Instructions: Answer Any Four Que"stions From Part - 8 in Detalf. Different Sub-Parts of A Question Are To Be Attempted Adjacent
Instructions: Answer Any Four Que"stions From Part - 8 in Detalf. Different Sub-Parts of A Question Are To Be Attempted Adjacent
Instructions: Answer Any Four Que"stions From Part - 8 in Detalf. Different Sub-Parts of A Question Are To Be Attempted Adjacent
Total Pages : 2
Data Analysis·using Python (PCC-IT-601}
Time: 3 Hours . Max. Marks:7S
instructions: 1. It fs compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks each) of Part -A fn short.
2, Answer any four que"stions from Part -8 In detalf.
3. Different sub-parts ofa question are to be attempted adjacent to each other
(b) Mention the use of the split and-join function in Python. (1.5)
Q4 (a) Differentiate decorators and closures? How are higher order functions used? (7.5)
(b) How will yoll create a dataframe from numpy arrays, list of lists, dictionary? (7 .5)
QS (a) Define the terin Data wrangling. Explain the steps needed to perform data (7.5)
wrangling. .
(b) How packing and unpacltjng is performed on tuples and dictionaries? (7.5)
Q6 (a) Compare bar graph,. box-plot and ~lstogram with respect to their (7.5)
applicability in data visualization.?
(b) What are list comprehensions? How are these different from generators? (7.5)
• Which one is faster between these two? ·
Q7 Discuss the following methods associated with the file object (15)
a) pickle b) dump c)strlp d)split e) Write a program to copy all the
content of one file to another file in uppercase.