MIS Final
MIS Final
MIS Final
Figure 9-2 provides a simplified illustration of Nike’s supply chain for sneakers; it shows the
flow of information and materials among suppliers, Nike, and Nike’s distributors, retailers, and
customers. Nike’s contract manufacturers are its primary suppliers. The suppliers of soles,
eyelets, uppers, and laces are the secondary (Tier 2) suppliers. Suppliers to these suppliers are
the tertiary (Tier 3) suppliers.
Upstream: The upstream portion of the supply chain includes the company’s suppliers, the
suppliers’ suppliers, and the processes for managing relationships with them.
Downstream: The downstream portion consists of the organizations and processes for
distributing and delivering products to the final customers.
Companies doing manufacturing, such as Nike’s contract suppliers of sneakers, also manage
their own internal supply chain processes for transforming materials, components, and services
furnished by their suppliers into finished products or intermediate products (components or
parts) for their customers and for managing materials and inventory.
Inefficiencies in the supply chain, such as
➢ Parts shortages,
➢ Underutilized plant capacity,
➢ Excessive finished goods inventory,
➢ High transportation costs, are caused by inaccurate or untimely information.
For example, manufacturers may keep too many parts in inventory because they do not know
exactly when they will receive their next shipments from their suppliers. Suppliers may order
too few raw materials because they do not have precise information on demand. These supply
chain inefficiencies waste as much as 25 percent of a company’s operating costs.
Just-in-time Strategy: If a manufacturer had perfect information about exactly how many units
of product customers wanted, when they wanted them, and when they could be produced.
It would be possible to implement a highly efficient just-in-time strategy. Components would
arrive exactly at the moment they were needed and finished goods would be shipped as they left
the assembly line.
Safety Stock: In a supply chain, however, uncertainties arise because many events cannot be
foreseen uncertain product demand, late shipments from suppliers, defective parts or raw
materials, or production process breakdowns.
To satisfy customers, manufacturers often deal with such uncertainties and unforeseen events by
keeping more material or products in inventory actually need. The safety stock acts as a buffer
for the lack of flexibility in the supply chain. Although excess inventory is expensive, low fill
rates are also costly because business may be lost from canceled orders.
Bullwhip Effect: One recurring problem in supply chain management is the bullwhip effect, in
which information about the demand for a product gets distorted as it passes from one entity to
the next across the supply chain.
The bullwhip is tamed by reducing uncertainties about demand and supply when all members of
the supply chain have accurate and up-to-date information. If all supply chain members share
dynamic information about inventory levels, schedules, forecasts, and shipments, they have
more precise knowledge about how to adjust their sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution
Supply chain software is classified as either software to help businesses plan their supply chains
(supply chain planning) or software to help them execute the supply chain steps (Supply chain
1. Supply Chain Planning Systems:
Supply chain planning systems enable firms to:
• To model its existing supply chain
• Generate demand forecasts for products
• Develop optimal sourcing and manufacturing plans.
• Share information about changes easier and faster so work can be better coordinated.
• Determining how much of a specific product to manufacture in a given time period.
• Establishing inventory levels for raw materials, intermediate products and finished goods.
• Determine where to store finished goods;
• Identifying the transportation mode to use for product delivery
• Develop better demand planning that matches production closer with customer demands.
Demand Planning: Demand planning which determines how much product a business needs to
make to satisfy all of its customers’ demands.
2. Supply Chain Execution Systems:
• Manage the flow of products through distribution centers
• Coordinate activities with supply chain partners.
• Warehouses to ensure that products are delivered to the right locations in the most
efficient manner.
• Handle complex interdependencies among various supply chain processes.
• Track the physical status of goods, the management of materials, warehouse and
transportation operations, and financial information involving all parties.
Q. Demand-Driven Supply Chains: Push-Based Supply Model V/s Pull-Based
Supply Model:
Push-Based Supply Model:
Earlier supply chain management systems were driven by a push-based model. It’s also known
as build-to-stock. In Push-Based Model, production master schedules are based on forecast or
best guesses of demand for products and products are pushed to the customer by the
Pull-Based Supply Model:
With new flows of information made possible by web tools, supply chain management more
easily follows a pull-based model. It also known as a demand-driven model or build-to-order.
Pull-Based Model depend on actual customer orders or purchase before the manufacturer
commit to building the product or providing the service.
CRM systems gather customer information from all corners of a business, consolidate the
information and then provide it to all of the organization’s customer touch points. By offering a
consolidated viewpoint of the customer to these touch points, a company can cater to the
customer that offers the most profitability.
This process map shows how a best practice for promoting customer loyalty through customer
service would be modeled by customer relationship management software. Directly servicing
customers provides firms with opportunities to increase customer retention by singling out
profitable long-term customers for preferential treatment. CRM software can assign each
customer a score based on that person’s value and loyalty to the company and provide that
information to help call centers route each customer’s service request to agents who can best
handle that customer’s needs. The system would automatically provide the service agent with a
detailed profile of that customer that includes his or her score for value and loyalty. The service
agent would use this information to present special offers or additional service to the customer
to encourage the customer to keep transacting business with the company.
It’s important to understand the difference between the operational and analytical aspects of
CRM systems.
Operational CRM includes everything a company should provide those employees who
interface directly or indirectly with the customer such as the sales force automation, call centers,
and customer support and marketing automation.
Analytical CRM includes applications that analyze customer data generated by operational
CRM applications to provide information for improving business performance. Analytical CRM
applications are based on data warehouses that consolidate the data from operational CRM
systems and customer touch points for use with online analytical processing (OLAP), data
mining, and other data analysis techniques.
One of the most important benefits of analytical CRM is the ability to determine the customer
lifetime value (CLTV).
Chapter 12 (Enhancing Decision Making)
There are different levels in an organization. Each of these levels has different information
requirements for decision support and responsibility for different types of decisions. Generally
there are three classifications of decisions:
1. Unstructured Decisions
2. Structured Decisions
3. Semistructured Decisions
1. Unstructured Decisions: Unstructured decisions are those in which the decision maker must
provide judgment, evaluation, and insight to solve the problem. Each of these decisions is
novel, important, and nonroutine, and there is no well-understood or agreed on procedure for
making them. Usually made at senior levels of management.
2. Structured Decisions: Structured decisions, by contrast, are repetitive and routine, and they
involve a definite procedure for handling them so that they do not have to be treated each time
as if they were new. Usually made at the lowest organizational levels.
3. Semistructured Decisions: Many decisions have elements of both types of decisions and are
semistructured, where only part of the problem has a clear-cut answer provided by an accepted
procedure. Usually made by middle managers.
➢ Senior Management: Senior executives face many unstructured decision situations, such
as establishing the firm’s five- or ten-year goals or deciding new markets to enter.
Answering the question “Should we enter a new market?” Makes decisions based on
internal business information but also external industry and society changes; decisions
affect long-term, strategic goals and the firm’s objectives.
➢ Middle Management: Decisions affect resource allocation, short-range plans and
performance of specific departments, task forces, teams, and special project groups. A
typical middle-level management decision might be “Why is the reported order
fulfillment report showing a decline over the past six months at a distribution center in
➢ Operational Management: Decisions affect subunits and individual employees
regarding the resources, schedules and personnel decisions for specific projects, specific
vendors, other employees and most importantly, the customer.
Making a decision is a multistep process. There are four different stages in decision making:
intelligence, design, choice, and implementation
1. System Analysis: Systems analysis is the analysis of a problem that a firm tries to solve with
an information system. The systems analysis also includes a feasibility study to determine
whether that solution is feasible, or achievable, from a financial, technical, and
organizational standpoint.
2. System Design: systems design shows how the system will fulfill this objective. The design
of an information System is the overall plan or model for that system. Like the blueprint of a
building or house, it consists of all the specifications that give the system its
form and structure.
3. Programming: During the programming stage, system specifications that were prepared
during the design stage are translated into software program code.
4. Testing: Exhaustive and thorough testing must be conducted to ascertain whether the
System produces the right results. Testing an information system can be broken down into
three types of activities unit testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.
Unit testing or program testing, consists of testing each program separately in the system.
System testing tests the functioning of the information system as a whole.
Acceptance testing provides the final certification that the system is ready to be used in a
production setting.
5. Conversion: Conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new system
de Four main conversion strategies can be employed: the parallel strategy, the direct cutover
strategy, the pilot study strategy, and the phased approach strategy.
In parallel strategy, both the old system and its potential replacement are rum together for a
time until everyone is assured that the new one functions correctly.
The direct cutover strategy replaces the old system entirely with the new system on
an appointed day.
the pilot study strategy introduces the new system to only a limited area of the organization,
such as a single department or operating unit.
The phased approach strategy introduces the new system in stages, either by functions or by
organizational units.
6. Production and Maintenance: After the new system is installed and conversion is
complete, the system is said to be in production. During this stage, the system will be
reviewed by both users and technical specialist. to determine how well it has met its original
objectives and to decide whether any revisions or modifications are in order.
Q. The Prototyping Process/Step
A four-step model of the prototyping process, which consists of the following:
Step 1: Identify the user’s basic requirements: The systems designer (usually an information
systems specialist) works with the user only long enough to capture the user's basic information
Step 2: Develop an initial prototype: The systems designer creates a working prototype quickly,
using tools for rapidly generating software.
Step 3: Use the prototype: The user is encouraged to work with the system to determine how
well the prototype meets his or her needs and to make suggestions for improving the prototype.
Step 4: Revise and enhance the prototype: The system builder notes all changes the user
requests and refines the prototype accordingly. After the prototype has been revised, the cycle
returns to Step 3. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until the user is satisfied.
Q. Advantages and Disadvantages of Prototyping
1. Prototyping is most useful when there is some uncertainty about requirements or design
2. often used for designing an information system's end-user interface (the part of the system
with which end users interact, such as online display and data entry screens, reports, or Web
3. more likely to produce systems that fulfill user requirements.
1. rapid prototyping can gloss over essential steps in systems development.
2. may not see the need for reprogramming, redesign, or full documentation and testing to build
a polished production system.
3.Some of these hastily constructed systems may not easily accommodate large quantities of
data or a large number of users in a production environment.
Q. RAD, JAD, Agile Definition
The term rapid application development (RAD) is used to describe this process of creating
workable systems in a very short period of time. RAD can include the use of visual
programming and other tools for building graphical user interfaces, iterative prototyping of key
system elements, the automation of program code generation, and close teamwork among end
users and information systems specialists.
joint application design (JAD) is used to accelerate the generation of information requirements
and to develop the initial systems design. JAD brings end users and information systems
specialists together in an interactive session to discuss the system's design.
Agile development focuses on rapid delivery of working software by breaking a large project
into a series of small subprojects that are completed in short periods of time using iteration and
continuous feedback.