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DSAT Vocab 2

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1 conjecture : to form an opinion based on supposition or incomplete information (could be like a

guessing )

Example: many conjectured that gold could treat cancer

2- speculates to form a theory or a point of view based on a hope investors started to buy Coca-Cola
based on speculations about a coming skyrocket hit

3- legislator: the one who is responsible about writing laws. After the repetitive gun shooting, the
legislators announced a new law

4- mandatory: compulsory or required by law some countries made mandatory enlistment

5- offhand: nonchalant, cool in manner or speech, or unprepared situation or talk the president forgot
the speech, and all he said was offhand and unprepared the actor made an offhand dialogue on stage

6- persistent: something continual or someone insists on doing the action

Example: the rain is persistent in December

Example2: the government is persistent toward the plastic recycle

7- circumvents: overcome an issue

Despite the climate change, we still can circumvents the coming disaster.

8- eclipses: an obscuring part from the sun or the moon you cannot look for the sun during the solar

9- fabricates: has two meanings 1st construct or manufacture 2nd invent something in order to deceive

Example: the mechanic fabricates a new brake system for my car

example: the corrupted officer fabricated the knife with my fingerprint

10- exemplifies: illustrate or make a typical example

11- participatory: to be involved in an action

12- discernible to make something visible or to make something special

13- straightforward: frank, direct, or clear

14- inconclusive: the result is not based on a firm conclusion or the result is based on a feeling

15- biased taking a side and not be fair

16- parasite an organism that lives on another organism and benefits from its nutrient

Example: the parasite is attached itself to crocodiles bodies

17- latched: to be stick on something or to size or capture

18- synchronization to make two things or two issues happen in the same time

Example: you have to synchronize your calendar and mail together

19- hibernation to be inactive or motionless state for a period of time

20- prediction: forecast.

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21- moderation: to be in between or to avoid being extreme about an issue or something

22- repudiates: reject

23- tendency: an inclination toward

24- proclaims: announce

25- foretells: predict or forecast

26- recants: deny or abandon

27- Methodology: a system used in an area of study

28- Praise express admiration to a person who made something good

29- Recount: to tell

30-Dull uninteresting

31- Immense enormous or extremely great

32- illumination light or an idea open a new way in thinking

33- Indigenous original and for people means native

34- fluctuations: variation or irregular rise and fall

35- positing assume or hypothesizes

36- rigid: so strong cannot be bend or manipulated

37-peers: look carefully

Example: Sherlock Holmes peers every single detail

38- prominent well known or leading character

39- skeptical not sure or hypothesizes

40- substantial: real, essential, or important

41- involuntarily without will or un conscious movement

42- beneficially benefit or advantageous way

43- strenuously describe the action that it requires high physical exertion or a lot of strength

44- smoothly describe the action that it is going to happen without any problem

45- deceptive giving a different impression or misleading

example: the deceptive evidences tricked the jury

46- innocuous normal, inoffensive, or not harmful

47- prevail: win, dominate, triumph, or obtain

48- succumb surrender, cannot resist anymore, or undergo

49- diverge splay, calve, different, or vary

50- peripheral environmental or what surround you, external, or marginal

51- dismissive: something unworthy of consideration, dimissory, or reject

synonyms: sneering, disdainful, contemptuous, or snotty

52- unanimity: agreement of all people involved in the situation, unity, or assent

53- gaze: look, stare, consider

54- alters: change or modify

55- thrive: succeed, achieve, or grow

56- convention agreement upon an issue or meeting

57- delegate: representative, deputy, commissioner, or proxy

58- interpret explain or translate

59- Renounce: deny or give up.

60- Catastrophic: tragic or painful

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61- Elusive: shifty, difficult to find, or dodgy

62- allusive: give a hint

63- abrupt: rude, sudden, or sharp inclination.

64- imminent: will happen in the future

65- eminent famous or clear

Example: I have an eminent shot on the target

66- replicable can be repeated

67- predetermined set, fixed, or pre-planed

68- operative: the worker who have a definite task

69- latent: inactive or dormant

70- waive give up or abdicate

71- concede: surrender or admit that you were wrong

72- refute: prove that the other theory was wrong with evidence

73 – crucial – very important

74 – consistent: harmonic or nearly the same

75 – guile: so smart

76- overshadowed: demonstrate over or control

77- irrelevant: out of the topic or not attached

78- disorienting: confused

79- tenuous thin, weak, and slight

80-nuanced: specialized, so accurate, or great

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81- subtle: thin or fluffy, perfect, or witty or masterful

82- foregrounds front or the beginning of something

83- misconception: error or fallacy

84- assert: agree or confirm

85- preserve: maintain, keep, or look after

86- entertaining: fun

87- conservation keeping or maintenance

88- compiled respond or obey

89- sediment: grout or residue, but in geology clay

90- resilient : flexible or responsive

91- inadequate not enough, disqualified, or unsuitable

92- dynamic: interactive

93- interpretation: translate or explain

94- collaboration: support or working together

95- predatory: the animal which eats meat

96- vague: mysterious

97- diverse varied or multiple

98- sepsis: body extreme response to an infection

99- dispute: disagreement

100- withdraw: pull or retreat

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101- underscore highlight, confirm, or make a line under a word to emphasize or show its importance

102- absurd: silly

103- restrained restrict or bound

104- inventive new or contrived

105- inexplicable hard to explain

106- mystifying perplexing or unclear choice

107- alternating substitute or switch

108- enclosures: lock or to make a closed circle around something

109- abundance plenty or a lot

110- substantially strongly, basically, or extraordinary

111- contemporary: modern

112- acknowledged cite or admit

113- endure: afford or bear

114- deprive: prevent or forbade

115- underestimated despise or decline its value

116- infrequent : rare

117- implement: apply

118- presume: estimate, pretend, or assume

119- improvise to make something (show or speech) without preparation

120- aloof apart, away from others, or cautious

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121- adhere cabide or keep

122- evoke: trigger, bring, or recall

123- grapple: catch, wrestle, or bond

124- surmised guess or conjecture

125- contrived: original, devised, or designed

126- heeded: pay attention

127- regretted: feel sorry

128- indecipherable: cannot be understood easily or crabbed

129-ornamental decorative

130- obscure: un clear or mysterious

131- intricate : complex

132- abhor: hate or disdain

133- contagious: disease spread

134- complementary: integral or finishing

135- disparate different or mixed

136- paucity: rare or scarce

137- profusion available or plenty of synonym: luxury, wealth, or glut

138- verisimilitude probability

139- confident : certain

140- inhabiting: dwell or live in

141- disorienting: confuse

example: I got disorienting did not know the directions of the hotel

142- cereals: grain like corn and rice

143- Quilts: be covered with worm layer

the best quilts for winter are those made of silk

144- rendered: take the action to make something or introduce it

145- perceive understand or realize

146- renunciation: waiver, denial, or surrender

147- ambivalence: duality, contradiction, or hesitation.

148- enthusiasm zeal, eagerness, or enthusiasm

149- eroded: decrease or decline in size

example: if you leave the iron exposed to air, it will be eroded.

150- Diminishing: decrease, lessening, or detraction

152- arousal: rise, wake, or (sexual) provocation.

153- domestic local or happening within the same country

Example: companies should decline the prices of domestic airplanes tickets.

154- descends fall or get down, in biology it refer to an old species

155- Hinder: prevent, block, or disturb

156-burial: tomb or interring a dead body in the grave

157- artifacts: an old object represent a culture or something observed in scientific experiment or

example: pyramids are an Egyptian artifact

158- appropriate : suitable

159- Exquisite fabulous, elegant, or glamorous

160- Reveal: show, discover, or imply

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161- conceding admit, give up, or accept

162- assumption: supposition, deduction, or suspicion

163- nourishment: feeding

164- synthetic: artificial

165- ablation: remove

166- depict: describe or represent

167- intriguing interesting, complex, or complicated

168- preferential : in details

169- assesses: evaluate, estimates, or measure

170- prevalent: general or common.

171-lucrative: profitable

172- infallible incapable of making mistake, effective, or successful.

173- atypical irregular, eccentric, or odd

174- tedious: boring, uninteresting, or slow

175- sophisticated elegant, advanced, or complex

176- vintage: excellent, classical, or harvest

178- annotate comment, hang, or add notes.

179- reciprocate: exchange

180- disengage: disassemble, set free, or solve

181- proponent: supporter or adviser

182- omission: skip or eliminate

183- distraction: confusion, having fun and leaving your work, turmoil, or bewilderment.

184- panel: table or chart

185-elect: select or vote

186- illicit: illegal or forbidden

187- mitigation reduction or decrease

188- contaminated: polluted or spoiling

189- Confederacy: a league or alliance

190- snatching seizing or kidnapping

191-irate: angry

192- dully in a manner that lacks interest

193- grief: sadness or sorrow

194- invoke: mention, implement, or pray

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