Annex A4 Teddington DRA
Annex A4 Teddington DRA
Annex A4 Teddington DRA
This report forms part of suite of documents that make up the ‘Gate 2 submission.’ That submission
details all the work undertaken by Thames Water in the ongoing development of the proposed SRO.
The intention at this stage is to provide RAPID with an update on the concept design, feasibility,
cost estimates and programme for the schemes, allowing decisions to be made on their progress.
Should a scheme be selected and confirmed in the Thames Water final Water Resources
Management Plan (WRMP), in most cases it would need to enter a separate process to gain
permission to build and run the final solution. That could be through either the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990 or the Planning Act 2008 development consent order process. Both options
require the designs to be fully appraised and, in most cases, an environmental statement to be
produced. Where required that statement sets out the likely environmental impacts and what
mitigation is required.
Community and stakeholder engagement is crucial to the development of the SROs. Some high-
level activity has been undertaken to date. Much more detailed community engagement and formal
consultation is required on all the schemes at the appropriate point. Before applying for permission
Thames Water will need to demonstrate that they have presented information about the proposals
to the community, gathered feedback and considered the views of stakeholders. We will have
regard to that feedback and, where possible, make changes to the designs as a result.
The SROs are at a very early stage of development, despite some options having been considered
for several years. The details set out in the Gate 2 documents are still at a formative stage.
This document has been written in line with the requirements of the RAPID Gate 2 Guidance and to comply
with the regulatory process pursuant to Thames Water’s statutory duties. The information presented relates to
material or data which is still in the course of completion. Should the solutions presented in this document be
taken forward, Thames Water will be subject to the statutory duties pursuant to the necessary consenting
process, including environmental assessment and consultation as required. This document should be read
with those duties in mind.
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme
Conceptual Design Report
Document no: J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D
All rights reserved. Reproduction and redistribution without written permission is prohibited. Jacobs, the Jacobs logo, and all
other Jacobs trademarks are the property of Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.
NOTICE: This document has been prepared exclusively for the use and benefit of Jacobs’ client. Jacobs accepts no liability or
responsibility for any use or reliance upon this document by any third party.
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Background .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Scheme Overview and Location........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.1 Scheme Overview and Location .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Gate 1 Development................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Sizing and Phasing ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.1 Sizing and Phasing of Scheme ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Constraints Impacting Solution Sizing and Phasing ................................................................................... 5
1.4 Links with Other Options, Schemes and Elements.................................................................................................... 6
1.4.1 Dependencies ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4.2 Mutual Exclusivities .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2. Conceptual Design ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Design Principles .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 London Effluent Reuse SRO Design Vision ..................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Scheme Components and Operating Philosophy ...................................................................................................15
2.2.1 Assessment of Source Flow Availability .........................................................................................................15
2.2.2 Source Water (Mogden STW Final Effluent) Abstraction Design Components ..............................16
2.2.3 Treatment Design Components ........................................................................................................................16
2.2.4 Conveyance Design Components .....................................................................................................................21
2.2.5 Operating Philosophy............................................................................................................................................26
2.2.6 Inter Site Control System Requirements .......................................................................................................28
2.2.7 Power Requirements..............................................................................................................................................29
2.2.8 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, Energy Recovery and Renewable Energy Opportunities ................30
2.2.9 Richmond Lock and Weir .....................................................................................................................................31
2.3 Opportunities and Future Benefits Realisation ........................................................................................................32
2.3.1 Thames Lee Tunnel extension ...........................................................................................................................32
2.3.2 Other Key Opportunities ......................................................................................................................................32
3. Scheme Delivery ..............................................................................................................................................................34
3.1 Overview of Construction Process .................................................................................................................................34
3.1.1 Tertiary Treatment Plant ......................................................................................................................................34
3.1.2 Conveyance ...............................................................................................................................................................34
3.1.3 CDM Implementation ............................................................................................................................................37
3.2 Transportation of Construction Materials and Spoils ............................................................................................37
3.2.1 Segment Delivery....................................................................................................................................................37
3.2.2 Spoil Disposal ...........................................................................................................................................................37
3.2.3 Vehicle Movement during Construction ........................................................................................................38
3.3 Delivery Programme ...........................................................................................................................................................38
4. Water Resources ..............................................................................................................................................................40
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Executive Summary
This report sets out the conceptual design for the Teddington Direct River Abstraction (DRA) scheme. This
scheme was identified in the Water Resources Management Plan 2019 (WRMP19) Direct River Abstraction
Feasibility Study and WRMP19 Fine Screening process by Thames Water Utilities Limited (TWUL) and identified
as a part of the Strategic Resource Option (SRO) London Effluent Reuse by the Regulators’ Alliance for
Progressing Infrastructure Development (RAPID).
As a part of London Effluent Reuse SRO, Teddington DRA scheme was submitted for the standard Gate 1
assessment by RAPID, and it was agreed to be continued to be funded to Gate 2 as part of the standard
gate track.
The SRO Gated process by RAPID, working alongside the regional planning stakeholder groups, will provide
regulatory oversight of a set of regional water resource management plans that will adopt consistent
assumptions to form a nationally coherent view.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Thames Water Utilities Limited (TWUL) are engaged in development of Strategic Regional Water Resource
Options (SROs) under the guidance of the Regulators’ Alliance for Progressing Infrastructure Development
(RAPID). RAPID was formed to help accelerate the development of new water infrastructure and design future
regulatory frameworks, with collaboration between Ofwat, the Environment Agency (EA) and the Drinking Water
Inspectorate (DWI).
Water resource options were developed for the reuse of Sewage Treatment Works (STW) effluent or blackwater
(untreated sewage) reuse and direct river abstractions in London as part of TWUL’s Water Resource Management
Plan 2019 (WRMP19). London Effluent Reuse has been identified as SRO in the Price Review 2019 (PR19) Final
Determination (London Effluent Reuse SRO). At PR19, Ofwat announced a development fund for strategic water
resource solutions linked to “Gates” to ensure efficient delivery and to protect customers. TWUL has been
allocated funds to investigate and develop integrated strategic regional water resource solutions, including
London Effluent Reuse SRO, between 2020 and 2025 to support long term resilience. The London Effluent
Reuse SRO solution was submitted for the standard Gate 1 assessment by RAPID in 2021, and it will continue to
be funded to Gate 2 as part of the standard Gated process in 2022.
London Effluent Reuse SRO incorporates four schemes: two schemes for reuse of final effluent from Mogden
STW (Mogden Water Recycling scheme) and Beckton STW (Beckton Water Recycling scheme), a direct river
abstraction scheme (Teddington Direct River Abstraction (DRA) scheme) and a fourth, blackwater or sewer
mining treatment option within the Mogden STW catchment (Mogden South Sewer scheme). Abstracted effluent
or sewage in these schemes is to be treated in each case through an Advanced Water Recycling Plant (AWRP) or
a Tertiary Treatment Plant (TTP) and discharged to the River Thames or the River Lee Diversion for abstraction
as a water resource.
This report sets out the conceptual design for the Teddington DRA scheme. The proposal for the Teddington
DRA scheme can be summarised as:
A portion of final effluent from Mogden STW would be subject to treatment at a new Tertiary Treatment
Plant (TTP) located at Mogden STW. The Treated Effluent would be transferred to a new outfall on the
River Thames upstream of Teddington Weir.
A new abstraction from the River Thames, upstream of the Treated Effluent discharge location, would
transfer water into the Thames Lee Tunnel for transfer to the Lee Valley Reservoirs in East London.
Definitions of glossary and abbreviations in this report could be found in section 6 Glossary and Abbreviations.
Tertiary treatment is required to improve the effluent quality prior to discharge to the non-tidal section of the
River Thames, upstream of the Teddington Weir. As the discharge location of the Treated Effluent will be in the
most downstream section of the non-tidal section as well as being downstream of all the existing raw water
intake points for WTWs, the water treatment design would focus on achieving water quality consent parameters
suited to the receiving water environmental requirements for discharge to the freshwater River Thames and not
on Drinking Water Standards. Addition of ferric for phosphorus removal, Nitrifying Sand Filters (NSFs) for further
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 2
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
ammonia reduction and mechanical filters for BOD removal would be proposed for the tertiary treatment, and
wastewater from the tertiary treatment plant (TTP) could be returned to Mogden STW inlet works.
There is minimal vacant land available within the Mogden STW site for development. It would be therefore
proposed that TTP would be built in the footprint of existing storm tanks. Some of the existing storm tanks may
need to be deepened to maintain the existing storm storage capacity at Mogden STW.
There is an opportunity that the abstracted water would be further transferred through a TLT extension from
Lockwood Shaft near the Lockwood Reservoir to the River Lee Diversion upstream of the King George V (KGV)
reservoir. The TLT extension is proposed as part of the Beckton Water Recycling scheme, to enhance resilience
in water supply systems in East London. In addition, Thames to Affinity Transfer (T2AT) SRO considers
Teddington DRA as one of their potential water source options.
The Teddington DRA scheme will supply London Water Resource Zone (WRZ). This scheme would benefit East
London through the TLT. However, if the flow from the Teddington DRA scheme is conveyed through the TLT to
East London, a fraction of flow currently abstracted from the River Thames to the TLT at the intake in Hampton
could be diverted to WTW in West London. Consequently, deployable output of Teddington DRA scheme may
possibly benefit West London.
A scheme with advanced treatment (Reverse Osmosis and UV Advanced Oxidation Process) at Mogden STW and
transfer and discharge directly into the TLT was also investigated in WRMP19. However, due to space constraints
at Mogden STW, this alternative scheme was also rejected at WRMP19 stage.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
In Gate 1, conceptual design of Teddington DRA scheme had been progressed assuming that the maximum
scheme size would be 150Ml/d. However, during Gate 2, a size of75 Ml/d was adopted on the Teddington DRA
scheme as a result of concerns raised by the Environmental Agency over potential impact within the River
Thames from the scheme up to 150 Ml/d. This constraint has been investigated further through Gate 2, and
environmental investigations has concluded that impacts on river temperature would be acceptable up to the
scheme size of 100Ml/d. Maximum scheme size of 100Ml/d is now recommended for going forward, and further
design details of a 100Ml/d scheme will be developed in the next design stage (see section 1.3).
A 3.5m-diameter tunnel, which had been originally proposed in WRMP19 for 300Ml/d scheme, was retained as
the primary conveyance option for Treated Effluent transfer from the TTP at Mogden STW to Teddington
discharge in Gate 1 conceptual design, whilst a smaller-diameter conveyance option has been developed in Gate
2 for smaller scheme sizes.
The conveyance route and designs proposed in Gate 1 were further reviewed in conjunction with various aspects
such as environmental, planning and engineering for Gate 2. Gate 2 design development includes walk-over
surveys, scheme operational philosophy and hydraulic and pumping strategy development and incorporation of
planning strategy. This has enabled a greater understanding of the constraints and reduced uncertainty in
delivery of the schemes.
Table below list the key design changes from Gate 1 to Gate 2.
Table 1-1: Key Design Changes from Gate 1 to Gate 2
Gate 1 Conceptual Design Gate 2 Conceptual Design
Maximum scheme size had been assumed to be at 150Ml/d. Environmental studies during Gate 2 showed impacts on
river temperature would be acceptable up to the scheme size
of 100Ml/d. Maximum scheme size of 100Ml/d is
recommended for going forward.
A 3.5m-diameter tunnel with 3 shafts had been proposed for A 1.8m-diameter tunnel with 8 shafts, which would
Treated Effluent transfer from Tertiary Treatment Plant in accommodate 100Ml/d flow, was proposed for Treated
Mogden STW to Teddington Discharge. Effluent transfer from Tertiary Treatment Plant in Mogden
STW to Teddington Discharge.
The table below shows recommendations for the scheme sizes of Teddington DRA scheme and its sub-options.
The total scheme size is selectable from multiple sub-option sizes for TTP (i.e. 50Ml/d and 75Ml/d). A100Ml/d
scheme could consist of two 50M/d TTP sub-options with phasing. However, opportunities and benefit of a
single-phase development of a 100Ml/d TTP may be considered in the next design stage.
Conveyance assets would not be constructed in phases because it is not expected that phasing of construction of
conveyance elements would bring cost or social benefits. The size of the 1.8m-diameter Treated Effluent
Transfer Tunnel is dictated by the practicable distances between proposed shafts which is governed by Health
and Safety considerations during construction. The area is heavily urbanised, and land available for new shaft
construction is severely limited which leads to a trade-off between tunnel diameter and shaft spacing.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
2. Conceptual Design
2.1 Design Principles
2.1.1 Overview
During the Gate 2 Conceptual Design process, the All Company Working Group (ACWG) issued “ACWG Design
Principles, Process and Gate 2 Interim Guidance” to maintain consistency throughout SROs.
The ACWG Design Principles comprise the four principles of the National Infrastructure Commission (Climate,
People, Place, Value) with two cross-cutting principles that apply across all four categories. Table 2-1
summarises approaches taken in Gate 2 conceptual design.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
ACWG Design Principles ACWG Gate 2 Indicators Approach in Teddington DRA Documentation Targets
Gate 2 Designs in Gate 2
companies and/or legislative including Catchment Partnerships England (NE) and Port of London Gate 2 Report - design objectives followed by
boundaries to develop where appropriate. Authority (PLA) to discuss scheme Annex D: proposals.
sustainable solutions and 3. Design Vision and Principles benefits and impacts, and opportunities Engagement Report 1.3. Alignment with other relevant
environmental enhancement for informed by this engagement for enhancement. Local Council (London environmental policy, plans and
the wider benefit of society. (Stages 1-6 of design process). Borough of Hounslow, Richmond upon strategies such as Catchment
Thames and Kingston upon Thames) Management and Local Nature
have also been contacted for discussion. Recovery Plans (see also Place 2).
2. Resource and carbon efficient 1. Submissions to meet In Gate 2, it was attempted to establish Gate 2 Report – 2.1. Lifecycle Carbon: Projects shall support
throughout: Projects shall seek expectations of RAPID Gate 2 carbon efficient strategies based on Net section 6.5 the water industry commitment to
to reuse existing assets, Guidance. Zero 2030 route map, as well as PAS achieve Net-Zero in terms of
eliminate waste (including waste 2. Narrative on the SRO approach 2080. Opportunities of increasing Gate 2 Report - operational carbon in accordance with
of water) and make efficient use to avoiding and reducing the use efficiency of transportation were Annex B: the industry roadmap. Projects must be
of materials and transport across of carbon and other resources investigated, considering use of barges Environmental and efficient in embodied carbon in both
the whole of the project lifecycle. and Inclusion of the approach in for shipping spoils from tunnel Regulatory construction and operation.
the Design Vision and Principles. construction. Details of carbon efficient Assessments 2.2. Projects should investigate if existing
strategies are in section 2.2.8 of this infrastructure assets could be
CDR, and environmental reports are in repurposed and reused.
Annex B of the Gate 2 Report. CDR section 2.2.8
2.3. Projects should look to avoid
Optimised design to reduce material unnecessary construction and minimise
waste and carbon use have been use of materials.
accounted for, including the main design 2.4. Projects should seek to minimise the
principle to reuse the Mogden STW land use and waste of water.
for the tertiary treatment plant.
3. Resilient and adaptable: Design 1. Submissions to meet DO analysis was carried out for climate CDR section 2.2.1 3.1. Designs should be developed to include
for anticipated future demand at expectations of RAPID Gate 2 change scenarios. The combined proportionate measures to anticipate
the appropriate scale. Build in Guidance noting the climate maximum capacity of Teddington DRA Gate 2 Report - future extreme events and stresses so
the resilience to absorb and change scenario(s) the schemes and Mogden Water Recycling schemes Annex C: Drinking that they can resist, absorb, recover
recover from the impacts of the have been designed to cope with. were determined based on drought Water Safety Plan and, where necessary, be adapted.
extreme events and incremental 2. Review of local plans and conditions/ scenario, excluding 3.2. Designs would support the digitisation
stresses likely to arise from strategies that may impact infiltration and trade flow from the of the network at a catchment level
climate change. resilience* available flow (see section 2.2.1). using data to inform design, optimise
In accordance with the Drinking Water solutions and improve operational
Safety Plan, this scheme has had a efficiency in real time.
detailed assessment to allow for 3.3. Where proposals add to the resilience
mitigation of any effects caused by of the broader system this should be
abstraction / discharge of flows at the
River Thames.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
ACWG Design Principles ACWG Gate 2 Indicators Approach in Teddington DRA Documentation Targets
Gate 2 Designs in Gate 2
accounted for in its social value (see
Value 3).
3.4. The layout and design of specific
elements of infrastructure should be
taken in cognisance of planned future
development of the immediate area.
3.5. Deploy nature-based approaches to
resilience wherever possible (see also
Place 2).
1. Understand and respond to your 1. Indicator for Target 1.1 to be The Design Vision sets out the key Gate 2 Report – 1.1. Reliable supply of water to customers
Community's needs: Develop a decided by others. principle of customer engagement to section 3.4 1.2. Designs developed to maximise their
full understanding of the social 2. Initial appraisal of the scheme demonstrate the quality and security that social value.
context that will be impacted by and its potential to contribute to water reuse brings. Drinking Water Safety Gate 2 Report – 1.3. Proposals reflect local community views
the project over its lifecycle. the UN's Sustainable Plans were carried out at these early Annex C: Drinking as to how they interact with and
Design for how local Development Goals - or other stages and a Planning Consultant has Water Safety Plan experience the infrastructure as far as
communities will encounter the Social Value evaluation process provided detailed input and direction to possible.
infrastructure in their everyday (see also Value 2 and 3). meet the requirements of regional/local
lives during both construction policy. Gate 2 Report –
3. Review of relevant regional/local Annex D:
and operation. policy and demographic As part of the scheme site and
conveyance route appraisal, potential Engagement Report
information and narrative around
how it has shaped the draft Vision options have been assessed under a
and Principles for the option. multi-criteria framework (section 3.4, Gate 2 Report –
Gate 2 Report). Annex G: Planning
2. Engage widely, early and 1. Summary of feedback from Continuous and open communication Gate 2 Report – 2.1. Stakeholders and communities
meaningfully: Work with stakeholders (either project between stakeholders has been carried section 7 understand the need for the scheme
stakeholders and local specific or received to date out with stakeholders such as the EA, NE, and the nature/appearance of the
communities to develop their through the WRMP/Regional PLA, DWI, NAU and Ofwat. Digital 3D Gate 2 Report – proposed solution(s).
understanding of the importance Plan process) and narrative graphics of the proposed intake screen Annex D: 2.2. The views of local stakeholders have
of nature and water around how it has shaped the at River Thames have been prepared to Engagement Report shaped the design, where possible.
conservation. Develop co- draft Vision and Principles for the enhance effective communication with 2.3. Engagement and consultation with
design approaches to aspects of option. stakeholders, in addition to scheme communities has influenced the design
the design of infrastructure and 2. Inclusion of engagement schematic diagrams (section 1.2). Early Gate 2 Report –
Annex G: Planning (including but not limited to site
associated landscape where activities within the design and collaborative engagement has been selection, layout, materials, detailing)
practicable. programme of the project plan undertaken with regulators and key Report
making it more acceptable to them.
stakeholders as above to identify key
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
ACWG Design Principles ACWG Gate 2 Indicators Approach in Teddington DRA Documentation Targets
Gate 2 Designs in Gate 2
for Gate 3 and beyond showing issues, agree approaches to monitoring 2.4. The project provides the public with
adequate time for community and assessment, and then review information on the importance of water
(public) consultation to inform findings and consider mitigation and/or nature conservation (e.g.
both site selection (where requirements. through information boards, artwork or
possible) and developed design. digital information)).
3. The development of tools that
will enable successful
engagement (e.g. digital models
for visualisation/animation, GIS
systems, precedent pictures of
similar schemes/components) *.
4. Survey information on local
needs and preferences in design*
3. Improve access and inclusion: 1. Mapping of interface with PRoW The Gate 2 Planning Consultants have Gate 2 Report – 3.1. Find opportunities to improve people's
Consider how people move network* prepared plans for engaging the Annex D: health, wellbeing and understanding of
around your works. Maximise 2. Evidence of engagement with community and accounting for their Engagement Report the natural environment, through
opportunities to support active local access groups* concerns and desires. Considerations access to waterside and green spaces
travel and improve recreational 3. Review of Local Cycling and were made in option designs to minimise Gate 2 Report – for recreational and other purposes
access to waterside and green Walking and Infrastructure Plans negative visual and auditory effects for Annex G: Planning (see Note 1).
spaces that can improve (LCWIPs) information or similar the local community, such as keeping Report 3.2. Maximise opportunities for workers to
outcomes for wellbeing, health, and note of how the project may most of engineering assets in public access sites via sustainable transport
local economy, social inclusion impact/enhance it.* areas below ground, with above-ground during construction and operation.
and education. assets blended into the local surrounds. Minimise disruption to travel routes in
A dedicated Navigation Assessment has areas affected by a project during
been undertaken to determine potential construction and operation.
for impacts on river users in the Thames
Tideway at key locations identified by the
Further engagement and community
activities will occur at Gate 3 and onward.
1. Take care: Develop proposals in 1. Evidence of place-based The Gate 2 options appraisal includes Gate 2 Report – 1.1. Achieve Environmental Net Gain (ENG).
the spirit of stewardship looking balanced, holistic and long-term detail of frequent collaborative reviews section 3.4 1.2. Adopt measures in the design that
to both the past and future of decision making in the between the engineering, environmental, enhance the environment and help
each context to understand and description of design planning and commercial designers for CDR section 2.1.2 avoid future problems - e.g. adoption of
develop its landscape, cultural this SRO. These reviews significantly SuDS solutions that improve cooling,
heritage, health and influence the design development of the
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
ACWG Design Principles ACWG Gate 2 Indicators Approach in Teddington DRA Documentation Targets
Gate 2 Designs in Gate 2
sustainability. Work with considerations and development schemes in line with the place-based Gate 2 Report - attenuate surface water run-off and
partners to secure the long-term of design vision and principles. principles. Annex B: improve infiltration and biodiversity.
success of all measures. 2. Statement on SRO approach to The majority of permanent land Environmental and 1.3. Have clear and realistic long-term
achieving Environmental Net requirements for this scheme are on land Regulatory strategies for how operational and
Gain within the Design Vision and currently owned by Thames Water, with Assessments mitigation proposals will be managed
Principles. minor land acquisition required for and maintained. Develop partnerships
3. Evidence of review of adopted things such as conveyance shafts, which Gate 2 Report – with local communities where this has a
(or emerging) spatial plans, would be entirely below-ground post- Annex D: mutual benefit.
strategies for the areas impacted construction. Planning reviews and Engagement Report 1.4. Develop proposals in light of a clear
by your works*. engagement with local authorities are understanding of the area’s landscape
4. Landscape/townscape character underway to best mitigate any new and history.
developments. Gate 2 Report –
assessments and approach to Annex G: Planning
design specific to context.* Report
2. Protect and promote the 1. Statements on your approach to In Gate 2, baseline ecological surveys Gate 2 Report - 2.1. Achieve at least 10% Biodiversity Net
recovery of nature: Focus on the achieving BNG and aspirations to have been carried out in the potential Annex B: Gain (BNG).
role of landscape, its capacity to contribute to the recovery of plant sites and conveyance routes where Environmental and 2.2. Deploy nature-based approaches to
accommodate infrastructure and nature within Design Vision and the project could impact the local Regulatory integration and mitigation as the first-
shape places. Work Principles. May include specific ecosystem and the nature. The findings Assessments choice solution where possible.
collaboratively and employ reference to local Green-Blue of surveys are being considered in the 2.3. When looking at options to provide
holistic, landscape-scale Infrastructure Strategies/ option appraisal process to select the Gate 2 Report – compensation or enhancement
approaches that support and (emerging) Local Nature optimum locations and conveyance Annex D: prioritise measures that support
deliver biodiversity net gain as Recovery Plans, catchment routes. Engagement Report achieving good ecological condition for
well as multiple other benefits. management plans and other Measures to protect and promote nature affected watercourses and bodies as a
measures to improve watercourse and ensure the BNG target will be whole. When making an intervention,
quality. established in the future design stage mitigate infrequent impacts by
based on the ecological survey data and developing proposals that keep them
characteristics of the sites/ routes local and short lived.
selected through the option appraisal
2.4. Work with landowners and land
Engagement with local EA and NE managers to develop mutually
officers on potential BNG opportunity beneficial solutions where practicable.
sites further supported this work.
3. Design all features beautifully, 1. Set out with opportunities and The proposed River Abstraction and CDR section 2.1.1, 3.1. Develop a utilities architecture that
with honesty and creativity: Our aspirations for high quality design Outfall would be located on the River 2.2.4 speaks to its purpose and enhances its
utility infrastructure can be a within Design Vision and Thames which is an iconic natural context. This applies to buildings,
source of pride and a positive Principles. heritage location for Londoners and for structures and landscape.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
ACWG Design Principles ACWG Gate 2 Indicators Approach in Teddington DRA Documentation Targets
Gate 2 Designs in Gate 2
contribution to its context. 2. Development of a project plan the world. Ensuring engineering and 3.2. Develop designs and, where
Develop proposals that reveal stating how these aspirations will functional integrity, the London Effluent appropriate, artworks that bring
and celebrate its importance, be developed/achieved. Reuse SRO will deliver designs of these narrative (meaning), beauty and
provide visual delight and leave 3. Favourable independent design components beautifully with a pride of interest to the proposals.
a positive legacy. review outcomes* being a part of the community. It is 3.3. Consideration of context in every aspect
4. See also Place 1. planned that architects and landscaping of design including its location, layout,
specialists will be engaged in design form, scale, appearance, landscape,
work at the future stages, with minimal materials and detailing.
consequences visually and for
local access.
1. Maximise embedded value: Work 1. Evidence of multi-disciplinary Planning professionals, terrestrial habitat Gate 2 Report – 1.1. Early multidisciplinary input informing a
collaboratively across input into site selection* (See ecologists, carbon and energy analysts section 3.4 design that solves multiple problems at
specialisms and with Note 2). joined the Gate 1 design team which once.
stakeholders to maximise the 2. Initial project and, where consisted of engineering and 1.2. Design of infrastructure capable of
benefits of the scheme by being appropriate, site appraisals environmental consultants. As for adaptation to reasonable future
smart with the location and (including constraints and engineering designs, inputs from an demands (see also Climate 3).
arrangement of elements and opportunities) undertaken by a outfall/abstraction design specialist, a 1.3. Site selection processes and layouts
design of mitigation within the multi-disciplinary team (steps 1- high-voltage electrical overhead line that assist (or as a minimum, do not
project scope and budget. 5 in design development specialist, geotechnical engineers and a prevent) local development except
process). structural engineer were introduced at where absolutely necessary.
3. A statement within the Design Gate 2 to improve design development.
1.4. Reinstatement, landscape and
Vision on the SRO's aspirations Site and conveyance route appraisal mitigation proposals that improve the
and capability to deliver have been started in Gate 2, and it is existing situation, - e.g. through better
embedded value which should expected to be completed in Gate 3. biodiversity, carbon sequestration,
include Social Value, BNG surface water infiltration and reduced
and ENG. run-off.
1.5. Deliver benefits efficiently by exploiting
the two-way relationship between
infrastructure and natural capital to
enable multiple benefits to be delivered
2. Understand how you could 1. A description of potential Teddington DRA scheme is identified as CDR section 1.4 2.1. Strategic project selection is informed
provide additional value: Identify opportunities to work with other one of potential water source options for by cross-sectoral engagement to
opportunities to contribute wider projects/partners to achieve T2AT SRO. There is a potential maximise social benefit and reduce the
regional benefits outside of the wider benefits. opportunity that DO from Teddington use of customers money (see note 3).
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 13
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
ACWG Design Principles ACWG Gate 2 Indicators Approach in Teddington DRA Documentation Targets
Gate 2 Designs in Gate 2
project scope. In particular look 2. A statement within the Design DRA scheme would replace raw water 2.2. Work closely with partners and focus on
for synergies with relevant Vision on the SRO's aspirations from Hampton Intake and provide landscape scale schemes that improve
catchment management plans and capability to deliver benefit to West London, if it partners with hydrology, aquatic ecology and
and proposals that support the additional value. water supply reinforcement projects in reduce/sequester carbon and provide
delivery and enjoyment of a West London. opportunities for access to recreation
healthy water environment. and visual delight.
2.3. Be honest and realistic with partners as
to what you might be able to offer as an
3. Capture and measure embedded 1. Details of the best-value metrics WRSE is progressing further assessments Gate 2 Report – 3.1. Gathering of project specific data and
and additional value: Have clear used in determination of the of the options, considering factors section 4.3 improvement in the tools we have to
narratives about how you are Regional Plans and WRMPs and a beyond cost to deliver additional value, measure and monitor added and
contributing to society beyond clear narrative on how these have improve the region’s environment additional value across the sector.
the core scope of your project. influenced option selection so far. further and benefit wider society. Wider 3.2. Full consideration of potential benefits
Quantify these benefits so they 2. Inclusion of a description within resilience benefits of each solution have in the Cost Benefit analysis and
can be considered meaningfully the project plan of how these will been reassessed. Details of the best- investment case for the SRO.
in conversations on value, be developed and monitored at value metrics used are described in 3.3. Clear communication of value of the
financing and risk. Share your subsequent gates. section 4.3 in Gate 2 Report. scheme to stakeholders, communities
experience and knowledge 3. Initial narrative (description) of and within the industry.
widely. the value of the scheme in
plain English.
*Activity may occur at Gate 2 or Gate 3 depending on maturity of the proposals.
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 14
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
The conceptual design for the following potential option component is included in the Beckton Water Recycling
Conceptual Design Report:
TLT extension from Lockwood Reservoir Shaft to River Lee Diversion upstream of King George V
Reservoir (KGV)
However, these values include infiltration and trade flows which may reduce significantly in drought conditions.
Therefore, availability of source flow was considered further in Gate 2, and a review was undertaken of projected
flows received by the Mogden STW in Strategic Overview of Long term Assets and Resources (SOLAR) analysis
(SOLAR, AMP6 ver. 4.2 updated on 10 July 2019).
SOLAR estimates STW influent in the future, utilising predicted population growth. All flows into Mogden STW
essentially leave the site as final effluent though there is a small amount of volume loss during treatment which
account for sludge and evaporation.
According to SOLAR, projected domestic flow to be received by Mogden STW in 2031 would be 305Ml/d.
Domestic flow does not include infiltration or trade flows, and it is assumed that domestic flow would not reduce
significantly during periods of drought. Therefore, this value would provide a conservative estimate of available
effluent from Mogden STW during drought conditions.
Table below lists approximate source flows required for different option sizes in Mogden Water Recycling,
Teddington DRA and Mogden South Sewer schemes. These three schemes would use final effluent from Mogden
STW as their water source. For example, an approximately 252Ml/d of final effluent would be required for a
200Ml/d capacity of Mogden Water Recycling scheme. Because the projection of available final effluent from
Mogden STW would be 305Ml/d, it would be recommended that combined maximum capacities (total yield of
Treated Effluent/ Recycled Water) of Teddington DRA, Mogden Water Recycling and Mogden South Sewer would
be 200Ml/d.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Table 2-2: Yields of Treated Effluent/ Recycled Water and Abstraction of Final Effluent/ Sewage in
Mogden Water Recycling, Teddington DRA and Mogden South Sewer Schemes
Flow Units Yield of Treated Effluent/ Estimated Abstraction of Final
Recycled Water Effluent or Sewage*
Mogden Water Recycling Ml/d 50 63
Ml/d 100 126
Teddington DRA Ml/d 50 58
Ml/d 75 87
Mogden South Sewer Ml/d 50 60
*Mogden Water Recycling and Teddington DRA schemes would abstract Final Effluent from Mogden STW, while South Sewer scheme would
abstract untreated sewage from the catchment of Mogden STW.
2.2.2 Source Water (Mogden STW Final Effluent) Abstraction Design Components
The existing 3m wide, 2m deep final effluent channel runs along the South edge of the Mogden STW from West
to East, and to the North alongside the existing storm tanks on the East side of the STW. Overflows from the
existing storm tanks directly discharge into the final effluent channel along the eastern perimeter of the storm
tanks. Therefore, final effluent would be abstracted upstream of the storm tank overflow along the southern
edge of the existing storm tank to prevent untreated storm tank overflows being transferred to the treatment
facilities. Abstracted final effluent will be treated in the new TTP within Mogden STW.
At this stage of design, conditions for the discharge of Treated Effluent to the River Thames are based on that of
the Hogsmill STW discharge permit which is for the same reach of the river as this proposed discharge. The
Hogsmill STW Discharge permit has tighter Emission Limit Values (ELVs) for Suspended Solids, BOD, Ammonia
and Phosphorus discharge and the selected tertiary treatment will reduce these parameters contained within the
Mogden STW final effluent. The proposed process comprises tertiary nitrification to reduce 95%ile ammonia
compliance and chemical dosing and tertiary filtration for 95%ile phosphate compliance and Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (BOD) compliance.
There are opportunities to consider alternative treatment trains and development of the conceptual design as
the project progresses and this level of tertiary treatment may not be required depending on the performance of
Mogden STW in the future. Therefore, treatment designs described in this report are indicative.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
The existing Mogden STW provides full carbonaceous and nitrification activated sludge treatment. The Mogden
STW final effluent has a 95%ile BOD concentration of 12.2mg/l. Treatment to reduce BOD concentrations in the
discharging water is required to achieve the discharge consent of 9mg/l on a 95%ile basis. This requires a high
degree of solids reduction. This is proposed via tertiary cloth pile filters. Further sampling of final effluent
soluble and particulate BOD fractions may be required as conditions for the discharge consent are consolidated
in discussion with the regulator.
The existing Mogden STW does not include chemical dosing for phosphorus removal. Phosphorus reduction is
required to achieve the existing Hogsmill STW consent level of 1mg/l total phosphorus (annual average).
Chemical phosphorus removal via ferric sulphate dosing and tertiary filtration has been designed to achieve a
discharge concentration 50% of the Hogsmill STW phosphorus consent of 1mg/l.
The Mogden STW final effluent has a 95%ile BOD concentration of 1.7mg/l which is well below the 3mg/l
Hogsmill consent, indicating that tertiary Ammonia removal may not be required if a similar consent was
determined by the EA for the Teddington Treated Effluent discharge. This presents an opportunity to rationalise
and optimise the treatment process as the design progresses but at this stage nitrifying sand filters have been
included on the basis that further ammonia reduction may be required.
Suspended Solids
The existing Mogden STW comprises conventional activated sludge and final settlement tank treatment trains to
produce a secondary clarified effluent. The secondary effluent has a 95%ile suspended solids concentration of
36mg/l which will need to be significantly reduced to meet compliance with the Hogsmill STW discharge
consent of 25mg/l. Solids reduction via tertiary cloth pile filtration has been proposed in this conceptual design.
Design development will further consider the risk of fluctuation in solids loading, recognising the upgrade works
ongoing at Mogden STW and future likely process performance. The final effluent ratio of Total Suspended Solid
(TSS) to BOD appears high and existing process performance will be further considered as design progresses.
The TTP Treated Effluent quality has been projected as shown in the table below, assuming indicative tertiary
treatment process, including ferric sulphate dosing, Nitrifying Sand Filters (NSFs) and mechanical cloth filters.
As shown in Table 2-4, the proposed TTP treatment process could achieve the discharge consent targets of the
Hogsmill STW based on 95%ile Mogden STW Final Effluent quality. As the design progresses, it is recommended
to undertake frequent final effluent quality monitoring to demonstrate a robust dataset which reflects recent
final effluent discharge quality.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Chlorination of the Treated Effluent prior to transfer, together with de-chlorination prior to discharge, may be
required for virus reduction, following further water quality analysis and development of pathogen
removal targets.
The assumed dose point could be upstream of the tertiary nitrifying sand filters, but as design progresses, it may
be considered to be better suited upstream of the tertiary cloth pile filters depending upon the performance
assessment of specific supplier selection. The TTP feed stream has a high phosphorus content and large
quantities of chemical sludge can be generated upon addition of ferric which could be problematic for nitrifying
sand filters and may impact the filters’ ammonia reduction efficiency. Chemical sludges generated through
backwash would be returned to the Mogden STW, upstream of primary treatment and downstream of storm
overflow points.
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 18
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Dirty wash water is collected and returned to the wastewater return pumping station for return to the head of the
Mogden STW.
Air supply for nitrification is supplied using containerised compressed air systems. The filter media would consist
of natural, graded quartz sand which commonly does not need replacing.
As water flows into the concrete tank, suspended solids and other contaminants accumulate on the outside of
the filter media, causing the water level in the filter to rise. Backwashing would occur sequentially such that not
all discs are backwashed at the same time to allow for full flow operation. Suction pumps would be used for
backwashing which are supplied with the package unit, with dirty backwash being discharged through a solids
collection system.
During the operation of the filter unit, accumulated solids build-up results in sludge layer formation on the
bottom of the tank. Sludge pumps would be used and included within the unit to de-sludge the tank, using the
same solids collection system. As with backwashing the de-sludging process would occur sequentially, allowing
for the continuous operation of the filter to provide a filtered effluent.
Dirty wash water and sludge could be transferred to the wastewater return pumping station for return to the
head of the Mogden STW.
Table 2-6: Indicative Mechanical Cloth Filter Configurations
Scheme Design 50Ml/d 75Ml/d
Design Hydraulic Loading 52.2Ml/d 78.4Ml/d
Filter Units 3 (Duty/Duty/Standby) 4 (Duty/Duty/Duty/Standby)
Total Filter Discs 84 (28 per unit) 112 (28 per unit)
Total Filter Area 420m² (140 m² per bank) 560m² (140 m² per bank)
Backwash Suction Pumps 36 (12 per unit) 48 (12 per unit)
Ferric Sulphate solution would be dosed upstream of tertiary filtration for chemical phosphorus removal and
formation of flocs for downstream solids removal. Ferric sulphate solution would be dosed to a coagulation tank
for mixing efficiency.
Chemical deliveries to the TTP would be via a common hard standing area which would drain to a dedicated
chemical spill tank so that any accidental spills could be contained, treated and disposed of in an
appropriate manner.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
There might be biofilm growth and operational intervention might be required to clean/disinfect the conveyance
system to Teddington discharge. This would require consideration of further waste streams and disposal routes.
As design develops and the operational regime design is developed, the need for conveyance maintenance,
prevention of growth, need for scouring, cleaning and/or sweetening flow will also need to be further reviewed.
Projected quality parameters of the waste stream are shown in Table 2-9.
In Gate 2 design, it was assumed that Mogden STW would have sufficient capacity to accept the return of the TTP
backwash waste streams, however further assessment is required to confirm this at future stage.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
The conveyance route will be selected through stakeholder engagement as the design develops with
supplementary information including route geology.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
The first shaft would be within the Mogden STW site close to the proposed Tertiary Treatment Plant (TTP), and
the proposed shaft at Teddington discharge would be located in close proximity to the River Abstraction Site on
the River Thames.
There will be several intermediate shafts along the tunnel route between a drive shaft and a reception shaft.
Drive shaft compounds will have a larger land requirement than reception shaft compounds due to their
purposes as TBM launch sites which require more area for material transportation and storage as well as
plant logistics.
A shaft is required for construction of the tunnel. After commissioning, the shaft would be used to transfer
Treated Effluent from the treatment works to the main tunnel. There is sufficient land within Mogden STW for
construction of the shaft although the site is relatively constrained. Some amendments to normal operational
access would be required during the works.
The intermediate shafts for this size of tunnel would have an internal diameter of 10.5m and would be capped
with a concrete cover after completion of the works. The shaft concrete cover would be permanent and would be
positioned below the ground surface to minimise impacts on current use of the land, with access covers for
personnel and plant accessible at ground surface.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
The new river outfall would be a buried reinforced concrete structure. The buried structure is intended to be
unobtrusive, although access covers and covers to valve spindle might be visible at the ground level. The Treated
Effluent would discharge at the surface of the river. The riverbank at the location of the discharge outfall would
extend over the river edge as a vertical timber wharf. Vertical bars would be fitted under the wharf structure to
prevent unauthorised access and to prevent accumulation of debris when not in use.
Modelling work is being carried out to confirm suitable discharge velocities for the Teddington Weir fish pass and
to ensure that there are no adverse effects on scouring and on the fish as well as to limit the effect on navigation.
Design of the outfall is to be further developed through feedback from modelling results and conversations with
regulatory authorities and local communities.
For the intake to work effectively the screens would be positioned in the river flow, some 3 to 5m from the
riverbank. This is to prevent silting or blocking of the intake. To minimise the visual impact, the overall height of
the structure and screens could be minimised in the detailed design to blend in with the existing topography.
The mechanical and electrical (M&E) equipment would be secured in kiosks and a permanent fenced enclosure
would be required. In addition, a power supply and vehicular access to the intake structure would be needed.
Designs and arrangement of the river intake structure will be further developed through conversations with
regulatory authorities, confirming design requirements from the environmental and functional aspects. In
addition, it is recommended that landscape specialists and architects be engaged into the design work to provide
a positive legacy with visual delight in the community.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Figure 2-1: Indicative 3D Visualisation Representation of Teddington DRA Intake on the River Thames –
Bird Eye’s View
Figure 2-2: Indicative 3D Visualisation Representation of Teddington DRA Intake on the River Thames -
Elevation View
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 24
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report Raw Water (River Water) Transfer Pipeline and Connection to TLT at Teddington
A Thames Lee Tunnel (TLT) Connection Shaft is proposed near to the proposed river intake at the River Thames,
adjacent to the location of the Treated Effluent outfall. A connection shaft would extract flows from the intake on
the Thames via a pumping station.
Abstracted flow in the Raw Water Transfer Pipeline would be monitored by a flow meter in a chamber located
after the pumping station. The flow meter would be connected to the inter-site control system to control pumps
in the TTP, Lockwood Reservoir Pumping Station and the Teddington River Abstraction, such that flows in the
entire conveyance system will be centrally controlled.
Connection to the TLT would be via a shaft positioned close to the existing tunnel which would be connected via
an adit or a vertical connection from the base of the shaft. Flow would be conveyed via pipework to the base of
the shaft where it would connect into the tunnel.
The TLT was designed to work as a gravity system; however, due to the limitations of the vertical alignment of
the tunnel, under certain conditions, the tunnel could operate as a siphon at higher flow rates. The impact of
introducing additional flows at Teddington on the TLT will be further assessed at the next stage of the project.
These depths would locate the tunnel within London Clay based upon available borehole records. The depth is
assumed to provide sufficient clearance beneath the top of clay along the entire alignment. Further ground
information along the route will be required to confirm tunnel profile.
As the tunnel would be within London Clay, it is not envisaged that the tunnel and shaft construction would
present any significant risks associated with ground movement. A first phase settlement analysis will be required
to estimate predicted settlements.
An initial review of services information indicated the tunnel would not clash with any major transportation or
utilities in the vicinity. A preliminary investigation of third-party crossings along the Teddington and Mogden
STW tunnel corridor was undertaken based on available information. The only significant transport infrastructure
would be the overground railway and A316 Chertsey Road. Discussions with relevant asset owners will be
required to confirm the permissible settlements for crossings and depths of buried utilities. Some assets will
need pre-and post-condition surveys, as part of the agreement, together with any protection, repair, or
monitoring to allow construction to proceed.
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 25
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
River Abstraction Pumping Station: To transfer raw water abstracted from the River Thames at the
proposed Teddington Intake to the TLT connection in proximity. This PS would be located near the
Teddington Intake.
It was assumed that the water recycling schemes would be utilised and operated as one of the strategic drought
schemes in the Thames Water Drought Plan and that the trigger of utilisation would be same as the strategic
drought schemes in the current Drought Plan. Strategic drought schemes are sources of water that are permitted
for use during drought period but are not used as part of day to day’ baseline supply. Thames Water Draft
Drought Plan 2022 lists five strategic drought schemes including Thames Gateway Water Treatment Works
In the Thames Water Drought Plan, utilisation of the strategic drought schemes is triggered by:
Naturalised flow over Teddington Weir receding down to 3000Ml/d on average for 10 days during the
course of a drought event (defined as having a Drought Event Level (DEL) equal to or greater than DEL1,
and Reservoir storage levels having fallen to the 800-700/600Ml/d flow requirement at Teddington
Non-operational mode would pose major risks to the treatment plant. Fully offline treatment assets are unlikely
to be suitable for restart without major replacement works and lengthy re-commissioning which could be costly
and not practicable. The Cold Standby mode may not be recommended as it would offer negligible benefits over
the Hot Standby mode posing higher risks due to the conveyance assets being drained down.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
The Continuous Sweetening Flow model, which would have high operational costs, but with lower operational
complexity and risks, would be recommended for all the London Effluent Reuse SRO schemes at this stage.
Details of operating model will be further reviewed and optimised in terms of costs, carbon output,
environmental impacts, operational complexity, reliability and security.
Teddington DRA scheme has two differing factors from the other London Effluent Reuse schemes in operation
and maintenance.
The tertiary treatment process is simpler in terms of re-commissioning the plant from Care and
Maintenance mode into Hot Standby mode and only has one conveyance asset for the Treated Effluent
transfer (tunnel from Mogden STW to Teddington).
However, the proposed Nitrifying Sand Filter process would take up to 6 to 8 weeks to fully establish the
nitrification process for start-up once the biomass on the sand filter has been lost.
The mechanical filters would operate by filtering water through filter discs fitted with filter pile type cloth. The
filters are generally capable of being started up within a short period of time. They can be operated at low or no
flow; however, they will require periodic backwashing when not in use. The water being filtered passes through
the pile cloth, so the solids collect on the outside of the pile cloth creating a head loss. At a pre-set water level,
the cleaning cycle would be initiated. Cleaning equipment may consist of suction shoes and suction pumps.
Since the water flows from outside to inside of the disc, the tank around the discs will see some settlement of
solids occurring (and other such debris) which creates a build-up of sludge at the bottom of the tank. This sludge
could be removed by sludge pumps.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Backwash suction shoes and suction pumps as well as sludge pumps would be maintained and serviced in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and might be sent for inspection and rebuild after 10
years operation. Conveyance
When in Normal Operation, the tunnel from Mogden STW to Teddington would operate with the shafts at either
end acting as balancing tanks. Treated Water would be pumped into the shaft at Mogden STW and pumps at
Teddington shaft would draw water out at the other end of the tunnel. A single networked control system would
simultaneously control the pumps at the two shafts to maintain water levels within a controlled range to suit the
pumps and to provide the driving head to push the water along the connecting tunnel.
When the scheme is in Care & Maintenance mode, the tunnel would be pumped dry and left drained until it is
used again. Modern tunnels suffer very little ground water ingress therefore the tunnel can remain drained with
minimal risk. Periodic inspections of the tunnel to confirm the condition when drained and clearing out of any
settled materials or organic matter infrequently would be required.
The pumps would need regular maintenance and periodic operation to keep parts operable when the system is
in Care & Maintenance mode.
The outfall structure is intended to require minimal maintenance. Inspections would be carried out to ensure the
structure, including access covers, have not been damaged and that it does not represent a hazard to the public.
The valve operation would be checked, and a visual internal inspection of the buried structure would be carried
out. The inspection would monitor the build-up of any silt inside the structure and check for the accumulation
of debris.
The new river intake screen on the abstraction would require regular inspection and maintenance. Mechanical
and electrical equipment would require regular maintenance in line with the equipment manufacturer’s
recommendations. After periods of inactivity, it is important that the screens are cleared of any debris and the
silt trap is cleaned to ensure the intake will operate effectively.
If the Tertiary Treatment Plant (TTP) fails due to the events such as power loss and treatment or chemical failure,
then there would be a lock in of flow passing through the plant (with offline balancing tanks to store pass
forward flow during shutdown if necessary). The Final Effluent Transfer Pumping Station, which would be feeding
the TTP, would automatically shut down on failure.
The locked in process flow would then be run-to-waste with all flows passing to the Tertiary Treatment Plant’s
Wastewater Return Pumping Station, to return all locked-in flows to the Mogden STW inlet works for treatment.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Connection to the wider Thames Water Production Planning system might be required to regulate
operating capacity based on current river and reservoir levels.
Should there not be sufficient power capacity available at Mogden STW and modification of the existing
infrastructure is not feasible, a new 11kV power supply may need to be arranged terminating at the new HV
Switchboard. A supply transformer may be located outdoors in a fenced enclosure adjacent to a new Electrical
Building in TPP site.
The power supply for TTP could be potentially used to provide power to the TBM for tunnel construction, prior to
construction of the TTP. The supply could be utilised by the TBM on a temporary basis until such time that
tunnelling is completed and thereafter the supply would be transferred to the TTP HV Switchboard on a
permanent basis.
In the event of a supply failure, the River Abstraction Pumping Station will require standby power in order to
match abstracted flows from the River Thames with the discharged flow from the proposed TTP. The MCC will
have a generator incomer section incorporated into the design with space onsite allocated for the inclusion of a
standby generator, diesel storage tank and bunding.
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 29
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
To maximise alignment with PAS 2080 and the Water UK Net Zero 2030 Routemap, the emissions hierarchy,
which is detailed in the figure below, would be followed when deciding which approach to prioritise to mitigate
emissions. This prioritises in order demand reduction, efficiency gains and renewable energy integration before
pursuing offsets to remove residual carbon emissions. Due to the complexity and long lifetime of these schemes,
it is important to take a holistic approach to carbon mitigation, which uses a combination of approaches.
While annual operational emissions are less than those released due to material sources, over time, across the
lifetime of a site operational emissions would contribute significantly. Therefore, reducing operational emissions
will achieve the great reduction of GHG emissions in the long term. This approach is also line with the Water UK
and TWUL targets of net zero operational carbon by 2030.
It should be noted that operational GHG emissions from electricity demand would be zero for London Effluent
Reuse SRO because all electricity purchased would be zero carbon via either a Renewable Energy Guarantee of
Origin (REGO) contract or Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) as per Water UK Net Zero 2030 commitment.
However, carbon values reported in section 6.5 and Annex A.5 of Gate 2 Report include electricity carbons
for operation.
Table below lists the potential GHG mitigation approaches, providing a high-level ranking of their potential
impact on emissions reduction, including potential influence on reduction of scope 2 and scope 3 carbon, and
alignment with the emissions hierarchy.
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 30
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Table 2-11: Summary and Ranking of Potential Carbon Emission Reduction Approaches for London
Effluent Reuse schemes
Approach to Emissions Potential for Ability for List of options
mitigate carbon Hierarchy emissions Thames Water
emissions Category reduction to Influence
Energy management & Emissions High High - Improved pump efficiency
efficiency (highest reduction - Metering
priority) - Smart control systems
- Catchment level analytics
Renewable energy on Renewable energy High High - Solar
site - Wind
- Storage
Procured Renewable Renewable energy High High - Sleeved power purchase
Energy agreement (PPA)
- Synthetic PPA
- Private Wire PPA
- REGO-backed Green Tariffs
Resource Efficiency and Emissions High Low - Supply chain contracts
Chemical Supply reduction - Reduced resource use
Embodied emissions Emissions Moderate High - Low carbon concrete
reduction reduction - Low carbon steel
- Recycled materials
- Locally sourced materials
Engineering design Emissions Moderate Moderate - Conveyance routes
reduction - Land use
- Building size
- Building heating
Construction emissions Emissions Low Moderate - Reduced transport
reduction - Vehicle energy use
- Renewable onsite power
- Temporary buildings
Insets Offset Low Moderate - Peatland restoration
- Grassland restoration
- Tree planting
Offsets (lowest priority) Offset Low High - UK Emissions Trading
Scheme (ETS)
- Voluntary Offset Market
Situated between Teddington and Richmond, the weir comprises three vertical steel sluice gates suspended from
a footbridge. Each gate weighs 32.6 tonnes and is 20 metres wide and 3.64 metres in depth.
For around two hours each side of high tide, the sluice gates are raised into the footbridge structure above,
allowing ships and boats to pass through the barrage. For the rest of the day the sluice gates are closed and
passing river traffic must use the lock alongside the barrage.
PoLA raised concerns that the depleted water in the downstream reach (due to reduction in Mogden STW
effluent discharging) would result in a greater differential head across the weir gates leading to greater loss of
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 31
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
flow under and around the gates impacting their ability to maintain upstream water level in accordance with
their operating agreements under the Acts. The weir gates have gaps beneath them where the apron they close
onto has scoured over the years, this leakage increasing is the concern. PoLA confirmed that at very low river
levels they are challenged already in maintaining the required upstream depth.
Initial hydraulic assessment in Gate 2 assumed a range of gaps under the weir gates where the apron has been
scoured against a maximum differential head now and with future reduced downstream depth in low flow
conditions (50mm) to assess the change in potential losses under the weir gates. The findings are that less than
1% additional flow under the gates is anticipated. We do not believe this would materially impact the upstream
depth being maintained. At future Gate stage we will consider this in more detail with PoLA.
Currently, flow from TLT is pumped to Lockwood, Banbury and High Maynard reservoirs through Lockwood
Reservoir PS. There is an opportunity that the existing TLT Lockwood shaft and pumping station would be
modified to provide a bypass feed to the proposed 3.5m-diameter Recycled Water Transfer Tunnel (TLT
extension), such that all or a portion of DO from Teddington DRA scheme and potentially the other existing flow
within TLT could be transferred to the KGV inlet.
This arrangement could potentially bring significant resilience benefit to the East London water supply system
because KGV currently can only be filled by the River Lee Diversion which can have flow below the hands-off flow
condition, restricting abstraction in drought conditions.
Benefit of DO from Teddington DRA being transferred to KGV will be investigated through modelling of the cross
London raw water supply system.
J698-TD-DOC-210001-0D 32
Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Category Opportunities
Conveyance Optimum tunnel diameter has been chosen based on practical construction, as a pure hydraulic
System Design analysis would indicate a reduced diameter may be feasible for the scheme in small capacities but may
introduce construction complexity. Alternative methodologies could be explored to deliver a more
economical solution if the scheme is selected in a small capacity such as 50 Ml/d.
Synergy with other There is a possibility that Mogden STW will require additional storm storage capacity in the future. Due
TWUL Objectives to the engineering scope to either deepen or modify the storm tanks at Mogden STW to provide space
for Mogden STW for the new Tertiary Treatment Plant, there is an opportunity to synergise and meet the requirement by
upgrade upgrading additional existing storm tanks as part of Teddington DRA scheme. This may increase the
value of the project.
Synergy with other There are future requirements for increased capacity at Mogden STW for growth which are likely to
TWUL Objectives require process intensification within the existing plant footprints and tanks. The technology selected
for Mogden STW could offer a synergy with the TTP as final effluent quality may be improved, meaning less tertiary
upgrade treatment would be required.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
3. Scheme Delivery
3.1 Overview of Construction Process
3.1.1 Tertiary Treatment Plant
It is proposed that a new Tertiary Treatment Plant (TTP) is constructed within the Mogden STW. However, there is
no vacant land available in the Mogden STW. The primary option considered during Gate 2 is to deepen some of
the eight existing storm tanks located to the east of the STW, which would allow the storage capacity of the
storm tanks to be maintained on a smaller footprint, thereby freeing up land for the TTP.
Gate 2 conceptual design work confirmed that the site for the existing storm tanks could accommodate TTP up
to 100Ml/d capacity, maintaining the existing storm storage capacity.
Alternatively, the TTP could be built on a platform built above the existing storm tanks. Feasibility of this
opportunity will need to be investigated further. Optimal design will be further considered in the future
design work.
As the Mogden STW will be in operation during the construction of the new TTP, deepening of the existing storm
tanks would need to be carried out in sequence, replacing them with the new deeper storm tanks. It would be
desirable to complete the storm tank replacement in the season of low precipitation. Timing and procedures of
construction would be determined through discussion with the EA and plant operation. A temporary relaxation
for the required storm storage capacity may be required during the construction. Construction of the TTP would
be carried out after completion of the storm tank replacement.
The TTP would be located within the Mogden STW, therefore, the existing infrastructure in the Mogden STW,
including access roads, drainage and services as well as boundary fencing, access barriers/gates and security,
could be utilised during construction.
3.1.2 Conveyance
The internal diameter of the tunnel of 1.8m has been assumed as this is the minimum recommended diameter
for the drive lengths of up to 1000m based upon current HSE guidelines. This is to allow the escape of workers
from the tunnel in an emergency. The ease of emergency evacuation can be difficult in a small tunnel,
particularly past spoil conveyors, muck skips and other equipment.
The type of TBM depends on the ground conditions expected. Although there is little existing ground
investigation data, in this area we would anticipate that the subsoil the TBM is to excavate would be London Clay,
albeit geotechnical anomalies are always a possibility.
The choice of drive location and direction of drive depends on factors such as the available space at each shaft
site, likelihood of impact to the surroundings, ease of material supply and spoil removal.
Back shunts will normally be required at the base of the drive shafts, to set up the backup equipment for the
TBM, which typically includes the rail-mounted skips, ventilation kit, spoil conveyors, electrical power. Typically,
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the back shunt would be constructed with a sprayed concrete lining and its length would depend on the length
of the carriage train.
It is common practice to start a shaft by caisson jacking in softer superficial soils and switch construction to
underpinning, or SCL shaft construction, if ground conditions improve, but the reverse cannot happen.
The foundations of the structure would be below the river level and a temporary U-shaped steel sheet pile wall
would need to be built out from the riverbank 2 to 3m into the river to allow a dry excavation for construction.
Depending on the specific site ground conditions, the steel sheet pile wall may be extended around the whole
excavation perimeter. A blinding layer of concrete would be laid across the bottom of the excavation to give a
stable working level.
The structure base, walls and internal weir of the outfall could be cast in situ. The top cover slabs are likely to be
precast concrete planks and could be cast off site and craned into position. Once complete, the structure would
be backfilled to the original ground profile and the temporary sheet piles would be removed. The riverbank
profile on either side of the structure would be reinstated, as would the surface along the river and over the
outfall opening to the river.
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An open excavation would be required to construct the new intake. The working area around the excavation
would be secured during construction by security hoarding around the site perimeter and access to the site
would be controlled.
The foundations of the structure would be below the river level and a temporary steel sheet pile caisson would
be installed around the excavation area to allow construction to proceed. A blinding layer of concrete would be
laid across the base of the excavation to give a stable working level. The length of the sheet piles required will
depend on the site-specific ground conditions.
The new intake structure would be constructed from reinforced concrete. The structure base and walls would be
cast in situ and the top cover slabs are likely to be precast concrete planks and could be cast off site and craned
into position. When complete, the excavation would be backfilled around the structure and the mechanical and
electrical equipment could be installed. The temporary sheet piles would then be removed and the riverbank
profile on either side of the structure would be reinstated. Mechanical and electrical equipment at ground level
would be enclosed in kiosks or by secure fencing. The permanent works would also include installation of
electrical power supply, vehicular access and connection pipework to the TLT. Raw Water (River Water) Transfer Pipe and Thames Lee Tunnel Connection
To abstract flow from the river and direct it into the Thames Lee Tunnel (TLT), a pumping facility and connection
will be required into the existing tunnel. The depth to tunnel invert is approximately 40m, the TLT is 2.6m ID and
the incoming pipe would be 1.2m ID. For safety of construction the shaft should be a minimum of 7.5m ID, which
should also be sufficient for installing the internal pipework. It is assumed that it will be highly desirable to
minimise the period of shutdown of the TLT. An assessment of the impact of construction works in the vicinity of
the live TLT is required to determine implications to operation of the TLT and to determine limitation of
construction works.
The TLT is constructed by a version of Wedge Block Technology called Donseq, this works using the external
pressure of the ground locking wedge blocks through friction. The connection will have to be carefully designed
to ensure structural integrity of the tunnel is maintained. This will require a limited shutdown of the TLT to
undertake preparatory works. As the TLT is such a critical asset with limited opportunity for outages it will take
significant planning. TLT undergoes temporary periodic shutdowns for inspection and maintenance works. Upon
further discussion with the asset owner this period of time could be used as an opportunity to carry out
construction works.
The precise method of construction to intercept the existing tunnel may alter according to operational
limitations and the contractor’s preferences.
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Annex A4: Teddington DRA Scheme Conceptual Design Report
Potential key and location-specific construction phase hazards have been identified by the design team. Site
visits were carried out by the design team to verify feasibility of the conceptual designs as well as to gather
information on site conditions which could potentially cause health and safety hazards. Hazard information was
also gathered from geotechnical review and previous knowledge of the hazards associated with the ground and
locations of the proposed works.
Potential measures which could be taken to eliminate the hazards or to mitigate the risks during Gate 2 were
incorporated into the conceptual design, fundamentally through the route vertical and horizontal alignment
process, and potential actions to facilitate elimination or mitigation actions to be taken at the future design
stages were identified.
Particular significant or unusual health and safety risks associated with Teddington DRA scheme include:
Existing Thames Lee Tunnel (TLT) was constructed in “Don-Seg” segments, which are unbolted and held
in position by compression against the ground. There are potential safety risks and difficulties during
construction in connection to the TLT, as a result of dismantling these segments, which would need to be
internally supported.
Proposed Tertiary Treatment Plant (TTP) is proposed to be built in the footprint of existing storm tanks
in Mogden STW. To maintain the existing capacity of the storm tanks, some of the storm tanks would be
deepened. There are potential safety risks during construction, which are associated with structural
integrities of the existing storm tanks and excavation possibly through water bearing gravels.
Ensuring that sufficient space is provided for construction compounds, laydown, deliveries and spoil and
waste disposal to allow segregation and separation of plant and workers in Mogden STW.
Potential Tunnel route would have river crossings which could lead scour hollow risks.
A new or extended appointment of Principal Designer is required to be made on completion of Gate 2. The
hazard information collected in Gate 2, as well as the potential measures identified to be taken at the future
stages will be provided over to Principal Designer appointed at the next design stage. Key activities following
completion of Gate 2 will likely include the initial compilation of Pre-Construction Information, the identification
and planning for intrusive ground investigations and monitoring to understand the site-specific risks from
hazards such as contamination, complex hydro-geology, unexploded ordnance (UXO) and buried obstructions
utilities, and the establishment of action plans to address key hazards which apply across much of the
conveyance route and shaft locations. Further enquiries would need to be made to establish records of key
critical structures which impact the construction such as the existing TLT and the foundations of bridges
and gantries.
An area would be required at the construction sites for temporary storage of the spoil to enable tunnelling work
to proceed for 24 hours per day, while waiting for transport off site by lorry during daytime working hours or
transfer to barges or rail wagons if these forms of transport are possible. If a slurry machine is used for
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tunnelling, further space would be required for a plant for separation of spoil from the slurry mix before it is
transported off site.
Other methods of spoil removal could be considered at a later stage such as barge transportation for sites
located near to the River Thames. The use of barges would reduce the impact of tunnel works on the surrounding
traffic network. Rail transport is unlikely suitable in this area.
Table 3-2: Summary of Indicative Vehicle Movement Estimation for Shaft and Tunnel Construction
Shafts Estimated total Estimated total Comments
no. of HGVs for no. of HGVs for
spoil segments
Mogden STW Site Shaft 600 100 Shaft sinking at Mogden STW site
Intermediate Shafts 3000 600 Combined Intermediate Shaft Sites along the
Construction tunnel routes.
Intermediate Shafts Tunnel 3400 1300 TBM drive between the Intermediate sites.
Teddington Site Shaft 400 80 Shaft sinking at Teddington site.
TLT Connection Shaft 400 40 Tunnel Connection
Realistic procurement periods have been assumed within delivery programme based on experience within the
construction industry. Potential programme savings could be made by:
Utilising standard products and equipment could result in shorter procurement durations.
Work elements were assumed to be sequential with minor overlap (e.g. civil work followed by MEICA
work in treatment plant construction, no concurrent shaft construction, etc.). This also represents the
most robust schedule for project delivery. A contractor may decide to undertake works concurrently
potentially leading to a shorter overall construction duration for these elements.
There is 3 - 6 months of commissioning at the end of each main construction component (e.g.
conveyance, treatment plant, river abstraction, etc.). Commissioning could happen concurrently as parts
of construction stage. Therefore, there is an opportunity to reduce these periods when designs mature.
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The working calendar was assumed to be 5-day work week with no allowance for night working. If
planning consent can be granted for 24-hour or weekend working, construction duration could be
Conservative production rates for construction schedules were used.
Table 3-3: Indicative Duration of Programme Elements (Teddington DRA)
Project Phase Approximate Duration (months)
Pre-Construction Stage 17
Detailed Design 14
Procurement 11
Enabling Works 10
Construction Stage 27
Commissioning Stage 13
System Commissioning Works 8
Performance Testing 6
Defects Period 11
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4. Water Resources
The Deployable Outputs (DO) for Teddington DRA were estimated as 46 and 67 Ml/d, for both the Dry Year
Annual Average (DYAA) and the Dry Year Critical Period (DYCP), for the capacities of 50 Ml/d and 75 Ml/d
respectively. Details of the estimation of DO for the London Effluent Reuse SRO could be found in the Thames
Water draft Water Resources Management Plan 2024. This scheme will benefit the London WRZ.
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There is a risk that geotechnical conditions around the existing storm tanks in Mogden STW are not
suitable for the proposed construction methods and that different construction methods will need to be
used for modifying the existing storm tanks and TTP construction.
The TLT has limited shutdown availability to carry out the connection of a new intake.
The TLT construction type makes the connection of a new shaft or adit more difficult than anticipated.
Further modelling of the TLT is required to understand the impact of the Teddington intake at higher
flows and when the tunnel might be performing as a siphon.
There is a risk that tunnel or shaft construction will encounter unexpected ground conditions.
The proposed tunnel would cross several existing infrastructure networks. Mitigation measures for
potential settlement need to be considered in more detail.
The nature of the urban or sub-urban environment, and designated sites limits open-cut trenching
pipeline options and constraints the potential shaft locations.
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Acronym Definition
ACWG All Company Working Group
ADF Average Daily Flow
AMP Asset Management Plan
AOP Advanced Oxidation Process
APS Asset Planning System (Thames Water system)
AWRP Advanced Water Recycling Plant
BNG Biodiversity Net Gain
BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
CCPs Critical Control Points
CDC Coagulation Dosing Chamber
CDM Construction Design Management
CDR Conceptual Design Report
CEC Contaminants of Emerging Concern
CS Chemical Storage
DAF Dissolved Air Floatation
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Acronym Definition
Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DI Ductile Iron
DNO Distribution Network Operator
DO Deployable Output
DPC Direct Procurement for Customers
DRA Direct River Abstraction
DWI Drinking Water Inspectorate
dWRMP Draft Water Resource Management Plan
DWSP Drinking Water Safety Plan
DYAA Dry Year Annual Average
DYCP Dry Year Critical Period
EA Environment Agency
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ELV Emission Limit Value
ENG Environmental Net Gain
EPB Earth Pressure Balance
EQS Environmental Quality Standard
EQT Equalisation Tank
FEPS Final Effluent Pumping Station
GAC Granular Activated Carbon
GIS Geographic Information System
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HV High Voltage
ICA Instrumentation Control and Automation
ID Internal Diameter
KGV King George V Reservoir
M&E Mechanical & Electrical
MCC Motor Control Centres
MCF Mechanical Cloth Filter
MEICA Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation
Ml/d Mega litres per day
NIC National Infrastructure Commission
NSFs Nitrifying Sand Filters
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
PACl Polyaluminium Chloride
PCV Prescribed Concentration or Value
PR19 Price Review 2019
PRoW Public Right of Way
PS Pumping Station
RAPID Regulatory Alliance for Progressing Infrastructure Development
REM Remineralisation
RGF Rapid Gravity Filtration
RO Reverse Osmosis Building
ROPS RO Feed Pumping Station
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Acronym Definition
ROT RO Feed Tank
RPv1 Regional Plan version 1
RWPS Recycled Water Pumping Station
SAC Special Area of Conservation
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SINC Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation
SOC Strategic Outline Case
SOLAR Strategic Overview of Long term Assets and Resources
SPA Special Protection Area
SRO Strategic Resource Option
SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest
STT Severn Thames Transfer
STW Sewage Treatment Works
TBM Tunnel Boring Machine
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TEPS Treated Effluent Pumping Station
THM Trihalomethanes
TLT Thames Lee Tunnel
TN Total Nitrogen
TOC Total Organic Carbon
TSS Total Suspended Solid
TTP Tertiary Treatment Plant
TWUL Thames Water Utilities Ltd
T2AT Thames to Affinity Transfer
UF Ultrafiltration Building
UFPS UF Feed Pumping Station
UV Ultraviolet
UVAOP UV Advanced Oxidation Process Building
WRMP19 Water Resource Management Plan 2019
WRMP24 Water Resource Management Plan 2024
WRSE Water Resource South East
WRZ Water Resource Zone
WTW Water Treatment Works
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