Philippine Carabao Center (CLSU) : Republic of The Philippines Central Luzon State University
Philippine Carabao Center (CLSU) : Republic of The Philippines Central Luzon State University
Philippine Carabao Center (CLSU) : Republic of The Philippines Central Luzon State University
The long years it has existed have seen PCC at CLSU flourish in a web of success that is closely
linked with numerous farmers and communities. The center is built on four foundations which
are administration; research & development; operations; planning & information management
according to its indomitable founder Dr. Ericson N. Dela Cruz. Through its well-structured
departments, each carefully manned by enthusiastic members who contribute significantly to
realizing its objectives.
This report seeks to take you through an inner journey into how PCC at CLSU operates
internally. We will see scientists who conduct researches on carabaos around the clock,
extension workers empowering farmers within their organizations, administrators responsible for
coordination while providing adequate information to keep everything running smoothly.
Nestled within the heart of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) in Science City of Muñoz,
Nueva Ecija, lies the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) at CLSU. Established in 1995, it serves as
a crucial hub for the development and promotion of the water buffalo, also known as the carabao,
an iconic animal deeply woven into the fabric of Philippine agriculture and culture.
The PCC's story began in 1977 as a government agency dedicated to the conservation,
propagation, and improvement of the carabao. Today, it remains committed to its core mission:
Improve the general well-being and competitiveness of the carabao industry stakeholders
through carabao upgrading, technology development, technology dissemination, and
carabao-based enterprises, thus ensuring family nutrition and higher income.
A premier research and development Center, propelling sustainable growth and
development of the carabao industry in Region III.
The PCC at CLSU aims to be a leading research and development institution for the
sustainable growth of the carabao industry in Region III.
The PCC at CLSU is headed by a Center Director, supported by a team of dedicated researchers,
extension specialists, and administrative personnel. It operates under the broader umbrella of the
national PCC, with regional centers strategically located across the Philippines.
The Philippine Carabao Center at CLSU stands as a beacon of hope for the future of the carabao
and the rural communities that depend on it. Through its dedication to research, extension, and
training, the center empowers farmers and stakeholders to harness the full potential of this iconic
animal, contributing to food security, economic development, and cultural preservation in the