Iaqvec2023 511
Iaqvec2023 511
Iaqvec2023 511
Chair' s Welcome 2
Plenary & Keynote Speech 4
Social Events 5
IAQVEC2023 Program Overview 6
Seminars/Workshops 8
Excursion 12
IAQVEC 2023 Committee Members 14
Conference:Access Map 18
Welcome Reception:Access Map 20
Banquet:Access and Floor Guide 21
Conference Venue Figure of Facility 24
Floor Map:Conference Tower 6F 25
Floor Map:Conference Tower 7F 26
Chair̕s Welcome
We are happy to inform you that the 11th Interna- Welcome to IAQVEC2023, the 11th International
tional conference on indoor air quality, ventila- Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation
tion & energy conservation in buildings (IAQVEC and Energy Conservation in Buildings. In modern
2023), will be held in Tokyo, May 20-23, 2023. life, people spend about 90% of their lives
IAQVEC is well-established conference series, and indoors. The indoor environment is especially
the first IAQVEC conference was held in Montreal important for improving the health, comfort, and
in 1992. The conferences cover a wide range of productivity. Efforts need to be directed towards
key research areas with the goal of simultane- reducing the energy of the building without
ously improving indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and energy efficiency compromising the quality of the indoor environment. We need scientific
enhancing well-being and sustainability. evidence to clarify the impact of the indoor environment in terms of both
With more than 510 abstract submissions and over 370 accepted papers health and productivity. On 2015 Paris agreement mentioned that its goal
from 49 countries, IAQVEC2023 is one of the largest Japanese conferences is to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius,
related to the built-environment during this decade and the first full- compared to pre-industrial levels. Energy demand is projected to rise in the
fledged international conference in person in Japan since COVID-19 started. Asian region due to economic development. About one-third of the world' s
The conference theme is “FOR FUTURE SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY.” There are greenhouse gas emissions are in the building sector, including housing.
two plenary speeches related to Carbon Neutral policy and Climate Change, Human-centered research is needed to solve these problems. Let us use the
and four keynote speeches on the latest topics about the built-environment. latest technology and findings to contribute to the realization of climate
We have organized 83 oral sessions, 2 poster sessions, and 6 seminars/ neutrality and a comfortable and healthy environment. A healthy, smart,
workshops. and interactive build environment is a key topic of IAQVEC2023. We hope
We look forward to welcoming you to an inspiring, educational, and enjoy- there will be fruitful discussions in Tokyo.
able conference.
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Dr. Lori McElroy 22 May Location:GRAND NIKKO TOKYO DAIBA B1F “Palais Royal”
Professor at the University of Strathclyde
Immediate Past President of IBPSA
Building Performance Simulation: Challenges and opportunities in a changing Closing & General Assembly
Time:16:40, 23 May Tuesday
Location:Tokyo Big Sight 7F International Conference Hall
Dr. Carsten Rode 22 May
Professor at Technical University of Denmark
President of IABP
Contribution of Building Physics to Future Sustainable Society
Scan here for more information:
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Place : Room H (604) at 6th floor, Conference Tower, Tokyo Big Sight COVID-19, different strategies were implemented to support health services.
Particularly, several institutions explored N95 filtering facepieces (N95
Seminar: Healthy Indoor Environment in Extreme Climate Regions FFRs) decontamination and reuse methods, which must be carefully con-
Chaired by Dr. Boualem Ouazia 15:10-16:10, 21 May sidered as they are essential to the comfort and safety of healthcare work-
ers. In addition, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
Achieving acceptable and healthy indoor environment in residential and can play a significant role in mitigating airborne virus transmission. Ultravi-
commercial buildings located in extreme climate regions (Arctic, Tropic, olet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), a feature that can be incorporated into
Desert, etc.) is a big challenge. Hot climates require energy efficient cooling HVAC systems, can be used to impede the ability of viruses to replicate and
systems, humid climates require efficient control of indoor humidity, and infect a host. Since COVID, studies have been conducted to better under-
cold climates require energy efficient heating systems and frost-resilient stand the in-duct UVGI system in terms of working mechanisms, designs,
ventilation systems to achieve required ventilation and avoid deterioration and applications. New scientific knowledge from COVID-19 will provide
of the indoor air quality (IAQ) and its impact on health of occupants. Tech- guidance against future pandemics.
nologies deployed in these regions are often not designed or certified for
operation in extreme climates, leading to problems/failure and/or under High School Session
performance. Novel technologies designed and certified for operation in ex- Organized by UTokyoGSC (Global Science Campus) 15:30-16:30, 22 May
treme climate regions are needed with evidence of their performance and Presented by Japanese high school students who support the future.
resiliency in each extreme climate. This seminar will present research on
the challenges faced by buildings in extreme climates in terms of energy UTokyoGSC is a program for fostering innovative human resources in the
efficiency, indoor air quality (IAQ) and indoor environment quality (IEQ), science and technology fields who can help design future societies with a
novel technologies and solutions. global perspective. In the program, highly motivated high school students
conduct research at the University of Tokyo. Here, they present the results
Seminar: COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: Masking and UVGI for of research activities for eight months.
airborne risk reduction ・Development of a Method for Measuring and Visualizing the Concentra-
Chaired by Dr. Lexuan Zhong 16:30-17:30, 21 May
tion of Aerosol Particles Using Flame Photometry
・How does temperature shift in embryogenesis cause left-right reversal?
As we entered the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SARS-CoV-2 ・Effects of Ozone on Honey Bee Pheromone 〜 Elucidation of Correlation
virus, capable of transmitting via an aerosol route, continues to evolve. Due with Colony Collapse Disorder 〜
to the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) at the beginning of
8 9
Workshop: Occupant targeted ventilation for reduction of energy use late matter and gaseous pollutants from the air.
in buildings In IEA-EBC annex 78 a new test method for gas phase air cleaners using
Chaired by Dr. Arsen Melikov 16:50-17:50, 22 May perceived air quality is proposed. This workshop presents a general over-
view of gas phase air cleaning technologies, how to measure perceived air
The ventilation performance can be improved by properly designed and quality and an introduction to a new test method.
controlled air distribution in spaces with reduced energy consumption. The
objective of the workshop is to present and discuss several advanced air Workshop: IEA ESTCP Annex37, Open questions and experience-
distribution methods leading to a substantial reduction in energy use in based perspectives concerning smart design and control
spaces. The performance of the methods will be compared against mixing of energy storage systems
air distribution. Smart sensing technologies for identifying occupants’ needs Chaired by Dr. Maria Ferrara and Dr. Alireza Afshari 14:10-15:10, 23 May
will also be introduced. The presented work is part of a new REHVA Guide
on Occupant targeted ventilation, planned to be finished in 2023. With the support of international renowned experts involved in the IEA
ESTCP Annex 37 (smart design and control of energy storage systems)
Workshop: Can gas phase air cleaning technology partly substitute activities, the workshop is intended to provide an overview on latest
for required ventilation? research achievements, in order to highlight their potential for transitioning
Chaired by Dr. Bjarne Olesen and Dr. Alireza Afshari 13:00-14:00, 23 May to extensive application in real word, and insights on criticalities open
issues, in order to delineate future research trends and perspectives. For
Indoor air pollution is a complex issue involving a number of different these reasons, participation of delegates from both research and industry is
factors such as the interaction between indoor and outdoor air, emissions welcome.
from buildings materials, and human activities. Therefore, improving indoor The discussion will be driven by some critical questions related to smart
air quality to make our buildings healthier and more productive is an impor- design and control of thermal and electrical energy storages at multiple
tant issue. Thus, measures to reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants and scales.
potential adverse health effects generally fall into three main categories: Experts will be invited to provide their answers with a format based on
source control, ventilation control, and removal control. experience gained through case-study applications. Also, the participation
Air cleaners use different technologies to remove airborne gaseous pollut- of the audience to the discussion will be encouraged using interactive tools
ants. Gaseous pollutants include volatile organic compounds, carbon mon- to collect opinions, experiences and questions arising during the discussion
oxide, nitrogen oxide, aldehydes and emission from humans (bio effluents). in real time.
Portable air cleaners use several types of technologies to remove particu-
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The excursion trip is carried out in the morning on 24 May, the next day of DaiyaGate Ikebukuro is the first tall office building in Japan, spanning over
the conference. It will feature award-winning buildings and research the railway tracks. This building features a new combination HVAC system
facilities in Japan which incorporate the latest technology related to indoor of central AHU and the perimeter through-wall units, utilizing exhaust heat
environment quality, ventilation, and energy conservation. Attendees may recovery for a high-rise building to achieve independent cooling/heating
choose between the Tokyo metro course, visiting zero energy office plus ventilation, in consideration with comfort and good air quality. Besides,
buildings, Shinryo Shinjo Building and DaiyaGate Ikebukuro (which both the complex heat source system using a heat storage water tank for
won ASHRAE first place technology award) within Tokyo, or the Research resiliency and ecology has been used to level the load and reduce peak
Lab course, touring the Takasago Innovation Center in Tsukuba-mirai city. demand. This system, by successful integrative
Meeting Place: The entrance hall at Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba Hotel design achieved a healthy building that com-
Meeting Time : 8:45am, 24 May (Buses leave at 9:00am) bines energy conservation, resilience and indoor
environmental comfort, considering the health
Tokyo metro course of the occupants and operational management.
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Bruno Peurtier (France) Akashi Mochida (Japan) Ryuichiro Yoshie (Japan) Kerry Kinney (US)
Monika Woloszyn (France) Yoshihisa Momoi (Japan) Hajime Yoshino (Japan) John Little (US)
Qingyan Chen (Hong Kong) Masashi Momota (Japan) Wonjun Choi (Korea) Xiauyu Liu (US)
Yuguo Li (Hong Kong) Taro Mori (Japan) Jae-Weon Jeong (Korea) Andrew Persily (US)
Jian-lei Niu (Hong Kong) Tatsuo Nagai (Japan) Sumin Kim (Korea) John Zhai (US)
Manoj Kumar Singh (India) Katsunori Nagano (Japan) Taeyeon Kim (Korea) Jensen Zhang (US)
Stefano Corgnati (Italy) Akihiro Nagata (Japan) Yujin Nam (Korea)
FranscescaRomana d'Ambrosio (Italy) Daisaku Nishina (Japan) Cheol Soo Park (Korea)
Enrico Fabrizio (Italy) Tatsuo Nobe (Japan) Doosam Song (Korea)
Marco Perino (Italy) Daisuke Ogura (Japan) Minki Sung (Korea)
Yasunori Akashi (Japan) Masaya Okumiya (Japan) Madhavi Indraganti (Kuwait)
Tomoyuki Chikamoto (Japan) Akihito Ozaki (Japan) Sheikh Ahmad Zaki (Malaysia)
Tomonobu Goto (Japan) Masaya Saito (Japan) Bert Blocken (Netherland)
Aya Hagishima (Japan) Tomonori Sakoi (Japan) Wim Zeiler (Netherland)
Yasuhiro Hamada (Japan) Yoshiyuki Shimoda (Japan) Moon Keun Kim (Norway)
Asako Hasegawa (Japan) Yashuyuki Shiraishi (Japan) Chandra Sekhar (Singapore)
Kenichi Hasegawa (Japan) Masanori Shukuya (Japan) Kwok wai Tham (Singapore)
Hirofumi Hayama (Japan) Daisuke Sumiyoshi (Japan) Ivo Martinac (Sweden)
Tatsuya Hayashi (Japan) Satoru Takada (Japan) Sasan Sadrizadeh (Sweden)
Satoru Iizuka (Japan) Hiroto Takaguchi (Japan) Fujen Wang (Taiwan)
Toshiharu kaga (Japan) Hideki Takebayashi (Japan) Tsay Yaw-Shyan (Taiwan)
Go Iwashita (Japan) Hideki Tanaka (Japan) Ruchi Choudhary (UK)
Naoki Kagi (Japan) Jun Tanimoto (Japan) Pieter De Wilde (UK)
Takao Katsura (Japan) Yoshihide Tominaga (Japan) Parham Mizaei (UK)
Kouki Kikuta (Japan) Yoshihiro Toriumi (Japan) Susan Roaf (UK)
Sayaka Kindaichi (Japan) Hitomi Tsustumi (Japan) Sally Shahzad (UK)
Hikaru Kobayashi (Japan) Kazuyo Tsuzuki (Japan) William P. Bahnfleth (US)
Tomohiro Kobayashi (Japan) Hirofumi Watanabe (Japan) Wenhao Chen (US)
Sihwan Lee (Japan) Toshio Yamanaka (Japan) Joon-Ho Choi (US)
Eunsu Lim (Japan) Noriyoshi Yokoo (Japan) Bach Chrsitian (US)
Masayuki Mae (Japan) Gyuyoung Yoon (Japan) Bing Dong (US)
Yukihiro Masuda (Japan) Shinji Yoshida (Japan) Steven Emmerich (US)
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Conference Tower 1F
Alternatively, you may take “Yurikamome Line ” from Tokyo Big Sight Station to
Daiba Station (8 minutes / 4 stations / JPY260).
22 23
Room C Room D
Session S Ⅲ Session S Ⅳ
(607) (608)
Room A Room B
Session S Ⅰ Session S Ⅱ
(605) (606)
Room G Room H
Staff Room
Session S Ⅶ Session S Ⅷ
(601) (604)
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