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Electrical and Electronics Engineering HOD Profile Min

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1. Name and full correspondence address: Dr. M.

Padma Lalitha
Professor & HOD
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department
AITS, Rajampet
PIN– 516 126
Andhra Pradesh, India
2. Email(s) and contact number(s) padmalalitha.mareddy@gmai.com,

3. Institution Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Rajampet

4. Date of Birth 04/07/1972

5. Gender (M/F/T) F

6. Category Gen/SC/ST/OBC Gen

7. Whether differently abled (Yes/No) No

8. Academic Qualification (Undergraduate Onwards)

Degree Year Subject University/Institution % of marks

Soft Computing Techniques for Sri Venkateswara University
1. Ph.D 2011 optimal DG Placement in RDS College of Engineering, ----
Sri Venkateswara University
Power System Operation &
2. M.Tech 2002 College of Engineering,
Control 86.2
JNTU College of
Electrical & Electronics
3. B.Tech 1994 Engineering, 72.3

9. Ph.D thesis title, Guide’s Name, Institute/Organization/University, Year of Award.

Ph.D thesis title :Soft Computing Techniques for optimal DG Placement in RDS
Guide’s Name : Dr. V.C.Veera Reddy
University : Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati
Year of Award : 2011

10. Work experience (in chronological order).

S.No. Positions held Name of the Institute From To

1 Assistant Professor 22/10/1999 31/3/2005
2 Associate Professor 01/04/ 2005 31/11/2005
Institute of
Associate Professor
Technology & 01/12/ 2005 12/042011
3 & HOD
Sciences, Rajampet
4 Professor & HOD 13/04/2011 To Till Date
11. Professional Recognition/ Award/ Prize/ Certificate, Fellowship received by the applicant.
S. No Name of Award Awarding Agency Year
Best Teacher in Electrical
1. ISTE AP 2018
2. IEEE – Senior Member IEEE 2018
3. IE- Fellow IEI 2017

12. Publications (List of papers published in SCI Journals, in year wise descending order).
Author(s) Title Name of Journal Volume Page Year
Padma Lalitha
Mareddy, Optimum scheduling of
Sivarami Reddy machines, automated guided
Narapureddy, vehicles and tools without
Concurrency and 0.100
1 Venkata tool delay in a multi‐machine Preprint 2022
Computation 2/cpe.
Ramamurthy flexible manufacturing
Dwivedula, system using symbiotic
 Prahlada Rao organisms search algorithm
Enhancement of Voltage
Profile in the Distribution
system by Reconfiguring
Mareddy Padma pp.
with DG placement using Alexandria
2 Lalitha, Ali Shaik, 61(5), 4081- 2022
Equilibrium Optimizer: Engineering Journal
M., Visali, N 4093
Enhancement of voltage
profile in the distribution
Lalitha, M.P, Minimizing the total pp.
Reddy, N.S., completion time on a multi- Soft Computing 1437-
3 26(3), 2022
Ramamurthy, machine FMS using flower 1458
D.V., Rao, K.P. pollination algorithm
Simultaneous scheduling of
M. Padma Lalitha, machines and tools in a multi
sivarami reddy N, machine FMS with Journal of Engineering
4 online rg/10. 2021
S.P.Pandey, alternative routing using Research
G.S.Venkatesh symbiotic organisms search
Simultaneous Scheduling of
Padma Lalitha, M.,
Machines and Tools in a Journal of Advanced
Sivarami Reddy,
5 Multi-Machine FMS with Manufacturing
Alternate Machines Using Systems
Ramamurthy, D.V
Crow Search Algorithm
Performance analysis of
hybrid techniques for
Mareddy Padma evaluation of power
Transactions on 31(11)
6 Lalitha, Ali Shaik, transmission cost and loss 2021
Electrical Energy
M., Visali, N allocation based on
transmission reliability
Lalitha, M.P.,
Neural network based MPPT
Srinivasan, S., pp.
control with reconfigured International Journal
Tiwari, R., 6709-
7 quadratic boost converter for of Hydrogen Energy 46(9), 2021
Krishnamoorthy, 6719
fuel cell application
Raj, K.K.
Integrated simultaneous
Padma Lalitha, M., scheduling of machines,
Reddy, N.S., automated guided vehicles Journal of Industrial
8 Ramamurthy, and tools in multi machine and Production 2021
D.V., flexible manufacturing Engineering
Prahlada Rao, K. system using symbiotic
organisms search algorithm
A novel control approach for
Padma Lalitha, M.,
damping of resonance in a pp.
Hema Kesavulu, International Journal
grid interfaced inverter 1607-
9 O., of Ambient Energy 42(14), 2021
system-fuzzy control 1614
Sekhar Dash, S.,
Chellammal, N.
Practical simultaneous
Lalitha, M.P., International Journal
scheduling of machines, pp.
Reddy, N.S., of Computer
AGVs, tool transporter and 153-
10 Ramamurthy, Integrated 34(2), 2021
tools in a multi machine FMS 174
D.V., Manufacturing
using symbiotic organisms
Rao, K.P.
search algorithm
Lalitha, M.P.,
Integrated scheduling of International Journal
Reddy, N.S., pp.
machines, AGVs and tools in of Computer
11 Ramamurthy, 32(11), 1117- 2019
multi-machine FMS using Integrated
D.V., 1133
crow search algorithm Manufacturing
Rao, K.P.

13. Detail of patents.

S. Patent Title Name of Applicant(s) Patent No. Award Agency/ Status
No Date Country
1 Driver Dr. Mareddy Padma Lalitha, 202022100928. Germany Filed on
performance Dr.Nallaperumal Chellammal, 7 18/02/2
scoring smart Dr.N. Sivarami Reddy, 022
system and safety- Dr.Oruganti Hemakesavulu,
warning with Dr. Kanasottu Anil Naik,
Accident Dr. Girish Kumar Sharma,
proneness filtering Dr. Subramanian Saravanan,
using Machine Mr. Kannadasan Balakrishnan,
Learning Dr. Prabhat Kumar Srivastava,
Mr.Pankaj Negi,
Dr Barinderjit Singh,
Dr. Pratap Patil
2 Over voltage and Ayes Chinmay India Published
under voltage Dr. M Pala Prasad Reddy (50/2021)
protection Prof.(Dr.) B.K. Sarkar 202231004894
notification using Mr. Pawan Kumar Singh
ML and IoT based Dr. M. Padma Lalitha
system Dr. U. Ramesh Babu
3 Internet of Things Dr. M. Padma Lalitha 202141052141 India Published
based automatic Akanksha Vyas (50/2021)
railway gate Dr. U. Ramesh Babu
controller Mr. Rushikesh Shantaram
Prof. Nalin B. Dev Choudhury
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Rushali R. Thakkar
4 System and a Dr.K.Vaisakh 202041055437 India Published
method for an Dr. M. Padma Lalitha (52/2020)
intelligent/ Dr.P.Balachennaiah
automatic tuning of Dr. K. Amaresh
power converter of S. Muqthiar Ali
electric vehicle for Dr.S.Jeyasudha
charging the
battery thereof
5 EVM- control: Dr. M. Padma Lalitha 201941040658 India Published
electric vehicle Sivakumar N S (42/2019)
controlling system Dr. B. Venkatesh
using BEAGLE Dr. Velmurugan P
BONE BLACK Prof. Santosh Gopal Nagpure
REV C (4G) Dr. L . Priya
Dr. Usha Batra
14. Books/Reports/Chapters/General articles etc.
S.No Title Author’s Name Publisher Year of
1 DG Placement using GA Dr. M. Padma LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012
and PSO Lalitha Germany
ISBN- 978-3-659-
2 Hybrid Approach for Dr. M. Padma LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013
DG Placement- for loss Lalitha Germany
reduction and
improvement of
ISBN- 978-3-659-
Edited Books
3 Proceedings of NCES- Dr. M. Padma Excellect Publishors, New Delhi 2021
21 – Lalitha,
ISBN- 978-93-81583- Dr.O.Hemakeasavul
72-2. u
Dr. P.Gopi
4 Proceedings of Dr. M. Padma Excellect Publishors, New Delhi 2016
NCRAIPES-16 Lalitha,
ISBN- 978-93-84935- Dr.O.Hemakeasavul
88-7. u
Mr S.Muquthiar Ali
5 Proceedings of NCES- Dr. M. Padma Excellect Publishors, New Delhi 2014
14 Lalitha,
R.Madan Mohan
6 Dr. M. Padma Excellect Publishors, New Delhi 2012
Proceedings of NCES- Lalitha,
12 Dr.O.Hemakeasavul

Book Chapters
7 Novel ANN Based Jarugumalli Ramya Springer, Singapore 2021
MPPT Control Strategy Grahitha, Lecture Notes in Electrical
for Hybrid PV/Wind and M. Padma Lalitha & Engineering book series
Diesel Generator System Suresh Srinivasan On Intelligent Technologies and
Online ISBN
Print ISBN
8 Modeling and M. Padma Lalitha, Springer, Singapore 2021
Simulation of Automatic J. Jayakrishna & Part of the Studies in Computational
Centralized Micro Grid P. Suresh Babu Intelligence book series on
Controller Intelligent Technologies and
9 Effect of Load Model Mareddy Padma Springer, Singapore 2019
and Load Level on DG Lalitha & Lecture Notes in Electrical
Placement by Crow Oruganti Engineering, vol 569.
Search Algorithm Hemakesavulu Online ISBN978-981-13-8942-9

10 Two Loop PI Controlled P. Bhaskara Prasad Springer, Singapore 2019

Cascaded Re-Boost M. Padma Lalitha Lecture Notes in Electrical
Seven Level Inverter B. Sarvesh Engineering, vol 569.
Fed Induction Motor Online ISBN978-981-13-8942-9
System with Superior
Dynamic Response

15. Any other Information (maximum 500 words)

Consultancy works undertaken:

S.No Title Agency Year Period Grant/Amount Status

Mobilized (Rs)
1 Academic Eddirs 2019 1 year Rs 2, 50,000 Completed
Resource Innovative
Planning App solutions
2 Rectification of M/S Jai 2020 6 Rs 3, 42,000 Completed
capacitor bank Bajrang Pump months
tripping with Company
power quality
3 Power VI Solutions, 2021 6 Rs 2, 83,000 Completed
Optimization in Bangalore months
Wireless network

Administrative Experience & Curriculum Development:

 Heading the Department of EEE, AITS from Dec, 2005.
 Member of Governing Body of the institute
 Member of Academic Council of the institute.
 Member of Finance Committee of the Institute.
 Chairman, Board of Studies for EEE Department of AITS, Rajampet.
 Member, Board of Studies, Department of EEE for JNTUA, Ananthapuramu.
 Handled Smart grid Technologies subject for research scholars of JNTUA, Ananthapuramu
 Developed Handouts & active learning teaching plans for the Control Systems, Smart grid
Technologies , Electrical Circuits , Design of Solar PV plant for your own home, Matlab
Programming- An introduction and Matlab & Simulink- An introduction.
Achievements & Awards :
 Received ISTE AP section “Best Teacher in Electrical Engineering” for the year 2018.
 All India Topper of the NPTEL online Course “Introduction to Smart Grid”.
 All India Topper of the NPTEL online Course “Advanced Linear Continuous Control
Systems: Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink”.
 Got 4 best paper awards.
 Google Scholar H-Index-12, I10-Index-14
 Research Gate Score 9.9 & H-index-7.
 Publications have about 640 citations.
 Published 3 patents.
 Consultancy projects -3
 Review Member for SCI and reputed International Journals like International Journal of
Electric Power Components and Systems (T&F Publication), Journal of Electronics
Systems, IET generation, transmission and distribution etc.
 Editorial board member for reputed International Journals.
 Organizing Chair and resource person for AICTE-ISTE sponsored one week online
induction/Refresher Program on “Challenges and opportunities in Electrical Vehicle
 Coordinator and resource person for AICTE sponsored STTP on “Energy
Management & control System for smart renewable energy remote power generation”
for 4 phases.
 Organizing Chair for 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Soft
Computing (CISC-2019)-
 Publication Chair for 2nd International Conference on Science, Engineering and
Mathematics (ICACM-2020)-
 Publication chair and Session Chair for IEEE International Conference ICACT in 2013.
 Session Chair for International Conference ICECE organized by IRAJ on 14th July 2013
 Technical Program Committee member for First International Online Conference on
 Computing 2011 (IIOCC 2011), September 23-25,2011, organized by Masaum Network.
 Chairperson for National Student Seminar EEL-12 & EEL-16 organized by JNTUACEP,

Professional Body Membership : Senior Member IEEE, Fellow IEI, Member ISTE, Member
Curriculum Development :

CV Links:
Vidwan - https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/myprofile
Vidwan-ID : 218218
Scopus ID - 57201835524
Researcher ID - K-4500-2019
Orcid ID - 0000-0003-0742-2217
Google scholar
Google Scholar Id - hYCfKL0AAAAJ
European Union Expert
EU Expert ID - EX2022D546714

Ph.D Scholars Guiding : 03 (2 Submitted)

M.Tech Projects Guided : 21
Events Organized :
I. Technical : 32
II. Non-Technical : 12

Technical Events Organized :

Guest Lectures/ Invited Lectures Delivered :

Sl. Title of Lecture Title of Organized by

No. Conference/Seminar
1 Design & Installation of Guest Lecture Krishna Engineering
Solar PV for your home College, Ghajiabad
2 Soft computing Techniques FDP on Smartgrid SRM University, Chennai
in Smartgrid
3 Introduction to smartgrid Guest Lecture JNTU college of
Engineering Ananthapur,
4 Application of nature AICTE sponsored STTP AITS,Rajampet
inspired algorithms for DG on Energy management
placement and control system for
smart renewable energy
remote power generation

5 Application of Artificial Recent trends in FACTS AITS,Rajampet

Intelligence to Power Controller
6 Soft Computing Techniques Recent Trends in AITS,Rajampet
for Optimization Manufacturing Systems-
An AICTE Sponsored
One Week national level
staff development
7 DG- A new paradigm of Technical Lecture IE, Kadapa Local Center
power systems
8 Application of PSO for Loss AIPS- An AICTE AITS,Rajampet
reduction in RDS Sponsored One Week
national level staff
development program
9 Application of Soft- AIPS- A One day AITS,Rajampet
computing to RDS national level staff
development program
10 Key note address National level student JNTUACEP,Pulivendula
conference EEL 2k12
11 Distributed Generation Guest Lecture AITS,Tirupati
12 Distribution system losses Guest Lecture MITS,Udayagiri

Seminars /Workshops/Conferences Attended:

Workshops : 16
Conferences : 25
In addition during this pandemic period completed 27 courses in coursera.

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