problems
in the border states. of the war
D. The slaves of the rebelling states were B. The men who lost their lives did to pro-
freed. tect liberty and equality


1.11 Civil War 506

C. The South will be punished for their 303. In the Battle of Sherman’s troops
crimes against the Union burned down the city.
D. All slaves in the Confederacy and Bor- A. Vicksburg
der States will be free.
B. Atlanta
299. What was/were the causes of the Civil
C. the Bluegrass
D. Zombies
A. slavery

B. sectionalism 304. What was the MOST SIGNIFICANT out-
C. states’ rights come of the 1860 Presidential election?
D. all of the above A. Abraham Lincoln was elected

300. In the 1850s, the phrase “Bleeding B. Abraham Lincoln lost the election
Kansas” was used to describe clashes be- C. Slavery was immediately abolished
tween (ended)
A. proslavery and antislavery groups
D. The Southern states started to secede(
B. Chinese and Irish railroad workers withdraw/leave)
C. Spanish landowners and new Ameri-
can settlers 305. The process of rebuilding the South after
the Civil War.
D. Native American Indians and white
settlers A. Reconstruction

301. Which man is known for delivering anti- B. Freedman’s Bureau

slavery speeches and publishing an anti- C. Black Codes
slavery newspaper
D. Jim Crow Laws
A. john adams
B. john brown 306. The Anaconda Plan called for all of the
following except
C. frederick douglass
D. dred scott A. blockade of Southern ports
B. dividing the South into two parts
302. Although many farmers fought in the
Civil War, farms in both the Union and Con- C. capturing Richmond Virginia the capi-
federacy were able to continue operating tol of the South
D. assassinating Jefferson Davis
A. military officers assigned troops to
work on farms 307. Where did the south finally surrender un-
B. new farm machinery was imported conditionally?
from overseas A. Antietam
C. women often managed farm opera- B. Gettysburg
C. Richmond
D. relief organizations provided emer-
gency farm labor D. Appomatox


1.11 Civil War 507

308. How were John Brown and Nat Turner A. westward expansion; popular
similar? sovereignty


A. Both led revolts against slavery. B. federal government; popular
B. Wanted slavery to continue. sovereignty

C. Were runaway slaves. C. states’ rights; popular secession

D. Were northern abolitionist. D. none of above

309. used a secret route, called the Un- 314. Which of the following was a result of
derground Railroad, that runaway slaves the Kansas/Nebraska Act?
took to free states or to Canada A. Slavery was allowed in Kansas
A. John Brown B. Bloody battles between people for and
against slavery
B. Hariett Tubman
C. The war with Mexico started
C. Nat Turner
D. The Civil War started
D. none of above
315. Which of the following describes the im-
310. The economy in the northern part of the
pact of the “20 slave law” that was used
United States was and depended on
in the Confederacy?
A. The number of slaves that died in the
A. agricultural
army was reduced.
B. trading
B. The number of wealthy men who died
C. industrialized in the army was reduced.
D. none of above C. The number of poor whites who died in
the army was reduced.
311. The North was a center for and the
South was a center for D. The number of women who died in the
army was reduced.
A. Manufacturing/Agriculture
B. Agriculture/ Manufacturing 316. The Battle of Vicksburg was important in
the Civil War because it
C. Oil/Steel
A. allowed the Confederate army to seize
D. Guns/Fish
Washington, D.C.
312. Which military leader was part of the At- B. broke the Union blockade along the
lantaCampaign of the Civil War? Gulf of Mexico
A. Robert E. Lee C. enabled the Confederate army to seek
B. Thomas Jackson French assistance

C. William Sherman D. gave the Union army control of the Mis-

sissippi River
D. Ulysses S. Grant
317. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclama-
313. When the passed the Kansas- tion after which battle?
Nebraska Act, the hope was that
would peacefully decide if a new state A. Ft. Sumter
would be a free state or slave state. B. Antietam


1.11 Civil War 508

C. Gettysburg A. Election of Abraham Lincoln

D. Vicksburg B. Surrender of Ft. Sumter
318. Each side entered the war with high C. Blockade of southern ports
hopes for an early victory. In material D. The Emancipation Proclamation was is-
resources the North enjoyed a decided ad- sued
vantage. Twenty-three states with a pop-
ulation of 22 million were arrayed against 322. General Ulysses S. Grant differed from

11 states inhabited by nine million, in- other Union generals in that:
cluding slaves. The industrial superiority
of the North exceeded even its prepon- A. He believed the North could win by
derance in population, providing it with strengthening the blockade of the south
abundant facilities for manufacturing arms and causing theircivilians to suffer
and ammunition, clothing, and other sup- B. He tended toward caution so as to
plies. It had a greatly superior railway avoid a big defeat that would hurt morale
network.8. List three advantages of the in the North
C. He was willing to see his army suffer
A. Population, inferring superiority, and horrible casualties in order to defeat the
superior railway network south and end the war
B. Population, industrial superiority, and D. He ignored the Confederate capital
superior social networking and instead focused on winning the war
C. Population, industrial superiority, and in the west.
superior railway network
323. Which event inspires South Carolina to
D. Superior leadership, population, agri-
cultural superiority
A. Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes
319. Which of the following was one of the Booth
purposes of the Anaconda Plan?
B. Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Ad-
A. divide the Confederacy along the Mis- dress
sissippi River
C. North Carolina secedes first
B. lead an overland campaign taking the
Union D. Lincoln wins the election
C. incite slave riots in the South
324. Which of the following was a major re-
D. take a defensive approach to win sult of the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision
320. Gettysburg A. greater protection of personal prop-
A. North
B. increased tension over extending slav-
B. South
C. Tie
C. decreased power for the Supreme
D. none of above Court
321. Southern secession from the Union began D. final resolution to the debate over slav-
after the ery


1.11 Civil War 509

325. Why was Vicksburg a strategic location 330. This was formed to oppose the spread of
for a Union victory? slavery.


A. It was in the heart of the South. A. The Democratic Party
B. Vicksburg borders Mississippi and B. The Underground Railroad
Louisiana. C. The Whig Party
C. The Union could control the Missis- D. The Republican Party
sippi River from Vicksburg.
331. Which side was known as “The King of
D. Vicksburg’s population was particu- Cotton”?
larly high for a Confederate city
A. North
326. What event is considered to be the offi- B. South
cial start of the Civil War?
C. East
A. the burning of Lawrence, Kansas
D. West
B. the raid on Harpers Ferry
332. This person was the Commander of the
C. the attack on Fort Sumter Union Army and took over the Mississippi
D. the attack on Southampton, Virginia River.
A. Ulysses S. Grant
327. What were the states between the North
and South called? B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Robert E. Lee
A. border states
D. John Brown
B. boundary states
C. middle states 333. This declaration issue by President Lin-
coln during the Civil War freed slaves only
D. None of these in states in rebellion.
328. Who am I? I was the commander of the A. Emancipation Proclamation
Army of Virginia. My right hand man was B. Gettysburg Address
Stonewall Jackson. I surrendered to Grant
C. 13th Amendment
at Appomattox Court House.
D. Abolition Declaration
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Robert E. Lee 334. Why did Mexico and the US fight the
Mexican American war?
C. Ulysses S. Grant
A. To take control of the American South-
D. Jefferson Davis west territories.

329. Lincoln said the soldiers had consecrated B. Due to the rivalries
the land meaning C. Economic Reason
A. they won the war here. D. Human right reason
B. they made it a sacred site. 335. What is “Bleeding Kansas”?
C. defeated the Confederacy. A. TERM
D. destroyed the Union. B. PERIOD OF VIOLENCE


1.11 Civil War 510

C. SETTLEMENT OF KANSAS C. The Northern economy was based on

D. ALL OF THE ABOVE exports and the Southern economy was
based on imports
336. We must not be enemies. Though pas- D. The South used the barter system in-
sion may have strained, it must not break stead of money
our bonds of affection. The mystic chords
of memory, stretching from every battle- 339. In the years before the Civil War, which
field and patriot grave, to every living state would most likely favor higher tar-

heart and hearthstone, all over this broad iffs?
land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, A. Mississippi
when again touched, as surely they will
be, by the better angels of our nature B. South Carolina
Abraham Lincoln, first Inaugural Address, C. New York
1861What idea is being expressed? D. Georgia
A. the Union exists only through the con-
sent of the sovereign states 340. General Sherman’s path of destruction
was known as
B. the Union requires a nationwide deci-
sion on slavery A. The March to the Sea
B. The Path to Success
C. the Union matters more than current
disagreements between states C. The Traveling Soliders
D. the Union will be preserved through D. The Union March
military force if necessary
341. Which of the following was an advantage
337. Why did Sherman march the Union that the Confederacy had?
through Georgia civilian towns? A. More Troops
A. To get back at Jefferson Davis for own- B. Home Field Advantage
ing slaves.
C. Better Weapons
B. To set slaves in Georgia free so they
D. Better Transportation
could run to the North.
C. To ruin public opinion of the war, and 342. The Union army had a plan to surround
bring down the morale of the South, and the Confederacy, cutoff major ports in the
shorten the war South, and capture the capital, Richmond,
Virginia. This plan is known as?
D. The show President Lincoln that he
was the best canidate for Vice President. A. The Reptile Plan
B. The Anaconda Plan
338. How were the Northern economy and
Southern economy different? C. The Rattlesnake Plan

A. The Northern economy was based on D. The Boa Constrictor Plan

fishing while the Southern economy was 343. Less than a month later, March 4, 1861,
based on hunting Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as presi-
B. The Northern economy was industrial dent of the United States. In his inaugu-
(factories) and the Southern economy was ral address, he declared the Confederacy
agrarian (farming) “legally void.” His speech closed with a


1.11 Civil War 511

plea for restoration of the bonds of union, C. Texas

but the South turned a deaf ear. On
D. South Carolina
April 12, Confederate guns opened fire on


the federal garrison at Fort Sumter in the 347. The Union’s Anaconda Plan included all of
Charleston, South Carolina, harbor. A war the following strategies except
had begun in which more Americans would
die than in any other conflict before or A. dividing the South
since.4. The U.S. Civil War began on April B. blockading southern ports
12, 1861, when the Confederates fired on
what fort, located in Charleston harbor? C. capturing the Southern capital of Rich-
mond, VA
A. Fort Detroit
D. assassinating the Confederate Presi-
B. Fort Duquesne
C. Fort Meigs
D. Fort Sumter 348. Who was the the President of the Con-
344. What was the purpose of John Brown’s A. Jefferson Davis
raid on Harper’s Ferry?
B. Robert E. Lee
A. To make the south “so sick of war that
generations would pass away before they C. Ulysses S. Grant
would again appeal to it” D. Abraham Lincoln
B. To secure enough ammunition from a
federal arsenal to carry out a large scale 349. were those who fought to end
operation against slavery in the South A. Southern; slavery
C. To kill Joseph Smith and end polygamy
B. Northerns; agriculture
in the U.S.
D. To redeem Texas for the slaughter on C. Abolitionists; slavery
the Alamo D. none of above
345. What technological advantage did Lincoln 350. The Union called their plan to defeat the
take advantage of to better supply his South the plan.
armies and win the war?
A. Bull Frog
A. the discovery of gold
B. Alligator
B. industrial manufacturing
C. Anaconda
C. population growth
D. Native American knowledge D. Python

346. James Buchanan denied the legal right 351. Congress added California as a free state
of states to secede but held that the Fed- and passed the Fugitive Slave Laws?
eral Government legally could not prevent A. Bleeding Kansas
them, and then watched silently as
was the first state to secede B. Fugitive Slave Law
A. North Carolina C. Missouri Compromise
B. Virginia D. Compromise of 1850


1.11 Civil War 512

352. Before the Civil War, why did slavery 357. In which battle did “Stonewall” Jackson
expand in the South rather than in the earn his nickname by standing firm, then
North? chasing his enemy off the field?
A. the Constitution contained a clause A. Gettysburg
that outlawed the importation of slaves B. Bull Run
into the Northern states
C. Chancellorsville
B. Congress passed a law forbidding slav-
ery in the North D. Antietam

C. Northern states passed affirmative ac- 358. This law said Americans could NOT
tion legislation
A. Missouri Compromise
D. geographic conditions in the South en-
couraged the development of large plan- B. Fugitive Slave Act
tations C. Kansas Nebraska Act
353. The economy in the South was mainly D. Dred Scott Case
agricultural and relied on-
359. Which battle was the turning point of the
A. slave labor war, when the Confederate invasion was
B. women workers stopped?
C. indentured servants A. Antietam
D. free blacks B. Vicksburg

354. Who was the first state to secede? C. Fredericksburg

A. Virginia D. Gettysburg
B. South Carolina 360. Which of the following Civil War inven-
C. North Carolina tions was designed to break through the
North’s naval blockade?
D. Georgia
A. Ironclad
355. Which of the following Civil War figures
became famous for his toughness on the B. gatling gun
battlefield? C. observation balloon
A. Abraham Lincoln D. photographic camera
B. Jefferson Davis 361. Why did the North need to maintain con-
C. Stonewall Jackson trol of the border states during the Civil
D. Robert E. Lee War?
A. Control of the border states would
356. What was the central point of the Dred
have given the South access to much
Scott decision?
needed centers of industry
A. Slavery was only legal in the South
B. The North relied on the slave labor in
B. The Kansas-Nebraska Act was illegal the region for production.
C. States couldn’t nullify federal laws C. The land of the border states was vi-
D. Slaves had not rights anywhere in the tal for the completion of a transcontinen-
U.S. tal railroad.


1.11 Civil War 513

D. The border states created a buffer 367. In the Union military strategy, what was
zone between the North and South to min- the purpose of the blockade?
imize contact.


A. to prevent Confederate soldiers from
362. What was the basis of the South’s econ- leaving the country
omy after the Civil War? B. to prevent slaves from escaping from
A. factories the South
B. banks C. to prevent supplies from getting into
the South
C. agriculture
D. slave trade D. to prevent Mexico from invading the
363. Chilean immigrant, Hispanic Union naval
hero during the Civil War, received the 368. Which general defeated the Union troops
Medal of Honor at the Battle of Fredericksburg?
A. Davy Jones A. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
B. Philip Bazaar B. Ulysses S. Grant
C. Jose Sequin C. Robert E. Lee
D. none of above D. Jefferson Davis
364. established a secret route that run- 369. How did the Border States differ from the
away slaves took to free states or to other Union states?
A. The Border States had passed an
A. Underground Railroad
amendment to end slavery.
B. Freedom Trail
B. The Border States condemned the
C. Turner Route Fugitive Slave Act.
D. none of above C. The Border States permitted slavery.
365. Frederick Douglass used what skill to D. The Border States had seceded and
work against slavery? joined the Confederacy.
A. rowing boats
370. Why were slaves an advantage for the
B. making powerful speeches South? They were an advantage because
C. singing hymns and rap songs
D. making pottery A. slaves freed up more white men to
go and fight since they knew that slaves
366. Of the following, which is synonymous would work their farms in their absence.
with the term, “Union”.
B. slaves could be used as soldiers.
A. The slave states.
C. slaves could be used as spies and re-
B. The United States of America. port the movement of US soldiers.
C. The free states. D. slaves knew the local terrain better
D. The border states. than most whites.


1.11 Civil War 514

371. The main idea of Lincoln’s first inaugural C. Robert E. Lee

address was that:
D. John Brown
A. The Union was more important than is-
sues between states. 376. Which Union General was responsible for
the “March to the Sea” campagin that
B. The South could secede.
brought the war’s destruction to civilians
C. The North was the only important part in Georgia and South Carolina in order to
of the country. convince them to surrender?

D. That slavery should be abolished. A. General Hood
372. The 13th Amendment to the United B. General Grant
States Constitution FINALLY did what? C. General Meade
A. It gave African American male citizens D. General Sherman
the right to vote.
B. It made slavery illegal in the United 377. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected
States. President of the United States. This event
made the Civil War almost unavoidable,
C. It granted citizenship to all African
but it was this event that historians credit
Americans born in the United States.
as being the “official” start of the Civil
D. It outlawed actions aimed at denying War.
voting rights.
A. The Battle of Gettysburg.
373. Which battle is considered the bloodiest B. The Battle of Fort Sumter.
DAY in American History?
C. The signing of the Emancipation
A. Fort Sumpter Proclamation.
B. Bull Run D. The ratification of the Constitution of
C. Antietam the Confederate States.
D. Vicksburg
378. What date was the surrender at Appo-
374. This act allowed Missouri to enter as a mattox Court House?
slave state, and Maine as a free state. It A. August 1914
drew a boundary line to separate northern
B. December 1867
free states and southern slave states.
A. Compromise of 1850 C. April 1865

B. Fugitive Slave Act D. January 1830

C. Uncle Tom’s Cabin 379. People who were against slavery such
D. Missouri Compromise 1820 as Frederick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Har-
riet Beecher Stowe
375. This man led a raid at Harper’s Ferry to
A. abolitionists
show people they could use violence to try
and end slavery. B. factory owners
A. Abraham Lincoln C. plantation owners
B. Jefferson Davis D. none of above


1.11 Civil War 515

380. Who won the battle of Vicksburg? 385. When southern states believed the fed-
eral government was limiting their
A. The North
through the Constitution, they moved


B. The South closer to
C. The East A. states’ rights; secession
D. The West B. federal rights; secession
C. federal government; industry
381. What was the direct result of the Eman-
cipation Proclamation? D. none of above

A. All Union slaves were free 386. What was General Lee’s goal at the bat-
tle of Antietam?
B. Slaves in border states were free
A. He wanted to invade the North so Lin-
C. Slavery was declared illegal every- coln would be able to issue the Emancipa-
where tion Proclamation.
D. Slaves in the Confederacy were free B. He was trying to free the slaves in ar-
eas of rebellion.
382. How did women contribute to the war ef-
C. He wanted to invade the North and
fort during the Civil War?
capture D.C. forcing them to negotiate
A. They wrote plays and poems about the a peace settlement and gain foreign al-
war. liances.
B. They fought as soldiers alongside their D. The South was fighting an offensive
husbands. style of war and the only way to win was
invading the Union.
C. They supplied ammunition to the sol-
diers. 387. Which state was the first to secede from
D. They ran businesses and farms and the Union?
plantations. A. Virgina
B. Texas
383. Mexico became independent from Spain
in C. South Caronlia
A. 1824 D. Georgia

B. 1821 388. Which side used more advanced technol-

ogy such as the repeating rifle?
C. 1848
A. Union
D. 1861
B. Confederacy
384. Which of the following states are part of C. European Allies
the Confederacy?
D. Neither
A. Florida
389. Which word means to leave or become
B. Maine unassociated with?
C. Ohio A. Secede
D. Delaware B. Ironclad


1.11 Civil War 516

C. Border State turn set the stage for secession and civil
D. Casualty war Source:Paul Finkelman, Dred Scott
v. Sandford [Sanford]:A Brief History
390. What economic activities occurred in the with Documents, Bedford Books, 1997Ac-
Southern part of the U.S.? cording to the author, which of these was
the most direct result of the Dred Scott de-
A. The cultivation of cotton
B. The creation of textiles
A. The Civil War between the Union and

C. The mining of precious minerals the Confederacy
D. The production of food B. Abraham Lincoln’s election to the Pres-
idency in 1860
391. What event freed the slaves?
C. The Supreme Court overturning the
A. Gettysburg Address
Dred Scott decision
B. Bill of Rights
D. The Abolition movement was sparked
C. Emancipation Proclamation in the Southern states
D. Declaration of Independence
394. This was the rebuilding of the country af-
392. What happened in Congress which ter the Civil War?
showed how divided the country was over A. Sherman’s March to the Sea
B. Reconstruction
A. A northern senator was beaten by a
southern congressman with a club. C. WWI

B. Northern senators refused to admit D. Freedmen’s Bureau

any southern senators.
395. The President during the Civil War was
C. Southern senators walked out so no
more laws could be passed.
A. Thomas Jefferson
D. Northern senators banned slavehold-
B. Abraham Lincoln
ers from public office.
C. Henry Clay
393. The third story [of Dred Scott] is
about the politics of slavery and the com- D. Robert E. Lee
ing of the Civil War. The Supreme Court de-
396. How are uncle Tom’s Cabin and Johns
cision sparked enormous political reaction,
Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry connected
particularly in the North. It destroyed any
to the Civil War?
chance of agreement between the North
and the South over slavery in the terri- A. both decreased tension between the
tories. It would be an exaggeration to North and South
say that the Dred Scott decision caused B. both made Southerners fear slave re-
the Civil War. But it certainly pushed the bellion
nation far closer to that war. The deci-
sion played a decisive role in the emer- C. both highlighted slavery and states
gence of Abraham Lincoln as the Republi- rights
can Party’s presidential candidate in 1860 D. both made Northerners aware of the
and his election later that year. That in cruelty of slavery


1.11 Civil War 517

397. The majority of the battles of the Civil 402. In the election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln
War were fought where?


A. North A. promised to stop slavery as soon as he
was elected
B. South
B. promised to stop the spread of slavery
C. West into other territories
D. Border States C. ignored the slavery issue

398. *Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. It re- D. promised to allow slavery to spread to

pealed the and reopened the question other territories
of slavery in the West 403. According to Lincoln, what was the major
A. Missouri Compromise goal of the Union at the beginning of the
B. Great Compromise
A. Destroy the border states
C. Adams-Onis Treaty
B. Assassinate Jefferson Davis
D. Constitution
C. Preserve the Union
399. What states were considered the Border D. Abolish slavery in the Confederate
States during the Civil War? States.
A. New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, 404. Identify the Supreme Court case that an-
Nevada gered northerners because it said that
B. Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, & slavery could exist anywhere in the United
Delaware States based on the idea that slaves were
C. Texas, California, Virginia, Kansas
A. Marbury v. Madison
D. Tennessee, West Virginia, Kansas, Ne-
B. Dred Scott Decision (Scott v. Sanford)
C. Plessy v. Ferguson
400. How many years was the Civil War? D. Brown v. The Board of Education
A. 2 405. People who wanted to remain a part
B. 3 of the United States and use documents
such as the Constitution to solve problems
C. 1
between the North and the South were
D. 4 known as:
A. Cooperationists.
401. The belief that state governments in the
U.S. do not answer to a higher authority B. Unionists.
and are free to nullify national laws. C. Secessionists.
A. Manifest Destiny D. Progressives.
B. Checks and Balances 406. When was the Civil War?
C. Separation of Powers A. 1861-176
D. States’ Rights B. 1861-1865


1.11 Civil War 518

C. 1870-1876 C. Delaware, Maine, Kentucky, Maryland

D. 2015-2019 D. Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and
407. Which of the following was true when
the Civil War began? 410. What was the MAIN point of Lincoln’s
A. The South had the active support of first inaugural address?
A. Abolish slavery throughout the US
B. The Union was prepared for a long

war. B. Preserve the union and stay together
as the US
C. Many of the important material advan-
tages lay with the North. C. Strike back at confederate rebel
D. Southern industry was sufficient to
conduct a war. D. Appoint a new general of the Union
408. Often called the “turning point” of the
Civil War, this three-day battle involved 411. In 1860, the South Carolina Secession
Generals Robert E Lee, George G. Meade, Convention was moved from Columbia to
and George E. Pickett. This was the battle Charleston because of:
A. The need for better communication fa-
A. Appomattox cilities.
B. Fredericksburg
B. The report of small pox in Columbia.
C. Gettysburg
C. The need for better transportation.
D. Vicksburg
D. The need for more space for the con-
409. No state left the Union with greater re- vention.
luctance than Virginia. Its statesmen had
a leading part in the winning of the Revo- 412. a person who does not agree with slav-
lution and the framing of the Constitution, ery and wants to stop it is called
and it had provided the nation with five
A. an abolitionist
presidents. With Virginia went Colonel
Robert E. Lee, who declined the command B. a representative
of the Union Army out of loyalty to his na- C. a slave owner
tive state. Between the enlarged Confed-
eracy and the free-soil North lay the bor- D. a person
der slave states of Delaware, Maryland,
Kentucky, and Missouri, which, despite 413. President Lincoln’s first plan for Recon-
some sympathy with the South, would re- struction failed because (3-4.6)
main loyal to the Union.7. Name the four A. Confederate leaders were still in
border slave-holding states that remained power
loyal to the Union.
B. there was no Constitution
A. Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missis-
sippi C. there was interference from carpet-
B. Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, Vir-
ginia D. the plantation system had collapsed


1.11 Civil War 519

414. Civil War began in this location A. The North had excess manufacturing
A. Charleston, South Carolina capabilities while the South had limited
manufacturing capabilities.


B. Gatlinburg, Tennessee
B. The South had more railroads than the
C. Sharpsburg, Maryland North.
D. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania C. The South had more population than
the North.
415. The Freedmen’s Bureau was made to
D. The North’s generals had a better un-
A. send runaway slaves back to the South
derstanding of the territory on which most
B. Help former slaves and provided food, of the war would be fought.
clothing, medical care, and legal advice
419. This battle forced Lee’s army to retreat to
C. Give voting rights to African American
Virginia. It was the single bloodiest day of
the war.
D. none of these answers are correct
A. Gettysburg
416. This battle showed an example of “total B. Antietam
war”-a path of destruction throughout the
C. Bull Run
D. Vicksburg
A. Antietam
B. Gettysburg 420. Those who opposed the Tariff of 1828 of-
ten called it the Tariff of Abominations to
C. Bull Run describe a tax they considered
D. Sherman’s March to the Sea A. careless
417. How did Lincoln approach the issue of B. nullified
slavery in his speeches? C. revolutionary
A. He avoided slavery as a possible in- D. unfair
flammatory topic
B. He advocated for compromise and the 421. Which of these describes Grant’s terms of
status quo. surrender at Appomattox Court House?

C. He urged the gradual westward A. They were meant to punish the Confed-
spread of slavery through popular eracy
sovereignty. B. They were generous so as to avoid fur-
D. He condemned slavery and affirmed ther suffering
the idea of African Americans’ natural C. They were stern in their demand for
rights. the payment of losses

418. The opposing sides in the Civil War had D. They were meant to show that the
many things in common, a common lan- North sought forgiveness
guage, and a common culture for exam- 422. What woman led escaped slaves to free-
ple. But, there were some significant dif- dom using the Underground Railroad?
ferences. From the answers below select
the one that represents a significant differ- A. Harriet Beecher Stowe
ence between the North and South. B. Clara Barton


1.11 Civil War 520

C. Harriet Tubman 427. Who was the President of the Confeder-

ate States of America (South) during the
D. Mary Lincoln
Civil War?
423. Which of these causes would strong A. U.S. Grant
southern supporters of states’ rights most
B. Jefferson Davis
likely support?
C. Abraham Lincoln
A. Recession, the slowing of the economy
D. Andrew Jackson

B. The prohibition of alcohol
428. On February 16, 1865, Union General
C. The abolition of slavery
William Sherman and his troops reached
D. Secession, or leaving the union the city of Columbia, South Carolina. What
happened to the city over the next few
424. Why was the Battle of Gettysburg a turn- days?
ing point in the war?
A. The Union troops marched through the
A. Lee succeeded in capturing a city in the city without stopping because their main
North target was Charleston.
B. the South suffered many losses while B. In an effort to limit the destruction of
the North only had a few the South, Abraham Lincoln ordered that
C. the loss of troops convinced Lee to the city be spared.
never again invade the North C. Brave South Carolina soldiers fought
D. the outcome convinced European na- off the Union invasion.
tions to aid the Confederacy D. Much of the city was destroyed by fire.

425. Who was the commander of the Union 429. Which of the following correctly identi-
troops fies Jefferson Davis and his role during the
Civil War?
A. Ulysses S. Grant
A. General in the Union Army
B. Nat Turner
B. President of the Confederacy
C. Robert E. Lee
C. President of the USA
D. Harriet Tubman
D. General in the Confederate Army
426. Following South Carolina’s vote for se- 430. Why was the Appomattox Court House
cession, six other states also seceded and significant in the Civil War?
joined South Carolina to create the Con-
federate States of America. Which list in- A. It was the site of the South’s last at-
cludes some of the other states that were tempt to invade the North.
part of the Confederacy? B. It was the site of General Lee’s surren-
der on behalf of the Confederacy.
A. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi.
C. It was the site of the end of Sherman’s
B. California, Oregon, Washington.
March to the Sea.
C. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois.
D. It was the site of an important battle
D. Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylva- that allowed the Union to split the Confed-
nia. eracy in half.


1.11 Civil War 521

431. Where was the capital of the South B. When Charleston was captured, all of
(CSA)? the other major cities in the South had no
choice but to surrender,


A. Atlanta, GA
C. The Confederate Army had not ex-
B. Miami, FL
pected the Union to launch an attack on
C. New York, NY Charleston.
D. Richmond, VA D. Charleston served as a major port, and
many of the supplies for the Confederate
432. This was the main economy of the union Army came through the city.
A. Agriculture 436. Which statements accurately describe the
B. Industry Battle of Gettysburg? (Choose 3)
A. It was a short battle with no deaths.
C. Shipping
B. It was a turning point in the war.
D. Trade
C. It was the deadliest three days of the
433. Elite plantation owners lost much of their war, and many Americans were killed.
wealth as a result of the war because D. It ended the South’s hope to invade the
(3-4.5) North.
A. they were not able to export their cot- E. It was the first major battle in the war.
ton due to the blockade
437. Lee surrendered his army to Grant at
B. they lost property when the Union
A. Appomattox Courthouse
army freed their slaves and burned their
buildings B. Cold Harbor
C. Petersburg
C. their Confederate bonds and currency
became worthless when the South lost the D. Richmond
438. Contraband slaves
D. All of the above A. Free/Former slaves the would camp
out close by the Union cause they not only
434. When studying the Civil War, the word
feed them but educated them.
“secede” means
B. Water bottle
A. to withdraw or leave the Union
C. Table
B. to join the Union
D. Answer option 4
C. to be in opposition to slavery
439. What was one outcome of the Compro-
D. to be in favor of slavery mise of 1850?
A. Slavery was banned in Washington,
435. The city of Charleston suffered numerous
attacks and bombardments during the Civil
War. Why were the aggressive Union tac- B. Stephen A. Douglas lost prestige.
tics on the city so damaging to the Confed- C. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave
erates? Act
A. The majority of the Confederate Army D. Northern and Southern tensions imme-
was stationed in Charleston. diately increased.


1.11 Civil War 522

440. Commonly, the Union soldiers uniforms 445. The commanding general of the Confeder-
were ate army was
A. Red A. Ulysses Grant
B. Grey B. Robert E. Lee
C. Brown C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Blue D. William Sherman

441. During the South Carolina’s Secession 446. “In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow
Convention in 1860, the delegates (3- countrymen, and not in mine, is the mo-
4.4) mentous issue of civil war. The gov-
ernment will not assail you. You can
A. voted to secede from the United States
have no conflict, without being yourselves
B. voted to abolish slavery in South Car- the aggressors. You have no oath reg-
olina istered in Heaven to destroy the govern-
C. voted to go to war against the United ment, while I shall have the most solemn
States one to “preserve, protect and defend” it.
“What CONCLUSION can be drawn from
D. voted to move South Carolina’s capital this excerpt from Lincoln’s 1st Inaugural
to Charleston During the South Carolina’s Address?
Secession Convention in 1860, the dele-
gates (3-4.4) A. Lincoln realized that a civil war could
not be avoided
442. What were the two sides in the Civil War B. Lincoln believed it was his duty as
A. East vs West President to protect the US from being de-
C. Lincoln recognized that as President
C. North vs South
he was responsible for preserving, pro-
D. Union vs Confederacy tecting, and defending every citizen
E. Federalists vs Anti-Federalists D. Lincoln did not understand why some
opposed his election as President
443. A person who believes all men are cre-
ated equal and does not believe in slavery. 447. President of the United States (Union)
during the Civil War?
A. Annexation
A. Jefferson Davis
B. Abolitionist
B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Northerners
C. Philip Bazaar
D. Sovereignty
D. U.S. Grant
444. Where did General Lee surrender?
448. The Battle of divided the South and
A. Atlanta, Georgia
cut off a major source of communication
B. Appomattox Court House, Virginia and transportation.
C. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania A. Appomattox Court House
D. Durham, North Carolina B. Vicksburg


1.11 Civil War 523

C. Gettysburg 454. What happened in Kansas during the vot-

ing period to decide Kansas’s stance on
D. Manassas/Bull Run


449. What is a “score”? A. Violence broke out
A. 20 years B. It was a fair election
B. a win for the Union C. Only people from Kansas voted
C. a win for the Confederacy D. The election was stopped

D. a win for freedom 455. In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case, Scott
argued he should be freed from slavery be-
450. How did Sherman’s March to the Sea im- cause
pact the Civil War? A. slavery was not a legal institution
A. It caused the South to gain momentum B. slavery was not legal in his home state
in fighting the war.
C. his owner had taken him to a free state
B. It destroyed the enemy’s resources
D. he had been a slave for more than 30
and hurried the war’s end.
C. It caused the North to surrender.
456. What was Lincoln’s plan for rebuilding
D. It caused the South to win. the South?
451. This said all blacks were NOT US citizens A. Treason

A. Missouri Compromise B. Reconstruction

C. Anaconda Plan
B. Fugitive Slave Act
D. Tariff
C. Kansas Nebraska Act
D. Dred Scott Case 457. Who won the 1st Battle of Bull Run?
A. Union
452. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation de- B. Confederates
clared that
C. Draw
A. slaves in the U.S. territories were free
D. none of above
B. slaves throughout the word were free
458. The battle of lasted for three days
C. slaves in the Confederate states were
and was the bloodiest battle in the war.
A. Fort Sumter
D. slaves in the Union states were free
B. Gettysburg
453. .... was the UnitedStates President dur- C. Vicksburg
ing the Civil War
D. Bull Run
A. James Buchanan
459. What was the role of Free African Amer-
B. Andrew Jackson icans in the North during the Civil War?
C. Abraham Lincoln A. They supported the Union.
D. Andrew Johnson B. They supported the Confederacy.


1.11 Civil War 524

C. They were neutral. 464. Which battle resulted in the bloodiest day
D. none of above in all of American history, with neither
side having gained much ground?
460. More factories, larger population, and a A. Seven Day’s Battle
better navy
B. Battle of Antietam
A. Southern advantages C. Battle of Shiloh
B. Northern advantages D. First Battle of Bull Run

C. Reasons for Southern victory
465. Slavery expanded in the North rather
D. Cause of the battle of Gettysburg than in the South because
461. The Dred Scott Decision held that the A. the Constitution contained a clause
United States Congress had no authority that outlawed the importation of slaves
to prohibit in federal territories into the Northern states
A. slavery B. Congress passed a law forbidding slav-
ery in the North
B. abortion
C. conditions in the South encouraged
C. idolatry the development of large plantations
D. bigamy D. the existence of small plantations re-
quired an unpaid workforce
462. (1863) a speech made by Abraham Lin-
coln after a key battle, in which he praised 466. Commonly, the Confederate soldiers uni-
the bravery of Union soldiers and renewed forms were
his commitment to winning the Civil War A. Red
to end slavery and preserve the Union
B. Brown
A. Gettysburg Address
C. Grey
B. Emancipation Proclamation
D. Blue
C. 15th Amendment
467. What was Lincoln’s primary goal at the
D. Speech at Antietam outset (beginning) of the Civil War?
463. What was General Sherman’s primary A. to abolish slavery in both Union and
goal in his famous “March to the Sea? ” Confederate states
A. He hoped that by killing civilians, B. to restore the Confederate states to
Southern leaders would finally be con- the Union
vinced to surrender. C. to punish the Confederate states for
B. He hoped to put an end to the South’s secession
blockade running efforts. D. to prevent slavery from spreading to
C. He hoped that by taking New Orleans, western territories
the South could be further deprived of 468. In 1863, President Lincoln issued the
needed goods from abroad. Emancipation Proclamation, abolishing
D. He wanted to bring the war to the peo- slavery in the confederate states. Lin-
ple of the South and thus kill their willing- coln’s proclamation was particularly im-
ness to continue the war. portant during the Civil War because it-


1.11 Civil War 525

A. settled the issue of states’ rights 473. Which of the following accounted for the
B. shifted the war to a war for freedom most exports in the South?


A. banking
C. ended slavery throughout the united
States B. railroads
D. encouraged former slaves to leave the C. cotton production
country D. iron and steel production
469. Which of the following was an advantage 474. What battle was the single bloodiest bat-
that the Union had? tle in US history?
A. Smarter Generals A. Antietam
B. Defensive Strategy B. Shiloh
C. More Troops C. Gettysburg
D. Highly Motivated D. Vicksburg
470. (YOU MUST SELECT BOTH ANSWERS) 475. Bloodiest battle of the Civil War. Turned
What is considered to be the turning point the tide of the war in favor of the Union.
battles of the Civil War Northern most battle in the civil war.
A. Fort Sumter A. Antientam
B. Gettysburg B. Gettysburg
C. Vicksburg C. Bullrun
D. Annenburg D. Vicksburg

471. What advantages did the North have 476. Publication of The Liberator Kansas-
over the South? Nebraska Act Dred Scott v. Sanford de-
cision The events listed above contributed
A. Superior military leaders
to the
B. Human resources and financial
A. outbreak of the Civil War
B. formation of the policy of Manifest
C. Alliances with France and Great
C. passage of the Missouri Compromise
D. Support of the Southern Democrats
D. annexation of Texas
472. How did the victory at Vicksburg fulfill a
part of the Union strategy? 477. After the Civil War, a reporter traveled
through South Carolina and wrote, “one
A. It directly allowed the Union to capture
marks how few men there are, and how
Richmond, Virginia
generally the young women are dressed
B. It completed the Unions goal of con- in black.” From this statement, you could
trolling the Mississippi River conclude that:
C. It doesn’t fulfill a part of the Union A. The state lost many men in the Civil
strategy War.
D. The battle of Vicksburg never occurred B. The state lost few men in the Civil War.


1.11 Civil War 526

C. The state had too many women. 483. was a proxy war between Northern-
D. The state needed more immigration. ers and Southerners over the issue of slav-
ery in the United States.
478. Who of the following is NOT a Union A. Blackhawk Down
B. Bleeding Kansas
A. Stonewall Jackson
C. Civil War
B. Abraham Lincoln
D. War of 1812

C. Ulysses S. Grant
484. Where were most of the Civil War’s bat-
D. George B. McClellan
tles fought?
479. What was the first real battle of the Civil A. Mainly in the Northwest, near Oregon
War that showed the War would be long
B. Mainly in the Northeast, near Mas-
and bloody?
A. Battle of Lookout Mountain
C. Mainly in the South, near Virginia
B. Fort Pillow Massacre
D. Mainly in the West, near California
C. Gettysburg
485. Abolish means to
D. First Battle of Bull Run/First Manassas
A. separate
480. Harriet Tubman is known for- B. get rid of
A. writing an abolitionist newspaper in C. make more of
D. bring together
B. supporting the continued enslavement
of African Americans. 486. What is the relationship between John
Brown, Nat Turner, and Harriet Tubman?
C. being the personal slave of the Confed-
erate president. A. They all served as spies for the Con-
federate Army so they could be free at the
D. helping enslaved African Americans
end of the war.
escape to freedom.
B. They were recognized by Abraham Lin-
481. How did Stonewall Jackson die? coln for being his best soldiers.
A. STROKE C. They each escaped slavery by travel-
B. SUICIDE ing North on the “Underground Railroad”.
C. INTERNAL BLEEDING D. They each played a role in fighting for
the freedom of enslaved African Ameri-
482. California entered the Union as a free 487. What was NOT an IMMEDIATE effect of
state while southwest territories would the Emancipation Proclamation? (Aboli-
decide the slavery issue themselves. tionists were upset about this)
A. Missouri Compromise A. Not a single slave was made free.
B. Kansas-Nebraska Act B. Border States stayed loyal to Union
C. Compromise of 1850 C. Britain and France chose not to ally
D. none of above with the Conf. and slavery


1.11 Civil War 527

D. Soldiers had to return home across the B. Harriet Tubman

south in order to protect against slave up- C. Harriet Beecher Stowe


D. J.K. Rowling
488. A major impact of the book “Uncle Tom’s
Cabin” was: 493. What kind of city is New Orleans, which
makes it important to both the North and
A. The abolitionist movement saw rapid the South?
A. Port City
B. Kansas left the Union.
B. Southern Capital
C. Florida ended their slave policy.
C. Border City
D. There was a drastic increase in the
D. Army Headquarters
number of slaves in the North.
494. One effect of the Emancipation Proclama-
489. ....is consideredthe battle where the first
tion was that it
shots of the Civil War were fired.
A. Immediately freed southern slaves
A. Bull Run
B. Gave a moral purpose to the war
B. Fort Sumter
C. United the Republican Party
C. Appomattox
D. Freed slaves in the border states
D. Wilson’s Creek
495. John Brown led a raid on the United
490. What was the Anaconda Plan? States Armory (Arsenal) at , Virginia
A. Was a plan for the Union and the Con- in 1859.
federacy have a truce. A. Williamsburg
B. Was a plan for Abraham Lincoln to B. Harpers Ferry
have an anaconda for a pet.
C. Richmond
C. Was a plan that would help the Union
D. none of above
surround the southern states and divide
them, then end the Civil War 496. How many casualties (dead, wounded,
D. none of above missing, or captured) were there after the
three days of the Battle of Gettysburg?
491. What were TWO advantages the Confed-
A. 51, 000
eracy had over the Union?
B. 5, 000
A. More factories and fighting on their
own land C. 15, 000
B. Better military leadership AND a bet- D. 25, 000
ter navy
497. What Union general is known for his
C. Better military leadership AND fighting march to the sea?
on their own ground
A. Grant
D. More factories AND Railroad lines B. Sherman
492. Who wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” C. Lee
A. Frederick Douglas D. Jackson


1.11 Civil War 528

498. What major battle was important in con- C. General Stonewall Jackson
trolling the Mississippi River? D. General Ulysses S. Grant
A. Battle of Bull Run
503. Which event does Texas Emancipation
B. Battle of Gettysburg Day, or Juneteenth Celebrate?
C. Battle of Antietam A. The day Texas rejoined the Union
D. Battle of Vicksburg B. The day president Lincoln signed the
Emancipation Proclamation

499. Most Southerners believed that states
C. The day the end of slavery was offi-
had freely created and joined the Union
cially announced in Texas
and could freely leave it. This belief caused
what war in the United States? D. The day black codes were repealed in
A. Revolutionary War
504. Many women began to work as dur-
B. War of 1812
ing the Civil War.
C. Mexican-American War
A. soldiers
D. Civil War B. nurses
500. All knew that this interest was, some- C. sailors
how, the cause of the war. To strengthen, D. generals
perpetuate, and extend this interest, was
the object for which the insurgents would 505. The Northern plan to win the war was
rend the Union, even by war;-President called
Abraham Lincoln, second inaugural ad- A. Secret Order 191
dress, 1865 **In the excerpt above, what B. The Anaconda Plan
does “this interest” refer to?
C. The Hartford Convention
A. The Confederate States of America
D. Shays’ Rebellion
B. Protective tariffs
506. In the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court
C. slavery decided that (select all that apply)
D. The U.S. Constitution A. Dred Scott was not a free person and
had to remain a slave.
501. In the years following the Revolutionary
War, the economy in the southern part of B. the Missouri Compromise rule was un-
the United States was based on- constitutional.
A. industries C. African-Americans were not citizens of
the United States.
B. textiles
D. only the government could restrict the
C. coal mining spread of slavery.
D. agriculture 507. Who won the battle of Shiloh?
502. Who led the Confederate Army at Gettys- A. Union
burg? B. Confederates
A. General George Washington C. Draw
B. General Robert E. Lee D. none of above


1.11 Civil War 529

508. Use the excerpt and your knowledge Texas MarylandSouth Carolina Alabama
of social studies to answer the follow- Kentucky Mississippi Florida
ing questions. “February 9-We estab-


A. Kansas, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware
lished a regular camp here. This last
march has been a very hard one, and only B. New York, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio
a distance of thirty miles. But it took C. South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia,
us from Wednesday to Sunday, through Texas, Mississippi, Florida
snow, rain, and mud ankle-deep and with- D. California, Oregon, Kansas, Michigan
out rations. Kinston is a perfect ruin, as
the Yankees have destroyed everything 512. What was the primary cause of the Amer-
they could barely touch, but it must at one ican Civil War?
time have been a very pretty town-but
A. Cotton
now nothing scarcely but chimneys are left
to show how the Yankees are trying to re- B. Immigration
construct the Union.” -Louis Leon, The Bat- C. Slavery
tle of Gettysburg, Diary of a Tar Heel Con-
D. Native Americans
federate SoldierWhat does Leon say about
the town of Kinston? 513. In the Gettysburg Address, which set of
A. The town has been severely damaged values does Abraham Lincoln most clearly
by Union troops. associate with the nation he leads?
B. Union soldiers have created a base A. freedom and equality
there. B. creativity and ingenuity
C. Kinston has been fighting for the C. prosperity and opportunity
D. self-reliance and individuality
D. During the war, the town has remained
untouched. 514. What amendment states that anyone
born on US soil is a citizen of America and
509. What were the advantages the South had their rights can’t be taken away?
in the war? (Check all that apply). A. 12th
A. Military leadership (better generals) B. 13th
B. Larger army C. 14th
C. Fighting in familiar territory D. 15th
D. More money
515. The South nonetheless had certain advan-
510. The commanding general of the Union tages. The most important was geogra-
army was phy; the South was fighting a defensive
war on its own territory. It could estab-
A. Ulysses Grant
lish its independence simply by beating off
B. Robert E. Lee the Northern armies. The South also had a
C. William Sherman stronger military tradition, and possessed
the more experienced military leaders.9.
D. John Wilkes Booth List three advantages of the South.
511. SELECT the states that seceded from the A. Industrial superiority, agricultural su-
United States. Missouri Kansas Georgia periority, and military leadership


1.11 Civil War 530

B. Fighting offensive war, military tradi- C. Power is equally shared between the
tion, and military leadership. state and national government
C. Military leadership, fighting offensive D. The confederacy was an autocracy
wars, and military tradition with the power controlled only by the
D. Fighting defensive war, military tradi- planter class
tion, and military leadership.
520. Who was Dred Scott?
516. Which compromise is described by the fol- A. an abolitionist Senator

lowing provisions? 1. California enters as
B. a slave owner from Georgia
a free state.2. Utah and New Mexico’s
status determined by the people.3. The C. a conductor on the Underground Rail-
Fugitive Slave Act becomes harsher. road
A. Missouri Compromise D. a slave who sued for his freedom
B. Compromise of 1850 521. Slavery taken into free territory, sued
C. Great Compromise for his freedom in supreme court and lost.
D. Kansas-Nebraska Act A. Eli Whitney
517. Emancipation means B. Abe Lincoln
A. the capture of slaves C. Dred Scott
B. the freeing of slaves D. Frederick Douglass
C. the act of issuing laws 522. The two sides agreed to a even
D. the act of enforcing laws though it meant they didn’t get all that
they wanted.
518. Which of the following is an accurate
statement about the Deep South and Up- A. abolitionist
per South (Border States)? B. appease
A. The Deep South had more slaves and C. states’ rights
more land for plantations.
D. compromise
B. The Upper States was heavily industri-
alized. 523. invented the cotton gin.
C. The Upper South never had labor short- A. Benjamin Franklin
ages. B. Thomas Edison
D. The Deep South only produced on kind
C. Eli Whitney
of crop.
D. Frank Lloyd Garrison
519. Explain how the Confederal system (Con-
federacy) of government is different from 524. Before the Civil War, the principle of pop-
the Federal (Union) system of govern- ular sovereignty was proposed as a means
ment. of
A. Power resides in a strong central gov- A. allowing states to secede from the
ernment Union
B. Power is in the hand of individual B. permitting voters to nullify federal
states laws


1.11 Civil War 531

C. deciding the legalization of slavery in a B. People in the North were tired of war
new state and having to deal with the South.


D. overturning unpopular decisions of the C. African-Americans moved to the North
Supreme Court in large numbers
D. America got involved in a war with
525. “We are now far into the fifth year, since
Great Britain.
a policy was initiated, with the avowed
object, and confident promise, of putting 528. The Battle of Antietam was the:
an end to slavery agitation. Under the
A. Bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
operation of that policy, that agitation
has not only, not ceased, but has con- B. The only battle fought in the North.
stantly augmented. In my opinion, it will C. The only battle fought using artillery.
not cease, until a crisis shall have been D. A major defeat for Winfield Scott.
reached, and passed. ‘A house divided
against itself cannot stand.’ I believe this 529. In what way was the Battle of Gettys-
government cannnot endure, permanently burg a turning point in the Civil War?
half slave and half free. I do not expect (SSUSH9d)
the Union to be dissolved-I do not expect A. For the first time, Lee had the opportu-
the house to fall-but I do expect it will nity to move his troops toward Washing-
cease to be divided. It will become all one ton DC withoutresistance
thing, or all the other.”-Abraham Lincoln,
B. The battle cleared the way for General
1858To what did Abraham Lincoln refer
Sherman to begin his March to the Sea
when he said, “A house divided against it-
self cannot stand”? C. The loss led Lee to retreat to Appomat-
tox where he was forced to surrender to
A. Slavery helped unite states in the
Union forces the next year
D. It marked the south’s last attack on the
B. The Union could not continue with both
North and ended Lee’s hopes for a key vic-
free states and slave states
tory that would kill northern morale
C. Compromise would continue to keep
the issue of slavery at bay. 530. Who was Abraham Lincoln?
D. The Union would be dissolved over the A. He was the President of the Confeder-
issue of slavery. acy
B. He was the President of the Union and
526. Who was President of the United States is most famous for leading the U.S. to the
of America during the Civil War? Civil War.
A. Robert E. Lee C. He want to continue to fight for slav-
B. Abraham Lincoln ery, and he didn’t care about the people
of the United States.
C. Jefferson Davis
D. none of above
D. none of above
531. At the start of the Civil War, both Con-
527. Why did Presidential Reconstruction ulti- federate and Union Armies had many vol-
mately fail? unteers. However, as the war continued,
A. The South refused to change and make both sides were forced to pass conscrip-
freed slaves equal. tion laws, which meant that:


1.11 Civil War 532

A. Soldiers were drafted, or required by A. All southerners owned slaves

law to serve in the army
B. They knew someday they would be
B. Soldiers had to have a certain degree slaveowners
of military training before going into bat-
C. Slavery was an important part of their
C. Soldiers were not the only ones re-
D. They would be executed for disagree-
quired to carry weapons, but also civilians

D. Soldiers no longer had to be white men,
but could also be slaves, children, and 536. John Wilkes Booth’s original plan regard-
even a few women ing Abraham Lincoln was what?

532. -Growing disagreements between differ- A. To Bomb the Capital Building

ent regions of the country-Struggle over B. To Kidnap Him
states’ rights vs. the central govern-
C. Have Someone Else Assassinate Him
ment’s rights-Repeated failed attempts to
solve disagreementsThese are events lead- D. Become Lincoln’s Bodyguard
ing to the
537. Who became president of the United
A. Fugitive Slave Act
States after the Civil War
B. Mexican-American War
A. Abraham Lincoln
C. Slave Codes
B. Jefferson Davis
D. Civil War
C. Robert E. Lee
533. The New York City riots of 1863 were D. Ulysses S. Grant
partly a result of
A. the economic uncertainty faced by the 538. What two iron-clad ships fought an im-
working class portant sea battle in Virginia waters near
Norfolk and Hampton?
B. strong local opposition to federal
taxes A. Lewis and Clark
C. housing shortages affecting recent im- B. Monitor and Merrimack
migrants C. Jefferson and Lincoln
D. the meager wages paid to military re-
D. Meriwether and Clark
539. Two inequalities experienced by black sol-
534. President Lincoln was assassinated by
diers during the Civil War included:

A. Ulysses S. Grant A. Not being paid at all and not receiving

any uniforms
B. Robert E. Lee
B. Not being paid equally and not being
C. John Wilkes Booth allowed to become officers
D. Harriet Tubman C. Being beaten and killed by their Gener-
535. Why was slavery generally supported by
southerners? D. Being forces into slavery in the North


1.11 Civil War 533

540. What did Lincoln use to establish the abo- C. Missouri Compromise
lition of slavery as Union objective (goal) D. The Kansas-Nebraska Act
in the Civil War?


A. the Gettysburg Address 545. The 1) strengthened the North mili-
tarily.2) Encouraged African Americans to
B. his first inaugural address fight for the North.3) Shifted the focus of
C. the Emancipation Proclamation the war to freedom for all. What fits in
D. his second inaugural address the blank?
A. The Gettysburg Address
541. After Lincoln was elected:
B. The Emancipation Proclamation
A. Southern states were happy
C. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
B. Northern states hated him
D. Lee’s Speech at Vicksburg.
C. He began to establish more slave
states 546. Where was the Battle of Gettysburg at?
D. Southern states began to secede A. Pennsylvania

542. First battle in Union territory, resulting B. South Carolina

in single deadliest day of the war C. Virginia
A. Battle of Vicksburg D. Georgia
B. Battle of Fort Sumter 547. What is true about the Battle of Monitor
C. Battle of Gettysburg and Merrimack?
D. Battle of Antietam A. The Monitor was destroyed

543. In the seven states that had seceded, the B. The south claimed victory
people responded positively to the Con- C. It ended in a draw
federate action and the leadership of Con- D. The Merrimack was destroyed
federate President Jefferson Davis. Both
sides now tensely awaited the action of 548. What can you infer from the fact that the
the slave states that thus far had re- first Civil War battles had spectators?
mained loyal. Virginia seceded on April 17; A. People enjoyed spending time out-
Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina doors
followed quickly.6. Which of the follow-
ing states did not join the Confederacy? B. People did not realize how serious the
war would become
A. Arkansas
C. People did not know that war could be
B. Ohio violent
C. Tennessee D. People realized that the war would last
D. South Carolina for years

544. Which piece of legislation stated that 549. Why was the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Slavery was banned north of the 36’30◦ written?
and allowed it south of the line? A. To make a lot of money
A. Compromise of 1850 B. To fuel amnesty between the north and
B. 3/5 Compromise south


1.11 Civil War 534

C. To start the Civil War 555. The Emancipation Proclamation

D. To help shape the public’s opinion of A. freed only Union Slaves
slavery B. allowed slaves to fight for the South
550. The Battle of Gettysburg was critical be- C. freed only Confederate slaves
cause: D. freed Union and Confederate slaves
A. The Union stopped the Confederacy
from invading the North. 556. The Union gained total control of the Mis-

sissippi River at
B. The Confederacy captured an impor-
tant military base. A. Vicksburg
C. The Union was divided in half. B. New Orleans
D. General George Meade was killed. C. Shiloh
D. Savannah
551. What does secede mean?
A. To do well 557. Why were southern states unhappy with
Abraham Lincoln winning the 1860 presi-
B. To leave or separate
dential election?
C. To run fast
A. Lincoln was not on the presidential bal-
D. Slaves lot in many of the southern states.

552. The Battle of Fort Sumter was a vic- B. Lincoln had promised to invade the
tory. southern states in order to end slavery.

A. Union C. Lincoln had helped John Brown orga-

nize his raid on Harper’s Ferry.
B. Confederate
D. all of the above
C. American
D. Canadian 558. Which of the following was a major im-
pact of the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott v.
553. Which issue best reflects the “house di- Sandford decision in 1857?
vided” that Lincoln mentions in the Lincoln- A. possible extension of slavery
Douglass debates?
B. further limits on states’ rights
A. Emancipation
C. an expansion of federal power
B. Manifest Destiny
D. a final solution to the slavery issue
C. Tariffs
D. Sectionalism 559. How did Harriett Tubman succeed?
A. She used disguises to avoid suspicion
554. .... this city was keyto the Mississippi; when traveling in slaves states
its capture split the Confederacy in two.
B. She constantly changed her route and
A. Gettysburg her method of operation
B. Vicksburg C. She carried sleeping powder to stop
C. Fredericksburg babies from crying
D. Ice-Berg D. All of the above.


1.11 Civil War 535

560. How could Northern advantages primar- 565. Who led the anti-slavery fighters?
ily be categorized?
A. Jim Brown


A. martial
B. John Brown
B. industrial
C. strategic C. Joe Brown
D. psychological D. Phil Brown

561. More factories, population, and a better 566. Why were there so many deaths in the
navy civil war?
A. Southern advantages
A. Many troops left for Mexico
B. Northern advantages
B. Piracy was at an all-time high
C. Reasons for Southern victory
D. Cause of the battle of Gettysburg C. Outdated tactics and advanced tech-
562. How did the loss of its control of the Mis-
sissippi River contribute to the defeat of D. poor technology and inaccurate
the Confederacy? weapons combined with superior
A. The river had provided direct access to
the Union’s base of military operations. 567. Why did General Lee join the Confederate
B. Losing control of the river removed the military?
physical barrier between slave and free
A. He was in favor of slavery
C. The river had provided the Confeder- B. He felt loyalty to his native Virginia
acy with a power source for factories and C. He believed in the rights of states to
mills. secede
D. Losing control of the river divided the
D. He had been defeated in the presiden-
Confederacy in two and cut off its sup-
tial election
563. What overturned the Missouri Compro- 568. Which of the following was NOT a result
mise’s use of the latitude boundary line? of the publishing of the book Uncle Tom’s
B. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT A. Feminist beliefs that females were
equal in intellect and bravery and de-
served political rights
B. Northerners questioned obeying the
564. How many lives were lost in the Civil Fugitive Slave Act
C. Representation of slavery increasingly
A. 5, 000, 000 became viewed as a dehumanizing institu-
B. 90 tion
C. 500 D. There was an increase in political pres-
D. 600, 000 sure to end slavery


1.11 Civil War 536

569. In which order did the pre-Civil War com- D. The regiment had been created in
promises occur? 1854.
A. Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 573. The Wilmot Proviso permanently banned
1850, Kansas Nebraska Act slavery in this area
B. Kansas Nebraska Act, Missouri Com-
A. Southwest
promise, Compromise of 1850
B. Northwest
C. Missouri Compromise, Kansas Ne-
braska Act, Compromise of 1850 C. Northeast

D. Kansas Nebraska Act, Compromise of D. Southeast
1850, Missouri Compromise
574. How did the Civil War affect states’
570. The States have their status in the Union, rights?
and they have no other legal status A. The supremacy of the federal govern-
The Union, and not themselves separately, ment over the states was firmly estab-
procured their independence and their lib- lished.
erty President Lincoln, message to
Congress, 1861Which constitutional issue B. States gained more power in determin-
was President Lincoln addressing in this ing their own laws.
excerpt? C. The balance of power between federal
A. the right of the citizens to choose rep- and states governments was unchanged.
resentatives D. States lost all rights of self-
B. the power of states to organize militias determination.
C. the unalienable rights of citizens 575. Confederate soldiers often had trouble
D. the legal ability of states to secede getting food, clothing, and ammunition.
Which of the following made it extremely
571. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed a docu- difficult for the South to get needed sup-
ment that freed all slaves in the rebelling plies to its soldiers?
states. This document was called the:
A. The Battle of Shiloh.
A. Gettysburg Address.
B. The Battle of Gettysburg.
B. Ordinance of Secession.
C. The burning of the city of Columbia.
C. Emancipation Proclamation.
D. The Union blockade of Charleston.
D. Reconstruction Amendment.
576. The basic constitutional issue resolved by
572. The Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regi-
the Civil War was the
ment gained fame as part of the Union
Army during the Civil War. What made A. expansion of the president’s war pow-
this regiment unique? ers
A. They fought in fifty-four different bat- B. extension of the right to vote to all
tles. adults
B. All of the soldiers in the regiment had C. supremacy of the federal government
to be at least fifty-four years old. over the states
C. The regiment was made up of African- D. civil liberties of citizens during
American soldiers. wartime


1.11 Civil War 537

577. The Civil War was fought between the B. They were frequently attacked by
years of and other Union soldiers


A. 1831-1836 C. If captured, they would be forced to
fight for the Confederacy
B. 1845-1851
D. They were easily overcome since they
C. 1836-1851
had no weapons
D. 1861-1865
582. Which side had superior generals, such as
578. The election of Abraham Lincoln caused Robert E. Lee, to begin the war?
this state to immediately secede. A. Confederacy-South
A. South Carolina B. Union-North
B. Texas C. European Allies
C. Tennessee D. none of above
D. California 583. Sectional differences (especially about
slavery) developed among the states early
579. What was Jefferson Davis’s primary role in the history of the US. For the most part,
during the Civil War? these differences happened as a result of
A. President of the United States of Amer-
ica A. a Constitution that favored the agricul-
B. President of the Confederate States of tural South
America B. the unique economic situations exist-
C. General for the Union Army ing in each region
D. General for the Army of Northern Vir- C. the different political systems in the
ginia North and the South
D. larger states having more representa-
580. Which of the following advantages was tion than smaller states
most effective for the Union to defeat the
Confederacy in the Civil War? 584. Which enslaved man led a slave revolt in
Virginia in 1831?
A. The North had more railroad lines for
distribution and communication A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Jack Jouett
B. The South had more slaves providing
food from plantations C. James Lafayette
C. The North had more experienced Mili- D. Nat Turner
tary leaders 585. Describe the Monitor
D. The South had a higher total popula- A. Slow, bulky, could not go in shallow wa-
tion than the North ter
581. Which of these was a danger for African B. Very large ship that had guns on all
American troops who fought for the sides
Union? C. Smaller, faster, two guns with rotating
A. If captured they could be sold into slav- top, most of ship was under water
ery D. none of above


1.11 Civil War 538

586. Lincoln’s famous speech to rally the north 590. The economy in the southern part if the
toward a common cause United States relied on
A. Gettysburg Address A. tobacco
B. Antietam Address B. cotton
C. The Sumter Address C. industry
D. Emancipation Proclamation D. ranching
587. Suffrage is the right to vote. 591. Which of these people ran for the Repub-

A. true lican Party?
B. false A. Abraham Lincoln
C. maybe B. Stephen A. Douglas
D. none of above C. John Breckinridge
D. none of above
588. The Battle of Vicksburg was critical be-
cause it: 592. The states that did not break away from
A. Gave the North control of the Missis- the United States were called the-
sippi River. A. Union
B. It gave the South control of the Po- B. Confederate
tomac. C. Mid-West
C. Robert E. Lee surrendered there. D. Canada
D. The North admitted defeat to the
South. 593. Of the following, which one is an advan-
tage of the North during the Civil War?
589. Abraham Lincoln’s victory in the presi- The North
dential election of November 1860 made
A. had more military schools than the
South Carolina’s secession from the Union
South did.
December 20 a foregone conclusion. The
state had long been waiting for an event B. had greater industrial resources.
that would unite the South against the an- C. knew the local terrain better than the
tislavery forces. By February 1, 1861, South did.
five more Southern states had seceded. D. could depend on Great Britain to help
On February 8, the six states signed a pro- them defeat the South.
visional constitution for the Confederate
States of America. The remaining South- 594. Which of the following did NOT happen
ern states as yet remained in the Union, al- at the Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)?
though Texas had begun to move on its se- A. The northern victory turned the tide of
cession.2. On February 8, 1861, six seces- the war
sionist states together formed what new
nation? B. “Stonewall Jackson” motivated troops
to drive back the Union
A. Confederates of the United States
C. It was the first major battle of the Civil
B. Confederate America War
C. Confederacy of America D. Southern forces were marching to at-
D. Confederate States of America tack Washington D.C.


1.11 Civil War 539

595. When did Lincoln add “abolishing slav- 600. Union Blockade disabled the South (
ery” as a goal of the war? Texas) from getting materials like food,
materials, medicine, weapons . Where did


A. When the Southern states seceded
this happen?
B. During the Battle of Vicksburg
A. Along the Gulf Coast
C. In the Emancipation Proclamation
B. Along the Mississippi River
D. After Fort Sumter C. along the Texas Mexico Border
596. Which was NOT part of the Anaconda D. It did not happen at all
601. The name give to the north was what?
A. assassinate the Confederate Presi-
dent A. Confederacy
B. Rebels
B. capture the Mississippi River
C. Union
C. naval blockade
D. Revolutionaries
D. capture Richmond
602. Why did Crittenden’s Compromise fail?
597. In the 1850’s, why did many runaway
slaves go to Canada? A. Southern states did not support Crit-
tenden’s suggestions.
A. They feared being drafted into the
Northern army B. Democrats refused to vote for the com-
B. The Fugitive Slave Act kept them at risk
C. Northern states did not want to allow
in the US
Southern states an opportunity to rejoin
C. Northern abolitionists refused to help the Union without punishment.
fugitive slaves
D. Lincoln convinced senators to vote
D. More factory jobs were available in against the compromise.
603. What kind of economy existed in the
598. The name was given to the north Northern states?
A. Confederacy A. agricultural
B. Rebels B. industrial
C. Union C. suburban
D. Revolutionaries D. rural

599. John Brown wanted to arm the and 604. Fort Sumter was significant to the Civil
start a war. He was stopped when he was war because
captured by United States Marine troops. A. Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered here
at Appomattox Courthouse
A. farmers
B. The Confederate-held fort was sieged
B. slaves
and overtaken by the Union
C. factory workers
C. The Confederate Army was defeated
D. none of above terribly


1.11 Civil War 540

D. It marked the beginning of the Civil B. they lost everything because the war
War destroyed their plantations

605. One advantage the Confederacy had over C. They had to give up their land to the
the Union during the Civil War was that Union
Confederate forces had D. They were put in prison
A. numerous factories for producing
weapons and ammunition 610. One Southern advantage during the Civil
War was

B. a large number of military troops in re-
serve A. having more supplies

C. an extensive railroad system for mov- B. having better leaders

ing troops and suppplies C. having more men
D. knowledge of the terrain where most D. having a stronger navy
battles were fought
611. What were effects of the Emancipation
606. Who created the Cotton Gin? Proclamation?
A. Eli Whitney A. Freed slaves in areas of Rebellion,
B. John Bell denying south of foreign support
C. Jefferson Davis B. Freed Slaves across the Border States
D. Solomon Northup and the Union because Lincoln had the
power to do so in those areas
607. The first Battle of was the first major C. It restated the goals of the war and the
battle of the Civil War. belief in democracy as a nation
A. Manassas/Bull Run D. It protected property rights across all
B. Vicksburg of the United States, even in areas of re-
C. Gettysburg
D. Fort Sumter 612. Who was the president of the United
States during the Civil War?
608. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson was a
A. Ulysses S. Grant
A. The most famous Union General
B. Robert E. Lee
B. Brave Confederate soldier buried un-
der a memorial in Richmond, Va C. Abraham Lincoln
C. Confederate General who refused to D. Jefferson Davis
back down during the Battle of Bull Run
613. Which term best describes the Battle of
D. Union General who cautiously planned Gettysburg?
A. small scale
609. What happened to Southern plantation
B. turning point
owners after the Civil War?
C. endgame
A. they went back to the cotton trade and
continued to make a fortune D. bloodless


1.11 Civil War 541

614. Which part of the country dealt more in 618. Why did the Siege of Vicksburg affect the
industry? balance of power during the Civil War?


A. North A. Several important Confederate gener-
als were killed.
B. South
B. Union troops were pushed back across
C. Nortwhest the Ohio River.
D. Southwest C. The Confederate territory was divided
in half.
615. Virginia seceded from the Union along
with other southern states to form the D. Severe casualties were inflicted on
Union forces.
A. United States of the South
619. Which was a cause of the Civil War?
B. United States of the Confederacy
(Check all that apply).
C. Confederate States of America A. Election of 1860
D. none of above B. States’ rights
616. was the president of the Confederate C. Sectionalism
States of America. D. Slavery
A. Jefferson Davis E. Industry vs Agriculture
B. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 620. How did the South explain their right to
C. Horace Mann secede from the Union?

D. Toussaint L’Ouverture A. Declaration of Independence gave

Southerners the right to Revolt
617. The event that transpired at Appomattox B. Constitution’s right to free speech al-
Courthouse in April, 1865 was significant lowed them to secede
for what reason?
C. They argued that each state had volun-
A. President Abraham Lincoln issued the tarily joined the Union, so they could vol-
Emancipation Proclamation, declaring the untarily leave
freedomof all slaves throughout the Con- D. 5th Amendment protected property
federacy. owners and any attacks on property
B. Confederate General Robert E. Lee
621. Where were the first shots fired during
surrendered to Union General Ulysses S.
the Civil War?
Grant, thusbringing an end to the Civil
War. A. Ft. Sumter
C. Union forces under the command B. Gettysburg
of General George Meade defeated a C. Antietam
much largerConfederate army, prevent-
D. Vicksburg
ing Southern troops from invading the
North. 622. This 1857 ruling declared slaves are
D. Confederate troops fired on Union sol- property and not citizens therefore they
diers camped outside the town, thus be- had to rights.
ginning theCivil War. A. Dred Scott v Sandford


1.11 Civil War 542

B. McCulloch v Maryland B. Union

C. Emancipation Proclamation C. Border
D. Worcester v Georgia D. none of above

623. What Union general is responsible for the 628. Who defeated an army twice its size at
burning of Atlanta and the “march to the Chancellorsville?
sea? ” A. Union
A. William T. Sherman

B. Confederates
B. Robert E. Lee C. Draw
C. Abraham Lincoln D. none of above
D. Ulysses S. Grant
629. The signing of which of the listed below
624. General Robert E. Lee was- made “freeing the slaves” the new focus
A. commander of the Army of Northern of the Civil War?
Virginia A. The Emancipation Proclamation
B. president of the Confederacy B. The Declaration of Independence
C. elected President of the United States C. The 13th Amendment to the US Consti-
after the Civil War tution
D. commander-in-chief of the United D. The 14th Amendment to the US Consti-
States Army tution

625. Why did Lincoln order a blockade of the 630. Place the following events in sequential
Charleston Harbor and entire south? order:A) Sherman’s March; B) Fort Sumter;
A. To catch pirates C) Battle of Gettysburg.

B. To catch slaves A. A, B, C

C. To keep the Southern states from get- B. C, A, B

ting supplies C. B, A, C
D. To capture Confederate soldiers D. B, C, A

626. During Lincoln’s second inaugural ad- 631. What document freed slaves in Confed-
dress, he urged the union to eracy, but not in the Boarder States that
A. punish the south for what they had were loyal to the Union?
done A. 13th Amendment
B. begin the process of healing B. Gettysburg Address
C. amend the constitution to eliminate C. Emancipation Proclamation
slavery D. Inagural Address
D. Invade the south to finish the war
632. It was during this speech that Lincoln
627. Which states were essential to victory stressed, “Charity for all, and malice to-
for each side? wards none.”
A. Confederate A. His 1st Inaugural


1.11 Civil War 543

B. The Emancipation Proclamation 637. The Hunley was a significant develop-

ment during the Civil War because (3-
C. The Gettysburg Address


D. His 2nd Inaugural Address
A. it was the largest railroad engine built
633. How was the Civil War different from the to transport troops
American Revolution? B. it was the first submarine to sink an
enemy war ship
A. The U.S. successfully established its in-
dependence in the Revolution; the Confed- C. it was the first armored tank to serve
eracy did not during the Civil War on the battlefield
B. The Civil War was fought in the United D. it was the largest cannon used to de-
States; the Revolution was fought in fend Fort Sumter
638. What did U.S. Senator Stephen Dou-
C. The Revolutionary War involved naval glas propose in the Kansas-Nebraska Act
battles; the Civil War was fought entirely (1854)?
on land
A. to uphold the Missouri Compromise of
D. The Civil War was fought between 18
the U.S. and Britain; the Revolution was
B. to make both Kansas and Nebraska
fought between groups in the U.S.
slave states
634. The event which is considered to be the C. to allow slavery in Kansas but not in
start of the Civil War is (3-4.4) Nebraska
A. the election of President Lincoln D. to allow both Kansas and Nebraska to
have popular sovereignty
B. the election of Jefferson Davis
C. the firing on Fort Sumter 639. Determine if the statement describes the
Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment, the 13th
D. the sinking of the Hunley U.S. Colored Troops, or both:lost almost
40% of their men in the Battle of Ten-
635. One reason Texas joined the Confederacy
nessee but won a victory there for the
A. Sam Houston supported Secession A. Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment
B. Union Troops attacked Galveston B. 13th U.S. Colored Troops
C. Lincoln was elected President C. Both
D. Texans wanted to abolish slavery D. none of above

636. What was the name of the Union iron- 640. .... wasthe largest and bloodiest battle
clad? ever fought on American soil, lasting three-
days and having more than 54, 000 casu-
A. The USS Ironclad
alties and is considered the turning pointof
B. The USS Eagle the war.
C. The USS Monitor A. Gettysburg
D. none of above B. Vicksburg


1.11 Civil War 544

C. Antietam C. Ulysses S. Grant

D. Shiloh D. Jefferson Davis

641. What was The Anaconda Plan also 646. The Missouri Compromise tried to satisfy
known as? people with different beliefs about slavery
A. The Union Attack by-

B. The Union Brigade A. admitting one free state and one slave
state to the Union

C. The Confederate Defeat Plan
B. prohibiting slavery in the Kansas Terri-
D. The Union Blockade tory
642. Which countries were Confederates C. ending the slave trade throughout the
counting on for help? country
A. Canada and Mexico D. spreading slavery to plantations grow-
B. France and England ing cotton and tobacco

C. France and Mexico 647. Which of the following was not a ruling
D. Canada and England of Scott v. Sanford
A. An enslaved person could not become
643. People who thought South Carolina might free by traveling to a free state or terri-
have to secede, but should only do so with tory.
the support of other Southern states were
known as: B. A free African-American was a citizen
of the US.
A. Cooperationists.
C. An enslaved person was considered
B. Unionists. property and didn’t have any rights.
C. Secessionists. D. Congress could not prevent the spread
D. Republicans. of slavery into the western territories.

644. What was a major weakness of the Con- 648. Speech in which Lincoln declared the Con-
federacy? stitution was a contract between all states
A. factories and an individual state could not secede on
its own decision
B. smaller populations
A. Lincoln’s 1st inaugural Address
C. larger populations
B. Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address
D. poor populations
C. Emancipation Proclamation
645. Who am I? I accepted the surrender of D. Gettysburg Address
Robert E. Lee at Appomattox Court House.
I was the 18th president of the Unite 649. John Brown angered many Southerners
States. I earned the nickname, “Uncon- becausehe threatened to change their way
ditional Surrender.” After the battle of of life. How didhis actions do so?
Vicksburg, I was given control of the union A. He destroyed railroads that farmers
Army used to shiptheir crops.
A. Abraham Lincoln B. He burned the cotton crops that farm-
B. Stonewall Jackson ers sold tomake a living.


1.11 Civil War 545

C. He wanted to free the slaves, who did B. Stephen A. Douglas

much ofthe work in the South.
C. John Breckinridge


D. He attacked the British, who bought
D. none of above
most of thecotton grown in the South.

650. The Northern economy had a lot of man- 654. What is total war?
ufacturing, while the Southern economy A. a military strategy that includes de-
was almost exclusively agricultural. What stroying the enemy’s ability and will to
is this describing? fight
A. The Differences in the West and Texas B. a military strategy that includes flank-
before the Civil War. ing the enemy
B. Transportation differences between C. a military strategy put into effect by
the North and South Southern Generals
C. the economic differences between the
D. a military strategy put into effect by
North and the South in the period prior to
Southern Generals
the Civil War
D. The differences between the US and 655. Famous general who used “scorched
Great Britain in the middle of the 1800s. earth” tactics on his march through Geor-
651. What advantage did the Confederate
army have over the Union army? A. Ulysses S Grant
A. The Confederate army had more sol- B. Robert E Lee
diers C. Andrew “Stonewall” Jackson
B. The Confederacy had more territory
D. William Sherman
C. The Confederate army had better gen-
erals 656. The Union forces hurt South Carolina’s
D. The Confederate states had a stronger economy early in the Civil War by (3-
manufacturing base 4.4)
A. refusing to buy cloth
652. Delegates, representatives, from the
southern states proposed (refusal of B. blockading the port at Charleston
accepting the Constitution), which would C. destroying the cotton fields
allow them to rule federal acts unconstitu-
tional and allow them to continue to act D. attacking the factories in Columbia
657. A US government agency created to help
A. nullification distressed ex-slaves with all aspects of
B. abolitionists everyday life?
C. industries A. Freedman Bureau
D. none of above B. Freedom Fighters
653. Which of these people ran for the North- C. Congressional Remanufacture Depart-
ern Democratic Party? ment
A. Abraham Lincoln D. Abolitionist


1.11 Civil War 546

658. Which Northern battle in July of 1863 D. Defeating the southern militia (armies)
lasted three days and had 51, 000 casu- stationed in the region
A. Gettysburg 663. What is the subject/main idea of the Get-
tysburg Address?
B. Shiloh
A. Freedom
C. Antietam
B. Self-Reliance
D. Bull Run

C. Voting Rights
659. Who is the president of the Confederate
States after the secession? D. Equality
A. Abraham Lincoln 664. The Emancipation Proclamation freed
B. Robert E. Lee slaves
C. Jefferson Davis A. in the North as well as the South
D. Ulysses S. Grant B. in areas of the Confederacy except
those already under Union control
660. How many Americans died during the
Civil War? C. in the South, but offered to return
A. about the same as the Revolutionary them to their masters who declared their
War loyalty to the Union

B. about the same as WWI D. and offered compensation to the mas-

ters in slave states that remained loyal to
C. about the same as WWI and WWII
the Union
D. about the same as all other wars the
U.S. was involved in COMBINED 665. Which of the following is true according
to data we learned in class?
661. Who was the president of the new coun-
try the South created? A. CSA population was 9 million (includ-
ing 4 million slaves)
A. Jefferson Davis
B. Robert E. Lee B. CSA population was 22 million (includ-
ing 9 million slaves)
C. Abraham Lincoln
C. CSA had more troops and a larger pop-
D. Ulysses S. Grant ulation than the Union
662. Which of the following best describes D. CSA had more railroads and factories
the goal of John Brown’s raid of Harper’s
Ferry? 666. At first, Lincoln did not view the Civil War
A. Raiding the military arsenal to supply as a battle to end His main goal was
later slave uprisings to save the Union.
B. Liberating the slaves being held at the A. states’ rights
arsenal B. secession
C. Preventing pro-slavery groups from in-
C. Slavery
fluencing popular sovereignty (choice) in
western territories D. tariffs


1.11 Civil War 547

667. How did the South’s economy place it at A. Northern tariffs imposed on Southern
a disadvantage during war? cotton


A. They failed to make the switch from B. Slavery
Cash Crops to Food Crops C. The constitutionality of secession.
B. Sectionalism helped the C.S.A. unify D. The North’s ability to tell the South
their war efforts what they could or could not do.
C. The South used many of their slaves as
672. In fighting the Civil War, what was the
soldiers during the war
South’s reason for fighting the war?
D. The South was successful using the
A. to gain independence
Total War strategy and destroyed the
Union’s will to fight B. to reunite the nation
C. to spread slavery to all 50 states
668. Which is not an important technological
innovation in the Civil War? D. to end slavery
A. Railroads 673. As South Carolinians debated the idea
B. Telephones of leaving the Union, people had differ-
ing opinions on the matter. The group
C. Telegraphs
that eventually gained control in December
D. Bromine 1860 was the:

669. What happened to the American govern- A. Cooperationists.

mentafter the Civil War? B. Unionists.
A. The national government agreed to C. Secessionists.
give statesmore power. D. Republicans.
B. The national government agreed to
give up mostof its power. 674. Who was the commander of the Union
Army who led the March to the Sea, and
C. Northern states gained more power in led the Siege of Atlanta?
thenational government.
A. Stonewall Jackson
D. Southern states gained more power in
B. Robert E. Lee
thenational government.
C. William T. Sherman
670. This woman was a nurse during the Civil
D. General Braxton Bragg
War, and later founded the Red Cross.
A. W. O. Hair Hall 675. What is sectionalism?
B. Clara Barton A. a system under which people are
treated as property to be brought and
C. Molly Pitcher
sold, and are forced to work
D. Francis Spinner B. loyalty to the interests of one’s own re-
671. Southern states argued that it was their gion or section of the country, rather than
right to secede from the Union, so states’ to the country as a whole
rights are often argued as being one of C. the deadliest war in U.S. history that
the two reasons the Civil War was fought. ultimately ended slavery and restored the
What was the second reason? union of the states


1.11 Civil War 548

D. political powers reserved for the state A. Abe Lincoln

governments rather than the federal gov- B. Jefferson Davis
C. Robert E. Lee
676. Which of the following headlines would D. Thomas ‘Stonewall’ Jackson
have most likely appeared in a newspaper
in 1861? 681. Southern states that seceded from the
Union formed the-
A. Confederates Defend Sabine Pass
A. Southern States United

B. Texas Secedes from the union
B. Slave States of America
C. Cotton clads take back Galveston
C. Confederate States of America
D. Slavery abolished by Lincoln D. Union of Confederate States
677. Why was the Union victory at Vicksburg 682. By issuing the Emancipation Proclama-
significant? tion, President Abraham Lincoln
A. It allowed the Union to take a defen- A. Lost all Northern support for the war
sive position and ensure the Confederate B. Increased Union war goals to include
army could not invade the North. the ending of slavery
B. It boosted Union morale and allowed C. brought a quick end to the Civil War
the Union to go on to victory in the Battle
D. strengthened that states’ rights were
of Shiloh.
more important than federal rights
C. It boosted Union morale and allowed
Sherman to end his March to the Sea. 683. When Congress passed the 15thamend-
D. It allowed the Union to take control of
the Mississippi River and split the Confed- A. African Americans were given the right
eracy in half. to vote
B. slavery was abolished
678. What was the final Northern destination
C. women became landowners
for most people escaping slavery on the
Underground Railroad? D. a new Constitution was established
A. Mexico 684. Read this quotation from the beginning
of the Gettysburg Address.Four score and
B. Ohio
seven years ago our fathers brought forth
C. Canada on this continent a new nation, conceived
D. Illinois in Liberty What does Lincoln’s refer-
ence to an earlier time period suggest?
679. Whose nickname was “Stonewall” A. He recognizes the need for humor at a
A. Thomas Harding sad time.
B. Robert E Lee B. He wishes to relate complex ideas to a
common cause.
C. Jeb Stuart
C. He is concerned with losses due to bat-
D. Thomas J Jackson
tlefield casualties.
680. Who was the Confederate President dur- D. He is aware of the nation’s short his-
ing the Civil War? tory and its founding principles.


1.11 Civil War 549

685. What did the Union victory of Vicksburg C. 1st Battle of Bull Run
D. Shiloh


A. It completed the Anaconda Plan and
cut the Confederacy in half 690. The cotton gain was invented by who and
B. Allowed the Union to gain control of in which year
the Ohio River A. Frederick Douglass in 1818
C. The Union destroyed everything in and B. Jefferson in 1824
around Vicksburg to force the South to
surrender C. Eli Whitney in 1821

D. It was the turning point of the war. The D. Toussaint L’Ouverture in 1824
beginning of the end for the South
691. What was the forced military service for
686. What might have happened had the Civil Whites aged 18-35 during the Civil War
War not occurred? A. Conscription
A. The Confederacy would not have been
B. Reconstruction
B. Lincoln would not have been elected C. Freedmen
President D. Scalawag
C. Slavery would never have existed
692. To break away from, or withdraw from
D. States could drop out of the U.S. any- something
time they wished
A. Abolish
687. He was president of the Confederate
B. Secede
States of America (CSA)
A. Abraham Lincoln C. Repeal

B. Jefferson Davis D. Compromise

C. General Grant 693. In 1860, most of the factories were lo-
D. General Lee cated where in the U.S.?

688. The capital of the Confederate states of A. Northern states

America during the Civil War was: B. Western states
A. Charleston C. Southern states
B. Washington, D.C. D. Overseas colonies
C. Richmond
694. Who was the Union general in the West
D. Philadelphia
that gained the only victories for the
689. Which of the following battles is de- Union?
scribed by Union troops destroying ma- A. Robert E. Lee
jor Southern cities from Atlanta to Savan-
nah? B. William Tecumseh Sherman
A. Fort Sumter C. Stonewall Jackson
B. Sherman’s March to the Sea D. Ulysses S. Grant


1.11 Civil War 550

695. Determine if the statement describes the C. 14th Amendment

Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment, the 13th D. 15th Amendment
U.S. Colored Troops, or both:fought for the
Union 701. People who thought South Carolina
A. Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment should secede whether or not other states
joined with them were known as:
B. 13th U.S. Colored Troops
A. Cooperationists.
C. Both
B. Unionists.

D. none of above
C. Secessionists.
696. The Union army gained control of the Mis- D. Republicans.
sissippi River after winning the Battle of
702. This revolution made the Civil War the
A. Antietam
first Modern War?
B. Appomattox
A. French
C. Chancelorsville
B. Industrial
D. Vicksburg
C. American
697. Which region was more agricultural? D. Russian
A. West
703. Which of the following was NOT a con-
B. North tributing factor to the Civil War
C. South A. States’ rights to secede
D. none of above B. Economic differences between North
and South
698. Southern states wanted the new states
created out of the western territory to be C. Division within the Republican Party
D. Continuation of slavery in the South
A. free states 704. There were tactical differences be-
B. slave states tween [Frederick] Douglass and William
C. United States Lloyd Garrison, white abolitionist and edi-
tor of The Liberator-differences between
D. none of above black [African American] and white abo-
699. Most common cause of death in the Civil litionists in general. Blacks were more
War willing to engage in armed insurrection
[rebellion], but also more ready to use
A. Disease/infection existing political devices-the ballot box,
B. Minnie Ball the Constitution-anything to further their
C. Cannon ball in face cause. They were not as morally ab-
solute in their tactics as the Garrisoni-
D. none of above ans. Moral pressure would not do it
700. What amendment abolished (ended) slav- alone, the blacks knew; it would take all
ery? sorts of tactics, from elections to rebel-
lion White abolitionists did courageous
A. 12th Amendment and pioneering work, on the lecture plat-
B. 13th Amendment form, in newspapers, in the Underground


1.11 Civil War 551

Railroad. Black abolitionists, less publi- show the South that the Confederacy could
cized, were the backbone of the antislav- not protect its people.
ery movement. Before Garrison published


A. Total War
his famous Liberator in Boston in 1831,
the first national convention of Negroes B. Siege
had been held, David Walker had already C. Guerrilla
written his “Appeal, “ and a black abo-
D. Craft War
litionist magazine named Freedom’s Jour-
nal had appeared. Of The Liberator’s first 707. Name the Presidents from both Sides.
twenty-five subscribers, most were black
A. Jefferson Davis (Confederates)
Source:Howard Zinn, A People’s His-
tory of the United States, 1492-Present, B. Abraham Lincoln (Union)
Harper Perennial, 2003According to this C. Andrew Johnson (Union)
excerpt, what was one key difference be-
tween black and white abolitionists? D. Robert E. Lee (Confederates)

A. Black abolitionists relied only on ex- 708. A basic assumption used to justify the
isting political tactics such as voting and continuation of slavery in America was
amending the Constitution that slaves were
B. White abolitionists felt that a variety of A. illegal immigrants
tactics were necessary, including armed B. debtors
C. minorities
C. Black abolitionists were more willing
to engage in armed rebellion than white D. personal property
abolitionists 709. The commander of the Confederate Army
D. White abolitionists did not participate was
in the Underground Railroad A. Robert E. Lee
705. The Gettysburg Address is important B. Ulysses S. Grant
because- C. George McClellan
A. it stated Lincoln’s views on equality D. Jefferson Davis
(stated that all men are created equal).
710. Stowe is often credited with infl uenc-
B. it stated Lincoln’s views on liberty
ing the country to think differently about
(stated that the war was being fought to
slavery. But what do we know about how
secure freedom for all).
Stowe infl uenced Lincoln? A decade ear-
C. it stated Lincoln’s views on govern- lier, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) had been
ment (stated that democracy is “govern- a publishing and propaganda phenomenon.
ment of the people, by the people, for the Using stories to illustrate the human im-
people ). pact of slavery, Stowe’s blistering pen lit
D. all of the above the world on fire. The statistics remain
record-breaking:10, 000 copies sold in the
706. .... isa term that refers to the destruc- first week; a million and a half British
tion of all possible civilian and militaryre- copies in a year. The book was so suc-
sources in order to cripple the will of the cessful it was immediately dramatized for
other side to successfully wagewar and the stage, where it became a theatrical


1.11 Civil War 552

icon. Massachusetts Senator Charles Sum- D. became Andrew Johnson’s vice presi-
ner, leader of the radical Republicans, said, dent after the assassination of Abraham
“Had there been no Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Lincoln
there would have been no Lincoln in the
White House.” But pro-slavery critics 713. Which major battle had the most casual-
charged that Stowe had made it all up and ties and was the turning point of the Civil
that slavery was a humane system. So War?
Stowe wrote a nonfiction retort, The Key A. Anteitem
to Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1853), compiling the

B. Gettysburg
real-life evidence that had informed her fic-
tional stories According to Document C. Vicksburg
2, what was a major effect of the publica- D. Fort Sumter
tion of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Un-
714. The Civil War began in
cle Tom’s Cabin?
A. 1865
A. More Americans learned how to read
in order to read the book B. 1860

B. Abraham Lincoln was elected presi- C. 1861

dent of the United States D. none of above
C. The Abolitionist movement began 715. The Union army
across the United States
A. represented the northern states and
D. Harriet Beecher Stowe became a fig- wore grey
ure in the women’s suffrage movement B. represented the southern states and
wore grey
711. Following the war, the plantation system
collapsed due to (3-4.6) C. represented the northern states and
wore blue
A. the passage of the Constitution Act
D. represented the southern states and
B. the loss of slave labor wore grey
C. the arrival of scalawags
716. Determine if the statement describes the
D. the establishment of a public educa- Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment, the 13th
tion system U.S. Colored Troops, or both:African Amer-
ican military unit in the Civil War
712. Ulysses S. Grant*graduated from the US
A. Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment
military academy*served in the army dur-
ing the US-MX War*served as 18th presi- B. 13th U.S. Colored Troops
dent of the USWhat accomplishment could C. Both
be added to this list? D. none of above
A. commanded the US military in the
West during the Indian Wars 717. When Virginia seceded, she
A. stayed with the United States
B. led the Radical Republicans in
Congress during Reconstruction B. chose to remain neutral
C. was appointed general in chief of the C. joined the Union
Union army during the Civil War D. withdrew from the Union


1.11 Civil War 553

718. Showing loyalty to a state or section D. The loss led Lee to retreat to Anti-
rather than the whole country is known etam where he was forced to surrender
as to Union forces the next year.


A. states’ rights 723. Confederate General John B. Gordon was
B. secede a civilian-turned-soldier who became one
C. sharecropper of General Robert E. Lee’s most trusted
commanders The South maintained
D. sectionalism with the depth of religious conviction
that the Union formed under the Consti-
719. What president used the Union navy to
tution was a Union of consent and not
blockade southern ports?
of force; that the original States were
A. Abraham Lincoln not the creatures but the creators of the
B. Ulysses S. Grant Union; that these States had gained their
independence, their freedom, and their
C. Robert E. Lee
sovereignty from the mother country, and
D. George Washington had not surrendered these on entering the
Union; that by the express terms of the
720. -California entered as a free state- Constitution all rights and powers not del-
Congress strengthened the Fugitive Slave egated were reserved to the States; and
Act-The slave trade banned in D.C.These the South challenged the North to find one
statements were provisions (parts) of the: trace of authority in that Constitution for
A. Compromise of 1850 invading and coercing a sovereign State.
B. Kansas-Nebraska Act The North, on the other hand, maintained
with the utmost confidence in the correct-
C. Missouri Compromise ness of her position that the Union formed
D. Three-Fifth’s Compromise under the Constitution was intended to
be perpetual; that sovereignty was a unit
721. The Civil War caused which state to split and could not be divided; that whether or
over the issue of slavery? not there was any express power granted
A. Virginia in the Constitution for invading a State,
the right of self-preservation was inher-
B. Tennessee
ent in all governments; that the life of
C. Kentucky the Union was essential to the life of lib-
D. Maryland erty; or, in the words of Webster, “lib-
erty and union are one and inseparable.”
722. In what way was the Battle of Gettys- Source:John B. Gordon, Reminiscences
burg a turning point in the war? of the Civil War, Charles Scribner’s Sons,
A. For the first time, Lee had the opportu- 1904The circumstances outlined in the doc-
nity to move his troops toward Washing- ument contributed to which of the follow-
ton, D.C without resistance. ing turning points?
B. The battle cleared the war for General A. Civil War between the Union and the
Lee to begin his March to the Sea. Confederacy from 1861 to 1865

C. It marked the South’s last attack on B. Election of Rutherford B Hayes as Pres-

the North and ended Lee’s hopes for a key ident of the United States in 1876
victory that would kill Northern morale. C. Emancipation Proclamation freeing all


1.11 Civil War 554

enslaved peoples issued in 1863 B. Antietam

D. Purchase of the Louisiana Territory by C. Manassas
the United States in 1803 D. Richmond
724. Where is the capital of the Confederacy? 729. The 14th Amendment of the United
A. Washington D.C. States Constitution
B. Montgomery A. Gave African Americans citizenship
B. Gave African Americans the right to

C. Richmond
D. Charleston
C. Freed the slaves
725. What important event took place at Ap- D. Gave landowners the right to share-
pomattox Court House in 1865? crop
A. General Sherman began his March to
730. When did the Civil War end?
the Sea
A. April, 1864
B. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
B. April, 1863
C. Southern states voted to secede
C. April, 1865
D. General Lee surrendered to General
D. none of above
731. What was the immediate cause of the
726. During the battle of Vicksburg, what new
secession of Southern States from the
technology was first used by both the
North and the South?
A. election of Abraham Lincoln to the
A. Sliced Bread:D presidency
B. Ironclad Ships B. passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
C. Photography C. raid on Harpers Ferry by John Brown
D. Grenades D. decision of the Supreme Court in the
Dred Scott case
727. Early in the war, the Union Army cap-
tured Port Royal Sound in South Carolina. 732. Sectionalism was usually caused by:
The key reason why the Army did this was A. Social and economic differences.
B. Differences in foreign policy.
A. Invade Columbia, the capital city
C. Debates over prison reform.
B. Seize the Sea Island cotton
D. Rogue soldiers fighting Mexican
C. Launch a blockade to prevent the forces.
Southern states from using the Atlantic
Ocean 733. Gettysburg is know as the “turning
point” in the Civil war. What does that
D. Convince the local slaves to rebel
against the Confederacy
A. The North finally won its first major
728. The Confederacy surrendered to the battle in Pennsylvania
Union army at this courthouse in Virginia. B. Slaves could not fight for both Union
A. Appomattox and Confederacy


1.11 Civil War 555

C. After the battle General Grant would D. new weapons were given to Confeder-
be the top General of the Union ate soldiers


D. This was a major victory for the Union 739. Which of the following terms is defined
and the Confederacy was never able to re- as “when citizens of a territory vote to
cover allow or ban slavery.”
734. Lincoln said our country was conceived in A. popular sovereignty
liberty. What did he mean?
B. tariff of abominations
A. Founded for justice
C. impressment
B. Founded for fairness
D. right of habeus corpus
C. Founded for equality
D. Founded for freedom 740. .... iswhere Lee was forced to surrender
to Grant, ending the Civil War.
735. This topic caused people in the North and A. Appomattox
South to disagree.
B. Fort Sumter
A. slavery
C. Gettysburg
B. States’ Rights
D. Antietam
C. secession
D. none of above 741. All of the following applies to the North’s
advantages in the Civil War EXCEPT
736. This battle was the single bloodiest day
A. Manufacturing economy
of the Civil War
B. More railroads
A. Antietam
C. Larger population
B. Gettysburg
C. Shiloh D. Knowing the land (home-field advan-
D. Vicksburg
742. Which of the following was NOT a goal
737. During the Civil War Era the Norths Econ- for the Union when the war began?
omy primarily focused on (1) while
the Souths Economy was focused on A. Capture Richmond
(2) B. Blockade the South
A. Agriculture, 2. Manufacturing C. Divide and Conquer the states in rebel-
B. Fishing, 2. Selling Lumber lion
C. Manufacturing, 2. Agriculture. D. Fighting a defensive war and force a
negotiated peace
D. Shipbuilding, 2. Saving the Turtles
743. What was the main cause of the Civil
738. Reconstruction was a time when
A. burned forts were rebuilt by slaves
A. Slavery
B. the federal government protected the
rights of the newly freed slaves B. States’ Rights

C. towns and cities developed their own C. Social and Economic Differences
governments D. Jeff Davis robbing Uncle Sam


1.11 Civil War 556

744. “Declare slavery to be a monstrous so- 748. MadeUS Grant a hero and gave con-
cial wrong that is not in agreement with trol of the Mississippi river down to Vicks-
the Constitution of the US which declared burg tothe Union; won because of Grant’s
in emphatic terms that all men are born use of transportation and reinforcement
free” German Convention, San Anto- oftroops.
nio, 1854The excerpt above represents
A. Gettysburg
German Immigrants support of
B. Wilson’s Creek
A. Abolition

C. Shiloh
B. Agriculture
D. Chatanooga
C. Tariffs
D. Slavery 749. What was the time period that followed
the Civil War called?
745. How was the issue of slavery decided in
A. The Golden Age
the territory ceded by Mexico?
B. The Roaring Twenties
A. Congress declared the territory free.
C. The Industrial Revolution
B. Residents exercised popular
sovereignty. D. Reconstruction
C. The new states’ constitutions permit-
750. During the final months of the Civil War,
ted slavery.
Union General William Sherman marched
D. Mexico required that the territory re- his troops through South Carolina and de-
main free stroyed everything in his path. Which of
the following goals was General Sherman
746. According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, most likely trying to accomplish?
the slavery issue would be settled by-
A. He wanted to cut off the Confederate
A. state legislatures Army’s supply lines.
B. constitutional amendment B. He wanted to break the will of the
South and give the Confederates no
C. popular sovereignty
choice but to surrender.
D. federal courts
C. He wanted to compete with Grant to
see who would capture Richmond.
747. How did the South attempt to compen-
sate for its disadvantages? D. He wanted to impress the people of
South Carolina to vote for him when the
A. Southern military leaders devised the
war was over.
Anaconda Plan to end the war quickly.
B. Confederate troops remained within 751. Where did the Civil War begin?
their own territory at all times.
A. Gettysburg
C. Southern leaders approached foreign
B. Antietam
governments for aid
C. Fort Sumter
D. The South quickly began building facto-
ries and railroad lines. D. Manassas


1.11 Civil War 557

752. This statement changed the purpose of C. The Confederate victory allowed the-
the war to make its main purpose to be Confederacy to capture Union territory.
about the ending of slavery.


D. The Union victory forced the Confeder-
A. Emancipation Proclamation acy tostop advancing into Union territory.
B. Gettysburg Address
757. What was the name of the Union’s plan
C. Treaty of Ghent to blockade the South and capture the Mis-
D. Proclamation of Freedom sissippi?
A. March the Ocean Plan
753. The Missouri Compromise of 1820
B. The Battle of Florida
A. allowed the US to add states and to
maintain a balance between slave and C. Anaconda Plan
non-slave states D. Operation Tortoise
B. allowed the US to avoid conflict over
slavery for the next 30 years 758. What was the turning point of the Civil
C. allowed Missouri to join the US as a
slave state and Maine as a free state A. Battle of Vicksburg

D. All of the above B. First Bull Run

C. Battle of Gettysburg
754. Robert E. Lee refused to take command
of the Union forces during the Civil War D. Second Bull Run
because he-
759. What happened to Abraham Lincoln after
A. believed the South would form a new he issued the Emancipation Proclamation?
A. He was assassinated by John W.
B. thought Ulysses S. Grant would make Booth, a Confederate supporter.
a better general
B. He lived happily ever after in a land far
C. did not think it would pay him enough far away.
D. would not fight against his home state C. He was shot by Booth but survived.
755. This person was the president of the Con- D. He moved to Texas and started raising
federacy. his farm of chickens. So many chickens.
A. Jefferson Davis 760. Why was the first Battle of Bull Run sig-
B. Ulysses S. Grant nificant?
C. Abraham Lincoln A. It was the first major battle and proved
D. Robert E. Lee the war was going to be tougher than
many people thought.
756. What made the Battle of Gettysburg a B. It was the first major battle fought in
turningpoint in the Civil War? the North and proved the South could fight
A. The Union victory convinced Great anywhere.
Britain tosupport the Union. C. It was the last major battle of the war
B. The Confederate victory convinced and proved that the South would never
France tosupport the Confederacy. give up.


1.11 Civil War 558

D. It was a major Union victory which left 766. Determine if the statement describes the
the South with no chance of winning the Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment, the 13th
war. U.S. Colored Troops, or both:made up
mostly of slaves and formed in Nashville,
761. Name the most important cash crop for TN
the US during the American Civil war.
A. Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment
A. Cotton B. 13th U.S. Colored Troops
B. Coco

C. Both
C. Pototoes D. none of above
D. Coffees
767. Which side was fighting for it’s indepen-
762. The Civil War is sometimes called dence?
A. Mexico
A. The Cold War
B. Union
B. The Longest War
C. Confederacy
C. The Brothers War
D. none of above
D. The First Modern War
768. Called the ‘turning point’ of the Civil
763. Which of these was a Northern advan- War, this 3 day battle involved Gen. Lee,
tage at the start of the Civil War? Meade, and Pickett. This was the Battle
A. highly trained soldiers of

B. abundant natural resources A. Appamattox

C. fighting in familiar territory B. Fredericksburg

C. Gettysburg
D. control of the Mississippi River
D. Vicksburg
764. What is the official name of the new coun-
try the South created when the Civil War 769. Better officers, defending homes, don’t
started? have to go on the attack

A. Confederate Secession of America A. Northern advantages

B. Commonwealth Secession of America B. reasons North won the battle of Anti-

C. Commonwealth States of America
C. Southern advantages
D. Confederate States of America
D. reasons Minecraft is fun
765. What did the Battle of Vicksburg accom- 770. What was a major strength of the
plish for the Union? Union?
A. Control of Savannah’s port A. education
B. Control of the Platte River B. slavery
C. Control of the Mississippi C. more churches
D. Control of New Orleans D. factories


1.11 Civil War 559

771. The first state to leave the Union after C. South Carolina
the Election of 1860 was D. Virginia


A. South Carolina
775. Confederate General who sttod like a
B. North Carolina
“Stone Wall” against the Union at the Bat-
C. Georgia tle of Bull Run, helping the Confederacy
D. Mississippi win, which shocked the Union.
A. Andrew “Stonewall” Jackson
772. Why did John Brown attack a federal ar-
senal atHarpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859? B. Robert E. Lee
A. to obtain guns to use to capture es- C. Ulysses S. Grant
caped slaves D. none of above
B. to obtain guns to arm slaves and carry
out arebellion 776. Which is the only TRUE statement of why
the European countries did not come to the
C. to convince the federal government to official aid of the Confederacy?
invade theSouth
A. Britain and France quickly recognized
D. to convince the Northern states to se-
the CSA as a new and independent nation
cede fromthe Union
B. They didn’t like the CSA view on slav-
773. This battle was the South’s second at- ery and being blackmailed into aiding the
tempt to invade the North and ended up south
being the turning point in the war.
C. King Cotton diplomacy worked as the
A. Antietam Europeans needed cheap cotton
B. Gettysburg D. Britain and France didn’t like President
C. Appomattox Courthouse Lincoln and his views on slavery
D. Sherman’s March to the Sea 777. How was Grant able to defeat the Con-
774. Abraham Lincoln’s victory in the presi- federate Army and end the Civil War?
dential election of November 1860 made A. He sent General Sherman through the
South Carolina’s secession from the Union South to destroy its ability to supply equip-
December 20 a foregone conclusion. The ment and food to its armies.
state had long been waiting for an event B. He surrounded Gen. Robert E. Lee’s
that would unite the South against the an- Army of Northern Virginia and forced him
tislavery forces. By February 1, 1861, to surrender.
five more Southern states had seceded.
On February 8, the six states signed a pro- C. He convinced the French Navy to help
visional constitution for the Confederate defeat the South.
States of America. The remaining South- D. Sherman marched through the South
ern states as yet remained in the Union, and Grant surrounded Lee’s army.
although Texas had begun to move on its
secession.1. What state seceded from the 778. The bombardment of this fort in April of
Union on December 20, 1860? 1861 started the Civil War?
A. Alabama A. Gettysburg
B. North Carolina B. Fort Sumter


1.11 Civil War 560

C. Antietam 784. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed the

D. Shiloh Emancipation Proclamation. This freed all
of the slaves in the rebelling states (i.e.
779. The first Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) the Confederate States). What was the
was the first major battle of the Civil War strategic reason for doing this?
played a major role in this battle. A. To make slavery a key focus of the Civil
A. Andrew Jackson War and to keep European countries from
taking sides with the Confederates.

B. John Brown
B. To demonstrate the power of the Pres-
C. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson ident, which was a “slap in the face” to
D. none of above the Confederate Army.
C. To satisfy Northern abolitionists and
780. led a revolt against plantation own-
win their support for the Union Army.
ers in Virginia in 1831.
D. To convince Congress that the Union
A. Harriet Tubman
Army was going to win the war.
B. Nat Turner
C. John Brown 785. In 1861, Robert Smalls was hired to
work aboard a Confederate steamship
D. none of above known as the Planter. After much plan-
ning, he convinced several members of the
781. When the southern states seceded from crew to help him seize the ship and de-
the union, they named their new country liver it to the Union Navy.Why did Robert
A. The United States of America Smalls betray the Confederates?
B. The Southern Union A. He was a high-ranking Confederate
soldier, but he felt that the Army did not
C. The Confederate States of America
appreciate his service.
D. The Country of the South
B. He was a slave, and he knew that a
782. What was the Civil War originally fought Union victory would help end slavery in
over? America.

A. Secession C. He was a Union general trying to es-

cape from the South.
B. Slavery
D. He was a former ship captain, and he
C. Exports wanted to get revenge on the Confederate
D. Taxes Navy for stealing his own ship a year ear-
783. The first battle showed that the war
would be long, bloody, and the soldiers 786. The single bloodiest DAY in the Civil War
would need more training. took place here:
A. Antietam A. Appomatox
B. Bull Run B. Bull Run
C. Sherman’s March to the Sea C. Antietam
D. Gettysburg D. Gettysburg


1.11 Civil War 561

787. Describe how the Underground Railroad C. Kansas-Nebraska Act

worked D. Emancipation Proclomation


A. secret codes were used to send mes-
sages to slaves 792. The Battle of was a major turning
point of the war in which the North would
B. Conductors helped guide slaves along repel (keep away) Lee’s invasion.
the way
A. Manasas/Bull Run
C. They stayed at stations along the way
to freedom B. Fort Sumter
C. Vicksburg
D. It was powered by a steam engine
D. Gettysburg
788. Which of the following descibes South
Carolinians who favored secession but 793. Which of the following describes South
only as a last resort and only if it was Carolinians who argued that breaking
done with the support of all of the south- apart from the Union was the only option
ern states? for South Carolina?
A. Unionists A. Unionists
B. Cooperationists B. Cooperationists
C. Secessionists C. Secessionists
D. Federalists D. Republicans

789. This document was issued by Abrham Lin- 794. Slavery was becoming very unpopular in
coln; it freed slaves in states that were in the
“rebellion with the United States.” A. North
A. Emancipation Proclamation B. South
B. 13th Amendment C. East
C. Gettysburg Address D. West
D. 14th Amendment 795. In Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, what
did Lincoln call on the nation to do?
790. The Confederate plan for victory was to
keep fighting until A. To destroy the Confederacy
A. the slaves were set free B. To re-capture all former slaves
B. the North got tired of fighting C. To give black people the right to vote
C. they conquered the Union and took D. To come back together and solve their
over the nation issues
D. the country ad been reunited 796. The first battle of the Civil War took place
791. This law left it to the white citizens of the
territory to decide whether that territory A. Atlanta.
would be a free or slave territory. B. Appomattox.
A. Missouri Compromise C. Gettysburg.
B. Wilmot Proviso D. Fort Sumter.


1.11 Civil War 562

797. How did Abraham Lincoln feel about slav- 802. The capital of the United States (Wash-
ery? ington, D.C.)
A. he wanted to allow slavery in the terri- A. was bordering a Confederate state
tories but end slavery in the South
B. never allowed the trading of slaves
B. he wanted to stop slavery from spread- within its borders
ing to the territories but did not want to
C. was taken over by the Confederacy
end slavery in the South
during the Civil War
C. he wanted to end slavery in the new

D. was surrounded by Union states
territories and in the South
D. he wanted to let slavery spread to the 803. Following the end of Reconstruction, fed-
territories and continue in the south eral troops withdrew from the southern
states. As a result, (3-4.6)
798. What ended Reconstruction?
A. a system of sharecropping was devel-
A. Plessy v. Ferguson oped which used African American work-
B. the Civil Rights Cases ers
C. Compromise of 1877 B. the 13th and 14th amendments were
D. Lincoln’s assassination passed to protect African Americans
C. the Civil Rights Movement was started
799. What was important about the Fort
to fight discrimination
A. it was the turning point of the war D. white leaders passed laws to limit the
rights of African Americans
B. it was the start of the war
C. it ended the war 804. Better officers, defending their own
homes, and not having to go on the attack
D. it was the bloodiest battle in American
A. Union advantages
800. Towards the end of the Civil War, Ulysses
B. reasons the Union won the battle of
S. Grant marched into the burning Confed-
erate capital of-
A. Jamestown C. Confederate advantages

B. Williamsburg D. reasons that the Confederacy won at

Ft. Pillow
C. Manassas
D. Richmond 805. What did Lincoln do during the Civil War
that would surprise many people today be-
801. The best evidence that the Civil War cause it was illegal?
greatly increased the power of the federal
A. He was involved in a duel and shot
government over the states was the
A. reelection of Abraham Lincoln in 1864
B. He defaced government property by
B. passage of the black codes drawing his picture on American currency
C. impeachment of President Andrew C. He temporarily suspended the right to
Johnson a trial (Habeas Corpus) for slave support-
D. ratification of the 14th amendment ers


1.11 Civil War 563

D. He did not allow Northern slaves to re- B. solve a sectional issue between the
turn to Southern areas North and the South


806. Which of the following was a political Im- C. balance representation between
pact of the Civil War on Texas? North and South

A. Secession:Texas joined the Confeder- D. curb the secession of Southern states

acy from the Union

B. Sam Houston was removed from of- 811. President during the Civil War
A. Abraham Lincoln
C. Conscription Act:60, 000 Texans joined
B. Ulysses S Grant
the Confederate Army.
C. Robert E Lee
D. All of the following included here are
political reasons. D. none of above

807. Sectionalism means: 812. Who wanted to punish the South during
A. That people are more concerned about Reconstruction?
their region than the nation. A. Democrats
B. The belief that slavery was wrong. B. Radical Republicans
C. That slavery was the only way for a C. Scalawags
good economy.
D. Carpetbaggers
D. That the nation should ignore other
countries. 813. Which of the following was the first ma-
jor land battle during the Civil War?
808. What event took place in response to the
Kansas Nebraska Act? A. Fort Sumter

A. Dred Scott Rebellion B. Vicksburg

B. Bleeding Kansas C. The First Battle of Bull Run

C. John Brown’s Raid D. Gettysburg

D. none of above 814. Assassinated Lincoln shortly after the

Election of 1864:
809. What battle is considered the turning
point? A. John Wilkes Booth
A. Gettysburg B. John Brown
B. Appomattox C. Jefferson Davis
C. Antietam D. Dred Scott
D. Atlanta 815. Sectional differences developed in the
United States largely because
810. The Three-Fifths Compromise, Missouri
Compromise, and Compromise of 1850 A. the Federal Government adopted a pol-
were all attempts to icy of neutrality
A. prevent a civil war between the North B. economic conditions and interests in
and the South each region varied


1.11 Civil War 564

C. only northerners were represented at A. Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment

the Constitutional Convention B. 13th U.S. Colored Troops
D. early Presidents favored urban areas C. Both
over rural areas
D. none of above
816. During the Civil War, the Union set up
a blockade around the city of Charleston. 820. Which of the following political issues
What was the main purpose of this block- was a major source of conflict between
1850 and 1860?

A. To cut off supply lines and keep the A. women’s suffrage
Confederate troops from receiving food, B. tariffs
clothing, and ammunition.
C. expansion of slavery
B. To make sure that the Union always
knew what the Confederate Army was do- D. conflicts with foreign nations
821. Before the battle of Antietam, Lincoln in-
C. To protect Union ships when they sisted the Civil War was to be foughtfor
sailed along the Union coast. what reason?
D. To surround the southern states and A. End Slavery
frighten them.
B. To Remember the Dead
817. In 1863, after the Union victory at Anti- C. Preserving the Union
etam, Abraham Lincoln issued this declar-
D. Preserve Sectionalism (local and state
ing all slaves in the rebelling states were
A. Habeas Corpus 822. How did Northern states feel about
states’ rights, and how did Southern
B. Emancipation Proclamation
states feel about states’ rights?
C. Gettysburg Address
A. Northern states preferred for the gov-
D. Second Inaugural Address ernment to control very little
818. Near the end of the Civil War, the capital B. Southern states wanted a strong fed-
of the Confederacy fell to eral government
A. Confederate General Robert E. Lee C. Northern states were in favor of a
strong federal government, and Southern
B. Union General Ulysses S. Grant
states were in favor of states having most
C. Union President Abraham Lincoln of the power
D. Confederate President Jefferson D. Both A & B
823. How did the North rely on slavery for its
819. Determine if the statement describes the economy?
Massachusetts’ 54th Regiment, the 13th
U.S. Colored Troops, or both:scaled the A. The North relied on slave to work in the
walls of Fort Wagner near Charleston even factories.
though they were outnumbered and suf- B. The North relied on slaves to purchase
fered significant casualties manufactured goods.


1.11 Civil War 565

C. The North relied on cotton for its tex- 828. What did Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipa-
tile mills. tionProclamation do when it took effect?


D. The North did not rely on slavery at all. A. It freed all slaves in the United States.
B. It freed all slaves in the Confederacy.
824. What did the abolitionists support?
C. It granted freed slaves the right to
A. They wanted to end the war. vote.
B. They wanted to end slavery. D. It gave freed slaves a plot of land to
C. They wanted to end Davis’ leadership. farm.

829. Which of the following Civil War events

D. none of above are in correct chronological order (from left
to right)?
825. In the Gettysburg Address, President Lin- A. Assassination of Lincoln; Fort Sumter;
coln said that the Union soldiers had sac- Gettysburg; Signing of the Emancipation
rificed their lives to ensure that “govern- Proclamation
ment of the people, by the people, for the
people shall not perish from the earth.” B. Signing of the Emancipation Proclama-
What type of government was Lincoln re- tion; Ratification of the 13th Amendment
ferring to? ending slavery; Fort Sumter; Assassina-
tion of Lincoln
A. Monarchy
C. Battle of Bull Run/Manassas; Signing
B. Oligarchy of the Emancipation Proclamation; Battle
of Gettysburg; Lee surrenders to Grant
C. Aristocracy
D. Lee surrenders to Grant; Battle
D. Democracy
of Gettysburg; Signing of the Eman-
cipation Proclamation; Battle of Bull
826. What is the name of the compromise that
allowed Maine to join the United States as
a “free” state? 830. What was the significance of the Battle
A. 3/5ths Compromise of Bull Run?

B. Missouri Compromise A. it proved that the South was weak

B. it proved that the North would win
C. The Compromise of 1850
C. it proved that a quick victory was im-
D. The Kansas Nebraska Act possible
827. Mexican-American WarWar of 1812Civil D. it showed that the armies were unwill-
WarAmerican RevolutionWhich of the fol- ing to fight long battles
lowing places the Wars above in chrono-
831. The Confederacy relied on enslaved
logical order?
African Americans to provide-
A. 1, 3, 2, 4 A. guns and ammunition
B. 4, 2, 3, 1 B. food and manual labor
C. 3, 2, 4, 1 C. medicine
D. 4, 2, 1, 3 D. survey new battle sites


1.11 Civil War 566

832. Identify the bloodiest battle in US History C. Maine

in which over 50, 000 casualties (people
D. Missouri
dead or wounded).
A. Battle of Bull Run 837. Who took the office of President after
B. Battle of Gettysburg President Lincoln was assassinated?
C. Battle of the Bulge A. Andrew Jackson
D. Battle of Antietam B. Andrew Johnson

833. Cash crops were mainly grown C. Andrew Livingston
A. in the North D. Andrew Young
B. in the South
838. When a navy surrounds and area and lets
C. in both regions no ships in or out it is called
D. in neither region A. a seige.
834. Lincoln believes that victory (for the B. an embargo.
Union) in the war will result in
C. a shipping route.
A. full devotion of all citizens to the Union.
D. a blockade.
B. women, as well as slaves, will have
equal rights.
839. What type of strategy did Gen. William
C. a proper memorial for those who have Sherman use?
died in the war
A. total war
D. a new birth of freedom and all men will
be created equal B. scorched earth
C. search and rescue
835. After an electoral dispute resulting in the
Compromise of 1877, it was agreed that D. guerrilla warfare
Rutherford B. Hayes would become Presi-
dent if 840. What group of people campaigned to end
A. he would create a new Freedmen’s Bu- slavery?
reau A. Patriots
B. he ended Reconstruction and removed B. Abolitionist
troops from the south
C. Loyalist
C. he would allow African Africans full
rights in the North only D. Plantation Owners
D. he created pro-cotton legislation in
841. This is where Lee surrendered to Grant
on April 9, 1865..
836. Which northern state was admitted to A. Washington, D.C.
the United States as a free state as part
of the Missouri Compromise? B. Appomattox
A. Montana C. Dallas
B. Michigan D. New York


1.11 Civil War 567

842. What was the significance of the Battle perpetual; that sovereignty was a unit and
of Chancellorsville? could not be divided; that whether or not
there was any express power granted in


A. First battle of the war
the Constitution for invading a State, the
B. The Confederates won right of self-preservation was inherent in
C. The battle ended the war all governments; that the life of the Union
was essential to the life of liberty; or, in
D. Stonewall Jackson was killed
the words of Webster, “liberty and union
843. What amendment abolished slavery? are one and inseparable.” Source:John
B. Gordon, Reminiscences of the Civil War,
A. 13th Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1904Which prob-
B. 14th lem is being discussed in the excerpted doc-
C. 15th ument above?

D. 16th A. Different perspectives on states rights

prior to the United States Civil War
844. After Abraham Lincoln won the election, B. Different perspectives on the abolition
which states seceded (left)? of slavery during the 1850’s
A. Indian Territories C. Different perspectives on states ratify-
B. Western Territories ing the Constitution in 1787
C. Southern States D. Different perspectives on the expan-
sion of slavery during the mid 1800’s
D. Northern States
846. What is the central statement of the Get-
845. Confederate General John B. Gordon was
tysburg Address?
a civilian-turned-soldier who became one
of General Robert E. Lee’s most trusted A. People should stop fighting.
commanders The South maintained B. The US has been born in the Declara-
with the depth of religious conviction tion of Independence in the idea that all
that the Union formed under the Consti- men should be created equal.
tution was a Union of consent and not
C. President Lincoln should be re-
of force; that the original States were
not the creatures but the creators of the
Union; that these States had gained their D. The Civil War was started by the North.
independence, their freedom, and their
847. With which movement were John Brown,
sovereignty from the mother country, and
Frederick Douglas, and Harriet Tubman as-
had not surrendered these on entering the
Union; that by the express terms of the
Constitution all rights and powers not del- A. Expansionist
egated were reserved to the States; and B. Prohibition
the South challenged the North to find one
trace of authority in that Constitution for C. Abolitionist
invading and coercing a sovereign State. D. Temperance
The North, on the other hand, maintained
with the utmost confidence in the correct- 848. What caused Southern States to secede
ness of her position that the Union formed from the Union?
under the Constitution was intended to be A. The Election of Lincoln in 1860


1.11 Civil War 568

B. The Dred Scott Decision severely impaired Confederate communi-

C. Harper’s Ferry cations. What is an example of infrastruc-
D. Bleeding Kansas
A. Railroads
849. What was the result of the Battle of B. Farms
C. Livestock
A. Confederate troops deserted
D. Soldiers

B. Union controlled all Southern Ports
854. After the Battle of Vicksburg, the North
C. Union gained control of the Mississippi (Union) controlled which river?
A. The Ohio River
D. The Confederacy enlisted more troops
than ever before B. The Mississippi River
C. The Red River
850. Which of the following BEST describes the
group favored the idea of remaining a part D. The Rio Grande
of the Union? 855. Before the Civil War, the principle of pop-
A. Unionists ular sovereignty was proposed as a means
of (SSUSH9a)
B. Cooperationists
A. Allowing states to secede from the
C. Secessionists
D. Federalist
B. Permitting voters to nullify federal
851. Which of the following documents sev- laws
ered South Carolina’s ties with the Union? C. Deciding the legalization of slavery in
A. Constitution of the Confederate States a new state
of America D. Overturning unpopular decisions of
B. Ordinance of Nullification the Supreme Court

C. Ordinance of Secession 856. What might be considered the most im-

D. Reconstruction Amendments portant consequence of the Civil War?
A. equality for former slaves
852. Which of the following best describes the
B. freedom for former slaves
south’s defense of slavery?
C. citizenship for former slaves
A. It was a state’s right to choose and it
was too important for them economically D. suffrage for former slaves
B. It was God’s will 857. Virginians were divided about secession
C. They wanted to stop but didn’t know from the Union which led to the formation
how of
D. They wanted to punish the north for A. Tennessee
high tariffs B. West Virginia

853. General William Tecumseh Sherman C. Kentucky

wrecked Southern infrastructure, which D. none of above


1.11 Civil War 569

858. How did John Brown’s raid on Harper’s C. national government or the states
Ferry help lead to the outbreak of the Civil D. Supreme Court or the president


863. Which best explains the most important
A. by weakening support for Northern
impact of the abolitionist movement on
American society?
B. by creating deep divisions within the
A. It persuaded Congress to pass a se-
Northern military
ries of anti-slavery laws before the Civil
C. by raising fears among many South- War
erners of possible slave revolts
B. it influenced public opinion, especially
D. by securing weapons for Southern mili- in the North, against slavery
tias to use in defense of slavery C. it led to the passage of the Fugitive
859. The North used what for their economy? Slave Act, which reduced the power of
A. Plantations
D. it shamed most slaveholders and led to
B. Factories improved living conditions for slaves
C. Slaves
864. The Civil War ended when Confederate
D. Farming General Robert E. Lee surrendered his
army to Union General Ulysses S. Grant
860. What would influence higher population on April 9, 1865 at
in the north?
A. The White House
A. Farmland
B. The Capitol building in Richmond
B. Factories
C. Appomattox Court House
C. Ports D. none of above
D. Urban areas
865. Popular Sovereignty was the idea that
861. What was so special about “four score A. slavery would be banned in all future
and seven years ago” mentioned in this states.
B. the government would decide if slav-
A. The first colonists settled America ery would be legal or illegal.
B. America was discovered by Christo- C. the people would govern themselves
pher Columbus and vote to decide if their state would
C. America gained its 50th state have slavery.

D. The Declaration of Independence was D. slavery would be allowed in every fu-

written and America gained its freedom ture state.
from Great Britain 866. The belief that states had rights and pow-
ers within the Union.
862. One of the issues that led to the Civil War
was whether final authority to interpret A. Constitution
the U.S. Constitution belonged to the B. States’ Rights
A. states or territories C. Federalism
B. Supreme Court D. Confederacy


1.11 Civil War 570

867. The first and only President of the Con- the Union Army had over the Confeder-
federate States of America was (3- ates?
4.4) A. The Union Army had more passion for
A. Abraham Lincoln their cause
B. Jefferson Davis B. The Union Army had better, more expe-
C. Robert E. Lee rienced leaders

D. Ulysses S. Grant C. The Union Army had better airplanes

to fight the war
868. What movement grew, in part, due to D. The Union Army had more soldiers and
thepublication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in more supplies
A. the abolition movement 873. All knew that this interest was somehow
the cause of the war. To strengthen, per-
B. the free speech movement petuate, and extend this interest was the
C. the environmental movement object for which the insurgents would rend
the Union even by war, while the Gov-
D. the women’s rights movement
ernment claimed no right to do more than
869. Which of the following was NOT a border to restrict the territorial enlargement of
state during the war? it Lincoln, second inaugural address,
1865What does “this interest” refer to in
A. Maryland this excerpt?
B. Tennessee A. Confederate States of America
C. Missouri B. protective tariffs
D. Kentucky C. slavery
870. Which of the following marked the begin- D. US Constitution
ning of the Civil War on April 12, 1861?
874. Define “Confederacy” in the context of
A. Vicksburg
the Civil War.
B. Gettsyburg
A. The new nation made up of the se-
C. Bull Run ceded Southern states.
D. Ft. Sumter B. The leftover Northern states

871. What particular event led to the seces- C. The name of Abraham Lincoln’s admin-
sion of the first state from the US? istration

A. Election of Lincoln as President D. The route runaway slaves took to the

B. Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
C. Confederate attack on Ft. Sumter 875. What fears did Southerners have of
strong tariffs on manufactured goods that
D. John Brown’s attack at Harpers Ferry contributed to the secession of the South?
872. The Confederate and Union Armies were A. They feared price increases and Great
not always evenly matched. Which of the Britain’s possible boycotting of the cotton
following was an obvious advantage that they raised.


1.11 Civil War 571

B. They feared manufacturing would be C. William Douglass

moved into their rich farmland areas. D. Jefferson Davis


C. They feared the government was pro-
tecting only the Northerners. 880. How were the Civil War’s effects on the
Northand South different or similar?
D. They feared the North would receive
more money to support their anti-slavery A. Railroads were destroyed in the North
position. andSouth and both struggled to recover.
B. Reuniting the divided country helped
876. At the beginning of the Civil War, Lincoln both theNorth and South quickly recover.
believed his job was President of the US
was to C. The North struggled to recover, while
the South recovered quickly.
A. abolish slavery in the West and South
D. The South struggled to recover, while
B. punish those who owned slaves in the the North recovered quickly.
C. prevent states from leaving the Union 881. Which of the following was the first ma-
jor land battle during the Civil War? (Civil-
D. limit the spread of slavery in the North ians came to watch the battle like we go
to watch sporting events today)
877. Fill in the blank:“Government of the ,
by the , and for the “ A. Fort Sumter
A. people B. Vicksburg
B. citizens C. The First Battle of Bull Run
C. slavery D. Gettysburg
D. emancipate 882. Use the excerpt and your knowledge
of social studies to answer the follow-
878. Why did Lincoln refer to the right of each
ing questions. “February 9-We estab-
state to control its own affairs in his inau-
lished a regular camp here. This last
gural address?
march has been a very hard one, and only
A. to assure the North that slavery would a distance of thirty miles. But it took
be abolished in all states us from Wednesday to Sunday, through
B. to affirm his belief in popular snow, rain, and mud ankle-deep and with-
sovereignty out rations. Kinston is a perfect ruin, as
the Yankees have destroyed everything
C. to assure the Confederate States of
they could barely touch, but it must at one
America that their decision to secede was
time have been a very pretty town-but
now nothing scarcely but chimneys are left
D. to assure the Southern states that they to show how the Yankees are trying to
would make their own decisions about reconstruct the Union.” -Louis Leon, The
slavery Battle of Gettysburg, Diary of a Tar Heel
Confederate SoldierWhat does Leon’s ac-
879. What famous abolitionist was once a count suggest about life as a Confederate
slave? soldier?
A. Frederick Douglass A. Soldiers generally enjoyed being in the
B. Jo Anderson Confederate Army.


1.11 Civil War 572

B. Overall, soldiers did not believe the 887. What was the first major battle of the
fight against the Union was justified. Civil War?
C. Only battles caused hard times for sol- A. Hampton Roads
B. Gettysburg
D. Camp life could be just as dangerous
C. First Bull Run
as fighting.
D. Harpers Ferry
883. The Battle of Appomattox Court house

was important because: 888. Less than a month later, March 4, 1861,
Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as presi-
A. It was where General Lee surren-
dent of the United States. In his inau-
gural address, he declared the Confeder-
B. The North captured General Stande acy “legally void.” His speech closed
Waite. with a plea for restoration of the bonds
C. The South defeated the North. of union, but the South turned a deaf ear.
On April 12, Confederate guns opened fire
D. The Union captured a major military on the federal garrison at Fort Sumter in
post. the Charleston, South Carolina, harbor. A
884. who marched to harpers fairy? war had begun in which more Americans
would die than in any other conflict before
A. Ulysses s grant or since.3. Who became president of the
B. Jefferson davis United States in 1861?
C. john brown A. Abraham Lincoln
D. Abraham licoln B. Jefferson Davis

885. What argument did pro-slavery individu- C. John Wilkes Booth

als often use to justify the continuation of D. Ulysses S. Grant
889. African Americans in the Union Army
A. all slaves received cradle-to-grave
shelter and food A. fought alongside white soldiers from
the beginning of the war
B. slaves felt loyal to those who owned
and protected them B. fought in major battles by 1863
C. child labor laws protected the children C. worked mostly in gun factories
of slaves from poor treatment D. served only as laborers throughout the
D. better working conditions existed for war
slaves than for workers in the North
890. Grant won this battle, taking control of
886. At which federal fort did the Civil War Mississippi River and was then promoted
begin? to Head General
A. Fort Necessity A. Vicksburg
B. Fort McHenry B. Gettysburg
C. Fort Manassas C. Shiloh
D. Fort Sumter D. Antietam


1.12 World War II 573

891. After the Civil War ended, the U.S. really A. Maine Compromise
needed Lincoln’s leadership. However, he B. Missouri Compromise
was murdered. Who murdered Lincoln?


C. Three-Fifths Compromise
A. John Wilkes Booth
D. The Great Compromise
B. General Lee
C. Stonewall Jackson 894. In the Dred Scott Decision, the Supreme
D. Ulysses S. Grant Court said
A. that slaves were property and not actu-
892. Which statement is FALSE?
ally citizens protected by the Constitution
A. The South was more industrialized
B. that slaves were citizens and were
B. the North had a better railroad system granted legal protection under the Consti-
C. the South had more motivation to win tution
D. the North had a bigger population C. Congress could outlaw slavery and
893. What allowed Missouri to enter as a deny citizens the right to own property
slave state and Maine as a free state? D. All of the above

1.12 World War II

1. Nisei regiments in World War II earned a D. Belgium and the Netherlands
high number of decorations. They were
composed of 4. The first atomic bomb was dropped on this
A. Navajo Indians
A. Japan
B. African Americans
B. Nagasaki
C. Asian Americans
C. Hiroshima
D. Hispanic Americans
D. Germany
E. Poor American Immigrants
5. What effect did the Treaty of Versailles
2. is a form government in which indi- have on the start of World War II?
vidual freedoms are denied and complete
A. it rewarded the Italians with additional
power is given to the government.
land and resources
A. Democracy
B. it allowed the Russians to receive fi-
B. Fascism nancial aid and build their army.
C. Communism C. it led to an aggressive military dictator-
D. Nazis ship in France
D. it punished Germany by making them
3. Which countries had not fallen to Germany pay reparations and led the Germans to
when the U.S. entered the war? seek revenge
A. Great Britain and France
6. The scientists working on the Manhattan
B. France and Italy Project during World War II were respon-
C. Great Britain and the U.S.S.R. sible for


1.12 World War II 574

A. designing weapons for the D-Day inva- 11. Which statement accurately summarizes
sion the impact of the Battle of Stalingrad?
B. building satellites to spy on the Axis na- A. Germany defeated the Soviet Union
tions and continued taking over more territory.
C. creating materials for biological and B. The Soviet Union surrendered and
chemical warfare signed a peace agreement with Germany.
D. developing the atomic bomb C. Germany lost the battle, stopping
its advance through the Soviet Union

7. Who forced the American troops to march and costing Germany many important re-
in the Bataan Death March? sources.
A. Soviets D. none of above
B. Japanese
12. Allied Powers:
C. Chinese
A. Soviet Union, France, Britain
D. Italians
B. U.S., Britain, Soviet Union
8. What happened to American POW’s when C. Italy, Japan, U.S.
they surrendered in the Philippines? D. Britain, Italy, Soviet Union
A. executed
13. The German people were never more
B. Bataan Death March pitiable than when they stood by and
C. they were sent to Chinese death watched this thing done. For the raiders
camps who were let loose on the streets and
D. they were released given a day to sate [indulge] the lowest in-
stincts of cruelty and revenge were indeed
9. How did oil fields impact both the war an enemy army. No foreign invader could
front and Texas? have done more harm. This is Germany
A. The oil was used only on the home in the hour of her greatest defeat, the
front best overcome by the worst. While many
protested at the outrages, and millions
B. The oil fields were abandoned because must have been sickened and shamed by
most men from Texas were fighting in the the crimes committed in their name, many
war others looked on stolidly or approvingly
C. The oil industry expanded due to de- while the hunters hunted and the wreck-
mands from the war and continued to ers worked. There are stories of mothers
boom after the war who took their children to see the fun
D. The oil was only used in the war New York Times, November 12, 1938 This
l938 passage criticizes those German peo-
10. What did Germany and Italy do for Spain? ple who did not
A. Nothing A. participate in these demonstrations.
B. They sent military support for the Re- B. condemn the violent acts of Kristalln-
publicans act.
C. They sent military support for Nation- C. support the government’s policy in
alists Austria.
D. none of above D. resist the war effort.


1.12 World War II 575

14. Which of these was an effect of the Voting C. V-E Day

Rights Act? D. Operation Overlord


A. It changed the way senators are
elected. 19. Which of these organizations was created
after World War II to “reaffirm faith in
B. It lowered the age at which people can
fundamental human rights, in the dignity
and worth of the human person, in equal
C. It provided protections for people reg- rights of men and women and of nations
istering to vote. large and small.”?
D. It changed the way the president and A. World Bank
vice president are elected.
B. United Nations
15. Who was the US General in charge in the C. League of Nations
Pacific Theatre?
D. International Monetary Fund
A. Gary Payton
20. What was the name for the German tactic
B. Douglas MacArthur
of overwhelming your enemy with force?
C. George Patton
A. Kristallnacht
D. Erwin Rommel
B. Schmetterling
16. What steps were taken by Americans on C. Blitzkrieg
the home front to support the war?
D. Bombardierung
A. Americans paid higher income taxes
B. Americans refused to enlist in the mil- 21. Who was the dictator of Germany during
itary WWII?

C. Americans rationed products such as A. Josef Stalin

gas and groceries B. Adolf Hitler
D. Americans purchased more stocks via C. Emperor Hirohito
the stock market D. Charles de Gaulle
17. The most important domestic (home front)
22. How was the conduct of World War II af-
result of the war effort was:
fected by Geography?
A. Complete employment for minorities
A. The Black Sea restricted military activ-
B. The end of discrimination and race ri- ities between Europe and Africa
B. Mountain ranges and oceans were ef-
C. The privatization of industry free from fective barriers against aerial bombard-
govt control ment
D. The ending of the Great Depression C. North and south flowing rivers were
primarily used to move troops to battle
18. The invasion of Normandy is also known sites quickly
D. The harsh climate and long distances
A. Battle of the Bulge hampered Germany’s efforts to succeed
B. Midway on its eastern front


1.12 World War II 576

23. Which country did Hitler invade that trig- C. George W. Bush
gered the all-out conflict in Europe? D. Winston Churchill
A. Spain
29. Which of the following is an international
B. Greece organization created to maintain peace in
C. Poland the aftermath of World War II?
D. Great Britain A. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
24. Hideki Tojo was the military leader of B. the International Criminal Court

what country? C. the European Union
A. Japan D. the United Nations
B. Russia
30. “ Seventy thousand people were killed
C. Germany instantly, and many more would die-60,
D. England 000 by November and another 70, 000
by l950. Most of them would be victims
25. The battle at Normandy is referred to as of a new method of killing-radiation
“-Ronald Takai The situation described in
A. Manhattan Project this passage was the direct result of which
World War II event?
B. D-Day
A. blitz of London
C. VJ Day
B. D-Day invasion of Normandy
D. Pearl Harbor
C. attack on Pearl Harbor
26. Who would have most stronglysupported
D. bombing of Hiroshima.
neutrality before the Pearl Harbor at-
tack? 31. “Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia” (1935)
A. Franklin D. Roosevelt “Germany Takes the Rhineland Back”
(1936) “Germany and Russia Divide
B. Harry Truman
Poland” (1939) These headlines might be
C. the America First Committee used to illustrate the weakness of the
D. the Anti-Imperialist League A. United Nations.
27. The US did not get involved in WWII due B. Warsaw Pact.
to the: C. Congress of Vienna
A. fact that FDR didn’t care D. League of Nations
B. lack of a military
32. What new technology was used during
C. desire to continue selling supplies to the Battle of Britain that helped the Allies
both sides track Luftwaffe (German Air Force) bomb-
D. Great Depression ing movements?

28. Who was the Supreme Allied Commander A. Sonar

in Europe? B. Night Vision
A. Dwight D. Eisenhower C. Anti-Aircraft Guns
B. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Radar


1.12 World War II 577

33. Which of the following statements best B. the Geneva Conventions

summarizes the Supreme Court’s ruling in
C. the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
Korematsu v. US?


A. The US Constitution cannot be used to D. the UN International Criminal Tribunal
check the power of the military in a time
of war 37. The fundamental strategic decision of
World War II made by President Roosevelt
B. Segregation in the military is unconsti- and the British at the very beginning of the
tutional war was to
C. While Japanese citizens can be sent
A. plan for a second front in Western Eu-
to internment camps, US citizens of
rope as soon as possible.
Japanese ancestry cannot
D. Any person of Japanese ancestry is B. force Italy out of the war first by at-
considered a national security risk and is tacking the soft underbelly of Europe.
subject to internment C. arouse the American people to an
idealistic crusade of the same sort that
34. While World War II raged outside of the
Woodrow Wilson had so effectively used
United States, attempts were made in the
in World War I.
U.S. to support the war effort by
A. rationing consumer goods such as D. concentrate first on the war in Europe
food and gas. and to place the Pacific war against Japan
on the back burner.
B. decreasing taxes to encourage civilian
consumption. 38. Hitler’s army invaded the Soviet Union in
C. people giving up their homes to house June 1941 in the largest military action in
soldiers stationed in that area. history. Hitler committed suicide. Soviet
soldiers marched into Berlin. On May 8,
D. relocating persons of Italian-American
1945, Churchill finally announced the Ger-
descent living on the east coast.
man surrender to a huge crowd of London-
35. Which agreement was labeled by the ers, proclaiming:“This is your victory.”
Nazis as unfair to Germany? A. Final Action of WWII
A. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
B. Early Action of WWII
B. Soviet Nonaggression Pact
C. Treaty of Versailles
D. Operation Barbarossa
D. Munich Pact

36. Read the quotation below. “That four 39. Who was the leader of Russia during
great nations stay the hand of World War II?
vengeance and voluntary submit their cap- A. Winston Churchill
tive enemies to the judgment of the law
is one of the most significant tributes that B. Vladimir Putin
power has ever paid to reason.”-Robert C. Joseph Stalin
JacksonWhat was Jackson referring to in
this quotation? D. Mikhail Gorbechev
A. the World Court E. Vladimir Lenin


1.12 World War II 578

40. According to the program, what was one D. To contain communism and promote
of the biggest changes from a “human his- democracy
tory” standpoint?
A. Killing of civilians in wartime 45. The use of information to sway peoples’
B. Women working in factories
A. Posters
C. Defeat of Facism
B. Cartoons
D. Defeat of Communism

C. Propaganda
41. Who was the head General of the Pacific
Theater? D. Bias
A. Dwight Eisenhower 46. Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Commu-
B. FDR nist Russia were similar in that each
C. Harry Truman A. established totalitarian governments.
D. Douglas MacArthur B. protected individual rights
42. What punished Germany harshly & be- C. supported market-based economies.
came the basis for Hitler’s European con-
quests? D. elected their leaders through popular
A. Treaty of Versailles
B. Atlantic Charter 47. Germany’s invasion of what country trig-
gered the beginning of World War II in Eu-
C. Treaty of Paris
D. Dawes & Young Plan
A. Czechoslovakia
43. Which was a common characteristic of the
B. the Soviet Union
leaders of Italy, Germany, and Japan in
the years leading up to World War II? C. Britain
A. They were content with the amounts of D. Poland
territory they controlled.
B. Their forms of nationalism were linked 48. Who was the prime minister of England?
to racism. A. Roosevelt
C. They threatened democracy and B. Churchill
wanted to spread communism.
C. Hitler
D. They felt mistreated by the treaties
that ended World War I. D. Truman

44. What was the main goal of the United 49. The leader of Great Britain during World
States during the Cold War? War II was:
A. To spread communism A. Franklin Roosevelt
B. To strengthen ties with Vietnam and B. Harry S. Truman
C. Winston Churchill
C. To destroy the Soviet Union and its al-
lies D. Benito Mussolini


1.12 World War II 579

50. Which event was the first time in which B. They joined the Allies
Hitler’s plans of conquest foiled (de- C. They joined the Axis Powers


D. They teamed up with the Triple Entente
A. Battle of Britain
B. Operation Torch 55. How did the use of atomic bombs impact
the outcome of WWII?
C. Invasion of Poland
A. Germany was forced to surrender.
D. Invasion of the Soviet Union
B. Italy was forced to surrender.
51. What is isolationism? C. The Soviet Union was forced to surren-
A. A time of long and severe economic de- der.
D. Japan was forced to surrender.
B. A national policy of remaining apart
from the political and economic affairs of 56. The day Germany surrendered
other nations. A. VE-Day
C. Programs aimed to help the unem- B. D-Day
ployed and boost the economy
C. VJ-Day
D. A word that describes the United
D. none of above
States struggle over the decision to join
the Allies in World War II. 57. D-Day was known as the Allied invasion
52. In the United States during World War II,
the role of women changed as they A. Normandy
A. were drafted and assigned military B. Sicily
roles equal to those held by men C. Italy
B. continued to work outside the home D. Dunkirk
only in jobs traditionally performed by
women 58. Two main causes of the rise of dictator-
C. made major contributions to the war ships after World War II were
effort by taking jobs in factories A. the Treaty of Versailles and economic
D. achieved positions of leadership in depression.
most major industries B. new political ideas and economic de-
53. is an organization set up after WWII
to keep peace and promote human rights. C. the Treaty of Versailles and lack of
strong leadership after the war.
A. The League of Nations
D. new political ideas and lack of strong
B. The Treaty of Versailles leadership after the war.
C. The Holocaust
59. What was a major reason for Adolf
D. The United Nations Hitler’s rise to power?
54. Which phrase best describes what the US A. provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.
position was at the start of WWII? B. Germany’s military support of Poland
A. They stayed neutral. and France.


1.12 World War II 580

C. strong German economy. 65. Which series of events is arranged in the

correct chronological order?
D. refusal by the League of Nations to ad-
mit Germany as a member. A. 1. German troops invade Poland. 2.
The Treaty of Versailles is signed. 3.
60. What event led the United States to be- Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of
come invovled in World War 2? Germany.
A. The Discovery of Auschwitz B. 1. The Treaty of Versailles is signed.
2. Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor

B. The Battle of Britain
of Germany. 3. German troops invade
C. The Sinking of the Lusitania Poland.
D. The Attack on Pearl Harbor C. 1. Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor
of Germany. 2. The Treaty of Versailles is
61. Where were the atomic bombs dropped?
signed. 3. German troops invade Poland
A. Hiroshima/Nagasaki
D. 1. The Treaty of Versailles is signed.
B. China 2. German troops invade Poland. 3.
C. Tokyokawa Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of
D. Okinawa
66. The privilege of opening the first trial in
62. What territories did Germany invade BE- history for crimes against the peace of the
FORE the start of WWII? world imposes a grave responsibility. The
A. Rhineland, Sudetenland, Austria wrongs which we seek to condemn and
punish have been so calculated, so ma-
B. Poland and Hungary lignant, and so devastating, that civiliza-
C. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania tion cannot tolerate their being ignored,
because it cannot survive their being re-
D. France and Alsace-Lorraine
peated. That four great nations, flushed
with victory and stung with injury stay
63. This battle’s code name was Operation
[stop] the hand of vengeance and volun-
tarily submit their captive enemies to the
A. Stalingrad judgment of the law is one of the most sig-
B. Invasion of Sicily nificant tributes that Power has ever paid
to Reason Chief Prosecutor Robert H.
C. Invasion of Normandy Jackson, November 21, 1945, Nuremberg
D. Midway 29. The speaker maintains that the guid-
ing principle of the trial will be the
64. Which of these World War II events hap- A. payment of reparations
pened first?
B. denial of responsibility
A. dropping of an atomic bomb on Hi-
roshima. C. celebration of victory
B. D-Day invasion D. judgment of the law
C. invasion of Poland.
67. Policy based on belief that if European
D. Battle of Britain powers satisfied the reasonable demands


1.12 World War II 581

of dissatisfied powers, they would be con- 72. Based on the excerpt, the Nazis were pur-
tent and stability and peace would be suing a policy of racial purity that devel-
achieved in Europe. oped ultimately into which event? The


A. Appeasement Nazis believed that Germans were
“racially superior” and that the Jews,
B. Demilitarize deemed “inferior, “ were an alien threat
C. Genocide to the so-called German racial community.-
U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, “The
D. Sanction
Holocaust” Holocaust Encyclopedia
68. What event led to the US joining World A. Bombing of Britain
War II? B. establishment of the Final Solution
A. Germany invaded Poland. C. invasion of Poland
B. Germany sent Mexico a secret tele- D. establishment of the Anti-Comintern
gram. Pact
C. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
73. The first area that Hitler “unified” with
D. Germany bombed Pearl Harbor. Germany was
69. How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to A. Poland.
WWII? B. the Sudetenland.
A. It allowed for the use of chemical C. Czechoslovakia.
weapons in war D. Austria.
B. It rearranged the map of Europe to
74. Who was the leader of Italy?
benefit Germany, enraging the rest of the
world A. Stalin
C. It collapsed after the U.S. refused to B. Hitler
join in the negotiations C. Mussolini
D. It treated Germany harshly, thus in- D. Franco
spiring totalitarianism and nationalism
75. Mussolini was a when he was 18
70. Hitler’s political party years old.
A. Fascist A. Plumber
B. Nazis B. Teacher
C. Socialists C. Artist
D. Republicans D. Soldier
76. Which action prompted the United States
71. Where did most Texans live during the
to officially enter World War II?
A. The German use of blitzkrieg tactics in
A. Farms, ranches, or small towns
B. Big cities such as Dallas and Houston
B. Japanese military actions in Indochina
C. In the border towns C. German submarine attacks on the U.S.
D. In the mountains and basins region merchant ships


1.12 World War II 582

D. The Japanese bombing of a U.S. mili- 82. Shortly after entering World War II,
tary base the United States began the Manhattan
Project to
77. Which countries did the Allies fight against
A. work on the development of an atomic
in World War II?
A. Germany, Japan, Italy B. increase economic production to meet
B. Russia, France, Britain wartime demands

C. Italy, Russia, Australia C. defend New York City against a nu-
clear attack
D. Bolivia, Chile, France
D. recruit men for the military services
78. Which term means prejudice against or ha-
tred of Jews? 83. Hitler’s advance in the European theater
of war crested in late 1942 at the Battle
A. Semitism of , after which his fortunes gradually
B. Anti-semitism declined.

C. ghetto A. the Bulge

D. Holocaust B. Stalingrad
C. Monte Cassino
79. All were consequences of World War II EX-
D. Britain
A. Creation of the United Nations 84. The Allied invasion of was given the
code name D-Day
B. Existence of Israel
A. Japan
C. Division of Korea
B. Italy
D. Creation of the atomic bomb
C. North Africa
80. What war strategy did Germany use D. Nazi occupied France
on Great Britain after Germany defeated
France? 85. Western democracies reaction to Hitler go-
ing against the Treaty of Versailles was..
A. Bombing Raids
A. Declared war on Germany immediately
B. Island Hopping
B. Adopt the appeasement policy and no
C. Landing of Ground Troops real action
D. They did not attack Germany. C. Reinstate the Treaty of Versailles

81. Germany used what type of strategy to D. Fight off Germans in the Rhineland
quickly overwhelm their opponents?
86. How are Japan’s invasion of China and
A. Sitzkrieg Germany’s invasion of Western Europe
B. Total War
A. Both of the invading countries were
C. Blitzkrieg
forced to attack British allies to ensure vic-
D. Appeasment tory.


1.12 World War II 583

B. Both of the invading countries sought 91. Which organization was a model for the
to implement plans to eliminate a reli- current United Nations?
gious group.


A. The League of Nations
C. Both of the invading countries were B. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
forced to attack U.S. ships to secure natu-
ral resources. C. The European Union
D. The Organization of American States
D. Both of the invading countries sought
to gain territory through military force. 92. Who were the Axis powers during World
War II?
87. How did Hitler seek power?
A. the United States, Great Britain, and
A. by making peace treaties with other France
B. the United States, Great Britain,
B. by creating a larger parliament for Ger- France, and the Soviet Union
C. Germany, Italy, and Japan
C. by taking over Japan and Italy
D. Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet
D. by building an army and defeating Union
other countries
93. How did President Roosevelt respond to
88. Japan’s invasion of Manchuria was based A. Philip Randolph’s threat to organize
in part on a belief in? a protest march by African Americans on
Washington D.C. in 1941?
A. Communism
A. He agreed to desegregate the military
B. Isolationism if the march was called off.
C. racial superiority B. He urged Congress to pass legislation
D. appeasement banning racism in the workplace.
C. He ordered National Guard troops to
89. Executive Order 9066 relocated what
disperse any marchers who appeared.
ethnic group b/c Americans feared they
would help the Axis Powers? D. He signed an executive order outlaw-
ing discrimination by defense contractors.
A. Japanese
B. Germans 94. Japan did not surrender after Hiroshima
C. Italians
A. They had no idea what had happened
D. Jews
B. They had their own secret bomb
90. Who commanded the U.S. troops in the Pa- C. They were invading the US from the Pa-
cific and supported the strategy of island- cific
hopping? D. They had captured the US General
A. Dwight D. Eisenhower
95. What was the goal of the Neutrality Acts
B. John Pershing in the USA
C. Douglas MacArthur A. Keep the USA out of the war
D. Omar Bradley B. Give France money


1.12 World War II 584

C. Join the Allies in World War II 99. Encouraging people to support the war
D. Give Britain weapons A. Rationing
B. Proportioning
96. How were the rights of Japanese-
Americans restricted during World War C. Propaganda
II? D. Conservation
A. Japanese-Americans were deported in
100. How did methods of warfare in WWII dif-
large numbers for matters of national se-

fer from those in WWI?
A. Soldiers spent most of their time in
B. Japanese-Americans were forced to
trenches to avoid machine-gun fire.
enlist into the military and sent to the front
lines in Japan. B. Because of a shortage of manpower,
women fought overseas in combat roles.
C. Japanese-Americans were placed in
internment camps and forced to abandon C. German submarines frequently at-
their homes and businesses. tacked British and US shipping.

D. Japanese-Americans were blacklisted D. Airplane, tank, and troop movements

from potential employment opportunities were coordinated for rapid advances.
in war industries on the homefront.
101. What is genocide?
97. Truman’s aim in deciding to drop the atomic A. The extermination of a nation’s politi-
bomb was to cal opponents
A. End the war and save American lives. B. the extermination of an entire group of
B. Find out how destructive the bomb re-
ally was. C. The deportation of an entire group of
C. Teach Japanese military leaders a les-
son. D. none of above

D. Show how powerful the United States 102. In the Battle of Britain
A. British troops defeated the German
ground invasion.
98. Which action best illustrates the policy of
isolationism followed by the United States B. the British sunk most of the German
before it entered World War II? ships that crossed the English Channel.
A. signing of a collective security pact C. the German air force destroyed the
with Latin American nations Royal Air Force.
B. passage of neutrality legislation for- D. the Royal Air Force saved Britain from
bidding arms sales to warring nations invasion.

C. embargo on the sale of gasoline and 103. The United States role in the world grew
steel to Japan after World War II. Examples of this in-
D. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s ex- clude all of the following EXCEPT-
change of American destroyers for British A. taking a leading role in the establish-
naval and air bases ment of the United Nations


1.12 World War II 585

B. creating a World Bank to help rebuild B. Manhattan Project

Europe and other countries C. Double V Campaign


C. ending all economic turmoil that ex- D. D-Day
isted across the globe
D. becoming a major world superpower 108. What was the purpose of the “cash and
alongside the Soviet Union carry” policy adopted by the United States
government in 1939?
104. Why was island hopping important? A. To punish aggressor nations
A. It was a popular dance during the B. To preserve United States neutrality
1940’s that helped lift morale on the home
front. C. To gain access to new trade markets
B. It helped increase trade between D. To spread democracy around the
America and the Caribbean islands during world
109. German aggression began when they in-
C. It enabled island tribes to move be- vaded this country in 1938
tween islands in order to escape the fight-
A. Austria
ing during WWII.
B. China
D. It allowed America to capture key is-
lands in the Pacific and use them in order C. Manchuria
to get closer to Japan. D. Russia
105. An examination of the Nazi’s Russian 110. What is the name of the policy created
campaign in the 1940’s would show that to give enemy nations what they want in
(Jan 2019) order to avoid conflict?
A. naval assaults are generally success- A. Truce
B. Appeasement
B. superior technology offsets natural
C. Mandatory Peace
D. Cowardice
C. geography can have an effect on the
outcome of war 111. Why did the U.S. punish Japan with sanc-
D. a policy of appeasement is often inef- tions on oil & gas before WWII?
fective A. Japan invaded Manchuria & China
106. Who was the dictator of the Soviet Union B. Japan attacked Wake Island
during World War II? C. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
A. Josef Stalin D. Japanese expansion into Australia
B. Winston Churchill
112. Adolf Hitler promised that he will do all
C. Adolph Hitler of the following in Germany EXCEPT
D. Benito Mussolini A. revive the German military
107. Nazi attempt to kill all Jews, as well as B. reclaim Germany’s lost territory
other “undesirables” under their control. C. cleanse the German land of undesir-
A. Holocaust able people


1.12 World War II 586

D. increase communism and bring fair- C. They were unwilling to take action that
ness and equality to Germans might start another war by using appease-
113. Hitler believed that Germans were the
“perfect human and the master race.” The D. They prepared to use military interven-
term used to describe this type of person tion whenever necessary
by the Nazis was: 117. What was the purpose of the Fair Employ-
A. Aryan ment Practice Committee (FEPC)?

B. Germanism A. To establish employment for interned
C. Caucasian individuals of Japanese, Italian, and Ger-
man descent during World War II
D. none of above
B. To abolish racial discrimination in the
114. Karl Marx was a German historian who United States armed forces and ensure
wrote about an economic system that had equal treatment and opportunities for all
no rich or poor. Marx predicted that members
the workers of the world would rise up C. To establish a federal agency tasked
and this would spread quickly. In 1917, with finding employment for millions of
Vladimir Lenin created a new nation based out-of-work Americans in major public
on Marx’s ideas. works projects
A. Democracy D. To help African Americans find employ-
B. Communism ment during World War II by prohibiting
companies from discriminating on the ba-
C. Dictatorship
sis of race
D. Autocracy
118. Agreement to avoid war or conflict with
115. After Japan refused an ultimatum to sur- each other
render, what did the U.S. do to help bring
A. Pact
an end to the war with Japan?
B. Alliance
A. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki C. Non-Aggression Pact
B. dropped two atomic bombs on Tokyo D. Axis Alliance
C. cut off food and fuel supplies to Japan 119. Which of the following was NOT one of
with a blockade FDR’s Four Freedoms?
D. had a land invasion of Japan A. Freedom of worship
116. Britain and France suffered heavy ca- B. Freedom from want
sualties during WWI. How did this ef- C. Freedom from fear
fect Britain’s and France’s actions prior to D. Freedom of the press
World War II?
A. They were reluctant to call upon the 120. Who was Rosie the Riveter?
League of Nations to settle disputes A. The first woman to work in a factory
B. They became dependent on the United during WWII
States to intervene in an international cri- B. a representation of American women
sis that went to work during WWII


1.12 World War II 587

C. A pretty girl used for make-up adver- 125. What is NOT one of the causes of global
tisements depression?


D. A famous pilot A. German Reparations
B. US Economic Dominance
121. Why was the United States called the
“arsenal of democracy” in 1940? C. High Tariffs

A. The leaders in the democratic nations D. Bad investments

of Europe were educated in the United 126. Which of the following shows the correct
States. sequence of events in World War II?
B. Most of the battles to defend world- A. Battle of Midway; D-Day; VE-Day;
wide democracy took place on American Pearl Harbor; VJ-Day
B. D-Day; VE-Day; Pearl Harbor; Battle of
C. The United States supervised elec- Midway; VJ-Day
tions in European nations before the war.
C. Pearl Harbor; Battle of Midway; D-
D. The United States provided much of Day; VE-Day; VJ-Day
the weaponry needed to fight the Axis
D. Pearl Harbor; Battle of Midway; VJ-
Day; D-Day; VE-Day
122. The time period when millions of Jews 127. A leader with absolute power is called a
were killed and persecuted because of
their religion. A. president
B. dictator
A. Imperialism
C. prime minister
B. Fascism
D. chancellor
C. Holocaust
D. Pearl Harbor 128. During World War II, what new medical
practice became widespread?
123. Which development occurred in Germany A. Using Penicillen
as a result of the terms imposed by the
B. Amputation
Treaty of Versailles?
C. Diagnosing PTSD
A. Soviet occupation
D. Using Morphine
B. political instability
129. What was the United States foreign pol-
C. overseas expansion
icy after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
D. economic prosperity
A. Isolationism
124. Japan began WWII in 1931 when they B. Supported Japan
invaded which country? C. Direct Involvement
A. Poland D. Aid to the Axis Powers
B. Manchuria
130. The US policy (position) at the beginning
C. India of the war; they did not want to fight
D. Russia A. Isolationism


1.12 World War II 588

B. Pacific 135. A goal of the Japanese invasion of

Manchuria (1931) and of the second Sino-
C. Eye for an eye
Japanese War (1937-1945) was to (Jan
D. Nationalism 2019)

131. Two superpowers that emerged after A. spread the practice of Shinto
World War II B. open trading networks
A. Soviet Union and Germany C. acquire industrial resources

B. United States and Germany D. prevent German imperialism
C. Soviet Union and China 136. Whatever we may wish or hope, and
D. United States and Soviet Union whatever course of action we may decide,
whatever be the views held as to the le-
132. Which statement best identifies a com- gality, or the humanity, or the military
mon goal of the United States, Great wisdom and expediency [advisability] of
Britain, and the Soviet Union during World such operations, there is not the slight-
War II? est doubt that in the next war both sides
will send their aircraft out without scru-
A. They wanted to eliminate the Allies and ple [hesitation] to bomb those objectives
free Europe. which they consider the most suitable
B. They wanted to stop the Axis powers H. Trenchard, Marshal of the Royal Air
and defeat them unconditionally. Force, 192821. This passage implies that
the author is
C. They wanted to establish control of the
Far East and expand Allied power. A. grateful for the availability of new
D. They wanted to seek revenge for
World War I and prove themselves supe- B. aware that new weapons have broad-
rior ened the theater of war
C. certain that there will be no future
133. The largest battle of World War II was wars
, which ended in a major German de-
feat. D. anxious about the legality of future mil-
itary operations
A. the Battle of Normandy
137. Which of the following enabled the U.S.
B. the Battle of Stalingrad
military to keep important messages se-
C. the Battle of the Bulge cret from the Japanese.
D. the Battle of Midway A. Code Talkers
B. Manhattan Project
134. Decemeber 7th, 1941, “A day that shall
live in infamy” is what? C. Hiroshema
A. D-Day D. Battle of Midway
B. Black Tuesday 138. Who were the Allied countries
C. End of the War A. USA, Japan, Russia
D. Pearl Harbor B. Italy, Korea, Russia


1.12 World War II 589

C. Alabama, Florida, California C. democracy

D. Great Britain, Soviet Union, Canada, D. theocracy


144. Who were the participating countries in
139. What was the result of the dropping of
Operation Barbarossa and the Battle of
atomic bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki?
A. Japan surrendered
A. Germany and Russia
B. Germany surrendered
B. Germany, Russia and Finland
C. the Soviets declared war on the U.S.
D. the war continued for 3 more years C. Germany, Russia and Great Britain
D. Russia and Finland
140. The forced movement of Japanese-
Americans to internment camps came out
145. The major reason for President Harry
Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs
A. Executive Order 9066 against Japan was the
B. Trail of Tears A. potential loss of American lives from
C. Manhattan Project an invasion of Japan
D. Sedition Act B. need to defeat Japan before defeating
141. The GI Bill provided all of the following
for returning veterans EXCEPT C. plan to bring democratic government
A. college tuition assistance to Japan after the war
B. low-interest home loans D. failure of the island-hopping campaign
against Japan
C. unemployment compensation for one
146. In the l930’s and l940’s, fascist regimes
D. free housing in Japan, Germany, and Italy were similar
142. Congress passes three Neutrality Acts be- in that each emphasized
tween 1935 and 1937. What was the A. empathy toward African nations.
overall purpose of those acts?
B. the protection of human rights.
A. To prevent American involvement in
any foreign conflict. C. imperialism as a foreign policy.
B. To push the united States in to the war. D. support for free expression.
C. To help the United States recover from
the Great Depression 147. Which group of people revolted against
the Russian revolutionary provisional gov-
D. To give women the right to vote. ernment in 1917?
143. What type of government did the USSR A. the Bolsheviks
have that claimed to bring about a class-
less society? B. the Czarists

A. fascism C. the nobility

B. communism D. the clergy


1.12 World War II 590

148. Britain had which was the best fight- C. Canada

ing plane at the time. D. Belgium
A. Spitfire
153. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in
B. Luftwaffe l931 and Hitler’s rebuilding of the German
C. Stuka Dive Bomber military in l935 demonstrate the
D. The Renegade A. failure of the League of Nations.
B. fear of communist expansion.

149. May 7 1945, the day that Germany sur-
rendered. C. success of defensive alliances
A. V-E Day D. support for the Treaty of Versailles.
B. D-Day 154. Benito Mussolini was a leader of one of
C. Hiroshima/Nagasaki the Axis powers. Which country was he a
leader of?
D. Kamikaze
A. Germany
150. President Franklin D. Roosevelt referred B. Italy
to December 7, 1941, as “a date which
will live in infamy” because on that day C. Japan

A. Germany invaded Poland D. Poland

B. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor 155. What is the name of the system where
C. Italy declared war on the United the government owns the stores, facto-
States ries, banks, and all means of economic pro-
D. the United States dropped an atomic
A. Monarchy
bomb on Hiroshima
B. Dictatorship
151. Which statement about Japanese Ameri-
C. Democracy
cans interned during World War II is most
accurate? D. Communism
A. Many were forced to return to Japan 156. The battle where the Allies drove Rom-
at the conclusion of the war mel’s forces out of Tunisia and out of North
B. No Japanese Americans were allowed Africa.
to serve in the United States armed ser- A. El Alamein
vices during the war
B. Invasion of Sicily
C. Most were released after signing a loy-
C. Invasion of Normandy
alty oath
D. Midway
D. Many lost their homes and businesses
157. Which of these statements best describes
152. What country did the Soviet Union invade the situation after World War II of many
in the winter of 1940, where the defend- women who had worked in war-related in-
ers used white camouflage & ski-troops? dustries?
A. Finland A. They shifted to lower paying service
B. Sweden jobs.


1.12 World War II 591

B. They were eager to stop working for 162. In the Second World War, Russia
wages. (U.S.S.R.) and Germany promised not to
attack each other in what was known as


C. They refused to give up their jobs to
returning veterans. the

D. They competed successfully with men A. Brest-Litovsk Treaty

for jobs in heavy industries. B. Non-Aggression Pact

158. What was one reason the Nazi programs C. Treaty of Versailles
and policies of the early l930’s appealed D. Treaty of Berlin
to many people in Germany?
A. The people were frustrated with their 163. This is what the atomic bomb program
current economic and political situation. came to be called:

B. Germany had been denied member- A. Office of Scientific Research and Devel-
ship in the United Nations. opment

C. A coup d’etat had forced communism B. War Production Board

on the German people. C. War Production Board
D. The German people feared that the D. Manhattan Project
French or the British would soon gain con-
trol of the Polish corridor. 164. Someone who has complete control of the
government is known as a
159. Organization founded in 1945 to pro-
mote peace. A. dictator
A. United Nations B. leader
B. War Production Board C. president
C. Double V Campaign D. governor
D. Manhattan Project 165. Which function of the United Nations is
based on the concept of collective secu-
160. What was the code name for Allied attack
on Normandy?
A. Operation Fortitude A. providing health services

B. Operation Overlord B. coordinating global peacekeeping

C. Operation D-Day C. monitoring educational programs

D. Operation Normandy D. assisting in agricultural research

161. Britain and France declared war on Ger- 166. What was the main group of people killed
many on in the Holocaust?
A. September 1939 A. The Jewish People
B. July 1914 B. The German People
C. December 1919 C. The Italian People
D. June 1946 D. The Christian People


1.12 World War II 592

167. Name the three major countries that 172. Which battle was the turning point of the
formed the alliance known as the Allied war in the Pacific?
A. Battle of Singapore
A. Great Britain, Soviet Union, United
B. Battle of the Coral Sea
State s
C. Battle of Guadalcanal
B. Great Britain, Japan, United States
C. Germany, France, United States D. Battle of Midway

D. Japan, Germany, Italy 173. The Allies consisted of

168. The Emperor of Japan, Hirohito, thought A. Japan, Germany, and America
he would destroy most of the U.S Navy B. America, France, and Australia
when he ordered the Japanese navy to:
C. America, U.S.S.R, and Britain
A. bomb Pear Harbor
D. Germany, China, Japan, and Hawaii
B. invaded France
C. bomb Poland 174. Which countries were part of the Axis
D. capture Hitler
A. Germany, Soviet Union, and Russia
169. Which battle turned the tide against Ger-
B. Japan, USA, and Germany
many on the eastern front?
C. USA, Britain, and France
A. Warsaw
B. Stalingrad D. Italy, Germany, and Japan

C. Berlin 175. In the Munich Conference, Britain and

D. Moscow France

E. Paris A. told Hitler they would declare war if he

invaded Poland.
170. Which of the following strategies in- B. allowed Czechoslavakia to become a
volved suicide bombing by Japanese air- German protectorate.
C. told Hitler that they would declare war
A. Manhattan Project
if he invaded Czechoslavakia.
B. Island Hopping
D. gave in to Hitler’s demands for the
C. Battah Death March Sudetenland.
D. Kamikaze
176. The agreement to end World War I was
171. Who led the U.S. Naval fleet to victory in signed in France in June 1919. The pur-
the Battle of Midway? pose was to punish Germany for the war.
A. Chester Nimitz A. The Armistice Treaty
B. Omar Bradley B. Treaty of Surrender
C. Vernon Baker C. D-Day
D. George Marshall D. Treaty of Versailles


1.12 World War II 593

177. What organization was created AFTER B. Japan’s invasion of Manchuria

WWII to prevent future wars? C. Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia


A. League of Nations D. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor
B. United Nations
183. Russia’s greatest general in WWII
C. North American Free Trade Agreement
A. General Erwin Rommel
B. General Zhukov
178. The Manhattan Project was designed to
C. General Raichovsky
A. create the first atomic bomb
D. General Drago
B. create the first nuclear missile
184. In Europe during the 1930s, economic in-
C. use chemical warfare on Germany
stability led to the
D. protect the city of Manhattan from an
A. rise of fascist dictatorships
B. development of nuclear arms
179. The Nuremberg laws are best described
C. abandonment of colonial territories
D. establishment of the League of Na-
A. efforts of the Roman Catholic Church
to punish heresy
B. major articles in the Declaration of the 185. * The Nazi Party controls Germany. *
Rights of Man Khmer Rouge rules in Cambodia. * The
Sandinistas control Nicaragua. Which
C. specific laws contained in Justinian’s
statement describes a similarity in these
D. anti-Semitic laws of 20th-century Ger-
A. Civil liberties were promoted.
B. Voting rights were extended to
180. When is D-Day? women.
A. 3 June 1944 C. Leaders won the support of all groups.
B. 4 June 1944 D. One group seized power and limited
C. 5 June 1944 opposition.
D. 6 June 1944 186. Prime Minister of England/Great Britain
181. The two sides that fought in World War A. Winston Churchill
II were the B. Franklin Roosevelt
A. Allied & Central Powers C. Benito Mussolini
B. Allied & Axis Powers D. Dwight Eisenhower
C. Central & Axis Powers
187. A time when business activity is very
D. Allied & Associated Powers slow and people are out of work is known
182. Which event was most significant in the as a
U.S. decision to enter World War II? A. crash
A. Germany’s annexation of Austria B. depression


1.12 World War II 594

C. party 193. Why did Japan decide to attack Pearl Har-

D. low time
A. US did not lift up the Embargo of 1940
188. Appeasing Germany led to B. US invaded China to free it from Japan
A. more aggression by Germany C. US declared war on Japan
B. Germany reduced aggression D. Rumors of the first atomic bomb at
C. brought peace to the continent Pearl Harbor reached Japan

D. Germany ended their attempts to take 194. Following the death of FDR, he become
over the President of the US; he made the ul-
timate decision to drop atomic bombs on
189. Which of these is guaranteed by the Bill Japan.
of Rights?
A. Herbert Hoover
A. the right to vote
B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
B. the right to own land C. Harry S. Truman
C. the right to travel between states D. Thomas Dewey
D. the right to petition the government
195. Who was the Emperor of Japan?
190. The air attack on Britain by Germany was A. Hirohito
called B. Mussolini
A. D-Day C. Stalin
B. Battle of Britain D. Churchill
C. Battle of Normandy
196. All of the following were members of the
D. Battle of Alamein Axis powers EXCEPT:
E. Pearl Harbor A. Germany
B. Italy
191. Using less goods, so that soldiers would
have food and supplies for the war. C. Japan
A. Rationing D. Soviet Union

B. Proportioning 197. Which of these is the most widely ac-

cepted number of those murdered in the
C. Propaganda
Nanjing Massacre?
D. Conservation
A. 100, 000
192. were African American fighter pilots B. 300, 000
in WWII. C. 400, 000
A. The Blue Angels D. Half a million
B. The Tuskegee Airmen
198. What country did Hitler invade that
C. The Thunderbirds started World War II?
D. The Rough Riders A. Poland


1.12 World War II 595

B. Russia 203. What country signed a nonaggression

C. Belgium pact with the Soviet Union in 1939?


A. Germany
D. France
B. Spain
199. Why are the cities of Hiroshima and Na-
C. Great Britain
gasaki significant to the history of World
War II? D. The United States
A. They were the sites of key Allied mili- 204. In September 1940, President Roosevelt
tary bases in the Pacific theater began limiting scrap iron and steel to this
B. They were major industrial centers country?
critical to the Japanese war effort A. Japan
C. They were the first and only cities to B. Italy
ever be targeted with atomic bombs in C. Soviet Union
D. France
D. They were the sites of major battles
between American and Japanese ground 205. What country did fascism originate?
forces A. Germany
200. This country invaded Denmark, Norway, B. Italy
the Netherlands, and Belgium. C. Soviet Union
A. France D. Britain
B. Italy 206. World War II started precisely with the
C. Germany German invasion of
D. the Soviet Union A. Austria
B. Sudetenland
201. The Munich Conference was held to ad-
dress the threat of Germany’s invasion of C. Rhineland
D. Poland
A. Britain
B. Czechoslovakia 207. What two countries signed a non-
aggression pact in 1939?
C. Italy
A. Germany and Italy
D. Norway
B. Germany and Russia
202. Which of the following is a reason that C. Russia and France
the Treaty of Versailles was a cause of
WWII? D. Japan and Germant

A. Forcing Germany to pay reparations 208. Who did Germany/Hitler invade on Sept.
1, 1939?
B. Forcing Germany to pay for new guns
A. Austria
C. Forcing Germany to pay for the Rus-
sian Revolution B. Soviet Union
D. Forcing Germany to pay for American C. Poland
factories that were damaged in America D. France


1.12 World War II 596

209. The Battle of Kursk was considered a 214. Things are so high, poor people cry,
turning point because Such times was ne’er before, For every-
A. Hitler was then on the defensive thing is raised in priceTo carry on the War
John Wilson, A New Song on the Dear
B. Russia had lost access to ports Times1. In this song, the songwriter is
C. Russia lost massive numbers of sol- complaining about
diers A. unemployment
D. Hitler successfully conquered Russia B. quotas

210. The signing of the NATO alliance marked C. Depression
the end of whose policy toward foreign al- D. inflation
A. Thomas Jefferson 215. Which of the following was not affected
by the Nazi’s Holocaust?
B. Franklin Roosevelt
A. Jews
C. Abraham Lincoln
B. Slavs
D. George Washington
C. Gypsies
211. How did Texans contribute to the war
D. Undesirables (e.g. homosexuals, men-
from the home front?
tally ill)
A. Raising money through car washes
E. Surrendering German Soldiers
B. Protesting the war in the streets
216. The treaty that was supposed to keep
C. Scrap metal drives, war bonds, and ra-
Hitler and Stalin at Peace was the:
tioning food
A. German-Soviet pact
D. Bake sales and making candles
B. Treaty of Paris
212. World War II is generally considered to
C. Treaty of Versailles
have begun when Great Britain and France
declared war on Germany because of what D. Nazi-Soviet Pact
217. What is rationing?
A. Germany’s invasion of Poland
A. Converting peace time material to war
B. Germany’s annexation of Austria material
C. Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union B. Charity
D. Germany’s occupation of the C. When people can only consume/have
Rhineland a certain amount of goods
213. Which political leader gained power as D. none of above
a result of the failing economy of the
Weimar Republic? 218. The United States Supreme Court decision
in Korematsu v. United States (1944) con-
A. Adolf Hitler cerned
B. Francisco Franco A. restricting freedom of the press
C. Benito Mussolini B. the president’s right to use atomic
D. Charles de Gaulle weapons


1.12 World War II 597

C. limiting civil liberties during wartime 223. What role did African Americans serve in
the military by the end of the war?
D. the right of women to serve in military


combat A. They were not allowed in the military.
B. They served in segregated combat
219. In what context did physicist Robert Op-
penheimer say thefollowing:“We [cannot]
forget that these weapons as they were in C. They only served in non-combat posi-
factused dramatized so mercilessly the in- tions.
humanity and evil ofmodern war.”-Robert D. They served in fully integrated combat
Oppenheimer, 1947 units.
A. As an isolationist and dissenter of
224. Political and economic conditions in Eu-
World War II
rope following World War I and Fascism
B. As presidential advisor on conven- were causes of
tional weapons
A. worldwide prosperity
C. As scientific director of the Manhattan
B. increased job opportunities
C. World War II
D. As inventor of naval radar systems
D. the Spanish American War
220. What was the significance of the D-Day
invasion of Normandy, France? 225. U.S. naval victory over the Japanese
fleet in June 1942, in which the Japanese
A. opened a 2nd front to the war in Eu- lost four of their best aircraft carriers. It
rope marked a turning point in the war in the
B. Allied Forces liberated Italy Pacific.

C. Allied forces were defeated A. Germany invades France

D. Hitler conquered Denmark, Norway, & B. Battle of Midway

Belgium C. Germany invades Poland
D. Battle of Stalingrad
221. A form of Totalitarianism that empha-
sizes nationalism, conformity and vio- 226. What policy did other European nations
lence. adopt when dealing with Germany before
A. Fascism WWII?
B. Communism A. Totalitarianism
C. Totalitarianism B. Isolationism

D. Chamberlin C. Appeasement
D. Aggressionism
222. Who was the leader of Germany?
227. The defense of which Russian city marked
A. Stalin
a turning point on the Eastern Front of
B. Hitler World War II?
C. Franco A. Leningrad
D. Mussolini B. Moscow


1.12 World War II 598

C. Odessa D. Florida hotels were used as military

D. Stalingrad barracks and as hospitals for servicemen
returning from overseas.
228. The Korean war occurred when North Ko-
rea attacked: 232. Module 11 WWII-Lesson 7 (The Allies
Liberate Europe)The Big Three, Roosevelt,
A. China to spread democracy Churchill, and Stalin met in Yalta, Russia
B. The United States of America to to discuss what?
spread communism A. The fate of Germany and the post war

C. South Korea to spread communism world, now that Germany was all but
D. Japan to spread democracy beaten.
B. The Fate of the Soviet Union now that
229. Read the descriptions below.promoted they had surrendered to Germany
extreme nationalism and racism called
for territorial expansion to create “liv- C. How Europe will pay the U.S. the war
ing space” abolished civil liberties forcibly debts it owes
eliminated all opposition Which govern- D. To decide what country would pay for
ment does this list best describe? the war
A. the fascist government of Italy 233. Before the outbreak of World War II,
B. the Nazi government of Germany Japan invaded what country?
C. the militarist government of Japan A. Ethiopia
D. the communist government of the B. United States
USSR C. China
230. The following were causes of World War D. Berlin
234. Joseph McCarthy was a U.S senator that:
A. Political instability
A. helped the U.S win World War II
B. Economic devastation (Great Depres-
sion) B. became convinced that democracy
was trying to be spread in the U.S govern-
C. Rise of dictators ment
D. Low unemployment worldwide C. became convinced that communists
231. How did the hospitality industry of were trying to gain control of the U.S gov-
Florida support the war effort during ernment
World War II? D. helped the U.S win the Cold War
A. Florida hotels were used as meeting 235. * Bitterness over the Treaty of Versailles
sites for Allied leaders to discuss strat- * Loss of the Ruhr and overseas colonies *
egy. Rising inflation and unemployment These
B. Florida hotels were used as military factors are most closely associated with
prisons for captured German naval offi- A. the rise of fascism in Germany
B. the Russian Revolution of 1917
C. Florida hotels were used as detention
facilities for citizens of Japanese, German, C. French imperialism in Africa
and Italian ancestry. D. the communist revolution in China.


1.12 World War II 599

236. What was the Allied strategy in the Pa- 241. What is ‘Blitzkrieg’?
cific known as? A. ‘Thunder war’-dropping of nuclear


A. island-hopping bombs
B. island-jumping B. ‘Lightning war’-Nazi war plans and tac-
tics that works on speed and surprise
C. appeasement
C. ‘Raining war’-the constant dropping of
D. rationing
bombs at enemy states
237. This government group was established D. ‘Star war’-USA war plans and tactics
to coordinate news and propaganda in the that work on spying
United States.
242. Leader of Japan during WWII (do NOT
A. Warner Bros. get this one wrong)
B. Office of War Information A. Hirohito
C. Office of Propaganda B. Adolf Hitler
D. National War Communications Board. C. Benito Mussolini

238. In sharp contrast to World War I, during D. Joseph Stalin

World War II, the United States was 243. Which organization was created after
A. ready to use conscription if necessary World War II to help countries peacefully
to raise an army. resolve conflicts?
B. forced to sacrifice civilian economic A. League of Nations
well-being for the military effort. B. Warsaw Pact
C. weakened by constant isolationist crit- C. North American Treaty Organization
icism of the war effort.
D. United Nations
D. nearly unanimous in support of the
war. 244. What combatant nation in World War II
lost the most total number of soldiers and
239. Known as the largest naval battle of all civilians?
history A. Soviet Union
A. Battle of Midway B. Germany
B. Battle of Iwo Jima C. Poland
C. Battle of Leyte Gulf D. Japan
D. Battle of Solomon Islands
245. No one in this country [Great Britain]
240. A political system ruled by a dictator that who examines carefully the terms under
is ultra-nationalistic and militaristic. which Hitler’s troops begin their march
into Czecho-Slovakia to-day can feel other
A. Communism than unhappy. Certainly the Czechs will
B. Fascism hardly appreciate Mr. Chamberlain’s
phrase that it is “peace with honour.”
C. Democracy
“Return from Munich, “ Guardian, October
D. Republic 1, 1938 12. The author of this excerpt is


1.12 World War II 600

reacting to Prime Minister Chamberlain’s 250. Which headline is most closely associ-
policy of ated with the cities of Hiroshima and Na-
A. self-determination gasaki?
A. “Japan Signs Treaty of Kanagawa”
B. ethnic segregation
B. “Nuclear Bombs Dropped on Japan”
C. containment
C. “Japan Invades Korea”
D. appeasement
D. “Japan Hosts Discussion on Green-

246. Which of the following formed the Allied house Gases”
251. The Japanese, the Germans, and the Ital-
A. Italy and Great Britain ians pursued a policy of expansionism be-
B. France and Germanyv fore World War II to gain
C. France, Soviet Union, The United A. warm-water ports
States and Great Britain B. freedom of the seas.
D. Japan and Germany C. manufacturing plants
D. natural resources
247. What major theater of war involved the
most naval combat? 252. The Office of Price Administration set up
A. European Theater what system to prevent shortages?
B. North African Theater A. rationing

C. Pacific Theater B. price controls

C. war bonds
D. Eastern Front
D. victory gardens
248. How did the U.S respond when Germany
bombed Great Britain? 253. What was Hitler’s form of government
during WW2?
A. Lend-Lease Program
A. Nazism
B. Isolationism
B. Communism
C. Dollar Diplomacy
C. Democracy
D. Big Stick Diplomacy
D. Socialism
249. Module 11-Lesson 7 (The Challenges of 254. The D-Day invasion in Normandy was
Victory)At the Nuremberg trials, the de- a turning point in war against Germany
fendants included Hitler’s most trusted because-
party officials, government ministers, mil-
itary leaders, and powerful industrialists. A. the Allies were able to stop Hitler’s in-
Which of these was NOT a crime they were vasion of Poland
being accused of? B. Germany was forced to fight two
A. Crimes against peace
C. Hitler was able to stop the attack be-
B. Crimes against Humanity
fore it occured
C. War Crimes D. U.S. troops destroyed most of Ger-
D. Crimes against nature many’s aircraft carriers


1.12 World War II 601

255. Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa was a plan 260. Proved Hitler could be stopped; forced a
to attack 2-front war


A. England A. Battle of Berlin
B. France B. Battle of Britain
C. Russia C. Invasion of Poland
D. Germany D. Battle of MIdway

256. Why did President Harry Truman decide 261. Where were British troops trapped by
to bomb the Japanese cities of Hiroshima Germans?
and Nagasaki in 1945?
A. Dunkirk
A. to win re-election following the war.
B. Normandy
B. to instill fear in the Soviet Union, who
C. Florence
also had a bomb.
D. Sicily
C. to retaliate against Japan for attack-
ing Pearl Harbor. 262. What race did the Nazi’s proclaim as the
D. to prevent a ground invasion of Japan “master race”?
that could have cost a million American A. Americans
B. Japanese
257. How did the U.S. respond to the attack C. Aryan
on Pearl Harbor?
D. Japanese
A. declared war on Japan
B. embargo of oil & gas 263. Who was the Prime Minister of England
during WWII?
C. Operation Overlord (D-Day)
A. Joseph Stalin
D. Lend-Lease Act
B. Winston Churchill
258. Which two fascist Allies came to the ac- C. Benito Mussolini
tive support of the Nationalists in Spain?
D. Harry Truman
A. Russia and Poland
B. France and Britain 264. On June 6, 1944, 60, 000 American and
Allied troops gathered in southern England,
C. Germany and Italy crossed the English Channel, arrived on
D. none of above the beaches of Normandy, France and sur-
prised the Germans. This operation was
259. Which of these was not a dictator? known as
A. Joseph Stalin A. VE Day
B. Adolf Hilter B. D-Day
C. Hideki Tojo C. VJ Day
D. Benito Mussolini D. the Holocaust


1.12 World War II 602

265. What was one reason Japan attacked the A. increased demand for a Jewish home-
U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor? land
A. The U.S. strategy of island hopping had B. Nazi leaders convicted of war crimes
disturbed Pacific trade routes
C. emphasis was placed on individual re-
B. The Japanese naval fleet had been de- sponsibility for actions
feated at the Battle of Midway
D. all military orders must be followed as
C. Japanese Americans had been relo-

cated to internment camps
D. U.S. trade sanctions had caused short- 270. The Nazi program to completely de-
ages of oil, gas, and rubber stroy Judaism. Six million Jews were
killed-two-thirds of the Jewish citizens of
266. In 1994, Rwanda experienced a biter Europe-in an organized, government policy
civil war between what two tribes? of forced labor and mass murder.
A. Tutsi and Hutu
A. Early Action
B. Tutsi and Khoisan
B. Final Action
C. Khoisan and Somalis
C. Passover
D. Ethioptians and Hutus
D. Holocaust
267. As World War II was ending, the United
States decided to join the United Nations 271. Which of the following is the best descrip-
mainly because the United States tion of the Nuremberg Trials?
A. sought to meet the American pub- A. A series of trials for war crimes com-
lic’s overwhelming demand for free-trade mitted by the Allied Powers during World
agreements War II.
B. wanted to continue to play the same
B. A series of trials for war crimes com-
role it had in the League of Nations
mitted by German military and civilian
C. recognized that efforts to achieve leaders during World War II.
world peace required United States in-
volvement C. A series of trials for war crimes com-
mitted by Japanese military and civilian
D. wanted to stop the growing influence leaders during World War II
of newly independent developing nations
D. A series of trials for war crimes com-
268. “Lightening war, “ used by Hitler in mitted by French military and civilian lead-
which armored columns pushed forward ers during World War II
and were protected by plane cover
A. Kamikaze 272. What event led to the start of WWII?
B. Genocide A. Germany invaded Poland
C. Sanctions B. Germany invaded Austria
D. Blitzkrieg C. Germany formed an alliance with Italy
269. Which is NOT a significant outcome of the D. Germany formed an alliance with
Nuremberg trials? Japan


1.12 World War II 603

273. What were the two U.S. Presidents dur- C. Pearl Harbor
ing World War II?
D. Japanese Internment Camp


A. Eisenhower and Truman
B. FDR and Eisenhower 278. Peace organization that was formed af-
ter World War II
C. Trump and Washington
A. League of Nations
D. FDR and Truman
B. Warsaw Pact
274. During the l930’s, which characteristic
was common to Fascist Italy, Nazi Ger- C. United Nations
many, and Communist Russia? D. Atlantic Charter
A. government ownership of the means
of production and distribution 279. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in
1941 is an illustration of the
B. one-party system that denied basic hu-
man rights A. impact a single event can have on pub-
lic opinion in a time of crisis
C. encouragement of individual freedom
of expression in the arts B. effectiveness of a policy of appease-
ment in stopping aggression
D. emphasis on consumer goods rather
than on weapons C. success of the pacifist movement in
the United States
275. Name given to the sudden violen offen-
sive attack the Germans used-“lightning D. role of communism as a negative influ-
war” ence in global affairs
A. Lend Lease 280. The invasions of Russia by France in
B. Holocaust 1812 and by Germany in World War II
C. Internment were unsuccessful in part because of the

D. Blitzkrieg A. Russian alliances with China

B. harsh climatic conditions in Russia
276. Which nation below was NOT a member
of the Alled Powers? C. inexperience of French and German
A. Great Britain military leaders

B. France D. failure of France and Germany to de-

velop modern weapons
C. Poland
D. Germany 281. Which event was the primary reason the
United Nations called for a Convention on
E. United States
the Prevention and Punishment of Geno-
277. People who do not fight in the war but cide in 1948?
support the fighting of a war by work- A. Bosnian massacres
ing in factories, rationing, growing victory
gardens B. killing fields in Cambodia
A. total war C. Holocaust
B. homefront D. Hutu & Tutsi Conflict


1.12 World War II 604

282. World War II is often considered to be a A. Truman

turning point in history because B. FDR
A. the League of Nations demonstrated C. Hoover
that an international organization could
maintain world peace. D. Garfield

B. the war brought an end to dictator- 287. was between Germany, Japan and
ships as a form of government. Italy which created the Axis Powers.

C. European domination of the world be- A. Tripartite Pact
gan to weaken as nationalism in colonies B. Treaty of Berlin
C. Milan Agreement
D. religious and ethnic differences were
no longer a source of conflict between na- D. Tokyo Resolutions
tions. 288. Which attempted to ensure human treat-
283. This event led to France and Britain ment of prisoners of war by establishing
declaring war on Germany and effectively rules to be followed by all nations?
starting WWII. A. nonaggression pact
A. The Invasion of Poland by Germany B. Atlantic Charter
B. German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact C. Geneva Convention
C. The Fall of Paris D. Yalta Conference
D. The attack on Pearl Harbor E. Seneca Falls Convention

284. What were the two main theaters (places 289. What was D-Day?
where battles were fought) of World War A. Allied forces attacked Japan
B. Allied forces attacked Midway
A. Atlantic and Pacific
C. Allied forces stormed the beaches of
B. European and American Normandy
C. European and Pacific D. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
D. Indian and Australian
290. Which TWO answer choices show how
285. Fascist leaders in Italy and Germany the U.S. responded to the attack on Pearl
came to power in the l920s and l930s be- Harbor? (CHOOSE TWO)
cause they A. The U.S. government put Japanese
A. resisted all forms of extreme national- Americans in internment camps because
ism. it thought they could have helped the
Japanese government plan its attack.
B. maintained political traditions.
B. The U.S. surrendered to Japan and
C. supported the League of Nations. gave Japan control of Hawaii.
D. exploited economic hardships to gain C. The U.S. decided to remain isolationist
popular support. and stay out of the war altogether.
286. President of the US who decided to use D. The U.S. declared war on Japan and en-
atomic bombs tered WWII.


1.12 World War II 605

291. Fascism was popularized by which World 297. The United States became involved in
War II leader? World War II primarily because


A. Adolf Hitler A. Germany refused to pay its debts from
B. Joseph Stalin World War I
C. Hideki Tojo B. European democracies supported
United States policies toward Germany
D. Benito Mussolini
and Japan
292. What year did World War II begin? C. President Franklin D. Roosevelt did not
A. 1933 enforce the Neutrality Acts
B. 1935 D. the Japanese empire bombed the US
C. 1939 Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
D. 1941 298. Which of the following terms describes
293. What was Germany’s first step on de- giving in to aggressive demands in order
feating Britain? to maintain peace?

A. Using the navy A. lebensraum

B. Using the army B. appeasement
C. Using the air force C. capitulation
D. Create riots withing Britain D. blitzkrieg

294. The fear of spies along the West Coast 299. In 1945 American & Soviet troops lib-
of the United States led to many being erated Nazi concentration camps, which
placed into internment camps. were used to eliminate which ethnic
A. Jewish Americans group?
B. African Americans A. Jews
C. Japanese Americans B. Japanese Americans
D. none of above C. Filipinos
295. Even though Hitler insisted on taking D. Chinese
back this land, Britain and France were
300. A principal reason for the expansion of
NOT willing to go to war to keep the
the United States leadership role at the
A. Sudetenland conclusion of World War II was that the
B. Philippines United States
C. Poland A. had acquired several new overseas
D. Italy colonies
B. was given new roles by secret wartime
296. Blitzkrieg means
A. lightning storm
C. had dominant economic and military
B. lightning war strength
C. fire fight D. joined the newly formed European
D. bombing war Common Market


1.12 World War II 606

301. In 1988, Congress voted to pay $20, 306. The Universal Declaration of Human
000 to each of the surviving Americans of Rights (1948) and the founding of
Japanese descent who were interned dur- Amnesty International (1961) are both
ing World War II because associated with efforts to recognize and
protect the
A. the danger of war with Japan no longer
existed A. economic diversity of nations
B. all of the interned Japanese Ameri- B. dignity of individuals
cans eventually became American citizens

C. right of each nation to enforce its own
C. the World Court ordered the United laws
States to pay reparations D. balance of power between nations
D. many Americans believed the intern- 307. was part of Operation Husky.
ment was unjust and unnecessary
A. El Alamein
302. Which is an example of the British and B. Invasion of Normandy
French policy of appeasement?
C. Stalingrade
A. Hitler’s attack on Austria
D. Invasion of Sicily
B. The Nazi Party
308. In what ways did Americans at home con-
C. The War Production Board tribute to the war effort?
D. The Munich Agreement A. Working in War Related Industries
303. What event triggered the start of World B. Rationing
War II? C. Buying War Bonds
A. Hitler came into power D. All of the Above
B. Germany annexed Austria 309. A major result of the Nuremberg trials af-
C. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor ter World War II was that
D. Germany attacked Poland A. Germany was divided into four zones
of occupation
304. With which country did Germany sign a B. the United Nations was formed to pre-
non-aggression pact? vent future acts of genocide
A. Czechoslovakia C. the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
B. Austria tion (NATO) was established to stop the
spread of communism
C. Soviet Union
D. Nazi political and military leaders were
D. All of the above
held accountable for their actions
305. Tuskegee Airmen were 310. When did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
A. Japanese American pilots A. September 7, 1941
B. Female Pilots B. December 7, 1941
C. African American pilots C. January 7, 1941
D. German American Pilots D. July 7, 1941


1.12 World War II 607

311. All of the following are true about the So- 316. What foreign policy tried to keep Hitler
viet Union’s (Russia) army during World happy rather than punish him for taking
War II EXCEPT over countries?


A. They did not have enough weapons or A. Imperialism
supplies for their entire army
B. Appeasement
B. They threatened to shoot any Russian
C. Isolationism
soldiers who retreated in battle
C. They used the cold winter weather to D. Internationalism
help defeat the Germans E. Containment
D. They had one of the smallest armies in
317. Which of the following best describes the
the world
outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad for the
312. What event led to US entry into WWII? German Sixth Army?
A. Hitler’s invasion of Poland A. They were able to capture Stalin-
grad but suffered heavy losses and were
B. Hitler violating the treaty of Versailles
forced to retreat
C. Battle of Midway
B. They were able to hold onto Stalin-
D. Pearl Harbor grad but suffered heavy losses and were
forced to surrender
313. government in which one person or party
is in control C. They were unable to capture Stalin-
grad and suffered heavy losses before be-
A. democracy ing forced to retreat
B. totalitariansim
D. They were completely destroyed, with
C. theocracy few survivors and no ability to continue
D. none of above fighting

314. Which World War II battle was the turn- 318. President Roosevelt’s promise to the So-
ing point of the war in the Pacific? viets to open a second front in Western
Europe by the end of 1942
A. Battle of Guadalcanal
A. was fulfilled by the invasion of North
B. Battle of Midway
C. Battle ofIwo Jima
B. was made to deceive Stalin and en-
D. Battle of the Coral Sea courage him to slow his army’s movement
into Eastern Europe.
315. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles
and the global economic depression of the C. was strongly supported by Churchill
1930’s both contributed to the and British military leaders.
A. Scramble for Africa D. proved utterly impossible to keep.
B. Amritsar Massacre 319. What legal precedent was established at
C. rise of a fascist dictatorship in Ger- the Nuremberg Trials after World War II?
many A. New nations can be established as
D. formation of the Congress of Vienna havens for refugees from war-torn areas.


1.12 World War II 608

B. BIndividuals can be held responsible D. Espionage and Sedition Act

for violating human rights even during
E. 18th Amendment
C. Peace treaties must be approved by 324. Which country invaded China in 1938 as
all nations involved before being imple- part of a mass campaign of territorial ex-
mented. pansion?
D. Territory conquered during a war can
A. Italy
be divided between the winning nations.

B. Japan
320. Why did Japan attack the United
States? C. Germany
A. The United States was interfering with D. The Soviet Union
Japan’s plan to expand its empire.
B. The United States was threatening to 325. The Doolittle Raid occurred a few months
bomb the Japanese mainland. after Pearl harbor and was a U.S. attack
on what city?
C. Japan wanted to gain control of Hawaii
D. The United States had sent troops to A. Hiroshima
Southeast Asia to support Britain.. B. Tokyo
321. One reason the League of Nations failed C. NagasakiNagasaki
as a world organization was that it
D. Tora BoraKyoto
A. supported the rise of fascist states
B. lacked a military force to settle con- 326. The Lend-Lease Act of 1941 significantly
flicts changed United States policy toward na-
C. dealt with conflict by establishing tions involved in World War II because it
naval blockades A. supplied war materials to Allied na-
D. encouraged the annexation of territory tions without a declaration of war
by force
B. imposed a trade boycott on Germany
322. Which of the following documents is an and Japan
example of “appeasement”? C. authorized the seizure of British as-
A. Lend-Lease Act sets in the United States
B. Non-Aggression Pact D. approved the appeasement policies of
C. Treaty of Versailles the French and British governments
D. Munich Pact
327. The following countries were Allies EX-
323. What gave the President authority to CEPT
send equipment to countries to defend A. USA
themselves against the Axis Powers?
A. Wilson’s Fourteen Points B. Great Britain

B. Neutrality Acts C. Italy

C. Lend-Lease Act D. France


1.12 World War II 609

328. What was the name of the treaty signed lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fa-
between Germany and the Allied Powers tal things than guns”Which political belief
to end World War I? would this speaker support?


A. Treaty of WW I A. Societies need war to bring about
B. Treaty of Paris
B. Education is a necessary ingredient for
C. Treaty of Germany
a stable society
D. Treaty of Versailles
C. All people are born with certain natu-
E. Treaty of Berlin ral rights.
329. How did British felt when the German D. The needs of the state are more impor-
Luftwaffe tried to weaken the British tant than the rights of individuals.
Royal Air Force by bombing British ship- 332. Where was the FIRST atomic bomb
ping and coastal defences, airfields and dropped?
radar installations in 1940?
A. Poland
A. They felt angry but was unable to do
anything B. Hiroshima

B. They felt defenceless and could not C. Hamamatsu

fight back D. Yamagata
C. Their morale was strengthened and 333. Which event caused the policy of ap-
decided to continue fighting the Germans peasement to be viewed as a failure?
D. They felt that it was unfair as they had A. creation of the League of Nations
always been nice to Germany (1919)
330. All are true about the many women on B. forced famine in Ukraine (1932)
the home front during World War II except C. invasion of Czechoslovakia (1939)
D. atomic bombing of Hiroshima (1945)
A. they typically participated in combat
roles 334. Who did Hitler blame for most of the Ger-
many’s problems?
B. they replaced men that were called to
serve in the military A. Americans
C. they increasingly participated in the B. Christians
workforce C. Muslims
D. they were nicknamed “Rosie the Riv- D. Jews
335. Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union,
E. they served in support roles in the mil- and the United States were major powers
itary in which World War II alliance?
331. “Why should freedom of speech and free- A. Axis Powers
dom of the press be allowed? Why B. Triple Entente
should a government, doing what it be-
lieves is right, allow itself to be criti- C. Allied Powers
cized? It would not allow opposition by D. Triple Alliance


1.12 World War II 610

336. What was the “criminal charge” at the A. The quality of goods decreasaed
Nuremberg Trials?
B. There was an increase in business pro-
A. Not following orders ductivity.
B. Switching sides during the war C. There was an increase in the cost of
C. Attacking U.S. ships with U-boats products.
D. Crimes against humanity D. The number of people who could afford
goods decreased.

337. Name the two atomic bombs dropped on
Japan 342. Which Texan became the first director of
A. Little boy & fat guy the Women’s Army Corps, won a Distin-
guished Service Medal, and was appointed
B. Deliverance 1 and 2 the first Secretary of the US Department
C. Enola Gay & Fat Man of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW)?
D. Fat man & Little Boy A. Lulu Belle Madison White

338. Which World War II battle involved the B. Oveta Culp Hobby
greatest mobilization of land and sea C. Jane McCallum
D. James L Farmer, Jr.
A. Normandy
B. Okinawa 343. Which country annexed Ethiopia in 1936
for colonial purposes?
C. El Amamein
A. Soviet Union
D. Guadalcanal
B. Spain
339. Which of these allowed the United States
to send “all aid short of war” to Britain de- C. Italy
spite its status as a neutral nation early in D. Germany
World War II?
A. Atlantic Charter 344. What was the code name for the devel-
opment of the Atomic Bomb?
B. Double V campaign
A. Captain Connery
C. Lend-Lease Act
B. Manhattan Project
D. Selective Training and Service Act
C. Fat Boy
340. Who often filled in the jobs left open by
D. Eye in the Sky
the departure of military servicemen?
A. Women and Minorities 345. After WWII, Which of the following na-
B. Military tions was a part of the Warsaw Pact al-
C. Animals
A. United States
D. Germans
341. What was an effect of these technologi-
C. Great Britain
cal advancements? *automobile *comput-
ers *Internet D. Mexico


1.12 World War II 611

346. Payment for damages after a war is 351. From the standpoint of the Imperial Gen-
called eral Headquarters, based on the assump-
tion that a peaceful solution has not been


A. Demilitarization
found and war is inevitable, the Empire’s
B. Self-determination oil supply, as well as the stockpiles of
C. Reparations many other important war materials, is de-
creasing day by day with the result that
D. none of above the national defense power is gradually
diminishing. If this deplorable situation
347. The official name of the Marshall Plan is is left unchecked, I believe that, after a
A. European Expansion Program lapse of some time, the nation’s vitality
will deteriorate and ultimately fall into
B. European Marshall Program dire straits. Admiral Osami Nagano,
C. European Relief and Recovery Tokyo, Japan, September 6, 1941 What
event was planned to solve the problem
D. European Recovery Program
identified by Admiral Nagano?
348. What event pushed the United States A. attack on Pearl Harbor
into World War II? B. dropping the atomic bomb
A. Germany’s invasion of Poland C. invasion of the Midway Islands
B. Italy’s invasion of Ethiopia D. implementation of Kamikaze strate-
C. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor gies

D. rumors of the Holocaust 352. Which of the following countries did not
belong to the Axis powers?
349. Which newspaper headline illustrates a
policy of appeasement? A. Japan
B. Italy
A. “Dien Bien Phu Falls; French to Leave
Vietnam.” C. France
B. “Chamberlain Agrees to German De- D. Germany
mands:Sudetenland to Germany”
353. Adolf Hitler
C. “Marshall Plan Proposes Economic Aid
Program for Europe” A. leader of Germany
B. leader of Italy
D. “Soviet Troops and Tanks Crush Hun-
garian Revolt” C. leader of Soviet Union
D. leader of France
350. The violence and destruction that oc-
curred during World War II led to the 354. The Royal Airforce held off the German
A. expansion of colonial empires in Luftwaffe using radar during this battle.
Africa. A. Battle of Midway
B. formation of the United Nations. B. Battle of Berlin
C. signing of the Versailles Treaty. C. Battle of Britain
D. unification of Germany. D. Battle of Iwo Jima


1.12 World War II 612

355. The l930s depression in Germany con- D. increase consumer spending and stim-
tributed to the rise of the Nazi Party be- ulate the economy
360. U.S. General nicknamed “Ike” who com-
A. economic hardships increased politi- manded Allied troops at D-Day. Eventual
cal instability. President of the United States.
B. five-year plans of the communists A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. Douglas MacArthur

C. the Reichstag nationalized private
C. Harry Truman
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. the Weimar republic imposed totalitar-
ianism. 361. Massive allied invasion of France that oc-
cured on June 6, 1944
356. The day Japan surrendered was known
as: A. V-E Day
A. VE Day B. D-Day
B. VJ Day C. Battle of Midway
C. D-Day D. Holocaust
D. Surrender day 362. Germans resented it and Hitler ended up
violating every rule.
357. Which U.S. policy provided Great Britain
with military supplies during World War A. Schlieffen plan
II? B. Treaty of Versailles
A. isolationism C. League of Nations
B. multilateralism D. United Nations
C. containment 363. During the Cold War, Germany was two
D. lend-lease different countries. What were they?
A. East and West Germany
358. What is used to maintain a supply of es-
sential products to the war effort? B. North and South Germany
A. Rationing C. East and South Germany
B. Internment D. North and West Germany
C. War Bonds 364. A valid conclusion based on the experi-
D. Selective Service ence of Japanese Americans during World
War II is that in wartime
E. Retooling
A. first-generation immigrants become
359. On several occasions since World War II, security risks
the United States Government has reduced B. constitutional liberties may be limited
taxes primarily to
C. loyalty oaths are necessary to protect
A. balance the Federal budget the national interest
B. slow down the rate of inflation D. fear and uncertainty do not interfere
C. slow down the rise in interest rates with normal life


1.12 World War II 613

365. What years was World War II fought? D. Farms, towns, and factorieswere de-
A. 1945-1949 stroyed by five years of fighting in World
War I which led to a major depression in


B. 1939-1945 the 1920s and 1930s
C. 1914-1919
369. Who was the United States President at
D. 1930-1935
the end of WWII?
366. Adolf Hitler justified his takeover of east- A. FDR
ern territory by stating that Germany
B. TrumanTruman
needed to (Jan 2019)
C. Hoover
A. gain more living space for its people
B. reestablish its Asian colonies D. Coolidge

C. give its navy access to Caspian sea- 370. Executive Order 8802
ports A. desegregated all workplaces in the US
D. enforce established peace agree- during WWII
ments B. interned German Americans in the Mid-
367. In reference to the Holocaust, what does west
the term liberation mean? C. desegregated the defense industries
A. The period during which the Nazi & government during WWII
regime came to power in Germany D. interned Japanese Americans in the
B. The act of imprisoning Jewish people Midwest,
in concentration camps
371. What were the two theaters of World
C. The systematic extermination of Jew- War II?
ish people and other minorities by the
A. Europe and the United States
D. The act of Allied forces freeing prison- B. Asia and Africa
ers from concentration camps at the end C. Pacific and Europe
of World War II D. Africa and Australia
368. Which best describes the United States in 372. D-Day was the invasion of what coun-
the years between the world wars from try?
1919 to 1939?
A. Italy
A. Citizens gained wealth by mass pro-
ducing consumer goods in the 1920s but B. Japan
struggled through a major economic de- C. France
pression in the 1930s.
D. Germany
B. The government was in debt from
years of fighting in World War I and be- 373. What was V-E day?
came dependent on loans from European A. The day Japan surrendered
B. The day Italy surrendered
C. The USA was a major superpower and
took a leadership role in the new League C. The day Germany surrendered
of Nations D. The day the United States surrendered


1.12 World War II 614

374. The USA put an embargo on Japanese ma- B. A, C, B, D

terials at the beginning of WWII what C. B, D, A, C
does that mean?
D. C, A, D, B
A. Ban on trade
B. only trading with them 379. When was Germany defeated?

C. joining the Axis Powers A. 1939

D. Nothing B. 1941

C. 1945
375. The defense of which Russian city marked
D. 1965
a turning point in World War II?
A. Leningrad 380. What was the turning point of the war in
the Pacific?
B. Moscow
A. Coral Sea
C. Odessa
B. Pearl Harbor
D. Stalingrad
C. Battle of the Bulge
376. Allied strategy of “Defeat Hitler First” D. Midway
A. most American military resources 381. The turning point on the Eastern Front.
were targeted for Europe A. Midway
B. to quickly defeat and gain access to So- B. Invasion of Sicily
viet oil fields C. El Alamein
C. to force Britain out of the war quickly D. Stalingrad
D. to organize the Italian and French
Armies against Hitler 382. Which of the following is the best descrip-
tion of blitzkrieg?
E. US focused on Japan while USSR &
Britain focused on Germany A. A naval strategy in which a fleet of
ships quickly and unexpectedly attacks a
377. A political system based on extreme na- port or coastline, causing widespread de-
tional loyalty where the government con- struction and chaos. This tactic was used
trols the economy, culture, and all parts of by the Japanese during their surprise at-
people’s lives. Usually the government is tack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
controlled by a dictator. B. A lightning-fast, coordinated military
A. Nazism attack that combines air power, tanks,
and infantry, aimed at quickly overwhelm-
B. Fascism
ing the enemy’s defenses and creating
C. Rationing confusion behind enemy lines. This was
D. Holocaust a key tactic used by Nazi Germany during
World War II.
378. Arrange these events in chronological or- C. A diplomatic strategy in which a coun-
der:(A) V-J Day, (B) V-E Day, (C) D Day, try seeks to maintain neutrality and avoid
and (D) Invasion of Italy. involvement in a conflict, even if it means
A. D, C, B, A making concessions to other nations. This


1.12 World War II 615

was the policy adopted by the United B. V J Day

States at the start of World War II. C. V E Day


D. A defensive military strategy in which D. D P Day
a country builds a network of fortifications
and barriers to slow down an enemy’s 387. Which soldier is the most decorated (with
advance and wear them down over time. metals) of all soldiers in WWII?
This was a tactic used by the Allies during A. Audie Murphy
World War II, especially during the Battle B. Orson Wells
of the Atlantic.
C. Dwight D. Eisenhower
383. The Prime Minister of Great Britain dur- D. Hector P. Garcia
ing World War II was:
388. The taking over of Austria was known as
A. Adolph Hitler
B. Benito Mussolini
A. Blitzkrieg
C. Josef Stalin
B. Lebenstraum
D. Winston Churchill C. Anschluss
384. Which of these is the MOST accurate D. Luftwaffe
description of the War Production Board
389. One reason the Japanese followed a pol-
icy of expansionism before World War II
A. It controlled much of the American was to gain
economy during World War II.
A. warm-water ports.
B. It failed in its attempt to put an end to
B. control of Tibet.
the Great Depression.
C. additional natural resources.
C. It was created during the New Deal to
give a boost to the economy. D. control of the Suez Canal.

D. It created a red-tape bureaucracy that 390. Which militaristic nation invaded and
lasted well into the Cold War and beyond. brutalized the Chinese province of
385. What ended the Great Depression?
A. Germany
A. The New Deal
B. Italy
B. World War II C. Japan
C. Alphabet Agencies D. Korea
D. The spread of Commmunism E. Soviet Union (USSR)
386. Victory in Europe celebrates the end of 391. The defense of which Russian city marked
the Second World War on 8 May 1945 a turning point on the Eastern Front of
World War 2 ended with the unconditional World War II in Europe?
surrender of the Axis powers. On 8 May
A. Leningrad
1945, the Allies accepted Germany’s sur-
render, about a week after Adolf Hitler B. Moscow
had committed suicide. C. Odessa
A. D Day D. Stalingrad


1.12 World War II 616

392. Which country did Hitler attack that was States foreign policy changed from isola-
once an ally but became an enemy? tionism to involvement mainly because
A. Spain A. the United States felt obligated to
B. The Soviet Union honor its commitments to its allies

C. Italy B. United States interests were threat-

D. Japan
C. the public had elected Presidents who

393. The treatment of untouchables in India, supported expansionism
the treatment of Jews during the Holo- D. American manufacturers lobbied for
caust, and the treatment of Chinese stu- sales to belligerents
dent demonstrators in Tienanmen Square
are all examples of 398. Hitler’s final solution was of the Jew-
ish people. (extermination of a race or
A. fascist policies
B. extraterritoriality
A. genocide
C. excommunication
B. patricide
D. human rights violations
C. isolationsim
394. This was when the Jews were forced into D. suicide
concentration camps or death camps.
399. What was the court case that involved
A. Hitlervilles
the policy of the internment camps?
B. Nazi camp
A. There was none
C. holocaust
B. Korematsu v. United States
D. Germany
C. Takahashi v. United States
395. What country did Hitler first send troops D. Hirota v. United States
into in 1938?
400. Which major countries made up the Allied
A. Belgium
B. Czechoslovakia
A. Britain, USA, Spain
C. Austria
B. Italy, Germany, Japan
D. Poland
C. The Soviet Union, Britain, USA
396. In Cambodia, the genocide of thousands D. The Soviet Union, Britain, France
was led by Pol Pot and the
401. The totalitarian dictator of the Soviet
A. Armenians
Union, fought with the Allied Powers dur-
B. Bosnians ing WWII.
C. Khmer Rouge A. Adolf Hitler
D. Communists B. Benito Mussolini

397. Prior to United States entry into both C. Joseph Stalin

World War I and World War II, United D. Winston Churchill


1.12 World War II 617

402. Which of the following was NOT an Allied 407. This is the name remembered for the Al-
Power during WWII? lied attack on France on June 6, 1944.


A. United States A. Operation Dumbo Drop
B. Great Britain B. Operation Torch
C. France C. D-Day

D. Italy D. Omaha

408. The United Nations’ main purpose was

403. On December 7, 1941 bombed Pearl
Harbor, which caused the US to join WWII A. guard against spread of communism
on the Allied side. B. settle problems between countries
A. Japan peacefully
B. Germany C. encourage trade
C. Soviet Union D. stabilize currency of U.S and Europe

D. Italy 409. What worldwide economic crises took

place prior to World War II?
404. Code name for the invasion of North
A. Savings and Loan Crisis
B. Dot-com Bubble
A. Operation Take Back
C. Mortgage Crisis
B. Operation Overlord
D. Great Depression
C. Operation Torch
E. Big Recession
D. Battle of the Bulge
410. Which famous general led the D-Day in-
405. Japan invaded this area at the start of vasion?
the war
A. Douglas MacArthur
A. Manchuria and China B. Franklin D. Roosevelt
B. China and Philippines C. Dwight D. Eisenhower
C. Pearl Harbor and Manchuria D. Charles De Gaulle
D. Russia and China
411. Module 11-Lesson 7 (Changes on the
406. Which BEST explains the Allied victory in Home Front)Which of the following is true
World War II? about the United States after the war

A. Superior weapons and military tactics A. The United States continued to experi-
ence economic hardship like in the Great
B. Inclusion of women and ethnic minori- Depression
ties in combat and support services
B. Nothing really changed in the U.S. as a
C. Mobilization of the American economy result of WWII
and armed forces
C. The U.S. became the second most pow-
D. Development and use of atomic erful economic and military nation behind
weapons Russia


1.12 World War II 618

D. At the end of World War II, the U.S. C. Soviet Union

emerged as the world’s dominant eco- D. Poland
nomic and military power.
416. Which nation was not involved in World
412. The Lend-Lease Act was created for War II?
which of the following purposes?
A. Switzerland
A. to help heal the United States’ econ-
B. Germany
C. Italy

B. to maintain the United States’ neutral-
ity D. France
C. to provide assistance to countries 417. A conflict in which the participating coun-
America saw as vital to its defense tries devote all their resources to the war
D. to boost the United States’ business in- effort
terests A. total war
B. homefront
413. Which of the following describes radar
technology developed during World War C. Pearl Harbor
II? D. Japanese Internment Camp
A. a reaction engine discharging a fast- 418. The inhumane policies of the Reconquista,
moving jet that generates thrust by jet pogroms, and the Holocaust were all re-
propulsion. sults of
B. a system for the detection of objects A. civil disobedience & passive resis-
under water and for measuring the wa- tance
ter’s depth by emitting sound pulses.
B. acculturation and assimilation
C. an electro-mechanical streamcipher
C. war guilt and reparations
device used for encrypting and decrypting
secret messages. D. intolerance and prejudice
D. a system for detecting the presence, 419. The rise of fascism in Europe during the
direction and speed of aircraft, ships, and 1930s is directly linked to the
other objects A. failure to punish those responsible for
414. What was USA’s initial attitude towards “crimes against humanity”
the war in Europe in the 1930s? B. increased global trade after World
A. Ready to fight against Hitler War I

B. Determined to stay out ofwar C. development of authoritarian govern-

ments inLatin America
C. Ready to fight againstCommunist Rus-
D. instability caused by the worldwide de-
D. Determined to be involved
420. What prompted Japan to surrender to the
415. Germany betrayed what country when Allies on August 14, 1945?
they invaded it in 1941? A. the Doolittle raid on the city of Tokyo
A. The United States B. the firebombing of major Japanese
B. Great Britain cities


1.12 World War II 619

C. the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima 426. Which listing represents the order in
and Nagasaki which these Allied nations joined the war
against the Axis powers?


D. the loss of more that 100, 00 troops in
the battle of Okinawa A. France and Britain; (2) the Soviet
Union; (3) the United States
421. Strategy for capturing strategic Pacific is-
lands B. Britain; (2) France; (3) the United
States; (4) the Soviet Union
A. Genocide
B. “Europe First” Strategy C. France; (2) Britain and the Soviet
Union; (3) the United States
C. United Nations
D. the Soviet Union; (2) Britain and
D. Island Hopping
France; (3) the United States
422. When was Pearl Harbor attacked?
427. Which of the following is not one Hitler’s
A. December 7, 1941 actions that was against the Treaty of Ver-
B. September 1, 1939 sailles?
C. October 31, 1941 A. Rearms Germany
D. December 25, 1941 B. Takes Austria
423. World War II began in 1939 when C. Occupies Rhineland
A. Japan bombed Peal Harbor D. Invasion of Manchuria
B. France armed its military
428. Which of the following military options
C. Hitler invaded Poland did the Allies choose in the Pacific war?
D. Stalin came to power in the USSR A. launch a massive invasion of the
E. US passed the Lend-Lease Act Japanese islands from China
424. What was the purpose of the Lend-Lease B. limit Japan’s expansion but do little
Act that was passed in March of 1941? more until the war in Europe is won
A. It was part of the New Deal. C. build bases in the Aleutian Islands
B. It was to help American farmers get from which to launch an air war against
new farming equipment. Japan

C. It solidified the U.S.’s commitment to D. follow a leapfrogging campaign to se-

neutrality in the war. cure bases leading across the ocean to
D. It allowed the United States to sell,
lend, or give ships, planes, tanks, or other 429. This Conference decided to make German
equipment to the Allies. society democratic and arrest and trial Ger-
mans who were “war criminals”
425. The passage is mostly about
A. Hitler’s leadership A. Tehran
B. the relations among the Axis powers. B. Yalta
C. what led up to World War II C. Potsdam
D. the United States’ role in World War II D. Atlantic Charter


1.12 World War II 620

430. What American President dropped the A. 3rd September 1939

atomic bomb?
B. 1st September 1939
A. Roosevelt
C. 2nd September 1939
B. Truman
D. 4th September 1939
C. Wilson
D. Stalin 435. Which statement best summarizes the po-
litical effect of World War II?

431. This Axis Power country was the first to
fall to the Allied Powers. A. Japan was divided into four govern-
mental zones.
A. France
B. Germany set up a puppet government
B. Japan in West Berlin.
C. Germany
C. The United States ran democratic gov-
D. Italy ernments in Eastern Europe.
432. This strategy was used by the US military D. The Soviet Union established a commu-
in the Pacific where some Japanese held nist government in East Germany.
islands were captured and others were ig-
nored. 436. Who was the Commander of U.S. forces
in North Africa, commanded the Third
A. strategic bombing
Army through Europe and an expert in tank
B. saturation bombing warfare?
C. island seizing A. George Patton
D. island hopping B. Omar Bradley
433. Kristallnacht or the “Night of Broken C. Chester Nimitz
Glass” was
D. Dwight Eisenhower
A. The beginning of World War II, marked
by Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939. 437. Which of the following were NOT Anti-
B. The day Germany surrendered to the Semitic measures done by Germany?
Allied Powers, officially ending World War A. Holocaust
B. Nuremberg Laws
C. A violent pogrom against Jews in Nazi
Germany, characterized by the burning C. Kristallnacht
and destruction of synagogues, Jewish- D. Conscription
owned businesses, homes, and the mur-
der of Jewish people. 438. The United States became directly in-
D. The day Germany annexed Austria, volved in World War II following
known as the Anschluss, which marked A. Germany’s attack on Britain.
the beginning of Germany’s territorial ex-
pansion in Europe. B. the German invasion of Poland.
C. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.
434. Britain and France declared war on Ger-
many on D. the sinking of the Lusitania.


1.12 World War II 621

439. Germany’s Nuremberg Laws were en- A. The use of atomic weapons resulted
acted to deny citizenship to which group? in a massive “kamikaze”-style counter-
offensive from the Japanese military.


A. clergy
B. communists B. It gave the U.S. military a base from
which it could launch an invasion of main-
C. immigrants land Japan.
D. Jews C. It brought about the unconditional sur-
render of Germany and stopped the Soviet
440. In the Pacific area, the US was using a
Union from occupying Berlin.
strategy called in order to reach Japan.
D. It brought about the unconditional sur-
A. isolationism
render of Japan and ended the Second
B. appeasement World War.
C. island hopping 445. It is one of the causes of world war 2
D. genocide demilitarizing Germany.

441. What happened to Germany after the A. Blame

war? B. Reparations
A. The country was completely overtaken C. Army
by the Russians. D. Territory
B. The U.S. occupied the entire country.
446. What was the significance of World War
C. The country was divided up into 4 II’s Battle of the Bulge?
A. The allies were able to gain control of
D. The Nazis reclaimed power North Africa
442. Which country used the U-boat subma- B. Italy was defeated and was no longer
rine to the greatest military advantage a factor in the war
during the early years of World War II? C. The loss of soldiers and supplies pre-
A. United States vented Germany from conducting further
large-scale offenses
D. The quick allied advance prevented the
C. France Nazis from destroying Paris during their
D. Germany withdrawal

443. Which of the following was NOT an Axis 447. One reason for the outbreak of World
Power? War II was the
A. Italy A. refusal of the German government to
sign the Treaty of Versailles.
B. Soviet Union
B. ineffectiveness of the League of Na-
C. Germany
D. Japan C. growing tension between the United
444. What was the effect of the United States’ states and the Soviet Union.
use of atomic weapons in the war in the D. conflict between the Hapsburg and the
Pacific? Romanov families.


1.12 World War II 622

448. Axis Powers: B. the U.S. should become more isolated

A. Italy, France, Britain C. the U.S. should join the Axis powers
B. U.S., France, Britain D. the U.S. should donate troops to fight
C. Italy, Japan, Germany in the war effort

D. Britain, Japan, Italy 452. What was a key cause for the rise of
fascism in nations such as Italy and Ger-
449. “Korematsu was not excluded from the many?

military area because of hostility to him or
A. collectivization
his race. He was excluded because we are
at war with the Japanese Empire, because B. economic harship
the authorities feared an invasion of C. genocide
our West Coast and felt constrained to
D. secret treaties
take proper security measures.”-Justice
Hugo Black in Korematsu v. United States, 453. By 1938, Hitler rebuilt his military in Ger-
1944Which generalization is supported by many. What treaty did he violate with this
this quotation? action?
A. Individual rights need to be main- A. The Munich Agreement
tained in national emergencies
B. Treaty of Versailles
B. The Supreme Court lacks the power
C. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
to block presidential actions taken during
wartime D. Treaty of Paris
C. Individual rights can be restricted un- 454. was the leader of Germany, and his
der certain circumstances political party, Nazis, believed in fascism.
D. Only the Supreme Court can alter the A. Hitler
constitutional rights of American citizens
B. Stalin
450. What happened at the Potsdam and Yalta C. Mussolini
Conferences after the war?
D. Churchill
A. Axis leaders were put on trial to face
their war crimes. 455. What is genocide as practiced by the
B. Allied leaders split up Germany into oc-
cupation zones. A. the broadcasting of anti-Semitic ideas
C. Axis leaders were forced to pay repa- B. the deliberate extermination of a spe-
rations for the war. cific group of people
D. Allied leaders agreed on economic re- C. the abuse of nations citizens by their
forms for Europe. own government
D. the killing of people for the purpose of
451. Before entrance into World War II, what creating terror
did Franklin Roosevelt mean by stating
the U.S. should be an “arsenal of democ- 456. What is a difference between Fascism
racy”? and Communism
A. the U.S. should provide war materials A. Fascist believe in class differences
to support the Allied effort. where Communist believe in equality


1.12 World War II 623

B. Communist believe in private property B. Communism

where Fascist believe the gov’t owns all C. Socialism


C. Both support the freedom of religion
D. Democracy
D. Communism is similar to Nazism. Fas-
E. Monarchy
cism hates Nazism
461. Which statement best explains the pur-
457. What was the official war strategy of the
pose for the establishment of the United
US and Allies during WWII?
Nations after World War II?
A. Concentrate on both fronts at once.
A. The purpose of the United Nations was
B. Defeat Germany first and then Japan. to debate world issues.
C. Eliminate Japan as a threat and then B. The United States wanted to stop the
attack Germany. growing threat of communism.
D. Use blockades and embargoes to force C. The United States wanted to become
the Axis to surrender. directly involved in military conflicts.
458. Which action illustrates the concept of D. The United States wanted to find the
genocide? most peaceful solutions to international is-
A. the British negotiating peace with sues.
Adolf Hitler during the 1938 Munich Con-
462. An immediate effect of the Lend-Lease
program was that
B. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signing
A. Western Europe recovered from the
a nonaggression pact in 1939
damage caused by World War I
C. the Nazi armies eliminating the Jews
B. the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw
and other groups as part of Adolf Hitler’s
Final Solution
C. Japan declared war against the United
D. German generals plotting against
Adolf Hitler
D. the United States provided critical aid
459. The media and entertainment industries to Great Britain and the Soviet Union
during World War II did all of the follow-
ing except- 463. Leader of Germany during World War II.
A. kept Americans focused on the war A. Mussolini
B. demonstrated patriotic support B. Stalin
C. boosted morale of the citizens C. Roosevelt
D. never showed the enemy in stereotyp- D. Hitler
ical ways
E. showed America being victorious over 464. Why did Roosevelt decide to change the
Germany and Japan ‘Cash and carry’ policy to Lend-lease Act?
A. He decided that USA should actively
460. What type of government ruled by a dic- support democratic nations such as
tator took control in Spain? Britain in their fight against the Axis Pow-
A. Fascism ers


1.12 World War II 624

B. He decided that USA should actively (adapted)30. Which statement is consis-

support communist nations such as Rus- tent with the author’s point concerning the
sia in their fight against the allied Powers Holocaust?
C. He decided that USA should find av- A. The evils of the past are best ignored
enues to spend their money and forgotten.
D. He decided that USA should help other B. Frequent and full discussion of the his-
countries so that they can become more torical evidence of certain events is desir-
superior able.

C. All eras of history include individuals
465. Truman had the policy of toward Com- that reject existing values.
D. Every generation must apologize for
A. Appeasement the failures of earlier generations.
B. Containment
469. Rommel (Dessert Fox) was the German
C. Expansion commander in the front.
D. Eradication A. Eastern

466. What is a convoy? B. Pacific

C. North African
A. A conversation
D. Southeast Asia
B. A group of people
E. European
C. A group of military ships that escorts
and protects other ships carrying valuable 470. Which statement is most accurate con-
goods and supplies cerning the effect of geography on the his-
D. A group of military aircraft that pre- tory of Poland?
pares for war A. Natural barriers have isolated and pro-
tected Poland.
467. Code name for D-Day
B. The northern European Plain has made
A. Operation Take Back Poland vulnerable to invasion.
B. Operation Overlord C. Mountains have restricted the diffu-
C. Operation Torch sion of Polish culture.

D. Battle of the Bulge D. the absence of seaports has limited

Polish economic growth.
468. In his classic defense of freedom of
471. Why did France and Britain use appease-
speech in, On Liberty, John Stuart Mill
ment to stop Hitler
wrote that if a view is not “fully, fre-
quently, and fearlessly discussed, “ it A. They wanted to avoid another World
will become “a dead dogma, not a living War
truth.” The existence of the Holocaust B. Prevent a Nazi invasion of Russia
should remain a living truth, and those
who are skeptical about the enormity of C. To prevent the fall of the league of Na-
the Nazi atrocities should be confronted tions
with the evidence for it Peter Singer D. Didn’t want to anger Germans


1.12 World War II 625

472. During the first two years of World War 477. Many women began working in factories
II, the United States during WWII and this image represented
those women


A. remained officially neutral
B. invaded the Soviet Union (USSR) A. Uncle Sam
C. officially joined the Axis Powers B. Rosie the Riveter
D. started submarine warfare against C. Betsy Ross
D. none of above
E. declared support for Italy and Ger-
many 478. The Berlin airlift allowed:
473. of American families owned this new A. The United States to get supplies
technology by 1960 across Soviet lines
A. radio B. bombs to be spread over Berlin
B. computer
C. Stalin to control the airways
C. walkie talkie
D. enemies to attack Berlin
479. What is Nation Building?
474. Japanese Americans were placed in con-
centration camps during World War II A. the series of events that happened be-
A. due to numerous acts of sabotage. fore us that connect to a particular person
or event
B. in retaliation for the placement of
Americans in concentration camps by the B. the creation or development of a na-
Japanese. tion, especially one that has recently be-
come independent.
C. as a result of anti-Japanese prejudice
and fear. C. the way of living of a particular group
D. because many were loyal to Japan. of people in a society
D. an area of land under a ruler of state
475. The US was attacked because the country
no longer sold Japan:
480. Which of the following best describes
A. rice why the United States began, funded,
B. fish and completed the Manhattan Project with
great speed?
C. pineapples
D. oil A. To test the capabilities of the newly
formed Department of Defense.
476. Which of these groups was targeted by B. To demonstrate American technologi-
white mobs in the Zoot Suit Riots? cal superiority to the Soviet Union.
A. African American migrants
C. To prevent Nazi Germany from devel-
B. Jewish American servicemen oping a nuclear weapon first.
C. Mexican American teenagers D. To provide a deterrent against future
D. German American enemy aliens aggression from Japan.


1.12 World War II 626

481. “Why should freedom of speech and free- 484. Japan surrendered on which marked
dom of the press be allowed? Why should the end of World War II.
government, doing what it believes is
A. Sept. 2, 1945
right, allow itself to be criticized? It would
not allow opposition by lethal weapons. B. Dec. 7, 1941
Ideas are much more fatal things than C. April 30, 1945
guns”Which individual would most likely
agree with the ideas expressed in this quo- D. April 28, 1944

485. What treaty placed full blame on Ger-
A. Nelson Mandela
many for WWI?
B. Lech Walesa
A. Versailles
C. Benito Mussolini
B. Paris
D. Mohandas Gandhi.
C. Washington
482. What was one similarity between France
during the 1790’s and Germany during the D. London
486. Who was the Fascist leader in Italy?
A. Severe inflation contributed to the rise
of radical political groups. A. Joseph Stalin
B. Scientific developments improved the B. Adolf Hitler
standard of living.
C. Benito Mussolini
C. Widespread intolerance of the
Huguenots led to human rights abuses. D. Queen Elizabeth II

D. Military successes eliminated tensions 487. What event led Great Britain and France
with neighboring countries to declare war on Germany?
483. Which post-World War II event fulfilled A. Germany invaded Poland.
the goal expressed in this excerpt? We
B. Germany and Italy formed the Rome-
have surveyed the problems of the fu-
Berlin Axis.
ture. We shall seek the cooperation and ac-
tive participation of all nations, large and C. Germany invaded Sudetenland.
small, whose peoples in heart and mind
D. Germany and the Soviet Union agreed
are dedicated, as are our own peoples,
not to attack each other.
to the elimination of tyranny and slavery,
oppression and intolerance. We will wel- 488. The purpose of the Marshall Plan after
come them, as they may choose to come, World War II was to
into a world family of Democratic Nations.-
Tehran Conference, 1943 A. promote the spread of militarism
A. the Marshall Plan B. force the losing nations to help areas
B. the establishment of the United Na- destroyed in the war
tions C. rebuild national economies to stabilize
C. the Berlin Airlift governments
D. the formation of the North Atlantic D. strengthen the alliances that had won
Treaty Organization the war


1.12 World War II 627

489. Who were the Axis Powers? C. Dust Bowl

A. Germany, Italy, China D. Civil War


B. United States, Great Britain (UK), So- 495. What country took blame for World War
viet Union (USSR) I and went into a great depression?
C. Italy, France, Germany A. Germany
D. Japan, Germany, Italy B. USA
490. The decision to eliminate all European C. Italy
Jews (The Final solution) was made at the D. Britain
496. Hitler scapegoated which group?
A. Zunyi Conferene
A. Jews
B. Tehran Conference
B. Gypsies
C. Wannsee Conference
C. Roma
D. Hossbach Conference
D. Slavs
491. Who became president when Franklin D. 497. Who were the Axis countries
Roosevelt died in 1945?
A. Germany, Russia, Japan
A. Dwight D. Eisenhower
B. Russia, USA, Italy
B. John F. Kennedy
C. Germany, Italy, Japan
C. Herbert Hoover
D. Korea, North Korea, Japan
D. Harry S. Truman
498. Benito Mussolini
492. When did USA formally enter World War A. leader of Germany
B. leader of Italy
A. 21 February 1941
C. leader of Soviet Union
B. 11 March 1941
D. leader of France
C. 7 December 1941
499. What political ideology in Italy following
D. 8 December 1941
World War I?
493. What’s the battle strategy called in the A. Communism
Pacific Theater? B. Fascism
A. Blitzkrieg C. Republicanism
B. Island Hopping D. Democracy
C. Trench Warfare
500. How are dictators able to rise to power
D. Neutrality after countries suffer hardships?
494. The was the longest period of unem- A. People want strong leaders to solve
ployment and low economic activity in the their problems.
1900’s. B. Dictators promise freedom.
A. New Deal C. Dictators allow everyone to vote.
B. Great Depression D. Dictators promise to end fascism.


1.12 World War II 628

501. laws passed to limit U.S. involvement in more countries. Hitler broke this promise
future wars; based on the belief that loans when he invaded
and trade had drawn the nation into World A. Denmark
War I
B. Sweden
A. Cash-and-Carry
C. France
B. Lend-Lease Act
D. Poland
C. Selective Training and Service Act
507. Which of the following was not true of

D. Neutrality Acts
Germany during the rise of WWII?
502. Who was the dictator of Japan during A. Established the National Socialist Ger-
WWII? man Worker’s Party
A. Emperor Hirohito B. The strong economic state of Germany
B. Charles de Gaulle allowed the rise of the Nazis.
C. Adolph Hitler established a totalitarian
C. Hideki Tojo
regime called the “Third Reich.”
D. Adolf Hitler
D. Those believed to be “sub-human”
503. Which country was invaded which caused were sent to concentration camps.
France and Great Britain to declare war?
508. What was one reason that totalitarian
A. Thipoia dictatorships gained power in Europe be-
B. Soviet Union tween World War I and World War II?
C. United States A. famine and AIDS spread throughout
D. Poland
B. Trade was banned between western
504. After the Stock Market Crash, many peo- and eastern Europe.
ple lost their life savings because C. Governments failed to meet the needs
A. banks closed of the people.
B. banks gave away their money D. Monarchies were reinstated in many
C. they couldn’t remember where they
put it 509. Codename for building of atomic bomb
D. someone stole it A. operation overlord
505. The practice of giving in to aggression in B. manhattan project
order to avoid war. C. blair witch project
A. Genocide D. project 832
B. Mein Kampf 510. General who lead Operation Torch and D-
C. Appeasement Day for the Allies
D. Blitzkrieg A. Dwight Eisenhower
B. A. Philip Randolph
506. The Allies and Hitler reached an agree-
ment that Hitler could keep the land he C. Erwin Rommel
had already taken if he did not invade any D. Harry Truman


1.12 World War II 629

511. The Allies postponed opening a second C. Josef Stalin

front in Europe until 1944 because D. Franklin Roosevelt


A. men and material were needed more
urgently in the Pacific. 516. Where did most Texan women work be-
fore the war?
B. the Soviet Union requested a delay un-
til they could coordinate attacks on the A. In the fields
eastern and western fronts. B. In the military
C. they believed that North Africa was C. In the home
more strategically vital.
D. In the factories
D. the British were fearful of becoming
bogged down in a ground war in France. 517. What was the biggest reason for the U.S.
not declaring war on Germany, after they
512. What was the main goal of the Soviet invaded Poland?
Union during the Cold War?
A. Many Americans supported Isolation-
A. To eliminate the nation of Germany ism
B. To contain the spread of communism B. Germany and the U.S. had a Non-
C. To spread communism to other coun- Aggression Pact
tries C. The U.S. feared Hitler’s retaliation
D. To strengthen bonds with China and D. The Great Depression prevented the
Germany U.S. from doing so
513. Which term refers to the coordinated at- 518. After World War II, why did the United
tack by Nazis against Jewish homes, busi- States issue a public apology and make
nesses, and synagogues throughout Ger- financial payments to Japanese Ameri-
many in 1938? cans?
A. trench warfare A. bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
B. Blitzkrieg B. to stimulate the economy
C. Kristallnacht C. forced relocation into internment
D. chemical warfare camps

514. Executive Order 8802 led to- D. to avoid trials over government cen-
A. increased employment for African-
Americans in manufacturing. E. to cover damages from Pearl Harbor
B. closing of Internment Camps across
the United States. 519. What was the purpose of the Manhattan
C. abolishment of the League of Nations. Project?

D. creation of the United Nations. A. to create an international peacekeep-

ing organization
515. Who was the totalitarian of the Soviet B. top secret government project to de-
Union during WWII? velop the atomic bomb
A. Adolf Hitler C. to provide benefits to World War II vet-
B. Winston Churchill erans


1.12 World War II 630

D. to help workers who lost their jobs 525. The Non-Aggression Pact was the agree-
when the was ended ment between what two figures? (They
promised not to attack each other)
520. The Great Depression began in
A. Hitler and Mussolini
A. 1925
B. Hitler and Stalin
B. 1929
C. Churchill and Stalin
C. 1932
D. FDR and Hitler

D. 1940
526. What was the result of the Munich Con-
521. was considered a turning point in the ference among Britain, France, Germany,
Pacific Theatre because Japan never fully and Italy in 1938?
A. Declare war on Germany
A. Battle of Iwo Jima
B. Agreed to a nonaggression pact
B. Battle of Leyte Gulf
C. It successfully ended the aggressive
C. Battle of Solomon Islands
expansion of Italy and Germany
D. Battle of Midway
D. Britain and France used appeasement
522. A. Philip Randolph’s proposed “March on to avoid war
Washington” in 1941 was was called off
527. Which nations came to be known as the
after President Franklin D. Roosevelt is-
Axis powers after they signed a mutual de-
fense treaty in 1940?
A. the New Deal.
A. Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union
B. the “Four Freedoms” speech.
B. Germany, Japan, and Italy
C. Executive Order 8802.
C. Germany, Italy, and Austria
D. Executive Order 9066.
D. Germany, Japan, and Spain
523. What began the liberation of Western Eu-
rope? 528. Following the Battle of Midway, the Al-
lies adopted this strategy of fighting the
A. Battle of Midway Japanese.
B. Battle of Stalingrad A. island hopping
C. D-Day B. blitzkrieg
D. Atom bomb was dropped
C. guerrilla warfare
524. Which Axis Power conquered Manchuria, D. trench warfare
the Philippines and other territories in the
Pacific? 529. What happened on December 7, 1941?
A. Japan A. Germany invaded Poland
B. Italy B. Italy invaded Africa
C. Germany C. Japan bombed the US Pearl Harbor
D. USSR D. Japan invaded China


1.12 World War II 631

530. Which standard of justice was applied to B. They wanted to make peace with Ger-
Nazi leaders who were tried at Nuremberg many and support Hitler.
after WWII?


C. They were not prepared to defend
A. Military attacks on civilian populations themselves against Germany.
are legal
D. They were able to easily fight off Ger-
B. Individuals can be held personally re- many.
sponsible for war crimes
C. Military officers are not accountable 534. Rommel was the German commander in
for crimes if they were obeying orders the front.

D. Only the League of Nations can deter- A. Eastern

mine international law B. Pacific
531. What was used to finance the US war ef- C. North African
D. none of above
A. rationing
B. income taxes 535. As a result of discrimination during the
19th century, where were many Jews in
C. war bonds eastern Europe forced to live?
D. internment A. on collective farms
E. selective service B. in fortified villages
532. Some historians believe what contribut- C. in urban ghettos
ing factor helped set the stage for World
D. in industrial areas
War II?
A. Treaty of Paris 536. Which of the following contributed to the
B. Treaty of Versailles development of the computer systems dur-
ing and after WWII?
C. giving Germany funds
A. Communication Codes
D. none of above
B. Radar
533. Read the following sentences from the
text:“On September 1, 1939, Germany C. Walkie Talkies
invaded Poland. World War II began. D. War Jets
Britain and France were allies with Poland
and declared war on Germany. Hitler’s 537. Select TWO examples of how Americans
strategy was called blitzkrieg. This Ger- contributed to the war effort on the Home
man word translates to ‘lightning war.’ Front.
The German army toppled countries before
A. buying war bonds
the countries knew what hit them.”Based
on this information, what can be concluded B. planting Victory Gardens
about the European countries Germany at-
C. watching news reels
D. buying American-made cars
A. They were prepared to defend them-
selves against Germany. E. buying German & Japanese imports


1.12 World War II 632

538. It is one of the causes of world war 2 543. law that allowed nations at war to pur-
giving all the fault why world war 1 hap- chase U.S. goods if they paid in full and
pened to Germany. transported the goods themselves
A. Blame A. Cash-and-Carry
B. Reparations B. Lend-Lease Act
C. Army C. Selective Training and Service Act
D. Territory D. Neutrality Acts

544. In 1931, the region named Manchuria
539. What is a Japanese suicide pilot whose
was invaded by
mission was to crash into his target?
A. China
A. Blitzkrieg
B. Japan
B. Kamikaze
C. Russia
C. Island Hopping
D. Korea
D. Genocide
545. The Battle of Britain was fought primar-
540. Japanese fighters at the end ily by
A. won more and more battles A. the Royal Air Force and the Luftwaffe
B. surrendered quickly B. the Royal Navy and the Kriegsmarine
C. would rather kill themselves than sur- C. the Army Air Corps and the Luftwaffe
render D. the Marine Air Arm and the Seeluft
D. where afraid of disease and starvation
546. In following a policy of appeasement,
541. Name the dictator of Italy during World what did Britain and France do?
War II. A. declared war on Germany
A. Hideki Tojo B. submitted to Hitler’s demands
B. Benito Mussolini C. entered into a formal defense alliance
C. Adolf Hitler D. pressured the United States to enter
the war
D. Joseph Stalin
547. Why did President Truman use the atomic
542. Which of the following created the ten- bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
sion that led to the attack on Pearl Har- Japan?
A. He thought it would be easier and
A. Japan’s continued aggression in Eu- faster to use atomic bombs.
B. He wanted to test out the atomic
B. The United States asked Japan to bombs.
leave the Allied powers.
C. He thought too many U.S. soldiers
C. The United States asked Japan to with- would die if the U.S. invaded Japan.
draw from France.
D. President Truman did NOT use atomic
D. None of the above bombs.


1.12 World War II 633

548. What was an impact of World War II on 553. Fascism in Europe during the l920’s and
American politics? l930’s is best described as a


A. The U.S. president issued a foreign pol- A. demonstration of laissez-faire capital-
icy statement that announced American ism that promoted free enterprise.
neutrality B. form of totalitarianism that glorified
B. The U.S. government adopted a budget the state above the individual.
policy that reduced military spending
C. type of economic system that stressed
C. The U.S. Congress enacted free mar- a classless society.
ket reforms to boost a faltering economy
D. set of humanist ideas that emphasized
D. The U.S. pursued containment policies the dignity of the individual.
to prevent the spread of communism
554. Why did Japan decide to attack the
549. Consumer rationing was used during United States?
World War II as a way to
A. They wanted to claim Hawaii.
A. increase exploration for natural re-
sources B. They didn’t like FDR.

B. ensure that the military had essential C. The USA helped China defend itself.
materials D. Japan knew only the US Navy was
C. limit supplies of weapons to American strong enough to stop them.
allies 555. Which of the following best describes
D. draft men into the armed forces why Great Britain and France pursued
the policy of appeasement towards Adolf
550. The raping of Chinese women by the
Hitler and Nazi Germany?
Japanese soldiers along with other acts of
violence was known as A. Great Britain and France believed that
appeasement would prevent another dev-
A. Massacre of Nanking
astating war.
B. Boston Massacre
B. Great Britain and France were sym-
C. Massacre at Singapore pathetic to Nazi Germany’s goals and
D. Massacre of Hong Kong wanted to avoid conflict.

551. How did World War II begin in Europe? C. Great Britain and France were unpre-
pared for war and hoped to gain time to
A. Germany’s invasion of Poland re-arm and prepare.
B. the sinking of the Lusitania D. Great Britain and France believed that
C. the Japanese attack on Pear Harbor a stronger Nazi Germany would serve as
D. the assassination of an Austrian Arch- a counterbalance to the Soviet Union.
556. He was the fascist leader of Italy during
552. When did World War 2 start? WWII.
A. June 6th, 1944 A. Adolf Hitler
B. December 7th, 1941 B. Benito Mussolini
C. Septemeber 1st, 1939 C. Josef Stalin
D. Septemeber 2nd, 1945 D. Hideki Tojo


1.12 World War II 634

557. The Holocaust was a method of D. To forget the past and move on from
A. getting rid of bodies of those who died historical events
in WWII 562. This is an excerpt from a law passed in
B. exterminating six million Jews and 1941 The president may, from time to
other “undesirables” time, when he deems it in the interest of
national defense, authorize the Secretary
C. frightening those who opposed Adolph
of War, the Secretary of the Navy, or the
head of any other department or agency of

D. eliminating war prisoners the government to sell, transfer, lease,
lend, or otherwise dispose of any defense
558. The leader of Japan during WWII
article to the government of any coun-
A. Benito Mussolini try whose defense the president deems vi-
B. Emperor Hirohito tal to the defense of the United States.This
law is evidence that the United States was
C. Adolph Hitler
committed to what situation?
D. Joseph Stalin A. preventing human rights abuses of the
559. What 1942 naval victory was the turn- Holocaust
ing point for the Allies in the Pacific? B. providing support to the Allied Powers
A. Battle of Midway C. increasing trade with all nations
B. Battle of Okinawa D. suspending the rights of people consid-
ered threats
C. Battle of Iwo Jima
D. Battle of Guadalcanal 563. This event was the turning point of WWII.
It pushed the Germans out of France.
560. The invasion of Normandy (Northern
A. VE-Day
France), in 1944 that allowed the Allies
to start a two front war against the Axis B. D-Day
Powers was called C. VJ-Day
A. The invasion of Normandy (Northern D. none of above
France), in 1944 that allowed the Allies to
start a two front war against the Axis Pow- 564. What event pulled the USA into the 2nd
ers was called World War

B. The Battle of El Alamein A. Bombing of Pearl Harbor

C. The Battle of Midway B. Bombing of the Fort in South Carolina

C. The Civil War
D. The Battle of the Bulge
D. Spygate
561. Why is it important to study the Holo-
caust? YOU MUST SELECT TWO 565. What held the Nazi and leaders responsi-
ble for the Holocaust in WWII
A. To remember and honor the victims
A. Atlantic Charter
B. To understand the dangers of hatred
and intolerance B. Nuremberg Trials
C. To promote antisemitism and discrimi- C. Postdam Conference
nation towards minority groups D. Nuremberg Laws


1.12 World War II 635

566. Which was a major result of World War 570. Who was the leader of the the Soviet
II? Union during WWII?


A. Nationalistic feelings among the peo- A. Adolf Hitler
ple of Europe colonialism in many areas
B. Benito Mussolini
of Europe disappeared.
C. Mikhail Gorbachev
B. European colonialism in many areas of
the world declined. D. Joseph Stalin
C. Efforts to develop new weapons de- 571. A political philosophy where total power
creased. is given to a dictator and individual free-
D. International alliances were abol- doms are denied is called:
ished. A. socialism
567. Which event led the United States to join B. democracy
the war? C. monarchy
A. bombing of Pearl Harbor D. fascism
B. dropping of the atomic bomb
572. Germany, Italy, and Japan were all apart
C. sinking of the Arandora Star of this alliance.
D. Munich Conference A. Allies
568. What was Japan’s strategy in its sur- B. Axis Powers
prise attack on Pearl Harbor? C. Nazis
A. Japan wanted to prevent American re- D. Central Powers
sistance to Japanese expansion by de-
stroying America’s Pacific naval and air 573. To help pay for World War II, the United
presence. States government relied heavily on the
B. Japan wanted distract the U.S. with A. money borrowed from foreign govern-
Pearl Harbor while Germany coordinated ments
a larger attack in Britain.
B. sale of war bonds
C. Japan wanted to annex Hawaii.
C. sale of United States manufactured
D. Japan wanted to draw all U.S. military goods to neutral nations
attention to the Pacific so that Germany
D. printing of additional paper money
could attack from the Atlantic front.
574. What was the group of nations called
569. Name of strategy put in place by Joseph
that were fighting against the Allies?
Stalin stating that everything that could be
helpful to the Germans be burned A. Nazis
A. guerrilla warfare B. Axis Powers
B. island hopping C. European Alliance
C. scorched earth policy D. Northern Powers
D. none of above E. The Big Three


1.12 World War II 636

575. Which ethnic group was sent to intern- 580. What was the US strategy in the war in
ment camps in the USA? the Pacific?
A. Japanese A. Island Hopping
B. Chinese B. Strategic Embargos
C. Russians C. Blitzkreig
D. Germans D. Create a two front war

581. The treaty that ended WWI that Hitler

576. How were Britain and France drawn into
war with Germany?
A. Treaty of Versailles
A. Hitler had taken power in Germany
B. Treaty of Paris
B. Germany had attacked Poland
C. Munich Conference
C. Germany had attacked Czechoslovakia
D. Nazi-Soviet Pact
D. Germany had pulled out of the League
of Nations 582. Who was the dictator of Italy that in-
stalled a fascist regime?
577. Choose the answer that best completes
A. Adolf Hitler
the sentence.People in the United States
did not want to get involved in another Eu- B. Benito Mussolini
ropean war , when the country was at- C. Joseph Stalin
tacked by Japan, it decided to enter World
D. Ugo Cavallero
War II.
E. Emperor Hirohito
A. In summary
B. However 583. What country agreed to divide up Poland
with Germany?
C. For example
A. The United Kingdom
D. For instance
B. The Soviet Union
578. In 1939, these two countries surprisingly C. Germany
signed a non-aggression pact.
D. France
A. Germany
584. If a country is fascist what type of leader
B. Japan does it have?
C. Italy A. A president
D. Soviet Union B. A dictator
E. France C. A king

579. Where did the D-Day invasion occur? D. A democratically elected Congress

A. Berlin, Germany 585. The spending of enormous sums on the

original atomic bomb project was spurred
B. Normandy, France
by the belief that
C. Calais, France A. a nuclear weapon was the only way to
D. Dover, England win the war.


1.12 World War II 637

B. the Germans might acquire such a B. to spread something

weapon first. C. to put leftovers in a container


C. the Japanese were at work on an D. none of above
atomic bomb project of their own.
D. scientists like Albert Einstein might be 591. What new technology was used dur-
lost to the war effort. ing the Battle of Britain to help the
RAF against the German air force (Luft-
586. Who was the President of America in waffe)?
1937? A. radar
A. Woodrow Wilson B. sonar
B. John F. Kennedy C. the B-17 Flying Fortress
C. Franklin Delano Roosevelt D. M4 Sherman Tank
D. Abraham Lincoln
592. Which World War II leader was nick-
587. During World War II, the federal govern- named “The British Bulldog? ”
ment used rationing to A. Franklin D. Roosevelt
A. hold down prices of military weapons B. Winston Churchill
B. increase educational benefits for vet- C. Charles de Gaulle
D. George Patton
C. increase imports of scarce products
593. Young Latinos faced discrimination on
D. provide more resources for the mili-
America’s west coast during the summer
of 1942 in the
588. Which meeting gave Germany the Sude- A. Zoot Suit Riots
tenland in Czechoslovakia in order to pre-
B. Bracero riots
vent war?
C. Chicago Riots
A. The Berlin Conference
D. Stonewall Riots
B. The Munich Conference
C. The Hamburg Conference 594. The annexation of Austria by Nazi Ger-
many is known as what?
D. The Bavarian Conference
A. the Sudetenland Crisis
589. Giving in to an aggressive nation in order
B. the Munich Agreement
to keep the peace is called
C. the Blitzkrieg
A. containment
D. the Anschluss
B. appeasment
C. accomodation 595. Which is the correct order of America’s
involvement in World War II?
D. negotiation
A. direct involvement-isolationism-
590. After WWII, What does US policy of con- neutrality
tainment mean? B. neutrality-direct involvement-
A. to keep something from spreading economic aid


1.12 World War II 638

C. economic aid-isolationism- 600. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad impor-

D. isolationism-economic aid-direct in-
volvement A. Because Germany gained control of a
major Russian city
596. What was the significance of the D-Day B. Because Germany lost so many sol-
invasion? diers they never recovered
A. opened a 2nd front to the war in Eu- C. Because it caused the Soviet Union to

stop fighting
B. Allied Forces liberated Italy D. All of the above
C. Allied forces were defeated
601. This was Great Britain and France’s pol-
D. Hitler conquered Denmark, Norway, & icy which allowed Germany to take parts
Belgium of Czechoslovakia
A. appeasement
597. Which geographic factor was most signif-
icant in helping the Soviet Union withstand B. economic aid
German attacks in World War II? C. involvement
A. The Ural Mountains served as a barrier D. neutrality
to advancing German armies.
602. The government issued ration books dur-
B. Distance and harsh winters disrupted ing World War II in order to-
German supply lines.
A. Provide financial security for unin-
C. Extensive food-producing areas kept sured citizens
the Soviet armies well fed.
B. Safeguard the profits of struggling
D. Numerous ports along the Arctic Sea businesses
allowed for the refueling of Soviet trans-
C. Ensure the fair distribution of scarce
port ships.
598. The IMF and World Bank were estab- D. Allow consumers to buy imported
lished to aid nations in need during the goods at discounted rates
A. Tehran Conference 603. Who was the British Prime Minister dur-
B. Yalta Conference ing most of the war

C. Potsdam Conference A. Woodrow Wilson

B. Adolf Hitler
D. Bretton Woods Conference
C. Winston Churchill
599. What provided educational opportunities D. Basil Fawlty
to soldiers?
A. human rights 604. In the United States, one result of World
War II was that
B. G.I Bill of Rights
A. Americans became increasingly iso-
C. Labor Unions lated from the rest of the world
D. none of above B. minorities were granted full civil rights


1.12 World War II 639

C. industrial wages decreased B. organized the League of Nations.

D. the number of women in the work C. began invading neighboring lands.


force increased
D. had a monopoly on world trade.
605. Which 3 countries made up the Axis Pow-
ers? 610. What was the name for the U.S. led tank
operation in North Africa?
A. American, England, and Russia
A. Operation Hildago
B. Sweden, Germany, and Denmark
B. Operation Barbarossa
C. Italy, Russia, and Austria
C. Operation Torch
D. Italy, Germany, and Japan
D. Operation Overlord
606. The Manhattan Project led by Robert Op-
penheimer was part of the World War II 611. American patriotism during WWII led to:
effort to A. high levels of military enlistment
A. develop the atomic bomb
B. less opportunities for women & minori-
B. supply the Allies with more fighter ties
C. lower industrial production
C. ban the use of chemical and biological
warfare D. the passage of the Neutrality Acts

D. coordinate troop movements between 612. Who was President during most of World
New York and Europe War II?
607. American participation in planning and ex- A. Franklin D. Roosevelt
ecution of Allied military strategies was B. Herbert Hoover
also invaluable, especially in helping the
Allies achieve control of the and C. Harry Truman

A. Air, sea D. Josef Stalin

B. Land, sea 613. Speaker A:A nation’s strength is mea-

C. Air, land sured by the size of its armed forces. All
resources must be mobilized into build-
D. Sea, space
ing a strong army and navy.Speaker
608. How many atomic bombs were dropped B:To maintain our international strength,
in Japan we must look to our neighbors for al-
liances.They will help protect us if we
A. 1
face a threat.Speaker C:To maintain our
B. 2 sovereignty, we need to be the strongest
C. 3 and most powerful.50. Which concept is
being described by Speakers A and C?
D. 4
A. collective security
609. During the 1930s, Hitler, Mussolini, and
B. self-determination
the military leaders of Japan
A. bolstered national pride by calling for C. militarism
free elections. D. isolationism


1.12 World War II 640

614. Thousands of Japanese-Americans were 619. Which of these events caused Great
interned in relocation camps based on Britain and France to declare war against
A. racism and fears they would not be
loyal to the United States A. Germany’s seizure of the Sudetenland.
B. being put on trial for war crimes B. Germany’s political Union with Austria.

C. their stated support of the Japanese C. Germany’s occupation of the

attack on Pearl Harbor. Rhineland.

D. Germany’s invasion of neighboring
D. their unwillingness to aid the war ef-
620. In the 1930s, Congress attempted to
615. Stalin’s first 5-year plan focused on the avoid the situations that led to United
development of what? States involvement in World War I by
A. Heavy Industry A. enacting a peacetime draft law
B. Red Square B. passing a series of neutrality acts
C. Fisheries C. authorizing the deportation of Ameri-
can Communist Party members
D. Nuclear Weapons
D. relocating Japanese Americans to in-
616. Who was a symbol of women entering ternment camps
the workforce to aid in the war efforts?
621. Which President gave the order to drop
A. Uncle Sam the Atomic Bomb?
B. Rosie the Riveter A. Herbert Hoover
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt B. Harry S. Truman
D. Albert Einstein C. Dwight D. Eisenhower
D. Ronald Reagan
617. Which region of the United States saw
a lack of new manufacturing jobs during 622. Effort by the US to develop an atomic
World War II? bomb during WWII
A. The South A. Manhattan Project
B. Northeast B. Big Boy Project
C. West Coast C. Oppenheimer Project

D. Midwest D. Einstein Project

623. Two Japanese cities on which the U.S.

618. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
dropped the atomic bombs to end World
led to the-
War II.
A. use of island hopping. A. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
B. assassination of Hideki Tojo. B. V-E Day
C. surrender of Japan C. V-J Day
D. surrender of Germany D. Japan attack U.S


1.12 World War II 641

624. Russians used the scorched-earth policy A. Albert Einstein

B. Dwight D. Eisenhower


A. had all German soldiers burned alive
C. George Patton
B. was the burning of supplies to hinder
the enemy D. Franklin Roosevelt

C. the use of chemical weapons 629. Which factor is NOT a factor that led to
D. the burning of the Nazi flags Germany’s defeat?

625. What country conquered Poland and A. USA’s entry into the war
Czechoslovakia? B. Ineffective German state and military
A. France command structure
B. Japan C. Allied Resistance
C. Austria D. Germany had to fight war on three
D. Germany fronts

626. How did the federal government try to 630. Who c ommanded and led the planning
curb public consumption of food and fuel of the the Allied invasion of Normandy,
during World War II? also known as Operation Overlord and D-
A. by establishing a system of rationing
A. Douglas MacArthur
B. by encouraging people to buy war
bonds B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
C. by establishing a system of price con- C. George Patton
D. George Marshall
D. by encouraging people to plant victory
gardens 631. The largest water-to-land invasion in his-
tory took place when the Allies stormed
627. He became head of the British govern-
the beaches at Normandy, France. This
ment in 1940. Made an inspiring speech
for every British citizen to join the strug-
gle:“We shall defend our island. We shall A. VE Day
never surrender.” B. VJ Day
A. Adolf Hitler
C. Iwo Jima
B. Winston Churchill
D. D-Day
C. Joseph Stalin
D. Benito Mussolini 632. What caused the U.S. to enter World War
628. Which World War II figure does the
list best describe? -Fled from Germany A. Germany invading Poland
in 1933-Encouraged the establishment of B. Sinking of the Lusitania
the project that developed the atomic
C. Attack on Pearl Harbor
bomb-Contributed to the emergence of the
United States as a World Power D. France being taken over


1.12 World War II 642

633. Which was NOT one of the causes of 638. This country was neutral at the beginning
World War II? of WWII.
A. Treaty of Versailles A. Germany
B. Great Depression
B. Japan
C. The rise of dictators
C. France
D. League of Nations
D. United States

634. Adolf Hitler’s desire to ethnically cleanse
Europe from people he viewed as biolog- 639. Which was used to maintain supply of es-
ically inferior led to what Nazi action of sential products to the war effort?
World War II?
A. Peacetime production
A. Invasion of Poland
B. Genocide of millions of Jews B. Sale promotions
C. Use of the atomic bomb C. Containment
D. Attack on Pearl Harbor D. Rationing
635. How did WWI lead to WWII?
640. The largest sea attack in hostry occurred
A. Germany did not pay debt so they were at Omaha Beach in Normandy, France.
invaded This was known as
B. League of Nations declared war on
A. B-day
C. War debt caused political and econom- B. VE day
ical instability in Europe C. VJ day
D. Great Britain took blame for WWI
D. D-day
636. At first, European leaders gave into
Hitler’s demands using what type of policy 641. Which of the following is NOT a feature
(what they did when part of Czechslovakia of the ‘cash and carry’ policy?
was given to him:Munich Agreement)?
A. Payment need not be made in cash
A. aggression
B. Payment had to be made immediately
B. advancement
C. Recipients of aid had to bear all trans-
C. internment
port equipment, costs and risks
D. appeasement
D. Payment had to be paid in full (cash)
637. The Battle of Stalingrad was a turn-
ing point in World War II. Which country 642. Encounter
A. Germany
A. The Soviet Union
B. Japan
C. Britain C. United States
D. France D. Soviet Union


1.12 World War II 643

643. Between World War I and World War II, 648. “We must be the great arsenal (weapon
most Americans believed that the United storage) of democracy”-President
States should follow a foreign policy that Franklin D. RooseveltWhich action by the


emphasized United States during World War II best
supports this statement?
A. containment and interventionism
A. The United States followed a policy of
B. neutrality and isolation
appeasement in regards to Germany.
C. collective security and defensive al- B. The United States followed a policy of
liances isolationism at the start of the war.
D. internationalism and free trade C. The United States refused to ever join
the League of Nations.
644. Once the United States declared war on
Japan, this country declared war on the D. The United States provided economic
United States. What country was it? and military aid to the Allies.

A. France 649. “Operation Overload” was about

B. China A. The invasion of Russia

C. Soviet Union B. Island hopping in the Pacific Theatre

C. The invasion on D-Day
D. Germany
D. The invasion of Britain
645. Leader of Russia during World War II.
650. All are true regarding most African Amer-
A. Mussolini icans on the home front in World War II
B. Stalin except
A. searched for equality at home
C. Roosevelt
B. they looked for jobs in war plants
D. Hitler
C. they migrated to rural areas to farm
646. All of the following are true ideas pre- D. they campaigned for victory in the war
sented in Hitler’s book EXCEPT
E. served in segregated units during the
A. Aryans were the superior race war
B. Expanding the “Lebensraum” 651. What was one factor that caused
C. The Heartland Theory Napoleon’s invasion of Russia and Hitler’s
invasion of Russiato be unsuccessful?
D. Equality of all races
A. poorly trained military forces
647. During World War II, many industries B. a lack of alliances
shifted from their normal products to pro-
C. harsh winter climate
D. mountainous terrain
A. Products for the war
652. Throughout World War II, African Ameri-
B. As many carpets as possible
can soldiers
C. Cleaning products
A. fought bravely despite being racially
D. Farm crops segregated


1.12 World War II 644

B. integrated into units with white Ameri- C. the U.S. should declare war on Ger-
cans many
C. were not allowed to fight in the war D. England posed the greatest threat to
D. fought in the Civil Rights Movement U.S. security

653. Why are the Navajo significant to 657. what was Executive order 8802 about?
WWII? A. fair hiring practices
A. They served as medics and helped B. job raises

save hundreds of lives. C. welfare
B. They were placed in internment camps
D. social security
in the West.
C. They escorted fighter pilots on mission 658. WWII was fought from:
in Europe. A. 1941-1947
D. They developed an unbreakable code B. 1939-1941
in the Pacific.
C. 1939-1945
654. During World War II, most Americans eco- D. 1933-1941
nomically experienced
659. The primary purpose of the United Na-
A. serious hardships due to rationing of
tions is to
essential goods.
A. control world grain prices
B. prosperity and a doubling of personal
income. B. promote democratic governments
C. a continuing struggle to find employ- C. resolve conflicts between nations
ment. peacefully
D. growing class conflict between the D. unite all nations militarily through al-
wealthy and the working class. liances

655. The last major German offensive during 660. Executive order 9066 resulted in the loca-
WWII. The Germans caught Allied troops tion of Japanese-Americans to Intern-
off guard resulting in major casualties for ment Camps.
Allied forces. Ultimately, the Allied pow- A. 10, 000
ers succeeding in winning the battle.
B. 60, 000
A. Battle of Midway
C. 110, 000
B. Battle of the Bulge
D. 160, 000
C. Battle of Stalingrad
D. Operation Overlord 661. What political party took control of the
German government?
656. In the fall of 1939, an overwhelming ma- A. Democrat
jority of the American people believed that
B. Communist
A. the U.S. should remain nuetral in Euro-
pean affairs C. Nazi

B. England was just as much to blame for D. Republican

starting World War II as was Germany E. Labor


1.12 World War II 645

662. Which geographic factor most directly 667. After World War I, most Americans
contributed to the early success of the Nazi wanted the United States to follow a for-
blitzkrieg during World War II? eign policy of


A. Alps Mountain Range A. remaining involved in overseas affairs
B. Thames River B. supporting the League of Nations
C. English Channel C. isolationism in world affairs
D. Northern European Plain. D. using United States forces to maintain
peace in Europe
663. US view before WWII, the desire to re-
main separated in the affairs or interest
668. The alliance of Capitalist countries that
of other groups
formed post WWII which included the
A. avoidance United States, Canada, and England to
B. isolationism meet the communist threat was called

C. stalemate A. Warsaw Pact

D. internationalism B. NATO
C. Axis Powers
664. What was the goal of the United Na-
tions? D. Central Powers
A. settle problems between countries
669. Great Britain, France, U.S.A., Soviet
Union (1941-1945)
B. guard against the spread of commu-
A. Nuremberg Laws
C. encourage trade between countries B. Allied Powers

D. stabilize the currency of the US and Eu- C. Anschluss

rope D. Battle of the Bulge
665. What term was given to a German union 670. In August of 1945, U.S. bombers dropped
with Austria, an act previously banned by atomic weapons on the Japanese cities of
the Treaty of Versailles? and
A. Anschluss A. Tokyo and Osaka
B. Lebensraum
B. Nagoya and Yokohama
C. Sonderwag
C. Osaka and Kyoto
D. Lebensborn
D. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
666. Which of the following does FDR address
in his Four Freedoms speech? 671. Adolf Hitler originally wanted to be

A. freedom of speech A. an artist

B. freedom of worship B. a teacher
C. freedom of want C. a military general
D. freedom of fear D. a scientist


1.12 World War II 646

672. Who was the United States President C. Tojo-Germany, Hitler-Japan, Mussolini-
when Pearl Harbor was attacked? Italy
A. Harry Truman D. Hitler-Japan, Tojo-Italy, Mussolini-
B. John F. Kennedy Germany
C. Franklin Roosevelt 677. The Office of Price Administration set up
D. John Adams what system to prevent scarce food items
from running out?
673. The text describes the series of events

A. rationing
that led to the outbreak of World War II
and the involvement of the United States B. price controls
in World War II. What happened after the C. war bonds
United States was attacked by Japan?
D. victory gardens
A. World War II began.
B. The U.S. declared war on Japan. 678. Which of these statements best describes
how Allies dealt with Japan after World
C. Italy and Japan built up their armies. War II?
D. Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
A. The Japanese islands were divided
674. was the dictator of Italy during WWII among the Allies to rule as mandates.
and also believed in fascism. B. The Japanese were forced to make
A. Hitler crippling reparations payments to the Al-
B. Mussolini
C. The Allies helped restore the emperor
C. Roosevelt
to power as the constitutional ruler of
D. Churchill Japan.
675. On September 1, 1939, Germany in- D. The Allies helped Japan rebuild its
vaded Poland, so France and Great Britain economy and establish a democratic gov-
declared war. Turning west, the Nazis ernment.
rolled over Belgium and attacked France;
it fell in a month. Then the German Air 679. The Nazi government began to systemat-
Force bombed British cities every night for ically kill Jews, gypsies, and the disabled.
a year. This was know as the

A. Early Action in WWI A. V-J Day

B. Final Action in WWI B. V-E Day
C. Midway Action in WWI C. Holocaust
D. Armistice Action in WWI D. Korean War

676. Which Axis leaders are correctly matched 680. What was an important aspect of the Al-
with their nation? lied victory at the Battle of Midway?
A. Tojo-Japan, Hitler-Italy, Mussolini- A. It provided Australia with a strategic
Germany base in the Solomon Islands
B. Hitler-Germany, Tojo-Japan, Mussolini- B. It weakened Japan’s air force and
Italy their capacity to wage an offensive war


1.12 World War II 647

C. It enabled the US to learn of the strate- 685. WWII began when Hitler (Germany) in-
gic plans of its enemies vaded


D. It was the turning point of the War in A. Russia
the Pacific. B. Italy
C. Poland
681. Which effect did the fight against Nazism
in World War II have? D. France
A. Led to the election of a Republican 686. Which statement most accurately de-
president in 1944. scribes the foreign policy change made by
B. Led to the beginning of the Civil Rights the United States between the start of
movement. World War II (1939) and the attack on
Pearl Harbor (1941)
C. Led to the desegregation of the Amer-
A. The traditional isolationism of the
ican military.
United States was strengthened.
D. Led to the firing of many generals of B. The nation shifted from neutrality to
German heritage. military support for the Allies.
682. Which WWII leader became President af- C. War was declared on Germany but not
ter FDR passed, wanted to save American on Japan.
lives in the Pacific, and decided to drop the D. Financial aid was offered to both the
atomic bombs? Allied and Axis powers.
A. Franklin D. Roosevelt 687. The second atomic bomb was dropped on
B. Winston Churchill this city
A. Japan
C. Harry S. Truman
B. Nagasaki
D. Joseph Stalin
C. Hiroshima
683. The following are associated with which D. Germany
event:-Concentration Camps-Jews-Adolf
Hitler 688. What country did Hideki Tojo lead during
A. D-Day invasion
A. Japan
B. Battle at Iwo Jima
B. Italy
C. formation of the United Nations C. Germany
D. the Holocaust D. Soviet Union

684. What nation did the USSR sign a Non- 689. What was rationing?
Aggression Pact with? A. growing a garden to help with food
A. Germany supplies in your backyard

B. Italy B. donating money to the government to

help in the war effort
C. France
C. a practice of limiting the amount of
D. Great Britain food or resources people could buy


1.12 World War II 648

D. used to show support of the war effort 694. What was it called when the United
(usually posters or movies) States was selling supplies to other coun-
690. Battle of Saratoga (1777) Battle of Get-
tysburg (1863) Battle of Midway (1942) A. Holocaust
One way in which these battles are similar
B. Appeasement
is that in each battle
A. American forces suffered serious de- C. Lend Lease Act

D. Isolationism
B. large numbers of civilian casualties led
to renewed peace efforts 695. Which of the following was not a charac-
C. a United States victory was a turning teristic of theleadership in Germany, Italy,
point in the war and Japan in 1940?
D. the general in command later became A. Inspired a sense of extreme national-
president ism
691. The Allies thought about invading Japan, B. Preferred diplomacy over forceful ac-
but they worried that too many soldiers tion
would die. President Harry Truman made
a very difficult decision to use new C. Demanded loyalty and obedience
against Japan. D. Glorified military action and violence
A. kamikaze warfare
B. United Nations 696. On what grounds did the Supreme Court
uphold the constitutionality of limiting the
C. atomic bombs rights of Japanese Americans during World
D. air power War II?
692. What form of government did Adolf A. Japanese Americans were not citi-
Hitler establish in Germany? zens.
A. Communist B. The loss of rights was only temporary.
B. Socialist
C. German Americans faced the same
C. Capitalist treatment.
D. Totalitarian
D. National security was potentially
693. The Nuremberg Trials are considered an threatened.
important event in the 20th century be-
cause they 697. What was the policy called that continu-
A. brought an end to genocide ally gave in to Hitler’s demands in order
to prevent conflict Germany?
B. condemned the use of nuclear
weapons A. policy of appeasement
C. ruled on provisions for the postwar oc- B. policy of mollification
cupation of Germany
C. policy of wimpiness
D. established principles of responsibility
for human rights violations D. policy of refusal


1.12 World War II 649

698. Which region of the United States saw B. A totalitarian government was estab-
tremendous growth in manufacturing jobs lished.
during World War II?


C. Italy attacked Ethiopia.
A. The South D. The League of Nations issued sanc-
B. Northeast tions which controlled Italy.
C. West Coast 703. On June 6, 1944, Allied forces stormed
D. Midwest the beaches of Normandy in northern
France. What was this event called?
699. What role did American women play dur-
A. D-Day
ing World War II?
B. V-E Day
A. They stayed at home and took care of
the family. C. Battle of the Bulge
B. Many of the women joined the military D. Battle of the Atlantic
and fought in the war.
704. The following countries were considered
C. The women took over many of the the Axis Powers during World War II EX-
factory job that men left, making the CEPT:
weapons to fight the war.
A. Germany
D. Women did not play much of a role in B. Austria-Hungary
World War II.
C. Japan
700. Why did the United States seize Pacific D. Italy
islands during World War II?
A. To slowly establish military bases for 705. This German military strategy of “light-
use in further attacks ning war” was first used in Poland.

B. To gain access to vital natural re- A. Luftwaffe

sources B. Blitzkrieg
C. To fulfill commitments to military al- C. Appeasment
liances D. Nonagression
D. To protect shipping routes for neutral
countries 706. What is the campaign based on victory
against fascism abroad and victory against
701. Most brutal city fighting in the war discrimination at home?
took part in the cold winter months. A. Double W Campaign
A. Battle of Coral Sea B. Double V Campaign
B. Battle of the Bulge C. Double C Campaign
C. D-Day D. none of above
D. Battle of Stalingrad
707. What best describes ‘Fascism’?
702. Which of the following was not true of A. Dictatorship is the best form of govern-
Italy during the development of WWII? ment
A. Mussolini established a Fascist Party. B. Military form of rulership


1.12 World War II 650

C. Government for the people by the peo- D. growth of democratic institutions.

713. Use the list below to answer the ques-
D. The working class supports the coun- tion. * 1941-The U.S. enters World War
try II and sends troops to the Pacific * 1942-
708. World War II began with the invasion of The U.S. invades North Africa and Italy to
Poland in strike at Europe * 1943-U.S. forces begin
to “island hop” in the Pacific to get within
A. 1914 range of an invasion of mainland Japan

B. 1918 * 1944-U.S. and Allied forces launch the
C. 1939 Normandy invasion Which phrase BEST de-
scribes this list of events of World War II?
D. 1941
A. protecting Great Britain from a sea in-
709. What did World War II do for the federal vasion
government? B. fighting on multiple fronts
A. Weakened it C. ending the threat of German sub-
B. Strengthened it marines
C. Left it the same D. preventing the spread of communism
D. Gave it little credibility 714. The codename for the German invasion of
710. Who became president of the United
States after FDR died? A. Operation Torch
A. Woodrow Wilson B. Operation Market Garden
B. Harry Truman C. Operation Barbarossa

C. Herbert Hoover D. Operation Overlord

D. none of above 715. A system of government in which the

government acts as the absolute ruler with
711. Japanese Americans were subjected to complete control over every aspect of life.
during the war
A. Socialism
A. interrogration
B. Dictatorship
B. internment C. Totalitarianism
C. torture D. Militarism
D. compensation
716. Use the information below to answer the
712. In Europe during the l920s and 1930s, following question. You are hereby re-
severe inflation, high unemployment, and quested to take the following steps to com-
fear of communism all contributed to the ply with the recent blackout order (1)
A. overthrow of monarchies in Italy and have extinguished all street lights on
Germany. waterfront streets and highways at once
(2) Screen water front side lights on
B. rise of fascist governments in Italy, all streets running down to the water-
Germany and Spain. front (3) Screen all advertising lights
C. formation of the Common Market in and lighted windows near beach front
Italy and Spain. (4) Screen all bright lights on seawards


1.12 World War II 651

side, directly visible from the sea, and 720. Germany had invaded and taken over
within two miles from the waterfront France. The U.S. and Allied troops de-
(5) In case of brightly lighted installation feated Germany and ran them out of


near beach have the light so directed and France. The day Germany surrendered to
screened so that no direct light can be seen the Allies is known as People sang and
from offshore Palm Beach Civilian De- danced in the streets all over Europe and
fense Council, O.B. Carr, Executive Direc- the United States.
tor Why did the state of Florida issue this A. VJ Day
B. D-Day
A. To limit community social activities dur-
C. VE Day
ing the war.
D. the Holocaust
B. To conserve scarce energy resources
during the war. 721. Which process punished members of the
C. To conceal coastal military operations political, military, and economic leadership
from German spies. of Nazi Germany following their defeat in
D. To protect civilian coastal settlements
from German submarine attacks. A. the Nuremberg Trials
B. the Geneva Convention
717. Anschluss refers to
C. the Yalta Conference
A. The new Greater Italy
D. the Universal Declaration of Human
B. The union of Austria and Germany Rights
C. The bomb that we dropped on Hi-
722. Before World War II, Great Britain
adopted a policy of appeasement in order
D. The extermination of Jews to
718. The atomic bombs were dropped on what A. form an alliance with Italy.
Cities? B. promote democracy in eastern Eu-
A. Tokyo, Hiroshima rope.
B. Nagasaki, Okinawa C. avoid war with Germany.

C. Hiroshima, Nagasaki D. demilitarize the frontiers of France

and the Soviet Union.
D. Iro Jima, Okinawa
723. “An appeaser is one who feeds a
719. What was the main effect of Executive crocodile hoping it will eat him last. “This
Order 9066? quotation most accurately reflects
A. the establishment of the Women’s A. Winston’s Churchill’s response to the
Army Auxiliary Corps Munich Pact.
B. the evacuation of Japanese Americans B. Joseph Stalin’s response to the Nazi-
to internment camps Soviet Pact.
C. the opening of centers for Jewish C. Franklin Roosevelt’s response to the
refugees in former army camps bombing of Pearl Harbor.
D. the creation of the first African Ameri- D. Benito Mussolini’s response to the
can combat unit in the army air corps Spanish Civil War.


1.12 World War II 652

724. Who called the attack on Pearl Harbor “ 729. Which represents one of the primary ar-
A date that will live in infamy” guments for dropping the atomic bomb on
A. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Japan?
A. The United States hoped the bomb
B. Theodore Roosevelt
would scare Hitler into surrendering.
C. Herbert Hoover
B. The United States needed to use the
D. Henry Truman atomic bomb before the Japanese did.

725. During World War II, which of the follow- C. Dropping the bomb would prevent a
ing nations fought on the side known as land invasion of Europe.
the Axis Powers? D. Dropping the bomb would destroy
A. Germany some of Japan’s major industrial centers.

B. Soviet Union 730. was the attempted genocide of Jews

C. Japan by Nazi Germany.
A. Hollacast
D. Italy
B. Holocaust
E. Great Britain
C. Adolf Hitler
726. Which two countries declared war on Ger-
D. none of above
many after they invaded Poland?
A. United States and Great Britain 731. “Yesterday, December 7, 1941-a date
which will live in infamy-the United States
B. Great Britain and France of America was suddenly and deliberately
C. France and the United States attacked by naval and air forces of the
Empire of Japan President Franklin D.
D. Italy and France
Roosevelt, Address to Congress, Decem-
727. Which countries were led by Fascist dic- ber 8, 1941In this statement, President
tators? Roosevelt was addressing Congress about
A. Italy, Japan and Canada
A. sinking of merchant ships in the At-
B. Great Britain, Canada and France lantic Ocean
C. Germany, Italy and Japan B. D-Day invasion of France
D. Soviet Union, Great Britain and Ger- C. bombing of Pearl Harbor
D. air raids on the Panama Canal
728. What is the systematic and purposeful
732. After World War II, the legal basis for
destruction of a racial, political, religious,
the criminal trials of German and Japanese
or cultural group?
wartime officials by the Allies was that
A. suffrage these officials had
B. assimilation A. overthrown monarchies by force
C. nationalism B. violated nonaggression pacts
D. genocide C. committed crimes against humanity
E. slavery D. established communist police states


1.12 World War II 653

733. As the German army moved into France, 738. All this means that the people of any
French forces country have the right, and should have
the power by constitutional action, by free


A. mobilized at the border
unfettered [unrestrained] elections, with
B. evacuated from Dunkirk to England secret ballot, to choose or change the char-
C. invaded Berlin acter or form of government under which
they dwell; that freedom of speech and
D. retreated to the southern border thought should reign; that courts of jus-
tice, independent of the executive, unbi-
734. Which country did Germany invade first ased by any party, should administer laws
in World War II? which have received the broad assent of
A. Poland large majorities or are consecrated by time
and custom. Here are the title deeds of
B. Czechoslovakia freedom which should lie in every cottage
C. France home. Here is the message of the British
and American peoples to mankind. Let
D. Italy
us preach what we practise-let us prac-
tice what we preach Winston Churchill,
735. This country was divided after World
Sinews of Peace (the Iron Curtain speech),
War II
March 5, 194649. In this excerpt, Win-
A. Germany ston Churchill is maintaining that the peo-
B. Russia ple of a country have a right to
A. economic prosperity
C. Japan
B. collective security
D. Italy
C. self-determination
736. During World War II, the federal govern- D. freedom of religion
ment urged Americans to support the war
effort by 739. After WWII, What was the goal of the
Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine?
A. manufacturing more consumer goods
A. to rebuild Europe in order to prevent
B. increasing spending to stimulate the the spread of communism
B. to prevent future wars
C. reducing consumption of resources C. to rebuild the Soviet Union
needed for the military
D. none of above
D. investing their savings in the stock
market 740. Lightening War
A. Blitzkrieg
737. Which way did Hitler NOT commit sui-
B. Atlantic Charter
C. Bataan Death March
A. Poison
D. Thunder Approach
B. Self-inflicted gun shot
741. The US is a permanent member of the Se-
C. Burn/cremated
curity Council of this peace-keeping orga-
D. Hanging nization created in 1945


1.12 World War II 654

A. NATO C. Mussolini
B. United Nations D. none of above
C. League of Nations
746. Pearl Harbor happened in what country
D. NAFTA and/or state?
742. Module 11-Lesson 7 (Changes on the A. Hawaii
Home Front) To help ease the transition B. Japan
of returning servicemen to civilian life,

Congress passed the Servicemen’s Read- C. Phillipines
justment Act, better known as the GI Bill D. Midway
of Rights. What did this offer Veterans
returning home from war? 747. Which dictator(s) helped cause World
A. education, business, and home loans War II?

B. A $100, 000 check A. Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo

C. A guaranteed job B. Tojo, and Mussolini

D. A free house and free education C. Hitler
D. Mussolini, and Hitler
743. The Big 3 agreed at the Yalta Conference
to create what new international organi- 748. When Germany surrendered and the war
zation to prevent another world war? ended in Europe, this was known
A. League of Nations A. V-E Day
B. United Nations
B. V-J Day
C. D-Day
D. none of above
744. Truman decided to use the atomic bomb
against Japan because 749. What was the name of the long running
air attack of Germany on Great Britain
A. He was unaware of the amount of de- that lasted from July 1940 until October
struction and suffering the bomb would 1940?
A. Battle of Britain
B. He hoped to avoid an invasion that
would result in massive Allied casualties B. D-Day
and firebombing had not yet forced Japan C. Battle of London
to surrender
D. Battle of Iwo Jima
C. He wanted to punish Japanese civil-
ians for refusing to surrender 750. What was the name of the last German
D. He hoped to force Hitler to surrender offensive in Europe during WW2?
alive A. Coral Sea
745. Who ruled as a dictator in Italy? B. Pearl Harbor
A. Hitler C. Battle of the Bulge
B. Stalin D. Midway


1.12 World War II 655

751. Operation Overload is most commonly 756. What event led to the US joining WWII?
known as what? A. Germany invaded Poland.


A. The Ambush B. Germany sent Mexico a secret tele-
B. The Battle of the Bulge gram.

C. The Landing in Europe C. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

D. Germany bombed Pearl Harbor.
D. D-Day
757. The points at which the Japanese military
752. In Great Britain, who was against the was forced to cease expanding and go on
policy of appeasement? the defensive were the Battles of:
A. Winston Churchill A. Stalingrad and Okinawa
B. Neville Chamberlain B. Iwo Jima and Nagasaki
C. Adolf Hitler C. Midway and Coral Sea
D. Miss Lee D. Alamein and Kasserine Pass

753. “The exact figures are unknown, but it is 758. After World War II, trials for Nazi war
believed that thousands of troops died be- criminals were conducted by the (Jan
cause of the brutality of their captors, who 2019)
starved and beat the prisoners, and bay- A. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
oneted those too weak to walk. “What (NATO)
event is described in the excerpt? B. Nuremburg Tribunals
A. The Holocaust C. Sadler Commission
B. Battle of Midway D. International Red Cross
C. Invasion of Normandy
759. Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?
D. Bataan Death March A. African Americans who served in the
754. What organizing body was established at
the Yalta Conference? B. Native Americans who served in the
A. The League of Nations
C. German Americans who served in the
B. The Treaty of Versailles military
C. The United Nations D. Japanese Americans who served in
D. The International Justice League the military

760. Which countries were part of the Allied

755. If Germany is a totalitarian state what
did the Nazi’s control?
A. USA, Soviet Union, Great Britain, and
A. everything France
B. just the government B. Germany, Italy, and Japan
C. the government and the press C. USA, Canada, and Mexico
D. nothing D. USA, Soviet Union, and Germany


1.12 World War II 656

761. In 1946, Winston Churchill used the term 766. With which country did Germany sign a
“Iron Curtain” when describing conditions secret pact with before World War II?
in Europe. What did he mean by this
A. the US
B. Great Britain
A. European nations needed to build
more factories C. Soviet Union/Russia
B. Peace had finally spread throughout D. France
the countries of Europe

767. What is D-Day?
C. The militaries of Western Europe were
becoming too powerful A. The day all the aggressors from Allied
Powers died
D. There was a division between commu-
nist Eastern Europe and Western Europe. B. The day the Allies chose to land their
troops in Normandy and start their cam-
762. Which of the following countries re- paign to liberate Western Europe
mained neutral during the beginning of
World War II? C. The day the Axis chose to land their
troops in Normandy and start their cam-
A. Great Britain paign to liberate Eastern Europe
B. Japan D. The day all the aggressorsfrom Axis
C. Italy Powers died
D. United States
768. was part of Operation Torch.
763. Which country did the Allies invade on D- A. Stalingrad
B. Invasion of Sicily
A. Italy
C. El Alamein
B. Germany
D. Invasion of Normandy
C. France
D. Japan 769. Translates to “divine wind, “ a suicide
mission where young Japanese pilots in-
764. Which war was a dress rehearsal for tentionally flew airplanes into US ships
World War II?
A. Genocide
A. World War I
B. Partisans
B. The Spanish Civil War
C. Kamikaze
C. The Revolutionary War
D. Blitzkrieg
D. The Amerian Civil War

765. Victory in Europe Day or VE Day marked 770. Who asked Congress to declare war on
the end of Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor?
A. World War II A. Franklin Roosevelt
B. war in Italy B. Harry Truman
C. rationing for troops in Europe C. Warren Harding
D. fighting in Europe D. Woodrow Wilson


1.12 World War II 657

771. What date was the attack on Pearl Har- 775. How was the U.S. economy affected by
bor? World War II?


A. September 30, 1939 A. the U.S. economy continued to decline.
B. December 7, 1941 B. Unemployment rates increased and
production in the factories decreased.
C. May 7, 1945
C. It caused the U.S. to go into a second
D. June 6, 1944 Depression.
772. All of the following are true about the D. Unemployment rates dropped and pro-
Holocaust EXCEPT duction increased.

A. Many Jews were executed in the gas 776. General Dwight D. Eisenhower was re-
chambers at these camps sponsible for planning what military op-
eration in addition to being Supreme Com-
B. Many experienced heavy weight loss
mander of Allied forces in Europe?
and other serious health issues
A. Operation Torch
C. The Germans cremated many bodies
to try and hide the evidence B. Operation Overlord
D. The Germans only put Jews in these C. Operation Avalanche
camps and no other ethnic groups D. Operation Juno

773. Which sequence of events is in the correct 777. Who was the leader of Italy during World
chronological order? War II?
A. rise of Nazism-Treaty of Versailles- A. Adolf Hitler
German invasion of the Soviet Union. B. Joseph Stalin
B. Treaty of Versailles-rise of Nazism- C. Benito Mussolini
German invasion of the Soviet Union. D. Winston Churchill
C. German invasion of the Soviet Union-
rise of Nazism-Treaty of Versailles. 778. In Japan, the Meiji Restoration and the
post-World War II “economic miracle” can
D. Treaty of Versailles-German invasion be described as periods of
of the Soviet Union-rise of Nazism.
A. political decentralization
774. Why did the United States decide to drop B. revolutionary democratization
the bomb rather than invade Japan with C. reactionary social change
D. innovative industrial development
A. Because they wanted to see if the
bomb would work 779. All of the following were actions at home
to support the war effort, except
B. Because they estimated that 1 million
American soldiers would die in an invasion A. Purchasing of war bonds
C. Because they did not have the soldiers B. Planting “Victory Gardens”
or weapons left to attack Japan C. Talking openly about military informa-
D. Because they did not think they could tion
defeat the Japanese D. Recycling of rubber and metal


1.12 World War II 658

780. What action did the Western Allies take 785. In WWII, What style of warfare did the
after World War II that caused the Sovi- Germans use to quickly conquer territory?
ets to strengthen their hold on East Ger- (also referred to as lightning war)
many? A. Donner und Blitzen
A. They disputed the Soviet occupation of B. Blitzkraft
East Berlin.
C. Blitzkrieg
B. They encouraged rebellion in Soviet
D. Blitzen Trappen
satellite states.

C. They fortified the border with East Ger- 786. World War II was between
many. A. 1939-1945
D. They helped western Germany rebuild B. 1914-1918
its economy. C. 1945-1969
781. Germany initiated World War II in Europe D. 1919-1938
by invading which country?
787. How many people died because of the
A. Soviet Union fighting or other resulting problems from
B. Austria World War II?
C. Czechoslovakia A. about 10 million
D. Poland B. about 35 million
C. about 70 million
782. A political system where the power
comes from the people, and the people D. none of above
exercise the right to vote and basic free- 788. What US state had the most Japanese In-
doms. ternment Camps during World War II?
A. Democracy A. California
B. Communism B. Arizona
C. Fascism C. New York
D. Totalitarianism D. Hawaii
783. Group made after WWI to Prevent Future 789. The successful invasion of Normandy
Wars It failed beaches to liberate France is known as
A. Treaty of Verasilles A. Operation Torch
B. Mandate System B. Battle of the Bulge
C. League of Nations C. D-Day
D. United Nations D. V-E Day
784. Japan, Germany, and Italy were all part 790. Compromise; giving something up in or-
of what military alliance? der to maintain the peace.
A. The Allies A. Neutrality
B. The Axis Powers B. Annex
C. The Central Powers C. Treaty of Versailles
D. none of above D. Appeasement


1.12 World War II 659

791. What is the term used to describe Nazi B. strong feelings of resentment and na-
Germany’s systematic annihilation of Eu- tionalism built up by economic and politi-
ropean Jews? cal crisis


A. blitzkrieg C. refusal by the League of Nations to ad-
B. the Holocaust mit Germany as a member

C. Kristallnacht D. violence and terrorism promoted by

Germany’s former enemies
D. the Manhattan Project
796. BONUS:The U.S. joined the War after this
792. What was one of Stalin’s major goals in event?
Eastern Europe after World War II?
A. Battle of Midway
A. to debate the proper course of social-
ism B. Japanese Attack Philippines

B. to lead Eastern Europe to economic C. Nazis invade France

prosperity D. Attack on Pearl Harbor
C. to create a protective buffer zone of 797. “You should take steps now to
friendly governments cease military resistance. Otherwise, we
D. to improve education and protect shall resolutely employ this bomb and all
refugees our other superior weapons to promptly
and forcefully end the war.” 41.
793. British government propaganda during This paragraph from a 1945 Allied leaflet
World War II encouraged British citizens warned the
to (June 2019)
A. Czechs of a German invasion
A. boycott overseas manufactured goods
B. Americans in Hawaii of a Japanese at-
B. call for the breakup of the empire tack
C. support governmental war efforts C. Koreans of a Russian invasion
D. discuss troop movements during the D. Japanese civilians of a United States
war attack
794. Why was the United Nations founded? 798. What two countries did Hitler occupy
A. To ensure that Germany would never without opposition from France and Great
become powerful again Britain?
B. To ensure that another Holocaust A. Austria
could never happen B. Czechoslovakia
C. To try and preserve peace throughout C. Belgium
the World
D. Italy
D. To protect Europe against Russia
E. Norway
795. Which situation contributed to Adolf
Hitler’s rise to power in Germany after 799. What country was Benito Mussolini the
World War I? leader of?

A. support of Hitler’s radical policies by A. France

the Social Democrats in the Reichstag B. Soviet Union


1.12 World War II 660

C. Germany B. Made Germany capitilistic

D. Italy C. Established a totalitarian government

800. In which way were the results of World D. Converted Germany to communism
War I and World War II similar? 805. German forces in North Africa were ledt
A. Hereditary monarchs were exiled and by
replaced by elected officials throughout A. Goering

B. Rommel
B. Harsh peace treaties prevented eco-
nomic recovery and led quickly to war in C. Von Paulus
Europe. D. Doenitz
C. United States foreign aid programs
806. The United States joined World War II be-
helped rebuild European economies.
D. The political boundaries of Central and
A. They wanted to fight back after the
Eastern European nations changed signif-
Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
B. They feared Germany.
801. What best defines “inflation”?
C. They wanted to help the Axis powers.
A. Money value goes up, prices go down
D. They wanted to fight Germany after
B. Money value goes down, prices go up they invaded Poland.
C. Money value and prices both go up
807. What symbol encouraged women to en-
D. Money value is determined by the eco- ter the workforce?
nomic state of the totalitarian
A. Tuskegee Airmen
802. What country invaded China in 1937 in B. Rosie the Riveter
an effort to expand their empire?
C. The Iron Curtain
A. Russia
D. None of the above
B. Japan
808. What was the purpose of the Lend-Lease
C. France
D. Britain
A. Giving aid to the Allies without joining
E. United States the war
803. Which one is an example of German ag- B. Giving aid to the Axis without joining
gression before WWII? the war
A. invasion of Poland & Czechoslovakia C. Sending troops to fight in Europe
B. attack on Pearl Harbor D. Helping China fight the Soviets
C. invasion of Manchuria 809. Who was the leader of Great Britain
D. invasion of Ethiopia through much of World WarII?

804. In what ways did Hitler violate the A. Margaret Thatcher

Treaty of Versailles? B. Joseph Stalin
A. Militarized Germany C. Neville Chamberlain


1.12 World War II 661

D. Charles de Gaulle 814. What were the two fronts the United
States fought in during WWII?
E. Winston Churchill


A. South America & North America
810. The surrender of France left which na- B. European & Pacific
tion “alone” fighting Hitler in Western Eu-
rope? C. Africa & Australia
D. South America & European
A. Soviet Union
B. Italy 815. The dictator of Nazi Germany, deter-
mined to achieve German domination of Eu-
C. Poland rope.
D. Britain A. Adolf Hitler

811. What was Stalin’s plans to control the B. Benito Mussolini

food supply in the Soviet Union? C. Joseph Stalin
A. 5 Year Plans D. Winston Churchill
B. Collectivize Farms 816. FDR is the only president in American his-
C. Battle of Stalingrad tory to have
A. been elected to 3 terms
D. Non-Aggression Pact
B. been elected to 4 terms
812. The immediate cause of United States en- C. to serve 2 non-consecutive terms
try into World War II was that the United
D. to die in office
A. had to fulfill its collective security 817. Which of the following is most likely a
agreements with Western European na- part of the Marshall Plan?
tions A. Signing the North Atlantic Treaty Orga-
B. felt it necessary to defend the princi- nization (NATO) agreement to form a mili-
ple of freedom of the seas tary alliance with European nations
B. Deploying troops to South Korea to
C. suffered a direct military attack
support its government against North Ko-
D. was ready to use its superior military rea during the Korean War
and atomic capabilities C. Providing military aid to the Afghan
government in its fight against the Taliban
813. The BEST title for the following
list is:Neutrality Acts Destroyers-for- D. Offering economic aid to European
basesCash and Carry Policy Lend-Lease countries to rebuild their infrastructure
Act and industries after World War II
A. World War I:Establishing Peace 818. The generation born during the post-war
B. World War I:Fighting Along the West- years in America is known as
ern Front A. Millennials
C. World War II:US From Isolation to In- B. Gen Xers
volvement C. Baby Boomers
D. World War II:Ending the War D. I Generation


1.12 World War II 662

819. People realized that women could do fac- A. required unquestioning loyalty to the
tory work during which war? leader.
A. World War I B. helped increase religious tolerance.
B. The Civil War C. hindered imperialistic goals.
C. World War II D. led pro-democracy movements.
D. The Cold War 824. Leader of Italy during World War II.

820. In what year did Germany reunite? A. Mussolini

A. 1979 B. Stalin

B. 1989 C. Roosevelt
D. Hitler
C. 1999
D. 2009 825. Which most accurately characterizes the
policy followed by the United States be-
821. The fundamental American strategic deci- tween World War I and World War II?
sion of World War II was
A. military alliances between Britain and
A. To attack Germany and Japan from the France
“back door” routes of North Africa and B. isolation from European conflicts
C. active membership in the League of
B. To attack Germany and Japan simulta- Nations
neously with equal force.
D. containment of Communism
C. To concentrate naval forces in the Pa-
cific and ground forces in Europe. 826. Which countries were U.S. allies during
D. To attack Germany first while using World War II?
just enough strength to hold off Japan. A. France, Germany, Bulgaria
B. Russia, China, Britain
822. If the United States was neutral in the
war, why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? C. Japan, India, Brazil
A. The U.S. was threatening to attack D. France, Japan, Algeria
Japan for invading China.
827. All of the following were points discussed
B. Japan had promised Germany that it in the Atlantic Charter Meeting EXCEPT
would help defend them against American
A. Attention would be given more to Ger-
many than Japan
C. The U.S. was supporting the Allies and
B. United Nations was first mentioned
seeming likely to enter the war eventually.
C. Britain & US would not seek territorial
D. Japan wanted to access the oil re- gains
serves on the Hawaiian islands.
D. US would immediately enter the war
823. One way in which the Hitler Youth of
Germany, the Black Shirts of Italy, and 828. The Battle of Midway was significant in
the Red Guard of China are similar is that World War II because it was
these organizations A. the Japanese assault on China.


1.12 World War II 663

B. the German advance into France. B. Susuki

C. turning point in the war in the Pacific. C. Kawasaki


D. the German bombing of British popula- D. Nagasaki
tion centers.
833. Which nation was a member of the Axis
829. Why did the Japanese attack the United powers during World War II?
States on December 7, 1941? A. Great Britain
A. Japan wanted to take over parts of the B. Germany
United States
C. The United States
B. The United States had threatened to at-
tack Japan if that country continued its ag- D. The Soviet Union
gression 834. Following World War II, the United
C. Japan was angry that the United States made political alliances and helped
States was attacking Germany ships and to rebuild Japan and many war-torn Euro-
submarines pean countries. What was one reason for
D. The United States had placed Japan these actions?
on an embargo, refusing to trade oil and A. The United States wanted to take con-
metal trol of those countries in the future.
B. The United States wanted to prove the
830. The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of
United States was the wealthiest nation.
1944 (GI Bill) was responsible for
C. The United States wanted to stop the
A. building United States military bases in
spread of communism to those countries.
allied countries throughout the world
D. The United States wanted to prevent
B. providing education and home loan
those countries from competing with the
benefits for soldiers returning from World
United States.
War II
C. maintaining the size of the active duty 835. Which of the following helped over 2
military at its pre-World War II level million U.S. veterans attend college after
World War II?
D. sending the United States economy
into a post-World War II recession A. World Bank
B. GI Bill of Rights
831. Adolf Hitler blamed most of Germany’s
problems after World War I on the C. Manhattan Project
A. weak German ruler. D. War Production Board
B. democratic form of government. 836. “Japan Presses Greater East Asia
C. Jews Co-prosperity Policy on Southeast
Asia”“Tokyo Is Firebombed”“Atom Bomb
D. Soviets Dropped on Nagasaki”43. Which period
832. During World War II, the United States of Japanese history is associated with
dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese these headlines?
cities of Hiroshima and A. Tokugawa shogunate
A. Tokyo B. Meiji Restoration


1.12 World War II 664

C. reign of Emperor Hirohito 842. Japan’s invasion of China in l937 and Ger-
D. Japan’s economic miracle many’s attack on Poland in 1939 led di-
rectly to
837. It is one of the causes of world war 2 be-
A. the beginning of World War II in Asia
cause it created tensions with the bound-
and Europe.
aries and newly acquired lands by Britain
and France. B. a meeting at Yalta between the United
States and the Soviet Union.
A. Blame

C. a conference at Munich for European
B. Reparations
C. Army
D. the withdrawal of Britain and France
D. Territory from European affairs.
838. In justifying the Lend-Lease Act, FDR
843. Who was the leader of neutral Spain?
stated that the United States must become
the “great of democracy” A. Franco
A. Protector B. De Gualle
B. Arsenal C. Churchill
C. Supplier D. Chamberland
D. Foe 844. Who made the decision to drop the atomic
839. Germany’s battle tactic of quickly over- bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima
whelming the opposition is referred to as and Nagasaki?
A. kamikaze A. Dwight D. Eishenhower
B. blitzkrieg B. Douglas MacArthur
C. island-hopping C. Harry Truman
D. total war D. Franklin Roosevelt
840. The Battle of Britain was in 845. When did World War II take place?
A. 1940 A. 1955-1960
B. 1941 B. 1920-1925
C. 1941-2 C. 1914-1919
D. 1939 D. 1939-1945
841. The rights of citizens under the Four-
846. Module 11-Lesson 7 (The Atomic Bomb
teenth Amendment of the Constitution
Ends the war)-watch the video “The
were violated by the U.S. government
Atomic Bomb”Many believe one of the rea-
when it authorized the establishment of-
sons for dropping the Atomic Bomb was
A. internment camps for Japanese Amer-
A. To give the U.S. more power of negoti-
B. the Office of War Mobilization ation over Russia after the war.
C. nuclear test sites in Nevada B. The U.S. Abandoned its Humanitarian
D. the Office of Price Administration ideals


1.12 World War II 665

C. The U.S. wanted the world to fear it’s C. a symbol for working women during
military World War II


D. The U.S. wanted to make more D. the first female military leader of the
weapons like this but need to prove it United States
852. Which president ordered the atomic
847. Hitler was put in jail for 18 months and bomb?
during that time he wrote the famous book A. FDR
B. Truman
A. Mein Kampf C. Stalin
B. Munich Putsch D. Churchill
C. Mein Studentin
853. Great Britain, France, Canada, and the
D. Die Mannshaft Soviet Union formed an alliance known as
848. What was the Holocaust?
A. Axis Powers
A. a relocation camp for Japanese Amer-
icans after Pearl Harbor B. Nazi Party
B. a relocation camp for Muslims after C. Allied Powers
the 9/11 terrorist attacks D. Rough Riders
C. the widespread killing of Jews by 854. Which two Japanese cities were de-
Nazis stroyed by atom bombs?
D. the time period following WWII A. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
849. This minority group served in the US mil- B. Kyoto and Tokyo
itary as “code breakers” C. Nagasaki and Kyoto
A. German Americans D. Tokyo and Hiroshima
B. Japanese Americans 855. After Hitler had taken Austria, what was
C. Mexican Americans the name of western portion of Czechoslo-
vakia that he wanted?
D. Navajo
A. Sudentenland
850. The Manhattan Project was a secret gov-
B. Moravia
ernment initiative during the war created
to C. Slovakia
A. create an atomic bomb D. Bohemia

B. create a super-computer 856. Hitler opted to use Blitzkrieg which was

C. create the ultimate warrior A. the tactic to create disorganization
among the enemy
D. create radar and sonar
B. the plan to conquer Europe
851. Who was “Rosie the Riveter? ”
C. the invasion of Britain
A. a famous riveter D. the reserve army’s plan to secure the
B. the name of a notable spy gov’t


1.12 World War II 666

857. “There are many more millions in Britain 860. On December 7, 1941, President Roo-
and elsewhere bravely shielding the great sevelt asked Congress for a declaration of
flame of democracy from the blackout of war. Which of these events led to this re-
barbarism. It is not enough for us merely quest?
to trim the wick, or polish the glass. A. Churchill’s desperate need for help in
The time has come when we must pro- the Battle of Britain
vide the fuel in ever-increasing amounts
to keep that flame alight.”-Franklin Roo- B. Germany’s lightning war that ended
sevelt, March 1941In this speech, Presi- with the fall of France

dent Roosevelt is discussing the reasons C. Stalin’s agreement to sign a nonag-
behind what action? gression pact with Hitler
A. declaring war on Germany D. Japan’s surprise attack on a U.S. naval
base in Pearl Harbor
B. establishing the United Nations
C. passing the Lend-Lease Act 861. What type of term best defines Japan’s
government during World War II?
D. developing the atomic bomb
A. Fascist
858. A major cause of the internment of B. Nazism
Japanese Americans during World War II C. Militaristic
D. Communism
A. national segregation policies
862. Allied soldiers invaded northern France
B. immigration quotas on the beaches of Normandy. This is
C. racial prejudice known as:
D. economic depression A. VJ-Day
B. VE-Day
859. What was the context in which Presi-
dent Franklin D.Roosevelt said the follow- C. D-Day
ing:“As Commander-in-Chief of the Army D. E-Day
and Navy I have directed that all measures
863. Which country quit the League of Nations
be taken for our defense, that always will
after the League condemned it for its mili-
our whole nation remember the charac-
tary invasions on Manchuria?
ter of the onslaught against us. No mat-
ter how long it may take us to overcome A. Japan
this premeditated invasion, the American B. Germany
people, in their righteous might, will win
C. Italy
through to absolute victory.”-President
Roosevelt, 1941 D. All of the above
A. Upon notice of a military alliance be- 864. The Nuremberg Laws & Kristallnacht
tween Germany, Italy, and Japan were the early stages of what?
B. Following Germany’s attack on Poland A. The Holocaust
C. Prior to the allied invasion of France B. Anschluss
D. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor C. Lebensraum
by the Japanese D. Third Reich


1.12 World War II 667

865. Russian high generals that were threat- 870. What Act did the U.S. pass after the Bat-
ened in order to confess for being a spy tle of Britain?
and were executed were known as the


A. Atlantic Charter
A. Showcase Trials B. Cash and Carry Act
B. Treason Trials C. Lend-Lease Act
C. Spygate D. Kellogg-Briand Pact
D. Communist Scandal 871. What are U-boats?
A. A horse shoe boat
866. “Mein Kampf” means:
B. A military sampan
A. My Life
C. A military yacht
B. My Struggle
D. A military submarine
C. My Anger
872. Pearl Harbor happened on what day?
D. My Kind
A. December 7, 1945
867. Why did President Truman decide to drop B. December 25, 1945
the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? C. December 7, 1941
A. It would save thousands of American D. December 13, 1941
873. What type of government was used by
B. It was cost effective. the Japanese?
C. He wanted a place to test out his new A. Democratic
bomb B. Communist
D. The Japanese threatened to use on C. Fascist
D. Militaristic
868. German people admired Hitler after WWI 874. What country was Joseph Stalin the
because he promised to leader of?
A. Kill everyone A. Italy
B. Bring Democracy to Germany B. France
C. Make Germany powerful and success- C. Soviet Union
ful again D. Germany
D. Ban smoking Tobacco 875. Which two Japanese cities had atomic
weapons dropped on them by the Ameri-
869. The systematic attempt to rid Europe of cans?
Jews is called
A. Nagasaki
A. execution
B. Tokyo
B. holocaust C. Seoul
C. ghettos D. Hiroshima
D. none of above E. Yamaha


1.12 World War II 668

876. The cooperation between the United 881. What country bombed Pearl Harbor and
States and the Soviet Union during World forced the USA to enter the war?
War II supports the idea that A. Russia
A. alliances are built upon mutual self- B. Italy
C. Germany
B. communism and capitalism have much
D. Japan
in common
882. Who ruled as a dictator and leader of the

C. political leaders often disregard the
wishes of their citizens Nazi party and wanted to build a power-
ful military and make his country a strong
D. imperialism is necessary in defense of nation?
A. Hitler
877. Why was the Battle of Midway the turn- B. Mussolini
ing point in the Pacific War?
C. Stalin
A. Germans never won any battles after
D. none of above
B. U.S. lost its entire fleet 883. Who was a leader of a country in the Al-
lied Powers during World War II?
C. U.S. began to push back the Japanese
A. Benito Mussolini
D. U.S. now could launch planes to bomb
B. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
C. Emperor Hirohito
878. On which two cities did the U.S. bomb
D. Adolf Hitler
A. Hiroshima and Berlin 884. What were the Tuskegee Airmen known
B. Nagasaki and Paris
A. escorting bombers over Europe
C. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
B. bombing Tokyo after Pearl Harbor
D. Stalingrad and Berlin
C. Volunteering to fight in China
879. What caused the United States to enter D. bombing the beaches on D-Day
the war on the side of the Allies?
885. Victory in Europe day came after
A. When Germany invaded France
A. Germany surrendered
B. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
B. Hitler was killed
C. France declared war on Germany
C. Atomic bombs
D. When Russia entered the war D. Japan surrendered
880. led to the liberation of Rome. 886. when did world war 2 end
A. Stalingrad A. 1937
B. Invasion of Normandy B. 1962
C. Midway C. 1948
D. Invasion of Sicily D. 1945


1.12 World War II 669

887. The MAIN reason the United States en- 891. What did the Lend-Lease program do?
tered World War II was A. Sent weapons to the Axis Powers in


A. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. hopes we wouldn’t be attacked by them
B. German invasion of Poland. B. Sent weapons to the Allied Powers to
help them fight the Axis
C. German invasion of the Soviet Union.
C. Sent troops and supplies to the Allies
D. Italian invasion of Ethiopia. for the war effort
888. Which of these was a primary reason D. Sent troops and supplies to the Axis
German and Japan expanded their bound- powers for the war effort
aries in the years prior to World War II? 892. During World War II, the importance of
A. They feared their neighbors would in- the D-Day invasion of 1944 was that it
vade them first A. forced Germany to fight on multiple
B. They wanted access to more raw fronts
goods and natural resources B. made Germany move their military to
C. They each had leaders who were as- the Russian front
sassinated by their enemies C. ended the bombing of Germany
D. They wanted to get back at the United D. demonstrated German military domi-
States for invading them in World War I nance

889. During the 1930’s what factors pushed 893. At the beginning of the war, the U.S. was
the American public opinion and policy to-
ward isolationism? A. neutrality
A. Bad relationships with European coun- B. aggression
tries. C. racism
B. High tariffs from European countries D. nationalism
and a small, weak US military.
894. How was Spain a deeply divided country
C. The Great Depression and the memory in the 1930s?
of the tragic losses in WWI.
A. Spain was politically torn between
D. The Lend-Lease Act and the Neutrality Right-Wing Nationalists and Left-Wing Re-
Acts publican Parties
890. Which of these is described below? B. Spain was divided between Catholics
*signed at the end of WWI *required Ger- and Protestants
many to pay Allies for damages caused by C. Spain was divided between whites and
the war*required Germany to reduce the blacks
of its miliary
D. none of above
A. the New Deal
895. Which of the following caused the Great
B. the United Nations Depression?
C. the Treaty of Versailles A. Hitler invading Poland
D. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization B. Stock market crash of 1929


1.12 World War II 670

C. Storming of the Bastille C. US and Germany

D. Assassination of the Archduke D. Britain and France
896. The United States entered World War II 901. What document ended WWI and caused
as a direct result of what? WW2 to happen?
A. The attack on Pearl Harbor
A. Treaty of Versailles
B. The invasion and division of France
B. 14 Points

C. The invasion and division of Poland
C. Northwest Passage
D. Attacks on U.S. ships in the Atlantic
D. Middle Passage
897. What two cities were hit with an Atomic
Bomb? 902. What event finally brought an end to
A. Hiroshima and Nagasaki WWII?

B. Hiroshima and Tokyo A. Massive Soviet invasion of Japanese

C. Nagasaki and Tokyo
B. Collapse of German forces after
D. none of above
Hitler’s suicide
898. What is the significance of December 7th, C. Dropping of atomic bombs by the
1941? United States on Japanese cities
A. Russia’s entry into WWII
D. United States naval blockade of
B. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor Japanese cities in the Pacific
C. V-E Day
903. Which of the following was a cause that
D. D Day helped lead to World War II?
899. Which is a valid conclusion based on A. The rise of fascism
a study of the years immediately after
B. Harsh treatment of Germany by the
World War I and World War II?
Treaty of Versailles
A. Defeated nations quickly resume mili-
taristic foreign policies. C. Appeasement of aggressive countries

B. After times of war, a strong desire of D. The Great Depression

American society is to return to a period E. All of the above
of peace and quiet in foreign affairs.
C. Participation in war leads the United 904. How did Germany show agression in Eu-
States to pursue an actively expansionist rope?
foreign policy. A. By building a wall around Germany
D. The existence of world organizations
B. By taking over France, Russia, and
ensures peace.
Great Britain
900. The Cold War would later be between C. By taking money from Russia
A. Soviet Union and Germany D. By taking over Austria, Czechoslovakia,
B. US and Soviet Union and Poland


1.12 World War II 671

905. Why did the Gross Domestic Product in- B. Lend-Lease Program
crease at such a drastic rate during World
C. Signing the Treaty of Versailles
War II?


A. High employment D. None of the above, since the U.S.
stayed in isolation.
B. Private investment
C. Federal spending 911. Britain and France declared war in re-
sponse to the
D. Foreign investments
A. Soviet invasion of Finland
906. What is significant about the date-
December 7, 1941? B. Italian invasion of Ethiopia
A. Attack on Pearl Harbor C. German invasion of Poland
B. Victory in Europe (VE) Day D. German invasion of Czechosovakia
C. Victory against Japan (VJ) Day
912. What did Nazis decide the “final solu-
D. France was invaded by Germany tion” to the “Jewish question”?
E. Lend-Lease Act passed by Congress A. deporting Jews to North Africa
907. Which battle was the European theater B. confining Jews to urban ghettos
turning point on the Eastern Front?
C. exterminating Jews in death camps
A. Iwo Jima
D. encouraging Jews to emigrate to the
B. Battle of Britain United States
C. Battle of Stalingrad
D. D-Day 913. Which of the following were NOT utilized
by the United States to help win World
908. What was the name of African American War II?
soldiers who helped during the war? A. Drafting soldiers to increase the size
A. Tuskegee Airmen of the army
B. Rosie the Riveter B. Government regulation of prices and
C. Freedmen’s Bureau production
D. Jim Crow Laws C. Propaganda posters to increase public
909. What was V-J day?
D. The decision to imprison anyone of
A. Germany surrendered German ancestry, in the U.S.
B. Japan surrendered
914. Which country was Winston Churchill the
C. Italy surrendered
leader of?
D. Russia surrendered
A. Great Britain
910. Which of the following allowed the B. France
United States to assist Britain in its fight
with Germany? C. Germany
A. Good Neighbor Policy D. United States


1.12 World War II 672

915. This battle between Germany and the So- 920. The Nazis begin to produce numerous pro-
viets marks the turning point in the East- poganda attacks against the Jews. What
ern theater. is the purpose of propoganda?
A. Battle of Leningrad A. To help people make informed, accu-
rate decisions.
B. Battle of Moscow
B. To provide as much truthful commen-
C. Battle of Stalingrad tary as possible.
D. Battle of Berlin

C. To force people to think the way the
government wants them to think.
916. What does Fort Sam Houston, Randolph
Air Field, and Lackland Air Force Base all D. none of above
have in common?
921. It is one of the causes of world war 2 re-
A. Houston, Texas quiring Germany to pay for the damages
caused by the war.
B. San Antonio, Texas
A. Blame
C. They are all Navy bases
B. Reparations
D. They are all Air Force bases
C. Army
917. Who began working in the factories D. Territory
when the soldiers went off to war?
922. What US policy allowed the sale, loan,
A. The elderly
or lease of war materials to any country
B. Children whose defense was necessary for US se-
C. Japanese Americans
A. Lend Lease
D. Women
B. Neutrality Act
918. The dictator of the Soviet Union during C. Cash and Carry
WWII was
D. Borrow and Pay
A. Stalin
923. Which was a consequence of the Treaty
B. Hitler
of Versailles?
C. Mussolini A. It created a long-lasting peace in Eu-
D. Churchill rope
B. It resulted in a strong League of Na-
919. The American strategy designed to de- tions
feat Japan in the Pacific was to
C. It paved the way for future conflicts in
A. bypass the islands and focus all Europe
strength on an invasion of Japan.
D. It reduced political tensions in the
B. Attack Japan through China world
C. Island hopping
924. A violation of civil rights that occurred in
D. prevent an invasion of Hawaii by the the United States during World War II was
Japanese. the


1.12 World War II 673

A. arrests made as a result of the Palmer D. Isolationism

929. Use the statement below to answer the


B. passage of an open immigration law
question.“Korematsu was not excluded
C. internment of Japanese Americans from the military area because of hostil-
D. forced removal of Native American In- ity to him or his race. He was excluded
dians from their reservations because we are at war with the Japanese
Empire, because the authorities feared
925. The horrifically ironic sign Arbeit Macht an invasion of our West Coast and felt
Frei (freedom through work) hung above constrained to take proper security mea-
the entrance to , the largest Nazi death sures.” Justice Hugo Black, decision
camp. of Korematsu v. United States (1944)
A. Auschwitz A. Individual rights can be restricted if a
B. Buchenwald “clear and present danger” exists.
C. Chelmno B. Only the Supreme Court can legally de-
D. Dachau prive citizens of rights and liberties.
C. Individual rights must be maintained
926. Please identify which pattern of events
at all costs, even in national emergencies.
happened BEFORE World War II.
D. The Supreme Court lacks the power
A. Adolf Hitler gave up his position as
to block executive orders made during
leader of Germany.
B. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. (communist
government of Russia) declared war on 930. Which is one major reason the Holocaust
each other. is considered a unique event in modern Eu-
C. The U.S. used atomic bombs. ropean history?

D. Powerful countries like the U.S. and A. Jews of Europe have seldom been vic-
Britain let Germany break the rules of the tims of persecution.
Treaty of Versailles and take more land in B. Civilians rarely were killed during air
Europe. raids on Great Britain.
927. World War II began in 1939 when Ger- C. Adolf Hitler concealed his anti-Jewish
many invaded feelings until after he came to power.
A. Poland D. The genocide was planned in great de-
B. Netherland tail and required the cooperation of many
C. France
D. Denmark 931. What is the reason most commonly given
for why President Harry S. Truman decided
928. This Act authorized the United States to to use the newly developed atomic bombs
sell, lease, or lend war materials to coun- against Japan?
tries in need of defense
A. To avenge the attack on Pearl Harbor
A. Neutrality Act of 1935
B. To force Japan to surrender quickly
B. Neutrality Act of 1936 and avoid a costly invasion of the
C. Lend-Lease Act Japanese home islands


1.12 World War II 674

C. To test the destructive power of the A. signing a treaty with Germany to out-
new weapon law nuclear weapons.
D. To demonstrate America’s military B. giving Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland
might to the Soviet Union to Germany.

932. Most historians agree that this is the rea- C. entering into a defensive alliance with
son for the end of the Great Depression the United States.

A. World War II D. supporting independence for German

colonies in Africa.
B. World War I
C. Treaty of Versailles 937. What happened on September 1, 1939?
D. Cold War A. Hitler bombed the United States
B. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor
933. During the l930’s and l940’s, Nazis in
Germany and Fascists in Italy promoted C. Hitler invaded Poland
policies that emphasized D. Mussolini gained control of Italy
A. national and racial supremacy.
938. During World War II, which event oc-
B. worldwide Communist revolutions. curred last?
C. international peacekeeping efforts.
A. German invasion of Poland.
D. economic cooperation in Europe.
B. Russian defense of Stalingrad.
934. The general American attitude toward C. United States bombing of Hiroshima
World War II was and Nagasaki.
A. resentment at having to disrupt civilian D. Japanese invasion of Manchuria.
B. gratitude that the Great Depression 939. Which statement is true about the world
was finally over. after World War II?

C. a fervent ideological belief in democ- A. Japan remained a powerful country.

racy and hatred of fascism. B. There were no battles as deadly as
D. less idealistic and ideological and World War II battles after the war only
more practical than the outlook in World small wars in individual countries.
War I. C. The U.S. became a poor country.
935. What was USA able to contribute to the D. The U.S. and U.S.S.R. had an alliance to
Allied victory? protect each other.
A. Arms and manpower 940. What style of warfare did the Germans
B. Food and manpower use to quickly conquer territory?
C. Vast resources and manpower A. Donder und Blitzen
D. Coal and manpower B. Blitzkraft
C. Blitzkrieg
936. During the l930’s, a joint act of appease-
ment by the British and French was D. Blitzen Trappen


1.12 World War II 675

941. The rise of fascism in Germany between 946. Which country was NOT on the Allied
World War I and World War II is often as- Powers?
sociated with the


A. GermanyGermany
A. promotion of ethnic diversity.
B. appeal of the doctrine of nonviolence. B. Great Britain

C. establishment of a strong parliamen- C. United States

tary system.
D. Soviet Union
D. impact of the global economic depres-
947. Roosevelt described the day of the attack
942. What military tactic did the United States from the axis powers as ‘a date which will
use when waging war in the Pacific The- live in , which means a state of being
ater during World War II? well known for a bad quality or deed which
incurs strong condemnation.
A. blitzkrieg
B. brinkmanship A. inflammatory
C. island-hopping B. infamy
D. trench warfare
C. Inflammation
943. On August 6, 1945 where was the 1st
D. Infectious
atomic bomb dropped?
A. Nagasaki
948. The US was afraid that this country
B. Beijing would get to Japan for we did. What coun-
C. Hiroshima try did we not want to control Japan?
D. Berlin A. Great Britain
944. The U.S. Navy sunk four Japanese air- B. Germany
craft carriers at this battle.
C. Russia
A. Coral Sea
B. Stalingrad D. China
C. Midway
949. One way in which the conquest of
D. Invasion of Normandy Manchuria by the Japanese (1931) and the
945. Which statement about the United Na- annexation of Czechoslovakia by Germany
tions is a fact rather than an opinion? (1939) are similar is that these actions
A. The United Nations has too many com- A. marked the end of the aggressive ex-
mittees to be effective. pansion of these nations
B. The United Nations would be more effi- B. demonstrated the weakness of the
cient if its headquarters moved to Europe. League of Nations
C. The membership of the United Nations
has increased since its formation. C. reestablished the balance of power in
the world
D. The United Nations has successfully
met most of its goals. D. led to the Long March


1.12 World War II 676

950. Which WWII Key Figure does the list best 955. Japan surrendered in what ship?
describe? -He rose to power in Germany-
A. U.S.S. Lexington
He ruled as a dictator-He used military ag-
gression against the rest of Europe B. U.S.S. Missouri
A. Winston Churchill C. U.S.S. Nimitz
B. Adolf Hitler
D. U.S.S. Texas
C. Benito Mussolini

D. Joseph Stalin 956. In 1941, the passed, allowing the
president to lend or lease arms and other
951. Which of the following is NOT true about supplies to “any country whose defense
the United States during World War II? was vital to the US.”
A. The U.S. entered the war after the
A. Lend-Lease Act
bombing of Pearl Harbor.
B. Factories produced war goods and nat- B. Trade Embargo
ural resources were rationed. C. Atlantic Charter
C. Most women stayed home to raise chil-
D. Neutrality Act
dren and tend to their husbands.
D. The Tuskegee Airmen helped the allies 957. The Neutrality Act of 1935 said we could
defeat the Axis powers. not
952. What was the policy Japan began to use A. sell weapons to countries at war
in response to the Great Depression?
B. sell food to countries at war
A. Isolationism
C. sell any supplies to countries at war
B. Expansionism
C. Capitalism D. we condemn Hitler’s moustache
D. Communism
958. Aerial battle fought over England.
953. How did Joseph Stalin become leader of A. Blitzkrieg
the Soviet Union?
A. By killing those who opposed him B. Battle of the Bulge

B. A democratic vote from the people of C. Stalingrad

Russia D. Battle of Britain
C. The League of Nations appointed him
leader 959. What was the Manhattan Project?
D. Through a vote among the wealthy of A. radio beams used to determine loca-
Russia tion of objects
954. What was Hideki Tojo’s title? B. the world’s first computer
A. Military dictator of Japan C. effort by the US to build the first
B. Emperor and God of Japan atomic bomb
C. Chancellor of Germany D. a complicated code machine used by
D. Ruler of China German military


1.12 World War II 677

960. Mass killings done against the unclean 965. The battle on THIS small Pacific Island
in communism in the Soviet Union were that was won by US Marines was called
known as


A. Midway
A. purges B. Iwo Jima
B. the Holocaust C. Bermuda
C. The Quintanilla Orders
D. Hawaii
D. The Bolshevik Revolution
966. This was the political party that Hitler led
961. What is the largest amphibious assault in to power in 1932
world history?
A. Democrats
A. Invasion of Normandy
B. Communists
B. Attack on Pearl Harbor
C. Nazis
C. Battle of Gudalcanal
D. Republicans
D. Battle of the Bulge
967. Payment for war damages.
962. The belief that people who share a com-
mon history, culture, or language should A. reparations
be able to have an independent state, free B. appeasement
of foreign domination.
C. militarism
A. imperialism
D. fascism
B. nationalism
968. What were the three major Axis Pow-
C. liberalism
D. socialism
A. Germany, Japan, and Italy
963. An important outcome of the Nuremberg B. Russia, China, and Germany
Trials held at the end of World War II was
that they C. United States, Great Britain, and
A. showed that many accounts of Nazi
atrocities were exaggerated D. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
B. spread the blame for World War II 969. Name the three countries that formed the
among many nations alliance known as the Axis powers.
C. held that moral and ethical considera- A. Japan, U.S., Russia
tions do not apply in wartime
B. Japan, Germany, Soviet Union
D. established that individuals are re-
C. Japan, Great Britain, Soviet Union
sponsible for their actions
D. Germany, Japan, Italy
964. Fell to the Germans in June of 1940 after
just 6 weeks? 970. The leader of England during WWII was
A. Italy A. Winston Churchill
B. Spain B. Franklin Roosevent
C. Britain C. Charles de Gaulle
D. France D. Harry Truman


1.12 World War II 678

971. Where did the United States drop 2 B. Japan was going to surrender any-
atomic bombs finally bringing an end to ways.
C. A land invasion would cause too many
A. Pearl Harbor and Midway casualties.
B. Hiroshima and Nagasaki D. Too many Americans and Japanese
C. Midway and Iwo Jima would die.

D. none of above 976. Giving into someone’s demands to main-

tain the peace is known as what? (I.e.
972. Which of the following countries did not Neville Chamberlain to Hitler Munich
have a Fascist totalitarian regime prior to Agreement)
World War II?
A. strategy
A. Italy
B. encroachment
B. Germany
C. deceit
C. Great Britain
D. France D. appeasement

973. Neville Chamberlain visited Munich in 977. Module 11 WWII-Lesson 7 (The Allies
1938 to negotiate the fate of Sudeten- Liberate Europe)”We saw emaciated men
land. Which policy is most closely asso- whose thighs were smaller than wrists,
ciated with Chamberlain’s action? (June many had bones sticking out through their
2018) skin Also we saw hundreds of burned
and naked bodies That evening I wrote
A. appeasement my wife that ‘For the first time I truly re-
B. nonalignment alized the evil of Hitler and why this war
had to be waged.”’-Robert T. Johnson-
C. reparations
quoted in Voices:Letters from World War
D. colonialism IIWhat is Johnson referring to in the pas-
sage above?
974. How did the development of the atomic
bomb impact America’s economy during A. War on the front lines
and after World War II? B. The Battle of the Bulge
A. Mass Media advertised the bomb. C. Victums of Atomic weapons
B. Baby boomers protested the use of the D. The horrors of the Nazi Death camps
bomb. of the Holocaust
C. An economic depression occurred af-
ter the bomb was dropped. 978. What was Hitler’s “Final Solution”?
D. Jobs were created by the race to de- A. systematic imprisonment & murder of
velop new and better bombs. 6 million Jews
B. planned invasion of the United States
975. Which of the following were reasons
why President Truman decided to drop the C. German expansion into Eastern Eu-
atomic bombs? rope
A. He wanted war to end quickly. D. alliance with Japan & Italy


1.12 World War II 679

979. Which of these was an accomplishment of 983. Which term best describes the initial re-
the Tennessee Valley Authority? sponse of European leaders to German ag-


A. It improved tourism by building hotels.
B. It brought electricity to thousands of A. A policy of appeasement
people. B. A policy of defense
C. It taught workers how to organize C. A policy of neutrality
unions. D. A policy of resistance
D. It provided a police force for large ur-
984. Women began working where during
ban areas.
World War II?
980. What day was the invasion of Normandy A. home
or D-Day? B. factories
A. June 6, 1944 C. schools
B. September 30, 1940 D. offices
C. October 12, 1940
985. Which policy, that contributed to the
D. May 7, 1945 start of WWII, did western nations adopt
in the 1930s?
981. Admiral Chester Nimitz, the Commander
in Chief of the U.S. Naval Fleet, developed A. pacifism
what strategy to defeat the Japanese? B. appeasement
A. island hopping C. militarism
B. search and destroy missions D. fascism
C. total war 986. How did the personal diplomacy con-
D. guerrilla warfare ducted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
during World War II affect the Presi-
982. Why do you think that German civilians dency?
were often ordered to help bury bodies in
Nazi concentration camps? A. Subsequent Presidents have refused
to use this unsuccessful method.
A. To dispose of the large numbers of
B. The President’s role in shaping United
dead bodies in the camps.
States foreign policy was strengthened.
B. To force German civilians to witness
C. The President’s war powers as Com-
the horrors and suffering inflicted by
mander in Chief were sharply reduced.
the Nazi regime upon the victims in the
camps. D. Congress increased its power over the
executive branch.
C. To create an appearance of normalcy
and routine, as if burying bodies was just 987. To help win World War II, the federal gov-
another ordinary task or duty, rather than ernment found it necessary to
an act of barbarity.
A. return to the gold standard
D. To intimidate and terrorize the German B. outlaw labor unions
civilian population, making them complicit
in the atrocities and afraid to speak out C. impose rationing and price controls
against Adolf Hitler D. integrate the military


1.12 World War II 680

988. What finally brought an end to World C. They feared a communist takeover
War II in the Pacific? D. The Supreme Court was powerless to
A. a massive Soviet invasion of the stop it.
Japanese islands
993. Turning point of the war in the Pacific.
B. the unconditional surrender of Ger-
This ended Japanese advancement.
A. Battle of Midway
C. U.S. naval blockade of Japan
B. Hiroshima/Nagasaki

D. the dropping of atomic bombs on Hi-
roshima and Nagasaki C. D-Day
D. V-E Day
989. Why did USA enter World War II?
A. When the Japanese attacked the US 994. Which statement is accurate concerning
Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour without the forced relocation of Japanese Ameri-
warning cans during World War II?
B. When the Germans attacked the US Pa- A. President Franklin D. Roosevelt autho-
cific Fleet at Pearl Harbour without warn- rized the action as a military necessity
ing B. Few of those relocated were actually
C. When the Russians attacked the US Pa- United States citizens
cific Fleet at Pearl Harbour without warn- C. Widespread Japanese American dis-
ing loyalty and sabotage preceded the forced
D. When the Italians attacked the US Pa- relocation
cific Fleet at Pearl Harbour without warn- D. The Japanese American experience
ing was similar to what happened to German
990. The following countries were Allied Pow- Americans at this time
995. Which man was elected President 4
A. Great Britain times, and served during the Great Depres-
B. United States sion and WWII?
C. Germany A. Franklin Roosevelt
D. France B. Harry Truman
C. Dwight Eisenhower
991. Who was the dictator of Italy during
WWII? D. John F Kennedy
A. Benito Mussolini 996. Which of the following is NOT a feature
B. Hideki Tojo of an isolationist country?
C. Josef Stalin A. Isolating one’s countryfrom the affairs
D. Emperor Hirohito of and alliances and agreements with
other nations.
992. Why did most Americans except this B. Resources and efforts aredevoted to
much control by the federal government? advance its own nation
A. They were just happy to be working C. Peace is maintained byavoiding in-
B. FDR was just that popular volvement in foreign affairs


1.12 World War II 681

D. Decide how other countryshould carry 1002. What was an immediate effect of the
out economic policies Lend-Lease Act?


997. Fascism is A. Western Europe recovered from the
A. when a leader controls by force damage caused by World War II.

B. nationalism and racism B. The United States provided critical aid

C. nationalism and nazism to Great Britain and the Soviet Union.

D. none of above C. The Soviet Union declared war on Ger-

998. How did war bonds, victory gardens, &
scrap drives impact the war effort? D. Japan declared war against the United
A. they provided needed supplies for the
1003. Which of the following was NOT a role
B. they convinced people to work in war of women during WWII?
C. they caused anti-war rallys A. soldiers
D. they had no impact B. mechanics

999. Nikita Khrushchev was involved in which C. nurses

event in the United States?
D. pilots
A. the Cold War
B. World War I 1004. “It took the Big Four just five hours
C. World War II and twenty-five minutes here in Munich
today to dispel the clouds of war and
D. The Vietnam War
come to an agreement over the partition
1000. The GI bill led to all of the following re- of Czechoslovakia. There is to be no Eu-
sults EXCEPT- ropean war, after all. There is to be
peace, and the price of that peace is,
A. 1 million returning soldiers enrolled in
roughly, the ceding by Czechoslovakia of
the Sudeten territory to Herr Hitler’s Ger-
B. 4 million returning soldiers received many/ The German Fuhrer gets what he
home loans wanted, only he has to wait a little longer
C. More individuals enlisted in the US mil- for it. Not much longer though-only ten
itary days.Source:William Shirer, recording of
CBS radio report from Prague, September
D. National debt levels reached record
29, 1938.The policy that France, Britain,
and Italy chose to follow at this meeting
1001. Which World War II leader used gulags, is known as
labor camps, to reduce opposition?
A. appeasement
A. Adolf Hitler
B. liberation
B. Joseph Stlain
C. Benito Mussolini C. self-determination
D. Hideki Tojo D. pacification.


1.12 World War II 682

1005. The military conflicts of World War II 1010. General Tojo led which country’s mili-
ended in August 1945 in the Pacific The- tary?
ater of action when (Jan 2019) A. Germany
A. the bombing of Hiroshima and Na- B. Japan
gasaki prompted Japan’s unconditional
surrender C. United States

B. Allied armies captured Berlin and di- D. Soviet Union

vided Germany

1011. Which group of people suffered 6 million
C. Germany and Japan negotiated a set- deaths during the Holocaust?
tlement for “peace without victory”
A. Japanese
D. the International Military Tribunal for B. African Americans
the Far East began hearing testimony in
Tokyo C. Muslims
D. Jews
1006. Which of the following countries did
Hitler NOT invade and conquer? 1012. The attack on this country, which
A. Spain both the Germans and Russians wanted,
started World War II
B. Denmark
A. Italy
C. Norway
B. Poland
D. The Netherlands
C. Belgium
1007. Location of the U.S. Navy’s Pacific D. Czechoslovakia
1013. Which represents a federal attempt to
A. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
limit civil liberties during World War II?
B. Norfolk, Virginia A. the Espionage and Sedition Acts
C. San Diego, California B. the suspension of habeas corpus
D. Seattle, Washington C. the use of wiretaps on citizens
1008. Lenin was inspired by the teachings of: D. the passage of Executive Order 9066
A. Joseph Stalin 1014. Base your answers to questions 5 and 6
B. Leon Trotsky on the time line below and on your knowl-
edge of social studies. 1905 A 1915 B
C. Vladimir Lenin 1945 C 1975 D 1985 | | | |
D. Karl Marx | The rise of aggressive fascist govern-
ments in Europe occurred during the period
1009. Japanese Suicide Bombers were called represented by letter
A. Kamikaze A. A
B. Blitzkrieg B. B
C. Stalingrad C. C
D. Sitzkrieg D. D


1.12 World War II 683

1015. Which of the following was NOT a way C. Korematsu v. United States
that World War II strengthened the federal D. Abrams et al. v. United States


1019. Which of the following countries was
A. Government agencies controlled the
not a part of the Axis Alliance?
A. Japan
B. Rationing of food and supplies became
commonplace. B. Germany
C. Russia
C. The federal government established
production quotas. D. Italy
D. Car manufacturers were encouraged 1020. During World War II, many Japanese
to produce new yearly models. Americans living on the West Coast were
relocated to detention centers primarily
1016. Germany, Italy, Japan because they
A. Central Powers A. were known spies for Japan
B. Allied Powers B. were seen as a security threat
C. Axis Powers C. refused to serve in the United States
D. none of above
D. expressed their support for Italy and
1017. Why did Harry S. Truman make the dif- Germany
ficult decision to drop the atomic bombs?
1021. How did the United States’ entry into
A. He wanted Germany to finally surren- World War II affect the American econ-
der. omy?
B. He wanted the war to last longer. A. increased goods
C. He wanted to be a good president. B. wave of labor outsourcing
D. He wanted to save American lives and C. growth of corporate
end the war quickly. D. decreased unemployment
1018. The quotation below comes from a 1944 1022. Only Jews were allowed to immi-
Supreme Court decision. “It should be grate to the U.S. during World War II.
noted that all legal restrictions which A. 1, 000
curtail the civil rights of a single racial
B. 11, 000
group are immediately suspect. That is
not to say that all such restrictions are C. 21, 000
unconstitutional. It is to say that the D. 31, 000
courts must subject them to the most
rigid scrutiny. Pressing public neces- 1023. What was the battle where the Allies
sity may sometimes justify the existence attacked Germany on the coast of France
of such restrictions.”-Justice Hugo Black, and pushed back the Germans?
1944Justice Black’s opinion was issued in A. Battle of the Allies
which of these Supreme Court cases? B. D-Day
A. United States v. O’Brien C. Invasion of France
B. United States v. Eichman D. Battle of Stalingrad


1.12 World War II 684

1024. The US national speed limit was set at D. assist countries fighting the Axis Pow-
mph in order to save on rubber and ers
1028. The U.S. raised enormous amounts of
A. 35 money needed for the war through?
B. 40 A. War Bonds
C. 45 B. IPO Stock
D. 30 C. Raising Taxes by 30%

1025. How did the Nazi-Soviet Pact D. Rationing
strengthen Hitler’s power in Europe? 1029. Which of the following Americans was
A. With no threat from Soviet invasion, the first living African American to receive
Hitler began his conquest of western Eu- the Medal of Honor for his efforts in World
rope. War II?
B. With the Soviet Union as an ally, Hitler A. Omar Bradley
can order a Nazi invasion of France. B. Douglas MacArthur
C. Hitler and Stalin realized they both C. Vernon Baker
wanted to control Europe and can share
D. Roy Benavidez
D. Hitler was afraid Stalin would not sup- 1030. the American navy attacked islands held
port the ideologies expressed in Mein by the Japanese in the Pacific Ocean. The
Kampf. capture of each successive island from
the Japanese brought the American navy
1026. What was the primary purpose of the closer to an invasion of Japan.
Manhattan Project? A. Soviet Union invades Poland
A. To develop the first nuclear-powered B. V-E Day
C. V-J Day
B. To build a network of highways con-
necting major U.S. cities D. Island Hopping

C. To design and construct the first 1031. Why did African-Americans increase ef-
atomic bombs forts to end racial discrimination after
World War II?
D. To establish a lunar landing program
for the United States A. The inability to fight during the war an-
gered many young African-American men.
1027. The main purpose of the lend-lease pro-
B. The experience and sacrifice of
gram enacted by the United States during
black soldiers in Europe illustrated the
World War II was to
hypocrisy of the U.S.
A. sell weapons to both Allied and Axis na- C. They found that separate-but-equal
tions was allowing them to compete equally for
B. rehabilitate countries devastated by jobs.
war and occupation D. They were jealous of advancements
C. encourage the extension of demo- that Japanese-Americans made during
cratic reforms in Germany the war.


1.12 World War II 685

1032. Select THREE economic effects of World D. support Spanish government against
War II. fascists


A. increased production of weapons, 1037. What is the purpose of the United Na-
ships, tanks, & planes tions?
B. Rationing A. To solve international disputes peace-
C. end of the Great Depression fully rather than by war and to protect hu-
man rights.
D. development of atomic weapons
B. To protect human rights.
E. Japanese internment
C. To solve international disputes peace-
1033. Germany conquered all of the following fully.
lands EXCEPT: D. To prevent any other countries from
A. France gaining any power.
B. Great Britain 1038. One reason Japan followed a policy of
C. Czechoslovakia expansionism before WWII was to gain?
D. Poland A. Additional Natural Resources
B. Control of the Suez Canal
1034. Which important principle was estab-
C. Tibet
lished as a result of the Nuremberg trials?
D. additional territories
A. Defeated nations have no rights in in-
ternational courts of law. 1039. Who became dictator of Germany in
B. Individuals can be held accountable 1934?
for crimes against humanity. A. Franco
C. Soldiers must follow the orders of B. Mussolini
their superiors. C. Stalin
D. Aggressor nations must pay war repa- D. Roosevelt
rations for damages caused during wars.
E. Hitler
1035. [p5] Churchill compared postwar Soviet 1040. Which event involved the trial and pun-
policy in Eastern Europe to ishment of the major war criminals of the
A. liberation. Axis Powers?
B. a nuclear age. A. The Yalta Conference
C. a second front. B. The Atlantic Charter
D. an iron curtain. C. The Nuremberg Trials
D. The Versailles Conference
1036. The immediate response of most Amer-
icans to the rise of the Fascist dictators 1041. The Soviet Union countered NATO by
Mussolini and Hitler was creating
A. a new alliance A. Soviet Union
B. political cooperation with Britain and B. SATO
USSR C. Warsaw Pact
C. deeper isolationism D. Eastern Bloc


1.12 World War II 686

1042. Following WWII, many white Americans 1047. Before the war, only 4 million Ameri-
moved to cans paid income taxes. How many did
after the war?
A. suburbs & out west
A. 20 million
B. northern cities
B. 10 million
C. small southern towns
C. 40 million
D. Midwestern farms
D. 30 million

1043. Who was the author of the Mystery
Document? 1048. After World War II, the boundaries of
newly independent African countries were
A. President Franklin D. Roosevelt most often based on
B. First Lady Elanor Roosevelt A. existing ethnic settlement patterns
C. Vice President Harry Truman B. divisions imposed under European im-
D. Secretary of War Henry Stimson perialism
C. mandates created under the United
1044. France, United States, Soviet Union, and Nations
Great Britain were all apart of the
D. locations of oil resources
A. Allies
1049. African American fighter squadron that
B. Axis Powers
played a key role in the saturation bomb-
C. Nazis ing of Germany.
D. Central Powers A. Tuskegee Airmen
B. kamikaze
1045. During World War II, the federal gov-
ernment was accused of violating constitu- C. Hiroshima/Nagasaki
tional rights by D. War Production Board
A. signing the Yalta Agreement
1050. World War II was a turning point for
B. implementing a draft to expand the many European colonies in Africa and Asia
armed forces because the war led to
C. relocating Japanese Americans to in- A. the occupation of most European
ternment camps colonies by United Nations troops
D. initiating the secret Manhattan Project B. increased efforts by these colonies to
gain independence
1046. Which country used collectivization to
forcibly take over private land to create C. the expansion of European imperial-
state-controlled farms? ism
D. decreased friction between the Euro-
A. Japan
peans and their colonies
B. Italy
1051. Prior to getting involved in World War
C. Soviet union
II, why was the United States known as
D. Germany the “arsenal of democracy”?


1.12 World War II 687

A. Many European leaders came to the 1056. Why did the United States remain neu-
United States to learn how to run a demo- tral at the beginning of the war?
cratic government.


A. They feared what Germany would do
B. New laws to help minorities gain rights to the United States.
served as a model for other nations to
adopt democratic ideals. B. The United States had other plans of
taking over the world.
C. The United States proclaimed neutral-
ity in the war and served as a model of C. The United States passed laws that re-
isolationism. quired President Roosevelt to remain neu-
D. The United States was producing most tral.
of the weapons needed by the Allied Pow- D. They did not care about the affairs of
ers. Europe.
1052. Who were in the Axis Power?
1057. On June 6, 1944, over 160, 000 US and
A. Italy, U.S.S.R, Germany British soldiers crossed the English Chan-
B. Germany, Italy nel and invaded German-held territory in
C. Germany, Italy, Japan France.
D. none of above A. Operation Barbarossa

1053. V-E Day or May 8, 1945 was the day B. Battle of the Britain
when C. D-Day
A. the United States entered the war
D. Battle of Stalingrad
B. Allied forces invaded France
C. Germany surrendered 1058. This U.S. law provided increased sup-
D. the Soviets stopped the Germans at port for the Allies by including the “cash
the Volga and carry” provision.

1054. What was the U.S. foreign policy from A. Neutrality Act of 1935
1921-1941? B. Neutrality Act of 1936
A. Isolationism C. Neutrality Act of 1937
B. Expansionism
D. Neutrality Act of 1939
C. Gunboat Diplomacy
D. Moral Diplomacy 1059. The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1937
were enacted by Congress to
1055. After the surrender of the Philippines to
the Japanese, POWs suffered brutal treat- A. help the United States recover from
ment during the the Great Depression
A. D-Day Landings B. stop Nazi Germany from conquering
B. Stalingrad C. aid the Americans who fought in the
C. Bataan Death March Spanish Civil War
D. Concentration Camps D. prevent the United States from being
E. Japanese Internment drawn into another world war


1.12 World War II 688

1060. What country invaded China and south- 1065. Who was the totalitarian of Italy during
east Asia in WWII? WWII?
A. Japan A. Benito Mussolini
B. Germany
B. Hideki Tojo
C. The Soviet Union
C. Josef Stalin
D. The United States
D. Emperor Hirohito
1061. What was the main cause of WWII?

A. The Treaty of Versailles 1066. Which of the following nations is NOT
B. World War I an Axis Power?
C. The Cold War A. Germany
D. The Treaty of Paris B. Japan
1062. What was Hitler angry about, which led C. Italy
to World War II?
D. Soviet Union
A. He thought the sanctions placed
against Germany during WWI were un-
fair. 1067. Why is the D-Day battle significant?
B. Hitler believed that too many Jews A. It was the turning point of the war in
were surrounding him. the Pacific.
C. Hitler felt that people were not taking B. It was the turning point of the war in
his leadership seriously. Europe.
D. Hitler wanted to promote his Nazi
C. It liberated Western Europe.
party, which no one respected.
D. It was the turning point of the war in
1063. Which leader is most closely associated Africa.
with the rise of fascism in Italy prior to
World War II?
1068. The Battle of Midway was in
A. Ho Chi Minh
A. 1941
B. Winston Churchill
C. Mao Zedong B. 1942
D. Benito Mussolini C. 1943

1064. Which was a result of the fight between D. 1944

the U.S. and Japan at the Bataan Penin-
sula? 1069. Who was the German Dictator during
A. the U.S. easily defeated the Japanese. WWII
B. many U.S. soldiers died during a forced A. Charlie Chaplin
march to a prison camp.
B. Adolf Hitler
C. the British joined the U.S. during the
battle. C. Benito Mussolini
D. the Soviets joined the Allies. D. Joseph Stalin


1.12 World War II 689

1070. Which of the following describes the at- A. Japan wanted to expand its empire
tack on Pearl Harbor? and saw the United States as a potential


A. It occurred Sunday, December 7,
1941. B. Japan was seeking revenge for the
B. It occurred Sunday, December 7, United States support of China.
1941. C. Japan wanted to destroy the United
C. Over 2, 000 Americans were killed. States naval capabilities in the Pacific.

D. All of the above D. Japan needed access to natural re-

sources such as oil and rubber, which the
1071. What did Adolf Hitler do during World United States had placed an embargo on.
War I?
1076. How did the US Navy diminish the effec-
A. He was a soldier tiveness of Germany’s Atlantic submarine
B. Joined the German air force fleet during World War II?
C. Became involved in politics A. By disguising warships as cargo ships
D. Worked in a factory to reduce the threat of attacks
B. By using airplanes to deliver most war
1072. At first, European leaders gave into materials
Hitler’s demands using what type of pol-
icy? C. Through the use of improved sonar
technology and the convoy system
A. aggression
D. Through agreements with Canada,
B. advancement Greenland, and Iceland to provide safe
C. internment harbors
D. appeasement 1077. When was the ‘Cash and carry’ policy
1073. Normandy was fought in France and passed on?
known as A. 3 September 1939
A. D-J Day B. 21 September 1939
B. Victory in Europe day C. 11 March 1941
C. D-Day D. 21 September 1945
D. none of above 1078. After World War II, the actions taken
1074. Which World War II battle resulted in by the Nuremberg Tribunal demonstrated
the destruction of Japan’s navy? that (August 2019)

A. Invasion of Normandy A. communism would be limited to Cen-

tral Europe
B. Pearl Harbor
B. imperialism would no longer be toler-
C. Battle of Leyte Gulf ated in Africa and Asia
D. Battle of the Bulge C. policies of apartheid would be elimi-
1075. Which of the following is the best expla- nated
nation for why Japan attacked Pearl Har- D. persons who committed wartime
bor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941? atrocities would be held accountable


1.12 World War II 690

1079. World War II battle between invading 1084. World War II began in Europe when:
German forces and Soviet defenders for A. Germany invaded Poland
control of Stalingrad. Germany defeated
and turning point in the war in Eastern Eu- B. Japan attacked
rope. C. Germany invaded Japan
A. Island Hopping D. Poland invaded Germany
B. D-Day 1085. This was Germany’s last major attempt

C. Battle of Stalingrad to stop the Allies’ progress in the West.
D. Pearl Harbor A. Invasion of Normandy
B. El Alamein
1080. Hitler’s political party was the
C. Kursk
A. Communist Party
D. Battle of the Bulge
B. Fascist Party
1086. Which wartime policy toward Japanese
C. Nazi Party Americans was upheld by the Supreme
D. German Christian Party Court in its 1944 ruling in Korematsu v.
United States?
1081. The main reason Japan invaded South-
A. deportation to Japan
east Asia during World War II was to
B. mandatory military service
A. satisfy Japanese people’s need for
spices C. denial of voting rights
B. acquire resources needed to fight the D. confinement in internment camps
war 1087. Operation Sea Lion was Hitler’s plan to
C. recruit more men for its army invade but ultimately failed.
D. prevent the United States from enter- A. Britain
ing the war B. Russia
1082. What party controlled the government C. Poland
in Russia after the revolution? D. The Netherlands
A. Democratic 1088. Which was a major impact of World War
B. Facist II on economic life in the United States?
C. Communist A. The Federal Government supported
the war effort without imposing wage and
D. Provisional
price controls.
1083. What resource did the Nazis need from B. Employment opportunities for women
the Middle Eastern countries? and minorities increased greatly.
A. Rubber C. The Federal Government encouraged
inflation as a means of controlling con-
B. Sand
sumer spending.
C. Oil
D. The nation experienced its greatest un-
D. Metals employment levels of the 20th century.


1.12 World War II 691

1089. The stock market crash of 1929 was B. World War 2

one of the main causes of the Great De- C. Fall of the Berlin Wall
pression. On this one day, October 29,


1929, the stock market lost $14 billion. D. End of Communism
This day is known as
1094. On June 6, 1944 General Eisenhower
A. Bad Tuesday directed the largest combined land-sea-air
B. Poor Tuesday invasion in history known as
C. Black Tuesday A. V-E Day
D. Crash Tuesday B. Battle of Stalingrad

1090. Which policy shows that appeasement C. Battle of the Bulge

does not always prevent war? D. D-Day
A. British policy toward Germany in Mu-
1095. Who were in the Allies Power?
nich during the l930’s.
A. Germany, Italy
B. French policy in Indochina in the
l950’s. B. US, Great Britain, U.S.S.R.
C. United States policy toward Cuba in C. US, Japan, Italy
the early l960’s.
D. Germany, Japan, Italy
D. Iraqi policy toward Iran in the l980’s.
1096. What kind of government came to
1091. During the early years of World War II, power in Japan in the 1930s?
the United States
A. Communism
A. organized several peace talks be-
tween the Allies and the Axis powers. B. Fascism

B. sent military and economic aid to all C. Theocracy

nations at war. D. Militarism
C. stopped trading with all nations at
1097. One of the reasons that the Nazi Party
came to power was the hatred of:
D. tried to remain neutral while supplying
A. anyone who wasn’t Germany
weapons to Britain and France.
B. Treaty of Versailles
1092. Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945
which marked the end of the war in the C. the French
European Theatre known as D. Communists
A. V-E Day
1098. What top-secret military project devel-
B. V-J Day oped a new weapon & tested it at Los
C. Peace Day Alamos, NM?
D. D-Day A. Manhattan Project
B. Fat Man Project
1093. What was one negative effect that
many people blame on the Marshall Plan? C. Operation Gamma
A. The Cold War D. Operation Gold


1.12 World War II 692

1099. Who were the two rulers of the Axis 1104. The turning point in the Pacific Theater
countries for the Allies.
A. Hitler, Mussolini A. Battle of Guadalcanal
B. MLK, Hitler B. Battle of Midway
C. MLK, Donald Trump C. Battle of Bataan

D. Obama, Mussolini D. Battle of Iwo Jima

1105. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad a ma-

1100. Why did the United States decide to
jor turning point in WWII:
stay isolated from foreign affairs?
A. It placed added pressure on Japan to
A. Citizens felt they were dragged into
select certain islands in the Pacific to con-
World War One.
B. Citizens felt they should concentrate B. The Germans experienced massive
on domestic problems. amount of casualties. It also reopened
C. Congress passed neutrality acts pre- the east for the Soviet Union to take back
venting the U.S. from taking sides. territory which had been previously been
D. All of the Above
C. In allowed the troops from Great
1101. What did Japan, Italy and Germany Britain to receive desperately needed sup-
have in common? plies. These supplies, largely bombs and
ammunition, allowed Great Britain to re-
A. They all had a fascist government.
capture the area of northern Poland.
B. They all believed in communism.
D. none of above
C. They were all led by dictators.
1106. World War 2 helped America come out
D. They formed the Allied Powers. of by providing jobs for people.
1102. What does appeasement mean? A. The Cold War
A. fighting back or standing up for your- B. The Dust Bowl
self C. The Great Depression
B. joining a conflict to help the weaker D. none of above
1107. Which conflict is most closely associated
C. being neutral during a conflict with events in Nanjing, Dunkirk, and Hi-
D. giving in to aggressive demands roshima?
A. Russian Revolution
1103. was Hitler’s plan to invade Russia
and is known to be the largest invasion in B. Cultural Revolution
history. C. World War II
A. Operation Barbarossa D. Korean War
B. Operation Overload 1108. What is a dictator
C. Operation Sea Lion A. Donald Trump
D. Operation Knuckleball B. Obama


1.12 World War II 693

C. A leader who gains complete control of 1113. Which nation signed a non-aggression
a countries government pact with Germany that led to the invasion
and division of Poland?


D. Mr. Sadler
A. Italy
1109. Where did the largest land-sea-air inva-
sion in world history take place? B. Spain
A. Hiroshima, Japan C. Italy and Spain
B. Normandy, France D. the Soviet Union
C. Nagasaki, Japan
1114. The strategy of the US military for at-
D. Berlin, Germany tacking the Japanese in the Pacific during
WWII was called
1110. How did the policy of appeasement lead
to WWII? A. shock & awe
A. European powers let Germany get B. nuclear force
away with aggressive maneuvers until it C. island hopping
was too late
D. pick & choose
B. It caused the global economic depres-
sion 1115. Who was the dictator of the Soviet
C. France let Germany invade with little Union during WWII?
resistance A. Adolf Hitler
D. It prevented Germany from developing B. Winston Churchill
its military, thus angering German leader-
ship C. Josef Stalin
D. Franklin Roosevelt
1111. In what ways were the experiences
of African Americans and Japanese Ameri- 1116. What was the role of the War Produc-
cans similar during World War II? tion Board during World War II?
A. Both groups served in segregated A. Controlling the prices of American con-
units during WWII. sumer goods
B. Both groups face discriminatory prac- B. Managing the recruitment and draft of
tices. military personnel
C. Both groups were sent to internment
C. Providing upbeat information to maga-
zines and newspapers
D. Both groups moved to the cities to
D. Transforming the nation’s factories to
work in wartime industries.
create military supplies
1112. What event led to the start of WWII in
Europe (1939)? 1117. Adolph Hitler was the dictator of what
A. Germany invaded Poland
A. Germany
B. Germany invaded Austria
B. Soviet Union
C. Germany formed an alliance with Italy
D. Germany formed an alliance with C. Japan
Japan D. Italy


1.12 World War II 694

1118. In June of 1944, the Allies participated B. FDR

in , the largest seaborne invasion in C. Hoover
world history.
D. Cleveland
A. Battle of Midway
B. D Day 1122. One reason that Britain and France
C. Battle of Stalingrad agreed to appease Hitler at the Munich
Conference was to
D. Battle of Bataan

A. stop the Nazis from invading the Soviet
1119. the Prime Minister of England during Union.
WWII B. obey an order from the League of Na-
A. Benito Mussolini tions.
B. Winston Churchill C. obtain advanced Germany military
C. Joseph Stalin weapons in exchange.
D. Adolph Hitler D. prevent the start of another world war

1120. The privilege of opening the first trial 1123. What was the big event that started
in history for crimes against the peace of WWII?
the world imposes a grave responsibility. A. invasion of Austria
The wrongs which we seek to condemn
and punish have been so calculated, so ma- B. invasion of Poland
lignant, and so devastating, that civiliza- C. invasion of Hungary
tion cannot tolerate their being ignored,
D. invasion of Czechoslovakia
because it cannot survive their being re-
peated. That four great nations, flushed 1124. How did the US benefit from the Mar-
with victory and stung with injury stay shall Plan?
[stop] the hand of vengeance and volun-
tarily submit their captive enemies to the A. Better produce coming from tropical
judgment of the law is one of the most sig- locations
nificant tributes that Power has ever paid B. Formed closer political and military
to Reason Chief Prosecutor Robert H. connections with Europe
Jackson, November 21, 1945, Nuremberg
C. Truman and Marshall became super-
28. The wrongs referred to in this passage
include the
A. occupation of Ethiopia by Italy D. Soviet Union gave up spreading com-
B. invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet
Union 1125. Which form of government puts the
C. mass murder of Jews and others in country and government above the rights
concentration camps of the individual people?
D. deaths of American soldiers during the A. communism
Bataan Death March B. democracy
1121. President of the US when WWII began C. fascism
A. Truman D. theocracy


1.12 World War II 695

1126. Who were the major Allied Powers dur- 1131. Considered the turning point of WWII,
ing World War II? 100, 000 Germans died at this battle
while 80, 000 more were captured when


A. Germany, Italy, and Japan
the Germans waited until winter to attack.
B. Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet
Union A. Battle of Britain

C. the United States, Britain, France, and B. Battle of Stalingrad

Poland C. Battle of Guadalcanal
D. the United States, Britain, France, and D. Battle of Okinawa
the Soviet Union
1132. Which of the following best explains
1127. What is the common name for the Allied why President Harry S. Truman decided to
invasion of Normandy, France, on June 6, drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
1944? Nagasaki at the end of World War II?
A. Armistice Day A. He wanted to war to last longer.
B. Black Tuesday B. He wanted to save American lives.
C. D-Day C. He wanted to be a good President.
D. V-J Day D. He wanted Germany to surrender.
1128. Where were atomic bombs dropped? 1133. The decision to drop atonic bomb was
A. Leyte Island and Midway made by
B. Okinawa and Iwo Jima A. FDR
C. Hiroshima and Nagasaki B. Truman
D. Okinawa and Iwo Jima C. einstein
D. Oppenheimer
1129. What member of the Big Three Allies be-
gan the war on the side of Germany? 1134. United States, Great Britain, Soviet
A. Russia Union
B. United States A. Central Powers
C. France B. Allied Powers
D. China C. Axis Powers
E. Great Britain D. none of above

1130. What action broke the non-aggression 1135. During World War II, the need of the
pact between Nazi Germany and the So- United States for war materials resulted
viet Union? in-
A. The German invasion of Poland A. the easing of government controls on
B. The Soviet Union’s occupation of East- the economy
ern Europe B. frequent strikes by labor unions
C. The German attack on the USSR C. the rationing of many consumer goods
D. The Allied invasion of Normandy D. reduced profits for defense industries


1.12 World War II 696

1136. Which day was Franklin Roosevelt re- C. Prevented Hitler from gaining access
ferring to when he said, “a day which will to oil supplies
live in infamy”. D. Japanese defeated a large American
A. The day the US dropped a nuclear naval force
bomb on Japan. E. Allowed a German victory in the Battle
B. The day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. of Britain
C. D-Day, the day the US fought Italy at 1141. At the beginning of World War I and

Normandy, France. World War II, the initial policy of the
D. The day the US joined the Allied forces. United States was to
A. remain neutral.
1137. Why did the U.S. military use the
Navajo language? B. immediately deploy US troops.
A. difficult to decode C. create naval blockades.
B. easiest language to learn D. end relations with warring nations.
C. Japanese used it as code so we 1142. What threat convinced the United
needed it translated States to sign several treaties with for-
D. Easy to teach to U.S. communication eign countries to protect each other if an
personnel enemy attacked
A. world communism and the threat of
1138. At the Yalta Conference
the Soviet Union
A. the Allies signed the Treaty of Ver-
B. outbreak of revolutions in the Soviet
B. FDR, Stalin and Churchill formed the
C. world democracy and the threat of
League of Nations
C. the “Big 3” leaders discussed postwar
D. fear of democracy
plans for Europe
D. Hitler and Stalin signed a pact 1143. Who wrote the book “Mein Kampf”?
A. Adolf Hitler
1139. Who were the Allied Powers major play-
ers? B. Heinrich Himmler
A. USA, France, Great Britain C. Karl Marx
B. USA, Switzerland, Great Britain D. Joseph Stalin
C. USA, Russia, Great Britain 1144. A. Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.B. Ger-
D. USA, Russia, Great Britain, France many invades Poland.C. MacArthur dic-
tates a democratic constitution to Japan.D.
1140. What was the outcome of the Battle of Allies invade Europe on D-Day.Which se-
Midway? quence of these events related to World
A. Liberation of western Europe from War II is in the correct chronological or-
Hitler began der?

B. American victory allowed island hop- A. D, B, A, C

ping campaigns to begin B. B, A, D, C


1.12 World War II 697

C. C, A, B, D The event that led to this decision was

D. A, B, C, D Japan’s:


A. Bombing of Pearl Harbor
1145. The man in charge of the Manhattan
B. Bombing of England
Project was
C. Bombing of Normandy
A. Albert Einstein
D. Bombing of London
B. Enrico Fermi
C. J. Robert Oppenheimer 1150. What year did Hitler become leader of
D. Werner Heisenberg
A. 1929
1146. During the l930’s, the Nazi (National B. 1930
Socialist) Party received support from the
German people because it promised to C. 1933

A. abide by the Versailles Treaty. D. 1939

B. improve economic conditions in Ger- 1151. What event pushed Franklin Roosevelt
many. to swiftly call for a formal declaration of
C. promote policies that insured ethnic
equality. A. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
D. Utilize international organizations to B. Hitler invading Poland
solve Germany’s problems. C. Knowledge of the Holocaust
1147. What happened with the British army at D. Zimmerman letter
1152. Code name for the U.S. program to build
A. They were rescued by the British civil- an atomic bomb
ians A. Manhattan Project
B. They were completely destroyed by the B. Holocaust
German Panzers
C. Kamikaze
C. They were captured and sent to Poland
D. Double V Campaign
D. They defeated the German army
1153. What is the “5th Freedom”
1148. How did the U.S. convince Japan to sur-
A. Freedom of Supply
B. Freedom of Demand
A. Through diplomatic negotiations
C. Free Enterprise
B. By capturing their capital city
D. Free Trade Agreements
C. By dropping two atomic bombs on
them 1154. The Allied D-Day invasion of Europe
D. By surrounding Japan and allowing no was
one to leave A. a final battle in the war for Europe.
1149. In December of 1941, President B. a turning point in the war in Russia.
Franklin D. Roosevelt announced that the C. an air and sea attack on occupied
United States had declared war on Japan. France.


1.12 World War II 698

D. an attempt to liberate concentration C. to destroy Germany’s capacity to make

camps. weapons
D. to force Germany to fight on two fronts
1155. What happened to Japanese Americans
during World War II? 1160. Which factor aided Russian troops in
A. They were executed defeating Napoleon’s armies and Soviet
forces in defeating Hitler’s armies?
B. They were placed in internment camps
A. severe winters
C. They were forced to serve in the mili-

tary B. mountain passes
D. They were deported from the U.S. C. superior air forces
D. United Nations peacekeepers
1156. Which statement describes the Marshall
Plan? 1161. Stalin
A. An alliance designed to combine the A. Germany
forces of all democratic nations in West- B. Italy
ern Europe
C. United States
B. An economic plan to spend 12.5 billion
D. Soviet Union
dollars on reconstructing Western Europe
C. A failed military plan to cripple commu- 1162. At the wartime Teheran Conference
nist influence in Western Europe A. the Soviet Union agreed to declare war
D. A peace treaty with the Soviet Union on Japan within three months.
that was ultimately rejected B. the Big Three allies agreed to divide
postwar Germany into separate occupied
1157. Which country was not part of the Allies zones.
at the beginning of WWII?
C. the Soviet Union agreed to allow free
A. Great Britain elections in Eastern European nations that
B. China its armies occupied at the end of the war.
C. France D. plans were made for the opening of a
second front in Europe.
D. Russia
1163. Who was the President of the United
1158. What country did Japan conquer in States at the start of World War II?
A. Woodrow Wilson
A. France
B. Herbert Hoover
B. Vietnam
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
C. China
D. Harry S. Truman
D. Manchuria
1164. Boycotting of Jewish stores, segrega-
1159. What was the main goal of the D-Day tion, and imprisonment were all tactics
invasion? usedduring the-
A. to force Hitler’s immediate surrender A. Liberation
B. to end Italy’s participation in the war B. Battle of Midway


1.12 World War II 699

C. Holocaust A. 25%
D. Invasion of Normandy B. 1.2%


1165. Who invaded Poland on September 1, C. 0%
1939? D. 30%
A. Soviet Union 1170. Which demonstrates a reason for
B. Germany Japanese interment during World War II?
C. Italy A. German and Italians were also iso-
D. Japan
B. Strong anti-Japanese prejudice on the
1166. Why did Japan attack the U.S. navel West Coast
base at Pearl Harbor in 1941?
C. The Japanese did not own property
A. Its leaders wanted to punish the
D. Immigration laws prevented the
Unites States for its role in World War I.
Japanese from becoming citizens
B. Its leaders believed the U.S. Navy E. Sinking of the Maine near Cuba
blocked Japanese expansion.
C. Its leaders wanted to gain control of 1171. The United States financed its efforts in
Hawaii’s natural resources. World War II by
D. The United States had recently de- A. printing more currency.
clared war on Japan. B. borrowing money from the Allied pow-
1167. The United States attempted to avoid in-
volvement in World War II by doing which C. increasing tariffs on imported goods.
of the following? D. increasing tax rates and selling war
A. Passing a series of neutrality laws bonds.

B. Officially recognizing the existence of 1172. The treaty of Versailles was created to
the Soviet Union restore peace and avoid another conflict.
But how does a tool for peace lead to an-
C. Establishing the Good Neighbor Policy
other war?
with European nations
A. The treaty was impartial and harsh to
D. Forgiving the German reparations in-
curred during World War I
B. The treaty made some of the countries
1168. Japanese suicide pilots left out.
A. kamikaze C. It led to more conflicts specially to the
B. Tuskegee Airmen colonies placed under the Mandate Sys-
C. Hiroshima/Nagasaki
D. All of the above
D. War Production Board
1173. What Japanese city did the United State
1169. Module 11-Lesson 7 (Changes on the drop the atomic bomb on first?
Home Front)Before WWII the unemploy-
ment rate in the U.S. was around 19%, A. Hiroshima
after WWII it was B. Nagasaki


1.12 World War II 700

C. Tokyo 1179. How many European Jews were mur-

D. Osaka dered by the Nazi regime during the Holo-
1174. Winston Churchill
A. 1/6
A. Germany
B. 3/4
B. Italy
C. 1/3
C. United States

D. Great Britain D. 2/3

1175. The Allied Powers during World War II 1180. Why did the nation put thousands of
included all of the following EXCEPT: Japanese Americans in internment camps
A. Italy during the war?
B. United States A. They never did that.
C. Great Britain B. They feared that Japanese-Americans
D. Russia/Soviet Union were a security threat.

1176. What country did Italy conquer in C. To make Japan “salty”.

1935? D. They wanted to protect Japanese-
A. Morocco Americans.
B. Poland
1181. The Lend-Lease Act and the Destroyers-
C. Moravia for-Bases deal were adopted prior to
D. Ethiopia World War II primarily because these ac-
tions would
1177. December 7, 1941 is an important day
in history. On that morning, airplanes A. help Allied nations without the United
made a surprise attack on the U.S. Naval States entering the war
base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. B. stop the spread of communism
A. German C. convince the American people that war
B. Italian was necessary
C. Russian D. create jobs to end the Great Depres-
D. Japanese sion

1178. From the reasons below, what did the 1182. Italy’s “Blackshirts” were
Resistance movements NOT do?
A. Unemployed WWI veterans that bat-
A. Blew up rail links and sabotaged facto-
tled communism
B. Spread false information and propa- B. African-Italians that battled fascism
ganda C. The lowest social class of the Italian
C. Gathered intelligence for the Allies society
D. Fight the communists and helped the D. Italian women that battled for their
Germans civil rights


1.12 World War II 701

1183. What was the name of the largest Nazi C. Caused the United States to enter the
death camp located in Poland? war


A. Auschwitz D. Caused Japan to surrender
B. Bergen-Belsen
1189. Where were the two atomic bombs
C. Belzec
dropped to prompt the Japanese to surren-
D. Treblinka der in World War II?
1184. What was the name given to German A. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
controlled France?
B. Iwo Jima and Midway
A. German France
C. Pearl Harbor and San Francisco
B. Puppet France
D. Beijing and Berlin
C. Vichy France
D. Fuhrer France 1190. Who were the Axis Powers major play-
1185. Hitler’s last failed attempt to force the
Allies off the mainland of Europe. A. Germany, Italy, Ottoman Empire
A. Stalingrad B. Japan, China, North Korea
B. Bulge
C. Germany, Italy, Japan
C. Britain
D. Germany, France, Japan
D. Normandy

1186. A political system based on equal distri- 1191. What is significant about D-Day?
bution of wealth, a classless society, and A. It was the Allied invasion of France,
a totalitarian dictatorship. the largest land-sea-air operation in army
A. Democracy history, and the turning point of the war.
B. Communism B. Thousands of Nazi soldiers froze or
C. Fascism starved to death after they were trapped
by the Soviets.
D. Republic
C. The Allies discovered concentration
1187. Leader of the United States during camps where Jews and others had been
World War II. murdered.
A. Mussolini D. The British stopped the German ad-
B. Stalin vance and were able to gain control of the
C. Roosevelt Suez Canal.

D. Hitler 1192. The Manhattan Project was to make..

1188. The battle of Stalingrad had which ef- A. atomic bombs
fect on the war?
B. Nuclear submarines
A. turned the tide of the war in Eastern
Europe C. planes
B. Sent Russia into a revolution D. aircraft carriers


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 702

1193. Why is D-Day (June 6, 1944) consid- 1194. Who were the five largest Allied Pow-
ered a turning point in World War II? ers?
A. The landing of Allied troops in Nor- A. United States, Soviet Union, Great
mandy forced Germany to fight on the Britain, France, and China
western front.
B. United States, Soviet Union, Great
B. A string of Russian victories led to
Britain, France, and Australia
their control over eastern Europe.
C. The death of Hitler left Germany with- C. United States, Soviet Union, Great

out clear military leadership. Britain, France, and Canada
D. Dropping the first nuclear bomb D. United States, Soviet Union, Great
quickly led to Japan’s surrender. Britain, China, and Canada

1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution

1. Who Proposed the New Jersey Plan 5. D-dog-policemen and dogs can’t search
A. William Paterson without a warrant

B. Edmund Randolph A. amendment 2

C. Alexander Hamilton B. amendment 4
D. George Washington C. amendment 6
D. amendment 8
2. The description of relations among the
states is located in
6. According to the rule of law, a government
A. Preamble leader:
B. Article 4 A. According to the rule of law, a govern-
C. Article 5 ment leader:
D. Article 6 B. Has absolute authority to make deci-
sions for everyone
3. This allows for local self-government to
C. Is excluded from “we the people”
exist in the United States:
A. federalism D. Must follow the law like everyone else

B. enumerated powers 7. Which statement below describes the 3/5

C. elastic clause Compromise?
D. legislative branch A. All slaves will be counted towards rep-
resentation in all states
4. A change or improvement to the Constitu-
B. 3 out of 5 slaves could vote in Northern
tion is called an
A. amendment
C. 3 out of 5 slaves would be counted to-
B. mending wards representation in Southern states
C. alteratio D. 3 out of 5 slaves could vote in the
D. remedy Southern states


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 703

8. The Supremacy Clause is located in 14. Which of the following may serve a life
A. Preamble


A. U.S. Senator
B. Article 4
B. U.S. House of Representative
C. Article 5
C. President Pro Tempore
D. Article 6
D. Chief Justice of the United States
9. Who works in the legislative branch? 15. Describes the Amendment Process to
A. President add/alter the Constitution
B. Vice President A. Amendment 4
C. Senate and Representatives B. Amendment 5
D. Supreme Court C. Amendment 6
D. none of above
10. Describes the powers of the states
16. Which power can only be done by the na-
A. Article 4 tional or federal government?
B. Article 5 A. printing money
C. Article 6 B. managing elections
D. none of above C. collecting taxes
D. none of above
11. Which article clarifies the Supremacy of
the Federal government over the States? 17. Which of the following are powers of the
A. Article VII (7) President?
B. Article V (5) A. Commander in Chief of the Army and
Navy of the United States
C. Article II (2)
B. Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons
D. Article VI (6) for Offenses against the United States, ex-
cept in Cases of Impeachment.
12. These powers are given to the states only:
C. make Treaties
A. concurrent
D. To declare War,
B. enumerated
18. The ability of the president to reject a bill
C. reserved is called a(n)
D. all of the above A. veto
13. Which amendment cannot prevent some- B. rejection
one from voting because of race? C. conference
A. 15th Amendment D. pigeonhole
B. 17th Amendment 19. the judical branch is made up of
C. 21st Amendment A. supreme court
D. none of above B. house of rep


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 704

C. senate 24. Which branch of the government has all

D. none of above the judges, courts, and justices?
A. The Constitution
20. Who passes laws in a republic?
B. The Legislative Branch
A. all citizens
C. The Judicial Branch
B. elected representatives
D. The Executive Branch
C. a king or queen
25. The principle of limited government pre-

D. judges
vents a leader from:
21. What are the three parts to the U.S consti- A. getting re-elected
B. voting in elections
A. The Articles
C. becoming too powerful
B. The body
D. switching to another branch
C. The Preamble
26. What branch of the government can void
D. the List of grievance
a law if it is unconstitutional?
E. The admenments
A. Legislative
22. Which of the following are true in relation B. Executive
to the powers of Congress?
C. Judicial
A. The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas D. all of the above
Corpus shall not be suspended, unless
when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the 27. The article of the Constitution that estab-
public Safety may require it. lishes the Constitution as the supreme law
B. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto of the land
Law shall be passed. A. Article 1
C. No Title of Nobility shall be granted B. Article 2
by the United States:And no Person hold- C. Article 3
ing any Office of Profit or Trust under
D. Article 5
them, shall, without the Consent of the
Congress, accept of any present, Emolu- E. Article 6
ment, Office, or Title, of any kind what- 28. Which word means the same as federal?
ever, from any King, Prince, or foreign
A. global
B. state
D. Shall not coin Money, regulate the
Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix C. international
the Standard of Weights and Measures; D. national
23. Which is NOT a goal of the US Constitu- 29. What is one right or freedom from the First
tion? Amendment?
A. Establish a more perfect union A. Freedom of Religion
B. Establish Justice B. Freedom of writing
C. Guarantee peace and tranquility C. Right to tell people not to vote
D. Establish money D. Freedom of clothes/ design


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 705

30. What protects citizens’ right to fair treat- B. 19

ment through the judicial system.
C. 43


A. due process
D. none of above
B. amendment
C. a speedy trial 36. Concurrent powers are shared by:
D. due progress A. the people and the government

31. The first constitution of the United States B. the executive and legislative branches
was the C. the legislative and judicial branches
A. Executive Branch D. federal and state governments
B. Article of Confederation
37. Which government agency fulfills the
C. Treaty of Paris
phrase “Ensure Domestic Tranquility”
D. Revolution found in the Preamble?
32. Describes the directions for the Legislative A. National Guard
Branch B. FBI
A. Article 1
C. National Park Service
B. Article 2
D. All of them
C. Article 3
D. none of above 38. Which amendment gives the right to bear
33. What Constitutional Principle says “We
the People”? A. 2nd Amendment

A. Popular Sovereignty B. 7th Amendment

B. Judicial Review C. 22nd Amendment
C. Limited Government D. none of above
D. Separation of Powers
39. Which branch of the government writes or
34. The Bill of Rights are the creates laws?
A. First 10 Amendments to the Constitu- A. Legislative Branch
tion B. Executive Branch
B. The last 10 Amendments to the Consti-
C. Judicial Branch
C. All 27 Amendments to the Constitution D. none of above

40. How many branches of government?

D. none of above
A. One
35. How many colonies/states were there
B. Two
when the United States became an inde-
pendent country? C. Three
A. 13 D. none of above


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 706

41. Which document written in Philadelphia B. printing money

in 1787 is the main law of the United C. regulating trade
D. none of above
A. Emancipation Proclamation
B. Declaration of Independence 47. Which article set up the Federal Court Sys-
C. Articles of Confederation
A. Article II (2)
D. U.S. Constitution

B. Article IV (4)
42. Who is the main person from the Executive
C. Article III (3)
D. Article V (5)
A. The president of the United States
B. Supreme Court Judges 48. A form of government in which represen-
tatives get their authority from the people
C. Congress
is called
D. The House of Representatives
A. Monarchy
43. What government existed before the Con- B. Dictatorship
C. theocracy
A. British Monarchy
D. constitutional republic
B. state constitutions
C. Articles of Confederation 49. This concept in the legislative branch al-
lows for an increase in checks and bal-
D. Confederate States of America ances:
44. Which proves that the USA uses separa- A. elastic clause
tion of powers? B. bicameral
A. The people vote for their leaders. C. nullification
B. The people are in charge. D. pocket veto
C. There are three branches of govern-
ment. 50. The Constitution has seven parts called
D. The people have individual rights. (bill A. Republic
of rights) B. Amendments
45. The US Constitution set up branches of C. Articles
government? D. none of above
A. 1
51. This was too weak and only had a one
B. 3 branch government with no executive or
C. 4 judicial powers:
D. 2 A. U.S. Constitution

46. Which powers are shared by both the B. all of the state constitutions
state and national governments? C. British government
A. collecting taxes D. Articles of Confederation


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 707

52. The president signs bills into law. What is 57. Who is in charge of the executive branch?
this an example of?
A. Senate


A. concurrent powers
B. Congress
B. elastic clause
C. house of representatives
C. legislative branch
D. president
D. checks and balances
58. Who is the U.S. Constitution for?
53. The article of the Constitution that details A. Only judges.
the Executive Branch
B. Little kids.
A. Article 1
C. Every person in America.
B. Article 2
D. none of above
C. Article 3
D. Article 5 59. If a bill that starts in the Senate passes,
where does it go next?
E. Article 6
A. Congress
54. Which of the following pertain to the B. President
C. House
A. establish Justice
D. Judge
B. insure domestic Tranquility
C. provide for the common defence 60. The executive branch is made up of

D. promote the general Welfare A. congress, house of reps, senate

B. supreme court
55. Based on the quote below, what principle
of democracy is BEST represented. “No C. presidnet
man is good enough to govern another D. vice president
man without that other’s consent.”
Abraham Lincoln, 1854 61. A law is declared unconstitutional if it
A. Popular Sovereignty the Constitution.

B. Limited Government A. protects

C. Equal Protection B. amends

D. Rights and Freedoms C. violates

D. clarifies
56. What was the government before the U.S
constitution 62. Overriding a veto is an example of:
A. The new world A. federalism
B. A monarchy B. checks and balances
C. The Articles of Confederation C. popular sovereignty
D. A kingdom D. Individual rights


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 708

63. Delegates at the Constitutional Conven- B. 9

tion of 1787 agreed to the Three-Fifths C. 12
Compromise as a way to
D. 7
A. settle differences over representation
in Congress 69. Why did Americans write the U.S. Consti-
B. limit the power of the president tution?
C. provide legal rights for women A. It is the set of rules Americans live by.

D. none of above B. A group of Americans didn’t like how
their new country’s government worked.
64. Only a can introduce a bill in Congress.
C. The Constitution promises important
A. member of Congress rights to people.
B. President D. The Constitution is made up rules or
C. Senator laws
D. Representative 70. what is the constitutions government
65. Before the U.S. Constitution was ratified, A. Democracy
the United States was governed by which
B. Representative
C. communisim
A. Magna Carta
D. Republic
B. Articles of Confederation
C. Mayflower Compact 71. The article of the Constitution that details
D. Declaration of Independence the Legislative Branch
A. Article 1
66. The judicial branch includes Supreme
Court justices. B. Article 2
A. 8 C. Article 3
B. 10 D. Article 5
C. 3 E. Article 6
D. 9 72. What is the role of the Executive Branch
67. Members of the Senate serve a term of A. Carries out the laws
years B. Makes the laws
A. 4 C. Interpret the laws
B. 6
D. none of above
C. 2
73. what does the judicial branch do
D. 8
A. enforces the law
68. The number of states that needed to rat-
B. Makes the laws
ify the Constitution in order for it to be
ordained/established? C. finalizes the laws
A. 13 D. interprets the laws


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 709

74. The article of the Constitution that details B. Separate he goods and bads of the
the Judicial Branch states


A. Article 1 C. he powers not delegated to the United
B. Article 2 States by the Constitution, nor prohibited
by it to the states, are reserved to the
C. Article 3 states respectively, or to the people.
D. Article 5 D. right of the people to be secure in
E. Article 6 their persons, houses, papers, and ef-
fects, against unreasonable searches and
75. What branch of the government can over- seizures,
ride a presidential veto?
A. Executive 80. The premable begins with (we the people,
of the united states of America)?
B. Legislative
A. true
C. Judicial
B. false
D. all of the above
C. both
76. Which branch carries out the laws?
D. niether
A. Executive
B. Legislative 81. Each article of the Constitution:

C. Judicial A. explains one part of government or a

key government process
D. none of above
B. adds an amendment to the original
77. What is the name of the two houses in the document
in the Legislative Branch? C. Introduces the goals of the document
A. Senate and the House of Cards
D. checks and balances the other articles
B. the House of Representatives and the
House of Cards 82. Which phrase most accurately defines the
term culture?
C. The White house
D. The House of Representatives and Sen- A. a way of life shared by members of a
ate society
B. a firsthand account of an event
78. What is the supreme law of the land?
C. the interaction of plants and animals
A. The Constitution within a natural environment
B. Bill of Rights D. none of above
C. Articles of Confederation
83. An example of due process is a
D. Declaration of Independence
A. fair trial
79. What is Separation of powers
B. unfair trial
A. an act of vesting the legislative, execu-
tive, and judicial powers of government in C. cruel and unusual punishment
separate bodies. D. search a home without a warrant


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 710

84. What type of Legislative Branch was cre- C. the supreme court
ated with the Great Compromise? D. the bill of rights
A. No Legistative Branch was created
90. Describes the directions for the Executive
B. An Unicameral Branch was created
C. A Bicameral Branch was created
A. Article 1
D. None of the Above
B. Article 2

85. Which of these is NOT a First Amendment C. Article 3
D. none of above
A. Freedom of employment
B. Freedom of religion 91. How many amendments have been made
to the United States Constitution?
C. Freedom of speech
A. 10
D. none of above
B. 13
86. The principle or idea that the law applies
C. 27
to everyone equally is called
D. none of above
A. due process
B. rule of law 92. The description of the Constitution as a
“living document” refers to:
C. separation of powers
D. popular sovereignty A. the role of the framers
B. the opening words of the preamble
87. Which branch of government signs
treaties? C. the amendment process

A. Executive D. the principle of individual rights

B. Legislative 93. Our bicameral Congress is made up of
C. Judicial what two house?
D. none of above A. Legislative branch
B. judicial and executive
88. What is an Amendment?
C. Senate and the House of Representa-
A. A document that replaces the constitu-
D. Senate and the people
B. The declaration of independence
C. A change or addition to the constitu- 94. What does it mean when we say our gov-
tion ernment has checks and balances?
D. The bill of rights A. the other branches of government are
allow to checks on each one another and
89. The separation of powers splits into make sure they don’t have to much power
three branches.
B. a state’s government is divided into
A. the federal government branches, each with separate and inde-
B. congress pendent powers


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 711

C. Our Constitution contains an important 100. How many “articles” make up the U.S.
democratic principle called the separation Constitution?
of powers


A. 3
D. typically those ensuring that political B. 5
power is not concentrated in the hands of
C. 7
individuals or groups.
D. 11
95. Who was the leader in Shay’s Rebellion
101. Which of the following are ideas from the
A. Daniel Shays English Bill of Rights?
B. Robert Shays A. Banned excessive bail
C. Dan Shays B. Banned cruel & unusual punishments
D. chris shays C. Right to a fair trial
D. Right to an impartial jury
96. what does the legislative branch do E. Separation of church and state
A. make the laws
102. This event led to the adoption of the Con-
B. enforce the laws stitution
C. interprets the laws A. The constitutional convention
D. finalizes the laws B. The Continental Congress
C. The philadelphia convention
97. How many AMENDMENTS are in the U.S.
D. THe convention of 1787
A. 5 103. The division of powers and duties of gov-
ernment among separate branches is called
B. 27
A. Division of Powers
C. 0
B. Separate but equal
D. 10 C. Sepration of Powers
98. Enforces the laws. D. Divide and conquer

A. Legislative Branch 104. B-bananna-right to bear arms (weapons)

B. Executive Branch A. amendment 2

C. Judicial Branch B. amendment 3

C. amendment 4
D. none of above
D. amendment 5
99. Which power can only be done by state
105. A president’s refusal to sign a law is
called a
A. printing money A. vote
B. making treaties B. veto
C. issuing driver’s liscenses C. rule of law
D. none of above D. due process


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 712

106. Which government agency fulfills the 112. Each branch has ways of limiting the pow-
phrase “Promote the General Welfare” ers of the other branches. This is called
found in the Preamble?
A. Division of labor
A. National Park Service
B. Separation of Powers
B. Armed Forces
C. Checks and balances
C. Food and Drug Administration
D. due process

107. The Supreme Court interprets laws to de- 113. What part of the Constitution allows for
termine if they are the legislature to make all laws “neces-
sary and proper” to carry out its func-
A. fair tion?
B. wise
A. checks and balances
C. unconstitutional
B. reserved powers
D. unequal
C. elastic clause
108. Which amendment guarantees a trial by D. concurrent powers
A. 2nd Amendment 114. What is “checks and balances? ”
B. 7th Amendment A. Each branch of power has the ability to
C. 22 Amendment limit the power of the other branches.
D. none of above B. The people elect their leaders.

109. Which plan favored the large states? C. The people are in charge.

A. Virginia Plan D. The people have rights. (Bill of Rights)

B. Great Comprise 115. Which of the following are require-
C. New Jersey Plan ments in order to be elected President
D. Articles of Confederation (P.O.T.U.S.)?
A. natural born citizen
110. who proposed the Virginia Plan
B. college degree
A. William Paterson
C. military service
B. Roger Sherman
C. Thomas Jefferson D. at least 35 years of age

D. James Madison 116. Which government agency fulfills the

phrase “Provide for the Common Defense”
111. what were the 3 branches of government
found in the Preamble?
A. Executive, Legislature and Senate
B. Legislature, Judicial and House of Rep-
resentatives B. National Park Service
C. Executive, Legislature and Judicial C. Armed Forces
D. Judicial and congress D. Centers for Disease Control


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 713

117. An example of a civic responsibilty is C. Article 3

A. assembling D. Article 5


B. getting a driver’s license E. Article 6
C. voting 123. How many amendments does the Consti-
D. due process tution have?

118. Which document did not allow Congress A. 28

to levy and collect taxes? B. 17
A. Articles of Confederation C. 29
B. Federalist Papers D. 27
C. United States Constitution 124. When census numbers show changes in a
D. none of above state’s total population, what is likely to
be affected in the state?
119. What did The Great Compromise do
A. number of counties
A. supply us food
B. representation in the United States
B. Give us a bicameral government House of Representatives
C. Help the people C. number of senators in the United
D. gave us hope States Senate
D. none of above
120. Based on the quote below, what principle
of democracy is BEST represented. “The 125. A written plan for government that de-
greatest [calamity] which could befall [us scribes the principles and organization of
would be] submission to a government of a nation is called a
unlimited powers.” Thomas Jefferson,
A. contract
B. compromise
A. Equal Protection
C. constitution
B. Majority protects Minority
D. blueprint
C. Limited Government
D. Popular Sovereignty 126. How did the Anti-federalists want to in-
crease protection against the national gov-
121. What is the role of the Judicial Branch? ernment?
A. Breaks the laws A. checks and balances
B. Interpret the laws B. elastic clause
C. Makes the laws C. Bill of Rights
D. none of above D. federalism

122. The article of the Constitution that details 127. What was one result of the Great Com-
the Amendment process promise?
A. Article 1 A. reserved powers
B. Article 2 B. bicameral legislature


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 714

C. elastic clause 133. What is a synonym for sovereignty?

D. checks and balances A. support
128. What is the bill of rights? B. vote
A. A add on to the declaration of indepen- C. law
D. protect
B. The lasts words of the premble
C. The first 3 words of the constitution

134. If government officials break the law,
D. The first 10 amendments they can be arrested like anyone else. This
129. Sharing of power in a government be-
tween the federal (national) and state gov- A. Federalism
ernments is called B. Republicanism
A. limited powers
C. Popular Sovereignty
B. federalism
D. Limited Government
C. checks and balances
D. separation of powers 135. What is the role of the Legislative
130. Which of the following is a factor of how Branch?
congressmen decide to vote on a bill? A. Carry out the laws
A. Do my constituents like this bill? B. Make the laws
B. Would my political party support this
C. Vetoes the laws
C. Do I personally think this bill should be D. none of above
136. How many branches are in the Constitu-
D. All of these are correct
131. The Constitution of the United States was A. 8 Branches
considered an improvement over the Arti-
cles of Confederation because the Consti- B. 3 Branches
tution changed the
C. 1 Branch
A. number of Americans eligible to vote
D. 4 Branches
B. balance of power
C. status of slavery 137. What is a simple way to describe how the
D. none of above U.S. Constitution works?

132. How did the Great Compromise help A. A set of rules that guide how the gov-
small states? ernment works.
A. House of Representatives B. It’s a bunch of options for laws.
B. Executive Branch C. It tells people that they have no rules.
C. Senate D. It is just for very important people to
D. Supreme Court follow and use.


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 715

138. At the Constitutional Convention (1787), B. Legislative

the Great Compromise resolved the issue C. Judicial
of congressional representation by


D. none of above
A. limiting the terms of elected lawmak-
ers 144. Signature of those who agree to the Con-
B. providing for direct election of sena- stitution and the date it took effect.
tors A. Article 5
C. creating a two-house legislature B. Article 6
D. none of above C. Article 7
139. Which amendment established the voting D. none of above
age to 18?
145. Members of the House of Representa-
A. 26th Amendment tives serve a term of years
B. 15th Amendment A. 4
C. 2nd Amendment B. 6
D. none of above C. 2
140. The idea that the power of government D. 8
comes from the consent of the people is
called 146. The basic freedoms of all United States
citizens are protected by
A. federalism
A. The Declaration of Independence
B. individual liberties
B. The Bill of Rights
C. popular sovereignty
C. The Mayflower Compact
D. unpopular sovereignty
D. The House of Burgesses
141. When Was the U.S Constitution Written
147. After the bill passes the House and Sen-
A. 1790
ate, where does it go?
B. 1785
A. Mayor
C. 1776
B. Governer
D. 1787
C. Its a law
142. Which amendment guarantees a citizen’s D. President
right to a speedy trial?
A. 4th 148. According to the Preamble to the Consti-
tution, who “ordains and establishes this
B. 5th Constitution for the United States of Amer-
C. 6th ica”?
D. 7th A. We the People

143. Which branch of government can declare B. Congress

war? C. the President
A. Executive D. the Supreme Court


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 716

149. Select what is TRUE about the U.S. Con- C. Judicial Branch
stitution. (Choose 3) D. none of above
A. It is the “highest” (most important)
law in the land. 155. The introduction to the Constitution that
expressed the main goals and principles is
B. It separates power between three
A. Preramble
C. It says we should have a king and
B. Preamble

queen to rule our country.
D. It was created to protect American cit- C. opening statment
izens. D. preface
150. Who wrote the U.S Constitution 156. Who are some of the founding fathers
A. James Madison A. Thomas Jefferson
B. Thomas Jefferson B. Thomas Paine
C. George Washington C. John Adams
D. Alexander Hamilton D. Benjamin Franklin
151. All the following rights are part of the E. Samuel Adams
First Amendment, except
157. Which amendment limits the presidents
A. assembly
terms to two?
B. petitiion
A. 13th Amendment
C. religion
B. 15th Amendment
D. trial by jury
C. 22 Amendment
152. How many Amendments to the Constitu- D. none of above
tion make up the Bill of Rights?
A. first 5 158. The president’s Cabinet operates here.

B. first 7 A. Legislative Branch

C. first 10 B. Executive Branch

D. All 27 C. Judicial Branch
D. none of above
153. How many states were needed to ratify
the Constitution? 159. The 4th amendment
A. 5 A. freedom from search
B. 7 B. protecton of accused
C. 9 C. right to keep and bear arms
D. 13 D. none of above
154. Makes the country’s laws. 160. Describes the directions for the Judicial
A. Legislative Branch Branch
B. Executive Branch A. Article 1


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 717

B. Article 2 B. Change
C. Article 3 C. Amendment


D. none of above D. none of above

161. A-apple-freedom of speech 167. If Congress passes a bill how and who
A. amendment 1 can stop it?

B. amendment 2 A. The senate can veto the bill

C. amendment 3 B. There is nothing that can stop a bill

from becoming a law once congress signs
D. amendment 4 it.
162. Which group of states benefited the most C. The Judicial branch can veto the bill
from the Three-Fifths Compromise? D. The President of the United States can
A. Northern States Veto the bill.
B. Large States 168. How did the Great Compromise favor
C. Southern States large states?
D. All states benefited equally A. Senate
B. House of Representatives
163. The Federal Constitution is the Supreme
Law of the land C. Supreme Court
A. Article 4 D. Executive Branch
B. Article 5 169. What branch of the government appoints
C. Article 6 members to the Supreme Court?
D. none of above A. Executive
B. Judicial
164. Which branch makes laws?
C. Legislative
A. Executive
D. all of the above
B. Judicial
C. Legislative 170. What was the solution to counting slaves
for purposes of representation?
D. none of above
A. Great Compromise
165. The Constitution replaced the as the B. 3/5 Compromise
governing document of the country.
C. Commercial Compromise
A. Declaration of Independence
D. 3/4 Compromise
B. Emancipation Proclamation
C. Bill of Rights 171. Which of these is an example of separa-
tion of powers?
D. Articles of Confederation
A. Representatives rewrite a bill in com-
166. What is it called when make a change to mittee meetings
the constitution B. Representatives hold hearings to hear
A. Amend public opinion


1.13 key principles and articles of the US Constitution 718

C. The President enforces a law passed 177. Which type of document usually describes
by Congress the basic structure, functions, and powers
D. The President fires a cabinet member of a government?
who is performing poorly A. constitution
172. How many articles are in the US Consti- B. resolution
C. proclamation
A. 5
D. none of above

B. 6
C. 7 178. In which house can bills be introduced?

173. Which branch makes the laws in the US? B. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
A. Legislative Branch C. THE SENATE
C. Judicial Branch SENATE
D. none of above 179. Which article explained how the States
174. What does it mean to have “natural, in- would interact with Federal government?
nate rights”? A. Article I
A. Everyone is born with certain rights. B. Article VI (6)
B. Nature is right.
C. Article IV (4)
C. Nobody has rights, you have to earn
them. D. Article II

D. none of above 180. The US Congress is bicameral. What does

bicameral mean?
175. Which feature of the Constitution pre-
vents one branch of the national govern- A. A congress that is divided
ment from becoming too powerful?
B. Cooperation between 2 political par-
A. federal supremacy ties
B. checks and balances C. Has 3 branches
C. electoral college
D. Made up of 2 chambers
D. none of above
181. The freedom that allows newspapers to
176. Which of the following is NOT an unalien-
criticize the government is protected by
able right of the Declaration of Indepen-
which amendment?
A. 4th
A. life
B. pursuit of happiness B. 3rd
C. education C. 2nd
D. none of above D. 1st


1.14 Bill of Rights 719

182. Which branch of government includes the A. the U.S.-Canadian border

Senate and House of Representatives? B. Slavery


A. Executive C. the Treaty of Paris
B. Legislative D. Women’s Rights
C. Judicial
186. Which plan favored the small states?
D. Constitutional
A. Declaration of Indepence
183. Interprets the laws and administers jus- B. U.S Constitution
C. New Jersey Plan
A. Legislative Branch
D. Virginia Plan
B. Executive Branch
C. Judicial Branch 187. Which branch interprets laws?

D. none of above A. Executive

B. Judicial
184. Which amendment protects citizens from
cruel and unusual punishment? C. Legislative

A. 10th D. none of above

B. 9th 188. What part of the Constitution keeps the

C. 8th national government from becoming too
D. 7th
A. separation of powers
185. One issue that was hotly debated at B. bicameral legislature
the Constitutional Convention, was the
question of representation. Another issue C. elastic clause
was- D. executive branch

1.14 Bill of Rights

1. Free Exercise Clause 2. Which amendment protects your right to
refuse to incriminate yourself?
A. prohibits Congress from establishing
an official religion in the U.S. A. 5th Amendment
B. protects the freedom to practice their B. 4th Amendment
faith as they wish C. 6th Amendment
C. freedoms to think and act without gov- D. 7th Amendment
ernment interference or fear of unfair le-
gal treatment 3. The government says that no one in Amer-
ica is allowed to wear the color blue any-
D. a formal request for government ac- more. What amendment says the govern-
tion; or, a process by which candidates ment cannot do this?
who are not affiliated with one of the two
major parties can get on the ballot for the A. 9th
general election in most states B. 10th


1.14 Bill of Rights 720

C. 8th C. according to the Ninth Amendment,

D. 5th any right that is not specifically addressed
in the Constitution still may be protected
4. What is the fifth amendment right against (e.g., privacy)
self-incrimination trying to prevent? D. the freedom for citizens to engage in
A. The act of housing soldiers against any nonviolent, legal means of encourag-
your will. ing or criticizing government action; guar-
anteed in the First Amendment
B. The act of requesting an attorney.

C. The act of suggesting yourself in a 8. Freedom of Religion-It prohibits
crime or that you have knowledge of a A. Congress from establishing an official
crime. religion in the United States.
D. none of above B. talking about religion in all schools
C. guns
5. Powers not listed directly in the Constitu-
tion belong to the states and the people ie. D. none of above
health care, education 9. Which of the following is an example of
A. Amendment 10 how your First Amendment rights are safe-
B. Amendment 8 guarded?
A. Students are allowed to wear arm-
C. Amendment 6
bands in protest of a war
D. Amendment 5
B. School shutting down a school newspa-
6. After her divorce, Jane is ready to start per because it publishes a negative story
her life over. She moves from Texas to about other students
Vermont where she begins a new job man- C. Not allowing students to pray in school
aging a Bed and Breakfast. She is thankful D. Schools shutting down after-school
that she made the move and looks forward clubs
to meeting new people.
10. You must be informed of the charges
A. 1st
against you. Which amendment is this?
B. 5th
A. 5th
C. 9th
B. 6th
D. 10th C. 7th
7. eminent domain D. 8th
A. the right of the government to take 11. Ralph was arrested on charges of jumping
private property for public use; the Fifth curbs with his bicycle, when it fact it was
Amendment requires that people be paid not a law when he was arrested. What
fairly (compensated) for their property if concept represents this?
it is taken by the government
A. Writ of habeas corpus
B. the right to hold meetings and form B. Ex post facto laws
groups without interference by the gov-
ernment; guaranteed in the First Amend- C. trial by jury
ment D. Freedom of petition


1.14 Bill of Rights 721

12. Telling the truth is a responsibility of the B. monarchies

right to C. naturalization


A. freedom of speech D. none of above
B. freedom of the press
18. We hold these truths to be self-evident,
C. freedom of assembly
that all men are created equal, that they
D. vote are endowed by their Creator with cer-
tain unalienable Rights Declaration of
13. Asserts that powers not delegated to
Independence, 1776This excerpt refers to
the national government or denied to the
rights that people-
states are reserved to the states.
A. F. earn by demonstrating loyalty to
A. 2nd
their government
B. 8th
B. G. receive by becoming citizens of a
C. 9th country
D. 10th C. H. have as a result of being human
14. When you use your right to remain silent, D. J. are granted after enlistment in the
which freedom are you using? military
A. Freedom from self-incrimination 19. I know there is a law against keeping lions
B. Freedom of assembly as pets in my town, but as long as I keep
it on my property I should be allowed to
C. Freedom from double jeopardy
have one! That’s what private property
D. Freedom from excessive bail is all about, right? Do I have a right to
do what I want on my property? Which
15. When were the Basic Rights added to the
A. 1st Amendment
A. 1787
B. 5th Amendment
B. 1791
C. 1792 C. 6th Amendment

D. 1778 D. No

16. amendment 20. Sandy received notice that a new toll road
is going to be built right through the middle
A. a change to a constitution (e.g., U.S. of her farm. She and her husband owned
Constitution, Florida Constitution) the farm for fifty years and at her age, she
B. an improvement to the constitution feels she is too old to start over. Besides,
(e.g., U.S. Constitution, Florida Constitu- her children were all raised on the farm
tion) and it has much sentimental value to her.
C. Both She protests with the county and they of-
fer her $1000 more an acre than was orig-
D. Neither inally offered. She still doesn’t want to
17. Magna Carta contained the ideas of sell.
and common law A. 4th
A. limited government B. 5th


1.14 Bill of Rights 722

C. 6th C. Fifth Amendment

D. 9th D. Tenth Amendment
21. What king and queen signed the Bill of 26. Suffrage
Rights before being sworn in?
A. the right to vote
A. James and Helen
B. the social separation of the races
B. William and Mary
C. the rights of full citizenship and equal-

C. Catherine and Henry
ity under the law
D. Edward and Margaret
D. following established legal procedures
22. Offices usually need a to search you or
your property 27. Poll Tax

A. Baton A. a sum of money required of voters be-

fore they are permitted to cast a ballot
B. Firearm
B. unfair treatment based on prejudice
C. Warrant
against a certain group
D. Bible
C. a sum of money used as a security de-
23. The FBI shows up at your house and ar- posit to ensure that an accused person re-
rests. You go straight to federal prison turns for his or her trial
for 15 years without ever having a trial D. the rights of full citizenship and equal-
or knowing what you were charged with. ity under the law
What Amendment protects you from this?
A. 18th Amendment 28. Which right is protected in the 2nd Amend-
B. 3rd Amendment
A. Right to Bear Arms
C. 9th Amendment
D. 5th Amendment B. Right to Free Speech
C. Right to Remain SIlent
24. Must be indicted by a GRAND JURY
D. Right to a Lawyer
A. 5th
B. 6th 29. Forbids cruel and unusual punishment
C. 7th A. 2nd Amendment
D. 8th B. 4th Amendment
25. *Unreasonable searches and seizures are C. 6th Amendment
illegal.*Search warrants may not be is- D. 8th Amendment
sued without probable cause.*The place
to be searched and the people or items 30. freedom of religion
to be seized must be described in a war-
A. 4th Amendment
rant.Which amendment provides for the
protections described in this list? B. 3rd Amendment
A. First Amendment C. 2nd Amendment
B. Fourth Amendment D. 1st Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 723

31. Guarantees the right of citizens to bear 35. Putting someone on trial for a crime of
arms (own guns) which he or she was previously found in-


A. 2nd Amendment
B. 4th Amendment A. Indictment
C. 6th Amendment B. Double Jeopardy
D. 8th Amendment C. Bail
32. Jack was denied the right to vote dur- D. Due Process
ing the previous election (2016) due to
his race. Which amendment prohibits this 36. Which of the following best describes “due
from happening? process? ”
A. 19 A. The idea that the law applies to every-
B. 26 one equally, even members of the govern-
C. 13 ment
D. 15 B. The idea that the Supreme Court can in-
terpret the Constitution “strike down” un-
33. Which of the following statements about constitutional laws
due process of law is true?
A. A person accused of a crime cannot go C. The idea that the government must re-
to his trial. spect criminal procedure and the rights of
accused persons
B. Accused people should know the
charges against them. D. The idea that the legislative branch
creates laws, while the executive branch
C. An accused person must keep silent
enforces them
and cannot defend himself.
D. A fair trial is not part of due process of 37. Which TWO freedoms were NOT guaran-
law in the United States. teed by the bill of rights?
34. Read these statements about the Consti- A. Guarantees the right to vote for all
tution and the Bill of Rights and select ALL men regardless of race.
that are correct.
B. Guarantees the right to a quick and
A. The Constitution can be changed by an speedy trial.
official amendment process.
C. Guarantees the right to own firearms.
B. The Bill of Rights consists of all 27
amendments to the Constitution. D. Guarantees the right to vote for all
C. Anti-Federalists originally supported women.
the Constitution, the Federalists were
against it. 38. You don’t have to provide housing to a sol-
dier (no quartering of soldiers)
D. The Bill of Rights outlines individual
rights that the government cannot take A. 3rd Amendment
away from the people. B. 1st Amendment
E. The Constitution establishes the U.S.
C. 10th Amendment
federal government and is the supreme
law of the land. D. 5th Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 724

39. Which amendment allows you to choose 43. Guarantees freedom from Double Jeop-
how you want to worship? ardy (being tried for the same crime twice)
A. 1st amendment A. 1st Amendment
B. 2nd amendment B. 9th Amendment
C. 3rd amendment
C. 5th Amendment
D. 4th amendment
D. 7th Amendment
40. The Fifth and Sixth amendments deal with

people’s rights in 44. Prohibits excessive bail or fines or cruel or
A. civil cases unusual punishment
B. criminal cases A. 3rd
C. slander cases B. 5th
D. libel cases C. 7th
41. All legislative Powers herein granted shall D. 8th
be vested in a Congress of the United
States U.S. Constitution, Article I, Sec- 45. Sarabeth was arrested on charges of pos-
tion 1This provision is a response to which sessing exotic animals that were legal a
grievance from the Declaration of Indepen- year before harsher new laws were put in
dence? place
A. “For suspending our own Legislatures, A. Writ of habeas corpus
and declaring themselves invested with
power to legislate for us in all cases what- B. Ex post facto laws
soever “ C. trial by jury
B. “For abolishing the free System of En-
D. Freedom of petition
glish Laws in a neighbouring Province,
establishing therein an Arbitrary govern-
46. “Nor shall any person be subject for the
ment “
same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of
C. “He has called together legislative life or limb “-Fifth AmendmentWhich
bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, of the following can you infer from this
and distant from the depository of their amendment?
public Records.”
A. The government cannot inflict cruel or
D. “He has endeavoured to prevent the unusual punishment
population of these States; for that pur-
pose obstructing the Laws for Naturaliza- B. The government cannot set unreason-
tion of Foreigners.” able fines or bails

42. right to a jury trial if the disagreement is C. The government cannot charge some-
over more than a $20 value one again for the same crime after a jury
has found them innocent
A. 5th Amendment
B. 11th Amendment D. If the government violates due pro-
cess, the accused person has the right to
C. 7th Amendment appeal their case and prevent it from hap-
D. 10th Amendment pening again


1.14 Bill of Rights 725

47. Freedom of Speech-It covers D. police can’t search you or your belong-
A. face to face discussions, phone conver- ings without a good reason (warrant)


sations, lectures, and radio broadcasts. 52. Prohibits unreasonable searches and
B. Americans to express themselves in seizures.
print as well as in speech. A. 2nd
C. American people are exposed to a B. 3rd
wide variety of viewpoints
C. 4th
D. none of above
D. 7th
48. If you are found innocent at trial, you
53. No unreasonable bail.
A. can file a civil suit.
A. 2nd Amendment
B. you are going to jail
B. 4th Amendment
C. cannot be arrested again on the same
C. 6th Amendment
D. 8th Amendment
D. can be re-arrested for the same
charges 54. Which amendments would offer protec-
tions in a courtroom? Choose three.
49. Alex is on trial for a crime. One of his
lawyers wants to put Alex on the stand A. 5th Amendment
and make him answer questions. Which B. 3rd Amendment
amendment says that Alex does not have
C. 2nd Amendment
to do this?
D. 6th Amendment
A. 1st
E. 7th Amendment
B. 5th
C. 7th 55. Speaker 1:A strong central government
will provide order and stability. Speaker
D. 10th
2:We have just left the control of one
50. Which of the following is a principle that tyrant; let us avoid an American tyrant.
says the government must provide you Speaker 3:The strength of our union lies in
with a reason that they are holding you. the independence of our states. Speaker
4:We were led into a war by a minority
A. Ex post facto
who desired independence.Which speaker
B. Miranda rights is in favor of ratifying the Constitution?
C. safeguard A. 1
D. Habeas corpus B. 2
51. d Amendment- C. 3

A. people have rights not mentioned in D. 4

the Constitution 56. If the city government takes your land
B. right to own a weapon without compensation to build a new park,
C. you don’t have to provide housing to a which amendment is being violated?
soldier A. 5th Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 726

B. 4th Amendment 61. The First Amendment protects freedom of

C. 6th Amendment speech, but there are some limits to free-
speech rights. Why are some forms of
D. 7th Amendment speech not protected?
57. Due Process A. Because they are expressed in writing.
A. a group of citizens that decides B. Because they are expressed through
whether there is sufficient evidence to speeches.
accuse someone of a crime

C. Because they support different reli-
B. a court order allowing law enforce- gious views.
ment officers to search a suspect’s home
D. Because what you say, you can put
or business and take specific items as ev-
people in danger.
C. a formal request for government ac- 62. The Amendment guarantees the right
tion; or, a process by which candidates to a jury trial if the amount of money in-
who are not affiliated with one of the two volved is more than $20.00.
major parties can get on the ballot for the A. Eighth
general election in most states
B. Sixth
D. following established legal procedures
C. Fifth
58. The Federal government decides that D. Seventh
States can’t decide to build roads where
they need them in their state. What 63. Right to keep and bear arms; Protects the
amendment has been violated? right of the people to own guns
A. 10th Amendment A. 3rd Amendment
B. 5th Amendment B. 2nd Amendment
C. 2nd Amendment C. 6th Amendment
D. 1st Amendment D. Freedom of Speech
59. Legislative redistricting must be conscious 64. You may not be put on trial for the same
of race crime twice.
A. Shaw v Reno A. 8th Amendment
B. US v Lopez B. 5th Amendment
C. McDonald v Chicago C. 6th Amendment
D. Marbury v Madison
D. 7th Amendment
60. t Amendment
65. Which excerpt from the U.S. Constitution
A. police can’t search you or your belong- best illustrates the principle of popular
ings without a good reason (warrant) sovereignty?
B. freedom of religion A. “Each House shall be the Judge of the
C. right to a jury trial if the disagreement Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its
is over more than a $20 value own Members “
D. you don’t have to provide housing to a B. “The House of Representatives shall
soldier be composed of Members chosen every


1.14 Bill of Rights 727

second Year by the People of the several B. freedom of the press

States “
C. freedom of religion


C. “The Senate shall chuse their other Of-
ficers, and also a President pro tempore D. none of above

70. Rights not listed in other amendments are
D. “The Times, Places and Manner of
not necessarily involved.
holding Elections for Senators and Rep-
resentatives, shall be prescribed in each A. 3rd
State by the Legislature thereof.”
B. 4th
66. Civil Liberties C. 5th
A. spoken untruths that are harmful to
D. 9th
someone’s reputation
B. a formal request for government ac- 71. The Government creates a ban on selling
tion; or, a process by which candidates firearms to civilians (non-military people).
who are not affiliated with one of the two What Amendment does this violate?
major parties can get on the ballot for the
general election in most states A. 2nd Amendment
C. the banning of printed materials or B. 1st Amendment
films due to alarming or offensive ideas
C. 8th Amendment
D. freedoms to think and act without gov-
ernment interference or fear of unfair le- D. 9th Amendment
gal treatment
72. Guarantees the right to a speedy, impar-
67. The police come to your house and arrest tial public trial in criminal cases with coun-
your father for having a gun which he sel and the right to cross examine.
legally owns. What amendment has been
violated? A. 6th

A. 5th Amendment B. 7th

B. 9th Amendment C. 9th
C. 2nd Amendment D. 10th
D. 13th Amendment
73. Which of these rights is protected by the
68. Telling the truth is a responsibility of the Bill of Rights?
right to
A. Citizens will be tried without an attor-
A. freedom of speech
B. freedom of the press
B. Citizens will not be allowed to bear
C. freedom of assembly arms.
D. testify in court
C. Citizens have the right to a speedy
69. Burning an American flag is an example of trial.
D. Citizens must choose the religion set
A. freedom of symbolic speech forth by the government.


1.14 Bill of Rights 728

74. What was one of the concerns behind the 79. A person decides to write a petition to
creation of the Bill of Rights? stop a waste water treatment center from
A. That the Dutch would invade England. building near his/her town. What amend-
ment are they exercising?
B. That the U.S. did not have its freedom
A. 3rd
from England.
B. 1st
C. That King James had fled England dur-
ing the Glorious Revolution. C. 8th

D. That the crown retained too much D. 10th
power. 80. The guarantees that a group has the
right to gather to protest a tax they think
75. Right to bear arms.
is unfair since people have the right to as-
A. 4th Amendment semble.
B. 7th Amendment A. First Amendment
C. 2nd Amendment B. second Amendment
D. 6th Amendment C. The Fifth Amendment
D. the Bible
76. The ability to is often viewed as a sup-
pression of free speech. 81. The sheriff’s deputies believe that Joe has
A. slander broken the law. They want to go inside his
home but the 4th Amendment states they
B. libel cannot because it would
C. suffrage A. be an illegal search
D. censor B. be trespassing on public property
77. Brendan is accused of armed robbery and C. not prove Joe is guilty.
given a trial. The jury finds Brendan not D. not provide a trial by jury.
guilty. The next day the prosecutor de-
cides that the verdict was not correct, and 82. The case made it legal to burn an American
he orders Brendan arrested and tried for flag in protest
the crime again. Right violated A. Tinker v. DesMoines
A. 1st Amendment B. Texas v. Johnson
B. 2nd Amendment C. Miranda v. Arizona
C. 4th Amendment D. Gideon v. Wainwright
D. 5th Amendment 83. Requires grand jury indictment for a seri-
ous crime, bans double jeopardy, no loss
78. Harming someone’s reputation by speak- of life, liberty or property without due pro-
ing lies cess of law.
A. slander A. 5th
B. libel B. 7th
C. civil freedoms C. 9th
D. protesting D. 10th


1.14 Bill of Rights 729

84. Indictment C. 10th Amendment

A. a sum of money used as a security de- D. 4th Amendment


posit to ensure that an accused person re-
turns for his or her trial 89. The Amendment is sometimes known
as the Privacy Amendment.
B. a formal charge by a grand jury
A. First
C. a group of citizens that decides
B. Second
whether there is sufficient evidence to
accuse someone of a crime C. Third
D. putting someone on trial for a crime of D. Fourth
which he or she was previously acquitted
90. Guarantees the right for you to have a
85. The English Bill of Rights lawyer for your defense
A. Created separation of powers A. 2nd Amendment
B. Enhanced the democratic election B. 4th Amendment

C. Limited the powers of the king and C. 6th Amendment

queen D. 8th Amendment
D. All the answers are correct 91. right to a speedy trial with a jury and a
lawyer will be provided if needed
86. Ideas from the English Bill of Rights were
included in the A. 10th Amendment
A. Magna Carta B. 9th Amendment
B. Declaration of Independence C. 8th Amendment
C. 14th Amendment D. 6th Amendment
D. none of above 92. The amendments that protect the rights
from government abuse are
87. is a serious crime in which someone
publishes information that will harm a per- A. 2, 3 and 4.
son’s reputation or endanger the govern- B. 1, 5 and 10
ment. C. 11, 12, 13
A. slander D. 1-27
B. libel
93. Freedom of the press means
C. eminent domain
A. books.
D. due process of law
B. radio.
88. A police officer pulls you over for speeding. C. networks.
He has you step out of the car and then D. all of the above.
searches it. He has no warrant or proba-
bly cause. What amendment protects you 94. What is the term for being charged with
from this? the same crime twice?
A. 2nd Amendment A. Double Jeopardy
B. 8th Amendment B. Double Indictment


1.14 Bill of Rights 730

C. Final Jeopardy A. Writ of habeas corpus

D. Final Destination B. Ex post facto laws

95. According to the Amendment, no one C. trial by jury

can be on trial without first being formally D. Freedom of petition
100. Protection from cruel and unusual punish-
A. Eighth
ments is protected by which amendment?
B. Sixth

A. 8th Amendment
C. Fifth
B. 6th Amendment
D. Seventh
C. 7th Amendment
96. The Fifth Amendment protects your rights D. 5th Amendment
in that “Due process of law” means the
government 101. Who wrote the Bill of Rights?
A. the government can do as it wants A. Ben Franklin
B. must follow rules as it carries out the B. John Hancock
C. James Madison
C. can ask Angel to to turn himself in
D. Sam Adams
D. is bad.
102. What is the Revolution which led to the
97. Miranda v. Arizona Bill of rights called?
A. You must be read your rights when ar- A. The infamous Revolution
rested; you have the right to remain silent
B. The Bill of Rights Revolution
B. evidence obtained without a search
warrant must be excluded C. The Parliamentary Revolution

C. you have the right to a lawyer if you D. The Glorious Revolution

cannot afford one 103. If you decide to sue a business for neg-
D. You have the right to symbolic speech ligence, you could request this as part of
while in school your 7th amendment rights.

98. Which amendment protects Ameri- A. A bench trial

cans from unreasonable searches and B. A jury trial
C. The death penalty
A. First Amendment
D. An expensive fine
B. Fourth Amendment
104. is not allowed under the Eighth
C. Third Amendment
D. Tenth Amendment
A. Homework
99. Marisol has been arrested and indicted B. racism
(charged) with running an illegal gambling
spot. She wants to know why she is being C. complaining
held. What concept is this? D. Cruel and unusual punishment


1.14 Bill of Rights 731

105. Rachel is walking through the mall. Af- 109. Ideas from the were also included in
ter paying for her items, she leaves the the U.S. Bill of Rights
store. On her way to the car, a police of-


A. Selective Service
ficer stops her and begins to search her
bags, without any reason. Which of her B. Spanish Bill of Rights
rights were broken and which amendment C. English Bill of Rights
should protect her?
D. none of above
A. Right to trial by jury; 7th amendment
110. I dyed my hair green because I wanted
B. Unreasonable searches; 4th amend- to make a statement. I didn’t think that
ment statement would be, “Search my back-
C. Right to attorney; 6th amendment pack!” A police officer stopped me and
said that he was going to search my back-
D. None of her rights were broken
pack because he didn’t like my hair color.
106. Which of these is a guarantee in the First Do I have the right to privacy? Which
Amendment? Amendment?
A. 1st Amendment
A. States have the power to regulate pub-
lic education B. 2nd Amendment
B. People can choose whether and how C. 4th Amendment
to participate in religious services. D. No
C. Persons accused of a crime are pre-
111. Being forced to admit guilt is called self-
sumed innocent until proven guilty.
incrimination. This is illegal because of the
D. Citizens have the right to be judged by amendment.
a jury of their peers.
A. 3rd
107. Which amendment says the government B. 4th
can make people house soldiers during C. 5th
D. 6th
A. 3rd
112. Censorship
B. 8th
A. the banning of printed materials or
C. 9th
films due to alarming or offensive ideas
D. no amendment states this B. the rights of full citizenship and equal-
ity under the law
108. Which amendment states that powers
not given to the Federal Government or C. the social separation of the races
denied to a state are reserved for the D. unfair treatment based on prejudice
states? against a certain group
A. 8th Amendment
113. The first ten Amendment to the Constitu-
B. 9th Amendment tion are called the
C. 10th Amendment A. Bill of Rights
D. 6th Amendment B. Preamble


1.14 Bill of Rights 732

C. Articles 118. Established the precedent of freedom of

D. Naturalization speech & press in the colonies
A. Gideon v. Wainwright
114. What is the first Amendment and what
does it protect? B. NJ v. TLO

A. Freedoms like the right to yell Fire for C. Marbury v. Madison

no reason in a crowded movie theater D. Zenger Trial
B. Freedoms like the right to bear arms,

119. Introduction-Civil Liberties are?
and shoot birds
C. Freedoms like the right to petition the A. People will be treated differently due
gov, speech, religion, and assembly to religious beliefs.

D. Basic freedoms like the right to speak B. the freedoms we have to think and act
in public about issues facing the country. without government interference or fear
of unfair treatment
115. Powers not given to the federal gov- C. The issues surrounding freedom of
ernment belong to the states (RESERVED speech
D. none of above
A. 10th Amendment
B. 2nd Amendment 120. in 1920, women were finally allowed to
vote in elections. This was due to the pas-
C. 5th Amendment sage of the amendment.
D. 9th Amendment A. 17th
116. Freedom of Religion-Establishment B. 18th
clause is?
C. 19th
A. Congress can not establish an official
D. 22nd
B. allowing Americans to believe what 121. The Bill restored the right to bear arms
they choose. to which religious affiliation?
C. You may not spread lies that harm a A. Protestants
person’s reputation. B. Jewish
D. none of above C. Morman
117. Bail D. Catholic
A. a sum of money used as a security de-
122. What does the 6th amendments guaran-
posit to ensure that an accused person re-
turns for his or her trial
A. the right to a speedy trial and a lawyer
B. a sum of money required of voters be-
fore they are permitted to cast a ballot B. the right to speak to a judge on his cell
C. written untruths that are harmful to
someone’s reputation C. right to a trial by jury
D. a formal charge by a grand jury D. the right to bear arms


1.14 Bill of Rights 733

123. Guarantees a trial by jury in a civil law- 128. In order to improve education in the
suit of more than $20 United States, Congress creates a new
test that teachers must take and pass ev-


A. 1st Amendment
ery year in order to keep their jobs. The
B. 3rd Amendment State of Texas appeals this stating only
C. 5th Amendment they have the right to determine what
teachers in Texas must do to keep their
D. 7th Amendment
124. When was the last time that there was A. 6th
a change to the Constitution? B. 7th
A. 1997 C. 9th
B. 1995 D. 10th
C. 1992
129. Limits eminent domain
D. 1994
A. 1st
125. Ideas from the English Bill of Rights were B. ch
included in the Declaration of Indepen-
C. 5th
dence and the U.S. Bill of Rights. Those
ideas include the importance of and the D. item
consent of the governed
130. Which amendment ensures that civil
A. individual rights cases over $20 can have a jury trial?
B. religion A. 7th Amendment
C. King’s rights B. 8th Amendment
D. none of above C. 5th Amendment

126. The right to privacy is part of which D. 6th Amendment

Amendment? 131. Double Jeopardy
A. Amendment Three A. the right to vote
B. Amendment Four B. following established legal procedures
C. Amendment Five C. putting someone on trial for a crime of
D. Amendment Seven which he or she was previously acquitted
D. unfair treatment based on prejudice
127. Civil liberties are
against a certain group
A. the right to be treated equally under
the law 132. If Congress decided to set speed limits on
Maine highways, that would violate the
B. the right to think and act without gov’t amendment.
interference; it is protection from the gov-
ernment A. 8th

C. only the protections in the 1st amend- B. 9th

ment C. 10th
D. none of above D. 4th


1.14 Bill of Rights 734

133. The amendment below is part of the Bill 137. “The school officials banned and sought
of Rights. Excessive bail shall not be re- to punish petitioners for a silent, passive
quired, nor excessive fines imposed, nor expression of opinion, unaccompanied by
cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.- any disorder or disturbance on the part
The Eighth AmendmentWhat is the best of petitioners. There is here no evidence
definition of “bail” in this amendment? whatever of petitioners’ interference, ac-
A. Money paid to obtain special privileges tual or nascent, with the schools’ work or
for a prison inmate of collision with the rights of other stu-
dents to be secure and to be let alone.

B. Money that someone convicted for a Accordingly, this case does not concern
crime pays to reduce jail time speech or action that intrudes upon the
C. Money a defendant pays as security to work of the schools or the rights of other
stay out of jail while waiting for trial students. “-Justice Abe FortasWhich of
D. Money paid as punishment for a crime the following Supreme Court cases is most
relevant to the topic of the passage?
134. Following established legal procedures.
A. Schenck v. United States (1919)
A. Accused
B. New York Times Co. v. United States
B. Suffrage (1971)
C. Due Process of Law
C. Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
D. Slander
D. Engel v. Vitale (1962)
135. You choose to have your civil case heard
by a jury. What amendment have you 138. Ruled that prior restraint was unconstitu-
used? tional
A. 7th Amendment A. Schenck v United States
B. 5th Amendment B. McCulloch v Maryland
C. 10th Amendment C. Citizens United v FEC
D. 1st Amendment D. New York Times v. United States
136. “The enumeration in the Constitution, of 139. Which part of the Bill of Rights shows
certain rights, shall not be construed to the influence of Virginia’s Statute for Reli-
deny or disparage others retained by the gious Freedom?
people.”-Amendment IXWhich of the fol-
lowing can you infer from this amend- A. The Preamble
ment? B. 5th Amendment
A. The rights listed in the bill of rights are C. 1st Amendment
the only rights U.S. citizens have
D. Article I
B. U.S. citizens have rights not listed in
the bill of rights 140. Race based segregation is illegal
C. Powers not listed in the Constitution A. Engel v Vitale
are reserved to the states and the people
B. Brown v Board of Education of Topeka
D. Freedom of speech does not protect
speech that disparages or construes oth- C. Roe v Wade
ers D. McDonald v Chicago


1.14 Bill of Rights 735

141. Which amendment protects the freedom 146. NJ v. TLO

of religion, speech, press, assembly, and A. limits your 1st amendment rights in


A. Amendment 1
B. protects your 1st amendment rights in
B. Amendment 17 school
C. Amendment 2 C. extends your 4th amendment rights in
D. Amendment 4 school
D. limits your 4th amendment rights in
142. The First Amendment guarantees that a
group has the right to gather to protest a
tax they think is unfair since people have 147. Search Warrant
the right
A. unfair treatment based on prejudice
A. to free speech against a certain group
B. to vote B. a court order allowing law enforce-
C. to assemble. ment officers to search a suspect’s home
D. to have a weapon or business and take specific items as ev-
143. right to own a weapon C. the right to vote
A. 4th Amendment D. ollowing established legal procedures
B. 7th Amendment
148. The Supremacy Clause means that
C. 2nd Amendment
A. some people are above the law
D. 6th Amendment
B. the King does not have to follow the
144. Bob writes a letter to the editor complain- Constitution
ing about the way the government is treat-
C. everyone must follow the Constitution
ing convicts in federal prisons. Because of
this letter, Bob is arrested and placed in
jail himself. D. none of above
A. 1st 149. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to
B. 4th A. Protect the rights of individual
C. 6th B. Lists the powers of the citizens
D. 8th C. Limit the rights of citizens
145. Just because a right is not specifically D. Specify the powers of the Goverment
mentioned in the Constitution does not
mean the people are not entitled to that 150. Which religion was chosen in the Bill as
right the Religion of England?
A. 1st Amendment A. Catholic
B. 9th Amendment B. Protestant
C. 5th Amendment C. Jewish
D. 7th Amendment D. Muslim


1.14 Bill of Rights 736

151. This amendment protects your freedom 155. The Amendment state that powers
of speech not specifically assigned to the national
A. 1st Amendment government belong to the states or to the
B. 3rd Amendment
A. Tenth
C. 7th Amendment
B. Seventh
D. 10th Amendment
C. Ninth

152. Which statement accurately summarizes
D. Eighth
the impact of the Wisconsin v. Yoder
(1972) decision? 156. Powers not given to federal government,
A. It upheld the separation of church or prohibited by the Constitution, go to the
and state and clarified the limitations of people and/or the States
state governments under the establish- A. 11th Amendment
ment clause
B. 10th Amendment
B. It emphasized the right of parents to
control the religious upbringing of their C. 4th Amendment
children without state infringement D. 8th Amendment
C. It incorporated the free exercise
clause, protected under the First Amend- 157. One purpose of the Bill of Rights was to
ment, to state and local governments limit the power of the
D. It increased states’ power to place lim- A. citizens
itations on freedom of speech when that B. government
speech creates a “clear and present dan-
ger” C. churches
D. teachers
153. Gideon v. Wainwright
A. You must be read your rights when ar- 158. Right to a trial by jury in civil cases; jury
rested trial allowed in cases involving over $20
B. evidence obtained without a search A. 7th Amendment
warrant must be excluded
B. 8th Amendment
C. you have the right to a lawyer if you
cannot afford one C. 3rd Amendment

D. You have the right to symbolic speech D. 2nd Amendment

while in school
159. Which amendment tells you that you do
154. The police must have a to search your not have to house, or quarter, soldiers
home. without your consent?
A. a good reason A. 2nd amendment
B. a banana split B. 3rd amendment
C. search warrant C. 4th amendment
D. note from Nathan D. 5th amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 737

160. Compelling Amish students to attend 165. Endangering the government in ANY way
school past the eighth grade is illegal is a crime known as


A. Wisconsin v Yoder A. slander
B. Roe v Wade B. libel
C. Tinker v Des Moines C. betrayal
D. McCulloch v Maryland
D. treason
161. Which amendment ensures that law en-
forcement must have probable cause and a 166. If you are caught littering and your bail
warrant before searching your property? is $100, 000 dollars this is a violation of
A. 4th Amendment
A. 2nd amendment
B. 1st Amendment
B. 3rd amendment
C. 5th Amendment
D. 6th Amendment C. 8th amendment
D. 1st amendment
162. Established the supremacy of the US Con-
stitution and federal laws over state laws 167. Which Amendment allows for citizens to
A. Tinker v Des Moines peacefully gather and protest the govern-
B. New York Times v. United States ment?

C. McCulloch v Maryland A. 13th Amendment

D. Marbury v Madison B. 4th Amendment
C. 3rd Amendment
163. Which of the following activity is NOT a
right protected by the 1st amendment. D. 1st Amendment
A. Requiring student to conduct a morn-
168. People gathering in groups protesting
ing prayer before class.
peacefully with the Black Lives Matter
B. Students producing a school newspa- group is an example of what 1st Amend-
per with permission from the principal. ment freedom?
C. Students protesting the president by A. speech
wearing black armbands.
B. assembly
D. Students gathering in the morning to
participate in a mock election. C. petition

164. Which right is NOT protected by the 4th D. press

169. Not being forced to house and care for
A. Right to remain Silent soldiers is protect by what amendment?
B. Protection from unreasonable A. 3rd Amendment
B. 5th Amendment
C. Protection from unreasonable
seizures C. 4th Amendment
D. Warrants must have probable cause D. 1st Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 738

170. rights guaranteed or belonging to a per- A. 6th Amendment

B. 1st Amendment
A. individual rights
C. 9th Amendment
B. safeguard
D. 12th Amendment
C. independent judiciary
D. appellate process 175. With the Amendment, people accused
of a crime have a right to a trial by jury,

171. The Supreme Court has interpreted the the right to an attorney, and the trial must
6th Amendment’s counsel clause to mean be speedy, public, and with an impartial
what? jury.
A. Governments must provide defen- A. Eighth
dants the money to find counsel
B. Sixth
B. All evidence obtained illegally could
not be used in court C. Fifth
C. Governments must provide legal coun- D. Seventh
sel to anyone charged with a crime who
cannot afford a lawyer 176. A customer says that Betty cheated her
out of $2000 at Betty’s store. The cus-
D. A person is allowed to pick any attor-
tomer then sues Betty. Because Betty be-
ney they want
lieves the evidence will prove her innocent,
172. “The powers not delegated to the United she asks the judge for a jury trial. The
States by the Constitution, nor prohibited judge says it would be a waste of time,
by it to the States, are reserved to the and that he will settle the matter himself.
States respectively, or to the people.”- A. 5th amendment
Amendment XThis amendment provides
states with which kind of powers? B. 6th amendment

A. Expressed powers C. 7th amendment

B. Implied powers D. 9th amendment
C. Reserved powers 177. Julie recently got a good job as a legal
D. Concurrent powers secretary. Being a “small town girl, “
the big city scares Julie more than a little.
173. What does the word “amend” mean? To get to work from her apartment, she
A. add to has to drive through a rough neighborhood
B. change where the crime rate is very high. But Julie
carries some comfort with her in the form
C. make better of a handgun her father gave her when she
D. make worse left home for the city.

174. After being accused of a crime, a judge A. 1st

decides you should have to wait in jail for B. 2nd
3 years before he will be able to hear your
C. 4th
case/trial. Which amendment is being vi-
olated? D. 6th


1.14 Bill of Rights 739

178. The first 10 amendments together are 182. Freedom of Speech-The limits on freedom
known as of the press are


A. The Bill of Change A. the government can not practice cen-
B. The Bill of Santa Maria sorship
C. The Bill of Amendments B. It can not ban printed materials or
D. The Bill of Rights films merely because they contain alarm-
ing or offensive ideas
179. The English Bill of Rights contained the
C. all of these
ideas of consent of the governed and in-
dividual rights. Consent of the governed D. Can’t censor information before it is
means published or broadcast
A. the people have no legal rights
183. Which freedoms can be found in the First
B. the king is in charge of everything Amendment?
C. the people agree to and are part of A. speech, press, religion
their government
B. religion, assembly, due process
D. none of above
C. petition, speech, privacy
180. In 1961, students who attended public
schools in Pennsylvania were required to D. press, libel, slander
read at least ten verses from the Bible.
After students finished reading the read- 184. The city of Central had two newspapers.
ings, school officials required that all stu- The Central News often printed articles in
dents recite the Lord’s Prayer. In 1963, favor of the local mayor. The Central Reg-
the Supreme Court heard the case and ister; however, was very critical of him.
ruled that the readings and recitations vi- When the Register wrote that the mayor
olated a provision of the First Amend- might not have the best interests of the
ment.Which of the following constitutional city in mid, the mayor ordered the paper
clauses does this case have in common closed, and it went out of business.
with Engel v. Vitale (1962)? A. 1st
A. The due process clause B. 4th
B. The equal protection clause C. 5th
C. The establishment clause
D. 8th
D. The free exercise clause
185. Introduction-The Bill of Rights places
181. Diana is on trial for battery. The jury
found her not guilty. A few weeks later, A. strict limits on how the national gov-
there was new evidence found that may ernment can use its power over the peo-
link Diana to the crime. Which amendment ple.
protects her from going to trial again? B. civil liberties.
A. 22
C. freedoms we have to think and act
B. 5 without government interference or fear
C. 6 of unfair treatment.
D. 9 D. none of above


1.14 Bill of Rights 740

186. The Northwest Ordinance is considered a 190. A person is sentenced to death for mur-
historical milestone because it- der. The governor chooses to let the per-
son be executed by having him thrown out
A. F. more than doubled the size of the
of an airplane. What amendment has been
United States
B. G. established a method for admitting
A. 22nd Amendment
new states to the Union
B. 8th Amendment
C. H. encouraged state legislatures to

ratify the Constitution C. 4th Amendment

D. J. roposed treaties with American In- D. 9th Amendment

dians to allow the peaceful settlement of
191. I do not like our mayor at all. I think
new territories
he has made some very bad choices and
is not managing our town very well. I’m
187. If a newspaper publishes an article criti-
going to practice my free speech by spray
cizing the President-is it considered libel?
painting a message for the whole town on
A. No it is not libel as long as the article is the mayor’s front door. Do I have a right
not intentionally false. The president can to free speech through vandalism? Which
ask for an apology from the newspaper. Amendment?
B. No it is not libel as long as the article is A. 1st Amendment
not intentionally false. The president can B. 5th Amendment
charge the newspaper a fine.
C. 6th Amendment
C. Yes it is libel; freedom of the press is
limited when it comes to the president. D. No

D. Yes it is libel; the article is slander- 192. “Believing with you that religion is a mat-
ous, and the journalist can be arrested for ter which lies solely between Man & his
speaking out against the president. God, that he owes account to none other
for his faith or his worship, that the legiti-
188. Guarantees the right to jury trial in civil mate powers of government reach actions
suits involving $20.00 or more. only, & not opinions, I contemplate with
sovereign reverence that act of the whole
A. 5th
American people which declared that their
B. 7th legislature should ‘make no law respecting
C. 8th an establishment of religion, or prohibit-
ing the free exercise thereof, ‘ thus build-
D. 9th ing a wall of separation between Church
& State. “Thomas Jefferson, letter to the
189. powers not given to the federal govern- Danbury Baptist Association, 1802Sup-
ment belong to the states porters of Jefferson’s view that the leg-
A. 10th Amendment islature should “make no law respecting
an establishment of religion” could point
B. 2nd Amendment to which of the following cases?
C. 5th Amendment A. Engel v. Vitale
D. 9th Amendment B. Baker v. Carr


1.14 Bill of Rights 741

C. United States v. Lopez 198. Which of the following statements best

D. Wisconsin v. Yoder explains how the ruling in Wisconsin v. Yo-
der (1972) changed the balance of power


193. Which amendment allows you to write an between governments and protection for
article criticizing the government without individual liberties?
getting in trouble for it? A. It enhanced the power of the federal
A. 7th amendment government to place limitations on speech
B. 5th amendment which creates a “clear and present dan-
C. 8th amendment
B. It limited the power of state govern-
D. 1st amendment ments by declaring a state law requiring
194. A group of people going around gather- Amish children to attend school until they
ing signatures to put medicinal marijuana were 16 as a violation of the First Amend-
on the voting ballot is an example of what ment
freedom? C. It limited the power of the federal gov-
A. petition ernment by striking down a school policy
that required the reading of a prayer at
B. press the start of the school day
C. speech D. It enhanced the power of state govern-
D. religion ments by allowing schools to ban symbolic
speech like black armbands to protest a
195. Guarantees the right to bear arms. war
A. 1st
199. Mapp v. United States Ohio
B. 2nd
A. You must be read your rights when ar-
C. 7th rested
D. 8th B. evidence obtained without a search
196. This freedom allows newspapers and warrant must be excluded
television to criticize the government. C. you have the right to a lawyer if you
Which freedom is it? cannot afford one
A. Speech D. You have the right to symbolic speech
B. Press while in school

C. Petition 200. Grand Jury

D. Assembly A. putting someone on trial for a crime of
which he or she was previously acquitted
197. The government forces you to house 5
soldiers in your home. What amendment B. a group of citizens that decides
does not allow this? whether there is sufficient evidence to
accuse someone of a crime
A. 3rd Amendment
C. the right of government to take private
B. 19th Amendment property for public use
C. 6th Amendment D. a sum of money required of voters be-
D. 9th Amendment fore they are permitted to cast a ballot


1.14 Bill of Rights 742

201. Juanita lives near a factory that puts foul- C. no illegal gambling in your house
smelling smoke in the air. Juanita and D. no illegal cruel and unusual punish-
her neighbors call a meeting at Juanita’s ments
house to discuss what they can do about
the smoke. However, the police block the 206. What does the 3rd amendment guaran-
entrance to the home and tell people that tee?
they do not have the right to hold a meet-
A. the right to kill troops if they come into
ing.Right Volated
your house

A. 1st Amendment
B. the right to let troops rent a room from
B. 3rd Amendment you
C. 4th Amendment C. the right to quarter troops, in your
D. 5th Amendment house
D. the right to not quarter troops in your
202. The rights to ask the government to house
change a law is found in which amend-
ment? 207. Was freedom of speech guaranteed in the
A. First Amendment Bill of Rights?

B. Third Amendment A. No

C. Five Amendment B. Yes, in provision 7.

C. No, it had been guaranteed before by
D. Seven
the Magna Carta.
203. The 1st Amendment grants freedom of re- D. The video doesn’t say
ligion, speech, press, and assembly, and
the right to 208. No quartering of soldiers; Protects citi-
zens from being forced to house soldiers
A. attend any school
A. Quartering Act
B. vote in an election
B. 1st Amendment
C. petition the government
C. 5th Amendment
D. disobey unfair laws
D. 3rd Amendment
204. This amendment prohibits the govern-
ment from quartering soldiers. 209. Freedom of the Press-It allows Ameri-
cans to
A. First
A. express themselves in print as well as
B. Fifth
in speech.
C. Second
B. expose a wide variety of viewpoints
D. Third C. harm a person’s reputation
205. What does the 4th Amendment guaran- D. none of above
210. Use the quotation to answer the question.
A. no illegal search and seizure “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused
B. the right for cops to come into your shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public
house unnannounced trial, by an impartial jury. “-excerpt from


1.14 Bill of Rights 743

the U.S. ConstitutionWhich Amendment is 214. Guarantees the right for you to have an
this quotation from? jury in a civil case.


A. Sixth Amendment A. 2nd Amendment
B. First Amendment
B. 4th Amendment
C. Fourth Amendment
C. 7th Amendment
D. Third Amendment
D. 8th Amendment
211. The government CANNOT stop you from
peacefully gathering in clubs or other orga- 215. Amendment four says you need a war-
nizations, including political parties. This rant AND to search your home?
is the freedom
A. permission
A. of the press
B. to assemble B. paper work
C. to petition C. probable cause
D. of speech D. probability
212. The Supreme Court is allowed to nul-
lify an act of the legislative or executive 216. Civil Rights
branch that violates the Constitution. A. the rights of full citizenship and equal-
A. Schenck v United States ity under the law
B. McCulloch v Maryland B. freedoms to think and act without gov-
C. Marbury v Madison ernment interference or fear of unfair le-
gal treatment
D. New York Times v. United States
C. the right of government to take private
213. Mark was accused of committing armed property for public use
robbery in in a neighborhood convenience
store. He was found “not guilty” by a jury D. the right to vote
of his peers. Later on, the store owner
found pictures, proving Marco did it. The 217. Freedom to assemble peacefully
owner takes this evidence to the district
A. 1st
attorney. How will the district attorney
response? B. 2nd
A. With this evidence, Marco will proba- C. 3rd
bly be convicted on his second trial.
D. 4th
B. Marco cannot be convicted because he
was not advised of his right to legal coun-
218. Which amendment guarantees the right
to no cruel and unusual punishments?
C. Marco cannot be tried again because
this would violate the ban on “double jeop- A. Amendment 8
ardy.” B. Amendment 7
D. After seeing this evidence, Marco may
C. Amendment 6
admit his wrong doing and plead guilty to
a lesser charge. D. Amendment 9


1.14 Bill of Rights 744

219. Which Amendment protects you from C. 9th Amendment

having the military stay in your home? D. 4th Amendment
A. First Amendment
224. With which of the following arguments
B. Second Amendment would the authors of The Federalist Papers
C. Third Amendment most likely have agreed?
D. Fourth Amendment A. F. A bill of rights should be included in
the Constitution before it is ratified.

220. The government CANNOT stop newspa- B. G. Having a stronger central govern-
pers, magazines, books, movies, televi- ment will make the country more stable
sion or the internet from presenting any and prosperous.
news, idea and opinions they choose as
long as they do not deliberately tell lies. C. H. The Three-Fifths Compromise will
What freedom is this? result in fair and equal representation.
D. J. Universal suffrage should be consti-
A. speech
tutionally guaranteed.
B. press
225. No free man shall be seized or impris-
C. assembly
oned, or stripped of his rights or posses-
D. petition sions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived
of his standing in any other way, nor will
221. Freedom of Speech-It guarantees that we proceed with force against him, or
send others to do so, except by the law-
A. Any language that incites violence is ful judgement of his equals or by the law
bad! of the land.-Magna Carta, 1215Which po-
litical idea was influenced by this provision
B. face discussions, phone conversa-
of the Magna Carta?
tions, lectures, and radio broadcasts.
A. Federalism
C. we can say what is on our minds. Also
known as freedom of expression B. Due process
D. none of above C. A bicameral legislature
D. The social contract
222. bail can be set and can’t be too high or
punishment too severe 226. No cruel and unusual punishment
A. 2nd Amendment A. 8th
B. 4th Amendment B. 4th
C. 6th Amendment C. 5th

D. 8th Amendment D. 6th

227. Guarantees freedom from testifying
223. Citizens entitled to rights not listed in the
against yourself
Constitution; People have all other rights
even if they are not listed in the Constitu- A. 1st Amendment
tion B. 3rd Amendment
A. 10th Amendment C. 5th Amendment
B. 6th Amendment D. 7th Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 745

228. Speech creating a “clear or present dan- C. Shaw v. Reno (1993)

ger” is not protected D. Schenck v. United States (1919)


A. Tinker v Des Moines
233. A man was arranged immigrate to Amer-
B. Schenck v US ica. and was forced to pay for his travel
C. Citizens United v FEC by working for no pay, and being forced
D. New York Times Co. v US to work whenever their boss says he had
229. Freedom of Religion-Free exercise means A. 6
B. 9
A. Congress can not establish an official
C. 13
D. 14
B. allowing Americans to believe what
they choose. 234. What gives your neighbor the right to
C. People will be treated differently due keep his guns in his possession?
to religious beliefs. A. Amendment 9
D. none of above B. Amendment 11
230. The English Bill of Rights was passed by C. Amendment 2
the D. Amendment 15
A. Parliament of England 235. right to a fair trial, don’t have to speak
B. The 13 American Colonies against yourself
C. The Pope A. 1st Amendment
D. Scotland B. 2nd Amendment

231. The right to a speedy trial and legal coun- C. 4th Amendment
sel are provisions of the; D. 5th Amendment
A. 4th amendment 236. Guarantees your right to confront your
B. 5th amendment accuser and call witnesses
C. 6th amendment A. 10th Amendment
D. 7th amendment B. 4th Amendment
C. 6th Amendment
232. “The character of every act depends
upon the circumstances in which it is D. 8th Amendment
done. The most stringent protection of
237. Police can’t search you or your belong-
free speech would not protect a man in
ings without a good reason (must show
falsely shouting fire in a theatre and caus-
probable cause and obtain a search war-
ing a panic.”Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
Jr.Supporters of Justice Holmes’s argu-
ment could point to which of the following A. 1st Amendment
cases? B. 2nd Amendment
A. Marbury v. Madison (1803) C. 3rd Amendment
B. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) D. 4th Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 746

238. During the Constitutional Convention of 242. a court decision in an earlier case with
1787, George Mason argued- facts and legal issues similar to those in a
A. against increased power for the na- case currently before a court
tional government A. precedent
B. for the dissolution of state govern- B. safeguard
ments C. independent judiciary
C. against the passage of a bill of rights D. appellate process

D. for the creation of a strong executive
243. T he right of a person to refuse to tes-
tify under oath in a court of law on the
239. Mike is in his house watching television grounds that the answers could be used
when two policemen knock at the door. as evidence against him to convict him of
They accuse Mike of having stolen prop- a criminal offense
erty, enter the house, and take several A. rights of the accused
things that they say do not belong to Mike. B. cruel & unusual punishment
When he asks if the policemen have per-
mission to take his things, they just laugh C. freedom to petition the government
and leave with the property. D. pleading the fifth
A. 1st 244. Which of the following is an example of
B. 4th the 1st amendment in real life?
C. 6th A. Turning away soldiers who try to live in
your home during a time of war.
D. 10th
B. Having a trial with a jury
240. “Congress shall make no law respecting
C. Reading a newspaper article which
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
presents two sides of a issue
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the D. Protesting an issue with violent behav-
right of the people peaceably to assemble, ior
and to petition the Government for a re-
245. Which right is protected by the 8th
dress of grievances.”
A. establishment clause
A. No excessive bail or fines
B. free exercise clause B. No excessive trials
C. Elastic Clause C. Right to a lawyer
D. Necessary and Proper clause D. Right to Bear Arms
241. Guarantee of an attorney for the poor or 246. a law that makes an act a crime after the
indigent crime has been committed
A. Wisconsin v Yoder A. ex post facto law
B. Gideon v Wainwright B. habeas corpus
C. Shaw v Reno C. appellate process
D. US v Lopez D. independent judiciary


1.14 Bill of Rights 747

247. The Amendment makes clear that the B. 3

rights spelled out in the Constitution are C. 6
not the only rights of the American people.


D. 9
A. Tenth
B. Seventh 253. Which three rights are guaranteed by the
Bill of Rights?
C. Ninth
A. freedom of speech, right to work, right
D. Eighth to petition the government
248. The Amendment forbids “cruel and B. freedom of speech, freedom of assem-
unusual punishments” meaning the punish- bly, freedom of religion
ment should fit the crime. C. freedom of speech, right to bear arms,
A. Tenth right to vote
B. Seventh D. right to vote, right to work, right to a
speedy trial
C. Ninth
D. Eighth 254. A person is found not guilty of armed rob-
bery. The courts decide to try him again.
249. Protects against “cruel and unusual pun- What amendment does not allow this?
A. 1st
A. 1st
B. 9th
B. 3rd
C. 2nd
C. 5th
D. 5th
D. 8th
255. Guarantees freedom of the press
250. Which amendment gives you the right to
A. 1st Amendment
keep weapons or arms?
B. 9th Amendment
A. First Amendment
C. 5th Amendment
B. Second Amendment
D. 7th Amendment
C. Third Amendment
D. Fourth Amendment 256. Which amendment makes sure you can-
not be tortured by a police officer while
251. A court order allowing police to search you are in jail?
property and seize evidence. A. 10th amendment
A. Writ of Assistance B. 9th amendment
B. Search Warrant C. 8th amendment
C. Probable Cause D. 7th amendment
D. Slander
257. The provision of the 5th amendment that
252. Students wore headbands to school to says the government can take your prop-
protest World War II. Which amendment erty for public use with fair compensation
protects this right? is called;
A. 1 A. Eminent Domain


1.14 Bill of Rights 748

B. Eminem’s Domain D. It enhanced the power of the federal

C. Right to privacy government to suppress the release of
classified information by the press
D. Self-incrimination
262. Forbids unlawful searches and seizures
258. How many times has the Constitution of of persons, homes, and effects without a
the United States been amended? search warrant
A. 22
A. 2nd Amendment

B. 26
B. 4th Amendment
C. 27
C. 6th Amendment
D. 29
D. 8th Amendment
259. States that powers not given to the Fed-
eral government or denied to the States, 263. Introduction-The Bill of Rights protects
are powers reserved for the States.
A. 10th Amendment A. freedom of Americans to practice their
faith as the wish
B. 4th Amendment
B. freedoms
C. 6th Amendment
C. our civil liberties.
D. 8th Amendment
D. none of above
260. When was the original Constitution
signed? 264. Which amendment abolished slavery in
the whole United States?
A. 1791
B. 1920 A. The Emancipation Proclamation

C. 1992 B. The Fifteenth Amendment

D. 1787 C. The Fourteenth Amendment

D. The Thirteenth Amendment
261. Which of the following statements best
explains how the Court’s ruling in Engel 265. Prevents double-jeopardy
v. Vitale (1962) changed the balance be-
A. 2nd
tween governmental power and individual
liberty? B. 6th
A. It limited the power of the federal gov- C. 4th
ernment to limit the press from releasing D. 5th
classified information
B. It enhanced the power of state govern- 266. A student refusing to say the Pledge of
ments by declaring a state law constitu- Allegiance because of the phrase “under
tional that required Amish children to at- God” is an example of what freedom?
tend school until they were 16 A. press
C. It limited the power of state govern- B. speech
ments by striking down a school policy
that required the reading of a prayer at C. religion
the start of the school day D. assembly


1.14 Bill of Rights 749

267. This means to change or alter 272. Where can a description of U.S. citizens’
civil liberties be found?
A. amend


A. Declaration of Independence
B. erase
B. Preamble to the Constitution
C. sparkles
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. constitution
D. Bill of Rights
268. If a person doesn’t want to incriminate
himself, he can plead the 273. How many amendments did the original
Bill of Rights have?
A. Fourth
A. 12
B. Fifth Fifth
B. 0
C. Sixth
C. 4
D. Eighth
D. 10
269. Calvin is accused of writing several bad
274. Case that ruled that schools could not
checks. When he appears before the judge,
hold a prayer at the start of the school day
Calvin asks for help preparing his defense
due to the establishment clause
because he is too poor to afford a lawyer.
The judge tells Calvin that he is sorry he is A. Engel v. Vitale
poor, but Calvin will just have to prepare B. Tinker v. Des Moines
his own case, without any help.
C. Roe v. Wade
A. 1st amendment
D. Gideon v. Wainwright
B. 4th amendment
C. 5th amendment 275. What happened to sovereignity after the
Bill of rights?
D. 6th amendment
A. It remained upon the King
270. Which amendment says “No person shall B. It was taken away from the King and
be deprived of life, liberty, or prop- given to the people
erty, without due process of law”?
C. It was taken away from the King and
A. 10th given to the Parliament
B. 9th D. It was taken away from the Parliament
C. 7th and given to the people

D. 5th 276. A person is found not guilty of armed rob-

bery. The courts decide to put him on trial
271. people have rights not mentioned in the again for the same robbery. Which amend-
Constitution ment would protect him from this?
A. 2nd Amendment A. 2nd Amendment
B. 3rd Amendment B. 3rd Amendment
C. 9th Amendment C. 1st Amendment
D. 8th Amendment D. 5th Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 750

277. Which compromise is made up of ideas 282. Powers not listed directly in the Consti-
from the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey tution belong to the states and the people.
plan? For instance, health care, teacher pensions,
A. The Great Compromise
A. Amendment 10
B. The three-fifths compromise
B. Amendment 8
C. The constitutional compromise
C. Amendment 6
D. The big compromise

D. Amendment 5
278. Right to a fair trial, don’t have to speak
283. Which of the amendments gives people
against yourself (no self incrimination)
the right to bear arms?
A. 1st Amendment A. First
B. 2nd Amendment B. Fifth
C. 4th Amendment C. Second
D. 5th Amendment D. Third

279. If you are held without being formally 284. In Tinker v. Des Moines
charged, which amendment is being vio- A. The Supreme Court decided that stu-
lated? dents can express themselves any way
A. 5th Amendment they want at school
B. 4th Amendment B. The Supreme Court decided that stu-
dents can express themselves any way
C. 6th Amendment they want at school as long as it doesn’t
D. 7th Amendment create a distraction
C. Students can ask their principals to
280. Established the principle of JUDICIAL RE- change school rules.
D. Students can’t ask their principals to
A. Texas v. Johnson change school rules.
B. Marbury v. Madison
285. Jackie is 18 years old. She wants to vote
C. Gideon v. Wainwright for the first time in the 2016 presidential
election, but the was denied because they
D. Miranda v. Arizona
think she is too young.
281. A person is arrested but never sees a A. 22
judge or courtroom. He is kept in jails for B. 24
18 months. What amendment was vio-
lated? C. 19

A. 7th D. 26

B. 8th 286. I was arrested 12 months ago. I’ve

been accused of speeding, but I haven’t
C. 6th
been given an opportunity to defend my-
D. 10th self against the charge. I think they’re just


1.14 Bill of Rights 751

going to leave me in this jail forever! Do B. 19th Amendment

I have a right to a speedy and fair trial?
C. 10th Amendment
Which Amendment?


A. 1st Amendment D. 8th Amendment

B. 5th Amendment 291. Which of the Amendments protects Amer-

C. 6th Amendment icans from unreasonable searches and
D. No
A. First
287. Which amendment guarantees that peo-
ple possess more rights than the ones B. Second
listed in the Constitution? C. Third
A. 9th Amendment
D. Fourth
B. 10th Amendment
C. 8th Amendment 292. The Second, Third, and Fourth amend-
ments all help protect..
D. 3rd Amendment
A. American citizens in criminal cases.
288. Freedom of Religion-The limits on free-
dom of religion are? B. Americans against abuses of power by
government officials and their representa-
A. Establishment clauses tives
B. People will be treated differently due
C. Americans from self incrimation.
to religious beliefs.
C. the government may not favor one re- D. Americans basic freedoms.
ligion over another.
293. Which one of the following is not a guar-
D. none of above anteed freedom found in the First Amend-
289. Unalienable Rights * Life * Liberty * Pur-
suit of happiness The rights listed above A. Right to own a gun
B. Right to freedom of Speech
A. F. established by a series of Supreme
Court decisions C. Right to petition the government

B. G. defined by Thomas Jefferson in the D. Right to assemble peacefully

Declaration of Independence
294. Bree lives in an area where there have
C. H. established by the ratification of the
been seven robberies in her apartment
U.S. Constitution
building this past year. She wants to buy
D. J. defined by President George Wash- a gun to protect herself against any rob-
ington in his Farewell Address bers.
290. Which Amendment protects you from A. 3
having your fingernails pulled off while de- B. 1
tained in a tub of electric jellyfish for a
crime you have committed? C. 6
A. 3rd Amendment D. 2


1.14 Bill of Rights 752

295. Does not allow excessive fines as punish- B. New York Times Co. v US
C. Engel v Vitale
A. 2nd Amendment
D. Wisconsin v Yoder
B. 4th Amendment
C. 6th Amendment 301. The right to privacy is a right not specifi-
cally listed in the Constitution, therefore it
D. 8th Amendment
automatically goes to the people. This is
due to the amendment.

296. Which amendment gave equal protection
of the law to African Americans, it made A. 8th
them Citizens?
B. 9th
A. 15th Amendment
C. 10th
B. 11th Amendment
D. 1st
C. 14th Amendment
D. 13th Amendment 302. The government cannot force you to
297. What document guarantees the rights of A. go to court
all citizens in the United States? B. testify against your friends
A. Student Handbook C. take care of soldiers in your home ac-
B. U.S. Constitution cording to the third amendment
C. The Declaration of Independence D. eat liver and onions
D. Mesa City Charter
303. Police officer Domagala entered the
298. Which amendment states that bails and Daugherty residence without permission
fines cannot be too much, and that punish- looking for evidence. They were sus-
ments cannot be cruel and unusual? pects in the theft of their neighbors garden
A. 3rd gnomes. Problem:Officer Domagala never
received this first;
B. 8th
A. Eviction notice
C. 9th
B. Eminent Domain notice
D. 10th
C. Search Warrant
299. the principle that the government has to
provide a cause or reason for holding a per- D. Arrest Warrant
son in jail
304. Freedom of Speech-The issues surround-
A. independent judiciary ing freedom of the press are
B. safeguard A. peaceful demonstrations can turn vio-
C. ex post facto law lent
D. habeas corpus B. Lies can not be spread that harm a per-
son’s reputation. libel-printed lies
300. Schools cannot sponsor religious activi-
ties C. any meeting that is not peaceful
A. McCulloch v Maryland D. none of above


1.14 Bill of Rights 753

305. Paul owned a handgun for his protection. 310. you don’t have to provide housing to a
He purchased it legally and has paperwork soldier
for it. Which right and amendment allows


A. 3rd Amendment
him to own his gun?
B. 1st Amendment
A. Protection from illegal seizures; 4th
Amendment C. 10th Amendment
B. Freedom from self-incrimination; 5th D. 5th Amendment
311. A jury of your peers means having a jury
C. Right to bear arms; 2 Amendment
made up of people ,
D. Due process; 5th Amedment
A. of the same race as the accused
306. Which of the following is NOT protected
B. of the same social status of the ac-
by the 1st Amendment?
A. Right to own Guns
C. of the same gender of the accused.
B. Free Speech
D. who are also Americans.
C. Free Press
D. Right to Petition 312. Which amendment protects you from hav-
ing police officers come in to search your
307. The fifth amendment protection from be- home without a warrant?
ing tried for the same crime twice is known
as A. 5th amendment
A. self-incrimination B. 3rd amendment
B. double jeopardy C. 8th amendment
C. slander D. 4th amendment
D. libel
313. Which amendment protects you from po-
308. Political spending by corporations, asso- lice officers searching your house without
ciations, and labor unions is protected and a warrant?
cannot be limited by law. A. 4th Amendment
A. Schenck v United States
B. 5th Amendment
B. Gideon v Wainwright
C. 6th Amendment
C. McCulloch v Maryland
D. 7th Amendment
D. Citizens United v FEC
314. Which phrases would not be protected by
309. Which of the following would be an ex-
the first amendment? (choose ALL that ap-
ample of symbolic speech?
A. Holding a political rally on the steps of
the statehouse A. “I don’t like the President.”
B. Debating politics with your next door B. “FIRE!” (Ha, ha-not really).
neighbor C. “I’m going to hurt you.”
C. Writing a letter to the editor D. Publishing lies about another person
D. Burning a U.S. flag (libel)


1.14 Bill of Rights 754

315. Guarantees freedom of religion 320. This fifth amendment right defines a sys-
A. 1st Amendment tem of justice that follows established
rules and principles (ex. suspects being
B. 3rd Amendment read their Miranda Rights).
C. 5th Amendment
A. due process
D. 7th Amendment
B. self-incrimination
316. You must be given , if you have been C. double jeopardy

D. eminent domain
A. bail
B. milk and cookies. 321. Darius gets arrested and held and isn’t
C. lawyer told his complete list of charges. Which
concept represents this
D. a pillow
A. A writ of habeas corpus
317. There was a huge disruption in a major
city. Many troops were called in to help B. Ex post facto laws
monitor the situation; however, there are C. Trial by Jury
no places in the area to house or feed the
troops. The residents of the city were D. Freedom of Petition
forced to provide food and shelter for the
troops. 322. Forbids excessive fines as punishment
A. 4 A. 2nd Amendment
B. 12 B. 4th Amendment
C. 3 C. 6th Amendment
D. 7 D. 8th Amendment
318. is the belief that the government gets
323. This amendment says that powers not
its power from the people.
held by the U.S. Government belong to
A. Rule of Law states.
B. Popular Sovereignity A. 4th Amendment
C. Checks and balances
B. 9th Amendment
D. Federalism
C. 6th Amendment
319. What was the first rule contained in the
D. 10th Amendment
Bill of Rights?
A. The crown had to respect the law 324. Protects the right of a woman to have an
B. The crown should have no interference abortion
with the law A. Shaw v Reno
C. No army may be kept in peace time B. Roe v Wade
without consent of Parliament
C. Engel v Vitale
D. The crown may not create new taxes
without the approval of Parliament D. Engel v Vitale


1.14 Bill of Rights 755

325. Mike is in his house watching television A. the right to due process of law in the
when two police officers knock at the door. 14th Amendment
They accuse Mike of having stolen prop-


B. the right to assistance of legal counsel
erty, enter the house, and take several in the 6th Amendment
things that they say do not belong to Mike.
When he asks if the police officers have C. the right to the equal protection of the
permission to take his things, they just laws in the 14th Amendment
laugh and leave with the property. Right D. the right against unreasonable
violated searches and seizures in the 4th Amend-
A. 1st Amendment ment
B. 2nd Amendment 329. Segregation
C. 4th Amendment A. following established legal procedures
D. 5th Amendment B. a sum of money required of voters be-
326. Eminent Domain fore they are permitted to cast a ballot

A. the banning of printed materials or C. unfair treatment based on prejudice

films due to alarming or offensive ideas against a certain group
B. the social separation of the races D. the social separation of the races
C. unfair treatment based on prejudice 330. The government lacked money to sup-
against a certain group port the nation’s military forces. To save
D. the right of government to take private money, General Pulp ordered that troops
property for public use be placed in the homes of people living
close to military bases. Midge lived next
327. Petition to an army base, and two soldiers moved
A. a formal request for government ac- into her house, even though she did not
tion; or, a process by which candidates want them there. Right violated
who are not affiliated with one of the two A. 1st Amendment
major parties can get on the ballot for the
general election in most states B. 3rd Amendment

B. written untruths that are harmful to C. 4th Amendment

someone’s reputation D. 5th Amendment
C. putting someone on trial for a crime of
331. means that a person found not guilty
which he or she was previously acquitted
in a trial cannot be charged again for the
D. the rights of full citizenship and equal- same crime.
ity under the law
A. eminent domain
328. While Rebecca was at school, police offi- B. due process of the law
cers broke into her home and took her cell-
C. double jeopardy
phone. They did not have a warrant and
there was no reason to believe that Re- D. none of these
becca had broken any laws. Rebecca was
not avoiding the police or planning to move 332. Right to Keep and Bear Arms for self-
away from his home. Which right did the defense applies to states
police officers violate? A. Engel v Vitale


1.14 Bill of Rights 756

B. McDonald v Chicago B. 16
C. Shaw v Reno C. 4
D. US v Lopez D. 21
333. What is a law that makes an act a crime
338. Why does the U.S. Supreme Court con-
after the crime has been committed
tinue to debate the constitutionality of the
A. Ex post facto death penalty?

B. Habeas corpus A. Citizens are protected from unreason-
C. Miranda rights able search and seizure
D. safeguard B. Citizens are protected from cruel and
unusual punishment
334. Why was the Bill of Rights written?
C. Citizens are protected against double
A. to establish a republican government
in America
B. to guarantee individual freedoms D. Citizens are protected against unfair
against abuse of power trials

C. to announce the reasons for separat- 339. If someone tells lies about someone to
ing from Great Britain harm that person’s reputation, that person
D. to establish a stronger central govern- can be charged with
ment in the United States. A. slander
335. Who is most likely to file an amicus curiae B. libel
C. treason
A. The litigant
D. none of these
B. An interest group
C. Congress 340. Guarantees the right to a speedy and fair
D. The President
A. 1st Amendment
336. police can’t search you or your belongings
without a good reason (warrant) B. 9th Amendment
A. 1st Amendment C. 6th Amendment
B. 2nd Amendment D. 7th Amendment
C. 3rd Amendment
341. Establishment Clause
D. 4th Amendment
A. prohibits Congress from establishing
337. Billbo Bob had been arrested many times an official religion in the U.S.
for selling illegal substances. He was
B. protects t he freedom to practice their
suspected of organizing an illegal scheme
faith as they wish
to sell more goods. The police secured
a search warrant that allowed them to C. the right of government to take private
search for substances in his home. property for public use
A. 7 D. the right to vote


1.14 Bill of Rights 757

342. Which amendment allows you to see a 347. You have the right to cross-examine wit-
judge in a short amount of time? nesses against you.


A. 8th amendment A. 7th
B. 7th amendment B. 6th
C. 6th amendment C. 5th
D. 5th amendment D. 4th
343. Tinker b. Ties 348. Public school students have the right to
A. You must be read your rights when ar- wear black armbands in school to protest
rested; you have the right to remain silent the vietnam War
B. evidence obtained without a search A. Tinker v Des Moines
warrant must be excluded B. Wisconsin v Yoder
C. you have the right to a lawyer if you C. US v Lopez
cannot afford one
D. McDonald v Chicago
D. You have the right to symbolic speech
while in school 349. As punishment for accidentally breaking
my neighbor’s window, I have to replace
344. Slander
all the windows that break in our town for
A. a group of citizens that decides the next year while wearing a silly hat
whether there is sufficient evidence to and embarrassing outfit! Do I have a right
accuse someone of a crime to fight my punishment? Which Amend-
B. written untruths that are harmful to ment?
someone’s reputation A. 1st Amendment
C. spoken untruths that are harmful to B. 7th Amendment
someone’s reputation
C. 8th Amendment
D. putting someone on trial for a crime of
D. No
which he or she was previously acquitted

345. The right to have a is in the second 350. If accused of a crime, a U.S. citizen has
amendment. the right to

A. education A. a speedy trial and a lawyer

B. a weapon for protection B. choose twelve jurors

C. no homework. C. move to another country
D. party at Omar’s house D. choose a judge

346. Guarantees freedom from quartering sol- 351. Habeas corpus means the government
diers in our homes must explain why
A. 1st Amendment A. the King is above the law
B. 3rd Amendment B. it is holding someone in jail
C. 5th Amendment C. there are 3 branches of government
D. 7th Amendment D. none of above


1.14 Bill of Rights 758

352. The Bill of Rights was written for several C. 5th

reasons. Which reason belongs in the list D. 6th
A. It forces any citizen to testify in court. 357. The government lacked money to sup-
port the nations’ military forces. To save
B. It more clearly defines the rights of cit- money, General Pulp ordered that troops
izens. be placed in the homes of people living
C. It identifies which religion citizens close to military bases. Midge lived next
to an army base, and two soldiers moved

should choose.
D. It grants anyone, regardless of age, into her house, even though she did not
the right to carry a gun. want them there.
A. 2nd
353. What is the term for having access to the
B. 3rd
legal system?
C. 5th
A. Due Process
D. 6th
B. Due Proceedings
C. Due Principles 358. Harming someone’s reputation by print-
ing/writing lies
D. Due Perception
A. slander
354. What is one reason that your First
B. libel
Amendment rights may be limited?
C. censorship
A. Speaking out against the government
D. petition
B. Printing a negative news story about a
political scandal 359. Amendment four says you need a war-
C. Yelling fire in a crowded theater and rant or probable cause to execute search
causing danger to everyone inside and

D. Passing out religious materials in pub- A. Saviors

lic B. Sharing

355. Powers, like health care & education, not C. Seizures

listed directly in the Constitution are re- D. Slavery
served to the states according to which
360. The Bill of Rights
A. protects us from the government
A. Amendment 10
B. protects our civil liberties
B. Amendment 8
C. all of these answers are correct
C. Amendment 6
D. none of above
D. Amendment 5
361. Guarantees Freedom of Speech
356. The government says that states can’t
decide to build roads in their state. What A. 1st Amendment
amendment has been violated? B. 3rd Amendment
A. 10th C. 5th Amendment
B. 8th D. 7th Amendment


1.14 Bill of Rights 759

362. Freedom of religion 367. Every person has the right to ask the gov-
A. 1st ernment to change or fix something-orally
or in writing. This is the freedom


B. 2nd
A. of the press
C. 3rd
B. to petition
D. 4th
C. to assemble
363. Freedom of Speech-It ensures that D. of speech
A. any meeting that is not peaceful
368. Congress can’t use the commerce clause
B. the American people are exposed to a to make possession of a gun in a school
wide variety of viewpoints zone a federal crime
C. everyone is tired at the end of the A. Tinker v Des Moines
B. Gideon v Wainwright
D. none of above
C. Marbury v Madison
364. I am a Buddhist, which means that I prac- D. US v Lopez
tice the religion of Buddhism. I just moved
to a new town that has banned all religion. 369. We are allowed to speak our opinion
The sheriff has threatened to arrest me if about the government without getting in
I don’t take an oath against religion. Do trouble because of the
I have a right to practice religion? Which A. 9th amendment
B. 10th amendment
A. 1st Amendment
C. 4th amendment
B. 5th Amendment
D. 1st amendment
C. 6th Amendment
D. No 370. The Amendment provides the free-
dom of speech, religion, the press, the
365. Protects five freedoms:Freedom of Reli- right to petition, and freedom of assem-
gion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Peti- bly.
tion A. First
A. 2nd Amendment B. Fifth
B. 7th Amendment C. Second
C. 1st Amendment D. Third
D. 5th Amendment
371. When workers go on strike and peace-
366. Prohibits the quartering of soldiers in fully demonstrate, they are practicing their
homes in peacetime. right to
A. 1st A. petition
B. 3rd B. religion
C. 5th C. assemble
D. 6th D. press


1.15 Citizenship 760

372. Freedom of Religion-It protects the free- 374. The right of the government to take pri-
dom of? vate property, usually land, for public use.
A. Americans to practice their faith as the A. Due Process
wish B. Bail
B. Americans to believe what they C. Self-incrimination
D. Eminent Domain
C. Americans to be able to convert to an-

other religion 375. Right to a jury trial in Civil cases.

D. none of above A. 5th Amendment

B. 11th Amendment
373. How is the 7th Amendment different C. 7th Amendment
from the 6th Amendment?
D. 10th Amendment
A. Civil trials are not public; criminal tri-
als are. 376. Legal steps that must be followed and
that all citizens must be treated the same
B. Civil trials are not given a jury, criminal
under the law
trials always are.
A. eminent domain
C. Civil trials are not speedy, criminal tri-
als are. B. indictment

D. Civil trials are not always brought by C. Probable cause

the government, criminal trials are. D. due process

1.15 Citizenship
1. SS.7.C.2.12Maria is very upset that other B. read a newspaper and volunteer at the
students at her school are throwing lit- local food bank
ter on the school grounds. Which step
C. get a driver’s license and purchase
should Maria probably take first to solve
real estate property
this problem?
A. speak to her parents about changing D. go to college and start a career
her school
3. . The passage below describes a court
B. write a letter to her Florida Represen- decision The Burlingame Treaty (1870) al-
tative and Senator lowed the U.S. to deny citizenship to per-
C. speak to an attorney about filing a law- sons born in the U.S. whose parents were
suit against her school born outside the U.S. The U.S. Supreme
Court granted writ of certiorari to a case
D. hold an after-school meeting with
challenging the constitutionality of the
other concerned students
treaty. How did the court apply the 14th
2. Which of the following includes two ways Amendment to decide this case?
that Americans can participate in their A. To deny a native person citizenship
democracy? rights does not support constitutional
A. vote and run for office principles.


1.15 Citizenship 761

B. A naturalized citizen possesses all the B. African

rights of a native citizen according to the C. European


D. Asian
C. Persons born outside the U.S. are not
permitted to pursue citizenship because 8. Is this person a citizen, eligible for natural-
they are unemployed. ization or must wait to apply:I was born
D. Persons born outside the U.D. are not in the Philippines, but I’ve been living in
permitted to pursue citizenship because the US for 6 years, I’m 28 yrs old.
they do not own property. A. Citizen
4. An important right and responsibility of all B. Eligible
citizens is to C. wait
A. obey traffic laws
D. none of above
B. vote in elections
9. When is America’s Independence Day?
C. pay taxes
D. serve on a jury A. July 1
B. July 3
5. Jeffrey works for a local government. He
has never paid much attention to what C. July 4
was happening in his community because D. July 10
he is busy working, going to college
at night and coaching his son’s baseball 10. Every American citizen gets to enjoy the
team. He has always thought of him- rights guaranteed by the
self as a good respectful citizen that pays A. Declaration of Independence
taxes.According to the scenario above, Jef-
frey has NOT fulfilled his responsibility as B. U.S. Constitution
a citizen to C. Emancipation Proclamation
A. Pay Taxes D. Articles of Confederation
B. Respect Others
11. In what type of government is the power
C. Attend School held by an individual or group who is not
D. Be Informed accountable for the wants of the citizens?

6. Who were the colonists from England? A. Authoritarianism

A. Native Americans B. Constitutional Monarchy

B. Pilgrims C. Direct Democracy

C. Plymouth D. Unitarian
D. French 12. Which is the best example of a model citi-
zen’s civic participation?
7. America’s citizens have a rich ancestry.
However, in today’s modern America, A. making contributions to political cam-
which ancestry is not among the top paigns and attending school
three? B. following basic traffic laws and paying
A. Hispanic bills on time


1.15 Citizenship 762

C. volunteering in the community and vot- 18. A man was caught on tape robbing a gas
ing in elections station. He was arrested, brought to trial,
D. reading a newspaper regularly and at- and found guilty of burglary. He was sen-
tending religious services tences to 5 years in prison and a fine.
A. Criminal Law
13. Which state does not border Mexico
B. Civil Law
A. California
C. Military Law
B. Nevada

D. Juvenile Law
C. Texas
D. Arizona 19. What happened at the Constitutional Con-
14. Relying on yourself and using your own re-
A. The Constitution was written.
sources (money). What trait of a citizen is
this? B. The Constitution was ratified.
A. Trustworthiness C. The Magna Carta was signed.
B. Patriotism D. The Declaration of Independence was
C. Participation in elections as an in- written.
formed voter
20. American citizens are connected because
D. Self-Reliance they share (Check all that apply.)
15. To become a citizen of the United States, A. Experiences
an immigrant must have been in the US at B. Values
least years.
C. Diversity
A. 1
D. Naturalization
B. 3
C. 7 21. Who received the right to citizenship be-
fore 1860?
D. 5
A. African Americans
16. Carlos was naturalized in 2009. This B. white males
means that he-
C. Asians
A. was born in the United States
D. Native Americans
B. was denied the right to vote
C. was granted the rights of United 22. “All persons born or naturalized in the
States citizenship United States, and subject to the jurisdic-
tion thereof, are citizens of the United
D. was asked to leave the United States
States and of the state wherein they re-
17. Which of these is not a state power? side. “What is this describing?
A. provide schooling and education A. Defining U.S. Citizenship
B. provide protection (police) B. Defining responsibilities of citizens.
C. provide safety (fire departments) C. Defining roles of government
D. Declare War D. none of above


1.15 Citizenship 763

23. Which of the following is a word that C. Plaintiff

means to betray your country? D. Bailiff


A. taxes
28. Which of these is one of the legal require-
B. treason ments for becoming a citizen?
C. patriotism A. Registering to vote
D. citizenship B. Paying income taxes
24. What is the process of becoming a U.S. cit- C. Having relatives in the United States
izen called? D. Taking an oath of allegiance to the
A. Immigration country
B. Assimilation 29. In Williamsburg, Virginia, a group held a
C. Urbanization meeting to discuss supporting a candidate
who was running for mayor. Which consti-
D. Naturalization tutional right allowed this meeting to take
25. Martin was born in San Diego, California.
He joined the Navy and was sent to Italy. A. The right to a trial by jury
He married Bianca, an American attending B. Freedom of assembly
college in Italy. Martin and Bianca had
C. Freedom of the press
a daughter. When Martin left the Navy,
he and his family returned to California. D. The right to vote
What happened to Martin’s daughter?
30. In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in
A. She was sent back to Italy. the case that African-Americans were
B. She was granted resident alien status never intended to be citizens.
because she had not yet been naturalized. A. Plessy vs. Ferguson
C. She was allowed to enter the country B. Brown vs. Board of Education
because her parents were citizens, even
C. Dred Scott vs. Sandford
though she was not.
D. African-Americans vs. U.S. Govern-
D. She was allowed to enter the country ment
because she was a citizen.
31. What type of immigrant policy did the U.S.
26. What is a plan for collecting and spending have until the 1880s?
A. Open Shore Policy
A. Budget
B. Whites Only Policy
B. Congress
C. Strict Numbers Policy
C. Agenda
D. Political Refugees Policy
D. Referendum
32. The things that citizens are required to do
27. The person who is sued in civil court or on in order to not face legal consequences are
trial in criminal court called:
A. Defendant A. Responsibilities
B. Attorney B. Duties


1.15 Citizenship 764

C. Rights C. a dictatorship
D. Liberties D. an oligarchy
33. Which one is an example of trying to use
38. What do you call the first 10 amendments
education to make a change?
to the Constitution?
A. Cotton gin
A. the Bill of Rights
B. “I have a dream” speech by MLK jr
B. the Preamble of Rights

C. Mr. Finkill’s jokes
C. The Freedom of Rights
D. none of above
D. The Declaration of Independence
34. What is one major difference between the
responsibility to pay taxes and the respon- 39. What is the minimum age to be the presi-
sibility to vote? dent?
A. citizens who vote don’t have to pay A. 25
B. 30
B. citizens must pay taxes every year, but
only vote once a year C. 35
C. all citizens have to vote, but only adults D. 40
have to pay taxes
D. all citizens must pay taxes but voting is 40. People who are not born in the U.S. but
only encouraged can still obtain citizenship.
A. oath
35. Voting is a
A. right B. allegiance
B. responsibility C. naturalization
C. right and responsibility D. citizenship
D. none of above
41. Citizens have that are protected by the
36. Place these steps to naturalization in or- laws.
der:A) Citizenship test; B) Oath ceremony; A. responsibilities
C) Immigration interview
B. cars
A. C, A, B
B. B, C, A C. houses
C. C, B, A D. rights
D. B, A, C
42. What stops one branch of government
37. Some nations in the Middle East have Is- from becoming too powerful?
lam as the state religion. Their citizens A. the military
must practice this religion. What kind of
government do these nations have? B. the Bill of Rights
A. a monarchy C. checks and balances
B. a theocracy D. . the Federal Reserve


1.15 Citizenship 765

43. Why was the Homestead Act of 1862 im- B. declared equal rights for women
portant? C. declared freedom from Great Britain


A. It promised free land to those who D. declared an end to the war with Great
lived on the land for five years and made Britain
48. The last step in the process of becoming a
B. This act allowed immigrants from any
citizen is to
country to enter the U.S. with no questions
asked for a period of 2 years. A. have a crazy party
C. As a result of World War I this act gave B. take the oath of allegence
German citizens the right to come to the C. buy a jacked up truck and slap an
U.S. without a visa. American flag sticker on it
D. The Homestead Act of 1862 guaran- D. prove your loyalty by getting a ‘merica
teed every new citizen a home in return tattoo
for military service.
49. SS.7.C.2.2Which action is a legal obliga-
44. What is the most common way to qualify tion of U.S. citizenship?
for a visa? A. voting in all Presidential elections
A. lottery system B. serving on a jury when summoned
B. family-based immigration C. supporting one’s parents in their old
C. employment age
D. keeping informed about major public
D. refugee status
45. Alexandra’s father is a citizen of France
50. What song is the national anthem for the
and her mother is a citizen of the United
Kingdom. Alexandra was born in Michi-
gan. According to the Fourteenth Amend- A. Old Glory
ment, Alexandra would be: B. American the Beautiful
A. Only a citizen of France C. The Star Spangled Banner
B. A citizen of the United States D. This Land is Your Land
C. A U.S. national, but not a citizen 51. individuals may peacefully gather
D. Only a citizen of the United Kingdom A. relgion
46. Which of the following is both a right and B. press
a responsibility? C. petition
A. voting in an election D. assembly
B. obeying the law 52. Which amendment to the Constitution
C. celebrating a religious holiday states that the two ways to become a U.S.
citizen are:1. Born in the country 2. Nat-
D. getting good grades in school
uralization (legal process of obtaining citi-
47. What did the Declaration of Independence zenship)
do? A. 1st Amendment
A. declared freedom for the slaves B. 8th Amendment


1.15 Citizenship 766

C. 14th Amendment 58. An immigrant who wishes to go through

D. The U.S. Constitution stated that from the process to become a U.S. citizen must
the beginning. A. know how to speak and write basic En-
53. Question*Another word for “loyalty” is B. have lived in the US at least 8 years.
C. pass a high school equivalency test
A. citizenship
D. be at least 21 years old

B. naturalization
59. A person who comes to a country to live
C. allegiance there permanently is a(n)
D. constitution A. resident
54. Which city is most likely to be the birth- B. immigrant
place of a naturalized U.S. citizen? C. alien
A. New York, New York D. none of above
B. Sulphur, Louisiana 60. Families, churches, and schools in the
C. Seattle, Washington United States are examples of what type
of institution?
D. Belfast, Ireland
A. Social
55. actions of a citizen that are voluntary; B. Government
these actions strengthen the nation and
C. Personal
our democracy.
D. Public
A. rights
B. responsibilities 61. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
A. 13 wars fought
C. duties
B. 13 original colonies
D. the draft
C. 13 territories received from Great
56. Which group has always had the right to Britain
vote? D. 13 presidents
A. White people
62. What is the difference between a DUTY
B. White property owners and a RESPONSIBILITY?
C. Property Owners A. A duty is something you should doA
responsibility is something most people
D. Original colonists
don’t do.
57. A jury is B. A duty is something you have to doA
A. a person who volunteers without pay responsibility is something you must do
C. A duty is something you have to do or
B. a group of people to decide in a legal
will get punishedA responsibility is some-
thing you should do
C. a person who pays taxes D. A duty is something you should doA re-
D. a person who goes to school sponsibility is something you have to do


1.15 Citizenship 767

63. In the United States, the draft would most 69. A person who is someone’s equal in age
likely be implemented during and situation is called a?


A. peace time A. Oath
B. tsunami B. Citizen
C. wartime C. Peer
D. hurricane D. Visa.
64. what is a way you can participate in our 70. What is the reason for this rule? You must
democracy? wear your mask at school.
A. join a political party
A. To provide safety and order.
B. ignore politics
B. To assign responsibility.
C. not serve on a jury
C. To protect citizens’ rights.
D. ignore the press
D. none of above
65. The Bill of Rights is:
71. A legal notification to appear in court.
A. The Oath of Office
A. Subpoena
B. the Declaration of Independence
C. the first 10 Amendments B. Summons

D. none of above C. Wage Assignment

D. Restraining Order
66. Every July 4, Americans celebrate
A. the U.S. National Anthem 72. The events below describe the use of a
government document. “Laura was born
B. Independence Day
in France and lived in France until she im-
C. a crime called treason migrated to the U.S. at age 21. At age 25,
D. the Selective Service Laura visited Morocco on vacation.” Why
did Laura use a U.S. passport to travel?
67. To be naturalized, you need to 1) be over
18 years old, 2) be a resident for 5 years, A. Laura was a resident alien of the U.S.
3) be of good moral character, 4) speak B. Laura was a resident national of the
English, and U.S.
A. have a college degree C. Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of
B. have voted in the last election soil
C. pass a civics test D. Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of
D. marry a U.S. citizen blood.

68. The two ways to obtain citizenship are 73. If you are a U.S. citizen and want to travel
birth and around the world, you would need
A. naturalization A. a passport
B. naturalism B. a plane ticket
C. federalism C. a drivers license
D. nationalize D. none of above


1.15 Citizenship 768

74. The war fought between the North and the 79. Which was NOT a reason the colonists
South fought the British?
A. Mexican-American War A. taxes
B. Spanish American War B. Quartering of soldiers
C. Civil War C. wanted self-government
D. Infinity War D. The king was dying with no one next in

75. The statement below is from a histori-
cal document:I hereby declare that I 80. Identify the duties from the list below.
will support and defend the Constitution (SELECT THREE ANSWERS)
and laws of the United States of America
against all enemies, foreign and domestic A. voting
The person making this oath is promis- B. obeying the laws
ing to support which of the following re-
C. obeying the military draft
sponsibilities of citizenship?
A. Voting D. freedom of religion

B. Serving the Military E. serving jury duty

C. Obeying the law 81. What is the first step in selecting US citi-
D. Paying Taxes zens to serve as members of a jury?
A. Possible jury members receive a court
76. What is the name of the US National
B. All possible jury members must report
A. The Pledge of Allegiance
to the court.
B. The Stars and Stripes Forver
C. Judges and lawyers choose the mem-
C. The Star Spangled Banner bers of the jury.
D. God Bless America D. The names of possible jurors are cho-
77. What is it called when someone has citi- sen at random.
zenship in more than one country?
82. Which war was not fought in the 1900s
A. multiple citizenship
A. WW1
B. there is no such thing
C. double citizenship
C. Korean War
D. dual citizenship
D. Civil War
78. A government document that authorizes a
person to visit or live in the country for a 83. Any person not a citizen or national of a
specified period of time. country is known as an
A. birth certificate A. Immigrant
B. permanent residence B. Alien
C. visa C. Emigrant
D. passport D. Resident Alien


1.15 Citizenship 769

84. Base your answer to the following ques- 88. Which Amendment explains citizens who
tion on the poem excerpt below and on are born and naturalized citizens?
your knowledge of citizenship and immi-


A. no Amendment explains citizenship
gration. “Keep ancient lands, your sto-
ried pomp!” cries she With silent lips. B. 13th Amendment
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your hud- C. 14th Amendment
dled masses yearning to breathe free, The
wretched refuse of your teeming shore. D. 15th Amendment
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost
to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden 89. A person who is born in any of the 50
door!”-Emma Lazarus, “The New Colos- states, in any territory or on a military
sus, “ 1883 Which attitude about immi- base is a
gration is reflected in this poem, which is A. Naturalized citizen
inscribed on the Statue of Liberty?
B. Legal alien
A. People from all nations should be wel-
comed. C. Refugee
B. Educated professionals should be D. Natural born citizen
given preference.
90. Someone who is a legal member of a coun-
C. Educated professionals should be try with certain rights, obligations, and re-
given preference. sponsibilities is a(n)
D. The influx of unskilled people should be
A. immigrant
B. citizen
85. Who vetoes bills?
C. representative
A. Congress
D. alien
B. The President
C. The Vice President 91. Which is NOT an amendment about who
D. Senators can vote
A. Citizens eighteen (18) and older
86. Which rule is part of the naturalization pro-
cess? B. You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to
A. Be at least 18 years old
B. have a green card for five years C. A male citizen of any race (can vote).

C. live in the US for five years D. Females have to be 21 to vote

D. all of the above 92. What law automatically makes a baby
born on American soil an American citi-
87. Which is not a right in the Declaration of
A. Life A. The Law of Blood

B. Property B. Birthright citizenship

C. Liberty C. The Bill of Rights
D. Pursuit of happiness D. The Law of the Soil


1.15 Citizenship 770

93. Complexity:Moderate Which individual is 98. The process that someone can become an
automatically entitled to U.S. citizenship? American citizen after going through a pro-
A. a French architect who is hired to work cess to achieve citizenship.
in Florida A. Immigration
B. a child of Canadian parents who is B. Naturalization
born in Michigan
C. Propagation
C. a child of Mexican parents whose
D. Materilization

scholarship allows him to attend school in
99. The color of the stripes on the flag are:
D. a woman from China whose daughter
marries an American man in Pennsylvania A. Blue and white

94. Which was not an original colony? B. Red and white

A. New Hampshire C. Blue and Red

B. New York D. none of above
C. New Jersey
100. Of the more than 44 million immigrants
D. Massachusetts in the U.S., how many are here legally?
E. Florida A. 10%
95. What right do only citizens have? B. 55%
A. Attending public schools. C. 77%
B. Owning property. D. 88%
C. Holding a job.
101. According to the government, what
D. Voting.
legally defines a refugee?
96. An amendment to the U.S. Constitution A. Individual fleeing being arrested for a
that defines citizenship. it will also grant crime
citizenship to former slaves, and defines
voters as males who are at least 21 years B. Individual fleeing their country to es-
of age. cape danger
A. First Amendment C. Individual who is seeking help from
the United States Government
B. Second amendment
C. Fourteenth Amendment D. Individual wishing to learn more about
D. Third Amendment
102. How is the United States government
97. An immigrant can become a US citizen
through a process called
A. emigration. A. Federal, State, Local

B. naturalization. B. World, National, State

C. registration. C. Federal, State, County
D. residency. D. City, County, State


1.15 Citizenship 771

103. What is the process by which an alien can 108. When was the last military draft in the
become a citizen? United States?


A. Naturalization A. 1965
B. Patriotism B. 1919

C. Democracy C. 1973
D. 1984
D. immigration
109. Someone who has betrayed his or her
104. How old must you be to vote in the country might be convicted of
United States?
A. Citizenship
A. 16
B. Naturalization
B. 17
C. Allegiance
C. 21 D. A crime called treason
D. none of the above
110. How many senators are there?
105. What is NOT a right of a U.S. citizen? A. 50
A. Freedom of Speech B. 100
B. Freedom of Religion C. 2
C. The Right to Eat Free At Your Favorite D. 435
111. Americans are very fortunate that they
D. The Right to Vote have many rights guaranteed in the Bill of
Rights. In some countries the newspapers
106. In a direct democracy, all of the citizens cannot print all the news because the gov-
vote on laws and decisions about their ernment will stop them. This means they
community. In an indirect democracy do not have-
A. Leaders are chosen by the citizens to A. a trial by jury
make laws and decisions B. freedom of the press
B. A monarch is chosen by the citizens to C. freedom to pay taxes
make laws and decision
D. a right to bear arms
C. Nobody chooses to make laws or deci-
sions 112. How is a civic action such as voting dif-
ferent from serving on a jury?
D. we are all soldiers in the nation
A. Voting is more important to democracy
107. How many ways can a person become a than jury duty
US citizen? B. All citizens can vote, but only some are
A. One qualified for jury duty
C. Jury service is considered a civic duty
B. Four
while voting is a responsibility.
C. Three
D. U.S. democracy cannot function with-
D. none of above out voters, but can exist without juries.


1.15 Citizenship 772

113. Laws that make certain actions a crime. 119. The act of making a change through a
A. Criminal Law more efficient way of accomplishing a task
B. Civil Law A. education
C. Military Law B. legislation
D. Juvenile Law C. innovation
114. Which of the following freedoms is a cit- D. none of above
izen exercising by writing an e-mail to his

or her representatives? 120. According to the 14th Amendment to the
Constitution, there are 2 paths to citizen-
A. assembly
ship. What are they?
B. petition
A. Law of Dirt and Law of Blook
C. press
B. Payment of a fee and birth
D. religion
C. Birth and naturalization
115. To become a citizen of the United States,
an immigrant must have been a lawful, D. Naturalization and residency
permanent resident for at least years.
121. Is this person a citizen, eligible for nat-
A. 1 uralization or must wait to apply:I’m 34
B. 3 years old. My mother and father are citi-
C. 7 zens of Russia. I have been a permanent
resident of the US for 3 years.
D. 5
A. Citizen
116. person born in the U.S. or born to U.S.
citizens in a foreign country B. Eligible
A. native-born C. wait
B. naturalized D. none of above
C. undocumented immigrant
122. Political party of Indiana’s Governor?
D. illegal alien
A. Republican
117. Who was President during the Great De-
B. Democrat
pression and World War II?
A. Lyndon B Johnson C. Independent

B. Woodrow Wilson D. Libertarian

C. Franklin D Roosevelt 123. What is one promise made when becom-
D. Richard Nixon ing a citizen of the United States of Amer-
118. What is NOT a duty of a U.S. citizen?
A. to register to vote
A. Stay informed of community issues
B. Attend jury duty B. to get an education
C. Obey federal, state, and local laws C. to join a political party
D. Deciding if the U.S. will go to war D. to defend the U.S. Constitution


1.15 Citizenship 773

124. If you were born in any U.S. state or ter- 130. Which right do citizens who are convicted
ritory, you automatically become a of felonies lose for some time in most


A. naturalized citizen
B. permanent resident alien A. freedom to vote
C. native-born citizen B. freedom of speech
D. refugee C. freedom of petition

125. All of the following are duties EXCEPT- D. freedom of religion

A. serving on a jury or as a witness in 131. Under our Constitution, some powers be-
court long to the federal government. Which is
B. serving in the armed forces if called not a power of the federal government?
C. paying taxes A. print money
D. voting B. road laws

126. What is the largest volunteer organiza- C. create an army

tion in the United States? D. make treaties
A. Education Groups
132. What is the Supreme Law of the Land?
B. Religious Organizations
A. the Constitution
C. Health Organizations
B. protects basic rights of American
D. None of these are correct
C. The Declaration of Independence
127. Which of the following is NOT part of the
D. a change (to the Constitution)
immigration process?
A. Living in the U.S. for at least 5 years 133. What cultural shift occurred in the mid
B. Be at least 21
C. Speak English A. people moved from urban areas to ru-
ral areas
D. Pass a citizenship test
B. people moved from rural areas to ur-
128. Which of these is NOT a way to become ban areas
a citizen of the United States?
C. less reliance on slave labor
A. being born in America
D. Less immigrants from Europe
B. Having parents that are citizens
C. naturalization 134. “All persons born or naturalized in the
United States, and subject to the jurisdic-
D. reading books about America tion thereof, are citizens of the United
129. Who did the United States fight in World States and the state wherein they reside.”
War II? This excerpt is from which amendment?
A. Vietnam, Germany, and Italy A. 13th
B. North Korea, Germany, and Japan B. 14th
C. Japan, Germany, and Italy C. 15th
D. Germany and Italy D. 12th


1.15 Citizenship 774

135. How many stars are on the US Flag? 140. the right to make views known to public
A. 25 officials
B. 37 A. assembly
C. 50 B. press
D. 51
C. religion
136. What is a deep bond or love that most D. petition
citizens feel with their country?

A. Treason 141. Where must a male register between the
B. Patriotism ages of 18-26 if he is a U.S. citizen?
C. Allegiance A. The Department of Revenue
D. Responsiblity B. The Selective Services
137. Which statement correctly identifies the C. The Postal Service
most important duty of a citizen?
D. The CIA
A. Attending civic meeting l is a citizen’s
most important duty because democracy
requires all citizens to be active. 142. Where did the idea of citizenship first get
B. Obeying the law is a citizen’s most im-
portant duty because laws have been es- A. Aztec and Inca Empires
tablished to maintain safety and public or-
B. Ancient Greece and Rome
C. Tolerance is a citizen’s most important C. Viking Scandinavia
duty because the United States is a di- D. Colonial America
verse society
D. Voting is a citizen’s most important 143. Which of the following includes two
duty because the states rely on elected of- rights stated in the Declaration of Indepen-
ficials for leadership. dence?
138. During the Cold War, what was the main A. life and liberty
concern of the United States?
B. free speech and justice
A. Getting to space
C. bear arms and pay taxes
B. Communism of other countries
C. Economic rise of the Easternly powers D. vote and pursuit of happiness
D. Territory disputes with China
144. This word means, “called to appear
139. Attempts to solve disputes between indi- (must show up).”
A. Citizenship
A. Criminal Law
B. Financial
B. Juvenile Law
C. Civil Law C. Summoned
D. Military Law D. Self-Reliance


1.15 Citizenship 775

145. A citizen received a jury summons noti- duties are activities that citizens must par-
fication in the mail requesting their pres- ticipate in.
ence on January 9th at the Osceola County D. Responsibilities are tasks that are ex-


Courthouse.What civic duty does this noti- pected of citizens, while duties are tasks
fication represent? that are required of citizens by law.
A. Getting a driver’s license
150. What is EQUALITY?
B. Appearing for jury duty A. all people are treated the same no mat-
C. Paying income tax ter what
D. Registering to vote B. everyone is treated fairly
C. responsibilities are divided among the
146. Where is our nation’s capital?
three branches of gov
A. Jefferson City
D. people work together for the good of
B. New York City all
C. Philadelphia 151. According to the law, naturalized Ameri-
D. Washington D.C. can citizens
A. may run for any public office.
147. What is one promise you make when you
become a United States citizen? B. do not have to pay federal taxes.
A. Hate other countries C. are not required to obey traffic laws.

B. Practice one religion of the country D. have the right to vote in public elec-
C. obey the laws of the country
152. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
D. wear only American flag clothing
tion guarantees due process?
148. The legal process of removing an Alien A. 1st
from the United States is called B. 5th
A. Denaturalization C. 14th
B. Deportation D. 22nd
C. Expatriation 153. extends due process protection to the ac-
D. Citizenship Revocation tions of the states
A. 1st amendment
149. What is the difference between the re-
sponsibilities and the duties of US citi- B. 5th amendment
zens? C. 14th amendment
A. Responsibilities are tasks that are re- D. 15th amendment
quired of citizens by law, while duties are
tasks that are expected of citizens. 154. What do we call the first ten amend-
ments to the Constitution?
B. Responsibilities are laws that citizens
A. the Preamble
must obey, while duties are optional activ-
ities that citizens can participate in. B. the Bill of Rights
C. Responsibilities are laws that citizens C. the Articles of the Confederation
can choose whether or not to obey, while D. the Declaration of Independence


1.15 Citizenship 776

155. How many illegal aliens are currently liv- A. Senator

ing in the United States? B. Citizen
A. 2 million C. Immigrant
B. 12 million D. Tourist
C. 16 million
161. Which of the following documents gives
D. 7 million Americans a common civic and political her-

156. Lawsuits are used to settle disputes be-
tween individuals. A. Magna Carta
A. True B. Constitution
B. False C. Declaration of Independence
C. expatriation D. Bill of Rights
D. criminal law 162. What is the latest a male can register for
157. beliefs or actions that are seen as a bene- the selective service?
fit to the community rather than individual A. 24
interests, also known as the public good B. 25
A. law of blood C. 26
B. common good D. 27
C. law of soil
163. Which of the following is NOT a right out-
D. obligation lined in the Preamble to the Declaration of
158. What is the highest court in the United Independence?
States? A. Liberty
A. Civil Court B. Life
B. Local Court C. Right to bear arms
C. State court D. Pursuit of Happiness
D. Supreme Court 164. Which naturalization requirement is miss-
159. Maria was born in Italy to an American ing? Be at least 18 years old Be a legal
father and an Italian mother-is she a U.S. permanent resident for at least 5 years
citizen? Why? Pass citizenship testInterview and back-
ground check
A. Yes, Law of Soil
A. Sign up for the Selective Service
B. No, she would need to be naturalized
B. Having a Job
C. Yes, Law of Blood
C. Take Oath of Allegiance
D. No, Maria is an Italian citizen
D. Being married to a U.S. Citizen
160. An individual with certain rights and du-
ties under a government and who, by birth 165. In order for the government to provide
or by choice, owes allegiance to that gov- basic services, its citizens must-
ernment. A. serve in the military


1.15 Citizenship 777

B. pay taxes 171. Which type of service project would help

C. serve on a jury promote the common good?


D. obey laws A. Planning a neighborhood recycling pro-
166. A citizen running for political office will
B. Participating in a neighborhood party
have fulfilled which of the following of
their citizenship? C. Completing homework on time
A. pledges D. Visiting public libraries
B. obligations
172. What does it mean that “rights are the
C. requirements same for all? ”
D. responsibilities A. a. to be treated well
167. Person who has come to U.S. to live and B. b. rights are not the same for all
work without required legal papers. C. c. every person is treated equally by
A. undocumented alien law
B. refugee D. both a and c
C. naturalized citizen
173. My Dad is from Canada and my mom is
D. native-born citizen a United States Citizen who lived in the
168. This type of government occurs when a United States for over twenty-five years
person takes control of a country and al- and is a U.S. Marine. I was born in Canada.
lows the citizens to live their lives as long Am I a U.S. Citizen?
as there is no threat to his power. A. Law of Soil
A. anarchy B. Immigration
B. authoritarian C. Naturalization
C. Constitutional Monarchy D. Law of Blood
D. republic
174. Which of the following groups of immi-
169. Which was not a war fought in the 1800s grants is currently given special prefer-
A. War of 1812 ence?
B. Mexican-American War A. citizens of western and northern Eu-
C. Civil War
B. workers seeking employment with U.S.
D. WW2
170. Which of the following defines the “Law C. close relatives of citizens or resident
of Blood? ” aliens
A. If someone pours American Blood on
D. wealthy families and affluent tourists
B. You have American Blood given at 175. Being polite. What trait of a citizen is
birth. this?
C. Mom or Dad are U.S. citizens. A. Trustworthiness
D. Only dad has to be U.S. citizens. B. Courtesy


1.15 Citizenship 778

C. Self-Reliance 181. What do we show loyalty to when we

D. Patriotism say the Pledge of Allegiance?
A. The Flag
176. What type of government is it when
the economy is controlled by the govern- B. The President
C. The government
A. Democracy
D. The constitution
B. Absolute Monarchy

C. Socialism 182. Two ways of obtaining citizenship
D. Parliamentarian A. only through birth in the US

177. Which is NOT a way to become a U.S. cit- B. birth and naturalization
izen? C. only through naturalization
A. By working in the U.S. for 1 year
D. everyone in America
B. Citizen Parents
C. Born in the U.S. 183. Obeying the law, paying taxes, and serv-
ing in court are examples of a citizen’s-
D. Naturalized
A. duties
178. A person from Afghanistan that is at-
tempting to enter the U.S. would most B. liberties
likely be a C. responsibilities
A. immigrant D. individual rights
B. refugee
C. migrant 184. What is the goal of the Child Online Pro-
tection Act of 1998?
D. emigrant
A. To prevent children under the age of
179. Immigration & Naturalization have made 12 from using the Internet.
our society more
B. To prevent minor children from having
A. complex access materials deemed as “harmful”.
B. diverse C. To keep children off of social media
C. representative sites and to set Internet curfews.
D. justice D. To promote healthy use of the Internet
by all children by 2020.
180. What are the steps required to becoming
a naturalized citizen?
185. In the United States, potential jury mem-
A. Apply for citizenship through Immigra- bers are notified of their duty by
tion Services
A. a summons.
B. Pass a citizenship test
B. a phone call.
C. Take an oath of loyalty to the United
States C. an e-mail.
D. All answers are correct D. a text message.


1.15 Citizenship 779

186. Which of the following powers does NOT C. Yellow

belong to the federal government? D. Red


A. To declare war
191. What percentage of Americans are de-
B. To print money scended from immigrants?
C. To make treaties A. 98
D. To provide education B. 100
187. What are the first words of the Constitu- C. 92
tion? D. 88
A. When, in the course of human events 192. If both the President and Vice President
B. In order to form a more perfect Union can no longer serve, who becomes Presi-
C. To whom it may concern
A. the Speaker of the House
D. We the People
B. the First Lady
188. A responsibility that everyone has is C. the Secretary of State
A. to obey the law D. the 2nd Vice President
B. to register for selective service
193. Because of the 14th Amendment, all citi-
C. to vote zens are to be
D. to serve on a jury A. equal before the law
189. Ryan was born in the United States, but B. required to obey the law
lives in Brazil for work. He is a regis- C. permitted to influence government ac-
tered voter who has served on a jury! tions
David is a resident of the United States D. required to get a driver’s license
and lives in California. He has just moved
to the United States to live from Canada, 194. What is unique about the United States
but is not a member of the United States military compared to many other coun-
yet. Which descriptions of Ryan and David tries?
below are true based on the information A. It is made up almost entirely of volun-
above? teers
A. Ryan is a U.S. citizen. David is an immi- B. It is only open to males
grant to the United States. C. it is only open to females
B. Ryan and David are both U.S. citizens. D. it is made up entirely of draftees
C. Ryan and David are both immigrants to
195. A Misdemeanor
the United States.
A. Is a crime that is punished by more
D. Ryan is an immigrant to the United
than one year in jail
States. David is a U.S. citizen.
B. Is a crime that is determined using
190. True or False:Immigration laws can be Trial by Oath
changed by Congress. C. Is a less serious crime that is punished
A. True by less than one year in jail or fines.
B. False D. Is typically given for a traffic stop


1.15 Citizenship 780

196. A member of a community is called a C. Assembly

A. President D. stealing
B. Mayor
202. What form of government has a single
C. Teacher person take power usually by military
D. Citizen force?

197. What information IS NOT tested on the A. Socialism

Naturalization test?

B. Communism
A. US History C. Autocracy/Dictator
B. US Government
D. Representative Democracy
C. Basic English
D. Science 203. The US Constitution defines citizenship in
198. The principle of Rule of Law is in place A. Thirteenth Amendment.
A. to make sure everyone follows the law
B. Fourteenth Amendment.
B. so the King (Monarchy) has more
power over its people C. Fifteenth Amendment

C. to allow the King (Monarchy) to abuse D. Sixteenth Amendment

his power
204. The process of gaining citizenship in the
D. to make it easier for society to break U.S.
the law
A. naturalization
199. What is the term given to telecommuni-
B. jus sanguinis
cations networks?
A. Cyberspace C. expatriation

B. Telespace D. double jeopardy

C. Communicationsnet 205. Which of the following is an obligation
D. Teleport for citizens?

200. Of the 3 divisions of government, which A. Voting

has the biggest impact on individuals on a B. Attending school
daily basis?
C. Owning property
A. State
D. Holding a job
B. Federal
C. Local 206. Which of the Following do Citizens have
to do?
D. none of above
A. Register and Vote
201. Which is NOT a right of everyone living
in the United States? B. Hold Elective Office
A. Expression C. Keep Informed
B. Speech D. Pay Taxes


1.15 Citizenship 781

207. People who are trying to escape danger C. Community Service

in their home countries are called D. Mowing your neighbors lawn


A. Aliens
213. Which of these is a legal obligation of U.S.
B. Immigrants citizenship?
C. Refugees A. To reside in the U.S
D. Citizens
B. To save money for retirement
208. how old must you be to vote for the C. To vote in Presidential elections
D. To serve on a jury when summoned
A. 16
214. SS.7.C.2.2Which of these is a legal obli-
B. 17
gation of U.S. citizenship?
C. 18
A. to reside in the United States
D. 19
B. to save money for retirement
209. What are some of the things people vote C. to vote in Presidential elections
D. to serve on a jury when summoned
A. a. teachers in your school
215. A naturalized citizen
B. b. president
A. is not able to vote in presidential elec-
C. c. senators
D. both b and c
B. does not have to know English.
210. When naturalized citizens take their oath, C. is not required to take an oath of alle-
what are they pledging their allegiance giance to the United States.
D. is not eligible to become president or
A. the US flag vice president of the United States.
B. the Declaration of Independence
216. Young American men must register with
C. the Constitution the Selective Service System when they
D. the President reach the age of
A. 18
211. How old do you have to be to run for
President? B. 25
A. 25 C. 17
B. 30 D. 21
C. 35 217. Seperation of Church and State is an ex-
D. 40 ample of what first Amendment freedom?

212. What is one way to contribute to the A. Speech

“common good” or “general welfare”? B. Assembly
A. Selling Lemonade in your front yard C. Religion
B. Cleaning your room D. Press


1.15 Citizenship 782

218. Which freedom is not guaranteed by the 222. Which of the following is a citizen respon-
1st amendment of the Constitution? sibility rather than an obligation?
A. Assembly A. Obeying the law
B. Religion B. Paying taxes
C. Petition C. Attending civic meetings
D. right to bear arms D. Registering for Selective Service

219. What is the difference between a natu- 223. Some of the duties of US citizens are
ralized citizen and a natural born citizen? A. pay taxes
A. There are no differences B. obey laws
B. Naturalized citizens can’t vote C. be a good person
C. Only natural born citizens can be Pres- D. All the above
D. Naturalized citizens do not have to pay 224. Which is considered a citizenship re-
taxes sponsibility rather than an obligation (or
220. Leshaun was born in Mississippi. He trav- A. Obeying the law
eled to Egypt and married a woman there
who is an Egyptian citizen. They eventu- B. Paying taxes
ally had a daughter who is now 16 years C. Attending civics meetings
old and wants to visit New York City. D. Registering for Selective Service
What will happen to Leshaun’s daughter?
A. She will be denied entry to the U.S. be- 225. Which of these is an example of a volun-
cause she is not a citizen teer?

B. She will be allowed to enter the U.S. be- A. working at Chick Fil A
cause she is a natural born citizen thanks B. donating food and helping in a home-
to her father. less shelter
C. She will be allowed to enter the United C. working in construction
States because she became a naturalized D. doing your homework
D. She will be denied entry to the U.S. be- 226. An example of litigation to make change
cause her father has been gone too long A. Brown vs. Board of Education court
so he is no longer a citizen. case

221. Which is a requirement for a person to B. Brown vs Topeka Kansas

become a naturalized U.S. citizen? C. Armed bears vs Board of Education
A. working in the U.S. for at least five D. none of above
227. While some citizens may run for political
B. passing a U.S. History and Government office, the primary method of participation
Exam in the political system for most citizens is
C. serving in the U.S. military which of the following selections?
D. being born to American parents A. voting


1.15 Citizenship 783

B. sitting on a jury C. an illegal immigrant who permanently

C. standing for election lives here


D. a legal immigrant who visits here
D. petitioning their government
233. Why is attending school considered a civic
228. What is a ruling authority for a commu- obligation?
A. Educated citizens are vital to the suc-
A. government cess of our democracy.
B. literature B. Today’s high-tech society needs edu-
C. immigration cated employees.
D. republic C. School districts depend on having a
certain number of students.
229. Duties of citizens are but responsibil- D. The more education a person has, the
ities are more money he or she is likely to earn.
A. important/unimportant
234. What is one way that the government
B. optional/required keeps order within society?
C. for males/for females A. Checks and Balances
D. required/optional B. Declaring Martial Law
C. Raising Taxes
230. What is the term for the process by which
legal resident aliens can become citizens? D. Enforcing the Laws
A. Immigration 235. Which of the following is an obligation of
B. Dual Citizenship citizenship?

C. Naturalization A. voting in elections

B. paying taxes
D. Visa Application
C. volunteering for public service
231. The principle of citizenship is based on the D. being informed about issues
“law of soil” or “jus soli.” This signifies
that citizenship is based on which of the 236. Name one branch or part of the govern-
following? ment.
A. Where a person is born A. Congress
B. On the law of the land B. Dictator
C. On the rights of the land C. Prime Minister
D. On the obligations of the soil (land) D. Prisons
where the citizen was born 237. the meeting that created the constitution
was referred to as:
232. What is a Resident Alien?
A. The Constitutional creation
A. a legal immigrant who permanently
lives here B. The Constitutional Collusion
B. a legal immigrant who temporarily C. The Constitutional Convention
lives here D. The meeting of the Minds


1.15 Citizenship 784

238. How long are senators elected? B. Law of the Documents

A. 10 years C. Law of the Fire
B. 2 years D. Law of the Land
C. 6 years 244. Which of these people is CLOSEST to be-
D. life coming a US citizen?
A. Chris, an illegal immigrant who served
239. What does blue mean on the American
honorably in the US Navy during a war

B. Hector, who has been married to a law-
A. love ful permanent resident for three years
B. perserverence C. Val, who has worked in the US for
C. purity twenty years, but does not have a green
D. peace card
D. Li, whose employer has applied for a
240. “Of course voting is useful. But then special visa to allow her to work in the US
again, I don’t put a big glow to it. Vot-
ing is about as essential as washing your- 245. What is the first step in the naturaliza-
self. It’s something you’re supposed to tion process
do.”-Chuck D., American RapperAccording A. Declaration of Intent
to Chuck D., the act of voting is
B. Oath of Allegiance
A. not important
C. Declaration of Independence
B. central to citizenship D. Pledge of Allegiance
C. not going to change anything
246. Who are the main characters of “New
D. less important than volunteerism Americans? ”
241. Which is considered a citizenship respon- A. Peter
sibility rather than an obligation? B. Nicole
A. Obeying the law C. Laura
B. Paying taxes D. Peter and Nicole
C. Attending civics meetings
247. Serious crimes that result in punishment
D. Registering for Selective Service of over a year in prison
242. What Amendment deals with Citizen- A. Statute
ship? B. Felony
A. 1st C. Misdemeanor
B. 5th D. Capital Punishment
C. 14th 248. The first three words of the Preamble:
D. 2nd A. We are great
243. Naturalization, Law of Blood, and are B. God bless America
all ways to become a U.S. citizen. C. We the people
A. Law of the Air D. We arent people


1.15 Citizenship 785

249. Complexity:Moderate Jamal was born in 253. Used for serious crimes, this is a group of
New Jersey. He joined the army and was citizens that decide if there is enough ev-
sent to Germany. He married Jada, an idence to indict, or make formal charges,


American he met in Germany. Jamal and and have a trial.
Jada had a son. When Jamal left the army, A. grand jury
he and his family returned to the U.S
What happened to Jamal and Jada’s son? B. verdict
A. He was allowed to enter the country C. hung jury
because he is an American citizen by birth. D. judges
B. He was allowed to enter the country
because he is under 18 years old 254. SS.7.C.2.1The passage below is from the
Fourteenth Amendment. “All persons born
C. He was granted resident alien status or naturalized in the United States, and
because he had not been naturalized subject to the jurisdiction thereof; are citi-
D. He was sent back to Germany because zens of the United States and of the State
he is not an American citizen wherein they reside. “What is an addi-
tional way for a person to have U.S. cit-
250. What are the requirements for becoming izenship?
a naturalized U.S. citizen?
A. by treaty agreements
A. Being fluent in English
B. by purchasing citizenship
B. Being fluent in English and knowing ba-
sic U.S. history. C. by having valuable work skills
C. Knowing basic U.S. history and be- D. by having U.S. citizens as parents
ing able to read, write, and speak some
words in English 255. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
tion defines citizenship?
D. Knowing basic U.S. history, basic math
facts, and being fluent in English. A. 1st
B. 5th
251. Which of the following ways of losing cit-
izenship involves fraud during the natural- C. 10th
ization process? D. 14th
A. Expatriation
256. When was the U.S. Constitution writ-
B. Punishment for Crimes
C. Denaturalization
A. 1776
D. none of above
B. 1787
252. The 26th Amendment to the Constitution C. 1812
gave 18-years-old the right to vote. This
war was the reason behind this amend- D. 1865
257. What is the use of violence by groups
A. Korean against civilians to achieve a political
B. WWII goal?
C. Vietnam A. Terrorism
D. Operation Iraqi Freedom B. Referendum


1.15 Citizenship 786

C. Communism 263. Which war resulted in the 13th Amend-

ment that abolished slavery in the United
D. Jingoism
258. Every U.S. citizen has rights and privi- A. Revolutionary War
leges, but they also have they must
B. Civil War
take care of to be a good citizen.
C. World War II
A. Meetings
D. Vietnam War

B. Responsibilities
C. Awards 264. What civic obligation is critical to support
and provide government services?
D. Victories
A. Obeying the Law
259. Citizens are members of a community B. Serving on a Jury
who a government and are entitled to
the protection of the government. C. Paying Taxes

A. limit the rights of D. Attending School

B. owe loyalty to 265. Foreigners living here for a temporary

C. owe nothing to time period:

D. rule over A. resident aliens

B. non-resident aliens
260. What term best describes loyalty to
one’s country? C. enemy aliens

A. Patriotism D. illegal aliens

B. Citizenship 266. Murder is a crime that is considered a mis-

C. Immigrant
A. True
D. Federalist
B. False
261. What is JUSTICE?
C. undocumented immigrant
A. all people are treated differently
D. all of the other answers are correct
B. Batman
267. How does registering to vote fulfill a re-
C. everyone is treated fairly
sponsibility of citizenship?
D. accept others differences A. Registering to vote communicates
your opinions to your representatives
262. To apply for asylum in the United States,
one must prove B. Registering to vote makes you eligible
to be called for jury duty.
A. they are highly skilled
C. Without registering, you cannot ex-
B. they have paid their taxes honestly
press your political views through voting.
C. they have relatives in the U.S.
D. Without registering, you cannot give
D. they are escaping hardship money to a political campaign


1.15 Citizenship 787

268. What allows us to have due process in C. Two responsibilities of citizenship

the USA? D. Ways for individuals to fulfill good citi-


A. The Constitution zenship traits.
B. Police officers 274. At what age can a citizen vote?
C. The President A. 18
D. Kindness B. 21
269. Who was the President during World C. 16
War I? D. 15
A. Warren Harding
275. In most cases, to become a citizen of the
B. Woodrow Wilson United States, an immigrant must have
C. Franklin Roosevelt been a lawful, permanent resident for at
least years.
D. Theodore Roosevelt
A. 1
270. The Constitution was written in which B. 3
C. 7
A. 1776
D. 5
B. 1786
276. There are three paths to citizenship in the
C. 1787
United States. What are they?
D. 1990
A. Law of Blood, Law of Soil, and Selective
271. If both the Vice President and the Pres- Service
ident can no longer serve, who becomes B. Law of Mud, Law of Genetics, and Se-
President? lective Service
A. The Chief Justice of the US C. Law of Blood, Law of Land, Naturaliza-
B. Senate Majority Leader tion

C. Speaker of the House D. Law of Blood, Law of Soil, and Natural-

D. none of above
277. Which American civic action is a duty
272. What does red mean on the American rather than a responsibility?
A. Jury service
A. strength
B. Voting in elections
B. loyalty
C. Volunteering
C. honor
D. Supporting a political party
D. freedom
278. All of the following would result in Amer-
273. Being born in the United States and com- ican citizenship except one. Which one
peting the naturalization process are does not lead to citizenship?
A. Two ways to become a US citizen A. Born in the US
B. Two duties of citizenship B. Legally enters the US as a refugee


1.15 Citizenship 788

C. One parent is an American 284. Naturalization is ?

D. Successful completion of the natural- A. the legal process to obtain citizenship
ization process B. the legal process to obtain civics
279. What is the only way to lose citizen- C. the legal process to become natural
ship? D. the legal process to understanding of
A. Going to work in another country U.S. civics
B. Becoming a citizen and declaring alle- 285. What is the largest minority group in the

giance to another country United States today?
C. Being convicted of a Felony A. Latino
D. Burning the American Flag B. Asian
280. the study of the rights and duties of citi- C. Russian
zenship and the operation of government D. European
A. Civic Engagement
286. Choose all the requirements for US natu-
B. US History ralization.
C. Civics A. 18+ years old
D. 14th Amendment B. 5+ years a legal resident
281. What allows people to choose their lead- C. Read, write, and speak English
ers and voice their opinions on issues? D. Pass a civics test
A. Free Elections E. Get approval from Congress
B. Freedom of Religion
287. To volunteer for national service, US citi-
C. Equal Protection zens can
D. Redistribution of Wealth A. serve at homeless shelters.
282. Clean water, police protection, and paved B. work for religious programs.
streets are all privileges enjoyed by Amer- C. join the volunteer firefighters.
ican citizens. What responsibility must
D. take part in Teach for America.
be met in order for these services to con-
tinue? 288. What are the two major political parties
A. Citizens must pay taxes. in the United States?
B. Citizens must vote. A. Democratic and Republican
C. Citizens must volunteer. B. Liberty and Justice
D. Citizens must attend school. C. Law and Order
D. Checks and Balances
283. What responsibility do American citizens
have? 289. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
A. Voting A. Francis Scott Key
B. Attending school B. Mozart
C. Owning property C. Benjamin Franklin
D. Holding a job D. Beethoven


1.15 Citizenship 789

290. Who is the Commander in Chief of the mil- A. Freedom from cruel and unusual pun-
itary? ishment


A. Speaker of the House B. Right to trial by jury
B. Vice President C. Freedom of speech
C. President D. The right to throw a pickle at random
D. Chief General people on the street

296. Where is the Statue of Liberty located?

291. Why do some states have more represen-
tatives in the House of Representatives? A. New York
A. the state is one of the 13 original B. Philadelphia
colonies C. Louisville
B. the state is larger in size (geographi- D. New Jersey
C. the state is more important 297. What are people who move to a country
from another country?
D. the state has a larger population
A. Citizens
292. What are the rights that ONLY US citi- B. Residents
zens have?
C. Immigrants
A. right to vote in federal election
D. Natives
B. right to run for federal office
C. right to serve on a jury 298. Government agency that manages the
draft for U.S. military
D. all of the above
A. Internal Revenue Service
293. Many might say the most important thing B. Selective Service
Abraham Lincoln did was:
C. Department of Defense
A. Took an Army to France
D. Office of the Vice President
B. Freed the Slaves
C. Help the Native people find new food 299. A promise made in public is called
sources A. volunteer
D. Went out of his way to create schools B. visa
for children
C. Voting
294. Which one does NOT border Canada D. an oath
A. Maine 300. Which obligation protects people accused
B. New York of crimes?
C. Oregon A. serving on a jury
D. Montana B. running for a political office

295. Which of these is NOT a right of a citi- C. defending the nation

zen? D. paying taxes


1.15 Citizenship 790

301. A democracy operates on what defining C. Philadelphia, PA

principle? D. Washington, DC
A. Majority Rule
307. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
B. Come One Come All
tion guarantees equal protection of the
C. First Come First Serve law?
D. Eye for an Eye A. 1st

302. The basic rights and freedoms of Ameri- B. 2nd
can citizens are listed in the C. 5th
A. Declaration of Independence D. 14th
B. Articles of Confederation
308. I’m only 17 years old but I just got to
C. Rights of Englishmen spend a year living in Paris! I was born in
D. Bill of Rights Helena, Montana. Is this person

303. When you are a member of a country A. Citizen

with full rights and responsibilities in that B. Eligible
country, you have
C. Wait
A. the Selective Service
D. none of above
B. Citizenship
C. showing loyalty to the flag 309. The Rule of Law states that

D. Independence Day A. No on is above the law

B. Federal law overrules state law
304. People who weren’t born U. S. citizens
can still obtain citizenship through a pro- C. Power comes from the people
cess called D. The power of the government is limited
A. crime called treason
310. A member of a country who is loyal to
B. Independence Day that country and is protected by its laws
C. naturalization is called a(n)
D. the Selective Service A. Citizen

305. Mismatch:Which of these doesn’t be- B. Immigrant

long? C. Patriot
A. 14th amendment D. Refugee
B. 15th amendment
311. At what ages are you required to attend
C. 19th amendment to school?
D. 26th amendment A. 5-18
306. What is the capital of the U.S.? B. 7-18
A. Boston, MA C. 6-16
B. New York, NY D. 7-16


1.15 Citizenship 791

312. Some examples of the taxes people pay 317. Which person is eligible to become a nat-
are: uralized citizen?


A. sales tax A. a foreign student who is studying at an
American university
B. income tax
B. the spouse of an American citizen who
C. social security tax
has lived in the country for a year
D. all the above C. an unmarried resident who has lived in
the country for at least four years
313. What major event happened on Septem-
ber 11, 2001, in the United States? D. a child born outside of the United
States whose parents are American citi-
A. The Giants won the Super Bowl
B. We put a man on the moon
318. (NS1-U3C1S1:KT5)A member of a politi-
C. Terrorist attacked the US cal community
D. Terrorists attacked Japan A. citizen
314. In which of the following scenarios may B. citizenship
a person gain U.S. citizenship by natural- C. law
D. constituted authority
A. a person is born in an American terri-
E. spirit of association
B. a person is born on a U.S. military base 319. Which of the following volunteer organi-
overseas zations was started to help prepare under-
privileged children for school?
C. a person with no U.S. ties immigrates
to the United States A. Peace Corp
D. two non-U.S. citizens have a child on B. Head Start
American soil C. UNICEF

315. What is one responsibility that only ap- D. World Health Organization
plies to United States citizens? 320. What is the status given to an immigrant
A. pay taxes who is married to an American citizen and
who has no plans to leave the U.S. but who
B. obey laws
does not intend to seek citizenship.
C. serve on a jury A. Green Card Resident
D. attend private schools B. Permanent Resident Alien
316. What war was fought for freedom from C. Temporary Alien
Great Britain? D. They have no status.
A. The Revoluntionary War
321. Which example is NOT an obligation of
B. The 7 Year War citizenship?
C. The Mexican-American War A. Volunteering in the community
D. Independence War B. Attending civic meetings


1.15 Citizenship 792

C. Voting in elections D. ways in which citizens actively partici-

D. Paying taxes pate in the political process

322. If someone is born to a U.S. citizen, 326. (NS1-U3C1S1:KT1)The fondness Ameri-

mother or father, anywhere in the world can citizens have for banding together in
they are automatically a U.S. citizen at organizations to address problems of com-
birth through mon interest
A. Law of Soil A. citizen

B. naturalization B. citizenship
C. taking a test to prove citizenship C. law
D. Law of Blood D. constituted authority

323. The final step of becoming a naturalized E. spirit of association

U.S. citizen
327. Someone who is living in the U.S. with-
A. pledge of allegiance out permission from the government is a
B. treason what?
C. Oath of Allegiance A. Undocumented Resident
D. U.S. national anthem B. Green Card Worker

324. What is the final step in the naturaliza- C. Terrorist

tion process? D. Illegal Alien
A. Kissing the flag
328. A Felony
B. Taking an Oath of Allegiance
A. Is a serious crime that is punished by
C. Taking an Oath of Loyalty to the presi- one year or more in jail
B. Applies to only rape and murder
D. Going to New York to visit the Statue
of Liberty C. Is a crime that is punished by less than
one year in jail
325. SS.7.C.2.3The list below identifies sev-
D. Only happens when a crime is commit-
eral activities.-Attending a school board
ted with a weapon
meeting-Voting in a primary election-
Helping on a phone bank for a mayoral 329. What is the best definition for due pro-
candidate-Putting a candidate’s sign in cess?
your yard-Registering voters at a commu-
nity collegeWhat do these activities illus- A. Getting what you deserve at the right
trate? time
A. ways that citizens can run for political B. Getting put in prison if you are guilty of
office a crime
B. opportunities for citizens to participate C. Protection from unfair actions by the
in national elections government
C. opportunities for citizens to influence D. The ability to have freedom in a coun-
political action committees try


1.15 Citizenship 793

330. What is a Government completely con- A. a responsibility that is central to our

trolled by one person? system of government.


A. dictatorship B. a responsibility of elected government
B. democracy
C. a duty that is required by law.
C. republic
D. a duty of only a few select citizens.
D. monarchy
335. What is government by the consent of
331. person forced to leave their country in or- the governed?
der to escape war, persecution or natural
A. Popular Sovereignty
B. Majority Rule
A. immigrant
C. Rule of Law
B. refugee
D. Freedom of Election
C. undocumented immigrant
336. Which is not a branch of government?
D. naturalization
A. Legislative
332. Things citizens are required to do in order B. Judicial
to not face legal consequences are called-
C. Executive
A. liberties
D. Electoral
B. duties
337. In the United States, the responsibility of
C. individual rights
voting includes
D. responsibilities A. registering to vote in one’s home state.
333. Less serious crimes that results in a pun- B. making contributions to political cam-
ishment of less than a year in prison and paigns.
fines. C. signing up for a political party.
A. Tort D. signing up for Selective Service.
B. Felony 338. What’s the name of the U.S war between
C. Lex Talionis the North and the South?
D. Misdemeanor A. the War of Independence
B. the War of 1812
334. Read the quotation.Every man and ev-
ery woman in this Nation-regardless of C. the Civil War
party-who have the right to register and D. Spanish American War
to vote, and the opportunity to register
and to vote, have also the sacred obli- 339. This amendment to the Constitution for
gation to register and to vote. For the the first time defined citizenship.
free and secret ballot is the real keystone A. 15th
of our American Constitutional system.- B. 14th
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1944Ac-
cording to President Roosevelt, voting is C. 19th
considered to be D. 26th


1.15 Citizenship 794

340. You can find a list of rights guaranteed C. Vote in all elections
to all U.S. residents in the Bill of Rights, D. Keep informed about national issues
which is
346. (NS1-U3C1S1:LQ5)In the U.S., you must
A. citizenship
be at least years old to vote. (Input
B. the first ten constitutional amendment the number; then push the ENTER button.)
C. Oath of Allegiance A. 17
D. Naturalization B. 20

341. Giving up one’s citizenship C. 18
A. expatriation D. 21
B. naturalization 347. Is this person a citizen, eligible for natu-
C. exclusionary rule ralization or must wait to apply:I’m only
17 years old, but I just got to spend a year
D. double jeopardy in Paris. I was born in Montana.
342. All of the following are requirements for A. Citizen
immigrants to become citizens EXCEPT B. Eligible
A. Resident of the U.S. for 5 years C. wait
B. Provide letters of recommendation D. none of above
C. Able to read, write, and speak English 348. The first ten amendments to the Consti-
D. Pass a citizenship test and pledge loy- tution
alty to the U.S. A. Jury
343. What must people be able to do in basic B. The Bill of Rights
English to become a citizen? C. Oath
A. Read D. Rights
B. Write 349. How many terms can a President serve?
C. Speak A. 1
D. All of the Above B. 2
344. What is a right in the Declaration of Inde- C. 3
pendence? D. 4
A. freedom of speech
350. Which headline best demonstrates the re-
B. to declare war sponsibility of taking part in your commu-
C. to tax incomes nity?
D. to have liberty A. The University Prep Cheerleaders will
perform at the 2021 Superbowl
345. Which practice is a duty or part of the B. University Prep senior students partic-
obligation of a U.S. citizen to help defend ipate in a fundraiser to help with costs for
the nation? a trip to Cancun
A. Serve on a jury C. University Prep students persuade the
B. Register for selective service school to implement a recycling program


1.15 Citizenship 795

D. Univeristy Prep students petition the B. Natural born citizen

city to provide Gatorade with school C. Immigrant


D. Resident Alien
351. Which form of government is governed
by a King or Queen? 356. What political party is the president?
A. Anarchy A. Republican
B. Oligarchy B. Democrat
C. Democracy C. Libertarian
D. Monarchy D. Independent

352. What do naturalized US citizens swear to 357. When is the last day you can send in fed-
do for their new country? Check all that eral income tax forms?
apply. A. April 12
A. They will bear arms during peacetime. B. April 15
B. They will serve in the military when re- C. April 14
D. April 16
C. They will support and defend the US
Constitution. 358. Voting in a mayoral election Protesting
D. They will show allegiance to the na- against new taxes Attending a “Town
tion’s laws. Hall” meeting Campaigning for a political
candidate Which would be the BEST title
E. They will vote in local, state, and fed-
for this list?
eral elections.They will volunteer or con-
tribute to political campaigns. A. “Requirements for American Citizen-
353. What document tells about the rights of
B. “Ways that Citizens Can Participate in
A. The Bill of Rights
C. “Rights That Are Guaranteed by the
B. The Bill of the Constitution 13th Amendment”
C. Confederate D. “Responsibilities of the Executive
D. The Bill of the People Branch”

354. What is the name of the Vice President 359. What would be the consequences to the
now? United States if they began refusing their
civic responsibilities as citizens?
A. Mike Pence
B. Joe Biden A. People would lose their individual
rights and freedoms
C. John McCain
B. People would have more free time
D. Paul Ryan
C. People would benefit from strong lead-
355. Which of the following can become Pres- ers
ident of the U.S.? D. People would find that society can take
A. Naturalized citizen care of itself


1.15 Citizenship 796

360. What is the name of the national anthem C. Green Party

A. Oh Say can you see D. Libertarian Party
B. The pledge of Allegiance 366. Writing a letter to your Congressman
C. Star Spangled Banner against a proposed law that he supports
D. The imperial March is protected by which 1st Amendment free-
361. Which naturalization requirement is miss- A. Religion
ing? Be at least 18 years oldBe a legal per-

manent resident for at least 5 yearsSpeak B. Press
EnglishPass Exam & InterviewTake Oath C. Petition
of Allegiance D. Speech
A. Sign up for the Selective Service
367. Which of these societies is subject to the
B. Register to Vote rule of law?
C. Be of Good Moral Character A. People are free to do whatever they
D. Be able to read and write want without any limits

362. The patriotic symbol in New York is which B. What people are able to do is based on
of the following a set of written rules that apply equally to
A. The Big Apple
C. a group of leaders decide the laws we
B. Times Square must follow
C. The Statue of Liberty D. a group of leaders are about the law
D. Central Park
368. You always drive the speed limit, be-
363. Joining the League of Women Voters is cause it’s the law! What trait of a citizen
an example of- is this?
A. volunteering to support democratic in- A. Patriotism
stitutions B. Courtesy
B. a duty C. Self-Reliance
C. a necessity to become a citizen D. Respect for the law
D. ways to show environmentalism
369. Privileges that belong to people and are
364. is both a right and a responsibility. protected by law are called
A. Voting A. Volunteer
B. Going to the park B. Peer
C. Cleaning our house C. Oath
D. Littering D. Rights

365. What are two major political parties in 370. Which of the following is not a responsi-
the US? bility of a citizen?
A. Democratic Party A. hold elective office
B. Republican Party B. pay taxes


1.15 Citizenship 797

C. register and vote 376. What right do citizens have?

D. participate in campaigns A. Attending public schools


B. Owning property
371. Which is considered a voluntary respon-
sibility rather than an mandatory respon- C. Holding a job
sibility? D. Voting
A. Obeying the law
377. Name one right only for United States cit-
B. Paying taxes izens.
C. Attending civics meetings A. Vote in federal elections
D. Registering for Selective Service B. travel to other countries
C. spend other peopls money
372. How old do you have to be to serve in
the military? D. vote republican

A. 16 378. Read this quotation from President

B. 18 Franklin D. Roosevelt.Every man and ev-
ery woman in this Nation-regardless of
C. 20 party-who have the right to register and
D. 21 to vote, and the opportunity to register
and to vote, have also the sacred obli-
373. Ways to become an American citizen se- gation to register and to vote. For the
lect all that apply free and secret ballot is the real key-
stone of our American Constitutional sys-
A. Naturalization
tem.This quotation addresses the point-of-
B. Right of Soil view that
C. Citizenship test A. all adult citizens share a responsibility
to vote.
D. e
B. only informed citizens should be al-
E. Right of Blood
lowed to vote.
374. Freedom of speech. C. political parties are a necessary part
A. Right of the electoral process.
D. only certain people should be citizens
B. Responsibility
of the United States.
C. Neither
379. If a person is born in the US or on US ter-
D. none of above ritory, they are a citizen based on
375. What are the two rights in the Declara- A. law of nature.
tion of Independence? B. law of soil.
A. life and pursuit of happiness C. law of blood.
B. religion and life D. law of immigration.
C. liberty and worship
380. This amendment to the Constitution deals
D. speech and pursuit of happiness with citizenship.


1.15 Citizenship 798

A. 14th amendment 385. A native-born American citizen can lose

B. 19th amendment his or her citizenship by
A. voting in a foreign election.
C. 8th amendment
B. serving in another country’s military.
D. 27th amendment
C. voluntarily abandoning citizenship.
381. SS.7.C.2.2Which is considered a citizen- D. committing a crime.
ship responsibility rather than an obliga-

386. All of the following are ways I can regis-
A. obeying the law ter to vote in Virginia EXCEPT-

B. paying taxes A. By mail application

C. attending civic meetings B. In person at the registrar’s office

C. In person at the Department of Motor
D. registering for Selective Service
Vehicles (DMV)
382. When must all men register for the Selec- D. Over the phone
tive Service?
387. Who does a senator represent?
A. at birth
A. The whole US
B. at age 16
B. The people of the state that elected
C. at age 18 him
D. men no longer have to register C. Individuals who voted for them
383. SS.7.C.3.6Why is freedom of the press D. Themselves
so important to democratic government?
388. A citizen is a person who is?
A. It keeps talented and creative writers
A. a person who takes an oath in public
B. a person who pays taxes
B. It helps government officials keep
track of public opinion. C. a legal resident of a country.

C. It keeps citizens informed about the D. none of above

acts of their government leaders. 389. Which one of these is not a major obliga-
D. It provides a place where candidates tion that American citizens are required to
can advertise in election campaigns. do?
A. Pay taxes
384. A citizen received a jury summons notifi-
cation in the mail requesting their presence B. Serve on juries
on January 9th at the Duval County Court- C. Obey the law
house. What civic responsibility does this
D. Vote in elections
notification represent?
A. Getting a driver’s license 390. Jury duty is a legal responsibility that
adult citizens are normally required to do.
B. A ppearing for jury duty
What is the primary reason for requiring
C. P aying income tax jury duty?
D. R egistering to vote A. to keep a record of the population


1.15 Citizenship 799

B. to guarantee a fair trial 395. Most Republicans support

C. to allow the use of free speech A. tighter border security and more fund-


D. to instill patriotism ing for the U.S. Border Patrol
B. A pathway to citizenship of undocu-
391. How old do you have to be to become a mented immigrants
C. An extension of the DACA program
A. 18 through executive order
B. 21
D. Allowing migrants to live and work in
C. 27 America while they await asylum
D. 14
396. Who is the Chief Justice of the United
392. Registering and voting, communicating States now?
with government officials, participating in A. John Roberts
political campaigns, keeping informed, and
respecting others’ voice are all examples B. Condaliza Rice
of what? C. Mike Pence
A. Community Service Activities D. Matt Bevin
B. Duties of Citizens
397. It is against Federal law for employers to
C. Duties of Political Candidates
D. Responsibilities of Citizens
A. illegal aliens
393. Why are teachers not allowed to lead stu- B. all aliens
dents in a prayer?
C. men
A. Prayer violates the students’ right to
privacy as found in Amendment Six. D. woman
B. If included in the curriculum it would 398. An is a person who comes to a coun-
violate the students’ First Amendment try to live permanently.
A. Emigrant
C. Students are not old enough to make
their own decisions regarding religion so B. Resident Alien
therefore, it cannot be taught.
C. Alien
D. Teachers are not qualified to teach all
D. Immigrant
of the religions found in a school so there-
fore, must avoid all religious rites.
399. What is the study of citizenship and gov-
394. What are two cabinet level positions? ernment called?

A. Secretary of Arts A. Civics

B. Secretary of Education B. Census
C. Secretary of Defense C. Demographics
D. Secretary of Lazers D. Democracy


1.15 Citizenship 800

400. The difference between legal and illegal A. East

aliens is that: B. West
A. legal aliens live here and illegal aliens C. North
do not
D. South
B. legal aliens have permission to be here
and illegal aliens do not 405. “All persons born or naturalized in the
C. legal aliens are citizens and illegal United States, and subject to the jurisdic-
tion thereof, are citizens of the United

aliens are not
States and of the State wherein they re-
D. legal aliens are refugees and illegal side.” What is an additional way for a
aliens are not person to have U.S. citizenship?
401. Who is the father of our country? A. by treaty agreements
A. Thomas Hobbes B. by purchasing citizenship
B. John Locke C. by having valuable work skills
C. George Washington D. by having U.S. citizens as parents
D. Nevel Hermington 406. h grade students at Stone Bridge High
402. In referring to the definition of a citizen, School miss having recess after lunch, so
the Constitution they decide to create a letter to their prin-
cipal asking if some recess (Pack Time!)
A. is like a contract/agreement that the can be added to their schedule. Which first
government uses to provide protection amendment right allows them to do this?
and rights to a person
A. Speech
B. does not allow a citizen to understand
the allegiance portion of the Pledge of Al- B. Assembly
legiance C. Petition
C. allows anyone to be a member of the D. Press
American population as an automatic citi-
zen 407. One example of a civic responsibility that
is not a requirement is
D. will not guide a citizen in knowing how
the government works A. registering for the draft.
B. serving as a jury member.
403. How long must a person be a permanent
resident of the United States before they C. clearing litter from the street.
can apply for naturalization? D. paying state and local taxes.
A. 5 years 408. the right to gather and publish informa-
B. 1 year tion, including that which criticizes the gov-
C. 3 years ernment

D. 7 years A. religion
B. speech
404. The U.S. keeps track of where immi-
grants settle in this country. Where do C. press
most Asian immigrants settle? D. petition


1.15 Citizenship 801

409. Money that goes to the government to A. freedom to work and freedom of
pay for services is called: speech


A. Taxes B. freedom to work and freedom to make
B. Oath laws
C. Jury C. freedom of speech and freedom of as-
D. Volunteer
D. freedom to make laws and freedom of
410. Raphael is becoming a US citizen. He has assembly
to be able to speak English, to pass a crim-
inal background check, and pass a written 415. Who is the current Speaker of the
test. What is this process of becoming a House?
citizen called?
A. Hilary Clinton
A. naturalization
B. Nancy Pelosi
B. citizenship
C. Paul Ryan
C. Education
D. John Boehner
D. Participation
416. What is the process of becoming a citizen
411. Who is the leader of the House of Repre-
A. Habitation Process
A. Vice President
B. President B. Revitalization Process

C. Speaker of the House C. Visitation Process

D. President Pro Tempore D. Naturalization Process

412. An example of a volunteer opportunity 417. There are four amendments to the Consti-
within one’s community might be. tution about who can vote. Describe one
A. join the US Army or US Navy. of them.

B. sign up for the Peace Corps. A. Married women can vote.

C. serve at a homeless shelter. B. Citizens 16 and older can vote.

D. take part in Teach for America. C. Anyone can vote, if they pay a small
poll tax.
413. Freedom to worship as you wish (free-
D. Citizens eighteen and older can vote.
dom of religion).
A. Right 418. Which of the following volunteer organi-
B. Responsibility zations was started to feed the starving
children of the world?
C. Neither
A. Peace Corp
D. none of above
B. Head Start
414. Which of the following includes two
rights of everyone living in the United
States? D. World Health Organization


1.15 Citizenship 802

419. Which of the following is NOT one of the D. He is 16 years old, has lived in the U.S.
three branches of the government? for 5 years, and is able to speak and read
A. Legislative basic English.

B. Executive 424. Which of the following are requirements

to become a naturalized citizen?
C. Judicial
A. Reside in the United States for five
D. Federal
years, be of “good character”, pass a U.S.
history test

420. Voting in political elections is a
A. legal duty. B. Be of “good character”, pass a test
of general knowledge, have a high school
B. legal duty and a privilege. diploma
C. mandatory obligation. C. Be of “good character”, enter the
D. right and a responsibility United States lawfully, earn more than
$20, 000 annually
421. A person is born a US citizen if he or she
has parents who D. Reside in the United States for five
years, enter the United States lawfully,
A. currently reside outside the United serve in the armed forces
States but are American citizens.
425. Name your U.S. Representative.
B. want to move to the United States and
become naturalized citizens. A. Andre’ Carson
C. want to move to the United States and B. John Roberts
become naturalized citizens. C. Todd Young
D. once legally lived and worked in the D. Rand Paul
United States as immigrants.
426. The newspaper headline below describes
422. Something you MUST do is called an event in U.S. history. Former U.S. Sen-
A. a responsibility ator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Announces 2016 Presidential Bid What
B. a right does the headline suggest about how the
C. a duty actions of citizens have changed American
D. nothing
A. Support for states’ rights has in-
423. Carlos from Costa Rica wishes to be a creased opportunities for citizens to par-
naturalized U.S. citizen. Which of the fol- ticipate in government.
lowing situations would make him eligi-
B. Support for equal rights has increased
opportunities for citizens to participate in
A. He is 20 years old, has lived in the U.S. government.
for 7 years, and is able to speak and read C. The appointment of U.S. Senators has
basic English. increased opportunities for citizens to par-
B. He is 20 years old, has lived in the U.S. ticipate in government.
for 3 years, and knows basic U.S. history. D. The appointment of Cabinet secre-
C. He is 16 years old, has lived in the U.S. taries has increased opportunities for cit-
for 6 years, and knows basic U.S. history. izens to participate in government.


1.15 Citizenship 803

427. What is Americas Independence day exercised by one lawfully elected or ap-
A. July 3rd pointed


A. citizen
B. July 4th
B. citizenship
C. June 3rd
C. law
D. June 4th
D. constituted authority
428. SS.7.C.2.1-Mid Complexity The scenario E. spirit of association
below describes a family living overseas
Jamal was born in New Jersey. He 432. This amendment to the US Constitution
joined the army and was sent to Ger- gave women the right to vote
many. He married Jada, an American he A. 15th
met in Germany. Jamal and Jada had a
B. 26th
son. When Jamal left the army, he and his
family returned to the U.S What hap- C. 19th
pened to Jamal and Jada’s son? D. 1st
A. He was allowed to enter the country
433. Which of the following best describes the
because he is an American citizen by birth.
term citizen?
B. He was allowed to enter the country
A. An individual who is not able to vote in
because he is under eighteen years
C. He was granted resident alien status B. A person who is proud of his or her
because he had not been naturalized country
D. He was sent back to Germany because C. A legally recognized member of a coun-
he is not an American citizen try
429. Holding a meeting to discuss support of a D. An individual who exercises political
Politician is an example of: authority over a group of people
A. Freedom of Religion 434. Which is a requirement for a candidate
B. Freedom of the Press running for election to a political office in
the United States?
C. Freedom of Assembly
A. The candidate must be a US citizen
D. Freedom of Petition
B. The candidate must pass a literacy test
430. What do the stripes on the flag stand C. The candidate must join a political
for? party
A. All of the states in the Union D. The candidate must graduate from
B. The original colonies high school

C. Number of seats in the cabinet 435. Refugees are people that

D. The number of articles in the Constitu- A. Immigrate through an employer
tion B. are escaping war or a natural disaster

431. (NS1-U3C1S1:KT4)Power to influence or C. immigrate through a family member

command thought, opinion, or behavior, D. want better job opportunities


1.15 Citizenship 804

436. Which of the following was NOT an orig- 441. Mismatch:Which doesn’t belong
inal colony? A. African Americans
A. Rhode Island B. Asians
B. Georgia C. White, male property. Owners
C. Connecticut D. Native Americans
D. Florida 442. One of our most important responsibili-

ties as citizens is to
437. Sophie is a US citizen. She married Ivan,
an acquaintance whose tourist visa has ex- A. wash our cars
pired, but who wants to remain in the B. sleep
United States. Which of these is true?
C. clean our houses
A. Ivan becomes a US citizen immediately
D. vote
B. Ivan becomes a lawful permanent res-
ident immediately 443. We elect a President for how many
C. Ivan becomes a US citizen if they stay
married for a year. A. 2

D. Ivan is eligible to apply to be a lawful B. 4

permanent resident C. 6
D. 10
438. how many questions will be on the fi-
nal? 444. How many ways are there to become a
A. 25 United States Citizen?

B. 50 A. 1

C. 75 B. 2
C. 3
D. 100
D. 4
439. How many stars are on the American
Flag? 445. If discovered by the government what
could happen to illegal aliens?
A. 13
A. Deported
B. 50
B. Arrested
C. 51
C. Naturalized
D. 27
D. Consolidated
440. Which example is not a responsibility of 446. Why does the flag have 50 stars?
A. One for each President
A. Attending civic meetings
B. One for each state
B. Volunteering in the community
C. One for each war won
C. Paying taxes
D. One for each signer of the Declaration
D. Voting in elections of Independence


1.15 Citizenship 805

447. Which of these is the final step in natu- 452. About how many people are allowed to
ralization? immigrate into the United States annu-


A. The pledge of allegiance
A. 1 million
B. The Oath of Loyalty
B. 2 million
C. Filling out the application
C. 500, 000
D. coming to America
D. 100, 000
448. Written laws passed by U.S. or state leg-
453. person who by birth or naturalization en-
islatures are:
joys certain rights and has certain duties
A. civil law in a nation.
B. statutory law A. Selective Service
C. constitutional law B. citizen
D. ordinances C. native-born
D. lawful permanent resident
449. This was the first group of people that
the right of voting was extended to 454. In which scenario is someone demonstrat-
A. African American men ing concern for the welfare of the commu-
B. 18 year old men
A. Rebecca visits her grandmother in a lo-
C. men who didn’t own property cal nursing home every Sunday evening.
D. Native Americans B. Vanessa saves her allowance so she
can purchase video games from a local
450. (NS1-U3C1S1:LQ2)Two Russian immi- store
grants moved to Texas in 2012 under a
work visa. Their daughter (Lydia) was C. Derick mows his grass and maintains
born in Dallas in 2013. Is she a U.S. cit- the plants in his front yard.
izen? D. Tyson collects canned foods from lo-
A. No-her parents were not U.S. citizens cal businesses to take to the local food
so she cannot be a citizen. pantry.

B. Yes-she is a citizen by birth. 455. Which of the following is not one of the
6 Naturalization requirements?
C. Yes-she is a citizen by naturalization.
A. Yo 1. Nutcracker Ballet-Do we want to
D. Yes-she is a citizen by act of Congress.
take the kids? You have to be at least 21
years old.
451. a system by which men ages 18 through
25 register with the U.S. government for B. You have to have good character.
military service C. You have to speak English.
A. law of blood D. You have to pass a civics test.
B. selective service
456. How many years do members of the
C. citizen House of Representatives serve?
D. common good A. 2


1.15 Citizenship 806

B. 4 462. What does a person born in any U.S. ter-

C. 6 ritory, such as Puerto Rico, automatically
D. 8
A. A lawful permanent resident
457. A form of government in which the power
B. A naturalized citizen
to govern is directly in the hands of
the people rather than elected representa- C. A native-born citizen
D. A refugee

A. Autocracy
B. Oligarchy 463. Which territory was bought from France
in 1803?
C. Communism
A. Louisville
D. Direct democracy
B. New Orleans
458. Individual rights and freedoms guaran-
teed to all people (both citizens and non- C. Louisiana
citizens) in the U.S. D. France
A. duties
464. What is the role of the citizen in govern-
B. responsibilities
ment? (Select all that apply)
C. rights
A. Voting
D. Selective Service
B. Being informed
459. How many U.S. Senators are there?
C. Participating in the community
A. 200
D. Ignoring the government
B. 435
C. 100 465. In what form of democracy is the head of
the government elected?
D. 50
A. Representative Democracy
460. What is considered to be the most im-
portant duty that American Citizens should B. Constitutional
follow? C. Monarchy
A. Defending the nation D. Republic
B. Serve on a jury
466. Which of the following is an example of
C. Pay taxes
contributing to the common good?
D. Obey the law
A. paying school taxes even though you
461. The legal process by which an alien may may not have kids in school
become a citizen is called
B. advertising a physical therapy practice
A. deportation in a local newspaper
B. adoption C. writing a letter to the newspaper cri-
C. naturalization tiquing the spelling of an editor
D. immigration D. none of above


1.15 Citizenship 807

467. The 4th of July is C. Lex Talionis

A. Labor Day D. Misdemeanor


B. Liberty Day
473. If the President can no longer serve, who
C. Independence Day becomes President?
D. none of above
A. Vice President
468. What do the stripes on the American Flag B. Speaker of the House
C. Congress
A. countries
D. House
B. courage
C. colonies 474. Being loyal to the US is
D. colonists A. Treason
469. If you were not born in the United States, B. Allegiance
what is the process called that allows im- C. Patriotism
migrants to become citizens?
D. Rights
A. Immigration
B. Naturalization 475. The United States military has been made
C. Conformation up of volunteers since

D. Delegation A. 1963
B. 1973
470. Aliens who stay in the country longer
than they are legally allowed become C. 2001
A. naturalized citizens D. 2010
B. resident aliens
476. A legally recognized member of a coun-
C. nonresident aliens try with certain rights, obligations, and re-
D. illegal aliens sponsibilities.

471. Which amendment protects five basic A. Civics

freedoms:speech, religion, press, petition, B. Resident
and assembly?
C. Fourteenth Amendment
A. First
D. Citizen
B. Second
C. Third 477. What is the term for a person that per-
manently moves to a new country?
D. Fourth
A. Immigrants
472. Any wrongful act in which the injured
party can sue in a civil court B. Aliens
A. Plaintiff C. Diplomats
B. Tort D. Citizen


1.15 Citizenship 808

478. Susan began participating in Student Gov- to:“Help freedom survive by assuming
ernment at school and thinks that she personal responsibility for its
would make a great president one day.
A. nurturing
Unfortunately, Mr. Smith informed her in
class that it’s not possible for her to ever B. growth
be president. Which reason below would
C. defense
keep her from reaching her dream?
D. none of above
A. Her parents are not citizens

B. She moved to the U.S. when she was 5 482. Which group is the most recent to receive
C. She made Mr. Smith mad, and he will the right to vote?
stop her at all costs A. women
D. She failed her Naturalization test the B. African Americans
first time
C. 18 year olds
479. Which pair of statements best compares
D. 21 year olds
the rights and requirements of US citi-
483. What is freedom of religion?
A. Citizens have certain rights such as
A. You can practice any religion, or not
freedom of speech. Citizens also have
practice a religion
certain requirements such as the need to
obey laws. B. you cant practice any religion
B. Citizens have certain rights such as C. You have to be a christian
freedom of speech. Citizens also have cer-
D. You can believe in any religion if you
tain requirements such as the need to vol-
leave the country first
C. Citizens have certain rights such as 484. How old must you be to go through the
freedom of religion. Citizens also have naturalization process?
certain requirements such as the need to
clean up litter. A. 21

D. Citizens have certain rights such as B. 18

freedom of religion. Citizens also have C. 20
certain requirements such as the need to
testify in court. D. any age

480. Which is not a reason colonists came to 485. (NS1-U3C1S1:KT2)A rule of conduct or
America? procedure established by custom, agree-
ment, or authority
A. freedom
B. religious oppertunity A. citizen

C. economic opportunity B. citizenship

D. war C. law
D. constituted authority
481. (NS1-U3C1S1:LQ8)The 9th point in The
Bill of Responsibilities says that we agree E. spirit of association


1.15 Citizenship 809

486. The person who brings charges in a law- 490. Sandra was born in the United States in
suit 2004. Her parents came to the United
States legally from Australia and opened


A. Bailiff
a clothing store in New York City. Is San-
B. Plaintiff dra a US citizen?
C. Defendant A. No because her parents are not citi-
D. Judge zens
B. Yes because of law of soil
487. Chandler is an American citizen. He mar-
ries Monica, who is an Ecuadorian citizen. C. No because she is a citizen of Australia
Monica now qualifies for D. Yes because of the Law of Blood
A. naturalization
491. What document was written at the
B. birthright citizenship founding of the USA?
C. lawful permanent residency A. Constitution
D. asylum B. Bill of Rights
488. Hannah is fifteen years old and is con- C. Confederates
cerned about the water quality of the river
D. Treaty with France
near a local chemical industry. The fol-
lowing actions can be taken by Hannah 492. Which best describes a citizen?
A. A person who lives in a country for
A. keeping informed about news regard- more than 7 years.
ing the industry and measures taken to
protect the river B. A person who lives in a country and is
18 years or older.
B. registering to vote and then voting for
the candidate that has promised to pro- C. A person who has completed an appli-
tect the river cation to live in a country.

C. volunteering for a political candidate D. A person who has specific rights and
that is promising to create laws to protect obligations within a country.
the river
493. In rule of law, we are ruled by
D. contacting an elected official to en-
courage the creation of an ordinance to A. man
protect the river B. laws

489. This part of the U.S. Constitution that C. a few men

says all persons born or naturalized in the D. the President
U.S. are citizens of the U.S. and of the
state they reside in. 494. Only a citizen has the right to
A. First Amendment A. Freedom of Speech
B. Second Amendment B. Voting
C. Fourteenth Amendment C. holding a job
D. Fourth Amendment D. attending school


1.15 Citizenship 810

495. Which practice is part of the obligation B. rules for protesting

(or duty) of a U.S. citizen to help provide C. separation of church and state
public goods and services to citizens?
D. limits on speech and the press
A. Serve on a jury
B. Pay taxes 501. In order to register to vote in Virginia,
you must be
C. Vote in all national elections
A. 18 years of age at the time you register
D. Keep informed about national issues

B. 18 years of age by the day of the gen-
496. Who would your calls, email, or letters eral election
NOT influence?
C. 21 years of age by the time you regis-
A. President ter
B. Congress D. 21 years of age by the day of the gen-
C. Supreme Court eral election
D. States 502. What is LIBERTY?
497. Who makes federal laws? A. statue of liberty
A. President B. freedom to believe what you want,
make your own choices
B. Vice President
C. everyone is treated fairly
C. Congress
D. having national pride and loyalty
D. Electoral College
503. Americans celebrate every July 4th
498. The helps define our rights as US cit-
izens. A. Selective Service
A. Legislative Branch B. Independence Day
B. Oath of Allegiance C. Oath of Allegiance
C. Bill of Rights D. U.S. national anthem
D. Declaration of Intention 504. (NS1-U3C1S1:LQ7)The Preamble to the
Bill of Responsibilities says that freedom
499. speech, press, religion, petition, assem-
and responsibility are and
A. mutual and inseparable
A. 1st amendment
B. 5th amendment B. mutual and separate

C. 14th amendment C. separate and immutable

D. 10th amendment D. none of above

500. “Congress shall make no law respecting 505. Which of the following is NOT a way you
an establishment of religion, or prohibit- become a U.S. citizen through birth?
ing the free exercise thereof “ The A. You were born within a year of your
First Amendment of the Constitution of the parents leaving the U.S.
United States establishes- B. You were born outside the borders but
A. an official government church on U.S. territory


1.15 Citizenship 811

C. One of your parents is a U.S. citizen 511. What is the largest religious group in the
United States today?
D. You were born on American soil
A. Islam


506. These are other words for lawyer. B. Judaism
A. counsel, attorney C. Christianity
B. judge, attorney D. Atheism

C. counsel, defendant 512. Which of these is an example of contribut-

ing to the common good?
D. plaintiff, defendant
A. placing an ad in the newspaper to pro-
507. Name one of the two longest rivers in the mote your business
United States. B. donating food to a homeless shelter
A. Missouri C. spending a day working in your garden
B. Ohio D. doing your homework

C. Mississippi 513. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance. This

shows what trait of a citizen?
D. Louisiana
A. Patriotism
508. the government may not establish an of- B. Self-Reliance
ficial religion, or interfere with the free ex- C. Participation in elections as an in-
ercise of religion formed voter
A. freedom of religion D. Respect for the law
B. freedom of press 514. What is true for US Citizens?
C. freedom of petition A. they can vote for leaders
D. freedom of speech B. they cannot speak their mind
C. they cannot vote for president
509. Which amendment says that everyone D. they cannot serve in the military
born in the USA is a citizen?
515. a person who is a legal member of the na-
A. 11
tion and pledges his or her loyalty to that
B. 12 country
C. 14 A. immigrant
B. alien
D. none of above
C. citizen
510. The set of rules and standards by which D. resident
a society governs itself
516. Susan B Anthony is famous for:
A. Law
A. Making the Flag
B. Tort B. Fighting for Civil Rights
C. Implied Consent C. Fighting for Women’s rights
D. Expressed Contract D. Creating Facebook


1.15 Citizenship 812

517. Which war was fought by the United 522. Refugees are
States in the 1900s?
A. people fleeing persecution in their
A. Civil War home countries.
B. World War I B. automatically made U.S. citizens.
C. Revolutionary War C. sent back to their homeland.
D. Mexican-American War D. allowed into the United States only if
they have valuable job skills.

518. Citizens are required to participate in
juries if called upon primarily to ensure 523. Before he was President, Eisenhower
which of the following selections? was a general. What war was he in?
A. jury members are not appointed for A. WW I
B. defendants can personally know jury
members C. WW III

C. all citizens can be tried before a jury of D. Spanish American War

their peers
524. What is the study of the rights and duties
D. juries have a random selection from of citizens?
the general population
A. Civics
519. The idea that newspapers have a right to B. Economics
criticize the government is known as free-
dom of- C. Naturalization
A. the press D. Citizenship
B. the economy 525. What percentage of America’s population
C. speech are immigrants?
D. assembly A. 5
B. 13
520. People who are born in the United States
are legally referred to as C. 25
A. citizens D. 10
B. residents
526. Demonstrate knowledge of American his-
C. subjects tory and principles.2. Demonstrate the
D. transients ability to read, speak, and write words
in English.Which title would best fit these
521. From Many One you translate to two statements?
A. All for one and one for all A. Presidential Nomination Process
B. Out of one, Many! B. Naturalization Process
C. Out of Many, one! C. Congressional Nomination Process
D. One Nation, Under God D. Voter Registration Process


1.15 Citizenship 813

527. What is the economic system in the C. mowing your lawn every weekend
United States? D. attending community celebrations


A. capitalist economy
532. What is the process of becoming a citizen
B. federal economy
to the U.S.?
C. socialism economy
A. Immigration
D. government-managed economy
B. Naturalization
528. The legal process to obtain citizenship is
C. Emmigration
D. Patriotism
A. naturalization
B. birthright 533. When Americans sing, “The Star-
C. law of blood Spangled Banner”, they are singing

D. law of soil A. Independence Day

B. Oath of Allegiance
529. What Type of Government System is the
United States C. citizenship
A. Federal System D. the U.S. National Anthem
B. Unitary System
534. A court order that prevents a defendant
C. Confederal System from taking some action until more infor-
D. Monarchy mation is gathered.
A. ordinance
530. How does a “tossed salad” better repre-
sent the ethnic assimilation patterns in the B. injunction
United States than a “melting pot”? C. indictment
A. Each immigrant group has kept some
D. statute
aspects of their native culture while adopt-
ing other aspects of the dominant culture. 535. What is a course of government action to
B. Salad tastes better than soup. achieve a community goal?
C. Most immigrant groups refuse to learn A. Public Policy
English or adopt ANY aspects of American B. Legal Action
C. Political Planning
D. Most immigrant groups completely for-
get their old patterns of behavior & are D. Community Course
re-socialized into their new American cul-
ture. 536. A person who has been legally admitted
to the US and has permission to stay and
531. SS.7.C.2.2-Mid Complexity Which exam- work here is called a(n)
ple is an obligation of citizenship?
A. refugee.
A. obeying a city ordinance by cleaning up
B. tourist.
after your dog
B. checking the mail for a neighbor who C. legal permanent resident.
is out oftown D. naturalized citizen.


1.15 Citizenship 814

537. Who is the governor of Indiana? 542. Beside being a U.S.citizen and 18 years
A. Steve Goldsmith of age by the day of the general election,
you must be a
B. Eric Holcomb
A. licensed driver
C. Mike Pence
B. state resident
D. Greg Fisher C. employed
538. I was born in the Philippines, but I’ve D. married

been living in the U.S. as a permanent resi-
543. Phillip always dreamed of being the pres-
dents for 6 years. I’m 28 years old, is this
ident of the United States. Then one day
person a
in Civics class, he learned that the Consti-
A. Citizen tution makes that impossible. Why can
B. Eligible Phillip never be the President?
C. Wait A. He moved to this country when he was
two years old.
D. none of above
B. His mother did not pass the Naturaliza-
539. SS.7.C.2.1Which of these is one of the le- tion test.
gal requirements for becoming a citizen? C. His parents are not citizens.
A. registering to vote D. His father is Mexican.
B. paying income taxes 544. Immigration and naturalization, particu-
C. having relatives in the United States larly in the twentieth century, have led to
D. living in the United States at least five an increasingly-
years A. diverse society.
B. limited culture.
540. Which is not a qualification for citizenship
by naturalization? C. low educational level.
A. Over 18 years old D. high level of athletic talents.

B. Permanent resident for 10 years 545. Non-citizen immigrants living here wait-
ing to get naturalized:
C. Good Character
A. resident aliens
D. Speak English
B. non-resident aliens
541. Why are US citizens obligated to serve C. enemy aliens
on a jury?
D. illegal aliens
A. to guarantee court hearings remain
public 546. Rights such as freedom of religion, free-
dom of speech, and the right to a fair trial
B. to protect the constitutional right to be
tried in a court of law by one’s peers A. belong to US citizens only
C. to guarantee courts provide probable B. belong to anyone in the US, both citi-
cause zens and aliens
D. to protect the constitutional right to C. belong only to native born citizens
confront one’s accuser D. none of the above


1.15 Citizenship 815

547. Which amendment protects citizens from C. Any baby born in the United States to
unfair treatment by the national govern- American parents


D. a. Any baby born overseas to Ameri-
A. First can parents.
B. Fifth
552. SS.7.C.3.6Which statement best defines
C. Fourteenth “due process” of law?
D. Fifteenth
A. Decisions affecting individuals are
548. Nadia and her husband, U.S. Soldier Lt. made by a jury of peers.
Peters have a son while stationed at B. Procedures used to enforce the law
Aviano Air Base in another country, Italy. are fair, reasonable and just.
Both parents are U.S. citizens. Is their son
a U.S. citizen? C. People have guaranteed rights that
can only be taken away in emergencies.
A. Yes, by Law of Soil
B. Yes, by Law of Blood D. Government decisions affecting indi-
viduals are made in secret to avoid pub-
C. No, he needs to become naturalized licity.
D. No, he is only an Italian citizen.
553. What is a visa?
549. A legal permanent resident, or , is
someone who is legally and permanently A. an endorsement on a passport allow-
living in the U.S., but not an American citi- ing for travel
zen. B. a card that identifies a person as being
A. Resident Alien a legal permanent resident
B. Immigrant C. proof of citizenship
C. Alien D. a credit card
D. Emigrant
554. If illegal aliens are discovered, they
550. People can depend on your honesty;
A. are given the highest priority to re-
telling the truth! What trait of a citizen
ceive citizenship.
is this?
A. Accountability B. are eligible for government jobs.

B. Trustworthiness C. can be arrested and deported back to

their home countries.
C. Patriotism
D. can stay in this country indefinitely
D. Courtesy

551. Under American law, which of the fol- 555. Which one of these is a right guaranteed
lowing would not be considered a United by the First Amendment?
States citizen? A. Freedom of the press
A. Any baby born in the United States to B. Right to trial by jury
two foreign parents
C. Right to bear arms
B. Any baby born overseas to non-
American citizens D. Right to happiness


1.15 Citizenship 816

556. When did the British and French first be- 561. This word means, “something you must
gin arriving the Americas? do.”
A. 1400s A. Duty/ obligation
B. 1500s B. Responsibility
C. 1600s C. Citizenship
D. 1700s D. Civic

557. Which of the following is NOT a duty of 562. Who was president during World War I?
citizenship? A. Theodore Roosevelt
A. Obeying the law B. Warren G. Harding
B. Paying taxes C. Franklin Roosevelt
C. Donating to charity D. Woodrow Wilson
D. Serving on a jury
563. The list below identifies several activi-
558. The oldest member of the Constitutional ties. 1. Attending a school board meeting
Convention was who? 2. Voting in a primary election 3. Helping
on a phone bank for a mayoral candidate 4.
A. James Madison
Putting a candidate’s sign in your yard 5.
B. Henry Davis Registering voters at a community college
C. Alexander Hamilton What do these activities illustrate?
D. Benjamin Franklin A. Ways that citizens can run for political
559. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do? B. Opportunities for citizens to partici-
A. Try to keep other people down pate in national elections
B. Fight for power among the elite C. Opportunities for citizens to influence
political action committees
C. Fight for Civil Rights
D. Ways in which citizens actively partici-
D. Made a deal with China and their ex-
pate in the political process
564. Which amendment protects citizens from
560. What is citizenship?
unfair treatment by the state and local
A. Something that is given automatically governments?
when a person moves to a different coun-
A. First
B. Fifth
B. Being a member of a nation or country
and having full rights and responsibilities C. Fourteenth
under the law. D. Fifteenth
C. That other grade on your report card
that nobody really looks at 565. The act of making a change by making a
D. A large boat that only carries passen-
gers that are members of a certain coun- A. litigation
try B. legislation


1.15 Citizenship 817

C. education C. Naturalization and Immigration

D. none of above D. Birth and Adoption


566. What is the term for sending people who 572. The amendment that gave women the
are undocumented back to their own coun- right to vote is the
A. 1st Amendment.
A. Deport
B. 14th Amendment.
B. Extradite
C. Migrate C. 15th Amendment.

D. none of above D. 19th Amendment

567. someone who is legally and permanently 573. What group of Europeans were the first
living in the U.S., but not a citizen to settle the modern day United States?
A. legal permanent resident A. British
B. 14th Amendment B. French
C. naturalization C. Portuguese
D. immigrant D. Spanish
568. Which was not a problem that led to the
Civil War? 574. What does a person born in any U.S. ter-
ritory automatically become?
A. Slavery
A. A native-born citizen
B. Territory Dispute
B. A naturalized citizen
C. Economic reasoning
D. States’ rights C. A permanent resident alien
D. Refugee
569. Which amendment defines citizenship?
A. 11th 575. Which practice is part of the responsibil-
B. 12th ity of a U.S. citizen to help defend the na-
C. 13th
A. Serve on a jury
D. 14th
B. Register for selective service
570. Written laws passed at the city level.
C. Vote in all elections
A. common laws
D. Keep informed about national issues
B. ordinances
C. civil laws 576. Why should citizens know and under-
stand the law?
D. felonies
A. so that they can break it
571. What are the TWO ways to obtain citi-
zenship? B. so that they can change it
A. Birth and Naturalization C. so that they can ignore it
B. Birth and Purchase D. so that they can obey it


1.15 Citizenship 818

577. an amendment to the U.S. Constitution C. Star Spangled Banner

that defines citizenship, grants citizenship D. War of Honor
to former slaves, and defines voters as
males at least 21 years of age 583. We elect a U.S. Representative for how
A. obligation many years?
B. legal permanent resident A. 2
C. 14th Amendment B. 6

D. naturalization C. 5

578. What is the number 1 reason why Amer- D. life

icans are hostile to immigrants 584. Nadia and her husband, U.S. Soldier Lt.
A. Don’t like their food Peters have a son while stationed at
B. Afraid the culture will change Aviano Air Base in Italy. Both parents are
U.S. citizens. Is their son a U.S. citizen?
C. They don’t drive very well Eligible? Not Eligible?
D. Crime
A. Eligible
579. Who was the first president? B. Not Eligible
A. Alexander Hamilton C. Citizen
B. George Washington D. none of above
C. George Washington Carver
585. How old must a person be to apply for
D. Thomas Jefferson citizenship?
580. In what type of government system A. 21
is the central government supreme and B. 18
smaller branches unprotected?
C. 13
A. Federal System
D. 16
B. Unitary System
C. Confederal System 586. Which of the following is a citizen obliga-
tion (duty?
D. none of above
A. Obeying the law
581. What allows you to have a trial by your
peers? B. Paying taxes

A. Jury C. Voting
B. Judge D. All of the above
C. Lawyer 587. What legal process is used for an individ-
D. Witness ual to become a citizen?
A. Citizneship
582. What is the name of the National An-
them? B. Naturalization
A. American Anthem C. Immigration
B. God Bless America D. Refugee


1.15 Citizenship 819

588. (NS1-U3C1S1:KT3)The status or a citi- 593. What are the 3 branches of govern-
zen with its attendant duties, rights, and ment?


A. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
A. citizen B. Congress, Executive, and Judicial
B. citizenship C. House of Representatives, Senate and
C. law Congress
D. Senate, Department of War and the
D. constituted authority
White House.
E. spirit of association
594. SS.7.C.2.1-Low Complexity What is a
589. How many justices are on the supreme characteristic of U.S. citizenship according
court? to the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.
A. 5
A. lived in the United States for twenty
B. 7 years
C. 9 B. born or naturalized in the United
D. 27
C. owns property in the United States
590. Maria was born in Italy to an American D. employed in the United States
father and an Italian mother-is she a U.S.
citizen? Eligible? Not Eligible? 595. Which of the following includes three of
the 13 original states?
A. Eligible
A. Georgia, Indiana, New York
B. Not Eligible
B. Maine, Ohio, and West Virginia
C. Citizen
C. Vermont, Florida, and Pennsylvania
D. none of above
D. Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina
591. Which of the following is NOT a respon- 596. What is another name for the American
sibility of citizenship? Flag?
A. Respecting the law A. Old Glory
B. Paying taxes B. Big Red
C. Donating to charity C. Blue
D. Supporting the Constitution D. Banner

597. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is fa-

592. A citizen demonstrates loyalty to his or
mous for?
her nation in exchange for
A. decorated war general
A. Money
B. inventor of the telegraph
B. Jobs
C. Fourth president of the United States
C. Protection
D. oldest member of the Constitutional
D. Fun Convention


1.15 Citizenship 820

598. Which of these was NOT among the orig- D. A voluntary responsibility for men be-
inal states? tween the ages of 18 and 25.
A. Kentucky
603. Which of the following is a legal obliga-
B. New York tion of US citizenship?
C. Delaware A. to serve on a jury when summoned
D. North Carolina B. to save money for retirement
C. to vote in presidential elections

599. How old do citizens have to be to vote
for President? D. to vacation only in the US
A. 16
604. How many electoral votes are in the elec-
B. 21 toral college?
C. 18 A. 435
D. 25 B. 100
600. What right is available to American citi- C. 535
zens by birth and naturalized U.S. citizens, D. 538
but NOT to U.S. nationals or permanent
resident aliens? 605. Which of these problems led to the start
A. attending public schools of the Civil War
B. attending the church of choice A. Gold being found in California
C. choosing a preferred place of resi- B. Native Americans
dence C. Slavery
D. being elected to the House of Repre- D. The British
606. What is the “rule of law”?
601. Someone who has betrayed his or her
country A. Everyone follows the law except the
A. treason
B. Everyone follows the loaw except the
B. allegiance CIA
C. oath
C. Everyone follows the law include the
D. citizenship president
602. Registering with the government for mil- D. Everyone follows the law unless you
itary service is are not a citizen in the country
A. A legal duty/obligation if you are a man 607. Which of the following is our national an-
between the ages of 18 and 25. them?
B. A legal duty/obligation if you are a A. My Country ‘tis of Thee
man between the ages of 18 and 25 only
B. America, the Beautiful
if the country is at war.
C. No longer a legal duty/obligation for C. The Star-Spangled Banner
men between the ages of 18 and 25. D. The Pledge of Allegiance


1.15 Citizenship 821

608. Rita reads her News App on her phone in 612. Freedom of speech, press, religion, as-
order to read about an upcoming election. sembly, and petition are found in which
Which civic responsibility is she demon- amendment?


strating? A. 8th
A. Staying informed of current issues in- B. 5th
fluencing government actions
C. 14th
B. Communicating with government offi-
cials D. 1st

C. Upholding the Constitution 613. Which of the following is a citizen respon-

D. Influencing government actions sibility without consequences rather than
a legal obligation?
609. Which of the following is NOT a require- A. Obeying the law
ment to become a naturalized U.S. citi-
zen? B. Paying taxes
A. Be 18 or older C. Attending civic meetings
B. Possess knowledge of the American D. Registering for Selective Service
banking system 614. Put the following steps of the natural-
C. Maintain good moral character ization process in order from BEGINNING
D. Take the Oath of Allegiance TO END:(A) Exam & Interview(B) Declara-
tion of Intent to become a citizen(C) Oath
610. Which of the following is a step in the of Allegiance(D) Application & Background
naturalization process? Check
A. applying for a driver’s license A. A, B, C, D
B. getting a job B. B, D, A, C
C. registering to vote C. C, B, A, D
D. taking a citizenship test D. D, B, C, A
611. If Alberto from Costa Rica wishes to be- 615. Which of the following may legal aliens
come a naturalized U.S. citizen, which of do?
the following situations would make him
A. hold any government job
B. receive government services
A. He is 18, has lived in the United States
for seven years, and is able to speak and C. .serve on juries
read English. D. vote in elections
B. He is 20, has lived in the United States 616. What are the TWO parts of the U.S.
for three years, and knows the history of Congress?
the United States.
A. the President and Vice President
C. He is 16, is able to speak and read En-
glish, and knows the history of the United B. the House of Representatives and the
States Senate
D. He is 12, has lived in the United States C. the President and the Supreme Court
for most of his life, and is able to speak D. the Executive Branch and the Legisla-
and read English. tive Branch


1.15 Citizenship 822

617. Is this person a citizen, eligible for nat- 622. The first amendment protects each of the
uralization or must wait to apply:I’m 20 following liberties EXCEPT
years old and I was born in Korea. My A. trial by jury
parents are both US citizens.
B. speech
A. Citizen
C. press
B. Eligible
D. petition
C. wait

D. none of above 623. Which practice is part of the obligation of
a United States citizen to help defend the
618. What does the Constitution do? nation?
A. sets up and defines the government A. serve on a jury
B. draws boundaries of congressional B. vote in all elections
districts C. keep informed about national issues
C. sets codes of conduct for obeying local D. register for Selective Service
and federal laws
D. determines whether citizens are pros- 624. How old do citizens have to be to vote?
ecuted to the full extent of the law A. 16

619. a person who moves permanently to a B. 18

new country C. 21
A. refugee D. 25
B. immigrant 625. The idea of self-government is in the first
C. undocumented immigrant three words of the Constitution. What are
D. naturalization these words?
A. We the United
620. Which amendment to the Constitution
guaranteed citizenship to all Americans? B. We the People

A. 1st Amendment C. We the Citizens

B. 4th Amendment D. We the Americans

C. 24th Amendment 626. Which of the following is DENIED to im-

D. 14th Amendment migrants?
A. Serving in the military
621. Many cultures, customs, and traditions
have come into the United States as a a B. Attending public school
result of immigration. This has C. Owning property
A. Made the government increasingly D. Government employment outside of
powerful in taking control of our lives the military
B. Led to an increasingly diverse society. 627. Which option provides a citizen with the
C. Given the consumers more choice opportunity to impact the federal govern-
D. Given the people a greater say in ment?
democracy A. Testifying before Congress


1.15 Citizenship 823

B. Conducting a service project 633. The 15th Amendment extended the right
C. Voting for governor to vote to this group of people.


D. Joining an interest group A. Women
B. African American men
628. How many stripes does the US Flag
C. 18 year-olds
D. Native-Americans
A. 12
B. 13 634. Which amendment protects against cruel
and unusual punishments?
C. 14
A. 1st
D. 15
B. 5th
629. (NS1-U3C1S1:LQ4)Which of the follow-
C. 8th
ing are ways a person can become an
American citizen? (Choose all that apply; D. 10th
then push the ENTER button.)
635. Laura was born in France and lived in
A. By getting a job France until she immigrated to the U.S. at
B. By birth age 21. At age 25, Laura visited Morocco
on vacation. Why did Laura use a U.S.
C. By act of Congress passport to travel?
D. By going to college A. Laura was a resident of the U.S.
E. By naturalization B. Laura was a resident national of the
630. When was the Constitution written? U.S.

A. 1879 C. Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of

B. 1787
D. Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of
C. 1776 blood
D. 1803
636. Which person would need to go through
631. Why do some states have more represen- the naturalization process to become a
tation than others? United States citizen?
A. Pre decided A. a girl born in Canada to two Canadian
B. Voted on
B. a girl born in German to parents who
C. Population
are U.S. citizens
D. Trump
C. a boy born in Puerto Rico to parents
632. What are rights that only citizens have? who are not U.S. citizens
A. voting and running for office D. twins born on a U.S. military base
B. freedom of speech and press 637. From which country did America gain its
C. education and freedom of petition independence?

D. right to bear arms and freedom of as- A. France

sembly B. Mexico


1.15 Citizenship 824

C. England 643. Who is the Chief Justice of the United

D. none of above States Supreme Court?
A. John Paul Stevens
638. In order to become an American citizen,
an immigrant must study all of the follow- B. John Roberts
ing subjects EXCEPT-
C. Antonin Scalia
A. science
D. Samuel Alito
B. United States Government

C. English 644. If someone is born on U.S. soil or land
D. United States History anywhere in the world they are automati-
cally a citizen at birth because of
639. More and more Americans now earn a liv-
ing by A. Law of Blood

A. Providing services B. Law of Soil

B. Farming C. naturalization
C. Working in production of goods D. citizen obligations and responsibilities
D. herding unicorns
645. In the U.S., people accused of a crime are:
640. individuals are free to express their opin-
ions and beliefs A. presumed innocent until proven guilty
A. religion B. likely to be found not guilty
B. press C. likely to refuse a plea bargain
C. petition D. usually involved in civil law
D. speech
646. The naturalization process involves sev-
641. How can a person be legally granted asy- eral steps including
A. finding a citizen to serve as a sponsor.
A. Show proof of persecution to the U.S.
Border Patrol B. living in the United States for two
B. Send proof of persecution to the U.S. years.
before they leave their home country C. taking and passing a two-part test
C. An immigration court must approve it (reading and writing)
D. They must file a petition with the U.S. D. writing an essay about citizenship.
Immigration and Customs Service
647. Which of the following best describes a
642. Serving on a jury, obeying laws, taking person that leaves their country of ori-
care of your community, and are all ex- gin?
amples of what responsible citizens do.
A. Alien
A. Voting
B. Greasing the palms of local politicians B. Immigrant

C. Eating your veggies C. Emigrant

D. Dancing like Drake D. Foreigner


1.15 Citizenship 825

648. Which practice is part of the obligation of 654. Which of these is true about the citizen-
a U.S. citizen to help defend the nation? ship test for individuals who wish to be-
come American citizens?


A. Serve on a jury
B. Register for selective service A. Candidates must be able to recite the
Bill of Rights
C. Vote in all elections
B. Candidates must be able to read, write,
D. Keep informed about national issues
and speak English.
649. Law written by a legislative body. C. Candidates must be able to list all of
A. Military Law the former presidents
B. Statute D. Candidates must be able to identify all
fifty states on a map.
C. Special Law
D. Felony 655. Where can the oldest standing represen-
tative democracy in the world be found?
650. The Constitution establishes two ways to
become a citizen of the U.S.-by birth, or by A. Canada
a process called B. England
A. naturalization C. United States
B. probation D. Japan
C. immunization
656. immigrant who is legally authorized to
D. deportation live and work in U.S. but in not a citizen
651. When was the Declaration of Indepen- A. permanent resident
dence adopted? B. undocumented immigrant
A. July 8, 1767 C. illegal alien
B. June 4, 1776
D. 14th Amendment
C. July 4, 1776
657. What would be the most likely conse-
D. July 5, 1787
quences to society if citizens began refus-
652. What is the Selective Service System? ing to fulfill their citizenship responsibili-
A. A Military Draft for all Men
A. People would face the threat of losing
B. A registration system for men 18-26
their individual rights and freedoms
C. The law passed to establish the post
offic B. People would have more free time be-
cause they would have fewer social obli-
D. The organization that runs elections gations
653. How can you defend the Constitution? C. People would benefit from the direc-
A. Serve in the military tion of strong leaders who would guard
their freedom
B. Vote in elections
D. People would find that society was
C. Serve on juries able to look after itself with the help of
D. All of the above civic participation.


1.15 Citizenship 826

658. What are people living in a country with- 663. You read news articles about people run-
out permission/legal documentation are ning for president. What trait of a citizen
called? is this?
A. Illegal Aliens/undocumented A. Trustworthiness
B. political asylum seekers B. Participation in elections as an in-
formed voter
C. Illegal residents
C. Respect for the Law
D. none of above

D. Self-Reliance
659. Rita buys a newspaper every day in or-
der to read about an upcoming election. 664. Which amendment extends the due pro-
Which civic responsibility is she demon- cess protection to actions of the states?
strating? A. 12th
A. Communicating with government offi- B. 13th
cials C. 14th
B. Staying informed of current issues D. 15th
C. Influencing government actions
665. Which of these is not a right of a U.S. res-
D. none of above ident?

660. A person in the U.S. without a visa, pass- A. voting

port, or entry permit: B. freedom of religion
A. resident aliens C. freedom of speech
B. non-resident aliens D. right to petition the government
C. enemy aliens 666. Which is a civic duty required by U.S. law
D. illegal aliens for 18-year-old male citizens?
A. voting in all elections
661. Is this task a right, duty, or responsibil-
ity? COMMUNICATE WITH GOVERNMENT B. serving as a legislative page
OFFICALS C. registering with the selective service
A. Right D. volunteering for a political campaign
B. Duty 667. What is the best definition of a resident
C. Responsibility alien?
D. none of above A. A resident alien is a person who lives
in a country but is not a citizen of that coun-
662. The concept of citizenship started with try.
the B. A resident alien is a person who was
A. Egyptians an immigrant but has become a citizen of
the country.
B. Greeks and Romans
C. A resident alien is a person who wants
C. England after the Feudal Ages
to move to another country for school or
D. The Vatican after the Roman Wars work.


1.15 Citizenship 827

D. A resident alien is a person who was A. paying taxes

living in another country illegally and has B. registering for the draft
been deported.


C. serving on juries
668. Members of a local teen center are disap- D. attending school
pointed with a state law that would create
a curfew. The curfew would make it ille- 672. Where was Nicole from?
gal for children to be out of their homes A. Holland
after 10:00 pm. Which of these actions
would be a good way for the members of B. France
the teen center to oppose this law? C. Mexico
A. convince people to sign a petition D. Venezuela
against the law
673. What is a representative citizen?
B. stay out at night and break the law on
purpose A. An individual citizen who has influ-
enced America scientifically, culturally,
C. hold a car wash to raise money for the academically, and economically.
teen center
B. Celebrities who make a lot of money
D. ignore the law and pretend they never
heard about it C. A person who serves in Special Forces

669. Below is a quote from an individual about D. none of above

their place of birth. “My Mother is from
Canada and my father is a United States 674. A married couple decides to get a divorce.
Citizen who lived in the United States for They disagree over who gets what. A
over twenty five years and is a U.S. Ma- judge hears both sides of the case and
rine. I was born in Canada”. By which makes a decision about how their property
means would this person be a U.S. citi- should be divided.
zen? A. Criminal Law
A. Law of Soil B. Civil Law
B. Law of Blood C. Statutory law
C. Naturalization D. Juvenile Law
D. Immigration
675. Which of the following is NOT an exam-
670. Which of the following is an action re- ple of rule of law?
served only for U.S. citizens? A. “When the President does it, it is not
A. Voting illegal.”
B. Going to school B. “I prefer to follow the law, not men.”
C. Living in the United States C. “Anywhere, anytime ordinary people
are given the chance to choose, the choice
D. Getting a job is the same:freedom, not tyranny; democ-
671. This duty of citizenship, allows for po- racy, not dictatorship; the rule of law, not
lice protection, fire protection, teacher the rule of the secret police.
salaries. D. none of above


1.15 Citizenship 828

676. What does the judicial branch not do? age 25, Laura visited Morocco on vaca-
A. review laws tion. Why did Laura use a US passport to
B. resolves disputes
A. Laura was a US citizen by law of blood.
C. explains laws
B. Laura was a US citizen by law of soil.
D. declares war C. Laura was a resident alien of the US.
677. All of the following freedoms are pro- D. Laura was a resident national of the

tected under the First Amendment EXCEPT- US.
A. religion 682. Who of the following is a U.S. Citizen?
B. press A. Mike was born in Canada and has been
C. speech working in the U.S. the past 3 years

D. privacy B. Cecilia is seventeen and is going to

high school in Los Angeles
678. Who makes laws for our country C. Josh was born in Spain to two U. S. cit-
A. President izens

B. Congress D. Julie moved to the United States when

she was three years old. She moved back
C. Supreme Court to Mexico when she was 12.
D. States
683. the right to be treated fairly by the gov-
679. I ‘m 20 years old, and I was born in Ko- ernment
rea. My parents are both U.S. citizens. Is A. 1st amendment
this person B. speech
A. Citizen C. naturalization
B. Eligible D. due process
C. Wait 684. This is a legal process to obtain citizen-
D. none of above ship.
A. naturalization
680. Which way is a means in which a person
can become a United States citizen if he or B. civics
she is not born within the United States? C. civic engagement
A. File naturalization papers D. native-born
B. Be born on an American territory 685. The citizenship process tests the appli-
C. Be born on a United States military cant’s
base A. ability to read, write, and speak En-
D. One or both parents are United States glish
citizens B. ability to serve in the U.S. armed
681. Laura was born in France to two parents
who were US citizens. She lived in France C. knowledge of U.S. traffic laws
until she moved to the US at age 21. At D. knowledge of world history


1.15 Citizenship 829

686. Which is NOT a requirement for a person 691. What are the two parts of the U.S.
to become a naturalized citizen? Congress?


A. Be employed with a job A. House of Representatives and the Sen-
B. Have good character ate

C. Be fluent in English B. The Senate and the Supreme Court

D. Pass a naturalization test C. The Speaker of the House and the

687. Who officially elects the President of the D. The Judicial Branch and the Executive
United States? Branch
A. The People
692. A DUTY of all Citizens is:
B. Members of the Senate
A. Obey all laws
C. The Electoral College
B. vote
D. State legislatures
C. run for office
688. The Internet was originally created to
share what type of information? D. Read the news

A. The sharing of information between 693. The system in place to select males
computer scientists. aged 18-25 for military conscription dur-
B. Information and data regarding mili- ing times of need is referred to as which
tary activity. of the following selections?

C. Higher education institutions shared A. Social Security

academic findings. B. Selective Service
D. NASA needed access to data and cal- C. Young Men’s Combat Association
culations quickly and accurately.
D. The Department of Homeland Security
689. Which of the following is NOT a way to
become a citizen? 694. Category of law that consists of rules cre-
ated by agencies like the FDA (Food & Drug
A. Be born in the US. Administration)
B. Be born in a US territory or military A. common law
B. administrative law
C. Sign up for the selective service.
C. constitutional law
D. Complete the Naturalization process.
D. statutory law
690. In what type of government system is
the state’s government supreme with a 695. What is the last step in becoming a Nat-
weak central government? uralized citizen?
A. Federal System A. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance
B. Unitary System B. Saying the Oath of Allegiance
C. Confederal System C. Paying a Citizenship Tax
D. none of above D. none of above


1.15 Citizenship 830

696. Who does a U.S. Senator represent? 701. What is the capital of the United States?
A. all people of the state A. New York City
B. all people of the city B. Philadelphia
C. all people of his or her party C. Washington, DC
D. all people of the United States D. none of above
697. In order for a United States citizen to re- 702. Who lived in America before the Euro-
ceive a fair trial, other citizens must- peans arrived?

A. evaluate judges A. Vikings
B. vote in elections B. Native Americans
C. pay poll taxes C. Polynesians
D. serve on juries D. Creoles
698. Why is it important for citizens to pay 703. My grandparents were both born in
taxes? Puerto Rico. I was born on an American
A. To allow the country to start a draft military base in Guam. Am I a citizen?
B. To help citizens become informed vot- A. Law of Soil
ers B. Law of Blood
C. To make sure that laws are up to date C. Not A Citizen
D. To provide Money for government ser- D. Naturalization
704. How long did it take for Nicole to become
699. Which best explains the difference be- a US citizen?
tween a duty and a responsibility of a U.S. A. a long time
B. 5 years
A. United States citizens are exempt from
all duties or responsibilities C. 1 month
B. A duty is something you should do, a D. 1 year
responsibility is something you must do or 705. What is an example of a civil service
there is punishment. job?
C. A responsibility is something you A. pediatrician
should do, a duty is something you must
do or there is punishment. B. police officer
D. You need a hall pass to do your duty, it C. stock broker
is a responsibility for you to get there. D. clerk
700. Which of the following best represents a 706. Who was considered a citizen in the early
civic responsibility? societies?
A. Registering for the draft A. Property owning men
B. Participating in government B. All men
C. Serving on a jury C. men and their wives
D. Paying income taxes D. only those born in Rome


1.15 Citizenship 831

707. Active participation in civic life has its 711. Which option provides a citizen with the
philosophical basis in ‘the common good’, opportunity to directly impact local govern-
which asserts which of the following selec- ment?


tions? A. Testifying before Congress
A. All men are created equal B. Participating in a community service
B. Individual achievement is the best goal project
in life
C. Voting for president
C. Very little of our lives is affected by the
D. Speaking at a city council meeting
environment and community around us
D. The cooperative efforts of citizens is 712. A volunteer is a
the best way to ensure the betterment of A. someone has a job
B. a person helping others for no pay.
708. Which is an example of the difference be- C. someone who teaches in school
tween a responsibility and a duty of a US
citizen who is an 18-year-old male? D. someone who gets paid for what they
A. He has a responsibility to pay taxes
and a duty to perform community service. 713. Which of the following best defines the
B. He has a responsibility to vote and a term citizen?
duty to register for selective service. A. an individual who exercises political
C. He has a responsibility to serve on authority over a group of people
a jury and the duty to help neighbors in B. an individual who is able to vote in elec-
need. tions
D. He has a responsibility to serve in the C. a legally recognized member of a coun-
military and a duty to clean up litter. try
709. What movement tried to end racial dis- D. a person who is loyal to and proud of
crimination? his or her country
A. The Alt Right Movement 714. When the US began only these people
B. The Civil Rights Movement could vote
C. THe Movement for love A. all 18 year olds
D. The Mohamed Ali Movement for peace B. women
710. Karen ordered an iPod off the internet C. native americans
and paid with her credit card, but she D. white male property owners
never received the order. The seller is re-
fusing to refund her money, so she takes 715. What can Citizens do that Aliens may
the matter to court. not?
A. Criminal Law A. vote in election
B. Civil Law B. own property
C. Military Law C. hold jobs
D. Juvenile Law D. attend public schools


1.15 Citizenship 832

716. Which of these is a legal responsibility of B. the study of the rights and duties of the
U.S. citizenship? clergy.
A. To reside in the U.S C. the study of the rights and duties of
B. To save money for retirement media.

C. To vote in Presidential elections D. the study of the rights and duties of

D. To serve on a jury when summoned
722. When you are a member of a country

717. The final step of becoming a naturalized with full rights and responsibilities in that
U.S. citizen is taking the country
A. Oath of Allegiance A. Selective Service
B. a crime called treason B. alien
C. Independence Day C. citizen
D. the first ten constitutional amend- D. legal resident
723. You are responsible and turn your work
718. Check the qualities of a good citizen. in on time. What trait of a citizen is this?
A. Honest A. Accountability
B. Selfish B. Participation in elections as an in-
C. Kind formed voter
D. Responsible C. Self-Reliance
E. Cruel D. Courtesy

719. To run for President or Vice-President, a 724. the idea that the government receives its
person must be born in the United States power from the people because we vote
OR be born to U.S. citizens overseas. This for our leaders
type of citizenship is known as A. tolerance
A. native-born B. voting
B. naturalized C. popular sovereignty
C. presidential citizenship D. ethnic group
D. permanent resident citizenship
725. Which of the following is a required duty
720. how many original colonies were there? of U.S. citizens?
A. 10 A. voting
B. 11 B. influencing government actions
C. 13 C. donating money to a political campaign
D. 19 D. paying taxes

721. What is the best definition of Civics? 726. From which country do the majority of il-
A. the study of the rights and duties of cit- legal aliens in this country come?
izenship. A. Canada


1.15 Citizenship 833

B. Vietnam 731. How is citizenship related to voting?

C. Mexico A. Only citizens are allowed to vote in


D. Afghanistan elections.
B. Only natural-born citizens may vote in
727. Accountable means
A. no one will held responsible for their
actions C. You can vote regardless of your citizen-
ship status.
B. no one is above the law
D. You must be a citizen for five years be-
C. the government can do whatever they
fore voting in an election.
D. everyone is held to their actions or de- 732. What ocean is on the West Coast of the
cisions United States?

728. The duties of American citizens include A. Indian Ocean

obeying laws, paying taxes, defending the B. Arctic Ocean
nation, serving in court, and
C. Pacific Ocean
A. attending church.
D. Atlantic Ocean
B. attending school.
C. volunteering. 733. What is one reason colonists came to
D. Voting.
A. expansion of slavery
729. Which of these are required steps in the
process to become a naturalized citizen? B. take land from the natives
A. Pass a two-part test. C. religious freedom
B. Be a resident of the United States for D. following the king’s orders
a certain number of years.
734. The legal process by which a person can
C. Take an oath of allegiance to the voluntarily give up his or her citizenship is
United States and Promise to obey United called
States laws.
A. alienation.
D. Promise to vote in every election.
E. Join the United States military. B. expatriation.
C. naturalization.
730. Andre’s parents were both naturalized
citizens and have lived in the US for 10 D. denaturalization.
years. Andre was born in Argentina while
his parents were vacationing. Is Andre a 735. and naturalization, in the 20th cen-
US citizen? tury, have led to an increasingly diverse
A. No because his parents were not born
in the United States A. birth
B. No because he was born in Argentina B. immigration
C. Yes because of the law of blood C. the 14th amendment
D. Yes because of the law of soil D. citizenship


1.15 Citizenship 834

736. demonstrate knowledge if US history and 742. Some of the reasons to become a US Cit-
principles, and the ability to read, speak, izen are:
write words in English; show good moral A. be able to have benefits
character and loyalty to the US
B. be able to have benefits
A. immigration
C. serve in the military
B. naturalization
D. all of the above
C. 1st amendment

D. diversity 743. The person who would become President
if the President should die is:
737. Which i s not a national holiday?
A. Vice President
A. President’s Day
B. Secretary of State
B. Memorial Day
C. Chief Justice
C. Independence Day
D. none of above
D. The Last Day of School
744. What did the Framers of the Constitution
738. What does the President’s Cabinet do? write about citizenship?
A. stores his cups A. That people living in the US were citi-
B. stores his snacks zens.
C. advises the president B. Nothing, they left it up to the states.
D. advises the congress C. That white men who owned land were
739. Things that Citizens should do, but are
not required to do are called: D. That a person could apply for citizen-
A. Duties
B. Responsibilities 745. Why is community service important in a
C. Rights democratic nation?

D. Liberties A. It helps businesses find and train new

740. Which level of government is closest to B. It addresses local needs and serves
most Americans? the public good
A. Local Government C. It lowers unemployment by giving jobs
B. State Government to volunteers
C. National Government D. It removes the national government’s
D. Native Government duty to improve society

741. The process by which someone can be- 746. What is the act of betraying your country
come an American citizen is called and the US Constitution called?
A. Immigration A. Felony
B. Naturalization B. Treason
C. Propagation C. Major Crime
D. Materilization D. Misdemeanor


1.15 Citizenship 835

747. Where did Nicole and Peter get married? 752. The Government of the United States of
America is a?
A. France
A. Direct Democracy


B. Mexico
B. Representative Democracy
C. In Peter’s home in America
C. Dictatorship
D. Brazil D. Group of baboons
748. How many immigrants does the United 753. This amendment protects your Due Pro-
States allow into the country per year? cess:
A. one thousand A. First
B. half a million B. Fifth
C. Fourteenth
C. one million
D. Thirteenth
D. There is no limit.
754. The process for which immigrants take to
749. In order to become a U.S. citizen, an im- become citizens of the U.S. is
migrant must A. specialization process
A. pass a citizenship test. B. naturalization process
B. all of these C. individualization process
C. be a resident of the U.S. for at least 5 D. constitutional process
years 755. Which of the following is a requirement
D. swear their allegiance to the United for a person to become a naturalized U.S.
States. citizen?
A. Marrying a U.S. citizen
750. SS.7.C.2.2Which practice is part of the
B. Gaining employment in the U.S.
obligation of a U.S. citizen to help defend
the nation? C. Being a legal resident for 5 years
A. serve on a jury D. Being born in a U.S. territory

B. register for Selective Service 756. What is one responsibility that is only for
United States citizens?
C. vote in all national elections
A. serve on a jury
D. keep informed about national issues
B. have to go to college
751. To become a citizen of the United States, C. have to care for the elderly
an immigrant must have been a lawful per- D. have to give to charity
manent resident for at least years if
they are not married to a U.S. citizen. 757. Which of these options is NOT a step in
the naturalization process?
A. 3
A. Being able to understand English
B. 5 B. Taking a Citizenship Test
C. 7 C. Swearing an Oath of Allegiance
D. 10 D. Bribing the President


1.15 Citizenship 836

758. How many justices are there on the U.S. 764. (NS1-U3C1S1:LQ6)Which of the follow-
Supreme Court? ing American leaders said, “Ask not what
A. 3 your country can do for you, ask what you
can do for your country.”?
B. 5
A. John Adams
C. 7
B. John F. Kennedy
D. 9
C. Martin Luther King
759. Which of the following is a citizen respon-

D. none of above
sibility rather than a duty?
A. Obeying the law 765. Serving on a jury is an important civic
B. Paying taxes duty because

C. Volunteering at a charity or public ser- A. juries decide how the laws will be exe-
vice project cuted
D. Registering for Selective Service B. there are not enough judges to try ev-
ery court case.
760. What amendment defines citizenship?
C. trial by jury is a basic right guaranteed
A. 13 in the Constitution.
B. 15 D. juries assure that an accused person’s
C. 14 civil rights will be upheld.
D. none of above 766. Rights that cannot be taken away are
761. Permanent residents (aliens) may not do A. undeniable rights
which of the following? B. unalienable rights
A. attend school C. certain rights
B. vote
D. equal rights
C. pay taxes
767. Which amendments defines U.S. citizen-
D. own property
762. The idea that citizenship is based upon A. 1st amendment
where you are born.
B. 5th amendment
A. Naturalization
C. 12th amendment
B. Birthright
D. 14th amendment
C. Asylum
D. Lawful Permanent Resident 768. Which of the following is based on the
responsibility of citizenship?
763. Choose the 2 due process amendments
A. To guarantee our right to confront wit-
A. 6th
B. To preserve constitutional limits on
B. 14th government power
C. 5th C. To guarantee our right to be judged by
D. 12th a jury of our peers


1.15 Citizenship 837

D. To protect our rights to petition for a C. a U.S. citizen who goes to France for
writ of habeas corpus vacation.


769. Some examples of the rights US citizens D. the U.S.-born child of a naturalized cit-
have are: izen of the United States.

A. free speech 774. Which amendments in the constitution

B. to vote have to do with the rights of citizens?

C. religion A. All of them

D. all the above B. The last 10

C. The first 10
770. What is Indiana’s Capitol?
D. none of them
A. Marion
B. Indianapolis 775. A(n) must carry a green card while
living in the U.S. to prove he or she has
C. Indianation permission to be here.
D. Washington DC A. resident alien
771. What are the 3 main responsibilities of B. non-resident alien
United States citizens? C. refugee
A. Vote, Enforce Laws, Respect Others D. illegal alien
B. Obey Laws, Pay Taxes, Vote
776. Which of the following is not a citizen of
C. Vote, Stay Informed, Respect Rights of the United States?
A. Kathy was born on a military base in
D. Attend School, Serve in Military, Stand Germany where her father, a U.S. citizen,
for the National Anthem worked.
772. Why is attending school considered a civic B. Franco was born in Washington, D.C.
duty? while his father served as an ambassador
from Italy.
A. Educated citizens are vital to the suc-
cess of our democracy. C. While both of her parents are Viet-
namese, Lily Beth was born in Hawaii.
B. The more education a person has, the
more money he or she is likely to earn. D. Lester was born to Spanish speaking
parents on the Texas side of the Mexi-
C. School districts depend on having a
can/U.S. border.
certain number of students.
D. Today’s high-tech society needs edu- 777. actions of a citizen required by law; fail-
cated employees. ure to perform these will have legal conse-
773. An example of an alien is
A. rights
A. a college student who is in the United
States on a student visa. B. duties

B. a Canadian citizen who works for an C. responsibilities

American company. D. civic engagement


1.15 Citizenship 838

778. few rights, if any, are considered 784. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
A. optional tion protects your right to peacefully criti-
cize government officials?
B. necessary
A. 1st
C. absolute
B. 4th
D. mandatory
C. 5th
779. The House of Representatives has how
many voting members? D. 14th

A. 100 785. In recent years most immigrants to the
B. 365 U.S. come from which two countries?
C. 435 A. India
D. 646 B. China
780. We elect a U.S. senator for how many C. Mexico
years? D. Philippines
A. 6
B. 2 786. By law, if illegal aliens are discovered,
C. 4
A. can stay in this country indefinitely
D. for life
B. can be arrested and deported back to
781. When Americans say the Pledge of Alle- their countries
giance, they are
C. are eligible for government jobs
A. showing loyalty to the flag
D. are given the highest priority to re-
B. a crime called treason ceive citizenship
C. the first ten constitutional amend-
ments 787. President Eisenhower wrote, “Our li-
D. the U. S. National Anthem braries serve the precious liberties of our
nations: “ To which of the following
782. Male U.S. Citizens age 18-26 must regis- liberties was Eisenhower NOT referring?
ter with A. Freedom of speech
A. the Selective Service
B. Freedom to think for ourselves
B. the first ten constitutional amend-
ments C. Freedom to have opposing ideas

C. Oath of Allegiance D. Freedom to censure

D. a crime called treason 788. What is the final step to being natural-
783. What does E Manyibus One mean? ized?

A. Out of many One A. Taking the Oath of Allegiance

B. All for One B. Living in the US for 5 years
C. In God We Trust C. Passing the civics test
D. And Justice for All D. none of above


1.15 Citizenship 839

789. The act of making a change by sharing 794. Which characteristic serves as a long-
ideas and/or skills. term protection against tyranny and is
a foundation of liberty in the United


A. legislation
B. education
A. right to trial
C. formation station B. rule of law
D. none of above C. commerce clause
790. A foreign-born resident of the U.S. who D. elastic clause
has not been naturalized is called
795. Which type of service project would help
A. A refugee the common good?
B. An alien A. Planning a neighborhood recycling pro-
C. a citizen
B. Participating in a neighborhood party
D. a diplomat
C. Completed homework on time
791. A citizen is greatly concerned about a pro- D. Visiting public libraries
posed ordinance and would like to voice his
opinion to the town council. Which civic ac- 796. Where do we get our rights?
tion would be the most appropriate for his
A. Constitution
B. Parents
A. e-mail the governor
C. President
B. speak at a public hearing
D. Civics Class
C. send an anonymous letter to the editor
797. American citizens must pay federal taxes,
D. send an anonymous letter to the pres-
which are paid via
A. income tax
792. Is this task a right, duty, or responsibil- B. sales tax
C. property tax
A. Right
D. sin tax
B. Duty
798. Which of the following is a REQUIRE-
C. Responsibility
MENT for someone to be naturalized?
D. none of above
A. Pass a literacy and science exam
793. What is an Example of a Civic Responsi- B. Pass a literacy and civics exam
bility? C. Pass a general knowledge exam
A. Running for President D. Demonstrate the knowledge of a typi-
B. Paying Income Taxes cal high school graduate

C. Getting drafted 799. The 8th amendment:

D. Jury Duty A. protects freedom of religion


1.15 Citizenship 840

B. forbids cruel or unusual punishment 805. Who is the speaker of the house?
for crimes A. Paul Ryan
C. guarantees citizenship to all immi- B. Nancy Pelosi
C. Greg Fryer
D. forbids illegal searches and seizures
D. Ned Tillian
800. I’m 34 years old. My mother and father
806. If an alien is married to a U.S. citizen,
are citizens of Russia. I have been a per-
how long must the alien live in the United

manent resident in the U.S. for 3 years. Is
States prior to applying for citizenship?
this person
A. at least one year
A. Citizen
B. at least six months
B. Eligible
C. at least five years
C. Wait
D. at least three years
D. none of above
807. is the process by which an immigrant
801. What is a right that ONLY citizens have? becomes a citizen.
A. Vote A. Naturalization
B. Work B. Immigration
C. Attend school C. Law of blood
D. Own property D. Law of soil
802. There are two ways to become a United 808. What changed the ideas of citizenship as
States citizen. One is by birth and the those belonging to a nation?
other is by-
A. American and French Revolutions
A. naturalization
B. English Bill of Rights
B. emigration
C. Magna Carta
C. immigration
D. 95 Thesis of Martin Luther
D. alienship
809. Below is an excerpt from the 14th
803. How long can a member of the Supreme Amendment:”All persons born or natural-
Court serve? ized in the United States, and subject to
A. 5 years the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the
United States and the State wherein they
B. 10 years
reside. “What is the purpose of that ex-
C. 25 years cerpt?
D. Life or in good behavior A. Explaining the duties of citizens and
804. A member of a community is called a
B. Defining citizenship of the United
A. president States
B. mayor C. Protecting the natural rights of immi-
C. citizen grants
D. teacher D. Limiting the rights of all Americans


1.15 Citizenship 841

810. The act of making a change by settling a 815. Any person not a citizen or national of a
disagreement in court. country is a(n)


A. litigation A. alien
B. legislation B. resident
C. innovation C. immigrant
D. none of above D. none of above

811. Who do you have the most chance of in- 816. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators
fluencing? now?

A. President A. Mike Braun

B. Representative B. Todd Young

C. Senator C. Mike Pence

D. Supreme Court D. Jeb Bush

817. What is the thought that means the gov-

812. This principle says that if you are born in
ernment gets their power from the citi-
the U.S., you get automatic citizenship.
A. expatriation
A. Checks and Balances
B. parlez vous
B. Bill of Rights
C. jus soli
C. Consent of the Governed
D. donde esta el bano
D. Preamble
813. Freddie is 18 years old and has regis- 818. Naturalized citizens have the same rights
tered for military service. However, when and duties as native-born Americans. The
he is called up in the draft he does not only exception to this is that they cannot
want to service on the front lines because
of his religious beliefs. What is the term A. teach in public schools.
used to describe Freddie’s position? B. run for any public office.
A. Draft Dodger C. get arrested
B. War Hater D. become president or vice president of
C. Conscientious Objector the United States

D. Military Muse 819. Democrats generally support

A. Focusing legal immigration on skills
814. Which of these is a legal obligation (or
rather than family connections
duty) of U.S. citizenship?
B. Forcing migrants to wait for asylum in
A. To reside in the U.S
B. To save money for retirement
C. Amnesty for undocumented immi-
C. To vote in Presidential elections grants to legally stay in the U.S.
D. To serve on a jury when summoned D. Eliminating the diversity visa program


1.16 Geography 842

820. Which of the following children would 824. The first American inhabitants are
NOT be considered a U.S. citizen? thought to have crossed from into the
A. A child born in Chicago whose Ger- Americas across a land bridge thousands
man parents are diplomats in the United of years ago.
States. A. England
B. A child born in Japan whose parents B. Spain
are both American citizens.
C. Africa
C. A child born in Ohio whose parents are

D. Asia
illegal aliens.
D. A child born in Puerto Rico whose 825. It is the duty of every 18 year old male
mother is an American citizen. to register for what?

821. Which is NOT an American Indian tribe A. Work

A. Cherokee B. Selective Service (Draft)

B. Navajo C. School
C. Sioux D. Facebook
D. Hannuman 826. All of the following are functions of a gov-
ernment except
822. Citizens have the to vote, pay taxes,
and follow the laws. A. Keep order
A. responsibility B. Provide Security
B. right C. Provide Services to the community
C. ticket D. They are all functions of government
D. teachers
827. Which form of government gives the
823. Name one that is NOT a U.S. territory most power to ordinary citizens?
A. Jamaica A. autocracy
B. Puerto Rico B. oligarchy
C. Guam C. absolute monarchy
D. Northern Mariana Islands D. democracy

1.16 Geography
1. What word means:the way the outside air A. Communities with only one culture
feels form day to day?
B. Communities with many cultures
A. weather
C. Communities where culture does not
B. climate exist?
C. mountain D. none of above
D. coast
3. What word means:the study of Earth and
2. What is the meaning of multi-culture? it’s people?


1.16 Geography 843

A. relative location 9. What ocean are the 13 colonies on?

B. geographer A. Atlantic


C. geography tools B. Pacific
D. geography C. Arctic
D. Indian
4. Which two countries fought over Canada?
A. Spain and Mexico 10. Which river carved the Grand Canyon?

B. Britain and Spain A. Ohio

B. Rio Grande
C. France and Spain
C. Colorado
D. Britain and France
D. St. Lawrence
5. The term discrimination refers to
11. What is the angular distance of the Arctic
A. refusing to hire candidates who are circle from North pole?
not qualified.
A. 66◦ 30’
B. treating individuals unfairly based on a
group identity B. 90◦
C. 23◦ 30’
C. prosecuting citizens who break the law
D. None of the above
D. establishing quidelins for entering the
country 12. Among the ocean currents that play a ma-
jor role in Canada’s climates is the warm,
6. Which one is NOT a continent? northward-flowing current known as the
A. Asia A. Canadian Shield.
B. Africa B. Labrador Current.
C. North America C. Gulf Stream.
D. United States D. Alaska Current.

7. What would be the latitude of a place on 13. The purpose of the Upper Canada Abolition
the South Pole? Act of 1793 was to
A. 90◦ S A. protect the rights of Canadian slave
B. 90◦ N
B. outlaw slavery in one Canadian
C. 0◦
D. None of the above
C. prevent enslaved persons in Canada
8. A wind turbine is a source of energy. from getting married.
D. allow enslaved persons in Canada to
A. fossil fuel
observe religious practices
B. solar
14. The main mountain range in the eastern
C. renewable
part of the USA is called the Moun-
D. geothermal tains.


1.16 Geography 844

A. Appalachian B. Canadian Shield

B. Rocky C. Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plains
C. Canadian Shield D. Rocky Mountains
D. Great Plains 20. A majority of early colonists of Canada
15. Different kinds of land on the Earth were

A. vegetation A. Loyalists who left the American


B. physical characteristics
B. political refugees from Europe.
C. landforms
C. Spanish explorers.
D. valleys
D. Native Americans.
16. Which of the following is an example of
the United States and Canadian govern- 21. What word means:land that has water
ments working together to address water around it on all sides but one?
pollution? A. peninsula
A. the Clean Water Conservation Consor- B. geographer
C. mountain
B. the Great Lakes Water Quality Act
D. island
C. the North American Free Trade Agree-
ment (NAFTA) 22. Which parallel bisects the earth?
D. the Green Energy and Green Economy A. Tropic of cancer
Act (GEGEA) B. Equator
17. The lies at zero degrees longitude. C. Tropic of capricorn
A. Prime Meridian D. All of the above
B. Artic Circle 23. Which ocean borders the WEST coast of the
C. Equator United States and Canada?
D. International Date Line A. Indian Ocean
B. Southern Ocean
18. Who was elected the first commander and
chief of the first Continental Army C. Atlantic Ocean
A. John Adams D. Pacific Ocean
B. Thomas Jefferson 24. What do Alaska and Hawaii have in com-
C. George Washington mon?
D. Benjamin Franklin A. Neither state has an active volcano.

19. Which landform in the United States is B. Neither state borders the 48 contigu-
most closely identified with the follow- ous states.
ing characteristics:frost-free winters, hu- C. Both states have tropical climates.
mid summers, agriculture, and fishing? D. The two states are about the same size
A. Great Plains in land mass.


1.16 Geography 845

25. What state in the U.S. is in the most dan- B. climate

ger from hurricanes? C. geography


A. Kansas
D. geography tools
B. Florida
31. British colonization of North America po-
C. Minnesota
litically influenced the United States and
D. Colorado Canada by introducing the idea of
26. The spread of democratic ideals from A. separation of church and state
philosophers in Europe to the Founding Fa- B. free trade
thers in the United States is an example of
which of the following? C. limited government
A. cultural contact D. constitutional monarchy
B. cultural disassociation 32. Geographic features that were not made
C. cultural divergence by humans
D. cultural convergence A. human characteristics

27. What is the tall group of mountains that B. place

runs through the western US states such C. region
as Colorado and Wyoming? D. physical characteristics
A. Appalachian Mountains
33. What bodies of water does the St.
B. Rocky Mountains
Lawrence Seaway connect?
C. Cascade Mountains
A. Arctic Ocean and Atlantic Ocean
D. Sierra Nevada Mountains
B. Hudson Bay and Atlantic Ocean
28. Of the following choices, which state is the C. Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean
furthest South?
D. Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean
A. Alaska
B. West Virginia 34. Washington, D.C. is located on which coast
of the United States?
C. Delaware
A. North Coast
D. Washington
B. East Coast
29. Part of a map that explains any symbols
or colors on the map C. South Coast

A. map scale D. West Coast

B. climate 35. What is the lowest place in the United
C. physical map States called?
D. map legend A. Death Row
B. Death Valley
30. What word means:a person who studies
geography? C. San Antonio
A. geographer D. Lowlands of the United States


1.16 Geography 846

36. Name two citiesfound in Canada? B. climate change.

A. New York C. the fishing industry.
B. Nassau D. old-growth forests.
C. Quebec 42. Which physical feature is a major source
D. Toronto of US-Canada and overseas trading that
connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic
37. What body of water is an important ship- Oceans?

ping route for Canada?
A. The Hudson Bay
A. Hudson Bay
B. The St. Lawrence River
B. Arctic Ocean
C. The Great Lakes
C. St. Lawrence Seaway
D. The Rocky Mountains
D. Pacific Ocean
43. The rural to urban migration that took
38. For what reasons do immigrants leave
place in USA and Canada during the 20th
their home countries?
century was the result of
A. Religious freedom.
A. the emergence of more small family
B. for job opportunities farms.
C. To flee from war or natural disasters B. the development of modern farm ma-
D. All of the above. chinery
C. the use of agricultural fertilizers that
39. What is a region?
spoiled the soil
A. an area with at least one characteris-
D. the arrival of immigrants from other
tic or feature that sets it apart from other
B. a map to show the political boundaries 44. What lakes are located along the border
between Canada and the U.S.?
C. where the oceans are on Earth
A. Great Lakes
D. none of above
B. Canadian Lakes
40. Why do the southern states generally vote
C. Hudson Bay
D. Superior Lakes
A. Large Cities
B. They vote Democrat 45. U.S. and Canada were colonized by:
C. They’re more religious A. Africans
D. The south can’t vote B. Asians
C. Australians
41. The continued extraction of natural
resources-particularly coal, oil, and natu- D. Europeans
ral gas from the tar sands in Alberta-fuels
a growing concern among many people 46. Canada is made up of 10
about A. Provinces
A. wetlands. B. States


1.16 Geography 847

C. Counties 52. This region is a flat, grassy area in the mid-

dle of North America, also known as the
D. Cities
breadbasket of North America.


47. Five large lakes located between the A. Mississippi Valley
United States and Canada containing the B. Great Plains
largest surface area of fresh water in the
C. Coastal Plains
D. Canadian Shield
A. Atlantic Ocean
53. In what colony did the Boston Massacre
B. Great Lakes
C. Lake Lanier A. Maryland
D. Gulf of Mexico B. Massachusetts

48. Which mountain range is in the eastern C. New York

part of the United States D. Delaware
A. Appalachian Mountains 54. Inland regions are subject to climates.
B. Rocky Mountains A. Extreme
C. Pacific Coastal Ranges B. Mild
C. Consistent
D. Andes Mountains
D. Warm
49. Which Great Lake is the furthest East?
55. Energy resources in the United States and
A. Ontario Canada
B. Michigan A. Nickel and Iron Ore
C. Superior B. coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric
D. Huron
C. copper and uranium
50. Which of the following Rivers is the fur- D. none of above
thest North?
56. What describes the location of an area in
A. Red River both absolute and relative terms?
B. Tennessee River A. geographers
C. Ohio River B. demographic maps
D. Colorado River C. manifest destiny
D. migration
51. This tells what the symbols on a map stand
for. Choose 2. 57. Canada includes all of the following terri-
tories except
A. map key
A. Yukon
B. map scale B. Nunavut
C. legend C. Northewest
D. title D. Toronto


1.16 Geography 848

58. In many geography classes students iden- C. hydroelectricity

tify the location of U.S. state capitals. D. wind and solar power
State capitals are a significant location of
geographers to study because 63. It is important to conserve fossil fuels be-
A. most of the population are living in cause they are
these locations A. nonrenewable energy sources.
B. many jobs are available in these loca- B. the least polluting source of energy.
tions C. scarce in the United States.

C. rules for societies are created in these D. an inexpensive source of energy.
64. Causes the seasons.
D. historical monuments are built in
these locations A. Rotation
B. Revolution
59. What mountain range is in the eastern part
of the US? C. Tilt
A. Mount Rushmore D. Timing it’s all about timing
B. Sierra Nevada 65. In which state does the Platte River be-
C. Rocky Mountains gin?
D. Appalachian Mountains A. Wyoming
B. Colorado
60. What is the northernmost state in the US?
C. Nebraska
A. Texas
D. Missouri
B. Ohio
C. Alaska 66. What is at 0 degrees longitude?

D. Maine A. Northern hemisphere

B. Southern hemisphere
61. Which statement explains why rural areas
C. Equator
tend to have low population density?
D. Prime Meridian
A. Homes in rural areas are too costly for
most people to afford. 67. The mouth of a river
B. Rural areas lack the space needed to A. is where is starts
accomodate many people.
B. is where another river meets it
C. People living in rural areas use much
C. the triangular shaped land deposited
of the land for farming.
D. is where it empties into a larger body
D. Rural areas are too cold for people’s
of water like an ocean or lake
68. A key to history
62. Canada is the world’s third-largest pro-
ducer of , which is an inexpensive A. Geography
source of renewable energy. B. Continent
A. synthetic crude oil C. Equator
B. natural gas D. none of above


1.16 Geography 849

69. Military forts and missions were built by 74. Which are two states in the Great Plains?
soldiers and clergy from in the 1700s A. Georgia and Alabama
which led to exploration and mapping of


the region and the building of roads and B. Texas and North Dakota
ranches. C. California and Oregon
A. Spain D. Maine and New York
B. Portugal 75. What kind of map shows state borders,
C. England country borders, and capital cities?

D. France A. election map

B. elevation map
70. The Inuit have their own territory in C. physical map
Canada called
D. political map
A. Toronto
76. The Missouri and Ohio Rivers are that
B. Alberta
feed into the Mississippi River, adding to
C. Nunavit its strength and volume.
D. Montreal A. locks
B. seaways
71. rolling inland grasslands with fertile soil
C. tributaries
A. cordillera
D. canals
B. drought
77. Which statement best describes the impact
C. prairie
of the arrival of European settlers in USA
D. rolling inland grasslands with fertile and Canada?
soil A. They established long-lasting cultural
traditions in both countries
72. Why did pioneers travel west in the
1800s? B. They were responsible for both coun-
tries’ preservation of indigenous customs.
A. fleeing religious persecution
C. They influenced both countries’ rejec-
B. wanting to form a new government tion of classical ideas about democratic
C. in search of land and gold government.

D. to find water sources in a time of D. They created the mostly urban soci-
drought eties that continue to exist in both coun-
73. The Rocky Mountains are parallel moun-
78. What direction would you travel to go
tain chains known as a(n)
from Delaware to Texas
A. avalanche A. South
B. cordillera B. West
C. chinook C. Southwest
D. frontier D. Southeast


1.16 Geography 850

79. The oldest and longest chain of mountains 84. The French settled in land that is now
in the eastern United States is the known as?
A. Black Hills A. Mexico
B. Rocky Mountains B. The Pacific Northwest
C. Coast Mountains C. Canada
D. Appalachian Mountains D. Peru

80. Which of the following is the name of cul- 85. Separates the Earth into east and west
ture region in Canada with a strong French hemispheres
influence due to colonization? A. longitude
A. British Columbia B. equator
B. Toronto C. latitude
C. Yukon Territory D. Prime Meridian
D. Quebec 86. During the process of assimilation, immi-
81. Mae Jemison and Drew Gilpin Faust are
prominent examples of A. adapt to the customs of the common
A. women who became successful with-
outht having gone to college B. continue to practice their traditional
B. how roles of US and Canadian women
have changed since the 1950s. C. complete paperwork required to be-
come new citizens
C. individuals who became famous do-
ing what was traditionally thought of as D. consider moving back to their home
“women’s work” countries
D. how USA and Canada have benefitied 87. What is the abbreviation for Connecticut?
from immigration
82. Interstate 90 goes through which of these B. CT
states? C. CI
A. Ohio D. CE
B. Arizona
88. How many regions are in the United
C. California States?
D. Florida A. 3
83. The factors that affect climate are latitude, B. 4
oceans, and C. 5
A. Mountains D. 6
B. Valleys
89. A well-known group of Canadian land-
C. Grasslands scape painters are known as
D. Wind A. The Magnificent Five


1.16 Geography 851

B. The Good Three 95. Where are subarctic and tundra climates
C. Group of Seven


A. Northern Canada and Alaska
D. Mighty Ten
B. Western United States
90. Which state is directly North of Kansas? C. Central United States
A. Nebraska D. none of above
B. Oklahoma
96. What maps include land forms, bodies of
C. Missouri water, vegetation, and climate?
D. Colorado A. geographers

91. Shows distances on a map B. demographic maps

C. political maps
A. map key
D. physical maps
B. ruler
C. map scale 97. What word means:what a place is near
D. latitude A. absolute location
B. island
92. In the early 1900s, these wars took place.
C. relative location
A. Iraq and Afghanistan
D. coast
B. World Wars I and II
98. Which state can claim to have the highest
C. Korean and Vietnam
point in the United States?
D. Persian Gulf and Cold War
A. California
93. Why do the majority of Canadians live B. Washington
near the US/Canada border? C. Colorado
A. It is too cold to live up north D. Alaska
B. They have family near the border
99. Which state is located in the West region?
C. It is illegal to live in the North Region
unless you are a First Nation A. Nebraska
B. Montana
D. They are scared of the bears in the
north C. South Dakota
D. Kansas
94. The imaginary line halfway between the
North Pole and South Pole. 100. What is the capitol of Georgia?
A. latitude A. Columbus
B. Prime Meridian B. Savannah
C. equator C. Atlanta
D. longitude D. Tallahassee


1.16 Geography 852

101. What has been the long-term significance 106. waterways that are wide and deep
of French settlers in Canada? enough for ships to travel
A. They developed an armed conflict with A. megalopolis
the United States.
B. cordillera
B. They established a command economy
C. navigable
in Canada.
D. none of above
C. They created a strong culture region

within Canada. 107. Which US state is located northwest of
D. They created the universal culture for the 48 contiguous (continental) states?
all of Canada. A. Alaska
102. What word means:a very high hill? B. Florida
A. plains C. Hawaii
B. island D. Texas
C. mountain 108. How does Niagara Falls help contribute
D. coast to Canada’s economy?
A. by providing a key transportation route
103. Why did Europeans migrate to the North
America in the 1500’s? B. by delivering drinking water to many
homes in the region
A. Seeking Religious and Political Free-
dom C. by depositing coal, iron ore, and other
B. They were escaping the Holocaust
D. by providing a source of hydroelectric
C. They were seeking colder climates
D. none of above
109. A type of map that includes boundaries,
104. Which of the following geographic fac- cities, and states
tors has the greatest influence on where
A. climate map
people live?
B. physical map
A. Proximity to highways and roads
C. political map
B. Shared cultural traditions
D. population map
C. Access to public transportation
D. Availability of water 110. Why did the people travel to the 13 orig-
inal colonies on the east coast from Great
105. Which state of the states below is far- Britain?
thest west?
A. easiest to cross Atlantic Ocean and lo-
A. Kansas cation
B. Oklahoma B. only way the ocean flowed
C. Montana C. didn’t like Spain
D. Colorado D. I don’t know


1.16 Geography 853

111. In which state does the Mississippi River C. Quebec

begin? D. Toronto


A. Minnesota
117. Connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic
B. Ohio
C. Montana
A. Mississippi R.
D. North Dakota
B. Ohio River
112. What is the Major North-South road that C. St. Lawrence River/ Seaway
travels from Maine to Florida?
D. none of above
A. I-5
B. I-80 118. During the last ice age, what did glaciers
help create:
C. I-10
A. The Great Plains
D. I-95
B. Rocky Mountains
113. Which purchase doubled the size of the
C. The Great Lakes
D. The Great Salt Lake
A. The Great Deal
B. The Great Compromise 119. What is the largest mountain range in the
United States?
C. Louisiana Purchase
D. The 1774 Land Purchase A. Rocky Mountains
B. Alps
114. Illinois, Kansas, Alabama, North Dakota,
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, OntarioThese C. Sierra Nevada
place names provide evidence of USA and D. Appalachian Mountains
120. The United States & Canada are located
A. lack of cultural diversity
in which hemispheres?
B. history of immigration
A. Northern & Eastern
C. indigenous heritage
B. Southern & Eastern
D. religious tradition
C. Northern & Western
115. long periods without rain D. Southern & Western
A. drought
121. The lies at zero degrees latitude.
B. hurricane
A. Prime Meridian
C. navigable
B. Artic Circle
D. none of above
C. Equator
116. Which city has the largest population and
D. International Date Line
economy in Canada?
A. Ottawa 122. The Quebec Act
B. Montreal A. exiled the French from Canada.


1.16 Geography 854

B. Gave the French a permanent govern- 127. What Mountain Range directly borders
ment, religious freedom and the right to the Great Basin?
retain their language.
A. Sierra-Nevada Mountains
C. exiled Native Americans to Britain.
B. Rocky Mountains
D. took away the rights of French citizens
living in Canada. C. Appalachian Mountains

123. In order for land to be used for in- D. Foster Mountains

dustrial, commercial, and agricultural pur-
poses, many of Canada’s have been 128. Lines that go up and down on a map or
drained. globe. They run north and south.

A. lakes A. longitude
B. rivers B. vertical
C. forestland C. latitude
D. wetlands D. horizontal
124. Why do the New England States gener-
129. Why is it important to protect wet-
ally vote Democrat?
lands and swamps such as Florida’s Ever-
A. Traditional Religious Values glades?
B. They vote Republican A. They are a major source of drinking wa-
C. Large Cities ter.
D. They New England States aren’t in the B. They are major tourist destinations.
United States
C. They are important navigable water-
125. What major river flows some 2, 350 ways.
miles (3, 782 km) from its source in Min-
D. They provide habitats for a great vari-
nesota to the Gulf of Mexico, making it an
ety of vegetation and wildlife.
important route for trade?
A. the Colorado River 130. giant sheets of ice
B. the Allegheny River A. megalopolis
C. the St. Lawrence River
B. glacier
D. the Mississippi River
C. drought
126. Why are the Great Plains so important to D. none of above
the USA?
A. They provide us with lots of grass for 131. The Appalachian Mountains have rounded
other areas peaks because of
B. They provide us with an area for torna- A. hurricanes
does to safely land
B. tornadoes
C. They provide us with buffalo for food
C. erosion
D. They provide us with farmland for
wheat and grains D. none of above


1.16 Geography 855

132. What was America’s right to acquire new 137. How many Great Lakes are there?
territory, our right to expand across North
A. 3


B. 4
A. migration
C. 5
B. manifest destiny
D. 6
C. immigration
D. movement 138. The national capital of Canada is

133. What word means:items that help people A. Vancouver

learn about the Earth B. Toronto
A. map grid C. Ottawa
B. geography tools D. Montreal
C. geography
139. Why were the first factories in the United
D. landform States located along the fall line in the
134. The settled the Northeast area of
America to be involved in fur trade. A. The many tributaries provided an abun-
dant source of drinkable water.
A. French
B. The waterfalls provided power for fac-
B. Spanish
C. Dutch
C. The region had a large immigrant pop-
D. British ulation that provided inexpensive labor.
135. What land feature lies between the D. They were located near important min-
Columbia and Colorado plateaus? eral resources.
A. Sabine Basin 140. The lowland area in the eastern part of
B. Medina River Basin the U.S. that is bordered by the Atlantic
C. Great Basin
A. Gulf of Mexico
D. Rocky Mountains
B. St. Lawrence River
136. How have residents of the US Gulf Coast
adapted to their environment to deal with C. Great Lakes
the risk of hurricane flooding? D. Atlantic Coastal Plain
A. They have planted trees with strong
141. In USA and Canada, which type of area
deep root systems.
tends to have the highest population den-
B. They have built sturdy homes of brick, sity?
stell and concrete.
A. agricultural
C. They have constructed tall, wide river
B. suburban
C. rurual
D. They have built their homes with large
basements. D. urban


1.16 Geography 856

142. One main difference between the indige- 147. The emergence of rock and roll music
nous peoples of the Northeast and those in the 1950s best supports which state-
that lived in the Southwest is that ment?
A. only people in the Southwest grew A. Most American music forms originated
corn, beans and squash. in New Orleans.
B. only people in the Southewest had to B. Popular American music emphasizes
search for water assimlation over person expression.

C. only people in the Northeast lived in C. American music forms often adapt
permanent dwellings practices from a variety of previous forms
D. only people in the Northeast hunted an- of music.
imals for food. D. Music forms that are popular in USA
are products of only a few cultural tradi-
143. Which state of US is the smallest? tions.
A. Hawaii
148. The Prime Median divides the earth into
B. Rhode Island which two hemispheres?
C. South Carolina A. Southern and Western
D. Connecticut B. Eastern and Western
144. Which pull factor contributed to the Great C. Northern and Southern
Migration? D. Northern and Eastern
A. The availability of land grants for
homesteaders 149. Which two physical features do the
United States and Canada share?
B. Economic opportunities in industrial-
ized cities A. Appalachian Mountains and Missis-
sippi River
C. Better soil conditions in previously un-
cultivated areas B. Rocky Mountains and the Great Lakes

D. The lower cost of living in urban areas C. Mississippi River and the Great Lakes
D. St. Lawrence Seaway and Rocky Moun-
145. In which state do we live? tains
A. Georgia
150. Describe the Canadian Shield.
B. Columbus
A. Rugged
C. United States of America
B. Mild
D. Atlanta
C. Warm
146. Emissions in the United States can result D. Breezy
in in Canada, threatening timber and
water resources. 151. Individual Canadian provinces have been
A. cooler air temperatures addressing climate change since the na-
tional government pulled out of the Kyoto
B. acid rain Protocol after
C. industrial accents A. recognizing that its role in climate
D. reduced wetlands change is too low to bother with.


1.16 Geography 857

B. deciding that compliance with the 156. Recent immigrants to USA have most
agreement was too expensive. commonly arrived from


C. the government failed to meet its A. Scandinavia
goals. B. Germany
D. the citizens voted down a national en- C. India
vironmental referendum.
D. Japan
152. How do aqueducts help support Califor-
157. What are the 4 main points on a compass
nia’s large population?
A. by providing a natural vent for urban A. Intermediate points
B. cardinal points
B. by bringing freshwater from far away
C. N, S, E, W
C. by increasing the housing supply
D. by reducing traffic
158. What has caused the mountains in the Ap-
153. Built sod housesUsed Steel PlowsDevel- palachian Mountain system to wear down
oped dry farming techniquesWhat is the over time?
best title for this list?
A. glaciers
A. How Sharecroppers Lived in the Deep B. strong wind
C. earthquakes
B. Ways Migrant Workers Lived in the
Southwest D. erosion

C. How Miners Took Advantage of Gold 159. Where is the majority of Canada’s popu-
Rush Opportunities lation density?
D. Ways Settle Adapted to Conditions on A. Northern Territories
the Great Plains B. Near the US border
154. Which of the following has NOT been a C. West Coast
way that the automobile has influenced D. The Canadian Shield
the U.S.
160. Over the course of six decades, some six
A. Motels million black southerners left the land of
B. Drive-up services their forefathers and fanned out across
C. Interstate highways the country for an uncertain existence in
nearly every other corner of America
D. Bilingual Signs What was a primary reason for the demo-
graphic shift described in the excepert?
155. This archipelago exists off the coast of
Alaska A. Increased demand for sharecroppers
in the North
A. Hawaiian Islands
B. Limited economic opportunities for
B. Aleutian Islands
African Americans in the South.
C. Ocracoke Islands C. Increased availability of manufactured
D. Chincoteague Islands goods in the North


1.16 Geography 858

D. A lack of educational institutions for C. Northeast, Southeast

African Americans in the South D. Northwest, Southwest
161. The Mississippi River begins in which
167. The Spaniards settle in land that is now
known as?
A. Minnesota
A. Minnesota
B. Michigan
B. Alaska
C. Main

C. Mexico, Central and South America
D. Mississippi
D. Canada
162. The first settlers who travelled west
were called 168. In what city did the building of levees
damage the natural landscape that once
A. British protected it from flooding?
B. pioneers
A. New York City
C. bilingual
B. New Orleans
D. refugees
C. Chicago
163. Climate in Southeastern part o the U.S. D. Atlanta
A. Humid Subtropical
169. Encouraged independence of a new coun-
B. Mediterranean try by the USReduced travel time for
C. Tundra ships carrying goods East to WestPassed
D. none of above through a region filled with mountains and
swampsAllowed for manipulation of wa-
164. Which factor has most contributed to ter levels with the use of new technology-
keeping USA and Canada united in spite of What is the best explanation for this list?
the size of their territories? A. Geographic Factors related to the
A. advanced communications networkds Klondike Gold Rush
B. minimal immigration from overseas B. Geographic Factors related to the
C. limited transportation options Panama Canal

D. rural population growth C. Geographic Factors related to the Dust

165. What region are Hawaii and Alaska in?
D. Geographic Factors related to the
A. Northeast Great Migration
B. Southwest
170. Where are the 13 Original Colonies lo-
C. Midwest cated?
D. West A. On the WEST coast of the United
166. What are the intermediate points on a
compass? B. On the EAST coast of the United States
A. North, South C. In the MIDDLE of the United States
B. East, West D. In SOUTH America


1.16 Geography 859

171. is the imaginary line around the mid- C. French-speaking citizens.

dle of the earth D. Loyalists.


A. Equator
177. Which of the following states are NOT
B. Geography
contiguous? (Check all that apply)
C. Continent
A. Alaska
D. none of above
B. Hawaii
172. What are the main languages of
C. Cuba
D. Florida
A. English
B. French 178. What ocean is on the East coast of the
C. English and French United States?

D. Spanish A. Atlantic Ocean

B. Pacific Ocean
173. What year was the first Continental
Congress C. Gulf of Mexico
A. 1861 D. Great Lakes
B. 1775
179. This river forms the boundary between
C. 2022 the states of Washington and Oregon.
D. 1920 A. Colorado River
174. An early colonial city of the United States B. Columbia River
was C. Rio Grande
A. Chicago
D. Mississippi River
B. Houston
180. A large portion of the of the jobs, econ-
C. Las Vegas
omy, and people in the United States
D. Boston are leaving the Rust Belt region (around
Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and New
175. A giant core of rock anchoring North
York City) and heading to:
America and centered on Hudson Bay and
James Bay is known as the A. New England
A. Interior Lowlands B. The Pacific Northwest
B. Pacific Ranges C. The Sun Belt
C. Canadian Shield D. The Great Plains
D. Great Plains
181. The supreme law of the land
176. The arrival of a million people to Canada
A. The Articles of Confederation
from Great Britain between 1815 and
1844 caused an increase in B. The Declaration of Independence
A. French nationalism. C. The Constitution of the United States
B. Quebecois. D. The Pledge of Allegiance


1.16 Geography 860

182. The Sierra Nevada Mountains are in what economies better by eliminating trade bar-
state? riers and tariffs.
A. Tennessee A. NAFTA
B. California B. NATO
C. Maine C. EU
D. Montana D. ACLU

188. The Grand Canyon can be found in what

183. This region is known for farming and has
rolling inland grasslands with fertile soil state?

A. Great Plains A. New Mexico

B. Arizona
B. Atlantic coastal plains
C. California
C. Arctic Islands
D. Ohio
D. none of above
189. How many states are in the United
184. What is a political map? States?
A. A map that shows population. A. 13
B. A map that shows political boundaries. B. 24
C. A map that shows directions. C. 48
D. none of above D. 50

185. What causes the Great Salt Lake to be so 190. This mountain range along the East Coast
salty? of the US is the oldest range in North
A. The Pacific Ocean flows directly into America.
the lake and makes the water salty. A. Appalachian Mountains
B. It was formed over a huge salt lick. B. Rocky Mountains
C. It has no outlet and its tributary rivers C. Cascade Mountains
deposit salt, which is left when its water D. Andes Mountains
191. The Continental Divide is a(n) through
D. People have long dumped their excess
the Rocky Mountains that separates
salt there.
eastward-and westward-flowing rivers.
186. What word means:part of the land that A. dam
touches the ocean? B. tunnel
A. weather C. tributary
B. coast D. imaginary line
C. climate
192. One of the earliest groups to settle in the
D. island Eastern United States were the

187. Canada, U.S. and Mexico have an agree- A. French

ment called , which aims to make their B. British


1.16 Geography 861

C. Spanish 197. Land completely surrounded by water is

D. Vikings called


A. island
193. The United States and Canada are both
B. lake
considered to be multicultural societies be-
cause C. peninsula
A. The American Indian cultures in these D. cape
societies did not mix with the European
198. What ocean borders the United States on
the East Coast
B. Most of the people in these societies A. Pacific
speak more that one language.
B. Atlantic
C. A history of immigration has resulted
in several cultures contributing to these C. Indian
societies. D. Arctic
D. People living in these societies have 199. A partially self-governing country with
economic and political freedoms. close ties to another country is called a
194. What is the area between the Pacific A. colony.
Ranges and the Rocky Mountains that of- B. First Nation.
ten experiences the rain shadow effect?
C. dominion.
A. the Continental Divide
D. province.
B. the Great Plains
200. Which of the following rivers does NOT
C. the Columbia Plateau flow into the Mississippi River?
D. the Atlantic Coastal Plain A. Missouri
195. What U.S. state includes areas that have B. Arkansas
a subarctic climate that supports a variety C. Ohio
of wildlife, including grizzly bears, bald ea-
D. Snake
gles, wolves, and bobcats?
A. Maine 201. What is the name of the mountain range
on the Eastern side of the United States?
B. Idaho
A. Rocky Mountains
C. Alaska
B. Sierra Madre
D. Michigan
C. Appalachian Mountains
196. Which of the following is an economic D. Atlas Mountains
activity characteristic of a postindustrial
economy? 202. What region of Florida providing rich
habitats for a variety of animals and plant
A. automobile manufacturing
species is threatened by environmental
B. biotechnology degradation?
C. agriculture A. the Great Salt Lake
D. mining B. the Everglades


1.16 Geography 862

C. the redwood forests 209. Which statement best describes popular

D. the Chesapeake Bay sports in USA and Canada?
A. Foreign-born professional atheles are
203. These two countries share a border with not permitted to compete in USA or
the United States. Canada
A. Canada and England B. US and Canadian sports do not reflect
B. Mexico and Canada the 2 countries’ cultural diversity
C. England and China

C. Most sports that are popular in USA
D. China and Mexico and Canada were invented elsewhere.
D. Several sport that originated in USA
204. What word means:flat land?
and Canada are now popular in other
A. coast countries
B. climate
210. The Mississippi River starts in Minnesota
C. island and ends in Louisiana at what body of wa-
D. plains ter?

205. What are geographic terms? A. Hudson Bay

A. Words that describe directions B. Gulf of Bothnia

B. Words that describe bodies fo water C. Gulf of Mexico

and land forms D. Caribbean Sea
C. Bodies of water and landforms 211. From what region did the largest group of
D. lines on a map that circle the Earth foreign-born residents living in the United
States today immigrate?
206. Where is the South Pole Located
A. Europe
A. 10o South
B. Asia
B. 10o North
C. Latin America
C. 90o North
D. Africa
D. 90o South
212. Five lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron,
207. What ocean surrounds Hawaii?
Erie and Ontario) that form an important
A. Pacific Ocean waterway for trade with Canada
B. Gulf of Mexico A. Montgomery
C. Atlantic Ocean B. The Great Lakes
D. Great Lakes C. Washington D.C.
208. Families in the US are primarily made up D. Gulf of Mexico
213. Which of the following cultural traits was
A. Single Parent Households diffused to the US and Canada due to col-
B. Female Lead Households onization?
C. Male Lead Households A. limited government
D. Married Couples with Children. B. Christianity/Catholicism


1.16 Geography 863

C. French language 219. The fundamental purpose is to con-

serve the scenery and the natural and his-
D. all of these
toric objects and the wild life therein and


to provide for the enjoyment of the same
214. This tells you which directions a map is
in such manner and by such means as will
leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment
A. Legend of future generations.-The Organic Act of
B. Distance Scale 1916What was the primary result of this
C. Compass Rose
A. States instituted their own environ-
D. Cool Points mental regulations.
B. Settlement on lands with fragile
215. A type of map that shows landforms and ecosystems was prohibited.
bodies of water
C. Monopolies seized control of natural
A. climate map resources.
B. physical map D. National parks were created as a way
C. resource map to manage land resources.

D. political map 220. The Blue Ridge Mountains are part of

what mountain range?
216. What is the flat area with few trees A. Sierra Nevadas
called that is in the middle of the United
B. Rocky Mountains
C. Appalachian
A. Atlantic Coastal Plain
D. Himalayas
B. Gulf of Mexico
221. What was the goal of the Interstate High-
C. Gulf Coastal Plain
way System?
D. Great Plains A. Link Cities Together
217. In overall land mass, Canada ranks this B. Military Defense
in world rankings (total land) C. Trade Routes
A. Third D. All of the Above
B. Fourth 222. Which of the following states borders the
C. Fifth smallest amount of water?
A. Michigan
D. Second
B. Florida
218. Raleigh is the capital of what state? C. Louisiana
A. Florida D. Alaska
B. California 223. Fresh water surrounded by land is called
C. North Carolina A. island
D. South Carolina B. lake


1.16 Geography 864

C. river 229. Which state is the most populous?

D. ocean A. New Jersey
224. Where do the largest concentrations of B. Maine
Asians and Pacific Islanders live in the C. South Dakota
United States?
D. California
A. the Southern states and Midwestern
states 230. Which American tradition is an example

B. the Southern states and Pacific coast of cultural diffusion?
states A. observing Memorial Day
C. the Atlantic coast states and the North-
B. Speaking English
eastern states
C. eating pizza
D. the Atlantic coast states and Pacific
coast states D. driving on the right side of the road.
225. Which river connects the Great Lakes to 231. Due to heavy natural resource extraction,
the Atlantic Ocean? Canada’s has been shrinking.
A. Hudson A. boreal forest
B. St. Lawrence B. “green” energy supply
C. Mississippi
C. St. Lawrence Seaway System
D. Rio Grande
D. east coast aquaculture industry
226. What word means:the kind of weather a
place has over a long time? 232. The Underground Railroad was estab-
lished to help
A. weather
B. coast A. Migrant workers

C. climate B. Railroad builders

D. island C. Enslaved Africans fleeing from the
227. How many colonies were in North Amer-
ica D. none of above

A. 12 233. Canada was not as seriously affected as

B. 13 the United States by the 2008 global re-
cession largely because
C. 14
D. 15 A. the housing market declined but em-
ployment rose.
228. What were the 3 countries trying to col-
B. Canadian banks were more conserva-
onize the American Continent?
tive in extending credit.
A. FranceBritainSpain
C. the fishing industry provided steady
B. CanadaGermanyItaly employment for many Canadians.
C. RussiaGermanySpain D. few Canadians spent more than they
D. FranceGermanyItlay earned.


1.16 Geography 865

234. is one of the seven large masses on B. constructing a series of fences along
Earth the border


A. Continent C. increasing the flow of traffic through
the region
B. Geography
D. increasing the flow of immigration
C. Climate
along the border
D. none of above
240. This ocean sits off the East Coast of North
235. Region that has thin, rocky soil and ex- America
cellent harbors A. Atlantic
A. Pacific Coastal Plains B. Pacific
B. Atlantic Coastal Plains C. Arctic
C. Gulf Coastal Plains D. none of above
D. none of above 241. Every MAP has a ?
236. What is the major North-South Road that A. story and a purpose
travels the West Coast? B. picture and color
A. I-95 C. boundary lines and states
B. I-10 D. words and a numbers
C. I-76 242. What is a thematic map?
D. I-5 A. A map made to reflect particular infor-
mation about a geographical area like pop-
237. Name a mountain range in the United ulation, climate, etc.
B. A map to show political boundaries.
A. Rocky Mountains
C. A map to show where mountains are.
B. Nile River
D. none of above
C. Alps Mountains
243. All of the following are differences in
D. none of above lifestyle between urban and rural popu-
238. Which city has the largest population and lations in the United States and Canada
economy in the United States, making a EXCEPT-
center for world’s financial markets? A. access to political power
A. New York City B. cultural values
B. Los Angeles C. access to public transportation
C. Chicago D. population density

D. Houston 244. What is the largest river in Canada?

A. The Ohio River
239. NAFTA has created environmental issues
along the Rio Grande by B. The Mississippi River
A. encouraging rapid industrial growth in C. The Mackenzie River
the region D. The St. Lawrence River


1.16 Geography 866

245. What are the Great Plains of the United 250. What major Canadian city is found on the
States? west coast of Canada?
A. the flat, desolate area in central A. Omaha
Alaska B. Ottawa
B. the flat area between the Pacific C. Quebec
Ranges and the Rocky Mountains
D. Vancouver
C. the flat region surrounding the Great
251. The Colorado River touches all of the fol-

lowing states except
D. the flat landscape east of the Rocky
Mountains A. New Mexico
B. Colorado
246. What is the huge piece of flat land in the
center of the USA? C. Arizona
D. Nevada
A. Rocky Mountains
B. Great Plains 252. What climate is found in the northeastern
part of the U.S. and southern Canada?
C. Central Plateau
A. Humid Continental
D. Susquehanna Valley
B. Humid Subtropical
247. Protection of is an example of how C. Subarctic
Canada is taking steps to protect its re-
newable resources. D. none of above

A. Pacific salmon 253. What is a territory inhabited and con-

trolled by people from a foreign land
B. trees producing sap for maple syrup
C. Niagara Falls
A. a state
D. deep sea drilling areas B. a plantation
248. Why were waterways important for the C. a colony
MOVEMENT of our country? D. a county
A. provided transportation routes
254. How many states are located in the
B. gave people a place to relax United States of America?
C. provided cover for armies A. 50
D. allowed towns to get fresh water B. 48
C. 45
249. Which of the following landforms runs
through both the United States and D. 52
255. What is separatism?
A. the Interior Lowlands
A. The ability to speak two languages
B. the Rocky Mountains
B. a partially self governing country
C. the Great Plains C. Breaking away from one country to
D. the Canadian Shield create a new one


1.16 Geography 867

D. Two governments that both run a coun- 261. A large body of salt water
try. A. sea


256. Which landform is the highest point in the B. lake
United States? C. ocean
A. Mount Denali D. river

B. Mount Rushmore 262. As citizens of the United States, it is our

right and responsibility to
C. Mount Everest
A. eat spicy food.
D. Pike’s Peak
B. listen to smooth jazz.
257. is the United States’ highest peak. C. party!
A. Mount Logan D. participate in government.

B. Mount Vesuvius 263. windstorm that forms over tropical wa-

ters that brings high winds and heavy rain
C. Mount Mckinley
A. tornado
D. Mount Kilmanajaro
B. blizzard
258. What was signed in September of 1787 C. hurricane
and is a founding document of our coun- D. none of above
264. Which trend is a result of recent immigra-
A. The Louisiana Purchase tion to USA and Canada?
B. The Declaration of Independence A. an increase in the number of Protes-
C. The North American Free Trade Agree- tants
ment B. the growth of non-Christian religious
D. The Constitution
C. the decline of traditional ethnic en-
259. Early English colonists didn’t move west claves
past this natural barrier (#17)? D. a decrease in the urban population
A. Atlantic Ocean 265. Which of the following cities is a growing
B. Appalachian Mountains Sun-belt city in Texas?
C. Mississippi River A. Houston
B. Atlanta
D. none of above
C. Sacramento
260. Which of the following mountain ranges D. Omaha
is the furthest West?
266. Where is the Tropic of Cancer located?
A. Coast Mountains
A. 66o 36’ South
B. Sierra-Nevada Mountains B. 23o 30’ North
C. Cascade Mountains C. 23o 30’ South
D. none of above D. 66o 30’ North


1.16 Geography 868

267. Dams built on the Colorado River in 7 272. Which state does not have a coastline
states have has what effect? A. Texas
A. They have satisfied most of these B. Washington
states’ needs for electric power
C. Florida
B. They have enriched the river water
with nutrients and a variety of new D. Arizona
species of fish. 273. What was the name of the 3 sections that
C. They have created a copperative work- the colonies were divided into?

ing relationship among states, so federal A. Southern, Northtern, Western
government intervention is not needed to
B. Middle, Top, Bottom
ensure fair water distribution.
D. They have reduced the river’s force to C. New England, Middle, Southern
almost nothing by the time it finally emp- D. Northern, Western, Middle
ties into the sea.
274. Which city is the largest Urban area in
268. How many of the original colonies are the United States?
there? A. Los Angeles
A. 7 B. Miami
B. 12 C. Houston
C. 13 D. New York
D. 25
275. Which body of water do Louisiana and
269. Which of the following states does not Texas border?
have a major river flowing through it? A. Rio Grande
A. North Dakota B. Pacific Ocean
B. New Mexico C. Gulf of Mexico
C. Kansas D. Mississippi River
D. Maine
276. What is the name of the mountain range
270. The North American continent is located located on the west side of the United
in these two hemispheres: States?
A. Northern A. Atlas Mountains
B. Southern B. Rocky Mountains
C. Western C. Sierra Madre
D. Eastern D. Appalachian
271. The body of water between eastern Mex- 277. Why did many immigrants come to USA
ico and western Florida. and Canada in the early 1900s?
A. Great Basin A. to support European revolutions
B. Death Valley B. to escape from communist rule
C. Gulf of Mexico C. to work on American farms
D. none of above D. to seek economic opportunities


1.16 Geography 869

278. In the last half of the nineteenth cen- C. Europe, 18, 000
tury. The United States experienced vast D. Asia, 20, 000
industrial growth. A new class of wealthy


entrepreneurs and a prosperous middle 283. Most of Canada’s population lives in the
class emerged. Factory jobs also increased lower 1/3 of the country’s land mass be-
to meat production demands. Which de- cause of what?
mographic changes in the United States A. The fog
is most associated with this transforma-
B. The zombies
C. The native tribes
A. Increased property values in rural ar-
eas D. The climate
B. Increased life expectancies in urban 284. What body of water is located in east-
areas central Canada and is connected to both
the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean?
C. Increased birth rates in rural areas
A. Lake Superior
D. Increased migration to urban areas
B. Hudson Bay
279. In which country do we live? C. Pacific ocean
A. North America D. Lake Ontario
B. United States of America
285. What is the capitol of Ohio?
C. Columbus
A. Zanesville
D. Georgia B. Cincinnati
280. What word means:a set of lines that di- C. Cleveland
vides a map into columns and rows of D. Columbus
286. A common feature of the economic sys-
A. mountain
tems in the United States and Canada is
B. weather that both
C. climate A. place a salary cap on business leaders’
D. map grid earnings
B. restrict factory ownership to the gov-
281. region with cities and their suburbs form- ernment
ing a continuous line of urban settlement
C. allow people to own private property
A. contiguous D. use government quotas to determine
B. megalopolis what to produce
C. cordillera 287. Which statement best explains why En-
D. none of above glish is the primary language spoken in
USA and most of Canada?
282. The first people living in North America
A. English is spoken in man Christian reli-
came from about years ago.
gious rituals and festivals
A. Spain, 2, 000 B. Both countries have adopted English
B. Britain, 15, 000 as their official language.


1.16 Geography 870

C. English was spoken for the first Euro- 293. The 13 colonies were once part of
pean settlers in Canada. A. Spain
D. Both USA and Canada were once B. France
British colonies.
C. Ireland
288. Which of these is a major river in the US? D. Britain
A. Amazon 294. The term Great Lakes refers to a cluster

B. Mississippi of huge lakes located in the American
Midwest and central Canada.
C. Nile
A. three
D. Rhine
B. four
289. Canada was originally a of Great C. five
D. six
A. Republic
295. Professional geographers pose specific
B. Dominion questions when studying features of Earth.
C. Loyalist One important geographic question is
“Where is it located? ” One likely way
D. Commonwealth geographers answer the question above is
290. Which city is the capitol of Canada?
A. Using an intersection of longitude and
A. Quebec latitude.
B. Ontario B. Predicting the weather with computer
C. Toronto models.

D. Ottawa C. Interviewing members of remote

291. What is the capital of the United States D. Excavating artifacts left by previous so-
(where the President lives)? cieties.
A. New York 296. Up to which parallels form the equator
B. Washington, DC can the sun’s rays be perpendicular?

C. California A. Tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capri-

D. none of above
B. Arctic and Antarctic Circle
292. What major Canadian city can be found in C. North and South Poles
the eastern part of Canada? D. None of the above
A. Toronto
297. What is a physical map?
B. Vancouver
A. A map that shows states.
C. Winnipeg
B. A map that shows where tsunamis hap-
D. Halifax pen.


1.16 Geography 871

C. A map that shows the major physical 303. Coastal region that has fertile soil for
features of a place. farming


D. none of above A. Gulf Coastal Plains
B. Atlantic Coastal Plains
298. show continents and their borders
C. Rocky Mountains
A. Climate
D. none of above
B. Geography
C. Political Map 304. He is Canada’s current Prime Minister:
A. Tosant
D. none of above
B. Tribke
299. What’s the name of the river in the north-
C. Trudeau
western US that will be important to know
for the Westward Expansion unit? D. Trimble
A. Ohio 305. The directions that are midway between
B. St Lawrence two cardinal directions.
A. intermediate directions
C. Mississippi
B. cardinal directions
D. Columbia
C. GPS directions
300. Which is the largest river in the United D. location
A. Rio Grande River 306. What is geography?
A. the most accurate map of Earth
B. Missouri River
B. bodies of water and landforms
C. Mississippi River
C. study of natural surroundings and how
D. The Potomac River
we interact with them
301. Which is the second longest river in the D. natural resources
US, but the longest river we have learned
about? 307. What map illustrates state or country
boundaries and various political divisions
A. Hudson such as counties or cities?
B. Mississippi A. geographers
C. Ohio B. physical maps
D. Rio Grande C. political maps

302. Which of the following is most likely the D. demographic maps

reason for the early exploration and set- 308. The Mississippi River empties into which
tlement of the western United States? body of water?
A. access to water and food A. Gulf of Mexico
B. access to natural resources B. Atlantic Ocean
C. easily available transportation C. Pacific Ocean
D. rapid urbanization D. Lake Superior


1.16 Geography 872

309. Which of the following is a likely charac- C. tornado

teristic of a rural community?
D. westerlies
A. industrialization
B. agricultural traditions 315. Out of the following states, which one is
the smallest?
C. use of high tech equipment
A. Wyoming
D. transportation center
B. South Carolina

310. Canada and the United States share all
the following economic characteristics EX- C. Texas
CEPT: D. Alaska
A. Highly diversified economies
316. Which landform plays a large role in form-
B. Major importers of technology ing the climates in the western U.S.?
C. Highly developed infrastructures
A. high mountains
D. Rich supply of mineral, energy, and for-
B. plateaus
est resources
C. plains
311. Which river borders the US and Mexico?
D. deserts
A. St. Lawrence River
B. Columbia River 317. An area where waterfalls flow from high
C. Colorado River to lower ground is called a

D. Rio Grande A. coastal plain

B. fall line
312. What is the second most commonly spo-
ken language in the US? C. flood plain
A. French D. tributary
B. Chinese
318. Which area sits between the Appalachian
C. Spanish Mountains and the Great Plains
D. German A. Basin and Range
313. The line at 0 degrees latitude is called: B. Atlantic and Gulf Coast Plains
A. Equator C. Interior Lowlands/Central Low-
B. Prime Meridian lands/Mississippi Valley
C. Latitude D. Grand Canyon
D. Longitude
319. What is the full form of GMT?
314. In the winter, a dry wind called the A. Greenwich Meridian Time
blows over the Great Plains bringing
warmer temperatures. B. Greenwich Mean Time
A. chinook C. Great Meridian Time
B. rain shadow effect D. Graticule Meditarian Time


1.16 Geography 873

320. As a result of their increased acces D. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, South-
to graduate-level education opportunities, ern
US and Canadian women today


A. have achieved equal work for equal 325. Which of the following best describes the
pay in the labor force spoken languages in Canada?

B. are serving as leaders of more than A. English and the language of the Inuit
half of the largest companies in the re- are dominant.
gion. B. English and French are the two official
C. are earning higher average salaries languages.
than their male counterparts
C. French is the official, dominant lan-
D. have better access to jobs and leader- guage.
ship positions in different fields
D. French, German, and English are the
321. What is the name of the 2nd longest main languages.
mountain range in the United States?
A. Appalachian Mountains 326. What two well-known mountain ranges
are part of the Appalachian Mountain sys-
B. Rocky Mountains tem?
C. Sierra Nevada Mountains
A. Rocky Mountains and Great Smoky
D. Sierra Madre Mountains Mountains
322. What is the largest mountain system in B. Blue Ridge Mountains and Great
North America? Smoky Mountains
A. Rocky Mountains C. Rocky Mountains and Blue Ridge
B. Appalachian Mountains Mountains
C. Himalayas D. Sierra Nevada Mountains and Great
D. Andes Mountains Smoky Mountains

323. Joined together inside of a common 327. The capital of New York is
A. New York City
A. megalopolis
B. Albany
B. cordillera
C. Buffalo
C. contiguous
D. none of above D. Syracuse

324. What are the namesof the Great Lakes? 328. Where do the prime meridian and the
A. Tamarac, Centennial, George, Hudson, equator intersect each other?
Delaware A. Southern ocean
B. Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Supe- B. Atlantic ocean
C. African ocean
C. Rio Grande, St. Lawrence, Mississippi,
Columbia, Ohio D. None of the above


1.16 Geography 874

329. Which statement best describes popular 334. Why is the United States one of the most
music in USA and Canada? ethnically diverse countries in the world?
A. It can be traced to the traditions of the A. The lands which Europeans colonized
original settlers. contained powerful kingdoms of many na-
B. It reflects the diversity of the cultures tionalities.
found in both countries. B. The earliest inhabitants arrived some
C. It is dominated by the influence of in- 15, 000 years ago.

digenous societies. C. Over centuries, immigrants have ar-
D. It does not reflect historical immigra- rived from many different countries.
tion trends D. The British founded the thirteen
colonies along the Atlantic coast.
330. What landform is found mostly in the
area between the Rocky Mountains and 335. What is the most accurate map of Earth?
the Mississippi River? A. GPS
A. Great Plains B. latitude
B. Great Basin C. globe
C. Tennessee River D. physical features
D. Coastal Plains
336. This river provides water and electricity
331. Which Great Lakes are located on the bor- for the SW U.S. and N.W. Mexico including
der of New York? states like Nevada and Arizona
A. Ontario & Michigan A. Mississippi River
B. Huron & Superior B. Colorado River
C. Erie & Michigan C. Columbia River
D. Ontario & Erie D. St. Lawrence River

332. Line that separates the globe North and 337. What state is not in the Midwest re-
South. gion?
A. Equator A. Illinois
B. Prime Meridian B. Kentucky
C. Latitude C. Missouri
D. Longitude D. Minnesota

333. Scientists believe is directly related 338. An increase in the amount of passenger
to climate change and the rising of Earth’s cars and trucks over time demonstrates
temperature. the U.S. reliance on the growth of
A. production of hydroelectricity A. city centers
B. carbon dioxide B. airline travel
C. mining activity C. commuter railways
D. sustainable logging D. road construction


1.16 Geography 875

339. Which river forms the southern border of 345. Lines that go across a map or around a
Texas and Mexico globe. They run east and west.


A. Rio Grande A. latitude
B. Colorado River B. equator
C. Missouri River C. longitude
D. none of above D. vertical

340. Which state of US is the biggest? 346. Where do most recent immigrants to the
A. Texas US come from?

B. Maryland A. Asia
B. Europe
C. Alaska
C. Latin America
D. Oklahoma
D. Australia
341. Dams along rivers in the U.S. provide an
important source of power. 347. Which of the following is NOT an exam-
ple of severe weather related natural dis-
A. solar
B. hydroelectric
A. Earthquakes
C. wind
B. tornadoes
D. geothermal
C. erosion
342. Which physical feature is found in the cen- D. none of above
tral part of the United States?
348. North, South, East, and West
A. The Great Plains
A. map
B. The Great Basin
B. cardinal directions
C. The Great Lakes
C. location
D. The Great Valley
D. intermediate directions
343. What region is Oregon in?
349. What is the longest mountain chain in
A. West
North America, covering an area all the
B. Southwest way from Mexico and Alaska?
C. Southeast A. Sierra Nevada Mountains
D. Northeast B. Olympic Mountains
344. The large grassland area in the middle C. Appalachian Mountains
of the U.S., east of the Rocky Mountains. D. Rocky Mountains
Buffalo live here!
350. Because of its immigration history, in
A. Continental Divide the United States.
B. Great Plains A. cities are the most ethnically uniform
C. Boston areas
D. Philadelphia B. there are abundant natural resources


1.16 Geography 876

C. a postindustrial economy emerged 355. What region is Florida located in?

D. many different religions are practiced A. Northeast
B. Southwest
351. What state is not in the Southeast?
C. West
A. Alabama
D. Southeast
B. Georgia
356. How did the migration of many Chi-
C. Arkansas

nese railroad workers affect the United
D. Texas States?

352. Thousands of African Americans moved A. It increased the miles of railroad

to the Great Plains during the late 19th tracks, increased the number of colleges
century. Many of them moved to Kansas in California, and resulted in the formation
in what was called the Great Exodus, and of the National Park System.
the participants were called exodusters. B. It decreased voter participation, in-
creased the workers in factories and re-
A. To escape drought conditions
sultedin more cultural celebrations.
B. To reunite with family members
C. It increased the Asian population on
C. To find employment in U.S. wartime in- the west coast, increased nativism among
dustries Anglos, and resulted in the Chinese Exclu-
D. To escape oppression and discrimina- sion Act.
tion D. It increased the strikes against big
business, decreased the migration from
353. Which of the following statements accu- Western Europe, and resulted in tene-
rately describes changes in the U.S. econ- ment housing in large cities.
omy since the 1950s?
357. The Rocky Mountains are also known as
A. The number of jobs in manufacturing this , which means it divide two water-
has declined. sheds and force all water to the west to
B. The number of farms has grown. end up in the Pacific Ocean and all water
to the east to end up in the Atlantic.
C. The number of jobs in manufacturing
has increased, as has the size of the aver- A. Continental Divide
age farm. B. Great Basin
D. The number of jobs in manufacturing C. Columbia Plateau
has declined, as has the size of the aver-
D. Central Highlands
age farm.
358. Which term refers to ocean storms that
354. What state does not boarder Pennsylva- span hundreds of miles with winds of at
nia least 74 miles per hour?
A. Ohio A. tornadoes
B. New York B. tsunamis
C. West Virginia C. hurricanes
D. Virginia D. monsoons


1.16 Geography 877

359. What word means:the exact location? 365. The body of water that flows from the
A. map grid Great Slave Lake to the Arctic Ocean,
draining much of Canada’s northern inte-


B. mountain rior, is called the
C. absolute location A. St. Lawrence River.
D. island B. Mackenzie River.
C. Fraser River.
360. Which of these Major Interstates runs
through Texas? D. Niagara River.
A. I-10 366. The shape of the land
B. I-90 A. mountain
C. I-80 B. ocean
D. I-95 C. landform
D. sea
361. What state is known as the Sunshine
State? 367. Jazz has roots in which types of music?
A. California A. Spanish and European
B. Texas B. African and European
C. Seattle C. African and Latin

D. Florida D. Asian and Latin

368. Which French speaking province of
362. The United States national capital is Canada is interested in gaining indepen-
A. Houston dence?
B. Ottawa A. Nunavit
C. Washington, D.C. B. Alberta
D. Chicago C. Quebec
D. Montreal
363. How are East-West Roads numbered?
369. The negative impact of using coal and oil
A. They aren’t numbered
in the U.S. and Canada is-
B. Even Numbers A. environmental
C. Odd Numbers B. political
D. Depends where they are C. cultural
364. Which US state is located in the Pacific D. economic
Ocean? 370. Which state is the least populous?
A. Maine A. Alaska
B. Florida B. Wyoming
C. Hawaii C. South Dakota
D. Puerto Rico D. Delaware


1.16 Geography 878

371. What river forms the southern border C. Great Plains

with Mexico?
D. Basin and Range
A. Cuyahoga
B. Mississippi 377. What is a hemisphere?

C. Rio Grande A. the equator

D. Missouri B. a physical display of the Earth

C. a region created when the Earth is di-

372. Which of the following physical features
vided in half
do the US and Canada share?
D. a map that shows how populated the
A. Appalachian Mountains
Earth is
B. Gulf of Mexico
C. Canadian Shield 378. How are North-South Roads numbered?

D. Great Lakes A. Even Numbers

B. Odd Numbers
373. Who helped build the railroads in the US?
C. They aren’t numbered
A. Enslaved Africans
B. The British D. Depends where they are

C. Chinese, Irish, Mexican, and other im- 379. To help provide energy production in
migrant workers Canada’s southern provinces, the Cana-
D. Southerners and the French dian government has begun to explore
A. synthetic crude oil conversion.
374. What word means:a landform with wa-
ter all around it B. hydroelectricity.
A. peninsula C. natural gas extraction.
B. climate D. wind and solar power.
C. plains
380. In which Hogwarts House does Mrs. Fry-
D. island land really belong?
375. This body of water off the west of the A. Ravenclaw
United States B. Slytherin
A. Gulf of Mexico
C. Hufflepuff
B. Pacific Ocean
D. Gryffindor
C. Indian Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean 381. What word means:a kind of land with a
special shape?
376. Which region falls between the Rocky A. landform
Mountains and the Central (Interior) Low-
lands? B. plains
A. Appalachian Mountains C. peninsula
B. Coastal Plains D. island


1.16 Geography 879

382. What is a dominion? 387. One of the seven large areas of land on
A. The collective governing body of the earth


Canada. A. continent
B. having the ability to speak two lan- B. country
guages. C. state
C. breaking away from one part of a coun- D. none of above
try in order to create a new country.
D. A partially self-governing country. 388. A term that means “half of the Earth”
A. longitude
383. Which term best describes San Fran-
cisco’s Chinatown neighborhood? B. equator

A. financial district C. latitude

B. metropolitan area D. hemisphere

C. reservation 389. The Coastal Plains are found mainly in

D. ethnic enclave what part of the United States?
A. West
384. What lake borders Ohio to the North?
B. Central
A. Superior
C. Southeast
B. Huron
D. Northeast
C. Erie
D. Ontario 390. The continental DIVIDE is the high point in
a landmass that determines the direction
385. The population density and distribution of that flow.
Texas can best be described as: A. rivers
A. an uneven distribution with more peo- B. mountains
ple in the eastern areas of the state.
C. sands
B. an even distribution throughout the
state. D. soup

C. an uneven distribution with more peo- 391. Which Canadian province contains the ma-
ple in the southern areas of the state. jority of French-speaking Canadians?
D. a mostly even distribution with slightly A. Quebec
more people in central areas of the state. B. Nova Scotia
386. The longest river in North America is the C. New Brunswick
Which begins in northern Minnesota D. British Columbia
and empties into the Gulf of Mexico near
New Orleans. 392. An example of an archipelago is
A. Mississippi River A. Grand Canyon
B. Rio Grande B. Sierra Nevada
C. St. Lawrence River C. Colorado Plateau
D. Colorado River D. Hawaii


1.16 Geography 880

393. In many limited governments, the individ- B. to stop erosion of rich sediment from
ual rights of the people are detailed in a the river
C. to control flooding and reduce damage
A. Federal Legal Code to homes and crops
B. Political Party Platform D. to change the course of the river
C. Constitution
399. Which statement best describes the role
D. Declaration of Independence
of women in today’s US and Canadian

394. Which of the following rivers does not be- workplace?
gin in the Rocky Mountains? A. They are achieving success in all fields
A. Missouri of work.
B. Colorado B. They have achieved full workplace
C. Rio Grande equality with men.

D. Tennessee C. Their status has not changed since the

395. GovernmentEconomic SystemsEduca-
D. They are entirely employed in tradi-
tional SystemsReligious practicesThe list
tional women’s professions
above refers to the basic that are com-
mon to all societies. 400. The is the part of the Rocky Moun-
A. Goals tains where rivers stop flowing east and
B. Geography start flowing west

C. Cultural Traditions A. Continental Divide

D. Institutions B. contiguous

396. A model of the Earth that is round like a C. Cordillera

ball D. Separatists
A. sphere
401. windstorm in the shape of a funnel that
B. globe touches the ground
C. map A. tornado
D. orb
B. hurricane
397. Which state does not border Kentucky? C. blizzard
A. Tennessee D. none of above
B. Arkansas
402. How long do the Rocky Mountains
C. Ohio
stretch across North America?
D. Virginia
A. 1000 miles
398. Why did the U.S. government build lev-
B. 2000 miles
ees along the Mississippi River?
C. 3000 miles
A. to block sediment from reaching farm
fields D. 2500 miles


1.17 Symbols 881

403. Which of the following physical features B. Cascade Mountains

is responsible for the formation of the
desert climate in Arizona & Nevada? C. Rocky Mountains


A. Gulf of Mexico D. Sierra Nevada Mountains

1.17 Symbols
1. If you are loyal to something, you have 6. Fill in the blanks:”I pledge allegiance to the
of the United States of America.”
A. symbols A. crown
B. pledges B. statue of liberty
C. allegiance C. bald eagle
D. justice D. flag

2. If you say the Pledge of Allegiance or 7. Who does the Lincoln Memorial honor?
wave the flag you are showing A. George Lincoln
A. good behavior B. Abraham Lincoln
B. patriotism C. Austin Lincoln
C. liberty D. Thomas Lincoln
D. justice
8. What is the national bird of the United
3. What is a pledge? States?
A. a gift A. robin
B. a promise B. cardinal
C. a badge C. bald eagle
D. an object D. chicken

4. How many stars are on the American flag 9. How many stars were on the FIRST Amer-
NOW? ican flag?
A. 13 A. 1
B. 25 B. 13
C. 50 C. 25
D. 100 D. 50

5. What does “freedom” mean? 10. What is the statue of liberty made out of?
A. Must pay money A. gold
B. Different types of statues B. green paint
C. You must go to work everyday C. copper
D. You can make decisions for yourself D. silver


1.17 Symbols 882

11. Who does the Washington Monument 17. What does “liberty” mean?
honor? A. freedom
A. Abraham Washington B. torch
B. Thomas Washington C. bald eagle
C. President Obama D. statue
D. George Washington
18. Where is the Washington Monument?

12. are customs that are passed down A. Virginia Beach
from grandparents.
B. Washington, D.C.
A. justice
C. New York City
B. symbols
D. Florida
C. allegiance
19. What should you do while saying the
D. traditions Pledge of Allegiance?
13. What is another word for a promise? A. put your left hand over your heart
A. liberty B. put your right hand over your heart
B. pledge C. look away from the flag
C. justice D. put your right hand on your head
D. traditions 20. “Symbol” means what?
14. Who was the Washington Monument build A. To show something
to honor? B. It is part of a map
A. Washington Lee C. Learning to read is important
B. George Washington D. Something that represents another
C. Mrs. Washington thing
D. George Washington Carver 21. Which is FALSE about the Statue of Lib-
15. How many stars and stripes did the first
flag have? A. She holds a torch.

A. 13 stars, 10 stripes B. She is made of copper.

C. She is in Virginia.
B. 50 stars, 13 stripes
D. She was a gift from France.
C. 13 stars, 50 stripes
D. 13 stars, 13 stripes 22. Why is July 4, 1776 an important date?
A. It is the day we signed the constitution
16. Which is NOT an American symbol?
B. It is the day we got the Statue of Lib-
A. Statue of Liberty
B. American Flag C. It is the day we signed the Declaration
C. Penny of Independence
D. Bald Eagle D. It is the day slavery finished


1.18 traditions 883

23. What do the seven rays of the crown on 25. What does the torch the crown on the
the Statue of Liberty represent? Statue of Liberty represent?


A. 7 people A. the way to freedom and liberty
B. 7 continents B. the way home
C. 7 presidents C. the way to New York
D. 7 flags D. none of above

24. Which of these does the bald eagle NOT 26. Who is thought to have made the first
represent? American Flag?
A. courage A. George Washington
B. freedom B. Betsy Ross
C. strength C. Mrs. Gaskins
D. happiness D. Barack Obama

1.18 traditions
1. When do Germans started to cut trees to C. On the 25th of December
D. On the 14th of February
A. 15th Century
B. 16th Century 5. What vegetables is the symbol of Hal-
C. 17th Century
A. Cabbage
D. 18th Century
B. Onion
2. What traditional game is played in the
White House on Easter Monday? C. Watermelon
A. Egg searching D. Pumpkin
B. Egg rolling
6. Halloween is celebrated on
C. Egg walking
A. 16 February
D. Building egg tower
B. 4 March
3. How is “Wielki Czwartek” in English?
C. 31 October
A. Maundy Thursday
D. 9 November.
B. Big Thursday
C. Great Thursday 7. On Thanksgiving day the Americans
D. Holly Thursday A. have great meal with the family and
their relatives
4. When do the Americans celebrate Christ-
mas? B. wear masks
A. On the 7th of January C. go to work
B. On the 25th of January D. organize a parade


1.18 traditions 884

8. Where did the name of Easter in Great 14. What traditional foods are served in Eng-
Britain come from? land for Good Friday breakfast?
A. from one of the goddess A. milk soup
B. from the names of days B. hot cross buns
C. from the names of months C. pancakes
D. from the names of sesasons D. roast turkey
15. Where do Santa-Claus wear shorts and

9. Who brings presents for children?
A. Farther Frost
A. Brazil
B. Grandfather
B. Mexico
C. Santa Claus
C. Australia
D. Saint Nicolas
D. Sweden
10. What dishes are most often prepared for
Thanksgiving Day? 16. Which American island is named after rab-
A. turkey
A. Long Island
B. Chicken
B. Grass Island
C. Burgers
C. Coney Island
D. none of above
D. Liberty Island
11. In which state of the USA is a big fire lit
17. What is missing from European football
on Holy Saturday?
and never missing from American foot-
A. Texas ball?
B. New York A. the ball
C. California B. Supporters
D. Hawaii C. Audience
12. How long is the holiday break from study- D. Cheerleadings
ing in the UK during Easter? 18. What do the Americans celebrate on Mar-
A. 2 days tin Luther King’s day?
B. 7 days A. The fight for the Civil Rights
C. 10 days B. The right to buy a car
D. 14 days C. The Farther’s Day
D. The President Day
13. United States Independence Day is cele-
brated on 19. The most common Halloween phrase is
A. 4 July A. , , Marry Halloween, ,
B. 21 October B. , , trick or treat? , ,
C. 1 January C. , , Happy Hallween, ,
D. 15 August D. none of above


1.18 traditions 885

20. Who was the first president of the USA? 26. Who traditionally leaves chocolate eggs
A. Abraham Lincoln for children during “Egg hunt”?


A. Easter lamb
B. Thomas Jefferson
B. Easter chick
C. George Washington
C. Easter duckling
D. John Kennedy
D. Easter bunny
21. When do the Americans celebrate Indepen-
dence day? 27. If you find the almond hidden in the pud-
ding, you are going to be lucky.
A. On the 4th of June
A. Denmark
B. On the 4th of September
B. Italy
C. On the 4th of April
C. Germany
D. On the 4th of July D. Sweden
22. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on 28. Who was Martin Luther King?
A. 6 March A. A white lawyer
B. 26 November B. A black lawyer
C. 17 February C. An engineer
D. 20 June D. A president

23. On which street in New York City the fa- 29. What does the Queen give to distinguished
mous Easter parade takes place? people on Holy Thursday?
A. Wall Street A. golden eggs
B. Madison Avenue B. flowers
C. 5th Avenue C. coins
D. Broadway D. noble titles

24. The main traditional meal for Thanksgiving 30. On what holiday do children look for choco-
Day is late eggs?
A. Easter
A. goose
B. Halloween
B. lamb
C. Christmas
C. turkey
D. none of above
D. fish
31. Memorial Day is a day when the Ameri-
25. The Culture and traditions of USA originate cans
A. Commemorate those who died in two
A. England world Wars
B. Canada B. Commemorate the 11th of September
C. U.S.A. C. Commemorate Abraham Lincoln’s Day
D. Moldova D. Commemorate John Kennedy’s death


1.19 Miscellenous 886

32. When Easter is celebrated? 33. On what occasion do children disguise

themselves as monsters?
A. 3 February
A. Easter
B. 5 November
B. Christmas
C. 6 March C. Halloween
D. 4 April D. none of above

1.19 Miscellenous
1. Many scientists believe that the first peo- 5. There are two ways to become a United
ple to settle in North America came directly States citizen. One is by birth and the
from other is by
A. Asia A. immigration
B. Africa B. alienship

C. India C. emigration
D. naturalization
D. Canada
6. These are two primary ways to become a
2. What is one responsibility that is only for US citizen.
US citizens
A. Native Born
A. pay taxes
B. Traveling
B. serve on a jury C. Cousins
C. enlist in the militrary D. Naturalization
D. none of above 7. Which of the following individuals has NOT
obtained US citizenship?
3. What were the 49th and 50th states ad-
mitted to the U.S.? (Select both) A. Davis immigrated to the United States
seven years ago and completed the natu-
A. Hawaii ralization process.
B. Alaska B. Marie was born in Puerto Rico and vis-
C. Oregon its Virginia every year.
C. Taylor lived in Japan for 2 years but
D. Wyoming
she still made sure to vote in every elec-
4. Which plan stated to have the a two house
legislation? D. Caitlin is honest and loves American
food but failed her naturalization test.
A. The Compromise plan
B. The Virgina Plan 8. A baby is born outside of the United
States, her parents are United States citi-
C. The New Jersey Plan zens. Is she a United States citizen?
D. The New Jerresy Plan A. Yes


1.19 Miscellenous 887

B. No 14. Under the Constitution, all Bills raising rev-

enue must originate in the:
C. I don’t know.


A. Senate
D. none of above
B. House of Representatives
9. Who lived in America when the Europeons C. Supreme Court
D. Oval Office
A. Chinese
15. There are two types of autocracy:
B. Native Americans
A. monarchy and (2) absolute monarchy.
C. Koreans
B. dictatorship and (2) absolute monar-
D. Africans chy.
10. Obey the laws, pay taxes, serve as a wit- C. dictatorship and (2) monarchy.
ness or on a jury D. Oligarchy and (2) autocracy.
A. Right
16. How many voting representatives are in
B. Duty the United States House of Representa-
C. Responsibility
A. 100
D. Justice
B. 270
11. What do you call someone who follows le- C. 435
gal steps to become a U.S. citizen?
D. 538
A. a resident alien
17. State of being equal
B. a lawful permanent resident
A. Right
C. a naturalized citizen
B. Liberty
D. an undocumented immigrant
C. Justice
12. Which country was NOT our enemy during D. Equality
World War II?
18. what is the ‘rule of law’?
A. England
A. separation of powers
B. Japan
B. everyone must follow the law
C. Germany
C. practice of any religion
D. Italy
D. none of above
13. Which groups advise the president? 19. What is another term for Republican
A. Supreme Court Justices A. Constitusionalist
B. Interest Groups B. Liberal
C. Large companies C. Conservitive
D. His Cabinet D. Communist


1.19 Miscellenous 888

20. Branch of Government who’s job it is to 25. Who is the current governor of Missouri?
enforce the laws A. Mike Parsons
A. Legislative B. Jay Nixon
B. Executive C. Peter Kinder
C. Judicial D. Jason Smith
D. none of above
26. What are the first three words of the Con-

21. Which is not a right given to citizens in the stitution that state that the USA is self-
1st Amendment? governed?

A. freedom of religion A. We the people

B. right to peaceably assemble B. We Americans

C. We citizens of this great country
C. right to bear arms
D. We and our children
D. right to petition
27. What is Abraham Lincoln most famous
22. The idea of self government is in three for?
words, what are the words?
A. Saving the country during the Civil War
A. We the people
B. Being a founding father
B. I don’t know
C. Drafting the Declaration of Indepen-
C. I don’t care dence
D. This is dumb D. All of the above
23. In which century was there an increase in E. None of the above
immigration that led to a more diverse so-
28. What does Ratify mean
A. To refuse
A. 18th
B. To find
B. 19th
C. To accept
C. 20th
D. To run
D. 21st
29. How do minor parties play a “spoiler role”
24. Which principle best matches the quote? in an election?
Use the clues.“WE THE PEOPLE of the
A. Raising an issue that the major parties
United States do ordain and establish
do not want to address
this Constitution for the United States of
America.” Preamble to the Constitution, B. Taking enough votes away from one of
1787 the two major parties to cost its candidate
the election
A. Self Government
C. Waging “mud slinging” campaigns
B. Federalism
against both major parties
C. Representative Government
D. Attracting voter and media attention
D. none of above away from the major party candidates


1.19 Miscellenous 889

30. How many senators are in Congress? 35. Limited by law to certain amount per
A. 50 household


A. Draft
B. 100
B. Ration
C. 435
C. Immigrant
D. 200
D. Census
31. Which two documents were written by
Thomas Jefferson? 36. Which state borders Canada?

A. The Declaration of Independence & A. New Orleans

the VirginiaDeclaration of Rights B. Florida
B. The Virginia Declaration of Rights & C. California
theArticles of Confederation D. Michigan
C. The Virginia Statute for Religious Free-
37. Name 3 original colonies
dom & the Declaration of Independence
A. California, New York and Washington
D. The Articles of Confederation & the
Charters ofthe Virginia Company
B. Texas, Arizona and Utah
32. What can you do to help the common
C. North Carolina, South Carolina and
New York
A. paint your bike D. none of above
B. read a book
38. Which of the following is a responsibility
C. play with your toys of a US Citizen?
D. help clean a park A. Serving on a jury
33. Which principle best matches the quote? B. Running for office
Use the clues.“The House of Representa- C. Speaking freely
tives, like that of one branch at least of
D. Practicing religion
all the State legislatures, is elected imme-
diately by the great body of the people.” 39. In a government, the central and local
James Madison, The Federalist 39 governments exercise independent pow-
A. Limited Government ers and cannot abolish each other.
B. Representative Government A. federal

C. Rule of Law B. confederal

D. none of above C. oligarchy

D. democracy
34. What do we call the first Ten Amendments
40. What is the term for a type of government
A. The Bill Of RIghts
in which one person possesses unlimited
B. America’s Rights power?
C. The U.S. Agenda A. Communism
D. American Values B. Democracy


1.19 Miscellenous 890

C. Socialism 46. How many members are in the Oregon

State Senate?
D. Autocracy
A. 20
41. What are the Three unalienable rights in B. 30
the Declaration of Independence?
C. 50
A. Life, Freedom, Pursuit of Happiness
D. 100
B. Life, Love, Property

47. Where does our freedom of speech come
C. Eddie Murphy, Will Smith, idk from?
D. Money, Property, and happiness A. 5th amendment
42. What are two cabinet positions B. 2nd amendment

A. US Senator & US representative C. 1st amendment

D. 8th amendment
B. Vice President & Speaker of the House
of Representatives 48. People fleeing persecution from their home
C. Attorney General & Secretary of De- countries
fense A. Refugees
D. none of above B. Quotas
C. Resident aliens
43. the study of the rights and duties of citi-
zens D. Citizens
A. civics 49. Which example best demonstrates Donald
B. geography volunteering for his community?
A. Voting in local elections
C. law
B. Working at the local bookstore
D. geology
C. Driving the posted speed limit
44. This branch reviews the laws of our coun- D. Serving food at the local shelter
50. Who is the Governor of your state right
A. Legislative
B. Executive
A. Mary Fallin
C. Judicial B. Joe Biden
D. Military C. Kevin Stitt
45. What holiday was celebrated for the first D. I have no idea
time by the American colonists? 51. The process of becoming a citizen:
A. Christmas A. Responsibility
B. Thanksgiving B. Naturalization
C. New Year’s Day C. Civic
D. Memorial Day D. Duty


1.19 Miscellenous 891

52. Which example is NOT a responsibility of 58. What is a freedom from the 1st amend-
citizenship? ment?


A. volunteering in the community A. Freedom of speech
B. attending civic meetings B. Freedom of Press
C. voting in elections C. Freedom of Religon
D. paying taxes D. All of the above
53. What is the name of The US President we 59. What will happen if you do not perform an
have now? obligation?
A. Donald Trump
A. You will be denied your citizenship.
B. Hillary Clinton
B. You will face legal consequences (jail
C. George W. Bush or fines)
D. Joe Biden C. You will write an apology to everybody
54. The citizenship exam test the person’s: you inconvenienced by breaking the law
A. ability to read, write, and speak En- D. If you drive poorly, your license will be
glish revoked.
B. ability to serve in the armed forces 60. The Federalist Papers supported the pas-
C. understanding of traffic laws sage of The constitution, who were the
writers of The Federalist Papers?
D. knowledge of Canadian history
A. James Madison
55. Civics is the study of the and of
citizenship (multiple answer). B. Alexander Hamilton
A. Responsibilities C. John Jay
B. Process D. All the other answers are correct
C. Duties 61. All of the following are required to become
D. Rights a naturalized US Citizen, EXCEPT:

56. What is one requirement in order to be- A. Speak English

come a citizen of the United States? B. Understand American Principles
A. Be related to a US citizen. C. Born in the USA
B. Be able to pass a citizenship test D. Know US History
C. Be able to pass a health exam
62. Tygris just became naturalized in the coun-
D. Be prepare to join the military try of Panthera which gives him citizen-
57. Definition:The people are the source of any ship in Panthera as well as his home coun-
and all governmental power. try of Shere Khan. Tygris now has what?
A. Limited Government A. double alien
B. Rule of Law B. dual citizenship
C. Consent of the Governed C. dual rights
D. Representative Government D. double naturalization


1.19 Miscellenous 892

63. How many stripes are on the US flag? 69. This document limited the powers of
A. 8 the U.S.central government and protected
states rights.
B. 10
A. Articles of Confederation
C. 13
B. Magna Carta
D. 15
C. Bill of Rights
64. What are the two houses of congress? D. none of above

(Select both)
A. house of delegates 70. How can the Constitution of Virginia be
B. senate
A. Proposal:Action by General Assembly
C. house of represenratives and states;Ratification by convention
D. house of cards B. Proposal:Action by General Assembly
and states;Ratification by Congress
65. Equality, liberty, and justice are basic
American C. Proposal:Action by General Assembly
or convention;Ratification by the voters of
A. Values
B. Citizens
D. Proposal:Action by Congress or con-
C. Civics vention;Ratification by the states
D. Economics
71. for how many years do we elect a presi-
66. What is a legally recognized member of a dent
country called? A. 2
A. citizen B. 4
B. native C. 6
C. alien D. none of above
D. king
72. The rights and responsibilities of citizen-
67. One how old must you be to take the nat- ship
uralization test? A. Have not changed over time
A. 16 B. Differ from country to country
B. 18 C. are the same for any country’s type of
C. 15 government
D. 24 D. Are not important

68. Which amendment grants you freedom of 73. The Judicial Branches authority to inter-
speech? pret law and declare acts of the Executive
and Legislative Branches to be Constitu-
A. 1st Amendment tional or UnConstitutional is also known
B. 2nd Amendment as
C. 3rd Amendment A. Writs of Habeas Corpus
D. 4th Amendment B. Writs of Certiorari


1.19 Miscellenous 893

C. Judicial Review 79. Which one of the following is NOT a rea-

D. Ex post facto Laws son why we pay taxes?


A. To pay for the protection of our country
74. is the right to act, speak, or think as
you want. B. To pay for political commercials
A. Responsibility C. To help protect the people and the en-
B. Amendment vironment in our country
C. Ratify D. To pay for local government resources
such as police and ambulance drivers.
D. Freedom

75. Which of the following is a power re- 80. Who was the first president of our country
served to the states? under the U.S. Constitution?
A. Providing public education A. Benjamin Franklin
B. Taxing B. John Hancock
C. Providing protection C. George Washington
D. Creating laws D. Thomas Jefferson
76. What do the stripes on the American Flag
represent? 81. You picked up papers that a man dropped
on the ground!
A. The 13 original signers of the Constitu-
tion A. Courtesy
B. The original 14 colonies B. Civic
C. The 13 original colonies C. Accountability
D. The original 15 soldiers that died in the D. Participation in elections as an in-
Revolutionary War formed voter
77. citizen of another country who has permis-
82. Which of the following can the President
sion to reside here
NOT do?
A. Legal alien
A. Pardons
B. Illegal alien
B. Veto
C. Immigrants
D. Emmigrants C. Indict
D. Executive order
78. What is NOT a right (freedom) that ev-
ery citizen has (Something the government
83. When do we celebrate Independence
has to give you)?
A. Freedom/Right to express yourself
A. November 22
B. Freedom/Right to vote
B. July 4
C. Freedom/Right to believe what you
want C. July 2
D. Freedom/Right to a job D. December 25


1.19 Miscellenous 894

84. Whats system keeps one branch from be- B. Mountain lions
coming to powerful C. Bison
A. System of checks and balances
D. Locusts
B. The Executive Branch
90. What are the duties of the Supreme
C. The Supreme Court
D. The President
A. To interpret the laws.

85. Which item is NOT an example of a DUTY/ B. To make the laws.
C. To make rulings on criminals.
A. attend school
D. To take in taxes.
B. jury duty
C. vote 91. What is the Naturalization process
D. obey laws A. you are American If at least one parent
is American
86. The stripes on the American flag stand for:
B. you are American If you were born on
A. each of the original 13 states US territory, Military bases, or in the 50
B. each of the 50 states states
C. the countries America has fought C. Immigrants going through the legal
against process to become American
D. each of the American presidents D. none of above

87. Article 7 of the United States Constitution 92. Which is not one of the 3 Branches of Gov-
would set of that in order for the Ratifica- ernment?
tion of the Constitution to happen of
A. Legislative
13 States would have to approve
B. Senate
A. 6
C. Judicial
B. 8
D. Executive
C. 9
D. 13 93. Select one way you can express concern
about your community.
88. What is the political party of the President
right now? A. ask people who they voted for

A. the flag B. post political topics on social media

B. Republican C. stay silent about politics
C. Democratic D. spread awareness on environmental
D. none of above
94. What is the purpose of the 15th Amend-
89. What animal impacted the building of the
railroads, and was also essential to the
Native Americans way of life? A. gives all genders the right to vote
A. Snakes B. lowered the voting age to 18 years old


1.19 Miscellenous 895

C. allowed citizens of Washington, DC to 100. Decide which citizen requirement meets

vote in the Presidential election this goal. It allows a person the oppor-
tunity to gain employment, communicate


D. gives all races the right to vote
with others, and fill out paperwork with
95. Which is not a right of every person living ease.
in the US? A. Take the oath of loyalty
A. Right to bear arms B. passing the civics test
B. freedom of religion C. learning the language
C. voting in a federal election D. being fingerprinted
D. freedom of speech 101. What are the 49th and 50th states in the
96. assimilation means
A. Washington & California
A. to become a part of a different culture
B. Hawaii & Alaska
B. to forget your name
C. Alaska & Hawaii
C. to leave your home
D. Texas & Alaska
D. to ignore another culture
102. What is the “Rule of Law”?
97. If the President dies, who becomes Presi- A. anarchy
B. 59 rule
A. The President
C. no one is above the law
B. The Speaker
D. rules don’t apply
C. The Vicepresident
103. how many US senators are there?
D. none of above
A. 100
98. What are two ways you can participate in B. 435
your democracy?
C. 535
A. Watch TV and Yell
D. none of above
B. Voting and Protesting
104. The third step in becoming a citizen is
C. Sit and do nothing
A. live 5 years in the USA
D. Bribe the government and lie
B. Apply to be a citizen
99. Which is true about the Supreme Court? C. Have an interview and take a test
A. They have 10 justices D. Take an oath of allegiance
B. They hear cases that were tried and
105. How does the Naturalization Process im-
appealed by lower courts
pact the Political Process?
C. They take on all cases appealed to A. Naturalized citizens influence the polit-
them ical process by arguing and competing for
D. They have original jurisdiction in all rights to be in charge of the entire country
cases and the whole political process.


1.19 Miscellenous 896

B. Naturalized citizens are unable to in- A. Mexican Americans and Native Ameri-
fluence the political process because they cans
have not finished the process to become B. Irish immigrants and Chinese immi-
a full citizen which grants them the rights grants
to impact the political process.
C. African Americans and European immi-
C. Naturalized citizens are unable to influ- grants
ence the political process because there
D. Scottish immigrants and Japanese im-
are not enough naturalized citizens in the

country to actually make a difference.
D. Naturalized citizens influence the polit- 110. Liberty means
ical process by voting, running for office, A. Truth
being selected for public office, and par-
B. Justice
ticipating in lawmaking.
C. Freedom
106. What is the job title of the Commander in D. Statue
Chief of the Military?
A. President 111. How many times may a congressman be
B. Vice President
A. 2
C. Speaker of the House
B. 8
D. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court C. no limit
107. Before Eisenhower was President what D. 10
war was he in?
112. Which is not a job of the Constitution?
A. World War One
A. Defines the government
B. World War Two
B. Sets up the government
C. Civil War C. Gives citizens the right to collect unem-
D. none of above ployment
D. Protects the basic rights of Americans
108. “Ask not what your country can do
for you, but what you can do for your 113. What makes up the Bill of Rights?
country”-President John F. Kennedy In
A. 1-5 amendments
this quote, Kennedy is encouraging Ameri-
cans to B. 10-20 amendments
A. Refrain from collecting government C. 1-15 amdendments
benefits D. 1-10 amendments
B. Vote for him in the upcoming election 114. Which part of the legislative branch has
C. Participate in public service representation based on population?
D. Leave the country if you disagree with A. Senate
his policies B. Judicial
109. What two ethnic groups helped to build C. House of Representatives
the transcontinental railroad? D. House of Congress


1.19 Miscellenous 897

115. What do the stars on the flag mean? 120. What are two ways that Americans can
A. the number of members of Congress PARTICIPATE in their democracy?


B. the 50 states A. obey the law and vote
B. freedom of speech and freedom of ex-
C. the number of amendments to the con-
C. vote and help with a campaign
D. the number of founding fathers
D. none of above
116. What rights do people have according to
the Declaration of Independence? 121. Which branch includes the president?
A. life A. Executive
B. liberty B. Judicial

C. the pursuit of happiness C. Legislative

D. Mr. Haas Branch
D. happiness
E. religious liberty 122. Civics:Who is in charge of the executive
117. According to article 5 of the US Constitu-
A. President
tion one of the ways to Amend the Consti-
tution Requires a proposal by of the B. Speaker of the House
U.S. House of Reps and U.S. Senate and a C. Chief Justice
Ratification by of State Legislatures D. Majority Whip
A. 2/3; 3/4
123. Which of the following WAS NOT an au-
B. 3/4; 1/2 thor of the Federalist Papers?
C. 2/3; 1/2 A. James Madison
D. 1/4; 2/3 B. Thomas Jefferson
118. What is the capital of Missouri? C. Alexander Hamilton
A. Jefferson City D. John Jay
B. Columbia 124. Which branch of government has the
C. St. Louis most power?
D. St. Charles A. legislative
B. executive
119. Which freedom matches the scenario?
C. judicial
Erin starts a book club for her friends so
they can discuss their favorite books to- D. None. No branch has more power than
gether every week. the other.
A. speech 125. Who is James Madison?
B. religion A. Virginia delegate
C. press B. cowboy
D. assembly C. George Washington
E. petition D. a smart person


1.19 Miscellenous 898

126. Which of the following WAS NOT one of 131. Which of these is not a step in the process
the original 13 colonies? of amending the constitution?
A. Maine A. A proposal is made by two-thirds of the
B. Massachusetts members of both the House and the Sen-
C. Virginia
B. Ratification by the president
D. Georgia
C. Ratification by three-fourths of the

127. When was the Bill of Rights signed? state legislature
A. 1791 D. A proposal is made at a constitutional
B. 1794 convention called for by two-thirds of the
state legislatures
C. 1788
D. 2021 132. Relying on yourself and using your own
resources (money).
128. What fundamental political principle
A. Patriotism
states that in a democratic system of gov-
ernment the people rule? B. Trustworthiness
A. Democracy C. Self-reliance
B. Representative Government D. Respect for the Law
C. Consent of the Governed
133. Geography:What is the capital of the
D. Rule of Law United States?
E. Limited Government A. New York, New York
129. What group of people was sent to U.S. B. Washington, D.C.
as Slaves C. Boston, Massachusetts
A. Africans D. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
B. Chinese
134. What is the name of the President of the
C. Germans United States at this time?
D. Japanese
A. Hillary Clinton
130. Why does the law require certain citizens B. Donald Trump
to register for selective service when they
C. Barack Obama
turn 18 years old?
A. Residents of each state need to regis- D. Ted Cruz
ter to vote.
135. a legally recognized member of the
B. People must submit their names to be- United States
come future jurors.
A. Citizen
C. The Department of Motor Vehicles
B. Resident
must identify legal drivers.
C. Voter
D. The government needs a list of poten-
tial soldiers. D. Civilian


1.19 Miscellenous 899

136. what are two parts of the US congress? 142. Although Emma is late for work, she re-
A. The Senate and the House duces her speed to the posted 25 mph in
a school zone. Which personal trait is she


B. The courts and the President most likely demonstrating?
C. USA & Canada A. Respect for the law
D. none of above B. Patriotism
137. What do the stars on the flag represent? C. Courtesy
A. Number of states D. Honesty
B. Number of presidents 143. concept of citizenship started in ancient
C. Number that looked nice A. Greece
D. original colonies B. China

138. Millions of people around the world do C. Guadalupe

not have D. Great Britain
A. the same basic freedoms that Ameri- 144. Which article in the U.S. Constitution
cans have established and explains the Legislative
B. Access to healthcare branch?
C. to pay taxes A. Article I
D. to join their military B. Article II
C. Article III
139. Identify one of the original 13 colonies?
D. Article IV
A. Michigan
B. Mississippi 145. Naturalized citizens
C. Ohio A. Have the same freedoms as other US
D. New York
B. Have almost the exact freedoms as
140. What are the 3 main levels of the gov- other US citizens except they cannot vote
ernment? C. Have almost the exact freedoms as
A. student council other US citizens except they cannot be-
come President
B. federal government
D. Have almost the exact freedoms as
C. state government
other US citizens except they cannot have
D. local government a job or go to school
141. What amendment guarantees the right to 146. On what day do we celebrate our inde-
bear arms? pendence from Great Britain
A. 1st amendment A. July 4th
B. 2nd amendment B. January 31st
C. 5th amendment C. December 25th
D. 14th amendment D. April 15th


1.19 Miscellenous 900

147. Which is the only state to have once been C. 1st

an independent country? D. 6th
A. Texas
153. Who is the current Governor of Oregon?
B. Colorado
A. Dennis Richardson
C. Oregon
B. Ellen Rosenblum
D. Arizona
C. Knute Buehler
148. A jury

D. Kate Brown
A. makes laws
154. How long must a person live here legally
B. helps the judge make decisions in the to apply for U.S. citizenship?
A. 4 years
C. helps the president make decisions in
B. 5 years
the government
C. 10 years
D. helps congress spend money
D. 1 year
149. people living in the United States who are
citizens of another country 155. Who makes the laws in the United
A. Aliens
A. the president
B. Citizens
B. the Supreme Court
C. Immigrant
C. Congress
D. Resident
D. the police
150. What amendment outlines the require-
156. Which statement best demonstrates a cit-
ments for citizenship?
izen participating in community service?
A. 1st amendment
A. Jacob babysits his two younger sisters
B. 5th amendment every Saturday while his mother goes to
C. 14th amendment the grocery store.
D. 16th amendment B. Emily cleans her room and washes her
laundry every weekend.
151. One way that political parties have
C. Taylor collects plastic bottles at her
worked around the campaign finance laws
school and takes them to the local recy-
has been the development of
cling center every Saturday.
A. PACs and Super PACs
D. Michael works at a local bookstore
B. unlimited spending three days a week.
C. fundraisers
157. For how long do we elect the members of
D. none of above the House of Representatives?
152. What amendment supports the freedom A. 6 years
of religion? B. 2 years
A. 4th C. 4 years
B. 10th D. 3 years


1.19 Miscellenous 901

158. Name the war between the north and 163. The discover of gold in the California and
south. Alaska territories led to a massive immi-
gration of settlers onto the land to get rich


A. The Civil War
B. The war between the states
A. Gold Rush
C. Both of the other answers are correct
B. Oregon Trail
C. Mormon movement
D. none of above
D. Crypto Craze
159. Just behavior or Fair treatment
164. Which of the following do you NOT need
A. Right to do to become a naturalized US Citizen
B. Duty A. Speak English
C. Justice B. Understand American Principles
D. Equality C. Born in the USA
160. What document is also known as the D. Know US History
“Supreme Law of the Land”?
165. What amendment is excessive bail shall
A. The Declaration of Independence not be required, nor excessive fines im-
B. The Bill of Rights posed, nor cruel and unusual punishments
C. The Articles of Confederation
A. 9th
D. The Constitution
B. 3rd
161. How many states are there in the United C. 8th
States today?
D. 10th
A. 48
166. What major event happened on Septem-
B. 50
ber 11th 2001 in New York City?
C. 13
A. The epicenter of the ebola outbreak
D. 69
B. The attempted terrorists attack using
162. How can the U.S. Constitution be flight 93
amended? C. The terrorists attack at the Pentagon
A. Proposal:Action by Congress and D. The terrorists bombing of the World
states; Ratification by convention Trade Center Buildings
B. Proposal:Action by Congress and 167. Which words (multiple answer) best de-
states; Ratification by Congress scribe the American Dream?
C. Proposal:Action by General Assembly A. Opportunity
or convention; Ratification by the voters
of Virginia B. Prosperity

D. Proposal:Action by Congress or con- C. Equality

vention; Ratification by the states D. Perfection


1.19 Miscellenous 902

168. Decide which citizen requirement meets B. Golden gate bridge, Mount Rushmore,
this goal. This helps the government be Mississippi River
aware of anyone who might be a threat
C. Mount Rushmore, Old Faithful, Grand
to the government.
A. living in the US for at least 5 years
D. Mount St. Helens, Hoover Dam, St.
B. passing the civics test Louis Arch
C. learning the language
174. Which government system gives states

D. being fingerprinted the most power?
169. Who is the Governor of your state now? A. confederal
A. Obama B. federal
B. Beshear C. parliamentary
C. Paul D. unitary
D. McConnell
175. Which person would have to go through
170. Who elects Congress? the process of naturalization to become a
A. president citizen?

B. citizens A. a girl born in Mexico to two Mexican

C. vice president
B. a girl born in Germany to parents who
D. supreme court chief are U.S. citizens
171. Who is the “Father of Our Country”? C. a boy born in Puerto Rico to parents
A. George Washington who are not citizens

B. Patrick Henry D. twins born in Florida to parents who

are British citizens
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Abraham Lincoln 176. Name one American Indian Tribe in The
United States
172. In order to become naturalized, aliens
must pass tests in A. Chickasaw

A. Civics, US History, & English B. Cherokee

B. US Gov’t, World History, and Mathe- C. Choctaw

matics D. Creek
C. History, Philosophy, & Religion
177. The supreme court is made up of mem-
D. Gov’t, Economics, and History bers.
173. Which of the following only list Cul- A. 9
tural (man made) landmarks in the United
B. 48
C. 435
A. Golden gate bridge, Mount Rushmore,
Statue of Liberty D. 100


1.19 Miscellenous 903

178. Who nominates judges to the Supreme 183. Aiko and Ian know that some children
Court? at their school lack school supplies. With
the support of their principal, parents, and


A. President
teachers, they organize a district-wide
B. Vice President school supply drive.
C. Governor
A. engaging in community service
D. Mayor
B. demonstrating a civic duty
179. This word means, “to love your coun- C. fulfilling their duties as students
D. engaging in patriotic acts
A. Civic
B. Patriotism 184. Geography:Which of the following WAS
NOT one of the 13 colonies?
C. Trait
A. Rhode Island
D. Self-Reliance
B. Vermont
180. One of the powers of our state govern-
ment under reserved powers C. Maryland
A. Military D. Georgia
B. Printing Money 185. There are four amendments to the Consti-
C. Declaring War tution about who can vote. Which is one
D. Education of them.
A. 19
181. What is the difference between civic du-
ties and civic responsibilities? B. 29
A. Civic duties require a large amount of C. 1
personal effort, while civic responsibili- D. 2
ties require little effort
B. Civic duties are limited to some citi- 186. The study of what it means to be a citizen
zens based on age, while civic responsi- A. Migration
bilities are required for all citizens.
B. Government
C. Civic duties are required by law, while
C. Civics
civic responsibilities are done voluntarily.
D. Citizens
D. Civic duties are only performed by peo-
ple who hold elected office, while civic 187. Jason joined the military after he got out
responsibilities are performed by all citi- of high school. Many of his family mem-
zens. bers were in the army so he wanted to join
182. Limitations to the amount of immigrants too. Joining the military is part of which
the US will accept from certain countries of the goals of the Preamble?
A. Quota A. “establish Justice”
B. Aliens B. “insure domestic Tranquility”
C. Naturalization C. “provide for the common defense”
D. Immigration D. “promote the general Welfare”


1.19 Miscellenous 904

188. Ronald loves football and wants to start 193. Attending civic meetings, petitioning the
a flag football club here at Salem Middle. government, staying informed, running for
He calls a meeting of all his friends to ar- office, community service, and voting are
range to have the club, but they are run off examples of citizen
by the administration and Officer Richard- A. obligations
son saying they cannot have their meeting.
Which right has been violated? B. requirements

A. Speech C. rights

D. responsibilities
B. Assembly
C. Petition 194. Civics:If a president can no longer serve,
who will then serve?
D. Religion
A. The First Lady
189. What was the original name given to the B. Speaker of the House
Great Compromise written by Roger Sher-
man C. Senate Majority Leader

A. Massachusetts Plan D. Vice President

B. Rhode Island Plan 195. By the mid-1920s most of the population

growth was due to
C. Connecticut Plan
A. immigrants from Eastern Europe
D. North Carolina Plan
B. immigrants from Ireland
190. two rights in the Declaration of Indepen-
C. immigrants from Mexico
D. natural increase
A. sets up and forms the goverment
B. freedom of speech and freedom of re- 196. How long is the term for a US Senator?
ligion A. 1 year
C. Life and liberty B. 2 years
D. none of above C. 4 years
D. 6 years
191. Which of following were Native Ameri-
can Tribes that lived in the United States? 197. The Second Amendment to the U.S. Con-
A. Cherokee stitution concerns:
B. Shawnee A. Freedom of the press

C. Sioux B. Right to trail by jury

D. All of the above C. Right to bear arms

D. Prohibition of unreasonable search
192. What did James Madison do? and seizure
A. Created the phonograph
198. They consist of the senate and the House,
B. Created the lightbulb they make the laws of our country.
C. Created the lightning rod A. Congress
D. Created/Wrote the Constitution B. Senate


1.19 Miscellenous 905

C. House 204. There has been multiple robberies the last

month in Pellston. Citizens who live in
D. Supreme Court
the town have contacted their state leg-


199. limiting the amount of immigrants from islators to try and get more police officers
certain areas to a specific maximum num- in Pellston. These citizens are
ber A. bugging their state representative,
who is way to busy to worrying about little
A. Quota
old Pellston
B. Naturalization
B. breaking the law a by complaining
C. Immigration C. influencing their government by com-
D. Emmigration municating with officials
D. none of above
200. Which is NOT one of the basic values in
the USA? 205. for how many years we elect a US repre-
A. Hope sentative
A. 2
B. Justice
B. 4
C. Freedom
C. 6
D. Equality
D. none of above
201. All of the following are part of the origi- 206. Mia’s parents are from the UK. When
nal 13 colonies, EXCEPT they are on vacation in Florida Mia is born.
A. Maine Why does the USA consider Mia a citizen?
B. Massachusetts A. Mia went thru the naturalization pro-
C. New Hampshire
B. Mia is a citizen because of law of blood
D. Georgia
C. Mia’s parents paid the USA for her to
202. What are the original 13 states called? be a citizen

A. OG 13 D. Mia is a citizen because of law of soil

B. the colonies 207. Who heads the executive branch of the

state of Oregon?
C. the starter states
A. The President
D. the founding states
B. Secretary of State
203. Which group held up Ratification of the C. Governor
U.S. Constitution because they wanted
D. Lieutenant Governor
more individual rights
A. Federalists 208. Which of the following belongs to all of
the citizens of the United States and can-
B. Antifederalists not be taken away?
C. Democrats A. certain privileges
D. Republicans B. driving a car


1.19 Miscellenous 906

C. individual rights C. Oligarchy

D. going to college D. Autocracy

209. Geography:Which ocean is on the coast 214. What political party does our current
of New Jersey? president belong to?
A. Pacific Ocean A. Republican
B. Gulf of Mexico B. Libertarian

C. Delaware River C. Independent
D. Atlantic Ocean D. Democratic

210. It is what we base the number of repre- 215. Which statement is false?
sentatives that a state has in the House of A. Divorce rates are rising.
Representatives. B. Marriages are happening less often.
A. Population C. Family sizes are getting smaller.
B. Voters D. Church attendance is declining.
C. Cars
216. Which of the following are Cabinet level
D. Men positions?
211. “And that I will bear arms on behalf of A. Secretary of Defense
the United States when required by law, “ B. Secretary of Education
refers specifically to which citizen obliga-
C. Secretary of the Interior
D. All of the above
A. Selective Service
B. obeying the law 217. If the president can no longer serve, who
becomes President?
C. serving on juries
A. The Speaker of the House
D. naturalized and native born citizens
only B. The Senate Majority Leader
C. The Vice President
212. What is the head executive of a city gov-
ernment called? D. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

A. governor 218. A decision would include saving

B. mayor
A. Personal
C. senator
B. Duty
D. legislator
C. Financial
213. In a , like the United States, the leg- D. Summoned
islative and executive branches are sepa-
rate. Both are elected by voters for fixed 219. Jamison was born in Puerto Rico. He is
A. parliament government A. a US citizen by law of soil
B. presidential government B. a US citizen by law of blood


1.19 Miscellenous 907

C. a naturalized citizen 225. Which is an example of freedom of

D. NOT a US citizen press?


A. attend a Girls Scout meeting about the
220. Which purpose of government, as stated upcoming cookie fundraiser
in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution,
B. Write an article for the local news
referred to the concern of the government
paper about the outstanding students at
for the health, peace, and safety of its cit-
Lake Elementary
C. collect signatures supporting the
A. To form a more perfect union
fundraiser for the new school
B. To establish justice
D. going to church
C. To ensure domestic tranquility
226. To be called to appear:
D. To provide for the common defense
A. Summoned
E. To promote the general welfare
B. Civic
221. Which amendment deals with states cre- C. Duty
ating their own laws.
D. Citizenship
A. 7
B. 8 227. Select ALL the first amendment freedoms

C. 9 A. Press
B. Assembly
D. 10
C. Petition
222. In what city is the Statue of Liberty lo-
D. Protest
E. Regulations
A. Philadelphia
B. Boston 228. Which of the following is NOT something
taxes pay for
C. Washington D.C.
A. Building new public schools for stu-
D. New York City dents
223. What is the economic system in the U.S. B. providing programs to help the home-
A. Socialist less and poor
C. helping businesses open up more
B. Communist
stores internationally
C. Capalist
D. helping citizens get the healthcare
D. Wall Street they can’t afford
224. Who was the first President under the 229. Obeying the law, paying taxes, and serv-
Constitution? ing in court are examples of a citizen’s
A. George Washington A. liberties
B. Abraham Lincoln B. responsibilities
C. Thomas Jefferson C. individual rights
D. Patrick Henry D. duties


1.19 Miscellenous 908

230. The Amendment to the US Constitu- C. House of Representatives

tion expanded the definition to include any- D. President
one that was born in the United States.
A. 13th 236. When a person votes for all the candi-
dates of a single political party, it is called
B. 14th
A. straight ticket voting.
C. 15th
B. split-ticket voting.
D. 19th

C. referendum voting.
231. Who nominates the Supreme Court Jus- D. mandate voting.
237. Parliament elects the head of the ,
A. Albus Dumbledore
the Prime Minister, from its own majority
B. The Senate party. The Prime Minister and the entire
C. The President Cabinet are all members of Parliament.
D. Captain Steve Rogers A. executive
B. legislative
232. People are the source of all government
power. C. judicial
A. Representative government D. None of these
B. Federalism 238. Which principle best matches the quote?
C. Consent of the governed Use the clues.“This Constitution and the
laws of the United States shall be the
D. Rule of law supreme law of the land.” All government
233. At what age are men supposed to regis- officials “shall be bound by an oath to sup-
ter for the Selective Service? port this constitution.” U.S. Constitution,
Article VI
A. 18
A. Democracy
B. 15
B. Representative Government
C. 20
C. Rule of Law
D. 21
D. none of above
234. Being able to choose where you live is an
239. Since 1970 the average household size
example of
has decreased due to
A. Equality
A. more women in the workplace
B. Justice
B. more divorce
C. Charity
C. more people in rest homes
D. Liberty
D. fewer people getting married
235. What are the 2 parts of Congress (the 240. Which amendment extends the due pro-
Legislative Branch)”? Choose 2 cess protection from actions by the na-
A. Senate tional government?
B. Supreme Court A. 4th


1.19 Miscellenous 909

B. 5th 246. In what month is the Presidential Elec-

C. 14th


A. November
D. 15th
B. December
241. Permanent residents of the USA who are C. January
still citizens of another country
D. May
A. Aliens
247. The U.S. population tripled between
B. Quota
1790 and 1830 primarily because of
C. Naturals
A. high birthrate
D. Emmigrants B. a mistake in the census
242. Who becomes president if the president C. the low death rate
and vice-president can no longer serve? D. immigration
A. The president of the senate
248. What are TWO rights of everyone living
B. The Speaker of the House in the United States?
C. The Secretary of Defense A. Freedom to petition the government
and freedom to disobey traffic laws
D. none of above
B. Freedom of worship and freedom to
243. The person already in office is called the make treaties with other countries
A. winner. C. Freedom of speech and freedom to run
for president
B. incumbent.
D. Freedom of speech and freedom of
C. candidate. worship
D. crazy.
249. In an absolute monarchy the king or
244. How many Justices are on the Supreme queen’s rule is supreme.
Court? A. A few can question their authority.
A. 9 B. Some can question their authority.
B. 10 C. Everyone can question their authority.
C. 11 D. No one can question their authority.
D. 12 250. The citizen obligation or duty of 18 year
old males registering with the Selective
245. What piece of land did the United States Service System reflects on which of the fol-
buy from France in 1803? lowing obligations?
A. Alaska A. defending the nation
B. Puerto Rico B. serving on juries
C. The Louisiana Puchase C. performing community services duties
D. Hawaii D. paying taxes


1.19 Miscellenous 910

251. Define immigrants 256. Which nations did the US fight in WWII?
A. People coming to the US from other A. Britain, France, and Spain
countries B. Germany, Russia, and Cuba
B. People leaving the US and going to C. Germany, Japan, and Italy
other countries
D. none of above
C. People leaving the US and setting up
colonies to help support the US 257. Which of the following is not 1 of the 4

Underlying Principals found in the 7 arti-
D. People leaving other countries and set- cles of the U.S. Constitution
ting up colonies in the Americas
A. Popular Sovereignty
252. What is a citizen? B. Limited Government
A. A member of Congress C. Federalism
B. A member of a political party D. Free Expression
C. An official member of a country 258. Which state does not border Canada?
D. A member of a soccer team A. Pennsylvania
B. Maine
253. What major event happened on Septem-
ber 11, 2001? C. Oregon

A. stock market crash D. Washington

B. challenger explosion 259. What is a promise you make when be-

coming a U.S. citizen?
C. terrorist attack on NYC and Wash. D.C.
A. Harming the nation
D. Hurricane Katrina
B. Loyalty to another country
254. The belief that the U.S. was meant to con- C. Loyalty to the U.S.
trol land from the Atlantic to the Pacific is D. Nothing you can do whatever
known as:
A. the Monroe Doctrine 260. What is the smallest geographic unit for
conducting an election?
B. The Louisiana Purchase
A. Precinct
C. Manifest Destiny
B. Polling Place
D. The Jackson Action C. County
255. What do the stripes on the flag signify? D. State

A. The blood that was shed during the rev- 261. Which two states were part of the 13
olution? original colonies?
B. The original signors of the constitution A. Connecticut and New Hampshire
C. The signors of the Declaration of Inde- B. Connecticut and Nebraska
pendence C. New York and Michigan
D. The 13 original colonies D. Florida and Alabama


1.19 Miscellenous 911

262. How old do citizens have to be to vote in C. You must be at least 18 years of age
a Presidential election? D. You must have a valid driver’s license


A. 21
268. How many justices are there in the
B. 25 Supreme Court?
C. 35 A. 6
D. 18 B. 4
263. You say “Thank you” when receiving a C. 9
gift. D. none of above
A. Trustworthy
269. Who does the US Senator represent?
B. Courtesy
A. The whole country
C. Patriotism
B. The people in the state they represent
D. Self-Reliance
C. Only the people that voted for them in
264. You always drive the speed limit, be- the state they represent
cause it’s the law! D. Anyone they want
A. Trustworthiness
270. refers to the annual number of deaths per
B. Respect for the Law 1, 000 members of a country’s population
C. Patriotism A. Deathrate
D. Participation in elections as an in- B. Birthrate
formed voter
C. Census
265. Choose each civic duty. D. Demographics
A. voting
271. Who is vice president today?
B. serving on a jury
A. Mike Pence
C. paying taxes
B. Joe Biden
D. participate in political campaigns
C. Kamala Harris
266. Juanita wants to become a U.S. citizen. D. Nancy Pelosi
What knowledge will she be required to
demonstrate? 272. In order for a United States citizen to re-
A. American culture and music ceive a fair trial, other citizens must

B. American history and principles of gov- A. evaluate judges

ernment B. vote in elections
C. Tax and traffic laws C. pay poll taxes
D. Spelling and basic mathematics D. serve on juries

267. Which is not a requirement to vote in the 273. The country that we declared our inde-
United States? pendence from.
A. You must be a citizen with no felonies. A. France
B. You must be registered to vote B. Britain


1.19 Miscellenous 912

C. Holland 279. The first people to settle in North Amer-

ica came from
D. Spain
A. Asia
274. Legal member of a country B. England
A. Civics C. Scandinavia
B. Government D. USA
C. Migration

280. The Morrill Land Grant Act
D. Citizen A. gave land to poor farmers

275. A document that has laws setting the B. gave land to anyone willing to move
guidelines of how a government works. west

A. Constitution C. gave land to colleges and universities

who wanted to improve on agricultural
B. Government techniques
C. Dictatorship D. gave land to former slaves
D. Separation of Powers 281. What are steps to become a citizen
through naturalization?
276. How long is a President’s term?
A. must be over 18
A. 1 year
B. live in the US at least 5 years
B. 2 years
C. pass an English language and history
C. 4 years test
D. 6 years D. promise to support and defend the US

277. Who is the vice president of the United 282. Which statement best expresses the prin-
States today? ciple of “consent of the governed”?

A. Kamala Harris A. The Congress shall assemble at least

once in every year.
B. Joe Biden
B. All Bills for raising Revenue shall orig-
C. Mike Pence inate in the House of Representatives.
D. Mike Dunleavy C. We the People of the United States
establish this Constitution
278. Which amendment that definescitizen- D. No Person except a natural born Citi-
ship, grants citizenship to former slaves, zen shall be eligible to the Office of
and definesvoters as males at least 21 President
years of age?
A. 1st amendment 283. What amendment contains the freedoms
of speech, press, religion, assembly, and
B. 4th amendment petition?
C. 10th amendment A. 1st amendment
D. 14th amendment B. 5th amendment


1.19 Miscellenous 913

C. 14th amendment 289. Which of the following is NOT an obliga-

D. 16th amendment


A. Jury Duty
284. Which is a requirement for a person to
B. Selective Service
become a naturalized U.S. citizen or a step
in the naturalization process? C. Paying Taxes
A. being born to American parents D. Voting

B. serving in the U.S. military 290. what first amendment freedom says indi-
C. passing a U.S. history, U.S. Govern- viduals can express opinions and beliefs
ment and English Test A. speech
D. being born on American soil or land B. press
C. petition
285. What is the name of the Speaker of the
House of Representatives? D. assembly
A. Kevin McCarthy 291. Name the war between the North and
B. Mitch McConnell South of the US

C. Tom Wolf A. The Mexican American War

D. Nancy Pelosi B. The Civil War

C. World War 2
286. How many amendments are in the consti-
D. none of above
A. 25 292. What are two rights of everyone living
in the United States?
B. 26
A. freedom of speech and freedom of
C. 27 work
D. 28 B. freedom of assembly and freedom of
287. Limits have been placed on the amount
individuals may contribute to and C. freedom of work and freedom of play

A. the president and vice president D. freedom of religion and freedom of in-
B. PACs and Super PACs
293. Registering to vote, voting at all govern-
C. political candidates and campaigns.
ment levels, attending government meet-
D. none of above ings, signing a petition, and contacting rep-
resentatives are all protected by which
288. Who is the vice president? Constitutional Amendment?
A. Kamala Harris A. 1st
B. Joe Biden B. 2nd
C. Donald Trump C. 13th
D. George Washington D. 14th


1.19 Miscellenous 914

294. Which of the following is not a require- 299. People can depend on your honesty;
ment in the naturalization process? telling the truth!
A. taking a U.S. History test A. Trustworthiness
B. have a job B. Courtesy
C. speak English C. Participation in elections as an in-
formed voter
D. apply
D. Patriotism

295. The role of the is to lead the state.
300. What is the name of The US Vice Presi-
A. mayor dent we have now?
B. governor A. Mike Pence
C. president B. Liz Cheney

D. none of above C. Kamala Harris

D. Lady GaGa
296. People who come to the US from another
land 301. who does the US senator represent?
A. Immigrant A. federal election

B. Resident B. representative
C. all the people of the state
C. Emmigrant
D. none of above
D. Naturals
302. Which of the following is NOT a required
297. Which principle best matches the quote? step in the naturalization process?
Use the clues.“The powers delegated by
the proposed Constitution to the federal A. Passing tests on civics, American his-
government are few and defined. Those tory, and English
which are to remain in the State gov- B. Undergoing a background check
ernments are numerous and indefinite.” C. Taking an oath of allegiance to the
James Madison, The Federalist 45 country a person emigrated from
A. Rule of Law D. Filing an application for citizenship
B. Democracy
303. What is one reason the Colonists came to
C. Limited Government America?
D. none of above A. for the experience of traveling across
the Atlantic
298. What is the minimum voting age in the B. freedom
United States?
C. to join a civic group
A. 18
D. none of the above
B. 21
304. Which step is a required part of the nat-
C. 16
uralization process for all new U.S. citi-
D. 25 zens?


1.19 Miscellenous 915

A. taking an “Oath of Allegiance” to the 310. What fundamental political principle

U.S. Constitution states that citizens give authority to the
government in exchange for the protection


B. saying the “Pledge of Allegiance” to
the U.S. flag of their rights?
C. registering for the U.S. military draft A. Democracy
D. registering to vote in U.S. elections B. Representative Government
305. Which plan from the 1787 Constiutional C. Consent of the Governed
Convention called for * Separation of Pow-
D. Rule of Law
ers * With a Bicameral legislature:House
of Reps based on populationSenate based E. Limited Government
upon equal representation
A. Virginia Plan 311. What is a native born citizen?
B. New Jersey Plan A. person born in the US
C. Great Compromise B. person who has a green card
D. 3/5ths Compromise
C. person fleeing danger
306. Who is our Governor? D. person who became a citizen
A. Tony Evers (D)
B. Joe Biden 312. Name one branch or part of the federal
C. Ron Johnson
D. Travis Tranel A. United Nations

307. What is the form of government where B. Parliament

citizens elect a small group to govern for C. State government
D. Legislative
A. Communism
B. Monarchy 313. What prevents one branch of government
C. Representative Government from becoming too powerful?
D. Rule of Law A. Congress can write a new law.
308. What Ocean is on the West? B. the system of checks and balances
A. Gulf of Mexico C. the rule of law
B. Atlantic Ocean D. the 2nd Amendment
C. Pacific Ocean
D. none of above 314. Responsibility, accountability and self re-
liance are:
309. An ordinance is a:
A. all examples of civic responsibilities
A. Local Law
B. all traits of good citizens
B. State Law
C. Federal Law C. all examples of civic duties
D. Friendly Suggestion D. all functions of political parties


1.19 Miscellenous 916

315. Communists favor eliminating own- 320. Which of the following is true?
ership. Communists favor eliminating pri- A. You don’t have to pay to vote.
vate ownership for the purpose offering
B. You must be 18 or older to vote.
better public services.
C. Women and Men can vote.
A. Public
D. All of the above.
B. Private
321. What is the “Supreme Law of the
C. Both Land”?

D. Neither A. Declaration of Independence
B. Constitution
316. From which amendment does the follow-
ing quote most likely come? “All persons C. The Golden Rule
born or naturalized are citizens of the D. 59 Rule
United States”
322. History:Who did the U.S. gain “Indepen-
A. 1st Amendment dence” from?
B. 5th Amendment A. Great Britain
C. 10th Amendment B. France
D. 14th Amendment C. Ottoman Empire
D. Native Americans
317. The Declaration of Independence
323. Branch of Government who’s job it is to
A. announced our independence from interpret the laws
A. Legislative
B. said that the American people are free B. Executive
C. changed the laws of the land C. Judicial
D. declared our desire to stay a British D. none of above
324. How many representatives does the
318. what branch makes a law United States have?
A. 435
A. Legislative
B. 200
B. Executive
C. 401
C. Judicial
D. 50
D. The President
325. How does increased citizenship influence
319. Volunteering involves giving to oth- voters (the electorate)?
ers without payment. A. It doesn’t
A. Time and and services B. An increase in citizens means an in-
crease in potential voters
B. money
C. An increase in citizens means a de-
C. Orders crease in potential voters
D. Reposibillites D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 917

326. What is the legal voting age 332. What are the 3 branches of government?
A. 21 (Select all 3)


B. 19 A. legislative
C. 18 B. senate
D. 16 C. supreme court
327. What department deals with the signing D. judicial
of laws
E. executive
A. Legislative
B. Executive 333. The 14th Amendment defines a citizen as
C. Judicial someone who
D. Spaghetti People of Mars A. owns property

328. According to the 14th amendment who is B. has a job

a citizen and has full rights and freedoms C. has lived in the US for 25 years
A. Those born in the US and Naturalized
D. is born or naturalized in the US.
B. Those born in the US only
C. Those Naturalized only 334. How many Amendments are there fo-
cused on voting?
D. Those who have at least one parent
who is American A. 1
329. You read news articles about people run- B. 10
ning for president.
C. 5
A. Trustworthiness
D. 4
B. Patriotism
C. Accountability 335. The central government of the United
D. Participation in elections as an in- States is called the
formed voter A. federal government
330. Immigrants who wish to become citizens B. executive branch
must do all of the following except
C. constitution
A. Memorize the Constitution
D. congress
B. Fill out a pettition for naturalization
C. Appear before a naturalization official 336. What are the first three words of
D. Taks an Oath of Allegiance to the US the Constitution that proclaim self-
331. Name one amendment made about voting
A. The Senate and the House
A. pay taxes
B. Obey the laws B. Everyone follows the law

C. Any citizen can vote C. We the people

D. none of above D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 918

337. Which of the following is not a Cabinet C. Woodrow Wilson

Level Position? D. Kevin Stitt
A. Vice President
342. Includes 15 separate departments such
B. Speaker of the House as Defense and Agriculture.
C. Secretary of Education A. Congress
D. Secretary of Defense B. Cabinet
C. Legislature

338. Undocumented immigrant
A. A foreign resident who did not follow D. The Grand Council
the steps for permanent residence in the 343. The First Amendment gives you the right
U.S. to meet up with other people to protest.
B. An immigrant who has permission to This is the freedom of
live and work in the United States. A. speech
C. Applies to people who entered the U.S. B. press
illegally as children and have lived in the
C. assembly
U.S. for five continuous years, are good
upstanding residents, and have earned D. religion
(or are on track to earn) a high school
344. What is one right reserved only for US
diploma or GED.
D. Manages lawful immigration.
A. voting
339. One step in the naturalization process B. volunteering in the community
is:Must have good moral character. What C. being a police officer
does that mean?
D. paying taxes
A. Be willing to take an oath to the US.
345. What city became known as the “Gate-
B. Must be a good person who follows the
way to the west”?
A. Salt Lake City, Utah
C. Must be nice to others.
B. Atlanta, Georgia
D. Be a person who donates money to
charity. C. St. Louis, Missouri
D. Nicodemus, Kansas
340. Which branch of government has the high-
est level of authority? 346. Your city has a park with a walking path.
A. city This path is also good for bikes. The city
government is thinking about not allowing
B. county bikes on the path. You like riding your bike
C. state on the path. What would be the MOST ap-
propriate action for you to take?
D. federal
A. Continue to ride your bike on the path.
341. Who was President during WWI?
B. Stop riding your bike on the path.
A. Theodore Roosevelt C. Express your opinion to your presi-
B. Franklin Roosevelt dent.


1.19 Miscellenous 919

D. Give your opinion to your town govern- 353. Which amendment(s) guarantees or ad-
ment. dresses voting rights? (Select all that ap-


347. What are the two longest rivers in the
United States? A. 15
B. 19
A. Mississippi & Missouri
C. 24
B. Santa Fe & Suwannee
D. 13
C. Nile & Tiber
E. 26
D. Danube & Rhine
354. The underlying principal of the U.S. Con-
348. What was Martin Luther King, Jr. a stitution that divides power among na-
leader of? tional and state governments
A. Prohibition A. Popular Sovereignty
B. Women’s Voting B. Limited government
C. Civil Rights Movement C. Separation of Powers
D. Anti-War Movement D. Federalism
349. The last name of our governor. 355. What is the minimum voting age?
A. Thompson A. 18
B. Edwards B. 21
C. Scott C. 16
D. Pence D. 25

350. What is the capital of Indiana? 356. Who is the governor of our state?
A. Indianapolis A. Eric Greitens
B. Terre Haute B. Mel Carnahan
C. Fort Wayne C. Kit Bond
D. Henry McMaster
D. Evansville
357. How many states have a state constitu-
351. Name the war fought by the U.S. in the
A. 24
A. War of 1812
B. 30
B. Spanish-American War
C. 50
C. World War II
D. 48
D. American Revolution
358. legal process by which an alien may be-
352. What happened September 11, 2001? come a US citizen
A. Civil rights movements A. Naturalization
B. The Constitution was written B. Alienation
C. Terrorist attacks C. Immigration
D. none of above D. Emmigration


1.19 Miscellenous 920

359. What term refers to the Supreme Court D. People who entered the United States
declaring a law unconsitutional? unlawfully, but otherwise obey the laws
A. Judicial Review
364. Which practice is part of the obligation of
B. Federal Court System a U.S. citizen.
C. Appeal A. jury duty
D. Limited Government B. volunteering

360. What did the Charters of the Virginia C. vote in all national elections
Company of London do for the colonists of D. keep informed about national issues
A. Gave them good food and water 365. If you were looking for the Purposes of
Government in the US Constitution where
B. Allowed them to hunt and fish as they
would you look
A. Preamble
C. Granted them freedom from Great
Britain B. Article 1
D. Gave them the same rights as English- C. Supremacy Clause
D. Bill of Rights
361. This branch interprets and understands
the laws of our country. 366. region of farms

A. Executive A. Rural

B. Judicial B. Suburbs
C. Legislative C. Urban
D. Military D. Metropolis

362. Whose rights are guaranteed by the Con- 367. Which is the health, property, and happi-
stitution and Bill of Rights? ness of a member of the community?
A. registered voters A. Welfare
B. everyone B. Civics
C. citizens C. Naturalization
D. landowners D. Ethinic group
363. What is the meaning of citizens in the 368. Which freedoms are guaranteed by the
14th Amendment? First Amendment?
A. People who serve as government offi-
A. Speech, press, religion, assembly, and
B. People living lawfully as permanent
B. The right to bear arms
C. Freedom from quartering troops
C. People with rights, responsibilities,
and obligations as full members of Ameri- D. Protection against unreasonable
can society searches and seizures


1.19 Miscellenous 921

369. what first amendment freedom says B. Eisenhower

peacefully gather C. Woodrow Wilson


A. speech D. none of above
B. press
375. Which purpose of government, as stated
C. petition in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution,
D. assembly referred to the development of courts to
ensure the fairness of laws for all citi-
370. According to Article 5 of the US Constitu- zens?
tion there are way(s) to Amend the US
Constitution A. To form a more perfect union
A. 1 B. To establish justice
B. 2 C. To ensure domestic tranquility
C. 3 D. To provide for the common defense
D. 0 E. To promote the general welfare

371. What is the Law of Soil 376. The Supreme Court is the highest court
that is found under this Branch of the US
A. you are American If at least one parent
is American
A. Legislative
B. you are American If you were born on
US territory, Military bases, or in the 50 B. Judicial
states C. Executive
C. Immigrants going through the legal D. Congressional
process to become American
377. How many electoral votes does a presi-
D. none of above
dential candidate need in order to win the
372. What is one branch of goverment election?
A. The Washington branch A. 435
B. The Legislative branch B. 540
C. Communist branch C. 270
D. Capitalist branch D. 100

373. Which is a power reserved to the 378. We inaugurate the President in the month
states? of:
A. Establish post offices A. January
B. Tax B. March
C. Declare war C. November
D. Issue marriage and drivers licenses D. none of above

374. Who was President during the Second 379. What are the 2 major political parties in
World War? the United States (pick 2)?
A. Franklin Roosevelt A. Democrats


1.19 Miscellenous 922

B. Republicans 385. Which of the following WAS NOT a cause

C. Independents of the Civil War?

D. Libertarians A. states’ rights

B. slavery
380. All of the following are purposes of the
United Nations, EXCEPT C. economic issues

A. go to war for peace D. the national anthem

386. The Declaration Of Independence an-

B. develop friendly relations among na-
tions nounced our freedom from which coun-
C. help nations work to improve the lives
of people in poverty A. England
D. keep peace throughout the world B. France
C. Mexico
381. What’s the foremost / primary reason
for political parties? D. Germany
A. to get the candidate elected 387. What is a naturalized citizen?
B. inform the public A. A person who is in the country illegally
C. influence the media B. A person who has completed the legal
D. help candidates get rich process of citizenship
C. a migrant worker
382. Most states have a system that
awards all electors to the winning presi- D. A person fleeing danger at home
dential candidate. 388. The US Government is:
A. winner-take-all A. Socialist
B. loser-lose-all B. Democracy
C. make-or-break C. Republican
D. vote-or-die D. none of above
383. There were 13 original states which 389. The stripes on the flag represent:
one is correct?
A. number of states
A. Tennessee
B. original states
B. Delaware
C. Signers of the Declaration of Indepen-
C. Ohio dence
D. Florida D. none of above
384. Who becomes the President of the United 390. It is our to protect our rights and free-
States if the President should die? doms
A. vice president A. Civic Duty
B. speaker of the house B. Citizenship
C. we re-elect a president C. Value
D. secretary of state D. Government’s job


1.19 Miscellenous 923

391. If both the President & the Vice President 397. There are 4 amendments to the consti-
cannot serve, who becomes President? tution about who can vote, name one of


A. Pro-tempore of the Senate
B. The Speaker of the House A. Any citizen over the age of 18
C. We elect a new President B. Voting for illegal immigrants
D. Chief Justice of The Supreme Court C. Not being able to vote once you reach
the age of 65
392. When saying the pledge, what do we
show loyalty to? D. none of above
A. Russian Flag
398. Who is currently the Chief Justice of the
B. Canadian Flag Supreme Court?
C. American Flag A. Joe Biden
D. Australian Flag B. Barack Obama
393. A basic responsibility of citizenship is to C. John C. Roberts
contribute to the common
D. Anthony Kennedy
A. enemy
B. government 399. The branch of government that carries
out laws
C. peace
D. good A. Legislative
B. Judicial
394. In a constitutional monarchy, the power
of the king is limited by a C. Executive
A. Mayflower Compact D. Congress
B. Constituents
400. All of the following are civic dutes of cit-
C. Constitution izens EXCEPT
D. Creed A. serve in the armed forces, if called
395. If you did not want to rebel and boycott B. pay taxes
Great Britain and still wanted to be under
the control of the King you were labeled a C. vote in national elections

A. Patriot D. obey laws

B. Loyalist 401. Why did the colonists rebel from, and
C. American fight Great Britain?
D. Militia A. The colonists wanted self-government
396. Where is the Statue of Liberty? B. British troops were being quartered in
A. Liberty Island colonists’ homes

B. Los Angeles C. The colonists were paying high taxes

C. Hawaii Island D. All of the above
D. Washington, D.C. E. None of the above


1.19 Miscellenous 924

402. Which amendment states “a well- C. All of the above

regulated militia being necessary for a
D. None of the above
free state, the right of the people to keep
and bare arms, shall not be infringed”?
407. Name one state that borders Mexico
A. 2nd ammendment
A. Alaska
B. 12th ammendment
B. Texas
C. 5th ammendment

D. 8th ammendment C. Tennessee
D. none of above
403. Which is an example of freedom of as-
408. Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S.
A. attend a Girls Scout meeting about the Armed Forces?
upcoming cookie fundraiser
A. Vice President
B. write an article for the local news
paper about the outstanding students at B. Governor
Lake Elementary
C. President
C. collect signatures supporting the
fundraiser for the new school D. Mayor

D. going to church 409. What is the difference between an OBLI-

404. What was the impact of the 20th cen- GATION (duty) and a RESPONSIBILITY?
tury? A. An obligation is something you should
A. More diverse society doA responsibility is something most peo-
ple don’t do.
B. More immigration
C. Both A & B B. An obligation is something you have to
doA responsibility is something you must
D. Neither A or B do
405. What are two Cabinet-level positions? C. An obligation is something you have to
A. Secretary of Health and Human Ser- do or will get punishedA responsibility is
vices and Secretary of the Navy something you should do
B. Secretary of Weather and Secretary of D. An obligation is something you should
Energy doA responsibility is something you have
C. Secretary of Homeland Security and to do
Secretary of the Treasury
410. What was one important thing Abraham
D. Secretary of the Interior and Secretary Lincoln did?
of History
A. Wrote the Declaration of Indepen-
406. A citizen is dence
A. a legally recognized member of a na- B. Freed the slaves
C. Fought in the American Revolution
B. a legally unrecognized citizen of a na-
tion D. He never did any of these things


1.19 Miscellenous 925

411. In what month is the president inaugu- 416. Which group of people lived in the Amer-
rated? icas before the Europeans arrived?


A. November A. No one lived there
B. January B. Aborigines
C. February C. Native Americans
D. July D. Spainards

412. area surrounding a city 417. Which of the following are national holi-
A. suburbs
A. Memorial Day
B. rural
B. Labor Day
C. Urban
C. Independence Day
D. Sunbelt
D. All of the Above
413. Becoming a US citizen by being born here
418. An opinion disagreeing with the opinion
A. native born of the court is called:
B. Alienation A. majority
C. Immigration B. dissenting
D. Emmigration C. concurring
D. none of above
414. Olga came to the United States from East-
ern Europe to study Russian literature at a 419. The Ghost Dance
college in Virginia. She is learning to speak
A. was a sacred dance used by the na-
English, but cannot yet read or write En-
glish words. She applied for U.S. citizen-
ship, but the Department of Immigration B. was a sacred dance
and Naturalization denied her request. C. used to summon the natives dead an-
A. Her parents were born in Eastern Eu- cestors to remove the white settlers
rope D. all of the above
B. She is from a foreign country. 420. There were 13 original states, name
C. She must first graduate from college. three of them.
D. She needs to know how to read and A. New Hampshire, Massachusetts,
write in English. Rhode Island
B. Ohio, Michigan, Indiana
415. What major event happened on Sept. 11,
2001 C. California, Oregon, Washington
A. The United States entered the Gulf D. Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas
421. How is contributing to food banks to feed
B. Terrorists attacked The United States the hungry a civic responsibility?
C. Barack Obama was elected President A. Citizens are obeying the law
D. Donald Trump was elected President B. Citizens are obeying the law


1.19 Miscellenous 926

C. Citizens are ensuring domestic tran- 426. Someone who is legally and permanently
quility. living in the U.S., but not a citizen is a(n)
D. Citizens are contributing to the com-
mon good. A. legal permanent resident
B. alien
422. What is a Federalist
C. naturalized citizen
A. Someone who works in the govern-
ment D. none of above

B. A person who advocates or supports 427. Which of the following does NOT apply
a system of government in which several to citizenship through birth?
states unite under a central authority
A. At least one parent is already a U.S. cit-
C. A person that does not like the govern- izen.
ment B. You are born in New York.
D. Someone who loves dogs !!!!!!!! C. You are born on a United States Army
base in Europe.
423. Which of the following is NOT a civic re-
sponsibility? D. Your parents are born in Paris and you
are born in Canada.
A. keeping informed on current issues
B. obeying the law 428. Which purpose of government, as stated
in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution,
C. serving in voluntary positions referred to the development of a military
D. respect others’ equal voice in govern- to defend the country?
ment A. To form a more perfect union
424. The division of governmental power be- B. To establish justice
tween national, state, and local govern- C. To ensure domestic tranquility
ment is referred to as:
D. To provide for the common defense
A. Nationalism
E. To promote the general welfare
B. Federalism
429. Name the longest river in the country
C. Statism
A. Amazon
D. Confederation
B. Nile
425. The First Amendment says the govern- C. Mississippi
ment cannot tell media companies, like
D. none of above
newspapers, online news outlets, and tele-
vision stations what to report. This is free- 430. Which of following is a personal trait of
dom of a good citizen?
A. the press A. dishonesty
B. assembly B. courtesy
C. religion C. disrespect
D. speech D. manipulation


1.19 Miscellenous 927

431. a legal member of a state and/or country 436. What is the last day you can send in your
A. alien Federal Income Tax forms


B. citizen A. March 15

C. resident B. April 15

D. law of soil C. May 15

D. none of above
432. The main purpose of a census is
A. to find the size of each state’s popula- 437. Who makes Federal Laws?
tio A. Supreme Court
B. to keep track of aliens B. Congress
C. to count senior citizens C. The President
D. to find the number of children in each D. none of above
438. What is the capital of Alaska?
433. Which purpose of government, as stated A. Juneau
in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution,
meant that the government would make B. Anchorage
sure there was peace in the U.S.? C. Kodiak
A. To form a more perfect union D. Juno
B. To establish justice
439. Who is the commander in chief of the U.S.
C. To ensure domestic tranquility military?
D. To provide for the common defense A. president
E. To promote the general welfare B. vice president
434. Civics:How many U.S. Senators are C. supreme court chief
there? D. army general
A. 98
440. An alien may become a citizen through a
B. 435 legal process called
C. 335 A. Naturalization
D. 100 B. Alienation
435. Which of the following are rights of US C. Quota
permanent residents? D. Immigration
A. sign up for selective service if you are
an 18-year-old male 441. Which of the following is NOT a Senator.

B. travel in and out of the U.S. without any A. Ron Kind

restrictions B. Tammy Baldwin
C. apply for U.S. citizenship when eligible C. Ron Johnson
D. pay federal and state income tax D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 928

442. Who veto’s bills passed by Congress B. attending church

A. The Speaker of the House of Reprsen- C. volunteering
D. voting
B. The Vice President
C. The President 448. Able to practice religion, freedom of
speech and expression
D. Chief Justice of The Supreme Court
A. Right

443. What are America’s basic values?
B. Responsibility
A. Equality, Liberty, & Justice
C. Duty
B. Life, Liberty, Fraternity
D. Equality
C. Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness
D. Life, Liberty, Property 449. In a citizens directly debate and de-
cide public issues. This works best in
444. In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed to
smaller communities.
the Americas and claimed land for
A. Republic
A. Spain
B. Germany B. Democracy

C. Italy C. Representative Democracy

D. Portugal D. Direct Democracy

445. Which of the following is a current US 450. Name one U.S. territory
Senator from Missouri?
A. Guam
A. Roy Blunt
B. Haiti
B. Kit Bond
C. Bermuda
C. Jason Smith
D. Joe Biden D. Cayman Islands

446. Which plan from the 1787 Constiutional 451. How are the U.S. leaders chosen?
Convention called for * Separation of pow- A. by the king
ers* Bicameral legislature based on popu-
lation* Federal government had increased B. voted by the citizens
powers C. by a mayor
A. Virginia Plan D. by the executive branch
B. New Jersey Plan
452. What is the head executive of a state
C. Great Compromise
government called?
D. 3/5ths Compromise
A. governor
447. The duties of American citizens include
B. mayor
obeying the laws, defending the nation, at-
tending school, and C. senator
A. serving on a jury D. legislator


1.19 Miscellenous 929

453. The movement of people from region to 459. Analogy practice:The Virginia Declaration
region of Rights is to the Bill of Rights as the Vir-
ginia Statute for Religious Freedom is to


A. Civics
B. Government
A. Articles of Confederation
C. Migration
D. Demographics B. 1st amendment
C. 14th amendment
454. What continent were the people that
were taken to America and sold as slaves D. Declaration of Independence
from (mostly)?
A. Australia 460. What did the Fourteenth Amendment say
about the citizenship of former slaves?
B. Africa
C. South America A. The Fourteenth Amendment limited
the rights of former slaves until they be-
D. Europe came U.S. citizens.
455. The president of the United States lives B. The Fourteenth Amendment included
in the freed slaves as U.S. citizens through birth
A. White House or naturalization.
B. Atlanta, Georgia C. The Fourteenth Amendment consid-
C. The Capitol ered former slaves as U.S. citizens only if
they fought for the Union in the Civil War.
D. none of above
D. The Fourteenth Amendment prevented
456. How many stars are there on our flag? former slaves from becoming U.S. citizens
A. 50 because they were once considered prop-
B. 13
C. 25 461. What is a platform of a party?
D. 48 A. the total of their membership
457. An oath of allegiance is B. the total views / opinions of the party
A. a promise to obey the speed limit C. an individual issue of the party
B. a promise to be a good citizen of the
D. none of above
C. a promise to do homework 462. Which of the following individuals repre-
D. another name for an application sents your district in the US House of Rep-
458. What is the date of Independence Day?
A. Claire McCaskill
A. July 4
B. May 25 B. Roy Blunt

C. October 31 C. Jason Smith

D. December 25 D. Joe Biden


1.19 Miscellenous 930

463. Which of the following outlines the natu- 468. When was the Declaration of Indepen-
ralization process accurately? dence?
A. Test, application, interview, ceremony A. July 4, 1776
B. Ceremony, test, application, interview B. July 4, 1787
C. Application, interview, test, ceremony C. April 15, 1776
D. Interview, application, test, ceremony D. none of above

464. Decide which citizen requirement meets 469. Voting by party lines is known as
this goal. It shows you are willing to learn
A. Straight Ticket Voting
about your adoptive country.
B. Split Ticket Voting
A. living in the US for at least 5 years
C. The Solid South
B. passing the civics test
D. Party Identifcation
C. learning the language
D. being fingerprinted 470. First if you are in the US, you are a
465. Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions
of others. A. visiting

A. Right B. working

B. Responsibility C. living

C. Neither D. born

D. none of above 471. Senators serve for how many years.

466. Which plan from the 1787 Constiutional A. TwoYears

Convention called for * Unicameral legisla- B. Four Years
ture where every state received equal rep-
C. Six Years
resentation.* Every state would only re-
ceive 1 vote D. Eight Years
A. Virginia Plan
472. For how long do we elect a president?
B. New Jersey Plan
A. 8
C. Great Compromise
B. 2
D. 3/5ths Compromise
C. 4
467. The idea of self government is in the first D. 3
three words of the Constitution. What are
they? 473. Name ONE right ONLY for USA citizens
A. Four score and A. give up loyalty to other country
B. We the people B. freedom of speech
C. Give me liberty C. vote in a federal election
D. I pledge allegiance D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 931

474. What day is known as tax day; the last 479. What are three of the requirements that
day you can file your federal taxes? these individuals need to achieve in order
to obtain citizenship?


A. December 31st
A. serve in the armed forces; be of “good
B. April 1st
character; reside in the United States for
C. January 1st ten years
D. April 15th B. reside in the United States for five
years; pass a citizenship test; be of “good
475. Which of the following is an example of character”
due process of law?
C. reside in the United States for ten
A. A police officer searches a home with- years; pass a test of general knowledge”;
out permission. have a college degree
B. A citizen is arrested and taken to D. reside in the United States for five
prison without a fair trial. years; pass a citizenship test; earn more
C. A police officer sends a criminal to jail than $20, 000 annually
for 10 years for a crime without a fair trial.
480. Which of the following is a Responsibility
D. A citizen who is unable to afford an at- of Citizenship?
torney is provided an attorney and given a
speedy trial. A. Petitioning the government
B. Jury Duty
476. What kind of government does the
United States have? Check all that apply. C. Helping elderly people

A. Democratic republic D. Paying Taxes

B. Constitutional monarchy 481. While all citizens have both duties and re-
sponsibilities, responsibilities
C. Pure democracy
A. are voluntary actions.
D. Constitutional republic
B. carry consequences if they are not ful-
477. What country did the United States win filled.
its independence from?
C. are not required by law.
A. France
D. are described in the U.S. Constitution.
B. Spain
482. In the U.S. Constitution, cruel and unusual
C. Mexico
punishment in banned by which amend-
D. Great Britain ment?

478. The is a document that outlines the A. 1st

laws of our country. B. 4th
A. Common good C. 5th
B. Responsibility D. 8th
C. Constitution
483. The royal family of Foxatonia is having
D. Declaration of Independence trouble with the neighboring country of


1.19 Miscellenous 932

Wolvington whose King is using his unlim- B. Freedom of worship and freedom from
ited power to provoke a war between the paying taxes
two Kingdoms. What type of Government C. Freedom or speech and freedom of
would you use to describe both countries? worship
A. Dictatorship D. freedom of speech and freedom to run
B. Kingdoms for President
C. Democracy 489. Which individual is automatically entitled

D. Monarchy to U.S. citizenship?

484. What is the promise that you make when A. a child of Canadian parents who is born
you become a U.S. citizen? in Michigan

A. Never travel outside outside the U.S. B. a French architect who is hired to work
in Florida
B. Give up loyalty to other countries
C. a Mexican student whose scholarship
C. Disobey the laws of the United States allows him to attend school in Utah
D. Not defend the Constitution and the D. a woman from China whose daughter
laws of the U.S. marries an American man in Pennsylvania
485. Being a(n) of the United States means 490. The following would all be examples of
fulfilling your duties and responsibilities Checks that the Branch has over the
A. Citizen Branch 1. Grant Reprieves and Par-
dons 2. Approve Judges to fill Vacancies
B. Government
in the Court
C. Resident
A. Legislative; Executive
D. Guest
B. Executive; Legislative
486. There are ways to become a citizen C. Judicial; Legislative
A. two D. Executive:Judicial
B. three
491. What does the judicial branch at you?
C. 100
A. Sets up the government
D. 435 B. Explains laws
487. For how long do we elect each senator? C. Print money
A. 2 years D. none of above
B. 4 years 492. Which basic principle states that the gov-
C. 3 years ernment is very powerful but it cannot do
D. 6 years all things?
A. Rule of law
488. What are two rights of everyone living
in the U.S.? B. Consent of the governed

A. Freedom to petition the government C. Democracy

and the freedom to disobey traffic laws D. Limited government


1.19 Miscellenous 933

493. What was the date that Congress fi- A. 3

nally approved the Declaration of Indepen- B. 4


C. 5
A. July 4th, 1776
D. 6
B. July 4th, 1767
C. July 4th, 2017 499. This is required to apply for naturaliza-
D. October 16, 1776
A. Have a permanent resident (green)
494. Seeking entry into country in order to es- card for at least 5 years.
cape from persecution or crisis B. Being able to read, write, and speak
A. Refugees English.
B. Legal alien C. Have a permanent resident (green)
C. Illegal alien card for 3 years if you are married to a
US citizen.
D. Naturals
D. All of the above.
495. The president’s main job is to
500. What is the system used in the United
A. carry out laws States to elect presidents where they need
B. declare war to achieve a 270 vote majority?
C. make laws A. Federalism
D. pardon criminals B. Direct Democracy
C. Individual Rights
496. Decide which citizen requirement meets
this goal. It allows a person the opportu- D. Electoral College
nity to decide if he really wants to be a US
citizen. 501. What does freedom of religion mean?

A. living in the US for at least 5 years A. you can practice any religion

B. passing the civics test B. you can have no religion

C. learning the language C. you can practice only certain religions

D. being fingerprinted D. you cannot practice a religion

497. We elect the President for how many 502. What document outlines the plan of gov-
years? ernment of the United States?

A. 4 A. the Bill of Rights

B. 2 B. the Magna Carta

C. 10 C. the Constitution

D. 8 D. their is not one the president decides

498. The Full Faith and Credit Clause describes
the legal relationship between states. This 503. We cannot have a government by the
Clause is also known as Article of the people unless the people
US Constitution A. Participate


1.19 Miscellenous 934

B. Rebel 509. According to the textbook, what is

among the most important of a citizen’s
C. Pay
D. Enlist in the military
A. Voting
504. The duty of the Supreme Court is to: B. Joining the military
A. Enforce laws C. Going to school to be informed
B. Make laws D. Helping those in need

C. Interpret laws 510. Which is something the president can
D. none of above NOT do when a bill reaches them?
A. Veto the bill
505. Who wrote the “Star Spangled Ban-
ner”? B. Do Nothing (pocket veto)

A. George Washington C. Make changes to the bill

B. Mozart D. Sign and Pass

C. Francis Scott Key 511. Which step is a required part of the nat-
uralization process for all new U.S. citi-
D. Alexander Hamilton
zens? <br /><br />
506. What number in the constitution is free- A. taking an “Oath of Allegiance” to the
dom of religion? U.S. Constitution
A. Mr. Haas is the best B. saying the “Pledge of Allegiance” to
the U.S. flag
B. History is Amazing
C. registering for the U.S. military draft
C. The first one is very true
D. registering to vote in U.S. elec-
D. The First Amendment
tions<br /><br />
507. What is the economy of The United
512. How do the obligations and responsibili-
ties of citizenship help the country?
A. Socialist economy A. they contribute to the common good
B. Free market or capitalist economy B. they keep you out of jail
C. Mixed Economy C. they give you something to do
D. none of above D. none of above

508. If both the President and the VicePresi- 513. Name 2 US Holidays
dent die, who becomes President?
A. Labour day and Thanksgiving
A. The Representative
B. Mexican American war and Indepen-
B. The Chief Justice dence day
C. The Speaker C. World War 1 and World War 2
D. none of above D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 935

514. What is the top court in Indiana called? 520. Responding to a jury summons is an ex-
A. General Assembly ample of fulfilling a


A. civic duty
B. Indiana Supreme Court
B. civic responsibility
C. Court of Appeals
C. freedom to assemble
D. Pacer Court
D. freedom to petition the government
515. The president may either sign or veto
these 521. What is an example of your civic duties
as a citizen of the United States?
A. Laws
A. Believing everything you hear on the
B. Ordinances news or radio.
C. Bills B. Complying with government orders or
D. Articles mandates, even if you disagree with them.
C. Voting or standing jury duty
516. The fourth step in becoming a citizen is
D. obeying all laws
A. live 5 years in the USA
522. Who are Oklahoma’s Two US Senators
B. Apply to be a citizen
A. Tom Cole & Frank Lucas
C. Have an interview and take a test
B. Kevin Stitt & Mary Fallin
D. Take an oath of allegiance
C. Jim Inhoffe & James Lankford
517. What colors are the stars on our flag? D. Donald Trump & Joe Biden
A. yellow 523. How do you become a naturalized citi-
B. blue zen?
C. white A. Take an oath and take a test
D. red B. Sign documents and meet the mayor
C. Apply on an app
518. All of the following are Native American
tribes except which one? D. Call the oval office and ask

A. Cherokee 524. If both of your parents are US citizens

then you are
B. Aboriginals
A. A US resident
C. Seneca
B. A US citizen because of the law of
D. Inuit blood
519. What do an absolute monarchy and an au- C. A US citizen because of the law of soil
tocracy have in common? D. Not a US citizen
A. a single ruler
525. What are the two major political parties
B. a written constitution in the U.S.?
C. a national court system A. American and Bull Moose
D. a single legislative house B. Democratic-Republican and Whigs


1.19 Miscellenous 936

C. Democratic and Republican 531. Since 1970, the size of the American
D. Libertarian and Green household has
A. More than tripled
526. Civics:What is the economic system in the
B. More than doubled
United States?
C. Stayed the same
A. Capitalist
D. Decreased
B. Socialist
532. History:Which came first?

C. Communist
A. War of 1812
D. Mercantilist
B. Civil War
527. Mayor John is caught on camera shoplift- C. Election of Martin Van Buren
ing a gaming system. He is found guilty
D. Election of James Monroe
and sentenced to 180 hours of community
service and six months in jail. The scenario 533. Which of the following is a duty (obliga-
is an example of which fundamental prin- tion) of citizenship?
ciple of government? A. being informed and voting
A. Rule of law B. Paying property taxes
B. Limited government C. respecting differences of opinion and
C. Representative government ways of life
D. Consent of the governed D. participating in the community
534. The First Amendment says the govern-
528. Which is NOT a requirement to become
ment can’t police what you say or right
(with a few exceptions). This is called
A. Serve in the House of Representatives A. freedom to talk
for 10 years
B. freedom of speech
B. 35 years old
C. freedom of ideas
C. 14 year resident
D. freedom of the people
D. Natural born citizen
535. Which amendment deals with soldier
529. Negative rights refer to housing
A. freedom from interference A. 1
B. a guarantee to a service B. 2
C. rights given by our legal system C. 3
D. 4
D. international rights
536. Which country was not an enemy of the
530. Who is the Father of our Country? United States during World War 2?
A. Thomas Jefferson A. Russia
B. Benjamin Franklin B. Italy
C. George Washington C. Japan
D. none of above D. Germany


1.19 Miscellenous 937

537. What is the political party of the Presi- D. going to church

dent now?
542. What tells people how they should and


A. Democratic
should not behave in school?
B. Republican
A. history books
C. Green
D. Whig B. rules
C. yearbooks
538. This word means, “to be polite.”
A. Courtesy D. calendars
B. Financial 543. The Supreme Court is in charge of the
C. Summoned branch.
D. Trait A. Judicial
539. The branch of government that is made B. Executive
up of courts is the
C. Legislative
A. city council
D. none of above
B. judicial branch
C. executive branch 544. How many branches are there in our gov-
D. legislative branch ernment?
A. 4
540. Imagine Dragons were on tour and on
their way to their next concert in Den- B. 2
ver they were stopped by police. With-
C. 6
out probable cause or a warrant the
cops searched their tour bus for anything D. 3
to use against them in a court of law.
What amendment protects them from that 545. What is the 1st amendment?
A. The right to relate to criminal prosecu-
A. Amendment 4 tions
B. Amendment 2 B. The freedom of speech and religion
C. Amendment 6
C. The right to bear arms
D. Amendment 10
D. restrictions on the quartering of sol-
541. Which is an example of freedom of reli- diers in private homes
A. attend a Girls Scout meeting about the 546. One who is born in any US state or terri-
upcoming cookie fundraiser tory
B. Write an article for the local news A. Citizen
paper about the outstanding students at B. Alien
Lake Elementary
C. Refugee
C. collect signatures supporting the
fundraiser for the new school D. Quota


1.19 Miscellenous 938

547. Name one important thing Abraham Lin- 553. A is any form of government in which
coln did. citizens hold the power to rule; they vote.
A. Freed the slaves A. Democracy
B. Saved the Union B. Direct Democracy
C. Led the US during The Civil War C. Autocracy
D. All the other answers are correct D. Oligarchy
548. Who becomes our president if the presi-

554. When citizens do things to better their
dent should die? community they are working for the
A. The first lady A. police
B. Vice President B. school
C. Secretary of State C. common good
D. Speaker of the House D. rural good
549. Why did the Pilgrims come to America? 555. Who was taken to Americans and sold as
A. turkeys to hunt SLAVES?
B. religious freedom A. Africans
C. search for gold B. American Indians
D. protesting taxes C. Europeans
550. What did the Homestead Act of 1861 al- D. none of above
low settlers to do?
556. What is one right reserved for US citi-
A. Go to war with Native Americans zens?
B. Own the land that they settled on after A. Voting in federal elections
5 years
B. Using a cellphone
C. Establish the sharecropping system
C. Traveling from state to state
D. Make peace with the Native Americans
D. Entering the United States
551. involves the movement of large numbers
of people from region to region 557. Which is the highest court in the United
A. migration
A. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court
B. Sprawl
B. The US Supreme Court
C. Thruway
C. The President’s Special Court
D. Exodus
D. The County Courts
552. A(n) society requires the partici-
pation of its citizens. 558. What territory did US buy from France?
A. autocratic, passive A. Louisiana
B. democratic, passive B. Texas
C. democratic, active C. Mexico
D. autocratic, active D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 939

559. This document established the idea of B. World War II

self-government (that government is cre-
C. Spanish-American War
ated by the people for the people).


D. The Civil War
A. Articles of Confederation
B. Mayflower Compact 565. Be 18 years old-Speak English-Pass a
C. VA Statute of Religious Freedom U.S. History test

D. none of above A. requirements to apply for a Visa

B. requirements to apply for permanent
560. In order to exist as a legal entity, cities
and counties must have a from the
State Government. C. requirements to serve in the military
A. Waiver D. requirements to apply for citizenship
B. Charter
566. The study of the characteristics of human
C. Permit population
D. Tax category A. Civics
561. Which countries were our (main) enemies B. Demographics
in WWII?
C. Migration
A. Germany & Austria
D. Government
B. Poland & Japan
C. Japan & Germany 567. Which right below is only for United
States citizens?
D. France & Russia
A. attend public school
562. These two documents guaranteed the
B. freedom of religion
rights of citizens in VA.
C. freedom of speech
A. Articles of Confederation
B. Charters of the Virginia Company of D. run for public office
568. Who is our Wisconsin State Senator in
C. VA Declaration of Rights, VA Statute of Madison?
Religious Freedom
A. Travis Tranel
D. none of above
B. Tammy Baldwin
563. Who is the 46th president?
C. Howard Marklein
A. James Earl Carter Jr.
D. Ron Johnson
B. Donald Trump
C. Joe Biden 569. How many stripes are there on the flag?

D. Calvin Coolidge A. 25
B. 13
564. Name one war The United States fought
in the 1900’s. C. 10
A. War of 1812 D. 100


1.19 Miscellenous 940

570. Every four years the parties nominate a 575. A is a representative of an interest
presidential candidate through a group who contacts lawmakers or other
A. Platform government officials directly to influence
their policy making.
B. National convention
A. Lobbyists
C. National committee
B. Politicians
D. Poster C. Candidates

571. What fundamental political principle D. Democrats
states that the government and those
576. Who did the US fight in the Second World
who govern are bound by the law (even
the President, judges, police officers, and
priests)? A. The south
A. Democracy B. Vietnam and Korea

B. Representative Government C. Japan, Germany and Italy

D. none of above
C. Consent of the Governed
D. Rule of Law 577. It is the Supreme Law of the Land
E. Limited Government A. Bill of Rights
B. Constitution
572. *State the problem
C. Articles of Confederati
A. being trustworthy D. none of above
B. making good decision
578. How many Supreme Court justices are
C. being patriotic there?
D. showing respect to others A. 7
573. Which is a good way for people to partic- B. 9
ipate in community service? C. 3
A. Watch the news D. 10
B. Send emails to homeless shelters 579. Under the Constitution, rules or natural-
C. Volunteer in a nursing home ization are set by the:
D. Shooting basketball with your best A. Congress
friend B. President
C. Supreme Court
574. Definition:In a representative system of
government, the people elect public office- D. State Legislatures
holders to make laws and conduct govern- 580. Which of the following is a STEP in the
ment on the people’s behalf. naturalization process?
A. Consent of the Governed A. call the citizenship office
B. Representative Government B. recite the preamble to the Constitution
C. Federalism C. take a tour of the united states
D. Democracy D. take the Oath of Allegiance


1.19 Miscellenous 941

581. Which is considered a citizen obligation D. Unlimited powers and can do what the
rather than a responsibility? want


A. pay taxes 587. How many senators are there in
B. voting Congress?
C. sigh a petition A. 50
D. attend civic meetings B. 435
C. 100
582. Good government requires its citizens to
be D. 1000

A. Educated and informed 588. Which statement best explains how mul-
tiple perspectives shape political participa-
B. Powerful
C. Wealthy
A. by giving voters a variety of policy al-
D. Self-involved ternatives
583. How many times did the Continental B. by increasing the number of people
Congress send a peace proposal to King who vote
George III? C. by forcing voters to find common
ground on issues
A. once
D. by spreading ideas that discourage
B. twice
certain groups from voting
C. thrice
589. Why does some states have more Repre-
D. 10 times sentatives than other states?
584. Who signs the bills to become laws? A. based on population
A. Speaker of The House of Representa- B. based on which states they like more
tives C. based on size of the state
B. The Vice President D. none of above
C. The President 590. Which of these is the final step in the nat-
D. Chief Justice of The Supreme Court uralization process?
A. Get a green card
585. Rule of no one is above it.
B. Take the oath of allegiance
A. Law
C. Get fingerprinted
B. Ways
D. Take a test
C. Hope
D. Constituion 591. Which is not a job responsibility of the
Judicial Branch?
586. Under the American system of govern- A. Review laws
ment citizens have
B. Explain laws
A. Few rights and responsibilities
C. Decides if the law goes against the
B. Many rights and responsibilities constitution
C. no rights and responsibilities D. Veto bills


1.19 Miscellenous 942

592. refers to the annual number of live births 598. Which is NOT one of the main supporting
per 1, 000 members of a population institutions in the USA?
A. Birthrate A. Religion
B. Deathrate B. Education
C. Census C. Family
D. Sunbelt D. Occupation
593. Who is the chief justice?

599. If someone is born in a US military base
A. John Roberts who’s mother is Brazilian they are
B. john boberts A. Not a citzen because law of blood
C. John Robarts B. A citizen bcasue of law of soil
D. Bert Johnson
C. A citizen because of law of blood
594. What amendment is related to the topic D. Not a citizen because of law of soil
of voting?
A. 1st 600. The birthrate refers to
B. 5th A. the annual number of live birth
C. 19th B. how many children are in each family
D. 22nd C. the way a country grows
595. Name one American Indian tribe in the D. the size of the population
United States.
601. The power to declare war is given to:
A. Norse
A. the President
B. Aztec
B. Congress
C. Inca
C. the People
D. Seminole
D. none of above
596. Kathryn volunteers each election day by
assisting voters with the check-in process. 602. Jackson County is headed by:
She is supporting
A. A Mayor
A. a local business
B. Three Commissioners
B. a democratic institution
C. The Sheriff
C. an educational organization
D. The City Council
D. a foundation for the arts
597. What is the political affiliation of the cur- 603. What is the form of government where
rent President? the citizens rule?

A. Democrat A. Dictatorship
B. Republican B. Democracy
C. Independents C. Monarchy
D. Libertarians D. Rule of Law


1.19 Miscellenous 943

604. Who is the Commander in Chief? 610. name one branch of the government
A. The President A. congress


B. The VicePresident B. senate
C. The Representative C. the Declaration of Independence
D. none of above D. none of above
605. Who is the current Governor of our 611. How long do Supreme Court Justices hold
state? their position?
A. Henry McMaster A. 2 years
B. Mike Kelly B. Life
C. Mike Pence C. 8 years
D. Tom Wolf D. 15 years
606. In what year was the Constitution writ- 612. Does Broden like Anime?
A. No
A. 1976
B. No
B. 1787
C. Yes
C. 1776
D. No
D. 1492
613. History:When was the Declaration of In-
607. What is the main duty of Congress?
dependence adopted?
A. to make laws
A. December 3, 1775
B. to direct national defense
B. July 4, 1776
C. interpret laws
C. August 8, 1918
D. deciding cases involving states’ rights
D. July 4, 1776
608. Under our constitution, some powers be-
long to the federal government, what is 614. This word means, “relying on yourself,
one of those powers? and your own resources.”
A. Choose the Vice President A. Naturalization
B. Set election days B. Self-Reliance
C. To declare war C. Trait
D. none of above D. Civic

609. How often does the US conduct a cen- 615. What is the judicial branch of the U.S.
sus? government?
A. 10 years A. The Congress
B. 2 years B. The Governor of the states
C. 4 years C. The President and his cabinet
D. 6 years D. The Supreme Court and Federal Courts


1.19 Miscellenous 944

616. If the President, the Vice President and B. write an article for the local news
the Speaker can no longer serve, who be- paper about the outstanding students at
comes President? Lake Elementary
A. Secretary of Defense C. collect signatures supporting the
fundraiser for the new school
B. President Pro Tempore of Senate
D. going to church
C. Speaker of the House
D. Majority Party Senator 622. What is the highest court in the U.S.?

A. The Federal Court
617. Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?
B. The Court of Appeals
A. a German monk
C. The Supreme Court
B. a lawyer D. The District Court
C. a judge
623. All of the following are rights of freedom
D. a civil rights activist guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, EXCEPT
618. Which of the following is a branch of gov-
ernment? A. freedom of speech
A. The Constitution B. right to bear arms
B. The Articles of Confederation C. right to a speedy trial
D. right to money
C. The Legislative Branch
D. Washington’s Cherry Tree 624. State of being Free
A. Justice
619. Under our Constitution, some powers be-
long to the federal government. What is B. Duty
ONE power of the federal government? C. Responsibility
A. To make treaties D. Liberty
B. To provide schooling 625. Which First Amendment Freedom says
C. To provide police departments you have the right to publish information
in newspapers, magazines etc. (even info
D. To issue driver’s licenses that criticizes the government)?
620. Which is not a way that people can par- A. Freedom of Speech
ticipate in their democracy? B. Freedom of Petition
A. Vote C. Freedom of the Press
B. Petitioning the Gov’t D. Freedom of Assembly
C. Helping with a political campaign 626. Who is the current President of the
D. Getting job United States?
A. Kamala Harris
621. Which is an example of freedom of peti-
tion? B. Donald Trump
A. attend a Girls Scout meeting about the C. Joe Biden
upcoming cookie fundraiser D. Barack Obama


1.19 Miscellenous 945

627. What will happen if we don’t volunteer C. Rationed

in our community? D. immigrant


A. Nothing will happen
633. The Articles of Confederation created this
B. The common good will suffer type of government in the United States in
C. My community will get better 1781. The U.S. Constitution then changed
the US from a
D. The government will provide the
needed help A. absolute monarchy to democracy
B. monarchy to a democracy
628. Citizens of the United States have rights.
A right is C. confederal to a federal system.
A. something that is a choice D. federal system to a confederal
B. something that is given to you and it’s 634. It is the term of office for a senator.
protected by the US Constitution
A. Four Years
C. an action
B. Six Years
D. given to only a few citizens
C. Eight Years
629. how many members does the House of D. None of these
Representatives have?
635. The American heritage of liberty has been
A. 535
handed down for
B. 100 A. Less than 200 years
C. 435 B. 165 years
D. none of above C. more than 200 years
630. Which is not a branch of the goverment D. More than 300 years
A. Legislative 636. The following would all be examples of
B. Executive Checks that the Branch has over the
Branch 1. Authority to Call Special Ses-
C. Federalism
sions of Congress 2. Commander and Chief
D. Judicial of the Military 3. Power to Veto Laws
631. What was the 50th state added to the A. Legislative; Executive
Union? B. Executive; Legislative
A. Alaska C. Judicial; Legislative
B. Louisiana D. Executive:Judicial
C. Hawaii
637. Before he became President, Eisenhower
D. Florida served as a General in what war?
632. Official count of the number of people in A. World War 1
a country B. Vietnam War
A. Census C. Korean War
B. Draft D. World War 2


1.19 Miscellenous 946

638. What unites Americans as a nation is that D. assembly

A. We share common basic values E. petition
B. We all speak English 644. What is the sense of pride in one’s nation
C. Unity is easy to achieve called?
D. Immigrants give up all ties to past cul- A. Patriotism
tures B. Socialism
C. Colonialism

639. Down All states are in the Senate
with two. D. Nationalism
A. unbalanced 645. To what do we pledge loyalty during the
B. equal Pledge of Allegiance?
C. unequal A. The United States
D. lucky B. The Constitution
C. The Bill of Rights
640. Whos is the current Vice President of the
United States? D. The Articles of Confederation
A. Kamala Harris 646. Where in the Constitution would a per-
B. Mike Pence son who was looking for qualifications for
office find out that the person holding the
C. Joe Biden office in questions would need to be 1. At
D. George W. Bush least 35 years old2. 14 year resident of
the US3. Natural born citizen
641. Who signs Bills making them laws?
A. Article 1
A. President
B. Article 2
B. Vice President
C. Article 3
C. Speaker of the House
D. Article 4
D. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
647. This document creates the government of
642. People have migrated to the Sunbelt be- the United States and includes all political
cause principles learned this unit.
A. of the warmer climate A. U.S. Constitution
B. people speak more languages there B. Magna Carta
C. there are larger cities there C. Articles of Confederation
D. it is less crowded D. none of above

643. Which freedom matches the scenario? 648. Who’s an Associate Justice of the
Josh works for a local magazine and is Supreme Courts?
writing an article about corruption. A. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
A. speech B. Mike Pence
B. religion C. Amy Coney Barrett
C. press D. Ron Kind


1.19 Miscellenous 947

649. As Americans took over more and more 654. Obligations (Duties) of citizens are
land, what happened to Native Ameri- but responsibilities are


A. important/unimportant
A. They agreed to give up their land. B. optional/required
B. They were given their choice of where C. for males/for females
to live.
D. required/optional
C. They were forced to live in reserva-
tions. 655. What are the duties of Congress?
D. They voluntarily moved to Canada and A. make laws
Mexico. B. do what the president tells them to

650. How many justices are on Supreme C. argue about laws and take our money
Court? D. assess taxes
A. 9 656. The right to vote is known as
B. 10 A. Suffrage
C. 11 B. Electorate
D. 12 C. partisanship
D. disenfranchisment
651. A decision would include voting for a
community leader. 657. How many electoral votes does a candi-
A. Natualization date need to become the President of the
United States?
B. Civic
A. 538
C. Personal
B. 270
D. Citizenship
C. 269
652. Medford School District and the Talent Ir- D. 100
rigation District(TID) are examples of:
658. Who is the Representative for our area
A. Counties in the US Congress?
B. Non-Governmental Organizations A. Brad Roae
B. Tom Wolf
C. Transportation Districts
C. Joe Wilson
D. Special Districts
D. Mike Kelly
653. The study of citizenship and government 659. What do we call the first ten Amend-
is known as ments to the United States Constitution?
A. Citizenship Development A. Articles of Confederation
B. Civics B. Bill of Rights
C. Values C. Inalienable Rights
D. Government D. Declaration of Independence


1.19 Miscellenous 948

660. You always do your homework! 666. What is the incorrect branch?
A. Accountability A. Excutive Branch
B. Patriotism B. Judical Branch
C. Courtesy C. Legislative Branch
D. Civic D. Govenment Branch

661. a proposed law 667. Who was the main writer of the Declara-

tion of Independence?
A. bill
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. revenue
B. George Washington
C. rule of law
C. John Adams
D. jurisdiction
D. Patrick Henry
662. Which item is NOT an example of a RE-
668. In the destruction of earth, Thanos and
his Infinity Gauntlet snapped away thou-
A. volunteering sands of US citizens. Captain America is
B. voting considering torturing Thanos for this vio-
lent acts. Captain America would be vio-
C. jury duty lating what Bill of Rights Amendment?
D. protecting others’ rights A. Amendment 4
663. What nations did the U.S. fight in WWII? B. Amendment 10

A. Germany, Japan, and Italy C. Amendment 8

B. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ot- D. Amendment 1

toman Empire 669. Who chooses the slate of electors in a
C. Japan, Vietnam, and North Korea presidential election?
D. Russia, Britain, and France A. The president
B. Congress
664. The month that we elect a president
C. Each political party
A. November
D. Mrs. Neff
B. December
C. January 670. How many total people are in the U.S.
D. Februar
A. 435
665. Who is considered the father of the Con- B. 9
C. 100
A. George Washington
D. 50
B. John Adams
671. What is the name of the Speaker of the
C. James Madison House of Representatives now? (Until
D. Thomas Jefferson Just recently)


1.19 Miscellenous 949

A. Paul Ryan D. freedom to read

B. Nancy Pelosi E. unlawful search and seizure


C. Chuck Schumer
677. If the President can no longer serve
D. Joe Biden (i.e.they die) who takes over and becomes
the President?
672. The phrase “Rule of Law” describes who
must follow the laws of the country. Who A. Speaker of the House
below is exempt from the “rule of law”? B. Governor of the State the President
A. wealthy members of society was born in
B. politicians C. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
C. you D. The Vice President
D. no one
678. U.S. law guarantees that rights of all peo-
673. Why do some states how more Represen- ple are under the law
tative than other states?
A. Equal
A. Because of the geographic size of the
B. Based on wealth
C. Based on privelege
B. Because of the state’s location
C. Because of the state’s population D. Similar

D. Because the state’s Representatives 679. Who was President during the First
have seniority in the House of Represen- World War?
A. Franklin Roosevelt
674. Name ONE war fought by USA in the B. Eisenhower
C. Woodrow Wilson
A. World War 2
D. none of above
B. World War1
C. The MexicanAmerican War 680. When is the last day to file federal in-
come tax forms?
D. none of above
A. April 1st
675. What war was Eisenhower a general in?
B. April 15th
A. Spanish-American War
C. April 10th
B. World War I
D. April 20th
C. World War II
D. Vietnam 681. If you are not born in the USA, how
would you become a citizen?
676. What are 3 rights given to you by the Bill
of Rights? (Select all that apply) A. Naturalization
A. right to bear arms B. Immigration
B. freedom to drive C. Democracy
C. freedom of speech D. Integration


1.19 Miscellenous 950

682. What guarantees rights for United States B. official

C. naturalized
A. Declaration of Independence
D. professional
B. The Supreme Court
C. Constitution 688. President who freed the slaves was:

D. All of them A. Lyndon B. Johnson

B. Abraham Lincoln

683. Uncharted territory or wilderness
C. Martin Luther King, Jr.
A. Expedition
D. none of above
B. Frontier
C. Pacific 689. The Legislative Branch of our government
D. Exploration is:
A. the Cabinet
684. The government is not all-powerful and
may do only those things the people have B. Congress
given it the power to do. Which fundamen- C. Supreme Court
tal political principle does this define?
D. none of above
A. Limited government
B. Consent of the governed 690. What is the political party of The US Pres-
ident now?
C. Rule of Law
A. Republican
D. Representative government
B. Democrat
685. When must all men apply for selective
C. Independent
A. 21 D. none of above

B. 18 691. Which amendment prohibits government

C. 28 from denying the right to vote based on a
citizens race?
D. 25
A. 15th
686. Which of the following is a right of ev-
B. 19th
eryone living within the United States?
C. 20th
A. Freedom of expression
B. Freedom to petition the government D. 1st

C. Freedom of religion 692. What is the name of the first written plan
D. All of the above of government in America?
E. None of the above A. Constitution
B. Treaty of Paris
687. If you are not a natural born citizen, you
can become a citizen C. Declaration of Independence
A. reborn D. Articles of Confederation


1.19 Miscellenous 951

693. What principles apply to the “rule of C. Thomas Jefferson

law? ”
D. Patrick Henery


A. all citizens have to follow the law
B. leaders must obey the law 699. A foreigner who has permission to be in
the United States is:
C. no one is above the law
A. a citizen
D. only the President must follow the law
B. a resident
E. only the President can break the law
C. a legal alien
694. Who is the current Chief Justice of The US
Supreme Court? D. an illegal alien
A. Joe Biden 700. In what century did immigration lead to
B. John Roberts America becoming a more diverse soci-
C. Nancy Pelosi ety?

D. Michael Pence A. 18th century

B. 19th century
695. Who becomes the president if both the
president and vice president should die? C. 20th century
A. a supreme court justice D. 21st century
B. prime minister
701. The events below describe the use of a
C. speaker of the house government document Laura was born
D. a prefect in France and lived in France until she im-
migrated to the U.S. at age 21. At age
696. Which of the following is not a reason 25, Laura visited Morocco on vacation
that colonists came to America? Why did Laura use a U.S. passport to
A. freedom of religion travel?
B. political liberty A. Laura was a resident alien of the U.S
C. escape persecution B. Laura was a resident national of the
D. The great year round weather U.S.
C. Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of
697. The most important responsibility of be-
ing a citizen is
A. to drive a car D. Laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of
B. to work
C. to travel 702. History:What piece of land did the United
States buy from France in 1803?
D. to vote
A. Alaska
698. Who was chosen to preside over the Con-
stitutional Convention B. Baja California
A. George Washington C. The Louisiana Territory
B. John Adams D. Hawaii


1.19 Miscellenous 952

703. How many states are there in the C. Vermont, Texas, New York
Union? D. Texas, Georgia, Florida
A. 50
709. Eduardo is concerned about people speed-
B. 49
ing in his neighborhood and is worried
C. 13 about the safety of his family and neigh-
D. 51 bors. Which action best demonstrates Ed-
uardo being a responsible citizen?
704. To be a member of a country with all the

A. He drives slowly through the neighbor-
rights, privileges and duties given is called
hood to keep other drivers from speeding.

A. Civic B. He places a sign in his yard that warns

drivers of the consequences of driving too
B. Naturalization fast.
C. Citizenship C. He contacts his local government offi-
D. Financial cial to discuss the possibility of lowering
the speed limit.
705. Which answer below is not one of the US
territories D. He complains to his neighbors about
the people speeding in their neighbor-
A. Guam hood.
B. Bahamas
710. The number of stripes on the flag are:
C. Puerto Rico
A. 50
D. Northern Mariana Islands
B. 13
706. What color(s) are the stripes on our
flag? C. 39

A. white and blue D. none of above

B. red and white 711. Which is not a right that is guaranteed
C. white and red in the Declaration of Independence to US
D. blue and red
A. Freedom of religion
707. The first three words of the Constitution
B. Right to Life
outline the idea of Self Governing, what
are these words? C. Right to Liberty
A. We the people D. Right to Pursuit of Happiness
B. We hold these
712. This document affirms the equality of all
C. The Unanimous Declaration citizens (all men are created equal).
D. In the beginning A. Mayflower Compact
708. There were 13 original states. Name B. Declaration of Independence
three. C. Charters of the VA Company of London
A. Florida, Ohio, Kentucky
B. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 953

713. A religious group that went west to Utah 719. What events were focused on ending
to practice their religion freely racial discrimination during the 1960’s in
the Untied States?


A. Protestants
B. Catholics A. Suffrage Movement
C. Mormons B. Plogging Movement
D. Methodists C. Civil Rights movement
D. Temperance Movement
714. What is the one responsibility of a U.S.
Citizen? 720. Name TWO rights for EVERYONE living in
A. serve on a jury the country
B. become a firefighter A. freedom of expression and freedom of
C. join the military speech

D. run for office B. life and liberty

C. the house and the senate
715. Where’s the Statue of Liberty?
D. none of above
A. Austin
B. Liberty Island 721. What major event happened in the US on
September 11, 2001?
C. Washington, DC
A. terrorist attack
D. none of above
B. World War II
716. Which of these is Benjamin Franklin
C. Hurricane Katrina
known for?
D. Pearl Harbor attacked
A. He was the first person to sign the Con-
stitution 722. To become a citizen through naturaliza-
B. He discovered electricity tion, a person must
C. He was the nation’s first Postmaster A. be at least 18 years old and a legal res-
General ident of the U.S. for 3-5 years or longer.
D. He was the nation’s second president B. be of good moral character and be
loyal to the U.S.
717. Which is NOT an American Indian tribe in
the United States. C. be able to read, write, and speak ba-
sic English, pass a naturalization test, and
A. Creek take the Oath of Allegiance at a naturaliza-
B. Celt tion ceremony.
C. Cherokee D. all of these answers.
D. Iroquois
723. Which of the following amendments de-
718. The word originated in ancient Greece scribe a citizen’s right to vote?
A. Citizen A. 2
B. Government B. 5
C. Responsibilities C. 8
D. Immigrants D. 15


1.19 Miscellenous 954

724. Which of the following is NOT a reasons 729. What country did we fight during the
citizens fail to vote? Revolutionary War?
A. Lack of interest in candidates or issues A. Great Britain
(apathy) B. France
B. The desire to make a difference in the C. Italy
D. Germany
C. Failure to register

D. Belief that vote doesn’t count or too 730. What is the process used to select the
busy president and vice president of the United
725. If you wanted independence from Great A. Electoral College
Britain, you would be labeled a
B. Electoral High School
A. Patriot
C. Political Party Process
B. Loyalist
D. none of above
C. American
D. Undecided 731. Which of the following is NOT a role of
political parties?
726. First step in how bills become laws A. Identify important issues
A. bills start as ideas B. Raising funds
B. is goes to the us capitol C. Setting Presidential agendas
C. its goes the house of representives D. Selecting Candidates
D. then it goes to the senate house
732. How did the invention of the automobile
727. What is an amendment in American gov- change America’s demographics?
ernment? A. Metropolitan areas became immedi-
A. a change to the Constitution ately more overcrowded

B. a change to the Declaration of Inde- B. More people migrated to urban areas

pendence C. Rural areas became more populated
C. an addition to the Constitution than metropolitan areas

D. an addition to the Declaration of Inde- D. More people migrated to the suburbs

733. be at least 18 years of age2. hold a
728. An uprising of farmers in Massachusetts, green card for at least 5 years before fil-
this event will help convince leaders that ing for citizenship3. live within the district
a strong central government was needed with jurisdiction for at least 3 months4.
be physically present in U.S. for at least
A. Naturners Rebellion 30 months of the 5 years priorto filing
B. Boston Tea Party for citizenship5. reside continuously in
U.S. from the time of filing for citizen-
C. French and Indian War
ship6. be able to read, write, and speak
D. Shay’s Rebellion English; have knowledge of U.S.history


1.19 Miscellenous 955

and government7. be of good moral char- 737. The right of Americans to petition the
acterThese are all steps to becoming a cit- Government is found in which amend-
izen through ment?


A. law of blood A. 1st
B. law of soil B. 3rd
C. naturalization C. 5th
D. residency D. 10th

734. In a , like Great Britain, the elected 738. Which of the following is not a power of
legislative branch (Parliament) actually the legislative branch?
controls the executive branch. A. The power to override a veto
A. parliamentary government B. The power to reject treaties
B. unitary government C. The power to appoint judges
C. presidential government D. The power to impeach Supreme Court
D. confederal government
739. What age cane you start to vote?
735. People living in the US who are citizens
of another country A. 20
B. 12
A. Aliens
C. 18
B. Citizens
D. 30
C. Quotas
D. Naturals 740. Who becomes president if the current
president dies?
736. Which is true of a representative democ- A. vice president
B. speaker of the house
A. In a representative democracy offi-
C. the first lady
cials elect representatives to vote on their
behalf. This works best in larger commu- D. the chief justice of the Supreme Court
741. Checks and keeps all of the branches
B. In a representative democracy citi- equal in power.
zens elect representatives to vote on their
A. Traps
behalf. This works best in larger compa-
nies. B. Limits
C. In a representative democracy citi- C. Balances
zens elect representatives to vote on their D. Features
behalf. This works best in larger commu-
nities. 742. All of the following freedoms are pro-
tected in the United States EXCEPT
D. In a representative democracy citi-
zens elect representatives to vote on their A. The freedom to learn
behalf. This works best in smaller commu- B. The freedom to choose a job or a ca-
nities. reer


1.19 Miscellenous 956

C. the freedom to disregard the rights of 748. states in the South and West are known
others as
D. The Freedom to own a house A. Sunbelt
B. Rural
743. What did the Federalists want?
C. Urban
A. States to govern themselves
D. Metropolis
B. To be governed by England

749. What do absolute monarchy and dictator-
C. A strong federal government
ship have in common?
D. A new leader for the House of Repre- A. The head of state is chosen by Parlia-
sentatives ment.
744. What color is the “C” in iCivic? B. Their citizens decide public issues for
A. Orange (Correct)
C. Political power is exercised by repre-
B. Yellow sentatives elected by the people.
C. Blue D. A single individual exercises control
D. Purple over government.

750. How can citizens influence their govern-

745. The US has what form of government?
A. Autocracy A. by voting and communicating with offi-
B. Theocracy cials
C. Republic B. by watching the news

D. Oligarchy C. volunteering to help Mrs. Bruner with

Saturday school
746. Who was the president during the Civil D. volunteering to work in a hospital
751. Who is the chief justice of the Supreme
A. George Washington
B. Abraham Lincoln A. Hillary Clinton
C. James Madison B. Donald Trump
D. Thomas Jefferson C. John G. Roberts Jr.

747. Turning off your cell phone in a movie the- D. Clarence Thomas
ater is an example of which trait of a good 752. Each year on July 4th, Americans cele-
citizen? brate
A. Accountability and self-reliance A. Presidents’ Day
B. Patriotism B. Memorial Day
C. Being courteous and respectful C. Veterans’ Day
D. Trustworthiness D. Independence Day


1.19 Miscellenous 957

753. For how long do we elect the president 759. Which statement correctly describes com-
of the United States? munism?


A. 2 years A. The central government controls all
B. 4 years economic planning.
C. 8 years B. Workers are considered to be the low-
D. 3 years est social class.

754. You tell your teacher the truth about why C. Property ownership is determined by
you were late to class. family status.
A. Trustworhty D. Wealth is distributed according to so-
cial class.
B. Patriotism
C. Respect for the Law 760. How many Amendments does the U.S
D. Accountability have today?
755. what is a veto A. 27
A. When the president says no to signing B. 24
a bill into law
C. 22
B. the law
D. 32
C. report a law
D. all of the above 761. The second step in becoming a citizen is
756. What invention changed farming and cat- A. live 5 years in the USA
tle drives during Westward Expansion?
B. Apply to be a citizen
A. Steel plow
C. Have an interview and take a test
B. Windmills
C. Mechanical reaper D. Take an oath of allegiance
D. Barbed wire
762. Name ONE US territory
757. The branch of government that interprets
A. New York
A. Congress B. Mexico

B. Executive C. Puerto Rico

C. Legislative D. none of above
D. Judicial
763. History:What was one of the major con-
758. How many changes or amendments are cerns of the Civil War?
there to the Constitution?
A. Alcohol
A. 27
B. Slavery
B. 10
C. 12 C. Forming a government
D. 31 D. Fighting communism


1.19 Miscellenous 958

764. How many U.S. Representatives does 769. What branch of the government has the
Oregon have? ability to declare war, confirm cabinet
nominations, and impeach justices?
A. 1
A. Judicial Branch
B. 3
B. Legislative Branch
C. 5
C. Executive Branch
D. 9
D. Olive Branch

765. A monarchy is a government ruled by one
770. All of the following specifically apply
person who has power
to which document that preceded the US
A. hereditary Constitution * No separation of powers-
only unicameral legislature. * Weak cen-
B. assumed
tral government-states had most power.
C. stolen *Congress did not have the power to tax-
this means they could not get their fi-
D. none of the above
nances in order.
766. Which statements are civic responsibili- A. Articles of Confederation
ties (multiple answer)? B. Magna Carta
A. Obeying laws C. Declaration of Independence
B. Contributing to the common good D. Bill of Rights
C. Serving the local community
771. A decision would eating healthy food.
D. Voting A. Civic
E. Paying taxes B. Personal
767. Under our constitution, some powers be- C. Duty
long to the states. Name one of those D. Naturalization
772. Name ONE American Indian tribe in the
A. Choose a chief justice to the US
Supreme Court
A. Colonists
B. Provide schooling & education
B. Texas
C. Write their own Bill of Rights
C. Apache
D. none of above
D. none of above
768. All of the following are fundamental 773. The electoral college consists of how
American values EXCEPT many electors?
A. Equality A. 538
B. Loyalty B. 435
C. Justice C. 100
D. Liberty D. 50


1.19 Miscellenous 959

774. In what month do we vote for a Presi- 780. What do the stars on the flag signify?
A. freedom


A. September
B. the states
B. October
C. November C. our independence
D. December D. states’ rights
775. Cultural groups that reside within the US
& can retain their own individual identities 781. Where is the White House located?
A. Subculture A. Washington
B. Multiculturalism B. Washington, D.C.
C. Melting pot
C. West Virginia
D. Salad bowl
D. The District of Columbia
776. Who are the U.S. Senators in Texas to-
day? 782. Where is the capital of the United
A. Cornyn and Cruz States?
B. Biden and Harris A. Tallahassee
C. Vela and Gonzalez
B. New York
D. Abbot and Patrick
C. Washington
777. How can you help take part in being a
good citizen? D. Washington, D.C.
A. Help in a food drive
783. Why are citizens obligated to answer
B. Help donate clothes to the poor
Jury Summons and serve on court juries?
C. Make blankets for sick children
A. to guarantee court hearings
D. All of the above.
B. to protect the right to confront one’s
778. The Supremacy clause is found in which accuser
A. Article 2 C. to guarantee courts provide legal rep-
B. Article 4
C. Article 6 D. to protect the constitutional right to be
tried by one’s peers
D. Article 7
779. What special group advises the presi- 784. People who come to a country to settle
A. immigrant
A. Supreme Court
B. census
B. the cabinet
C. the Senate C. Ration
D. the House of Congress D. Census


1.19 Miscellenous 960

785. Which REQUIREMENT of the naturaliza- 790. Which statements describe the natural-
tion process is missing from this list:be ization process accurately (multiple an-
at least 18 years oldlegal permanent resi- swer)?
dent for at least 5 yearsbe of good moral A. At least one parent must be a U.S. citi-
characterspeak and read English zen to apply for citizenship.
A. have at least one American parent B. You must be at least 18 years old to ap-
B. live in the U.S. prior to 2010 ply.

C. pass a U.S. Government and English C. You need to pass a literacy and civics
test test to earn citizenship.

D. none of above D. You need to be a graduate of a U.S. col-

lege or university.
786. policy requiring men to serve in the mili- E. You need to demonstrate good charac-
tary ter & loyalty to the USA.
A. Census 791. Which State did not attend the Constiu-
B. Rationed tional Convention in 1787
C. Jury Duty A. New Jersey
D. Draft B. New York
C. Rhode Island
787. What ocean is on the west coast?
D. Virginia
A. Atlantic
792. Geography:Which ocean is on the West
B. Pacific
C. Indian A. Pacific Ocean
D. Artic B. Gulf of Mexico
788. Which part of the legislative branch has C. Indian Ocean
the same number of representatives for D. Atlantic Ocean
each state?
793. How many full terms can a president
A. House of Representatives serve?
B. Judicial A. 1
C. Executive B. 2
D. Senate C. 8

789. According to Lincoln we cannot have a D. 4

government “by the people” unless 794. A juror
A. People participate A. makes laws
B. People only vote when paid B. is part of Congress
C. People all think the same way C. is part of the President’s Cabinet
D. People show identification D. is part of a jury


1.19 Miscellenous 961

795. Who are the 2 senators from our state? 801. name your US representative
A. Dan Sullivan and Mike Dunleavy A. Ted Cruz


B. Mike Dunleavy and Mark Begich B. Veronica Escobar
C. Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski C. John G Roberts
D. Lisa Murkowski and John Roberts D. none of above
796. Why did the colonists fight the Biritish? 802. What is one power that the state has to
A. because they didn’t have self- do?
government A. Declare war
B. to practice religion B. Provide schooling/provide protection
C. to join a civic group C. Print money
D. none of above D. none of above
797. The United States has a 803. The first Europeans who came to America
A. two-party system. in 1492
B. multi-party system. A. Flourished in northern Canada
C. one-party system. B. Developed settlements throughout the
D. none of above Midwest
C. claimed lands for Spain
798. the organizations, institutions, and in-
dividuals who exercise political authority D. Were killed off by disease and war
over a group of people
804. Geography:Which state DOES NOT bor-
A. Government der New Jersey?
B. Economics A. Pennsylvania
C. Responsibilities B. New York
D. Immigrants C. Delaware
799. Which article in the U.S. Constitution D. Connecticut
established and explains the Judicial
branch? 805. What group of people was taken to Amer-
ica to be sold as slaves?
A. Article I
A. Africans
B. Article II
B. Italians
C. Article III
C. Germans
D. Article IV
D. Portuguese
800. Which right is guaranteed by the fifth
amendment? 806. A is a member of a country.
A. freedom of religion A. Freedom
B. freedom of speech B. Due Process
C. freedom of press C. Citizen
D. right to due process D. Responsibility


1.19 Miscellenous 962

807. What is NOT a step of the naturalization 812. Citizens are responsible for paying
process A. Taxes
A. be 18 years or older and a resident for B. Jury
5 years
C. Rights
B. File a petition and take a citizenship
D. Laws
test in English
C. Interview for good moral character 813. Which of the following branches writes

and take the oath of allegiance
A. Legislative
D. be 18 years old and serve in the Us Mil-
itary for 5 years B. Executive
C. Tree
808. Which is the study of rights/duties of cit-
izens? D. Judicial

A. civics 814. Before he was President, Eisenhower

was a General, what war was he in?
B. Welfare
C. Naturaliaztion
D. Ethnic Group
C. Civil War
809. Serving on a jury D. Korean War
A. Immigrant 815. Civics:Senators are elected for how many
B. Rationed years?
C. Draft A. 2

D. Jury Duty B. 4
C. 6
810. What is the name of our National An- D. 8
A. This Land is Your Land 816. What do you call a resident of the United
States who is a citizen of another coun-
B. From Sea to Shining Sea try?
C. The Star Spangled Banner A. naturlaized
D. America the Beautiful B. alien
C. natural born
811. The authority of the government at all
levels to force people to sell their property D. native
to the Government if Government intends 817. to be informed, take part in government,
to use said property for the public good: help community
A. Eminent Domain A. Responsibility
B. Commission Power B. Duty
C. Executive Power C. Liberty
D. Government does not have this power D. Right


1.19 Miscellenous 963

818. The most important reason for studying C. Equality

civics is so that we can D. Wealth


A. Understand immigration quotas
824. Positive rights refer to
B. Learn to become responsible citizens
A. something provided by the state
C. Interpret birthrates and death rates
B. the freedom from interference
D. Learn about the best places to live
C. international rights
819. Which of the following limited the num-
D. rights conferred by god
ber of Chinese immigrants that could enter
the US? 825. What did the 13th Amendment do?
A. Chinese Kick-Out Act A. protect property from illegal searches
B. Chinese Removal Act and seizures
C. Chinese Exclusion Act B. abolished slavery
D. Chinese Excursion Act C. prohibited alcohol
D. gave women the right to vote
820. What is the duty of the Supreme Court?
A. make laws 826. All of the following are examples of be-
ing a good citizen EXCEPT
B. interpret laws
A. Are responsible family members
C. change laws
B. Respect and obey the law
D. find people guilty
C. being born in the United States
821. Driving through a red light is against the
law. Why is this a law? D. Take an active part in government

A. Police officers have to have something 827. Which of the following is a power of the
to enforce federal government?
B. There is noparticular reason. A. To declare war
C. It keeps citizens safe. B. To issue driver licenses
D. It protects animals as they cross the C. To approve zoning and land use
road. D. All of the above
822. Civics:How many justices are on the 828. Where in the Constitution would
Supreme Court? a person find the following del-
A. 10 egated powers *Make laws*Set
B. 11 taxes*Declare war*Override Ve-
toes*Borrow money*Regulate interna-
C. 9 tional and national trade*Print money
D. 12 A. Preamble
823. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of B. Article 1
A. Justice C. Article 2
B. Happiness D. Article 3


1.19 Miscellenous 964

829. The first step in becoming a citizen is 835. You love America! Right? !
A. live 5 years in the USA A. Patriotism
B. Apply to be a citizen B. Accountability
C. Have an interview and take a test C. Trustworthiness
D. Take an oath of allegiance D. Self-Reliance
830. How many amendments are there? 836. Name one writer of the Federalists Pa-

A. 10 pers
B. 23 A. Thomas Jefferson
C. 21 B. George Washington
D. 27 C. Alexander Hamilton
831. You say the pledge of allegiance! D. none of above
A. Self-Reliance 837. Which of the following is a way to help
B. Courtesy make the community a good place to work
C. Patriotism and live?

D. Participation in elections as an in- A. Get involved with public service orga-

formed voter nizations. (SPCA)
B. Tutor someone who is learning the En-
832. The division of power between a cen-
glish language.
tral government and state governments is
called C. Volunteer in a nursing home.
A. The United States D. Keep informed regarding current is-
B. the Supremacy Clause
C. the Necessary and Proper Clause E. Serve in the armed services.

D. federalism 838. Where does the freedom of speech come

833. Volunteering at a soup kitchen in your
community is an example of A. first amendment
A. cleaning up the community B. third amendment
B. working to earn money C. fifth amendment
C. voting at an election D. second amendment
D. working for the common good
839. The underlying principal of the U.S. Con-
834. What are the two longest rivers in the stitution that Helps prevent one branch
U.S.? from becoming too powerful
A. Ohio and Tennessee A. Popular Sovereignty
B. Wabash and Tippecanoe B. Limited government
C. Mississippi and Missouri C. Separation of Powers
D. Colorado and Rio Grande D. Federalism


1.19 Miscellenous 965

840. A Municipal Government is also called a: C. Immigrants going through the legal
A. County Government process to become American


B. Special District D. none of above
C. State Government 846. Which freedom matches the scenario?
D. City Government Ashley writes a letter to her local govern-
ment about her opinion on a new law.
841. During the Cold War the United States
A. speech
was afraid of the spread of what?
B. religion
A. Communism
C. press
B. Darwinsim
D. assembly
C. Democracy
E. petition
D. Capitalism
847. What is an example of a service that the
842. What is the legislative branch of our gov-
government provides?
A. Schools
A. President
B. congress B. Post Offices

C. supreme court C. Highways

D. military D. All of the above

843. What part of the U.S. Constitution ex- 848. The President of the United States today
pressed the reasons that the U.S. Consti- is:
tution was written? A. George W. Bush
A. Bill of Rights B. Bill Clinton
B. Amendments C. Barack Obama
C. Preamble D. none of above
D. Articles
849. Why do citizens need to learn about the
844. At what age do men have to register for candidates and issues before voting in an
the selective service? election?
A. They are not required to do so A. to be cool and vote for the same per-
son their friends do
B. 16
B. You don’t need to learn about them.
C. 17
C. to make a good an informed decision
D. 18
D. to vote for whatever candidate that is
845. What is the Law of Blood going to raise your salary to make more
A. you are American If at least one parent money
is American
850. What is the state capital?
B. you are American If you were born on
US territory, Military bases, or in the 50 A. St. Louis
states B. Kansas City


1.19 Miscellenous 966

C. Columbia A. Article 1
D. Jefferson City B. Article 2

851. Which of of the following is a U.S. Terri- C. Article 4

tory? D. Article 5
A. Bahamas
857. What is the name of the current Speaker
B. Puerto Rico of The House of Representatives

C. Jamaica A. Kamala Harris
D. Cuba B. Liz Cheney
852. Who are the senators from Florida? C. Amy Comey-Barrett
A. Ted Yoho & Neal Dunn D. Nancy Pelosi
B. Marco Rubio & Rick Scott 858. Serving on one when given a summons is
C. Elizabeth Porter & Adam Putnam a responsibility
D. Ron DeSantis & Rick Scott A. Jury

853. of the House B. Senate

A. Owner C. Council
B. Speaker D. Miltary
C. Man 859. Most elections take place the Tuesday af-
D. Keeper ter the first Monday in
A. September
854. Who was the first Postmaster General of
the U.S.? B. October
A. Thomas Jefferson C. November
B. Theodore Roosevelt D. December
C. Benjamin Franklin 860. Which of the following is not one of the
D. Andrew Jackson 2 longest rivers in the USA?

855. Which First Amendment Freedom says A. Mississippi

you have the right to ask for change from B. Missouri
the Government?
C. Ohio
A. Freedom of Speech
D. Colorado
B. Freedom of Petition
861. How many states are there in the United
C. Freedom of the Press
D. Freedom of Assembly
A. 100
856. If you were trying to study how states B. 33
should work with each other to resolve dis-
putes where in the constitution should you C. 50
first search D. 19


1.19 Miscellenous 967

862. what first amendment freedom says one 867. I am not a Republican so I must belong to
can publish information? this other major political party


A. speech A. Socialist
B. press B. Democrat
C. petition C. Democratic-Republicans
D. assembly D. Oligarchists

863. What is the national anthem of the 868. Below is a quote from an individual about
United States? their place of birth.“My Mother is from
Canada and my father is a United States
A. God Bless America
Citizen who lived in the United States for
B. Take Me Out to the Ballgame over twenty-five years and is a U.S. Ma-
C. America the Beautiful rine. I was born in Canada” By which
means would this person be a U.S. citi-
D. Star Spangled Banner
864. Parents who were not born in the United A. Law of Blood
States become US citizens through the pro- B. Law of Soil
cess of naturalization, are their children
citizens too? C. Immigration
A. No D. Naturalization
B. Yes, as long as at least one of the par- 869. How many justices are on The US
ents live in the U.S. with the children. Supreme Court
C. Yes, but only as long as both parents A. 6
live in the US. with the children.
B. 7
D. none of above
C. 8
865. All persons born or naturalized in the D. 9
United States, and subject to the jurisdic-
tion thereof, are citizens of the United 870. What are the changes to the Constitution
States and the state wherein they re- called?
side.This excerpt is from Amendment A. Revisions
A. 12 B. Amendments
B. 15 C. Addendums
C. 14 D. Corrections
D. 13
871. Logan finds a wallet in the parking lot at
866. Only citizens can school. What should he do to demonstrate
the character traits of trustworthiness and
A. play sports honesty?
B. have a job A. Give the money in the wallet to a
C. drive a car friend.
D. travel with a US passport B. Keep the money in the wallet.


1.19 Miscellenous 968

C. Return the wallet and money to the D. Work in a government job, volunteer-
owner. ing, paying taxes
D. Keep the money and return the wallet 877. An election where voters choose a can-
to the owner. didate from among the candidates offered
872. What technology revolutionized farming by each or every political party to actually
in the west? take and hold office.
A. Steel plows, mechanical reapers, and A. Primary Election

windmills B. Electoral College
B. Morse code C. General Election
C. Internet D. Secret Appointment
D. Hydroelectricity
878. Which purpose of government, as stated
873. What is the highest Court in the US? in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution,
was a direct result of the FAILURE of the
A. Ted Cruz
Articles of Confederation (all of the states
B. Joe Biden acting like individual countries)?
C. John Roberts A. To form a more perfect union
D. none of above B. To establish justice
874. Which basic principle is represented when C. To ensure domestic tranquility
members of Congress are elected to make D. To provide for the common defense
laws on behalf of the people?
E. To promote the general welfare
A. Federalism
B. Rule of Law 879. d amendment entitles you the freedom of
C. Limited Government
A. Right to refuse to hold soldiers
D. Representative Government
B. Freedom of Speach
875. What is the executive branch of the
C. Right to bear arms
United States government?
D. Right to a speedy trial
A. The President and his cabinet
B. The Governor of states 880. What does the term “ratified” mean?
C. The Congress A. to approve
D. The Supreme Court and Federal Courts B. to not approve
C. to change
876. Which categories below are responsibili-
ties of a U.S. citizen? D. none of above
A. Being informed, voting, volunteering, 881. What is the capitol of your state?
and running for elected office
A. Tulsa
B. Being informed, running for elected of-
fice, serving on a jury B. Guthrie

C. Attending church, voting, register for C. Oklahoma City

selective service. D. Yukon


1.19 Miscellenous 969

882. The branch of government that makes B. Communism

laws C. Oligarchy


A. Legislative
D. Republic
B. Executive
888. You helped pick up trash in your commu-
C. Judicial
D. Supreme Court
A. Civic
883. What is one right or freedom in the 1st B. Courtesy
C. Patriotism
A. Right to bear arms
D. Accountability
B. Right to arm bears
C. Freedom of discovery 889. Before you can become a citizen, you
need to be
D. Freedom of speech
A. a legal resident
884. You are responsible and turn your work
in on time. B. a resident of Mexico

A. Courtesy C. a resident of Canada

B. Accountability D. working in the USA

C. Self-Reliance 890. A person coming to the US from another
D. Trustworthiness land
A. Immigrant
885. Which of the following was one of the 13
original states B. Resident
A. Florida C. Resident aliens
B. Iowa D. Emmigrants
C. Alaska
891. What is the name of the Vice President
D. Virginia of the United States?
886. Which of the following phrases best de- A. Kamala Harris
scribes the U.S. population? B. Nancy Pelosi
A. Growing older C. Mitch McConnell
B. Getting younger D. Paul Ryan
C. No change in average age
892. How many members are there in the
D. People do not act their age
House of Representatives for the State of
887. The scenario below describes a govern- Oregon?
ment decision. A self-appointed council A. 15
amends the country’s constitution. Based
B. 40
on the scenario, which form of government
is taking action? C. 60
A. Dictatorship D. 435


1.19 Miscellenous 970

893. What piece of land did the US buy from C. John Jay
France in 1803?
D. John Adams
A. Alaska
B. Puerto Rico 899. A primary is one in which only de-
C. Hawaii clared party members can vote

D. Louisiana Territory A. Close

894. In which month do we vote for presi- B. Open

dent? C. Run-off
A. January
D. none of above
B. April
C. July 900. What do the stripes on the flag repre-
D. November
A. 13 original colonies
895. Who selects the Supreme Court Jus-
tices? B. 15 original colonies
A. the people C. 13 signers of the constitution
B. the president D. 15 signers of the constitution
C. the current Supreme Court
D. the vice president 901. Which of the following is NOT one of the
responsibilities of citizens?
896. What is one promise you make when you
become a US citizen? A. Register and vote

A. Obey the laws of the United States B. Hold elective office

B. Continue to be loyal to other countries C. Pay taxes
C. Travel to other countries D. Participate in campaigns
D. Travel to other states within the United
States 902. Why did the Colonists fight the British

897. Which principle is represented by the A. fight against France

three branches of government? B. Boredom
A. Individual Rights
C. high taxes
B. Separation of Powers
D. Love
C. Executive Branch
D. Popular Sovereignty 903. The length of the President’s Term is:
898. The Federalist Papers supported passage A. 8 years
of the U.S. Constitutions. Which one of
these men was NOT an author? B. 2 years

A. James Madison C. 4 years

B. Alexander Hamilton D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 971

904. What book was written to evaluate how C. lowered the voting age to 18 years old
and why American’s Federal Republic was
D. banned poll taxes
successful, and who wrote it?


A. “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair 909. When do the electors cast their official
B. “Democracy in America” by Alexis de votes?
Tocqueville A. Before the popular election.
C. “Behind Enemy Lines” by Wendy B. After the popular election.
C. After the primary election.
D. “Understanding Liberty” by Curtis Pa-
tranella D. Before the primary election.

905. Which of the following is a positive 910. Who is the commander-in-chief of the US
right? military?
A. Free speech A. the Secretary of Defense
B. Right to an income B. The Chief Commander
C. Pursuit of happiness C. the president
D. Freedom of religion D. the Pentagon manager
906. Farm workers and their families migrated 911. How can Americans participate in our
to cities in the 1800s because of democracy?
A. new factory jobs
A. vote
B. overcrowding
B. join a political party
C. automobiles
C. run for political office
D. better schools
D. all of the above
907. parties rarely win major elections
E. none of the above
and have never won a presidential election.
Many parties revolve around a single- 912. In a democracy, who has the power?
issue, others focus on changing society in
a major way and others revolve around a A. president
personality (e.g., Teddy Roosevelt for the B. Supreme Court
Bull Moose party).
C. the people
A. Ideological
D. Congress
B. Third
C. Single-issue 913. The first form of national government for
D. Radical the independent states was created by the
908. What is the purpose of the 23rd Amend- A. Declarationof Independence
B. Articlesof Confederation
A. allowed citizens of Washington, DC to
vote in the Presidential election C. MayflowerCompact
B. gives all races the right to vote D. VirginiaDeclaration of Rights


1.19 Miscellenous 972

914. of Powers keeps one branch from 919. Name of the Speaker of the House
getting too much power over the other A. Nancy Pelosi
B. Kamala Harris
A. Balance
C. Veronica Escobar
B. Separation
D. none of above
C. Equality
920. History:Who was the second President
D. Division

of the United States?
915. In Oregon the Chief Legal Officer is called A. George Washington
the: B. James Madison
A. Attorney General C. Thomas Jefferson
B. Head Prosecutor D. John Adams
C. Chief of Police
921. A characteristic of a person:
D. Lieutenant Governor A. Naturalization
916. In the US, the leaders are elected by the B. Trait
C. Financial
A. animals D. Personal
B. president 922. Being polite.
C. people A. Courtesty
D. children B. Trustworthiness

917. What’s the capital of Texas? C. Self-Reliance

A. Austin D. Patriotism

B. Washington, DC 923. Which of the following only list Physi-

cal (nature made) landmarks in the United
C. New York
D. none of above A. Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore,
Mount St. Helens
918. Which of the following requirements
must somebody meet in order to be eligi- B. Mount St. Helens, Grand Canyon, Old
ble to run for President? (select all that Faithful
apply) C. Mount St. Helens, Statue of Liberty, Ni-
A. be smart agara Falls

B. served in congress D. Niagara Falls, Crater Lake, Golden

gate bridge
C. older than 35 years
924. In order for an amendment to become
D. live in the US for 14 consecutive years
part of the Constitution, several steps
E. be a US citizen need to be followed. At what point does


1.19 Miscellenous 973

an amendment become part of the Consti- C. regulate interstate commerce

tution? D. coin money


A. once the voters cast their votes
930. “Ask not what your country can do for
B. once it is ratified by 3/4 of the states you, but what you can do for your coun-
C. once the president presents the try.” This is a very famous quote by Pres-
amendment ident John F. Kennedy. What concept is
represented in this quote?
D. once the amendment is presented to
Congress and the Senate A. Individual rights
B. The Common Good
925. One of our rights as citizens of the United
States is C. Self-Government
D. Pursuit of Happiness
A. Freedom of houses
B. Freedom of cars 931. What does a political action committee
C. Freedom of Speech
A. signatures
D. Freedom of shopping
B. money
926. The first Pilgrims sailed to America in C. votes
what ship?
D. people
A. Santa Maria
932. Pete and Sally are visiting Canada from
B. Pinta the United States where they were born.
C. Titanic During their vacation Sally gave birth to
D. Mayflower their new son Herbert. Who are citizens
of the United States?
927. The first 10 Amendments in the US Con- A. Pete and Sally
stitution are known as the
B. Sally
A. Halifax Resolves
C. Herbert and Sally
B. Bill of Rights D. Sally, Pete, and Herbert
C. Jim Crow laws
933. What is the political party of the current
D. Suffrage Amendments President?
928. Name ONE responsability for US citizens A. Democratic Party
A. vote B. Republican Party
B. vote in a federal election C. Independent Party

C. freedom of speech D. Green Party

D. none of above 934. Which of the following person is a US Cit-

929. What is a power under our Constitution
A. Sally, she uses a US passport to travel
that belongs to the states?
to Mexico
A. public education B. Jay, he was born in Japan on a Chinese
B. declare war military base


1.19 Miscellenous 974

C. Mike, he was born to immigrant par- C. Consent of the Governed

ents in Canada
D. Rule of Law
D. Tiffany, she was born in Taiwan and im-
migrated to the US at the age of 12 E. Limited Government

935. Organizations, institutions, and individu- 940. Which is a right or freedom from the First
als that exercise political authority on be- Amendment?
half of a group of people A. Speech

A. Government
B. Religion
B. Citizens
C. Assembly
C. Demographics
D. Petition of Government
D. Migration
941. Who wrote the Charters of the Virginia
936. You hang the American flag outside your
Company and why are they important
founding documents?
A. Patriotism
A. King John and the English nobles-They
B. Civic created a federalcourt system.
C. Courtesy
B. The Second ContinentalCongress-They
D. Participation in elections as an in- statedgrievances against the English king.
formed voter
C. King James and the Virginia Company-
937. why do we have a constitution (PICK 2) They guaranteed thecolonists’ rights as
A. if we didn’t stuff would go bad
D. The Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower-
B. to create power in our nation
They established theprinciple of democ-
C. to make power in each branch racy.
D. so then theirs not a huge world war
942. Obeying laws, paying taxes, defending
938. The underlying principal of the U.S. Con- the nation and serving on juries are which
stitution that claims the Governments of the following for citizens?
power resides in the people
A. rights
A. Popular Sovereignty
B. obligations
B. Limited government
C. freedoms
C. Separation of Powers
D. rules
D. Federalism

939. What fundamental political principle 943. It is the length of a president’s term.
states government is not all-powerful A. Two Years
and may do only those things people have
given it the power to do? B. Four Years
A. Democracy C. Six Years
B. Representative Governent D. Eight Years


1.19 Miscellenous 975

944. Which categories below are obligations C. Labor Day and Thanksgiving
of a U.S. citizen?
D. Citizenship Day and Columbus Day


A. Defending the nation, serving on a jury,
and being informed 950. The President can veto or reject a bill
B. Serving on a jury, being informed, and from Congress is an example of what?
voting A. Limited Government
C. Volunteering, being informed, and B. Separation of Powers
obeying laws
C. Checks and Balances
D. Following the law, paying taxes and go-
ing to school D. Judicial Review

945. The right of the accused to a trial by jury 951. After the Grange was dissolved, the
is guaranteed in which amendment? Party took its place
A. 1st A. Populist
B. 2nd
B. Progressive
C. 4th
C. Democratic
D. 6th
D. Republican
946. This is what we add to the Constitution
A. Bill 952. What is the name of the President of the
United States now?
B. Law
A. J. Biden
C. Ordinance
D. Amendment B. B. Obama
C. D. Trump
947. Which of the following wars WAS NOT
fought in the 1800s? D. G. Bush
A. War of 1812
953. Where does Congress meet?
B. Mexican-American War
A. the White House
C. Spanish-American War
B. the capitol building
D. Revolutionary War
C. the Pentagon
948. Geography:What is the capital of New
Jersey? D. the Washington monument
A. Camden
954. Federalism in the United States is the con-
B. Trenton stitutional division of power between
C. Burlington and government.
D. Perth Amboy A. federal and city

949. Name TWO national U.S. holidays? B. federal and international

A. April Fool’s Day and Labor Day C. state and international
B. Valentine’s Day and President’s Day D. state and federal


1.19 Miscellenous 976

955. The Vice President of the United States 960. Electorate

is: A. Amount of people who show up in a pri-
A. Richard Cheney mary.
B. Al Gore B. People who are delegates for a pri-
C. Joe Biden
C. Potential voting population. Largest
D. none of above amount of people who could show up.

956. Name one US territory. D. Number of registered voters.

A. Puerto Rico 961. Before an amendment is ratified, it has

to be
B. Hawaii
A. approved by three-fourths of the
C. Haiti
D. Cuba B. approved by all fifty states.
957. How many senators does each state C. signed by all members of Congress.
get? D. presented to Congress by the presi-
A. 6 dent.

B. 10 962. What document do the 1st and 14th

Amendments belong to?
C. 4
A. The Declaration of Independence
D. 2
B. The Articles of Confederation
958. Name one war fought by the United C. The US Constitution
States in the nineteenth century.
D. none of above
A. Mexican-American War
963. Name one right ONLY for American citi-
B. World War I zens
C. World War II A. Pay taxes
D. Korean War B. Enlist in the military
C. Vote in a federal election
959. Green Card
D. none of above
A. A travel document that says that a per-
son has been approved for travel to a 964. What might happen if you decide not to
country. vote?
B. An identification card that proves that A. The government will force you to go
an immigrant is a lawful permanent resi- and vote.
dent. B. You will be fined and face possible jail
C. Qualifying applicants are randomly se- time.
lected. Applicants must meet education or C. You’ll give up your say in how govern-
work requirements. ment is run.
D. Applies to a foreign visitor who does D. Your citizenship will be taken away for
not intend to stay. one year.


1.19 Miscellenous 977

965. establishes that a person’s citizen- C. community

ship at birth is determined by the country D. judge
where he or she was born.


A. law of blood 971. The Constitutional Convention is a meet-
ing held in which state?
B. law of soil
C. naturalization
D. none of above
966. People who flee persecution in their D. CA
home countries
A. Refugees 972. The number of Americans age 65 or older
is expected to rise because of
B. Naturals
A. Better health care
C. Residents
B. Early retirement
D. Citizens
C. More nursing homes
967. Maintaining & protecting our rights and
D. Larger population
freedoms is called
A. Civic duty 973. Nobody can search your body, house, or
any thing you own, unless they can prove
B. Values
to the judge a very good reason why the
C. Lincoln’s Principle search is needed.
D. Military enlistment A. 5 Amendment
968. How many changes to the Constitution B. 2 Amendment
have been made? C. 6 Amendment
A. 3 D. 4 Amendment
B. 27
974. The Chinese and Irish immigrants were re-
C. 17 sponsible for
D. 25 A. completing the Trans. RR
969. Which one of these was not one of the B. completing the Chisholm Tr.
13 original colonies? C. completing the ghost dance
A. Missouri D. completing the puzzle
B. New York
975. The Dawes Act
C. Virginia
A. gave Native Americans land in an at-
D. Georgia tempt to assimilate them.
970. What term is used to describe a group of B. forced the native population onto
citizens who determine the guilt or inno- reservations
cence of a person accused of a crime: C. borrowed land from the Native Ameri-
A. electorate cans
B. jury D. none of the above


1.19 Miscellenous 978

976. Who is currently the governor of your 981. Why might some people in the U.S. agree
state? to have their taxes increased?
A. Dan Sullivan A. To build more churches
B. Mike Dunleavy B. To get people to vote in elections
C. Lisa Murkowski C. To pay for public schools
D. Don Young D. To help businesses earn more money

977. How does civic responsibility differ from 982. Activism, Petitioning the Government
civic duty? and Community Service are all
A. Failure to perform a civic duty can lead A. civic duties
to legal consequences.
B. civil rights
B. Citizens are required to carry out civic
C. civil societies
D. civic responsibilities
C. A civic duty is a type of civic responsi-
blity. 983. Which argument supports the current
D. Only elected officials can perform civic practice of using lobbyists to influence gov-
duties. ernment officials?
A. Lobbyists provide govt officials with im-
978. Who is the Vice President of the United
portant info on issues.
B. Lobbyists give some groups more influ-
A. Mike Pence
ence on govt policy than other groups.
B. Kamala Harris
C. Lobbyists have greater access to gov-
C. John Roberts ernment officials than most citizens do
D. Joe Biden D. Lobbyists present biased information
to government officials
979. Name ONE war fought by the USA in the
1900 984. Dred Scott Was
A. The Civil War A. A Slave
B. The Mexican American War B. A Slave Owner
C. Vietnam War C. A Minister
D. none of above D. An Army Soldier

980. Federalism is the idea that power is 985. Which group ACTUALLY picks the Pres-
idential winner based on the popular
A. Held only by the Federal Government
B. Held only by the State Governments
A. The Governors of each state
C. Shared between Three Branches of
B. the US Senate
C. the US House of Representatives
D. Shared between Federal and State
Governments D. the Electoral College


1.19 Miscellenous 979

986. Definition:Government is not all- 991. How many Senators are in the US
powerful and may do only those things Congress?
the people have given it the power to do.


A. 50
A. Rule of Law B. 100
B. Limited Government C. 200
C. Democracy D. 435
D. Consent of the Governed 992. How many years a representatives
serves in the house of Representatives.
987. Who is in charge of The Executive
Branch? A. Two
B. Four
A. Congress
C. Six
B. Supreme Court
D. Eight
C. President
993. Citizenship includes
D. none of above
A. being a productive & active member of
988. Why are there 100 senators in the Sen- society
ate? B. exclusively enjoying your rights and
A. 2 per state freedoms

B. it’s the original number of Founding Fa- C. Living an exotic lifestyle while others
thers work to support it
D. Supporting the privileged classes
C. it’s written in the Constitution
D. none of above 994. Which economic system is used in the
United States?
989. Which phrase best explains why people A. Socialism
write editorials?
B. Communism
A. to communicate viewpoints about gov- C. Democracy
D. Capitalism
B. to distribute information about govern-
ment 995. Naturalization means
C. to advertise government services A. to serve on a jury
D. to elect government officials B. the process of learning to drive
C. the process of becoming a citizen
990. This document requires that we conduct
D. the process of learning about govern-
a CENSUS every ten years:
A. Decleration of Independence
996. What is one requirement to become Nat-
B. Constitution uralized?
C. Bill of Rights A. good moral character
D. none of above B. high income


1.19 Miscellenous 980

C. high school degree 1002. Who is the head of your local govern-
D. none of above ment?
A. School board
997. The central government delegates cer-
tain powers to local governments, but can B. sheriff
abolish those local governments at any C. constable
time.What does the term delegate mean?
D. Post Master
A. Assign

1003. how many people live in a particular
B. Take
C. Separates
A. Census
D. Cancels
B. Numbers
998. How many US Senators are there cur- C. Census
D. Interstate
A. 100
1004. There are four states that border Mex-
B. 270
ico..Which one does NOT?
C. 435
A. Arkansas
D. 538
B. Texas
999. In the State Branches the Governor is C. California
apart of which branch?
D. New Mexico
A. Legislative
1005. Who is granted U.S. citizenship by the
B. Executive
Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Consti-
C. Judicial tution?
D. None of the above. A. people born or naturalized in the
United States
1000. A legally recognized member of a coun-
try B. all people who live in the United States

A. Citizen C. only people born in the United States

B. Quota D. people who have parents or families in
the United States
C. Community
D. Civics 1006. When a person becomes a naturalized
citizen, which of the following rights do
1001. What is a person who came here from a they have? Check all that apply
different country called? A. The right to drive a car.
A. Resident B. The right to seek a government job.
B. emigrant C. The right to bring other family mem-
C. immigrant bers to the US legally.
D. native D. The right to run for President of the US.


1.19 Miscellenous 981

1007. How long is a representative’s term? 1013. During the Cold War was the US’s pre-
A. 1 year ocupation?


A. Slavery
B. 4 years
B. Communism
C. 8 years
C. Terrorism
D. 2 years
D. none of above
1008. How many counties exist in Oregon?
1014. What are the first 3 words of the con-
A. 10 stitution
B. 15 A. Democracy for all
C. 28 B. We want liberty
D. 36 C. We the People
D. We the United
1009. Branch of Government who’s job it is to
make the laws 1015. Which of the following is a reason the
A. Legislative colonists came to America?
B. Executive A. Freedom of religion

C. Judicial B. Political Liberty

C. Economic opportunities
D. none of above
D. All of the above
1010. Who can veto a bill?
E. None of the above
A. President of the United States
1016. The Capital of our state is:
B. Senate Majority Leader
A. Jacksonville
C. Chief Justice
B. Miami
D. Speaker of the House
C. Tallahassee
1011. Name two Cabinet level positions D. Orlando
A. executive and legislative 1017. Police authority to search and seize
B. Life and Liberty property is limited by which amendment?
C. Secretary of Education and Secretary A. 2nd
of Defense B. 4th
D. none of above C. 6th

1012. The basic of the United States are D. 8th

equality, liberty, and justice 1018. How many stripes are on our flag?
A. Values A. 13
B. Laws B. 50
C. Government C. 48
D. Economics D. 15


1.19 Miscellenous 982

1019. The Governor has authority at the state 1025. The Battle of Wounded Knee
level and is found in which branch of the
A. was the first major battle of the west
B. was also known as Custer’s Last Stand
A. Judicial
B. Monarchy C. was the last major battle of the west

C. Legislative D. none of the above

D. Executive 1026. Name one right from the First Amend-

1020. What are rights protected by the 1st ment
Amendment? A. freedom of speech
A. Speech B. life and liberty
B. Religion C. to vote
C. Press D. none of above
D. All of the Above
1027. Under the Constitution some powers be-
1021. Voting allows decisions to be made long to the state and some to the Federal
based on: Gov’t only. Which of the following is not
A. What a few people want a Federal Gov’t power only?
B. The needs of a small minority A. Print money
C. The opinion of the majority B. Declare war
D. What the President thinks best C. Create education laws
1022. What are the colors of our flag? D. Sign Treaties
A. red, white, green
1028. What is the rule of law?
B. blue, white, red
A. No one is above the law
C. blue, white
B. The President cannot be charged with
D. red, blue
a crime
1023. *Register and vote C. Not everyone has to follow the law
A. Duties of Political Candidates D. none of above
B. Community Service Activities
1029. To prevent one person or group of peo-
C. Responsibilities of Citizens
ple from having too much power, the US
D. Dutes of Citizens has the 3 branches of the government.
1024. Which Article of the U.S. Constitu- Having the power of each checked and bal-
tion sets up the Federal Government’s anced by the others is an example of what
supremacy over the states concept?

A. Article 1 A. Democratic Power

B. Article 2 B. Counterbalance of Power
C. Article 4 C. Division of Power
D. Article 6 D. Separation of Powers


1.19 Miscellenous 983

1030. What is an interview? 1036. Silvu has recently moved to the United
A. A class about citizenship States from Romania to attend college.
His mother voluntarily renounced her U.S.


B. A test about government Citizenship to become a citizen of Romania
C. A sporting event at school before Silvu was born and his father is a
D. A meeting with someone to talk about Romanian citizen. What is Silvu’s citizen-
yourself ship status?
A. Natural Born By Law of Blood
1031. Which of the following are two National
Holidays? (There are 10) B. Natural Born By Law of Soil
A. Memorial Day C. Naturalized Citizen
B. Good Friday D. Not a Citizen
C. Columbus Day 1037. Which of the following best completes
D. Inauguration Day the list? Responsibilities of a citizen*obey
laws*pay taxes*
1032. The length of one term in the Supreme
Court is: A. serve on a jury

A. 1 year B. hold political office

B. 10 years C. serve in the army
C. life D. join a political party
D. 4 years 1038. Who was the main writer of the Consti-
1033. U.S. citizens, we all have the same
rights and A. James Madison
A. Responsibilities B. George Washington
B. Values C. Abraham Lincoln
C. Beliefs D. John Quincy Adams
D. Customs 1039. what first amendment freedom says in-
1034. Which of the following is NOT a reason dividuals can make their views known to
colonists came to the United States? government officials
A. religious freedom A. speech
B. offered great farmland B. press
C. political liberty C. petition
D. free healthcare D. assembly

1035. What is the name of the ship that 1040. What is the 4th of July?
brought the Pilgrims to America? A. The day the music died.
A. The Cornelia Marie B. The day the Articles of Confederation
B. The Juneflower were signed.
C. Santa Maria C. United States Independence Day.
D. The Mayflower D. Texas Independence Day.


1.19 Miscellenous 984

1041. Definition:The authority is divided be- 1046. There has been multiple robberies the
tween a central government and its politi- last month in Hartville. Citizens who live
cal units (states). in the town have contacted their state leg-
A. Federalism islators to try and get more police officers
in Hartville. These citizens are
B. Democracy
A. bugging their state representative,
C. Representative Government who is way to busy to worrying about little
D. Consent of the Governed old Hartville

1042. Protection from unfair government B. breaking the law a by complaining
treatment is called C. influencing their government by com-
A. Federalism municating with officials
B. Due Process D. none of above
C. Separation of Powers 1047. If Congress wants to propose an amend-
D. Democracy ment, it has to get the approval of

1043. Voting is responsibility in a demo- A. two thirds of House of Representa-

cratic government. tives and the Senate.

A. an encouraged B. the President of the United States and

all members of Congress.
B. a mandatory
C. every member of the House of Repre-
C. a nonessential sentatives and the Senate.
D. an unimportant
D. the Speaker of the House of Represen-
1044. What are two Cabinet positions? tatives and the president.
A. Governor of Missouri 1048. Under our Constitution, some powers
B. Secretary of State belong to the states. What is one power
of the states?
C. Admiral of Navy
A. to print money
D. Secretary of Defense
B. to create an army
1045. “ We hold these truths to be self-
evident, that all men are created equal, C. to make treaties
that they are endowed by their Creator D. to provide schooling and education
with certain unalienable Rights, , , , “
means all the following EXCEPT 1049. Which famous Virginian did not attend
the Constiutional Convention because he
A. All people are equal under the law.
was against such a meeting? He is also
B. All people who own land or can pay well know for the quote “Give Me Liberty
membership dues are equal. or Give me Death”
C. Rights of each citizen are equal to A. George Washington
those of every other citizen.
B. Thomas Jefferson
D. No one has the right to act as though
his/her liberties are more important than C. James Madison
those of others D. Patrick Henry


1.19 Miscellenous 985

1050. What document is the “supreme law of 1055. Definition:System of government in

the land? ” which power rests with the people.


A. Constitution A. Consent of the Governed
B. Declaration of Independence B. Federalism
C. Federalist Papers C. Representative Government
D. Articles of Confederation D. Democracy

1051. Who is the governor of Texas? 1056. What did the 14th Amendment grant
A. Joe Bide
A. The right to vote for all people
B. Austin
B. Women are allowed to vote
C. Greg Abbot
C. Citizenship to anyone born in the U.S.
D. none of above
D. Citizenship to anyone who works in the
1052. Which freedom matched the scenario? U.S.
Adam refuses to participate in prayer with
his family every Sunday. 1057. Under the U.S. form of government, the
govern themselves through the offi-
A. speech cials they elect
B. religion A. People
C. press B. Civics
D. assembly C. Government
E. petition D. Minions
1053. All of the following are branches of the 1058. This part of Congress has 2 representa-
government, EXCEPT tives from each state.
A. judicial A. House of Representatives
B. legislative B. Senate
C. democratic C. Supreme Court
D. executive D. Executive branch

1054. According to the First Amendment, you 1059. What is the legal process by which non-
have freedom of religion, which means the citizens become citizens?
government A. Democracy
A. can’t tell you what religion to practice B. Immigration
B. can’t tell you if you should have a reli- C. Naturalization
D. Alienated
C. can encourage you to be Christian, but
can’t force you 1060. What is meant by freedom of religion?
D. can encourage you to convert to A. You can practice any religion or not
Zoroastrianism practice any religion


1.19 Miscellenous 986

B. You can’t choose the time you practice B. autocracy

your religion
C. monarchy
C. No one can practice a religion
D. democracy
D. You must choose a religion
1066. How many times may a senator be re-
1061. The Grange was elected?
A. an organization created to support
A. 4 times

B. 6 times
B. a house
C. a place Homesteaders lived C. 2 times

D. an organization for Mormons D. no limit

1062. Will Todd be able to live without one 1067. What geographical obstacles did pio-
lung? neers face while moving west?
A. Yes A. Mountain ranges, rivers, and deserts
B. No B. Sickness or disease
C. Possibly C. Fighting with Native Americans
D. The odds of living a productive life are D. Bad weather or storms
still possible without a lung.
1068. Who vetoes Bills?
1063. Which is NOT an example of a right for
all U.S. residents? A. The Vice President
A. Freedom to vote B. The President
B. Freedom of expression C. The Speaker of the House
C. Freedom of worship D. The President Pro Tempore of the Sen-
D. Freedom to peacefully assemble ate

1064. The 15th, 19th, and 26th Amendments 1069. What is the Supreme Law in the United
to the U.S. Constitution are all related to States?
A. The President
A. terrorism
B. The Governor
B. suffrage
C. Ms. Jones
C. federalism
D. Constitution
D. integration
1070. Name two national US holidays.
1065. In an , a small group of people has
all the power. Sometimes this means that A. Christmas/New Years Day
only a certain group has political rights,
B. ThanksgivingIndependence Day
such as members of one political party, one
social class, or one race. C. HalloweenEaster
A. oligarchy D. 89’er dayOklahoma statehood day


1.19 Miscellenous 987

1071. The Plan proposed representation C. creating driving laws

based on population of the state? D. printing money


A. Virginia
1077. Naturalized via birth within the USA
B. New Jersey
A. Native born
C. Connecticut
B. Aliens
D. Three-fifths
C. Naturals
1072. Which stops one branch from becoming D. Refugee
more powerful than another?
1078. Who signs bills to become laws?
A. Bill of Rights
A. the Chief Justice
B. Checks and Balances
B. The Vice President
C. Separation of Powers
C. the President
D. Both Checks and Balances/Separation
of Powers D. Majority Leader

1073. What is the first part of the Preamble 1079. What is the name of the current United
to the Constitution? States Vice President?
A. To form a more perfect Union. A. Kamala Harris
B. We the people of the United States. B. Donald Trump
C. insure domestic Tranquility. C. Joe Biden

D. promote the general Welfare. D. Barack Obama

1074. What Ocean is on the East? 1080. Name one state that borders CANADA

A. Gulf of Mexico A. Alaska

B. Texas
B. Atlantic Ocean
C. Tennessee
C. Pacific Ocean
D. none of above
D. none of above
1081. What is the basic believe of the Decla-
1075. We vote for President in the month of:
ration of Independence?
A. January
A. All men are created equal
B. March
B. Freedom
C. November
C. Give me liberty or give me death
D. none of above D. Rights
1076. Under the Constitution some powers be- 1082. What is the capital of Pennsylvania?
long to the state and some to the Federal
Gov’t only. Which of the following is not A. Harrisburg
a State power? B. Philadelphia
A. creating education laws C. Pittsburgh
B. creating marriage laws D. Erie


1.19 Miscellenous 988

1083. The king’s “Stamp Act” forced colonists 1088. Who helped the Pilgrims in America?
to pay taxes on A. King George III
A. Pizza and Spaghetti B. George Washington
B. Printed Documents and Legal Material C. Native Americans
C. Instruments and Tea D. no one
D. Lumber and Lead 1089. What fundamental political principle
states that in a representative system of

1084. What percentage of people live in cities government people elect public officehold-
and suburbs? ers to make laws and conduct government
A. 0.8 on their behalf?

B. 0.2 A. Democracy
B. Representative Government
C. 0.4
C. Consent of the Governed
D. 0.6
D. Rule of Law
1085. A is a group of persons who join to- E. Limited Government
gether in order to gain control of the gov-
ernment through the electoral process. 1090. who is the President of the USA?
A. John Roberts
A. Political party
B. Joe Biden
B. Candidate group
C. George Washington
C. Public policy group
D. none of above
D. Grass roots organization
1091. Name one state that borders Canada.
1086. The US sets numbers on how many im- A. South Dakota
migrants may come into the country B. Minnesota
A. Quotas C. Oregon
B. Refugees D. Oklahoma
C. Naturals 1092. Who are the two Senators for South
D. Citizens Carolina? Choose 2
A. Pat Toomey
1087. Which legal requirement is necessary
B. Tim Scott
for becoming a U.S. citizen?
C. Bob Casey Jr.
A. Applicants must be able to pass a nat-
uralization test. D. Lindsey Graham

B. Applicants must be at least twenty one 1093. What is the economic system of the
years of age. USA?

C. Applicants must be able to name all of A. capitalist/market economy

the national holidays. B. socialist
D. Applicants must be residents of the C. communist
country for at least one year. D. money


1.19 Miscellenous 989

1094. Who is the current President 1100. What is Benjamin Franklin famous for?
A. Joe Biden A. Writing


B. Brady Schmitz B. Being President
C. George Washington C. Being a US diplomat
D. none of above
D. Abraham Lincoln
1101. Who did The United States fight during
1095. If you don’t fulfill a civic duty WWII?
A. nothing will happen A. Russia, Japan, Germany
B. there are legal consequences B. England, France, Germany
C. you lose your citizenship C. Germany, Japan, Italy
D. your community suffers D. England, France, Russia

1096. A central government holds all power in 1102. Which word best matches the idea of a
a unitary state. “melting pot? ”

A. Local A. Powerful
B. Diverse
B. State
C. Forgiving
C. Central
D. Irrational
D. Community
1103. What are the rights listed in the Decla-
1097. the study of citizenship and government ration of Independence?
A. Civics A. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happi-
B. Values
B. Life, liberty, and property
C. Economics
C. God, glory, and gold
D. Quota
D. Speech, press, and religion
1098. Select ALL the duties of citizens
1104. Citizens must
A. Obey laws A. obey the law
B. register and vote B. ignore the law
C. Hold office C. break the law
D. Pay Taxes D. make the law
E. Respect others rights 1105. Under the Constitution, which of these
powers does NOT belong to the federal
1099. Who is one of your US state senators?
A. Kamala Harris A. ratify amendments to the constitution
B. Ted Cruz B. print money
C. John G. Roberts C. declare war
D. none of above D. make treaties with foreign powers


1.19 Miscellenous 990

1106. There are four amendments of the Con- 1111. Who elects the president of the United
stitution about who has the right to vote. States?
Who can vote?
A. citizens
A. Citizens 18 and older can vote
B. congress
B. Citizens 17 and older can vote
C. electoral college
C. Only citizens with a job can vote.
D. Only citizens by birth can vote D. supreme court

1107. Who’s the Father of the Country? 1112. Who signs Bills to become Laws?
A. Alexander Hamilton A. The Secretary of State
B. Benjamin Franklin
B. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
C. George Washington
C. The Vice President
D. none of above
D. The President
1108. What’s the name of the national an-
them? 1113. Something you MUST do, like pay taxes:
A. The Pledge of Allegiance
B. Star-Spangled Banner A. Responsibility
C. Federalist papers B. Duty
D. none of above C. Citizenship
1109. In Australia, citizens are required to D. Summoned
vote in elections. If they do not vote, they
may have to pay a fine. How does the 1114. Which of the following statements is
United States differ from Australia? NOT true
A. People in the United States are re- A. a naturalized citizen is American
quired to register but voting is voluntary.
B. a legal (documented) alien can live in
B. If you don’t vote in the United States,
the US but is not a citizen
you may have to serve time in jail.
C. United States citizens who fail to vote C. an illegal (undocumented) alien can
can send in an absentee ballot after elec- live in the US but is not a citizen
tion day. D. an undocumented immigrant cannot
D. Voting in the United States is a civic re- live in the US
sponsibility but it is not mandatory.
1115. When is the last day you can file an in-
1110. What kind of government does the come tax return?
United States have?
A. January 31
A. Republic
B. Democracy B. February 1

C. Socialism C. March 17
D. Communist D. April 15


1.19 Miscellenous 991

1116. Why would a politician care about an 1121. In the State of Oregon the top position
increase in the number of naturalized cit- underneath the Governorship is:


A. Lieutenant Governor
A. Supporting the interest of Naturlized B. Attorney General
citizens would have no effect.
C. Secretary of State
B. Supporting the interest of Naturlized
D. Assistant Governor
citizens would mean getting their votes
C. Supporting the interest of Naturlized 1122. What is the one right that a naturalized
citizens would reduce crime in cities with citizen cannot access?
lots of immigrants A. voting
D. none of above B. passports
1117. How many voting members are in the C. running for president
House of Representatives? D. none of above
A. 50 1123. What step of Naturalization happens
B. 100 after doing the interview and taking the
C. 200
A. The Oath of Allegiance
D. 435
B. Getting a drivers license
1118. History:Who was president during the
C. voting
Great Depression and World War II?
D. living in the US for 5 years
A. Richard Nixon
B. Andrew Jackson 1124. Citizens have the to attend school,
pay taxes, and follow the laws.
C. George Washington
A. obligations
D. Franklin D. Roosevelt
B. right
1119. What was one thing Abraham Lincoln C. ticket
D. teachers
A. explain the law
1125. Name one right only for U.S. citizens
B. freed the slaves
A. freedom of Religion
C. vote
B. Attend public school
D. none of above
C. Run for federal office
1120. What is the Rule of Law D. Freedom of speech
A. Everyone Must Follow the Law
1126. Sasha is an 8th grade student. Once a
B. Everyone but the president has to fol- week she volunteers to tutor 5th graders
low the law at a local elementary school. What is
C. Every law must be applied to every Sasha demonstrating?
state A. Community service
D. Everyone must have rules B. Community rights


1.19 Miscellenous 992

C. Civic rights 1132. What is NOT an example of supporting

D. Civic duties the common good
A. Picking up trash in a nearby park
1127. Which of the following is NOT a freedom
listed in the first amendment? B. replanting trees for a school in the
A. speech
C. Volunteering at a blood bank
B. due process
D. Going to a music concert at a nearby

C. religion park
D. petition
1133. Which rights are included in the Declara-
E. assembly tion of Independence?
1128. Why do we have rules and laws in our A. Life, liberty, property
community B. Life, liberty, taxes
A. to give people jobs C. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness
B. to keep people safe and protect their D. Property, taxes, religion
rights and property
C. to reward good people 1134. Who was President during The Great
Depression & WW2?
D. to make everyone volunteer
A. Theodore Roosevelt
1129. Which of the following is a federal B. Franklin Roosevelt
C. Woodrow Wilson
A. Coin money
D. Kevin Stitt
B. tax laws
C. Education 1135. What is an example of the responsibili-
ties of a good citizen?
D. local police department
A. A citizen who sees that there is a prob-
1130. Amelia was born in Japan while her 2 lem in their community and ignores it, hop-
American parents were on military duty ing it will go away
there. Amelia is B. A citizen who chooses not to vote be-
A. a naturalized citizen cause one vote will not make a difference
B. a US citizen by law of soil in the election

C. a US citizen by law of blood C. A citizen voting in an election he knows

nothing about and simply voting for the po-
D. not a US citizen litical party his a member of
1131. Which of the answers below is required D. A citizen who reads the information on
for all 18 year old male citizens? all of the candidates and issues before
A. Voting in federal elections making a decision on how he/she will vote

B. Registering with the U.S. Selective Ser- 1136. Which day below is not a National Holi-
vice day in the United States?
C. Voting in local elections A. December 25th
D. EnlistingintheArmy B. January 1st


1.19 Miscellenous 993

C. November 11th 1142. cities

D. April 15th A. Urban


1137. What are 3 rights in The Declaration of B. Rural
Independence C. Suburbs
A. Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness
D. Sunbelt
B. Right to bear arms, free speech, free-
dom of religion 1143. Definition:The government and those
C. Right to trial by jury, right to vote, right who govern are bound by the law, as are
to protection from search & seizures those who are governed.

D. none of above A. Rule of Law

B. Republic
1138. What position is in charge of the execu-
tive branch? C. Democracy
A. Chief Justice D. Representative Government
B. President
1144. Who did the colonists win independence
C. Speaker of the House from?
D. Mayor A. Germany
1139. In order to become an American citizen, B. Japan
an immigrant must study all of the follow-
C. Russia
ing subjects EXCEPT
A. United States History D. England
B. English 1145. In Stripesville, the President Zebronian
C. United States Government was elected by the citizens of Stripesville
in a fair elections. He looks to repre-
D. Science
sent the people’s best interests and pro-
1140. The underlying principal of the U.S. Con- tect his people’s rights guaranteed by the
stitution that states Government is not all the Stripeville’s Constitution. What type
powerful, can only do what the people let of government does he lead?
it A. Democracy
A. Popular Sovereignty
B. Dictatorship
B. Limited government
C. Oligarchy
C. Separation of Powers
D. Monarchy
D. Federalism
1146. All of the following are legal means of
1141. A democratic society requires the of
becoming a citizen EXCEPT:
its citizens.
A. money A. Born in USA
B. active participation B. Born to Citizen parents
C. voting C. Naturalized
D. passive concern D. Having a relative who is American


1.19 Miscellenous 994

1147. How many Justices are there in the Ore- C. 900 New York Avenue
gon Supreme Court D. 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue
A. 15
1153. The First Amendment gives you the right
B. 9 to tell the government what you think.
C. 7 This is your right to
D. 5 A. the press
B. religion
1148. Speech, press, and religion are found in

this amendment. C. assembly
A. First D. petition the government
B. Second 1154. If both the President and Vice President
C. Third can no longer serve, who takes over the
duties of President?
D. Fourth
A. The Speaker of the House
1149. What allows for each branch of govern-
B. The governor of the state that the Pres-
ment to do its specific job?
ident was born in
A. Checks and Balances C. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
B. Federalism D. The oldest ranking Senator
C. Separation of Powers
1155. Name your U.S. Representative
D. Liberalism
A. Filemon Vela or Vicente Gonzalez
1150. Which of the following is NOT an exam- B. John Cornyn
ple of the DUTIES of responsible citizens?
C. Greg Abbott
A. Obey laws, like paying taxes
D. Ted Cruz
B. Serve in the armed forces, if called
(draft) 1156. Which of the following people might not
be allowed to vote?
C. Serve on a jury or as a witness in court
if you receive a subpeona A. Someone who is out of the country on
election day.
D. Hold elective office
B. Someone who is only 18 years of age.
1151. Which article in the U.S. Constitution
C. A citizen whose parents were born out-
established and explains the Executive
side of the U.S.
D. A person who has not registered
A. Article I
ahead of time.
B. Article II
1157. Which of these is NOT a responsibility
C. Article III
A. Voting for someone for president
D. Article IV
B. Providing Community Service by pick-
1152. What is the address of White House? ing up trash
A. 1400 White House Avenue C. Volunteering at a homeless shelter
B. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue D. going to school


1.19 Miscellenous 995

1158. What was the main fear of the U.S. dur- D. It gave women the right to serve in the
ing the Cold War? military.


A. Communism 1163. The number of Supreme Court Justices
B. Civil Rights A. Six
C. Segregation B. Seven
D. Socialism
C. Eight
1159. Which Ocean borders the West Coast of D. Nine
the United States?
1164. Who is our Democratic Congressman
A. Arctic
from La Crosse-also Mrs. Nies’ brother?
B. Indian
A. Travis Trannel
C. Atlantic
B. Ron Johnson
D. Pacific
C. Ron Kind
1160. Name one power of the federal gover- D. John Roberts
A. Explain law 1165. Which of the following is NOT part of
the U.S.?
B. Provide protection and schooling
A. Florida
C. Print money
B. Puerto Rico
D. none of above
C. Washington, D.C.
1161. Which branch of government enforces D. Mexico
A. executive 1166. The three branches of government are
B. legislative
A. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
C. judicial
B. Legislative, Judicial, and National
D. none of above
C. Executive, Principle, and Judicial
1162. A class is studying the history of the
D. Judicial, National, and Legislative
struggle for women’s rights in the United
States. In the early 1900s there was 1167. What is the capital of South Carolina?
a major push by women for passage of
A. Lexington
the Nineteenth Amendment. It was ap-
proved and added to the Constitution of B. Columbia
the United States in 1920. What was the C. Richland
purpose of the Nineteenth Amendment?
D. Greenville
A. It gave women the right to own prop-
erty. 1168. Under the Constitution, some powers
B. It gave women the right to travel belong to the federal government. What
freely. in one power of the federal government?

C. It gave women the right to vote in elec- A. To provide education

tions. B. To provide police departments


1.19 Miscellenous 996

C. To make treaties 1174. Name your US Representative

D. To issue driver’s licenses A. Tom Cole
B. Frank Lucas
1169. Where in the Constitution would a re-
searcher find the crime of Treason defined C. Stephanie Bice
A. Article 3 D. Mark Wayne Mullin

B. Article 4 1175. Who is often called the “father of our

C. Article 5 country? ”
A. George Washington
D. Article 6
B. John Adams
1170. Name two national holidays.
C. Thomas Jefferson
A. April Fool’s Day and Labor Day D. James Madison
B. Citizenship Day and Columbus Day
1176. Which Compromise from the Constiu-
C. Valentine’s Day and President’s Day tional Convention allowed for parts of the
D. Labor Day and Thanksgiving Slave Population to be counted for the pur-
pose of taxation and representation in the
1171. To apply means Congress
A. To have an interview A. Slave Trade Compromise
B. to ask for something in writing B. Great Compromise
C. to take a test C. 3/5th Compromise
D. to drive a car D. None of these answers are correct

1172. The number of changes that have been 1177. Composed of two legislative chambers
made to the US Constitution: or houses.
A. Bicameral
A. 26
B. Balanced Budget
B. 27
C. Bill of Rights
C. 50
D. Municipal
D. none of above
1178. The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme
1173. Which question might be found on a cit- Court
izenship test?
A. Mike Pence
A. What are the three of branches of gov-
B. Adam J. Glover
ernment? <br /><br />
C. John Roberts
B. What is the current population of the
country? D. Warren G. Harding
C. What state can the city of Albany be 1179. How long is the term for Representa-
found in? tives elected from the House of Represen-
D. What business in the United States is tatives?
the most successful? A. 1 year


1.19 Miscellenous 997

B. 2 years 1185. What’s ONE problem that led to the civil

C. 4 years


A. taxes
D. 6 years
B. unemployement
1180. Who is Howard Marklein C. Slavery
A. Speaker of the House D. none of above
B. Wisconsin state senator
1186. The Pledge of Allegiance is given to the
C. Vice president
A. People
D. Wisconsin state representaives
B. Flag
1181. Who is the President of the United C. Military
States today?
D. People
A. Joe Biden
1187. All of the following are Constitutional
B. Donald Trump requirements to become president, EXCEPT
C. George Washington
D. George W. Bush A. attended law school
B. a natural-born citizen of the US
1182. Which of the following protects the
right of Americans to publish newspapers, C. 35 years old
magazines, and books? D. 14 years of residency in the US
A. states’ rights
1188. Dred Scott was famous for
B. freedom of religion A. being sued by someone else
C. freedom of the press B. suing for his freedom
D. separation of powers C. being in the military
1183. Name the two senators representing NJ D. being a famous doctor
in the U.S. Senate.
1189. How long is a Senator’s term?
A. Cory Booker & Bob Menendez
A. 2 years
B. Alexander Hamilton & Aaron Burr
B. 4 years
C. Muhamad Ali & Joe Fraser C. 6 years
D. Joe Biden & Kamala Harris D. 8 years
1184. In a democracy where does its power 1190. What is the name of the current Vice
come from? President?
A. the president A. Mike Pence
B. the people B. Barack Obama
C. the legislators C. Kamala Harris
D. the courts D. Joe Biden


1.19 Miscellenous 998

1191. The House of Representatives and Sen- whose electoral votes could make the dif-
ate are the 2 bodies that make up ference in a tight election.
Congress. What branch of government to A. densely populated
they fall under?
B. sparcely populated
A. Constitutional
C. low population
B. Executive
D. none of above
C. Judicial
1197. What is one promise we make when we

D. Legislative
become US citizens?
1192. Who did the U.S. gain independence A. vote
from? B. obey the laws of the country
A. Great Britain / England C. serve on a jury
B. France D. none of above
C. Australia
1198. To who do we show loyalty with the
D. Japan Pledge of Allegiance?
1193. How can the Constitution be changed? A. The Presidet
A. It cannot be changed. B. The USA
B. Through the amendment process. C. The laws
C. The electoral college can add an D. none of above
amendment. 1199. When must all men register for the Se-
D. by Veto lective Service (military)?
A. Between 18-26
1194. How many Electoral Votes does Oregon
have? B. At any age
A. 1 C. At age 16
B. 3 D. Men do not have to register
C. 5 1200. Which branch has the power to impeach
D. 7 the President and override a veto?
A. Judicial Branch
1195. Respecting & accepting the individuality
of different cultural groups B. Executive Branch
C. Legislative Branch
A. Multiculturalism
D. George/Jackson Branch
B. Melting pot
C. Salad bowl 1201. When do we celebrate INDEPENDENCE
D. Cultural diversity
A. April 15
1196. The winner-take-all system leads to the B. November
targeting of states for campaigning, al-
though candidates must pay attention to C. July 4
less populated states and swing states D. none of above


1.19 Miscellenous 999

1202. Which is not a promise you make when C. To state that the peopleare guaran-
you become a US citizen? teed citizenship


A. Obey the laws of the US D. To limit the power of theKing John by
B. Be loyal to the US the English Nobles

C. Never leave the USA again 1208. Something you SHOULD do, like vote:
D. Give up loyalty to other countries
A. Personal
1203. Multiple cultures & cultural differences
that coexist B. Trait

A. Cultural diversity C. Duty

B. Subculture D. Responsibility

C. Multiculturalism 1209. Which of the following is a duty of citi-

D. Melting pot zens in a democracy?
A. obeying the law
1204. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr is known for
all of the following except what? B. going to college

A. Being a famous Reverend C. volunteering

B. Helping women gain suffrage D. campaigning

C. Being a Civil Rights leader 1210. Which branch of the government carries
D. Being an excellent orator out (enforces) the laws?
A. Judicial Branch
1205. The president is the Commander in Chief
of the B. Legislative Branch

A. Courts C. Treaty Branch

B. Legislature D. Executive Branch

C. Military 1211. What does the Constitution do? Check

D. People all.
A. Tells people what religion they must
1206. Which Amendment includes the right to practice
practice any or no religion at all?
B. sets up the government
A. First (1)
C. defines what the government can do
B. Second (2)
D. protects the rights of Americans
C. Eighteenth (18)
E. tells people where they can live
D. Twenty first (21)
1212. How many representatives are in
1207. What was the purpose of the Magna Congress?
A. 100
A. To declare our independencefrom
Great Britain B. 435

B. To set-up the first form ofgovernment C. 9

for the United States D. 50


1.19 Miscellenous 1000

1213. What do we call a change to the Consti- D. Article 3

1216. establishes that a person’s citizen-
A. amendment
ship at birth is the same as that of his or
B. bill her biological mother or father.
C. law A. law of blood
D. alteration B. law of soil
1214. The Federalist Papers supported the C. naturalization

passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name D. none of above
one of the writers.
A. James Madison 1217. The capital of the United States is
B. George Clark A. Washington, D.C.
C. Ronald Reagan B. Atlanta, Georgia
D. Abe Lincoln C. Jesup, Georgia

1215. Where are the terms of office, qualifica- D. none of above

tions and responsibilities of the a member
1218. Citizens MUST:
of the US Congress found in the US Consti-
tution A. recycle
A. Preamble B. donate money
B. Article 1 C. pay taxes
C. Article 2 D. none of above


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