Pampady Talk
Pampady Talk
Pampady Talk
Embracing a Culture
of Innovation
Prof P. I. John
Formerly Meghnad Saha Chair in Plasma
Science and Technology
What do we mean by Innovation?
Comes from the Latin ‘in’ ‘novare’: to create something new or to change something.
The building blocks of novel
How are Ideas technologies are themselves
Born? technologies. They, in turn,
become “building blocks for the
creation of still newer
technologies”. The result is
combinatorial evolution, which
differs from the Darwinian
variety. The evolution is
sustained by exploiting novel
Invention of the Light Bulb
How has wealth
grown over the
Ideas generate wealth.
GDP is a measure of
wealth. GDP has been
flat since the last 100,000
years. GDP burst up in
the last two centuries.
Watch the number of
things that have come
into existence in this
TAP and the Growth
of Human Habitats
This is also true for the size
of human habitats in the
last 300,000 years. The
horizontal line is the time
before the present, and the
vertical line is the logarithm
of the sizes of settlements.
Nothing happened for
290,000 years then it burst
Places where people gather provide environments that stimulate the creation of good ideas.
Cities provide a wealth of possibilities and promote exploring novel ways of combining them.
They provide environments that connect and remix the most valuable resource: information.
Coffee shops in England The sidewalk cafes of Paris Homebrew Computing Club
inspired the Enlightenment formed another nucleus in Silicon Valley was an
of the 17th century emergent platform
The World Wide Web is another platform made up of a large
number of interconnected computers where ideas collide,
recombine, and allow different disciplines to borrow from one
another. Most hotbeds of innovation have similar physical spaces:
Mathematician Henri Poincaré described the
creative process as a collision of ideas rising into
consciousness in crowds. Fluid environments
where ideas bubble up are where they flourish.
Managing Ideas
Corporations have recognised
the importance of ideas.
Management of ideas is
managing the process of
collecting and developing ideas
and insights to get the most out
of them. Evaluating and
prioritising ideas is an essential
component of idea
management. Finally, the
implementation of new ideas is
the most challenging aspect of
the management of ideas.
Melvin Anshen wrote with
remarkable foresight that a profound
change in top management’s primary task
is emerging due to the accelerating
dynamics of technologies, markets,
information systems, and social
expectations of business performance.
Apple’s strategy is a functional organization where experts
lead experts. Apple manages innovation through a cross-
functional Core Team of experts in multiple disciplines.
Is Innovation a Western
Innovation has shifted to the large
emerging economies of China, India,
and Brazil with a significant amount
of the innovation being frugal,
flexible, and inclusive.
Global Innovation Centres
GIC is a cross-disciplinary venture
created to uniquely combine :
Management Innovation
The Global Delivery Model (GDM)
break up the tasks, send them around the
world where the expertise and the cost
structure exist, and then specify the means for
reintegrating them.
A classic jugaad innovation is the
‘Mitti Cool’ cheap refrigerator,
developed by Mansukhlal Prajapati.
Prajapati was inspired to work on a
rural fridge that did not need
electricity to run, and that was
affordable for the masses. The
result was the Mitticool fridge
which launched in 2005. The
refrigerator is made from terracotta
clay. The top of the fridge is filled
with water, and then the contents
are cooled via the evaporation of
the water in the porous clay.
Jugaad Business Models
Jugaad concept is not confined to
products alone; it can be relevant to
services in a poor economy where the
cost associated with bridging the so-
called “last mile” problem is excessive.
Delivery of financial products to rural
Indians is another area. To set up a branch of a bank
in every one of the six lakh villages is expensive.
Jugaad Business Models
SELCO provides solar lighting to rural Indians. Hande
realized that his customers were daily wage earners
comfortable with small daily payments for the solar
power. He found a way to supply solar power daily at
the same price as kerosene.
Innovation in Medical Service Delivery
Dr V. Mohan, a
People from villages find it difficult to come to the diabetes specialist
city for treatment as this costs money and takes time
away from work in the fields. Dr. Mohan’s mobile
diabetes clinic travels from village to village.
Four future innovation trends
"Quantum innovation” is "out-of-the-box" thinking, the kind of change that is so
disruptive. This category includes all innovation efforts that signify a paradigm shift and
re-imagine our businesses from the bottom up.
"New organisational forms". Companies are saying goodbye to the old "9-to-5, Monday-
through-Friday" work environment. Many new firms don't even have an office: they are
fully virtual companies. Even those who seem more traditional are changing:
What are the Characteristics of Innovators?
“An innovation is a new or improved product or process (or combination thereof) that
differs significantly from the unit’s previous products or processes and that has been
made available to potential users (product) or brought into use by the unit (process).”
The National
Innovation Challenge
provides a 360-degree cycle of
learning and understanding
the process of innovation and
start-up. It is designed in a way
that; each team will traverse a
path from problem
identification and ideation to
building a business model and
finally entering the phase of
Enterprise development in a
time period of one year.
A Personal Example of
Plasma Torch
Large gas throughput required to stabilize the arc results in
product gas dilution and reduction in energy efficiency
35 % increase in pyrolysis
improves the heat
distribution in the primary
increases electrode life by
reducing the electrode
Endogenous Gas Fed Plasma Torch erosion rate.
We can all be Innovators
• Innovation means doing something new, different, and better
• At the root of innovation are ideas and we need to understand the importance of ideas,
where they come from and how to nurture them
• Ideas form in the brain. A new idea is a unique network of neurons firing in close association
inside your brain.
• Almost all the essential breakthrough ideas happened when people discussed their ideas in
meetings and conferences
• A particular idea will have similar ideas with slight variations in its neighbourhood. This
neighbourhood is called the adjacent possible.
• Places where people gather provide environments that stimulate the creation of good ideas.
• Management of ideas is managing the process of collecting and developing ideas and
insights to get the most out of them. This has become an important management function
demanding good strategies.
• In India, innovation is happening in both formal and informal spaces.
• Jugaad is a uniquely Indian way of frugal innovation