Unit I - FET
Unit I - FET
Unit I - FET
JFET (Junction Field Effect Transistor)
1. Introduction:
Transistor was invented by W.H. Brattain, John Bardeen and William Shockley in 1947.
The word transistor was derived from transfer resistor, as they transfer signals from low
resistance to high resistance
It is a three-layer semiconductor device in which an n-type semiconductor is sandwiched
between two p-type layers or a p-type semiconductor is sandwiched between two n-type
It is extensively used in amplifiers, digital switches and oscillator circuits
In the previous course, we have studied BJTs and now in this course, we will study the
second major type of transistor i.e. FETs – Field Effect Transistor.
There are two general categories of FETs - Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET) and
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET)
The detail tree structure of transistor family is as in Figure 1. It consist a FET and their
Figure1: The transistor family tree
FETs are voltage operated devices. There are major two categories of FETs- Junction
FETs and Insulation gate FETs or MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET)
Junction field effect transistor popularly is known as J field effect where JFET is the
abbreviated form of Junction field effect transistor
There are two types: 1. n- channel JFET 2. p- channel JFET
Figure 2 shows the structure of n-channel junction field effect transistor. It consists of an
N-type substrate (bar or channel) of moderately doped in which two heavily doped P-
regions are diffused.
One end of the N type substrate is called as source and other end is called as drain.
The two heavily doped P-regions are connected to a third terminal called as gate.
Whereas in the construction of P channel JFET, p-type material is forming channel
between 2 n-type materials.
Figure 2: Structure of n-JFET
By applying a reverse bias voltage to a gate terminal, the channel is pinched off, so that
the electric current is switched off completely. A JFET is usually on when there is no
potential difference between its gate and source terminals
If a potential difference of the proper polarity is applied between its gate and source
terminals, the JFET will become more resistive to current flow, which means that less
current will flow in the channel between the source and drain terminals.
The working of n- channel JFET can be divided different parts as shown in Figure 3.
1. VGS = 0 V and VDS > 0 V
2. VGS < 0 V and VDS > 0 V
3. Large negative VGS is applied
4. VGS = 0 V and 0< VDS< |Vp|
Figure 3: Working Principle of n-JFET
1. VGS = 0 V and VDS > 0 V
• The potential of the gate terminal is same as the potential of the source terminal, thus the
potential difference between gate and source is equal to zero volts. So we have connected
the gate terminal with the source terminal as shown in figure 4.
• VGS is equal to zero volts thus, we will connect the ground to the source the potential of
ground is equal to zero volts.
• VDS is greater than zero it is positive and let's say VDS is equal to some positive voltage
• Thus a voltage source is connected between the drain and source whose magnitude is
equal to VDD.
• The positive of VDD is connected to the drain and the source is connected to the negative
• Thus, when the gate terminal is not connected and a potential is applied between the drain
and source terminals, free electronics moves from source to drain and conventional
current flows from drain to source known as I D.
• The drain current at this point where, VGS = 0 V, is referred as drain to source saturation
current (IDSS)
• IDSS corresponds to the maximum drain current as the channel width is maximum.
Figure 4: VGS = 0 V and VDS > 0 V
When drain current saturation level is reached, the shape of the depletion regions is such
that they appear to pinch off the channel
The drain to source voltage at which ID levels off is called pinch-off voltage (Vp)
The region in the characteristics where I D is fairly constant is referred as pinch off region
The value of VDS beyond which the drain current becomes constant is called as pinch off
voltage VP
The region of characteristic between VDS = 0 V and VDS = VP is termed as the channel
ohmic region as the channel here is behaving as a resistance.
With continue increase in VDS, voltage will be reached at which, the gate channel
junction breaks downs.
At this point the drain current increases very rapidly and the device may be destroyed
producing an avalanche effect
3. JFET characteristics:
The JFET characteristics are described in two modes as drain characteristics and transfer
3.1 Drain Characteristics:
Drain characteristics is a plot of drain to source voltage V DS versus drain current ID and,
at different constant values of gate to source voltage VGS.
It is observed that as the negative gate bias voltage is increased; the maximum saturation
drain current becomes smaller because the conducting channel now becomes narrower.
Pinch-off voltage is reached at a lower value of drain current ID as compared with
VGS = 0
Thus the maximum value of VDS can be applied to a JFET is the lowest voltage which
causes avalanche breakdown. It is also observed in the figure 8 that with VGS = 0, ID
saturates at IDSS and the characteristic shows VP = 4 V
Hence for working of JFET in the pinch-off or saturation region, it is necessary that the
following conditions must be fulfilled:
VP < VDS < VDS (max)
VGS (OFF) < VGS < 0
Mainly the JFET operates three regions such as ohmic, saturation, cut-off. It can operate
in break-down regions for in extreme increase in V DS.
Ohmic Region: If VGS = 0 then the depletion region of the channel is very small. The
drain current ID varies with variation in drain to source voltage VDS. In this region
the JFET acts as a voltage controlled resistor or Variable Voltage Resistance
(VVR). This region is valid for VGS is less than magnitude of Vp.
Saturation Region: In this region ID remains constant as VDS increases. JFET acts as
an amplifier in this region for V GS is not equal to zero (some - ve value). In this
region JFET can work as close switch at VGS = 0V.
Pinched-off (cut-off) Region: This is also called as cut-off region. The JFET enters
into this region when the gate voltage is large negative, then the channel closes i.e.no
current flows through the channel. In this region the JFET acts as an open circuit
Breakdown Region: If the drain to source voltage (VDS) is high enough, then the
channel of the JFET breaks down and in this region uncontrolled maximum current
passes through the device.
This linear relationship does not exist between the output and input quantities of a JFET.
The relationship between ID and VGS is defined by Shockley’s equation.
IDSS = maximum drain to source saturation current
VP = Pinch off voltage
3.3 JFET Parameters:
During purchasing a JFET for a particular application we need to check the specifications of the
device. Important Parameters of JFET are as follows:
a. Transconductance (gm)
b. Dynamic Output Resistance(AC) (rd)
c. Amplification Factor (μ)
d. Input resistance
a. Transconductance (gm):
Transconductance is the ratio of change in drain current (δI D) to change in the
gate to source voltage (δVGS) at a constant drain to source voltage
(VDS = Constant).
yos is the output admittance, with the units of μS
Figure 11: To calculate rd from characteristics of n-JFET
As, the slope of the characteristics is very small, the value of rd is large. It is usually in
the range of 50KΩ to few hundred KΩ .
There is a relation between transconductance (gm) and dynamic output resistance (rd)
and that can be expressed as follows:
d. Input resistance
JFET operates with reverse biased gate to source junction. Thus, the input resistance
measured at gate with respect to source is very high.
𝑅𝑖𝑛 =
4. JFET Configuration: JFET has three terminals like Gate, Source and Drain. For any
system to work requires two ports as input and output. Each port has two terminals or wires
as signal and ground. Hence, total four terminals are required to work as system. However,
FET has three terminals and to work as system one terminal has to common between input
and out. Thus JFET can be configured as Common source (CS), Common Drain (CD) and
Common Gate (CG).
Since VGG is a fixed dc supply, the voltage VGS is fixed in magnitude, resulting in the
notation fixed-biased circuit.
The resulting level of drain current ID is now controlled by Shockley’s equation:
Since VGS is a fixed quantity for this configuration, its magnitude and sign can simply be
substituted into Shockley’s equation and the resulting level of ID calculated which is also
depends on VGS = -VGG.
Further, VDS is calculated as: 𝑉𝐷𝑆 = 𝑉𝐷𝐷 − 𝐼𝐷 ∗ 𝑅𝐷
5.2 Self bias: The self-bias configuration eliminates the need for two dc supplies. However,
single power supply as VDD is connected for the biasing. The controlling gate-to-source
voltage is now determined by the voltage across a resistor RS introduced in the source leg of
the configuration as shown in figure 13.
Figure 13: Self bias configuration
For the dc analysis, the capacitors can again be replaced by open circuits and the resistor
RG replaced by a short-circuit equivalent since IG = 0 A. The DC biasing circuit for the
self bias arrangement is shown in figure 14.
5.3 Voltage-divider bias: Voltage-divider biasing circuit divides the voltage at point gate
terminal due to the R1 and R2 resistors. The Figure 15 shows the voltage divider biasing
arrangement for JFET. It is the basically the voltage divider bias circuit for amplifier. The
Capacitor C1, C2 and Cs are acting as open circuit of DC analysis.
Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law in the clockwise direction to the indicated loop,