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CGR Final Report

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Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner

Academic Year: 2022 -2023

Micro Project


Program Code: Computer Technology Dept.

Course Name: Computer Graphics
Course Code:22318

Submitted by
Roll No. – 60 Name. – Saurabh jagtap
Roll No. – 61 Name. – Rushikesh khad
Roll No. – 64 Name. – Karan pawar
Roll No. – 65 Name. – Atul raut
Roll No._ 66 Name. _ Om dighe

Submitted to


This is to certify that Mr. / Ms.____________________________________

Roll No. __ of Third Semester Diploma in Computer Technology Dept.

(CM3I) of Amrutvahini Polytechnic (0080) has completed the Micro project

satisfactory in Subject Computer Graphics (22318) for the academic year 2022

to 2023 as prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.

Place: Sangamner Enrolment No.: ____________________

Date: ___________________ Exam Seat No.: ____________________

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Amrutvahini Sheti and Shikshan Vikas Sanstha
Amrutvahini Polytechnic Sangamner

This is to certify that
Roll. No Enrollment.No Name
60 2200800867 Saurabh Jagtap
61 2100800860 Rushikesh Khade
64 2200800868 Karan Pawar
65 2100800862 Karan Pawar
66 2100800186 Om Dighe

Has satisfactorily. Completed micro project.

“Process Of Tree Growth”
As prescribed by MSBTE as part of syllabus for the particle fulfilment in
diploma in computer technology for academic year 2022 – 2023.

(Guide) (H.O.D)
Ms. Prof.Kale Sir
Report of Micro Project
“Process Of Tree Growth”

1.0 Rationale – Here, we are going to show the process of tree growth in computer
graphics. In this, we will using OpenGL functions to show the process of tree growth.
This package is based on the OpenGL library functions. The programming language is
used here is C.

2.0 Aim of Micro-Project – To Show The Process Of Tree Growth.

3.0 Course Outcome Addressed -

CI303.1 Recognize2 the basic visual and geometric information of images and draw basic
graphics shape using C program
CI303.2 Implement3 standard algorithm to draw various graphics object using C program.
CI303.3 Implement3 a program for Transformation, & Use projection to visualize object
CI303.4 Use3 various clipping algorithm to clip the object
CI303.5 Use3 various curve generation algorithm to generate curve

4.0 Literature Review –

In C graphics, the graphics.h functions are used to draw different shapes like circles, rectangles, etc,
display text(any message) in a different format (different fonts and colors). By using the functions in
the header graphics.h, programs, animations, and different games can also be made. The program is
done by using ‘stdio.h’,’conio.h’,’math.h’,’dos.h’ and ‘graphics.h’ header file.in this program the
function is used to show the process of tree growth. Header file to draw a line. Here x1, y1 is the first
coordinates of the line, and x2, y2 are the second coordinates of the line respectively.

circle(x, y, r): It is a function provided by graphics.h header file to draw a circle. The x, y are the
center points of the circle and r is the radius of the circle.

initgraph() functionto initialize the graphics driver and graphics mode.

5.0 Actual Resources: -
Name Of Resource Specifications Quantity
1. Computer System with Win 10 (7hGeneration i5, 8GB 1
broad specifications RAM, 256GB HDD)

2. Operating System Windows 1

3. Software Turbo c 1
4. Keyboard Lenovo 1
5. Mouse Lenovo 1

6.0 Actual Methodology Followed

1.Making group of maximum 4 members.
2.Choosing Specific topic.
3.Work distribution.
4.Collect the information with relating.
5.Discussion with teachers.
6.With the help of internet, teachers and laptop make a report on this topic.
7.Arranging collected Information as per given Format.
8.Preparing presentation

7.0 Action Plan

Sr. Planned Planned Name of Team

Details of activity
No. Start date Finish date Members

1. Formation of Group & Selection of Topic All members

2. Submission of Proposed Plan All members

Project Definition and Design Structure,
3. All members
Design Algorithm, Design Flowchart

4. Coding of Project and Testing of Program All members

5. Demonstration of project All members

6. Submission of Final Report All members

8.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects:






void tree(float x,float y,float len,float a,float b)






float x1,y1;






void main()

int gd=0,gm,i,rd;

float x=320,y=475,t=140;









9.0 Output:-
9. Skill Developed / Learning outcomes:
 Analysing the problem
 Problem solving approach
 Planning
 Design skill
 Logical skill
 Programming
 Testing and Troubleshooting
 Presentation
 Report writing
10.Applications of the Micro-Project:
1.Computer Art

Teacher Signature
(Ms. )
Annexure – III

Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project

(The marks may be allowed to the characteristics of the Micro Project by considering the suggested

Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent

No. be assessed ( Marks 1 - 3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ) ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9- 10 )
Relevance to the Related to very few Addressed at-least Addressed more than
1 Related to some LOs
course LOs one CO one CO
Literature Not more than two
At-least 5 relevant
Review sources (primary and At –least 7 relevant About 10 relevant
2 sources, at least 2
/Information secondary), very old sources, most latest sources, most latest
collection reference
Completion of
Completed less than Completed 60 to Completed more than
3 the Target as per Completed 50 to 60%
50% 80% 80 %
project proposal
Enough data
Sufficient and Sufficient and collected by
appropriate sample, appropriate sample, sufficient and
Sample Size small,
enough data enough data appropriate sample
Analysis of Data data neither
generated but not generated which is size. Proper
4 and organized nor
organized and not organized and inferences by
representation presented well
presented well. No or presented well but organizing and
poor inferences are poor inferences are presenting data
drawn drawn through tables, charts
and graphs.
Just assembled/fabricated
assembled/fabricated with proper
with proper
and parts are not functioning parts. In
functioning parts. In
Quality of functioning well. Not proper shape, within
Incomplete proper shape, within
5 Prototype/Model in proper shape, tolerance dimensions
fabrication/assembly. tolerance dimensions
dimensions beyond and good
and good
tolerance limit. finish/appearance.
Appearance/ finish is But no creativity in
Creativity in design
shabby. design and use of
and use of material
Nearly sufficient and
Very short, poor Very detailed,
correct details about Detailed, correct and
quality sketches, correct, clear
methods, material, clear description of
Details about description of
precautions and methods, materials,
Report methods, material, methods, materials,
6 conclusion. But precautions and
Preparation precaution and precautions and
clarity is not there in Conclusions.
conclusions omitted, conclusions. Enough
a presentation. But Sufficient Graphic
some details are tables, charts and
not enough graphic Description.
wrong sketches
Major information is Includes major Includes major Well organized,
not included, information but not information and well includes major
7 Presentation
information is not well organized and organized but not information, well
well organized. not presented well presented well presented
Replied to a
Could not reply to a Replied properly to a
considerable number Replied most of the
8 Viva considerable number considerable number
of questions but not questions properly
of questions. of questions.
very properly

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